Edition 98 • Winter 2014
• Bowls WA Awards Night Also in this issue: • New Bowls WA President • Comet Bay 25th Celebrations Centre Spread: Awards Night and Presentations
What’s on around
Festive feast Get your $10 Fun Pack* when you ride the Crown Bus to receive transport to and from Crown, a bonus voucher and a festive buffet lunch at Carvers.
Feast on all things Christmas including roast turkey, ham and Christmas pudding, plus endless soft drinks, tea and coffee. Available every day in July. *Crown Club member price. $15 for non-members. Carvers is an 18+ venue. Menu alternates daily. Images are for display purposes only.
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Groove is an 18+ POSITIVEvenue.
Jackpot this Thursday
EVERY THURSDAY Member Money Night is bigger and better than ever! Crown Club members must be at the Casino at 9pm Thursday for the chance to win.* If the winner is not present, the prize will jackpot to the next draw. Plus, there are three chances to win up to $2,000 from 7pm. If you’re not a Crown Club member, it’s free and easy to join. *Conditions apply. You must be present to win. Active contactable members only.
jack hi
Our Cover
Edition 98 • Winter 2014
Jack Hi Editorial
Welcome to our Winter edition Whilst we all look forward to another season of bowls we have taken the time to look back at some of the outstanding achievements in bowls over the last 12 months. In this edition we cover all the winners at the Bowls WA Awards Night which are listed in the centre spread (pages 18 and 19) and covered in feature articles right through the magazine. Thankyou to everyone who attended what is always a great night of celebration. Congratulations to all the award winners and good luck on defending your titles in 2014/15. A special thankyou to Bowls WA Vice Patron Bill Gilbride who commented on the improvements in Jack Hi at the Bowls WA AGM. It is always pleasing to receive positive feedback given the amount of time and effort put in to make the magazine as enjoyable as possible for our readers. That said we welcome all feedback both positive and critical and welcome your comments on ways to improve the magazine via email to aaron@bowlswa.com.au
Features in this issue Under 18s Awards
Bowlers of the Year – Country 16
Bowlers of the Year – Metro 12
Awards Night 2014
• Bowls WA Awards Night
Also in this issue: • New Bowls WA President • Comet Bay 25th Celebrations Centre Spread: Awards Night and
• Rosenthal Medal winner Thomas Mitchell.
Contents President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Farewell Patrick Buller............................6 Country Director.....................................7 From the Umpires..................................8 Under 18 Awards...................................9 Ken Perks – Coach of the Year...............10 Junior Lawn Bowls Coach – Ken Perks...11 Bowlers of the Year – Metro..............12-13 Inclusive Practices................................14 National Deaf Championships...............15 Bowlers of the Year – Country...........16-17 Awards Night and Presentation.........18-19 ABBA Championships..........................22 Over 60s Awards.................................24 Over 60s – State Teams announced.......27 Metro Club of the Year..........................28 Small Metro Club of the Year.................29 Comet Bay’s 25th Anniversary...............30 Country Club of the Year.......................32 Country Small Club of the Year..............32 Geraldton Pennant wins........................33 Corporate Shield 2014.........................34 Lifestyle Articles Home is where the Heart is...................17 Legal Corner........................................31
Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is October 2nd 2014. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au Jack Hi is produced for Bowls WA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au. Phone: 08 9440 5863. Printing by Quality Press, 8 Babel Road, Welshpool WA 6106 ©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.
1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Graham Leeks. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au
From the President
Graham looks forward to challenges ahead It is a great honour and privilege to be elected as your President and I thank you for the trust you have placed in me to represent the interests of all bowlers in taking forward this great game of ours. My first duty in my new role is to pass on thanks to Patrick Buller who has stepped down after four years as our President. Patrick came into this role with a new Board fouryears ago, when clubs indicated that they were unhappy with the direction being taken by the then incumbent Board. The new Board under Patrick’s leadership and with a mandate from clubs to make changes set about to make this happen. Within two years the Bowls WA committees were re structured with the changes giving clubs more confidence in referring issues to Bowls WA, knowing that they would receive timely and positive outcomes. Added to this was the introduction of regular President’s and Ladies’ forums, changes and improvement to both the Bowls WA website and Jack Hi and sensible and well researched changes to conditions of play. Under any measure the four years of Patrick’s leadership with his personal commitment both in time and effort have left Bowls WA in a much better position than that in which he found it. Thanks also to Wendy Ireland who has retired after three years on the Board. She was a committed and dedicated Board member whose considered and incisive views will be missed. We welcome to the Board some new members. Linda Deegan-Humphries joined the Board in April to fill a casual vacancy. Linda who hails from Albany will take on the important role of Country Director previously held by Kerry Andersen, who filled that role in an exemplary fashion for four years and who will now take over the role of Deputy President and I look forward to her support and wise counsel. We also welcome Con Migro who will be well known to many as the man behind the growth and success of Speedway in this state. He will bring great marketing and business experience to our Board. The final new Board member is Olivia Linden from the Mundaring club. She has had considerable experience in both the private and government sectors and also senior administration at club level. With the existing Board members of Hendy Cowan, Therese Hastings and Wiggy Harley I am confident that the Board is well prepared to meet the challenges of the future. One of the challenges we face is that despite our best efforts we still see capitation numbers declining each year, this is not 4
a local issue but one that all states are facing. From the recently published census, the participation rate in bowls has increased nationally by 15%,which means more and more people are playing bowls in non-structured but competitive environments. In recent times there has been some mis-understanding and some mis-information circulating around clubs that Bowls WA was about to change the capitation model away from the current member fee to a club levy. Bowls Vic have introduced a three year trial of a new capitation model, whilst Bowls SA are also looking to do something different. We will monitor to see how these changes are accepted and the results. I would like to reassure all members and clubs that Bowls WA have no plans to make changes to the way we currently apply the capitation fees. To do so will require an amendment to our Constitution which can only be done with the approval of 75 % of clubs. The Australian Premier League (APL) will again be on in November and we have heeded the calls from local bowlers to give our team a more local flavour by adding Thomas Mitchell to the team from last year, of Clive Adams and world indoor singles champion Jeremy Henry. Our coach will again be Wayne Turley. The competition has been expanded to 10 teams through the addition of teams from Helensvale (QLD) and Moama (NSW).Additional TV time has been allocated by FOX Sports and also other changes have been made to make it more of a spectacle. Whilst the Board has the overall responsibility for the game in WA, the day to day issues are handled by Bowls WA staff and by the various committees and in the country by the leagues and zones. The Board is charged with planning for the future, much of which will centre on our new three year strategic plan, however we can only make change with the general support of the clubs. However it should be apparent to our clubs and their management that some change is needed. We need to ask and then work together on how we address the decline in pennant numbers, the ageing of our volunteer population, an increasing number of small clubs who are struggling to survive and the uncertainty of the effect on many of our clubs of local council mergers if they are enforced. I am personally looking forward to working with the Board and the Bowls WA Staff and with the support of all the Clubs meeting these and other challenges head on. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
From the Chief Executive Officer
Board and committee in place for next term Although we are taking a break from pennant bowls there is still plenty happening out on the greens with many clubs nominations full from week to week; particularly those that have the advantages that synthetic greens offer in the colder, wetter months. Administratively clubs are reporting on the year past, with new committees elected for the upcoming year; Bowls WA is no exception. As you read this the BWA AGM has come and gone with a number of changes at committee level. As Graham has noted a new Board is now in place and the staff look forward to working with them for the betterment of the game and all bowlers.
Bowls Management Committee After an initial two year term the Bowls Management Committee will remain relatively stable. The BMC incorporates representatives from the operational committees (Rules, Fixtures and Events, High Performance and Greens and Infrastructure), the Country and four men and women elected representatives from the clubs; chaired by the Deputy President. From the elected representatives Jaewyn Norton did not seek re-election, with Linda Landers (Cannington) elected unopposed. On the men’s side Max Petrich stood down and with five nominations for the four positions, clubs voted Messrs Burton, Goddard, Gates and Falconer to the available positions. Many thanks to Jaewyn and Max for their two years of service to the inaugural BMC.
Tough times ahead The Association posted a surplus of $13,020 in 2013/14, a relatively thin margin on a $1.3m turnover; and the year ahead will prove even more challenging. Healthway have informed the Association that they will discontinue its significant financial support of junior development and with commercial partners proving harder to find and even harder to keep, all aspects affecting our bottom line continue to be scrutinised. With capitated membership continuing to fall around the world in the sport, there are sobering times ahead unless we can collectively turn things around – and our clubs will play a key role in the regeneration of the game.
New committee to be formed To do nothing to address our current pennant decline is not an option. Pennant bowls has always been the backbone of the game in the West; probably more so than any other State. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
As a result a new committee is to be formed with a specific brief to investigate every aspect of the pennant game, initially in metropolitan Perth, with a view to recommending potential change. The committee will have a reporting deadline of early 2015, with findings discussed at an Open Forum, prior to the end of the 2014/15 pennant season. Membership of that committee will be announced shortly.
Bowls Connect – a system for the future Clubs will now have completed the first of the training sessions on the new Bowls Connect program. To date attendees have been schooled by Aaron Delaporte in the database management aspects of the system, with the competition management systems (CMS) to be completed prior to the commencement of the season. All appears to be on track, with a number of clubs already utilising the on-line player transfer systems correctly. Bowls WA has invested significantly in the system on behalf of the clubs. We believe it is a vast improvement on previous platforms and in due course when clubs take on all modules and use to their full effect, significant benefits will follow. Plans are being made to roll-out the system to our Leagues and Clubs in the country from April 2015 and similar training systems will be offered to all. With the metro area being used as the system guinea pig, we are confident that if there are any bugs in the system, they will have been well and truly ironed out by mid next year. All members and clubs are encouraged to embrace these improvements; which have been introduced on a national level. Already Victoria and the ACT have used the system extensively, including during their pennant season with great effect.
Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au
• Patrick Buller presents Wally Treloar with a Certificate of Service.
Patrick Buller
Farewell from the outgoing President Over the years of my term I have had the opportunity to visit many of our Metropolitan and Country clubs and meet with bowlers and administrators from around the state. In nearly all cases their passion and love for our sport is evident and encourages me to believe our sport is in good hands. Thank you to Graham Leeks who has been so loyal and supportive of me in his role as Vice President and chairman of the Bowls Management Committee. Graham has been on the board with me for four years and has shown a keen insight into the game. He has also demonstrated the ability to mount a well thought out and reasoned argument and has been a great contributor to the board. I wish him all the best in his new role as President knowing the association is in safe hands with Graham at the helm. Likewise a big thankyou to those who have served on the board during my time your contributions have been much appreciated. I would very much like to thank CEO Ken Pride for his outstanding work during my term as President. Ken has grown into his role and bowlers in WA are fortunate to have someone of Ken’s ability and dedication as their CEO. To the BWA Staff I thank you on behalf of the board for your hard work, dedication and loyalty. I have enjoyed working with you for the last four years. Finally I would like to thank the countless bowlers and administrators who I have associated with over the years and who have made my involvement in Bowls so pleasurable and rewarding. For me, our sport is about relationships, friendships, fair competition and respect for the game, it’s traditions and it’s history. I believe we have a responsibility as modern day bowlers and administrators to guard and promote these aspects of our sport. Good Luck to the new board and good bowling everyone.
• Pauline Peirce also accepts her Certificate of Service from Patrick.
Graham Leeks elected as 5th Bowls WA President A strong representation of metropolitan and country clubs attended this year’s Annual General Meeting held at South Perth, where the President Patrick Buller retired after four years service. In addition Wendy Ireland had decided not to stand for re-election paving the way for new board members Olivia Linden (Mundaring) and Con Migro (Sports Association) to be elected unopposed. Previous Deputy President Graham Leeks and respected Country Director Kerry Andersen had nominated for the positions of President and Deputy President respectively and will join with Therese Hastings, Hendy Cowan, Linda Deegan-Humphries and Wiggy Harley as the new board for 2014/15. The Association’s thanks to Pat and Wendy for their valued contributions in office. The Bowls Management Committee had completed its initial two year term, with Brian Burton, John Goddard, Tom Gates and Peter Falconer elected to the committee as club representatives. They join Anne Lilley, Bev Bradshaw, Merle Burn and new member Linda Landers (Cannington) as elected club representatives. Retiring members Max Petrich and Jaewyn Norton were thanked for their service as were long-standing country committee members Pauline Peirce and Wally Treloar who accepted Certificates of Service from Pat Buller. The meeting accepted the accounts for 2013/14, which showed a surplus of $13,020 for the period, although a word of caution from CEO Ken Pride who noted that announced reductions in government funding via the Department of Sport and Recreation and Healthway will see a much tighter budget for the period ahead. A potential outcome could be the loss of programs, a very disappointing outcome after several years of growth, particularly within the Inclusive Practices area. He also outlined to the meeting the amended Condition of Play regarding open gender pennants and particularly for clubs on Thursday and Saturday, who have less than ten female capitated members. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
From the Country Director
Linda Deegan-Humphries
Well done Kerry Welcome one and all. I must, firstly, commend the retiring country director, Kerry Andersen on the diligence and passion she put into the position over the past four years. Well done, Kerry, a sterling effort. Secondly, I congratulate those members who have taken on positions with the board and its many committees. The task will be challenging but the betterment of bowls is the reward. This is the time of year when many make their way to the warmer northerly climes and many clubs hibernate for the winter. I wish all travellers a safe journey and look forward to seeing them return for the new season. In the meantime, fixtures are being shuffled, scheduled and redrawn. Good luck to those involved in this thankless task. August sees the new format for the CCES in use for the first time. There may well be teething issues but I hope that all players selected to attend these coaching sessions find themselves lifted to a new bowling level. I look forward to receiving feedback from those players so that we can refine the program. In closing I would urge you all to support your own Clubs, encourage new members and foster fellowship.
Kerry Andersen relects on term in office As I reflect on my term as the Country Director, I have been privileged to meet many country bowlers and have been welcomed at many clubs around the State. I have enjoyed representing players from all the regions, and it has been my pleasure to attend many events during my four years in office. The Country Committee have been a great support and I thank them for their contribution to country bowls. Linda Deegan-Humphries from Albany, has been appointed as the Country Director for the next two years and I welcome Linda to the Board of Bowls WA, and to the position representing country bowls in this State. I wish Linda an enjoyable and fulfilling term in office. Country bowls will always hold a special place in my heart and I will continue to follow its progress with interest. – Kerry Andersen
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
From the Umpires
Metro Umpires Course in September The next Umpires courses will be conducted in September for those who wish to accredit or re-accredit as Umpires or Markers in the Metro area. A comprehensive notice of the course, complete with application forms, dates, times and venues North and South of the River will have been sent to each of the Metro Clubs well in advance. This information will also be available on the website or upon request from Bowls WA. Remember, each application for either accreditation or re-accreditation will have to be accompanied by a letter of support from their club, the format of which will be available with the various application forms. New aspirants will be accrediting under the current format which will see them become Measurers or Level 1 Umpires, who may officiate in club and State games within their accredited capacity. Re-accrediting officials will do so to the same levels using the new, simpler system of assessment. This reflects the fact that those wishing to continue in the roles have already previously met the requisite qualification and performance criteria, and by re-accrediting they need only show their relevant continued knowledge and skills development to keep abreast of their game. From January 2015, the Officiating structure will change to that which has been widely publicised across the country at all levels in the clubs, which will see the requirement to accredit as a Marker and Measurer on the pathway to qualifying as a National Umpire, then International Technical Official. The introduction of Marker accreditation reflects the need for recognition of an important skill that, sadly, has only been given passing interest in the past. This has sometimes led to some less than satisfactory results in game and match management during singles games at all levels, including Club, State and National games. From the draft new Officiating Manual here is an extract that illustrates an aspect of Marking that does often impact on a good game of singles: Markers ~ Giving accurate answers to questions. Markers must answer accurately and concisely without giving more information than is asked for. At the same time, markers must be able to gauge what information a player is actually asking for. If a player asks the general question ‘Am I holding?’, the answer is ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ or ‘It’s a measure’. If players ask for the position or situation, they are asking for more information than simply whether or not they are holding.
They will want to know whether they are up or down and by how many. Whilst giving this information the marker should anticipate further questions about the relative position of bowls to the jack and be ready with the answers without a further extended visit to the head. Avoid frustrating and time-wasting exchanges such as the following: ‘Am I holding one?’ No. ~ ‘Am I holding two?’ No. ~ ‘Am I down?’ Yes.~ ‘How many?’ One. When an obvious short, precise reply in the first place should have been ‘No, you are down one’ optimising the flow of the game to the benefit of all concerned. Another excerpt from the manual’s Umpires section: During a Saturday pennant game the third of one team inadvertently played a wrong bowl which, while in course, touched the jack. The skips agreed that the bowl should be replaced with the player’s own bowl. They were, however, in disagreement as to whether the replaced bowl should be marked as a toucher as the replaced bowl had not touched the jack. The umpire was called to make a decision. From his knowledge of the laws the umpire knew that the replaced bowl should be marked as a toucher and informed the skips. The opposing skip still did not agree and asked the umpire to tell him the law number. The umpire opened his Law Book at the index at the back of the book and looked up ‘Playing wrong bowl’, which indicated the relevant law number. The umpire then showed the skip the law which states ‘If the bowl which was replaced was marked or nominated as a toucher, the player’s own bowl should be marked or nominated as a toucher’. The skip accepted the decision and the game continued. Question: Should the umpire have known the relevant law number? Answer: No. While it is expected that an Umpire should be aware of the consequence of most of the Laws, particularly those for commonly occurring incidents such as the example above, it is unreasonable to expect anyone to know all (or even many) of the Law numbers. This is why every Umpire should have a copy of the latest Law book or, at least check that the Club has a copy in their Umpires’ kit and within easy reach. The new Officiating structure that will come into effect in 2015 coincides with the release of the latest Crystal Mark (3rd edition) Laws of the Sport of Bowls. – continued on page 20.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
Under 18s Awards
Most Outstanding
Junior Awards
• Elizabeth Allan caps off a very good season.
• Josh Hamilton (right) and David Downey fought out a close battle in the Under 18 State Singles.
Elizabeth Allan
Josh Hamilton
Elizabeth Allan won back to back Roma Dunn medals after a thrilling one-shot victory in the State Under 18 Championship’s blue ribbon singles event. Having already secured the Pairs title that had eluded her in previous years, Allan was pushed all the way by her determined pairs partner and Dudley Park teammate Dayna Cant. In fact, it was Cant who looked more impressive for most of the match as she led throughout but Allan was able to call upon all her experience to make a hard-fought comeback and set up a grandstand finish. Allan drew closest while Cant certainly had her chances; her last bowl looked on track to trail the jack. However, it was Allan who was left to celebrate after breathing a huge sigh of relief and her winning smile really said it all. The triumph capped a wonderful twelve months for Allan. She was in scintillating form at the Australian Under 18 Sides Championships at Sorrento Bowling Club in October, defeating many of the nation’s best up-and-comers en route to the gold medal in the singles. That was the catalyst for her selection to represent her country for the first time in the Trans-Tasman Test Series at Traralgon. It’s an exciting time for the youngster as she hopes to defend her National Under 18 Singles title at Darwin’s Nightcliff Bowls Club this coming September while stepping up her preparation with the Open Women’s Train On squad and Bowls Australia’s National Training Centre program.
