Jack hi spring 2014

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Edition 99 • Spring 2014

WA’s Golden Girls In this issue:

Win a trip to the APL p13!

• Elizabeth Allan wins back to back U18 titles • Bowls Connect System • Bowls WA Pennant Survey

APL LIVE on Foxtel 18th-21st November


Here is some of the range‌and there is more arriving Oct and Nov



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jack hi

Our Cover


Edition 99 • Spring 2014

Jack Hi Editorial


Exciting months ahead in Bowls Welcome to another exciting edition of Jack Hi. Congratulations must go to our golden girls Elizabeth Allan (page 32) and Women’s Over 60’s side (page 24) on their fantastic recent achievements at national level. In administration news we welcome a new Regional Bowls Manager who most would already know in Clive Adams (page 12) and two new sponsors for Bowls WA (page 14). Another season of the exciting APL is set to be broadcast Live on Foxtel from November 18-21 and in this edition on page 10 and 11 we take a look at the teams, players and plenty more. We also take a look at all the teams participating in the BCiB Premier League Competitions for 2014/15 and have made a few predictions on who we think might take out the flag on pages 28-31.

Features in this issue APL Feature


Bowls Connect


O60s National Champs


Under 18s Carnival


WA’s Golden Girls

Also in this issue: • Elizabeth Allen wins back to back titles • Bowls Connect System • Bowls WA Survey 2014

APL LIVE on Foxtel November ????


• WA’s Golden Girls wiining the O-60s gold medal and Elizabeth Allan. – Photos coutesy of Bowls Australia.

Contents President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Inclusive Practices..................................6 Country Director.....................................7 From the Umpires..................................8 Australian Premier League Feature....10-11 Regional Bowls Manager Clive Adams....12 Bowls WA welcomes new sponsors........14 WA Bowls Rankings.............................14 Bowls Connect................................18-19 Phyl and Joan celebrate 90...................20 Dalkeith/Nedlands Bowling Club............21 Bowls WA Pennant Survey...............22-23 O-60s – National Championships.....24-25 How Good Sports can help your club......26 Silver for Mitchell at Australian Championships....................................27 Premier League Preview...................28-30 Under 18s Carnival Results..............32-33 Mt. Lawley Consistency Singles.............35 Lifestyle Articles Aged Care at a Glance..........................23 Legal Corner........................................34

Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is 23rd January 2015. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au Jack Hi is produced for Bowls WA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au. Phone: 08 9440 5863. Printing by Quality Press, 8 Babel Road, Welshpool WA 6106 ©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.

1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Graham Leeks. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au

From the President


Welcome to the new Bowls season When you get to read this issue of Jack-Hi the season will have started, teams selected and no doubt your Club selectors are getting their usual sledging. Keep in mind that they are doing an important but thankless job and if you are not happy then one remedy is to get in and have a go yourself. It is encouraging to hear that the new Bowls Connect membership data base is working well with many pre-season player transfers being handled in a seamless fashion, a portent of good things to come. Our September Board meeting was held at the lovely Ledge Point Club where we were made very welcome. After our meeting we enjoyed a nice lunch and then sat down for a question and answer session with a number of members from the clubs in the Moore District League. The Board endeavours to hold at least one meeting a year at one of our Country clubs.


VALE: Geoff Oakley Bowls WA was saddened to hear of the passing of Geoff Oakley. Geoff was an original 2006 Bowls Hall of Fame member who had a decorated career in the sport of bowls as both a player and administrator especially in coaching and selection. Condolences to the family and friends of Geoff Oakley who will be missed right through the wider bowling fraternity. Geoff Oakley Career highlights Represented Australia in 1978 and 1983 Represented WA in 243 games from 1975 to 1995 Won State Singles five times Won State Fours four times Won Rosenthal Medal 1976, 1984 and 1993.


One of my stated objectives when I took on the role of President was to obtain a better knowledge and understanding of Country bowls. During the week from October 13th I travelled extensively through the South Western and Southern zones visiting 30 clubs. I was made very welcome by all and used the opportunity to look around the clubs, inspect their facilities and most importantly to sit down with club executives and members and share information. I would hope to do something similar in the future with the Eastern and Northern zones. Hopefully by now you will have completed the pennant survey. My thanks to Marc Abonnel and his subcommittee for the great work in putting the survey together. If you have not completed may I ask that you do so, as it is your chance to provide valuable input into how we should conduct our pennant season. It can be done online and takes no more than 15 minutes. The Board at our September meeting approved the naming of the various over 60’s awards made each season. We were delighted to announce that the Over 60’s award for Best player of the Men’s side series would be named McKenzie / Barns award and the Ladies Over 60’s best player of the Side Series named Beryl Brennan award. The Men’s over 60’s player of the Year award would be named the Trevor Barron award and the Ladies Over 60’s best player of the year the Norma Samuel award. All of the people named have made a substantial contribution to Bowls in WA over a long period of time and have well-earned this special recognition.

The Australian Premier League (APL) is on again in November and our team this year includes two local players with Thomas Mitchell joining Clive Adams with the third member Jeremy Henry the current world cup singles champion. I will be at the Pine Rivers club to support the team, whilst also representing Bowls WA at various Bowls Aust. meetings including their Annual General Meeting. Congratulations to our junior boys and girls who represented our state in Darwin with a bronze medal in the Boy’s fours. Special congratulation to Elizabeth Allen who for the second year won the girls’ junior singles gold medal and was again rewarded with selection in the Australian junior squad. Good luck to all bowlers and I hope your season is enjoyable and successful. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

From the Chief Executive Officer


Australia Premier League – best vs best Another pennant season is upon us and with it comes further changes (hopefully improvements) on the ways we run the game in WA.

Bowls Connect – a new era BWA Operations Manager Aaron Delaporte has done a mountain of work to have the new Bowls Connect system up and running for the new metropolitan season, whilst ensuring clubs have had proper training in the database and competition management systems. Bowls Connect is the most significant change in the way we go about our business in the past decade, with each state and territory finally on the same system, allowing for obvious benefits from a national perspective. Locally it will allow the more proactive clubs to enjoy a whole range of benefits, particularly in communication, record keeping and conduct of events. Specifically changes will occur at pennant reporting level and although there will no doubt be some teething problems, the system of instant score and table updates, whilst tidying up player registrations and transfers will be a huge leap forward. We look forward to bringing the system to our country leagues in the 2015 off-season.

Pennant Survey – we seek your input Plenty has been written about the continued reduction in pennant numbers over the past 30 years, with various solutions considered and in the main rejected over that time. Under the guidance of Marc Abonnel and Pieter Harris the most significant survey undertaken by Bowls WA has been framed in order to delve as deeply as possible into the causes and possible solutions for the pennant format. Separate surveys has been framed for the men, ladies and club executives to complete, which will be collated and responses reported to the WA bowling public, early in the New Year. However a meaningful sample is required and I urge all capitated bowlers to ‘have their say’ on the pennant game, to assist in guiding outcomes for the future.

The APL – the best vs the best APL #2 will again be played by the very best players in the world, with competition about to fire up from the 18-21 November at the Pine Rivers club in Brisbane. New franchises in the Murray Steamers (Moama BC) and the Gold Coast Hawks (Helensvale BC) will add spice to an already great field with players such as world champions Alex Marshall and Ryan Bester involved for the first time. Congratulations to Tom Mitchell and Clive Adams who will join with big Jeremy Henry BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

to represent the Solargain Perth Suns – certainly a team that will be able to throw its weight around ! With Suns matches schedule to be viewed at an appropriate televised time for us in the West, ensure you get to a Fox Sports venue for some great action, with over 20 hours of live bowls, played by the very best.

Marketing proposal – a joint effort required At the recent Presidents’ Forum, basic details were discussed with club representatives concerning a major marketing initiative. Pulled together originally by the Marketing and Participation Committee and endorsed by the Board, the initiative would see a media campaign commenced over the 2015 off season, with a view to driving people to our clubs for obvious benefit. However a campaign of this scale will need the full support, both financial and non financial, of all metropolitan clubs in order to succeed. Greater detail will be provided at a presentation on 16 December for clubs to collectively consider. This will be a crucial meeting and attendance by club representatives will be critical.

Welcome Clive A welcome to our new boy on the block in BA Regional Bowls Manager Clive Adams. Clive takes over from Daniel Woodrow who returned home to Melbourne for family reasons and no doubt will hit the ground running. Clive needs no introduction so utilize his knowledge of clubs and the game for your own club’s benefit this coming season.

Good luck to all Finally best of luck to all clubs as we enter a new season. It will be a testing one no doubt with changes mooted as described above and an Australian Sides Series to host in April, but collectively we look forward to supporting all clubs in their endeavours this year.

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au 5

Inclusive Practices Officer


Striving for Personal Achievement from Grass Root Inclusion Programs to National Events…

BowlAbility Success BowlAbility – 4th Anniversary

Australian Open 2015

Bowls WA’s fantastic BowlAbility program has run at Kardinya Bowling Club on Fridays for over 3 years, it will be coming up to its 4 year Anniversary in October. During this time we have seen many different organizations and their members come and go; however, two participants stand out in the crowd for their determination to participate despite overwhelming odds. Anna, from the MS Society, has a neurological disorder that has seen her move from normal life to a walker and subsequently to a wheelchair for daily living. Anna came to the BowlAbility program originally for a Come and Try day and as soon as funding was approved under the Alternative to Employment grant, has been a regular attendee for over 2 years.

Staged every year, the Australian Open (AO) is the richest and most prestigious event on the Australian bowls calendar – and for the first time this prize pool opens to Bowlers with a Disability (BWD). The 2015 AO will be held from June 13 to 25 with BWD players expected to participate from the 23 to 25 at the Musgrave Hill Bowls Club, Labrador. Bowls Australia (BA) is recommending accommodation in the Broadbeach area for proposed group bus transport. There is a chance for everyone to compete with disciplines including the disability sections of vision impaired, hearing impaired, intellectual disabilities and physical disabilities. Pairs are one section for vision impaired and one section for all other disabilities (following the Commonwealth Games format), with men and women competing against each other.

• Anna rolls a bowl.

More recently Tracy, from Rocky Bay, who has been diagnosed with a Brain Tumour, started attending BowlAbility in February 2014. Tracy initially bowled using our customized ‘bowls shute’ to aid rolling the bowl down the green; however, this was soon not enough for her competitive spirit. Tracy watched Anna bowl independently and made it her goal to play with Anna and not alongside of her. Within weeks Anna and Tracy, along with their carers Tina and Jane, were competing against each other in pair’s format using score cards and having a blast! This group of 4 have bonded over bowls and get tremendous pleasure from attending our program – what a fantastic group to have on board – it goes to show that with determination, personal achievement comes in all forms of participation!


