Jackhi summer 2016

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Edition 104 Summer 2016

Inside this issue of Jack Hi: • John and Kristina win State Singles Titles • Jr Jack Attack Pilot Program • State Team Selections 2016

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Our Cover


Edition 104 Summer 2016

Jack Hi Editorial


Good performances in bowls events Welcome to another edition of Jack Hi. This edition heavily features a number of major bowls events with some terrific performances handed in at state and Over 60’s level. The State Pairs coverage on page 16 and 17, State Singles on 20 and 21 and Over 60’s on pages 22 and 23. Also included is a big wrap up of the Men’s Inter League Round Robins played across Country WA which are on pages 32-35. Pages 10 and 11 feature an excellent story and photos on Jnr Jack Attack which is a Bowls Australia product which has been trialled successfully at North Morley Primary School. Finally for something a little bit different we have a book review on page 26 that may interest those with a fancy for some bowls fiction.

Features in this issue Jr Jack Attack Pilot Program 10

State Team Selections


Deaf Championships in Belfast 29



Inside this issue of Jack Hi:

• John and Kristina win State Singles Titles • Jr Jack Attack Pilot Program • State Team Selections 2016

• State Singles winners John Slavich and Kristina Krstic.


President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Inclusive Practices..................................6 Country Director.....................................7 From the Umpires..................................8 Country Director’s Report........................9 Jr Jack Attack Pilot Program.............10-11 Men’s 2nd Division and Under Triples....14 Peel Programs making a big difference....14 Women’s State Pairs.............................16 Men’s State Pairs.................................17 State Team Selections......................18-19 Men’s State Singles..............................20 Women’s State Singles..........................21 Men’s O60s State Triples.......................22 Women’s O60s Singles.........................23 Spot The Jack Competition....................24 North Beach Masters Pairs....................24 The Team That Bowled At Hotham Springs Book Review.......................................26 Deaf Championship in Belfast................29 New Facilities at Goomalling..................30 Kukerin A&M Williams Classic...............31 Tony Hockey – Coach of the Year...........31 Team Rankings....................................32 Men’s Inter League Round Robin......33-35 Lifestyle Articles Legal Corner........................................27

Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is April 29th 2016. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au

C ampbell design

Jack Hi is produced for Bowls WA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au Phone: 08 9440 5863. Printing by Quality Press, 8 Babel Road, Welshpool WA 6106.

©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.

1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Graham Leeks. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au

From the President


Vale Jean White

Welcome new Board Members We welcome two new Board appointments in Marc Abonnel and Tim Murray. Marc joined the Board in December to fill the position created due to the resignation of Con Migro, who having been elected as President of the Yokine Bowling club decided he needed to focus on that role. Marc who is a member of the Kardinya club and plays as a skipper in their Premier League side, brings to the Board a considerable and widespread business and management experience. He has served on the Fixtures & Events committee with distinction and was an integral part of the club member and club surveys undertaken last season. Marc will chair our Club Development standing committee. Tim who joined the Board in January plays at the Sorrento club. He has extensive management experience and a great understanding and knowledge of bowls in WA. Tim will also serve on the Club Development committee. We welcome Marc and Tim and know that they will both make a major contribution as Board members.

Fixed Fee Model A proposal to move away from the current Capitation model which applies a fee or levy against individual club members and replaced with an annual fixed fee charged against each club, will be presented to all metro and country clubs over the next few months. This change can only occur with the clubs majority approval, as it is necessary to amend our current Constitution to proceed. The current Capitation model has been around for longer than most can remember and it is now outdated and broken and cannot sustain bowls in WA moving into the future. Already other states have adopted a fixed fee model or plan to in the near future, including Bowls Australia who will introduce for the 2016/17 season. WA is the only state that requires to amend their Constitution and therefore it will be essential to sell the benefits of the change for club members and clubs. We have already introduced the proposal to a group of metro clubs with positive responses and we will formally present to all metro Presidents at a Forum on February 29th. Arrangements are in hand to meet Country Club Presidents at various forums over the next few months. We are working towards obtaining the majority approval at our AGM to be held at the end of July with a view to implement for the 2016/17 season.


Bowls WA were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Hall of Fame Member Jean White. Jean played for Narrogin and Safety Bay in a distinguished bowls career which culminated in her being inducted into the Bowls WA Hall of Fame in 2010. She won the State Singles in 1964, Pairs in 1976, Fours in 1982 and Triples in 1987 to claim all four major titles over the span of 23 years of bowls. Jean first represented WA in 1964 and played 29 games. She won the Champion of Champion Singles in 1986 and was also awarded the Penny Needham Brooch as the best female Country Bowler of the Year in 1981.

Australian Premier League The Perth Suns again took part in APL #3 at the Pine Rivers Club in Brisbane during November. Our team this year of Clive Adams, Tom Mitchell and Matt Ellul comprised of all local talent, with Matt Ellul replacing Jeremy Henry who moved to another franchise. The event was again televised on Foxtel and our team, as in the past two years was very competitive, more than matching it with the best talent from around Australia and with some high ranking international players. They missed playing in the semi-final by a very small margin. Our three year contract with Bowls Australia has now ended and a decision will be made whether to extend for a further three years. Unfortunately we have lost Solargain who was the Perth Suns sponsor.

Bowls Connect The extension of the Bowls Connect website into the country clubs has been a resounding success, with most if not all clubs and leagues embracing the concept and enjoying the benefits it provides. In the metro area our Operations Manager Aaron Delaporte has done a great job, together with the Bowls Connect software developers, to provide a program that allows the weekend results to be collated by Bowls WA and sent direct to the Sunday Times. This elimates the need for clubs to phone through the results and the staff needed to record the results over the phone, hence speeding up the process and cutting back on labour costs. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

From the Chief Executive Officer


WA bowling community supports Yarloop after fire disaster The WA bowling community showed wonderful support, as did many Western Australian’s, in raising funds for the Yarloop fire disaster. Simply kicked off by Greg Kane (Cambridge) on the weekly 91.3 FM bowls show, clubs and many individuals showed their support at pennant games or within their own club and in a very short space of time $8257.95 was raised for use by the Yarloop club. Fortunately the club was spared but many of its members have been left with nothing and the club has been very much at the forefront of providing some level of “normality” to a terrible situation. Thanks to all for the great bowling community support – hopefully for the final time. Contributions were as follows: Cambridge $1,075.00 Mosman Park $537.00 Doubleview $1,302.80 Mt Pleasant $135.00 Fremantle $200.00 Pemberton $100.00 Glen Forrest $1,000.00 Perth and Tatts $200.00 Inglewood $173.70 Rossmoyne $490.55 Innaloo $480.55 South Perth $302.90 Kardinya $263.00 Spearwood $1,000.00 Manning $571.25 Swan $221.20 Other Individual Members $205.00

