Physique 3D Winter 2013

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eat smart




Motivate Your Kids How They Can Join the Ultimate Teen Challenge



fear of diabetes







| VOL.

2 NO. 1




Departments/Columns 4 Editor’s Letter 16 Hot Buys



Features Get fired up and start the year off right by reinvigorating your fitness program with these smart and effective workout tips.

28 THE 5 RULES OF EXERCISE NUTRITION Check out these five ways to get the most out of your exercise program by properly fueling yourself for health and performance.

38 THE SPORTS-NUTRITION DECODER Confused by all the lingo in your local supplement store? Here’s an everyday person’s guide to understanding sports nutrition.

38 GENERATION STRONG Join the fun at the Ultimate Teen Challenge, and get the student athlete in your life motivated and fit while still having fun. COVER PHOTO: Cory Sorensen

6 News & Notes Breaking news and research in the world of health and fitness.

10 Your Personal


IFBB professional Dave Hawk answers your questions about nutrition and training.

Check out these cutting-edge products that can make a big difference in your overall regimen.

40 How I Did It! No Turning Back Meet a woman who dropped over 100 lb and saved herself from a dangerous diagnosis.


| From the Editor |





his year marks the 25th anniversary of the Arnold Sports Festival, the granddaddy of American fitness shows. (You may be reading this magazine at the ASF right now!) Held annually in Columbus, Ohio, this collection of sports and fitness events is attended by over a 100,000 people, who jam the expo aisles to meet fitness superstars and collect complimentary gifts from the dozens of booth exhibits.







PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

If you enjoy the ASF, you’re going to love the Europa Games. That’s because Europa puts you at the center of the action. Held four times throughout the year, the Europa Games are tailored for the weekend warrior, and prides itself on being accessible to the whole family. Whether your passion is martial arts, bodybuilding, CrossFit, powerlifting or another activity, you’ll find it at the Europa Games. And like the ASF, the Europa Games feature lively expos, with tons of booths, where you can meet some of the biggest names in the industry. Formerly known as the Europa Get Fit & Sports Expo, the Europa Games will be held four times this year in these major cities:

u Orlando,

April 19-20 June 29 u Dallas, August 16-17 u Phoenix, October 19. u Hartford,

A highlight of the Europa Games is Europa University. Organized by the International Society of Sports Nutritionists, Europa University presents important new research in nutrition and exercise, along with seminars from experts who share practical information that you can apply to your own fitness program. The Europa Games will also roll out a series of obstacle-course challenges for those who have become fans of athletic events like Tough Mudder and Spartan races. With so many people concerned about the nation’s youth, Europa Games are a godsend to those who wish to inspire young people to get more involved in the fitness lifestyle, while fostering a closer and more rewarding family experience. MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW! Visit to find out how you can make arrangements to visit one (or all!) of these great sports and fitness celebrations.


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Science to Kids:

Get Active! A swarm of new research affirms the benefits of exercise for children and adolescents.

Three recent studies highlight the importance of exercise for kids and teens.


Even small amounts of exercise boosts self-esteem in teens. Just minutes of stationary cycling improved an array of psychological effects for obese teens in this study from the Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Markers of self-esteem, scholastic abilities, body image and social competence all improved for the overweight adolescents. Aerobic exercise cuts diabetes risk in children. Only 20 minutes a day help to improve insulin resistance and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

2) 4

PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013


Vigorous exercise boosts kids’ overall health. The adolescents, some obese, did more than seven minutes of intense exercise daily and improved waist size, blood pressure, body mass and other health measures. The kids averaged 12 years of age. The study appeared in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. Bottom Line: The lead researcher in one study stressed that parents should “throw away the scale” when helping their children, overweight or not, improve themselves physically and mentally, but get them moving.


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Here are Your 5 Fattest States Obesity rates continue to climb in the U.S., with the South and Midwest regions leading the fat pack. Here are the top five heaviest states by percentage of obese residents, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

1. Mississippi: 34.9% 2. Louisiana: 33.4% 3. West Virginia: 32.4% 4. Alabama: 32% 5. Michigan: 31.3% The thinnest state? Colorado, with 20.7% of residents in the obese category.

CHOCOLATE SUPERCHARGE How to make it: Start with 3 heaping tbsp of organic, nonfat, plain ricotta cheese. Add 2 tbsp of pumpkin seeds, a few crushed coffee beans, 1 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa, a drop of sunflower oil, and a generous contribution of sweetener (the cocoa is naturally bitter, so you’ll want enough sweetness to offset it). Mix in water to meet your desired consistency. Why you should eat it: The coffee beans combined with the cocoa will give you an endorphin and serotonin boost, and maybe even a buzz. Pumpkin seeds are great for prostate health, and are loaded with manganese and magnesium. They’re also a substantial source of iron, copper and zinc.

WATCH YOUR STEP—AND YOUR EGO About 1,500 gymgoers visit the ER each year from accidents, says the Consumer Products Safety Commission. Most injuries are treadmill-related, followed by free-weight mishaps. About 82% of weightlifting injuries were suffered by men—likely from lifting too heavy in order to look more macho in the club. Check your egos at the door, guys.

quick tips SOY ISOFLAVONES MAY HELP OLDER WOMEN LOSE WEIGHT Supplements of soy isoflavones helped menopausal women reduce body weight and improve the metabolism of glucose, according to a study in the journal Nutrition.


PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

EXERCISING CUTS APPETITE IN WOMEN Forty-five minutes of brisk walking lowered the brain’s response to food, even in obese women, according to a study in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

TURMERIC CAN HELP MANAGE BLOOD SUGAR Research in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research found that the spice helped those with type-2 diabetes reduce the level of the free fatty acids in their bloodstream.


- morning energy boost -

try this!

BAN WHITE CARBS AT NIGHT Cut out bread, pasta, potatoes and rice from your last meal of the day and substitute steamed vegetables. It not only helps to keep off those extra pounds, but it improves your body’s elimination process.

Does 30 Minutes Beat an Hour?

Pumping Iron Aids Cardio Fitness You get more than muscle and strength by training with weights; you also get a boost in cardiovascular capacity. According to a study in the Journal of Exercise Physiology, resistance training performed to failure “is sufficient to induce significant improvement in cardiovascular fitness.” Bottom Line: While the researchers stress that training programs should be varied, by raising the intensity of your weightlifting program to always train until failure, you’ll build cardio fitness as well.



Uplifting News: Pumping iron can help enhance overall fitness capacity.


A recent study in the American Journal of Physiology proposed that a 30-minute workout is just as effective for weight loss as training for an hour. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen followed a group of “heavy but healthy” men who trained every day for three months. The halfhour group lost 8 lb, while the hour-long group lost only 6 lb. Bottom Line: Workout benefits depend on numerous factors, such as type of exercise, intensity, physique goals and the nutritional regimen of the exerciser. There’s no “one size fits all” workout length, but any exercise is better than none.

