Edition 94 • Winter 2013
The leaner and meaner
JACK HI Inside this issue • Hall of Fame recipients • Awards Night Winners
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jack hi
Our Cover
jack hi Edition 94 • Winter 2013
Jack Hi Editorial
with AARON DELAPORTE The leaner and meaner
Welcome to the new look Jack Hi We have used a fresh approach in what is a ‘leaner and meaner’ magazine, I certainly hope everyone enjoys the new layout and style. Although we will still include plenty of news and bowls results from across the State the magazine will be transitioning to more feature articles focusing on clubs, players, volunteers and whatever else to do with bowls takes our fancy as interesting material for readers. A big focus will also be on improving the quality of photos as we bring the colour of the game into Jack Hi. This change coincides with the launch of our new Bowls WA website which has been developed as part of the Whole of Sport IT Program and I certainly recommend readers to get online and take a look if you haven’t already done so as the Website and Jack Hi remain our two biggest tools for promotion of the sport. Along with all our regular reports, news and results in this issue we focus on all the winners from another successful Bowls WA Awards Night held at Crown Perth whilst Steve Glasson takes us inside the mind of a champion and what it takes to get to the top level.
Features in this issue Steve Glasson feature
Hall of Fame
Awards Night
Club coach of the Year
Inside this issue • Hall of Fame recipients • Awards Night Winners
• Western Australia’s State Skipper John Slavich.
Contents President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Volunteer of the Year Award.....................6 Country Director.....................................7 Steve Glasson feature......................10-11 Bowler of the Series Awards..................16 State News..........................................17 Awards Night..................................20-22 Hall of Fame........................................23 Club Coach of the Year.........................24 Manning wins Club of the Year..............25 Over 60s News....................................28 Inclusive Practices...........................30-31 Competitions Manager..........................33 Club News..........................................34 Henselite Jack Hi Quiz..........................35 Country News.................................36-38 Lifestyle Articles Finance..............................................19 Legal Corner........................................32 Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is 27th September 2013. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au
Jack Hi is produced for Bowls WA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au. Phone: 08 9440 5863. Printing by Quality Press, 8 Babel Road, Welshpool WA 6106 ©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.
1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0080. Fax: 0340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Patrick Buller. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au
From the President
Bowls WA improves communications • The new Bowls WA website.
The board and administration of Bowls WA is continually seeking ways to improve our levels of communication with members as well as clubs in general. Over the past several months the Association has undertaken a number of tasks in order to satisfy this key objective. It is important to note that often the initial request or discussion flowed directly from the membership. To name but a few: • The hosting of the Presidents’ and Ladies Forum’s, which will result in changes to two important areas; the extreme weather policy as it relates to women’s pennants and amendments to the promotion/demotion formula for the men’s Saturday One White and Blue competitions; • The recent launch of the whole of sport information technology project, which will bring all states and territories into line with website, database and competition management platforms. These changes will significantly assist clubs in the ‘tracking’ of their own membership; • A change in focus and direction for the Jack Hi magazine, which reverts to four editions per annum as of this edition;
Awards Night 2013 Congratulations to all the winners at this year’s Bowls WA Awards Night held at Crown Perth, all are listed in the centre pages of the magazine. It is great to catch up with many players and officials as well as our much appreciated sponsors and special guests. Once again the Night was superbly hosted by Karen Tighe who as usual kept the crowd thoroughly entertained. A special thanyou to the Bowls WA Staff who put in a terrific effort to make it one of best Awards Nights on the National Calendar.
• The commitment of the board to host at least one regional board meeting and forum; with the September meeting to be hosted by the York Bowling Club; • The changes made to our committee structure, in order for clubs to receive more timely and accurate information. Of course communication needs to be two way and we strongly encourage members to use their elected delegates at the Bowls Management Committee level or by directly corresponding to the relevant operational committee on specific issues.
Annual General Meeting This year’s AGM was particularly noteworthy for two items; the continued strong financial position of the Association, which has been in part due to the second item, the work on the board of Director of Finance Jean Gregory. For the past seven years Jean has guided the financial affairs of the Association with a firm hand, initially as Treasurer and now as a Director. With Jean retiring from the board at the AGM, I on behalf of all bowlers who have benefitted from Jean’s commitment, extend our thanks. The meeting saw Derek Boardman returned to the board for a second two year term and the appointment of Wiggy Harley as Jean’s replacement. We look forward to working with Wiggy, who brings to the board extensive accounting and financial skills and is known to many within the bowling fraternity. My thanks to the Rossmoyne Bowling Club for hosting the meeting and the concurrent test series against Queensland.
Further appointments The CEO has noted the appointments to the high performance area for the next two years. May I also thank them for their continued commitment to the game in WA. In particular on the men’s side it is great to see three past state players of such stature as Messrs Harris, Wishart and Thorn continue that involvement as we look to return our men’s and ladies teams to the highest levels possible. In addition I was pleased to note that all operational committees had a number of applicants, which augurs well for the quality of volunteer that is still prepared to become involved in the administration of the game. My thanks to all. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
From the Chief Executive Officer
Bowls administration goes national An exciting new era in bowls commenced on the 1st July, with the national launch of the Whole of Sport Information Technology program (WOS IT). Incorporating for the first time a national database of members, a much improved competition management system (CMS) and revamped websites for ease of navigation the platform will allow the administration of the game to move truly national – an outcome that has been sadly lacking in the past. Significant work has been carried out by a number of people around the country in association with suppliers IMG STG. In WA our Operations Manager Aaron Delaporte and Participation and High Performance Coordinator Raj Suares are two fully trained Super Users of the system and have already scheduled a number of club training sessions which have been well attended. We look forward to further providing a streamlined IT system for our clubs and their members in the lead up to the pennant season.
New BWA appointments A number of new appointments have been made at state level in recent times. Guiding our high performance program for the next two Sides Series will be: Men
Pieter Harris Tony Hockey Lindsay Thorn Graeme Wishart
(Coach) (Ass. Coach / Manager) (Selector) (Selector)
Brian Jeppesen Ian Hastings Roma Dunn Angela Sharp
(Coach) (Ass. Coach / Manager) (Selector) (Selector)
There is clearly a wealth of experience in this group and we look forward to a return to the top of Australian bowls in the coming seasons. At the time of writing the senior teams were preparing to host the very strong Queensland sides, which will be an early test for a number of new faces selected. With tests against Victoria (women) and the New South Wales teams planned for later in the year and early next year selectors will have ample opportunity to look at players in all conditions in readiness for the March series to be played at the South Burnie club in Tasmania. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Sorrento to host Junior Sides With the Northern Territory unable to host the Junior Sides series this year, WA as the next state on the rotation has agreed to host the tournament. The Sorrento Bowling Club is the venue chosen, which offers very fine facilities, as well as a number of accommodation and dining venues nearby. Of course it will be hard to emulate last year’s domination of the series by our boys and girls teams, but coaches Jaewyn Norton, Colin Johnson and selector Elio Tolotti are very confident of a fine showing on our ‘home’ greens. It is hoped a strong WA support base will be on hand in early October to support our up and coming players.
Field of Play review A sub committee of the Bowls Management Committee (BMC) is now reviewing all aspects of the Field of Play rules for the forthcoming season. The sub committee comprises John Goddard, Tom Gates, Max Petrich, chaired by Therese Hastings; with staff support provided by Pieter Harris and will offer recommendations to the BMC on any proposed amendments to last season. Their work will consider the outcomes discussed at the two Forums held and any anomalies found during the off season. Where required specific advice will be sought from the respective operational committees.
Winter Pennant Many thanks to the clubs who entered teams into the winter pennant competition this year – particularly Hilton Park with two sides ! As in the inaugural season of 2012, the competition was enjoyed by all with kind weather throughout. Players new and old enjoyed the more relaxed atmosphere, albeit with the usual degree of club competitiveness. The successful teams for the 2013 season were Yokine who went back to back in the northern division and Cockburn who were successful in the southern region. Thanks to all players who participated and clubs which hosted matches.
Volunteer of the year Award Ken ‘Fat Cat’ Matthews was presented with the Volunteer of the Year Award by APIA’s Sarah Smith at the Bowls WA Annual Awards Night dinner at Crown Perth. Ken puts in many hours each week with computer work, sponsor screens, club and function menus, bowls events, club brochures, constitution and by-law updates. Over the past 11 years, Ken has held many positions such as President, match committee, editor, greens assistant, sponsorship, bowls secretary and support for the junior development squad. There is not a job too hard for ‘the cat’; he is a uniquely valuable volunteer at the Dudley Park Bowling Club. Ken was most appreciative of the award and humble, as always, acknowledged volunteers from all clubs for their tireless efforts.
Nominate a volunteer Do you know someone at your club who contributes their time and effort week after week without reward? Now is a great time to show your appreciation for your volunteers by nominating them for the APIA Volunteer of the Month. You’ll find the nomination form on our new website under Club Assistance>Forms and Documents>Awards/Nomination Forms. Winners will receive a $200 Coles-Myer voucher and all entries will be considered for the 2014 Apia Volunteer of the Year Award!
