September 2022 // Vol. 30 COMPETITIONSOCIAL A PLAYER’S REVIEW: Sensational Gaming Experiences for Guests PUT YOUR P&L STATEMENT TO WORK FOR YOU A Beneficial Trend For Businesses

BACK TO Get BASICS utomated inventory replenishment

(800) The Leading Independent Automatic Scoring Manufacturer Worldwide Steltronic scoring interfaced with all of the string machine manufacturers.SolidTraditionForceExpertisePerformance Complete pinsetter control, foul lights, bumpers, practice, and respots. Steltronic scoring installed on more than 21,000 lanes worldwide. Interfacing string machines since 1980.

Contents September 2022 | Vol 30.9 PUBLISHER & EDITOR Stephanie Davis MARKETINGstephanie@bowlingindustry.comMANAGER&SALES Natalie Davis NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Mike Fernandez mike@bowlingindustry.comEDITORIAL Jackie Fisher Patty Heath patty@bowlingindustry.comOFFICEMANAGER Roxanne Damask Bruce RyanCareyBethSteveDavePattyTravisMikeStephanieDavisDavisFernandezHarperHeathSchwartzSempeckStandleeToselloVasko CONTRIBUTORS 1850 San Marco Rd Marco Island, FL 34145 (239) 366-2230 Fax (239) stephanie@bowlingindustry.com970-0538 www.BowlingIndustry.comHOTLINE:855-415-7517 MEMBER AND/OR SUPPORTER OF: 18 6 26 30 32 10 14 18 12 Publisher’s Column THE FUN OF COMPETITION, STAFFING, SELLING, AND EYES ON THE ECONOMY BY STEPHANIE Proprietor’sDAVISDesk “DO YOU REMEMBER?” Getting back in the groove, ‘70s style BY STEVE SEMPECK Sales TAKE OUT THE TRASH Making headspace for the important stuff BY BETH FinanceSTANDLEE BUSINESS SNAPSHOT Put your P&L statement to work for you BY TRAVIS HARPER Cover Story THE FUN OF COMPETITION Capitalize on the younger generations’ craving for fun, social competition BY RYAN MarketingVASKO Economics READY FOR THE NEXT ROLLERCOASTER? Preparation is key BY CAREY TOSELLO Game Review AMUSEMENT ALLEY Sensational new gaming experiences for guests BY MIKE MarketingFERNANDEZ LABOR PAINS Relief is right in front of you BY BRUCE DAVIS IBI September 20224

Make Conqueror Kiosk the first touchpoint for your customers when they arrive and get ready to deliver! Check in for reservations, explore offers, pay for bowling and extras, order food and beverage. The Kiosk is the perfect way to upsell your customers to play and spend more at each visit. Plus, it provides an easy self-service experience that customers want. DELIVER AMAZING SERVICE. CONQUEROR EXPERIENCE RELATIONSIHIP MANAGER ONE SYSTEM FOR THE ULTIMATE CONSUMER JOURNEY To learn more visit:

for IBI’s exclusive online-only content. Our friends at Alabama Socks offer some sage advice when choosing wholesale distributors. Top considerations go beyond unit pricing; consider the availability and volume levels. And for you marketing aficionados, another online-only interesting read is from Carolyn Horne of Trustworkz, who details how the strategic use of hashtags can help you connect with potential customers.• – Stephanie Davis, Publisher & Editor
Be sure to head over to
Editorial NEW IN 2022...IBI Online Exclusive, Online-Only Content // Must-Reads and Videos on Important Trending Topics Special Features and Contributors // Register for Online Deals, Discounts, & Giveaways THE FUN OF COMPETITION, STAFFING, SELLING, AND EYES ON THE ECONOMY IBI September 20226
Writer Ryan Vasko dives into exciting research on how people socialize and recreate in unique, organized-play leagues and tournaments. These competitions aren’t isolated just to bowling; I think you’ll find his article a valuable and lively read. Savvy operators are following these trends closely and offering fresh ways for guests to come in and spend some cash. Stay tuned to future IBI issues as we highlight unique, organized play ideas from which you may grab an idea or two.
L ocation-based entertainment is booming, and consumers of all ages are enjoying fun nights out competing with friends. Great news for bowling and many other attractions that are typically (or not so typically) housed in a bowl or FEC.
Contributors Beth Standlee of TrainerTainment and Bruce Davis of BBBI trade hats this month; Beth has a dynamite and moving article on selling, and Bruce takes on the labor shortage challenge by offering sound marketing strategies to retain and find employees. Both are excellent reads!
An entertaining, new, and short read comes from IBI staffer Mike Fernandez who reviewed some of the games, simulators, and attractions at Bowl Expo, sharing his perspective from a guest/player standpoint. While I didn’t have the opportunity to experience these myself, after reading Mike’s description, I’m all in for trying. If you haven’t tried out the games in your center, you might want to see what your guests are experiencing. We’re all watching the economy closely, and Carey Tosello’s column this month is a reflection on learning from the past and what you can do to prepare for a potential economic turndown. Now is the time to be proactive. Carey’s advice is always spot-on! For those of you who know Brian Duke from Semnox, I’m sure you can imagine the fun I had talking with him for this month’s “Inside Line” column. Brian is a colorful character, full of great stories about his experience in the amusement industry and a wealth of knowledge on the forward-thinking innovation that Semnox offers its clients. By the time we were done (it was a while), I could easily see the benefits of their cutting-edge technology, and I think you will, too. I encourage you to read the article thoroughly to enjoy Brian’s answer to the question, “What would people be surprised to learn about you?” I promise it won’t disappoint!

The 360 published issues of IBI magazine create the story of bowling from a combination of ongoing conversations with industry leaders, daily direct reports from bowling operators, and what industry experts and advertisers see for our future.
The giveaway is sponsored in part by Bowling Business Builders International (BBBI), the marketing and software developers of Kids Bowl Free,, and a host of other consumer-driven programs.
After 30 years in business, it feels like we’re just getting started!•
• We will host a page on the website that will be updated each month to show which companies the operators have selected to spend their winnings.
IBI’S 30 YEARS By Mike Fernandez
Stephanie Davis Bill Kuczinski
• An overhaul of our website, making information more accessible to everyone.
YOUR $30,000: At IBI, we love watching and reporting the growth of our industry. It’s why we enjoy doing what we do. The same goes for our generous co-sponsors at BBBI – thanks, guys! Bill Kuczinski, CFO of Bowling Business Builders International, agrees, “Our business is bringing new people to bowling.
• Once the winner is notified, they’ll be given a list of qualifying advertisers to choose from.
• Every month for the next 30 months, we’ll pick a center to win $1,000 which can be applied toward goods or services from one of IBI’s qualifying advertisers.
IBI September 2022 7
• A picture of the winner, center represented, and city/state will be highlighted in the following month’s Cocktail Hour Report. If they’ve chosen what product(s) they want, we will highlight that too.
Davis Productions, Inc. president and IBI publisher Stephanie Davis shares, “International Bowling Industry magazine has been a valuable resource to the industry for 30 years. The torch was passed from its founder Alan Crown to Scott and Jackie Frager a few years after it launched as the only independent trade publication focusing on the business of bowling. In 2022 our company, Davis Productions, Inc., was thrilled to have the opportunity to acquire IBI. The last eight months have been an exhilarating and exhausting journey as we’ve added many new components to the publication.”
• New contributors are featured, and all are experts in their respective fields.
• Each month, operators may go to to register for that month’s drawing.
nternational Bowling Industry (IBI) magazine is celebrating 30 years of proudly serving the sport and bowling business! This has only been possible due to our readership, loyal advertisers, and our industry’s tightknit community, which has persevered for decades.
Last fall, when Davis Productions Inc. acquired IBI, we celebrated by launching a business-to-business stimulation program and gave away $20,000 to 20 lucky readers who used the money toward products or services from one of IBI’s advertisers. Readers loved the promo, and advertisers were thankful for the extra love sent their way.
Together with BBBI, we’ve put together a pot of $30,000 available to bowling operators to spend with our qualified marketing partners. This allows us to celebrate our readers with an opportunity to win $1,000 each while thanking marketing partners for being loyal clients of IBI and quality suppliers to the industry.
• Visually revamping the Cocktail Hour Report while providing even stronger content.
• Unique opportunities to connect suppliers and operators with personalized marketing approaches.
“As a trade publication, our focus is two-fold,” Stephanie explains. “First and foremost, we want to provide our readers and viewers with cutting-edge, interesting, and valuable information that helps their businesses. On the other hand, we have a responsibility to our marketing partners to help share their information in unique and engaging ways. The $30,000 giveaway is a way to honor both while thanking the industry for its support over the last 30 years.”
• A winner will be selected on the last day of each month.
• A dedicated food and beverage segment to better serve your customers
IBI magazine has its pedal to the metal, providing you with the newfound knowledge and innovative trends that promote our industry. This venture is one big way we can all grow together.
Much like our industry, IBI magazine has experienced its own evolution.
• Advertisers in IBI’s Preferred Vendor List at the time of drawing qualify.
To pop off IBI’s 30th anniversary, we’re offering a giveaway of $30,000 directly to those that made this happen – the operators of bowling and family entertainment centers.
Other suppliers to the industry provide innovations that enhance experiences for guests. We wanted to recognize both the 30-year celebration of IBI along with other companies who are committed to improving and growing our industry.”