Are we nearing the end of Pennants as a game? Since the mid 1980’s until now capitated members Australia wide have fallen from over 450,000 to less than 180,000 – the vast majority of these have participated in pennant, the lifeblood of the game, particularly in the West. In WA we have not been spared with approximately 800 capitated members leaving the game annually. With now only 15,500 remaining across the State, simple maths will show the game is in serious trouble. Change must be made. The Fixtures and Events Committee chaired by Therese Hastings has been tasked to seek those changes and introduce them post haste. Many current bowlers will not be happy; however the do nothing option is no longer on the table, irrespective of what ‘skewed’ surveys suggest. Of course the use of our green space by social or corporate bowlers has soared in recent times – who can remember social/corporate bowlers playing in such number 20 years ago? Bowls Australia continue to encourage clubs through such products as Jack Attack to try and bridge the gap between the

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

occasional player and the fully fledged member – these MUST be embraced by the club hierarchy in order to survive. Clive Adams as the Bowls Australia Regional Bowls Manager needs no introduction and is well skilled in growing your club’s opportunities to capitalise on this changing market. The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) noted some key findings in relation to the changes in sport: • Participation rates in aerobics, running and walking, along with gym memberships, have all risen sharply over the past decade, while participation rates for many organised sports have held constant or declined (Standing Committee on Recreation and Sport 2010) • People are increasingly opting to go for a run with headphones and a music player when the opportunity arises rather than commit to a regular organised sporting event, • Health rather than Competition is becoming a major driver for participation in sport. The time for change is upon us or we will simply fade away as a sport. Stay tuned !

ANZ Bank expands its offer The ANZ Bank has now expanded its offer to members and their contacts by including Commercial and Agri-Loans as part of its referrals offer. Now 0.6% of the value of the loan can be returned to your club as an incentive, an opportunity that many clubs in South Australia have willingly taken up. Keep your ear to the ground and if an opportunity arises to refer a potential loan customer to the ANZ make sure they are armed with your club’s all important referral forms – for goodness sake it’s FREE MONEY for YOUR CLUB.

Value our Volunteers There is an enormous amount of work going on in our 206 bowling clubs around our State – and as we near the end of the pennant season in most areas, that work (almost always unpaid) will only increase. Spare a thought for the committees, selectors (yes even them), bar staff and greenkeepers as they ensure the majority are able to simply turn up, play, enjoy a drink and go home until next time. Volunteers are decreasing and when gone, so will the backbone of our sport. How about your club committee rewarding your best two club volunteers with tickets to the Annual Dinner and Awards Night this year!


Inclusive Practices Officer


Striving for Personal Achievement from Grass Root Inclusion Programs to National Events…

Inclusive Bowls: Year 2015 in Review Inclusive Bowls has grown in leaps and bounds in 2015. As a state we have grown from a bare minimum platform to hosting year round BowlAbility programs for both organizations and schools, delivering the first ever State Multi-Disability Championships and having teams attend both the Australian Open and National Multibowl Championships – the only pathway for bowlers with a physical disability to international games. WA is now on the perpetual Clover/Lester Achievement Award – a perpetual National Trophy – that was awarded to Joe Davey from Fremantle Bowling Club.

Looking Forward 2016 is starting with a bang! February 5th will see the start of our Friday BowlAbility program running at Kardinya Bowling Club from 11 am to 1 pm. This program runs all year long with the exception of school holidays. Many different organizations participate in this program – some for as long as three years – BowlAbility is now in its fourth year of bringing bowls to all abilities. This years State Multi-Disability Championships will be held on the 2nd and 3rd of April at the Kardinya Bowling Club. The format will once again be Singles and Pairs – players are welcome to create their own Pairs and the rest will be drawn. Entries are open now, either online or paper, and will close on Tuesday 1st March. Categories for entry are Deaf, Intellectual, Physical and Vision Impaired. We will be searching for volunteers come March, so if you are interested please contact Denise to let her know. The State Multi-Disability Championships is the pathway to attending the National Multibowl Championships. Each state is allowed a maximum team of 10 players – 6 men and 4 women. So far WA has sent two teams of 3 over the past two years; we are hoping to have a full team of 6 men for the 2016 nationals. What we do not have representing our state is women and we would love to! Typical physical disabilities include Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, acquired brain injury, stroke, brain tumour, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, nerve damage, Erbs palsy, joint fusions, limb length difference, and total or partial absence of bones or joints of the arms, legs or pelvic region as a result of condition from birth, trauma or illness. The Australian Open has four disability categories as well and we are hopeful that a team of 5 Intellectually Impaired bowlers will attend the 2016 event.

• BowlAbility Programs – at Kardinya and with Inclusion WA.

With the four categories now eligible for prize money it is the perfect opportunity to broaden your game by expressing your interest to attend! For more information on Inclusive Lawn Bowls please contact Denise McMillan on 0449 619 841 or denise@bowlswa.com.au

• Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia, and Victoria at the Multibowl Nationals.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016







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From the Umpires


Laws of the Game Laws of The Game of Bowls – at what level do they all become optional?; do we even need them when it seems many appear to know which ones they like and which ones “b----y well should not apply” (in recent times, such comments actually having been posed to Umpires & me in particular)? Of course the only answer to these questions is NONE of course! There are rules contained within the Laws Of The Sport Of Bowls – CM 3rd Edition; the published Conditions of Play for the game, competition or tournament in which you are competing; and any relevant Policies that provide safeguards and protection to individuals and/or clubs affiliated with the State and National bowls bodies. All these tiers of rules apply irrespective of whether you are a Premier League or 6th Division player, a State player or an entrant in one of your Club Championships! The Rules have evolved over the long period of our game so that we may play in a sportsmanlike manner and enjoy the same, fair standards whether we are in one State or another in Australia or competing in International events. Comments like, “we are not top league players, we’re here to socialise as much as play the game”, while wandering across rink heads to chat with your mate while players are on the mat, are not only wrong, they are disrespectful of your team members and opposition alike and certainly deny the term ‘sportsmanship’. Not only against all principles of etiquette, it IS a breach of the Laws & subject to potential action from the Umpire. Similarly, opposition skips stopping mid-rink to chat to their third when they are NOT in possession of the rink, hindering the player waiting to play etc., is also a clear breach of the Laws and subject to a warning from the Umpire. Stay up at the head if necessary if you like, but don’t block the player already on the mat! Read SECTION 1.3 – POSSESSION OF THE RINK – Laws 12 and 13 in their entirety – which are absolutely unambiguous and relate to both examples above and provide prescribed penalties after having received such warning against a breach of the applicable rule. Providing the Umpire, clearly and calmly, outlines the terms of any warnings, before the side managers and relevant skips in the first instance, on most occasions this results in the side manager and/or the team pulling the recalcitrant player into line, ending any need for further action by the Umpire. It really is essential that all Club committees do provide unequivocal support and assure their Umpires that they have the necessary backing to perform in an unbiased fashion when called upon to do so. Some Rules like the prohibition of alcohol or smoking on the green as contained in all Bowls WA controlled events’ General Conditions of Play and/or Competition-specific Conditions 8