• Tina, Jane, Anna, Eric Payne (program manager), and Tracy on the green.

It will be the player’s choice as to whether they play as a single gender or mixed teams. The section for open pairs (intellectual, deaf, physical) can be teams of any composition amongst the disciplines, not just genders. The AO Schedule is hoped to be released in February at which time BA will have a better idea of how many BWD’s are interested in playing. The deadline for registering for this event is Monday 13th April. BWD players must be registered with their State Organisation in order to participate: Blind Bowlers with the Blind Sporting Council WA, Deaf Bowlers with WA Deaf Recreation Association, Intellectual Bowlers with AUSRAPID (testing done through University of WA), and Physical Bowlers with Wheelchair Sports WA. Please do not hesitate to contact myself, Denise McMillan on denise@bowlswa.com.au or 0449 619 841, for further information or enquiries. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

From the Country Director

Linda Deegan-Humphries

CCES new format Welcome bowlers to the Spring edition of Jack Hi.

Wanted Reports, results and photos. Without your input the rest of the bowling community won’t know what is happening.

Board Meeting and Forum As has become the custom, the September meeting of BowlsWA Board of Directors was held in the country. Thankyou to Northern Zone Country Committee Delegate, Kim Tanner, for convening the meeting and to the Ledge Point Bowling Club for hosting both the Board meeting, luncheon and the Open Forum which followed. To those members who joined the forum a huge thankyou for your concern and interest in our sport. I especially recognise those who travelled several hours to be in attendance. I hope that your concerns were addressed.

CCES The Country Coaching Enhancement took on a new format this year taking the coaches to the Zones. Whilst it had a number of teething problems it was seen to be a better format and will be even better next time.

In the meantime I urge all Zones, Leagues and Clubs to make use of their Club Coaches and run coaching programs to benefit all interested players.

Presidential visit – meeting the Country BowlsWA President, Graham Leeks will be making a lightning tour of the South West and Southern Zones in October. Unfortunately he will not be able to visit every club in those two zones but I can assure everyone that his original itinerary had a real crack at it. I certainly hope that those of you that have the opportunity to meet with Graham will be able to gain a greater knowledge of the intricacies of running the sport and likewise will share some of you concerns and experiences with him.

Country Committee To those retiring delegates, we appreciate your dedication over the period of your term. To those new delegates, welcome to the ‘Voice of the Country’, I am sure you will be a great asset to the committee. A reminder to Zone Delegates that there are a number of documents circulated for review. These will be discussed at the Country Committee Meeting on November 17th. Dates and venues for 2015 CCES will also be on the agenda. Agenda items are welcome. With the season in full swing I congratulate those of you participating in the various Pennant competitions across the State and wish everyone Good Bowling.

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014


From the Umpires


‘Laws of the Sport of Bowls’ Here we are again, at the start 2014-15 season in the Metro region and some Country Leagues. Metro Field-of-play rules (and for those Country Leagues that adopt them in whole or part), will continue to include several of those Rules introduced over the past 2 or 3 years, as well as some adjustments to the rules that previously did not quite conform with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls, Crystal Mark edition 2 (Jan 2011). In addition, some perennial concerns seem to be of concern to quite a number of players, of which we need to consider those of most interest. Firstly, we need to understand that there are several layers of Rules that govern our game: Laws of the Sport of Bowls at the top – World Bowls ‘Laws of the Sport of Bowls’ – currently Crystal Mark 2nd edition, introduced, after the 2010 reviews by the 55 member nations, including Australia, in January 2011. These Laws include Laws that are NOT optional as well as several instances where they ‘allow’ Member National Authorities to apply some variations for DOMESTIC play. Examples of such are the Law 23 variations contained in Laws 23.5 which allow the 21m delivered jack length (instead of 23m international); the 18m rebounding jack (20m international); etc. (which are most succinctly summarised in appendix B.4.2 of the Law book. Domestic Regulations contained at the back of the book are used to supplement the Laws which handle specific situations pertinent to play in Australia. They cover many aspects that are ‘allowed’ in the ‘Laws’, such as conditions for Substitutes etc. Policies pertaining to several legal; housekeeping; health and safety; and statutory community issues such as ‘Working with Children’ and protest, appeal and grievance resolution, are contained at the National level from Bowls Australia and at the State level from Bowls WA. From the latter is the example of the Heat Rule introduced in 2011 which set the temperatures (arrived at by consensus) for the Metro Ladies of 37oC and 40oC for Metro Men, for abandonment of play.

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Controlling Body Field of Play Conditions contain specific competition rules at International, National, State and Club Level, which SHOULD be made available to all participants in each competition entered – PRIOR to entry. General and competition-specific conditions for BWA events, including Pennants are found in the annual Handbook as well as being available for download from the website closer to the event/s. One example, continuing from the Policy on Adverse weather, in particular the Heat Rule in the Metro area, which duty was given to the Umpire of the Day under the Metro General Field of Play Conditions, as opposed to the previously applied General abandonment based upon the prevailing forecast. BUT the General abandonment was also retained as an option if considered that the severity of the forecast warranted it! For the Country Leagues it is up to the Leagues to set out their Conditions Of Play (COP’s), for which it would probably be most prudent to base their ‘By-laws’ (as they are sometimes known) upon the ones published annually in BWA’s Handbook (the current one for 2014-15 is available on the BWA website for download). Then it is simply a matter of modifying those rules that may not quite suit local League situations. For all Club Championships it is the responsibility of the Club Committees to set out their own conditions. Of course they should not contain conditions that contradict those Laws that do not have options to vary, such as the playing of a tie-breaker end in a knock-out competition – one example of which is Pennant Finals when preliminary and semi-finals lead to the final – each game of which IS a knock-out game, so that the whole side of three or four teams MUST play a tiebreaker in the event the aggregate is tied. NO count-back of ends nor number-of-teams won vs lost can be used in place of the tie-breaker! General Information – The new Laws of the Sport of Bowls, Crystal Mark 3rd Edition are due to be introduced in January 2015 (mid-season for most of us in WA, similar to what occurred in 2011). These were ratified at the 4-yearly meeting held in conjunction with the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, following input, through reviews, by the Member Nations including Australia. The main changes will be to the layout of the Laws and Law numbers, though the wording, apart from some grammatical modifications, will remain largely unchanged (e.g. where in Crystal Mark 2, the word ‘should’ meant a compulsory application of a rule, this has been changed throughout to ‘must’ in CM3). BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Bowling Green Design, Construction and Surfacing OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: v CONSULtatION aND DESIgN v CONStRUCtION - BaSE BUILDINg, REtaININg waLLS, DRaINagE, DItCh waLLS, LIghtINg, fENCINg, paVINg, ShELtERS, REtRaCtaBLE ShaDE SYStEMS aND LaNDSCapINg. v aCCREDItED INStaLLatION v ENDORSED MaINtENaNCE v COMpREhENSIVE waRRaNtIES v gRaNt fUNDINg aND appLICatION SUppORt. “The Latham members are now using their Evergreen surface and are very impressed, the carpet is running about 16 seconds and we cannot find any faults with the surface, there has not been a bowl deviate yet. The paving Evergreen put around the green really finishes everything off. Mark Fraser from Evergreen kept in contact with us during the construction to make sure we were happy with what was happening. The project was finished on time and Mark has kept in contact to make sure there has been no problems since construction. I would recommend Evergreen To anyone, they take a lot of pride with their work and are easy to get on with.” PETER WATERHOUSE (Club President)

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Australian Australian Trio Trio ~ ~ creating creating the the grounds grounds for for success success Written Written by: by: Belinda Belinda Crane; Crane; General General Manager; Manager; TEAM TEAM Sports Sports & & Leisure Leisure

Lawn Lawn bowls bowls was was introduced introduced into into Australia Australia in in the the 1840’s, 1840’s, with with the the first first green green being being completed completed in in 1845. 1845. For For the the next next 130 130 years years lawn lawn bowls bowls was was played played only only on on natural natural turf turf greens greens until until the the late late 1970’s 1970’s and and early early 80’s 80’s when when first first generation generation synthetic synthetic surfaces surfaces were were introduced introduced as as an an alternative. alternative. Development Development of of second second generation generation synthetic synthetic surfaces surfaces were were recognised recognised and and approved approved by by World World Bowls Bowls in in 2000. 2000. Now Now with with Club’s Club’s expectations expectations of of consistent, consistent, good good quality quality surfaces surfaces and and the the impact impact of of our our harsh harsh Valley Bowls BC – Ellenbrook x 2 Newdegate BC x 1 drought drought conditions conditions aa trio trio of of Australian Australian companies; companies; Tapex Tapex Pty Pty Ltd Ltd (synthetic (synthetic yarn yarn supplier), Sports manufacturer) & supplier), TEAM Sports Leisure (synthetic (synthetic grass grass manufacturer) & KCL KCL Sports Sports WonganTEAM Hills BC x 1 && Leisure Koorda BC x 1 (synthetic (synthetic greens greens installer), installer), have have designed designed the the latest latest in in third third generation generation synthetic synthetic Waroona BC x 1 Treendale Village Bunbury DryMax PRO. surfaces – surfaces – DryMax PRO.


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, with with the the first first green green being being was was played played only only on on natural natural first generation synthetic first generation synthetic ment ment of of second second generation generation ld ld Bowls Bowls in in 2000. 2000. Now Now with with nd the and the impact impact of of our our harsh harsh ex ex Pty Pty Ltd Ltd (synthetic (synthetic yarn yarn nufacturer) & anufacturer) & KCL KCL Sports Sports third third generation generation synthetic synthetic

Do you require professional advice about your existing green or proposed green?

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The ‘new’ Ultra-Plus bowling surface has been installed at Bowling Greens Under Construction – Wickepin BC x 2, Ballidu Bowling Clubvalley and NLV Busselton Helena Retirement Village

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Dalwallinu BC x 1 (14 rink)

Research Research discovered discovered that that some some Club’s Club’s with with second second generation generation synthetic synthetic surfaces surfaces Balingup BCwater x 1 than Elderbloom Retirement – used 20% while indicated that used 20% less less water than with with natural natural turf turf greens greens while others others indicatedVillage that they they Wanneroo x 1 no PRO that used just DryMax PRO is is aa tufted tufted green green that requires requires no water water for for play, play, used just as as much. much. Ravensthorpe BCDryMax x1 is utilizing the “wet” is softer softer underfoot underfoot and and cooler cooler to to play play on. on. By By utilizing BC thex 2 “wet” design design yarn yarn Carnavon Kingsley Retirement Village technology adopted for we technology adopted for hockey; hockey; we have have redeveloped redeveloped the the yarn yarn specification specification to to meet meet the needs of lawn bowls. Belswan Village Mandurah the needs of lawn bowls. Geraldton Lifestyle Village

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Australian Premier League Feature

APL02 …a bowls revolution

In case you missed it last year APL was a fresh, fast paced game akin to 20/20 cricket that hit the Foxtel screens last November with huge success. This season looks to be even bigger and better with the introduction of two new teams meaning over 20 hours of bowls vision will be screened. Over 140,000 viewers watched APL LIVE on Foxtel and Sky Sports in Australian and NZ, according to Foxtel executives the coverage rivalled figures generated by the soccer A-League competition. With comedian Mick Molloy as the APL Ambassador and Special TV Commentator the APL is a mixture of fun, frenetic fast paced action and the best bowlers from not only Australia but across the World showcasing what Bowls has to offer as both a spectator and participant sport. With the players walking out to rock concert music and the Pine Rivers crowd providing plenty of boisterous support and encouragement the local fans are set to once again flock to the venue.