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
From the Country Director
KERRY ANDERSEN The annual Country Planning Forum was held on May 31, with Zone Presidents and Vice Presidents in attendance as invited guests. Current issues were discussed and planning for the ensuing twelve months formulated. The new structure of the Country Committee, with member numbers reduced to eight, is working well. As a standing Committee of Bowls WA, the profile of country bowls is well represented at both Bowls Management and Board levels. With the Board conducting a meeting in a regional town each year, the opportunities are further extended for country/ metropolitan liaison. The September meeting of the Board will be held at York in the Eastern Zone, with an open forum to follow. As always, the topic of capitation was raised. What do we get for our $42 is the question? Ten dollars goes direct to Bowls Australia. Some of the benefits of capitation are: • A one dollar per player subsidy is returned to the Zones; • Access to the Country Coaching Enhancement Scheme; • Honorariums are available to the League Umpires Representatives; • $7000 is provided by BWA to sponsor the IZRR events; • Pennant monies, flags and badges are distributed to Leagues, including free tickets to the BWA Awards evening;
Country Planning Forum for bowls • State events and Country Week (availability, use of staff for conduct and organisation); • Access to DSR funds is facilitated by BWA (no BWA, no DSR funds, no new greens and facilities); • Travel expenses for the Country Committee; • Handbooks; • Jack Hi magazine; • Availability of BWA staff and committees for information. WA is well placed in capitation charges, with some Eastern States paying up to $60 per player. The Community Development Officer, Daniel Woodrow gave a presentation on his role in regional areas. Daniel has visited many country bowling clubs, and welcomes clubs to contact him in regards to a visit to your area. Successful candidates for the Country Coaching Enhancement Scheme have been notified, and plans are well in hand for the weekend of September 21, 22.
Congratulations to Test players Congratulations to those country players selected to represent WA in the forthcoming Test Series against Queensland in July, and the Over 60s National Championships in October. The new season will be upon us soon, and I look forward to representing you and country bowls in the forthcoming twelve months.
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Community Development - Daniel pic and article to come
In t ro d u c i n g
DaniEl wooDrow Community Development Officer Western Australia
Da ni e l l i v e s i n yo ur area and is part of y o ur c o mm u n i ty s o is in t ouch wit h t he lo c a l i s su e s s u r rounding your club. He will be able to assist in the following areas: • Increasing participation and membership within the sport of bowls • Providing support to clubs with business planning through: - Member recruitment/retention - Governance and business/strategic planning - Funding and grant submissions - Targeted programs for under-represented groups - information technology and volunteer strategies - Implementing whole-of-sport programs delivered at club level - Accurate recording of local membership and participation data - increasing the quantity and quality of coaches and officials
Daniel can be contacted via: Phone: 0408 136 831 Email: dwoodrow@bowlsaustralia.com.au
Bowling History
has a new beginning Over 22 years ago Dennis Kataunarich started Bowlsworld, the first true bowls shop in WA. Over the years Dennis built the business into a formidable retail outlet with his wife Val. Dennis saw many changes in products especially in bowls over the time. Come 2013 and Bowlsworld are now moving to new modern premises, with plenty of parking and convenient to get to by car.
New Address! BowlsWorld Factory Outlet 7a 30 Erindale Rd Balcatta WA 6021 Tel 08 9240 6777 kyle@aerobowls.com
The new Bowlsworld is a full scale bowls shop with everything that a bowler needs for the game. A complete range of Sporte Leisure clothing in 3 ranges will be on display with shoes, bags, accessories and the largest range of Aero Bowls in WA.
Ultraglide CX Comfitpro shoes
Aero bowls are now Australia’s fastest selling bowls and it’s only Aero that have a model for every condition and type of green that a bowler will come across.
Approved Undersole of both Hurricane and Flex
Aero Bowls
Dimensions W32 x H38 x D23
The new Bowlsworld shop is run by Kyle Mcilroy and Vanessa Heaton, both personalities are very well known to bowlers throughout the state.
They produce 4 models, each with their own specific characteristics and for the bowler one is spoilt for choice between 22 colours,half sizes,different grips and large or small logo’s. Aero are way ahead of the opposition, especially when one sees the line of the bowls. Aero are quite unlike all other brands. Bowlsworld offer a 21 day moneyback guarantee if one is not satisfied with a new set of Aero Bowls as well as a 60 day exchange to another set if one feels they purchased the wrong model. Vanessa tells us that Sporte Leisure easily the best bowls gear in Australia will feature in the new shop with 3 ranges and the ComfitPro Flex and Hurricane shoes,an easy match for Asics are available ex stock. These are Australia’s best selling bowls shoes and are particularly suited to the Perth summers as the inner sole is EVA which forms a thermal barrier between the shoes and the hot artificial green.
EDITOR’S CHOICE – The Story of Steve Glasson
Inside the mind of a world You have probably all heard the term ‘writer’s block’. That was certainly the case for me this edition so on advice from Magazine Editor Aaron Delaporte, he suggested I offer you a bit of a history on my bowls career and an insight into my role as National Coach – philosophies, goals and expectations. I enjoyed a privileged start into this great game through my late father Bob, a Qld Representative himself. Apart from dad, I was in the mix with many great players early on who taught me so much about the game, the tactics, and the etiquette and for this I am still very thankful. The love for the game for me started when I was just knee high and continued to develop and of course, this passion is still very evident. All those years ago, it was at times frustrating due to the fact juniors were not always well accepted and there were certainly a lot less then compared to now. One young guy who I met very early on was a chap synonymous in the game of bowls, Kelvin Kerkow. In fact, my first main tournament win was the Qld Junior Singles when I actually defeated KK in the final. Now some 29 years later, I still get a chuckle when I bring that one up…That’s a long time for • Steve in competition for St. John’s Park. a sledge! May I add KK and I became the best of mates and we are even God Parents to each other’s kids! Naturally, like any kid, I was mad on sport and also loved playing Rugby League and in particular cricket however bowls gradually took over as my main sporting focus. As a schoolie... well, I was no Einstein and at the beginning of my senior year, my mother and I received a very generous invitation by the school principal at that time, suggesting itmay be more beneficial to all concerned if I were to fast track my way into the work force. Having said that, just months earlier I had completed a week of work experience in a bank in Brisbane with the idea of trying to get involved in the financial sector.
Low and behold, on the Wednesday, a charming man with a rather intimidating shot gun dropped by and made a significant withdrawal in cash. For some unknown reason, this depleted my desire to commit to this industry. I went on to do an apprenticeship in green keeping and stayed in that industry for in excess of a decade. They were great times and I look back on them fondly however have to admit, I probably wasn’t the world’s best turf doctor. Naturally bowls for me increased in participation and commitment. Like most people who have aspirations to get somewhere in their chosen field, I was deliberate with setting goals, realistic ones which I often had to ‘readjust’ depending on commitments, form and achieved outcomes. For me, to represent my State was a great honour. One in which I worked very hard to achieve and in simple terms, loved every minute of it. I became good mates with some legends of WA Bowls at the time, namely Dennis Katunarich, Robbie Ball and John Rainoldi just to name a few. These guys taught me a great deal and to this day I still thank them. However, representing my state wasn’t enough…I wanted more.
“I remember of my first International Test was being extremely excited whilst at the same time terrified” So with even more hard work, some decent results (thanks to being in many great teams), this dream was eventually realised and I can say with a great deal of confidence, about all I remember of my first International Test was being extremely excited whilst at the same time terrified. However, through good luck, good fortune, hard work and an obsession with the game, I managed to hang in for over a decade representing Australia and loved every minute of it. Naturally, it was not all my doing as I was blessed to have great support from family and friends, my club and corporate partners (and friends) such as BCiB. Like any sportsperson who puts themselves ‘out there’ at the mercy of selectors, there were disappointments along the way but I can be very thankful the highs have outweighed the lows. The pinnacle was definitely standing on the podium singing the National Anthem as World Singles Champion in 2004.
• Yes, believe it or not. That’s me at about the age of 19. Oh, those were the days!
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Steve Glasson shares his insights from a players and coaches perspective…
champion For me now, the desire to play representative bowls has passed, however I still love to participate in some of the major events in Australia with the likes of the Golden Nugget at Tweeds Heads Bowls always high on my priority list. I am most fortunate to now be the National Coach. We have some incredible players in the system at present closely followed by emerging stars that have talent to burn and potentially are our next ‘World Class Crop’! With the success of the Australian team last year at the World Championships, I have to say again I was privileged to be surrounded by an amazing group of people…players and staff and I think I actually enjoyed more satisfaction out of each member of our Australian Team collecting Gold than I did with my own. It was a very special occasion. As for coaching, well, I don’t actually see it as coaching in the true sense of the word, more about people management and program administration. Of course, we do work on techniques, game plans, team environments/culture, psychology, sports science and medicine, government relationships and funding.
I don’t see bowls as a high tech sport. I am a big believer in keeping it simple. Some of the attributes I look for in team members include the following… • Sublime talent • Unselfish behaviour • Team orientated cultural behaviours • A distinct and ferocious will to win (in the spirit of the game of course) • An understanding of the responsibilities to be an elite player and Australian representative, ambassador and role model • The attitude to never give in and not to make excuses • And of course one of the biggest attributes – an attitude to enjoy the sport You now know a little more about my thoughts on the game at the highest level. Bowls WA has had a very proud history in the sport of lawn bowls with many incredible players, I know this will continue and look forward to seeing some West Australia’s pushing hard for National Selection. Best wishes to all and good (fantastic) bowling and hopefully our paths will cross on the greens or in the club house sometime soon.
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
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Bowler of the Series Awards
David and Shenayde best in national series Judged by the State Selectors and Coaches and in a change from previous years the winner of the Best Bowler in the National Sides Series (Men and Women) where not announced until the Bowls WA Awards Night. This made for some extra excitement and surprised winners who were able to reflect on their outstanding performances for WA.
David tops off great season David Rankin capped a terrific season by winning the Alan Eddy/Rod Wishart Medal as best player for WA in the Men’s Series. Playing as a third he was full of praise for his team mates Anthony Provost (skip), Shane Knott (second) and Kyle McIlroy (lead) who all contributed to a 5-2 win/loss record putting their rink in the top five amongst all states for the series. Rankin an expat New Zealander who is a member of the NTC Program which is the elite pathway for bowlers to Australian Squad selection was asked whether he would like to represent his adopted home country by MC Karen Tighe. David indicated he was keen to give his best shot and follow in the footsteps of the previous Eddy/Wishart Medal winner Clive Adams who represented Australia in a recent TransTasman clash. Understandably he did say he would have some mixed feelings if he had to play against New Zealand!