(CoP’s), and other conditions in the Laws Of The Sport Of Bowls, and BA and/or BWA Policies, such as belligerence toward the officiating Umpire after befitting warning or implementation of a prescribed penalty, if repeated in despite previous appropriate warnings – the Umpire, on occasion, would be duty bound, within the obligations they undertake when accrediting as an Official, to invoke “Law C2 Defaulting player, team or side: the player, team or side that does not meet the requirements of any specific law or laws.” and consequently the Umpire would then have no choice but to apply “Law C.10 Forfeited game: a game that is awarded to an opponent as a penalty for the defaulting player, team or side not meeting the requirements of one or more laws.” A single player refusing to comply could lose the whole side their points! Extreme weather rules in Bowls WA controlled events seem not to be understood or, hopefully not, chosen to be ignored by some, particularly in the case of the heat (40°C for Men & 37°C for Women). They are quite clear in both procedure and application as laid out in the Metropolitan Pennant Competition – General Conditions – 8.2 Individual Abandonment, Delayed or Interrupted Games; and in the competition-specific pennant conditions (Men’s Midweek and Saturday and Women’s Tuesday and Saturday, etc.) 15 (Men) and 14 (Women) Procedure in Extreme Weather. The recent heat wave that hit the Metro area, proved problematic for some clubs that either failed to notice the temperature had reached 40+°C or decided it did not apply to them! Those clubs failed in their duty under the terms of their involvement in the BWA Pennants competition, just by failing to implement the appropriate heat abandonment procedure when, clearly, their venue exceeded the cut-off temperature above which they have no option but to delay play for the requisite time/s then calling it off, if necessary, with the appropriate result recorded, as per the Conditions of Play. That applies to ALL divisions at the affected venues – there is no separate rule for the higher divisions, and any that may ignore the Umpire of the Day and continue play, in the hope of some promotionpoint advantage, could consider themselves as game-cheats! The relevant times applicable to extreme weather abandonment as set out in the CoP’s are really very simple to follow and those are: Clubs can delay the start of play for up to 1 hour – after which, if they have not commenced play, MUST abandon in accordance with the CoP’s. If play starts within time & further delays (exceeding temperature etc.) occur, then up to 1 hour – cumulative of one or several delays allowed – providing the total delays from deferred start plus in-game call-offs do not exceed 90 minutes. If they do reach 90 minutes then, once again, there is no option but to abandon in accordance with the CoP’s. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

From the Country Director

Linda Deegan-Humphries

Bowling community’s ongoing support Our State has taken the knock recently, with fires affecting many communities across the State. I acknowledge the ongoing support given by the bowling community both financially and physically. Many roads have been closed during these crises and travellers have been detoured. I likewise have found myself on a longer journey to my destinations on more than one occasion. I can only hope that the rest of the summer passes by without further fires. Having written that, I am now sitting listening to some torrential rain. I hope that more good than bad comes from these storms. At the height of this bowling season Club championships, League and Zone events are being contested. I congratulate all players selected to play in their respective Inter-League events and also those further selected to represent their Zone at the Inter-Zone events coming up in the very near future. It is, indeed, an honour to represent your Club/League/Zone. Congratulations to the winners of events already completed and good bowling to those still to compete. Congratulations, also, to those clubs hosting these events.

Men’s Country Week is in view and nominations have been received and are being collated right now with the competition promising to be strong and fierce. Good Luck to you all. The Women’s nominations close shortly and I certainly hope that nominations are strong in support of the later date. I would urge all entrants to be aware that composite teams must be approved in time for alternative players to be sought before the fixture books go to print. Please submit your entries as early as possible. Something to ponder upon ahead of 2016-17. I take this opportunity to thank those Metropolitan Clubs that have offered to host the Country Week events. We understand the amount of effort and numbers of volunteers required to do so. Country Coaching Enhancement Scheme will be offered again this year in a similar format to last year. Nominations are to be received by the end of April for consideration by the Country Committee at the May meeting. Please submit your nominations through your Leagues and Zones in plenty of time for distribution to Country Delegates before the May meeting.

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016


North Morley Primary School

Jr. Jack Attack Pilot Program Report – Clive Adams, Regional Bowls Manager WA Over the past 10 weeks, I have been privileged to be involved in the Pilot Project combining the resources of Bowls Australia’s Jr Jack Attack program, with the wonderful mentoring team at EdConnect, and the Morley Bowling Club. The pilot was conducted at the North Morley Primary School, with the staff wonderfully supportive in getting it started and in its ongoing success. EdConnect’s goal to engage with key students within the class of 24 students was supported by getting the entire class involved, creating a fun, collaborative and supportive environment to engage with the key students. Morley Bowling Club and Bowls Australia’s goal of having kids experience the great sport of lawn bowls, using the Jr Jack Attack equipment, within the school grounds, was also achieved, with the outcome being many of the great young students now having an awareness, and an interest in the sport of Lawn Bowls. The program evolved throughout the 10 weeks, initially starting by using some games directly from the Jr Jack Attack (the scoring wedge, the soccer etc), and evolving into games of Tunnel bowls, target games, and on the last night, simply trying to draw bowls close to the jack. We simply tried to keep it entertaining for the kids.


There were a number of things that stood out to me: • The improvement in the kids as we progressed. The delivery of the bowls was fantastic even on the trickier surfaces that we played on throughout the program, and delivery of the bowls wasn’t really even a focus of the sessions. • The enthusiasm the kids had for the games and the sport – brilliant. • The engagement and comfort the kids had in dealing with myself and their mentors. Kids that usually are shy in communicating came out of their shell, on a regular basis. • The talent and patience of the mentors teaching the kids – most of the time it was just a very comfortable environment • The engagement of the kids away from the actual sessions. Many of the kids took an interest in the APL, and an interest in my career. It was actually quite flattering. • The openness the kids had to playing bowls. Having the whole class involved also helps any of the kids who wish to continue in the sport, as many of their friends now have a more positive outlook on the sport. • The absolute stand-out ability that some of these kids have. There is no doubt there is opportunities for some of these kids to progress should they wish.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

North Morley Primary School

Jr. Jack Attack Pilot Program The night commenced with the kids arriving and jumping straight on the green, using the Jr Jack Attack equipment and rolling to a jack about halfway up the green. With a bit of wind, it was quite challenging, but the kids soon got used to it. As the night progressed, the kids then showed their families how to bowl – yes, the kids explained it. The response from the parents was fantastic. Before long, there were plenty of great bowls going down the green, and more importantly, plenty of excitement, interaction and fun. The final part of the night was the awards session and this really warmed my heart. Lee Patrick of EdConnect had organised some certificates for the mentors and helpers involved, and had organised the kids to read out the awards and do the presentations – it was amazing, and brought some in the crowd to tears. After the awards, some the girls made thankyou speeches, completely un-prepared and off-the-cuff – again, brilliant, and quite unexpected. Special thanks go to the staff at North Morley Primary School, to Lee Patrick at EdConnect, whose vision and work has seen this come to fruition, coach Ken Perks who is one of the most passionate people in our sport, to the mentors Dave and Gwenda Scott, Ross and Brenda Dunstan, and most importantly to our Year 4 class of superstars that made it all possible. Thanks must also go to the Harcourts Foundation, sponsor of EdConnect for this program. Harcourts staff did have the pleasure of attending one of the sessions at the school, and also being ‘coached’ by the kids from the class. Some Quotes from the Kids who were involved in the Program: “Thankyou for teaching us how to play this amazing sport.” “Thankyou for getting all this equipment. I hope you come back next year. I hope you get lots of schools to do this great sport in Australia.” “Jack Attack is the best sport in the world. It’s so easy to learn when you have six teachers helping you.” “I loved (Jr) Jack Attack. You have been fantastic mentors and thankyou for teaching me how to play bowls properly.”