Mandurah’s Josh Hamilton upset the form book on more than one occasion to claim the Rosenthal Medallist’s Medal for the most outstanding junior boy bowler. Left out of the 2013 Western Australian Under 18 State Side, Hamilton was afforded the chance to compete at National Championships on home soil wearing Northern Territory’s colours. He seized the opportunity with both hands and the experience has surely held him in good stead. Hamilton teamed up with Jaidyn Johnson (Dudley Park) in the Pairs and topped their section after defeating the highly-fancied premier league pairing of David Downey (Manning) and Dan Nicholls (Bassendean). The final was another high quality affair which required an extra end, with Ryan Philpott (Warnbro) and Patrick Quinlan (Belmont) holding their nerve to win 14-12. Hamilton was naturally keen to avoid another runners-up title in the singles but quickly found himself 1-11 down against Australian Under 18 representative and defending champion Downey. He clawed his way back, scoring for five consecutive ends and final found himself in front for the first time at 20-19. Downey refused to go down without a fight but Hamilton more than matched him with his composure, and was crowned a deserving 25-23 winner. He now has the Junior Gold Nugget in August to look forward to and no doubt hopes to be pulling on the black and gold in Darwin.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
Volunteer of the Year Award
Stanley Woodley
Coach of the Year Award
Ken Perks
– Yokine Bowling Club Affectionately known as Peter, Yokine Bowling Club stalwart Stanley Woodley has proudly served his club since joining in 1967. In 1996, he was bestowed life membership for outstanding service to the Club. At the 2014 Bowls WA Annual Awards Nights, Peter was once again recognised for another exceptional year of enthusiastic contribution in a volunteer capacity. Current Yokine President Gary Millar echoed the sentiments of all members of the bowling club, “Whilst Peter has enjoyed considerable success as an active lawn bowler, winning numerous club championship events and playing pennant bowls at the elite level, the Club will always be indebted to him for his tireless and unselfish devotion and contribution to his activities on a volunteer basis that truly make a successful club tick.” For twenty years, Peter served on the Club’s Executive Committee as a Chairman of most sub-committees, mainly Selection, Bar, House, Social, Darts and Pool, culminating in his election as Club President from 1992 through to 1994. “One might be forgiven to think Peter would slow down after ’94, as he had been there and done of all that,” Millar reflected. “Not so.” In 1995, he then became an integral member of ‘Dad’s Army’, a group of male and female volunteer members who undertake a vast range of duties around the Club from gardening, club maintenance, inventory management, event management, general cleaning, invariably each Monday during the summer and winter months. “Such a commitment benefits both the Club and the volunteer participants in that it not only assists immeasurably in containing maintenance costs, but provides an excellent forum to meet new friends, enjoy the fresh air and keep you active in mind and body. Peter’s involvement within this group has been outstanding.” Labouring, handyman, horticulturist, bookkeeper, cook, qualified bar attendant, after-hours security call out person, local City of Stirling club council liaison officer, provide a broad spectrum of tasks Peter has undertaken in his volunteer role at the Yokine Bowling Club. “Peter is in our estimation a true legend within this club and the spontaneous outpouring of admiration for what he has achieved and continues to contribute on a personal basis to the Yoking Districts Bowling Club over 46 years was overwhelming.”
• Ken Perks, Bowls WA 2014 Coach of the Year, Club Coach at Morley BC.
Morley Bowling Club’s Ken Perks has taken out the 2014 Bowls WA Club Coach of the Year award at the recent Bowls WA Awards night. Ken began his coaching involvement over 25 years ago and has been an active coaching member at both club and association level the entire time. Having been on the previous Bowls WA Coaching Panel and travelling all over Western Australia to train and accredit coaches, Ken is no stranger to commitment and professionalism for his sport and his love of helping fellow bowlers. No matter what sport you are involved in, coaching is becoming an increasingly valuable asset that clubs can offer their members. To just be a good coach requires many hours conducting training sessions for groups of players as well as one on one teaching. It takes a person with a passion for their sport, good communication skills and above all a commitment to helping players improve. So what makes Ken Perks a great club coach and worthy of winning the 2014 Bowls WA Club Coach of the Year. Maybe its Ken’s continued commitment to improve his skills as a coach through further education. Possibly it is his work at the Morley Bowling Club with Disability coaching or his commitment to weekly coaching sessions with the Morley High School and the Hampton High School. Ken regularly conducts coaching sessions on a Wednesday and Saturday to assist Morley Bowling Club members to achieve their goals on the green. Innovation is Ken’s middle name and whether it is a novice or experienced bowler, Ken has the training methods adaptable to what every individual player requires. However it is not only on green training that makes Ken a valuable asset to Morley and Bowls in general. Ken also speaks with the clubs general committees and especially the Men’s and Women’s selection panel on how to adopt policies to create stronger committee and selection environments. Ken also writes a monthly “Coaches Corner” article for the club website and places copies of coaching hints on the club notice board for all players to read and implement. If that is not enough, Ken also mentors the Morley Bowling Clubs three new coaches and makes sure they are involved in coaching sessions so that they may improve their skills. Bowls WA takes it hat off to Morley Bowling Clubs Ken Perks, the 2014 Club Coach of the Year, and long may he continue in his outstanding service to both Morley Bowling Club and the Sport of Bowls. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
• Ken Perks, Club Coach at Morley Bowling Club.
New Approach in learning to become a Junior Lawn Bowls Coach 2014 brought an experience with a twist for students in Year 11 at Morley Senior High School. Rather than simply ‘learning’ to bowl, the students had the opportunity to learn to ‘coach’ at the Morley Bowling Club. Having finished coaching in the sport of Bowls the students will move on to another two sports and at the end of the year they will pick a sport to coach to Year 8 students where they will be assessed on their coaching abilities for yearend exams – now that’s motivation to learn something new! Here’s hoping a good number of students choose our sport for I’m looking forward to see how this way of coaching would be for the future. From a personal perspective, I feel this is the best way to keep the interest of the junior player’s participation – learning
both bowls techniques and coaching etiquette at the same time added a new dimension to the group’s interest. A good example of how this worked is when one of the players missed her 1st week, in the 2nd week she was given her own session to catch up, and then in the 3rd week of target practice the player asked for more help and two of her class mates took over showing the player how and what the exercise was about. With having seven weeks split into two sessions of one hour each week the 32 students we taught were the best behaved and such a pleasure to teach. I feel this could be one way of teaching the young people our great game. If you would like more information on how we ran this 7 week program, or you have other coaching enquiries, please contact Ken on 0409 294 950 or kperks45@optus.com.au
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
Bowlers of the Year Therese Hastings joins the list of greats The Western Australian women’s bowls scene has been blessed with some of the best players in Australia over the last twenty years. Names like Roma Dunn and Lee Poletti have been at the forefront of discussions when it comes to number of titles and level of achievements. The 2014 Connie Hicks Brooch winner for the most outstanding women’s bowler of the year, Therese Hastings, can now rightfully add her name to these discussions. Hastings has had a most outstanding and consistent season which culminated in her accepting her fourth Connie Hicks Brooch at the recent Bowls WA Awards night. Only Dunn and Poletti have taken home the award more times, with both players having five Connie Hicks Brooches on display at home.
“Hastings continues to raise the level of her game and it would not be a surprise to see her join the legends of Western Australian bowls…” With no end in sight, Hastings continues to raise the level of her game and it would not be a surprise to see her join the legends of Western Australian bowls with another brooch in the future. The 2013-14 season started in perfect fashion for Hastings when she defeated Melissa Solly in the coveted Mt Lawley Consistency singles to get the first points on the board. That was quickly followed by an equal third position in the Women’s State Fours to put her in the mix for a Connie Hicks winning season but it was the State Singles that she coveted the most. While you would think a three time winner of the event would have been satisfied with previous achievements, it was a title that Hastings had not held since the 2005-06 season. Being so close but so far in being Runner Up the previous season only added to the desire and commitment Hastings had to once again hold the State Singles trophy aloft. Quietly but confidently overcoming fellow state squad members along the way, a high standard final against Linda Warburton saw Hastings show outstanding form to once again take the title and set up her assault on the Connie Hicks Brooch.
As the year continued, Hastings continued to accumulate points with an equal third in the Mosman Park Masters Singles, the quarter finals in the State Triples and finally a quarter final appearance in the final major event of the year, the Women’s Champion of Club Champion Singles. While every point is important, without doubt the State Singles victory was the difference in a year that State Singles Runner up Linda Warburton, State Fours winner Kerry Andersen and Masters Singles winner Jan Gibsone all had consistent years. Therese Hastings has shown that she continues to be a force in Western Australian bowls. Can she join the greats by winning a fifth Connie Hicks Brooch in 2015; it would take a brave person to bet against her.
Tom Mitchell takes second Rosenthal medal At the 2014 Bowls WA Awards night, Thomas Mitchell capped off one of his most consistent seasons by claiming his second Rosenthal Medal as the most outstanding male bowler of the year. In doing so, Tom became the eleventh player to win at least two Rosenthal Medals after he had previously taken home the medal in the 2010-2011 season. The win was set up early in the season when he combined with Anthony Provost, Rhett Butler and Mark Simpson to take home the Men’s State Fours title for the third time in five years. However the key to being the most outstanding bowler of the year is consistency and Tom followed up the State Fours with a Runner Up placing in the Sorrento Master Singles and then a Quarter Final appearance in the Men’s State Singles. While another Runner up placing in the Doubleview Master Pairs kept the points coming, to secure the medal it was going to require another victory in a major event. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years
Snapping at Tom’s heals was State Singles winner, Stuart Bainbridge, State Pairs winner and State Fours Runner up, Matthew Ayres and fellow State Fours winner Mark Simpson. Another title to one of those players could have put a Mitchell Rosenthal medal in jeopardy. As the season wound its way to a conclusion, it became obvious that the last major event of the season, the Men’s Champion of Club Champion Singles was going to hold the key. As players need to first win their club singles title to be eligible, many a potential Rosenthal Medallist does not get that final opportunity to stake their claim when they get thwarted by their club mates.
