Jackhi summer 2015

Page 1


Edition 100 • Summer 2015

In this issue:– • State Team Announcement – Pages 12-13 • Singles Champions crowned –Pages 16-17 • Under 18s Championships – Pages 24

The History of Jack Hi…pages 20 and 21

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jack hi

Our Cover


Edition 100 • Summer 2015

Jack Hi Editorial


Action hotting up on the greens The weather has been very hot and the action just as hot on the greens over the last few months. There are plenty of events covered in this edition with some outstanding performances handed in by some exceptional bowlers. Of particular note are Tom Mitchell and Noelene Abe who currently head the Jack Hi rankings and showed just how good they are in winning the Taylor Bowls State Singles championship over the Australia Day weekend. All the results from those championships are covered on pages 16 and 17. A big congratulation to all players selected to represent Western Australia at Yokine in April. The named players and rinks can be found on pages 12 and 13. As usual plenty of other news and articles to read in this edition but for the history buffs it is certainly worth having a read on the history of Jack Hi – the magazine has certainly captured some historic information as you will read on pages 20 and 21.

Features in this issue State Teams

The History of Jack Hi


Jack Attack


Under 18s Carnival




Edition 97 • Autumn 2014

• Mossies too good – Premier League triumph Also in this issue: • Country Week Roundup • Commonwealth Games Selections • Australian Series Review

Hall of Fame Inductees

Geoff Ellis

Smiljana Jakovich

Centre Liftout: Where to get a Game – out of season


In this issue:– • State Team Announcement – Pages 12-13 • Singles Champions crowned –Pages 16-17 • Under 18s Championships – Pages 24

The History of Jack Hi…pages 20 and 21

• Noelene Abe and Thomas Mitchell win the respective Women’s and Men’s State Titles.

Contents President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Inclusive Practices..................................6 Country Director.....................................7 From the Umpires..................................8 WA National Training Centre....................9 Bowls WA Metro Pennant Survey......10-11 State Team Announcement...............12-13 Jack Attack gaining momentum.............14 Club Health Check List.........................15 Men’s State Singles..............................16 Women’s State Singles..........................17 Women’s State Pairs.............................18 The History of Jack Hi.....................20-21 Men’s State Pairs.................................22 Under 18s championships....................24 Men’s State Fours................................26 O60s News....................................27-29 Women’s State Fours............................28 Women’s Masters Pairs.........................30 Men’s Senior Masters Pairs....................30 APL02 – A winner’s perspective.............32 Willetton open new club house..............34 Club News..........................................36 Country News.................................38-40 National RSL Carnival...........................41 Bowls Connect – Country Roll Out Plan..42 Lifestyle Articles Aged Care at a Glance..........................23 Legal Corner........................................35

Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is 10th April 2015. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au Jack Hi is produced for Bowls WA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au. Phone: 08 9440 5863. Printing by Quality Press, 8 Babel Road, Welshpool WA 6106 ©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.

1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Graham Leeks. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au

From the President


Are clubs happy with Bowls in WA? When you get to read this issue of Jack-Hi the end of season will be closing fast and clubs will be thinking about their promotion prospects or perhaps the fear of relegation. Either way do not despair as there may still enough time to turn your season around.

Club Apathy Whilst we had a great response to our pennant survey from men and lady members, the response from clubs was very disappointing, with less than half of the metro clubs bothering to respond. The obvious inference from this is that clubs are happy with the state of bowls in WA and do not want any change, which is surprising given that each year we see a consistent reduction in the number of playing members.

APL – Jack Attack Whilst in Queensland late last year attending Bowls Australia meetings I was fortunate to be able to attend many of the APL games. Our team of Jeremy Henry a renowned international player and our two local lads Clive Adams and Thomas Mitchell again made it to the semi-finals, which was a great achievement given that the competition was expanded from 6 to 8 teams. At no stage were Clive or Thomas overawed by their high profile opposition and were able to match it with the some of the best bowlers in the world. The spin off from the APL format is the release by BA of a new short game called Jack Attack. It has already been picked up by more than 40 clubs around Australia and our new RBM Clive Adams is speaking with a number of local clubs who have expressed their interest in signing up. This is a great opportunity for clubs to become involved in something different, which will help in bringing new people to clubs with the prospect that they will enjoy the experience and become members.

Advertise with us!

New Board Appointment I am pleased to announce that we recently appointed Vince Del Prete to the Bowls WA Board. Vince is a senior executive of the Department of Sport and Recreation and is currently on secondment as Acting CEO of Softball WA. Vince has a wide experience in good governance practices, workplace development and human resources and I am sure that he will make a very valuable contribution to our Board, We recently made two changes to our Standing Committees. The first was to rename our Finance and Governance committee to just Finance still to be chaired by Wiggy Harley. We have formed a new Standing Committee to be known as Governance and People Development, which will be chaired by Hendy Cowan. Board member Olivia Linden is on extended leave from the Board due to ill health and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Marketing Initiatives Clubs would be aware that a special forum to be held in mid-December to put to clubs a new Bowls WA marketing proposal was deferred. This was a result of information given to us by Bowls Australia that they were planning a national marketing initiative in 2015, which may have well coincided with our plans in the event we had our metro clubs agreement to proceed. The Board decided to wait for the details, timing and cost of the BA proposal, hence the delay in our plans.

Side Series The Yokine club is working hard in preparation for the Side Series to be played immediately after Easter. We only have the chance once in every 8 years to host this event and to see the best bowlers in Australia competing against our best bowlers for the right to win a national title. I hope that many local bowlers will take the opportunity to come out and support our teams and watch them compete against some of the best bowlers in the world.

We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

From the Chief Executive Officer


Bowls Connect is a great success At the time of writing the second half of the season had commenced and so far the weather has been particularly kind to us, with very little disruption to pennants. While we can it is perhaps a good idea for all metro clubs to check their thermometers and ensure their accuracy – we don’t want any dodgy devices deciding outcomes towards the end of the season, please? The Bowls Connect system has been a great success, particularly in providing almost instant result and table updates following pennant play. We look forward to bringing the system to country leagues in the months ahead – your country committee representatives have the dates that the training is planned for, with proposed introduction in time for the 2015/16 season. However some metro clubs are still finding ways not to enter results as they should – fines have now commenced for those, which may assist in jogging memories !

Club Survey With the completion of the metro pennant survey now behind us, a sub committee chaired by Kardinya member Marc Abonnel is considering outcomes, some of which were loaded onto the BWA website for basic information. With capitation continuing to fall by around 800 bowlers per annum; change is coming, we have no other option. The administrators of the game must consider ways of not only maintaining the players we have, but attracting new players to the game and doing nothing is simply not an option. A Forum will be open to all clubs once results have been analysed and options for change considered – this is likely to be in mid-late March. The response from both the men and the ladies was fantastic, thereby ensuring the richness of the data; however the response by the club executives was extremely poor with surveys half done or in the majority of cases not completed at all. Club executives will have no come back on decisions made given this lack of input.

Book a meeting with our RBM Club President’s are urged to take advantage of our Regional Bowls Manager, Clive Adams. There is no more respected name in the game in WA and with that is well positioned to assist clubs in improving their business in whatever way required. If your club is struggling (and we know that many are) contact with Clive is a must – if you don’t, you simply aren’t giving your members and club the respect they deserve. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

New board member appointed As noted in the Presidents’ Report, the Bowls WA board welcomed Vince Del Prete as an appointed director to its December meeting. The appointment is initially for 12 months with an ability to extend that term as required. Mr Del Prete joins the board as the current Team Leader for People Development at the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR), although currently has been seconded to work as the Acting CEO of Softball WA. With over 20 years experience in the human resources, executive, corporate and governance fields, his appointment will substantially strengthen these critical areas in the administration of the sport. Specifically he will focus on improving the human aspects of the administration of the game, including working with volunteers, committees, staff and the board itself to improve outcomes. As a result the board has separated the standing committee of Finance & Governance into two separate committees; Finance and the new committee of Governance & People Development, which will be chaired by Hendy Cowan and include Mr Del Prete. The board looks forward to his contribution to the game in this State during his term of appointment.

2015 Sides Series Preparations continue for the hosting of the Sides Series to be held at Yokine from 9-12 April. This is our most significant event on the calendar this year and club members are urged to flock to Yokine and give the WA teams the support it deserves. Many weeks of trials and practice will see our best prepared team’s in some time and they will no doubt give it their all in bring home some silverware. WA is renowned for the support given when we travel interstate for Series, so let’s make a noise at Yokine in April.

Country Week Country Week(s) are almost upon us and with it a great chance to catch up with old friends. Numbers are down somewhat this year, but that won’t alter the fierceness of the competition or the coldness of a drink after the game – good luck to all coming to Perth, I know the metro host clubs are looking forward to it as well. 5

Inclusive Practices Officer


Striving for Personal Achievement from Grass Root Inclusion Programs to National Events…

Collaborating with Inclusion WA October was a super busy month collaborating with Inclusion WA! The school holidays saw a terrific inclusive bowls program run at Northam Bowling Club. This program has been successfully running for 3 years and is fully supported by the club. Laurie Turich, club president, has taken a number of students to club training days with the goal of having some of them play Saturday Pennants next season – way to go Laurie!

ECU Joondalup science students in assessment Edith Cowan University Joondalup Sports Science students were assessed running a multi-sport program for Children with Disabilities. Multiple sports trained the students in their sport and how to encourage maximum participation despite physical and intellectual difficulties. The students then went on to run our sports programs and were assessed by teachers during this time. What a great way to combine community inclusiveness and educational assessment!

Multi-Sport ACC Carnival at John XXIII College Twice a year Inclusion WA organizes a Multi-Sport ACC Carnival at John XXIII College in Mt Claremont. October 2014 showed a phenomenal turn out of over 200 students, carers, and friends enjoying Bowls, Footy, Netball, Cricket, Soccer and more! Bowls WA provided not only a lawn bowls experience for the majority but also modified games using a Bowls Chute for participants in wheelchairs that may not have the hand strength to bowl independently – the shutes allows the participant to play utilizing a shorter distance to the jack.

• L-R: Lianne (CU), Sara (NSA), Tilman (NSA), Dylan (NSA), Tash (CU), George (CU).

Curtin University and Nyoongar Sports Association Officers Learn to Bowl Meetings to forge a partnership between Bowls WA, Curtin University Aboriginal Studies and Nyoongar Sports in 2015 led to a fantastic training day for Nyoongar and Curtin University Development Officers. Ladies and gentlemen were taught how to play the game as well as learn about the many benefits our sport provides in areas of mental and physical health, excellent passive exercise, and community participation and wellness. The overall challenge and strategy of the game came as a welcome surprise and a great time was had by all – we look forward to positive future programs in the community.

International Day for People with Disabilities Peel Bowling and Social Club hosted a day of activities in celebration of Have a Go Mandurah International Day of Supporting Disability. Local members, volunteers and council showed their support for this wonderful club, now located at Halls Head, by enjoying a roll up and utilizing many of the modified ways to have a game of bowls for all abilities.

• Peel Bowling and Social Club enjoying International Day of Disability Awareness.

For more information on Inclusive Lawn Bowls please contact Denise McMillan on 0449 619 841 or denise@bowlswa. com.au 6

• Wheelchair Bowlers had a grand time bowling with a ‘Bowls Chute’ (created by Kardinya BC for their BowlAbility program).