That’s the total amount of U.S. states that had met a target of reducing obesity among adults to 15%, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Winter 2013 PHYSIQUE 3D





During the week I usually finish working out around 9 p.m. Should I avoid eating carbs after a late workout so I can get leaner? Also, is it better to do cardio before or right after my weight workout? Studies have shown that a combination of protein and carbs is best after any workout, no matter what time you do it. These macronutrients stimulate the body’s metabolism and help support the release of key muscle-building hormones while repairing muscle tissue. The actual ratio depends on your goal and amount of lean body weight. In my experience, a ratio of 1:1 or even 2:1 protein-to-carbs can be ideal when trying to gain some lean muscle mass while losing excess body fat. As for your second question, the best time to do cardio is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This is the optimal time to burn fat and speed up your metabolism. (You can weight-train later in the evening as time permits.) If you can’t do cardio in the morning, perform it immediately after your weight training. You want to preserve energy for the weight workout, so don’t do cardio beforehand. Plus, performing low-impact cardio after a weight workout helps you to burn extra fat and calories while stimulating the release of natural growth hormone.

n HAVE A QUESTION FOR DAVE? Submit it to him at 10

PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013





Digestive enzymes are very important. Your nutrition is only as good as what your body allows you to break down and utilize. Many athletes say, “It’s not exactly what you eat, but what you utilize that counts.” There are many very effective enzymes, such as pepsin, papain and papaya to name a few, but most just break down your nutrients into muscle energy, not necessarily supporting you with improved and greater muscle recovery. This is where two digestive enzymes— Aminogen and Carbogen—become very effective in better utilizing your food and/or food supplements (i.e., protein powders, bars, RTDs). Aminogen is a halal-certified patented enzyme product with extensive clinical data showing how it helps the body break down food protein, improves the absorption of amino acids, and increases nitrogen retention. Clinical studies show Aminogen increases free amino acid levels by 100%, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) by 250% and nitrogen by 32%. This is why it helps you build more muscle mass and improves recovery. Another interesting enzyme is Carbogen. This enzyme helps the body make better use of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source, so making better utilization of carbs will increase



PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

your energy and workout capacity. Carbogen has been shown to increase endurance during exercise by 143% and decrease lactic acid by 275%. These truly effective digestive enzymes can be found in some of the top sports-nutrition products on the market today.

of their original fat burner that has long been a favorite of gym-goers who want to take their weight-loss efforts to the next level. Thermogenics alone are not a silver bullet for fat loss, but when used properly to complement a solid nutritional and exercise plan, these supplements become strategic tools that provide greater results. However, before using any nutritional supplement, always consult with your physician and remember use the products only as directed.

CAN A FAT BURNER HELP ME LOSE WEIGHT? I’m a 34-year-old woman who’s been following a consistent training and diet program and seeing good results, but I want to drop a bit more fat. I’d like to take a quality fat burner but am worried how it will make me feel. Can you explain how they work?


As you are learning, a consistent healthy diet and exercise regimen is by far your best way to lose unwanted body fat and keep it off. But this process takes time, and most of us want faster results so we look to natural diet aids to speed the body’s metabolism and support the fat-burning process for greater results. In studies, many key nutrients found in top brands have shown to not only to burn fat and calories faster, and support strength and energy, but also to create a natural anti-catabolic environment, allowing your body to preserve more muscle tissue while on a lower-calorie diet with exercise. One new fat burner on the market that’s getting a lot of attention is Dyma-Burn Xtreme by Dymatize Nutrition. It contains three potent proprietary blends into a single powerful but safe formula that includes green tea extract, caffeine, chromium, raspberry ketones and other well-researched nutrients that help enhance mood and energy along with boosting metabolism. Another thermogenic I recommend is OxyElite Pro by USPlabs, an upgrade


Quality fat burners can help you get the most out of your exercise routine.


INTESTINAL FORTITUDE I’m trying to build muscles and wonder how important is it to take digestive enzymes? If so, what do you recommend?


Cutting Edge Breakthrough News…

“Insiders Reveal Secret: Getting Ripped Is Simpler Than You’ve Been Lead To Believe...” If You Thought OxyElite Pro™ Gave You Insane Results - Get Ready For The “Shock n’ Awe” That Has People In The Know Routinely Saying “Why Have I Not Been Doing This All Along?”

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ave you ever heard of a bodybuilder taking just ONE thing to get shredded while staying thick & muscular? No, of course not, they know the secret is to attack from multiple pathways to reveal the killer 8-pack and super hard, dense muscles... USPlabs didn’t invent the “stack” (but they have been credited with taking it to the next level) - If you want to take your physique from “Blah” to “Boom!” this is a must the general public doesn’t know about…


OxyElite Pro™ & PowerFULL™ – “Shock n’ Awe”… Shock - Did you know your bodyfat can be held hostage? How you ask? It’s called the Alpha-2 adrenoceptor which are mainly around your abdominals, love handles and buttocks – precisely where you don’t want them... The alpha-2 adrenoceptor is responsible for inhibiting lipolysis – which basically means it can allow the body to store fat AND prevent the body from burning it… making subcutaneous fat stick to your body like Super Glue®! When it comes to improving your looks, this kind of fat makes or breaks your physique – If you’re smart enough to know how to block these receptors, we’re talkin’ 8-pack city baby! Unfortunately, if they are turned on like most people, you’re helpless and embarrassed to take your shirt off... Not to fret, #1 Award-Winning, University Studied OxyElite Pro is here... Awe - GH is called the “fountain of youth” for a reason. Athletes and models risk everything, including their careers, to enhance their levels of this incredible compound… They know nothing helps to develop the “total package” better than GH…

Shock - University Studied Thermogenic Voted Best Fat Burner By Customers!*

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have been ‘husky’ since junior high. I tried numerous diet pills and nothing really worked. Then I found OxyElite Pro. I got on a proper diet, started working out and in less than a year my friends did not even recognize me! Then I took it to the next level an added PowerFULL...not only did I continue to get amazing results, but my bench and all my lifts started to go up! I was building it up while stripping it down. Nothing comes close to this stack.” P. Santiago - Oxnard, CA

have anabolic effects in skeletal muscle as well… In other words you get to have your cake and eat it too! Enter PowerFULL™ - 3 Time Award Winning GH Enhancer and now University Studied! There’s a reason it’s remained a staple year after year. Try one serving and you’ll know exactly what we are talking about. Here’s the down and dirty - Its simple, you want freaky shreds and smokeshows asking for your phone #? Then you need to go balls to the wall, dominate the gym and dial in your diet...

hen I started I was overweight and embarrassed to take off my shirt in public. I started the combo and noticed right away that I would never be the same again. Energy and performance in the gym had sky rocketed! A year later I had people coming up to me and asking for advice on working out! But I wasn’t done yet - I continued to work my ass off and a few months later - BAM! Single digit body-fat baby. You got a customer for life!” A, Dillion - Olivia, MN


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Luckily you are privy to the insider information now and can go to THE ALL NEW and get it all laid out. See you in the gym,

You see, as we age, our bodies produce less and less of it…starting as early as our 20’s & can decline as much as 14% per decade – Yikes! Sure users report incredible sleep from taking it, but what we are really excited about is GH’s amazing ability to influence how you look & feel! In fat cells, GH decreases glucose uptake and stimulates lipolysis. Also, by increasing IGF-1, it can P.S – Want more proof? When is the last time you ever saw two products that are customer favorites AND University Studied? Never! OxyElite Pro™ & PowerFULL™ are the real deal. Proven in gyms around the world and now in the lab.

