Bowen Island Undercurrent April 27 2023

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Cape Roger Curtis park amendments pass first reading

It wasn’t unanimous, and it took awhile to settle on the wording, but Metro Vancouver’s proposed park project at Cape Roger Curtis took a significant step forward Monday night after a pair of bylaw amendments passed first reading

Changes to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) each advanced in matching 5-2 votes by council. The decisions are meant to pave the way for allowing overnight camping at the future park Metro Vancouver envisions up to 100 campsites across the 97-hectare space, split into a variety of different access and experience levels

SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE - Bowen Island’s own Hunter Thompson signed commitment papers earlier this month to play basketball with the Western Mustangs starting this fall Thompson, seen here with Mulgrave coaches Claude Leduc (left) and Kyle Prior (right) recently wrapped up his senior basketball season at the WestVancouverhighschool,andisnowgearingupforgraduationandamovetoOntario ReadmoreaboutHunter’s journey, and his start at a pair of Bowen schools, in our story on Page 8. / DarcyWilliamson photo

Muni budget poised for adoption



Bowen’s municipal budget looks set following unanimous approval at council this week

The five-year financial plan received three readings during the group ’ s April 24 meeting, and will return for official adoption on May 8. Most immediately, it contains a 14.3 per cent property tax increase for the upcoming year. Chief financial officer Kristen Watson says


there are several reasons for the double digit jump, including the cost of opening the new Community Centre, nearly $450,000 in debt repayments, asset management, and an increased focus on boosting capital reserve funds.


It’s been a formative stretch of days for the project, with its future debated at a Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Committee meeting last week. But despite reservations by some mainland members about Bowen’s level of support for the park, the organization announced Friday they’d be moving ahead with the $40-million purchase.

That decision set the stage for Monday’s Bowen council meeting where manager of planning and development Daniel Martin presented the starting point for turning the pair of bylaw amendments into law. The manager stressed each of them was very much a work in progress, and in addition to a series of edits made during the April 24 meeting, are likely to be changed many more times as the process plays out, including feedback from committees and the public


$1 inc GST
EARTH MONTH TALKS: Charles McNeill on Climate Change PAGE 7 THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2023 VOL. 49 NO. 17 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent .50
Persona Rea Es ate Corporat on
1755 Emily Lane, Bowen Island $2,200,000


AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise

May 8, 2023

6:15 pm


Seeking Public Comment 1461 Mount Gardner Road




PROJECTDESCRIPTION:ADevelopmentVariancePermit applicationhasbeensubmittedfor1461MountGardner Road(shownonmap)toincreasethemaximumallowablelot coverageaswellasthemaximumallowablesizeofadetached secondarysuite

Theapplicantswishtolegalizeexistingagriculturalbuildings andtoaddanewdwelling Therequestistoincreasethe maximumlotcoveragefrom1500sqmto2880sqm They alsowishtodesignateanexistingresidenceasaDetached SecondarySuite,andbecauseitexceedsthemaximum allowablesize,itrequiresavariancetoincreasethemaximum floorareaofaDetachedSecondarySuitefrom140sqmto188 sqm.

Seeking Public Comment

Active Transportation Network Plan

PROJECTDESCRIPTION:BowenIslandMunicipality(BIM) isdevelopingtheirfirsteverActiveTransportationNetwork Plan(ATNP)tofurtherimprovetheIsland’sexistingactive transportationnetworkandidentifypriorityareasforfuture investment.TheATNPwillsupplementtheTransportation Planandhelpestablishtheplanninganddesignofnewactive transportationinfrastructurebyemphasizinggreenerand human-poweredmodesoftransportation

In2021,theMunicipalitywasawardedaconditionalgrant throughtheProvince’sActiveTransportationInfrastructure GrantsProgramforthepurposeofdevelopinganATNP Thisprogrampromotestheplanninganddevelopmentof activetransportationinfrastructurethroughcost-sharing opportunitieswithmunicipalities


YOURCOMMENTSAREWELCOME: WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallbefore 4:00pmonMonday,May8,2023:


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• Bymailto981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BC,V0N1G2

• Byfaxto604-947-0193

Toensureafairprocess,writtensubmissionscannotbe acceptedafterthedeadline

VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting

Questions?PleasecontactDrewBakken,Planner1,at 604-947-4255ext233orbyemailatdbakken@bimbcca



Tohelpuslearnmoreaboutyourthoughtson,andexperience usingBowenIsland’sactivetransportationnetwork,please completethisshortanonymoussurvey

Questions?PleasecontactNatashaCheong,IslandCommunity Planner,at604-947-4255ext6orbyemailat planning@bimbcca


Phone: 604-947-4255

Fax: 604-947-0193

Email: Website:

Contact Bowen Island Municipality wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca

BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2




Thursday, April 27, 2023 A2 • bowenislandundercurrent com
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Campsite makeup could change over time


Martin says staff are still waiting on the results of several studies, namely a Transportation Demand Management Plan, Transportation Impact Assessment, and Visitor Management Plan. The latter of these is expected to contain ideas on how to mitigate vehicle traffic to the site, such as a reservation system Metro Vancouver representatives present at the council meeting said they expect these to be ready in the next few weeks

Municipal property located among the 97-hectares, including trails, roads, and beaches, is another area which needs to be discussed in the future, adds Martin These assets can be retained by the municipality, or handed over to Metro Vancouver for managing

give the wrong impression that we’re ready to move on this,” said Gedye, mentioning how to approach the campsite phase-in, transportation to the park, and questions from Bowen Island Conservancy about proper development permitting in the area were among those concerns.

say the number of camping options may not exceed 100, with no more than one-third of them accessible by motor vehicle (excluding tent cabins and camps). One staff building was also agreed upon.

