Tijdschriftenattendering 2016 nr 5

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Journal Alert Tables of contents 2016 Nr. - Week t/m week ____________________________________________________________________________

A+U – Architecture and Urbanism 547 A+U – Architecture and Urbanism 548 Agora AR – Architectural Review 430 AR – Architectural Review 431 De Architect Blauwe Kamer El Croquis Detail Domus 1001 Domus Arch and Art Domus 1002 Groen Lotus Mark Nul 20 Plan Amsterdam Rooilijn Uncube 43 Volume

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Hierbij ontvangt u de vierde editie van het BLAUWE KAMER e-zine! Met daarin ... Het laatste nieuws •

Projecten in Emmen en Maastricht

Ondertussen in ... Hongkong

Blogger Kris Oosting over ‘kleine huisjes’

Bezoektip van architect Elisabeth Boersma: het platteland


Abonnees van Blauwe Kamer ontvangen het digitale magazine acht keer per jaar naast het papieren blad. Het e-zine is ook bereikbaar via onze website www.blauwekamer.nl.


12 APR 2016


Dearest Readers, After nearly four years and 43 issues we are sad to announce that our adventure together through the realm of architecture and beyond must now come to a close. The uncube experiment is complete and this issue no. 43: Athens is our last. Back in August 2012, in the editorial of uncube issue no. 1, we stated our intention to “celebrate our own and others’ obsession with architecture”. In typical uncube style, we ended up going beyond this remit, and in the process challenged the conventions of architecture discourse and threw down the gauntlet in terms of what digital publishing could be. But all our work would have been worth nothing without people to read it. We would like to thank you for your support and encouragement over the course of this experiment. We have been truly honoured to produce a publication for such an engaged, openminded and globally diverse group of people. Without your loyalty and feedback it would have been so much harder to question conventional strategies, seek out new perspectives and produce this magazine, of which we are so proud. And what a magazine it’s been: crossing the realms of the monographic, material and multidisciplinary. We’ve launched into Space and traversed the Uncanny Valley, stared Death in the face and defied the Apocalypse; we’ve toured Iceland, Mexico City, Slovenia, Poland and – of course – Berlin. We celebrated the work of Hadid, Hecker, Hollein (and more), built stories from Carbon, Concrete and Bricks; rediscovered the Commune, Walked the Line and put it all into (digital) Storage… to name check just few of our editorial exploits. It has been our great pleasure to explore – with you, our readers – the world through the lens of architecture. But this is not the end, thanks to the memory palace that is the internet, uncube’s archive of 43 issues and several hundred blog articles will remain online and accessible for you to revisit and share. So into the great beyond we head, with much love, gratitude and respect – but first lose yourselves in Athens; a city which, despite great economic adversity, is forging new paths in informal urbanism – from the bottom up and through the myriad collaborations of the people that live there. See you on the other side, The uncube team www.uncubemagazine.com

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