FRIDAY MAY 18 2012 VOL. 39, NO. 3
including HST
Not hanging up the gloves
Talk about sex?
Off to summer school
Islander will steer Living Oceans Society through turbulent waters
Please do, Meg Hickling tells parents. It’s good for the children’s health.
For the love of ballet, a young dancer heads further afield
Government acknowledges the problem
A different decal for a different day
Transport Canada will conduct a study about abandoned and derelict vessels
Committee works to educate residents about the upcoming food waste collection
he long wait for a means to address the issue of abandoned and derelict vessels in Deep Bay may soon be over. The subject has repeatedly been brought to the attention of M.P. John Weston and last week, he responded to let concerned citizens know that it is on the radar screen of the Department of Transport and the federal government in general. He praised members of the community for their “perseverance and passion” and said, “I wanted to express my gratitude to Bruce Russell and other concerned islanders who have given me all the information and brought the issue to my attention. This enabled me to do my job.” Weston says that he has been in regular communications with the minister and that Transport Canada has confirmed the presence of a large number of abandoned and derelict vessels in the Bowen area. He added, “The first step in obtaining a remedy is often the acknowledgement that there’s a problem.” Weston has communicated that Transport Canada’s Marine Safety Operations and Environmental Programs Branch is currently consulting with various parties that are involved with dealing with abandoned and derelict vessels to assess the scope and proposed approach. A final report of the study is anticipated as soon as the beginning of June. Among the terms the study examines are the present states of various programs that have dealt with abandoned and derelict vessels. It will also create an inventory and review regulatory gaps in dealing with this issue, hoping to come to an understanding Continued PAGE 11
Nina Rhodes-Hughes has been much in the limelight lately as an eye-witness to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Story on page 3. Susanne Martin photo
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ood scraps need to be removed from general garbage and will be collected separately starting July 3. The Solid Waste Resource Management Advisory Committee (SWRMAC) is going full steam to get the word out and will hold an information meeting on Saturday, May 19, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at council chambers. At last Monday’s council meeting, SWRMAC’s chair Don Marshall gave a report on the committee’s work. “We’ve been meeting weekly since April 5,” he said. “We’ve created a long term plan that lays out three phases.” The first phase of the plan covers the current program where food scraps will be sent to the North Shore. The second phase envisions an on-island waste management facility that could commence operation in 2014. “I’ve been working on this intensely [with Zero Waste] for the last few years,” Marshall says. “And I’m excited to see it coming to fruition.” Educational activity is a big component of the first phase. “One of the things we’ve been focused on is using language that is positive and permissive,” Marshall said. “We believe that people are happy about the opportunity and that the next step of taking food out of garbage is not going to be difficult.” Councillor Alison Morse asked Marshall if there were any committee members who were in favour of just throwing food waste in with the general garbage. Marshall said no, and mayor Jack Adelaar stated that collecting food waste separately Continued PAGE 2
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