You are invited This public event is part of an invitational symposium to follow on Thursday, February 11, The Ingenuity Challenge for the Red Deer of 2030. The symposium will extend the evening presentations with Pasi Sahlberg and Stephen Murgatroyd and include an exploration of the community and leadership challenges ahead with feature speakers including: • Morris Flewwelling, Mayor of Red Deer • Joel Ward, President, Red Deer College • David King, Executive Director, Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta To register for the symposium contact J-C Couture at or call 1-800-232-7208.
Photos courtesy of Tourism Red Deer
Real Learning First through the Fourth Way
Continuing the Dialogue to Promote Real Learning First
Learning our way to the next Red Deer
In Alberta, the focus remains on narrow measures of learning. We can no longer hold back our students from becoming their best selves—creative and innovative individuals who will belong to a world that honours the diversity and complexity of our communities. Together, we must put Alberta back on the appropriate path to a better future.
Wednesday, February 10
Alberta teachers are committed professionals who view educational accountability as an important opportunity to improve learning opportunities for students. Teachers use multiple sources of information to provide for the ongoing assessment, evaluation and reporting of student progress.
A Public Dialogue with
Dennis Shirley
in conversation with
Pasi Sahlberg
Red Deer Lodge 4311 - 49th Avenue Red Deer, Alberta
moderated by
Stephen Murgatroyd
Visit to learn more about assessment and accountability and to join the discussion on standardized testing in Alberta. The site offers links to Association publications as well as leading international research that points to more effective ways to assess student progress.
Registration, reception and networking:
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. with no host bar.
Performing artists from Red Deer and area schools will be showcased during the reception.
Tickets: $10.00 Table of six $50.00 For tickets contact Jennifer Bahler at or 403-505-5889
(Proceeds to: Central Alberta Women’s Emergency Shelter).
Public lecture and discussion: 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. No-host bar reception to follow. PD-75-5e 2009 01
PD-75-5n 2009 12
Sponsored by the Red Deer Public and Red Deer Catholic Locals of the Alberta Teachers’ Association in partnership with the Red Deer Advocate and Red Deer College.
Media sponsor: