Jack Hi Spring 2018 Edition 115

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Edition 115 • Spring 2018

In this Issue: • Premier League Preview – 2018-19 • New Sponsorship Opportunities • Affiliation Fees Discussion • Vale Daniel Patterson

Under 18 Championships – p16

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jack hi

Our Cover


Edition 115 • Spring 2018

Jack Hi Editorial with Cameron Harris In this Issue: • Premier League Preview – 2018-19 • New Sponsorship Opportunities • Affiliation Fees Discussion • Vale Daniel Patterson

2018-19 season to commence Welcome to the first Jack Hi of the new season. Over the last couple of months, I’ve had the pleasure of doing an internship with Bowls WA which includes helping put this edition of Jack Hi together. Highlights in this edition include the performance of our under 18’s team in Queensland, the second running of the Everest of Bowls and Clive Adams’ finishing runner-up in the Australian Indoor Singles. I’d like to wish all players all the best for the coming season and I look forward to seeing you all out on the green.

Features in this issue Under 18 Championships


Premiew League Preview 18-19

Winning Drive


Everest to Russell Bates


Under 18 Championships – p16

• Under 18s representative Jack East.

Contents President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Inclusive Practices..................................6 From the Umpires..................................8 Country Director.....................................9 Incorporated Associations ACT article.......9 MWSF Case Study...............................12 New Sponsorships...............................13 Mt Lawley Consistency Singles..............14 U18 Championships............................16 Vale Daniel Patterson............................17 Winning Drive......................................17 Men's Premier League Preview...............18 Women's Premier League Preview..........19 New Affiliation Fees..............................20 Another WA win at Moama...................21 Jack Hi Rankings.................................21 BPL Series Preview..............................22 Everest event to Russell Bates................24 New Cockburn Bowling Club.................26 State Squads announced.......................28 Waroona 5000 event............................30 Lifestyle Article Legal Corner........................................27

Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is 21st January 2019. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au

C ampbell design

Jack Hi is produced for BowlsWA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au Phone: 08 9440 5863 • 0411 220 239.

©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.

1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Kerry Andersen. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au

From the President


Annual General Meeting 2018 The Annual General Meeting was held in July. A quorum presided, with 30 metropolitan and three country clubs in attendance. Nominations for office bearers and committee persons were once again disappointing, with no nominees for the two positions for male metropolitan members for the Bowls Management Committee. A position on the Board is also vacant to date. Following the AGM, at the August Board meeting, these portfolios were declared: Kerry Andersen President for the ensuing two years Larry Bandy Deputy President and Finance, Audit and Risk Committee Lisa Featherby Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Chair) Marc Abonnel Bowls Management Committee (Chair) Vince Del Prete Club Development Committee (Chair) Deb Capper Club Development Committee Hendy Cowan Governance Committee (Chair) Ross Warburton Country Committee (Chair) The Board will continue to provide support and guidance for our clubs and strive to grow the game in WA. BWA volunteers were invited to the meeting and their contribution to the Association recognised. My thanks go to the Manning BC for the use of their facility and for providing a delightful light lunch.

New Sponsor BWA has gained a major sponsor, Blooms the Chemist, for the next three years. This is a significant boost to the Association and I would like to commend our CEO Ken Pride for achieving this outcome.

Affiliation Fees The Affiliation Fee has been reviewed by the special committee formed for the purpose, and the outcomes explained at length at both Forums and at the AGM. Further presentations will be made, both in the metropolitan area and in regional clubs, prior to a Special Meeting of BWA to be held on December 8. A Constitutional change is required, and the Notice of Motion will be distributed to country clubs in mid-October. Please make yourselves aware of how the Affiliation Fee will be determined and support your club and BWA at this important Special meeting.

Cockburn Bowling and Recreation Centre I had pleasure in attending the Opening of the Cockburn Bowling and Recreational Centre recently. This is an outstanding facility which incorporates two bowling greens (one is covered), volley ball courts and soccer fields, together with extensive function and service areas. The Centre has attracted over 1000 social members during the first month in operation.

New Season underway

Vale Daniel Patterson The bowls community is in mourning following the recent tragic death of Daniel Patterson. A State representative and familiar smiling face around the clubs, Daniel will be sadly missed. Our deepest sympathy is extended to his family.


The season is underway, with the National Bowling Arm Challenge recently played in NSW. At the time of writing, BPL finals are being held around the metropolitan and regional areas. The Under 18 State team will head off to the Capalaba Sports Club for the National Series in early October. Our senior players are heading to the Copper Coast in SA for the Nationals in mid- October. On the local scene, the pennant allocations are being collated by the Fixtures and Events committee and clubs are preparing their greens in readiness for play. I would like to wish everyone a great season – lots of events, lots of fun – I can’t wait! BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

From the Chief Executive Officer


Club Affiliation and Membership Fees Affiliation Fee vote A key outcome of the 2016 Annual General Meeting, where the current model of Club Affiliation Fees was passed, was for the Board to conduct a formal review of the system within three years. As a result a representative committee was formed in late 2017 to consider the operation of the current model and its appropriateness going forward. The committee of: Lisa Featherby (Director of Finance) Larry Bandy (Audit, Risk and Finance Committee) Russell Tyrell (Dudley Park BC) Norm Skoglund (Lancelin BC) Jeff Adams (Mosman Park BC) Tony Churcher (Thornlie BC) The committee has worked hard to ensure that any system of affiliation is simple to understand, fair and equitable to all parties and transparent. As a result a Model has been recommended that focusses on a User Pays system based on pennants, by far the most popular structure of the game in WA. This Model will charge an Affiliation Fee based upon the number of pennant positions the club takes up over the season. It therefore removes a number of the current issues surrounding transferred and even deceased members being charged to clubs; a major downside with the current system. The office has completed a simple video, which goes some way to explaining the new recommended Model, which would be brought in for the 2019/20 financial/pennant season, given its support at the forthcoming Special General Meeting. This may be viewed on the Bowls WA website or can be requested from the BWA office. To enable this Model to be introduced a minor change to the BWA Constitution will be required. This change will be voted on at the Special General Meeting on Saturday 8th December, for which Country clubs will receive a Ballot Paper. As always Metropolitan clubs will need to be in attendance to cast their club vote. Should the single Motion fail, then the current Affiliation Fee Model will continue for the foreseeable future. The Notice of Motion for change as compared to the section it would replace is as follows:

Current Constitution 11 Capitation and Membership Fees 11.1 Club Affiliation Fees Fees payable by Members Each affiliated club shall keep a register of its members and shall pay to the Association an annual affiliation fee as determined by the Board.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

The Board must determine: (i) The amount of the annual club affiliation fee. The initial fee payable will be based upon the total club capitation paid in 2015/16 plus the annual determined percentage increase, (ii) Any subsequent increase over the previous year’s fee, PROVIDED THAT, any increase is limited to a maximum of 10%, (iii) The payment method and due date for payment. (iv) A review of the club base fee after a three year period, or earlier if so determined by the Board. The fee is payable in a manner prescribed in the By Laws of the Association.

Recommended Constitution 11 Capitation and Membership Fees 11.1 Club Affiliation Fees Each affiliated club shall pay an annual fee with the method of payment prescribed in the By Laws. The total affiliation fees to be received from all clubs and the due date payable shall be determined by the Board, notwithstanding that any annual percentage increase to the total affiliation fees collected by Bowls WA in any one financial year will be limited to a maximum of 10%.

Maintain contact with your LGA In the metropolitan area, all but three of our clubs reside on council land in some form and are subject to ongoing lease arrangements for their land and/or buildings. It is critical that a strong relationship is built with that Local Government Authority to ensure that any issues that arise are dealt with quickly and in the best interests of all parties. Many LGAs are running the ruler over bowling clubs, which take up substantial land and are often subject to costly maintenance programs. Club committees MUST know their council staff and elected members, they are after all our landlords and without their support life can be very difficult. If nothing else in these next few weeks as clubs re-emerge for another pennant season, invite your key stakeholders to your club, show them your plans for future sustainability and ensure you have a strong working relationship. Bowling clubs provide a great community service for local constituents – make sure you sell those community benefits to your Council – BEFORE they start to question how that space may be better utilised. Your Regional Bowls Manager can certainly assist in making those important connections.