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

From the Country Director

Linda Deegan-Humphries

Country Coaching Scheme in May Bowls is in full swing again after a brief break for festivities. I wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2015 and may all your bowls be great shots. I congratulate all players selected to play in their respective Inter-League events and also those further selected to represent their Zone at the Inter-Zone events coming up in the very near future. It is, indeed, an honour to represent your Club/League/Zone. I will attend each of the Inter-Zone events this year starting with the Men’s Fours Round Robin at Middleton Beach on the 7th, 8th February. Country Week nominations have been received and are being collated right now. I believe that the number of entries is down and unfortunately, this will have a financial impact on the budget. Even so, I know that the competition will be strong and fierce. Good Luck to you all.

• State Fours winners featuring three country players.

I take this opportunity to thank those Metropolitan Clubs that have offered to host the Country Week event. We understand the amount of effort that is required to do so. Country Coaching Enhancement Scheme will be offered again this year in a similar format to last year. Nominations are to be received by the end of April for consideration by the Country Committee at the May Forum. Congratulations to the winners of the State Fours Noelene Abe (Corrigin), Elaine McDonald (Eaton), Irene Leahy (Boulder) and Shelley Radcliffe (Osborne Park), the State Pairs, Vicky Spragg (Dudley Park) and Lee Poletti (Geraldton), and the State Singles, Noelene Abe (Corrigin). A very strong Country representation. Lastly, I wish all bowlers safe travel to the events in the coming weeks.

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


From the Umpires


New Accreditation methods for Officials January 2015 saw not only the revised Laws and resulting Domestic Regulations following the 4-yearly worldwide reviews from all 55 participant Nations, but also the introduction of a completely new process of producing qualified Officials (as the grouping of Markers; Measurers and Umpires is collectively known). Extensive publicity through flyers, advice to Leagues and Clubs and direct discussion during some seminars and the 2014 Metro Umpires courses has gone some way to understanding the new ‘Competency’ based training and accreditation of Officials. However it seems that there is still some confusion as to how it will work, particularly in the transition period, with current Umpires and Measurers who are accredited for the remainder of the four years of their existing term. The new method for training and accrediting new Officials – Markers; Measurers and Umpires – brought in through BA and Australian Sports Commission (ASC), is quite different in that it is a competency based system that requires the Clubs and Presenters and Assessors, in conjunction with the participant, to appraise the individual’s ability to perform at the necessary levels. The new courses will be more ‘hands-on’ and assessment will rely less upon the former tutorial/exam – pass/fail methods and more on interactive participation to demonstrate competencies. Of course there is still an exam component, but less than the previous ones that some, otherwise capable potential applicants may have found quite daunting. The new process now requires an accredited Presenter & Assessor (P&A) to oversee and sign off on the competency of all attending the various course/s. This ensures, throughout Australia the method of training and assessing candidates is uniformly the same. The new system appearing to be somewhat simpler than the old 25 question exam following appropriate tutorials, should appeal to more players to take on the Officials role/s. Because the course is simpler, there is this essential element of correct presenting (more interactive) and assessing being required, of people seeking accreditation, hence the requirement for a qualified P&A (as well as already being an Umpire or Coach). I would expect that in most instances a P&A with an Umpiring qualification would conduct these new-style tutorials as laid down in the very comprehensive manuals that will be provided, included in the fees, for each attendee. In the meantime ALL currently accredited Officials (Umpires and Measurers) remain accredited until their renewal/expiry dates, it is ONLY for the conducting of approved training –


• New Law books are available from Bowls WA.

Presenting and Assessing – of new and re-accrediting Officials, that P&A’s will be required. There is NO fee for those undergoing the P&A course – ideally someone like existing League Umpire reps that would be considered to be able to adopt the new, P&A methodology that WILL need to be strictly adhered to Nationally. So, as long as an accredited P&A is present, anyone currently conducting courses, can ‘assist’ in conducting them under the new method, with the final review/interviews being conducted in the presence of the P&A. To conduct a P&A accreditation course, under the rules from the ASC, only those with a Certificate IV Train-the-Trainer with Bowls endorsement can do so, and we have only one of those in the West. Hence though there is some urgency to get the new P&A’s into place before much longer, we are a little restricted in the our capacity to roll out P&A training – as a P&A cannot accredit other P&A’s. So a great deal of patience and understanding will be appreciated by all those concerned. The new ‘National Umpire’ category (replacing previous Level 1 and Level 2, when they expire) will require a modified re-accreditation exam incorporating the ‘Marker’ module. So for those recently accredited or re-accredited Level 1 Umpires, they will remain so for the remainder of their 4 year period. Those new Umpires coming through, will do all 3 modules – Marker; Measurer and Umpire. Which all means that for the next few years, as we get new ones into the fold, there will be 4 types of Officials, with Level 1 qualification dropping off as those re-accredit as ‘National Umpires’. The new Laws of the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark 3rd edition (including the revised Domestic Regulations) has, by this time, reached all clubs and Officials. Prior notice will have prevented too many surprises in as much as the main Laws remain similar to previous editions, though re-ordered and renumbered, with a few exceptions. One that was anticipated in some circles is the return to the seconds keeping the scorecard in Australia, contained in the Domestic Regulation 3.2.9, as allowed by the new Law 40.1.9. This includes the requirement for the second to “compare and agree” the scores after each end and to sign the card at the completion of the game. The new Law books are available on order by clubs or individuals, directly from Bowls WA. Umpires and Measurers are reminded that when called to conduct a measure on any rink, they must not simply walk across other rinks to conduct their task, but only enter the rink under consideration from one end or the other.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

WA National Training Centre members

Squad impresses Coach The WA National Training Centre squad members had the opportunity to showcase their talents to the Australian National Coach and Selector, Steve Glasson, when he visited Perth on January 20 and 21. The current NTC squad consists of Australia A members Kristina Krstic and Matt Ayres, Australian Under 18 member Lizzy Allan and NTC members Clive Adams, Lewis Grigg, Laura Merz, Matt Ellul and Nathan Jones. The players were put through their paces with a series of drills and game simulations while under Steve’s watchful eye. The temperature was hot at Manning and so were the skills on show as each of the bowlers made the most of this contact with Steve. Manning members Shenayde Heldt, Robyn Jolly, Sue Hogg and Robyn O’Brien helped with the day’s organisation by marking drills, providing meals and making up numbers for some of the games. Ian Hastings, the State Ladies assistant coach/manager, also attended to assist. State Vice President Kerry Andersen attended the training session on Tuesday afternoon and State President Graham Leeks joined our group for lunch on the Wednesday. Bowls Australia General Manager – Bowls Operations, Tony Sherwill, accompanied Steve on this visit and was impressed by the players and their commitment and enthusiasm over the two days. The players also had the opportunity to talk with Steve about their goals and ambitions and were given an enthralling insight into his coaching and selection philosophies. They were also able to play alongside one of the true legends of Australian and World bowls. A new NTC squad will be announced in May 2015 and player contracts can be renewed and new members can be added.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

Australian squad members are named each year after the National Sides Series and WA will be hoping for some outstanding performances from the State Women’s and Men’s sides to persuade the National selectors to pick them. Therese Hastings – NTC WA Coach Email: thastings@bowlsaustralia.com.au 9

Bowls WA Metropolitan With the Metropolitan Pennant Survey results in, the important task of analysing the data and the comments made by the 541 women and 1266 men who completed the survey will begin. A general overview of the results shows many of the questions seem to have come back without a definitive result. However when these responses are broken down into the different categories such as age, bowls experience and division played, a much more complete picture will be formed as to the requirements of individual categories.

Currently the different category results are not advanced enough to be published but they will be available and made public over the coming months. The initial results of some of the questions that have been talked about for many years can be seen below.

Length of Pennant Season The majority of bowlers in both the Men and the Women still prefer an 18 week pennant season. However compared to previous surveys this figure is down to what it has been and further evaluation will show if this figure is a reflection in all the categories of bowlers or whether opinion has changed with certain types of bowlers.

Different Format for Pennants There has been a lot of conversation regarding rinks of fours in Pennant needs to be changed to keep players interested in playing Pennant bowls. Many different combinations of pairs, triples and fours have been put forward. It is therefore interesting that in both the Men’s and Women’s survey has indicated that no change is required and all fours in Pennant is still the favoured game. Again further analysis will show if this is the view of all bowlers or certain category of bowler.

• Women’s responses


• Men’s responses

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

Pennant Survey Results When the Pennant Season Should Begin Over the past ten years the first day of the Pennant Season has been shifted forward from the first week in November to the last week and sometimes slightly earlier in October. This has been necessary to fit in a busy calendar of events and the desire to finish the Pennant season in late March to early April. This has not been a major problem with clubs that use synthetic surfaces but has been a concern for clubs with grass greens and the reduction in renovation time when the weather is only just beginning to warm up. The Men’s survey shows that the timing of the Men’s Pennant first day is about right in its current format with the results showing a split between what the starting day used to be and what it currently is. The Women’s survey however shows a wide acceptance to start the season earlier rather than later in October. This will be a discussion point with clubs and how this may be managed.

Men’s 5th Division Saturday Pennant becoming a three rink competition One of the clear outcomes was the acceptance for Men’s Saturday 5th Division becoming a three competition which will reduce the jump from four rinks in 4th Division and two rinks in 6th Division.

Women’s Saturday Pennant Start Time A common talking point amongst clubs and Women’s Saturday Pennant Players has been the start time being in the morning to take the game out of the heat of the day. The survey has shown a leaning towards playing in the morning but the 35.83% support is well down on the expected percentage to instigate change and further analysis and discussion will need to be made.