By now everyone has felt the effects of the labor shortage. Don’t let your center’s kitchen suffer because of it! Read about six technologies that could take the pain away from your labor shortage.
A reliable wholesale supplier is an essential part of running a business. There are many factors to consider when choosing a wholesale supplier and your options might seem overwhelming. Read these three tips on how to choose a reliable wholesale source.
7 Things to Consider Before Purchasing a New Draft Beer System BY EASYBAR
When, Where, and How to Use Hashtags on Social Media in 2022
Online Only
Purchasing a new draft beer system is a large task and it can be hard to tell which system is right for your bar. Bar revenue is very important for bowling and family entertainment centers, so you want to make sure your bar equipment is up to date. Luckily, Easybar shares seven factors to consider before making the decision to install a new draft beer system.
IBI September 20228
BY CAROLYN HORNE of Trustworkz Hashtags have been around for a while, but many people still do not know how to use them effectively on their social media pages. When used correctly, hashtags can be a great tool to make your content stand out. Learn a few tips about using hashtags from Carolyn Horne of Trustworkz. THESE TOP STORIES ONLINE Tips on Choosing a Reliable Wholesale Source
6 Restaurant Technologies to Alleviate the Labor Shortage BY JENNY DAY of Restaurant365

F or those of you who, like me, were getting your feet wet in the bowling business during the late ‘70s, you probably remember when the band Earth, Wind & Fire released the song “September” in November of 1978. It was a great time for me in life, and it was a great time in the bowling business. I was in high school back then and had just beaten some no-name hot shot named Pete Weber in match play in a PBA Regional, finishing in the top five in Kansas City. I thought I was on my way to being the next Dick Weber, my bowling idol. I was working my dream job at a bustling bowling center in Omaha, which was packed with heavy league play. I had a hot girlfriend that looked a lot like Valerie Bertinelli, the girl from the popular sitcom, One Day at a Time Back then, the bowling business was terrific for different reasons than today. No matter the day or time, the bowl was bustling with leagues and plenty of tournaments. My life revolved around emptying ashtrays, filling the coolers, line-o-dusting the lanes, and getting out of the way so the next shift could wander in.
While plenty of people out there still want to participate in a full-season league, that piece of the pie is getting smaller every year. Adjusting for the change in people’s lifestyles and interests is a must!!
Steve Sempeck Bowl Co Marketing and ssempeck@gmail.comManagement
Here’s a unique idea that proved good for our center and brought new customers who weren’t part of our traditional offerings. We all know that filling a handful of early-shift lanes is a crap shoot. We went out in the community using a different approach to filling the hole. We did what we called “Box Seat Bowling:” we offered area businesses the opportunity to use a lane or two and had them consistently available for them from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. All they needed to do was call us to reserve the spot for that night. It was great for businesses who wanted an after-work social option for their staff, and it was great for us to fill the lanes, increase bar business, and expose new people to the center.
• From the Proprietor’s Desk
Fast forward to 2022; what else can you do to keep your lanes busy and inventory tight? How about matching an appropriate product for the time you need to fill. Otherwise, it’s like sending out youth league emails to your senior bowlers. Waste. Of. Time.
By Steve Sempeck
Year after year, league bowlers came back again and again.
So, the next time it’s “the 21st day of September,” look at the holes in your schedule and be creative in finding the right product for the right people at the right time. Fill those holes once, and then you’ll have to, as Steely Dan said, “Do it again” after the holidays and again each and every season. As the Beatle Ringo Starr sang, “It don’t come easy.” He’s right. Odd, but right. Keep ‘em rolling!
Getting back into the groove, ‘70s Style REMEMBER“Do21YoustNight of September?”the IBI September 202210
Cousin Brucie’s Surf and Body Wax Shop had a pair of lanes reserved for their group every Tuesday from 6 p.m.10 p.m. If they used them, it was $50 an hour for a couple of lanes, shoes were free, and we put out snacks like chips, salsa, and popcorn. Businesses liked the idea that the lanes were theirs, exclusively, to use if wanted. If they didn’t call by 6 p.m. to claim them for that night, we had the option to sell them for open play.
Another prime example is the need to fill open lanes around the 3 p.m. timeslot with an after-school program. We floored 8-10 week after-school programs, teaching the kids the sport and transporting them from school to our center, just like after-school daycare. We ended up with over 200 kids Monday through Friday, between 3:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., for three sessions of 8-10 weeks throughout the year. We gave them a snack and drink, then added ten minutes of Cosmic bowling at the end. This program filled a need for mom and dad and the center. This program ended up being about a $ 40,000-a-year revenue shot in the arm for our little 16-lane mom and pop center in good ol’ exciting Nebraska. If you missed IBI’s story on after-school bowling in last month’s issue, here is a QR code to look at Mark Miller’s in-depth story.
Do you remember?
Usually, some person who didn’t even work for the bowl filled up your leagues for you. I don’t mean to rehash old history, but in the words of the ’70s supergroup Hall and Oates, “She’s gone.”
“If you can’t be with the one you love, honey, love the one you’re with,” might be the Stephen Stills lyric to inspire us. Over the years, I learned to fight the urge to offer the same old leagues to my customers, hoping that fullseason leagues would return in mass and flourish again.

Cameron Linder CEO, Western Bowling Proprietors Insurance (WBPI) Rednil Insurance Brokers, cameron.linder@rednilbrokers.comInc. 800.200.9998 Because you' re family. It’s more Insurance...than

Making head space for the important stuff
O ne of the most consoling things for me to do when my husband got so sick and eventually passed away was his job of taking out the trash.
This may sound crazy, but I ask you to think about it for a minute. What simple things could you do during difficult days to find a bit of joy to refresh yourself? Anyone in the family entertainment business came to the space interested in helping people create happy memories. Some days are fun, some are difficult, and some are so-so.
Recently, while working with a great sales team out of Ontario, Canada, we discussed the things that might get in the way of new business development. In sales, one of the most challenging activities can be to open new doors. The difference between a sales pro and an order taker is the ability to get rid of the have-the-time-to-prospectI’m-afraid-they’ll-hang-up-on-me,I-don’t-want-to-be-too-pushy,I-don’t-know-how-orhead trash so you can push for new Overwhelminglybusiness! the team agreed the most major challenge for new business development was protecting their time and using their calendar as their guide to prioritizing outbound prospecting. You’ll love the four great ideas to eliminate the I-don’t-have-enough-time head trash so they could open new doors and have more new group businesses at their locations.
We work with many sales and leadership teams around the country, and the amount of “head trash” that exists can get in the way of great sales and leadership. One of the biggest trash pits is, “I don’t have enough time to get the things done that I want to.” The level of overwhelm and dread can create procrastination, and the trash begins to pile up, and the success is buried underneath.
Back to taking out the trash: In my married life, it was Jerry’s job to take out the garbage. When he was sick, the trash still needed tending to, along with plenty of other things; honestly, everything seemed hard at the time. But it was joyful when I performed the simple act of helping him by taking out the trash.
I know you may be thinking, “Oh Lord, what is this article about?!!!” Stay with me for just a second. I think you’ll get the point and even be able to take the lesson to your team. When things are complicated or overwhelming, it’s hard to do what needs to be done. Sometimes accomplishing the simplest tasks can build confidence, improve morale, and give a person a sense of success. Sometimes the fact that we hang on to the trash — “I can’t find anyone who wants to work!”; “No one has any work ethic today!”; “Customers are nuts!” — it’s impossible to move forward. Maybe you see where I’m headed.
1. TIME BLOCK THE CALENDAR : In the conversation, this sales team member said she was setting time in her mind to do outbound calls. She is responsible for birthday bookings and does past-party outreach, and, thanks to the Kids Bowl Free group, she is now utilizing her Kids Bowl Free database. After a long day of outbound phone calls, she was disappointed in the
I’m always trying to find the fun in the day. Trash duty may not seem fun, but, man, when the trash is gone, there’s room for everything else!
By Beth Standlee
IBI September 202212

4. STAY CONSISTENT: Finally, a very insightful sales pro said, “Do all the previous three things consistently.” What wisdom! Her solution reminded me that I must consistently remember to take the trash out on Tuesdays and Fridays, or icky stuff happens! I think the same can be said in our professional lives as well. Stay consistent, and if you get derailed, jump back into it!
2. REMOVE TEMPTATIONS : Besides not protecting her time, she often takes time to jump into operations to help the groups on the floor. Although the center has a capable operations team, this helper/sales pro was trading her new business development time to assist on the floor. Her time management solution is to remove the temptation and come in earlier or make sure she time blocks new business development when groups are not in the building. Remove the temptations – brilliant!
Sales number of people she reached and instead needed to leave many emails. She had been looking forward to having good conversations with the folks on her list. By the end of the day, this sales pro was struggling with some negative head trash. Once the time was officially blocked off in smaller chunks on her calendar, it helped her to be more optimistic about honoring the time and knowing she could move on to something different once the time block was over. I was impressed with her self-awareness about getting the trash out to improve her prospecting!
3. DO THE HARD STUFF FIRST: I love this one. Author Brian Tracy’s book, Eat that Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, is all about doing the hard stuff first. As the day goes on, we have decision fatigue, and it can be more difficult to do the tough stuff later in the day! Tackle the most challenging tasks first when your mind and attitude are fresh.
• IBI September 2022 13
I hope I’ve made a connection for you in this article and that you’ll share it with your team. Sometimes parts of the job are difficult, sometimes stuff is easy, and sometimes it is just a matter of finding the joy in making sure the trash gets taken out so you can do the next thing!