Clive Adams | Regional Bowls Manager (Perth) Bowls Australia Ltd. | PO Box 52 | Northcote Vic 3070 p: 0408 136 831 | e: cadams@bowlsaustralia.com.au | w: www.bowlsaustralia.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016



Enter online at: australianopen.bowlsaustralia.com.au PRIZE MONEY: The world’s richest bowls event has become even richer, with a staggering $250,000 purse up for grabs, and over 540 prize money places! GUARANTEED MATCHES: Players who enter singles, pairs and fours disciplines are guaranteed at least 8 total matches in sectional play, with the winner of each section qualifying for the knockout stage! A TRULY OPEN AFFAIR: A completely random draw, meaning that all entrants can be drawn anywhere in the field. GOLD COAST, FAMOUS FOR FUN: Combine the World’s Biggest Bowls Festival with a visit to Australia’s premier tourist location. PLAY WITH FRIENDS, OR MAKE NEW ONES: The structure of the event means that players can choose to team up with any registered bowler. OPEN TO EVERYONE: Compete in any open event, or try your hand at the Under-18 Singles, Over 60s Pairs or Bowlers with a Disability disciplines.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016


Men’s 2nd Division and Under Triples

East Fremantle in Triples triumph The traditional Men’s 3rd Division and Under event held at Osborne Park was changed this year to allow 2nd Division players in order to increase participation. The effect was an increase of eight sides on the previous year. This event is always popular given the central location and good greens that the host club Osborne Park are able to provide.

Competition began on Saturday 2nd January with eight sectional winners coming back on Sunday 3rd January to play knockout in order to crown a champion. The East Fremantle team of Bruno Zarins, Garry Mitchell and John Brewer survived a thriller in their semi final against a local Osborne Park side skipped by Peter Allen and then had a more comfortable win in the final again against the Yokine side of Ben Horwood, Tony Kay and Mel Lemos. Congratulations to the winner and other finalists.

Full results

• Zarins, Mitchell and Brewer all smiles after winning the 2nd Division and Under Triples.

Quarter Finals Peter Allen (Osborne Park) def Tom Mathian (Leeming) 22-14, Bruno Zarins (East Fremantle) def Bob Mulroy (Sorrento) 16-7, Cliff Guelfi (Osborne Park) def Ivan Perica (Spearwood) 14-10, Ben Horwood (Yokine) def Bobby Culhane (Composite) 17-13. Semi Finals Zarins, Mitchell and Brewer def Allen, Rollings and Shrewsbury 16-15. Horwood, Kay and Lemos def C Guelfi, Eaton and L Guelfi 16-9. Final Zarins def Horwood 18-11.

Peel Community Care Programs making a big difference Midway Community Care have been having their special day with us on every Tuesday of the week for several years, wherein the clients arrive with their carers and enjoy a game of bowls and other games. Tuesday December 15th was their last day with Peel and Morwenna the Captain and her trusty band of volunteers prepared fruit platters and handed out Certificates to each of the players and participants. There was also a special game played between the carers (Eagles) and the clients (Glory) conducted by the vice president John Avery – it was a lot of fun. We are a small but unique social club with a clear purpose, to assist both able and disabled persons to enjoy the activity of lawn bowls and associated games with the assistance of special equipment. We are a non-profit organisation and play only social bowls with the focus on fun and enjoyment for all involved. With a well established inclusive policy, the Club welcomes people of all abilities in an atmosphere of non-competitive social bowling. Provision is made for special needs groups participation including a variety of bowling practises such as ramp bowling. 14

Because of the special service that Peel Bowling and Social Club Inc provide for the community of Mandurah they are always on the lookout for more members and volunteers so if you feel you would like to be involved in this special club contact the office on 9581 1415 or email peelbowling@ gmail.com. We are located at 3 Sticks Boulevard, Erskine along with Halls Head Bowling Club. – Yvonne Gysbertse – Secretary. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

Cyber Security Alert – Spoofing & Phishing Email impersonation, known as spoofing or phishing, is where the sender is acting as if the email is coming from someone it is not. It could be to send spam, install viruses onto the receiver’s system, or worse, gain access to financial systems...

Have you ever received an email from a bank claiming to need you to submit personal details, yet you don’t actually have an account with that bank? If so, you have then received a phishing email. Another kind of impersonation is where your email address is used in a subtly changed format, e.g. john.smith@gmail.com changed to john_smith@gmail.com – an underscore instead of a dot. RECOMMENDATIONS Here are a few recommendations you should seriously consider if you haven’t already implemented them: • Identity theft is big business. You may get an email from a friend or superior asking you to transfer money, or you may be the one impersonated and sending emails to clients with fake invoices. To avoid this, ask your IT provider to turn on Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), which are email authentication methods. This way you preserve your reputation and your business. • Apply ALL the latest patches and updates to your operating system software. By itself this won’t prevent all attacks, but it will make it that much more difficult for hackers to take control of your PCs. • Implement and insist on strong passwords. These are the locks and bolts that secure your operation. Make sure they’re strong enough. • Have an enforceable frequent (30 days maximum) password change policy. • Anyone who isn’t a regular user should be restricted to only those areas they need to use. Your IT provider can arrange special accounts for casual users.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

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Women’s State Pairs

Noelene and Kerry win their fourth State Pairs title Noelene Abe and Kerry Andersen have won their fourth State Pairs title on Friday December 11th. The win extends their lead as the event’s most successful combination in its history with the pair having a one in three strike rate since their first title in 2004/5. In the final they defeated Angela Gunson and Cathy Taylor who are on the other side of spectrum in terms of experience on the big stage. In a classic youth versus experience showdown it was shown that nothing can prepare you for the big occasion like having already been there. The two sides had vastly different paths through the semifinal stage. Abe and Andersen set the tone early in their semifinal against Lee Poletti and Vicki Spragg, picking up three shots on the first end. Although they didn’t score a count higher than two the rest of the match their consistency saw them drop only one multiple for the match to run out comfortable 18-9 winners. Conversely Gunson and Taylor encountered Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton in their semi-final matchup in a thriller. The match was tight from the start with the score 4-4 after five ends. Two ends later the score was 5-5 and after eleven ends Featherby and Warburton were in front by a single shot. Finally, with a three on the fifteenth end Featherby and Warburton broke the deadlock and backed it up the next end to a score one shot, giving them a six shot lead heading into the last two ends. Remarkably it wasn’t enough as Gunson and Taylor stormed home picking up a four and a three to win the match 15-14. In the final the Abe and Andersen train rolled on early picking up nine shots in the first four ends to put a stranglehold on the match. Gunson and Taylor rallied, winning four of the next five ends but the consistency of Abe and Andersen ensured that they were only able to manage ones. Then the most critical juncture of the match came on the tenth end when, with the score at 10-4, the umpire was called to determine who had shot. When the umpire tipped an Andersen bowl out as shot the momentum Gunson and Taylor had developed was sucked away as Abe and Andersen regained control. Going on a four end to one run of their own they took their lead out to ten shots after fourteen ends of play. Although they dropped a shot the next end a count of three on the sixteenth put Abe and Andersen in an almost unbeatable position, holding an 18-6 lead with just two ends to play. • Kerry Anderson shows her winning style.


