Testing the Joy Out of Learning

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Testing School cultures dominated by high-stakes tests are creating more and more reluctant learners. Sharon L. Nichols and David C. Berliner


ince the passage of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), students have been exposed to an unprecedented numberof tests. EvetA year in grades 3-8 and at least once in high school, \irtually all public school students take tests in math and reading (and soon science). Students also take regular benchmark tests—supposedly to predict performance on the mandated tests—and district assessments throughout the school year. The time spent talking about, preparing for, and taking tests has increased exponentially. What bas all this testing achieved? Five years after NCLB v^'as enacted, tbere is no convincing evidence that student learning has increased in any significant way on tests otber than the slates' ovm tests. On measures sucb as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), no reliable increases in scores have occurred, nor bave acblevement gaps between students of higher and lower socioeconomic classes narrowed. •^^ In contrast, a wealth of documentadon indicates that tbe unintended and largely negative effects of bigh-stakes testing are pervasive and a cause for concern {see Jones, Jones, & Hargrove, 2003; Orfield & Komhaber, 2001). Tn our own research, we have documented


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hundreds of cases in which bigh-stakes testing bas banned teaching and learning (Nicbols & Berliner, 2007). For example, high-stakes testing bas been associated witb suspicious forms of data manipulation, as well as outright cheating. Tbe tests undermine teacherstudent relalionsbips, lead to a narrowing of tbe curriculum, demoralize teacbers, and bore students. Research bas not fully examined tbe impact of tbis testdominated scbool environment on students' attitudes and dispositions toward learning. But we suspect ibat for most students, scbooling is less joyful ihan it was; and for reluctant learners, schooling is worse than ever.

Overvaluing Testing, Undervaluing Learning From the mouvation luerature, we know tbat learners are more likely to enjoy learning when activities are meaningful, fun, or interesting. Yet, again and again, higb-stakes testing dlminisbcs the

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