Inclusive Practices Officer


Striving for Personal Achievement from Grass Root Inclusion Programs to National Events…

The National Bowling Arm Challenge was created in 2013 with the format State versus State in three five-aside Teams over two rounds: (1) Singles and Fours and (2) Pairs and Triples. The 2018 challenge was hosted in September at East Maitland NSW and the WA Sandgropers improved on their inaugural 2017 performance with an average of eight more game shots per opposition Sides and an increase of 6 game points.

Standing L-R: Kerry Ward (Eaton), Ray Bairstow (Eaton), Derwas Overheu (Meadow Springs), Kim Ward (Binningup), Ashley Armstrong (Capel), Don Batt (Bunbury), Mil Borcic (Binningup), Bill Davies (Forrestfield), Richard Young (Halls Head), Jamie Parker (Collie). Seated L-R: Bill Starling (Halls Head), John Thompson (Kwinana), Phyllis Hicks (Rossmoyne), Laurie Blurton (Bunbury–Coordinator), Judy Stein (Mundaring-Assistant Coordinator), Mitch Brown (Wanneroo), Kieran Valente (Manning).

Traditionally each State plays for the overall National Trophy in addition to multiple Inter-State Shields. Tasmania joined this competition in 2018 as the 'Van Diemen Devils' and competed against the Western Australian 'Sandgropers' to vie for the Bowls WA sponsored TASWA Shield.

In the inaugural challenge for this Shield WA came out the winner and brought the shield back to Western Australia – congratulations Sunny Sandgropers! The 2019 Challenge will be held in SA and in exciting news WA will host the 2020 National Bowling Arm Challenge! Thank-you to the continued support of Sponsor (Neometals) whose funding purchased uniforms, supplied team training, and helped reduce costs of Side travel.


TADWA’s (Technology for Aging and Disability WA) core motto is 'Helping you do what’s important to YOU' – this includes the Sport and Recreation Industry where TADWA has been busy building an automated chute for multiple sports including Lawn Bowls, Ten Pin Bowling, and Boccia. The chute operates from a hand-held device like a gaming device with up, down, left, right functions – these movements guide the chute to where the player wishes the bowl to be played - at what level and what angle. Beta-tested at the Friday BowlAbility program in July, the chute was a HUGE success with many participants interested in bowling with it, dissecting it, and giving knowledge to improve the chutes performance. We look forward to seeing the final product! BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

• BPL07 supplier of players bowls apparel • Major sponsor of Perth Suns & Bowls WA • Customised sublimated bowls polos & apparel • Artwork and garments produced entirely in Australia • Small orders, quick turnarounds • Informed and attentive staff


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018


From the Umpires


Possession of the Rink a Winter talking point Deja vu – it seems only yesterday that we completed the Pennant season and yet another is just around the corner and the questions are starting to come from far & wide through to the Umpires. Some of these questions seem to recur every pennant season. Possession of the rink and Player positions certainly appears to have been forgotten over the winter months and during the social games that occur over the off-season, they tend to be totally ignored. While it is understandable that these social games are mostly casual, and have some introductory element for newer players and can potentially be used by Clubs to assess capabilities for the up-coming season, it should also be used to reinforce the player knowledge of the rules and etiquette of our game. In this way we might see less of the proliferation of bad habits picked up, either through lack of knowledge or simple lapses into practices employed during the casual period. Players should brush up on their understanding of Possession of the rink and Player Positions by availing themselves of a Laws of The Sport of Bowls (Currently Crystal Mark 3rd edition) and reading Section 1.3 – Laws 12 and 13, and the implication of potential penalties that could arise from continued flouting of these rules. Sometimes considered simple etiquette, they are more than that – they are part of the controls that make our game far more pleasurable, as do rules in all sports. Common breaches of Laws 12 and 13, which I am certain you all can relate to, are: • The skip and third meet in the middle upon change over when it's the oppositions mat; • A player takes several steps down the rink following delivery of a bowl and when it comes to a stop, saunters back delaying play; • players moving around the head when the opposing team is on the mat waiting to play; • when upon reaching the head, opposition players study the state of the head blocking play; etc. Umpires need to have knowledge of the existence of all the categories of the Laws that affect our game and definitely have a clear understanding of how and where to find relevant Laws and Policies to support any decision they may be called upon to make in any given situation. Pennant side Managers should also have a clear understanding of their roles, which include: • Checking their teams are as registered on Bowls WA Pennants Portal. • They are responsible for reporting or confirming results entered. • They have their team scorecards already filled out in accordance with the names on the portal.


• Home side Managers should NOT pre-select the rinks on which their teams will play before the visiting Manager is present at which time they should 'blind' draw the rinks and the team match ups by placing the cards face down, shuffling them around and the opposing team does the same and THEN pair off the cards/teams in order of the allocated rinks. Any visiting Manager who suspects that the draw is done prior to their arrival should insist upon a redraw and if such is refused, a written report should be submitted upon completion of the game. If the visiting team is running late, then the Umpire of the Day should select the rinks – again by blind draw, so as to allow the players their trial ends that will be forfeit by the late team if they arrive past the start time laid down. • Managers could be included in some decisions affecting player breaches of rules as well as the skips of the relevant team, particularly in some of the potentially more tense situations. • Managers are responsible for the reporting of adverse factors that may have affected play, such as inferior or damaged playing surfaces, unresolved behavioural matters etc,with full written reports within the time frames allowed in the relevant Conditions of Play – AFTER, not during the game including trial ends. Late or verbal reports of issues will not be considered. It is up to the Clubs to give full instructions to all side Managers, particularly those less experienced, and not simply expect those appointed to 'know' already! As previously stated all Officiating courses are required to be conducted by accredited Presenters & Assessors (P&As), which is also true for Country Leagues. The tyranny of distance in this great State of ours has meant that the roll out of P&As has limited their availability in several Leagues. To date, several of some of the most dedicated people we are privileged to have had accredit as P&As, have not only served their own Leagues, but have gone out of their way to accommodate adjacent Leagues in an attempt to avoid a complete depletion of qualified Officials across the State. Bowls WA has resolved an issue of the past couple of years, that made difficult the accreditation of P&As for Officiating (and Coaching) and is embarking upon a concerted program of 2-day P&A courses for Country Leagues in the four primary Country Zones in an effort to provide qualified P&As in every League. But this requires commitment from suitable League Umpires to put their names forward to take on the task. Our seasonal variations are understood to make timing an issue but we, in the interests of the Sport in whole, do NEED to have the right people in place to train others if we are to meet our Officiating responsibilities.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

From the Country Director

Ross Warburton

Another great season looms for Bowls Welcome to the spring edition of Jack Hi. Most clubs are gearing up for the new season, so I wish everyone a successful season and good bowling. All country clubs will be receiving voting slips on the new affiliation system. A video has been made to explain the new system and this is available on the Bowls WA website through Youtube. A committee of Metro and Country representatives have been working on this for the last ten months. I urge everyone to view the video which explains in detail how the new system will work. Members can also attend the Special General Meeting on the 8th of December, venue to be decided.

Country Zones grant Bowls WA applied for a grant to help train Assessors and Presenters in the country zones. They were successful in getting $5000 to go towards the cost of training. If you are thinking of becoming a P&A please contact your league representative or contact Bowls WA office. This should help with our Country Coaching Enhancement Scheme by having P&A’s in the country.

CCES Weekend during September The Southern and Eastern Zone held their CCES weekend in early September. I would like to thank Tony Hockey, Jaewyn and Paul Norton and local coaches and P&A’s for their time in showing the finer points of bowls to our up and coming players in the country.