• Kerry Andersen and Noelene Abe.

Needing at least a four to be a chance of repeating their semi-final heroics Gunson and Taylor put their opponents under pressure and held a chance of picking up the four they needed. Unfortunately though they were only able to manage three, their first multiple of the match, and Abe and Andersen claimed their fourth title 18-9. Consistency was the hallmark of their championship run conceding just two counts larger than one in semi-finals and final combined

Men’s State Pairs

The ‘Daniels’ win State Pairs title convincingly The 2015/16 Bowls Elite Men’s State Pairs champions are Daniel Brown and Daniel Trewhella with final held on December 28th at the Sorrento Bowling Club. A strong crowd was in attendance on finals day to watch some of Western Australia’s best on the green. Brown (Kardinya) and Trewhella (Stirling) made it through a dramatic game against Daniel Patterson and David Opie from Cambridge. The Daniel’s led 11-1 but the Cambridge boys fought back to level the match. In the last two ends Brown and Trewhella were too good finally winning 21-14. Cambridge pair and 2016 state representatives Pieter Harris and Clive Adams made it to the final after defeating South Perth’s Glenn Pauling and Scott Walker in their semi final. After a slow start they got back in front quickly and held the advantage through to the end of the match to win 16-10. Two contrasting styles and skillsets were on display in the final with the consistent drawing skills of Harris and Adams against the heavy hitting firepower of Brown and Trewhella. Harris and Adams got out to a great start drawing and trailing jacks well jumping out to an 8-0 lead after four ends. The final of those four ends proved pivotal to the match. Down five on his third bowl Brown drove at the Cambridge cluster of bowls causing the jack to go into the ditch. Although still down six after Harris’ bowl it left Brown ample room to draw third shot and lessen the count considerably. Then Brown and Trewhella went on a run of their own, thanks in large part to a tremendous display of shots play. The pair put the jack in the ditch on multiple occasions as they won the next seven ends. Although Harris and Adams continued to draw solidly they had no answers for the firepower of Brown and Trewhella and soon found themselves 12-8 behind. At that point momentum was firmly with the leaders but the Cambridge pair manufactured a turnaround of their own, winning the next three ends and levelling the scores with four ends to play. The game was more or less finished on the next end when an attempted conversion by Harris went horribly wrong. Although coming • Daniel Trewhella. very close with his second bowl Harris was unable to salvage the situation and dropped five shots, losing all the ground he and Adams had made up. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

• Daniel Brown and Daniel Trewhella.

A two for Brown and Trewhella on the next end set the Knights a massive task and despite a one on the next end to keep them in it, a miracle never looked likely as Brown and Trewhella closed out the match 20-13. Brown and Trewhella now have three victories together as a pair. This years victory has now drawn them level with Dennis Katunarich and John Rainoldi as the most successful combination in the event’s history. With their first victory coming in 2010 the Daniels have won three of the last seven titles and look likely to continue to challenge in the future as they strive to become the standalone most successful pairing in the championship’s history.


State Team Selections 2016

Men bring in new talent with

five changes The Men’s state team selection panel has unanimously decided on the 12 players that will represent WA at this year’s Sides Series, to be hosted by the ACT, from the 31st March to the 3rd April 2016.

• Doubleview’s Bill Brandsma and Corey Bessant will debut for WA.

The selected Men’s team is a blend of proven experienced players, coupled with emerging talented players, which will give WA the foundation to build a team that will once again be competitive contenders for the Alley Shield. Veteran Pieter Harris who made himself available after a stint as State Coach has been selected to skip and will bring up his 200th game for WA with his first game back in the team. Joining him will be Sides Series debutantes in Corey Bessant, Lewis Grigg, Bill Brandsma and Matthew Mitchell. All four have been prominent in big tournaments recently. Bessant and Brandsma who play for Doubleview were part of the winning Men’s State Fours team this season. Grigg who plays for Osborne Park impressed with a big win in the Sorrento Masters Singles recently whilst Mitchell who

has been outstanding skipping for Manning in recent years also won the Doubleview Masters Pairs will join his brother in the side. The five additions replace Luke Richardson and Trystan Smallacombe who have moved interstate, Stuart Bainbridge and John Slavich who were unavailable and Scott Walker. According to the selection and coaching panel all 24 Squad players have shown during the selection trials that there is indeed enough talent in WA to be very optimistic about the future. It has been especially pleasing to see a number of those emerging players demonstrate that they possess the required attributes to become State level players.

WA Men’s State Side 2016 Lead




Corey Bessant Daniel Patterson Thomas Mitchell Pieter Harris (Doubleview) (Cambridge) (Manning) (Cambridge) Cody Packer (Bedford)


Lewis Grigg (Osborne Park)

Matthew Mitchell (Manning) Bill Brandsma (Doubleview)

Clive Adams (Cambridge)

Scott Edmonds (Yokine)

Kyle McIlroy (Stirling)

Matthew Ellul (Manning)

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

State Team Selections 2016

Minor moves for the Women’s side ‘In a shuffle of playing positions Noelene Abe returns to her normal skippers role and she will be joined by the talented Helen Morss after both played as thirds last year…’

• Helen Morss will move to a skippers spot for WA.

The Women’s State Selectors are excited to announce this year’s State Team. The 2016 Australian Sides Series will see the return of Shari Solly as a third and welcomes newcomer Hailey Adams from Osborne Park to the WA team. In a shuffle of playing positions Noelene Abe returns to her normal skippers role and she will be joined by the talented Helen Morss after both played as thirds last year. State Singles winner Kristina Krstic retains her skippers position from last season. Youngster Laura Merz continues her rise in the Women’s ranks to play 3rd for Abe, this move is certainly one with an eye towards the future after impressing in her debut as a leader last year. Abe is sure to impart some tactical knowledge and experience which will only improve her game.

Emerging talent Hailey Adams from Osborne Park has been rewarded for some good form in pennants and major tournaments and should prove a positive addition to the side along with Solly who has proven to be a handy performer at this level previously. Liz Brooke (Manning) was the only player to lose her spot in the team from last year, whilst one of WA’s best Therese Hastings who retired last season will now coach the side. 2015-2016 saw a change in training format that has been well received by the players and shown measurable improvements in overall performances since the squad came together in October. The coach and selectors are confident that all the women chosen will be giving 100% at the upcoming National Side Series.