© 2011 USPlabs, llc. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Information in this ad should not be used as an indication or prediction of your individual results. Individuals are some of our most successful customers & followed a dedicated training & nutrition program and may have used other dietary supplements in addition to those illustrated. All examples are for illustration purposes only. USPLabs is not affiliated with, and its products are not endorsed by, the United States Pharmacopeia, Rockville, MD.

PROTEIN: HOW MUCH, WHAT KIND I’m 5’10, 160 lb and I work out religiously. I’ve been trying to put on muscle but my results aren’t happening. I believe I need to increase my protein consumption but don’t know how much I should be taking. Can you help?


The amount of protein an individual consumes is based primarily on lean body mass and your goal. There are three body types: ectomorph (a lean person with a fast metabolism, your typical hardgainer); mesomorph (a natural



PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

Dave Hawk is a former Mr. USA and Mr. World, and a consultant, personal trainer and adviser to NFL, NHL, WWE and NASCAR athletes.

muscle man/woman); and endomorph (your larger, thicker, heavy-set individual with a slower metabolism). You sound like an ectomorph. Ectomorphs usually need a minimum of 1.2–1.7 g of protein per pound of lean body mass to help feed the body to grow. For example, a 160-lb healthy person should consume approximately 200 g per day (160 x 1.25), divided into five meals, along with calories from quality carbs and healthy fats. A diet consisting of approximately 40% carbs, 35% protein and 25% fats is a good range for most musclebuilding athletes to begin reaching

Drinking protein blends of soy, whey and casein before and after training will help boost results.

their lean-mass target numbers. When building muscle, it’s important maintain a positive nitrogen balance. This is critical for muscle recovery and new muscle growth. When your body doesn’t have the necessary amino acids at the times needed, it goes into negative nitrogen balance and begins to cannibalize muscle tissue. Whey is a great protein source at certain times during the day, however protein blends taken throughout the day may have the advantage, as they provide different absorption rates, which keeps you at a higher nitrogen balance longer, delivering more consistent amino acids during longer times of muscle recovery. In simple terms, different protein sources raise blood amino acids levels at different rates, termed “time-release rate.” Proteins can be categorized into three basic groups: fast release, medium release and slow release. Which category is the most effective for weight-training athletes has been a heated debate recently. Each category has its own characteristics and benefits. n Fast Release: Increases blood amino acids levels rapidly, but amino acid levels also fall rapidly. Source: Whey protein peptide and isolate. n Medium Release: Takes slightly longer to raise blood amino acids levels, but also drops slower. Source: Soy protein isolate or milk protein isolate. n Slow Release: Provides a gradual increase and maintains blood amino acid levels for longer duration of time. Sources: Casein and whole-food protein. Each of these individual protein sources have their own unique benefits, but recent research suggests that a blend of whey protein isolate, soy protein isolate and casein may be the magic formula for exercisers looking for the perfect protein. Try this triple threat and see how it works for you.




Achieve Excellence


TRY THESE CUTTING-EDGE SPORTS-NUTRITION SUPPLEMENTS TODAY. 1 14 DAYS TO AWESOME 14 TO LEAN is a two-week weight-management system designed by world-famous celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson. This three-step nutrition plan gives you an energy catalyst, an appetite suppressant and an ultra-lean finishing compound. Following Gunnar’s customized weighttraining plan while using these potent products will have you ready to walk the red carpet like an ultra-fit celebrity in just 14 days. Go to for more.


2 TRAIN LIKE YOU MEAN IT CYTOSPORT’S MONSTER PUMP NOS generates what you want in your preworkout supplement: intense mental focus, clean energy, enhanced nitric oxide levels and explosive muscle power. There are no mystery proprietary blends that leave you wondering if there is enough of an ingredient to even produce results. With Monster Pump NOS, you see the exact quantity of each active ingredient per serving.


ISATORI’S EAT-SMART MEAL BAR is a brand-new protein-packed nutrition bar that delivers delectable taste in a filler-free recipe. You get 27 g of high-quality whey protein hydrolosates without empty sugar alcohols, unhealthy fats and worthless gelatin protein. Its high-fiber content makes this delicious portable meal a smart choice indeed.

3 5

4 A JACKED-UP SNACK MHP’S POWER PAK PUDDING is ideal whether you’re looking to drop pounds or add muscle. With only 190 calories per serving, Power Pak Pudding delivers 30 g of excellent protein, great for building muscle, and also 4.5 g of fat and 9 g of carbs.

5 PREPARE TO LAUNCH OPTIMUM NUTRITION’S PLATINUM PREputs your muscles into overdrive for every workout. Just one scoop gives you 1 g of micronized citrulline in a patent-pending peptide delivery system; 1.6 g of carnosyn beta-alanine; 200 mg of caffeine; 125 mg of capsicum fruit extract from chili peppers; and 250 g of an intense phytoblend of beat-juice powder, grape-seed extract and vitamin Cr.


6 NEW FORMULA, CLASSIC QUALITY USPLABS JACK3D MICRO is a fresh cutting-edge take on the famous preworkout supplement that changed the industry. Jack3d Micro combines unfamiliar nutrients with time-tested central-nervous-system activators and nitric-oxide (NO) boosters in precise ratios that result in an exponentially more potent delivery system. It contains no DMAA, AAKG, beta-alanine or creatine, and it’s not designed to be an ultra-heavy stimulant, but packs a powerful pump.

7 TAKE A “HIT” FOR FAT-LOSS ANS PERFORMANCE has created a fat burner called “HIT” that revs up your metabolism while enhancing cognitive function, helping you to sizzle off body fat while staying on your game. With a unique formula created after years of research and development, the “High-Intensity Thermogenic” also acts as an appetite suppressant. 16

PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013




8 HAVE YOUR CAKE AND GROW MUSCLE, TOO BSN’S SYNTHA 6 premium protein vanilla cake batter is a dream come true for fitness fanatics. A BCAA-rich blend of a half-dozen different types of top-quality proteins, this power-packed formula is the perfect anabolic snack for any time of day. Developed for optimum taste satisfaction, Syntha-6 doesn’t skimp on growth activators, delivering 22 g of protein and 10 g of essential amino acids per serving. You’ll gain a new appetite for building muscle as you satisfy your appetite for tasty desserts.



player in the field of functional coffee. Backed by 15 clinical studies, Rise is an instant coffee that contains five times the amount of probiotics than found in a single serving of yogurt, boosting digestive health and immune function.

10 GUILTLESS TREATS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY NOGII is a company known for creating smart snacks that are great for kids and adults. The NoGii Super Protein Bar is a gluten-free, delicious treat that delivers 30 g of a highquality protein blend designed to meet the demanding needs of active men. Go to to learn more more about this high-energy bar and how to get it.