To see all the results of the Bowls WA Metropolitan Survey visit the BowlsWA Website at www.bowlswa.com.au/Events/Pennants

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


State Team Selections 2015

Selectors believe in their The Men’s and Women’s State Selectors are pleased to announce the teams that will take on our nation’s best, when seven states and territories descend upon the Yokine Districts Bowling Club this coming April to compete for the Alley Shield and Marj Morris Trophy at the Australian Sides Championships. The Women have made six changes from the side that finished 6th in Tasmania last year. Australian Under 18 representative Elizabeth Allan (Dudley Park) caps off an outstanding twelve months with selection in her first Open side, while Northam’s Denise Kelly will be another country bowler making her debut. Robyn O’Brien (Manning) earned two State caps against Victoria in 2013 but this home series will be her first National Sides. Recently crowned 2015 State Singles winner Noelene Abe (Corrigin) is available again after a string of impressive performances that included the National and World Champion of Champions events in Adelaide, Sydney and Christchurch, New Zealand. Adding to the experience is Mosman Park’s Linda Warburton, runner up in the 2014 State Singles, and Helen Morss (Manning) who made her debut in 2007. Young Jackaroo and 2014 Beryl Godfrey medal winner Kristina Krstic (Manning) continues to grow in stature and she has been richly rewarded with a skipper’s role for the first time. Krstic finished runner-up to Chloe Stewart in the singles of the Junior World Cup in Queensland back in

November and travelled to New Zealand for the Burnside Pairs as part of Bowls Australia’s High Performance team. Mosman Park’s Lisa Featherby performed admirably when given the same task at last year’s Sides while Therese Hastings (Manning) provides a wealth of experience having made her debut back in 2000 when she was the baby of the side. Hastings now has 173 caps to her name, sitting second only to Lee Poletti (189) on the all-time list and she doesn’t show too many signs of slowing down; her rink was the bestperformed at Burnie, Tasmania. The Manning trio of Shenayde Heldt, Laura Merz and Kelli Rogalski retain their places after they all lead impressively at Burnie last year. Rogalski, who was part of Hastings’ standout quartet, will now play second for Krstic. She and National Training Centre (NTC) athlete Merz, in her debut year, certainly turned heads with their run to the final of the Super Six Pairs. Heldt will be hoping to capture the kind of form that saw her awarded the 2013 Beryl Godfrey medal for the most outstanding bowler at a National Sides Series. Coach Brian Jeppesen said, “With our blend of newly capped, emerging and experienced state players I expect that we will be strongly competitive and will be determined to be the women’s side to catch the eye at the Sides.” The Men have named two debutants in Doubleview’s Scott Edmonds and Scott Walker (South Perth), who will have the honour of wearing the black and gold for the first time in front of family, friends and vocal, parochial support at Yokine. Like Edmonds, Stuart Bainbridge, Kyle McIlroy and John Slavich have been rewarded for their strong pennant form with the four Doubleview skippers ensuring their club sits two wins clear on top of the BCiB Premier League ladder. McIlroy and Slavich will provide plenty of leadership playing third, while Bainbridge will resume his role as a lead. Earning recalls after a period of time out of the team are Cody Packer (Bedford) and Cambridge duo Trystan Smallacombe and Luke Richardson. All three players add a touch of class to the team and have proven in the past they have the ability to go head to head with any player in Australia. Australian Premier League (APL) stars Clive Adams (Cambridge) and Victoria ParkCarlisle’s Thomas Mitchell have been in scintillating form this season which has included Adams winning the 2014 Mt Lawley Consistency Singles and Mitchell dominating the 2015 State Singles. In November, the two teamed with Jeremy Henry to reach the semi-finals of the APL2 in front of a packed crowd at Pine Rivers and a live television audience.

• Nolene Abe will make a welcome return to state colours.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

State Team Selections 2015

team to take on the nation “The consistency of bowls, shot making and teamwork was the best I have seen at trials for a long time,” says head men’s coach Pieter Harris. Also taking on the coveted skipper’s role is NTC player Matthew Ellul (Manning) who caught the eye of the national selectors with his consistent displays in Burnie. Bassendean’s Daniel Patterson, who won a bronze medal alongside Mitchell and Adams in the Super Six Triples and was runner up in the National Champion of Champion Singles in Adelaide and more recently the 2015 State Singles, will be aiming for more success at Yokine. Men’s Head Coach Pieter Harris remarked, “This season we have asked the players for a higher level of commitment and professionalism on and off the green. After a rocky start, the selection panel could not have been happier with the efforts all squad members have put in over the last four months. This was highlighted by the standard of play and camaradarie at our last trial day when all players were exceptional. The consistency of bowls, shot making and teamwork was the best I have seen at trials for a long time. • Elizabeth Allan has “We have concentrated on picking players suited to play in a successfully made certain role with a game style that we trust is going to be the transition from Under 18 selection to successful at a national level. the State Open side. The final decision on players selected has come after many hours of conversations and different teams being considered but we are super excited as to the standard this team will represent Western Australia both on and off the green.”

Women’s Side Elizabeth Allan, Kelli Rogalski, Robyn O’Brien, Kristina Krstic (Sk) Shenayde Heldt, Linda Warburton, Noelene Abe, Therese Hastings (Sk) Laura Merz, Denise Kelly, Helen Morss, Lisa Featherby (Sk)

Men’s Side Stuart Bainbridge, Cody Packer, John Slavich, Clive Adams (Sk) Trystan Smallacombe, Daniel Patterson, Luke Richardson, Matt Ellul (Sk) Scott Walker, Scott Edmonds, Kyle McIlroy, Thomas Mitchell (Sk)

• Scott Edmonds makes his debut for Western Australia.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


“Former Australian Tennis star Alicia Molik is on board as Jack Attack’s Ambassador and her enthusiasm was evident in her recent showing at the Pro-Am competition during the APL.”

Jack Attack gaining momentum www.jackattack.com.au

BOWLS Australia’s newest initiative, Jack Attack, continues to grow legs nationwide as over 50 clubs have now joined as host clubs and the new concept promises to re-invigorate bowls in Australia. Locally, Sorrento Bowls Club is the first to officially sign up for the program and North Perth has followed suit. With Scarborough having conducted pilot programs in the past 12 months and many clubs in WA showing a keen interest in the program, the new, fast and fun form of the sport aimed at the more social participant is set to take off For years, bowls has been heralded as one of the more social sports, however there has never been a nationally branded format that recognises this market. The Jack Attack concept builds on the hype generated by the Australian Premier League recently played in Brisbane and broadcast live throughout Australia and New Zealand. The concept provides for teams to play a short 60-70 minute sets play game once a week over a 6-8 week period with evenings during summer looking like a particularly attractive option. Teams consist of three players each, however teams can be made up of more than 3 players, substituting in and out of the game as they wish. Players can play in any order, providing play is alternate with their opposition. The format is particularly friendly for families, with parents able to play a few ends whilst still being able to take their children and be able to look after them whilst not playing. The 2 set, 5 end format of the game makes it as exciting and fun to watch as it is to play. Clubs that have the Junior Jack Attack equipment product will also be able to provide a safe, fun environment with kids able to play separately with lightweight rubberised bowls that still perform very much like the real thing. Businesses, families or community groups that are looking for a fun activity that everyone can get involved in will be attracted to this concept. Bowls is a sport that caters for everyone, regardless of age or gender.

Not many sports provide for people from all areas of the community to compete with no advantage to anyone.When clubs sign up to the program, they are provided with a full promotion kit which includes a specifically designed website to handle team registration through to fixtures and results. The club can then choose how they wish to formulate their competition or indeed if they wish to run more than one, potentially aimed at different markets. With more social players getting across the greens, Clubs can encourage the players to post photos and videos whilst playing, potentially sending the positive Jack Attack message to tens of thousands of people during just a single one hour session. Clubs need to embrace the benefits of social media and not get bogged down in the negative things we hear in the media – the benefits for Clubs far outweigh any of the negatives. Former Australian Tennis star Alicia Molik is on board as Jack Attack’s Ambassador and her enthusiasm was evident in her recent showing at the Pro-Am competition during the APL. Molik is a huge fan of the concept and is keen to see it grow throughout the country over the next few years. Club that are interested in the concept can get more information at www.jackattack.com. au where there is a downloadable brochure for Clubs to go through. Clubs should also contact Clive Adams, Regional Bowls Manager (Perth) who will visit the Club and discuss the concept providing any answers that are required.

• Jack Attack ambassador, Alicia Molik.


Club Health Check List…

Online Survey may improve your club The Club Health Checklist is an online tool developed by the Australian Sports Commission designed to allow a Club to perform a self-assessment, identifying areas of strength and weakness, to allow the Club to capitalise on such strengths and improve on identified weaknesses. The online survey takes around 25 minutes to complete and is designed to suit both the major clubs on the East Coast as well as the smaller clubs scattered throughout Australia. It is designed to meet the needs of all clubs, regardless of the sport.

Vision and Mission Does your Club know what it stands for and where it wants to go? Is this documented and communicated to your members? Does your strategic plan reflect you mission and vision?

Culture and Leadership How is your Club embracing the different communication methods required in the modern era. Whilst letterbox drops and mailouts work to some degree, if your Club is not talking to people on Social Media you are missing a huge section of the community. Websites and emails help, however the immediate world we live in demands pictures and videos on Social Media to be getting people’s attention. How would you define your Club’s culture? Are you welcoming to new members and diverse cultures? Could the Club be doing more to assist the future of the Club and the sport in general?

Governance How are your committees structured and do the members of the committee know and understand their roles? Have you got a set of policies for the important issues that affect your Club? Risk Management, Compliance, Planning and Volunteer Management are all covered under this section.

Decision Making Are you losing members? Have you investigated why – it is crucial to Clubs to find out why people are leaving so you have opportunities to make change or develop strategies. How does the Club go with making critical decisions to change – are you forward thinking or are you reactive? Once clubs have gone through the survey, a comprehensive report is produced and emailed to the club as well as the Department of Sport and Recreation. The report provides the club with an Action Plan with the six highest priority areas that need improvement. It outlines the best practice principles in each of the areas and provides links to where further information can be obtained online. The club, with the help of the local Regional Bowls Manager look at the areas and prepare a plan to address the areas that they think are most crucial to the Club. It may be that a Club decides to leave one area alone for time being whilst focussing on an area which they feel can be improved, however everything needs to be considered and planned to ensure things aren’t missed. The Regional Bowls Manager has access to a vast array of information from all around Australia, with the network of RBMs frequently in contact with one another, assisting where they can. It would be rare for a Club to encounter an issue that other Clubs have not already faced and worked through. WA’s local RBM, Clive Adams, is currently travelling throughout the State visiting Clubs. A key attraction to having Clive visit your Club is to complete the Club Health Check, as he will receive a copy of the report and will know that you are a Club looking to progress into the future. Clive Adams Regional Bowls Manager – WA Email: cadams@bowlsaustralia.com.au Mobile: 0408 136 831

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


Men’s State Singles

Tom Mitchell outclasses the opposition Thomas Mitchell (Victoria Park Carlisle) dominated the Australia Day Men’s Singles Final at Manning Bowling Club and claimed his first WA Taylor Bowls Men’s State Singles as his prize. The morning Semi Finals shaped as two intriguing contests, with a combined age of 92, the four players still in contention for the title will have many years of competing against each other for Western Australian State Championship Titles. Thomas Mitchell (27) started his Semi Final in control and raced to a 7-2 lead over 18 year old David Downey( Manning) in the first six ends. Not to be deterred, Downey fought back with a full count of four, a two and a single to jump to the lead and looked to have found his rhythm and going strong . However this only stung Mitchell into action as he reeled off the next ten ends to quickly put the contest beyond doubt at 24-9. A single to Downey only delayed the inevitable and Mitchell got the single required to put him self into the championship game. The other Semi Final saw Bassendean team mates, Daniel Paterson and Blake Nairn take to the rink and put on a contest worthy of a WA State Singles final. First it was Nairn, full of confidence after recently winning the WA State Pairs, taking a strangle hold of the game and moving to a 13-3 lead. Patterson struggling to find his weight, made the switch to the wider hand and got immediate results to grab first a three and then a two to move within five shots of Nairn. When Nairn then made his own triple to move to 16-8, Nairn seemed to have weathered a mini storm and had composed himself once again. A single to Patterson got him going again and it was followed in quick succession by a three, two and a further single to move to 15-16. Again Nairn showed composure by winning the next two ends and moving into the 20’s, but it was still Patterson playing the shots to get the scores and after another four ends, Patterson grabbed the lead and looked headed for the win.


• Singles Finalists: Kristin Kristic, Noelene Abe, Tom Mitchell and Daniel Patterson.

