Edition 120 • August 2020
Bowls WA Awards Night Finalists In this Issue: • Kerry Andersen and Hendy Cowan retire • Clubs make the most of Covid-19 assistance • The decline of Pennant participation
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
jack hi
Our Cover
Edition 120 • August 2020
Jack Hi Editorial
with Aaron DELAPORTE Bowls WA will undergo a change in leadership shortly with the retirement of long time board members Hendy Cowan and current President Kerry Andersen. Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride takes a look at the service these two well respected members of the bowls community have made to the sport. I would also like to thank them for the support they have provided the staff during their terms in office. In what under normal circumstances would be an edition of the Jack Hi where we celebrated the past seasons achievements on and off the green instead we announce the finalists along with a revised date and venue for the Bowls WA Awards Night which can be found on page 13, good luck to all those clubs, players and officials in contention and I look forward to congratulating the winners in due course. Given no competitions have been held in recent months this edition gives us a chance to look at some things happening off the green. A large number of clubs have used the Covid time wisely with upgrades to their club reported on pages 14-16. With competition events soon to begin and players returning to the greens, I wish everyone all the best for the looming season. Fingers crossed the WA community can continue to do the right thing moving forward so we can continue to enjoy our great game.
Features in this issue Awards Night Finalists
Clubs and Covid-19
Robert Mosely Award
Binninup Pennant Victors
Bowls WA Awards Night Finalists In this Issue: • Kerry Andersen and Hendy Cowan retire • Clubs make the most of Covid-19 assistance • The decline of Pennant participation
• Cover: Kerry Andersen retires.
Contents President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Inclusive Practices..................................6 From the Umpires..................................8 From the Country Director.....................10 Kerry Anderson/Hendy Cowan retire.......12 Bowls WA Awards Night Finalists...........13 Clubs and Covid-19 assistance.........14-16 The decline of Pennant participation.......17 Regional Bowls Managers' Update.....18-19 Robert Mosely Volunteer Award.............20 Binningup pennant victories..................20 New clubhouse for Eaton......................22
Eaton Bowling Club.
Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is Friday October 21st, 2020. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au
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Jack Hi is produced for BowlsWA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au Phone: 08 9440 5863 • 0411 220 239.
©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.
1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Kerry Andersen. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au
From the President
Take care and look forward to the future At last our clubs have been permitted to open, albeit with restrictions in place. I urge clubs to be vigilant in their procedures for members to ensure we remain safe and can surely look forward to a new season ahead. I wish everyone good health and a speedy recovery to business and clubs. Whilst clubs have been closed, many have taken the opportunity to refresh their clubs and use the shutdowns as time to engage with repairs and maintenance around their premises and greens. I commend those clubs and I thank Aaron Delaporte who has reported those activities on the Bowls WA website. I am sure that clubs have availed themselves of the government stimulus packages available to them and hope these have gone some way to ensure their viability. Our Regional Bowls Managers, Clive Adams and Steve Unsworth continue in their guidance and support for clubs and have been much in demand over the past few months. I thank them for their commitment and acknowledge the many hours they spend on the road to visit clubs all over the State.
Association Surplus I am pleased to report that the Association ended the year in surplus, having received a government funding increase and with sponsorship maintained. Together with the federal government stimulus package received due to the COVID-19 crisis, Bowls WA is happy to be able to provide relief to clubs in the form of a reduction in Affiliation Fees for the 2020/21 season.
President's Forum The President’s Forum which was held via email due to circumstance, proved a success with fifty two clubs from a total of sixty five clubs responding. This resulted in a clear direction for the relevant committees leading into next season. Because of the abrupt end to the season, many events were abandoned. The cancellation of pennant finals and State events, as well as the proposed Nationals which were to be held in October, is a disappointment to all.
C ampbell design Printing Management • Printing Consultancy For all your printing requirements, please contact Greg Campbell for a discussion or quote. Office: 08 9440 5863 • Mobile: 0411 220 239 Email: gregcam@iinet.net.au
However, Bowls Australia has decided to re-schedule the Champion of Champion events to be played later in the year at the Dandenong BC. Bowls WA has seen fit to re-introduce the Champion of Champion Singles fixture in September, primarily because this Australian event leads to entry into the World Champion of Champions.
Awards Night Cancellation The Annual Awards Night in May was forced into cancellation, however Bowls WA proposes to hold an event in October to recognise outstanding contributors to the past season. This is likely to be an event restricted in numbers and by invitation only, considering the format and timing of the evening.
Video for relaying messages Bowls WA has sought the aid of video in relaying messages to the membership which are able to be viewed on the website. This has proven to be a useful tool in explaining current issues which are sometimes easier to understand than the written word. Technology has certainly advanced and email and video have become reliable methods for communication between the Association and the membership. Bowls Link continues to improve its capabilities and is now widely used by clubs and members.
Thanks to the Staff at Bowls WA I would like to thank Ken Pride and the staff for their hard work and dedication over the past few months. They have had a difficult year with storm damage to the office to address, before the closing of the office was forced upon them. I thank them for their patience and consideration in the management of office hours.