• David Rankin.
Shenayde appreciates opportunity Completing a university degree along with work commitments made it tough for Shenayde Heldt to make a big commitment to bowls in 2012/13 however the WA Selectors put their faith in the talented 21yo selecting her as the singles player in the Super 6 Series which precludes the Sides Series. Shenayde faced tough competition in the Super 6 and failed to produce a win in her three matches, up against the strongest possible opposition and whilst that disappointment may have put off others she bounced back to play her best bowls for WA. The mental toughness and outstanding play required to win the Beryl Godfrey Award as Best Player in the Women’s Sides Series for WA ranked as one of her greatest achievements in her short bowling career. Shenayde was very thankful of the selectors for giving her the opportunity to represent WA, she joins last year’s winner Kelli Rogalski as the second former Under 18 representative to claim this honour and along with Kristina Krstic and Rechelle Cole these players are the emerging talent which can keep WA Women’s bowls as a force on the National scene.
• Shenayde Heldt.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
State News
Eastern Region win back to back IRRR competition by Anne Lilley – Regional Co-ordinator (Northern Region) The above event was held on April 13th and 14th 2013 at Scarborough Bowling Club. Despite predictions of rain, competitors enjoyed two days of fine weather. Six teams of four from each of the regions provided spectators with a fine display of bowls and although strongly contested the games were played in the best traditions of the sport. Congratulations go to the Eastern Region who made it a back to back celebration having won the trophy last year. Northern Region finished in second place followed by Southern and South Coastal Regions respectively. Following the main event Regional Selectors chose two teams of fours to represent their individual region in the All Stars competition. These players were considered to have excelled over the two days of play although choosing eight players from the original 24 certainly caused some headaches for the selectors!! After eight ends of quality bowls, Southern Region finished in first spot closely followed by Northern, Eastern and South Coastal regions. The perpetual trophy and individual medallions were presented to the winners by Norma Samuels, Past President of Bowls WA. On behalf of the Northern Region Co-ordinating Committee I thank the Executive of Scarborough Bowling Club for their willing offer to host this event. To the Greenkeeper, Bar Staff, Umpires, Scorekeepers and lady members, many thanks for your contribution. Special mention must be made of the ladies responsible for the catering requirements over the two days – take a bow Annie and team for a job well done. We greatly appreciated the hard work and efforts of everyone involved in order to ensure a happy and successful event. We very much enjoyed the company and co-operation of the team managers, selectors and players from the other three regions. To the Northern Region Committee my thanks for your valued contribution and support – we almost made it!! In conclusion, I wish to thank Bowls WA for its continued support of this popular annual competition which is greatly enjoyed and very well patronised by a wide cross section of lady bowlers. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years
MEN Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 =9 =9 =9 12 13 14 15 =16 =16 =16 =16 20
Name Provost, Anthony Mitchell, Thomas Brown, Daniel Richardson, Luke Rankin, David Patterson, Daniel Trewhella, Daniel Knott, Shane Adam, Daniel Bainbridge, Stuart Withers, Steve Brandsma, Billy O’Neill, Steve Goddard, John Mazga, Len Caffell, Pat Grigg, Lewis McKay, Kevin Murray, Mike Adams, Clive
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 =15 =15 17 18 18 20
Name Abe, Noelene Hastings, Therese Scott, Bev Warburton, Linda Gobbart, Kathy Featherby, Lisa Andersen, Kerry West, Liz Morss, Helen Chalmers, Pam Baker, Bev Poletti, Lee Spragg, Vicki Gibsone, Janne Keefe, Noeleen Krstic, Kristina Cole, Rechelle Leahy, Irene Solly, Shari Jolly, Robin
Club Vict Park Carlisle Vict Park Carlisle Armadale Cambridge Doubleview Bassendean Doubleview Vict Park Carlisle Osborne Park Doubleview Manning Doubleview Osborne Park Osborne Park Busselton Osborne Park Osborne Park Armadale Scarborough Wanneroo
Total 223 170 155 128 102 96 94 90 80 80 80 79 72 70 66 64 64 64 64 51
WOMEN Club Corrigin Manning Capel Mosman Park Gingin Mosman Park Mosman Park Manning Manning Osborne Park Mosman Park Geraldton Dudley Park Mosman Park Gingin Manning Manning Boulder Osborne Park Manning
Total 534 206 199 196 189 187 179 167 127 119 118 115 104 86 82 82 76 54 54 49
owls is what it is today because of where it came from and those who participated in the past. It’s worth reflecting on what some of the great pioneers of our sport would make of how far we have progressed. Would they be astonished, awestruck, maybe even envious? With this in mind it really is the duty of Bowls WA to develop and continually build-upon its archive and historical records for the benefit of the sport and the wider community, especially as we transition into the online era. As lawn bowls is an integral part of the social fabric of Western Australia, its legacy should be recorded for future generations. Bowls WA is looking for some committed individuals who are interested in the history of Bowls in Western Australia to work with Bowls WA Staff on a Volunteer basis. Under upervision of Bowls WA Staff you will be responsible
for cataloguing and detailing this history of sport into an online format. Can you commit just a few hours of your time each week for scanning and archiving photos and newspaper clippings. Your remuneration will largely be the satisfaction in knowing you have participated in the preservation and recording of the history of the sport however a Committee honorarium will also be awarded. To register your interest please contact Aaron Delaporte, Operations Manager at Bowls WA, email aaron@bowlswa. com.au or phone 9340-0800.
Do you have any old Jack Hi magazines that you don’t need anymore?
Bowls WA are looking for past issues to complete our back catalogue. Please contact Aaron Delaporte aaron@bowlswa.com.au or phone 9340-0800
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Executive Director Clubs WA
New pay rates in Award from July Bowls clubs like every licensed club that employs workers The qualification is reached in two steps – the person needs to be trained in and hold a statement of attainment in need to be aware that the relevant and only minimum rate responsible service of alcohol and then separately follow the applicable to them is per a classification of work contained steps dictated by Racing Gaming and Liquor to apply for the in the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2010 and that card which will include a federal police clearance and a visit a new rate of pay is applicable from first full pay period after to a post office. 1st July 2013. All the detail is included on the Clubs WA website. The Experience and court decisions over recent years means approved manager must display a notice of their status in a heavy fines and costs will be awarded against clubs that have clear and obvious location within the bar area at all times they paid low flat rates that may revolve around multiple hours are in charge of the licensed facility for the licensee (club). including weekends, nights after 7.00pm and the like must If one of your qualified core people is not able to be in meet the Award conditions. charge of the bar for a shift then the club may appoint a NO $10 DOLLARS AN HOUR to good old Jack or Mary Temporary Manager for that period but it cannot exceed seven because they want to help but cannot earn too much because consecutive days or if the worker is able to be deemed by RGL of a pension, they are either an employee under the Award or inspectors as regular and ongoing. are a volunteer not being paid for hours worked. A temporary manager must be a person appointed by the The appropriate Award rates of pay are included in the club, must hold a Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate members section of the Clubs WA website www.clubswa. and must display a notice of their status as a Temporary com.au Manager at all times they are in charge of the licensed area. An approved manager on site at all times a club is selling Clubs WA has all the template documents and easy to follow or supplying alcohol has been refined to suit Licensed Clubs directions to obtain these qualifications on its website and but remains a very strict requirement under the Liquor Control we strongly advise that all bowling clubs use our terminology Act. Compliance of thisThe section of the Act is now the clear and for the Manager Notices to betheconfident life blood of anyThe clublifeis blood the ability to raise sponsorship dollars to sponsorship keep clubdollarsoftocompliance. of any club is the ability to raise keep the club Huge prominent focus of licensing inspectors and police, so fines functioning. This canfunctioning. be a difficult task…… 'well not anymore!' discounts on and Responsible Service of Alcohol training are This and can frustrating be a difficult frustrating task…… 'well not anymore!' “Cash for clubs” is an“Cash learnthat and incorporating mental wellbeing byClubs are being issued, no excuses no exceptions now theearn laws for clubs” isprogram, an learn and for earnstaff program, incorporating mental wellbeing by when available and volunteers of WA members keeping brain active, social the engagement forsocial members and friends, while providing keeping brain active, engagement for members and friends, while providing have been existing for over onethe year. registering with the clubs code on www.workbehindabar. the club with a valuable Corporate opportunity. club withgroup aSponsorship valuable Corporate Sponsorship opportunity. Every club to ensure itthe has a core – Any The bowling life blood of needs any club is thethat ability to raise sponsorship com.au dollars to keepqueries the clubon this matter or the further benefits of Does your club think outside thebelonging box... we do!!! of its key staff and volunteers qualified as Restricted Approved to Clubs can directed to Karen or Linda on Does your club think outside theWA box... webe do!!! functioning. This can be a difficult and frustrating task…… 'well not anymore!' 1300 640 616. Managers and hold a red card. Clubs can earn between $500 and up to $10 000's…in a short period of time. “Cash for clubs” is an learn and earn program, incorporating wellbeing by000's…in a short period of time. Clubs can earn betweenmental $500 and up to $10
CashCash for Clubs for Clubs
Cash for Clubs
SponsorshipSponsorship made easy made easy
Sponsorship made easy
Cash for Clubs
Cash for Clubs
keeping the brain active, social engagement for members and friends, while providing Designed for the overDesigned 50’s, our learning fun, programs are fun, for visual the over 50’s, programs our visualare learning the club with a valuable Corporate Sponsorship opportunity.