PERTH SUNS The Perth Suns had a terrific inaugural season in the APL making the finals before losing in the last end tiebreaker in the semi finals. Brett Wilkie has departed for new team Helensvale and has been replaced by local star Tom Mitchell who joins Clive Adams and Jeremy Henry.

Jeremy Henry (Warilla) Former Northern Irish international player who is now winning world titles for his new home country Australia. Achievements: 2012 Australian Indoor Championships winner. 2012 World Cup winner. 2013 World Cup winner.

Clive Adams (Cambridge) WA gun who has hit strong recent form winning the traditional WA season opener in the Mt Lawley Consistency Singles after a semi-final finish at the Australian Indoor Singles. Achievements: Australian Champion of Champions Pairs Winner 1999. Rosenthal Medallist – Champion WA Bowler 2004. Australian Super League Pairs Winner 2005.

Thomas Mitchell (Victoria Park Carlisle) Rising superstar in WA Tom is looking to build on an impressive 2013/14 season with his debut appearance for the Perth Suns. Achievements: Rosenthal Medallist – Champion WA Bowler 2011 and 2014 WA Champion of Champion Singles 2011 and 2014. State Fours Champion 2009, 2010 and 2013. Coach - Wayne Turley

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Australian Premier League Feature

How is it played?

• APL ambassador Mick Molloy with Perth Suns, Clive Adams. • Photos courtesy of Bowls Australia.

APL is a fast paced game designed especially for TV and fan involvement. APL snapshot • Each team shall comprise of 3 players plus a non-playing coach • Two players from each Team shall be nominated to compete in the game (lead/skip). • The third player will be the substitute for that team. • Playing positions / order between the 3 players may be altered at any time, provided that the order must not be altered once an end has commenced. Players must play a minimum of three ends each. Game Format – Pairs • There will be three (3) bowls per player for each end • Each game will be played over two sets with each set consisting of 5 ends with a one end tie-break set if needed Special Rules • Shot clock – each player has 30 seconds to play each bowl. • The coach may call a Power Play in each set – any shots scored are doubled for that end. • Jack shall be re-spotted on a 1m mark if dead unless a kill has been nominated prior.

APL Team Lineups Adelaide Endurance (owner – Bowls SA) Scott Thulborn Wayne Ruediger Simon Dorr

Murray Steamers (Moama Bowling Club) Alex Marshall Ryan Bester Michael Walker

Brisbane Gold (Club Pine Rivers) Mark Casey Kelvin Kerkow OAM Robbie Wild

New Zealand Blackjacks (Bowls New Zealand) Ali Forsyth Shannon McIlroy Jo Edwards

Gold Coast Hawks (Club Helensvale) Lynsey Clarke Brett Wilkie Nathan Rice

Perth Suns (Bowls WA) Jeremy Henry Clive Adams Tom Mitchell

Melbourne Roys (Fitzroy Victoria Bowls and Sports Club) Dylan Fisher Matthew Flapper Graeme Archer

Sydney Lions (Club Mount Lewis) Aron Sherriff Karen Murphy Steve Glasson

When’s it on? Live on Fox Sports 2 Four matches LIVE every night from 3pm Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th November plus Finals Friday 21st November Perth Suns Schedule Tues 18th at 6.30pm Perth Suns v Melbourne Roys Wed 19th at 6.30pm Perth Suns v Adelaide Endurance Thur 20th at 6.30pm Perth Suns v Murray Steamers

Get involved Support your Perth Suns via Twitter Pages: @PerthSuns @APL02 #APL02 Facebook: www.facebook.com/perthsuns Website: www.australianpremierleague.com.au Win a trip for 2 to the APL on page 13 courtesy of Solargain Watch it live at… Mandurah Bowling Club 89 Allnutt Street Mandurah Doubleview Bowling Club 17 Shearn Crescent Doubleview • Jeremy Henry

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014


New Regional Bowls Manager

Clive Adams Clive Adams, a name familiar to many in the bowls fraternity, is the new Regional Bowls Manager for WA’s metropolitan area and selected country areas. Clive comes to the role with wealth of experience both on the green and off, with recent international, state and regional representation combined with 19 years working in private industry. The Regional Bowls Manager role, formerly known as the Community Development Officer, is primarily aimed at increasing membership and participation in our sport, by working with Clubs to develop strategies for the present and the future, and to maximise the Clubs involvement with local and community groups. Clive’s role will see him in close contact with the Clubs, seeking out those passionate individuals and those that cherish their Club and the sport and giving them the tools and contacts to take their Club and the sport into the next decade and beyond. Clive will assist Club leaders in getting the most of our Clubs, encouraging new members, retaining our current members and promoting the game to those that are yet to discover it. Clive will also work with Club officials and coaches, assisting in providing pathways for those talented in this area to realize their full potential, with national and international opportunities available for the most successful.

Contact Clive Email: cadams@bowlsaustralia.com.au Phone: 0408 136 831


‘Clive will assist Club leaders in getting the most of our Clubs, encouraging new members, retaining our current members and promoting the game to those that are yet to discover it.’

Clive will work with the Clubs to gather accurate data which can be used for critical analysis, providing feedback regarding what has been successful in other areas, and assisting with the development of localised programmes. These programmes may include targeting under-represented groups in the community and assisting their intergration into our great game. Clive has extensive experience in the sport having recently represented Australia at development level, having played in the inaugural APL competition, and having been a WA State team member for over a decade. Clive has also worked in Club management roles and has a good knowledge of the workings of the WA clubs and the challenges they face. Professionally Clive has worked in Project Management roles for a worldwide engineering company for over 19 years. He is experienced at working under pressure, and has excellent communications skills. His experience in the technology fields, in which he possesses a UWA degree, will be invaluable as clubs battle with the inevitable move to the online world. Clive will be able to advise on technology purchases as well as gaining an online presence for Clubs. The key is the Clubs working with Clive to take our game to the next level. When Clive comes to visit you and your club, please ensure to make the most of any visits and put plans in place to look to the future. After all, there are so many challenges to our sport out there we need to stand up and be counted.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

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WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years


• SRC President Hugh Rogers signs off on a Memorandum of Understanding with Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride and SRC EO Dawn Yates.

Bowls WA welcomes two new sponsors Two new sponsors will join Bowls WA this season and support a number of major events – including a new state event for the over 60s. Kyle McIlroy’s Bowls Elite will have exclusive naming rights to four of WA’s most prestigious events; the Men’s and Women’s State Pairs and the Men’s and Women’s Champion of Champion Singles, a World Bowls pathway event. The partnership will see a combination of cash and product support and cement Bowls Elite’s growing reputation as the principal bowls retailer north of the river. In signing the two year Agreement CEO Ken Pride acknowledged the support of Bowls Elite and thanked Kyle for looking to support the game in a very tangible way. In addition the Seniors Recreational Council of WA (SRC) have similarly signed a two year Agreement for the naming rights of a new event for the over 60’s brigade; the SRC state over 60’s mixed pairs. The event will carry points towards the Norma Samuel and Trevor Barron Medals for the over 60s player of the year and as such will no doubt be hotly contested. At this stage the event will be scheduled for mid April, but already deals are being done to pair up some of the state’s finest over 60s players in the final over 60s state event of the year. Welcome to Bowls Elite and the Seniors Recreation Council.


Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 18 18 20

Name Mitchell, Thomas Provost, Anthony Bainbridge, Stuart Adams, Clive Trewhella, Daniel Brown, Daniel Simpson, Mark Knott, Shane Ayres, Matthew Khan, Ryan Ellul, Matt Elmer, Andy Butler, Rhett Neilson, Wayne Robinson, Murray Slavich, John McKay, Kevin Richardson, Luke Mitchell, Matthew Grigg, Lewis

Club Vict Park Carlisle Vict Park Carlisle Doubleview Cambridge Stirling Kardinya Dudley Park Vict Park Carlisle Manning Vict Park Carlisle Manning Bassendean Vict Park Carlisle Osborne Park Morley Doubleview Kardinya Cambridge Manning Osborne Park

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20

Name Club Abe, Noelene Corrigin Warburton, Linda Mosman Park Hastings, Therese Manning Featherby, Lisa Mosman Park Andersen, Kerry Mosman Park Scott, Bev Capel Poletti, Lee Geraldton Gibsone, Janne Mosman Park Spragg, Vicki Dudley Park Baker, Bev Mosman Park Gobbart, Kathy Gingin Chalmers, Pam Osborne Park Riseborough, Bianca-Rose Osborne Park Marshall, Liz Sorrento Prosser, Rhonda North Beach Morss, Helen Manning Matthews, Liz Manning Falconer, Joan North Beach Merz, Laura Manning Jolly, Robin Manning

Total 235 173 149 129 125 120 117 110 103 79 73 72 67 64 64 64 63 63 61 55

WOMEN Total 348 297 286 181 169 152 142 137 117 111 104 94 87 72 72 67 66 64 64 59

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014


Discover a World of Entertainment at Crown – PERTH – October is here already and Crown Perth has plenty of fun and excitement in store for the last few months of the year. Melbourne Cup is coming up on 4 November and Crown will come to life with all the excitement of the nation’s biggest race, with a range of events to choose from. The Exquisite Grand Ballroom event is set to be Perth’s premier Melbourne Cup affair, offering a decadent three-course meal, fashion parade, entertainment from Diesel, Mahalia Barnes and Pinnie Stevens and hosted by James Tobin. Tickets are $230 each and are available via ticketek.com.au. Melbourne Cup events will also be held at many of Crown’s fantastic restaurants – why not make your day one to remember and get a group together for a special event! Nobu, Modo Mio, Market and Co, Bistro Guillaume, Rockpool Bar and Grill, La Vie and Atrium Buffet will all hold Melbourne Cup events – for more information or to make bookings, contact (08) 9362 7551. Christmas is also just around the corner and Crown has an array of superb festive menus to choose from. If you need a break from cooking this year, you can sit back, relax and let the friendly teams take care of you. Plus, from 24 November to 24 December 2014, you can dine for lunch at Modo Mio or Atrium, Monday-Friday with three or more friends and when you spend $60* or more per person, each guest will be treated to Morgan’s Bay wine pack, plus a bonus voucher. If you’re beginning to start your Christmas shopping, Crown has a unique choice of gift cards and vouchers available to use at restaurants, hotels or ISIKA Day Spa. Visit crownperth. com.au to find out more details and discover the wide range of festive menus on offer. It’s showtime at Crown Theatre Perth, with a great calendar of entertainment coming up. Thriller Live will take the stage from 10-21 December and this show is a spectacular theatrical production celebrating the career of the world’s greatest entertainer, Michael Jackson and the Jackson Five. Crown will also welcome LES MISÉRABLES to the stage from January 2015 for a limited season. This highly acclaimed new production by Cameron Mackintosh will be set against the backdrop of 19th-century revolutionary France. LES MISÉRABLES is the world’s longest running musical and has been seen by over 65 million people worldwide.