A single followed by a two put Patterson and Nairn level at 23 all with both players putting forward enough quality bowls to get the win. A single to Patterson put him within touching of the final, but Nairn killed the next three ends to deny a quick finish. A back toucher on what was to be the last end again put Patterson in the drivers seat but a perfectly weighted last bowl gave Nairn every chance to grab the two shots he needed to claim the win. With the crowd on the edge of their seats, Nairn watched his last bowl sit on both the jack and the Patterson bowl only to see the jack continue to follow the opposition bowl as it turned out of the head, when the dust settled Patterson still held shot and Nairn’s tournament was over. The final between Mitchell and Patterson started out sedately as both players found their line and length. The first end went to Mitchell and the second end to Patterson. No one was prepared for the onslaught that was to follow for the next 45 minutes. Mitchell won the next three ends to lead 5-1 and Patterson was playing well to hold the scoring to ones and even grabbed a second shot for him self to be behind 2-5. It was then that the crowd began to witness a change in the game with Mitchell becoming relentless in his peppering of the jack. Over the next seven ends, Mitchell scored three fours, two threes and two singles as he charged towards the finish line. Patterson was powerless to stop a Thomas Mitchell at his absolute best and when the game was over all Patterson could do was shake the Mitchell hand and say too good.

Women’s State Singles

Noelene Abe wins hat trick Noelene Abe (Corrigin) now has a hat trick of WA State Singles titles after victory over Kristina Krstic (Manning) in the Australia Day Final of the Western Australian Taylor Bowls State Singles at Manning Bowling Club. The day began with Abe taking on Janne Gibsone (Mosman Park) and Krstic doing battle with Kerry Andersen (Mosman Park) in the Semi Finals. Abe started quickly with a three nil lead before falling behind Gibsone 3-6. It was then that Abe started to take control and won eight of the next nine ends to build a 12 shot lead to take control 19-7. A spirited couple of ends by Gibsone was short lived as Abe powered her way into the final with a 25-13 win. The other Semi Final saw Krstic take control from the outset. Previously in the tournament Krstic had found herself coming from behind but not on this occasion, as she raced to a 12-1 lead over Andersen. A one and then a two saw Andersen attempt to put some scoreboard pressure on. However with total confidence, Krstic gathered herself again and put the pedal down to pull away to a 25-5 win. The good sized crowd settled down to what they hoped would be a top class show of Bowls in the final and they were not to be disappointed. Abe jumped out of the blocks to move to a dominant position on the scoreboard. If somebody had just walked into Manning on the 7th end, they would have thought it was a one sided game. Abe lead 9-1 and seemed to be dominating, however the scoreboard was not reflecting the closeness of the match as Krstic matched Abe bowl for bowl on a majority of ends but could not put the score on the board. A three to Krstic on the 8th end was immediately answered by Abe on the 9th as she also took a three and although Krstic was now starting to put some score on the board, she was unable to string consecutive ends together. At 15-9, Krstic again looked dangerous but consistent close bowls from Abe were starting to take there toll as she closed in on the championship. A run of singles to Abe suddenly turned into a full count of four and put her into an unstoppable position at 23-10. Another two singles closed out the game and Abe took home her third WA State Singles Title. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years

MEN Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 20

Name Mitchell, Thomas Trewhella, Daniel Adams, Clive Brown, Daniel Patterson, Daniel Nairn, Blake Neilson, Wayne Bainbridge, Stuart Knott, Shane McKay, Kevin Simpson, Mark Ayres, Matthew Provost, Anthony Khan, Ryan Elmer, Andy Fransisco, John Downey, David Foy, Rob Robinson, Murray Rochford, John

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 15 17 17 19 20

Name Abe, Noelene Warburton, Linda Hastings, Therese Gibsone, Janne Featherby, Lisa Poletti, Lee Andersen, Kerry Spragg, Vicki Chalmers, Pam Scott, Bev Krstic, Kristina Heal, Helen Prosser, Rhonda McDonald, Elaine Gobbart, Kathy Hogg, Sue Radcliffe, Shelley Baker, Bev Leahy, Irene Marshall, Liz

Club Vict Park Carlisle Stirling Cambridge Kardinya Bassendean Bassendean Osborne Park Doubleview Vict Park Carlisle Kardinya Dudley Park Manning Vict Park Carlisle Vict Park Carlisle Bassendean Bassendean Manning Kardinya Morley Kardinya

Total 293 193 136 135 134 131 96 95 92 79 78 77 75 74 67 67 64 64 64 64

WOMEN Club Corrigin Mosman Park Manning Mosman Park Mosman Park Geraldton Mosman Park Dudley Park Osborne Park Capel Manning Manning North Beach Eaton Gingin Manning Osborne Park Mosman Park Boulder Sorrento

Total 484 244 180 170 157 148 140 125 116 92 89 88 83 80 76 73 71 69 69 67

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au


Women’s State Pairs

Lee and Vicki win another title

• Renate Coote and Bev Baker fought out the final.

Women’s 100up Singles

Bev Baker goes back to back Thornlie’s Renate Coote had no answer to Mosman Park’s Bev Baker draw power as Baker played outstanding bowls to win back to back Women’s 100up Singles at the Gosnells Bowling Club on the 9th January 2015. Coote had to work extremely hard in the semi final game as she took on the current WA State Singles champion in Therese Hastings (Manning). In a game that could have gone either way, Coote prevailed and had her nose in front at the right time to win 100-97. The other semi final saw Baker working just as hard as she took on club mate Linda Warburton. Warburton showed the form that earned her a place in last years WA State Singles final when she narrowly went down to Hastings in a top class final. Baker was fully extended before coming away with a 100-89 win. Going into the final Baker had all the experience of top level singles finals with last year’s 100up title and a previous winner of the WA State Singles. However Coote is no slouch in major events either. While yet to win an open state singles title, Coote does have a State Over 60’s singles title to her name. As play got underway, it was obvious early that Baker had found her rhythm and was going to very hard to stop. With the 4,3,2,1 scoring system in place for 100up singles, a player can quickly draw away by playing consistent bowls. This was the case for Baker as she continually had more bowls in the head and therefore was quickly able to accumulate multiple points. While Coote continued to fight to the end, the Baker consistency saw her take home the trophy with a comfortable 100-67 win. 18

• Lee Poletti (Geraldton) with her sister Vicki Spragg (Dudley Park).

The Wanneroo Bowling Club was the venue for the Women’s State Pairs finals which was played in hot conditions in December. Lee Poletti (Geraldton) with her sister Vicki Spragg (Dudley Park) took advantage of the fast and true greens to win their second State Pairs title as a partnership when they defeated Lisa Featherby (Mosman Park) and Linda Warburton (Mosman Park). The Semi Finals were a contrast in score lines. While Featherby and Warburton were able to build a lead for most of their game in their 23-11 victory over North Beach’s Rhonda Prosser and Debra Rhine, Poletti and Spragg had to fight all the way before eventually over coming Thornlie’s Renate Coote and Maureen Cooney 15-11. The final began in very warm conditions but neither pair showed any signs of letting the temperature get to them. Poletti and Spragg had previously won the pairs title in 2007-08 so were keen to get back in the winners circle after a long absence while Featherby and Warburton had yet to taste success in this event even though both players have had their fair share of success in other events. With all players handling the conditions it was a final worthy of a Western Australian State Pairs title, with Lee Poletti and Vicki Spragg outlasting Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton 21-18. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


The History Phase 1: 1974 to 1996 The first magazine we have at headquarters is Volume 1 no 2 called Bowls in Western Australia, this is not dated however from the context of articles we believe it was published around June 1974, there is a reference to the first edition being published in February 1974. The cover was single colour and the contents black and white. The magazine was edited by Des Austin and was 20 cents to purchase, I have been reliably informed you could get a beer for 18 cents at the same time. The magazine was A5 in size and just 20 pages long. All the phone numbers in the magazine were just six digits long. The head office at 219a Main Street had just been closed and was temporarily at 10 Wadhurst Street Balga. Osborne Park had won the 1st Division pennant and WA Men had performed well over East defeating NSW and SA in test matches. The Women had won the Singles and Fours at the AWBC Round Robin Carnival in Sydney. The bulk of the magazine was reports from RWBA and WALBA officials as well as club reports detailing championship winners and club happenings. By 1997 the magazine’s popularity had grown significantly and was now know as Jack Hi. It was still black and white but had moved to A4 in size and was now 48 or 52 pages in length. The price had gone up to 25 cents. The phone numbers had moved up to seven digits and the magazine contained plenty of black and white photos of bowlers including the Men’s State Team resplendent in blazers and ties. Amazingly you could get 9.5% on a term deposit with Town and Country Bank. Into the eighties and the first signs of colour in the magazine began to appear with some red and green headings for advertising. The association had moved to 2a Plain Street in Perth. Phone numbers were up to eight digits, you could buy a home and land package at Yanchep for under $25,000, By 1985 the magazine was being published for 50cents, the association had once again moved, this time to 1025 Wellington Street, Perth. You could buy a jacket from the bowls shop for $24. In 1988 the Association removed the purchase price and made the magazine free! A line on the cover stated serving 37,000 bowlers in WA. Into the 1990’s and we were at Volume 16 with a full colour cover and plenty of colour being used inside the magazine. You could buy a new car for less than $12,000 and term deposits were available at 11%. Into the mid 90’s and the stock had changed to a high quality gloss and included full colour photographs in the contents. Marko Krajancic won the Victoria Park Touch of Class – the tournament carried $20,000 in prizemoney. An issue also featured a story on a 4 rink indoor green at Jerramungup with a carpet surface imported from New Zealand. Player rankings appeared for the first time with Doubleview’s Geoff Ellis at No 1. Phase 1 of the Jack Hi finished up with Volume 31 and phone numbers had just hit nine digits.

Do you have any old Jack Hi magazines that you don’t need anymore?

Bowls WA are looking for past issues to complete our back catalogue. Please contact Aaron Delaporte aaron@bowlswa.com.au or phone 9340 0800


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

of Jack Hi


Edition 95 • Spring 2013

Inside this issue: • Build Better Clubs • National Under 18s

Phase 2: 1997 to 1999 WIN

The magazine turned to a newspaper format in 1997 under the guidance of J J Carter who was an employee at the West Australian. The articles were certainly in a more journalistic format with opinion pieces included on various bowls subjects of the time. One such subject was the BA merchandising scheme involving the Bowls Australia logo on bowls clothing, this scheme was very controversial at the time and probably still is today with some bowlers. The Association actually refused to introduce it in 1996 with the rest of Australia as WA had no local licensed manufacturer. After two volumes a decision was made to drop the Jack Hi moniker with the magazine simply being titled Bowls WA. The name lasted just four editions before the traditional Jack Hi titled was reinstated. At the same time a history of Bowls in Western Australia was released to much publicity called Bowls West. Written by Gil McDonald with W S Cooper and J R Hall it serves as one the best pieces of Bowls history available and was published after years of research.

A trip for 2 to the APL Solargain is a proud supporter of the APL as sponsors of The Perth Suns.