Cash for Clubs
Cash for Clubs
interactive and will keep your mind Join in and share life stories, interactive andsharp. will keep your mind sharp. Join in and share life stories, exchange ideas, gain new skills, while enjoying a social get together exchange a social get together over Does your club think outside the box... we do!!! ideas, gain new skills, while enjoyingover morning or afternoon morning tea. or afternoon tea. Clubs can earn between $500 Workshops and up to $10 000's…in a short period oftraining time.club are held at your clubare or at ourat rooms, days Workshops held your or atonour training rooms, on days Sponsorship made easy and times that suitandthetimes individual clubs theandindividual their members. that suit clubs and their members. Sponsorship made easy targets. Sponsorship made easy • Is a learn earnover program designed promote mental and Bowling with their Fundraising We guarantee thetobenefits for bothwellbeing the club andassist itsfor members are fantastic. Designed forandthe 50’s, our visual programs are fun,theclubs We learning guarantee the benefits both club and its members are fantastic. The life blood of any club is the ability to raise sponsorship dollars to keep the club functioning. This can be a difficult and frustrating task…… 'well not anymore!'
The life blood of any club is the ability to raise sponsorship dollars to keep the club • Clubs canand earnwill between and up to $10 000Join in a short periodshare of time. functioning. This can be a difficult and frustrating task…… 'well not anymore!' interactive keep$500 your mind sharp. in and life stories, "Cash for Clubs" a win-win partnership “Cash for clubs” is an learn and earn program, incorporating mental wellbeing by "Cash for Clubs" a win-win partnership exchange a social get together over Membersideas, gain new skills, while enjoying Clubs keeping the brain active, social engagement for members and friends, while providing the club with a valuable Corporate Sponsorship opportunity. morning or afternoon tea. ….Don’t miss out ontechnology this rewarding opportunity, contact today to book an us today to book an ACT NOW Gain a major sponsor us • Learn new skills and keep up with ….Don’t miss • out on this rewarding opportunity, ACT NOW Does your club think contact outside the box... we do!!! Does your club think outside the box... we do!!! Workshops are held at your club or or at our rooms, on usdays information session the club phone us toclub discuss further program • training Increase social participation within thedetails. club • Enjoy a social outing andat stay connected information session at the or phone discuss further program details. Clubs can earn to between $500 and up to $10 000's…in a short period of time. Clubs can earn between $500 and up to $10 000's…in a short period of time. and times suitrelaxed the learning individual clubs and focus theiron any members. • Higher risk areas within the club • Swap storiesthat and enjoy Designed for the over 50’s, our visual learning programs Enquiries can be made to your club Excella by: Designed for the over 50’s, our visual learning programs are fun, Enquiries canor betoand made toyour your club or to Excellaare by:fun, interactive will keep by mind sharp. Join in and share life stories, We the benefits for both the club and • its Increased members are fantastic. commitment and contribution club members • yourguarantee Keep yourJoin mind sharp interactive and will keep mind sharp. in and share life stories,
“Cash for clubs” is an learn and earn program, incorporating mental wellbeing by The life blood of any club is the ability to raise sponsorship dollars to keep the club keeping the brain active, social engagement for members and friends, while providing club with valuable Corporate opportunity. functioning. This canthe be a adifficult and Sponsorship frustrating task…… 'well not anymore!' club think outside the box... we do!!! “Cash for clubs” is an learn Does andyourearn program, incorporating mental wellbeing by can earn between $500 andfor up tomembers $10 000's…in aand short period of time. keeping the brain active,Clubs social engagement friends, while providing Designed forSponsorship the over 50’s, our opportunity. visual learning programs are fun, the club with a valuable Corporate interactive and will keep your mind sharp. Join in and share life stories, exchange ideas, gain new skills, while enjoying a social get together over morning or afternoon tea. Workshops are held at your club or at our training rooms, on days and times that suit the individual clubs and their members. We guarantee the benefits for both the club and its members are fantastic.
"Cash for Clubs" a win-win partnership
ACT NOW….Don’t miss out on this rewarding opportunity, contact us today to book an information session at the club or phone us to discuss further program details.
exchange ideas, gain new skills, while enjoying a social get together over
exchange while social getby:together over Enquiries can beenjoying made to your a club or to Excella “Use it or lose it”…ideas, gain new skills, morning or afternoon tea. morning or afternoon tea. Email: info@excellatraining.com.au Email: info@excellatraining.com.au Workshops are held at your club or at our training rooms, on days Email: info@excellatraining.com.au Health experts say "Cash for Clubs" a win-win partnership 1300or 845 036 our Phone: Workshops are held at your club at training rooms, on days and times that suit the individual clubs and their members. 1300 845 036 Phone: keeping mentally and that suit the individual clubs and their members. and times 845 the 036 Phone: 1300 We guarantee benefits for both the club and its members are fantastic. We guarantee the benefits for both the club and its members are fantastic. socially active will Email: info@excellatraining.com.au "Cash for Clubs" a win-win partnership ….Don’t miss out on this rewarding opportunity, contact us today to book an ACT NOW contribute to"Cash brainfor fitness Clubs" a win-win partnership Phone: further 1300 845program 036ACT NOW….Don’t andinformation good mental health.session at the club or phone us to discuss miss out on this rewarding opportunity, contact us today to book an details.
ACT NOW….Don’t miss out on this rewarding opportunity, contact us today to book an information session at the club or phone us to discuss further program details.
information session at the club or phone us to discuss further program details.
Enquiries can be made to your club or to Excella by:
Enquiries can be made to your club or to Excella by: Email: info@excellatraining.com.au Phone: 1300 845 036
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Email: info@excellatraining.com.au Phone: 1300 845 036
Enquiries can be made to your club or to Excella by: Email: info@excellatraining.com.au Phone: 1300 845 036
Bowls WA Annual The Bowls WA Awards Night, hosted by ABC’s Karen Tighe held at the magnificent Crown Perth on Friday May 31st saw 300 guests celebrate the finest achievements of 2012/2013 from players, coaches, volunteers and clubs.
The full list of Award Recipients
Roma Dunn Medal (Under 18 Boy Bowler of the Year) David Downey (Manning) Elizabeth Allan (Dudley Park)
Rosenthal Medallist Medal (Under 18 Girl Bowler of the Year)
Over 60’s Female Bowler of the Year
Over 60’s Male Bowler of the Year
Apia Volunteer of the Year
Bowls WA Club Coach of the Year
Hall of Fame Inductees
Crown Perth Small Country Club of the Year
Crown Perth Country Club of the Year ‘The Jim Murray Award’
Clubs WA Small Metropolitan Club of the Year
Clubs WA Metropolitan Club of the Year
President’s Brooch (Ladies State Singles Winner)
President’s Medal (Men’s State Singles Winner)
Allan Eddy/Rod Wishart Award (Best Male Player Australian Sides Series)
David Rankin (Doubleview)
Beryl Godfrey Award (Best Female Player Australian Sides Series)
Shenayde Heldt (Manning)
Vice Patrons Medal (Men’s Country Bowler of the Year)
Penny Needham Brooch (Women’s Country Bowler of the Year)
Noelene Abe (Corrigin)
Connie Hicks Brooch (Women’s Bowler of the Year)
Noelene Abe (Corrigin)
Rosenthal Medal (Men’s Bowler of the Year)
Bev Baker (Mosman Park) Glyn Vaughan (Thornlie) Ken Matthews (Dudley Park) Alan Booth (Manning) Gil Clement, Beryl Brennan, Lindsay Thorn Gingin Bowling Club Corrigin Bowling Club Nollamara Bowling Club Manning Memorial Bowling Club Noelene Abe (Corrigin) Luke Richardson (Cambridge)
Brad King (Geraldton)
Daniel Brown (Armadale)
Awards Night 2013 • Beryl Brennan and Brad King.
• David Downey
• Elizabeth Allan
• Kevin Murphy – Nollamarra.
• Beryl Godfrey and Shenayde Heldt.
• Bev Baker
• Graeme Wishart and David Rankin. • Daniel Brown
• Phil Barber – Corrigin
• Noelene Abe
• Glyn Vaughan
• Tom Cabassi – Gingin
• Lindsay Thorn
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Brown takes Rosenthal Medal
• Daniel with his partner Kirsty and daughters Makhiya and Zaliah.
In a bowls season with plenty of events it was Daniel Brown who emerged as the clear winner as the Men’s Bowler of the Year taking the Rosenthal Medal for 2012/13. Brown was the only player to secure multiple wins for the year in taking out the State Pairs and State Triples, he also gained points for his performances in the Champion of Club Champions Singles and the Sorrento Master Singles. Originally from Tasmania Brown moved to Perth in the 90’s and had immediate impact at Cockburn and also Mosman Park as a Premier league skipper. Brown had transferred closer to home in recent years playing with Armadale Bowling Club, the move coinciding with his marriage to long time partner Kirsty and the birth of their first child Makhiya who is now four. Brown readily acknowledged the love and support of his family during his acceptance speech along with the team mates who contributing to the titles which provided the achievement. The couple are now celebrating the birth of their second daughter Zaliah Rose Brown who was born on the 14th July only days before the Magazine went to print. A past state representative with 51 games to his credit Brown had recently fallen out of favour with state selectors. Brown didn’t rule out a return to the highest level but when asked about future ambitions he played down the prospect saying that in the past it would have meant a lot more winning this award and whilst it was certainly an honour to receive his priorities lay strongly with his family and enjoying his bowls.
• Noelene Abe.
Noelene still the Queen of bowls in WA There is a saying in sport that it’s hard to get to the top but sometimes it’s ever harder to stay there. Corrigin’s Noelene Abe certainly hasn’t had too much trouble retaining her crown as the premier female player in WA once again winning the Connie Hicks Brooch as best female player of the year along with the Penny Needham Brooch as best female country player of the year. An unstoppable force Noelene took the following titles for 2012/13 – State Singles, Champion of Club Champion Singles, Country Week Pairs, Country Week Fours and Mosman Park Master Singles. Noelene who has been a regular visitor to the presentation stage of the Bowls WA Awards Night in the last few years thanked her sponsors Henselite who she credited with the resurgence in form. She decided to switch to the new Henselite Fusion bowls during the season and has rarely lost a game since. She also thanked her Corrigin team mates at Country Week along with her husband Alan and the entire Corrigin Bowling Club who had been very supportive with her bowls career.
