FRIDAY JULY 13 2012 VOL. 39, NO. 11
including HST
Ship Ahoy!
Full program guide inside
Bowen Island welcomes revellers at the first annual Steamship Days
Get the scoop on the festivities and island life here
Tiny but affordable Islander proposes to build a small house and workshop on wheels as a solution to affordable housing needs SUSANNE MARTIN EDITOR
Isn’t that Wilde? Wilde and Jasper strut their stuff at the Walk Through Time that featured historical fashion designed by Jasper’s grandmother Shirley Wrinch as part of the Steamship Days program. Debra Stringfellow photo
Level-headed response to allergic reaction SUSANNE MARTIN EDITOR
n islander’s swift and level-headed action may have saved Rob Forbes’s life. Forbes, a long-time beekeeper, had developed a growing sensitivity to bee stings that led to an unexpected and full-blown allergic reaction on June 23. Forbes was near Heidi Kuhrt’s home on Fernie Road because she had noticed a swarm of bees. Kuhrt explained, “I had gone outside and seen the swarm. My husband contacted Bees on Bowen and heard that the
swarm might be Rob’s.” Forbes came to take a look and Kuhrt and her six-yearold son Ryan went with him as they are both interested in beekeeping (they had started a hive in a previous year that hadn’t survived the winter). Forbes went to collect the swarm and, while working, told Kuhrt that he had developed a sensitivity to bee stings and was planning to undergo venom therapy. He also told her that he kept an EpiPen in the car. “I’ve been beekeeping for years. When I get stung, I sometimes have a delayed reaction the
iny houses that sit on wheels may be a solution to creating affordable housing options on Bowen Island and Ruth Harding addressed council on Monday, July 9, to explore the possibility of building a tiny house and a workshop as part of the pilot project. Part of the discussion centred on the topic whether the structures would be regulated by the building code or the motor vehicle licensing act. “We all know that we have issues with affordable housing,” Harding said. “And tiny houses could be part of a solution.” She explained that larger homes are more costly in terms of building, taxes, heating, maintenance and repair while small homes have other advantages in addition to the economic one – they appeal to people who want to live a less cluttered and less complicated life with a reduced ecological impact. Harding believes that tiny homes could allow people to stay on Bowen in the event that their finances take a turn for the worse. Harding believes that tiny homes may be suitable for empty nesters, singles, seniors and young adults as well as artists. Harding wants to build a tiny house and a workshop on wheels but she says she doesn’t plan to sell her work out of her workshop but will continue to market it through local galleries and craft fairs. Harding said, “If the house stays on a trailer and doesn’t go on a cement bed, its height and size are dictated not by the B.C. Building Code but by regulations of the Ministry of Transportation.” She explained that the homes can be built to a maximum of 10 feet width without needing an escort vehicle when they are moved on the road. “Ideally, the homes should be hooked up to septic systems and connected to water lines but that’s not necessary as they could have holding tanks,” Harding said, adding that most tiny homes have kitchens, bathrooms and electricity; they can also be hooked up to power poles or use solar or battery power.
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