“…it was Tom Mitchell from Victoria Park Carlisle that stood out as the favourite…” When the draw was released, it was Tom Mitchell from Victoria Park Carlisle that stood out as both the favourite for the Champion of Club Champions title as well as the Rosenthal Medal. However with this event being one of the most prestigious titles of the year, a number of players who had consistently gained points from other events still held some hope if Mitchell failed to go deep into the event. One of those players was Gingin’s Mark Simpson, who was drawn to meet Mitchell in the Semi Finals of the event and as luck would have it the big match came to fruition. However as Mitchell had done in his previous Rosenthal year, the Champion of Champion Club Singles title was the cornerstone and greatest individual achievement in his Rosenthal Medal year when he easily got past Simpson and then won the final against a gallant Kevin McKay. Coupled with the greatest team achievement, a Victoria Park Carlisle Premier League title, 2014 Rosenthal Medallist Thomas Mitchell has had one special year that he will remember for a long time. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 18 18 20
Name Mitchell, Thomas Provost, Anthony Bainbridge, Stuart Trewhella, Daniel Brown, Daniel Simpson, Mark Knott, Shane Ayres, Matthew Adams, Clive Khan, Ryan Mitchell, Matthew Ellul, Matt Elmer, Andy Butler, Rhett Neilson, Wayne Robinson, Murray Slavich, John McKay, Kevin Richardson, Luke Grigg, Lewis
Club Vict Park Carlisle Vict Park Carlisle Doubleview Stirling Kardinya Gingin Vict Park Carlisle Manning Wanneroo Vict Park Carlisle Manning Mt Lawley Vict Park Carlisle Vict Park Carlisle Osborne Park Morley Doubleview Kardinya Cambridge Osborne Park
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20
Name Club Abe, Noelene Corrigin Hastings, Therese Manning Warburton, Linda Mosman Park Featherby, Lisa Mosman Park Andersen, Kerry Mosman Park Scott, Bev Capel Poletti, Lee Geraldton Gibsone, Janne Mosman Park Spragg, Vicki Dudley Park Baker, Bev Mosman Park Gobbart, Kathy Gingin Chalmers, Pam Manning Riseborough, Bianca-Rose Osborne Park West, Liz Manning Morss, Helen Manning Marshall, Liz Sorrento Prosser, Rhonda North Beach Falconer, Joan North Beach Merz, Laura Manning Jolly, Robyn Manning
Total 235 173 166 125 120 117 110 103 98 79 78 73 72 67 64 64 64 63 63 55
WOMEN Total 322 319 233 181 169 152 142 137 117 111 104 103 87 83 81 72 72 64 64 59
Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au
Inclusive Practices Officer
In-roads made with Aboriginal Lawn Bowls in WA and Department of Sport and Recreation
• Grandmother, Mother, Son – Competing against each other in the game of Bowls at Hilton Park Bowling Club (May 2014).
Aboriginal Bowls Program As our Minister for Sport and Recreation Terry Waldron noted in his recent press release on the 4th of June: “A lunchtime program aimed at getting Aboriginal people into playing bowls is gathering momentum.” It certainly is! The first Aboriginal Bowls Program held in May proved a big success with participants from primary schools through to Elders in the community taking part and enjoying every moment – one comment was, “Can we do this every week?” A perfect example of a sport that spans generations came with this program with son, mother and grandmother competing against each other – the pictures show it all.
Merredin encourages the Sport of Bowls On Wednesday 25th June the country town of Merredin held an event for their Aboriginal communities to encourage them to stop smoking and live a healthy lifestyle. There were a range of activities held on the day for the ‘No More World Tobacco Day’ from health checks, healthy cooking, drum beat, lawn bowls and much more. Myself and George Hayden, Chair of the Noongar Sports Association and Bowls WA Aboriginal Ambassador, helped
many of the men and elders enjoy the bowls portion so much that there is interest in creating Aboriginal Bowls Scroungers teams in Merredin, Kellerberrin, and Northam – to join forces with existing teams in Forrestfield and Bunbury…keep your eyes peeled for further updates in this area!
Commendation for Bowls WA Inclusive Practices On a last note for this edition of Jack Hi, it was an honour to receive a Commendation from the Department of Sport and Recreation in the ‘Commitment to Participation’ section of the 2014 Sport and Recreation Industry Awards. This is a result of the past 3½ years of Inclusive Practices in the area of disabilities across a broad spectrum – from our fantastic BowlAbility program run at Kardinya Bowling Club on Fridays for the past 3 years to Come and Try’s with local disability organisations at Lake Monger, Kardinya, Cockburn, Fremantle, Innaloo, North Perth, Midland-Morrison, Armadale, Peel, Hollywood-Subiaco, Melville, Mt Pleasant and Manning Bowling Clubs, and a fantastic personal video of John and David Ravlich from Cockburn who honoured us by agreeing to create a DVD on Inclusive Bowls within the Deaf Community. Thank you to everyone involved!
• Competition was the name of the day as Aboriginal men and elders competed against each other in Merredin under the watchful eye of George Hayden, Chair of the Noongar Sports Association and Bowls WA Aboriginal Ambassador.
For more information on Inclusive Lawn Bowls please contact Denise McMillan on 0449 619 841 or denise@bowlswa.com.au 14
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
National Deaf Lawn Bowls Championships – June 2014
Championships held at Mareeba
• From Left to Right: Harry Hughes, Greg Strachan, John Ravlich, Anne Jeavons, David Ravlich, Peter Best and Robert Scott.
Queensland proved to be the strongest state in both the Men’s and Women’s Competition. The main reason for this event is to select the Australian team to play at the next International Deaf Lawn Bowls Championships, in Northern Ireland in August 2015. Harry Hughes was selected for the Men’s team of five. Anne Jeavons was selected as Women’s Team Manager, reprising her role in Wales in 2007.
The National Championships were contested at Mareeba BC in fine weather. The 50 participants from all over Australia enjoyed the friendship and warm welcome from their hosts. One of the most important aspects of this event was to meet old friends and make new ones in the world of Deaf lawn bowls. WA had a team of six men and one woman, as can be seen in this photo. Anne Jeavons joined forces with the Queensland Ladies’ team. The WA men did really well. Singles: Harry Hughes was runner up to Ken Read from Queensland. Pairs: WA took first and second place- Greg Strachan and Harry Hughes were runners up to the father and son team, John and David Ravlich. Triples: Peter Best, John and David Ravlich were the winners with Queensland and Victoria in 2nd and 3rd place. Fours: Harry Hughes, Greg Strachan, John and David Ravlich were 3rd, after Victoria and NSW, the winners.
LET CITY CLUB BRIGHTEN YOUR BOWLING WORLD For trade enquiries or your nearest stockist contact CCA Australia (02) 6621 2365 office@ccaaust.com.au
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
CLASSIC • URBAN • CASUAL • STOCK SERVICE For enquiries call 02 6621 2365 or email office@ccaaust.com.au
Bowlers of the Year Simpson on the mark as Champion Bowler Over twenty five years of experience and dedication to the game of bowls was rewarded for Mark Simpson when he capped off a terrific year by winning his second Vice Patron’s Medal as Men’s Country Bowler of the Year. Simpson began the season with his regular State Fours side of Anthony Provost, Thomas Mitchell and Rhett Butler combining for a record setting fourth title. This was his only major win; however he also finished in the semi finals of the Champion of Club Champion Singles, State Triples and Country Week Singles in what was a very consistent year of bowls. Another major highlight for Simpson was his State debut representing WA in Burnie, Tasmania for the Australian Sides Series. Simpson who has been in and out of state squads for over fifteen years but never selected proved that patience and persistence can eventually pay off. “I loved getting the opportunity to play state bowls.” Simpson said. “We put a lot of work in getting ready for Burnie only to get there and I have never played in worse conditions.” remarked Simpson on the experience of representing WA.
“The one thing that stood out this year is the way Pieter Harris (state coach) and Tony Hockey (assistant coach/manager) and the selectors are building a culture on and off the green…” “I think the boys did well under the conditions. There was no real feel and hard to be consistent but we still gave the top teams a run for their money.” “The one thing that stood out this year is the way Pieter Harris (state coach) and Tony Hockey (assistant coach/ manager) and the selectors are building a culture on and off the green.” “I am trying out for this year’s team, and would love to be a part of that team that is hungry for success.” Simpson who joined the Gingin Bowling Club after buying the Gingin hotel in 2008 announced a new chapter for his life at the Awards Night. He will be moving to play in the Murray League with the sale of the hotel. “Gingin has been good to me and I have certainly enjoyed playing there. I have managed to win every league and club event at least once in the last six years.” said Simpson.
• Simpson in action during the Men’s State Fours.
“My best bowling moment was winning the country week pairs with Steve Beckwith, I will never forget the smile on Steve’s face as we celebrated into the night after having to win 14 games straight.” The talent in the Murray League will probably be that bit tougher but there is no doubt Simpson will meet the challenge head on and if 2013/14 season was anything to go by Simpson will be back in the business end of Bowls WA events this coming season.
The ‘Queen of Corrigin’ keeps her crown Known affectionately as the Queen of Corrigin, Noelene Abe was once again presented with the Penny Needham Brooch as best female Country Bowler for 2013/14 at the Bowls WA Awards Night. This was her fourth straight win for this award and her fifth overall as she has continued to dominate in the Western Australian country ranks in recent times. By her own admission it wasn’t her best season but she was still good enough to win the Country Week Singles and the Champion of Club Champion Singles which for anybody else would be a fantastic year. Abe has resisted the lure to play pennants in the metro area and instead devotes her time to trying to enhance country bowls and regularly assists in coaching clinics and club activities at Corrigin. “I enjoy playing for Corrigin and I still find the local pennants to be competitive. I enjoy playing with our local ladies and being part of a small country club. I like the social side of bowls in the country. The travel and time away from home would not be to my liking.” commented Abe. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
…COUNTRY Home is where the heart is
• Abe with the delivery that has won her many Singles titles.
