FRIDAY JULY 27 2012 VOL. 39, NO. 13
including HST
The reason he’s called a hero
Local eating challenge
Last weekend for Pvt. Wars
Bowen Islanders add their voices in praise of Dr. Sugar’s care
BowFEAST invites community to savour amazing local bounty
Review hails play as excellent theatre experience
Last weekend, paddlers, boaters and spectators on land were treated to the spectacular sight of a pod of Orcas frolicking off the Bowen Island shore.
Accessible from the outside SUSANNE MARTIN EDITOR
he Bowen Island Community School grounds with the playground and sports fields play an important role in the community as they are a hub for sports and recreational activities. But due to funding cuts, the hours for community access to the school and washrooms have been reduced since the fall of 2011. This has presented a challenge for sports team members, their families and those using the playground. At the Monday, July 23 council meeting, director of community recreation services Christine Walker spoke to council about the possibility of creating washrooms that are accessible from the outside. “Community washroom access at BICS has been an ongoing challenge,� Walker said. “It has been particularly a prob-
lem on the weekends because there is no custodial service and we have many activities and community uses beyond [regular school] hours. Over the summer, the school remains closed on weekends but we’ve arranged to have porta-potties on site.� Walker explained that the Bowen Island Municipality has signed a new joint-use agreement with the School District 45 in May. “At this time, the school district brought forward the proposal of renovating the change rooms and building washroom access from the outside. They agreed to install doors that are located right off the tennis court and proposed to share the cost.� Walker said that she realizes that the municipal budget has already been passed and doesn’t include this project but one of the options sees the school district continued PAGE 2
Mac Davidson photo
Feedback about TransLink service SUSANNE MARTIN EDITOR
ransLink has recently completed a public consultation process and at the July 23 council meeting, Brian Mills, director of services and infrastructure planning, and Martin Lay, director of contracted transit services, shared some of the feedback and plans for Bowen Island. Lay said that after collecting and evaluating comments from transit users, TransLink has initiated transport improvements that include increased seabus service and additional bus service to reduce crowding. Lay also stated that TransLink is partnering with local government and municipalities to facilitate improvements like the approach to the Lions’ Gate Bridge. In the regional context, major funding initiatives included
the Evergreen Line rapid transit program, major Road Network funding that comes to $20 million in 2012 and funding for the TransLink Bike Capital program for $6 million. Lay also stressed that TransLink is making an ongoing effort to increase service optimization. The company is assessing least productive and most productive services with the intention to increase ridership as well as revenue. Bowen Island is included in the North Shore area transit plan and was part of the public consultation that saw face-toface meetings as well as online feedback in 2012. Lay said the goal of the evaluation was to look for the “greatest opportunity to make a difference.� “Our vision is to look forward 30 years and partner with the community,� Lay said. continued PAGE 3
First Credit Union invites you to join us for the following FREE Movie Under the Stars event this summer:
August 13 Crippen Park, Bowen Island For movie title and event information visit:ďŹ rstcugroup/events Concession provided with proceeds going to local charity. t &WFSZPOF XFMDPNF t /P DIBSHF t 8FBUIFS QFSNJUUJOH t