The LUB bylaw amendment also passed 5-2, with Gedye and Jurgensen again in opposition.

at Cape Roger Curtis may include a mixture of supervised overnight campsites, including group camp sites, tent cabins, vehicular campsites (but not including recreational vehicles or trailers), walk or bike-in camp sites, trails, education programs, interpretative signage, and accessory buildings or structures ” – and new Policy 190 – “Campgrounds may be permitted in a Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis and may be accessed by backpackers, bicyclists, or by motor vehicle, but not including recreational vehicles or trailers Campgrounds in Regional Parks should be connected to a trail network and designed to minimize impacts on the environment and should have on site supervision. Site design targeting active transportation and transit to the park will be encouraged, while vehicle use to the park should be disincentivized.”

“I’m not even ready to sit down and entertain this first reading at this point. There’s way too much that we need to try to work through,” said Gedye “If they’ve (Metro Vancouver) made the decision to proceed with it (land purchase), then that gives us a little bit of time to figure out what the information is that we’re going to be getting, and where we can go with that”

The LUB amendment focused on a rezoning of the land in question from Rural Residential 1 to Passive Park, and specifying which type of structures would be allowed in the park and how many of each The original breakdown was: NonVehicle Access Campsites (50), Vehicle Access Campsites (35), Tent Cabins (10), Group Tent Camps (5), and Staff Accommodation (1)

Coun John Saunders said he hopes people view the first readings as just one step in the overall process “I’ve been a little bit disheartened at some of the vitriol I’ve seen around this discussion I get the sense that some people – not everybody –but some people seem to think that we ’ ve now locked ourselves into something that may not be tenable for a lot of citizens of Bowen Island ”

“That’s not the case at all There’s a whole lot of issues to work out, and all we ’ ve done at this point is indicate to Metro that we intend to work in good faith to find something collaboratively that works for both Bowen Island and for Metro,” said Saunders

“A Regional Park

Following amendments by council, the OCP portion of the rezoning application added Objective 69, which reads “To support the creation of a Regional Park at Cape Roger Curtis that may include supervised overnight camping ” This was accompanied by new Policy 155

5-year tax rates approved


Watson says this calculates to around $400 more this year for the average property owner (based on a $1.486 million property).

The CFO added the 14.3 per cent rise will be tempered slightly by the value of new construction on the island, and a change in the Utility Class Property to Residential Property tax ratio from 4.16:1 to 20:1.

Watson says this makes the effective property tax increase more like 12.5 per cent, or about $348 per average owner.

Following this year, the five-year plan includes property tax increase of 9.5 per cent for each year from 2024-27 These

The OCP bylaw amendment passed 5-2 with Coun. Judith Gedye and Alex Jurgensen opposed.

“It seems to me that there’s a very long list of legitimate concerns I don’t want to

will focus on future infrastructure costs, which are expected to be substantial in the years ahead

Regarding one of Bowen’s capital projects, Watson revealed a Community Centre grant application to the federal Department of Canadian Heritage was unsuccessful. She says the $732,000 being sought through that grant will now be pursued through the donation campaign. If the money hasn’t been raised by the fall, Watson says the outstanding costs can be pursued through the $2.287 million Growing Community Fund awarded to Bowen by the provincial government last month, or through other borrowing

Bowen will also pay $345,989 to Islands Trust (up 6.8% from 2022), and $206,622 to Metro Vancouver (up 5% from 2022).


King Edward Bay

Stage 2

Mayor Andrew Leonard expressed concern about locking in the number of each type of campsite this early in the process though, pointing out that as transportation options present themselves in the future – such as the Multi-Use Path or expanded bus service – these figures may want to be adjusted.

Council decided to amend the wording to

Finally, in a 6-1 vote with Gedye opposed, council instructed staff to draft a restrictive covenant focused on establishing a phasing agreement for the project Martin says he expects the park to return for discussion in May with this covenant, and potentially refer the bylaw amendments to committees, the public, and other groups.

A second reading would likely take place sometime in the summer.

Bowen Island RCMP Stats - March 2023


The Bowen Island RCMP responded to 49 calls for service in March of 2023;

- 9 of those files were related to traffic complaints or enforcement;

- 2 of those files were minor collisions;

- 4 of those files were fraud reports;

- 3 of those files were requests to check a persons well being;

- 6 of those files were reports of suspicious persons;

As tourists return to island after the winter, please be patient People often have a difficult time understanding the ferry line

Water Guidelines start May 1

Eagle Cliff

Stage 2

Bluewater Park

Stage 3

and where to park in Snug Cove If you see someone who seems to be lost, please approach them with kindness Hopefully they will respond in kind!

All other BIM water systems

Stage 1 • A3 Thursday, April 27, 2023


Quilting Time Re: Unsung BowenVolunteers

Missed last year ’ s community sewing project? Well, you are in luck – “Fabric at Play” is back! Come join the Bowen Island Fibre Arts Guild on May 9 at the Hearth Gallery for another community project

This year ’ s quilt for raffle is in support of the Colin Ruloff Community Field House at Island Pacific School Two sessions are being offered: 2 to 4 pm or 7 to 9 pm Classes are FREE and no sewing experience is required – sewing machines and sewing mentors are available to help you create your own unique block – open to all ages!