Corrigin Club of the Year again Sponsored by Crown Perth the Corrigin bowling club have claimed back to back Jim Murray Awards as the best Country Club of the Year in 2012/13. Whilst no doubt some of the credit can go to their superstar bowler Noelene Abe who skippered the winning pairs and fours teams at Country week, President Phil Barber who accepted the
Award was keen to acknowledge all members of the club who contribute so hard to make the club successful. Phil was particularly proud of the clubs efforts to raise a substantial amount of money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service in a charity day run by the club where nearly every single member of the club was involved to some degree.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
HALL OF FAME 2013 The Bowls WA Awards Night saw the induction of a further three members to the Hall of Fame in Beryl Brennan, Lindsay Thorn and Gil Clement.Each of these individuals have displayed exemplary character and made a significant contribution to the promotion and history of the sport in Western Australia. • Lindsay Thorn circa 1996.
BERYL BRENNAN Administrator Since joining the Osborne Park Bowling Club in 1986 Beryl Brennan has made a valuable contribution as an administrator to the Sport of Lawn Bowls. Her most significant period of administration came from 1997 – 2006 where she was either Vice President or President at National Level, first with the Australian Women’s Bowls Council and then after unification in 2002 as is now Bowls Australia.Such is Beryl’s contribution to the sport she has also been inducted to Bowls Australia Hall of Fame in 2013. During her acceptance speech Beryl reflected on the many great friends and memories she has gained from travelling Australia and parts of the world in her various official capacities. She took the time to announce her retirement from the State Women’s Selection panel commenting that the future of the sport was in good hands with the amount of young talent coming through in recent years. Beryl is also Vice Patron of Bowls WA as well as being a Life Member.
LINDSAY THORN Player After arriving from Victoria in 1969 Thorn first set foot on a bowling green in the mid 70’s and he quickly established himself as one of the premier players in the state. During the halcyon days of the late 80’s and early 90’s he played a big part in contributing to Five Alley Shields wins with WA dominating the National bowls scene. A fierce competitor on the green he has played first division for Osborne Park, Scarborough, Wanneroo and Doubleview Bowling Clubs in a 40 year period with nine 1st Red/Premier League Pennants, along with 197 State appearances that is close to 1000 games at the top level. Thorn still continues his enthusiasm for the sport as an Over 60’s State Representative as well as putting his knowledge of the game to use as a WA Men’s State Selector. His support of the current Men’s State team was evident and he will be a major driving force in helping get WA back as a major contender on the National stage. Thorn was quick to acknowledge the support of his family and friends who were present as well as recognizing some of the greats he has played with and against whom he is privileged to join in the Hall of Fame.
GIL CLEMENT Pioneer Gil Clement can be regarded as one of the Pioneers of the sport with achievements at the highest level over a remarkable 35 year period. A terrific singles player he won the State Singles four times and the Champion of Club Champion Singles three times. His finest year perhaps came towards the end of his stellar career in 1967, when he won the Metropolitan, Master and State Singles titles culminating in representing WA for the first time. His effort to win 25 consecutive club singles at his beloved Mosman Park Bowling Club is truly an extraordinary feat and was rewarded with a large ovation from those in attendance. Mosman Park President Michael Grace accepted the Hall of Fame Award on behalf of Gil’s family and commented on how proud Mosman Park was to see Clement’s achievements acknowledged by Bowls WA.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
• Club Coach of the Year 2013 •
Club Coach of the Year – ALAN BOOTH Alan Booth was the proud recipient of the Club Coach of the Year after another outstanding season at Manning Memorial Bowling Club. Manning dominated the Women’s bowling scene, winning both the Tuesday and Saturday First Division Pennant flags.It also has a strong representation amongst the Women’s State Squad with youngsters such as Rechelle Cole, Kristina Krstic and Kelli Rogalski involved in the nation’s second tier high performance group, the Australia A squad all before they have turned 21. “I have been lucky here as I have had Peter Bowden (former State Women’s Coach) Tony Hockey (former State Women’s and current Men’s Assistant Coach) and Therese Hastings (former State Under 18 Coach) to learn from and work with. “There are a lot of talented bowlers at the club to utilise, and we are lucky that these players give their time to help. The Manning players are very keen to improve so are very responsive to coaching. It is extremely rewarding when you see people you work with achieving at higher levels.” Booth began coaching at Lismore, New South Wales in 1990. His mentor was Dave Matthias who went on to be a State Coach for Queensland. He moved to Springwood in 1995 and was coach there working under Ken Field who was the NSW State Junior Coach for many years. In 2004, he moved to Perth and joined South Perth where he enjoyed three years of coaching before moving closer to home and joining the Manning Club. “I have been fortunate to coach our second Ladies Tuesday Side. The girls started in Second Division and have won a flag or promotion each year to now be in One Red. It was a sensational effort by the ladies as at one stage a couple of years ago there were staring at relegation after the first round and finished the season with the pennant.” Laura Merz is one of those ladies now enjoying a meteoric rise. After capturing the club singles’ title, she teamed up with Vic Park’s Rhett Butler and became the first lady to win the Merredin Pairs Carnival; the richest in Australia. Merz, a member of the WA Aero Bowls Academy, has been included
in the State Team to play Queensland in the upcoming threegame Test Series at Rossmoyne Bowling Club and will pull on the black and gold for the first time. “The members at Manning are very receptive to coaching. It is only June and already I am being asked when coaching and training will be commencing. I enjoy working with bio mechanics to improve technique and timing, so go nowhere without the video camera. Sports psychology is another favourite and it is great when someone reaches their goals by overcoming their anxiety or just learning to focus on the positives of their game.” Humbly, Booth always acknowledges his mentors and predecessors. His next career move will be to become a Presenter and Assessor for new coaches and is currently doing the presenter component of the course having completed the assessment criteria last year. He has also been named Manning’s Head Coach for the 2013-14 season. Manning President Debbie Capper, who capped off a great night by accepting Club WA’s ‘Outstanding Metropolitan Club’ Award said, “Alan has a wonderful attitude to bowls and his sportsmanship and professionalism are beyond reproach. He works with fellow coaches with competency, always has a great sense of humour and is thoroughly approachable.” It’s easy to see why Booth’s tireless efforts and enthusiasm are having the desired effect on his charges. His passion for the game seems to know no bounds. As well as assisting the Men’s Captain in running many state events and often carrying out umpiring duties, Booth is also holding weekly coaching clinics for students at Aquinas College. “Coaching, for me, is where I get my enjoyment out of bowls. To have a player come and seek assistance and after a few weeks of working together to see that player’s improvement in their game and confidence, is very self satisfying. I would encourage anyone who enjoys bowls, has time and patience, and in my case, an understanding wife, to get involved with coaching. You will not regret the move.”
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Aged Care reforms now in place
• Debbie Capper – Manning.
Manning wins the Club of the year Clubs WA’s Keith Bransby presented Manning Memorial Bowling Club president Debbie Capper with one of the most significant awards, the Clubs WA Metropolitan Club of the Year – last year won by the Sorrento Bowling Club. Manning has enjoyed another fantastic season both on and off the green with a long list of achievements they should be very proud of. The club won two Ladies Pennants (Premier League Tuesday and Division 1 Saturday) while five out of the six Men’s Saturday Pennant sides made the playoffs as did four out of the five Midweek Pennant sides. Manning ran a very successful Country Carnival with 144 players participating and an Easter Gala Day for their ladies. Corporate Bowls has helped promote both the club and our sport. Manning has hosted luncheons, quiz nights, wind ups as well as monthly Manning Community Association meetings, students from Aquinas College and even bowlers from Singapore and Thailand! Away from the green, the club made good use of their facilities by staging an active Pub Jive and Ballroom Dance Group, darts competitions and hiring out the venue for anniversary, birthday and engagement functions. They also chose to invest heavily in their future by installing 80 solar panels, purchasing new computers and a photocopier, erecting permanent shades and installing new water fountains. The club certainly seem to be going from strength to strength with the committee and many volunteers deserving of such recognition for all their hard work as they continue to live up to the Manning Eagles motto of ‘Perth’s High Flyers’. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
One of the final pieces of legislation passed recently by the Federal Government will reform the Aged Care system as we know it. The objective of the Living Longer Living Better policy is to create an environment in which older Australians can receive decent and comfortable treatment which the nation can afford. The new policy addresses the way people may receive assistance in their own home, as well as the provision of residential care in an Aged Care facility. For those who wish to receive assistance in their home, the plan is to increase home-care packages from 58,000 to about 100,000 though expectations are for demand to exceed supply. To cope with the increased demand, an alternative to the current system is required, where currently home-care recipients pay only a modest fee for services including bathing and dressing, meals, housework, gardening and shopping. A means-tested fee is to be introduced for people whose assets and income are above certain thresholds. Important changes will also apply for those in residential care. Currently, means tested fees in residential care are subject only to an income test, but from 1 July 2014 will also be subject to an assets test. After initial uncertainty it is now clear that the new arrangements will not include the value of the family home in the assets test as long as a spouse or dependent is still living there. Just as well, given the family home is often the most important asset held by an older Australian. The way in which Aged Care residents pay Accommodation Bonds will change. From 1 July 2014, all Aged Care residents will be required to pay an Accommodation Bond or an equivalent Daily Accommodation Payment, with the amount charged being policed by a central financing authority to be established. These changes could dramatically alter strategies currently being used to optimise the balance between the payment of an Accommodation Bond, payment of daily fees, and Age Pension entitlements. As always there will be many factors to consider. Should the family home be sold or retained and rented? Should an Accommodation Bond be paid in part or full, or should Daily Accommodation Payments be made? How important will superannuation and other investments be in balancing means tested care fees? Would gifting strategies be of value? How might an inheritance impact pension entitlements and Aged Care fees? Whilst the reforms are to be phased in over the next five years, you may benefit from professional advice to achieve the best financial and lifestyle outcome. Andrew Hopkins is the principal of WA Aged Care Financial Solutions, a privately owned financial planning business that has no ownership links with any financial institution or Aged Care facility and is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009 189 495 AFSL 240687. Information in this article is of a general nature only, and should be considered together with your particular needs and circumstances. For more information phone 1300 827 229 or visit www.agedcarefswa.com
Set for the Future Seminar and intergenerational exhibition match
Assisting you and your club save money and help the environment by working towards a clean energy future
Bowls Australia has partnered with the Australian Government to deliver a club-focussed clean energy awareness program: Set for the Future
It’s a program that offers clubs and members direct access to topical and relevant information about how you can get involved as Australia moves. towards a clean energy future. This seminar is followed by a fun intergenerational match, hosted and attended by an Australian Jackaroo and Set for the Future ambassador. All club members and members of the community are invited to participate.
