FRIDAY APR. 6 2012 VOL. 38, NO. 49
including HST
What is MacBooth?
A look at cancer
Happy anniversary!
IPS students have taken their love of Shakespeare to another level
What can be achieved by living healthy and by chipping in to help
The Gym is celebrating its fifth year of being in business
Preserving the diversity of our community
Trees and culverts in the park
Corporation will work to make affordable housing choices a reality
Work at Seymour Landing Park was done with expert consultation
o Elizabeth Ballantyne, chair of the Affordable Housing Working Group (AHWG), housing diversity is a value that needs to be embraced and advanced if we cherish the wide variety of people who are living on the island and the new Bowen Island Housing Corporation will help to make this a reality. Ballantyne says that the need for diverse housing is a fundamental value that is explicit in our Official Community Plan (OCP). There it says that “Bowen Island is known and loved as a small, friendly, caring community characterized by a population diverse in income, age and lifestyles.” For a diverse population, varied and affordable housing options are needed and Ballantyne said, “If this statement of value and identity is true, we need to demonstrate this in our actions. Providing shelter is a primary need and if we value a community like this, we have to work toward enabling everyone to live here.” “Looking back 30 or 40 years, affordable housing was possible because the cost of land was not a barrier,” Ballantyne said adding that in the early 2000s, Sara Baker brought attention to the fact that many artists couldn’t afford to live here any longer and moved away. “There was a migration of artists and Sara [Baker] wrote a number of articles in 2004 and 2005. Out of that came a broader discussion that led to the affordable housing for diverse community symposium in June 2006 that was followed by the formation of the Bowen Community Housing Association,” Ballantyne said. “In an effort to address the This Wednesday was a beautiful day - perfect for the Easter Egg Hunt by primary barriers, four actions were suggested. the Bowen Children’s Centre in the meadow. Zeyah’s smile shows how The first was to legalize secondary suites. continued PAGE 10
excited he was to find candy (no sugar added) in his Easter Egg. More photos on page 16. Debra Stringfellow photo
Dee Elliott
4 Years
rees have been cut in Seymour Landing Park and a new culvert has been created to facilitate stormwater drainage of the neighbouring properties. Sue Ellen Fast, head of the municipality’s Greenways Advisory Committee says that the work has considerably affected the park. Bowen Island Properties, the developer that transferred the parkland to the municipality, says that it was necessary to stabilize the hillside and that the municipality and other agencies have been notified throughout the process. Larry Adams, business manager of Bowen Island Properties, said that in 2003, as part of the rezoning process of Cowan Point, the discussion about community amenities had been initiated. He said, “The passive park at Seymour Bay was identified as the amenity with the highest priority. There was a note that the stabilization of the land because of erosion is an issue for consideration.” Wolfgang Duntz, principal of Bowen Island Properties explained, “Over decades, Seymour Bay has been used for local log storage. The logs come from Gambier and are towed to the sawmills along the Fraser River. When they can’t enter the inlet because of weather conditions, they get stored in Seymour Bay. There is a tremendous wave action that constantly pounds the shore that is an earth, gravel and clay deposit. Over the last 30 to 50 years, the shoreline has receded 15 feet.” “When I was asked to donate the land, I said you better be aware that this is a highly erosion-prone area,” Duntz said. “And the whole area to the north is draining into Seymour Creek.” continued PAGE 10
Bowen Island Living it. Loving it.
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1222 Miller 1038 Miller 1279 Scarborough
Lots SOLD: 1778 Frances Walk
1798 Olivia 1782 Frances Walk
Please call with any questions you have regarding market conditions or buying and selling real estate on Bowen Island