AGM postponed The AGM of the Association has been deferred until August, to enable the Board to consider the uncertain future we face, in the best way possible. Hendy Cowan has served ten years on the Board and will be retiring. I thank Hendy for his commitment and the expertise he has brought to the table. This will be my last column for Jack Hi. My term as President is nearing a close and I will not be re-nominating. I have enjoyed serving the membership and have met many of you during my term. I leave the Association in good hands and I hope my successor and the Board enjoy the support of the membership as I have done. I will take a keen interest in Bowls WA and its direction into the future. Be considerate of one another, play by the rules and stay safe everyone. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
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From the Chief Executive Officer
WA to fare better than Eastern States As our clubs in WA continue to trade and allow us to play whenever we wish, spare a thought for those over East who continue to endure restricted access to not only their club but work and family – we are indeed fortunate we are 'over here'. Generally speaking it appears we will fare much better than our Eastern States counterparts. NSW and Queensland normally receive fees in May/June and with the long-time closure of clubs over their peak period a great number are facing permanent closure or at least significant financial disadvantage. Even though many of our clubs have faced reduced income, this has been made far easier by occurring in our 'off season' and the receipt of the various government stimulus packages. Consider our club’s position if the virus hit in October, with November, December closures! Irrespective, the Board is pleased to be able to reduce affiliation fees to clubs by 20% for the coming season, representing the stimulus funding received by Bowls WA, the reduction of expenses given the cancellation of events such as the Annual Awards Night and the National Sides Series and a successful year in sponsorship and other government funding. This will see a significant deficit in the 2020/21 accounts but with an improving investment portfolio the reduction in fees remains financially responsible given the circumstances.
Promotion/Demotion On a lighter note we do look forward to the Promotion/Demotion fixtures and the hosting of the Champion of Champion events in September. The Champion of Champions event in particular will give our current club singles champions the opportunity to play for a national and thereafter world title. The minimum disruption and ease of organization allows this event to occur – we just hope the nominated host club of Dandenong BC will be able to conduct the event! As we noted on our website we are not playing the balance of events missed mainly to provide a free run for clubs to conduct their events and make some extra dollars. There are only a certain number of available playing dates before the new season gets underway and we thought it best
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
to leave those to clubs, rather than drop some large state events into the mix. Already we are seeing plenty of clubs gearing up to host various tournaments and make a few dollars before the season proper gets underway.
New Affiliation Fees model The season will also see a new model for clubs to be charged an Affiliation Fee to maintain membership of Bowls WA. It is acknowledged that the pennant based model last year did not achieve the desired result for all clubs – there were winners and losers as expected, but the size of some of the losers was unsustainable for those clubs. We return now to a form of capitation which more accurately reflects a club’s playing rights membership and will be the same for each of the country clubs, whilst the metro clubs will pay on average an additional 10-15%. It is important that clubs are honest in their classification of their membership; significant penalties will apply to those clubs that try and dodge the proper payment for their members. The onus will be on clubs to explain themselves and justify their actions if issues arise, not for Bowls WA to prove any guilt. The classification is simple; if the club membership allows them to play in events such as club championships, gala days, club tournaments and the like then they need to pay their way.
Decision on BPL12 pending With COVID-19 particularly prevalent over East, we await the decision by Bowls Australia on the playing of BPL12 at the fantastic Club Pine Rivers in Brisbane. Of particular interest will be the hugely successful BPL Cup which of course WA dominated last year with both finalists from South Perth BC. At the time of writing the qualifying events were about to commence; make sure you find one to play in and keep trying if you miss the first time out – it is a bowling week not to be missed. Good luck to all bowlers and clubs as we move into somewhat of a new era for the game.
Inclusive Practices Officer
Striving for Personal Achievement from Grass Root Inclusion Programs to National Events…
Inclusive Practices – A Year in Review The 2019 National Bowling Arm Sides Championships were hosted in Tranmere, South Australia. The WA Sandgropers have been competing for three years and finished 3rd in 2019 along with winning three, of five available, interstate Shields against Queensland, South Australia, and Tasmania. 2020 was meant to be WA’s first time hosting the National Championships when the event was postponed to 2021 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Another impact of the Pandemic was the postponement of the 2020 State Bowling Arm Championships, this has now been rescheduled for October 5 and 6 at Warnbro. Entries are open until Friday 11 September!
• All States – 2019 Opening Ceremony at Tranmere Bowling Club SA.
2020 All Abilities State Championships The 2020 All Abilities State Championships were played at Kardinya Bowling Club with 38 participants competing in Singles and Pairs- a 19% growth from 2019! Bowls WA extends thanks to the players, volunteers, and Kardinya Bowling Club for their commitment to this fantastic inclusive event!