Also thanks to Donnybrook for organising a coaching clinic with Linda Warburton on the 20th September. 20 players turned up ranging from beginners to experienced bowlers, all having a great day.

Bowls Link Another change that will be coming in for the 2019-20 season will be the Bowls Connect system, now called Bowls Link. This was brought about by the present company not wishing to tender after their first 3 year contract. Bowls Australia have been interviewing interested companies over the last 18 months and have finally picked a company called Savage Bull to build a new system. Bowls WA have been informed that it won’t be a lot different from the previous one. We are confident that the people who have been entering the pennant results in the past shouldn’t find any changes too difficult.

BCIB to sponsor Country Week This coming year BCIB will be sponsoring Country Week. BCIB have been great supporters of bowls in WA , so I ask Clubs when renewing your insurance to ask BCIB for a quote. I will take this opportunity to wish both the Ladies and Men’s selected country players and teams all the best in the Over 60’s State series at Moonta in South Australia in October.

Transitioning to the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 As an incorporated association, adherence to the current Associations Incorporation Act is required. The Associations Incorporation Act 2015 came into effect 1st July 2016, replacing the Associations Incorporation Act 1987, with a three-year transition period in place. During the transition period of 1st July 2016 to 1st July 2019 each association is required to update its Constitution to: • include a not-for-profit clause • provide for 19 specific matters set out in Schedule 1 Divisions 1 and 2 of the Act • be consistent with the requirements of the Act Until an association completes the process of updating their constitution, the existing constitution can continue to be used until 1st July 2019. As of 1st July 2019, relevant clauses of the Model Rules (contained in the Associations Incorporation Regulations 2016) will automatically apply where a club’s constitution is non-compliant or silent under the new Act.

• Eg: if your current constitution does not state the club’s financial year, on the 1st July 2019 the club’s financial year will be 1st July to 30th June as per the Model Rules. In addition to the requirements of the constitution, there are key obligations relating to General Meetings, Records and Notification of Consumer Protection that are in force now. Contact Clubs WA for further information. Important notes about Constitutions: • The Constitution can only be changed by passing a special resolution at a general meeting of the association • Your club Constitution will detail the name, objects, methods of management and other conditions under which the club operates. • The Constitution binds the club and the members of the club as if: • it contained an agreement on the part of each member to be bound by and observe all the provisions of the rules; and • that agreement was duly executed by each member • Incorporated clubs with a liquor licence must also follow the requirements of the Liquor Control Act 1988.

For further help contact your club Regional Bowls Manager or Clubs WA: Clive Adams – RBM North/East Phone: 0408 136 831 Email: cadams@bowls.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

Steve Unsworth: RBM South/South West Phone: 0418 890 680 Email: sunsworth@bowls.com.au

Clubs WA – Phone: 1300 640 616 Email: info@clubswa.com.au


Call Mark now on 9303 2130

Wickepin BC x 2, Ballidu Bowling Club and NLV Busselton In keeping with the key reasons synthetic surfaces are adopted by many clubs, DryMax PRO also offers you:

reen Speed

wo Directions

A solution for high cost of maintaining turf greens


Potential for increased income from an extended playing season. No loss of play due to renovation and rain. A variable speed between 14 and 16 seconds

An Australian Made Product

ted by many clubs,

Bowling Green Design

23 Langar Way Landsdale W.A Phone 08 93032130 Mobile 0417 770 010 Fax 08 93032129 www.evergreensyntheticgrass.com email:evergreenwa@bigpond.com


~Construction and Surfacing~ TESTIMONIALS

“The Latham members are now using their Evergreen surface and are very impressed, the carpet is running about 16 seconds and we cannot find any faults with the surface. The paving Evergreen put around the green really finishes everything off. Mark Frazer kept in contact with us during and after the construction. The project was finished on time and I would recommend Evergreen to anyone, they take a lot of pride with their work and are easy to get on with.” – PETER WATERHOUSE (Club President)

Our Services include: • Consultation and design • Construction – Base building, retaining walls, drainage, ditch walls, lighting, fencing, paving, shelters, retractable shade systems and landscaping. • Accredited installation • Endorsed maintenance • Comprehensive warranties • Grant funding and application support

Surfaces EVERGREEN supply and install… • Ultra Plus • Woven Carpet • Needle Punch • Master Pro Plus • Dry Max Pro • Ultra Plus Gold Stockists of: Bowling green cleaning products – Terracotta, green and blue ditch wall and Apron grass – Bowling green line marking pens

Do you require professional advice about your existing green or proposed green? Mark Frazer, the owner and operator of Evergreen Synthetic Grass has over 20 years of experience in bowling green construction and maintenance. Mark is available to provide a free, no obligation consultation. Ten Rink Full Construction “I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with Mark and his crew and the quality of the work that Evergreen Synthetic Grass carried out on the newly constructed Dowerin Bowling Green. I would recommend Evergreen to anyone considering constructing a synthetic Bowling Green.” – Shire of Dowerin

“After over twelve months of research, our decision to replace our carpet greens with Evergreen Ultra Plus was easy. The installation was on time and budget with the attention to detail amazing. The commitment to perfection by Mark and his team was as we expected – great. The greens have only been completed a few weeks and already we are enjoying the smooth true surface. Great job!” – BARBARA HOUGH (Project Officer/Vice President)

Over 80 bowling greens installed in WA (refer to our website for the full list)


Ultra Plus Gold

* Ultra Plus Gold installed at Kwinana Onslow, North Beach, Wanneroo and Karratha

2310Langar Way Landsdale W.A. Phone 08 9303 2130 • Mobile 0417 770 010 • Fax 08 9303 2129 BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018 www.evergreensyntheticgrass.com.au • email: evergreenwa@bigpond.com

Call Mark now on 9303 2130

Wickepin BC x 2, Ballidu Bowling Club and NLV Busselton In keeping with the key reasons synthetic surfaces are adopted by many clubs, DryMax PRO also offers you:

reen Speed

wo Directions

A solution for high cost of maintaining turf greens


Potential for increased income from an extended playing season. No loss of play due to renovation and rain. A variable speed between 14 and 16 seconds

An Australian Made Product

pted by many clubs,


23 Langar Established 1996Way Landsdale W.A Phone 08 93032130 Mobile 0417 770 010 Fax 08 93032129 www.evergreensyntheticgrass.com email:evergreenwa@bigpond.com


Evergreen Synthetic Grass (Mark and Nicola Frazer) have recently completed upgrades to three of our greens. One grass green was replaced with a sand filled ULTRA PLUS synthetic surface whilst two of our grass greens have had new banks installed. Prior to engaging Evergreen Synthetic Grass we embarked on a process to evaluate the options available to us for a synthetic surface to replace one of our grass greens. This process included talking with and visiting many clubs who had installed a synthetic green, evaluating the pros and cons of the various surface options including carpet, needle punch and sand filled. We also spoke with several potential installers as we assessed the options of what would best suit our requirements. We also surveyed our top bowlers as to the synthetic surfaces that they preferred to bowl on. At the conclusion of the evaluation process we decided to go with Evergreen Synthetic Grass because we were impressed with Mark’s attitude, honesty and also the fact that he would be working on the job with his team. We also decided that the option of a sand filled Ultra Plus surface would best meet our needs.We believe that we are fortunate to have selected Evergreen Synthetic Grass because that decision has resulted in us having a magnificent bowling surface within months of installation.” – Dalkeith Bowling Club.