The show is undisputedly one of the most popular musicals of all time and is a must-see production. To book tickets to shows at Crown, visit ticketek.com.au If you’re looking for a special weekend treat, Silks restaurant is now offering a decadent weekend Yum Cha experience. Silks is Crown’s premium Chinese restaurant and diners can indulge in a delicate Silks lunch with handmade dim sum, dessert and premium Chinese tea every Saturday and Sunday for $48 per person.* For bookings, contact (08) 9362 7551. Crown was very proud to be honoured at the prestigious 2014 AHA National Awards for Excellence, held on the 15 September at Jupiter’s Casino on the Gold Coast. Crown Metropol Perth was named the national winner of the ‘Overall Accommodation Hotel of the Year’ award, as well as ‘Australia’s Best Redeveloped Accommodation Hotel.’ If it’s been a while since your last holiday and you’re in need of a luxury escape, the ‘Meet Me At The Metropol’ package provides the perfect retreat. From $425* per night you can enjoy overnight accommodation in an elegant room at Crown Metropol, plus a delicious buffet breakfast for two and valet parking. To make a booking, visit crownperth.com.au October is internationally recognised as Breast Cancer Month and Crown Perth has joined the Global Illumination initiative and turned lighting ‘pink’ for the month to help put the spotlight on the cause. You can support the fundraising effort by purchasing Pink Ribbon merchandise at Crown restaurants and outlets and all funds are donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. If you visit Crown often, it’s definitely worth becoming a member of Crown Club. It’s completely free to join and being a member means you are rewarded for having fun! Simply by joining the program, you can earn points each time you dine, stay or play at Crown Perth and the more fun you have, the more points you earn! You can join Crown Club by downloading a form from crownperth.com.au and dropping it off at one of the Crown Club desks at Crown Perth, or simply visit Crown and speak to one of the friendly team. For more information or restaurant or hotel bookings, visit crownperth.com.au or contact +61 8 9362 8888. Crown is a proud to be a long-term supporter of Bowls WA.

*Terms and conditions apply, visit crownperth.com.au for details.

BowlsWA 16 • Jack Hi • Autumn 2014

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 312014

What’s on around

A great day out Enjoy transport to and from Crown, lunch at selected restaurants such as Carvers Buffet or 88 Noodle Bar and a bonus voucher for a bit of fun! Call 9362 7777 or visit crownperth.com.au to find out how you can catch the Crown Bus. *Crown Club member price. $15 for non-members. This is an 18+ offer.





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Groove is an 18+ POSITIVEvenue.

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014 GROOVE GRADIENT VERSION


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Bowls Connect is a new IT system that promises to

Bringing Bowls

Bowls Connect is a complete system incorporating Website, Membership database and subscriptions, Online Entry, Competition Management, Player Transfers and Email capabilities plus a few other bits and pieces all designed to bring modern technology into the sport improving administration through the sport. In a massive undertaking which was formulated way back in 2011 at a Bowls Australia CEO’s Conference a national approach was put forward to Bowls administration and embracing IT with all State and Territories in collaboration with Bowls Australia. To have every club through Australia now operating through the same system creates many benefits to all in the sport. Following those initial discussions a working party was put together which created the scope for the system, began a tender process which was ultimately awarded to IMG STG in November 2012. The rollout of the system began in June 2013 with BA and State websites with clubs invited to take up free websites.

Bowls WA has since given metropolitan clubs access to the membership database and provided training on member transfers as well as the new requirements for Pennant results being entered online in season 2013/14. A lot more is available and further training will be available soon for clubs who are interested in using more of the system. Whilst the metro clubs have had first crack at the Bowls Connect System our country friends have certainly not been forgotten. Training sessions are currently being planned through Zones and Leagues right through Western Australia as we speak. Officials will shortly start to receive a lot more information on how that will happen and what is involved. A few problems have been encountered along the way, which was not unexpected however in the main the system has already bought some new innovations to bowls. Clearly the biggest positive is that all clubs now operate under the same system and that the online tools are free to clubs and in many cases will replace paid services providing a financial benefit as well as improved efficiency in administration. Let’s take a closer look at what is available…


Websites Every bowls club in Australia has the ability to register for a FREE club website. In addition this also applies to every country league or district as they are often referred to in other states. The websites are templated which means they are very similarly structured however there are many features which ensures each club can tailor the design to suit their club. Basic features of the websites are News, Sponsors, Links, Profiles and Calendars. Images and documents can also be uploaded and used throughout the website. Also free courtesy of Bowls Australia are sub-domains which means a club can effectively have a fully functioning and hosted website for no cost whatever. Alternatively clubs can still use a registered domain of their own and have the website redirected to this address. Many WA clubs have already taken up the option to use this part of the system. Some of the better examples are www.thornliebowlsclub.com.au www.dudleyparkbowlingclub.bowls.com.au www.doubleview.bowls.com.au

The Members Database is one of the exciting new features of this system will a multitude of benefits to members, clubs, states and Bowls Australia. In time it will be a major administrative time saver and will see many forms and documents relating to membership go out the window as everything transitions online. The system operates as a national database in a tiered structure running from members to clubs, to leagues or districts to the State Association to Bowls Australia. The benefit of this being that regardless of where a change is made it becomes updated across all levels and therefore eliminates the double and triple handling of information that has occurred in the past. Members have the ability to login and change any of their personal information except name and date of birth and it is hoped members will do this when any of their personal details change effectively removing the burden from the club and state. Clubs can of course make changes to members’ information however they also can use the database to generate membership subscriptions, send emails and request player transfers. Any members who have not already received their login details should contact their club.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014

revolutionise the way bowls is run at every level.

online through IT Competition Management Known as Sportsdesq the Competition Management System is the first of its kind for bowls in that it is a system designed and purposely built for managing the fixtures and results for Bowls. Sportsdesq allows for the majority of bowls formats and can operate in standard pennant format, round robin or knockout and via traditional scoring or sets plays. This season will see it fully adopted in Metropolitan pennants which require some co-operation and extra duties from clubs in that they will be required to enter teams and results into the system. The major benefits are real time scoring and results which will be online through the Bowls Connect Competition Portal at 6.30pm on the day of the competition. All names of players participating will be recorded and shown on the website – this is regardless of position and division. An interesting new concept will be the Skip Ladder which will show all skippers wins, losses and shots scored both for and against.

Email and other cool stuff… Good communications is extremely important and the Bowls Connect System gives us a very good tool to help with that. Whilst we understand that not everyone has an email but for those that do the email tool is extremely effective. Standard Email templates can be setup for correspondence and the system can filter out various member types, groups or even create specific email lists so you can target specific segments of your members list. This allows you to send emails directly to just Social members or just bowling members, or even just committee members – it really can be tailored to whatever you want. The system then tracks every email that is sent and allows you to see how many have been opened and will also show you any email addresses that are no longer valid in the system, it can also provide a count of how many times links have been opened that are included within the email. Some other features of the system not already touched on are the ability to store photos and documents, run queries through the members database on specific data, create themes for the members and sportdesq portals, update club details and provide promotion in the club finder on the Bowls WA website and create custom fields in your database. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Another feature of the new system is the ability for State Associations and Clubs to take entries for events through the Bowls Connect System. These can obviously be for playing events but may also be non-playing events such as coaching or umpires courses, awards nights or even as administration forms which don’t require payment. The online event form can be set up as login only for registered members, this can also include age and sex eligibility or can be open to anyone. Once someone has registered they will appear on a confirmed entrants list - that list can then be used to generate a competition in Sportsdesq or even set as an email list, which is what currently happens once the draw is available for Bowls WA Events and a link to the draw sent out. Online payments via a credit card can be taken through this system. It does include a processing fee however the entry payment is then paid directly into the State or Club bank account on a weekly basis.

More Training to come… As previously mentioned Bowls WA will very soon be rolling the system out through the country areas with training provided in a number of key areas. Also further training will be provided to clubs in areas such as Subscriptions, Eventdesq, Sportsdesq and Email Communication. These sessions will be optional for clubs and limited in number on a first in first served basis. Further details will be sent to club secretaries. Metro clubs however can be progressive and get started much earlier if they are keen and willing to try and learn these areas of the Bowls Connect system. IMG STG have a fully functioning online support area called Zendesq www.imgstg. zendesk.com which provides training on specific areas and includes easily to follow step by step instructions, there are also some very good video tutorials. If you do need further help you can also contact IMG STG direct via support@imgstg.com or on their help line (03)9426-2600. In addition Bowls WA are also happy to assist, please contact Aaron Delaporte aaron@bowlswa.com. au or 9340-0807. So the IT revolution is here but like any revolution it really needs the will of the people to make it successful. We really hope clubs and their members will embrace these changes and take up a large part of the system to assist us and everyone in the sport making IT happen. 19

Phyl and Joan celebrate 90 years together! Two of Osborne Park’s most popular women bowlers celebrated their 90th birthday in August – Phyl Lind and Joan O’Grady. What was so special about this event was that these two ladies have been close friends since they worked together at age 14 and were bridesmaids to each other when they married husbands Doug and Ted. Doug is still with us at age 90+ but Ted passed away in recent years. Joan was a country girl from Kuddardup (near Augusta) and Phyl from metropolitan Leederville.

They have lived in Tuart Hill all their married lives, both raised families, and joined Osborne Park Bowling Club in 1978. Both Joan and Phyl are talented lawn bowlers who have played pennant bowls for the Club in all the years since joining. They will be out on the green in season 2014-2015. Nothing has ever been too much trouble for these wonderful ladies when called upon to help out on committees or in the kitchen and OPBC is privileged to have them as members. The club and the bowling fraternity salutes you Phyl Lind and Joan O’Grady.