10 spotlight

Frying Off Body Fat (without feeling fried)! Dyma-Burn Xtreme with raspberry ketones is a cutting edge thermogenic for the 21st century Another new year has just begun and everyone is looking for an edge in burning off that holiday weight gain. Dymatize Nutrition comes to the rescue for those who find it difficult to lose that stubborn body-fat that seems to cling to your waste and thighs no matter how hard you work out. Here’s the secret to the amazing power of Dyma-Burn Xtreme.

A BERRY STRONG INGREDIENT Raspberry ketones (RK) has emerged as the go-to fat-burning ingredient in today’s top thermogenics. While it ramps up your metabolic engine, this natural fat fighter doesn’t stimulate your nervous system into the stratosphere and leave you jittery and suffering with insomnia. Clinical studies back this up. Japanese researchers found that RK was effective in preventing obesity in response to a high-calorie diet. RK specifically promoted increased norepinephrine-induced fat breakdown, enhanced thermogenesis and inhibited absorption of dietary fat. Together these effects contributed to a profound reduction in whole-body fat and fat in visceral adipose tissue and the liver. This method of utilizing neurochemical manipulation means that you receive a powerful boost in metabolism with a gentle overall effect on your nervous stystem.

DYMA-BURN’S UNIQUE FORMULA OF THREE POTENT BLENDS Dyma-Burn Xtreme contains three proprietary blends for maximum effects. XanaTHIN: A strategic blend of methylxanthines that provide energy and metabolic support. EPX 200: A specific ratio of sclareolides, EGCG and polyphenolics derived from water-extracted green tea and salvia sclarea. CapsaTONE: A precise blend of capsionoids and raspberry ketones tested for purity and potency. This high-tech formula can help you finally gain control over appetite while helping you boost energy. And as with every Dymatize product, only the purest, highest quality supplements are carefully selected and formulated for Dyma-Burn Xtreme.

Winter 2013 PHYSIQUE 3D


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Enter Smiling: Committing to the fitness lifestyle starts with the simple act of just showing up.


PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

The Year You

CHANGED YOUR LIFE That would be this year. This time you’re going to get on track and stay there to reach your 2013 fitness goals.


sk someone to think “New Year’s cliché” and they’re likely to imagine everything from a cute-puppy calendar or the Times Square ball drop. But none of those traditions is as prevalent as that classic American declaration of getting fit. Anxious to take advantage of the clean-slate psychology offered by the new year, more first-time and returning gym-goers enroll at their local fitness club in January than during any other month. “It really starts the day after Christmas,” says Joe Cirulli, founder of Florida’s renowned Gainesville Health and Fitness Center franchise. “We used to start our promotion January 1, and then we realized, we need to start right on Christmas day.” Gifting yourself with a gym membership is one thing; using it all year long is the tricky part, says Belisa Vranich, PsyD, advisor with the Gold’s Gym Fitness Institute. “Trying to make something a habit, or a regular thing you do as an adult, is a huge challenge. You have to literally reprogram your brain to have new neuropathways by doing it over and over and over.” Put another way: Your body is the world’s most complex and capable computer, but it’s not good for much if it doesn’t have the right algorithm to follow. Here’s how to get the most out of your New Year’s reboot.



Of all the motivated people who join health clubs in an effort to realize their calendar-marked resolutions, roughly 60% begin slacking within three to six months. That’s because so few attendees have any plan in mind beyond a hazy goal of getting fit, says Diane Whaley, PhD, associate professor of sport and exercise psychology at the University of Virginia. “Say your goal is to be a healthier person. What the heck does that mean? You have to have strategies. There’s a very simple principle of goal setting called SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Contingent.” It’s the “R” that gives people the most trouble. Expecting to shed 40 pounds virtually overnight is a frequent disappointment, and a key reason people slink out of the gym and into a private cookie party. (Losing 1–2 pounds a week with proper diet and exercise is more realistic.) Instead, says Whaley, you should assign yourself specific, frequent goals and then take action to meet them. If 40 pounds is your eventual finish line, you’re better off thinking of it in four 10-pound increments. “Maybe your long-term goal is weight loss, but you have a bunch of short-term plans. You’re able to see progress over that time span.”


PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

Equally dispiriting for burgeoning gym members is the intimidation factor of the facility—like the first day in a new school, you don’t know where anything is. On your first visit, ask for a guided tour: Cirulli has increased his facility’s retention rate by making sure no one feels disoriented by the equipment or layout. He has staff show new members everything from the floor schematic to their storage area. “The idea is to make them feel comfortable walking into the gym,” he says. “Think about how frustrating it would be for a brand-new member to come in, and they can’t even figure out how to open up a locker.”

Strength in Numbers The mob mentality isn’t always a bad thing: Group exercises classes have been shown to promote a higher exercise retention rate, both because the classes provide dynamic cardiovascular training and because relationships can be forged with the attendees. “They can break the boredom, and you can lean on others to psych you up when you just don’t have the energy,” says Vranich. Most gyms have an elaborate menu of classes to choose from (everything from yoga to “boot camp” training), but narrowing down a selection isn’t difficult, says Pete McCall,


Setting the Goal Posts

Il os t22l bsi n1mont hus i ngHI Twi t houtl os i ngmus c l emas s ! Is t r ongl yr e c omme ndHI Tt oany onel ooki ngt ol e anup ore x pe r i e nc eal i f ec hange . –T.Cr i s p,Col umbus ,OH I ’ v ebe e nt aki ngHI Tf or2mont hsandl os twe i ght&i nc he son mywai s t l i ne .I tc ur bsmyappe t i t et ohe l pmewi t hpor t i on c ont r olandf e e l i ngs at i s f i e d!–TJLi ndaue r ,L asVe gas ,NV Wi t hHI TIe atl e s satmyme al sandhav enode s i r et os nac k be t we e nme al s .Ic anf e e lmybodyt e mpe r at ur er i s e andIknowi t ’ swor ki ng. –J .Mc Cl i nt oc k,Phoe ni x ,AZ

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CSCS, exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise (ACE)—providing you ask yourself the right questions. “The most important thing is to find an activity they enjoy doing. If somebody was a cross-country runner or enjoyed endurance-type activities in high school, they’re more likely to enjoy an indoor cycling class as opposed to a boxing class. If they played team sports, they might enjoy a sports-centric class.” Carol Kennedy-Armbruster, MS, lecturer with the Department of Kinesiology at Indiana University, recommends looking at the class durations for a clue on their intensity level. “When people first start out, they don’t need to be going for an hour or more,” she reasons. “Those classes were designed for people who have been exercising regularly. You’re starting out, and you want to do something you’re going to be successful at. Find one that’s not long or intense, and then progress.”