Abe who has been playing bowls for 23 years has racked up 131 games for Western Australia but decided to have a year off from state duties last season. Normally a skip her absence was felt as the women finished sixth at the Australia Sides Series in tough conditions in Tasmania. “I am hoping to return to the state side this year.” said Abe. “I know taking a year off was a risk, but I would like to think I could still make the side.” There would be little doubt Abe would be welcomed back to the side given her talent and experience. A remarkable singles bowler Abe has now won the Country Week Singles three times and the Champion of Club Champion Singles a remarkable six times including the last four straight. Last year she won the Australian Champion of Champion Singles which means she will represent Australia at the World Champion of Champions in November in Christchurch, New Zealand at Fendalton Bowling Club. When asked of her plans to become a World Champion Abe comments were as follows. “At the moment I am having a couple of months away from bowls but I am working on my fitness so that I will be able to handle the full week of competition. I am enjoying the odd game of golf which helps with concentration skills. The greens are closed in Corrigin over winter, but I am going to the Moama Classic Pairs with Kerry Andersen in late August and so will try to get a couple of practices in before then and from then on I will try to practice when I have an opportunity. I will probably try to practice on some of the faster carpets to be ready for the quick New Zealand greens. I also have the Australian Champion of Champions at Taren Point in October which will be a good competitive practice.” Many WA bowlers and especially those in her home town of Corrigin will be wishing Noelene all the best in her busy schedule and matches against tough opposition. Given her impressive WA record there is not much doubting she will be up to it. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
The government has recognised that older Australians want to remain in their own homes for as long as possible as their care needs increase, rather than move into residential Aged Care. As part of a reform package, existing community care and some kinds of flexible care services have been replaced with home care services. There are now four levels of home care packages, covering basic home care all the way through to complex home care. The new packages replace the Community Aged Care Package (CACP), EACH and EACHD packages previously provided. The plan is to increase the number of home care packages Australia-wide from 60,000 places currently to 140,000 places over the next ten years. In order to be eligible for a home care package, a potential recipient must complete an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) review from one of a number of ACAT teams located in the metropolitan and regional areas. To be eligible the review must grade the recipient in one of the four levels, ranging from a basic care package to a high level care package. Services may only be provided by an accredited provider, and recipients have discretion as to what services are provided, when the services are provided, and by whom. Under the new system, the Government will ask home care recipients who can afford to do so, to make a co-contribution to the cost of their care through a means tested fee. Any co-contribution will be in addition to a basic daily fee of up to a maximum of 17.5% of the single basic age pension. Importantly, the new fee arrangements will not apply to those receiving a home care package prior to 30 June 2014. The government subsidy currently ranges from $7,501 per annum for a level 1 package up to $45,607 per annum for a level 4 package. Approved providers who deliver home care at any level will also be able to receive a new dementia supplement or veteran’s supplement if the care recipient meets certain eligibility criteria. Going forward, the amount of government subsidy paid to a provider will be reduced by the amount of co-contribution payable by a recipient. If a care recipient is a full pensioner (or has equivalent income), then the care recipient will not make a co-contribution and the government will pay the full subsidy. Part pensioners and self-funded retirees will be required to make a co-contribution, with the amount payable to be 50 per cent of a recipient’s assessable income above certain thresholds. Annual caps will apply such that part pensioners will make a co-contribution of no more than $5,000 per annum, and self-funded retirees $10,000 per annum. Any co-contributions will also be subject to a lifetime cap, currently $60,000, which applies to both home care and residential care co-contributions. There are effective and legitimate ways to reduce assessable income from a social security perspective, and in doing so reduce or eliminate any cocontribution to Aged Care fees. As always, you may benefit from seeking advice to ensure you don’t end up paying more than you have to. Andrew Hopkins is the principal of WA Aged Care Financial Solutions, a privately owned financial planning business that has no ownership links with any financial institution or Aged Care facility and is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009 189 495 AFSL 240687. Information in this article is of a general nature only, and should be considered together with your particular needs and circumstances. For more information phone 1300 827 229 or visit www.agedcarefswa.com
Bowls WA Annual
A capacity crowd of 300 attended a glittering evening at Crown Perth tonight as the season’s high achievers were recognised. Hosted by the ABCs Karen Tighe, the evening was officially opened by President Patrick Buller and the Minister for Sport and Recreation Terry Waldron MLA, with guest Bowls Australia CEO Neil Dalrymple also in attendance. During the evening major award winners were announced including Stan ‘Peter’ Woodley of the Yokine Bowling Club (Volunteer of the Year), Wagin and Geraldton (Small Country Club and Country Club
of the Year) and their Metropolitan counterparts in Mt Lawley and Manning Memorial. Later in the evening the Minister announced the two major on-green player awards in the Connie Hicks Brooch and the Rosenthal Medal, with Therese Hastings (Manning Memorial) and Tom Mitchell (Victoria Park – Carlisle) recognized for outstanding seasons. As part of the proceedings the Yokine Bowling Club was announced as the host of the 2015 Australian Sides Series to be held in early April. Stories on the Award winners are found throughout the Jack Hi Magazine.
The full list of Award Recipients
Rosenthal Medallists Medal Under 18 Boy Bowler of the Year Josh Hamilton (Mosman Park) Roma Dunn Medal Under 18 Female Bowler of the Year Elizabeth Allan (Dudley Park) Women’s Over 60’s Medal Over 60’s Female Bowler of the Year Kerry Andersen (Mosman Park) Men’s Over 60’s Medal Over 60’s Male Bowler of the Year Graham Evans (Osborne Park) Apia Volunteer of the Year Award Stanley ‘Peter’ Woodley (Yokine) Bowls WA Club Coach of the Year Ken Perks (Morley) Hall of Fame Inductees 2014 Geoff Ellis and Smiljana Jakovich Crown Perth Small Country Club of the Year Wagin Bowling Club
Crown Perth Large Country Club of the Year ‘The Jim Murray Award’ Geraldton Bowling Club
Small Metropolitan Club of the Year Mt Lawley Bowling Club
Metropolitan Club of the Year Manning Memorial Bowling Club President’s Brooch Ladies State Singles Winner Therese Hastings (Manning) President’s Medal Men’s State Singles Winner Stuart Bainbridge (Doubleview)
Allan Eddy/Rod Wishart Award Best Male Player Australian Side Series Matthew Ayres (Manning)
Beryl Godfrey Best Female Player Australian Sides Series Kristina Krstic (Manning) Connie Hicks Brooch Female Bowler of the Year Therese Hastings (Manning) Rosenthal Medal Male Bowler of the Year Thomas Mitchell (Victoria Park Carlisle)
Awards Night 2014
From the Umpires
MICHAEL GOBLE-GARRATT – continued from page 8.
Metro Umpires Course in September The final acceptance of this edition will have been ratified at the 4-yearly meeting of World Bowls, held during the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, and may include some of the changes arising from the reviews carried out by the 50+ nations that subscribe to World Bowls. Together with any revamped Domestic Regulations allowed within the Laws, we should see the release and introduction of this edition from 1st January 2015, and will apply to all games from then on, despite it being mid-season for us here.
WANTED! Experienced Top Division Bowlers
MEN and WOMEN Are you a first or second division player who believes that you can make a difference to our club? Then the new look Joondalup Bowling Club needs you. After changing the club’s name from the Beaumaris Bowling Club, the newly named Joondalup Bowling club has a new vision. It aims to provide players with the opportunity to compete in bowls at the highest standard possible. This year the Club has been successful in obtaining promotions in a number of divisions. It now boasts first division in both Men and Women’s mid-week pennants. This is great, but the club believes that members deserve more; they deserve the opportunity to play first division not only mid-week, but also on Saturdays. So to help us realize our goals, we are asking any first or second division bowlers who believe by bringing their experience and expertise they can help strengthen the club, to come down and have a chat with our management team, spare some time to listen to our ideas, feel our passion and share in our vision in making the Joondalup Bowling Club even stronger as it moves into a new era. Contact details: Colin Shier: selectors@joondalupbowls.com.au
A letter to all Bowling Clubs and Lifestyle Retirement Villages on behalf of Greengauge Pty Ltd.
Case Study: Middleton Beach Bowling Club The Middleton Beach Bowling Club in Albany entered into a contract with a company to build a new full size synthetic bowling green at the start of this year. The contractor completed some of the plumbing works required. Club volunteers then built the surrounds, laid the metal dust base |and worked like beavers to get the RELIABLE DURABLE | CONSISTENT basic construction ready to complete the next stage. When nothing had happened by the due date in March, there were a few grumbles from Club members, but fears were allayed through contact with the contractor’s director. Under the terms of the Contract, the Club paid $45,900.00 as a deposit – there still had not been any further work done. By the end of April and $200,815.50 later, there still had not been any contact – the company was supposed to re-commence work in March. Due to the diligence of a Club member and contact with Greengauge Carpet Manufacturers, the Club learnt that the contractor had gone into voluntary liquidation on 13th May 2014. At a meeting of creditors on 30th May 2014, Middleton Beach was informed that the contractor was insolvent. The club sought help from the woven carpet supplier, Greengauge, and their new WA contractor to help complete the project and thankfully work has recommenced on the green with the aim to have the project completed before the season commences. Greengauge has a new contractor network across Australia. Greengauge will continue to support the existing warranties on all of their bowling surfaces. Any club or organisation with any concerns can contact Greengauge on 1800 608 577 or 0418 327 995, email on info@greengauge.com.au
Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
B WLS constructions
Australian Bowls Constructions Pty Ltd is now in liquidation If your bowling club – retirement village has had a Greengauge surface and/or a Sportcrete base installed by ABC and have any queries regarding:
Greengauge or Sportcrete warranty Greengauge or Sportcrete service Greengauge or Sportcrete repair Greengauge or Sportcrete quotation Please contact us directly so we can assist you as best as possible Greengauge Pty Ltd has no association with ABC except as a supplier Greengauge Pty Ltd has contractors in each state
Email info@greengauge.com.au Phone 1800 608 577 Mobile 0418 327 995 Greengauge Australia Pty Ltd RELIABLE | DURABLE | CONSISTENT
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
35th National Vision Impaired (ABBA) Championships – Perth 2014
• Michael Pullinger and Pam Erasmus (WA).