Contact the Hearth at hello@thehearthartsonbowen ca or 604-947-2454 to preregister

- Bowen Island Fibre Arts Guild

A Place for our Elders

To the Editor,

Snug Cove House is $306,525 closer to being built 160 Bowen households have, in the last nine weeks, pledged that impressive sum towards the construction of a supportive residence for island seniors Snug Cove House will now let our elders stay instead of having to find suitable housing somewhere else, far away from their friends, neighbours and community If they have to leave, they lose their community and the community loses them

Providing interesting and supportive accommodation for our most elderly citizens takes a special building, a building with safe and comfortable private and common areas and wellequipped services This doesn’t come cheap The 24 apartments, commercial kitchen and laundry, dining and recreation areas will cost $18m to build Many island volunteers have worked for more than two decades to assemble $16m of that, but still need, at the last minute, nearly $2m more thanks to inflationary cost increases

Snug Cove House Society is approaching philanthropic foundations and senior levels of government in the hope of getting to the finish line Large individual and institutional donors are best motivated by a motivated community The more island households that contribute a sum of whatever size, the more likely the really big donors will be interested

So it’s not too late for you to chip in You don’t even have to fill in a form, just e-mail the sentence “I pledge $ towards the construction of Snug Cove House” to info@snugcovehouse com or drop it off at the pharmacy We’ll ask you to turn your pledge into money when we ’ ve enough to start construction.

- With gratitude, the board of directors of

#102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC,V0N 1G0

Phone: 604 947 2442 Fax: 604 947 0148

DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p m

Dear Editor:

Thank you, Alex, for including articles and photos of some of our volunteers on Bowen in the April 20 edition. We are very fortunate to have so many residents willing to step up and do what is needed to make our community a better place. Thank you to all who do this

The Bowen Island Conservancy is grateful to its many volunteers as we are a totally volunteer organization without any paid staff and could not operate without them I am writing to mention one unsung volunteer and to express gratitude to him for all he does

Mark Edmonds, who many of you may know as he is often seen driving the local bus, is our volunteer extraordinaire with the Bowen Island Conservancy

Since the Conservancy was fortunate enough to buy three lots at Cape Roger Curtis - thanks to donors extraordinaire - Mark has been our volunteer “Operations Lead” in implementing our management plan for the lands, coordinating the volunteers who monitor the lands and arranging for placement of fences, signs and pathways, usually doing a lot of the heavy lifting himself

For Mark, all this is a labour of love, as he spends about an average of 60 hours a month working on issues that may arise related to the Wild Coast Nature Refuge (WCNR), as well as doing physical work at the WCNR For the Conservancy Board and our various committees, we are the grateful beneficiaries of his dedication to these lands

We so appreciate you, Mark!

- The BI Conservancy Board of Directors (Ellen Coburn, Allie Drake, Joyce Ganong, Jennifer Hall, Paula Hay, Louise Loik, Owen Plowman, Nerys Poole, John Rich, Bob Turner, Peter Williamson)

Snug Cove House Society (Martine Sampath, Pernille Nielsen, Cindy Macleod, Graham Ritchie, Rev Lorraine Ashdown, Holly Mackintosh, Andy Powell-Williams, Sheilagh Sparks)

EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent com

Bowen Island Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com

All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs

National NewsMedia Council.

CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent com

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The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com or call 604-947-2442

If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information

Thursday, April 27, 2023 A4 • bowenislandundercurrent com
Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55 including GST Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1 50 per copy, including GST ISSN 7819-5040
DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p.m. Bowen
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must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only) The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Please limit to under 500 words. HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495
VIEWPOINTS THE WRITE STUFF. The Undercurrent encourages reader




The public engagement sessions to discuss proposed increases and new Reserve funds from general municipal taxation were interesting but seem to have only increased the tax hikes proposed for 2023 and four years to follow. All of the proposed new revenue to operate the Municipality and build Reserve funds is from one source only - the local property tax payers

A recent article in the Bowen Island Undercurrent suggests there will be a net increase of $20 per average household for a net municipal portion of the property tax

increase of $400. With projected increases of 9.5% for each of the following four years in the Five Year Financial Plan, there will be an actual increase of over 52% for the general municipal portion of our property tax bills

The assessed value of properties increased in January 2022 by 6%, based on sale prices as of July 1, 2022. The mil rate for 2022 (general municipal) was 1.8784, or $1.84 for every thousand dollars of assessed value If the mil rate stays the same, the general municipal portion of my own property tax bill will rise from $2,280 in 2022 to $3,747 by 2027! And all other areas of local property taxation are rising as well.

Bowen Island has collected a Community Parks Acquisition Development Cost Charge (Bylaw No 905, 1998) since inception, carried over from GVRD days, but this only brings in $1,100 for each lot created by a

new plan of subdivision, plus $1,100 for each additional dwelling unit on a parcel created by subdivision.

As tax collectors, Bowen Island Municipality since 2022 has also collected a Regional Transportation DCC for all Building Permits and subdivisions approved on behalf of TransLink; $2,990 per single family house, $2,485 per duplex unit, and so on. This money leaves Bowen.

A Finance department Report to Council April 20, 2015, indicated “Council has initiated the creation of a development financing strategy as a key priority for 2015” with a workshop led by Urban Systems following Eight years and many subdivision approvals later, there is no strategy.

Mayor and Council, please initiate a Development Cost Charge Bylaw to collect funds for Bowen Island to cover parks devel-

opment, road, water, and sewer infrastructure The City of Surrey recently adopted a Bylaw to increase their DCC’s by 10%, netting almost $40,000 per new dwelling unit to pay the infrastructure costs related to new development We have the background studies and documents to justify these new charges (Bowen Island Parks Master Plan, Cove Bay Water Treatment Plant, Snug Cove Sewage Treatment Plant, Bowen Bay, Eagle Cliff and Tunstall Bay Water Storage Tank studies among others).

I trust that we have a professional staff and dedicated Mayor and Council ready to take action to get our municipal operations back on a firm footing Please take the next necessary steps to ensure that sustaining our critical systems will be done on a fair and equitable cost sharing basis

Mary Selman passed away peacefully at the end of January 2023, surrounded by her three children She was 94 years old

Mary’s life was closely linked to Bowen Island from her youth in the 1930s when her family enjoyed regular summer vacations in rented cottages at Mount Gardner She remembered fondly going out in a rowboat with her brothers and sister, secure in the knowledge that they would be able to catch enough grilse for breakfast any time they went out

As an adult, she returned to Bowen, with her husband Gordon and her growing family They rented a couple of times but in 1956 they bought a lot “ at the end of the road” in Smugglers’ Cove at Hood Point At that time, there was no car ferry and they had to ship the materials for their house to Snug Cove by freighter and then repackage them all so they could be hauled on a trailer to their lot They built a small panabode in the spring of 1957 and it became a focal point for family life for the next 55 years Every weekend from Easter to November the 11th , and all summer, the family would be at “ camp ” with Gordon commuting in the summer months.