While newly active people should have a baseline of fitness before attending a class—a few weeks of walking at a moderate pace will get your body used to the exertion—indoor cycling is a terrific option for beginners, says McCall, because cyclists can pedal at their own pace and not have to worry about slowing down the group. “I’ve never seen two bikes bumping into each other,” he laughs. “You can get your workout, and I can get mine.” For those who want to make exercise feel less like exercise, a dance routine like Zumba has worked wonders for enthusiasts. “It makes the time go by faster,” says Kennedy-Armbruster. “You don’t realize you’re moving. You’re not sore because it’s not about muscle groups. It’s about having fun while you dance.” The best of the rest? Pilates and yoga are “more about strength and flexibility,” says Kennedy-Armbruster, while boot camp training “can be intense” and isn’t a great option for beginners. (See our sidebar for more details.)






What is it? Mounted on stationary bikes, the class pedals to match the intensity of the instructor and the music; you might be going up “hills,” sprinting or racing, depending on your speed and resistance setting. Great for: Cardiovascular endurance; no-impact lowerbody toning Best for: Beginner to advanced Watch out for: Going too hard, too fast; try a short-duration class at a moderate pace.

What is it? A trademarked Latin dance class, Zumba boasts roughly 1 million active participants who perform nightclub-style dance moves set to music. Great for: Burning calories without the monotony of cardio machines Best for: Beginner to advanced Watch out for: Pivoting can stress joints—ask your instructor for suggestions on appropriate footwear.

What is it? A faux-military class where exercisers use body-weight exercises (pushups, squats) and outdoor activities (sprints) to simulate combat training. (Don’t worry: instructors rarely yell.) Great for: Muscular endurance, weight loss Best for: Intermediate to advanced Watch out for: Obstacle courses and uneven or wet terrain could be hazardous to your footing—be prepared for a spill or two.

What is it? A surprisingly intense program that combines breathing exercises with stretching; low emphasis on aerobic exercise. Great for: Strength and flexibility Best for: Intermediate to advanced Watch out for: Going beyond a safe range of motion, which can lead to muscle pain or strain; those with high blood pressure might aggravate it with certain postures.


PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013


By feeding off the motivation, intensity and effort of fellow fitness buffs, a group exercise class can be one of the most effective ways to shed those holiday pounds. A handy guide to some of the more popular sessions:




3:41 PM









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GETTING PERSONAL Even with a solid group dynamic and a friendly staff, gym newcomers are often dazed and confused at the options available on the main floor. Row after row of complex weight and cardio machines promise better health, but some of them might invite more comparisons to a brain teaser than a body trimmer. The answer to those woes is a personal trainer, according to Ron J. Clark, president of the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT). “Two words? Education and motivation,” he says. A trainer will not only instruct you on the proper program for your goals, he/she will also reduce the possibility for injury by showing you proper form; better, they’ll hold you accountable to a schedule. While you may be tempted to ask a friend for a recommendation—or simply approach the buffest guy with the club’s T-shirt on—the best way is to sit down with a gym counselor and explain your goals. “The health club should make the match based on the skill set of the individual trainer,” Clark reasons. “Let’s say someone has some orthopedic issues. You want to steer them toward a trainer who’s [properly] certified. Or let’s say it’s a young athlete who needs coaching. Maybe you’d want to steer them toward a personal trainer who’s with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).” Sit down with your prospective trainer and solicit details on how often he can work with you and for how much ($50–75 per hour is the national average). Once you’re comfortable with terms, you can map out personal goals and get expert advice on the best way to achieve them; some trainers will even recommend body-composition testing so you can chart your progress down to the ounce, a crucial technique if you’re frightened by the scale going up after a prolonged regimen. (Don’t sweat it: you’re probably gaining muscle and losing fat.)


PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

Motivation Sensation You’re in the right class, the weights are getting a little lighter, and the mirror is reflecting the results. So why do you feel like slacking? “Once they get the results they were looking for, they think, ‘OK, now I can take some time off,’” sighs Cirulli. “I see that a lot in rehab centers. It’s amazing how many people come in for rehab, get better, and when we offer them time in the club, only about 25% take advantage of it. Then they end up getting the same condition six months down the road.” Remind yourself that getting fit is only one part of the equation; maintaining it—or even setting new goals—is another. Those first three to six months are crucial when it comes to adopting a habit and making it a regular part of your life. Those sculpted bodies you see in the facility week after week? They got over the hump and embroidered fitness into their daily fabric. Many of them even experience guilt when they can’t make a session. “That’s good guilt,” says Whaley. “It tends to motivate you.” Want to reach that level of commitment? Here’s a tip most statistical couch potatoes don’t know: No matter how cold, dark or unappealing it might be, getting up and to the gym first thing in the morning is the best strategy for adhering to a program. “It takes some discipline to get up earlier, but the critical thing is that it’s over,” says Cirulli. “They don’t have to make a decision. The idea of getting it over with early in the morning gets you away from the potential of finding an excuse after work.”

“NO MATTER HOW COLD, DARK OR UNAPPEALING IT MIGHT BE, GETTING UP AND TO THE GYM FIRST THING IN THE MORNING IS THE BEST STRATEGY FOR ADHERING TO A PROGRAM.” Try to focus not on your current reluctance to go, but how you’ll feel afterward. “All of us have been there,” says Whaley. “You drag yourself in and you say, ‘Wow, I feel better. I’m glad I did that.’” (Another tip: If you’re dragging your feet, try putting your workout clothes on—it’s as good as getting halfway out the door.) Whaley also advises that no one should be discouraged by previous failed resolutions to get fit. “It’s not unusual for people to start and stop, just like any other behavior change. Look at smoking. For an individual to quit smoking, it rarely works the first time. You need to do it a bunch of times. We shouldn’t think of it as any different in terms of being physically active. You have to make exercise an important part of what you do and who you are.”


Don’t Waste a Rep: A trainer can help you take full advantage of every minute in the gym.

5 Rules THE


Exercise Nutrition Here’s how to keep your tank full and your body energized.


ccording to some estimates, keeping fit is 80% nutrition. Whether or not you buy into that number, you know that all the exercise in the world can’t make up for a lousy diet. And if you’re an active person who is trying to change body composition, your nutritional demands are different from couch potatoes. Active people need to keep their engines revving. Of most concern are the macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein and fat. You also need to pay attention to your hydration if you regularly exercise. Following the five commandments below will not only help you nutritionally support your workouts, but also your ability to lose weight while firming up your musculature. 28

PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013



Even the best workout program won’t make up for poor nutrition habits, such as lack of hydration.