To find out about your local seminar and participate in the intergeneration match, go to www.bowlsaustralia.com.au
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• Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News • Over 60s News •
• Pairs winners, Julie Savell and Kathy Gobbart.
• Bev Baker (Mosman Park), winner of the Singles final.
Women’s Over 60 State Results Pairs
Quarter Finals: K Gobbart b F Kelly 16-9, I Leahy b J Kite 27-7, C Mannion b J Stokes 16-14, P Huckson b J Gibsone 12-9. Semi Finals: K Gobbart b I Leahy 17-8, P Huckson b C Mannion 14-7. Final: K Gobbart, J Savell b P Huckson, L Young 20-11.
Last 8 Knockout: C Mannion b R Coote 21-14, B Baker b M Cooney 21-11, N Porteous b I Arndt 21-11, K Andersen b L Warren 21-15. Semi Finals: B Baker b C Mannion 21-12, N Porteous b K Andersen 21-14. Final: B Baker (Mosman Park) b N Porteous (Morley) 25-16.
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Women’s O60s team
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The Women’s State Over 60 Selectors have announced the sides that will travel to Geelong, Victoria to compete in the National Over 60 Sides Championships in October.
your club
Angela Sharp (sk), Janne Gibsone, Val Cox, Elizabeth Petrich, Lee Poletti (sk), Bev Baker, Renata Coote, Kerry Andersen, Kaye Blackwell (sk), Irene Leahy, Vicki Spragg, Rinske Butcher. Scooters
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Australian Trio ~ creating the grounds for success Written by: Belinda Crane; General Manager; TEAM Sports & Leisure
Lawn bowls was introduced into Australia in the 1840’s, with the first green being completed in 1845. For the next 130 years lawn bowls was played only on natural turf greens until the late 1970’s and early 80’s when first generation synthetic surfaces were introduced as an alternative. Development of second generation synthetic surfaces were recognised and approved by World Bowls in 2000. Now with Club’s expectations of consistent, good quality surfaces and the impact of our harsh Valley conditions Bowls BC a– trio Ellenbrook x 2 companies; Newdegate BC Ltd x 1 (synthetic yarn drought of Australian Tapex Pty supplier), Sports manufacturer) & KCL Sports WonganTEAM Hills BC x 1 & Leisure (synthetic grass Koorda BC x 1 (synthetic greens installer), have designed the latest in third generation synthetic Waroona BC x 1 Treendale Village Bunbury surfaces – DryMax PRO.
, with the first green being was played only on natural n first generation synthetic ment of second generation rld Bowls in 2000. Now with and the impact of our harsh ex Pty Ltd (synthetic yarn anufacturer) & KCL Sports n third generation synthetic
• Ultra plus • Dry Max pro • Master pro plus
• woven Carpet • Needle punch
Do you require professional advice about your existing green or proposed green?
neration synthetic surfaces e others indicated that they t requires no water for play, ng the “wet” yarnthe Markdesign Frazer, e yarn specification to meet
owner and operator of Evergreen Synthetic Grass has over 20 years of experience in Bowling Green construction and maintenance. Mark is available to provide a been by free,approved no obligation consultation.
PRO has ls for indoor and outdoor g greens;
Call Mark now on 9303 2130
Green Speed Two Directions
Dalwallinu BC x 1 (14 rink)
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Research discovered that some Club’s with second generation synthetic surfaces Balingup BCwater x 1 than with natural turf greens Elderbloom Retirement – used 20% less while others indicated Village that they Wanneroo x 1 no water for play, DryMax PRO is a tufted green that requires used just as much.BC Ravensthorpe x1 is softer underfoot and cooler to play on. By utilizing the “wet” design yarn Carnavon BC x 2 Kingsleyadopted Retirement Village we have redeveloped technology for hockey; the yarn specification to meet theGeraldton needs of lawn bowls. Belswan Village Mandurah Lifestyle Village
Jurien BC Inc x 2 St Ives Village – Jollimont DryMax PRO has been approved by World BowlsBC for indoor and outdoor Parkland Villas Retirement – Booragoon Augusta flat bowling greens; Mundaring BC x 3 Woven Carpet Mullewa BC x 1 Bowling Greens Under Construction – Bowling Greens Under Construction – Leonora BC x 1 9 Dowerin Medium Green BC Speed Dowerin BC Lakelands Retirement Village Mandurah 9 Mundaring Draw in TwoBC Directions Halls Head BC Kukerin BC x 1 Halls Head BC 9 Porous Surface Meckering Sports Club x 1 (plus Synthetic Tennis courts)
The ‘new’ Ultra-Plus bowling surface has been installed at Wickepin BC x 2, Ballidu Bowling Club and NLV Busselton
Residents enjoying their DryMax PRO green at Lutanda Manor Retirement Village
In keeping with the key reasons synthetic surfaces are adopted by many clubs, DryMax PRO also offers you: A solution for high cost of maintaining turf greens Potential for increased income from an extended playing season.
No loss of play due to renovation and rain. A variable speed between 14 and 16 seconds
An Australian Made Product
opted by many clubs,
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ed playing
Inclusive Practices Officer
Lawn Bowls Multi-Disability The best bowlers with a physical disability Australia has to offer came together at the Chermside Bowls Club in Brisbane for the 2013 Lawn Bowls Multi-Disability National Championships from 11-15 June. The event was hosted by Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association (QLD) with support from Australian Athletes With a Disability (AAWD). A field of 38 bowlers from the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia competed at the Championships. It is the highest number of bowlers in recent years and included 27 men and 11 ladies. It is also the first year that Western Australia entered a player, Joseph Oman from Mundaring Bowling Club, to compete at the National Championships. The Interstate Aggregate Champion was South Australia in 2012, claiming the trophy from NSW who had been the dominating state in recent years from 2006 to 2011.
• Joseph Oman, Mandurah Bowling Club, bowling for the Nationals at Chermside, – it’s a thumbs up from Joe!
• Reclink bowls at North Perth Bowling Club.
However, in 2013 the Interstate Aggregate was awarded to Victoria – well done to everyone who participated! The field featured bowlers with a different range of physical disability including paraplegia, quadriplegia, polio, leg amputee, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis. Bowlers are classified according to their level of ability and functionality which comes in to effect for international competition. Classification provides the opportunity for bowlers to compete against bowlers with a similar disability or level of functionality.
Lawn Bowls Multi-Disability Australia’s march towards the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games took a further step on Wednesday 19th June, with Bowls Australia announcing its 12-strong Australian ParaBowls Commonwealth Games Trial Squad. The para-bowls disciplines are a new addition to the Commonwealth Games format, with the athletes with a disability triples and vision-impaired pairs each competing for a full medal, in addition to the eight able-bodied medallions on offer. As a result of the influx of responses Bowls Australia received following expressions of interest from eligible bowlers with a disability. Australian Coach Steve Glasson OAM and the national selection panel in conjunction with Australian Athletes with a Disability (AAWD) state organisations will also embark on a state-by-state talent identification program later in the year. This will further canvas potential representatives who may be suited to don the green and gold uniform in the contrasting Glasgow conditions. “This is an initial selection for candidates to possibly represent Australia in the UK in August and potentially Glasgow in 2014,” National Coach Steve Glasson OAM said of the announcement. “This tour will provide three candidates with a chance to further press their case for selection or cement their chance for selection to the Commonwealth Games.” “The motivation for the state wide talent identification program is because we don’t know how people are going to adapt to Glasgow or Glasgow-mirrored conditions, because they are totally foreign to us, which is why we are keeping the door somewhat open.” “The criteria that we took into account for the 12 trial squad members were things like performances at the AAWD Nationals; previous results in competition; demeanour, body language and attitude and technique for heavy green play.”
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
National Championships 2013 State/National – International Pathways for Bowlers with a Disability As you may have noted reading the previous two headings, there ARE pathways to state, national and international Bowls Events for Bowlers With a Disability (BWD). The first step from a state perspective is to contact the Bowls WA Inclusive Practices Officer for more information (Denise McMillan, denise@bowlswa.com.au, 0449 619 841) along with entering your club games, club championship games, state games (it’s all a level playing field folks – those who enter get noticed and also have the potential to win, you can’t win if you’re not in the game!), and trying out for the Australian Open (AO) and National Disability Championships. This encompasses the State and National levels, and the next level up is the Commonwealth Games. There, in a nutshell, is your pathway…and it is very achievable! The 2018 Commonwealth Games will be held on Australian home ground in Queensland. There is plenty of time for BWD’s to register their interest and step up their game for possible inclusion in Australia!
