March 9, 2012 Undercurrent

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FRIDAY MARCH 9 2012 VOL. 38, NO. 45


including HST


What’s cooking?

Gaining access

What’s the island car?

Tir-na-nOg Theatre School receives funds for a kitchen

The challenge of wheeling and dealing with obstacles on Bowen

In over 25 years, Leigh Automotive has seen an evolution of vehicles

Regional changes affect waste collection Committee will look at on-island solutions and policy changes SUSANNE MARTIN EDITOR


otices have gone out to Bowen households to inform islanders of the imminent changes to the island’s waste collection. At the February 27 council meeting, Wil Hilsen, the municipality’s manager of engineering and operations, provided an update on the solid waste management plan. Hilsen stressed the necessity for a Solid Waste and Resource Management Advisory Committee. “The committee was supposed to be formed in January of 2012,” Hilsen said. “It will advise council on solid waste processing, review the solid waste management program for the 2012 transition year and develop a solid waste bylaw.” “There is a challenge here,” Hilsen said. “Solid waste management is evolving as Metro Vancouver integrates its new solid waste and resource management plan to include the mandatory removal of food scraps and ultimately all organics from the land fill waste stream.” Hilsen added that Metro Vancouver is also phasing out the burning of garden wastes and land clearing debris. “Those region-wide changes will force Bowen to alter our waste collection practice and update our bylaws and associate regulations pertaining to the management of solid waste and land clearing debris,” Hilsen said. “There is a strong awareness that these wastes are actually resources. And to process organics on the island is likely the best approach.” Continued PAGE 4

Saffron Gurney was among the parents who came out to support the teachers on Monday. She said, ‘The cuts have been horrendous, there is no sign that the cuts are stopping and I’m embarrassed to be a Canadian if this is what the government really thinks about our children.’ Debra Stringfellow photo

The truth lies somewhere in the middle DEBRA STRINGFELLOW CONTRIBUTOR


onday morning was the start of a three day legal strike that took our BC teachers to the streets with protest signs reading, “ Teachers Taking a Stand”. On Bowen, the teachers rotated shifts standing by the road side just above the tennis court on Mt. Gardner road. Local support for their actions came in many different ways, some parents and students rallied with the teachers, passersby honked their horns, waved and even brought coffee for

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the protesters. Not everybody was happy with this disruption that proved costly for families and businesses. People were left scrambling for alternative childcare and the effect on businesses is still unknown. John Winters of the BC Chambers of Commerce claims in an interview with News 1130, “a withdrawal of the work force in order to take care of children could prove costly for BC businesses.” To help alleviate the stresses that working parents face, the Bowen Island community recreation department pulled together a three

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day kids camp in record time. Politics aside, they stated that their mandate is to help with community needs and they worked very hard to achieve just that. As no picket lines were established, BICS remained open with limited staff and resources. Bus service was cancelled and parents were urged to keep their children at home. Though a handful of students were dropped off and cared for in the school library, most families respected the strike and dealt with the situation as best they could. Continued PAGE 2

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