n Eat fast-burning carbs after your workout. After exercise, you want to capitalize on the carbohydrate window— A lot of people put themselves on very low-calorie the first 30–60 minutes after your workout when the muscles diets when they get serious about losing weight. are primed to replace muscle glycogen. This is critical for Unfortunately, this strategy is doomed to fail for two reasons. First, it’s not sustainable. If you’re cutting back endurance in your next workout. Immediately after you exercise, drastically on calories and you exercise your muscles are like sponges. They are regularly, you’re going to lose weight in the depleted of their glycogen (the storage form It’s about quality calories, not just short term (both body fat and muscle of sugar), and they are looking to fill back raw numbers, especially at crucial meals like breakfast. mass), but you’re going to be hungry and up. You need fast carbs to get as much sugar feel weak most of the time. Ultimately, back into muscles. you’ll return to your former eating Fast carbs include glucose, sucrose, patterns, and then you’re not only likely maltodextrin (those found in sports drinks), to add back all the weight you just lost, Vitargo, sugary candy, sports beans, gummies but you may even gain more. and gels. That glycogen will then be present Second, extreme calorie cutting reduces for energy and endurance during the next your metabolic rate—the amount of caloexercise session. ries that your body naturally burns to n Ingest at least 0.5 g of carbs per pound of body weight. Restocking your perform all of its daily functions, including glycogen stores right after you exercise is mobility, digestion, breathing, etc. By one of the best strategies for having energy reducing your metabolic rate, you make it the next time you perform the same activity. more likely that you’ll increase your body weight and fat stores with normal eating patterns. Follow these tips to avoid calorie shortfalls while dieting: n Only reduce your calorie consumption about 10–15% Studies clearly demonstrate that active people below what you need for body-weight maintenance. don’t eat enough protein, and that applies to both Increase your calorie burning through anaerobic (weight genders. In fact, inadequate protein intake is perhaps training) and aerobic (walking, running, etc.) activities. This the leading nutritional blunder among active women. slower rate of burning body fat not only makes it easier to Why is protein so important? It just so happens that, after sustain fat loss, but it also can help you maintain a higher brain tissue, muscle is the most metabolically active tissue in metabolic rate to better manage your weight in the long term. your body. Current estimates indicate that every pound of muscle you have devours between 35–75 calories per day, n Never train on empty. Instead of skipping that meal and that doesn’t include the calories your muscles burn and running on fumes, eating a nutritious snack or taking a during exercise. For every pound of muscle tissue you lose, meal-replacement supplement may give you the resolve you your metabolic rate falls by about 5%. Do the following: need to hit the gym later in the day. n Include a full serving of protein with every meal. Protein has a higher thermic effect per calorie than other macronutrients, so consuming a diet that has plenty of protein Tired before your workout? That just won’t do. will help burn more body fat than a diet of equal calories that’s Energy is essential if you’re going to get the most lower in protein. bang for your buck in the gym. Before you exercise, make certain your brain has a steady n Follow the 4:1 carb-protein ratio before your supply of glucose, or blood sugar. During prolonged exercise workouts. For years, preworkout nutrition was all about of more than 60 minutes, a constant, steady source of carbohy- carbs. Recent research shows that endurance is further drate is a must to fuel your brain and provide a backup source enhanced when athletes take in protein along with carbs of fuel for muscles as muscle glycogen is depleted. before and during exercise. Research shows that a ratio of carbs to protein of 4:1 is best. This means that if you eat 40 g Sugar used to be considered bad in almost any capacity, but of carbs preworkout, you should eat at least 10 g of protein. sports science has proved that to be untrue. Before you work out, you should consume simple carbs or sugars. These sugars not only n Pick a fast-digesting protein before and after help fuel your workouts, but they also promote recovery, as the training. Before workouts, your best bets are fast-digesting sugars are readily stored as muscle glycogen. Knowing the right whey protein and medium-digesting soy. These will quickly type of carbs to consume before and after your workout is critical get into your bloodstream to provide energy for your workout for enhancing your endurance. Follow these general guidelines: and help spare muscle glycogen. After workouts, you need a combo of fast-digesting proteins and slow-digesting protein, n Take in slow-burning carbs before your workout. such as casein protein. A soy-whey-casein blend may be your Slow-digsting carbs include oatmeal, whole grains and foods best bet after you train. loaded with fiber (apples, cruciferous vegetables, etc.).






PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013



Warning Signs of Disordered Eating Be alert for potential signs of disordered eating in your own daily habits and attitudes toward food. Being at war with food (or your body) not only reduces your quality of life, but it also sets the stage for more serious health problems. Here are the signs to look for:

7 Skipping meals or going for long periods of

7 Feeling overly guilty or self-loathing for

7 Eating acceptable foods in front of others

time (more than five hours) without eating 7 “Forgetting” to eat 7 Rigid ideas about good foods/bad foods 7 Chronic dieting driven by body hatred/poor body image

breaking unrealistic food rules meant to keep one’s self “in line” 7 Fanatical or extreme “healthy” eating (i.e., sacrificing social eating situations and holiday celebrations in order to eat foods believed to be “right”)

and then bingeing on “forbidden” foods when alone 7 Using prescription pills, laxatives or compulsively exercising to compensate for dietary “mistakes”

Of course, it depends on the fat. Healthy fats contribute to the feeling of fullness and help stabilize blood sugar. The healthiest sources include monounsaturated fats from plant sources like nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados and long chain omega-3s. Fats to avoid include hydrogenated oils (trans fats) and saturated fats. In general, stop obsessively counting fat grams and start eating healthy fats. Follow these eating guidelines: n Replace all high-caloried snack foods with raw nuts, seeds, nut butters and dried fruit. Despite their being calorically dense, nuts do not appear to cause fat gain. In fact, frequent nut consumption has been linked to improvements in body composition and a decreased risk for weight gain, diabetes and heart disease. n Use omega-3-rich extra virgin olive oil. Use it for salad dressings, marinades, and low- to medium-temperature cooking, and coconut oil for high-temperature cooking. n Consume essential fats, particularly fish oils. Cutting-edge research has demonstrated an association between omega-3 fatty acids and increased muscle retention and fat burning. Omega-3s activate the PPAR alpha receptor, which frees up fat from existing fat cells to be burned for fuel. It also prevents further storage of other dietary fats in the fat cells. n Get your omega-3s from fish and algal oils. For oils, be sure they are protected from heat and light during storage. To meet targets for daily intake, indulge in servings of cold-water fish, such as salmon; prepare your salad dressings with omega-3


Healthy fats are full of nutrients and can even help with weight management.

rich oils; and include green, leafy vegetables and legumes. All of these contribute to reaching your total daily goals.


Active individuals need to drink a minimum of 2–3 liters of water or water-based fluids every day. Because proper hydration leads to enhanced thermoregulation and increased oxygen exchange in the lungs, the well-hydrated individual will have a more comfortable and more productive workout. Even slight dehydration hinders organ function, dampens the elimination of toxins and wastes, and causes metabolism to suffer. If you do nothing beyond increasing the amount of water you drink every day, you will likely notice more radiant skin, increased energy, enhanced mental focus and greater stamina during physical exertion. Follow these guidelines: n Be well hydrated before, during and after a workout. The American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for Hydration around exercise are as follows: Hydrate well in the 24 hours preceding exercise. Drink 400–600 ml of fluid 2 hours before training. Drink 150–350 ml of fluid every 15–20 minutes during training. Drink water before meals. A study presented at a National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston found that drinking just two 8-oz glasses of water before meals led to sustained weight loss. After doing so, subjects ate between 75–90 fewer calories during meals. Don’t use thirst as an indicator for hydration needs. You’re already dehydrated if that’s the case. This is especially crucial when exercising in hot weather. For long exercise sessions, you may want to upgrade to a recovery drink. Chose a quality energy drink, or simply add a small amount of salt (half a teaspoon per liter) to your water.