Program Updates There have been a number of programs running in the last few months. Bowls WA has been working in conjunction with Inclusion WA to participate at a Multi-Sport Carnival at John XXIII in Mt. Claremont, as well as being involved in the Northam School Holiday program during April. An excellent turn out at both events was fantastic to see and a great time was had by both participants and organizers!
• Raj Suares, BWA, enjoying the Northam April School Holiday Program for lawn bowls.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Reclink Australia has also been working with Bowls WA on a number of programs. A three month program running at North Perth Bowling Club from March to May was a huge success with many participants joining bowling clubs. The WA State Singles Male Novice Champion Glynn Davies, (Perth and Tattersalls Club), also enjoyed the weekly roll up on a Wednesday morning. Note the use of a measuring tape in lieu of a measurer – whatever works! In addition, another program run through Reclink at the Fremantle Bowling Club on fortnightly Fridays has proven to be a big success and continues through to today. In the final article for this edition, the Peel Bowling and Social Club has been hard at work in creating a Bowls Ramp that can be used for BWD’s from either the bank or on the green. Michael Dean, President, and other club members put in many hours creating the design based on a Boccia Ramp that had been borrowed for this purpose. The club held an Open Day on Sunday May 26th to launch the use of these ramps and the feedback was sensational. It was great to see that both able bodied and BWDs loved to use the ramps, and it is interesting to note that using the ramps allows for a proper game of bowls (i.e., 21 metres +) rather than the limited use of bowling shutes that ran approximately 1/3 the length of a bowling green. A special thank you to all the volunteers from the Halls Head Bowling Club who helped with the day! For more information on Inclusive Lawn Bowls please contact Denise McMillan on 0449 619 841 or denise@ bowlswa.com.au.
• School participation at John XXIII at Mt. Claremont.
CORNER Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo
Friedman Lurie Singh & D'Angelo YOUR SMART LAWYERS
What happens to my Super when I die?
Do you know the answer to this question? A large number of people don’t, even though it is essential to know the answer in the context of your overall deceased estate planning. If you have worked in Australia you should have a superannuation account, in which case the below article is relevant to you. Most people assume that their superannuation benefits form part of their estate and thus can be bequeathed in their will. However, this is often not actually the case! Because your superannuation is not strictly owned by you ( it is held in trust for you under the terms of a trust deed – which most people never hear about or see!) it does not automatically form part of your estate on your death. This means that when you pass away, the trustee of the relevant superannuation fund has a discretion as to whom to pay the death benefit, subject to the terms of the trust deed and the relevant superannuation legislation. Thus, someone other than you may have a say in how your superannuation death benefits are dealt with. So how does the superannuation trustee make a decision? Well, every superannuation fund has its own Trust Deed. This Deed specifies how the trustee must handle the death benefit in the event of your death, and sets out rules as to their decision-making process. The Trust Deed must also be in accordance with the relevant superannuation law. Some superannuation funds may pay into your estate ( ie, to your legal personal representative), so it is of utmost importance that you have a legally valid will in place. If you don’t, your superannuation death benefits will still form part of your estate, but your estate will devolve according to the law on intestacy, which may not accord with your wishes. But the Trustee of the fund may not direct your funds be paid into your estate. In that case, upon your death your funds could be paid to any of a select group of persons who are eligible recipients under superannuation law, including your spouse, children, the executor or administrator of your estate, any person financially dependent on you and any person with whom you have an interdependency relationship. Some Trust Deeds also allow for Binding Death Benefit Nominations. If you have one in place, the Trustee is bound by your nomination. However, it is important to note that there are limits to who you can nominate and it must be renewed every 3 years. If it is not, it will lapse and no longer be binding on the Trustee. If you have a Binding Death Benefit Nomination in place, it is also important to update it if your circumstances change,
such as a relationship breaks down, otherwise your superannuation funds could end up going to someone you are no longer on good terms with. Also, a child who is financially dependant at the time may no longer be so at the date of your death, thus becoming liable for 15% tax on the amount received. It is also important to note that there is a difference between Binding Death Benefit Nominations and non-binding death benefit nominations. A non-binding death benefit nomination will be considered by the Trustee, but will not be binding on his final decision. The Trustee will still determine what is the best distribution of the funds at the particular time. They may also take into consideration the tax implications in reaching their decision. If you have no nominations at all the Trustee has, subject to the law at the time, complete discretion once you have passed away. This could cause a lot of problems, particularly if you have competing beneficiaries! If you are receiving a pension from your fund you may also be able to nominate reversionary beneficiaries, meaning that after your death your nominated beneficiaries will continue to receive your pension. So what is the next step, you ask. Firstly, you should contact your superannuation fund/ financial adviser to find out what the Trust Deed provides. You should also confirm that the fund allows Binding Death Benefit Nominations. It is also important to consider any taxation implications arising from the payment to a beneficiary. Lump sum benefits paid on your death to your spouse, minor children and other eligible dependants are tax free. Lump sum payments paid on your death to others, such as a non-dependant adult children, will be taxed up to a maximum 31.5%. Then you should see a lawyer to prepare a will to take all this information into account. This is especially important because often the superannuation payments made consequent upon death are a very significant portion of the deceased person’s estate and getting it right is thus all the more important. For comprehensive estate planning advice, do not hesitate to contact Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo on 9254 0000.
Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo
Your Smart Lawyers Level 2, 139 Newcastle Street, Perth Tel: 9254000 Suite 3, 7 Railway Terrace, The Boardwalk Rockingham Tel: 9520 2729 Suite 1, 11 Boas Avenue, Joondalup Tel: 9310 4999 Email: flsd@flsd.com.au Internet: www.flsd.com.au
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
Important aspects of how the Finals will work in 1st Division White, 1st Division Blue and 2nd Division
From the Competitions Manager
Challenge final playoffs At the latest Presidents Forum, Bowls WA was instructed to find a solution to stop the practise of having four teams demoted in 1st Division White and 1st Division Blue each year. As an important part of the consultation and decision making process of Bowls WA, the final decision fell to the Bowls WA Bowls Management Committee. This Committee was presented with a number of options to consider which solved the problem that clubs had questioned. In making their decision, a number of factors were taken into account. The Bowls Management Committee felt it was important that the team finishing on top of the ladder at the end of the home and away season was still given automatic promotion to the division above, as all other divisions currently enjoyed. It also recognised that a majority of bowlers also enjoyed the aspect of playing for promotion in a finals playoff series. With both these factors in mind, it was decided that the option titled the ‘Challenge Final Playoffs’ was able to incorporate both important aspects of the current finals system enjoyed by other divisions.
Finals Playoffs for 1st Division White, Finals Playoffs for 1 Division White, 1 Division Blue and 2 Division 1st Division Blue and 2nd Division st
Team 1
• All teams finishing in 9th and 10th Positions in all Pennant colours/divisions get automatically demoted • All teams finishing in 1st Position in all Pennant colours/divisions get automatically promoted • 1st Division White Promotion Finals will Not change • Teams finishing in 1st position in 1st Blue South and 1st Blue North still playoff for the 1st Division Blue Pennant • Teams finishing in 1st position in the four 2nd Division colours still play off for the 2nd Division Pennant • Teams in 2nd and 3rd positions in 1st Blue South, 1st Blue North and 2nd Division will playoff in a Challenge for Promotion Finals Series • Teams in 7th and 8th positions in 1st White, 1st Blue South and 1st Blue North will playoff in a Challenge for Promotion Finals Series Full details of the Challenge for Promotion Finals Series will be included in the 2013/14 Bowls WA Fixture Book.
North Beach Ladies Masters Pairs
Team 1
Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6
Team 7 Team 8 Team 9 Team 10
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6
Team 7 Team 8 Team 9 Team 10
Team 7 Team 8 Team 9 Team 10
• Linda Warburton and Lisa Featherby.