WA Women’s State Side 2016




Linda Warburton (Mosman Park)

Denise Kelly (Mosman Park)

Laura Merz (Manning)

Skip Noelene Abe (Corrigin)

Toni Madigan Robyn O’Brien Shari Solly Helen Morss (Manning) (Manning) (Manning) (Manning)

Shenayde Heldt (Manning)

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

Hailey Adams (Osborne Park)

Lisa Featherby (Mosman Park)

Kristina Krstic (Manning)


Men’s State Singles

John Slavich wins first state singles title John Slavich is the 2016 Men’s State Singles champion claiming his maiden state singles title on January 25th at Manning Memorial. The 2014 runner up defeated 2005 runner up Gary Caffell 25-8 in a convincing display. Slavich was on top all game, outdrawing Caffell almost every end, winning his first state title since he won the State Fours in 2000. Slavich had to make it past defending champion Tom Mitchell to advance to the final in a contest where the momentum continually swung. After a tight start Slavich scored seven shots in four ends to go ahead 10-3. Mitchell came back strongly to get back into the game and at 14-10 it was anybody’s game once again. Slavich countered and built the lead back out to seven four ends later but once again Mitchell rallied to get back to even at 18-18. Two ends later Mitchell scored his first three of the match to give himself a two shot lead but he would not win another end as Slavich rattled off six shots to reach the magical 25 and his second State Singles Final. Things didn’t start as well for Caffell in his semi-final against last year’s runner up Daniel Patterson. Patterson started the game with a four and quickly shot out to a 2-8 lead. Caffell then picked up a three to steal the momentum and soon found himself in front 12-8. The critical juncture came four ends later when Caffell got the four back giving him an 18-10 lead. The match went just seven more ends as Caffell picked up two two’s and a three in that period to reach the State Singles final for the first time in a decade. Slavich got a start early in the final and never looked back. Slavich got out to a 5-2 lead and then exploded away until he was just about uncatchable. Employing a tactic of ditch to ditch going one way and mat right up going the other, Slavich picked up two shots on six consecutive ends by continually drawing close.

• Gary Caffell and John Slavich.

With the score out to 17-2 Caffell finally started to match it somewhat with his opponent scoring four shots to one over the next four ends. A three by Slavich undid much of that good work and two ends later he picked up four shots to win his first State Singles Championship.

• John Slavich


Women’s State Singles

Kristina defeats Noelene in close contest Kristina Krstic is the 2016 winner of the Women’s State Singles defeating last year’s winner Noelene Abe 25-23 in the final at Manning Bowling Club. The final was a replay of 2015 where Abe defeated Krstic. After having national success as a junior, the title is Krstic’s first singles title at senior level. Krstic had her work cut out for her in her semi-final match against Pam Chalmers in a game where the lead changed five times. Chalmers collected four shots on the first two ends but Krstic worked her way back to 5-6 before picking up a four to take the lead. Krstic raced out to 14-7 but was chased down by Chalmers who went ahead with a three at 15-17. From there it was a dogfight to 20-20 when Chalmers picked up a two to gain the upper hand. Shortly Krstic levelled the match but Chalmers picked up a single to take the lead again. With the score at 22-23 Krstic drew well and held two good shots with a bowl each to play. After missing two earlier slightly over the draw shots Chalmers tried again and was again unsuccessful. Krstic then finished the job drawing game with her last to book her place in back to back finals. In contrast Abe seemed untroubled against Krstic’s club mate Toni Madigan in a game where she was never behind. Abe scored the first six shots of the game and controlled the match to lead 13-3. Madigan responded well winning three of the next four ends, including two threes, to get back into the match at 14-10. After weathering the storm Abe got back to business and won seven of the last eight ends of the match, including the last six to win 25-12. For the second year in a row Noelene Abe and Kristina Krstic stepped out to do battle in a State Singles final in a classic youth versus experience showdown. Both players settled into their work quickly, drawing and landing well in a tight contest. The match soon became a high quality affair with Abe pulling away to a slight lead at 6-10. Then the match was turned on its head as Krstic notched up consecutive threes to take the lead. The second of these threes came when Abe ran at two good Krstic shots. The shot was played very well with the bowl hitting both shot bowls but it followed on to slice the jack to give Krstic three shots, and the most significant result so far.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

• Kristina Krstic and Noelene Abe.

The match quickly tightened up again until Krstic won five consecutive ends to give herself a buffer with the score at 21-14. Abe came back hard scoring the next four shots but Krstic refused to give up the lead, scoring three shots in two ends to go within a shot of the championship. It was then that Krstic played her worst end all day as Abe picked up three shots. Abe then put Krstic under the pump drawing immediately behind the jack with her first bowl of the next end. Krstic started in the same vein as the previous end sailing across the head with her first. Abe then drew two more shots including one right next to her first as Krstic failed to make a meaningful impact. Abe was unable to draw a fourth with her last but finished short and on the line blocking a drive. Needing to play an awesome shot to avoid a sudden death end Krstic swung in towards the two bowls and the jack and successfully landed the pack. After a short deliberation the players shook hands and Krstic had officially won her first open singles title.


Men’s O60s State Triples

Osborne Park impressive in win over Thornlie The Osborne Park team of Steve O’Neill, Gordon King and Grant Nicol are this season’s Over 60’s State Triples champions winning the final at Osborne Park Bowling Club on November 18th. The side put on an impressive display throughout the tournament with only one of their matches being decided by less than five shots. Their final opponent was the side of James Stean, Terry McCormack and Dave Bradbury. The Thornlie boys won their section in convincing fashion before triumphing in some close knockout encounters to reach the final. O’Neill, King and Nicol survived their greatest scare of the tournament in the semi-final to make it to the final. Down 3-11 after six ends against David Malkin, Terry Cranswick and Brian Cranswick, and having just dropped a four, they rallied to win the next eight ends. Up 16-11 with four ends to play they were able to hold on and win 19-15. Stean, McCormack and Bradbury found things a little more comfortable against Ian James, Brian Doney and Donald Patton from Jurien. Although down 1-8 early they rattled off twenty unanswered shots. The Thornlie side won ten of the last eleven ends to run out 23-10 winners with two ends to spare. The final started off tight with the sides going shot for shot. At 3-3 O’Neill put together back to back threes to forge a six shot advantage after six ends. Two ends later with the scores at 10-4 play was stopped due to rain. When the rain finally stopped the green was significantly slower and it was clear whichever team adapted best would win the game. The heads immediately became looser which would create opportunities for big scores.

• Steve O’Neill in action.

‘When the rain finally stopped, the green was significantly slower and it was clear whichever team adapted best would win the game…’


• Gordon King, Vanessa Northcote (Aero Bowls World), Grant Nicol and Steve O’Neill.

The first two ends after the restart yielded a shot apiece as the players adjusted to the slowness of the green. Then the Osborne Park team blew the game apart with a massive five on the eleventh end. With the score at 16-5 with seven ends remaining all they had to do was go tit for tat until the end of the game. They followed up with a two and a single to stretch their advantage to fourteen with five ends to play. Stean picked up a single on each of the next two ends but were unable to secure the scores needed to get them back in the game. Heading into the sixteenth end all O’Neill and his side needed to do was score and they would win the title. They established control of the head early and never relinquished it and gained the shot they needed to win the match, and the trophy.

