Occasionally, I hear of something a center is doing that is so unique that it needs to be shared. This month's cover story fits that category, and I think you'll find it an interesting read that just may get your creative juices flowing.
Proprietor Les Huikko of Huikko's Bowling and Entertainment Center in Buffalo, MN, shows off his creative chops by filling a void in his community while taking the revenue it created to the bank — over and over again. I’m sure you’re dying to read the article; pun intended! You’ll see.
Without further ado, we’d like to send a huge congratulations to Huikko and his team for their unique revenue producer, which has earned them IBI’s 2022 Creativity Award for the most unique stream of revenue we’ve come across in a long time. Well done Huikko family and staff!
This month, the “Leases versus Rev-Share” article looks at different options for buying arcade games or taking advantage of revenue-share options. The professionals at Player One Amusement Group and Shaffer Distributing share the benefits and drawbacks of each, along with other savvy arcade tips to keep guests returning and your arcade fresh.
A short read, “The Great Outdoors…Indoors,” involves bringing outdoor attractions inside the building with an innovative dome design that can accommodate vertical attractions. Daniel Ellman shares how one center accomplished a design unlike its competition, allowing them to offer different attractions in a oneof-a-kind setting.
Inflation is a thorn in everyone's side now, and food and beverage customers are feeling it too. In his “Booze and Bites” column, Mike Fernandez looks at how consumers are responding, reports on what's happening around the country, and what you can do to combat a hungry crowd who have less cash on hand.
For the December issue, I had the pleasure of talking with James Middleton from Middleton Mixology as part of our "Inside Line" column. If you haven’t seen the video of Middleton’s famous SmokeTop cocktail smoker, you'll want to check it out on our website. It's a dynamite little bar tool that can help elevate your guests' bar experience while bringing in some nice upsell revenue for you. James used his experience as a firefighter and bartender to create this state-of-the-art bar tool that's easy to use and makes delicious, smokey drinks customers will pay extra for.
Be sure to head over to www.bowlingindustry.com for IBI’s exclusive online-only content. vrCave takes on the topic of how to get VR players to come in and come back. You can read the whole article online, which explains how to target different groups of people and what those people want in a VR experience. Another article to check out is from our friends at Betson Enterprises, who highlight the perks of having a jukebox in your bar or restaurant and the different types of choices.
As we finish another year and holiday season, I feel blessed to be a part of this incredibly warm and fun industry. From all of us at IBI , we wish you a healthy, heartwarming holiday season and a prosperous new year. •
– Stephanie Davis, Publisher & Editor stephanie@bowlingindustry.com
PS Don’t forget to sign up for the $30,000 giveaway. Register each month for your chance to win at www.bowlingindustry.com
Starting an FEC is a hard task that might seem too complicated to even consider. There are many types of attractions to choose from when designing an FEC, along with other financial factors. Embed breaks it down with 10 steps to take before starting a Family Entertainment Center business.
Last month IBI featured a cover story about virtual reality (VR) and what VR is. Now comes the question of how to get players to come in. vrCave explains how to target different groups of people and what they want in a VR experience.
Jukeboxes might sound like an oldfashioned solution to having music in your establishment. However, there are many benefits to having a jukebox over live music, a DJ, or streaming service. Betson Enterprises explains the perks of having a jukebox in your bar or restaurant and the different types there are to choose from.
There is a high demand for open bowling, but operators are seeing a slowdown in league play, which leaves them with gaps during the week where they could be making revenue. A big reason people don’t join a league is no one has asked them. Bowling Business Builders International explains how implementing a referral system will reach those customers
Spark is bowling’s hottest attraction: totally addictive, multisensory, interactive, one-of-a-kind, next-level bowling. See for yourself: Scan the QR code or visit brunswickbowling.com/spark to immerse yourself in Spark, another game-changing innovation from Brunswick.
oo much clutter!” “Too many emails.”
“Too much spam!” Consumers are trashing electronic marketing messages at an alarmingly high rate. In fact, some messages are backfiring, causing negative results as marketing people push and spam the public through other online methods.
Over the years, various methods of sharing messages fell in or out of favor with those who do marketing for small businesses. As shiny new marketing tools emerged, many marketers chose to jump on the next ‘new’ bandwagon often dropping tools that served them well in the past.
A good example is the use of email versus direct mail. Direct mail, dubbed “snail mail” by those that dumped it, is now making a strong comeback as an effective and efficient marketing approach. As the popularity of using the internet as a marketing avenue swelled, many consumers started ignoring emails, text messages, and social media communication. In the meantime, the tried-and-true old-style direct mail has reemerged as a powerful tool to employ.
Why does direct mail work so well? To start, most people can observe there is less competition in the mailbox than there was years ago, giving your mailing piece a stronger chance to do its job. Properly executed direct mail can
be one of your best bets for sending out offers for a multitude of additional reasons:
• Direct mail is tangible. Build it correctly and it will stay alive in a household or business much longer than electronic messages, giving it numerous chances to deliver its message to multiple people.