“Cambridge Bowling and Recreation Club have recently installed a sand filled synthetic grass bowling green. The writer together with our greens committee investigated throughout Australia the various synthetic greens available and also checked with many clubs in respect to their experience with both the supplier and the surface. Following the investigation the committee chose the tender submitted by Mark Frazer the proprietor of Evergreen Synthetic grass as the preferred supplier. On behalf of the greens committee I can vouch for the integrity and competence displayed by Mark and Nicola in the entire process. The green was commissioned in November 2015 and has been praised by all who have had the pleasure of playing on it.” – TED LEAHY (President)

“We have had Mark Frazer from Evergreen Synthetic Grass lay four greens for us now and have found their workmanship to be exemplary. We have great pride in recommending Evergreen Synthetic Grass to do any work you are considering.” – Halls Head Bowling Club.

23 Langar Way Landsdale W.A. Phone 08 9303 2130 Mobile 0417 770 010 • Fax 08 9303 2129 www.evergreensyntheticgrass.com.au BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018 email: evergreenwa@bigpond.com


Mid-West Sports Federation Study

Bowling Boom great for local business A case study by the Mid West Sports Federation shows that bowls carnivals can be a major boost to the local economy in country areas. The study was based around Denison Bowling Club’s annual carnival in May and showed significant financial benefit to businesses in the area. Despite only being a five day carnival surveys showed that the average stay of participants was twelve days. These figures come as sports tourism continues to find itself on the rise. The extra 350 visitors brought to Port Denison by the carnival contributed an extra $144,500 to the tourism industry in the region. The spending brought in by players and spectators from outside the mid west is a considerable boost to businesses in the town and helps create extra jobs through the year. What sets Denison’s carnival apart from other bowls events is the fact that it runs for five days. Wonthella is the only other club to run a five day event with four day events being held in Kalgoorlie and Geraldton. With an estimated cost of $28,000 dollars to run the carnival it has easily paid for itself within the township. The case study shows the positive impact bowls events can potentially have within the local community especially in country areas. Hopefully these figures will encourage businesses to get onboard as sponsors or partners of their local clubs.

Spectator and Participant Profile • 96% of spectators and participants travelled to the Shire of Irwin to attend the event. • 94% of spectators and participants travelled from Western Australia (excluding Mid West). • Total spending of $203,000 + by spectators and players.

Visitor Profile • 350+ visitors to the Mid West region. • Each visitor surveyed stayed an average of 12 nights. • $197,500 of spending by visitors surveyed in businesses in the Mid West. • Average spending of $565 per visitor surveyed. • Extra spending of $144,500 in Mid West tourism related industries by visitors.

Visitor Demographic Profile • 69% of visitors surveyed travelled as a group. • 57% of visitors surveyed stayed longer in the Mid West and up to an extra 4.5 nights because of the event.


• Photo courtesy of Bowls Australia coverage.

Adams runner-up at Indoors comp Clive Adams is the 2018 Australian Indoor Singles runner-up after a straight sets defeat to New South Wales’ Aaron Teys. Adams defeated players such as Canada’s Ryan Bester and Australian squad member Ray Pearse on his way to the final. After a difficult week Adams dedicated his run to the memory of his friend and teammate Daniel Patterson. The competition was made even tougher for Adams after forgetting to take his bowls, which he left in his car when putting it in for repairs the day of his flight. His new bowls didn’t let him down though as he showed strong early form to cruise to straight sets wins over Victorian Matt Ellul and Tasmania’s Danny Neal. He continued on his merry way in the quarter final not dropping a set against Commonwealth Games Silver Medallist Bester before scraping past Pearse in a high quality tie break, in his semi final match up. In the final Teys took control of both sets early with Adams coming back towards the end of the set. First end threes in both sets gave Teys a solid platform, which was the trademark of his game as he often outplayed Adams early in sets. Teys’ consistency with his first bowl put Adams under pressure throughout the match, forcing him into tough runners on a less than ideal surface for the shot. In both sets Adams fought back hard but came up just short. In the last end of the first set Adams played a beautiful shot but narrowly missed out on turning his own bowl onto the jack for a drawn set. In the second set Teys played two ripping draw shots forcing Adams to hit his runner or lose the match. Adams sailed a whisker wide giving Teys an unassailable lead with an end to go in the match. In his post-match interview Adams expressed pride in his performance in the tournament for his friend Daniel. Bowls Australia live streamed matches every round which can be viewed via Rinkside Live on Facebook Full draw and results can be found at the Bowls Australia Competition Portal.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

New sponsors to drive bowls ahead Bowls WA is very excited to announce a trio of new partnerships which will help the advancement of the sport in Western Australia. Blooms the Chemist, Dyenamic Sublimation and BCIB Insurance Brokers have all committed to major partnerships with Bowls WA for the 2018/19 season and into the future. Blooms will partner with Bowls WA to support our Metropolitan Pennant competition as naming rights sponsors for the next three seasons. They have also committed to sponsoring the Perth Suns in the BPL for the same period of time, keeping the Suns in the competition for the next six installments. Blooms the Chemist is an eastern states franchise that have begun to expand into WA. Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride is very excited about the new deal describing it as the most significant partnership Bowls WA have had for many years. He believes that Blooms and Bowls WA are a great fit for each other. “The partnership is a perfect fit given the demographic of the majority of bowlers and the expansion plans the network has throughout WA – much like the locality of our 202 bowling clubs,” he said. After supporting the Perth Suns last year Dyenamic will now support all our State Events and the new WA Masters Series as the naming rights sponsor.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

In addition to this support Dyenamic will also supply the uniforms for our representative sides. They have already proven to be a valuable partner to bowls in WA despite coming on board just last year. Dyenamic are already used by several clubs and are locally based, ensuring quick turnaround times and the ability to do small orders. Bowls WA hope to continue and strengthen our partnership with Dyenamic over the coming years. Long-term sponsor BCIB Insurance Brokers will step into the empty slot of Country Week major sponsor. Bowls WA were looking for a new partner when Australia’s provider of insurance to bowling club stepped in. BCIB were previously the major sponsor for Metropolitan Pennants for a number of years. Their experience in assisting bowling clubs is unmatched Australia wide and it was a natural fit for them to continue their relationship with Bowls WA. Bowls WA urges clubs and members to support our sponsors in order to ensure the continued support of Bowls in WA.


Mount Lawley Consistency Singles Wrap

Gillingham puts in top performance Brad Gillingham and Helen Morss are this year’s winners of the Mt Lawley Consistency Singles. The tournament marks the unofficial start of the Western Australian bowls season with the winner traditionally going on to have a successful year. Morss in no stranger to any of WA’s major events including the Consistency. On Sunday she claimed her third Consistency Singles title, continuing her strong form in major events over the past few seasons. On the other end of the spectrum Gillingham enjoyed a breakout performance at Mt Lawley, winning his first prestigious event in his most impressive performance to date. He had to take a tough road to get to the final defeating state squad member Dale Marsland, former state rep Charlie Slavich on an extra end and Marcus Sear in a tough semifinal. His final game against Joe Krstic was another keen test which Gillingham proved to be equal to. In a tough battle Gillingham managed to hang on to an early lead to be the first to 150, defeating Krstic 152-138. Morss also found herself with a tough run in having to defeat the very dangerous Isobelle Davies and former WA teammate Rhonda Prosser before defeating Donita Davids 104-86. She faced Shari Solly who was in great form following a big win over WA lead Toni Madigan. It was Morss though who found something in a close match again, winning 125-105. With the season now starting into gear it will be interesting to see what an early victory will do for the confidence and performances of Gillingham and Morss this year.

• Brad Gillingham and Helen Morss.

Bowls WA live streamed this event via Facebook – watch the replay via the Bowls WA Facebook Page All results can be found via Mt Lawley Consistency Singles results on our website. • Article by Cameron Harris • Photo courtesy of Mt Lawley Bowling Club

Double Delight at Boulder Carnival Earlier this month Boulder Bowling Club held its two men’s fours carnivals. The timing of their events coincides with the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club’s big race week. On October 1st and 2nd players competed in the Boulder Carnival fours tournament before breaking on the Wednesday for the Hannan’s Handicap race meet. Players return to the club on the Thursday and Friday for Boulder Farewell fours with the Kalgoorlie Cup rounding out the week on Saturday the 6th. Many sides play in both tournaments and make a week out of the trip. This year two sides managed to finish on the podium in both events. Geoff Watson, Dennis Treen, Greg Darcy and Paul Hayes backed up their runner-up finish in the Carnival Fours with a win in the Farewell while Roger Pascoe, Gary Willis, Len Ace and Rick Gamble finished third in both events.