Bringing Bowls to Kids What’s in the kit


Purchase two kits in one transaction and receive a complementary scoring wedge


Wheeled bag

- 16 green bowls - 16 gold bowls - 1 target mat Price is $400 inc GST per kit freight additional KiTS are available now

- 50 cones - 8 mats - 8 jacks

via the Bowls Australia e-store



Activity cards

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Dalkeith-Nedlands Bowling Club

Bethany Villages Spring Fours Forty six teams all arrived to start play in windy but perfect conditions. Having experienced a dry week leading up to the event Gary Ellis and Tony Vidovich were able to produce four greens which drew praise even from bowlers who did not win. Taunted by the threatening forecast for Sunday, a decision was made to play three games of nine ends on Saturday afternoon, lest there be a washout on Sunday. The forecast proved to be accurate, and while the rain came late enough for everyone to arrive, the first game had progressed just a couple of ends when the umpire called all players in. There were some tyros keen to resume in light rain, but each time that was seriously considered, it came in heavier. As they do in the test cricket, lunch was taken early in the hope that an elapse of time may bring out the sun. That was not to be, hence play was abandoned and the raffle drawn, while the officials calculated the various prize winners, which are listed below. The hot lunch, cooked on-site by an outside caterer, was a first for the club, and was very well received. Dalkeith Nedlands members should feel proud of the hospitality they provided to the visitors over the two days.

Best Country Team Scott O’Neill, Geoff Main, Geoff Cox Herb McLelland (Kellerberrin). Round Winners Round 1: Daniel Adam, Merv Cousins, Jim Taylor, Joe Criddle. (Geraldton) Round 2: Jim Barry, Ron Haring, Corey Bezant, G Herriot. (Doubleview) Round 3: A Cousins, Gaynor Latham, Bill Rogers, H Cowan. (Narembeen) Results 1st Ron Rogers, Brian Self, Brian Hogan, Colin Crammond (Sorrento) 2nd John Sharp, Tony Walsh, Greg Keiley, Andrew Ness (Cambridge). 3rd Ross Donald, Andrew Foster, Kim Green, John McIntosh (Dalkeith).

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014


‘For over 115 years in men’s bowls and 75 years in women’s bowls, pennant competition has been an integral part of metropolitan bowls in Western Australia…’

2014 Review and Survey of Metropolitan The Bowls WA Fixtures and Events Committee are reviewing all Metropolitan Pennant Competitions that are conducted on behalf of Metropolitan Clubs and Capitated Players with the objective of gathering information from both Clubs and players for future planning, preparation and conduct of Metropolitan Pennant Bowls. For over 115 years in men’s bowls and 75 years in women’s bowls, pennant competition has been an integral part of metropolitan bowls in Western Australia. The majority of Pennant Competitions have ranged from fourteen to eighteen round seasons; two, three and four rink competitions; and divisions containing two through to eight colours. Metropolitan Pennant has been through the highs of ten divisions in Men’s Saturday Pennant and seven divisions in Women’s Tuesday Pennant to the current trend of declining capitated members and declining pennant teams. From the National Bowls Census Report 2013 it can be seen that over the last ten years Western Australian Bowling Clubs, as have all Bowling Clubs in Australia, have seen an unsustainable decrease in capitated member numbers. With this consistent reduction in the number of players and therefore number of sides entered over past years, structural and condition of play changes have occurred to the bottom divisions in both Men’s and Women’s Pennant while the top divisions have remained mainly untouched for a number of years. These changes are based on servicing the current needs of the competition and do little to halt the decline of capitated players choosing not to play or to encourage the social bowler to take up pennant bowls. The need for all stakeholders to come together with ideas and options that can be investigated and instigated is essential to attract new bowlers to our sport and hold onto the current capitated players who appear no longer interested in pennant bowls. The trends seen by bowling clubs and bowls administrators are not limited to our sport. Statistics taken from the Australian Sports Commission Report ‘Participation in Exercise, Recreation and Sport’ show other organised sporting activities with similar drops in organised participation numbers.

Tennis Between 2001 and 2010, people participating in organised Tennis dropped by 24%.


Golf Between 2001 and 2010, people participating in organised golf activities decreased by 8% while people participating in nonorganised golf activities increased by 7%. Despite the downward trend of people playing organised sport, there is also an upward trend of people playing non-organised sport. According to the National Bowls Census Report 2013, as a participation sport, bowls in Australia is an increasingly popular alternative with over 570,000 people having played in 2013. However figures show that 57% of those people played in social and school programs and were classified as unorganised activities as they are non members of bowling clubs. The trend of people looking for casual sporting options is an increasing phenomenon in the Australian sporting landscape and it is quite obvious that bowls has a large part to play in providing an option for these people. For bowls to grow in the future, we first have to better understand the needs of clubs and current players. To facilitate the gathering of opinion and information, a club and player survey has been framed to allow all stakeholders an opportunity to share their opinions on current and future pennant issues by answering questions and giving comment when necessary. In an effort to get both club and player opinion and allow for easier collation, three surveys have been produced. 1. The Metropolitan Club Survey – This survey contains all the questions asked of individual players but also club information that may affect a clubs capacity to enter teams in a particular pennant competition and the relationship pennant bowls has to the club. All Metropolitan Clubs have been sent a link to this survey and it is hoped that the opinion of all clubs will be collected and collated. 2. The Men’s Pennant Survey – This survey contains questions relating to the future of men’s metropolitan pennant. The questions are formed by submissions that have been received by Bowls WA over the years from clubs, players and Bowls WA Committee members. 3. The Women’s Pennant Survey – This survey contains questions relating to the future of women’s metropolitan pennant. The questions are formed by submissions that have been received by Bowls WA over the years from clubs, players and Bowls WA Committee members. All surveys concentrate on Metropolitan Pennant issues and the factors that affect each competition in regards to player participation and club participation. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

‘For a change to a pennant competition to be considered it requires a 60% agreement from submitted answers…’

Pennant Competitions Aged Care at a Glance

It is envisaged that feedback on this traditional area of the Bowls Calendar will lead on to investigations of other areas of our sport including turning the casual player into a club representative. While the surveys alone will not provide these answers, it is expected it will put us on a course that will make our traditional pennant structure more viable and cater for the needs of the current bowlers. It is also expected ideas will be created as to what other formats are worth investigating to entice the casual participant to further engage in bowls and your club. For a change to a pennant competition to be considered it will require a 60% agreement from submitted answers. Anything less than 60% but greater than 50% will require the Bowls WA Fixtures and Events to further investigate the submission and for it to be considered at a later date. A Sub Committee of the Bowls WA Fixtures and Events Committee headed by Marc Abonnel (Kardinya Bowling Club) will be established to collate and review all Club and Individual Player responses to the surveys. This sub committee will report back to the Bowls WA Fixtures and Events Committee who in turn will provide the Bowls WA Bowls Management Committee with submissions on the future of metropolitan pennant bowls. All surveys will close on Friday 21st November 2014 with the publishing of results to take place in early 2015.

Making the right Aged Care decisions can make a huge difference to you or your loved ones’ emotional well-being and long-term financial security. All too often, people have to make decisions quickly when it comes to Aged Care. This means it’s important to prepare in advance and explore your choices before you need to act, and to ensure you’re not put under unnecessary pressure at what is a significant time in anyone’s life. Aged Care accommodation bonds averaged $213,000 nationally in 2009 but these days can reach $550,000 in metropolitan areas. With such a large financial investment it is well worth exploring your options including how much control you or those close to you will have over are, the types of Care, comparative costs, and whether there may be government assistance available. There are three main steps to take when making decisions about Aged Care. The first step is to request a free assessment from an Aged Care Assessment Team’s (ACAT) doctor, nurse or social worker. There can be a six to nine month wait for this assessment, which is essential to qualify for a government subsidy. ACAT will then determine the level of care you need and your eligibility for Aged Care services. The second step is to work out which services and amenities you will need as some facilities specialise in treating certain illnesses. At this stage, it’s also an idea to get a feeling for upfront and on-going costs and the level and type of bond required. The third step is to think about how you will pay for your accommodation and care expenses. Certain payments will be ongoing but there can be upfront costs too. One of the important considerations you will need to make is whether it makes sense to keep or sell the family home. . As the rules around Aged Care are complex, and it is important you have a full understanding of the different strategies available to you to maximise your financial position. What’s more, you will want to organise your financial affairs to make the most of your social security entitlements, manage upfront and ongoing Aged Care fees and potentially reduce costs. You will need to determine how to pay for your accommodation as each applicants fees differ based on their asset and income positions. The upfront costs may involve a lump sum payment, regular instalments or a combination of both. Depending on your situation an adviser will be able to recommend the most cost effective way to pay for upfront Aged Care fees. Purchasing an income stream, retaining or selling your home, and how you pay for upfront fees can all have a direct effect on ongoing expenses. The correct strategy may ensure that you keep your Age Pension and reduce the expenses associated with Aged Care. The choice of investments made can help you access or retain government benefits. The decisions you make regarding your home, investment strategy and how you pay upfront Aged Care fees can also impact your Age Pension. It’s important to take the time to think about Aged Care before you reach a point at which decisions need to be made in a hurry. This will give you an opportunity to understand all the options available to you, and the consequences of your decisions. As always, you are likely to benefit from specialist financial advice in this complex area. Andrew Hopkins is the principal of WA Aged Care Financial Solutions, a privately owned financial planning business that has no ownership links with any financial institution or Aged Care facility and is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009 189 495 AFSL 240687. Information in this article is of a general nature only, and should be considered together with your particular needs and circumstances. For more information phone 1300 827 229 or visit www.agedcarefswa.com

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014


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2014 National Championships at Tweed heads

Women’s O-60s in triumphant win On October 5th, the WA Women’s Over 60 State Side travelled to Tweed Heads for the 2014 National Championships. The team selected was – Team 1 – Skip: Lee Poletti (Geraldton), 3rd: Bev Baker (Mosman Park), 2nd : Rinske Butcher (North Beach), Lead: Susan Delaporte (Mosman Park) Team 2 – Skip: Kaye Blackwell (North Beach), 3rd: Rhonda Prosser (North Beach), 2nd : Vicki Spragg (Dudley Park), Lead: Anne Crabb (Gosnells) Team 3 – Skip: Kathy Gobbart (Gingin), 3rd: Kerry Andersen (Mosman Park), 2nd: Janne Gibsone (Mosman Park), Lead: Julie Savell (Dudley Park). The competition commenced after the opening ceremony on Tuesday morning and the first match against New South Wales was always going to be tough, as they were considered one of the favourites to take out the tournament. The game was played in very windy conditions and after 21 ends WA were 26-13 up. By the 42nd end the scores were level at 35 shots each but WA remained steady for the remainder of the game to take out the aggregate by nine shots. Lee Poletti’s rink was keenly contested and was in front for most of the game only to drop a four at a crucial time. Kathy Gobbart’s

• Women’s player of the series Vicki Spragg with Manager Sue Hogg.

rink struggled at first and was ten shots down with six ends to play. However, they fought back and scored three shots on the last end to finish with a very creditable draw. Kaye Blackwell’s rink started the tournament with an impressive 13 shot win and this ensured the aggregate for the side. On Wednesday morning WA took on the favoured Queensland team. Continued page 25.