Slowly the area around Smugglers’ Cove was developed Mary and Gordon’s was the second house in the Cove after the Harveys’ (later the Ledinghams’ and now the McCalls’) The Harveys and Ledinghams were wonderful neighbours who generously shared their local knowledge including the best places for fishing and crabbing Over the years, other lots in the Cove were purchased and developed, with large year-round homes replacing many of the cabins

In 1992 Mary and Gordon completed their own year-round home on the lot next to the family cabin They lived there for 21 years Mary was always involved in community and in those years she took up golfing and painting and got involved with the Bowen Island Library and Arts community She and Gordon were active in book discussion groups and started more than one Children and grandchildren shared the family cottage next door, continuing to enrich the family tradition on Bowen Mary and Gordon moved back to the mainland in 2013 Gordon lived until 2018 Mary lived her final years at Sunrise of Vancouver, a seniors residence The last of her generation in the family, Mary is lovingly remembered by immediate and extended family She enriched the lives of her children, Julia, Mark, and Jan, who celebrate her life and value the lifelong loving support she so generously offered Mary also cared deeply for their partners, Patrick Robinson, Jan Selman, and Curtis Palmer Her grandchildren, Richard and Laura Selman, Gordon and Anna Robinson, and Zachary Palmer, brought her much joy and she welcomed and enjoyed her five great grand children She is lovingly missed, and celebrated • A5 Thursday, April 27, 2023


A Moment to Embrace the LongView

I write to add my voice to those in favour of the creation of a new Metro Vancouver park at the Cape on Bowen Island. For all my travels, I’ve always had deep ties to British Columbia I came of age working for the provincial parks, eight seasons altogether, culminating in 1978 when I was hired as the first park ranger in Spatsizi, our largest roadless wilderness park I spent a year in a logging camp on Haida Gwaii, worked as a hunting guide in the Stikine, and later, as a white water guide, helped pioneer the first commercial descents of the Turnagain, Taku and Raven’s Throat, among other wild rivers Since 1987, I’ve owned a modest fishing lodge in Tahltan territory, seven hours by road north of Smithers, the nearest town.

I mention this only to stress my commitment to our province, and my deep appreciation of the transformative power of its natural wonders Everything I’ve achieved as a writer was made possible because I was from here; what character I have was forged from opportunities and experiences placed before me as gifts by this place

We live in a new era, and what young people want, and what’s possible for them to achieve, has changed Not all will be free to explore the far reaches of a province twice the size of California But surely every kid deserves a chance to know and experience nature; as elders, we share an obligation to make such experiences possible As my old friend Paul George said, “If you want people to protect the environment, you’ve got to get them into it”

For this reason alone, I support the creation of a new Metro park on Bowen. It won’t be a grand wilderness refuge, but it will serve as an oasis of inspiration for thousands of young people who, by force of circumstances, rarely escape the metropolitan sprawl of the lower mainland. The issues raised by those in opposition - added traffic to roads and the ferry, questions of maintenance and policing - are certainly legitimate but they are tactical, and readily addressed. What counts is the strategic vision.

My concern lies with a disenchanted generation, perhaps two, all those who have given up hope of owning homes in the neighbourhoods where they were raised. These young

men and women need to know that the real estate agents whose faces adorn the sides of every city bus are not our civic and national heroes That decisions about zoning and land management do not always come down on the side of developers and their wealthy clients

In making this extraordinary gift to the island, at some considerable political risk and exposure given all the other demands on its resources, Metro Vancouver is sending our youth a truly exhilarating message that our wild lands are for the many, not the few, and that nature, at least occasionally, does indeed trump development, at least on this small jewel of an island.

No park has ever come into being without opposition. The creation of protected areas has always been complicated, and never free of controversy. And yet, in the end, history only recalls the vision of the creators, never the voices of dissent To build Central Park, the city of New York evicted 1,600 poor Black and Irish residents, seizing their small plots of land by eminent domain. And yet today, you would be hard pressed to find a single New Yorker who regrets the decision to set aside land that, in time, became a natural sanctuary visited by 42 million people every year

Happily, no one will be dislocated to create this new park on Bowen, and its trails will be walked by hundreds of visitors over a summer season, certainly not trampled by millions The island infrastructure can be enhanced to embrace this new traffic, just as it will grow to adjust to all the new developments taking place on the island.

Should the park go ahead, all of these minor concerns will be addressed or soon forgotten. But should the parochial triumph over the visionary, and the park be denied, the decision will hover for decades, a dark shroud of regret and recriminations.

Abraham Lincoln famously quipped that politicians think of the next election, whereas statesmen look out for the next generation. This surely is a moment to embrace the long view.

With thanks and very best wishes,

Studies still needed for CRC park success

Dear Mayor and Council,

I apologize for the last-minute letter; however, the timing of the Metro announcement of the purchase of the Cape Roger Curtis land has created some urgency.

It appears that at a regional park at CRC is a certainty as Council has indicated its support and Metro has announced its decision to purchase the land. We now have one known and a long list of unknowns with respect to the financial burden to Bowen and Metro We will have to wait and see what the social impact will be for Islanders

Whether or not camping will be permitted is one of the unknowns, most visitors will be day-trippers and in either case Bowen will be faced with significant challenges

I am concerned that to date neither Bowen nor Metro has any concrete plan or accurate costing of how to get tens of thousands of additional visitors to and across the island, but my primary concern is dealing with the problem of moving them across the island.