• Calculate your payroll percentage of sales for each period. I prefer removing salaries from this equation and concentrating on the hourly payroll, but this isn’t necessary. This can be done easily if you have two separate subcategories in your payroll expense line.
IBI September 202214
T his month we’re going to look at how you should use your financial statements to help make decisions about your center’s future. Once again, we will be keying in on the Profit and Loss Statement (P&L) because I feel this document gives you the best snapshot of your entire business in one place. You should discuss the financials with two groups of people — your accountants and your management team. These discussions should take place after you have closed the books each month. I am willing to bet that most of you probably have conversations with your accountants but fall short of having these meetings with your managers. I understand many operators don’t feel comfortable opening the books to their managers, but I hope I can convince you otherwise because there are countless benefits to doing so.
• List the revenue streams for each period and calculate the percentage of total sales for each of the three periods.
First would be the format of the P&L that you should use when talking with your managers. I prefer to use one that shows the month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and year-to-date. This should also be a comparison report, as you usually would want to compare this year’s numbers to last year’s.
Now that we have the report ready, it is time to put together a summary to accompany the P&L. I would list the following:
• Calculate your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for your food, alcohol, and merchandise for each period.
• After completing these steps, I would add a few notes you want to discuss in your meeting with your managers. Maybe you see that there has been a spike in electricity costs that you want to discuss and what the causes may be. It could be anything that stands out in the report that you want to make sure you talk about.
Coming from a background in management, I can tell you there is no better way to get your managers to take ownership of the decisions they make every day than to show them the results of their efforts and discuss ways to make improvements for the future. You should discuss cash flow and tax implications when meeting with your accountants. You don’t want to be blindsided at the end of the quarter with a big tax payment coming due. You should also ask your accountant if they see anything that stands out as odd or irregular in the financials. Make sure you keep them abreast of any large expenditures you made throughout the previous month and/ or upcoming capital expenditures you’re considering. When it comes to meeting with your managers, there is a little prep work you will want to do. Once you get the routine down, it should only take about a half hour to prepare yourself for these meetings.
If you are not currently doing this with your team, you will be surprised how much this improves your relationship with your managers, and you will see them starting to look at the daily decisions differently.
With everything that has happened over the past two years, however, I suggest you compare this year to 2019 as it was the last full year your center operated under normal circumstances. Producing this report is easy inside QuickBooks; I am sure that most other accounting systems can do the same.
By Travis Harper
In my last article, I discussed the importance of having clean and accurate financial statements. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, here’s another opportunity
I want to end this with a word of caution. The data from the P&L statement is only as accurate as the data entered into it. Make sure that everything is being rung up and categorized appropriately: for example, if you are selling combos such as a bowling and pizza special, take the time to break out the revenue into the appropriate categories. This is important to ensure your COGS figures are as accurate as possible.• Travis has 15+ years of center management experience and is currently the operations manager at First Frame Bowling and the midwest representative of the Hansell Group. You can contact Travis at or (844)923-BOWL (2695).
Now is the time for the meeting. Make sure to keep it upbeat. I always like to start with something positive that has happened and make sure to congratulate those responsible for it. Then I would go through the stats you have put together on your summary sheet. Discuss the positives and negatives and what lead to the numbers. Please go over the P&L statement highlighting anything that stands out whether positive or negative. Discuss ways to improve the numbers over the coming month and quarter and have your general manager put together an action list for the team.

IBI: What makes Semnox unique?
Inside Line
IBI: How long have you been with Semnox?
While not directly or solely in the bowling industry, I’ve been in the amusement industry for 40 years selling to BPAA members and being a member myself with various companies.
Brian: Semnox has been an innovative and forwardthinking force since launching in 2008 when we introduced RFID “Tap-to-Play” technology to the amusement industry at competitively affordable prices. Our belief that clients are partners rather than just customers has served everyone well. While every company needs to be profitable to survive, our team is more concerned about keeping our clients happy and being the best partner possible. Brian enjoying Amusement Expo ’22 with colleagues and customers Duke Family
By Stephanie Davis
IBI: How long have you been in the bowling Brian:industry?
What is your current position?
Brian: I joined Semnox as a Senior Sales Partner in 2019 after watching them for seven years grow into a cashless payment powerhouse while I was consulting for a competitor. I pursued a position with them and could not be happier with my decision because Semnox is every bit as good as I hoped in its management team, products, service, and support.
BrianMeet Duke
Each month IBI’s “Inside Line” highlights a team member from one of our loyal advertisers. It’s always fun to learn a little something new about people who make things happen at their company and for the industry. This month we talked with Brian Duke, the Senior Sales Partner at Semnox.

Inside Line
Brian: As for products, we’re in the process of releasing our newest card reader called LuminOS. It’s the latest cutting-edge technology where each reader will have its own operating system inside, which will be cloud-based. This is a huge time saver with enormous benefits because instead of making desired changes onsite, operators will have the ease of doing it remotely simply by logging on to their laptops. We’re very excited about this; the industry has nothing like it. Semnox keeps pushing the limits of technology that our clients and their guests love. We’re also launching a mobile wallet in the form of our SmartFun app. This mobile wallet and app will let a guest manage their account through a phone to check balance, add money or even open a new account all from the convenience of their phone, anytime, anywhere. The ease of use is phenomenal because our SmartFun phone app works just like our wristbands and cards for tap-and-play feature. I think parents will especially love this feature because it allows them flexibility and one easy way to manage their children’s accounts.
IBI: What new programs, initiatives, and options are you working on?
Brian: Because I spend so much time on the road, you’d think I’d want to stay home and not go anywhere. In my case, I’ve been fortunate to travel the world, and all the travel I do makes me want to travel more with my family to share experiences with them. I’m also a huge fan of spectator sports. My favorite teams are the Los Angeles Chargers for football, the Colorado Avalanche for hockey, and the Colorado Rockies for baseball.
Brian: Even though I lived in Denver, I used to own and raise Alpacas at a friend’s ranch. I started out just helping him clean up and care for them as sort of self-therapy because it was so calming. Eventually I ended up with my own herd, having five adult females who gave birth to two babies called crias. That was an incredibly enjoyable time. My 96-year-old mother loved tagging along to walk them with me; they’re very gentle creatures.
IBI: What is one habit, technique, or strategy that you employ at work to keep you organized and on-task?
Brian: I like so many things about what I do. I meet and work with the most incredible group of people in the industry, which is such a fun one to be in. Over the years, I’ve become friends with operators of all types and colleagues from other companies serving the industry, even if they weren’t my customer. I’ve learned so much by talking to people directly. Operators are a wealth of knowledge; they’re a constant source of education for me.
I also really enjoy the people on the Semnox team. Being part of an innovative company that uses the latest technology and offers great value and outstanding customer service to its clients is very rewarding.
IBI: What new trends do you see emerging going through 2022 into 2023?
Brian: One of the most exciting things to me postpandemic is the growing need and acceptance for automation instead of personal attention from employees, and Semnox anticipated the need. There are some reasons for this: 1. Manpower shortage 2. Higher wages 3. Higher costs overall 4. Lingering COVID concerns among the public 5. More tech-savvy guests. Following those trends is why we’ve developed an extensive array of kiosks that multitask throughout different parts of a center, offering help in the arcade, selling and recharging cards, redeeming tickets for prizes, buying food and beverage, and even dispensing wristbands. These are all ideal ways to improve the guest experience and keep them coming back again and again.
IBI: When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your time?
Brian’s mom, even in her 90s, walking Leila Brian with Cosmos and Leila IBI
September 2022 17
IBI: What do you like most about your job?
IBI: What would our readers be surprised to learn about you?
Brian: Simply put, I take every phone call from customers whenever or wherever I am. When I’m somebody’s customer, I expect prompt attention, and I know my clients do, too. I take pride in following through on my promises as soon as possible. I think part of my success has been due to my one-on-one dealing with people personally.