Men’s side finish a gallant third

• WA Manager Roger Barns with player of the series Glyn Vaughan.


As with the women, the State Men’s Over 60 Side improved one place from last year’s National Sides Championship to finish on the podium behind two-time defending champions New South Wales and Queensland. The 55-72 and 58-64 losses against NSW and hosts Queensland on the morning of day one and two respectively effectively ended any charge for top honours; however, the side can certainly be proud with the way they bounced back in the afternoon sessions. Most pleasing was the 62-55 win over long time rivals Victoria which relegated them to fourth-place by half a rink win. In fact, WA also matched Queensland record of five wins and two losses but finished with two less rink wins. Graham Evans’ rink should certainly hold their heads high as they provided a bright start by defeating their NSW opponents by two shots before going down by the same margin to their Queensland counterparts. Steve O’Neill’s side also recorded five wins and two losses; a massive 52 shots up meant they placed fourth overall on the individual rink ladder. Geoff White’s team would be disappointed with their slow start, losing to NSW and Tasmania on Day One but bounced back immediately and impressively to defeat Queensland and enjoyed further wins against South Australia and the two Territories. Glyn Vaughan was the worthy recipient of the inaugural McKenzie/Barns Medal for the Player of the Series. Bowls WA also wish to congratulate selectors Brian Burton, Mike Zusman and once again thank manager Roger Barns for his tireless efforts.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

• Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • WA started well and after 21 ends had a 17 shot lead. At the completion of 46 ends the lead had increased to 25 shots and this lead was maintained for the remainder of the game, the final aggregate score being 55-27. The match against South Australia was keenly contested in very difficult conditions. Both teams found it difficult to find their line and length but South Australia adapted a little better than WA and after 21 ends found themselves seven shots in front. WA fought back and after 43 ends held a two shot lead on the aggregate. WA increased their lead in the remaining ends to finish with a vital 13-shot win. The playing conditions for the Victoria match were very difficult, with strong, gusty winds prevailing for the entire game. Lee Poletti’s rink had a tough task against Joy Lindores’ team, and was down by nine shots after 13 ends; however, they remained solid for the remainder of the game restricting the Victorian lead to five in the final end.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Kaye Blackwell’s team finished with a seven shot loss but it was Kathy Gobbart’s rink which maintained a big enough lead that ensured the aggregate with a 29-10 victory; the final score 59-52. On Thursday afternoon WA had a bye with one match to be played against the ACT the following morning. However, the women from our nation’s capital put the overall result beyond doubt by defeating New South Wales. Knowing the competition was in their keeping, WA was still keen to finish the tournament with a clean sweep and approached the game against ACT on Friday morning with the same intensity and enthusiasm they had shown throughout the week. The match commenced at 7am, in still conditions and the scores remained close throughout. It was WA who claimed the aggregate in the end by four shots 68-64 after being behind for most of the match. A fantastic result! Susan Hogg – Manager


How Good Sports can help your club The Australian Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program works in communities to make sports clubs safe and healthy environments by helping them learn to manage alcohol more responsibly. Drinking alcohol is the most common type of drug use in Australia. Alcohol is so widely used that many people don’t think of it as a drug and may not realise that it can be harmful. As a result, they may drink too heavily at times, or binge drink. But alcohol kills thousands of Australians ever year. Heavy drinking can lead to a variety of harmful effects including brain damage, hangovers, headaches, memory loss, dependence, car accidents, liver damage, alcohol poisoning, vomiting, nausea and an increased risk of falls. Sports clubs play a crucial role in our communities and in shaping the behaviours and attitudes of young people. But sport and alcohol are tightly linked in Australian culture, so breaking the link requires real culture change. This is where Good Sports comes in. The program offers advice and a framework for sports clubs to reduce binge drinking, smoking and unsafe behaviour. It provides a proven step-by-step process to reduce drunken behaviour and promote healthier lifestyles. Community clubs are passionate about their sport and don’t want it ruined by drunken violence, drink driving and poor health. Good Sports clubs are safer for teams, spectators and the whole family, because they provide Responsible Service of Alcohol training to bar staff, organise plans for how members can travel home safely if they do drink, and make sure club rooms are smoke free.


This leads to greater participation by female and younger members of the community and actually grows business over the counter in the long term. More than 6500 clubs across about 70 sporting codes all over the country are engaged in what is Australia’s largest health and sports initiative. As participation is voluntary, each club plays an active role in changing their culture. The Good Sports program empowers clubs and wider communities to make and lead positive change. Good Sports really is making a difference and your club can be a part of it. Tips to control your drinking: • Set limits and stick to them. • Start off with a non-alcoholic drink to quench your thirst first. • Drink slowly. • Drink from a small glass. • Be aware of exactly what you are drinking. • Try a low alcohol/non-alcoholic alternative. • Eat before and while drinking. • Avoid getting ‘rounds’ or ‘shouts’. • Avoid ‘top-ups’. • Stay busy. Good Sports is run by the Australian Drug Foundation, one of Australia’s leading not-for-profit drug and alcohol prevention organisations. For more tips and information about Good Sports visit www.goodsports.com.au or head to Facebook.com/ GoodSportsClubs

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Silver for Mitchell at Aust. Championships State Singles and Pairs champions converged at Taren Point NSW to battle it out to be crowned Australian champions from October 13th to 16th. The WA representatives were Thomas Mitchell (Victoria Park Carlisle) and Noelene Abe (Corrigin) in Singles and Blake Nairn and Frank Carbone (Manning) in Pairs. The WA Women’s Pairs team were a withdrawal. The event was played under difficult circumstances as severe Sydney storms unleashed horrendous rain and wind during the tournament. WA’s Thomas Mitchell performed extremely well in sectional play with three impressive victories to claim his place in the final. After seven inches of rain over night the start of the Singles final on Wednesday was delayed for over an hour as the greenkeepers did their best to present a playable surface. Up against South Australian Scott Thulborn the early going was a fairly tight contest at 3-2. Thulborn who was the star of the inaugural APL season playing for Adelaide Endurance started to show his class and was doing the better on the heavy green as he raced to a 16-5 lead. Mitchell was able to match Scott for the rest of the match however he eventually succumbed as Scott went on to claim the title with a 21-13 win.

In the Women’s event Corrigin’s Noelene Abe was defending her title but came un stuck early when NSW’s Katrina Wright got the jump on her to win 21-8. Abe was able to win her next two sectional matches however couldn’t win the section. Wright went on to claim the title against SA’s Sue Coltas. The Pairs events were dominated by Queensland winning both the Men’s and Women’s events. WA’s Nairn and Carbone played well with a big 25-7 win against Northern Territory however losses to New South Wales and Victoria meant they failed to make the final. The Queensland pair of Steven Mcnamee and Jason Andrewartha recorded a rather emotional victory for their club of Tantitha in the Bundaberg district. The club members were forced to relocate nearly 12 months ago after the club was affected by floods and later demolished due to asbestos contamination. The duo were members at Tantitha for over 15 years evidently proud to have won an Australian Championship playing in the club colours officially for the last time. • Singles Finalists, Sue Coltar (SA), Katrina Wright (NSW), Scott Thulborn (SA) and Tom Mitchell (WA).

WA Results Men’s Singles Round 1: T. Mitchell def T. Fuller (NSW) 21-13. Round 2: T. Mitchell def J. Groenewege (NT) 21-11. Round 3: T. Mitchell def B. Loughlin (Vict) 21-13. Final: T. Mitchell def by S. Thulborn (SA) 21-13. Women’s Singles Round 1: N. Abe def by K. Wright (NSW) 21-8. Round 2: N. Abe def L. Derrick (NT) 21-8. Round 3: N. Abe def A. Hall (Vict) 21-12. Men’s Pairs Round 1: F. Carbone, B. Nairn def by I. Rayner, D. Ferguson (NSW) 20-15. Round 2: F. Carbone, B. Nairn def S. Douglas, J. Groenewege (NT) 25-7. Round 3: F. Carbone, B. Nairn def by B. Young, B. Mahoney (Vict) 19-11. • Photo courtesy of Bowls Australia.


Premier League Preview 2014-15 In: Jesse Brown (Dalkeith-Nedlands), (Wanneroo). Out: Neale Griffin (South Perth). Doubleview

This season’s Premier League is looming as one of the most even in recent years with as many as six or seven sides including the promoted Cambridge having legitimate claims for the flag. Victoria Park Carlisle will be looking to defend their title however they appear a bit weaker on paper this season and with other clubs improving their playing strength it looks like a very even competition in the offing.



Last Year: 6th – Prediction: 2nd

Doubleview suffered one of their worst seasons in modern times to miss finals last year and will be keen to bounce back this season. They have recruited strongly with three good players joining the side. If they can put a stable side out on the green expect them to back near the top of the ladder again. In: Ryan Moyle (Nollamara), Scott Edmonds (Karratha), Gavin Faulkner (Vict Park Carlisle). Out: Jamie O’Keefe (Stirling), Alan Dawson (not playing).

MEN Bassendean

Last Year: 7th – Prediction: 7th

Bassendean have shown they are capable of beating any team on there day, however they are also capable of losing to any side as evidence by losses to relegated sides Wanneroo and Cockburn last year. They look to have some handy recruits and with a little luck could push for a finals position in 2014/15. In: Blake Nairn (Manning), John Franscisco (Manning), Luke Pewsey (Kalamunda), Andrew Elmer (Vict Park Carlisle). Out: Brian Axford (Quinns Rocks), Andrew Garlick (Morley), Colin Hotker (Bussleton).

Kardinya Kats



Last Year: 1st in 1 White – Prediction: 1st

After claiming a premiership in 2012 Cambridge where surprisingly relegated the following year. They however regrouped last season and dominated the 1st White competition. A fit and healthy David Opie along with Perth Suns APL rep Clive Adams give them a very strong lineup which looks hard to beat in 2014/15.