If Bowen is to have any hope of dealing with short and long-range consequences of the proposed park, the following list of information is needed With all respect to Metro, Council needs independent verification of Metro’s estimates as these will be the numbers funding agreements are based on

Prior to making any decision to proceed with second reading Council should commission independent reports on:

1) The anticipated number of day and overnight visitors. The Metro estimate of 73,000 seems unrealistic given that their current estimate of 150,000 visitors to Crippen Park.

2) The anticipated number of visitors likely to travel by automobile, bus, bicycle, and on foot, respectively.

3) The anticipated numbers of day and overnight visitors likely to use services in Snug Cove Village.



Capilano Ferry Schedule

Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact aryana Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown www biuc ca | 1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY 10-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT Sunday Worship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am - except Wednesdays 10:15 am 11:25 am 12:35 pm 2:20 pm 3:30 pm 4:35pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 8:00 pm-except Saturdays 9:00 pm 10:00pm DEPART BOWEN ISLAND 5:20 am except Sundays & April 7 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:40 am 10:50 am 12:00 pm 1:10 pm 2:55 pm 4:00 pm - except Wednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:25 pm - except Saturdays 8:30 pm9:30 pm 10:30pm
APRIL 1 - MAY 17 2023
BCFERRIES COM Schedule changes on statutory holidays Thursday, April 27, 2023 A6 •
Note: Schedules subject to change without notice Please check


Reader says many avenues left to explore


4) The cost and timing of upgrades to Bowen Island

Trunk, Grafton, Adams, Tunstall, and Whitesails roads to safely move the anticipated number of automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians across the island. It is currently unsafe to cycle and walk along Grafton and Adams Road because of the lack of shoulders. What is the liability to Bowen Island when there is an accident on this route?

5) The cost and timing of traffic calming techniques for Tunstall Road and Whitesails Drive

6) The design and cost of a multi-use path (MUP) to safely accommodate 2-way traffic of bicycles (including electric) and pedestrians from the ferry terminal to the park

7) The survey and legal costs of negotiating easements across private land and the cost of expropri-

ation where the owner is unwilling to grant an easement

8) The environmental impact of removing trees and vegetation, replacing ditches with culverts, blasting where necessary, and paving with asphalt

9) Quantifying the need and cost of additional public washrooms in Snug Cove Village, given that we have no sewer capacity.

10) Quantifying the need and cost of additional fire protection services

11) Quantifying the need and cost of additional RCMP personnel to monitor traffic speed and deal with disputes

12) Quantifying the need and cost of expanded BC Ambulance service to deal with injuries and accidents

13) Quantifying the need and cost of additional BIM personnel for bylaw officers, road and MUP maintenance staff, ferry marshals, etc

14) Quantifying the need and cost of additional maintenance and pit toilets at Tunstall Bay beach and other beaches easily accessible from the park

15) The potential impact on ferry service at peak commuting hours and cost of realistic mitigations

16) The potential need for a larger ferry service, the cost and timing of a new terminal for a larger ferry, and the potential increase in fares

17) The feasibility, logistics, and cost of busing day visitors and campers to proposed CRC park and numbers of visitors who would reasonably use such a service and the impact on the current bus service

Prior to second reading, Council should also have:

1) Metro Vancouver Regional Parks draft funding agreement(s) to contribute to infrastructure improvements and ongoing maintenance.

Earth MonthTalks at the Bowen Library

put to music”



Bowen Island resident Charles McNeill’s work with the United Nations began at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 where the Biodiversity and Climate Change Conventions were established. Since then, his work has focused on fulfilling the mandate of these two conventions

Charles attributes the trajectory of his life – a life that includes international conferences and travels to places as varied as Brasilia and Jakarta – to his preschool visits at his grandparents’ home on Bowen It was on Bowen that he became captivated by the abundance of the natural world in the forests and oceans.

It was here too that, as he got older, he heard his grandfather’s stories of his work in the League of Nations (precursor of the United Nations), and caught a glimpse of possibilities for a better, more peaceful, more equitable world that inspired his own career. Charles’ enthusiasm for nature and Bowen Island is still evident in his conversation.

He talks excitedly about the view from his home on Bowen where, just the other day, he saw 12 sea lions fishing, along with cormorants, goldeneyes, and five young, swooping eagles joined by an adult eagle “It was a dance of nature A drama that could be

Within his position with the United Nations, Charles is enthusiastic about his current work overseeing the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative In the five countries holding 70% of all remaining tropical forests (Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Indonesia, and Democratic Republic of the Congo) this initiative brings together the powerful influence of religious leaders across faiths to work with Indigenous Peoples, governments, and civil society to protect both the forests and their guardians

“Rainforests sustain all life on the planet, and the need to save them is one thing all the religious leaders agree on, ” Charles explains

Charles is passionate about the need to protect biodiversity, whether it is tropical forests in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or natural areas in Canada “We are currently witnessing the greatest species extinction since the end of the dinosaur era and the first one caused by humans About one million species of the estimated eight million on the planet are threatened with extinction,” he says

The climate crisis is equally serious, and he compares the situation to “ a supersonic plane headed straight towards a mountain at 500 miles an hour, and the question is, can we as a species, as a civilization, pull up in time to avoid crashing.”


2) Translink draft funding agreement(s) to increase transportation on-island.

This is unlikely to be a complete list and I recognize that these reports and agreements will cost thousands of dollars, which should be commissioned by Bowen but at the proponent’s cost A clear accounting of magnitude of these issues and mitigations, their costs, and draft funding agreements with Metro and Translink will be invaluable to ensure that Bowen Island understands the magnitude of the work and costs ahead and is appropriately compensated

Council has a fiduciary responsibility as well as a moral responsibility to the community to have this information in hand before proceeding with second reading.