• Nola Forbes and Sharon Ferres (WA) Bob and Lyn Seymour (Qld).
Bedford hosts ABBA championships The 2014 Australian Blind Bowlers Championships were recently conducted for the blind and vision impaired. The Bedford Bowling Club was the venue and the competition was officially opened by His Excellency Malcolm McCusker AC CVO QC, Governor of Western Australia. Held from April 30th to May 8th, competitors came from most states and played up to three games per day, each of two hours duration. That’s a total of 18 games for some players, whose ages ranged from 19 to 92. Players are categorised according to the degree of vision impairment, with B1 being for those with no vision through to B4 for those people who are legally blind with some vision. Unfortunately WA has insufficient players to field a full team of 2 women and 2 men in each of the four categories. WA was represented by nine players, who were assisted by their one-on-one Directors, all of whom are volunteers. The team was coached by Trevor Ferres and their performance was very commendable. Visitors were astounded by the level of skill that these bowlers demonstrate. The competition and sportsmanship from the 48 bowlers was once again of the highest standard. The weather was good apart from rain interrupting two sessions and forcing the cancellation of one team event. It was a very creditable performance from WA, considering the size of our team. A special thank you goes to all the players and their Directors for their dedication to training, competition and team spirit. Thank you to the many volunteer markers from a number of clubs who gave their time so willingly to support these successful championships. Also thank you to the Bedford Bowling Club for their hard work and great support. For those who are unfamiliar with vision impaired bowls it is like normal lawn bowls played on the same greens, with the same bowls and jacks. The main differences are a set of distance numbers on the side of the green and a one-on-one director who describes the head, positions the bowler, and assists with strategy. There is no bell in the bowl or jack. 22
If you are losing your vision and would like to continue bowling or would like to assist the vision impaired bowlers please call Marie Bellenger (Secretary) on 9498 7468 or Sharon Ferres (President) on 9447 6207. The WA medal winners were: B1 Men’s Singles Silver medal – John Ryan; Lyn Ryan, Director. B1 Open Singles Silver medal – John Ryan; Lyn Ryan, Director. B1 Mixed Pairs Gold medal – John Ryan (WA) and Maree Fenech (Vic) Lyn Ryan, Director and Joe Fenech, Director. B2 Men’s Singles Bronze medal – Michael Pullinger; Pam Erasmus, Director. B2 Men’s Pairs Silver medal – Chip Harvey and Michael Pullinger; Tom Studds, Director and Pam Erasmus, Director. B4 Ladies Singles Bronze medal - Sharon Ferres - Trevor Ferres, Director. B4 Ladies Pairs Silver medal – Sharon Ferres (WA) and Sharon Dunk (NSW); Trevor Ferres, Director and Wendy Cartwright, Director. B4 Men’s Pairs Silver medal – Wayne Forbes (WA) and Andrew Ness (WA); Nola Forbes, Director and Geoff Benn, Director. B4 Men’s Pairs Bronze medal – Martin Lovejoy (SA) and Graham McLean (WA); Hans Schoppe, Director and various Directors. B4 Mixed Pairs Bronze medal – Sharon Ferres (WA) and Andrew Ness (WA); Nola Forbes, Director and Geoff Benn, Director. Interstate Challenge Triples – Western Australia 3rd Champion State (Le Mans Trophy) Queensland 1st; Victoria 2nd; Western Australia 3rd. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • WInter 2014
Bowling Green Design, Construction and Surfacing OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: v CONSULtatION aND DESIgN v CONStRUCtION - BaSE BUILDINg, REtaININg waLLS, DRaINagE, DItCh waLLS, LIghtINg, fENCINg, paVINg, ShELtERS, REtRaCtaBLE ShaDE SYStEMS aND LaNDSCapINg. v aCCREDItED INStaLLatION v ENDORSED MaINtENaNCE v COMpREhENSIVE waRRaNtIES v gRaNt fUNDINg aND appLICatION SUppORt. “The Latham members are now using their Evergreen surface and are very impressed, the carpet is running about 16 seconds and we cannot find any faults with the surface, there has not been a bowl deviate yet. The paving Evergreen put around the green really finishes everything off. Mark Fraser from Evergreen kept in contact with us during the construction to make sure we were happy with what was happening. The project was finished on time and Mark has kept in contact to make sure there has been no problems since construction. I would recommend Evergreen To anyone, they take a lot of pride with their work and are easy to get on with.” PETER WATERHOUSE (Club President)
TEN RINK FULL CONSTRUCTION “I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with Mark and his crew and the quality of the work that Evergreen Synthetic Grass carried out on the newly constructed Dowerin Bowling Green. I would recommend Evergreen to anyone considering constructing a synthetic Bowling Green.” Dacre Alcock (Shire of Dowerin)
Australian Australian Trio Trio ~ ~ creating creating the the grounds grounds for for success success Written Written by: by: Belinda Belinda Crane; Crane; General General Manager; Manager; TEAM TEAM Sports Sports & & Leisure Leisure
Lawn Lawn bowls bowls was was introduced introduced into into Australia Australia in in the the 1840’s, 1840’s, with with the the first first green green being being completed completed in in 1845. 1845. For For the the next next 130 130 years years lawn lawn bowls bowls was was played played only only on on natural natural turf turf greens greens until until the the late late 1970’s 1970’s and and early early 80’s 80’s when when first first generation generation synthetic synthetic surfaces surfaces were were introduced introduced as as an an alternative. alternative. Development Development of of second second generation generation synthetic synthetic surfaces surfaces were were recognised recognised and and approved approved by by World World Bowls Bowls in in 2000. 2000. Now Now with with Club’s Club’s expectations expectations of of consistent, consistent, good good quality quality surfaces surfaces and and the the impact impact of of our our harsh harsh Valley Bowls BC – Ellenbrook x 2 Newdegate BC x 1 drought drought conditions conditions aa trio trio of of Australian Australian companies; companies; Tapex Tapex Pty Pty Ltd Ltd (synthetic (synthetic yarn yarn supplier), Sports manufacturer) & supplier), TEAM Sports Leisure (synthetic (synthetic grass grass manufacturer) & KCL KCL Sports Sports WonganTEAM Hills BC x 1 && Leisure Koorda BC x 1 (synthetic (synthetic greens greens installer), installer), have have designed designed the the latest latest in in third third generation generation synthetic synthetic Waroona BC x 1 Treendale Village Bunbury DryMax PRO. surfaces – surfaces – DryMax PRO.
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, with with the the first first green green being being was was played played only only on on natural natural first generation synthetic first generation synthetic ment ment of of second second generation generation ld ld Bowls Bowls in in 2000. 2000. Now Now with with nd the and the impact impact of of our our harsh harsh ex ex Pty Pty Ltd Ltd (synthetic (synthetic yarn yarn nufacturer) & anufacturer) & KCL KCL Sports Sports third third generation generation synthetic synthetic
Do you require professional advice about your existing green or proposed green?
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Research Research discovered discovered that that some some Club’s Club’s with with second second generation generation synthetic synthetic surfaces surfaces Balingup BCwater x 1 than Elderbloom Retirement – used 20% while indicated that used 20% less less water than with with natural natural turf turf greens greens while others others indicatedVillage that they they Wanneroo x 1 no PRO that used just DryMax PRO is is aa tufted tufted green green that requires requires no water water for for play, play, used just as as much. much. Ravensthorpe BCDryMax x1 is utilizing the “wet” is softer softer underfoot underfoot and and cooler cooler to to play play on. on. By By utilizing BC thex 2 “wet” design design yarn yarn Carnavon Kingsley Retirement Village technology adopted for we technology adopted for hockey; hockey; we have have redeveloped redeveloped the the yarn yarn specification specification to to meet meet the needs of lawn bowls. Belswan Village Mandurah the needs of lawn bowls. Geraldton Lifestyle Village
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• Over 60s Awards • Over 60s Awards • Over 60s Awards • Over 60s Awards • Over 60s Awards •
‘Wings’ Evans lands the big one The invitation to play scroungers at the Carlisle Lathlain bowler in 1985 by some of his Ansett Airlines work mates was the impetuous to take up the game of bowls and the man they call ‘Wings’ took flight and hasn’t looked back since as far as bowls is concerned. Evans who came to prominence in the top grade of bowls at Bedford in the late nineties eventually made the move to Osborne Park and that has really seen his bowls flourish and made him one of the toughest to beat at any level. A State Pairs title in 2010 with Robbie Lawrence perhaps the highlight of his bowls career and had him pushing for State honours especially after the duo backed up • ‘WIngs’ Evans in action. to be runners-up the following year. happy to receive a friendly cuddle from MC Karen Tighe. Evans was perhaps the victim of a youth policy, unlucky not Evans reflected that he had always wanted to win a major to be picked by the Western Australian State Selectors but singles title but that honour had eluded him until now, so it eventually got to represent WA at an Over 60’s level and his was a particularly satisfying win and the Bowler of the Year talent has seen him as one of the first picked in recent years. Award being further cream on the cake. He was voted the best player in the Over 60’s Sides Series in Evans who had a long work career in the Airline Industry Geelong, October 2013. had taken on jobs at Bowls World and more recently an 2013/14 was a very even year for the Men’s Over 60’s assistant greenkeepers role has finally given up work duties and the win by Evans in the Singles which carries the most and enjoying retirement. ranking points was enough to see him secure the Award for He recently announced he will be having his last season of the Outstanding Over 60’s Bowler of the Year which was premier league at Osborne Park in 2014/15 before moving to present at the Bowls WA Awards Night. Evans was clearly Busselton in May 2015. beaming at being presented the award or perhaps he was just
Andersen thanks her mates Kerry Andersen was quick to thank team mates when she was crowned as the Oustanding Over 60’s Female Bowler of the Year at the Bowls WA Awards Night. Andersen teamed with Vicki Spragg and Lee Poletti to win the Over 60’s State Triples and with Bev Scott to win the Over 60’s State Pairs, interestingly all four combined to win the Open State Fours showing just what good team mates they are. For Andersen who is still based a lot of the time in her home town of Shackleton the move to play metropolitan pennants in 2009 at Mosman Park has seen her regularly in the business end of Bowls WA Events. That move also coincided with an appointment to the Board of Bowls WA and the position of Country Director. Kerry has successfully overseen the Country Committee for the last four years showing she has just as much talent off the green and she does on it. There is no doubt Kerry Andersen has devoted a significant amount of time and effort to the promotion of Bowls and her award was won of the most popular on the night. Congratulations to Kerry on being awarded the Outstanding Over 60’s Female Bowler for 2013/14.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
With our 1 year anniversary approaching, here are some August specials to help you get set up for next season! Taylor SRs are now available again by order. Call us for details.