• The winners of the Carnival Fours were Mark Schell, Mark Beresford, Brian Crew and Dallas Mathers.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

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Dudley Park Bowling Club - Excel UltraMax 10mm 36 stitch


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018


Under 18s Australian Championships

Three medals for WA Juniors WA has picked up three medals at the Australian Under 18’s Championships at Capabala Bowling Club in Queensland. In the boys singles Rossmoyne’s Jack East was solid going through his section undefeated winning 21-20, 21-16 and 21-19 against ACT, Qld and Tasmania. In the final he played extremely well against a strong opponent in Victorian Jarryd Davies. The match was close throughout. Jack took a 19-17 lead into the latter stages and had a chance to win the match however luck was not to be on his side. His last bowl for the end was just off target and it rolled up the opponent onto the jack to go three down. Davies who was the only player to secure two golds at the championships closed out the match on the next end. WA’s other chance for Gold came in the Boys Fours where the team of Aidan McAuliffe, Ashton Hagboom, Cory Day and Marcus Simpson made the final with a big 23-10 win in the last round over Tasmania to make it through on shots up. However they were beaten by a strong NSW team in the final but can holds their heads high taking home a silver medal. The two WA girls who were making their State Junior debuts can also be very proud of their efforts. Emma Smith played in the Singles and Pairs with our youngest team member Ruby Leggett from Joondalup. Ruby who played in a combined team in the Fours winning a Bronze medal with the side defeating South Australia in the medal playoff. Coach Ken Perks was full of praise for his team and delighted to have come home with three medals from the Championships especially given the inexperience of the WA players against the stronger east states teams.

• Marcus Simpson.


• WA's Under 18 team. Back: Emma Smith, Cory Day, Jack East, Ruby Leggett. Front: Aiden McAuliffe, Ashton Hagboom and Marcus Simpson.

Victoria won both the Boys title and overall championship title whilst Queensland claimed the girls title. • Full details and medal winners can be found on the Bowls Australia Website • Full scores and results can be found on the Bowls Australia Competition Portal • Replays of Live Streamed matches can be found on the Bowls Australia Facebook Page

• Ashton Hagboom.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

A Club Development Initiative


Winning Drive

Bowls WA through the Club Development Committee are thrilled to announce a new initiative set to be rolled out across the state. Winning Drive is a new Bowls WA program to help clubs improve their governance by educating those in positions of leadership on best practice operations for their clubs. This program will be of particular interest to clubs in country areas who will receive support that Bowls WA has previously been unable to provide. Bowls WA has received a State Government Every Club grant to help fund the project and will partner with Clubs WA, the Western Australian Sports Federation’s Top Club program, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural industries and AFL Sports Ready to deliver the program. Seminars and training courses will be conducted in regional areas during times of the year picked to suit the region and aims to aid in the development of clubs by providing training and consultation to club officials. The program will be delivered by the Bowls Australia RBM’s as well as specialists brought in from other club development service providers such as Clubs WA. Bowls WA will also be appointing a new trainee staff member through the AFL Sports Ready program to oversee the Winning Drive package. A WA first, it is hoped that Winning Drive will bring a structured approach to the area of club development for bowling clubs in WA. Clubs will need to complete a number of actions to become Winning Drive certified including completing a strategic plan, keeping their constitution and policies up to date, attending training workshops and scheduling an annual meeting with their Regional Bowls Manager. More detailed information about this program will be provided to clubs shortly. Bowls WA hope to see a large uptake from clubs throughout WA. The program will be reviewed after two years to maximise its benefit for West Australian clubs. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

– Vale–

Daniel Patterson The bowling community was rocked this off-season by the tragic passing of Daniel Patterson. Daniel was driving his Haulpak Truck when it veered off the road at the Rio Tinto mine at Paraburdoo. ‘Pup’ as he was affectionately known was a much loved member of our sporting community and a star player in the sport he loved. He represented Western Australia 66 times as cap number 169, debuting in 2012, and played countless Premier League games for Bassendean and Cambridge. He was also a two-time State Triples winner, a Champion of Champions Singles winner, a State Fours champion and a State Singles runner-up.

Daniel also travelled to the UK to participate in the PBA where he put up good showings against some of the world’s best. More importantly Daniel was a friend to many people both within and outside of bowls which was reflected in the sheer number of people who attended his funeral at Karrakatta Cemetery. Daniel leaves behind his wife Lauren and young son Cooper as well as countless other family and friends. The name Daniel Patterson is not a name that will be forgotten quickly in our sport or by those who play it. His jovial nature will be missed across the greens of Perth as we all struggle to believe that he won’t be back in the next game or event. Rest in peace Puppy, a champion on and off the green.


, Men s – Premier League Preview 2018-19

Super close year predicted this season This year promises to be one of the most exciting yet in Men’s Premier League. Following some off-season moves this year probably has one of the deepest competitions we’ve seen for some time. A number of sides will consider themselves a chance to make the finals and perhaps to go even further and win the flag. Will Doubleview go back to back? Will Manning continue the pattern of winning the flag every two years? Or will one of the big recruiting clubs like South Perth, Kardinya or Bassendean get it. Only time will tell but here’s our predictions.

1st: Doubleview In: John Slavich (Stirling), Daniel Trewhella (Osborne Park). Out: David Rankin (Kardinya).

They may have just scraped into finals last year, but boy did they get hot once they got there. Very similar side so have to be backed to be close again.

• Doubleview – 2017-18 winners

6th: Bassendean In: Joe Krstic (Victoria Park), Butch Dinnison (Victoria Park), David Rhodes (Como), Marcus Simpson (Rockingham), Andy Elmer (Morley), Mike Bessant (Doubleview). Out: Justin Opie (South Perth), Beau Manton (South Perth), Erron Martin (Osborne Park).

Rumours there could be another signing but even if not, this side will push everyone in the comp. Isn’t too dissimilar to their premiership group from a few years ago.

2nd: South Perth

7th: Cambridge

In: Vinny Santostefano (Claremont), David Downey (Claremont), Mitch Cranswick (Claremont), Justin Opie (Bassendean), Tom Reid (Victoria Park), Beau Manton (Bassendean). Out: Matt McEwen (North Perth), Daniel Penman (Unavailable), Ross Bresland (Unavailable).

In: None. Out: Out: Pieter Harris (Unavailable), Daniel Patterson (Deceased), Jon Sharp (Emu Point), Jim Barry (Doubleview).

Have made a big recruiting push in addition to the development of what they already had. All the pickups should fit in at the club and the Millers are well and truly back in the finals race.

3rd: Manning In: Steve Collins (Soldiers Point), Lee Such (Soldiers Point), Steve Patterson (Bassendean), Paul Kelly (Stirling). Out: Matt Ayres (Mandurah), Rob Tiller (Manning), Steve Withers (Dudley Park), Matt Mitchell (Emu Point), Martin Bigg (Unavailable).

A couple of acquisitions from over east help offset the huge losses sustained this year by the Eagles. Rumours of another pick up on the horizon as well. Should be around the place.

4th: Kardinya

Losing three skippers is a huge loss although Harris could return at some point. Still have some class in the side though. Need a couple to step up.

8th: Warnbro In: Dean Tinley (Comet Bay), Alan Cowie (Dudley Park), Barry Kalinowsky (Mosman Park). Out: Nil.

Brought in a couple and will be a very tricky place to go. Missing the heavy hitters of some others but a pretty deep squad. Home ground could keep them up.