Deaf Singles
Gregory Strachan (Gosnells)
David Ravlich (Cockburn)
Intellectual Singles
Peter Pewsey (Kalamunda)
Joseph Lehane (Gosnells)
Physical Singles
Wayne Allsopp (Dowerin)
Billy Davies (Forrestfield)
Visual Singles
Ray Graham (Forrestfield)
Mavis Ballantyne (Perth and Tattersalls)
Combination Pairs
Joe Lehane (Gosnells) Peter Pewsey (Kalamunda)
Serge Ansquer (Albany) Ray Graham (Forrestfield)
Deaf Pairs
Robert Scott (Gosnells) Gregory Strachan (Gosnells)
Dave Gannaway (Lake Monger) Dave Ravlich (Cockburn)
Physical Pairs
Eddie Gollan (Rossmoyne) Andrew Edmonds (Northam)
Billy Davies (Forrestfield) Greg Power (Scarborough)
Inclusion Event History – State and National With increased research time available during the Covid-19 isolation period I was able to put together an 'Inclusion Event History'' for WA’s involvement at State and National level. These detail the players name, debut club and year, and accomplishments. The histories can be found on the Bowls WA Website at the following locations. For information on Inclusive Practices please contact Denise McMillan on 0449 619 841 or denise@bowlswa.com.au
All Ability State Championships (State) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
2015-2020 Total Records (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/all-ability-championships/) Deaf Players (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/hearing-impaired/) Intellectual Players (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/intellectual/) Physical Players (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/physical/) Vision Impaired Players (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/visually-impaired/)
Bowling Arm Players (State and National) 1. Bowling Arm State Championships (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/bowling-arm/) 2. Sandgroper State Side: National Bowling Arm Sides Championships (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/bowling-arm-state-history/)
Physical Disability Players (State and National) 1. All Ability State Championships (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/physical/) 2. Physical Disability State Side: National Multibowl (https://www.bowlswa.com.au/physical-disability-side/)
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
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From the Umpires
Covid-19 and Umpiring Courses Bowls WA Umpires course are usually conducted in the Metro area during May and September and in Country Leagues at times suited to their seasonal conditions. Necessarily, all those planned have had to be put on HOLD until the Relevant medical advice deemed it safe, so it was necessary to skip the usual April/May Officiating courses in the Metro areas with all those due or about due to re-accredit having their qualifications extended past the usual 6 month leeway to allow them to do the simpler re-accreditation rather than re-do the whole course as would normally be required. 2019-20 also saw the completion of the transition from the previous grading of Umpires to the Marker, Measurer and National Umpire accreditation processes introduced in 2015, with previous Level 1 and 2 Umpires re-accrediting, after their 4-year terms, to National Umpire status with the introduction of a long neglected focus through the Marker module. With the end of this transition, the format of our courses for Umpires has also been modified somewhat in that reaccrediting of Umpires does not need sitting the full Marker module. The re-accreditation has 5 additional task-specific checks on Marker skills included in the simplified reaccreditation process, which should take about 4 hours all told. Hence the Re-accrediting Officials will attend different sessions to New Officiating aspirants, so with the significant partial lifting of Covid restrictions, the Umpires' Committee is planning to conduct a series of smaller course/s for separate Re-accreditation and New Umpires across the Metro area. Of necessity, these will be restricted in number so when applications are submitted, we will ask that, in addition to the first choice of time/venue, a second choice be nominated in case their first choice is over subscribed. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis in determining which choice will apply. Naturally, should Covid19 dictate that we go back into a degree of restriction that precludes conduct of these sessions, there will be a necessary review of the National response and direction/s we will need to adopt for future Officiating training. In the meantime, it is hoped that the lock-downs provided some time for those of you who wish to keep up with the roles of Officiating, to study the excellent 'Officiating Manual' and/ or reflect upon some of those trickier situations and questions you have been faced with or heard about during our somewhat truncated season.
Presenters and Assessors (P&A) The current Officiating numerical statistics for WA appear to have been reasonably static, when viewed simply as total numbers on a Statewide basis, reflecting the broader state of membership movement, but they are still a little skewed by the fact that some Cubs and Leagues are more diligent in
maintaining their respective essential capabilities, others find it more difficult to do so. Clubs do need to ensure they attribute a higher responsibility to their members toward their Officiating obligations, to continue as viable sporting entities. Officiating Presenter and Assessor numbers have reduced slightly, so there is a real need for new capable applicants to take on this rewarding role. We really DO require suitable persons willing to qualify to ensure a consistent succession of quality P&A's to maintain the current high standards of Umpire training.
International Technical Official A number of spectators at various State events (knockouts and finals) have been heard to query what those people wearing the redand grey ITO uniforms represent. They are International Technical Officials – an Umpiring (or officiating) qualification coming from a World Bowls' assessment for which qualified National Umpires can apply. It is the highest umpiring qualification available internationally and enables anyone passing the exams and accrediting, to officiate at international events such as World Championships and Commonwealth Games. It is a 5 year accreditation that is recognised worldwide by all 54 member countries. It is also the preferred qualification sought for National events. For anyone with three years or more qualification as National Umpire, wishing to try their hand at sitting the rigorous ITO assessment, applications usually close around December – January (except under such restrictions imposed under the COVID-19 pandemic conditions, of course) and require experience in Marking and Officiating at National, State or Regional Championship events within the prior two years, at minimum. If you are interested in receiving further information, please contact Bowls WA Umpires Committee who would be pleased to provide any guidance sought. (Again, Covid-19 may affect the timing of such assessments in the immediate future!) Wishing all of you a safe and healthy avoidance of the ravages of the pandemic by adhering to the most sensible hygiene regimes recommended and avoid the pitfalls suffered in so many other places!
Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
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Evergreen Synthetic Grass (Mark and Nicola Frazer) have recently completed upgrades to three of our greens. One grass green was replaced with a sand filled ULTRA PLUS synthetic surface whilst two of our grass greens have had new banks installed. Prior to engaging Evergreen Synthetic Grass we embarked on a process to evaluate the options available to us for a synthetic surface to replace one of our grass greens. This process included talking with and visiting many clubs who had installed a synthetic green, evaluating the pros and cons of the various surface options including carpet, needle punch and sand filled. We also spoke with several potential installers as we assessed the options of what would best suit our requirements. We also surveyed our top bowlers as to the synthetic surfaces that they preferred to bowl on. At the conclusion of the evaluation process we decided to go with Evergreen Synthetic Grass because we were impressed with Mark’s attitude, honesty and also the fact that he would be working on the job with his team. We also decided that the option of a sand filled Ultra Plus surface would best meet our needs.We believe that we are fortunate to have selected Evergreen Synthetic Grass because that decision has resulted in us having a magnificent bowling surface within months of installation.” – Dalkeith Bowling Club.
Our Services include: • Consultation and design • Construction – Base building, retaining walls, drainage, ditch walls, lighting, fencing, paving, shelters, retractable shade systems and landscaping. • Accredited installation • Endorsed maintenance • Comprehensive warranties • Grant funding and application support
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From the Country Director
Abide by the restrictions and stay healthy It is pleasing to see Clubs opening up and playing bowls, all be it social bowls at this stage. It has been back to normal for most clubs. Generally at this time of the year clubs are in recess in the Southern part of the State. The grey nomads convoy to the sunny north was looking grim in early June however when the lockdown borders were taken down the progression started. By all reports that I have received numbers are down a little, but this could be because no eastern state bowlers are permitted to enter the State. Also flyers for competitions are starting to appear on club email’s so let’s stay positive and support these clubs. Venues and dates for ILLR’s and IZRR’s have been finalised.
Congratulations Mathew Mitchell This year’s Women’s country week had to be cancelled however the Men’s Country week was completed before the lock down. Congratulations to Mathew Mitchell on winning the Singles Title and also winning the Pairs Title with partner Jon Sharp from Emu Point. Congratulations to Will Hyatt, Rob Tiller, Bob Tiller and Jason O’Brien on winning the Fours Title. This year the Bignell Shield for the most outstanding Club was won by Emu Point Bowling Club.
Clubs – Forward your nominations for Awards This year the Annual Awards Night had to be cancelled because of the lockdown. However we are still asking clubs to forward nominations for the Annual Awards. Nominations forms have been sent to clubs to fill in with a restricted Awards Night to be held later in the year for Clubs and recipients of individual awards being invited.
Thankyou to Aaron Delaporte I would like to thank Aaron Delaporte for the time and effort he has put into getting the Bowls Link program up and running. I think we all experienced a few issues with the new system last year. In these times, Government regulations require us to do things differently. Aaron has made some changes which will make it easier to record pennant results and enter details of new members. By now all clubs should be aware of the new formula for determining each clubs affiliation fee for the 20/21 season which will be determined by the number of green dots allocated to active members on the Bowls Link system. I would ask administrators of clubs to contact your RBM to help determine how your club will determine who is classed as an active member.
Southern Zone win Women's IZRR Pairs Congratulations to the Southern Zone on winning the Women’s IZRR Pairs at Jurien Bay and the South West Zone on winning the Men’s IZRR fours in Kellerberrin for the fourth year in a row. The women’s IZRR Fours to be held at Albany in April had to be cancelled because of the lock down.
Thanks to Clive Adams and Steve Unsworth… I would like to take this opportunity to thank Clive Adams and Steve Unsworth for the work they are doing to help country clubs. They are employed by Bowls Australia to draw up strategic plans and to give guidance on running clubs. They will also help with applications to obtain any DSR money. Sincere thanks also to Ken Pride and his office staff for their continued support and wish all League and Zone representatives all the best for the coming season.