Last Year: 5th – Prediction: 9th

After sitting inside the four for the majority of the second half of the season a loss to Bassendean in round 18 saw Kardinya miss what would have been their Maiden Premier League finals campaign. Minimum changes at the Kats this year but their home ground advantage has started to wear off which might see them in for a tough year. In: Stephen West (Mosman Park), Ryan Hawke (Armadale). Out: Nil. Last Year: 2nd in 1 White – Prediction 10th

Congratulations are in order for Innaloo who will play in Premier League for the first time. Innaloo are virtually all home grown talent and a big part of their success is obviously team chemistry however lacking experience at this level may prove tough for them. They will have to buck the odds to survive. In: Paul Harber (Warwick), Chris McKenna (Yokine), Michael Bayo (Warilla). Out: Nil. . Manning

Last Year: 2nd – Prediction 3rd

Manning would have been disappointed to finish second and not make the Grand Final last year. There has been a bit of a revolving door with the players leaving looking to have more than adequate replacements. Matt Ellul the big bonus in their recruits and could make a difference but they good for finals again. In: Sam Perica (Stirling), Ryan Philpott (Warnbro), Matthew Ellul (Mt Lawley). Out: Blake Nairn (Bassendean), John Franscisco (Bassendean), Wayne Heldt (Mt Pleasant), David Downey (University). 28

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Premier League Preview 2014-15 Osborne Park

Last Year: 3rd – Prediction 4th

Osborne Park have consistently been in finals contention for many years now. Pat Caffell is not playing along with Stein Davies however the club has plenty of depth and should be able to cover these losses. Hard to see them not in the mix once again given the wealth of experience at the club. In: Nil. Out: Stein Davies (Stirling), Pat Caffell (travelling), Mark Rosenberg (Melville). South Perth

Last Year: 4th – Prediction 6th

After miraculously making the finals in the last round of the year the Millers took full advantage to nearly pulled off a dream result going down on the last end of the Grand Final. Ross Bresland being unavailable due to work takes a quality player from the lineup but it wouldn’t surprise to see them figuring again in 14/15. In: Neale Griffin (Cambridge), Alan Jones (Valley). Out: Ross Bresland (work commitments). Stirling

Last Year: 8th – Prediction 8th

Stirling have managed to stay in Premier League for a few years now without realistically threatening the competition. They have bolstered the playing stocks with some handy recruits but lost two serviceable players on the flip side. They will need to get the line-ups right from the start and win the close ones in what could be a tough year. In: Jamie O’Keefe (Doubleview), Stein Davies (Osborne Park), Matthew Trewhella (Warnbro), John Trewhella (Warnbro). Out: Sam Perica (Manning), Dinko Golem (Leeming). Victoria Park Carlisle

Last Year: 1st – Prediction 5th

Victoria Park Carlisle were deserved Premiership winners last year albeit by the narrowest possible margin. They have suffered a player drain this season with some handy players missing. Do they have stocks in the second side to replace them adequately will be the question. In: Brian Davis (Armadale), Scott Aungier (Doubleview). Out: Gavin Faulkner (Doubleview), Ryan Khan (FIFO plays every 2nd week), Jeff Mitchell (not playing), Blair Griffiths (Canada), Joe Krstic (Osborne Park), Mike Browne (Doubleview), Andy Elmer (Bassendean).

LADIES Mosman Park took the Premier League flag for the first time in 2013/14 and will start their title defence with plenty of optimism. Manning who have been the team to beat in recent years winning five flags will certainly be hard to beat. Could another team come out of the pack to challenge? We take a look at the teams for the 2014/15 season. Gosnells

Last Year: 4th – Prediction: 4th

Gosnells ladies put in a very good season in 2013/14 and look good to once again press for finals. They have picked up a number of bowlers from the Roleystone 1st Green side who should add depth to their playing ranks and put pressure on those in Premier to hold their spot. In: Melissa Rickman (Roleystone), Norma Smith (Roleystone), Julie Stokes (Roleystone), Margaret Nunn (Roleystone). Out: Nil. Leeming

Last Year: 7th – Prediction: 8th

A good effort by Leeming last season to finish 7th and stay in Premier League. Apparently very little moment with players so they will need to find improvement within the ranks if they wish to challenge for finals. In: Nil. Out: Nil. Manning

Last Year: 3rd – Prediction: 1st

Despite some players moving off to other clubs Manning will still field a side with enormous talent once again with virtually every player in the side having State Representative experience. Expect them to be challenging for the flag once again. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014


Premier League Preview 2014-15 In: Toni Madigan (Merredin Civic), Brooke Newstead (Osborne Park). Out: Pam Chalmers (Osborne Park), Liz Brooke (North Beach), Vicki Warne (Mundaring), Maria Salter (Vict Park Carlisle). Melville

Last Year: 2nd in 1 White – Prediction: 10th

A good season by Melville will see them return to Premier League in 2014/15. It would appear they will have very little change to last seasons line-up. Will these players be good enough to avoid relegation - only time will tell. In: Nil. Out: Nil. Mosman Park

Last Year: 1st – Prediction 2nd

Mosman Park are another team with minimal changes for 2014/15 however that is not unexpected given they won the Pennant. It will be interesting to see if they can back that up this season but we can see no reason why not - lock them in for finals once again. In: Nil. Out: Helen Shemeld (Beacon). North Beach

Last Year: 5th – Prediction 5th

North Beach would have been disappointed not to have made finals last year. Liz Brooke is a very handy acquisition who could well make a difference. They should be right in the mix once again and challenging for a finals position. In: Liz Brooke (Manning). Out: Nerrida Porteous (Sorrento). Osborne Park

Last Year: 8th – Prediction 3rd

After a disappointing season Osborne Park have been busy in the off season and look to be the big improvers in 2014/15 with some excellent recruits. These players will give Osborne Park a very strong side and they look to be the next best challenger to Manning and Mosman Park. In: Hailey Adams (Vict Park Carlisle), Julie Savell (Dudley Park), Pam Chalmers (Manning), Shari Solly (Vict Park Carlisle). Out: Bianca-Rose Riseborough (Maternity), Brooke Newstead (Manning).

Safety Bay

Last Year: 6th – Prediction 6th

The tough conditions at Safety Bay give them a strong home ground advantage which will once again see them hard to beat at home. On the flip side winning away for them is normally tough. Expect another middle of the road finish in 2014/15. In: Nil. Out: Nil. Thornlie

Last Year: 1st 1 White – Prediction 9th

After a very good season in 1st White Thornlie return to Premier League, they last played in this division in 2011/12. They have plenty of experience and will need all of it to put up a good show against much tougher competition. In: Nil. Out: Nil. Victoria Park Carlisle

Last Year: 2nd – Prediction 7th

Victoria Park Carlisle shocked the competition last year with some exceptional performances in the regular season however couldn’t get the job done in the finals. Player losses are significant and will hurt this year unless some other players step up. In: Maria Salter (Manning). Out: Hailey Adams (Osborne Park), Shari Solly (Osborne Park), Melissa Solly (unlikely). Note: information believed to be correct at time of print


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

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Under 18s Carnival Results Elizabeth Allan’s golden run continued in Darwin after she successfully defended her title, once again going through the National Under 18 Sides Championships undefeated in the blue-ribbon singles event.

Elizabeth wins title again The Dudley Park youngster has capped off a stellar year, which included her first call up to the Australian team for the annual Trans Tasman clash. Allan will naturally be favoured to retain her place for the trip to New Zealand after winning the three-test series at Traralgon earlier in the year and now fending off strong competition from our nation’s most talented stars at the Nightcliff Bowls Club. Allan’s first opponent was New South Wales’ in-from JamieLee Worsnop, who had recently become the youngest ever winner at the Australian Indoor Championships. Allan certainly made the brighter start and led by as many as eight with her full array of shots on display. Down 11-3 and 15-7, Worsnop seemed unfazed and was matching the West Aussie bowl for bowl. When Allan was within touching distance of victory at 1813, Worsnop was forced to throw everything at the defending champion and her brave approach saw the momentum shift. Allan continued to have bowls on the jack but somehow Worsnop would manage to draw inside them or trail the jack away; one magnificent running shot in particular converted for three and with that the lead for the first time in the match. However, Allan remained composed, displaying the calm and confidence not normally associated with one so young. After drawing shot with her first bowl, she added a second counter and then ultimately the third and winning bowl to end an exhilarating battle that set the tone for the rest of the competition. While on paper, Allan’s second round match-up may have seemed slightly easier, hometown hero Shae Smith was ready to turn the tables on her more fancied opponent with help from the vocal support of her fellow Territorians. 32

At nine-all, Smith was proving more than a handful, however, Allan’s consistency contrasted with her rival’s lapses in concentration and saw the defending champion go on an impressive 11-shot run to all but finish off the contest; 21-13 the final score. Allan still needed a win against Victoria’s Ameila Bruggy to ensure she would top the section and earn the right to defend her coveted title. Once again, the game followed a familiar script with the WA youngster continually out-numbering her opponent with bowls in the head. Allan held a comfortable 15-6 lead and was happy to exchange winning ends until Bruggy decided there was no other option but to throw caution to the wind at 20-11 down. The more aggressive approach certainly paid high dividends with the Victorian stringing a fine run of ends together to get within two shots. Bruggy mounted more pressure with another bowl on the jack, forcing Allan to produce something special. That, she did. Playing two metres of weight, Allan sat the shot bowl and replaced it with her own. Bruggy, almost out of options, could not come up with the shot required as Allan earned her spot in the ultimate decider. Queenslander Connie-Leigh Rixon arguably came through the easier of the two sections but was never going to be underestimated by Elizabeth Allan, intent on representing Western Australia proudly in our only gold medal play-off. Allan made a surprisingly slow start, finding her in unfamiliar territory for the first time in two years. Trailing by five, she needed to find her range quickly and unfortunately for Rixon, she did so with an absolutely devastating effect. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Under 18s Carnival Results

• Elizabeth Allan (WA) Connie-Leigh Rixon (QLD) Tayla Morison (VIC) Dawn Hayman (NSW) Ellen Ryan (NSW); Jayden Christie (VIC) Joshua Corless (VIC) Jono Davis (NSW) Nic Gosley (QLD) Dylan Skinner (NSW)

Australian Under 18s squad

5-10 down, Allan soon hit the front at 11-10 and hardly looked back in a quite incredible half-hour display that saw her race to 20-10 lead. Rixon finally managed to stem the tide but unlike in previous games, Allan was not going to make her supporters, thirsty for success, wait any longer. Instead, the very next end Allan sat on the jack again; the 21-11 triumph made her a deserved two-time National Under 18 Singles Champion. Fellow Australian squad member David Downey (Manning) also won his final play-off match, a 21-15 result against the Australian Capital Territory’s Brendan Spaven. Unfortunately for Downey, sectional losses against New South Wales’ Jono Davis, the Northern Territory’s Marcus Simpson and the eventual gold-medal winner, Victorian Jay Bye-Norris, meant he finished the tournament in seventh place. It was better news for our Boys Fours combination who took home the bronze medal courtesy of a 17-14 win over Tasmania. Skip Joshua Hamilton (Mandurah) was in exceptional form all week and complemented the side comprising fellow clubmate and lead William Hyatt, second Ryan Philpott (Manning) and third Dan Nicholls (Bassendean) that defeated NSW by one shot on the opening day of the championships. The boys followed up with victory against the NT but were undone against the favourites Victoria, who went on to claim the gold. The Girls Fours side skippered by Dudley Park’s Dayna Cant and consisting of lead Kellie Ainsworth, second Meghan Philpott (both Warnbro) and third Amelia Axford (Bassendean) never fully recovered from their first round loss to NSW by the narrowest of margins. Although they defeated the NT, losses to Victoria and the ACT left the girls in sixth place. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