• Current studies show that 58% of respondents read their direct mail, especially young people, who actually look forward to receiving direct mail.
• Mail arrives where decisions are made, whether that is at home or a business.
• People currently are showing more trust in advertisements received by direct mail versus the ones they see online.
• Direct mail is dynamite to get people to your website or a specific webpage.
• Direct mail investments are measurable.
When sending out messages, your first goal is to grab your target’s attention long enough for them to want to learn more. Next, you want your story to be told the way that you want it to be told, every time. And you want to make sure that your marketing representative always asks for
the sale. If your marketing representative is a properly designed direct mail piece, it can be counted on to deliver all the above every time.
If you have 5,000 people in your customer database or perhaps 500 local companies you want to target, direct mail offers you a chance to quickly turn your creativity into a mailing piece that will bring in cash. On the other hand, if you have limited spots to fill on a regular basis, you may want to use a system I refer to as Drip-Drip Direct Mail. Drip-Drip refers to a regular mailing effort on a small scale. Keeping the numbers reasonable to manage and mailing on a consistent, regular basis can target specific days and times you want to fill.
The U.S. postal system offers a great service called Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), and it is the perfect tool for bowling centers and FECs to employ three or four times a year, once a year should be a minimum for all centers!
Since in most areas 30% of the population moves every year, you need to let the new locals know you are there. To win out over the continually growing competition, you need to wave your flag now and then to remain visible and top of mind. EDDM flats can carry a lot of information about your center along with coupons. Delivery is inexpensive as there is no charge for addresses, and the postage is currently only 18.7 cents each. Direct mail as a marketing tool just keeps on truckin’; those folks whose motto is, “Rain, snow, sleet or hail, we will always deliver the mail!” are standing by to help you build your business in an efficient and effective manner.
It’s sort of like the old story about the tortoise and the hare. Getting to the finish line isn’t always about who gets out of the gate fastest but instead finishes the strongest. Direct mail may be a bit slower, but it can be a winner for your business.•
Bruce Davis is President of Bowling Business Builders International (BBBI) whose flagship program Kids Bowl Free has registered over 35 million children for participating centers.
The uproar over food costs for consumers and business owners is due to a few different factors: the sudden shock of demand returning, the cost of recruiting and retaining staff, and the handle on inflation.
Menu prices at quick-service restaurants have increased by 16.3% since 2020. At the same time, inflation has risen by about 15%, with many feeling it’s higher than reported. The most significant monthly jump in menu prices was just this August, at 3%.
Those are some giant leaps in cost, but there are more hoops to jump through, like bottlenecks in the supply chain, struggling with inventory, finding staff, and keeping staff.
Tracking numbers is critical when running a food service, so it’s vital to go over the cost of goods and profit margins each year to make necessary changes. In November’s IBI issue Travis Harper has an informative article about keeping track of food and beverage costs that you may find helpful.
Look on page 20 of last month’s publication or visit https://issuu.com/bowlingindustry/docs/ november_2022/20to read online.
Interestingly, dining out, take-out, and delivery are all up from 2021. It looks like we’re all willing to pay the price of eating out ‘we just ain’t happy ‘bout it!’ This means that somewhere, an amicable solution exists. The Baby Boomer generation is the most upset. 50% said they were cutting back on restaurants, and 75% reported receiving less value due to pricing and shrinkflation. They’ve all written letters to corporate. Millennials have a better outlook on the industry, with high prices still being the most widespread concern. Only 25% feel they’re receiving less value. They may be numb to the cost of things at this stage in life.
Gen X and Gen Z finally agreed
Booze and Biteson something, with high prices being the main concern for both demographics. Even though the price is a pain point, 84% of Millennials and 69% of Gen Zers said they order delivery at least once a week. So how do you get your share of the market?
If we knew a definitive answer, we could solve world hunger. Well, millions of business owners across the nation are trying different approaches to battle the rising food costs:
✔ Of nearly 1,000 restaurant professionals, 36% said they had increased prices, 31% took items off the menu, and 30% substituted lower-cost ingredients.
✔ One marketing method that shows promise in this scenario is providing Limited Time Offers. LTOs have proven strong returns; older generations enjoy a good deal, and younger generations have an intense fear of missing out on anything before it’s gone. They give you the ability to hit on each demographic’s pain points.
✔ Of all people surveyed, 70% of consumers have eaten an LTO in the past month, 85% of people who enjoy it will return, and 75% will tell someone about it. The best part is that 74% of customers reported paying about the same for the LTO as the rest of the menu, and 17% even paid premium pricing.
Always remember to promote specials! Younger generations get most of their specials from social media, and most older generations find them on your website or mailed in coupons.
With a better understanding of consumer sentiment, you, too, can fight food inflation!
We’ve discussed here before how profitable seasonal menu changes can be, and Christmas is the mother of all holidays! Macy’s doesn’t spend millions of dollars on holiday decorations for their stores every year because it’s fun but because it’s proven to provide a consistent return. Here are a few boozy ideas:
Unless your center stocked up on egg-nog discounts in the summer, it’s highly recommended to start buying and promoting it ASAP!
Salted or sugar rims give drinks a ‘snowy’ look, especially powdered sugar. You can also buy red and green colored sugar!
Sangria is also a holiday favorite and requires minimal work if you make large batches.
Crushed candy cane adds a little life to the top of any white or milky winter drink.
Cinnamon sticks can be added for decor or grated on top of drinks for an incredible aroma. You didn’t order enough if it doesn’t come in on a truck bed.
Thankfully, you don’t need a line of kids waiting to sit on Santa’s lap in your center. You just need festive cocktails to spice up the theme (although hiring Santa Clause is a brilliant idea, too!).
Mike Fernandez is a freelance contributor on all things regarding food, booze, and fun. Growing up in his family’s restaurant business fueled his passion for good eats and tasty treats. By day Mike works in business development for IBI, by night he scours south Florida for the latest trends in food, drinks, and recreation.
When it comes to starting a business, nearly anyone can take their chances with financing and some industry knowledge, but we all know the dream isn’t guaranteed. When it comes to long-term success, it takes true business acumen to be creative and adapt accordingly in the face of market instability.
The COVID-19 pandemic tested the abilities of business owners around the world to not only succeed but to survive.
Huikko’s Bowling Center in Buffalo, MN, has shown that its unrelenting entrepreneurial spirit is tougher when times are tough. Huikko’s adapted and took control by filling a niche most business owners would never consider: hosting funeral luncheons and celebrations of life for families of their community.
We got in contact with Les Huikko, owner of Huikko’s Bowling Center, to see how this opportunity came to fruition and maybe steal some tips out of his business playbook.
Les started with how he got the ball rolling: “We were first approached by the Catholic church in town to cater a few meals in their basement. We then became their
preferred method for all luncheons before COVID-19 hit in 2020. Father would meet with the families and give them our menu to select their meals. We would prepare the meals and deliver them to the church for the church ladies to serve.”
He mentions they started doing funerals on occasion after building an event center back in 2007, but things really took off once the church no longer hosted luncheons in the basement during the pandemic in 2020. This innovative proprietor wanted to find out exactly how popular this additional stream of revenue could be. “In 2021 we catered/hosted 33 luncheons. Some were just sandwiches and salads to the funeral home. However, most were at our event center due to social distancing requirements. We did $50,000 in luncheons last year, and $80,000 by September of this year. This income is mostly seen as last-minute events filling empty space during weekday lunchtime.” There were minimal losses in the existing revenue.
To keep the additional revenue coming in, Huikko’s promotes funeral luncheons and celebrations of life on its well-designed website. Additionally, strong relationships with the Catholic church and the local funeral home have made a huge difference.
What packages do they offer for funeral services?
It looks like Huikko’s keeps it simple. They offer traditional Minnesota hot dishes in the winter, while sandwich trays and homemade potato salad are popular in the summer. Even simpler, regular buffet meals are offered at a discount, and many families opt for the open bar. Home-made chocolate bars, cakes, and cookie trays are available for dessert. Room rentals are complimentary on weekdays.
Huikko’s is the first to do it, and they’ve got it down to a science, so how do these events play out? “Most luncheons arrive at the event center about 12:45 p.m. and are cleaned up and gone by 4 p.m. Having the luncheons at the event center is a huge bonus for bar revenue. We set up the buffet line, dessert, and beverage station. The funeral home will bring in the flowers and picture boards from the church. Guests will arrive, pray, and go right into lunch and socializing.”
Les continues, “We do also host the service at the event center if the funeral home isn’t large enough or if the family does not have a church they belong to. We have had caskets and urns in the room.”
Les’s success with Huikko’s Bowling Center is a combination of the many things he’s done right. The
• Offering catering leads to strong relationships that promote business. Additional revenue begets additional revenue.
• Strong brand reputation and trustworthiness built by working with important community segments like the Catholic church.
• Straight forward food options and meals served on paper products eliminate additional bussing and cleaning staff.
• Average luncheon is 100 people at about $2,200. The largest event this year was $8,260.