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
• Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News •
State teams announced The Men’s and Women’s State Over 60 Selection Panel are pleased to announce the players that will take part in the upcoming National Over 60 Sides Championships at Tweed Heads in October. Men:
James Barry, Frank Carbone, Wayne Coyle, Graham Evans, Frederick Holt, Gordon King, Grant Nicol, Steven O’Neill, Sam Perica, Lindsay Thorn, Glyn Vaughan, Geoffrey White. • Kerry Andersen
Kerry Andersen, Bev Baker, Kaye Blackwell, Rinske Butcher, Anne Crabb, Sue Delaporte, Janne Gibsone, Kathy Gobbart, Lee Poletti, Rhonda Prosser, Julie Savell, Vicki Spragg.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
Over 60’s Upcoming Carnivals 18 August Sorrento BC 20 October Mt Pleasant 15 September Osborne Park BC Please contact Trevor Barron 0431 160 008 or Roger Barns 0418 959 930 to register or for more details.
Clubs of the Year…METRO
MANNING Bowling Club • Manning young guns Kristina Krstic and Matthew Ayres were crowned the Best Players for Western Australia at the Sides series in Burnie.
Manning Memorial Bowling Club has once again been recognised as the Most Outstanding Metropolitan Club at the Bowls WA Awards Night. The club’s progressive nature certainly seems to be attracting and nurturing Western Australia’s top, young talent with Matthew Ayres and Kristina Krstic proudly flying the Eagles flag having been called up to the Australian A squad. David Downey has retained his place in the Australian Under 18 Squad and the three future superstars of our sport are joined by Rechelle Cole, Laura Merz and Kelli Rogalski to make up more than half of Bowls Australia’s National Training Centre (NTC) squad in WA – coached by Manning’s very own Therese Hastings. In fact, much of the club’s on-green success may well be attributed to the ongoing development and enthusiasm of their dedicated coaches. Beyond the club, Tony Hockey has taken up the State Men’s Assistant Coach/Manager role and continues to work with the Academy. Laura Merz has been appointed the State Under 18 Assistant Coach/Manager; she recently completed her Club Coach accreditation under the watchful eye of Bowls Australia Presenter and Assessor Peter Bowden. Last year’s Most Outstanding Coach at Club Level, Alan Booth, continues to work with students from Aquinas
College as well as the pennant sides and we wouldn’t be surprised to see another crop of emerging talent grace the impeccable Manning greens in years to come. Off the green, the club refuses to rest on its laurels. “After six to twelve months of planning, estimating and awarding of contracts, the Club commenced in May 2013 the demolition of its bar and cool room facilities and completed the project in July 2013 on budget,” said President Deborah Capper when describing the major work carried out by the club. “The Club continued to function normally during that three month period – a temporary wall was erected around the demolition site and a temporary bar was set up – dancing and venue hire continued during the construction period. This could not have been done without the Club’s members who volunteered their expertise in design, estimating and building supervision over the project.” Manning is naturally proud of the fine performances and achievements of its players in club, state and national events and that seems to translate to the warm atmosphere the club fosters for all its members and visitors. The hard work and tireless effort that goes on behind the scenes by committees and volunteers truly makes this club stand out.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
“With an influx of new members plus some good promotion the club has seen a flourishing social scene develop with over 200 function and event bookings for the year this has significantly help improve the financial position of the club.”
Clubs of the Year…Metro Small • Mt Lawley Club President Helen Hamilton accepted the Award on behalf of her members.
Mount Lawley
“More than just a bowling club – a place of fun, friendship and family” is the message Mt Lawley delivered on the club website and that has proved to be the tonic for a successful year. This was recognised at the Bowls WA Awards Night with Mt Lawley Bowling Club being presented with the award for the Small Metropolitan Club of the Year. The award which is eligible to be won by clubs with capitated bowlers of 125 or less recognises both on and off green achievements. The club which has been existence for 105 years is housed in an iconic Art Deco heritage listed building which over the last few years has had some significant upgrades. The outside surrounds of the club were also given a serious upgrade with new gardens and paving. On the green the club won the Men’s 5th Division Saturday Pennant and just missed promotion in their highest grade with the 2nd Division side losing in the Challenge Playoffs. Matthew Ellul who teamed with Manning’s Matthew Ayres to win the State Pairs gave the club their first State title of any description since success in the State Triples in 1970. The club hosts the unofficial traditional opening to the bowls season with the Consistency Singles and for the first ever time the Men’s final was filmed. The club also made use of a new IT installation enabling electronic scores to be recorded and displayed from inside the clubhouse for players and spectators. However it is off the green where Mt Lawley really make their mark.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
With an influx of new members plus some good promotion the club has seen a flourishing social scene develop with over 200 function and event bookings for the year. This has significantly help improve the financial position of the club. The following community groups made use of the clubs facilities with events and functions: • Probus Club • The Mount Lawley Society • The MG Car Club • Bowls Past Presidents Association of WA • The ABC • Political Party Functions • Perth Folk and Roots Club • Jazz Guitar Society of WA • Perth international Comedy Festival • Café Jazz • The Helping Foundation • Theatre Productions – Theatresports • The Railway Institute Social Club The club is also proactive in encouraging the next generation of bowlers into the game and has developed a strong relationship with Perth College providing regular bowls clinics. Congratulations to Mt Lawley on your outstanding achievements.
Comet Bay Bowling Club’s 25th Birthday
On Sunday 18th May Comet Bay Bowling Club held its 25th Birthday, with more than 60 past and present members attending. Special guests included Sponsor Paul Papalia, Foundation Member, Life Member and Patron Iris Stone, Life Member Roy Marshall, Councillor Chris Elliot, Foundation Member Graham White and Past Patron Norm Marlborough. The day began with a round of bowls won by past member Margaret Spencer, and current members Merv Beresford and Ray Henson, who were presented with prizes by sponsor Paul Papalia. Club Captain Wendy Kirkby had worked on a huge display in the form of photo albums, a full collection of fixture books, newsletters over the years, perpetual trophies and many more items of memorabilia. Walls and table were covered with this display which showed the formation and growth of the club over the 25 years.
and changes over the last 10 years- replacing lawn greens with carpet, lighting the greens, extending the present temporary clubhouse, and the plans by the City of Rockingham to build a permanent clubhouse as part of the Singleton Community Building. Long time member Dudley Liddelow donated a huge cake in the shape of the clubhouse and greens, which was ceremonially cut by Dudley, past President Bill Young, Life Member and Patron Iris Stone and Life Member Roy Marshall.
The product is non-glare easy to read – pleasing to the eye its matt finish is fingerprint resistant making it ideal for difficult environments – UV stable and outdoor weatherable. You will never have to worry about painting those scoreboard numbers again. 44 numbers per rink including the blanks required ready to go straight on.
Over afternoon tea Past President and Life Member Roy Marshall gave a few memories of the club in the early days. Current Member Robin Fitzgerald who has held positions of Secretary and Treasurer told the crowd of all the improvements
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
CORNER Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo
Friedman Lurie Singh & D'Angelo YOUR SMART LAWYERS
Domestic Violence
Compensation Rights According to an article published in the West Australian on 22 November 2013 domestic violence incidents in WA has risen almost 60 percent over the past four years. If you are a victim of domestic violence you may not know that you may be entitled to compensation under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 (‘the Act’) which would compensate you not only for your physical injuries but also your psychological injuries. The current maximum award of compensation that can be made under the law is $75,000.00 for a single offence. An application can be made for a proved offence (when the offender has been charged and convicted) or for an alleged offence (where no person has been charged). Compensation awarded may compensate the victim for General Damages (for pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and inconvenience), medical expenses, future medical expenses, loss of earnings, future loss of earnings, past and future superannuation and travelling expenses. A claim for injuries sustained during domestic violence can be more complicated than a typical criminal injuries compensation claim. This is for various reasons including: 1. If the victim is in a continuing relationship with the offender, no compensation will be awarded. This is to prevent the offender from benefiting from the compensation. This presents a difficulty for domestic violence victims as quite often the victims find it very difficult to end the relationship with the offender for various reasons including protecting children resulting from the relationship and having nowhere else to live. A victim must end the relationship with the offender or no compensation will be awarded. 2. If a person fails to report the offences to the Police and does not assist in Police investigations no compensation will be awarded. The difficulty is, quite often domestic violence cases involve a series of assaults over time which ultimately leads to the ‘worst’ assault which causes the victim to come to their senses and realise they need to get out. 3. Often a victim does not make reports to the Police in fear that if they do, the violence will only escalate. If the victim does not report each and every offence committed by the offender, then this may preclude them from being compensated. This occurred in a recent WA case where there were three incidents and although the Police were called each time to keep the peace, no offences were alleged or complained of by the applicant and therefore the Assessor could not award compensation arising from them. 4. The Act precludes compensation from being awarded if the victim commits a separate offence/was engaged in criminal conduct at the same time when they were injured. If a victim suddenly ‘snaps’ and attacks the offender first after a series of earlier assaults then no compensation will be awarded.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
5. The behaviour of the victim is taken into consideration when assessing damages. If a victim contributes to their injuries in any way such as, they arm themselves with a knife and make a threat and then the offender uses that knife to injure them, compensation may be reduced due to the victim’s behaviour. 6. There is a three year limitation period to lodge an application. Once the three year limitation period has expired, the person loses their right to make an application for compensation. Quite often abusive relationships span over many years. If a person delays in ending the relationship, they may lose their rights to compensation completely. With specialised legal advice the above complicating issues can easily become irrelevant leaving a victim with full rights to unrestricted compensation. Criminal injuries compensation not only compensates victims for physical injuries, but also for mental injuries, such as Depression, Anxiety and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Further, a victim of domestic violence can take comfort in the fact that the legislation allows a victim to be entitled to up to $150,000.00 for multiple unrelated offences by the offender. A victim of severe domestic violence may also have a common law claim against the offender. A common law claim would involve suing the offender personally for damages. The common law claim would need to be settled prior to filing an application as criminal injuries compensation is an avenue of last resort. A common law claim should only be considered if the offender has sufficient financial assets to satisfy a judgment against them. If you are the victim of domestic violence you should seek specialist advice immediately from Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo on 9254 0000. Not only can we assist you in being compensated for your injuries, one of our specialised Family Lawyers can assist you with divorce/child access/property settlements that may result from the breakdown of the marriage or de facto relationship. Further, one of our criminal law specialists can assist you in applying for a Violence Restraining Order against the offender. Don’t delay, take a stand for your rights and call today!