See Page 13 for details…

APL LIVE on Foxtel November 19-22


Edition 96 • Summer 2014

Inside this issue: • The man behind the lens – John Bellenger • Full wrap on State Singles and Pairs Events

Phase 3: 2000 to present The Bowls West name became adopted by the Men’s Association in a move to modernize the image of the sport. Later under unification with the Women’s Association in 2004 it was simplified to the current name of Bowls WA. Advances in printing technology saw the magazine go to full colour and the magazine was released as editions instead of yearly volumes. Coloured clothing which had started to emerge was now on full display and colour bowls weren’t that far behind. Edition 20 saw the State Team gracing the cover in shirts with yellow, teal and maroon of the Bowls WA logo – the shirts only lasted a few seasons before the state team went back to traditional gold and black. Tom Gates was the editor for the first 28 editions before Pat Caffell took on the position in June 2003. The previously mentioned unification also saw another change in premises with the move to 158 Main Street only a few hundred metres from the original premises of the Jack Hi back in 1974. The official opening of the building was conducted by the Governor Lieutenant General John Sanderson in company with Bowls Australia President John McDougall on July 31st 2003 and featured in edition 30. In January 2005 Pat Caffell resigned as editor and Bowls WA appointed a staff member in Grada Roberts to the editor’s position instead of a volunteer. Since then the editor has always been a staff member of the association however plenty of volunteer assistance still goes into the Jack Hi with submissions from clubs. A popular segment during this period with called Memory Lane where an event from 5, 10 and 15 years ago was relived in the magazine, maybe we should bring that back? Edition 50 saw Rod Heaton on the cover and featured articles on some players still at the upper echelon today such as Daniel Trewhella and Clive Adams along with Anthony Provost (Rosenthal Medal winner) and Matthew Mitchell and Melissa Solly who were named respective Men’s and Women’s Junior bowlers of the year. The Jack Hi remained fairly consistent for many years after that until in 2013 a decision was made to break away from magazine partner Media Tonic (formerly Wright Media) who had assisted in the publishing since Edition 1. The new look Jack Hi under the full control of Bowls WA in respect to advertising and printing ran a photo of state player John Slavich complete with mohawk, earings and gangster style moustache drew varied responses from readers – plenty loved it whilst the more traditionalists were less than pleased. Whilst the magazine has had many changes over the years the one thing that has remained consistent is that it has always been the bowlers magazine with submissions regularly received from clubs across Western Australia and at over 40 years old is still going strong with a healthy readership base. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


Edition 97 • Autumn 2014

• Mossies too good – Premier League triumph Also in this issue: • Country Week Roundup • Commonwealth Games Selections • Australian Series Review

Hall of Fame Inductees

Geoff Ellis

Smiljana Jakovich

Centre Liftout: Where to get a Game – out of season

jack hi Edition 94 • Winter 2013


The leaner and meaner



Inside this issue • Hall of Fame recipients • Awards Night Winners


Men’s State Pairs

Bassendean Boys prevail • Blake Nairn is a picture of concentration during the final.

• John Francisco and Blake Nairn, State Pairs champions.

Blake Nairn and John Francisco became the first Bassendean Bowling Club pairing to win the Western Australian State Pairs since the 197172 season, when they defeated Charlie Slavich and Corey Bessant (Doubleview) at the Osborne Park Bowling Club, Monday 29th December. After an all the way win in the semi finals when they defeated Bassendean teammate Daniel Patterson and his partner David Opie (Cambridge), Nairn and Francisco went into the Bowls Elite Men’s State Pairs final full of confidence. Slavich and Bessant on the other hand had to fight all the way in a marathon semi final win against Scott Edmonds (Doubleview) and Paul Butler (North Beach). However all four players would have had some nerves given it was the first state final for any of them. The nerves certainly weren’t showing as plenty of good bowls were being delivered in the final. After Slavich took the early advantage with a 4-1 lead after 3 ends, Nairn reeled off 4 straight ends to open up an 8-4 advantage and a lead that he and Francisco would never relinquish. A single on the 8th end to Slavich closed the gap to 3 shots but was quickly answered by Nairn when he took singles on the next 2 ends. When Slavich again took a single on the 11th end, the pattern of the game continued with Nairn again winning consecutive ends and building a match winning lead of 18-6 after 16 ends of the 18 end final. With all hope looking lost and the crowd expecting a quiet finish to the game, Slavich and Bessant grabbed a big count of six shots to breathe life into the contest. Going into the final end of the championships Nairn and Francisco were made to refocus on the contest as the Doubleview pair piled on the pressure and went after another six shots to force an extra end. First Francisco drew what looked like the match winning shot only to see Slavich play a magic yard over bowl and turn his own bowl onto the jack to make five shots with just three bowls to play in the end. With Nairn facing defeat that was highly unlikely only two ends ago, Nairn played weight on a good line and managed to move the jack enough to make it only two shots to Slavich. With his last bowl of the end and possibly the game, Slavich still had an opportunity to make the six shots required to force an extra end but had to go through a pack of bowls and move not one but two of Nairn’s bowls. With the crowd hushed and looking for a grandstand finish, Slavich was unable to find the hole through the pack and could not make an impact on the Bassendean bowls allowing Blake Nairn and John Francisco to take the championships with an 18-14 win. 22

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

Beware of Super Pitfalls For good reason, many retirees pay themselves handy income from an account-based pension (ABP), funded originally from superannuation savings. Not only is the income received tax exempt and growth on the underlying capital tax free, the income also receives concessional treatment by Centrelink. Or it used to receive concessional treatment, prior to 1 January 2015. An ABP that commenced prior to 1 January 2015 is exempt from Centrelink deeming rules, and the income receives a discount for the purpose of the Centrelink income test. The discount, termed the deductible amount, is calculated using a formula that takes into account the purchase price of the income stream divided by the life expectancy of the pension owner at purchase. The rationale is that part of the income received is actually your own money being returned to you, and therefore should not be treated as assessable income. Recent changes are such that income from a ABP commenced after 1 January 2015 will no longer receive concessional treatment by Centrelink. Starting 1 January 2015, the entire balance in the fund paying an ABP will be subject to Centrelink deeming rates – these assume that all financial assets earn a prescribed level of interest, regardless of the actual income being generated. For couples, the deeming rates are currently 2 per cent on the first $79,600 and 3.5 per cent on the balance. The new rule will only apply to those people that become eligible and apply for a Centrelink Age Pension after 1 January 2015. The good news is that those both in receipt of a Age Pension and income from a ABP prior to 1 January 2015 will not be affected by the recent changes. That said, care should be taken when any changes are made to an ABP to ensure that ongoing Age Pension eligibility is not compromised. The changes may also affect any ongoing eligibility for the Commonwealth Seniors Card. One example of a detrimental change that may arise is in the case of a couple, of which one member passes away. Should the deceased have been the recipient of an ABP, the survivor may suffer a material reduction in their Age Pension despite continuing to receive the ABP formerly paid to their partner. This is because in some circumstances a reversionary ABP may be considered under the new rules as the cessation of one ABP, followed by the commencement of a new ABP. As always there are strategies available that would mitigate risks to Age Pension eligibility as a result of superannuation income streams, for which you may benefit from seeking financial advice. Andrew Hopkins is the principal of WA Aged Care Financial Solutions, a privately owned financial planning business that has no ownership links with any financial institution or Aged Care facility and is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009 189 495 AFSL 240687. Information in this article is of a general nature only, and should be considered together with your particular needs and circumstances. For more information phone 1300 827 229 or visit www.agedcarefswa.com

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


• Under 18s Championships • Under 18s Championships • Under 18s Championships •

Elizabeth Allan wins her third championship by CAMERON HARRIS

• Triples winners: Dayna Cant, Amelia Axford and Kellie Ainsworth.

• Boys Pairs winners: Kane Smith (Mandurah) and Patrick Quinlan (Belmont City).

• Girls Pairs winners: Danya Cant and Elizabeth Allan (Dudley Park).


This years Under 18 State Championships were held out of Osborne Park Bowling Club from the 12th to the 14th of January. The first event was the mixed triples with three teams participating in a round robin format. At the conclusion of the day each of the three teams had won one game each so it went to the shots up count to decide the winners. The team of Georgia Cant (Meadow Springs), Amelia Axford (Quinns Rocks) and Kellie Ainsworth (Warnbro) emerged victorious courtesy of a thirteen shot win and an aggregate total of +7 shots. The runners up were Bailey O’Keefe (Stirling), Nathaniel Fuge (Gnowangerup) and Daniel Ainsworth (Warnbro) with a shots up total of -3. The second day saw the boys and girls pairs championships, each with competing pairs played in a round robin format. The girls event saw perennial high achievers Elizabeth Allan (Dudley Park) and Dayna Cant (Dudley Park) win both of their matches to add another title to their respective list of under 18 honours. Meghan Philpott (Warnbro) and Kellie Ainsworth were able to secure one victory to be the runners up. Young pair Patrick Quinlan (Belmont City) and Kane Smith (Mandurah) were able to win both of their games to win the boys championship. Will Hyatt (Mandurah) and Jayden Johnson (Mandurah) were the runners up with one win and one loss. The week concluded with the boys and girls singles events with six competitors in each event played as a round robin. The boys event showcased WA’s under 18s future while the girls event saw two long time juniors take the top two places. Two time under 18 national singles champion Elizabeth Allan went undefeated through the tournament to win her third WA Under 18’s singles title. The runner up was Dayna Cant, defeated only by Allan in the fourth round of the tournament. The boys event saw Patrick Quinlan go undefeated to win his first WA Under 18’s singles title. William Hyatt won his way into 2nd place defeating all bar Quinlan. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


Men’s State Fours

• Daniel Brown (Kardinya), Daniel Trewhella (Stirling), Rob Foy (Kardinya) and John Rochford (Kardinya).

Close finish in Men’s Fours Daniel Brown (Kardinya), Daniel Trewhella (Stirling), Rob Foy (Kardinya) and John Rochford (Kardinya) survived two heart stopping games to take the 2014-15 Western Australian Men’s State Fours title at the Bassendean Bowling Club. In the morning semi final, Matthew Mitchell, Matthew Ayres, Adj Heal and David Downey (Manning) pushed the Brown team all the way and were only millimetres from playing in the afternoon final themselves. With a 14-14 score line going into the last end, it was Brown who held the shot with only one Mitchell bowl to come. Looking to sit the shot bowl to win the game, Mitchell made contact with the bowl but also made minimal contact with the jack but it was just enough to slide it in the direction of a waiting Brown bowl. The other semi final saw Damian Moore Ron Bates Geoff Gunning Darren Turra (Wanneroo) build an early lead, only to see Luke Richardson (Cambridge), Peter Cole (Kardinya), Brad Cole (Kardinya) and Craig Stokes (Kardinya) draw level at 13-13 before they composed themselves and pulled away to win 21-13. The afternoon final was played on a terrific Bassendean green with a light breeze just doing enough to keep the players concentrating. The Brown team looked good at the halfway mark of the game and had earned themselves al lead before the • Family support! Wanneroo team slowly worked themselves back in it. With only one end to go they found themselves with a 15-14 lead. As the pressure started to show on both teams, it was Daniel Brown, Daniel Trewhella, Rob Foy and John Rochford who stood the tallest on the last end to get the two shots required to give them a 16-15 win and the Western Australian State Fours title.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

• Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News •

Men’s O60s State Triples

Experience gets the final

Women’s O60s State Pairs

Beard and Kite win first title

• Glyn Vaughan, Frank Carbone, Geoffrey White (sk) def. Keith Manton (sk), Mike Erceg, Phil Hutchinson 18-17.