• A well-designed and easy-to-use website is critical to hosting new events.
website is easy to manage. The different dining and catering options are easily accessible online. They offer cosmic bowling, tournaments, mini-golf, and volleyball on the outside property. Most importantly, they’ve gone the extra mile to build a relationship with the community. We know they are not done adapting. “Planning a funeral isn’t something that anyone wants to go through. Any way that we can help the family, we are here to do so. As I said, we give a complimentary room and discounted meal. We do this as a service to the family. In return, it is bringing in revenue on short notice, during a day that we didn’t have booked. Also, it brings new customers that may not have been to our place before or didn’t know that we existed!”•
Paul Fontanelli had a grand plan — he wanted to bring an adventure park to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. But he didn’t want any old park. He wanted to create outdoor-style attractions indoors, where those, who rarely get a chance to enjoy them, could spend their time and get some thrills. He wanted attractions such as a vertical, rock-climbing system called via ferrata, ropes courses, zip lines, a free-fall experience, and even a synthetic ice-skating rink. He also aimed for mini bowling and other profit centers.
Dynamic Designs and Fontanelli worked together to pull off the indoor family entertainment center. It was a challenge, but the grand opening in early October proved that it was conquered. Here’s a look inside the new Bolder Adventure Park in Grand Prairie, TX.
So how do you bring vertical attractions inside?
“We started by designing a dome instead of a traditional building since that was the easiest and most cost-effective way to get the height we needed to include all the attractions Paul wanted to offer,” said
Once the dome was in place, the team configured the attractions. This was a much more difficult task than in a traditional FEC. "We had to take note of the slope of the dome because there are certain restrictions you need to comply with," shared Stephanie Milligan, Dynamic Designs’ head architect for the Bolder project. "For
Natasha Whittaker, the project's lead interior designer for Dynamic Designs.instance, we needed to keep every attraction at least three feet away from the dome wall and ensure that slides, rock climbing structures, and the ropes course had enough structural support to be used safely." They also needed to bring the attractions together in a cohesive, creative way, with some passing over others, a trend gaining popularity in FECs over the past few years.
It was a meticulous, painstaking design process that the team had to get right. "Paul has a love and passion for adventure, so we wanted to make that vision a reality, no matter how challenging it may have been," Whittaker said. The result? A one-of-a-kind, 18-attraction, 66,000-square-foot park that will keep customers coming back again and again. The success of the Bolder Adventure project offers a lesson perfectly suited for bowling center proprietors. “No matter what your dream is, never assume it can’t be done,” Whittaker said, adding that unique attractions can take a traditional center to another level. “We’re proud of what we created at Bolder Adventure Park.”•
Each month IBI’s “Inside Line” highlights a team member from one of our loyal advertisers. It’s always fun to learn a little something new about people who make things happen at their company and for the industry. This month we talked with James Middleton, founder of Middleton Mixology.
IBI: How long have you been serving the bowling, entertainment, and bar industry?
James: I have been in the food and beverage industry for 15-plus years, from busboy to bartender and eventually bar manager. While tending bars across America and Australia, I saw the FEC industry grow to become so much more than bowling lanes, and I am glad to see our industries combining! It's a blessing to be a part of [the FEC] community and share our passion for serving and entertaining customers.
IBI: Please share a little about Middleton Mixology.
James: I combined the knowledge gained from my years spent as a firefighter and bartender to ignite a new idea: the SmokeTop™. I wanted to create a cocktail smoker that treated the smoke as an ingredient in the cocktail rather than just a show. After several prototypes, I developed the SmokeTop and used it at the bar I managed at the time. Once I proved its effectiveness, I founded the company and have been sharing SmokeTop with the world ever since!
IBI: Please share a little about your unique product and why center guests like it.
James: The SmokeTop can turn any drink into a multi-sensory experience: you see the fire, smell the smoke, and taste the
guests to watch the creation of a smoked cocktail right in front of their eyes instead of hidden behind the bar.
IBI: How easy is it for bartenders to use?
James: My rule when creating cocktails is that if any step takes more than 10 seconds, it takes too long. The SmokeTop uses an incredibly easy process: put wood chips in the chimney and torch it. Unlike other smoking tools, the SmokeTop does not clog, it does not require batteries, no fans to break, and it only takes up as much of your bar space as a coaster. There are no moving parts, no hard-toclean spots, and it is super easy to use.
IBI: How many would you recommend someone buy for a busy center and bar?
James: I would suggest two SmokeTops per bar well for busy locations. The SmokeTop can be used one-handed, so we suggest two lighters and two SmokeTops for smoking multiple cocktails at the same time.
IBI: What new drink trends do you see emerging going into 2023?
James: Smoked cocktails! This trend is growing rapidly and shows no sign of slowing down. The simple classics have made a comeback in a huge way. Everybody and their mom want a well-crafted Old Fashioned. Think outside of cocktails, too, as smoke is being applied to a variety of drinks commonly served at FEC sites: teas and even coffee.
IBI: What do you like most about your career?
James: I think I’ll always be a bartender at heart,
and it brings me joy being able to create products that help others with the same problems I faced behind the bar. Creating a fast and exciting way to smoke a cocktail is the first challenge I overcame, and I can’t wait to keep innovating on more products for my fellow bartenders.
