STRATEGIC PLAN www. b ow lswa .co m . a u
CONNECTING MORE PEOPLE THROUGH BOWLS IN MORE WAYS MORE OFTEN! BOWLS IN WA UNLEASHED 2025 provides the blueprint for how Bowls Western Australia (BWA) will collaborate with purpose with our member clubs and other key partners to enhance the experience and grow Bowls. Our vision for Bowls in WA: For all West Australians to connect with Bowls during their lifetime.
OUR VALUES Our values define our character and guide how we behave when it matters most. Care – We passionately care about the thriving future of Bowls and our member clubs. Accountability – We do what we say we will do, when we say we will do it.
Bowls WA purpose: To empower member clubs to positively connect with more people, in more ways.
Respect – We value everyone within the Bowls community and what they can bring to the future of our sport.
Our positioning: Strong clubs = strong future – We recognise that strong clubs are the key to the thriving future of Bowls in WA.
Excellence – We embrace change, have a growth mindset and strive to be better tomorrow than we are today.
Innovatively connecting more West Australians through Bowling clubs
Supporting clubs to enhance the experience and grow Bowls
More people in WA playing Bowls in more ways
Our governance, financial and operating models are strongly positioned to suppor t our organisation's thriving future.
We regularly and honestly communicate with all elements of the Bowls community.
We attract, support and retain the best people to effectively deliver our Strategic Plan.
We collect, analyse and share high quality information in order to make the right decisions for the future of Bowls.
We are commited to innovation and new ideas, transforming the way people connect with Bowls in positive ways.
We embrace new technologies and systems to deliver improved services and support to the WA Bowls community.
WHAT IS BOWLS IN WA UNLEASHED 2025? BWA’S PURPOSE IS: TO EMPOWER OUR MEMBER CLUBS TO POSITIVELY CONNECT WITH MORE PEOPLE, IN MORE WAYS. BOWLS IN WA UNLEASHED 2025 has been developed to: Provide clarity of purpose to the BWA Board, committees and staff; Ensure BWA is focusing on what is most i m p o r t a n t to o u r c u r re n t a n d f u t u re sustainability and success; Support the future capability and sustainability of clubs; Build trust amongst all elements of the Bowls community, through purposeful collaboration, for the benefit of clubs, BWA and the sport; and Maximize the relevance, visibility, and impact of Bowls within the sporting sector and the broader community.
WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE - A SNAPSHOT Levels of trust and respect between clubs and BWA is at an all-time high. BWA membership is viewed widely throughout the WA Bowls community as a sub-set of participation… not the other way around. More West Australians know what Bowls is, what it can offer them, and where and how they can get involved. More people are connecting with clubs and with Bowls, as players, coaches, off icials, volunteers, patrons, spectators, viewers of live events and digital content, commercial partners and community partners. More Bowls clubs operating sustainable business models. More clubs delivering social and modified game formats. BWA continuing to invest into clubs. New and improved BWA events connecting with more people.
THE FUTURE OF BOWLS IS NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE! The rapidly changing and dynamic nature of the Australian sport and active recreation landscape means the sustained success of Bowls and its delivery system in WA (clubs, zones, regions, BWA, schools and others), is far from assured. BWA holds the view that BWA and our member clubs cannot stand still, nor can we continue to operate as we have done into the future. Change is a must, not a maybe! Despite the challenges we face, we are taking an “opportunity focused approach” to how we plan for the future of Bowls in WA. As we deliver this strategic plan, Bowls WA and member clubs will need to make some tough decisions... Together, we will do what is best for the future of Bowls, not what is easy!
ALIGNED PLANNING FRAMEWORK In 2022, Bowls Australia (BA) and their State and Territory Associations (STAs) worked together to develop an aligned BOWLS UNLEASHED 2025 strategic planning framework. This approach sees STA and BA Strategic Plans aligning in timeframes (2022-2025) and in areas of mutual priority, whilst also ensuring local needs are prioritized, as required. We are committed to fulfilling our roles and responsibilities within the Australian Bowls landscape to the very best of our ability – always! We believe in our purpose and values, together with the strategic priorities and projects identified in this plan. Now it’s time to deliver – it’s time to empower our member clubs to positively connect with more people, in more ways. STRATEGIC PLAN 2022-25
BOWLS WA - OUR WAY OUR BEHAVIOURAL FRAMEWORK Our behavioural f ram ework shapes th e cul ture of BWA an d positively influen ces th e Bowls community in WA an d h ow we work togeth er. IT ’ S HOW WE BEHAVE WHEN EVERYBODY IS WATCHING … AND WHEN NOBODY IS!
CARE We will: Keep clubs and bowlers at the core of everything we do. Have inclusion and diversity at the centre of our programs and activities. Be fair, ethical and transparent in all that we do. Show appreciation and thank people for their efforts and contributions.
ACCOUNTABILITY We will: Lead by example and strive to be the best we can be every day. Take ownership of our behaviours, our work and our results. Be open and honest in our interactions and our feedback, for the benefit of the sport, even if it’s uncomfortable. Call out inappropriate behaviours and recognise appropriate behaviours.
RESPECT We will: Welcome and embrace all people, from all communities into our Bowls community. Value and listen to the opinions of others and remain open to different ideas. Understand and value each other’s roles and responsibilities within the sport, as we work together for the benefit of Bowls. Build constructive relationships with anyone connected with Bowls, or anyone who wants to be.
EXCELLENCE We will: Work together to be brave and make tough decisions in order to do what is best for Bowls – always! Develop programs and content designed to meet the motivations of current and future Bowls enthusiasts. NO.04
Challenge and be challenged – for the benefit of Bowls. Have an opportunity mindset and a continual improvement focus – we must challenge the status quo. Be resilient – we don’t give up when things get tough. Support anyone involved in the game who wants to achieve their potential. Be proud of the quality of our work and its impact.
WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO US OUR PRIORITIES AND PROJECTS SEE IT - Innovatively connecting more West Australians through Bowling clubs
SUCCESS INDICATORS Increased event live streaming and other digital content metrics annually. Our digital/technology systems allow us to efficiently connect with all elements of the WA Bowls community and the broader WA community; and for them to connect with us. Accurate participation and membership data is collected by clubs, accessed by BWA and used to promote the sport and its community impact in Western Australia; and to secure increased government and commercial funding. Greater levels of diversity in all elements of the West Australian Bowls community – i.e. participation, membership, Boards and committees, coaches, officials, staff, supporters and viewers. A network of club facilities, capable of growing club revenues and Bowls participation in WA, is maintained.
STRATEGIC PROJECTS/ACTIONS Develop and implement a Bowls in WA Marketing and Communications Plan (inclusive of a Live Streaming Strategy). This will include research into the key demographics that we are seeking to “sell our product(s) to”. Partner with BA in the development and implementation of the National Membership and Participation QR Code Project in WA. Partner with BA in the implementation of the National Diversity and Inclusion Strategy in WA. Build upon the work undertaken by BA in the implementation of the National Digital Strategy in WA. Develop and implement a Bowls in WA Facilities Strategy, to provide an evidence-based roadmap for the optimal mix of facilities for the future of Bowls in WA.
PLAY IT - More people in WA playing Bowls in more ways
SUCCESS INDICATORS Retention: More people continuing to play, coach and officiate Bowls in Western Australia.
STRATEGIC PROJECTS/ACTIONS Initiate a review of all BWA events and implement endorsed recommendations. STRATEGIC PLAN 2022-25
WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO US - CONTINUED Recruitment: More first-time players, coaches and officials in Western Australia. Increased participation in new and improved Bowls WA mass participation and performance focused events. More clubs delivering contemporary social/ recreational Bowls offerings to more people. BWA bowlers and teams achieving National Event performance targets annually.
Develop and implement a Bowls in WA Participation Growth Strategy (building upon the work of BA’s delivery of the National Women in Bowls Strategy). Give due consideration to BA’s Game Format and Participation (Formal and Informal) Products Review and implement endorsed recommendations in WA. Initiate a review of all BWA Player, Coach and Official Pathways and implement endorsed recommendations.
SUPPORT IT - Supporting clubs to enhance the experience and grow Bowls
SUCCESS INDICATORS Improved club, member and participant satisfaction data annually. More clubs and individuals accessing quality resources and training, designed to support clubs to enhance their operations and grow Bowls. More clubs accessing state and local government (state and local) funding and commercial revenues to enhance their facilities and operations. More clubs with sustainable and diversified business models in place.
STRATEGIC PROJECTS/ACTIONS Develop and implement a comprehensive Club Development Strategy, designed to guide BWA club support investment and activities; and in doing so, help to achieve our purpose – to empower member clubs to positively connect with more people, in more ways. A key component of this will be the creation of a Volunteer Management Plan that supports clubs in the finding of, retention and rewarding of club volunteers. Give due consideration to the delivery of BA’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy in WA.
Increased environmental sustainability initiatives occurring across the WA Bowls community.
An aligned planning framework is in place between Bowls Australia, Bowls WA , BWA regions/zones and clubs.
Implement endorsed recommendations to come from the 2021 Bowls WA Governance Review.
Bowls WA meets all Sport Australia Governance Standards.
Initiate a BWA and Clubs Aligned Strategic Planning Framework (as part of the BWA Club Development Strategy).
Increased external funding from government and commercial revenue are sourced to ease our reliance on membership fees.
Develop and implement a BWA Commercial Strategy, designed to diversify and increase BWA revenue streams.
BWA and club revenue streams attached to social Bowls participation increases annually.
Develop and implement a Bowls in WA Government Relations Strategy.
Sustainable Bowls WA annual operating budgets are in place.
Implement National (shared) Services initiatives which make life better for BWA and clubs.
Contemporary digital and technology systems enable us to deliver improved services and support to the WA Bowls community.
Give due consideration to the delivery of BA’s Digital Strategy in WA.
The BWA staff and committee structure in place enables the successful delivery of our Strategic Plan.
OUR COMMITMENT TO: BOWLS IN WA UNLEASHED 2025 BOWLS IN WA UNLEASHED 2025 will be delivered by living our values and working together as one Bowls community. BWA’s operations between 2022 and 2025 will be guided by this document – used by staff, monitored by the Board and formally reviewed annually. Importantly, BWA will develop annual operational plans, which incorporate financial allocations for each strategic project being implemented during the relevant 12-month period. In addition to our business-as-usual activities, we will successfully complete our projects in a timely manner, to the highest possible standard, and ensure the financial management of BWA remains sound at all times. Between 2022 and 2025 we will use a range of internal and external measurements to monitor our progress against the success indicators within this Plan. In particular, we will monitor the number, and diversity of people engaging in all forms of Bowls, focusing on how, when, where,how often and why they participate and/or connect with Bowls and clubs. We will also measure satisfaction levels across a range of areas, including BWA events; coach, official, administrator and volunteer development programs and resources; staff and director satisfaction; as well as commercial and government partners’ satisfaction, to ensure we do what we say we will do and that we’re doing it well. We will concentrate on our commercial success, ensuring the ongoing financial sustainability of BWA, which will allow us to put more back into the sport. The sustained success of WA bowlers and teams in national events; increased participation in new and innovative participation products and events; and greater connection with our clubs, will all help us achieve our strategic objectives, and in doing so, to achieve our purpose…
To empower our member clubs to positively connect with more people, in more ways.
Level 1/158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 (08) 9340 0800