• Maureen Beard (sk), Jennifer Kite def. Kaye Blackwell (sk), Rinske Butcher 21-17.

State representatives Geoffrey White (Kardinya), Frank Carbone (Manning) and Glyn Vaughan (Thornlie) needed all their vast experience and recent good form to get over the line against the talented trio from Bassendean comprising Keith Manton, Mike Erceg and Phil Hutchison by the narrowest of margins. It was Bassendean who made the brighter start, leading by as many as 11 after ten ends. A five on the next end gave White hope and it proved to be the catalyst for a remarkable comeback as 17-6 down soon became 17-all, with one end to play. Bassendean could not get closer than Carbone’s draw shot, earning him a first State title, while skipper White added to the cabinet that already contained a State Pairs trophy. There might not be much room left on the mantelpiece for the McKenzie-Barns medallist Vaughan!

Maureen Beard and Jennifer Kite (Safety Bay) outlasted all-comers to claim their first Women’s Over 60’s State Pairs title at Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club. A previous runner-up in 2009-10, Beard and Kite led for the majority of the final against the recently crowned National Over 60 Sides Champions Kaye Blackwell and Rinske Butcher (North Beach). In near perfect conditions, all players put on a show worthy of a final. After an even start, Beard and Kite edged away to a 7-3 lead after seven ends only to see Blackwell and Butcher draw level with a four on the next. However, the Safety Bay girls took back the lead with a four of their own and led 14-8 after 12. The remaining six ends went back and forth, keeping the North Beach duo in the game but with Safety Bay leading 19-17 it was Kite who drew a toucher; putting one hand firmly on the trophy. When Beard drew a second shot, it left Blackwell with a difficult squeeze of the jack to get the win.As the bowl turned under the head Beard and Kite could finally claim the title which, like the celebrations, would be heading south to Safety Bay.

• Geoffrey White shows his style.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


• Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News •

Women’s O60s State Singles

Gobbart wins first O60s title

• Women’s Four winners: Shelley Radcliffe, Irene Leahy, Elaine McDonald and Noelene Abe.

Women’s State Fours

Flawless bowls from state’s best • Kathy Gobbart def. Janne Gibsone 21-20.

Kathy Gobbart (Gingin) claimed her first Over 60’s Singles crown by defeating Janne Gibsone (Mosman Park) at the Osborne Park Bowling Club in an exciting climax to the event. Following her outstanding showing at the National Over 60 Sides Championships earlier in the month, Gobbart was always going to be tough to beat. However, Gibsone, who played as a second in Gobbart’s rink that went through the tournament undefeated, refused to give an inch. In a see-sawing game, Gibsone came out strongly and quickly led 7-1 before Gobbart struck back and went on a 12-1 run. The scores were level at 14-14, before the Mosman Park veteran took the lead; a lead she would hold until the final end. At 20-19, Gobbart grabbed the two shots she required to take the title in a tense, grandstand finish.

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Noelene Abe (Corrigin), Elaine Mcdonald (Eaton), Irene Leahy (Boulder) and Shelley Radcliffe (Osborne Park) made every post a winner when they played a flawless final to defeat Pam Strongman (Leeming), Kath Fenning (Warwick), Pam Webber (Leeming) and Sue Neill (Leeming) 21-7 in the final of the Women’s State Fours. It was a different story in the semi final for Abe’s team as they went toe to toe with Pam Chalmers (Osborne Park), Helen Stevens (Osborne Park), Brooke Newstead (Manning) and Elizabeth Allan (Dudley Park). Neither team would give an inch as all players contributed to a great semi final before Abe got the one required on the last end to win 14-13. The other semi final saw Strongman take command of the game early against Dayna Cant (Dudley Park), Irene Grout (Dudley Park), Jenni Rogalski (Dudley Park) and Julie Savell (Osborne Park). Strongman built an early lead before the Cant four fought back and started to put some scoreboard pressure on. With the game in the balance Strongman again put the pressure on and eventually drew away to win 26-13. The final began sedately with Strongman winning the first end but things changed very quickly as the Abe team went on an 8 end, 17-0 rampage to put the result beyond doubt early. Strongman never gave up and tried everything they could to bridge the gap; however Abe was at her consistent best and refused to allow any large scores to be taken. As the game continued to its eventual conclusion, Abe surrendered some late shots but took the Western Australian State Fours title with a 21-7 win.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

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Women’s Fours Final

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

• Players watching intently as a bowl comes into the head.


• Winners Ed Retallack and Dick Hunter.

Women’s Masters Pairs

Brilliant display

• Sue Hogg and Helen Heal.

This event was held on Friday 7 November 2014 to Sunday 9 November 2014 and 21 teams from all over the metropolitan area entered. The greens were running superbly and supported some magnificent bowls. Thanks to the generous sponsorship from Glenda Cooper and Dempsey Real Estate this year, the Club was able to include lunch in the nomination fee for all of the three days. Following the Semi final games on Sunday morning 3rd place was shared by Mosman Park team Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton and our North Beach team Rinske Butcher and Jenny Redshaw. The final was a very hard fought contest and gave our spectators some brilliant bowls to watch. At the end of the day our runners up from Osborne Park were Pam Chalmers and Helen Stevens. Our champion pairs from Manning were Sue Hogg and Helen Heal. Congratulations to our winners.


Men’s Senior Masters Pairs

Ed and Dick too good on the day

It was cool and cloudy over the three days of section play so much so that the lights had to be turned on at 3pm on the Wednesday. At the end of play on Friday the qualifiers were Tony Cocodis and John Terrell, Alan Petchell and Duncan Price, Baz Whitmore and Bob Leed, John Mather and John Martin, Greg Kane and Tony Bellos, Ed Retallack and Dick Hunter, Geoff White and Greg Evans and Greg Hogg and George Beacroft. The finals were played in mild weather on a fairly quick green. In the quarter finals Whitmore and Leed bt Hogg and Beacroft 10-6, White and Evans bt Petchell and Price 18-8, Kane and Bellos bt Cocodis and Terrell 13-4. Retallack and Hunter and Mather and Martin were all square and had to play an extra end to decide the winner, this went to Retallack and Hunter when they picked up two shots. By the time the semi finals started the temperature had risen to 25 deg bringing the green speed back to 16 sec but the breeze had turned south westerly and strengthened giving the bowlers something extra to contend with. Greg Kane and Tony Bellos were always in charge in their game against Baz Whitmore and Bob Leed cruising to a 12-6 win. Ed Retallack and Dick Hunter seemed to have less trouble with Geoff White and Greg Evans with a comfortable 13-4 win. The final between Retallack and Hunter and Kane and Bellos was over very early when Kane and Bellos dropped a six on the fourth end and never recovered. At the conclusion of play the title of Senior Master Pair went to Ed Retallack and Dick Hunter; the playoff for third and fourth between went to Geoff White and Greg Evans with a comfortable win over Baz Whitmore and Bob Leed. Thankyou to all the participants and we look forward to another successful event next year. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

4th to 13th 12th July July 2015 5th 2014

Welcome Fours 4th 5th and and 5th 6th July July Welcome Men’s 10thJuly July Men’s and and Ladies Ladies events events 9th 8th and 9th Fours 11th 12th and and 12th 13thJuly July Farewell Fours The eventswill willbe betwelve twelvefixed fixed ends Theformat format for for all all events ends

Nomination Details: Registration Fee is $50 (inc GST) per event, per person. This fee includes morning and afternoon teas plus lunch.

Co-ordinator: Marianne Keating

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

Phone: 0418926876 Email: southhedlandbowls@bigpond.com boodariebowls@westnet.com.au 31

APL02 – a winner’s perspective In the Spring issue 2014… Australian Premier League Feature


…a bowls revolution In case you missed it last year APL was a fresh, fast paced game akin to 20/20 cricket that hit the Foxtel screens last November with huge success. This season looks to be even bigger and better with the introduction of two new teams meaning over 20 hours of bowls vision will be screened. Over 140,000 viewers watched APL LIVE on Foxtel and Sky Sports in Australian and NZ, according to Foxtel executives the coverage rivalled figures generated by the soccer A-League competition. With comedian Mick Molloy as the APL Ambassador and Special TV Commentator the APL is a mixture of fun, frenetic fast paced action and the best bowlers from not only Australia but across the World showcasing what Bowls has to offer as both a spectator and participant sport. With the players walking out to rock concert music and the Pine Rivers crowd providing plenty of boisterous support and encouragement the local fans are set to once again flock to the venue.



PERTH SUNS The Perth Suns had a terrific inaugural season in the APL making the finals before losing in the last end tiebreaker in the semi finals. Brett Wilkie has departed for new team Helensvale and has been replaced by local star Tom Mitchell who joins Clive Adams and Jeremy Henry.

Jeremy Henry (Warilla)

Former Northern Irish international player who is now winning world titles for his new home country Australia. Achievements: 2012 Australian Indoor Championships winner. 2012 World Cup winner. 2013 World Cup winner.

Clive Adams (Cambridge)

WA gun who has hit strong recent form winning the traditional WA season opener in the Mt Lawley Consistency Singles after a semi-final finish at the Australian Indoor Singles. Achievements: Australian Champion of Champions Pairs Winner 1999. Rosenthal Medallist – Champion WA Bowler 2004. Australian Super League Pairs Winner 2005.

Thomas Mitchell (Victoria Park Carlisle)

Rising superstar in WA Tom is looking to build on an impressive 2013/14 season with his debut appearance for the Perth Suns. Achievements: Rosenthal Medallist – Champion WA Bowler 2011 and 2014 WA Champion of Champion Singles 2011 and 2014. State Fours Champion 2009, 2010 and 2013. Coach - Wayne Turley

LETTER TO THE EDITOR My husband and I were lucky enough to win the Solargain competition to attend the APL2 in Brisbane last November. It is difficult to describe the excitement and drama of being ‘rink ’side for four evenings at Club Pine Rivers, the host venue. We are certainly in favour of the new look ‘Jack Attack’ bowls competition being pioneered by the APL, as it brings bowls to the masses and is very exciting to watch. Sharing the Solargain enclosure with Karyn Bailey, Marketing Manager and other Perth Suns suppor ters each evening, we enjoyed the free nibbles and drinks, while taking in the games. The Finals on Friday evening were the summit! Perth Suns, managed by Ken Pride, CEO of Bowls WA made it to the semis despite a gloomy prediction of finishing in 8th place. They lost to the Murray Steamers, the winners. There was a very friendly atmosphere throughout the week and we were able to meet the Perth team, as well as those from other states. We shall never forget the locals cheering on the Brisbane team in true ‘cricketing’ style from the back of the stands. Don’t forget to put this on your 2015 bowls calendar! Anne Jeavons Glen Forrest Bowling Club

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2014

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

Men's and Ladies latest SUMMER range in store NOW!

COUNTRY WEEK— Bowls Elite will be attending the Men’s Welcome 4’s at Osborne Park Bowls Club on the 26th Feb from 9am right though til 7.30pm as the State Squad plays the Country All Stars. We will also be at Manning Bowls club on the 26th throughout the day….with a wide range of bowls and lawn bowls accessories at both locations. Check our Facebook page closer to Country Week for other locations we will be attending

For all your Lawn bowls and Lawn Bowls Accessories 08 9445 2695 info@bowlselite.com.au www.bowlselite.com

Where else will you see Bowls Elite??