IBI: What is one habit, technique, or strategy that you employ at work to keep you organized and on-task?
James: I write everything down! Whether on a whiteboard, sticky note, or on your phone. Starting and operating a business is not just a single hard task. It is thousands of relatively simple tasks. The hardest part is keeping track of all the moving parts.
IBI: What would our readers be surprised to learn about you?
James: The only thing I am more passionate about than bartending is rescuing animals! I focus on Pitbulls because many humans misunderstand them. Currently, I work with two Pitbulls I rescued from the streets, and I plan to give them a second chance at life through house training, socialization, and becoming all-around adoption-ready. In fact, the Middleton Mixology logo represents my very first Pitbull rescue, Max.•
This has been a fantastic year of growth, we now have over 200,000 bowlers using the app and over 1,000 centers where they can use it. We’ve met a lot of engaged proprietors this year, and have listened to all of your feedback on what is good and what can get better. This is how we want it to work –as a collaboration between the bowlers, the centers and us. Happy Holidays, and see you next season!
If you ever convinced your parents to let you move your bedroom furniture around when you were a kid, you might remember the excitement bottling up before getting to work. Afterward, that ‘fresh and new feeling’ seems like a massive reward for just a little reorganizing. Guests at your center get that feeling, too, even with minor adjustments. They might not mention it, but there’s a subconscious thought that they are in a recently renovated and higher-quality arcade, leading to higher average spending.
Making consistent layouts and available game changes increases guest visits and game replayability. Arcades are proven to increase center profits, so don’t let your money-makers get covered in cobwebs.
There are a few different ways operators can get their hands on new games and attractions when looking to enhance their center: sharing, leasing, or buying. Leasing is the smallest segment since it provides the most negligible value to operators. That leaves the option of buying or revenue-sharing, but what’s revenue-sharing? And which method is the best route for your business?
We reached out to specialists John Kollinatis of Player One Amusement Group (P1AG) and Adam Kleinhenz of Shaffer Distributing to help you make a more informed decision.
Revenue-sharing, often called rev-share, is the more common, more robust alternative to leasing. John
Kollinatis, senior vice president and general manager at P1AG, was happy to tell us how it works: "The main benefit of selecting a revenueshare option is that there is no upfront expenditure to purchase games. The distributor will provide the most appropriate games for your business based on the available space and the target audience; you provide the space and split the profits." Revenue is generally split fairly evenly between the center and the manufacturer depending on the type and level of service agreed to.
Additionally, distributors can periodically rotate new games into the space, service the equipment, include card readers, and even provide necessary redemption products so you can focus on the rest of your bonus.
Adam Kleinhenz, business development specialist at Shaffer Distributing, mentions, “We even provide unique promotions with proven success, boosting visits and ensuring you’re competitive in the arcade market.”
Rev-sharing may provide a turn-key solution to improve your arcade, and the avoided headaches will probably add ten years to your life, but it’s not perfect.
Kleinhenz at Shaffer Distributing went into detail, explaining, “You only get a part of the revenue, and
most contracts are three to five years. You have less control over your game menu, but distributors have market research on what performs best in similar establishments.”
“As the owner of a family entertainment center, we have tried both leasing video games and owning. From our experience, we have found ownership of the games to be the most economical. While it does take initial investment in the beginning, the games quickly begin paying for themselves, and profits are soon to follow. We have a mechanic onsite who is fairly familiar with repairs. However, we are not hesitant to contact Shaffer Distributing when in need of additional assistance.
P1AG believes the primary drawback of revenue-share is that since you do not own the game, you cannot amortize them or take advantage of tax benefits such as Section 179 of the U.S. IRS code. Section 179 allows an immediate expense deduction that business owners can take for purchases of depreciable business equipment instead of capitalizing and depreciating the asset over a period of time. The Section 179 deduction can be taken if the piece of equipment is purchased or financed, and the full amount of the purchase price is eligible for the deduction.
I recommend purchasing your games if finances allow.”
Sarah Purdy, Owner, Ten Pin, a client of Shaffer Distributing
Predicting the value can prove challenging when selling games near the end of their life cycle. A classic game might have expensive issues, and value can vary from one model year of a game to the next. Kleinhenz was concerned with long-term costs, too, explaining, “On top of the original purchase, you need technicians knowledgeable with servicing the game, a preventative maintenance plan, cost of new parts, and requiring your card or kiosk system.”
"10k Alley is a welcome addition to our resort," said Nick Wagner, Director of Recreation. "We are thrilled to be able to provide our guests with such an innovative and enjoyable place to hang out, have fun, and connect with friends. Our resort has always been at the forefront of providing enriching experiences for our guests and visitors, and 10K Alley is now part of that culture.”
10k Alley, JW Marriott, Marco Island, FL, a rev-share client of Player One Amusement Group
While rev-sharing requires much less capital and leg work, buying assets outright could be a better route, depending on your business preferences and the center's financial position. Kleinhenz gave strong reasoning for buying your games, explaining, “You get 100% of the revenue, control game mix, game costs, promotions, and redemption options.”