Women’s O60s Singles

Warburton wins Over 60’s Singles Linda Warburton (Mosman Park) is the new Western Australian Women’s Over 60’s AERO State Singles Champion claiming her inaugural Over 60’s title after she defeated Renate Coote (Mosman Park) 21-17. The first semi final of Warburton verses Thornlie’s Maureen Cooney started evenly enough with Cooney even holding a 7-5 lead before Warburton went to work. A two and three in succession saw Warburton take a 10-7 lead and was the beginning of her charge when she dominated the second half of the match winning nine of the last eleven ends and cruising to a 21-10 victory. In the second semi final of Coote verses Sorrento’s Kathy Gobbart the story was a bit different. Coote shot out of the blocks and led 7-0 before Gobbart started to get into the game. At 13-11 in Coote’s favour it seemed like it was anybody’s game but a strong finish saw Coote grab a couple of two’s before ending the game by taking a full count of four and winning 21-14. The final between Linda Warburton and Renate Coote was played in glorious conditions on a free running Osborne Park green setting the stage for a quality game. As she did in the Semi Final, Coote jumped out of the blocks and quickly built a 7-1 lead. It was then Warburton found her range grabbing the next two ends only to see Coote re-establish herself with a triple and a five shot lead at 12-7. It was then the tables started to turn, beginning with a four to Warburton on the eleventh end which was to be the start of a six end winning run. With Warburton leading 19-12 and only two shots from the championship, it seemed only a formality. However Coote had other ideas and took two doubles on a three streak to close the gap to 17-19 only to see Warburton finish the game off with a double of her own to claim a 21-17 championship win.

• Finalist Maureen Cooney, Renate Coote, Linda Warburton and Kathy Gobbart.

Full Results Quarter Final: M Cooney b J Allen 21-15, R Coote b B Baker 21-17, K Gobbart b C Sullivan 21-10, L Warburton b P Bourne 21-12. Semi Final: L Warburton b M Cooney 21-10, R Coote b K Gobbart 21-14. Final: L Warburton b R Coote 21-17 • Singles Champion Linda Warburton in action.

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016


Spot the Jack

collaboration with Henselite A BOWLS WA PUBLICATION in







Entries must be received by 24 June 2016 and the winner will be announced on the Bowls WA website and in the next issue of Jack Hi. Please click http://eepurl.com/bMGuUn to enter with your answer to the Spot the Jack competition. The first correct entry drawn at random will receive a Henselite Bowls Bag. The winner may choose from a selection of available colours.

North Beach Masters Pairs

Tour de Force Travel Ladies Masters Pairs On Friday 6 November 2015 North Beach Bowling Club hosted the Tour de Force Travel Ladies Masters Pairs. Walter from Tour de Force Travel welcomed the 24 teams before commencement and announced, as well as prize money, a travel voucher of $250 would be given to each winner. Friday was very wet and the ladies bowled through to a sunny afternoon. Our consolation winners for the day were Shirley Johnston and Jeanette Davies from Vic Park Bowling Club. Saturday morning produced inclement weather followed by very windy conditions on Sunday. We celebrated with our winners in the new barbecue area and enjoyed afternoon tea. Winners for this event were Shari Solly (Manning) and Denise Kelly (Mosman Park).


• Winners at North Beach Shari Solly and Denise Kelly.

Runners up were Heather Williams (Manning) and Kerry Carey (Manning). Equal third were Liz Brooke (North Beach) and Debbie Rhine (North Beach) and Pam Chalmers (Osborne Park) and Helen Stevens (Osborne Park).

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

Club Development Workshops A great opportunity to hear grass root strategies to build your club’s sustainability from one of Australia’s leading club training organisations. Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

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$150 for up to three people from your club to attend all three sessions

RSVP by Fri February 12th to Aaron Delaporte at Bowls WA aaron@bowlswa.com.au 9340-0807

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016


BOOK REVIEW The Team that bowled Book Review by CAMERON HARRIS

at Hotham Springs

With his novel The Team That Bowled At Hotham Springs Lucidus Smith has attempted to help fill a hole in the keen bowler’s bookcase. Perhaps due to its unromantic image or its unexciting stereotype the game is not blessed with a plethora of fictional literature for players or the uninitiated to enjoy. The book starts in the Pinjarra Bowling Club, where we are soon introduced to a young Englishman named Ray. As part of his Australian holiday Ray has come to investigate the claims of his uncle, who had supposedly won a bowls tournament whilst living in Australia. He soon meets his uncle’s friend Teddy who is only too eager to recount the bowling story of Ray’s uncle, Alan ‘A.J’ Smith. From there starts a tale that is possibly the culmination of every bowls story that has ever been told over a round at the club house. Like most bowling stories the events in this book are fictional but will ring true enough for many bowlers. After learning A.J’s backstory the reader gets taken on the journey of his early bowls career, one which may have similarities with many people’s introduction to the game. Taking the usual route of friendship A.J quickly develops a fondness for our game and after a few rollups a catastrophic collection of calamities sees him drawn into a week long bowls tour of the south west.

“The culmination of the tour is at Hotham Springs, the flagship tournament of the book and the most eventful and an odd set of circumstances leaves you wondering until the end.” Many adventures are had by Teddy, A.J and friends along the way both on and off the green, many of which readers will find amusing to say he least. The culmination of the tour is at Hotham Springs, the flagship tournament of the book and the most eventful and an odd set of circumstances leaves you wondering until the end. The writing style of this book may not be every reader’s favourite. Smith adopts a quite formal style which isn’t particularly commonplace. In particular contractions are uncommon throughout the book which can sometimes take away from the tone of character dialogue and at times the style doesn’t quite fit the setting of an Australian bowling club. Whilst possibly annoying, this one weakness isn’t enough to turn it an entertaining read into a dust collector. The characters are what make this story. Throughout the book appears a collection of characters that every bowler has come across at some point in their career. Whilst A.J himself is quite an ‘Average Joe’ sort of character his understatedness works very well to accentuate the 26

idiosyncrasies and personality of those around. From that helpful old bloke who’s been playing since before you were born to the club larrikin dishing out the banter this book includes many of our games’ most common characters. One of the things many bowlers love most about the game are those who play it and this story encapsulates that. A relatable storyline and characters will allow every bowler to enjoy this book. Whilst it could interest those who don’t yet play it would be unlikely to be as entertaining as they don’t have the knowledge which makes the characters so great. Overall though this book represents something the sport of bowls is missing and could be just what someone with a love of both of both bowls and reading is looking for. For those interested in reading this book it can purchased online at: authorhouse.com for US$18.24 plus p&p fishpond.com.au for AU$28.06 (free delivery) or bookdepository.com for AU$28.95 (free delivery) • Thomas Mitchell. Also you can read more about the author at http://lucidus-smith.co.uk BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016


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Friedman Lurie Singh & D'Angelo YOUR SMART LAWYERS

This article is for general information purposes only and should in no way be construed as a substitute for independent legal advice. Should you have any queries about this article or require any legal advice please do not hesitate to contact us at FLSD.