Team 1
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Team 1
Team 1
Team 2 Team 3
Team 8
Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Team 7 Team 8
Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Team 7 Team 8
Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Team 7 Team 8
Team 9 Team 10
Team 9 Team 10
Team 9 Team 10
Team 9 Team 10
Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Team 5 Team 6
Team 7
Automatic Promotion
Safe within the Colour/Division
Will play in a Finals Series for promotion
Will Play in a Final Series to avoid Demotion
Automatic Demotion
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
The prestigious North Beach Ladies Masters Pairs was played on the 9th and 10th April. The field consisted of 24 teams from both Country and Metropolitan Clubs. The weather was excellent and the greens were in good running order. Some of our excellent bowlers made it to the semi finals and the finals were very hotly contested. The winners were Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton from Mosman Park from Kathy Gobbart (Gingin) and Shari Solly (Osborne Park) with equal thirds going to Cathie Sullivan and Joan Falconer from North Beach and Bev Baker and Sue Delaporte from Mosman Park. The event is being planned for around the same time next year when we hope to attract a good field again. A late afternoon tea was enjoyed by all. Doug Sheppard – North Beach Bowling Club 33
• Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News •
John Hughes’ ‘touch of style’ – a success A very successful Touch of Style was held recently at the Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club. Sponsored by John Hughes, the event included 144 of the state’s top female metropolitan and country bowlers. The event was won by Irene Leahy (Boulder), Carole Chaney (Mundaring), Ann Dunn (Bunbury) and Sue McKay (Gosnells). The Perpetual Trophy was presented to the winners by the Victoria Park Carlisle Ladies President Margaret Dillon. She also mentioned that the event was the only one of its kind in Australia as country and city players were placed together and this created a great spirit of friendship and camaraderie. Tournament Director Carol Lee announced all place getters and prizes were presented by John Hughes himself. Second place went to Barbara Lorencs (Yokine), Linda Prosser (Manjimup), Audrey Stokes/Carol Wight (Mosman Park) and Eileen Trantham (Bunbury). Third place was Margaret Sitko (Bedford), Gwenda Andrews (Pingelly), Linda Bryant (Gosnells) and Kerry West (Mandurah). Fourth place went to Pat Williams (Lancelin), Shirley Ellis (Mundaring), Anne Labruyere (Denison) and Betty Brown (Gnowangerup). The Consolation event was won by Derfla Thomas (Dalwallinu), Vicki Warne (Mundaring), Maureen Heberle (Gnowangerup) and Janet Millar (Gosnells). Carol Lee – Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club
Bowls WA Corporate Shield at Thornlie Thornlie Bowling Club hosted the Bowls WA Corporate Shield Grand Final with 30 teams competing from all over the country including Dunsborough, Albany, Manjimup, Quinns Rock, Collie, Safety Bay and Northam. The teams who entered were all winners on the day, with fantastic fellowship, great sportsmanship and new friendship again found in the game of bowls. From all reports a very professionally run tournament with an over abundance of helpers as Thornlie always has. First Forrestfield (Foodworks) Second Albany (Lumberjacks) Third Safety Bay (McEyes) Fourth Beaumaris (Earthmovers) The quality of bowls played demonstrates the future in bowls will never be lost with new players participating in Corporate Bowls. Ian ‘Buddha’ Rewell – Thornlie Bowling Club
• Michael Foster, Jeff Tillemans, Daniel Woodrow (Bowls Australia) Ron Foster, Dave Foster and Ian Rewell.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
• Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News • Club News •
Volunteers Thank You evening The Mount Pleasant Bowling Club recently held a Thank You Evening for their many volunteers. In his welcome the Club President, Kevin Swan, said that the Club could not function without its volunteers and that a lot of the 60 people present are members of committees but that many others make a significant contribution in an informal manner. Both groups are highly valued by the Club. The Mount Pleasant Bowling Club has been a part of the local community for over 50 years and encourages local families to take part in social events and activities.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
• Marj and Ron Wrightson pictured at the Thank You evening. They were both foundation members of the club and have been volunteering in various ways for 50 years.
Everyone enjoyed a buffet meal and complementary drinks. A great evening was enjoyed by all. Ron Messer – Mount Pleasant Bowling Club
• Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News •
• Back Row L-R; Kim Beale (Condingup) Len Chapman (Condingup) Barry Donohoe (Hopetoun) Ian Carson (Scaddan) Judy Paterson (Scaddan) Robert Bowling (Hopetoun) Terry Haddleton (Esperance) Noel Brown (Esperance) Front Row L-R; Kim Taylor (Condingup) Donna Liebeck (Scaddan) Coral Grant (Hopetoun) Veronica Mickel (Condingup).
Umpires Coordinator Donna Liebeck retires Donna Liebeck has retired from the position of League Umpires Coordinator and Level 1 Umpire for the South East Coastal Bowling League. Donna worked tirelessly for 11 years instructing and accrediting and re-accrediting new Level 1 Umpires and Measurers in our League. Donna first became a Level 1 Umpire in 1990 and has always been held in high regard as an Umpire at Club and League level.
The League have presented Donna with a silver photo frame, a certificate of appreciation and a beautiful bunch of flowers in thanks for all her work. The photo above was taken at Donna’s last re-accreditation day, held at the Esperance Bowling Club on Tuesday 4th June. She is pictured with some of the 18 Umpires and Measurers of the South East Coastal Bowling League. Kim Taylor – South East Coastal Bowling League
Goldfields Singles The Goldfields Ladies Bowling League conducted its A Grade League Singles and League Novice Singles at Boulder Bowling Club recently. Despite rain on the Wednesday, great bowls were played and on Thursday the finals were played in front of an appreciative audience. In an extremely close game, Sara Trow (Kalgoorlie) was the eventual winner from Irene Leahy (Boulder) with the score being 21/19. The Novice event attracted a large field of players, and was another close contest. Gail Gatti (Kalgoorlie) was the winner 17/14 from Janette Perks (Kalgoorlie). With both greens being utilised to near capacity, it augurs well for ladies bowls on the Goldfields. Merle Spence – Kalgoorlie Bowling Club
• Sara Trow.
• Gail Gatti.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
• Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News •
Rich Bowls Carnival attracts big field The $8,000 Annual Battery Wholesalers Men’s Invitational Classic Carnival was held at the Dudley Park Bowling and Recreational Club (Inc.) on the 27th and 28th April 2013. The event attracted entries from 42 Teams. It was sponsored by local business people Ian and Vicki Spragg from Battery Wholesalers and was supported by players including many State representatives from Metropolitan Clubs Osborne Park, Safety Bay, Yokine, South Perth, Cambridge Stirling, Warnbro, Mt Pleasant, Wanneroo, Manning, Kalamunda and Valley. Entries from South-West Clubs Bunbury, Eaton, Harvey and further afield Country Clubs Beverley, Brookton, Bruce Rock along with Murray Districts Teams completed the field. All of Dudley Park’s four synthetic greens were in play for the two day carnival. Competition was keen over the six games played under the scoring system where points are gained for game and end wins. Donna Boucaut – Dudley Park Bowling and Recreational Club
TAB Super Sixer It was an awesome day for bowls; weather was perfect, beer was cold and the burger for lunch was massive! We had a full field on the 5th May for our TAB Super Sixer which seems is becoming a very popular event with a fantastic format. Eaton was represented well but it was great to see teams travelling from all over our zone to join in the party. There were several teams with a great chance of winning going in to the last game. With a couple dropping their last game, opening up the competition, eventually the powerhouse team of Peter Hodgson, Ron Rushforth, Don Grey, Jimmy Johnson, Cliff Dawson and Gordon MacKenzie from Busselton won the event. Con Parker’s team from Halls Head finished second, Doug Wenn’s team from Eaton third and coming in fourth was Geoff Whyatt’s team. A special thanks to everyone for coming and supporting the Eaton Bowling Club. Darren ‘Wakka’ Kellond – Eaton Bowling Club BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
• Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News •
WA Country Zone 4s The Western Australian Ladies Country Zone Fours held at Corrigin Bowling Club on the 13th and 14th of April had a nail biting finish, with the result on the last end on both greens deciding the winners of the competition. Two teams ended with 4 points, but the winners on shots up were the South Western Zone from the Northern Zone. The winning teams were: B. Scott, S Payne, L. Egerton Green and K. Gaglia V. Spragg, P. Cant, S. Melvin and J. Rogalski D. Harrison, J. Winter, J. Henry and T. Hodgson R. Dunn, E. McDonald, P Huckson and M. Murphy A. Whyatt, K. Bedford, S.Armstrong and H. Crutwell The weather over the weekend was kind, overcast but fine, and the grass greens were in immaculate condition.
The members of the Corrigin Bowling Club did a sterling job in catering for the 90 players and officials. Well done to all. Glenys Collins – Eastern Bowling Zone
Hopetoun Bowling Club Men’s Classic Over the June long weekend, the Men’s Classic was held with a full green of 80 players. The men travelled from far and wide to play, starting with a roll up and sausage sizzle on Friday night and continuing throughout the weekend, there was a wonderful feeling of camaraderie in the Club. A lot of hard work goes into organising this event and we thank President Lance and his committee for obtaining all the sponsors. Without these sponsors, these events couldn’t happen and through their generosity we were able to give generous prize money to the players with rink winners for each game am, pm, day winners and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes. The men played a game of fours 14 ends, a game of pairs 12 ends and another game of fours each day; the scoring was 6 points for a win, 1 point for every end won and 1 point for scoring over 4 shots. This was a crucial point to the winners as they lost a game but ended up with one more point than a team that hadn’t lost a game. Many thanks to the members who came on Friday and prepared the green and surrounds, food and the bar. Also to the wives of members who prepared the soup and to Alwyn who cooked the beef on his spit. Thanks to all members who worked in the kitchen all weekend (many heaps of praise for the quality and quantity of the food given to the players and their wives), the washer uppers, the bar staff, the Captains, the groundsmen and Stan the Umpire.
• Winners of 2013 Classic – Kalgoorlie’s Con Funazzi, Shane Pullan, Pat Kennedy and Paul Butler. 3rd – Gnowangerup’s Vic Wellstead, M. Johnston, Billy Harris and Arthur Crabbe. 2nd – North Beach’s Gary Barr, Grant Palfrey, Geoff Devonish and Terry Jones
Thanks also to the bus driver who allowed zero tolerance with his many trips around Hopetoun ferrying the players to and fro and the raffle sellers. Once again, many thanks to all the sponsors and members for making it a wonderful couple of days. I hope I haven’t missed anyone out! The players were full of praise for how a small club like Hopetoun could coordinate such a rich and successful carnival. Linda Bower
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2013
After 22 years we’re moving! Re-Opening
thurs 1st August Kelvin Kerkow oam
Comfitpro shoes* Special Offer prices $90 Sporte Leisure clothing
Moving Specials! Purchase a set of Aero Bowls $495 + CX Bag $90 and receive a $50 voucher for any clothing Item over the value of $50 Every Bowler visiting the shop for the first time will receive a Bowls Dri free (value $10) Every Bowler visiting will go into the draw to win one of 3 sets of Aero Bowls (not exchangeable for cash) OFFERS VALID UNTIL 31/10/2013
New Address! BowlsWorld Factory Outlet 7a 30 Erindale Rd Balcatta WA 6021 Tel 08 9240 6777 kyle@aerobowls.com
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Approved Undersole of Hurricane and Flex
*14 day wear trial money back guarantee: Must be a genuine purchase. Original receipt required
ultraglide CX $90 fits in 99% of all lockers Double wheels and top quality pull handle Moulded durable base for extreme strength yet still lightweight Compartments for clothing and accessories
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