P1AG digs the glowing balance sheet. “You can also take advantage of special tax incentives (like U.S. IRS Section 179 mentioned above) for capital purchases and depreciation of assets. Depending on your available cash and liquidity and the amount of direct control you want to have over the games in your location, this can be an attractive option."
Some business owners don’t want third parties having a say in how they operate or the idea of splitting profits, especially if they have enough liquid funding to avoid it. However, it could prove to be an expensive headache. “The disadvantages of buying games include the upfront capital expenditure needed to purchase the games, which can be significant, especially for higher-cost games such as attendant-free VR or certain attractions,” Kollinatis from P1AG tells us.
Shaffer Distributing and P1AG gave us a ton of valuable information to consider, but each arcade is unique, and only you can make the final decision.
A feasibility study can tell you what’s possible with the space you have available and gives you a foundation to start from. Which games target your guest audience, and is there nearby competition? Do you want more control or hand it off? And what’s your budget saying about all this? Whichever route you take, the important thing is keeping your arcade fresh and up to date.•
"As a general rule, we recommend rotating games and refreshing your game room at least twice a year. This ensures that guests have new experiences regularly, and it is also a great marketing tool to drive repeat visits.”
- John Kollinatis, Player One Amusement Group
“You should always be making adjustments to keep your arcade fresh throughout the year. A good idea is to buy new games in the spring and move them around in the fall.”
- Adam Kleinhenz, Shaffer Distributing.
Yup, another fun-filled year is on the horizon for those of us who are smart enough (or daft enough!) to be in the bowling business.
It used to be that New Year’s Eve was the biggest day for business for us of the entire year. For many centers it has become a good day, but not a great one. Safer drinking and driving laws, intense competition for people’s time and money, and family-based NYE get-togethers have all played a role in downsizing the traditional NYE bowling bash.
About 15 years ago we began to see the decline in the wild and crazy “New Year’s Eve Nighttime-Moonlight-CosmicColor-Pin-Jackpot-Pin-the-Wheel-To-WinOrgasmic Party Bash.” We would sell out completely by the day after Thanksgiving. We served dinner and champagne starting at 8 p.m. The sweeper-type, color pin event, and prize giveaways began right after that. People imbibed, maybe won some money, had a midnight countdown, popped more champagne, and then went home. It took us until 10 a.m. the next day to get all the champagne and glitter off everything. But it was always a huuuuuuuge night.
By Steve SempeckOnce this type of NYE celebration began to lose its appeal, we started to plan events to spread out the celebration all day and keep the center busy.
Family-Style New Year’s Eve Party
Hats off to a great man and great friend, the late Max Cook. Max worked for Fred Kaplowitz at the Kaploe Group and turned me on to this money making, simple-to-sell, easy-to-execute event.
* Charge a flat fee for the whole lane and up to six bowlers ($90-$120/per lane)
* Fee includes shoes, two pitchers of soda, one large pizza
* Unlimited bowling for 2 ½ hours
We play fun party music and turn on the fancy glow and dance lights. With about 30 minutes left in the party, we announce on the PA, “Hey folks! It’s coming up on midnight in Zurich, Switzerland, so let’s countdown to wish the wonderful, always-neutral folks in the Land of Watch Making a happy new year!” We lead the count down from ten, scream happy new year, play “Auld Lang Syne,” blow the noise makers, and go nuts for about a minute or two. Then, let them finish up bowling and say good night.
This NYE party is so simple to sell: SPEND NYE WITH YOUR FAMILY!! Everything is pre-paid and pre-booked; we require payment upfront, plus their pizza choice. When the event starts, our staff hands out shoes, hats, and horns, and delivers pizzas to the lanes as they come hot out of the oven. With everything pre-planned, it’s a very clean party to run.
We now have more of a demand for these family parties than we ever did for the sweeper-style party. We run parties three times on New Year’s Eve: 1 p.m.-3:30 p.m.; 4 p.m.-6:30 p.m.; and 7 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. We sell out all three time slots. We offer a fourth time slot for the adult crowd; the 21+ NYE party starts at 10 p.m. We end up making more money, have more people come through our center, with less stress, less mess, and a lot less barf in the bathrooms.
I believe that with all the uncertainty, nervousness, and bad news in today’s world, people want to go out and spend time in groups. Market this to your youth bowlers, league bowlers, and your Kids Bowl Free database. You will be surprised at how fast NYE will fill up, how easy it is to operate, and how many new fans/customers you will get. Make sure your in-house flyers, ads on your in-house TVs, and other promotional pieces are out and ready by
Thanksgiving or immediately thereafter. It’s never too early to market for holiday activities, especially when you go to Target and see Christmas trees for sale in September — oy!