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


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• Hon. Terry Waldron and President Peter Maxwell shake hands on the opening, flanked by Commissioner Stephen Cole and Dr Mike Nahan.

Willetton opens new club house

The Willetton Bowling Club officially opened a new club house on the morning of Friday November 21st. The club which originally formed twenty five years ago as part of the Willetton Sports Centre was left without a permanent club house in 2011 when that centre was forced to close due to management and building issues. Whilst other sporting clubs folded or moved away, from that time until now the Bowling Club had managed to operate out of two demountables near the bowling greens. Thanks to the City of Canning, the Department of Sport and Recreation, Lotterywest and plenty of hard work through the management of the Bowling Club spearheaded by the President Peter Maxwell and Deputy President Margie McLeish the club was delighted to be able to open the new 2.3 million dollar facility.

Speakers at the opening were Commissioner for the City of Canning Mr Stephen Cole, the then Minister for Sport and Recreation Hon. Terry Waldron, the Member for Riverton Dr Mike Nahan and the Willetton Club President Peter Maxwell. All four joined together to unveil the official opening plaque in front of invited guests and Willetton club members. Maxwell committed a promise to those present that Willetton will make good use of the facility for both bowlers and the local community. Through recent promotion activities the club had already seen a 12% increase in club membership with the membership expected to continue to grow with the advent of the new club house.

“Through recent promotion activities, the club had already seen a 12% increase in club membership…”


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


CORNER Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo

Friedman Lurie Singh & D'Angelo YOUR SMART LAWYERS

Issues which arise with deceased estate matters

The terms of a will should clearly direct the executor what the will-maker (testator) wants the executor to do with his or her assets, after payment of all the usual testamentary expenses, left behind on passing.

What happens if the executor dies or is unable to act? The first step is to check the will of the deceased. This is most important because if there is an alternate executor (or even a co-executor) appointed then those persons will act in your place. If, however, the Will fails to include a provision for a co-executor or substitute executor (or neither of those are able to act) then an application may be made by all or any of the beneficiaries referred to in the will to be appointed as administrator/s of the estate and the appointee/s will be obliged to administer the estate in accordance with the terms of the will (in the same manner as the original executor).

If there is a clause expressing a wish rather than a direction? I wish Joe Bloggs to handle the distribution (ie payments) of the estate, does the executor have to comply? It is trite law that a direction in a will must be complied with by the executor. This is ‘mandatory’. The position is different where the testator has expressed a ‘wish’ or ‘desire’. This is merely indicative (precatory) and does not bind the executor. For example, if a will provides: “I wish/would like/prefer (or suchlike words), John to handle the distribution (payment of monies, etc) of my estate”, the executor has ‘room to move’ and may use his/her discretion as to whether he/she complies with this provision. However if the will provides: “I direct John handle the distribution of my estate”, then there is no alternative for the executor but to comply with the specific request since it is neither unclear nor persuasive but is a mandatory instruction.

What happens if a beneficiary dislikes or distrusts the person who has been appointed executor? When a person is nominated under a Will, that nomination is valid from the date of the testator’s death (when the will comes into effect) and cannot be changed unless valid reasons can be demonstrated to the Supreme Court. For example, if your brother has been appointed as executor but you are aware that he is unsuitable to carry out the duties by reason of mental incapacity or criminal activity.

As the sole executor appointed are you able to nominate someone else to be the executor? An executor solely appointed in a will may appoint someone to act as executor in their place. For example if your mother is appointed as executor and is unable or unwilling to act then she could nominate another person (you). However, it should be noted that this power of nomination must be made in clear terms in the Will. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

What happens if probate is granted to me as executor prior to my death? If someone is appointed sole executor in a will and probate has been granted, what will occur if the appointee is unable to continue as the executor as a result of his or her death? Since probate has already been granted prior to death, the right to administer the estate passes to the executor of the estate of the executor. The new executor of your Will needs to complete the task of probate over both estates, seeking a grant of probate in respect to the estate of the second dying person first and then once the authority to deal with that person’s estate is received, addressing the balance of the work to be done in respect of the first dying person’s estate in order to wind up that estate.

May an executor decide of his or her own volition to cease acting after appointment as executor? An executor to whom probate has been granted cannot voluntarily renounce (give up) or refuse to deal with probate of the estate nor can a ‘second’ executor referred to above just deal with the second estate only. If granted probate of the second dying’s estate they are duty bound to complete the probate of the prior testator’s estate and vice versa.

What if an executor is in the process of administering the estate, falls ill and then cannot proceed to finalise the estate? The general rule provides an executor cannot voluntarily renounce their appointment once probate has been granted. The court does however have the power to remove or replace an executor in certain circumstances and one of the dominant considerations the court will take into account when replacing an executor is the welfare of the beneficiaries and whether the executor is fit or proper or suitable having regard to the efficient and satisfactory execution of the estate. The court may be willing to exercise its power to replace an executor if it can be demonstrated to the court an executor will no longer be able to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries due to their inability to administer the estate efficiently or satisfactorily given their illness. If you would like any advice or someone to assist you with drafting your Will, do not hesitate to call us now – we would be happy to assist.

Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo

Your Smart Lawyers Level 2, 139 Newcastle Street, Perth Tel: 9254000 24 Kent Street, Rockingham Tel: 9520 2729 Suite 1, 11 Boas Avenue, Joondalup Tel: 9310 4999 Email: flsd@flsd.com.au Internet: www.flsd.com.au


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S&B Challenge at North Beach Founding sponsor and promoter Ross Stewart said he was delighted with result and the positive comments from all and sundry, and has threatened that next year will be even bigger and better, albeit we fell short of being full capacity by 6 rinks. He went on to say that next year looks like it will be fully booked so watch this space for future info on the event and how to apply for entry.

• The winning S&B Challenge team.

The sixth annual S&B Challenge event was held at the North Beach Bowling Club on Sunday the 11th of January 2015. This mixed handicap fours event that is designed to ensure that all players have an equal opportunity to share in the prize money. This year we had a record number of players made up of 30 teams who competed from several different clubs for over $7000 in prize money plus other prizes. The day was highlighted by great weather, great greens, great bowls and wonderful fellowship. All of which was capped off by a very healthy continental type roll for lunch and a sumptuous roast dinner consisting of Turkey, Ham and desert proudly presented by the clubs resident chef Georges Kitchen, washed down by some great 60’s 70’s and 80’s musical entertainment provided by Sandman. Plenty of fun and games were had by all and most importantly winners this year of the major prizes were all composite sides; First Prize: B.Marino, G. Wills, B. Waller P. Oreo (second year consecutive for Peta Oreo, well done) Second Prize: M. Lindsay, Marlene Yates, D. Ivis, John Williams (replacement for injured Michael Yates). Third Prize : M.Vitale.K.Strahan, B.Garrant, Robertson. Cash Prizes went down to 7th place and travel bags donated by Aussie Homes Loans (Barry Sribling) were issued to the round winners. We would also like to thank our sponsors, CCN LTD, Natale Security, Glenda Cooper of Dempsey Real Estate, David Bell Plantwood Landscaping and Reticulation, June Barr Bookkeeping, Peaches fresh, Di Chiera Bros Continental Store North Perth, Barry Sribling from Aussie Home Loans, Bowls World Balcatta, and RDStewart & Associates Financial Planning.


• Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton.

Mosman Park win Classic Pairs The Mosman Park pair of Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton were the recent winners of Victoria Park Carlisle’s Classic Pairs. Sponsored by Carlisle Liquor Barons, the event included many State bowlers and top country and metropolitan players. Not one team won all their games but there were 8 teams with 4 wins. The Victoria Park Carlisle Club President Ron Florance presented prizes to the winners Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton with 56 shots up. Runners up with 43 shots up were Pam Chalmers and Shelley Radcliffe from Osborne Park. Third place went to Gwenda Andrews from Pingelly and Marlene McGrath from Brookton with 21 shots up. Fourth place went to Bev Baker and Sue Delaporte from Mosman Park with 16 shots up. Tournament Director Carol Lee said the event had been extremely successful with many closely fought games.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015


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Eastern Zone Ladies Inter League Round Robin The Goldfields League recently held the Eastern Zone Inter League Round Robin Fours at the Kalgoorlie Club. In what turned out to be a very close finish the Avon Valley League were the winners with 6 points and 12 rink wins over the South Eastern League with 6 points and 11 rink wins. Representing the Avon Valley League were M Bird, D Kelly, D Lengkeek, R Butt, S Smith, D Hudson, J Bywaters, L Tadman, G Collins, M Peck, C Vangeldren, J Parker, C Ashworth, M Watts, N Berry, D Glass and M Adams with Noela Newman as their manager.

Southern Bowling Zone Pairs Congratulations to South East Coastal Bowling League who hosted a very successful Inter League Round Robin Ladies Pairs on the weekend of the 22nd & 23rd November at the Esperance Bowling Club. The hosts, South East Coastal were the convincing, first time winners, with 8 points and followed by Great Southern with 7 points, Upper Great Southern with 4 points, 11 rinks and +18 shots, South Central Arunga 4 points, 11 rinks and +13 shots, Lower Great Southern with 4 points and 8.5 rinks and Central Stirling with 3 points. Congratulations also go to the ladies who have been chosen to represent Southern Zone at the Inter Zone Round Robin Pairs to be held at Kalgoorlie on 28th -29th March 2015. Skip: Jan Fiegert, Bev Davidson, Marj Silvester, Rose Cumine, Gwenda Andrews, Kerry O’Halloran. Lead: Fran Norwood,Debbie Smith, Tricia Forbes, Pam Cousins, Eileen McCahon, Coral Davies. Reserves: Skip: Marj White. Lead: Jill Warburton. Emergency Reserves: Skip: Margie Rance. Lead: Marlene McGrath. Manager: Pat Robins


• South East Coastal Inter League Round Robin Pairs winners: Back Row: Rose Cumine, Fran Norwood, Jill Burnside, Jan Fiegert, Marg Cahill, (Manager) Trish Stone, Pam Cousins. Front Row: Coral Grant, Shirleen Ellison, Margie Rance.

Congratulations also to Norma Norrish who was endorsed at the Ladies Patroness for the Southern Zone.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

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Margaret River Ladies ‘Melbourne Cup’ Pairs

• The ‘Stick Men’ claimed the Bunbury Fours championship.

Stick Men combine for unique win • Best decorated bowls hat competition: Runners up: Corrie Van Den Heuvel (Bsn) and Joy O’Brien (Capel). Winner: Margaret Savickis (Capel).