• • • •



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The Sports-Nutrition Decoder Here’s a guide to dietary terms and how they can boost your workout results.


t has been proposed that proper feeding, if optimally timed, can aid maximum training results. Fluid intake is key to maintain hydration, carbohydrate intake is important to help restore muscle glycogen, and protein must be consumed for optimal muscle growth; however, timing of consumption and the precise amounts of each of these nutrients required for maximum muscle growth on an individual basis are not clearly understood. It is known that intake of a high-quality, complete protein is an important part of an exercise program to help preserve muscle mass and promote muscle gain. The greatest window of opportunity to gain muscle appears to be within the first three hours after resistance exercise. When weight training is combined with eating protein-containing foods during the early hours after exercise it leads to significant increases in muscle mass compared to delaying the same meal. A delay in protein available for use by the muscle may result in a failure of your weight training plan, leading to muscle loss or no gain. But which product should you consume to maximize gains from your workout? What do all those terms found in the fitness magazines and supplement stores mean?


PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013


The Sports-Nutrition Lexicon


n Protein: Dietary protein helps stimulate muscle growth (especially after resistance exercise) by providing essential amino acids necessary for the synthesis of new tissue. Examples of high-quality proteins include dairy proteins, such as whey and casein, egg and soy protein. n Whey: Whey is a protein from dairy that is considered to be a “fast” protein because it is rapidly digested and leads to a large, momentary rise in plasma amino acids. n Leucine: An amino acid of particular interest to strength athletes for its ability to stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis. n Casein: A protein found in dairy foods, casein is often referred to as a “slow” protein since the modest increase in plasma amino acids is more gradual and prolonged. n Arginine: An amino acid that is a natural signal for growth-hormone release and may play an important role in building muscle. Arginine is known for its effect on

blood-flow regulation; an increase in blood flow can supply a higher proportion of amino acids to the muscle. Soy protein has 300% more arginine compared to whey, so if you’re looking for an arginine boost in your protein, soy is a great choice. n Glutamine: Like arginine, glutamine is a natural signal for growth-hormone release. This amino acid helps support the immune system and is a precursor of glutathione, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Soy protein has about 30% more glutamine than whey protein. n BCAA: Branched-chain amino acids, such as leucine, can be used as an energy source during endurance exercise once glycogen stores are expended. Whey protein has higher leucine and total BCAA concentrations than casein and isolated soy protein. n Nucleotides: Nucleotides are commonly known as the building blocks of DNA, but have many roles in the body. Emerging research indicates dietary nucleotides can play a role in maintenance

of the immune system. This is important to people who stress their bodies with intense exercise. Soy protein has significantly higher nucleotide concentrations than other sources, such as milk. n Soy Protein: Protein that is isolated from soybeans. It is thought to be absorbed at an intermediate rate and can serve as a bridge in supplying amino acids to muscles when soy is consumed with whey and casein. Consuming protein blends (soy, whey and casein) may help athletes and active individuals build muscle with exercise and recover faster after exercise. Although all are complete proteins, each brings something unique to help athletes. Rather than following a complicated supplement program that requires taking multiple protein sources throughout the day, athletes can simply consume products that contain a protein blend in a single offering. For more articles on nutrition and healthy eating, go to Winter 2013 PHYSIQUE 3D


The Dymatize and Solae Ultimate Teen Challenge at the 2013 Arnold Sports Festival pits teens in fun and challenging strength events. Don’t miss it!



ith obesity and diabetes rates on the rise among adolescents, it’s easy to forget that many teenagers are intensely dedicated to staying in shape and excelling at sports. And those fit high-school students may be wondering, Where’s the love? Why don’t people talk about the kids who are training and eating right? Well, here’s the love, young athletes: The Dymatize and Solae Ultimate Teen Challenge is back and better than ever! Held annually at the Arnold Sports Festival, the UTC is an exciting competition for high-school-aged boys and girls who are rewarded for strength, endurance and agility. Organized and hosted by big-time bodybuilder and allworld trainer Dave Hawk—yes, that guy, of Muscle & Body fame—the UTC features an assortment of imaginative physical challenges for both individuals and teams who compete for awards and prizes.


PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

This year, the Ultimate Teen Challenge will be held on March 2 and 3 at the ASF in Columbus, Ohio. Organizers will feature the traditional UTC events like the tire flip and bench press, but expect a lot of new CrossFit-style challenges and football skills competitions to spice up the action. Also, expect special sports celebrities to show up and cheer on contestants and share their knowledge. Previous events have seen wrestling superstar Kurt Angle and NFL legend Franco Harris sharing stories and successful strategies to the students. UTC champs are eligible for prizes, including scholarships and other awards. Even if you don’t compete, you’ll have fun, so get in touch with organizers and find out who you can get involved in the Ultimate Teen Challenge.


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Who’s Eligible? Any male or female teenager between the ages of 13 and 19 can enter. The event will feature a boys and girls division, each of which will receive awards. All participants must have proof of age with a birth certificate, drivers license/ permit, or photo ID the day of the event—no exceptions.

The 2013 Ultimate Teen Challenge will consist of various skills and CrossFit-style events based on each individual’s body weight and age. Some events from previous years include:

• Bench press • Shuttle run • Pull-up • Vertical jump • Weighted football toss

On Sunday, teams will take over the Ultimate Teen Challenge with individuals partnering with a friend or teammate for a combined score. Any two

teens can sign up for this two-person competition. Events include*:

The Power Plus 2 Dual Bench Press. Two teens will work together to

bench 70% of their combined body weight. The Power Plus 2 is specially designed such that the bar is perfectly balanced between the two lifters. This has been a favorite event over the past two years! The Tire Flip Relay. Teens will take turns flipping a 120-lb truck tire down a course. Fastest time wins.

*Events are subject to change to similar event or activity.

How to Enter To compete in the Teen Challenge, all teens must fill out an entry and waiver form signed by a parent or guardian. The entry fee is only $25, which covers both days of competition. Download the forms at If mailing or faxing the application, please have all documents postmarked or sent by Friday, February 15. If you are unable to send your documents by this time, you can still enter by sending an email to or to reserve your participation, then bring the documents and payment directly to the event.

QUESTIONS? Any pressing concerns can be satisfied by calling Dave Hawk at (412) 736-2645; or emailing questions to For more information, visit or call (724) 9345700. You can also fax (724) 934-5707 or email 38

PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013


Battle Royale

The results of the 2013 Ultimate Teen Challenge will also be featured in one of the world’s largest sports and fitness publications, Muscle & Body magazine.

You Won’t Walk Away Empty-handed Each teen who enters receives a 2013 Ultimate Teen Challenge T-shirt and a gift bag from our participating sponsors, including Dymatize and Solae.