Capitalize on the younger generations’ craving for fun, social competition
IBI September 202218
Top Golf Suite at Clearview Lanes By Ryan Vasko
T here’s a new, organized phenomenon sweeping the country, and it has expanded way beyond traditional bowling leagues. Heck, it’s grown beyond bowling itself and into countless other Organizedactivities.recreation is happening in every possible activity and provides a unique gateway to a large and loyal new customer base. This significant, sweeping trend presents novel packages and partnership opportunities and may be something you want to consider. Other bowling and FEC operators are broadening their offerings while still maintaining the core of what they do at their center. “You have to be open to adapt,” said E.J. Farwell, who runs Clearview Lanes and their Topgolf suite golf leagues in Mount Joy, PA . “You know your space; you know your customers; you just have to be willing to bring something new in for them.”
The newer generations value experiences over possessions. A study by the Harris Group found that 72% of Millennial respondents would rather spend money on group trips, music festivals, and other escapades than on new clothes, gaming consoles, or other goods. With its elders in their early 20s, Gen Z has shown a similar break from commerce norms. Studies have shown them to be less interested than prior generations in staples like watching sports or making flashy purchases and more interested in digital interactions and being out in the world — especially as part of social media-friendly activities. Shared experiences and socially shareable adventures are their currency in trade. They’re
At the heart of the new league boom of the past few years is a generational shift that led to the emergence of a new type of consumer. Millennials, numbering more than 74 million people, were followed by another big boom, with Gen Z comprising 67 million people in the U.S. in the most recent census. This has created a surplus of consumers with specific and unique views on how to have fun and where to spend their time and disposable income.
Cover Story

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Inspired by the response from the Beer in Hand tournament and the increase in customers it brought about, they kept adding new league and tournament types: blind volleyball, where a tarp covers the net so you can’t see where the ball is coming from; blizzard ball in the winter, with snow on the ground and hot chocolate available for the players; and all kinds of themed nights,
“In the Chicago area, bowling stays busy in the fall, winter, and spring, but come summer, people don’t want to be cooped up inside as much, so it’s been a perfect fit for us,” Tadevich said.
Sun Valley Lanes Cornhole
“Initially, we didn’t set out to have cornhole leagues,” Kleinknecht said. “We had the boards, and more and more people kept asking about playing, so we thought, ‘We better get some more.’ We saw where the trends were going and went there. Rather than being just a traditional, 32-lane bowling center, we knew we needed to offer more to keep new customers coming in.”
Reinvention is a theme that keeps coming up with businesses that successfully implement these new revenue-driven league types.
Cover Story IBI September 202220
more likely to take part if it makes for a good TikTok video or Instagram story. They make up the bulk of an engaged population, looking for regular opportunities to get out with their friends, take on a little friendly competition, and relax afterward with a few pitchers of beer.
Keith Tadevich is the fourth generation in a bowlingbased family who owns Oak Forest Bowl in Oak Forest, IL, and has seen how big plans can pay off, year over year.
All around the country, forward-thinking owners are expanding the scope of their centers to tap into these markets, grow their clientele base, build new avenues to revenue, and create cross-selling opportunities that couldn’t and wouldn’t exist by simply serving up traditional bowling alley offers.
This summer, Oak Forest Bowl held their 22nd annual Beer in Hand double-elimination volleyball tournament, sponsored by MillerCoors and benefiting the local St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Players play with a cup at least half-full the entire match, with kegs of Miller Lite (or jugs of water for the non-drinkers) positioned just outside the court if they need a refill. Hit with an empty cup in hand or have an unintentional (or intentional!) spill and you cost your team a point.
“We needed summer business,” said Brian Kleinknecht, operations manager at Sun Valley Lanes & Games. “Our summer bowling leagues were getting slower and slower, so we thought growing and taking things outside could be a great solution.” The Lincoln, NE, center undertook a bold renovation, buying up the adjacent land and adding sand volleyball courts, an expanded patio section, and a multi-use AstroTurf lawn area where they now hold competitive cornhole five nights a week.
In 2000, they hired a landscape architect to work on the vacant land around their center. That is now The Park, a 20,000-square-foot complex with professionalgrade volleyball courts that hosts all sorts of leagues and tournaments six nights a week with around 115 teams of regulars coming back, season after season.
“Everybody has a great time,” Tadevich said. “Even if their team is out within two matches, the package includes lunch and beer while you’re there, plus everybody gets a free t-shirt and raffle tickets for donated prizes, so they always see some real value.”

Let Us Make Your Center Look Like A New Center TOUCHSCORE.COM MORE SCORING OPTIONS THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY Let Us Make Your Center Look Like A New Center Call Toll Free 1 (888) 452-3748 TouchDesk Management System for as low as $16,595 If you have Legacy Scoring (Brunswick AS-80/90, Frameworx or AMF Magic Score, Accuscore, Boss) you can upgrade the Management System to TouchDesk Windows 10. This is a great option if your scoring is still doing the job, but you worry about the management system lasting through another season. System is CDE/BLS Compatible, offers POS options, and more. Once purchased, you can upgrade scoring - one pair at a time. Rethink Your Scoring System Investments Already Made-AND in the Future If you simply want to keep the investment you already made running, we may be able to help with a combination of new, used, refurbished, or repair on many scoring and machine components. We have been offering support to maintain your current investment for over 11 years. MULTIPLE SCORING UPGRADE OPTIONS ...OR (248) 375-2751 FEATURING THE 40GAME!FRAME We offer complete scoring replacement packages for every scoring system. If you feel your current system is not worth upgrading, talk to us about BRAND NEW SCORING! INTRODUCING THE REVOLUTIONARY SCORING CONCEPT TOUCH SCORE 3 W/TOUCHDESK III New Scoring Graphics & HD Flatscreens, and Digital Signage at the SAME TIME! ● All new scoring including, cameras and machine interface equipment. ● Touch Score 3 lets you upgrade one pair at a time. Manage both your old and new scoring with Touch Desk MGT System. Divide your center into "premium" and "standard" lanes, and upgrade more pairs at your own pace. ● Use Standard Computing Technology. TS3 uses standard Windows PCs on the lanes, counters, and back offices, making your scoring computers relevant and inexpensive to repair or replace. Never pay manufacturer's prices to repair proprietary computers. TS3 also connects directly to any flat screens without converters and auto scales to resolution of screens for easy upgrading. and Speak Directly to the owner. Easy to use lower Touch Screen Monitors with scoring grid and other displays.

Find a format that suits your customers.”
“Common sense applies,” Tadevich added. “Know your customers; know what will be a good fit. Look outside the box. Not everybody’s a bowler looking for a 35-week bowling season. And if you’re going to do it, do it right. Try not to skimp, because it pays off in the end if you stick with it.”
FastTrax recently hosted their second league season, with cash prizes going to the winners. They plan to continue growing that offering in the coming years.
Nearly every market in America has companies that organize leagues to partner with: dodgeball, flag football, pickleball, softball, kickball, and every other game under the sun. Some might balk at the idea of working with what is essentially the competition, but savvy owners see the endgame in these partnerships. It opens up doors for split leagues or exclusive promos. Even just serving as the official after-party location for a few dozen sweaty kickballers is a previously untapped line to future loyal customers.
Talk to your current bowlers; could you find out about their other interests? Host your leagues or work with ones nearby. Experiment with different package deals just for these new crowds: the food, the drinks, and the entertainment, all for a set cost, under your roof or out on your patio. Turn to the digital marketing avenues you might have foregone or neglected. Find consumers who might feel like they’re not the right age for bowling or family-friendly activities at your center.
“What’s nice, too, about working with a company like Topgolf is they market us on their site and are consistently updating the software with new game types and courses, so that gives us new ways to work in different league types for the future,” Farwell added.
Clearview Lanes hosted two different leagues last year and are expanding this year to offer new doubles leagues, scramble leagues, and more. They’re investing more into social media marketing to get on golfers’ radars and reach a new crowd. And to keep business growing within the center, their simulator league players get exclusive drink specials and discounts at Hennigan’s, their adjacent restaurant and bar.
Cover Story IBI September 202222
“You have to always keep your eyes open for your next thing,” E.J. Farwell said. That’s how he reached out to Topgolf about bringing some of their golf suites into Clearview Lanes. He and his son visited a local casino, came across the simulators, and spent the next hour trying out the game types and playing different courses. “I told my son, ‘This is what we should replace our pool tables with.’ So many places around us have laser tag or mini golf, but no one has this.”
Another thing to keep in mind: not every bit of the hosting and costs for these events must rest solely on proprietors.
“Keep it simple; keep it fun,” Stavich said. “It doesn’t have to be massive or even prize-based, but it should at least be a shake-up from your normal, week-to-week offering.
FastTrax, a go-kart and entertainment facility in Fort Myers, FL, part of the Bowland and Headpinz family of businesses, tried a similar approach to building nontraditional league offerings.
The potential for success and revenue growth here is massive. The willingness to evolve and diversify beyond your roots is key to making inroads into this gigantic bloc of patrons. You might be their new favorite spot, the setting for their next post with friends, and they don’t even know it yet.
from Christmas in July to a formaldress night to a variant played with a beach Tadevichball.has also seen some crosspollination opportunities, with “volleybowlers,” as he calls them, becoming interested in bowling if they initially came in for volleyball or viceversa. The key was to take the business where the customers were and seize the revenue chances that came to him.
“We thought it’d be interesting to try out some tournaments, something new,” said Curtis Stavich, general manager for Headpinz Entertainment. “We had some competitive racers who wanted to do a racing league. And since we’re a bowling-based company, we know leagues and how to set things up, so we saw it as a way to get more traffic coming in.”
Competitive racing leagues are a hit in FL
And, of course, have creative, just-for-fun bowling leagues, tournaments, and events. There is a massive group of folks out there looking for fun and social competition on the lanes!• Ryan Vasko is a writer based in Denver, CO, with 20 years of experience as a journalist, speechwriter, and marketer. His dog is a good boy.