Venues and dates for ILLR’s and IZRR’s Teams
Northern Zone
IZRR Ladies Fours
Eastern Zone
Southern Zone
Southwest Zone
17th-18th April 2021 Merredin Civic
IZRR Mens Fours
6th-7th February 2021 Busselton
IZRR Ladies Pairs
13th-14th February 2021 Murray League Venue TBA
IZRR Ladies Fours
12th-13th-14th March 2021 Jurien Bay
IZRR Mens Fours
9th-10th January 2021 Venue TBA
IZRR Ladies Pairs
20th-21st-22nd November 2020 – Geraldton
8th-9th-10th January 2021 Merredin Club
12th-13th-14th March 2021 Gnowangerup
3rd-4th February 2021 Venue TBA
9th-10th January 2021 Venue TBA
9th-10th January 2021 Busselton
21st-22nd November 2020 Esperance
18th-9th November 2020 Augusta
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
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A decade of service to Bowls This year’s Annual General Meeting will see two of the Board’s longest serving Directors retire. Kerry Andersen and Hendy Cowan joined the Board in 2010, Hendy along with Pat Buller and others in Buller’s successful election as President and Kerry via a number of years in country bowls administration. Each in quite different ways have influenced the way the Association has managed its affairs, to the point where now bowls is acknowledged as one of the financially strongest and well governed sporting organisations in WA. Hendy of course needs no introduction after a long and successful career in politics. It is this clarity of thought and passion for the sport, particularly in the country, that has provided the Board with sage advice on many matters of appropriate governance in a quickly changing regulatory environment. If Hendy had an opinion on a matter at Board – there was little doubt you would hear it loud and clear, the argument would be spelt out clearly and a resolution found – but always for the betterment of the bowler in mind. That strong stance on all things WA and Country will be sorely missed. We thank Hendy for his ten years service, which Constitutionally requires retirement from Board duties. Kerry Andersen retires as the Association President, respected by all who have come in contact with her, both locally and on the national administration scene. Kerry ascended to the role after the tragic loss of Graham Leeks in office; since that time her quiet conciliatory demeanour, her great knowledge of the sport in both country and metro areas and 'feel' for what the average
bowler is seeking from the sport has given rise to an outstanding Presidency. Kerry has been a people’s President, travelling vast distances to attend ILRR or IZRR, always prepared to attend event presentations wherever they may be and importantly making the role of President known through her personal introductions at meetings; not many work a room like Kerry. There have been many occasions where an angry CEO has wished to respond in a knee-jerk reaction to a particular issue; fortunately for me Kerry has taken the more tempered approach and in hindsight with far more effective results – many a fire has been extinguished rather than spread ! To Hendy and Kerry I offer the thanks of all bowlers and very much that of the Staff – the Board room will miss you both. – Ken Pride, CEO
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Annual Awards Night – RESCHEDULED TO OCTOBER 2020 –
Photos from 2019 Awards Night… Bowls WA is pleased to announce the finalists and details for the rescheduled Annual Awards Night for the 2019-20 season to be held on Friday October 2nd. This glittering occasion will again see a number of clubs, players, officials and volunteers recognised for their efforts during the shortened season. Unfortunately a small number of awards will not be able to be presented due to the cancellation of some events. The event will be held at the Royal Perth Golf Club and will be invite only available to the announced finalists and special guests due to a decrease in available seating.
Volunteer of the Year Award Ian Lilly – Mosman Park Adrienne Bellairs – Waroona John Hiller – Waroona Dave Hitchman – Yanchep Helen Morris – Maylands Phil Morris - Maylands
Metropolitan Club of the Year Award Bassendean, Bayswater*, Joondalup, Leeming, Sorrento, South Perth* *also eligible for small metropolitan club of the year
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Popular Bowls personality Clive 'Rinkside Live' Adams will MC the event for the first time which will also be live streamed via the Bowls WA Facebook page so supporters of those nominated clubs and players can still witness the winners live as they are announced on the night. Official proceedings will begin at 7pm. Along with the listed awards below presentations will also be made for the Over 60’s Bowlers of the Australian Seniors Sides Championships won by Noelene Abe and John Goddard along with the State Singles champions John Slavich and Laura Merz who will receive the Presidents Medal and Brooch respectively.