It was a similar story for the girls in the Pairs and Triples with Allan and Philpott going down 14-17 and a trio that included substitute Georgia Cant (Meadow Springs) replacing injured sister Dayna defeated 16-19, also by the ACT in their fifth/ sixth place play-off matches. A David Downey-led Triples side was aiming for their third consecutive gold medal but the one-shot loss to NSW derailed their campaign. The boys bounced back to beat the NT and Victoria, however, could not finish the week on a high with Queensland running out 14-10 winners, just managing to hang on to the bronze. Hamilton and Philpott can certainly be proud of their effort in the Pairs. Down 0-18 against New South Wales on Day One, the boys never dropped their heads and matched both NSW and Victoria’s record of two wins and one loss in the section. Unfortunately out of medal contention on shot up, the pair finished strongly to defeat South Australia 20-11 and earn a more than creditable fifth-place overall. Manager and assistant coach Laura Merz was impressed with the youngsters throughout the week-long competition. “The players all put in a fantastic effort and represented their state fantastically, on and off the green. They came up against quality opposition in a number of games with some great bowls being played, but didn’t always come away with the result that we were all hoping for,” she said. “The national championships will hopefully serve as a learning experience for players that will be taking on leadership roles within the team for the next few years. I am extremely proud of how the boys and girls conducted themselves as well as the results they produced.” 33


CORNER Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo

Friedman Lurie Singh & D'Angelo YOUR SMART LAWYERS

Contracts and Restraint of Trade

Contracts in restraint of trade are contracts that prevent or restrict a person from freely exercising their trade, business or profession Restraint of trade clauses are commonly found in contracts for the sale of a business and employment agreements. The vendor of a business is frequently restrained from competing with the purchaser for a specified period and usually within a defined area. Such a restraint is enforceable, if it is reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the purchaser’s goodwill in business An employment contract may contain an agreement restraining the employee from exercising their profession or trade in a certain area or for a certain time, after the termination of their employment. An examples of this is when the employer restricts the employee using the knowledge, trade secrets and connections of their past employer. A person can be restrained from disclosing a secret process which they have memorized. A person can be prevented from using a list of their employer’s customers for the purpose of soliciting business for themselves. There will always be an implication in an employment contract that the employee will act in good faith towards their employer. If employees, during the employment, solicit the employer’s customers for the purpose of establishing a competing business or seek to divert the employer’s customers or business away from that of their employer (such as emailing clients or prospective clients during employment advising of their intention to set up or go into a new or competing business), this will be a breach of the employee’s duty of fidelity.. The law regards it unlawful to undertake the following: (1) working for a competitor while still employed; (2) personally competing while still employed; (3) concealing or diverting matured or maturing business opportunities; (4) misusing the employer’s property including confidential information and assets; (5) taking steps necessary to establish a competing business so that it is ‘up and running’ or ‘ready to go’ as soon as the employee leaves the employment. An employee can be in breach of his duty, if during the employment, the employee, for purposes other than employment, copies such things as plans, designs, software, makes list of customers, memorises formulas for use in other employment or for persons outside the employment or for any other unauthorised purposes. It is breach of duty for the employee to provide a list of the employer’s customers to a future employer. Similarly, it would also be a breach of duty if the employee provides details of confidential business opportunities and negotiations in progress to a future employer or downloads this information for the employee’s future use in another business. The employer has a protectable interest in restraining an employee from canvassing or luring away the employer’s customers but usually only in relation to customers/ clients with whom the employee has personal contact or influence. A person acquiring special skills with access to their employer’s secrets can be restrained from working for a competitor in their spare time. The traditional position at common law has been that any post – employment restraint on a person’s right to work, or compete, is unenforceable. However, as businesses have become more specialised, the Courts have concluded that employers also have a legitimate need to protect proprietary interests in the business, after an employee leaves. The law is thus developing and each case needs to be viewed at the relevant time, In assessing whether a restraint should be imposed the Courts will assess the need of the employer to protect legitimate business interests against the right of the employee to earn a living. There are three main issues that the Court considers: 1. whether the conduct of the employee is covered by the terms of the restraint, read strictly (ie what is in the employment contract) ; 2. whether the employer has a legitimate protectable interest; and 3. whether the restraint was reasonable for the protection of that interest. An employer’s interest in protecting its confidential information may justify a trade restraint; particularly when it is combined with an interest in protecting exploitation of the employer’s customer connections. An employer has a legitimate interest in preventing an employee adopting aspects of the employer’s goodwill such as confidential information or knowledge of, and influence over, the employer’s customers.


To determine whether information is confidential or not, the Court looks at the extent to which the (relevant) information is known outside the business; the extent of the measures taken to guard against the breach of secrecy of the information; the value of the information to the employer and t its competitors; the amount of effort or money expended by the plaintiffs, in developing the information and the ease or difficulty with which the information could be properly acquired or duplicated by others. In the balancing equation, the courts are aware that it is very difficult to draw the line between information which is confidential, and information which is not, and very difficult to prove a breach when the information is of such a character that an employee can carry it away in his or her head. On the one hand the employer is entitled “not to have his old customers enticed away from him”, but on the other the employer is not entitled to “freedom from all competition per se”. A restraint which is imposed simply for the purpose of preventing an ex-employee from using their own skill and knowledge in competition with their former employer will not be enforceable. However, a reasonable restraint designed to protect trade connections, confidential information, or trade secrets acquired by the employee in the course of their employment will be enforceable A vexed question is whether there is freedom in new employment to accept instructions from customers of the former employer who initiate contact with departed employee, after discovering the employee is working somewhere else (and thus in competition with the former employer ). With the use of social media websites at work, it becomes easier for customers to learn that the employee has moved to another employer. The only practical solution for an employer is to obtain a restraint from the employee preventing the employee working for a rival in trade for a limited time Reasonable relates to the substance of the restraint, time and area. The area and time of the restraint must be no more than reasonably necessary to ensure the protection of the legitimate business interests of the employer. For the protection of information, time can ensure that the employee forgets the information he or she has carried away in their head and the rival does not steal an unfair advantage. However this factor may depend upon the volume and complexity of the information. The Court may also have regard to the relative bargaining positions of the parties. That is to say, where there is inequality of bargaining power, the court will have regard to the fairness of the bargain in determining whether the restraint is reasonable in the circumstances. The relevant question to be answered is: “Was the bargain fair? The test of fairness is…whether the restrictions are both reasonably necessary for the protection of the legitimate interests of the employer and proportionate with the benefits secured to the employee under the contract”. The starting point is what the parties have negotiated, although it cannot be determinative. Did the employee have the opportunity to seek legal advice? This starts with the assumption that parties who bargain on equal terms are in a good position to determine what is reasonable in their own interests. In determining the reasonableness of the restraint the Courts will take into consideration how relevant is the character of the business itself,the closeness of the relationship between the employee and the customer, the seniority of the employee with the firm, the dependency of the business’ long term patronage by customers; amounts paid to the employee for the restraint (restraint payments), the employees’ level of remuneration and reimbursed expenses, may also be relevant to the reasonableness of the restraint. Where the Court agrees with the restraint of trade, the Court may, in addition to awarding damages, issue a sanction restraining the former employee from breaching these agreements.

Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo

Your Smart Lawyers Level 2, 139 Newcastle Street, Perth Tel: 9254000 Suite 3, 7 Railway Terrace, The Boardwalk Rockingham Tel: 9520 2729 Suite 1, 11 Boas Avenue, Joondalup Tel: 9310 4999 Email: flsd@flsd.com.au Internet: www.flsd.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

Mount Lawley Men’s Consistency Singles The 2014 Mount Lawley Men’s Consistency Singles saw a record number of entries from across the State for this showcase event. Sponsored by Stuart and Peta Irving of Irving and Keenan Real Estate, 2014 was the 35th running of this prestigious event.

The Finals

• Men’s winner Clive Adams with Ryan Moyle.

Mount Lawley Ladies’ Singles The Ladies Consistency Singles was held over 3 days under clear skies with great bowls being witnessed by the spectators each day. On the Thursday morning we played the Quarter Finals, followed by the Semi Final with the last 4 players Wendy Stower (Mosman Park) 77 v Linda Warburton (Mosman Park) 103 and Noelene Abe (Corrigin) 103 v Bev Baker (Mosman Park) 77. The Final with Noelene Abe and Linda Warburton began with Noelene scoring 9-1, then Linda gaining 9-1 on the second end, scores 10 all. 5 all was scored on the 3rd – 15 all. After the 5th end Linda was able to maintain the lead to the end winning the game 121 to Noelene 99.

In the semi-final Clive Adams had the call over another back to back champion Thomas Mitchell who was also a semifinalist last season. Clive was in control from the outset winning 130-97. Ryan Moyle had some very tough games to make it to the semi, this time he as up against the in form State skip Matt Ellul. An intriguing game it was, with perseverance terrific skills and great effort from both players. Moyle made 14 shots to 6 in the last two ends to win 131-129.

The Grand Final Clive Adams was going for back to back MLCS titles and his 3rd finals win. Ryan Moyle, 22 years of age and a virtual unknown surprised the bowling world by making it to the final. He had done the hard yards defeating many talented players such as Kyle McIlroy, Erron Martin, Daniel Brown and Matt Ellul on the his way to the final. No question he is a rising star of the game and a big future awaits this likeable young man. The game started out brilliantly with both players on song early The score reached 100-70 with Adams simply too good. Moyle then staged a huge push forward with a dazzling array of bowls, he was really firing up to an incredible standard and was suddenly back in the game taking 30 shots to Adams’ 10. The game was now alive and a win was in reach of both players. Undaunted with the stunning turnaround from Moyle, Adams remained unflustered and continued to play with incredible consistency. He went on to win the game with the scoreline 150- 130. Winning back to back titles is a feat only three players had previously achieved in the history of the MLCS, which started in 1979. It was also his 3rd win. Well done and thank you to all the participants, our brilliant Green keeper, all our wonderful volunteers and a special thank you to Keith Scott, David Croft and Terry Conley for their outstanding organisation of this important and prestigious event.

• Noelene Abe with the winner Linda Warburton.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014




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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

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