This show is open to all Bowling Centers and all states welcome. Visit our Southwest Bowling Proprietors Facebook page for more details, or contact Karen Miller KLMBowl@sbcglobal net Golden Nugget Lake Charles Hotel & Casino 2550 Golden Nugget Blvd Lake Charles, LA 70601 $125 Room Rate | (337) 508-7777 Tuesday, October 4, 2022 W e l c o m e M I K E L O G A N , S o u t h w e s t C h a r i m a n Sunday, October 2, 2022 Monday, October 3, 2022 B r e a k f a s t i n t h e f o y e r M A R V E L L E S S M A R K R e e n e r g i z e , R e e n g a g e , a n d R e b u i l d y o u r R o c k S t a r T e a m s I n t r o d u c t i o n o f E x h i b i t o r s 7 : 3 0 a m 8 : 3 0 a m 8 : 4 5 a m 9 : 0 0 a m 9 : 0 0 a m 1 0 : 1 5 a m 1 0 : 3 0 a m 1 1 : 0 0 a m N A N C Y K E O U G H D i r e c t o r o f H u m a n R e s o u r c e s M a l c o T h e a t r e s L u n c h w i t h E x h i b i t o r s o n T r a d e S h o w F l o o r I d e a s S e g m e n t B E T H S T A N D L E E G r o u p S a l e s O p e n B a r o n T r a d e S h o w F l o o r 1 1 : 0 0 a m 1 2 : 3 0 p m 1 2 : 3 0 p m 2 : 3 0 p m 2 : 4 5 p m 4 : 0 0 p m 5 : 0 0 p m 6 : 0 0 p m D i n n e r D e c k C a r d G a m e W i n n e r A n n o u n c e d M a r c P a t e r C o m e d i a n K E N T G O N S O U L I N 6 : 0 0 p m 8 : 0 0 p m 8 : 0 0 p m 1 2 : 0 0 p m 2 : 0 0 p m 1 : 0 0 p m 3 : 0 0 p m 6 : 0 0 p m 8 : 0 0 p m E x h i b i t o r s e t u p o p t i o n a l . ( T h e b a l l r o o m w i l l b e o p e n ) T e x a s a n d L o u i s i a n a S t a t e M e e t i n g s R e c e p t i o n a n d S o c i a l S p o n s o r e d b y C l a s s i c P r o d u c t s 8 : 3 0 a m 1 : 0 0 p m 1 0 : 0 0 a m 3 : 0 0 p m 3 : 0 0 p m 5 : 0 0 p m 5 : 0 0 p m 5 : 1 5 p m 5 : 0 0 p m 6 : 0 0 p m 6 : 0 0 p m 8 : 0 0 p m C l a s s i c G o l f T o u r n a m e n t G o l d e n N u g g e t G o l f C o u r s e E x h i b i t o r S e t u p / R e g i s t r a t i o n B P A A & S T E I n d u s t r y U p d a t e s M a r c P a t e r D e c k C a r d G a m e I n f o r m a t i o n O p e n B a r i n E x h i b i t A r e a E x h i b i t o r W e l c o m e D i n n e r G o l f P r i z e s a n n o u n c e d M i k e L o g a n H i r i n g & F i r i n g S t a f f M a n a g e m e n t E m p l o y e e T r a i n i n g D e v e l o p i n g P o l i c i e s Member Registration- $75/person Includes: Seminars, Trade Show, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner October 2-4, O2022 ctober 2-4, 2022 Geaux Gfor eaux for the tGold he Gold

Kyle Troup 9 time PBA Champion Jason Belmonte
14 PBA Majors

Boost your center’s attraction by activating Lanetalk for free today. Kyle Troup and Jason Belmonte are not only bowling stars, they’re also using Lanetalk to get better. Lanetalk enhances your customers’ fun, creating happier, more frequent bowlers with more tournaments – and they get great insights to improve their play! Connect your center and let your bowlers compete with us! Lanetalk is free for centers, fast and easy to set up. For details or to connect your center today – Belmonte SUPERSIZE YOUR CENTER’S ATTRACTION! THE WORLD’S TWO BEST FORHAVEBOWLERSAMESSAGEYOU

The only way to slow the raging inflation is to slow demand, and the Federal Reserve will do that with sharp increases in interest rates, making everything more expensive. Inflation will also reduce the disposable income available to consumers, resulting in a reduction in revenue for bowling centers. So for those record levels of business many are seeing today, this too shall pass.
Is your website boring, or is it selling how great your center is? Now is the time to get your digital house for the coming slowdown. Your website should use the latest SEO (search engine optimization) tools to reach more people, and it needs to sell with great photos and videos.
IBI September 202226
Have you adjusted your pricing to meet the new cost of business? Don’t wait until the economy slows down — make those adjustments now while demand is strong.
A s Tom Hanks once said, “No matter where you are in life, this too shall pass.”
Remember that no matter what the current business climate is for you today, this too shall pass!• Carey Tosello is a former proprietor, founder of, and frequent digital marketing presenter. In addition to traveling the world, his passion is to help centers grow their business. Carey can be reached at
Your Facebook and Instagram platforms should suit your contemporary website and encourage people to visit your center. Are you posting regular content that is fun and interesting, or is it just self-promoting? Are you using the terrific, targeted ad system these channels provide to reach precisely the audience you want to visit your center? It would be best if you were doing that right now to build awareness and habits while business is good.
Marketing Economics
The coming economic slowdown will not be kind to those who are unprepared. As the cowboy saying goes, “Don’t wait till the horse is gone to fix the fence!” The time to tighten up your digital presence, including your website, social media, email database list, etc., is now!
The last couple of years have been crazy in the bowling business (and everywhere else). Two years ago many bowling centers were forced to close by governors’ orders. With no timetable or end in sight to some of these orders, it was a frustrating and bleak time. Fast forward two years and most of these same centers are reporting record levels of business. The thought of this kind of revenue level a few years ago was unthinkable. But as with the lockdowns, this too shall pass. Finding people willing to work is a new challenge for most of us. Reducing operating hours is the new normal for many, and the record level of business is reduced from potentially higher profits due to this lack of help. We already see slowdowns in hiring by corporations, which will result in more people looking for work. As for the lack of help we see today, this too shall pass.
Many centers reached out to me during the pandemic closures for help, and my best advice based on reading about past pandemics was, that this too shall pass, and the other side of a pandemic would see strong spending levels. History shows us that the Roaring ‘20s followed the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Yes, history does repeat itself!
The coming economic slowdown — or recession — will pass eventually, but are you ready for it while it is here?
If you are too short-handed to take care of your digital presence, outsource it to ensure it gets done. This will improve your business and move you forward so that you are prepared for what comes next. A halfway digital presence will produce only halfway results!
Remember that prospective customers will visit your website before deciding to come to your place. Does what they see make them want to come in the door or look for something more fun elsewhere? Is it easy to do business with you from your website?

FLASHBACK FUN: Cherry Lanes Arcade Bar in Sturgeon Bay, WI, wraps two throwbacks into one: bowling and arcade games. Run by and revamped in 2018 by the spouse team of Kevin and Erin Bosman, the lanes are some of the oldest bowling lanes in Wisconsin, opening in 1929. Kevin’s love for pinball incorporates vintage arcade games in an old-fashioned bowling atmosphere.
Is Your Website Chasing Customers Away? We’re the industry’s only bowling-specific web builder. An outdated website turns people off and can cost you business See why other centers love working with the team: → increase party and open play business → make it easy for customers to interact with you → get higher search engine rankings so more people find your site → post instant messages to your site directly from your phone – it’s fast & easy! Upgrading your website is fast and easy with the team. We do all the work, and you reap the benefits of a new website… plus we do all content updates for you! UNLEASH THE POWER OF AN UPGRADED WEBSITE USING THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY
ODDS & ENDS Shorts
The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) will be launching its League Bowler Certification program this fall with 300 centers in the U.S. and over 180,000 league bowlers enrolled. This new national membership program will offer a multitude of exciting benefits. It will start with parent company Bowlero Corp centers, and then the PBA will work to expand to other U.S. bowling centers. The program rolls out for the 2022 fall league season with four key pillars: league bowlers will have access to official averages, full league standings, leaderboards, and special accomplishments, accessible in real-time through PBA; second, there will be exclusive tournaments for all skill levels; and third, awards will recognize bowlers for their accomplishments.