9th: Sorrento In: Leith Oldham (Yanchep), Bryce Gunson (Morley), Mal Burton (Morley), Ian Linford (Dudley Park), Mike Browne (Morley), Allan Barron (Morley), Rhett Butler (Sorrento). Out: Brad Ball (Dudley Park), Shane Rixom (Unavailable).

In: Paul Davies (Leeming), Kevin McKay (Armadale), Dave Rankin (Doubleview), Daniel Brown (Returning), John Rochford (Mosman Park), Brad Henley (Melville), Dinko Golem (Stirling). Out: None.

Have a couple of proven skips in Rhett Butler and Chris Lander but losing Brad Ball hurts. Certainly capable of staying up.

Right up there with South Perth for best recruiting of the year. Much better back end this season and a massive home ground advantage. Could even finish higher.

In: Scott Aungier (Morley). Out: Henry Lim (Bassendean), Bryce Gunson (Sorrento), Mal Burton (Sorrento), Les Spinks (Bayswater), Wes Nielson (Wanneroo), Anthony Provost, Stuart Bainbridge, Greg Armstrong (Bayswater), John Berecz (Quinns), Rhett Butler (Sorrento), Mike Browne (Sorrento), Allan Barron (Sorrento), Andy Elmer (Bassendean).

5th: Osborne Park In: Todd Weir? (Wanneroo), Phil Potts (Wanneroo), Erron Martin (Bassendean). Out: Shawn Mawdsley (Unavailable).

The loss of Mawdsley hurts and an ageing side gets another year older. Keeping Lewis Grigg has been a huge plus though.


10th Morley

The offseason has been nothing short of a disaster losing the majority of last year’s side. Will likely struggle all year.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

, Women s – Premier League Preview 2018-19

Rivalry expected to continue in top grade Every year when we look at Women’s Premier League we wonder if this is the year that Manning’s dominance is broken. Four flags on the spin shows their quality but perhaps this could be the year that some new faces can come in and challenge for the flag. Mosman Park and North Beach have always given the Eagles a run, but can someone emerge from the pack to pose a genuine threat?

1st Manning In: Gail Hjorth (Melville), Donita Davids (Rossmoyne). Out: Toni Madigan (Mundaring).

The loss of Toni Madigan will hurt but Manning still look so strong. Good in every position and will take some beating yet again.

2nd Mosman Park In: Jenny Parker (Northam). Out: Joanne Lancaster (Beacon).

Seemingly the perennial bridesmaids but will be pushing hard for another flag. Once again they look the best placed to challenge Manning.

3rd North Beach In: Robin Higgins (Osborne Park). Out: None.

Usually strong and should be so once again. Will be looking for their first flag in since 2010 and look as good a grand final chance as any.

4th Osborne Park In: Jill Adam (Geraldton). Out: Robin Higgins (North Beach).

Have occupied this kind of spot for a couple of seasons now. Jill Adam is a nice pickup to replace Robin Higgins. Need to push on now.

• Victoria Park Carlisle return to top grade after winning the 1st White pennant.

6th Gosnells In: None. Out: None.

Gosnells just keep on doing what they do with the same group of players as the year before. Not too much will be different here. Should be solid mid-table.

7th Safety Bay In: None. Out: None.

No big ins or outs as usual for Safety Bay so any improvement will come from within. Did very well to survive after coming up last season. Home advantage should see them hold.

8th Leeming In: Helene Thurston (Mosman Park). Out: None.

Have a had a very good run in Premier League. May find things a little dicey this year but should be strong enough to hold their position yet again.

9th Mundaring In: Wendy Marsh (Sorrento), Toni Madigan (Manning), Lee Bunney (Sorrento). Out: None.

Have a had a very good run in Premier League. May find things a little dicey this year but should be strong enough to hold their position yet again.

5th Sorrento

10th Victoria Park Carlisle

In: None. Out: Wendy Marsh (Mundaring), Lee Bunney (Mundaring).

In: None. Out: Shirley Johnstone (Melville).

Have lost a couple but have looked comfortable since coming up a few years ago. There’s still a bit to like here and look a decent finals chance.

Johnston out hurts, especially when rivals Mundaring have gotten better. Have to beat those around them. Not incapable but seem the least likely to stay up.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018


New Affiliation Fee Structure

Bowls WA proposes new fees format Bowls WA are set to propose a new affiliation fee structure amid concerns that the current model is unfair. Current fees were set based on membership numbers leading into the 2015/16 season but in that time many clubs have lost players. It was hoped that locking the fee would reward clubs that increased their membership base but it has become apparent that the structure could be improved. The affiliation model replaced capitation three seasons ago. The new model will see clubs charged per pennant rink as well as a base fee which will be set according to the club size. The base fee will be set at one of three different values depending on the size of the clubs pennant base; however the majority of the club’s cost will be determined by their pennant numbers. Under the proposed structure clubs will not be charged per member or per pennant player but instead per pennant position. For example if a cub has 15 pennant rinks in the upcoming season, they will be charged the same fee regardless of how many different players are used throughout those positions. In effect all pennant positions will be assigned a dollar value similar to a large scale green fees system.

Bowls WA hope that the new model will more accurately reflect the size of each club and will prevent clubs being charged for players who are no longer at the club. The proposal will be put to clubs at a special general meeting on December 8.

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years


• Shari Solly and Helen Morss.

Another WA win at Moama event Shari Solly and Helen Morss combined to take the $10,000 first prize at the Moama Ladies Prestige Pairs in late August, the first major event at the club since it completed a multimillion dollar revamp which includes two fully enclosed greens. WA always sends a strong contingent across for this event with the likes of Kerry Andersen, Noelene Abe, Renate Coote and Rinkse Butcher along with last year’s winners Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton all involved. Solly and Morss won six of seven matches to take the title winning on a count back with a massive 84 shots up. They beat out the likes of internationals Carla Krizanic, Jo Edwards and Katelyn Inch as well as numerous state representatives. Solly and Morss went up against players such as Carmen Anderson and Colleen Orr and to emerge with such a monumental shots up is a phenomenal achievement. Here’s hoping for WA back to back to back next year.

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 18

Name Knott, Shane Holt, Warren Mitchell, Thomas Pauling, Glen Walker, Scott Simpson, Mark Brown, Daniel Trewhella, Daniel Slavich, John Williams, Anthony Loftus, Shane Smith, Aaron Nairn, Blake Adams, Clive Packer, Cody Grigg, Lewis Smith, Nathan Cranswick, Mitch Marsland, Dale McKay, Kevin

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20

Name Krstic, Kristina Merz, Laura Morss, Helen Hastings, Therese Featherby, Lisa O'Brien, Robyn Saunders, Shaan Andersen, Kerry Baker, Bev Warburton, Linda Abe, Noelene Scott, Bev Arndt, Irene Heal, Helen Coote, Renate Masters, Amanda Adams, Hailey Delaporte, Sue Radcliffe, Shelley Bourne, Pauline

Club Manning Wagin Manning South Perth South Perth Dudley Park Kardinya Osborne Park Stirling Manning Sorrento York Bassendean Cambridge Osborne Park Osborne Park Bassendean Claremont Manning Armadale

Total 227 201 148 145 130 121 109 109 99 97 95 75 73 72 71 70 67 64 64 64

WOMEN Club Manning Manning Manning Manning Mosman Park Manning Osborne Park Mosman Park Mosman Park Mosman Park Corrigin Capel Safety Bay Manning Mosman Park Osborne Park Osborne Park Mosman Park Mosman Park Sorrento

Total 383 309 215 194 172 165 130 121 108 108 103 82 79 76 71 67 64 64 63 59

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018


Series on Fox Sports from November 13 . . .