Margaret River Bowling Club hosted a ladies pair’s event on Monday 3 November 2014. With no pennants the next day (Melbourne Cup day), some players made a long weekend of it and enjoyed the beautiful Margaret River region. Players from Perth clubs (Mosman Park, Gosnells, Yokine and Cambridge) along with teams from Capel, Busselton, Augusta, Dunsborough and Margaret River enjoyed champagne, fine weather, door prizes, sweeps, good bowls and great prizes. Overall winners: L Smirke and T Hodgson (Composite), 2nd M Savickis and S Hickey (Capel), 3rd D Harrison and L Colmer (Composite), 4th D Arthur and J Campbell (M/River). Round winners: 1: J Beswick and S Coffey (M/River), 2: J Vigors and J Close (Bsn), 3: C Dawson and S Tillotson (Bsn). The club is hoping to make this an annual event and encourages anyone who hasn’t bowled down here to come and experience all we have to offer. Please contact the club email: mrbc2@bigpond.com if you wish to go onto the mailing list for next year’s event. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

The Bunbury Bowling Club Men’s Fours final was held on Sunday December 7th. The teams contesting the finals were particularly unique even for the sport of bowls. One side consisted of four players all with the surname Sampey – one father and three sons. The father Barry Snr is 88 years old and it was his wish to win a Fours championship with his sons Alan, Steve and Barry Jnr. The three sons won the Triples Championship in 2013-14 and Alan and Steve won the Pairs in 2013-14. Dad won the Triples in 2006-7 but not with his sons. The opposition was Laurie Blurton (skip), Felix Dranczuk (3rd), Barry Truman (2nd) and John Atherton (lead) the common theme between these men was that they had all adopted the use of the Bowling Arm. To quote the skipper Laurie, “the stick men who have won nothing probably went out to play at long odds.” The game was played in great spirits with the stick men bucking the odds and winning the game by just one shot 19-18. Father Barry Sampey was left to lament the loss but summed it by saying ‘’There is always next year.’’ Bowls WA is not sure but we believe this may the first club champion fours won with all players using the Bowling Arm. Congratulations to all players involved in the unique final. 39

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Kukerin A&M Williams Classic

• Warren Holt, Rob Stephens, Ross Hunt and Ken Preston.

The annual A. & M. Williams Bowling Classic held at the Kukerin Bowling Club on 28th and 29th of October was once again a huge success for the club. This event continues to attract bowlers from a wide area of the S.W. of W.A. New teams to the event this year were from Narembeen, Mundaring, Williams and Safety Bay, together with regulars from Albany, Emu Point, Middleton Beach, Dunsborough, Wagin, Newdegate, Lake Grace, Kulin/Nyabing, Dumbleyung, Katanning and Kukerin ensured a capacity field. The first day’s competition saw a lot of very competitive games and at the days end saw two teams leading narrowly from a number others just behind. Day two saw a few upsets and going into the last game three teams were locked into an absorbing finish which kept spectators on the edge of their seats. When all was tallied up the calculator had to be used to determine the winning team as two teams were locked on games won and shots up. The Wagin team of Warren Holt, Rob Stephens, and Ross Hunt ably skippered by Ken Preston ended up winning by a narrow percentage from Lake Grace’s Chris Carruthers side, half a game further back were Kym Jones and team from Middleton Beach. First day winners were Bob Jackson’s Emu Point side and second day winners were Mervyn Mott and team of Dunsborough. The Kukerin Bowling Club wish to thank our many sponsors and also all of the travelling players for their continued support of this event. Once again our small group of loyal ladies together with some volunteers excelled in the catering for the two days and drew many compliments from the players.


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Northern Zone Round Robin Wrap The 40th annual Northern Zone Round Robin series played at the Wonthella Bowling Club in January resulted in a win for the Batavia Bowling League after one of the best finishes to the competition in the tournaments history. Entering the final round Batavia sides Red and White sides had the opportunity to take out the covered title on a playing surface produced by Wonthella’s green keeper Rad Anderson that was regarded among the best in the state if not Australia. In the end it was the Batavia Red who proved the better in the match winning three of the four rinks on offer with a healthy eighteen shot aggregate victory which saw them finish on top of the table with four wins and eight points. The win was the fourth in succession for the Red’s who now have a chance at history next year and if successful equal the record streak of the Avon Valley who achieve five consecutive titles from 1975/76 to 1979/80. Batavia White despite the loss finished second with three and a half wins and seven points. Third place was taken out by the North Midlands League who started the final day on top of the standings following fine results over both Batavia Red and White and the Moore Districts. Unfortunately the final day saw them lose both matches to finish with two and a half wins and 5 points. The quality of the bowls played was at the highest level with matches coming down to a handful of shots on several occasions making for great tension and thrilling the viewing spectators. The players involved reached new heights with each match providing plenty of highlights throughout the three day of competition. North Midlands as predicted proving themselves as a vastly improving squad. Both Central West Coastal and Central Midlands revealed some serious talent which will surely see them improve while the Moore Districts after a slow start indicated they too will improve in coming years. The champion rink of the Round Robin went to the North Midlands for the second consecutive year. The side of Gary Cosgrove, Chad Eva, Sam Grieves and Craig Hirsh remained the only side in the tournament to win all matches to finish with five wins and 23 shots up. The 20 man Zone team selected upon completion of the Round Robin to compete against selected sides from all over the state at Middleton Beach in Albany on the 7th and 8th February looks very competitive indeed. Glen Jones (skip) Tony O’Brien, Norm Wass and Phil Manning. Shane Loftus (Skip) Peter Howes, Darryl Sermon and Ronnie Sewell. Brad King (Skip) Brian Doney, Ian Hamilton and John Lucas. Ron Treasure (Skip) Stephan Fewster, Merv Grigsby and Campbell Aitken. Gary Cosgrove, Eddie Dodd, Chad Eva and Craig Hirsh. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

National RSL Carnival

“Whilst the competition is fierce on the greens, the main purpose of this ongoing carnival is camaraderie, to renew ‘old’ acquaintances, build new friendships, and indulge in some physical activity and social interaction.” During December-January, 200 or more RSL bowlers, plus partners and wives, arrived in Perth for the 48th consecutive National RSL Bowls Carnival. This National RSL Bowls carnival is reportedly one of the biggest events on the lawn bowls calendar in Australia. The Test series, between all states and the National Fours events between individual teams from all states took place at the prestigious Yokine and Osborne Park Bowling Clubs. The Official Opening Ceremony was conducted at Yokine Bowling Club and hosted by radio personality and MC, Mr Russell Woolf who welcomed our distinguished guests, Mr Rod Willox MP, Mr Ken Pride CEO, Bowls WA and Mr Graham Edwards, President, RSL Headquarters WA, Past Officials, Bowlers, Wives, Partners and Visitors to the 48th RSL Bowls Carnival. A highlight and a FIRST was the participation of school Army Cadets from Rockingham who lowered and raised the Flags whilst the Last Post and Reveille sounded. Mr Graham Edwards, President, RSL Headquarters WA, recited The ODE and officially opened the Carnival and wished all participants good bowling and sportsmanship during the Carnival. Immediately after the ceremony it was down to business and onto to the greens to do battle with each other for the Jack Hamilton and Krantz trophies. Whilst the competition is fierce on the greens, the main purpose of this ongoing carnival is camaraderie, to renew ‘old’ acquaintances, build new friendships, and indulge in some physical activity and social interaction. After two and a half days of friendly rivalry and competition, New South Wales prevailed as the overall winners and Western Australia, not to be disgraced, finished equal second on points with Queensland. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

Midway through the Carnival, our West Australian Ladies entertained our interstate Ladies with a bus trip to the Swan Valley and Hillarys Boat Harbour which included wine, cheese, chocolate tastings and lunch. Another first for WA, was an organised Ladies Bowls Day at Wanneroo Bowling Club which included a BBQ lunch, presentations and raffle prizes. Fifty State teams entered into the National Fours competition. After four (4) full days of continuous and competitive bowling, a ‘heat wave’ break of two and half hours during the finals, (the temperature reached 44.4 degrees), some very close encounters and champagne bowling, the Final was eventually completed at 7 pm and won by the South Australian ‘Davies’ Team, who took out the Championship from Queensland ‘Gibson’ Team by 2 shots. Two West Australian Teams of Wooldrigde/Tan/Conduit/ Savell and Piggot/Hughes/Pinkus/Mola finished a creditable equal third, missing out on reaching the final by only 2 and 1 shots respectively. The WA RSL Bowls Section would like to acknowledge and thank both The Yokine and Osborne Park Bowling Clubs for their warm and welcoming hospitality, the use of their club facilities and to all their Club members who volunteered their services during the Carnival, First Aid Officers, School Army Cadets, Bugler, Padre, Umpires, RSL Bowls Section Members, our very own RSL Ladies and convenors, and our SPONSORS, who made this carnival the success it was. And last but no means least, the effervescence and driving force behind this carnival, a big thankyou to Phil and Olwyn Griffiths. If you are a capitated bowler and a member of the RSL please make contact with Phil Griffiths on 9271 1636 and book a spot for our next bowling carnival being held in Launceston, Tasmania in December-January of this year. 41

Country Roll Out Plan As part of the transition to an online environment Bowls WA in conjunction with technology partners IMG STG will be rolling out the Bowls Connect System to all affiliated clubs in Western Australia. Metropolitan clubs have already been using the system in the season 2014/15 with Country Clubs to commence on the system from 2015/16. In conjunction with the Bowls Connect Roll-Out the Regional Bowls Manager Clive Adams will also be available during the AM Session for an introduction with clubs. The training sessions will run over one day with two sessions split by a lunch break. Each session will be for approximately two (2) hours in total. Clubs and league officials are requested to bring a laptop, notebook, tablet or internet capable device (one needed per club). Spare laptops may be provided by Bowls WA upon request.

AM Session 1. Bowls Connect for Leagues. This should be attended by league officials. This session will cover – Basic Information on Bowls Connect for Leagues, Membership Database, League Websites and Competition Management (Sportsdesq). Information packages will be provided. 2. RBM information. This should be attended by club officials (president, secretary etc.) This session will cover – An introduction to the RBM program with the WA manager Clive Adams plus further information on services and programs available via Bowls Australia.

PM Session will be for Clubs This should be attended by the club secretary, president and/or other relevant club officials. This session will cover – Basic Information on Bowls Connect for Clubs, Membership Database and Club Websites. Information packages will be provided.

Bowls Connect Country Roll-Out Schedule


Date Month


Host Club

AM Session

PM Session





Moore Districts


10.30 - 12.30

1.30 - 3.30




Central West Coast


9.30 - 11.30

12.30 - 2.30




Batavia and Pilbara


10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00




North Midlands


10.30 - 12.30

1.30 - 3.30

Wednesday 6


Central Midlands


9.00 - 11.00

12.00 - 2.00





Upper Great Southern / South Central Arunga


10.30 - 12.30

1.30 - 3.30

Wednesday 5


Central Stirling and Great Southern


9.30 - 11.30

12.30 - 2.30




South East Coastal and Goldfields*


10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00


10 August

Lower Great Southern


10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00





10.30 - 12.30

1.30 - 3.30

Wednesday 12 August



10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00


13 August

South West


10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00


14 August

Murray District


10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00



Wednesday 19 August



11 August

18 August

East Avon


10.30 - 12.30

1.30 - 3.30

South Eastern and Goldfields*


10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00

20 August

Central Wheatbelt


10.00 - 12.00

1.00 - 3.00

21 August



9.30 - 11.30

12.30 - 2.30

• Goldfields may attend either day.

For any further information please contact Aaron Delaporte Operations Manager Bowls WA Telephone 9340 0807, or email aaron@bowlswa.com.au 42

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2015

available at

the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. BowlsWA • Jack Apple Hi •and Summer 2015 Google Play and Android are trademarks of Google Inc. *Conditions apply. Selected mains available between 1 to 28 February 2015. Not valid on public holidays or with any other offer or discount. Junction Grill is an 18+ venue. Images are for illustration purposes only.




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