By using cranes to display leading branded characters, centers effectively leverage multi-million-dollar promotional investments from content creators like Disney, Warner Bros., and Paramount (Nickelodeon), to name a few.
In addition to iconic characters, the hottest characters from Minions, Jurassic World, and Buzz Light Year, are ideal for today’s cranes. These movies have exceeded $2 billion in box office revenue since their debut. As tens of millions of people head to the multi-plex for this rare, popular, late summer movie trifecta, your center is uniquely poised to benefit. The demise of big box retailers and shopping malls, hastened by the popularity of online shopping, make crane games the most prevalent touchpoint for the latest licensed characters. The most amusement-evolved centers treat their cranes like mini-boutiques. As in Target’s toy aisle, brand segmentation is achieved with cranes featuring 100% Minions, aside from ones with My Little Pony, Sonic, etc. When players have multiple trending prize options, they stay and play.
• Expert Alley
This plush is about half the cost of 100% A-branded mixes and is ideal for cranes with older, more mechanical functions.
Branded plush isn’t cheap, often costing twice that of generic, but it’s also not “plush by the pound.” That means you need fewer pieces on the crane’s playfield. Display them as if in a store window. Use a bed of clear acrylic gems along the playfield. They’ll help raise the plush to eye level, plus provide an excellent backdrop for these colorful characters. While gems can be spendy, they’re a one-time expense that’ll save you on plush, especially using plush to prop up plush. And tomorrow’s not soon enough to upgrade your cranes so they feature the latest technology. Today’s best cranes are computerized to ensure the most accurate vend ratio. That means you’re able to vend better, branded merchandise with confidence. And you’re well-served to feature the same character across the playfield, as that helps ensure vend frequency.
The right merchandise can double or triple crane revenue and cast a positive halo effect across the entire center. After all, most centers draw from established communities rather than tourist locales. Your customers can and will return monthly, even weekly, if your cranes feature an everchanging range of the characters they want to win.
Although older cranes are increasingly supplanted by advanced new models driving much higher averages, they still earn. Of course, the right content drives older crane play, so consider 20% licensed mixes for these older skill-based cranes.
C rane games generate more profit per square foot for bowling centers than any other game or attraction. They also significantly enhance a center’s popularity, primarily when featuring the latest trending merchandise players want to win.
A duck crane is also the ideal piece to kickstart a crane game line-up. Operated as a winner every time, at $1-a-play, centers can expect to refill their duck crane a few times a week. By placing duck cranes on the side of those featuring the latest plush characters, centers create viable prize options for players of all ages.
Finally, no crane overview is complete without a nod to the ubiquitous duck crane. These 24-36-inch-wide cranes appeal to young and old. After all, who doesn’t want a two-inch rubber ducky for their office, room, and tub?
Take Gen Z (ages 18-22) bowlers – a key customer base with the resources to stay, bowl, and play. They want to win pop culture icons like Rick & Morty, classics like South Park and Mario, and emerging favorites such as Bob’s Burgers
Dave Schwartz BMI Merchandise with
IBI September 202228

This year’s Bowl Expo in Las Vegas brought together some of the most innovative minds in the family entertainment industry. IBI sought to see what heights arcades can reach when the newest technologies are in the hands of expert teams who have gaming at heart.
OMG Simulator Time: About 3 minutes 20 Pre-programmed new and original games // Double motion seats High-immersion effects // Easy installation // Custom branding available
Betson’s Fast & Furious Prototype Time: 1.5 minutes – if you can keep up with my race time!
By Mike Fernandez
REVIEW: VR 360 Action’s OMG Simulator has a unique take on what adventures are possible in VR attractions. Well-sized, modern construction and bright colors draw attention quickly from across the room. We opted in for their X River White Water Rafting ride, and thankfully their team was there to remind me I was at Bowl Expo. The seats and VR goggles are incredibly comfortable. Other games offered on this ride gave you the option to fly with dinosaurs, try out bungee jumping, or take a trip on the Scream Coaster. I was also delighted to try the neighboring VR Shotgun, a game that shook my body and my world trying to take down zombies!
REVIEW: The VR Collective’s VARBOX was an incredibly compact way to bring me into an expansive new world. In fact, once my match was over, I was told I was truly competing on a worldwide stage, with over 200,000 players in 15 countries. Armed with nothing but VR goggles and a VR sidearm, I battled wave after wave of zombies, many sneaking up right beside me for fast-paced showdowns. My stats put me in competition with other players around the world, allowing me to participate in leaderboards for the eSport, which offers monthly winnings to top contenders, all of which can be tracked through an app on my phone. With multiple games available, you’re given the option to work with a teammate or consider a full 4x4 battle. The next-gen graphics and sounds created an immersive experience that was an impressive representation of how far virtual reality has come in the year 2022.
One thing I’ll mention after trying out nearly every game on the convention floor is that as a player, I found the run times misleading in an exciting way. Although most are no longer than a few minutes, I didn’t feel my time was cut short. I always felt like I got the whole experience and needed a small break after some of the longer ones. It was always surprising checking my timer after a trial and seeing that I didn’t actually fight for my life for 10-plus minutes. Take my word for it, you don’t need more than a couple of minutes racing your friends, shooting zombies, or white-water rafting to be immersed in this new reality; these are the games that will change the way consumers view location based entertainment in your center!•
30 IBI September 2022
Amusement Alley A Player’s Review… Sensational Gaming Experiences for Guests
Thrill-D Motion // Secret missions on 6 wild tracks for replayability Dual 65” UHD Monitors // Link up to 8 cabinets // Releases in November REVIEW: Betson’s New Fast & Furious prototype drew my attention shortly after entering the convention center. The complete setup seems like a top attraction rather than just another video game. With massive dual 65” UDH monitors and comfortable racing seats offering Betson’s Thrill-D motion experience, I felt the NITRO button give me a burst of adrenaline. Six wild tracks with secret missions offer fantastic replayability since you’ll be moving too fast to catch the road less traveled the first time around!
VARBOX Time: 3-4 minutes Easily accessible VR eSports via iPhone app // Already large in Asia Monthly leaderboard winnings // No attendant // Add your branding to the main characters // Multiple game modes // Only requires 10 square feet


So here we are with unemployment rates at historic lows, yet there is a tremendous shortage of workers. What’s the story?
What attracted them to your business? What do they like and dislike about your company and their job? Getting feedback from your staff is like finding gold, but you’ve got to start digging. Market research is key!
A bonus to true target marketing: once you tighten who your target is, you will be able to save on costs to reach them as well
2. Ask specific, direct questions, and take good notes.
I t is no surprise that bowling and FEC operators rank labor pains as their number one current problem. We all have experienced a lack of staff. It’s not just a problem in our industry; nearly all businesses, from airports to zoos and all the businesses in between, are struggling.
The next two generations, the Millennials and Gen Zers, are big in numbers and potential job candidates but think differently about work, jobs, and money than older folks. Additionally, many job candidates who used to go from high school to employment now stretch it out and are living the college life, which can keep them out of the workforce.
People of all ages like fun. Team members bond over shared experiences making the fabric of your team stronger. Exceed their expectations.
Retention First And Foremost
Marketing Monthly 22 IBI October 2021
THREE TIPS: IBI September 202232
What keeps a Boomer in your employment is likely very different from what a Gen Zer may want. Know your target and deliver a workplace environment that aligns with their interests.
It’s impossible to fight these demographic facts. They won’t be resolved for many years, so it’s critical to roll up your sleeves, pour another cup of coffee, and get creative in finding unique ways to keep your high-quality team and be on the lookout for new candidates with potential.
A vicious cycle of searching for new staff members is timeconsuming and costly. If you’re experiencing consistent turnover, look at why you have a leaky bucket of staff trickling out. Ask the opinions of your team and former staff members. Why are people leaving regularly?
The younger generations want employers who offer fun and flexibility and have uncommon benefits. Social experiences, adventure, and work-life balance are essential for these whippersnappers. Give ‘em what they want!
I used to conduct exit interviews at our centers to get an honest feel for why people were leaving; it can be very insightful but sometimes hard to hear.
1. Don’t hand this off to an employee –this is a task for top management.
3. Don’t be defensive; your job is to absorb information and learn.
Create fun and social opportunities for your staff either before or after work. Surprise them periodically with food from the outside, special tournaments just for team members, or other socially competitive interactions.
Root Of The Problem: Demographics
Baby Boomers, born between 1946-1964, are retiring at a rate of 10,000 people per day, and that pace is expected to pick up. The generation that follows them, the Gen Xers, are significantly smaller — less than one-half of the Boomer generation — and most are already employed.
The worker shortage problem isn’t going away anytime soon. Still, some businesses can weather the storm better than others by employing a strategic marketing approach to this challenge. Working harder on staff retention takes the pressure off hiring challenges.
Different generations are intrigued by different things. Know what each group wants and offer benefits aligned to them.
current behaviors of your marketing target No matter if your target is made up of individuals, couples, groups, or companies, you need to take time with your staff to discuss all the things that the specific target might find attractive as part of your offer Building an offer to appeal to everyone or a large segment of the population usually results in a watered down offer that appeals to no one
Relief Is Right In Front Of You, Every Day
How To Plug Holes When Your Bucket Is Leaking
Reducing turnover starts with your perspective! Change your mindset from simply finding another body covering a shift to looking at why people would want to work at your establishment. How much fun is your staff having at work? How well do they interact with each other?