Thank you for letting me help to increase your business by sharing these ideas and promotions I have either used or seen others use with success in the past. I get great joy out of serving others. If I can ever be of any help to you and your center, please contact me.
Everyone in this industry needs to keep the business of bowling alive! I believe that traditional bowling will never die, and if marketed and done right, it can thrive once again. But we must be better, smarter, and hungrier marketers. I can help you with that if you need.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all of God’s blessings to you and your families and staff in this great, crazy, and fulfilling world of bowling and the bowling business!
Keep ‘em rolling!•
Steve Sempeck, Bowl Co Marketing and Management, Omaha, NE, ssempeck@gmail.com, 402-253-4371
With labor costs increasing and labor in short supply, many centers are looking for solutions to their low-staffing woes. Most industries are moving towards automation in this era of algorithms and robotics. And at first glance, it may seem like the perfect solution if you don’t sacrifice human interaction.
As the saying goes, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Automation should enhance, not detract from, the guest experience. Whether a guest is a weekly league bowler who knows every staff member by name or a casual weekend guest who pops by once a season, bowlers have come to expect a personal touch.
To keep a center’s existing labor force focused on providing exceptional service, operators may want to consider utilizing a self-service kiosk at the facility's entrance. Relying on a well-placed kiosk will allow employees to assist guests at the lane, pass out shoes, clean lanes, and focus their energy on customers. The right kiosk automation can upsell, manage a waitlist, and allow guests to make lane reservations for a later time. These kinds of transactions do not necessarily require a human touch and, in most cases, can be completed more quickly—and accurately—on a kiosk.
Automation can boost the food and beverage business, too. Many centers struggle to keep their kitchen afloat simply because they can’t find anyone to take orders. With the addition of self-service kiosks and tablets at the lane for ordering, the kitchen and the customer no longer rely on waitstaff. The customer can walk up to the kiosk or tap the touch screen at their lane whenever they are
ready to order. The kitchen receives the order as soon as it is submitted. When the order is ready, the customer can either be notified via text message or lane notification, or a food runner can be sent to the lane to deliver the food.
The food menu on a kiosk or an on-lane tablet works whether your center has a classic restaurant-style kitchen or an old-school snack bar. Instead of having an employee standing at your snack bar register for their entire shift, that employee can now run food or help with food prep.
With holiday parties right around the corner, perhaps the best automation enhancement you can make is implementing online reservations. Free up frontline counter staff from taking phone reservations while they're trying to help guests on a busy Saturday night. With online reservations, lanes sell themselves 24/7. With one quick trip to your website, customers can book lanes without you spending a single dollar in labor facilitating the transaction. When the guest arrives, your staff is free to help ensure that their experience is perfect.
In short, automation is not taking over but can be very helpful as long as your staff remains focused on customer service. Done right, bowling center automation tools can alleviate labor concerns by freeing up existing staff to meet guest expectations.•
It seems that wherever you turn, there is a new, fantastical, fun venue with an array of glitzy choices. FECs are continually morphing into bigger and better places to spend time.
New life has been breathed into ARCHIE BROS CIRQUE ELECTRIQ, Christchurch’s city center venue which has eight lanes of bowling, an arcade, laser tag, bumper cars, and 18 holes of mini golf called Holey Moley. It also has a circus-themed bar which claims to be the city’s most Instagrammable bar. The attraction is designed to entertain families and teenagers during the day and then becomes an adult venue after 8 p.m., with the bar serving bespoke cocktails. The Archie Bros Cirque Electriq is owned by San Francisco-based Funlab which has seven brands across Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.
A trampoline park in Gurnee, IL, is undergoing renovation in order to add 10 lanes of bowling. LAUNCH, which was previously Jump America, can now offer more variety to its customers, along with an arcade, an obstacle course and a bar. While new activities are inviting, old standard bowling secures repeat business.
LUCKY STRIKE was one of the first boutique bowling centers, opening in Hollywood, CA, in 2003. There are currently 14 locations nationwide. The center in Bellevue, WA, is expanding its space with an arcade called Power Play. It is 18,000 square feet of state-of-theart gaming. It boasts 16 bowling lanes, an expanded arcade, a permanent stage, and a video projection screen.
Sometimes you have to think creatively to keep your business going. In Halfway, OR, which is an appropriate name under the circumstances, Jessica and Tim Binford remodeled a portion of their bowling center and turned it into a short-term rental through Airbnb. They call it Home on the Lanes. “It’s not fancy, but people get the whole space for themselves,” says Jessica. The space has four vintage lanes with scoring by hand. When it is not rented, the community enjoys the center.
My lanes are always up and running.
I installed EDGE String at Townline after having a great experience operating them in my 12-lane center, Gametime Lanes & Entertainment, for more than a year.
EDGE String has been a complete game-changer for my business from day one. My employees are happier, my lanes are always up and running, and the overall bowling and guest experience is better at Townline as a result.