Sincerely, • A7 Thursday, April 27, 2023
TALK WITH CHARLES MCNEILL IS ON“CLIMATE CHANGE, BIODIVERSITY, AND THE FUTURE OF FOOD” Showcasing our Middle School IB Education Studies in Art, History, Individuals and Societies.
Wednesday, May 3rd from 5:30pm - 7pm Where: Island Pacific School Thereareonlyafewspotsopenfor2023-2024inGrades6and8 BookaSchoolTourToday! Learn more about what we offer at Island Pacific School at our Sign up for our newsletter (it's free)

Western Bound




One of Bowen’s tallest ever athletes will be continuing his basketball journey at the college level this fall.

Hunter Thompson has committed to joining the Western Mustangs after he graduates from Mulgrave School in West Vancouver this summer He’ll bring his 6’10 frame to the London, Ontario university, where he’ll be both studying Health Sciences, and providing the men ’ s basketball team a massive boost to his chosen position of Centre

Hunter began his education at Bowen Island Community School before moving down the road to Island Pacific School. “It was nice being in a smaller school at BICS when I was little, and the friends I made at IPS are lifelong friends that I am still close to now, ” says Thompson

“Growing up on Bowen made me a lot closer to my community and my frequent travels with IPS opened me up to the world outside of Bowen, and future life opportunities.”

Following IPS it was time to leave the rock, and Thompson eyed Mulgrave and their basketball team as his best choice to hone and develop his skills At the same time he signed up with the 3D Basketball Academy in North Vancouver, allowing him to further refine his talent with professionals of the game

The academy’s travel team also gave Hunter the opportunity to journey around the world, including Seattle, Las Vegas, Portugal, and Calgary. One destination ranked above the rest for him though

“Denmark was my favourite because we visited Copenhagen which is a beautiful city, and we had the

opportunity to play against European teams We were travelling by train everywhere, and we stayed at a boarding school specific to athletics in Nyborg,” says Thompson.

Due to his height Hunter naturally gravitated toward a role at Centre, a position usually occupied by the tallest player on the court It’s a role he relishes, and allows him to compete against some of the toughest players in the game

“My style of play is physical and the Centre position best fits my size and physicality. It is challenging as I am matched up with the tallest and strongest players on the opposing team and I am the last line of defence in the key,” explains Thompson.

Hunter finished his senior season with the Mulgrave Titans in February, which included playoff wins over Collingwood and Seycove Secondary. It also included Thompson serving as team captain, receiving a 1st Team All-Star selection, and also battling back resiliently from an injury. “My first game back after injury this fall, which was an overtime thriller and placed us as one of the highest-ranking teams in our zone, ” he says of his highlight of the year

The closing of Thompson’s high school chapter meant it was time to look for opportunities to play post-secondary ball His basketball skills, and 90 per cent GPA, meant he had plenty of options But one college stood out during application time

“Western offered me a spot on the roster, and after researching the school’s facilities and academics I thought it was a good fit for me, ” says Thompson. “They have a good team with experienced athletes which will help me develop as a player”

Hunter’s family – parents Larissa Stefani and Andrew Thompson, along with sister Chloe – all say they are going to miss him a lot when he heads to Ontario in the fall, but are very proud of all he’s achieved.

“We are grateful to both IPS and Mulgrave schools for instilling the integrity, perseverance and courage required for him to pursue high level athletics and academia,” says Larissa. “In addition, we thank Claude ‘Coach’ Leduc at Mulgrave, and coaches Miceail Coghlan, Ben Frisby, and Luka Vukalovic at 3D for all of their excellent training.”


The new season is underway and has already featured some exciting games, especially the triple-header on Opening Day Sunday.

It took 9 innings for

the Shakers and Twins to sort things out before the Shakers edged out a slight victory The Cruisers and Firemen bats exploded next for 8 home runs and 32 runs


Opening Day April 23

Shakers (9) vs Twins (7)

Cruisers (18) vs Firemen (14)

total, the Cruisers emerging on top thanks to Robbie Watson’s 4-homer game

And finally the Diggers began their title defense in the pouring rain with a 9-2 win over the Brewers in a rematch of last year ’ s final. Teams will all play their second games this week as the usual Tuesday to Friday schedule comes into effect. As always the season concludes with Tournament Weekend from August 11-13

- Reporting from Kat, Cheri, & Alex

Saturday, April 29 @ 7:00 pm.


Members and Guests welcome1267 Scarborough


Diggers (9) vs Brewers (2)

Tuesday, April 25

Twins (14) vs Cruisers (10)

Wednesday, April 26

Shakers vs Brewers


Thursday, April 27

Firemen vs. Diggers

Friday, April 28

Brewers vs. Twins

Tuesday, May 2

Cruisers vs. Shakers

Wednesday, May 3

Brewers vs. Firemen

Thursday, April 27, 2023 A8 •
Thompson(left)catchessomeairwhilecelebratingwith his Mulgrave teammates. / ChloeThompson photo Hunter (blue jersey) uses his size to his advantage in a game against Collingwood / ChloeThompson photo Cruisers pitcher Robbie Watson winds up to deliver a pitch to Brent Molinski of the Twins, while Erik Miller (#4) waits on 1st base in the 1st inning ofTuesday night’s matchup. Miller would later hit a home run as theTwins took a high scoring affair 14-10 for their first win of the season Both teams now have a 500 record / Alex Kurial photo *Standings thru 4/25 games Wins/Losses/Games Back
MC Alex MacNeil for Bottle Bingo
at the door


Thursday, April 27

ChessMates+ at the Library

Calling all chess lovers! Drop in for casual chess at the Library – all experience levels welcome (though it helps if you know the basics) We also have lots of other games available: Catan, Scrabble, Monopoly, Jenga, Mah Jong, cards, blocks, and more! Runs from 6 to 7:30 pm

Friday, April 28

SKY Walks

For residents 55+. Walks are held at various trails weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays On April 28, meet at Killarney Lake Picnic Area Aim for 10:30 am, all walks start promptly at 10:45 am Walks are more fun with friends!