NEVER SAY NO! To learn more visit: REAL PEOPLE REAL RESULTSREAL STORIES SAY ‘YES’ TO MORE BUSINESS BY LETTING CUSTOMERS SEE EVERY OFFER AVAILABLE. More bowling center options mean more bookings and more return customers. That’s why Conqueror Web displays all the choices for people and their group. But not just on the requested date and time. The system helps drive traffic to a wider array of options available in other time slots, too. You’ll prevent customers from getting frustrated, giving up and going somewhere else—and keep them coming back for more.

Your current good staff is a wealth of knowledge whether you’re looking for their opinion on potential promotions and offers or how to keep and find staff. People like to feel included. Involve your employees in planning or building fun and quality employee benefits.
Hire slow, fire fast! If you hire a misfit for your system, take swift action to let them go, even if it appears to put stress on your schedule in the short run.
1. Many military veterans are a good fit for an establishment that promotes a team approach. Check your local veteran sites for help in connecting with them.
Share pics and videos of your team having fun at work. Insta-worthy pics are popular with the younger group. If you’re looking for slightly older staffers, post it on Facebook. Post new hires on social media, welcome them to the team and show them in action. Encourage team members to post fun and exciting pics on social media about why they like working at your center.
• Marketing
Recruiting Tips To Consider:
• Other good ideas include shout-outs on social media and employee-of-the- month boards
Applying sound marketing principles to other areas of your business often reaps big rewards. Here’s hoping your labor pains breathe new life into your center.
Ask yourself and key staff members, “What is impossible to do that will benefit our team’s spirit?” Then figure out how to make at least some of “The Impossible” come to life.
• Verbal recognition one-to-one of a job well done is important • Verbal recognition in front of fellow staffers is even stronger
• Recognition in the form of a handwritten note sent to the staffer’s home is huge (including a small gift card makes it better yet).
3. Consider searching out people with disabilities. Many are eager to work, dependable, follow the rules well, and have good customer service attitudes. A little research can help you find them. Many companies happily hire from this segment with great success.
Once your retaining approach is solid, stay on the lookout for potential team members who might fit in with your quality crew.
4. The power of referrals is undeniable. I recently read a study about why employees refer others for possible hire. It turns out it is not so much about compensation. Studies show: • 35% refer to help a friend • 32% refer to help the company • 20% refer so they are viewed as a good employee • 6% refer to earn compensation or a bonus Here’s one not covered by the study: people like to work with friends or people they already know and like; it makes work much more fun! See the trend we keep circling back to? Fun at work.
Work Your Social Media
Many staffers rate positive recognition above wages, schedule, and duties.
Know When To Cut Bait
Keep Working To Improve Never be satisfied with your current program. Continue improving what you offer; surprising your team with new and unique benefits will keep them connected to you and your business longer.
Gather Input from Your Staff
IBI September 202234
2. Even though Boomers are retiring from their primary jobs in huge numbers, many might consider a part-time position with you to keep busy in a fun environment. Current inflation may also encourage some to consider a position with you. Develop ways to find them and share your story; many are on Facebook. Include pictures of older workers, so they feel they’ll fit in. Yes, even old folks want to fit in.

The Sync Service Kiosk was designed to alleviate your labor concerns while enhancing the guest experience. The fully integrated, automated technology reduces wait times, streamlines ordering, improves accuracy, and upsells on every transaction, all while offering the instant gratification your guests seek. Get guests to the fun faster with Sync Service Kiosk, TOISGOODHELPEASYFIND. #0122-01CFormLLC.Products,BowlingBrunswick©2022 INTRODUCING SYNC SERVICE KIOSK.

• Smashed: The quickest way to make burgers, a golf ball-sized hunk of ground beef flattened onto the griddle for a minute is all you need. Also, perfect for making double or triple cheeseburgers.
• Char-grilled: An American summer staple. When using charcoal and woodchips for cooking your patty, you’re adding dimensions of taste that will have guests savoring every bite.
• Pan fried: Crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. The easiest part is leaving it alone – the best crust is achieved when you don’t touch it besides one good flip. Great for making thick, flavor-filled burgers.
Chorizo Champion: Add a thin layer of chorizo to one side of the burger before frying for a spicy crunch.
IBI September 202236
Almighty Onion: For deep caramelization of the onions, cook them about 10 minutes longer than the internet tells you.
As a worldwide sensation, there are countless ways to build your art on a plate. Common burger literature tells us that there could be thousands of recipes.
Booze and Bites
Bleu ‘Shroom: Topped with sauteed mushrooms and crumbled bleu cheese.
Original: Fresh lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickle. Add your special sauce.
Swiss King: Add chopped Swiss cheese to the raw beef mix before cooking.
W hen it comes to burgers, you can’t go wrong. Whether you’re offering a basic cheeseburger or your own unique creation, 75% of the nation says they could go for a burger sometime during the week. Modern burger mythology presents a conflict. It’s universally agreed that the burger was created in 1885.
• Steamed: A Northeast specialty, this method creates buttery, soft burgers. Patties can be steamed over a bed of onions to kick up the flavor. Melting cheese at the same time as steaming the burgers is a delicious option, too. Adding the bun during steaming creates softer bread.
From White Castle’s Mini Sliders to the Quadruple Bypass Burger at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, you’ve got more than enough range to try something new every week, and nobody can limit your creativity!
By Mike Fernandez
Let’s begin with the different ways to cook a burger.
Thankfully, we’ve included some top hits right here!
However, both Wisconsin and New York lay claim to its origins at a fair in their state.

The first option when pairing a beer is to match the burger’s intense flavors with an intense beer. American pale ales and India pale ales will both do the trick. The intense bitterness and citrus notes create a competition of flavor on your tastebuds.
BOOZE IBI September 2022 37
The second option for a beer pairing is for a lighter beer that “sticks” to the incredible umami flavors of a burger. American pilsners are suitable for this since they’ll let the burger flavor shine, but they also dry quickly on the tongue, cleaning the palate, which means that your second bite will be just as eyepopping as your first!
Florida for the latest trends in food, drinks, and recreation. Booze and Bites
The classic beef burger is rich, meaty, and full of mouthwatering umami flavor. Burgers and beer are a classic match made in heaven. Adding a well-paired brew also gives you the opportunity for an expertly assembled combo to upsell!
The key to making a burger stand out from the rest is truly in the secret formula, your “special sauce.” Most special sauces are a combination of other well-known condiments and seasonings. For example, the famous McDonald’s Big Mac sauce is mostly mayo, sweet pickle relish, mustard, and ketchup. They sell 550 million of these burgers every year in the U.S. alone!
Chick-fil-A has its brand of dipping sauce made up of mainly mustard, mayo, barbecue

Bowling is good business in the U.S., and its UK neighbor across the Atlantic is also growing its bowling empire; there’s lots of activity that builds business on both sides of the Pond.
38 IBI September 2022
A 10-year project is finally at fruition. Weston-super-Mare, UK, welcomed Allstars Sports Bowl. The new complex features 12 bowling lanes, a karaoke room, three bars, a restaurant, and a soon-to-be escape room. There are also interactive digital darts, shuffleboard, air hockey, and a sports viewing area.
Twenty-five years ago, Robert Thompson introduced his first eatertainment business, Buffalo Billiards & Havana Diner Lounge. His next big idea was Punch Bowl Social. The evolution continues with his new concept Jaguar Bolera. Thompson’s next business iteration deviates slightly from its regular menu and the type of entertainment it offers. “Bolera” is the Spanish word for bowling, and “Jaguar” refers to the cuisine offered, which is from the American South and Mexico, territories the jaguar historically inhabited. Raleigh, NC, will receive this new eatertainment concept in 2023, followed by New Orleans in 2024. Jaguar Bolera won’t feature full-service dining. Outside of cocktail service, based from three bars, there will be counter service for customers to queue up for food orders. The guest will receive a geo-tracking device so that food runners can deliver orders to the guests on the lanes. This model will reduce staff count by 10% to 15%, decreasing employee turnover.
There is a new attraction in Knoxville, TN. Maple Hall is a full-service bowling experience offering a lounge-recreation space. There are 11 bowling lanes, cozy leather couches, HD TVs, and a full bar. The family atmosphere is inviting, but turns to 21+ after 9 p.m. The food menu is thoughtfully crafted to include a scratch-made menu using locally sourced ingredients.