Perth Suns set for BPL series The Blooms Perth Suns will once again travel across the country to take on the nation’s best at Club Pine Rivers at BPL 08 in November. John Slavich will make the trip across once again as the crowd favourite seeks to make his first ever finals appearance. He’ll be joined by the returning Kristina Krstic who was unavailable for BPL 07 in New Zealand. The Suns will unveil a debutant at this year’s BPL with Manning’s Shane Knott coming into the team. Knott is currently WA’s number one bowler according to Bowls Australia rankings and has been a finalist for the Rosenthal Medal the past two seasons. Former Sun Pieter Harris will return to the set-up for BPL 08 as coach. Players Helen Morss and Clive Adams miss out while coach Therese Hastings will be on international duty in Hong Kong. The defending champion Gold Coast Hawks have made one change in their attempt to back to back with Georgia White replacing Australian rep Lynsey Clarke.

Local favourites and BPL 07 runners-up the Brisbane Pirates have an unchanged line-up, spearheaded by possibly the world’s best player in Scotsman Alex Marshall. The Suns will also face tough competition from NSW, Victoria and across the ditch in New Zealand. The BPL will feature internationals from five different countries as well as multiple Australian stars with Commonwealth Games medalists and Australian Open champions to feature. As usual a full round of fixtures will be broadcast live each night starting at 3pm WST on November 13 with all finals to be shown live on November 16 on Fox Sports. Additionally, like last year, Bowls Australia intends to have extensive streaming of the event on the Bowls Australia Facebook page.

Perth Suns Schedule of Play Day 1 Tuesday November 13 8:30am Perth vs Sydney 10:00am Perth vs Gold Coast 11:45am Perth vs Melbourne 6:45pm Perth vs Brisbane – Televised live via Fox Sports Day 2 Wednesday November 14 8:00am Perth vs Murray 9:30am Perth vs Illawarra 11:45am Perth vs New Zealand 6:45pm Perth vs Sydney – Televised live via Fox Sports Day 3 Thursday November 15 8am Perth vs Gold Coast 9:30am Perth vs Brisbane 11:45am Perth vs Melbourne 5:30pm Perth vs Murray – Televised live via Fox Sports Day 4 Friday November 16 7:00am Perth vs Illawarra 8:30am Perth vs New Zealand 3:00pm Elimination Final – Televised live via Fox Sports 4:15pm Semi Final – Televised live via Fox Sports 5:30pm Preliminary Final – Televised live via Fox Sports 6:45pm Grand Final – Televised live via Fox Sports All times are in WST Games from non-TV rounds will be live streamed via the Bowls Australia Facebook page with a schedule yet to be released.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018


Everest Event provides surprises . . .

Bates wins Everest in impressive style The $100,000 Everest of Bowls has been played at Dudley Park with the locals seeing off the eastern invasion. In fact it was Russell Bates, a Dudley Park player, who came out victorious in a star studded field to win the $50,000 first prize. Bates was super impressive in the final, defeating Kardinya’s Daniel Brown 31-18. What made the difference was Bates’ ability to draw shot in less than ideal conditions. Sunday’s weather meant that the wind was blowing hard down in Mandurah with a few gusts playing havoc. This forced Brown into playing runners and unusually for him he wasn’t quite getting them. Bates controlled the match from start to finish, only allowing a couple of small scoring runs from Brown. He led 18-3 and then later 26-8 and had the game well in hand. Brown did make a late run as Bates struggled the final few shots but having set himself up early he had plenty of time to get to the magical 31. The all WA final would have come as a surprise to many with the calibre of players coming across from other states including Australian representatives Aron Sherriff, Corey Wedlock, Nathan Rice and Brett Wilkie along with New Zealand international Shannon McIlroy. Last year the competition was largely dominated by the interstaters but this year saw five WA players in the quarter-finals.


It was a week of shocks with many big names failing to get out of their initial sections including last year’s finalists and Commonwealth Games Gold medallist Aaron Wilson and Ben Twist as well as current Australian Indoor champion Aaron Teys. The surprises continued throughout the weekend for a comparatively unheralded group earning their places on the final day. With their champion now being a local and an interstate winner surely next year’s competition will have no problem drawing competitors from anywhere in the nation. Results, photos and video replays can be found on the $100,000 Everest of Bowls Facebook.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018


The Inaugural DYENAMIC Masters series brings together WA Masters events into a series of competitions promoted by Bowls WA in conjunction with WA host clubs for the benefit of the sport of Bowls and participants. All events will qualify for Australian Ranking Points & Bowls WA Bowler of the Year Awards.

Schedule of events

New Master Events on the calendar To enter or find out more visit www.bowlswa.com.au/Events/Dyenamic-Masters-Series


Points will be awarded during each event with the leading male and female players of the series BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018 to receive $1000 cash plus AERO Bowls, Shoes and Bag


New Cockburn Bowling and Recreation Club now open

The brand-new Cockburn Bowling and Recreation Club has now been officially opened. The club has had the chance to show off its magnificent new facility at both its open day and the Cockburn Legends Day in September. Cockburn Men’s Bowls President Ken Wylie is looking forward to welcoming new visitors to the new location. “I’d just like to welcome all bowlers and all new members to the Cockburn Bowling and Recreation Club,” he said. “It’s a $9.4 million facility that’s been put on for the community that incorporates five-a-side futsal, beach volleyball and two synthetic rinks, one undercover with lights so that we can play bowls at night time as well. “We have a full function room and kitchen facilities with meals provided and we welcome all the community to come down and have a look at our new premises.” As well as the two ten rink synthetic greens the club also houses four beach volleyball courts and two futsal fields as part of a joint venture. The City of Cockburn and the Federal Government supplied almost all the funding for the new club. The new location on Beeliar Drive is in a growing area and is the closest club for number of suburbs without a club of their own. The impact of the move has already been felt with the club’s social membership base swelling to 2200.


This is due to the support the club has already received from the local community and the various groups making use of the brand-new space. The large kitchen serves meals many days throughout the week including the weekend, with Sunday breakfast before bowls sure to prove popular. The large bar area includes six dartboards, a pool table and many sets of tables and chairs and can legally accommodate up to 750 people at any one time. Outside is just as spectacular with eight sporting fields in total. The two synthetic greens are already well on their way to getting up to speed while the roof will allow one green to be used in any conditions. The synthetic greens had been a point of contention for some members but now most have happily moved to the new facility and the club has even gained a few players. Strategic planning processes have been implemented to ensure the club is able to make the absolute most of its new assets. Bowls WA is sure it speaks for many within the bowling community in wishing Cockburn luck with their new club and are very interested to see its impact over the coming year.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018


CORNER Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo

Friedman Lurie Singh & D'Angelo YOUR SMART LAWYERS

This article is for general information purposes only and should in no way be construed as a substitute for independent legal advice. Should you have any queries about this article or require any legal advice please do not hesitate to contact us at FLSD.