TRIFECTA MANAGEMENT GROUP www.trifecta-mg.com Bruce Nussbaum 818.879.7100 Inquiries@trifecta-mg.com TMG works closely with stakeholders to create and manage innovative concepts through customized value added and consulting services including operations, team development, marketing/advertising, culinary and technical. With the goal of creating memorable experiences, customized for local markets, TMG can help take your concept from idea to operational, or anything in-between.
Mike Bovino 800.555.5280 info@dfxsoundvision.com
Your FEC specialists creating extraordinary experiences by providing dynamic audio, video, lighting and automation services and integration that elevate communication and give your entertainment center that WOW factor.
Andy Vasko 877.841.4590
At BBBI our goal is to create new customers and profits for bowling centers through our time tested Kids Bowl Free Summer Bowing Program and our new League Development System featuring Fun Bowling Leagues for all ages.
BOWLING LEADS www.bowlingleads.com
Zach Boulanger 844.468.4144 Zach@bowlingleads.com
We help bowling centers find new leads and turn them into raving repeat customers with our done for you automated marketing system.
EBOWL.BIZ & BOWLRX.COM www.eBowl.biz Carey Tosello 541.549.0999 Carey@eBowl.biz
Digital marketing for bowling: BowlRx websites, Facebook for bowling, and more.
THE KAPLOE GROUP www.kaploegroup.com Fred Kaplowitz 516.359.4874 fredkaplowitz@gmail.com
The ultimate marketing and management company for your leisure, entertainment, or recreation business. Professional consulting and coaching available.
Chris Behling 815.519.9843 Chris@alleytrak.com
AlleyTrak is the complete lane reservation and management system designed specifically for bowling alleys. Manage your recurring events, leagues, parties, packages, along with many other features AlleyTrak has to offer. Save time by allowing guests to make reservations online 24/7.
PARTYWIRKS www.partywirks.com Sales Department 877.345.401 sales@partywirks.com
Partywirks is more than an online booking software company for parties, events, lane reservations and leagues for your bowling entertainment center. Our easy-to-use, easy-to-manage multi-function system en courages upselling, helps generate future interest, and also allows your visitors to inquire, invite, share, learn, sign waivers, and shop online.
www.bmimerchandise.com Sales Department 800.272.6375 Sales@bmimerchandise.com
BMI’s extensive product line features the trending themes, licenses and brands driving amusement play. We bring our customers a constantly changing mix of the finest electronics, novelties and toys – priced right.
Mike Tipton 888.564.7587 Smile@redemptionplus.com
Products that perform. Services that simplify.
The Annual Bowl for Ronnie Celebrity Bowl Party benefiting the Ronnie James Dio Stand Up and Shout Cancer Fund resumed its tradition at Pinz Bowling Center in Studio City, CA, after a three-year hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. In 2019, the event raised more than $50,000 for the cancer charity. The event always features a celebrity bowling tournament and a raffle drawing for prizes and memorabilia. James Dio is remembered as one of the most influential heavy metal vocalists who founded several bands including Black Sabbath.
The Support Alliance of the Visually Impaired (SAVI) returned Blindfold Bowling Night to Southern Lanes in Owensboro, KY. During the event, participants blindfold themselves before rolling the ball, then take the ball in one hand and grab a rail to guide themselves to the beginning of the lane. Again, this event started in 2019 and is happy to resume it now. The purpose is to help people understand what it’s like to be blind. SAVI relies strictly on donations and fundraisers and provides many supports to its members, a primary one to gain a sense of independence.
This is the 9th year that Paul Rudd, aka Ant Man, has hosted his benefit for youth who stutter, and the nonprofit SAY, Stuttering Association for the Young. 5% of all children stutter, a little-known fact. Rudd was part of that number and seeks to give back to kids whose voices matter. His All-Star Bowling Benefit was held this year at Bowlero Chelsea Piers in New York City.
Beginning October 1, 2022, IBI will be giving away $1,000 a month for 30 months which can be applied toward goods or services from one of IBI’s qualifying vendors.
Each month, operators enter the contest at www.BowlingIndustry.com for their chance to win in that month’s drawing. Once the winner decides on a purchase from an IBI qualified advertiser, IBI will send a check to cover that portion of their purchase.
A winner will be selected on the last day of each month. Once the winner is notified, IBI will give them a list of qualifying vendors to choose from.
Details and Rules are available at www.BowlingIndustry.com
Remember when it always snowed during the holidays? When you got everything on your wish list? When there wasn't one toy that needed to be put together? When you were sure you heard reindeer on your roof? When the whole family got together without one mishap? Me neither! But that didn't stop the holidays from being fun. Legendary bowling writer Chuck Pezzano shared this old card to point out that even in the rush of the holiday season, Santa takes a moment to bowl. And we take a moment to wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday Season.•