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Club of the Year…Country – GERALDTON Country Small Club of the Year
Geraldton wins Jim Murray Award It’s been almost 20 years, but Geraldton has capped off a stellar season by being named the Country Club of the Year and being awarded the coveted Jim Murray Award. Previously winners in 1990-91, 1991-92 and 1996-97, the club had a wonderful year with both men and women taking out the Division 1 pennant and providing strong representation at Country Week. Such was their dominance at Country Week where they won the Men’s Fours, Women’s Fours and equal third in both Men’s and Women’s singles, they were awarded the men’s champion club and shared the women’s award with Corrigin. Much has happened off the green as well with a complete refurbishment of the club rooms, including new carpets, tables and chairs and an upgrade of their on-line facilities and computer systems, allowing for a presence on Facebook and with plans to redesign their website, things are certainly on the move in the cyber world ! Volunteers are an important part of the judging criteria with John Lewis a long time administrator at both head office and BMC levels, with Ian Thomas, Elaine Burston and June Olden involved at League level in umpiring and coaching responsibilities – these roles are critical to the on-going development of the region and our thanks to each of these club members for the roles they play outside of their own club. For the traditionalists the club continues to resist the move towards synthetic with three grass greens they are obviously proud of – rating themselves 10/10 for each in their nomination for the Jim Murray Award! Congratulations to Geraldton on a very fine year and a well deserved recipient for the awards won this past season. 32
WAGIN Bowling Club
Strong performances on and off the green has secured the Wagin Bowling Club the title of Small Country Club of the Year – following on from its Country Club of the Year award in 2009/10. In pennant it continued to dominate the Great Southern Bowling League with its 6th pennant in a row for the men, but securing the ladies title this season past: their second in the past three years. Individually Ken Preston was a standout with his runner up in the Country Week Singles and equal 3rd in the Champion of Champions Singles, with team mate Warren Holt selected in the Country All Stars along with Coral Davies in the Country Over 60s team. Much has occurred off the green with a refurbishment of the clubhouse, including a paint job, new furniture and plenty of work on the all important bar facilities. Further plans are on the drawing board for the club’s exterior, which will complement the club’s excellent greens and always well manicured surrounds. Invitations to the local schools are also starting to bear some fruit with the youngsters being a specific target for “come and try” days with a view to a long term membership of the club – it all takes some time and patience though ! The club is going well with a strong core of members, financially viable and with plans for the future – congratulations to Wagin as this year’s winner of the Country Small Club of the year.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
• Division 1 Gold Men’s Pennant winners.
Division 1 Blue Ladies Pennant winners.
Geraldton Pennant wins Kelly Hodge – Geraldton Bowling Club The Geraldton Bowling Club is centrally located and boasts three superb quality grass greens. We are renowned for our excellent facilities, welcoming atmosphere and friendly devoted members. We cater for numerous events from bowls carnivals, social get-togethers, weddings, wakes and Barefoot Bowls. We also accommodate for a range of community and corporate activities. This bowls season has been a remarkable one for our Club. We have had numerous special achievements from many of our players. The Men’s Pennants competition saw Geraldton finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The Ladies Pennants Division 1 Blue
won the flag with Division 1 Gold coming 3rd and Division 2 Gold 4th. The Country Week competition was a huge success for Geraldton, with an equal 3rd in our Men’s singles, equal 3rd in the Men’s pairs and 1st Place in the Men’s Fours. The Women came equal 3rd in the Singles and 1st Place in the Women’s Fours. One of our Club’s highest achievers, Lee Poletti, was a State Fours Winner and also a Winner in the Women’s Over 60’s triples. We have also had some wonderful results in the League Competitions. To everyone involved in this wonderful club, we congratulate you!
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Activity cards
Corporate Shield 2014
36 teams fight out tournament Untapped talent was unveiled at Thornlie Bowling Club when they hosted the 2014 Corporate Shield. Teams from all over the state including Albany, Quinns Rocks, Collie, Manjimup, Byford, Safety Bay, Rockingham, and more, 36 in total and the best from each club enjoyed a fun filled day with great bowls being displayed. Each team played four games with a break for lunch, hamburger, salad and chips, just to line the stomach before the next two games. One enterprising team (who shall remain nameless) purchased a wheelie bin for their drinks, now that is a great idea, all that time wasting, whose buy is it next and then having to walk to get them. As the last bowl came to rest to finish the day, a buzz went around the club – twelve months is too long to wait before we play in this event again. A sausage sizzle was provided to the players as they waited for the announcement of the winners. With full stomachs and a fantastic atmosphere, the stage was set for a fine session to raise money for children’s cancer. Thanks to the generosity of the players, over $600.00 was raised.
Tournament organiser and club manager at Thornlie Ian ‘Buddha’ Rewell advised that 48 teams will be the goal next year and is on the job seeking a sponsor, making this event a must on next years calendar. To all clubs that have embraced corporate bowls, congratulations as your club will be the future of this great game. Just remember, bowls – a sport for life.
Winners Hollywood Hero’s (Rockingham) – Tim Parker, Bluey MacKenzie, Ross Perkins, Matt Chatfield.
Runners Up WOFTAMS (Thornlie) – Dean Scupham, Adam Scupham, Pas Riggio, Joel Scupham.
3rd Place Boom Stamp (Quinns Rocks/Albany) - Chris Parr, Ian Parker, Fridge Ericson.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014
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range at the exceptional price of $399.00 plus $10.00 carriage delivered anywhere in Australia. Walter Jacobs,Good CEO of Aerobowls, Incredibly Value says: “Aero are now the market leader in Australia, we have 24 colours in our range and make 5 models for Australia. With the difficult economy at present for consumers we are offering a premium Aero Bowl at $85.00 off the regular price of $485. Bowlers can choose any model, any grip and any logo (excluding AFL/NRL which are $60 extra and goes straight to the football clubs). In just 2 months in Queensland and NSW we’ve sold over 200 sets of the $399 model with Optima being the most popular. In Western Australia the Optima model has also proven to be most popular.
Aero offer incredible value for money, at $485 rrp** per set and you’ll receive the most technically advanced bowls ever manufactured. **We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice. **We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice.
Made Made in in Australia Australia to to a a standard standard the the others brands simply cannot others brands simply cannot match. match.
“It is our numberOur 1 offer sellerapplies and itwhen is theyou model that aa purchase Our offer applies when you purchase set Aero Bowlsworld Gold handles all green conditions wind to perfection.“ set from from and Aerothe Bowlsworld Gold Coast, Coast, Perth, The Entrance, Resting Toucher Perth, The Entrance, Resting Toucher Aero Bowls are made in aMelbourne, robotic factory in Sydney Brighton Melbourne, Julie Keegans Keegans Brighton Julie and they guarantee in Bowlsworld writing that every Sunshine set of a Aero Kawana Aero Bowlsworld Kawana Sunshine and Wayne Aero particular model is Coast, the same any Turley’s other set of that Coast, and as Wayne Turley’s Aero Bowlsworld Taren Point. Bowlsworld Taren Point. model, something *that has never been achieved in Bowls must have current date stamp and a model generally available for *Bowls must have current date stamp and a model generally available for sale in AUS bowls manufacturingsale inbefore. AUS The worlds’ best bowlers have made the switch as it is a case of better equipment, better game at Aerobowls. “As one can see from Kelvin Kerkow Kelvin Kerkow Singles Gold, Commonwealth Singles Gold, Champion. Multiple World and Australian the photograph Aron Sherriff hasCommonwealth Multiple World and Australian Champion. Universally regarded as Australia’s most Universally regarded as Australia’s bowler of all time. most accomplished bowler of all time. made the switch from Taylor’saccomplished Greenmaster brand and we at Aero are thrilled to have a player of his stature join our Aero team.” Walter said. oam oam
• The newbrand Aero Tri coloured bowls are also available. Now of Now Australia’s Australia’s leading leading brand of bowls. bowls.
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Aero Aero Bowlsworld Bowlsworld –– Perth Perth 7a, 7a, 30 30 Erindale Erindale Rd Rd Balcatta WA 6021 BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014 Balcatta WA 6021 ph: ph: (08) (08) 9240 9240 6777 6777
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2014