Men’s Over 60s Bowler of the Year
Country Club of the Year Award
Colin Jasper – Sorrento John Goddard – Hopetoun Bill Fraser – Quairading
Busselton, Emu Point
Women’s Over 60s Bowler of the Year Noelene Abe - Corrigin Barbara Lorencs – Sorrento Trish Cunningham – Mosman Park
Men’s Bowler of the Year Cody Packer – Osborne Park John Slavich – Doubleview
Women’s Bowler of the Year Laura Merz – Manning Hailey Packer – Manning
Coronavirus COVID-19 – Support for Clubs
Clubs make the most of lockdown With clubs shutdown and many people stuck at home, the Bassendean Bowling Club took the opportunity to give their club a complete once over with fantastic results. Club Secretary, Dave Snelgar had this to say on the clubs renovation. “Our president in particular, plus executive and our bar staff on Job Keeper have been the force behind this renewal. We have seen it as a blessing as some of this bar work could not have been done without some period of shutdown. A small contingent of people have been at the club during shutdown working in multiple areas. Once the restrictions eased a little we had more members volunteering their time to improve the premises. The Town of Bassendean have worked with us to replace the bar flooring and future projects are being discussed. There is literally too many people to thank individually regarding all the works done at the club. The atmosphere since returning has been fantastic and great to see the reactions of members and guests which makes it that much more worthwhile.” Here’s a review of some items completed pre-covid, and during the shutdown: • Audio Sound system with music and messages to the entire club (including greens) – finalised pre-shutdown. • Bore refurbish program; new bore installed under insurance after we found old bore fused. • Bar refurbish program; removed water damaged MDF under bar counter, replaced with aluminium sheeting and capping, replaced Vinyl flooring behind bar, new storage cabinets behind the bar, installed additional cool room shelving, repainted the entire bar area (top to bottom) and back storeroom; re-sheeted and removed all rust from cool room fridge; Darts chalkboard repainted. • Office was stripped, repaired and repainted; New office furniture installed; • A history walk was created between the hall and the toilets area. All trophy’s, photos and historic documents displayed for all to see. Including the replacement of some pennant shields now displayed above bar area; • Hall area walls, skirting all repainted, blinds removed, heaters removed, area clean and tidy with the mens and ladies honour boards coming together for a more inclusive club feel. • Kitchen cupboard, stripped cleaned and repainted, Kitchen storeroom cleaned and repainted; • Men’s and ladies toilets completely repainted and any repairs made; • Boardroom was stripped, carpet cleaned, old documents destroyed and general tidy up; • Rear storeroom received new heavy duty shelving and cupboards donated by members
• Outside window frames all re-painted; fly screen replaced; high pressure cleaned under patio eastern side (top to bottom) • Pillars on all greens have been stripped, primed and painted by volunteers. • Bench seating renewed, cleaned and painted (included new seat footings) Projects still to be completed of which some are already underway: • Two x BBC Signs on top of the building to replace fading sponsor logos; • Concrete walkway between A/B green to replace uneven pavers / also to reduce the step height for safety. (involved relocating greens reticulation pipes to under bench seating) • Bar flooring (Carpet tiles) to be replaced. • Bar stool replacement program underway with member assistance and grants. • Hall wood floors to be sanded and sealed. • R/C Air conditioning to entire premises. Bassendean Bowling Club turned a tricky situation into a positive leading by example as to what can be achieved in during difficult periods.Other clubs who also made significant improvements during the Covid-19 period.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 – Support for Clubs Kardinya Bowling Club Kardinya saw the installation of a new green over the break that was broken in quickly after restrictions were eased.
Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club Bayswater through multiple busy bees were able to put together a fantastic outdoor playground area. Through donation of equipment and volunteers this club got busy during the break in order to cater to families visiting their club to make the experience more enjoyable.
Tammin Bowling Club The Easter Bunny delivered brand new sand-filled green to the Tammin Bowling Club. Evergreen completed the project under the unusual circumstances.
Doubleview Bowling Club Doubleview decided to give some of the clubhouse a fresh lick of paint during the break. Small things like this can breathe new life into a club and freshen up the area.
Introducing Motobility as the Bowls WA over 60’s State Championships Sponsor
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 – Support for Clubs Broome Bowling Club
Wanneroo Sports and Social Club
The renovation of the Broome Bowling Club began early in the year and were finalised during the break. The renovation of the outdoor patio with the addition of outdoor ceiling fans is a a great upgrade for a bowling club and the end result is fantastic.
Wanneroo attracted the attention of PerthNow as a result of all their efforts during the restrictions to upgrade their facilities. President Dennis Hampton said the committee and volunteers had been working to modernise facilities in the building, which had housed the club for more than 50 years. “Because we were closed down by coronavirus, we thought we would take the opportunity to upgrade it. We could never do some of the work that we are doing now if we were fully operational.” Mr Hampton said the club had about 540 members and four sports sections, so there were people in it virtually every day. The club received a $20,000 grant in January, which it had to match, to replace carpets that were two or three decades old. It also decided to update the dance floor and with the club closed for several weeks, Mr Hampton said they decided to do more painting and renovations. Mr Hampton said volunteers had been working on a roster to maintain social distancing requirements and share the load.
Manning Bowling Club Manning Bowling Club used the break to install a Blue Tree as part of the Blue Tree Project, a cause aimed at mental health and well-being by helping spark difficult conversations. Because, it’s totally OK to have a blue day, particularly as the winter blues may hit. If you feel like you need some mental space, why not walk here, sit for a while and reflect? The original blue tree is in Mukinbudin and since then another 514 have popped up all over the country, all painted the same 'blue tree' colour (yes, the paint has been registered with that name!). The trees are dead so no harm is done when they are painted as a public reminder that it is OK to feel blue. The tree here in Manning was transported from Mukinbudin, craned and concreted into place.
Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Are more changes needed for Bowls to survive? As many long-term participants in the sport of bowls would be aware numbers of active pennant players continue to diminish season upon season. These reduced numbers which began after the sport peaked in the 1980’s are now at a level where impacts are being felt, especially amongst the lower divisions which are the grass roots of the sport. As shown in the graphs included this is particularly evident in the Metropolitan Men’s Saturday Pennant and Women’s Tuesday Pennants Competitions. The issues being felt in these lower grades are the number of byes and forfeits which can cause player dissatisfaction and the ever increasing preference by individuals to choose to play in more social competitions in which participants can pick and choose when they play and not commit to a full afternoon of bowls every Saturday, Thursday or Tuesday. Anecdotal studies of player participation also show that less players now engage in all 18 games during a season with socio-economic changes in society relating to work and family commitments having a bearing on this which is hard felt in the selection committee room each week as clubs struggle to field regular sides. Bowls WA and Bowls Australia have long been aware of this situation and have with club engagement attempted to look at various formats and changes to the way the game is played. This is of course not unique to the sport of bowls with all major participation sports doing similar things such as looking at shorter format sports like T20 cricket and Fast4tennis. The BPL and Jack Attack has proved relatively successful in the sport of bowls, but those changes are yet to really filter down to the traditional format of the sport. Several years ago, Bowls WA initiated a subcommittee called Bowls 2025 which was tasked with looking into competitions run by Bowls WA. It sought the advice of clubs who were asked to contribute with ideas and then put some of these into action with the changes to the Midweek Pennant Competition. Unfortunately these changes proved ultimately unsuccessful with clubs almost unanimously agreeing to move back to the traditional format. This committee will continue to look at how things can change as doing nothing will only result in the slow death of pennants in the long term. As always Bowls WA welcomes the input of clubs in this process.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Regional Bowls Managers Clive Adams Bowls Regional Manager – WA North Phone: 0408 136 831 Email: cadams@bowls.com.au
Steve Unsworth Bowls Regional Manager – WA South Phone: 0418 890 680 Email: sunsworth@bowls.com.au
Clubs need to be prepared for challenges The word 'unprecedented' gets bandied around plenty in the modern age, however it is perhaps fitting for what we have all gone through in the past few months. Clubs have shown remarkable resilience and strength in a time where positivity and planning have never been so important. This year has presented challenges never seen before, and for us to think that this is over and things will simply become normal once more is perhaps a little naïve. Clubs that best prepare for what lies ahead, over the next twelve months, are the ones that will truly prosper. And if we think we have had it bad, having to sit at home, just think about what would’ve been the outcome had things happened differently. What if the virus had struck in October? What could that have meant to our season, but moreover what would’ve happened to our Clubs. In the RBM role, we strive to assist clubs to become more resilient, more financially stable, to plan effectively and to embrace change. Never have we seen those four attributes be so important as now, and in the near future.
Why are we members of Clubs? People become members of our clubs for many reasons – some because of a love for sport, and our sport; some for an outlet – they want to be challenged; but many join our clubs for the social aspect and the feeling of companionship and fellowship. During the lockdown period we saw many clubs, and individuals, go above and beyond, to keep members informed and feeling part of their Club – our people are our clubs. We’ve shown that the club atmosphere can rise above the simple bricks and mortar that we often call our “Club”, extend beyond the surfaces upon which we play, and come right into our homes. For those individuals and clubs that took the time to make a phone call, or organise a Zoom meeting (who knew what Zoom was three months ago), or simply find a way to reach out to their fellow members and mates, we say thank you – you are what clubs are all about.
Bowls Australia Programs In an interrupted year, our programs have still been a great success, and the suite of options now spans all age groups. Jr Jack Attack continues to provide school aged children with a first look at lawn bowls. Record numbers of schools have been involved in the program nationwide through the Sporting Schools Program. We are always on the lookout for more coaches, so whilst thanking those that have been involved, we do ask that anyone who enjoys working with children in the sport that we all love simply gets in touch and we can gets things moving to get you involved.
Clubs running Jack Attack continue to be pleased with the format and the outcomes they are getting, but we need more clubs on board. We have some great community and corporate programs out there, however to attract more new people to our sport, why not try a different format – signing up to a Jack Attack program gives you the tools you’ll need to get new people through the door. Finally, we have the Roll Back The Clock program. This program targets helping people in their senior years stay active and healthy. Our clubs host sessions that involve simply movement base exercise combined with information sessions on those health topics that are important as we grow older. We have seen firsthand the value of these programs to our club members and the wider community.
BPL Cup What an amazing run WA had in the BPL Cup. Over 160 teams competed for the right to head to Pine Rivers last November and play in the finals – amazingly South Perth claimed all three qualifying positions. They didn’t stop there however, as the Millers charged through the finals field and presented an all-South Perth BPL Cup final to be remembered. Live on Fox Sports the two teams went at it, embracing what the BPL Cup is all about. Despite some delays due to COVID the BPL Cup has returned for another year and we expect WA can have just as big an influence on this season’s BPL Cup. Head to the Bowls Australia website to find out where you can participate.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Regional Bowls Managers Report
Engagement with your local council Certainly over the past few years, as RBMs we have spoken to a number of councils regarding their attitudes to bowls, the health of their clubs, and the future of our wonderful sport. Gone are the days of sitting back quietly in our clubs and just sliding by. More and more we are seeing clubs that get on the front foot with their council being rewarded with grants, opportunities and plans for the future. Congratulations to all the clubs that have received grants in the last twelve months and put them to good use – we’ve seen new synthetic greens installed, fantastic new lights and even some brand new clubhouses built over the past year. Certainly some exciting times amongst the challenging ones. To the clubs that have taken the time to give their headquarters a much needed makeover during the COVID shutdown period – well done. As members, make sure you comment to, and congratulate, all those involved.