THE KUMITE CLASSIC: MAKING DREAMS COME TRUE While big national events the Ultimate Teen Challenge at the ASF draw a lot of attention, local regional events are an important part of promoting healthy, fit lifestyles that are accessible to those who can’t make the bigger shows. A great example is the Kumite Classic, which features numerous opportunities for the whole family to enjoy and participate in the fitness lifestyle. Held annually over the Memorial Day weekend, the Kumite Classic is based in Pittsburgh at the Monroeville Convention Center, and hosts martial arts, physique and athletic competitions, along with a packed expo filled with booths that offer some of the best products and services in the industry. Last year, the Kumite Classic hosted the first-ever Pittsburgh Fitness Model Search, hosted by internationally known model and actor Nick Bateman and recording artist Ambition. The winners were Stephanie Snyder of Pittsburgh, and Chuck Mauceri of Solon, Ohio. Chuck is a former Kumite Classic natural bodybuilding champion who has served as the strength and conditioning coach at Notre Dame College. Stephanie is full-time student at La Roche College, majoring in marketing, and an aspiring competitive fitness competitor. If you’re interested in competing in this year’s model search or attending the event on May 24–25, visit



Future Glory is Yours!

(l) Stephanie Snyder accepts her trophy from Ambition. (r) Nick Batemen poses with the men’s top five.

| How I Did It! reader transformation | BY


No Turning Back

had been morbidly obese for many years and struggled with continually gaining weight. I felt horrible about myself. I hated looking in the mirror and seeing my face with three chins. Each time I went to the doctor’s office, I dreaded getting weighed. I was depressed. It got so bad that I contemplated suicide. Being morbidly obese causes serious problems. I knew I should do something but felt really overwhelmed. I asked my doctor about diet pills, but he told me that they don’t work. I somehow felt justified that because I couldn’t get diet pills, there was nothing I could do to get started on losing weight. My weight ballooned to 306 lb. I was on a diet of fast food and soft drinks. I’d eat at home by myself and devour a large pizza or eat a dozen cupcakes in one sitting, and then do the same thing again the next day and the next day. Then around the time of my birthday, I got the news from my doctor: a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. This is



PHYSIQUE 3D Winter 2013

BIO BOX Age: 46 Hometown: Lakewood, Wash. Weight Before: 306 lb Weight Now: 205 lb (and still losing!) Lori’s Message: “I want everyone to know that diet, exercise, accountability and a good support system are all that’s needed to lose weight, get fit and stay healthy.”

not happening, I thought. I was scared and angry. I told the doctor that I wasn’t going to take medications. He told me I could hold off if I lost weight and changed my eating habits. I decided I would do it—I would not be diabetic.

FINDING A GYM FAMILY A brand-new Anytime Fitness gym had opened less than a block from the hospital where I work as a clinical social worker. I talked with the gym owner, Mindy Lewis, and told her I needed to lose weight and was ready to do something about it. Mindy recommended Alexandra Seal as a personal trainer. Alex did an initial assessment and right off the top worked with me to get a nutrition plan up and going. Then we started the workouts. I remember the first ones. My body hurt, but it didn’t hurt nearly as much as my bruised ego. I tried do a push-up and sit-up. I remembered my younger days when I could kick those out, but when I tried to get off the ground, the reality hit me: I couldn’t get off the floor. Tears

rolled down my face. But I told myself, I am not quitting. I didn’t quit. I kept working with Alex, and eventually started doing CrossFit training with her. I had started my program in May ‘09, weighing 306 lb. On March 8, I weighed 205 lb. I have lost 100 lb and feel fantastic! I do not have diabetes, my depression and anxiety are well under control, and I am enjoying life. I am still training with Alex. I work out six days a week, and at least four of those days are two-a-day workouts. I do CrossFit twice a week. I ran my first 3.5 miles nonstop. I compete against my trainer doing 100 sit-ups for time, and I can hold my own against her! I am solely responsible for my health and have taken 100% responsibility for eating healthy and exercising. I am thankful that I have gone through this experience. And as I celebrate my 100-lb weight loss with my friends and gym family, as well as my own family, I know that there’s no turning back, and that’s just all there is to it.



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What Happens When You Tap Into Quite Possibly THE Most Potent “Virgin” Receptor Known to Man?

Jimmy Robinson – Compound 20 Beta tester “Compound 20 is the real deal. After about the first week I started to notice gains. They really started to become noticeable and undeniable into the second week. I was noticing a ridiculous fullness/denseness to my muscles! As the workout continued, it only enhanced the effect! My muscles would have such a dense and full feeling to them all day long, like I’ve just worked out... even on days off! There is no doubt about it, I achieved a much thicker appearance thanks to Compound 20!

“I’ve been supplementing for over 5 years, taking all kinds of stuff from a long list of different companies, but I’ve NEVER used anything as revolutionary as Compound 20. I’m not even done with my bottle but as i near the end of my beta testing experience, I am sure that whenever it hits the market it will be the product of the year and companies will be scrambling to imitate it. I’ll be posting some pics tonight to better prove that what i am saying is not just words, but my experience with Compound 20 is very much real and cannot be doubted. Over the past 3 weeks, my body has changed tremendously, sure I’ve dieted hard and worked my butt off but it’s never looked like this. The addition of Compound 20 has completely taken me to another level.

Jcasler – Compound 20 Beta tester “Compound 20 has me feeling focused, pumped and vascular thus Far. I’ve also noticed the fat around the abdomen really starting to disappear... it’s like its eating it alive!! =) so far so good and loving it!”is no doubt about it, I achieved a much thicker appearance thanks to Compound 20!

Aqparsons – Compound 20 Beta Tester “Lean: 10 Highest rating due to the fact that I haven’t changed my eating and had several comment on how slim my face looked. Abs are popping out more and I’m starting to get my 7 pack back.

Lastly, in my most honest opinion, Compound 20 is in a category of its own, in a class above all. My only worry now is what will happen when I’m not on it?” -“I’m going to take some final pics when my bottle runs out. I have about another week left so i’ll take some more pics in about a week. And i believe in only 1 wk, you’ll be able to see a difference from these last pics taken on 10/25. I was very serious when i said “I’m getting leaner by the day.” Loving this stuff! Leh Go!” -“Soooooo, i’m be using my last dose of Compound 20 this week. Words can’t express how sad this makes me.” -“Well Fam, I’m sad just like all the other beta testers who took their final dose of the Compound 20. If you have been following this log you know that over this beta test experience me and Compound 20 developed a strong relationship with each other, lol.

Hardness: Abs are solid and like a rock. C20 is definately putting them out there….I kept lifting my shirt and checking my abs all day after that and they never seemed to fade.”

"A New Category Is Born!"

All jokes aside, Compound 20 is one of the most revolutionary supplements that i have ever taken. Compound 20 is going to close the gap between hard work and visible results that so many of us fall in. Well not anymore!”

© 2011 USPlabs, llc. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Information in this ad should not be used as an indication or prediction of your individual results. Individuals are some of our most successful customers & followed a dedicated training & nutrition program and may have used other dietary supplements in addition to those illustrated. All examples are for illustration purposes only. USPLabs is not affiliated with, and its products are not endorsed by, the United States Pharmacopeia, Rockville, MD.


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