Saturday, April 29

Earth Month Talk at the Library

2 pm. Dr. Charles McNeill will talk about recent initiatives and trends to transform global and local food systems to solve the dual climate and biodiversity crises. Presented by Bowen Island Food Resilience Society and the Library.

Saturday, April 29

Scottish music at Tir-na-nOg

Scottish Folk Band Dàimh will be performing at Tirna-nOg at 8 pm and leading a Gaelic singing workshop at 3:30 pm Tickets at Cates Pharmacy - $35 concert, $25 workshop, $50 for both Must RSVP for workshop Email or call 778-926-4286

Saturday, April 29

Bingo at the Legion

Come by for Bottle Bingo with hosts Alex McNeill & Marc Gawthorp Members and guests welcome, tickets $15 available Thursday or at the door Saturday night

Sunday, April 30

Bowen Children’s Fair

Rescheduled from earlier this year Parents and caregivers of kids aged 0-5 welcome at the BICS gym from 10:30 am to

12:30 pm Featuring children’s musician Katie Brock, and games, music, snacks, crafts, a drumming circle, and more

Sunday, April 30

French Connections Conversation Club

Drop in and join us to practice your conversational French, and get to know other French speakers on Bowen Island! The focus will be on beginner and intermediate speakers, but all levels welcome 1 to 2:30 pm

To May 1

One Solar Year exhibit at the Hearth Gallery

Last days to come see the work of local artists, Emily van Lidth de Jeude and Markus Roemer, and to share your memories of 2022 on the community mural.

Wednesday, May 3

SKY Walk and Social Lunch

Meet at Bowfest field picnic shelters for walk that starts at 10:45 am sharp, and we’ll be back in time for SKY social lunch at Noon (diner pay) at the Pub.

Thursday, May 4

TaKeTiNa Full MOon Journey

Newbies most welcome. No experience necessary; each journey is different Please bring a spare warm layer, as you may like to lie down at the end; it’s a good idea to bring a blanket Please arrive by 6:50 pm, starts at 7. $10 to $20 suggested but free or bartering is fine as well. Come regardless!

Tuesday, May 9

Community Quilt Project

At the Hearth Gallery. Free, no sewing experience required – mentors & sewing machine provided. Two sessions: 2-4 pm or 7-9 pm Register at or 604-947-2454. More info on Page 4.

Thursday, May 11

Swimwear Pop Up!

Left on Friday Swimwear Pop Up! @ Sweat the Technique Studio 7 to 9 pm

Saturday, May 13

Diet and Sleep Workshop

The Relationship Between Diet & Sleep Workshop, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Register for the workshop (& May 11 Swimwear Pop Up) at

Invites you to our Annual Meeting

The Bowen Island Community Foundation’s 2023 Annual Meeting

Are you concerned about: housing, seniors, diversity, youth activities, the environment, and gathering places at Bowen? Please join us to learn how your support is making a difference

We are excited to award $90,000 in community grants, introduce the Foundation’s new Board members, and announce some new initiatives.

We hope to raise a glass with you in celebration of community!

Friday, May 5th - 6:30pm Cates Hill Chapel 661 Carter Road, Bowen Island

Please rsvp by Monday, May 1st •

Saturday, May 13

Garden Club Plant Sale

It’s time once again for our fabulous Plant Sale Start your seedlings, divide overgrown plants and share any surpluses you may have Specialty plants are always welcome Your donations will find a happy home in someone ’ s garden. At the Legion from 10 am to Noon.


2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month from 11:30 am to 1 pm Adult only, drop-in event $10 for a full lunch

Yoga at Collins Hall

Tuesdaysfrom1to2pm AgingwithGrace Easyyogaformobility, flexibility, strength, balance and stress reduction for Body and Mind. $15 e-transfer or cash. Drop in welcome. Email jackie. or call 604-220-9092


Storytime at the Library

10:30 to 11 am. A free drop-in program of stories and songs for 2-4 year-olds and their caregivers! Runs to June 14

Bowen Bridge

We meet from 1:30 to 4:30 pm at Bowen Court on Wednesdays

Fee is $6 per person per session Your place at the table must be arranged - by email - no later than 6 pm on the Monday before To make your booking or to seek more information, please email bowcates@yahoo ca We look forward to seeing you


SKY Writing Workshops on Zoom with Diana Jewel

Attend as many as you wish but space is limited so RSVP to Every Thursday from 1 to 2 pm, until June 8.

Thursday Art Group

The Thursday Art Group (TAG) meets every Thursday at Collins Hall from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm to create, paint, sketch and enjoy meeting like minded souls If you think this group might be for you, pop by and see what we are all about Spring Book Club