Architecture Design DYNAMIC DESIGNS Howard Ellman 248.644.7275 Interior & Exterior Design – New Concept Development – Planning & Consulting –Architecture – Theme Design – Re-imagining of Existing Facilities Automatic Scoring STELTRONIC SCORING Sales Department 800.942.5939 The world’s leading independent automatic scoring manufacturer since 1980. NEW CENTER CONSULTING Glenn Hartshorn 248.375.2751 Touch Score – A truly revolutionary scoring upgrade for legacy systems. Capital Equipment/Supplies BRUNSWICK BOWLING PRODUCTS Michael Postema 231.343.2043 The leader in the bowling industry for over 130 years, Brunswick Bowling provides products, services, and industry expertise for new and existing bowling centers. KEGEL Sales Department 863.734.0200 Lane maintenance equipment/supplies, pinsetter parts, and coaching tools. Apparel EXPERT HOSIERY Customer Service 919.799.7707 Expert Hosiery is a premiere supplier of high-quality socks to Bowling Centers & FECs. We pride ourselves in lifetime relationships. Socks variety includes White Bowling Socks, Glow Socks, Theme Socks & Custom Logo Socks. Our Customers are our best Testimonial! For orders, call, email or order online 24/7. Arcade Distributor BETSON ENTERPRISES Sales Department 800.524.2343 Betson offers a full assortment of arcade and vending equipment and has the largest inventory selection of new & used games and parts. PREFERRED VENDOR LIST 39IBI September 2022

one stop solution for your entire bowling center operations. Capital Equipment/Supplies (continued) QUBICAAMF Sales Department 804.569.1000
to reach the younger generations, to increase their spending, frequency
Intercard introduced cashless technology to the amusement industry and has been leading the way for 30+ years. Cashless systems from Intercard increase customer spending and satisfaction and boost revenues by up to 30% at entertainment centers worldwide. SEMNOX SOLUTIONS Sales Department 610.400.8901
We carry numerous liquor pour control systems, liquor portion control pourers, and beer controls that allow you to accurately measure how much alcohol or beer is being served during a day and cross-reference it with the number of sales made. We have pour tracking systems, liquor pour spouts, and even shot pouring training tools, as well.
is the world’s largest manufacturer of bowling and mini bowling products. With our innovative products, we will help our customers
visits—and your revenue. NEO TAC Frank Bernabei 585.798.6400 Lane Conditioners and Lane Cleaners. Bowling Ball Cleaners And Polishes. SWITCH BOWLING John Fatigati 201.694.7985 Offering a full line of equipment, furniture and scoring for everything from modernization to new center builds since 2006, Switch Bowling features Italian designed style built into products with uncompromising quality and value. 40 IBI September 2022
Food & Beverage ALCOHOL CONTROLS Sales Department 630.486.1880
Our goal is to help the restaurant community generate additional revenue and sources of income through virtual brands. We give you the expertise and know-how of seasoned restaurateurs, knowledge from national chain experi ence and the vision to put it all together in one complete, easy to implement solution.
extend the bowling
Kelly Grogan 508.351.2556
Semnox’s online cashless payment systems – a
Cashless Technology INTERCARD Sales Department 800.732.3770
QubicaAMF fully that potential to population, of

Insurance WESTERN BOWLING PROPRIETORS INSURANCE Cameron Linder 800.200.9998 WBPI has dedicated itself to insuring bowling centers for more than 30 years and is exclusively endorsed by 8 state bowling proprietors insurance associations. Our staff of insurance experts and professional bowlers provide staff training, insurance education, advocacy, and business advice. No one fights harder for you! Contact us today for a competitive insurance quote! Lighting/Sound DFX SOUND VISION Mike Bovino 800.555.5280 Your FEC specialists creating extraordinary experiences by providing dynamic audio, video, lighting and automation services and integration that elevate communication and give your entertainment center that WOW factor. BOWLING LEADS Zach Boulanger 844.468.4144 We help bowling centers find new leads and turn them into raving repeat customers with our done for you automated marketing system. EBOWL.BIZ & BOWLRX.COM Carey Tosello 541.549.0999 Digital marketing for bowling: BowlRx websites, Facebook for bowling, and more. THE KAPLOE GROUP Fred Kaplowitz 516.359.4874 The ultimate marketing and management company for your leisure, entertainment, or recreation business. Professional consulting and coaching available. Marketing BBBI/KIDS BOWL FREE Andy Vasko 877.841.4590 At BBBI our goal is to create new customers and profits for bowling centers through our time tested Kids Bowl Free Summer Bowing Program and our new League Development System featuring Fun Bowling Leagues for all ages. PREFERRED VENDOR LIST 41IBI September 2022

PREFERRED VENDOR LIST Training TRAINERTAINMENT Beth Standlee 817.886.4840 Fun Training – Serious Results. Virtual Reality VRCAVE Alex Rossol 780.577.9655 vrCAVE produces premium VR escape room products suited for any bowling alley or FEC looking to add VR as an option to their establishment. They work with companies of all sizes, help with the headset installation, and provide the software and technical support. Redemption Supplies BMI MERCHANDISE Sales Department 800.272.6375 BMI’s extensive product line features the trending themes, licenses and brands driving amusement play. We bring our customers a constantly changing mix of the finest electronics, novelties and toys – priced right. REDEMPTION PLUS Mike Tipton 888.564.7587 Products that perform. Services that simplify. Online Reservations ALLEYTRAK Chris Behling 815.519.9843 AlleyTrak is the complete lane reservation and management system designed specifically for bowling alleys. Manage your recurring events, leagues, parties, packages, along with many other features AlleyTrak has to offer. Save time by allowing guests to make reservations online 24/7. REX RESERVATIONS Kevan Sadigh 323.805.8310 Seamlessly manage lane reservations for your bowling venue. Set different prices for peak and off-peak times. Allocate your desired number of lanes to be reserved online, while also keeping some for walk-ins. 42 IBI September 2022

Classifieds IBI September 2022 43

Measure Ball Repair.
HIGH Level mechanic retiring – willing to train next hire for our 26 lane center with restaurant. Only the third mechanic since 1959 for our very stable, family business. Great opportunity in beautiful northwest NJ/PA border town. Salary and benefits commensurate with experience. Email resume to or call Rob 908-763-1192.
GREAT OPPORTUNITY - 24 lane center, AMF 82-70’s in Western, PA. Strong leagues, billiards, vending. No bar or restaurant. Qualified candidate must have diversified skills – front desk, mechanically inclined, lane maintenance, customer service. Pay commensurate with experience. Send resume to
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Classifieds IBI September 202244
Owner retiring. 47,000 sq ft high volume family entertainment center. Leased building located in West Houston Texas (Katy), opened in 2005. Revenue up significantly above 2019 and 2021 numbers. 36 synthetic lanes, 6 located in a private area, Qubica scoring, Laser tag, 55 Arcade games, Billiard tables, full sports bar restaurant, and party rooms. Strong league base during the week, followed by busy late night crowd. Full of parties and open play all weekend. Email for more information. BOWLING CENTER FOR SALE Head Mechanic needed for busy center in New Jersey. Great salary and benefits package. Brunswick A-2 Emailpinspotters.resumeto MECHANIC WANTED Bit and Jayhawk Bowling Supply (800)255-6436 or AVAILABLE Classes always forming. Jayhawk Bowling Supply (800)255-6436 or Jayhawk Supply. (800)255-6436 or

to place your Classified Ad in International Bowling Industry Magazine Call (239)E-mail821-2534youradNatalie@bowlingindustry.comto:or SIGN UP FOR IBI’S NEWLY REBRANDED DIGITAL NEWSLETTER AMF and some BRUNSWICK PC board repair/exchange. 6 month warranty, fast turnaround. Call or write: WB8YJF Service 5586 Babbitt Road, New Albany, Ohio 43054 Toll Free: 888-902-BOWL (2695) Ph./Fax: (614) 855-3022 (Jon) E-mail: Visit us on the WEB! THINK PINK in Octob CONNECT WITH YOUR COMMUNITY P: 919-799-7707 E: Classifieds IBI September 2022 45

• –Patty Heath
Remember When 1958 C luett, Peabody & Co., Inc. recognized a good platform for its Arrow shirt brand— quality polo shirts made with bowling in mind. This sharply dressed couple sells Arrow’s new “Bowler” knit. Our guy is intense and focused; our lady definitely does not have bowling on her mind. However, that being said, they look sharp, with a price (note, under the photo) that would please all of us today. 1958 goodWIBCmembers;bowlers;centers;4,000+/-BPAA-membercounted217,000+/-YABA3,000,000+/-ABCand1,000,000bowlers.Itwasayearforbowling.
IBI September 202246

Real Time Call Alerts & Guidance Quickly fix any on-lane issues Maintenance Notification & Instruction Ensure servicing is done right “How-To” Video Library See how to do interventions THE EASIEST TO LEARN AND MAINTAIN Tech Wizard is an industry-first smartphone app that makes pinspotter operation and servicing easier, saving your business time and money. Tech Wizard ensures technicians, especially those new to bowling, can learn to operate and service the EDGE Free-Fall—giving your business more flexibility when it comes to finding maintenance staff.