Exciting times ahead As we head out of the COVID lockdown times, hopefully for good, we have learned so many important lessons that will shape the future of our Clubs.
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
We might even stop taking things for granted a little, and appreciate exactly what our clubs offer and provide. As we move forward, we have a public that will be demanding opportunities to simply get out and enjoy life again. What part can we play in that, as clubs, and as a sport? We encourage all clubs to take the time to write down three things that they would like to achieve this year – they might be different things that you have never tried – they might be things you’ve done before but that you can capitalise on even more. Make your list (you could even call it a plan), get in touch with us as RBMs, and you have our commitment to assist you in making those plans a reality.
Get us Involved As RBMs we spend many hours phoning clubs to arrange appointments, however our roles work so much more effectively if it is you calling us. You fancy applying for a grant, you want to attract more young people to your club, or you like the sound of the Roll Back the Clock program and what it might bring to your community? Give us a call and we will be out to see you, meet with you in person, and go the extra mile to help you succeed.
Binningup bring home two flags The Binningup Bowling Club is a small club situated 35 kilometres north of Bunbury in the South West of WA. The club boasts two synthetic greens, both renewed in the last four years. The club fielded teams in three of the four Divisions in the Tuesday Pennant competition in the South West League. Twenty four players filled the teams and with just twenty eight playing men members it is ine of the smallest clubs in the league. Division 2 and 3 finished on top of the ladder with Division 4 finished 4th. Division 2 failed to fire in the final and missed out however the Division 3 and 4 teams went through and won the pennant. This is an outstanding result for such a small dedicated club and those that have been around the league can’t remember the last time the club has achieved such a great result. The 4th Division team ranged from 64 years of age to 83 and an average age of 69. It also included three bowlers who were only in their 4th and 5th years of bowling. Success breeds success and the club is looking forward to having two teams in 2nd Division next year which will make the selectors earn their keep. • Top: 3rd Division Pennant Flag Winners for 2020. Bottom: 4th Division Pennant Flag Winners for 2020.
Rob Mosely in Jack Hi win Dancers, the deaf, and the French are breathing life into Lake Monger Recreation Club, club president Rob Moseley says. “We never used to have so many people around here on a Friday night,” Mr Moseley said. Mr Moseley and other club volunteers have been working to attract more groups to use the clubhouse and bowling greens to help counteract a downturn in bowls membership and bar revenue being felt by clubs around Australia. The club hired a barman who knew sign language after the WA Deaf Recreation Association began hosting regular social nights at Lake Monger. “We’ve got six of them who now bowl with us,” Mr Moseley said. A group of French expats play petanque at the club each Friday and several dance clubs use the main hall. Last week, Cambridge mayor Keri Shannon visited the club to present Mr Moseley with the council’s annual Sports and Recreation Volunteer award. “Every time I’m over here he tries to hit me up for money,” Ms Shannon told a crowd of club members. “Whatever needs happening around here, he sorts it all out.” Mr Moseley said he joined the club a decade ago.
Published in POST Newspapers 25 Jul 2020 – by Ben Dickinson
• Lake Monger Recreation Club president Rob Moseley was recognised for years of tireless volunteer work by Cambridge mayor Keri Shannon.
“I was a six-foot, fairly upright young man,” he said, before stooping down and miming a hunched back. “We’re always looking for volunteers.”
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
Eaton Central announces $3.8m to Community Hub Bowls WA congratulates Eaton Bowling and Social Club on being a part of a new and exciting community hub planned for the area with work to commence later this year. The Eaton club had already begun integrating other community clubs and social organisations into its current facility, as it looked to diversify user groups and increase public use of the club. The Eaton Community Hub concept is designed to provide a shared space for local events and activities.
Media statement June 28,2020 Concept designs have been unveiled for the new $3.8 million Eaton Community Hub, with construction due to commence by the end of the year. The Eaton Community Hub is a McGowan Government election commitment to help redevelop the Eaton Bowling and Social Club located on the Collie River in Eaton. The club will become a multi-use community facility that will provide a space for local community groups, as well public functions and activities. The Shire of Dardanup has led the planning process which has been ongoing for the past 12 months. A condition assessment on the existing building, constructed in 1972, concluded that a new facility was the best value for money. The Shire will advertise the tender for the design and construction of the new building in July, with the preferred contractor expected to commence in October 2020.
Premier Mark McGowan comments… “This will be a fantastic facility that will bring the community together for a range of events and activities. “This important election commitment is progressing well. The original plan was to upgrade the bowls club but, after some planning, it became clear that a brand new facility was the best option.”
Premier Mark McGowan comments… “The bowling club building is nearly 50 years old and making it into a community hub with modern facilities will make it more attractive to a much wider range of users and community groups. “For instance, discussions have been held with the Eaton Senior Citizens Club with the group expected to co-locate there.”
Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au
BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020
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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • August 2020