Do you have a Will? How old is it? Is it current? More importantly, is it valid? Most people who have created a Will have simply signed their Will when it was prepared, and then hid it away somewhere safe, to be located by their loved ones when the time comes. The problem is that there are a number of ways in which a Will can be automatically revoked, marriage or divorce (or annulment) included. As such, it is not enough to simply sign your Will and hide it away to be located upon your death, you must ensure that you revisit the terms of your Will on a regular basis to ensure that it is still current, i.e., that it still contains an accurate record of your final wishes, and perhaps more importantly, to ensure that it is still valid, i.e., that it has not been automatically revoked by virtue of a major life event, such as marriage or divorce (or annulment). Generally speaking, getting married in Australia will automatically revoke any valid Will you had in place immediately prior to the marriage (unless the Will expressly stipulates that it has been made in contemplation of the marriage). The consequences are such that if you marry, and fail to update your Will following that marriage, any Will you created prior to the marriage will be automatically revoked, and upon your death, you will be considered to have died “intestate”, and your estate will be distributed in accordance with the Administration Act 1909 rather than in accordance with your final wishes. Likewise, divorce (or annulment) will automatically revoke certain provisions of your Will whereby your former spouse was to inherit a benefit from your deceased’s estate. As a general rule, the effect of divorce (or annulment) on your Will is that your former spouse will be treated as if they had predeceased you, but the balance of your Will usually remains valid. It should be noted that revocation of your Will by divorce (or annulment) will only apply where a legal divorce (or annulment) has occurred.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

In cases where you and your former spouse have separated, but not obtained a legal divorce (or annulment), your Will remains in full force following the separation, and your former spouse will be entitled to receive all benefits from your deceased’s estate which you gifted to your former spouse in your Will. In these cases, this is usually the last thing you want, so it is vital that you update your Will upon a legal divorce or annulment occurring as soon as practicable. If that wasn’t complicated enough, in Western Australia, even if you are divorced (or the marriage has been legally annulled), if you were maintaining your former spouse, or if your spouse was financially dependant on you immediately prior to your death, regardless of whether your spouse is included in your Will, they may still be entitled to a share in your estate, by making a claim against your deceased’s estate under the Family Provisions Act 1972. Making your Will is not something you should just do once, and then put away in a safe place, never to be revisited. Your Will needs to be reviewed on a regular basis, particularly where a major life event has occurred, such as marriage, divorce or separation. If you think it’s time to update your Will, please give us a call on 08 9254 0000 to arrange an appointment to discuss your options in more detail. We are happy to help.

Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo

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, , Women s and Men s State Squads announced

2019 Australian Sides Championships Bowls WA Women’s Selection Panel has announced the State Squad trialling to represent Western Australia at the 2019 Australian Sides Championships in New South Wales from April 11th-14th. The Squad includes eleven of the twelve Side Players from last year who played in the Northern Territory Series – missing only Toni Madigan who has stepped down from State Representation for the immediate future, in addition to four other 2018 Final Squad participants Jill Adam, Robin Higgins, Jenny Rogalski and Sally Wilke. Newcomers Nei Archer, Lisa Brannan, Lex Harris, Jo Lancaster, Jenny McLaughlin, Jenny Parker, Lisa Smith, Shaan Saunders, Sian Smith, Charmian Tonkovich and Kaitlin Tyrrell are sure to put their best bowl forward whilst competing for 2019 Side Selection. The 26 Player Squad will find out who made Side Selection after the State Singles are completed at the end of January 2019.

Women’s State Squad 2018-19 Noelene Abe


Laura Merz


Jill Adam


Helen Morss


Hailey Adams

Osborne Park

Robyn O’Brien


Nei Archer


Jenny Parker


Lisa Brannan


Jenny Rogalski

Dudley Park

Lisa Featherby

Mosman Park

Shaan Saunders

Osborne Park

Lex Harris


Lisa Smith

Perth & Tattersalls

Helen Heal


Sian Smith


Robin Higgins

Osborne Park

Shari Solly


Robyn Jolly


Charmian Tonkovich Bullsbrook

Kristina Krstic


Kaitlin Tyrrell

Osborne Park

Jo Lancaster


Linda Warburton

Mosman Park

Sally Wilke

North Perth

Jenny McLaughlin North Beach

State Women’s Panel Coach: Therese Hastings Selector: Helen Stevens

Assistant Coach: Elaine McDonald Selector: Jaewyn Norton

Selection Trials Commencing Soon Bowls WA Men’s Selection Panel has announced the Players chosen to attend the State Squad Selection Trials. These players will vie for a position in the 2019 Side representing Western Australia at the Australia Sides Championships in New South Wales from April 11th-14th 2019. The 19-strong Squad includes all twelve Side Players from last year alongside Ryan Moyle (Doubleview) and Ashley Sharp (South Perth), both strong Premier League Skips during the 2017/18 Pennant Season, and prior State Event winners: • Warren Holt – Wagin – 2018 State Singles

– 2018 Champion of Champion Club Singles

• Dale Marsland – Manning – 2008 Champion of Champion Novice Singles

– 2013 Triples and 2014 Runner-Up Champion of Champion Club Singles – 2017/18 Fours

• Blake Nairn – Bassendean

Clive Adams


Ryan Moyle


Bill Brandsma


Blake Nairn


Lewis Grigg

Osborne Park

Cody Packer

Osborne Park

Warren Holt


Glen Pauling

South Perth

Shane Knott


David Rankin


Dale Marsland


Ashley Sharp

South Perth

Kyle McIlroy


John Slavich


Kevin McKay


Scott Walker

South Perth

Matthew Mitchell

Emu Point

Anthony Williams


Thomas Mitchell


Bowls WA Men’s Selection Panel Coach: Tony Hockey Chair of Selectors: Roger Barns

Assistant Coach: Lindsay Thorn Selectors: Glyn Vaughan, Mike Zusman

– 2018 Triples

• Kevin McKay – Kardinya

Men’s State Squad 2018-19

Note: Players can be added and removed from the Squad as Selection Trials progress.

The Final State Side will be announced mid-February prior to the Side Series commencing in April.

– 2015 Pairs – 2017 Singles

• Glen Pauling – South Perth

– 2018 Triples – 2018 Mixed Pairs (with Lee Poletti – Geraldton)


• Photos supplied by Bowls Australia •

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

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Waroona 5000 Carnival Results

• Waroona 5000 winners Dean Higgon, Brian Miller, Brian Robb and Allan George.

Waroona turns it on for bowlers Well they came from everywhere to attend the Waroona 5000 open split fours. Played Wednesday and Thursday September 26th and 27th, 28 teams came with players from Halls Head, Port Bouvard, Kojonup, Mandurah, Yunderup, Pinjarra, Boddington, Cambridge, Cockburn, Osborne Park, Dalkeith, Warnbro, Dudley Park, Busselton and Eaton with a couple of local Waroona teams made it a great field. The weather was perfect and the synthetic greens at this great little country club were running 15-16.5secs over two days, the fastest on the chilly Thursday morning where quite a few of the boys ended up in the ditch such was the slick pace, congratulations to Mark Hiller club captain, Dennis Tyler, president and all the club helpers, including the ladies for putting on such a great fun carnival with wonderful lunches and snacks. There is some big names in the results with only two teams undefeated, and a team of bolters took out the main prize, with one lucky punter securing them in the Calcutta, he who dares wins.

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au


Full results as follows: 1st Place: 6 wins + 59 Composite side local Mandurah bowlers. Dean Higgon, Brian Miller, Brian Robb, Allan George. 2nd Place: 6 wins + 54 Composite side, Halls Head, Warnbro. Bernie Hett, Dennis Nagle, Willie Tan, Bob Plater. 3rd Place: S. Perica, M Marovic, H. Christensen, J Terrell. 4th Place: M Krajancic, J Ricci, M.Sokol, N Sokol. 1st Day Winners: D. McCarthy, G. Farmer, L. Cronin, D. Armstrong. 2nd Day Winners: S. Srhoy M. Abonnel I. Mateljak O. Dawson. This really is a relaxing and peaceful place to bowl and hangout for a couple of days, and I encourage anyone wanting to experience bowls on a holistic level to venture down to one of their next carnivals. They have an open fours day on Sunday the 11th of November, and an open triples day on Wednesday the 28th of November. To enter a team phone Mark Hiller on 0428933616. The best value accommodation in town has to be the renovated historic old Waroona hotel, with clean single rooms from only $30 per night, $50 with an ensuite, and doubles available, the boys loved it. A young lady by the name of Toni has recently taken it over, and is a delight to deal with, Waroona hotel phone no 9733 1232. Also the Drakesbrook Motel for twin share motel style, both have great food. These bowls carnivals are a great boost to these little towns economy, even for just two days and I urge all bowlers to keep supporting them, with the motel and hotel booked out. Then there is an overflow onto the cafes, bakeries and petrol stations, the bowling club pumped by day, and the hotels, motels served drinks and food all night, it really is a win-win for everyone. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018



BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Spring 2018

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