At Sweat the Technique Studio until May 4. Come discuss the book ‘Breath’ by James Nestor. 7:15 to 8:15 pm. Register at

you may have! • A9 Thursday, April 27, 2023
FISCHER & BIRKIE REGULAR HOURS Mon-Thur 9-5 Fri 9-1 Closed Sat & Sun CONTACT reception@bowenvet com 604.947.9247 These two cuties came in last week to get their flea + tick medication. There are a couple options available, you can get a chew tablet for your pet or a topical solution to
on their skin. Depending on the medication, it has to be given every
or every 3
We are happy to answer any questions
Thursday, April 27, 2023 A10 • bowenislandundercurrent com BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS Join the conversation at follow us on @BowUndercurrent follow us on @BowUndercurrent THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY'S 604-653-7851 gnome matter it is what s... People love a bargain! MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 Your Community HEALTH & WELLNESS on Bowen To advertise in Health & Wellness please call 604-947-2442 email Birch Wellness BOWEN ISLAND DR. GLORIA CHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30 PM AT ARTISAN SQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOE BAY 604-921-8522
604-785-0990 Charmaine Heffelfinger On Bowen serving Sea to Sky WWW WHITEHART CA ADDRESS 302-566 ARTISAN LANE BOWEN ISLAND BC PHONE 1 (778) 999-3434 BUILT GREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARY STRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOOR SPACES SUB CONTRACT WORK CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTATION PROFESSIONAL SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN BEATYHYDRO.CA ANDREW@BEATYHYDRO.CA PH: 778 887 5581 COURIER SERVICE TO AND FROM THE CONTINENT MONDAY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 604-947-9703 oremailusatbowenislandfreight@gmailcom toscheduleapickupordropoff BOWEN TOWING Local towing and recovery, battery boosting, unlock vehicles, tire change……. Call 604-341-6351 604-987-7663 BOWENISLAND ROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Trade ticket certified #00012-RO-96 Tim Rhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODES ON BOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING going that extra mile rhodesonbowen com tim@rhodesonbowen com RoB II I&I TOWING HAULING LTD Vehicles • Construction Equipment Sea-Can Containers • Tiny Homes Bowen Island • Greater Vancouver Vancouver Island • Sunshine Coast Michael Bingham • 604 947 1717 BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live Window Blinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 &AWNINGS &AWNINGS SNUG COVE CONSTRUCTION High Quality, Professional Workmanship Interior and Exterior Home Renovation 604-925-8711 Red Seal Ticketed and Insured • Irrigation • Landscape Lighting • Hydroseeding Office: 604-947-9686 Call now for Landscape Lighting Services and Installations bowenislandundercurrent com • A11 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Stories and photos from In print and online all the time your community bowenislandundercurrrent com

Charles McNeill talks climate at the Library


Despite that terrifying image, Charles is far from being a messenger of doom “Some severe consequences to our lives and livelihoods are already built in at this point from climate impacts and biodiversity loss But if we get focused and into action, we can have a future as a species, and a decent one, if not the one we could have had if we had taken action 30 years ago ”

He sees cause for optimism in the recent global conferences he attended, such as the UN’s December 2022 Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in Montreal He witnessed an “explosion” of energy, resources, new technologies and commitment forming “dynamic, improbable partnerships among unlikely bedfellows to find creative solutions.”

Charles has also seen nations galvanized into commitments to preserve biodiversity and address climate change. “For example,” he says, “thanks to Canada’s leadership in

COP 15, every country in the world agreed to protect 30% of land and oceans by 2030.”

For Charles, an exciting and hopeful aspect of these new international commitments is that they can translate into calls for action at regional and local levels In B.C and here on Bowen, “We need to step up to meet the 30% goal,” he says “Right now on Bowen, 18.7% of land is protected, and if the park at the Cape is added, another 1.9% will be protected from development This puts us within striking distance of the 30% by 2030 goal.”

Charles emphasizes that one critical, but underappreciated fact is that “there is no way to avoid catastrophic climate change or to stop the sixth great extinction of species without transforming how we produce and consume food – changing to regenerative agriculture, reducing food waste, and eating more plants This transformation will not only unleash enormous dividends for the health of people and the planet, it can also generate peace and stability and

shared prosperity.”

In his talk, Charles will offer an update on the outcomes of the recent Biodiversity Conference (COP 15), the Climate Conference (COP 27), and the dramatic findings of the just-published final report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) These give Charles confidence that although “the window to address the climate crisis is rapidly closing, it still is possible to secure a safe, livable future – if we take the right kinds of action right now ”

Join Charles on Saturday, April 29 at 2 pm at the Bowen Library to catch some of his passion, enthusiasm, and optimism for the way forward Charles’ talk, “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and the Future of Food: A Global Perspective to Inform Local Action,” is jointly presented by the Bowen Island Public Library and Bowen Island Food Resilience Society.

If you’d like to know a bit more about Charles and his work, you can go to the Bowen Library’s calendar event at bipl link/earth , click on his talk, and there you’ll find more information, a bio, and a link to Charles’ CV

Vital Conversations 2023: Seeking Reflections

In my life, there is one thing I am certain of: every few months, my wife will move around all of the furniture in our house and I will be annoyed. I am mostly annoyed because she doesn’t ask me if she can move everything around. If she did ask, she knows that I would say “ no ” My wife is nothing if not practical.

However, after a few weeks I always come to the same conclusion: she is right The furniture is better this way… though, in the moment, I couldn’t see it “Vital Conversations” (organized by the Bowen Island

Community Foundation [BICF]) works on essentially the same principle It’s an event that has one goal: finding out what kind of a community Bowen Islanders want and what are the most important parts of that ideal community.

Vital Conversations is a meeting of the minds on Bowen. It’s a thoughtful conversation rather than an intense debate. It’s the e-mail you would’ve sent if you’d waited a day or two to cool off. It’s choosing to be kind rather than needing to be right.

For the 2023 edition of Vital Conversations, we want to hear fromasmanyislandersaspossible.Anonlinesurveyhasbeen created for one purpose: to find out what you think. What’s important to you? What does Bowen Island do best? Where does it need improvement?

When the community has shown us what it values, the BICF writes a Vital Conversations Report. The Report showcases and prioritizes Bowen Island’s community values. In turn, these values are considered when the BICF makes funding decisions about new community projects and initiatives. BICF is humbled that many organizations consult Vital Conversations reports when undertaking community improving projects.

While some of us don’t want our furniture moved around at all, we might change our minds if we really thought and reflected about what would be better Help us find what’s better

Share your reflections: http://bowenfoundation com/ VC3

Thursday, April 27, 2023 A12 •

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