Are foreign contracts valid in Australia? Many of our readers come from a foreign jurisdiction to Australia and are interested to find out if the legal contracts they have entered into in a foreign jurisdiction are legally valid and binding in Australia.

Are foreign contracts valid and binding in Australia? As a general rule a contract validly executed in a foreign jurisdiction will be valid and binding in Australia unless such contract is deemed to be against public policy or the laws of Australia. In such cases the contract will be unenforceable in Australia even if the contract is valid under the law of the jurisdiction in which it is made. Another way in which such a contract may be rendered unenforceable is where the parties’ choice of jurisdiction in the contract is found to be in bad faith. An example of such bad faith is when the parties choose Australia’s governing jurisdiction for the predominant purpose of evading the tax laws of a foreign jurisdiction.

International child support and overseas maintenance agreements Since July 2000 Australia has made arrangements through international agreements and conventions to provide for most child support cases to be registered and administered by the Child Support Agency (CSA) as opposed to the Australian courts. These arrangements apply in the following situations: a. where a child lives with a parent in Australia and the payer parent resides in a reciprocating jurisdiction; or b. where a child lives with a parent in a reciprocating jurisdiction and the payer parent is resident in Australia. Under these arrangements, the CSA can register and enforce an overseas maintenance assessment, an overseas maintenance order and a registered overseas maintenance agreement. Most countries, including South Africa, are reciprocating jurisdictions in terms of the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Relating to Maintenance Obligations 1973 for these purposes. Upon the registration of an overseas maintenance liability with CSA, the liability becomes a debt payable to the Commonwealth of Australia and will be collected and enforced by the CSA on behalf of the payee parent.

International pre-nuptial agreements In accordance with the Family Law Act international ‘pre-nuptial agreements’ will only be binding on the parties to the agreement if the agreement is in writing and signed by all the parties after each party has received independent legal advice from a legal practitioner dealing with the effect of the agreement on the rights of that party and the advantages and disadvantages of entering into the agreement. A court may relax these requirements if it is satisfied that the agreement is ‘just and equitable’. An Australian court will take into consideration factors such as the financial contributions made by the parties, the non-financial contributions made by them for the welfare of the family and also the future financial needs of both parties when assessing what is just and equitable in the circumstances.

Recognition of foreign wills A will prepared in a foreign jurisdiction, including South Africa, will be valid in Australia provided the will was made in conformity with the internal law in force in the place: a. where the will was executed; b. that was the testator’s domicile or habitual residence, either at the time the will was executed, or at the testator’s death; or c. of which the testator was a national, either at the date of execution of the will, or at the testator’s death.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

It is however important to the reasons why a testator who has property in Australia and in a foreign jurisdiction such as South Africa should have a will to deal with the property in South Africa and a separate will to deal with the property in Australia. Such reasons include a. avoiding the costs of transferring assets (such as bank fees, transfer fees inter alia) between jurisdictions where there are beneficiaries in Australia who could inherit the Australian property, and beneficiaries in South Africa who could inherit the South African property; b. avoiding difficulties that may arise in having probate of the original will granted in one country and then granted in the other as both countries prefer to retain the original will; c. avoiding delays caused by translation and judicial interpretation in the foreign country; d. tax savings as well as reduced court fees where a particular jurisdiction is dealing with property solely within that jurisdiction rather than the total wealth of the testate.

Overseas offers of employment There are, generally speaking, two types of overseas employment arrangements, being transfers and secondments. In the case of a transfer of employment, the employment agreement with the foreign employer terminates and the employee accepts a new employment agreement with an Australian employer. In this circumstance, the law dealing with employment in Australia will apply. International secondments, however, involves the employer of a foreign country “loaning” the employee to an Australian entity. This means that the employee’s employment with the foreign country does not terminate as a result of the secondment. Further, the termination of the international secondment does not terminate the employee’s domestic employment agreement. In the case of secondments local Australian legislation will apply to expatriates performing work in Australia and it is not possible to contract out of the obligations imposed by the Australian law. Therefore even if the employment agreement states that the governing law of the contract will be that of South Africa, the applicable local Australian legislation will still apply.

Does all legislation apply in all Australian states? Australia operates under a federal system of government. This means that unless the central (federal) government has been given the power by the Constitution of Australia to make certain laws, each state has the power to make its own laws. Each state may have different State laws, albeit that sometimes the differences are only very slight. Nonetheless, because of this potential variation in the laws of each state about the same subject matter it is always advisable to seek legal advice to ascertain the actual applicable state law in any matter and not blindly to rely on guesswork. If you are about to enter into or, wish to enforce or, need to draft, a contract/ agreement with an individual or a corporation from overseas, it is vital that you seek legal advice on the contract/agreement as such document can branch out into various areas of law as identified n this article. Get in touch with one of our commercial lawyers to ensure you understand your obligations, risks and rights under the contract/agreement.

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Your Smart Lawyers Level 2, 139 Newcastle Street, Perth Tel: 9254000 24 Kent Street, Rockingham Tel: 9520 2729 Suite 1, 11 Boas Avenue, Joondalup Tel: 9310 4999 Email: flsd@flsd.com.au Internet: www.flsd.com.au


coaching opportunity!

The Sporting Schools Program is seeking registrations from accredited Bowls Australia coaches to be help deliver coaching sessions in Primary Schools across the nation. Sporting Schools, a partnership between the Australian Sports Commission, Bowls Australia and 30 other national sporting organisations, aims to get our next generation playing sport on a daily basis. Around Australia, Primary Schools are utilising funding to become involved with bowls by purchasing Jr. Jack Attack kits, which are designed to enable kids to participate in an engaging, fun and inclusive format. We’re searching for accredited coaches to: • Get paid for their CoaChinG skills and knowledGe • Grow the sport • ConneCt with the Community

for more information, email sportingschools@bowlsaustralia.com.au or phone 03 9480 7100 Schools’ coach at Register to become a Sporting es v.au/Get-Involved/Coach www.sportingschools.go


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

The 7th International Deaf Lawn Bowls Championships

Deaf Championships in Belfast September 2015 The Seventh International Dealf Lawn Bowls Championships was held last September in Belfast and was run as a Round Robin over 13 days with two rest days. The countries participating were Australia, NZ, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. All players were either signing deaf or hearing impaired, and some of them wore cochlear implants. The youngest player was 16 year old Kimberley Bruce from Scotland, who started playing bowls at the age of 10. The most unusual player this time around was a young Englishman, Andrew Owens, who was supported by his guide dog. There was one anxious moment when another English player took the dog for a walk unbeknown to his master and Andrew was in a state of panic. However, the lost dog was soon found! The women played one less round as the Republic of Ireland had no lady players. The weather conditions were not favourable, with plenty of rain and cold weather, which made the greens heavy and

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

difficult for our Australian men who are used to fast-paced dry greens for their narrow bias lawn bowls. The Australian ladies fared better in these conditions and won the overall championships for Australia over Scotland and Northern Ireland. Australia came in a narrow second to Northern Ireland in the Singles, came 2nd in the Pairs behind Scotland, won the Triples over Northern Ireland and won the Fours over NZ. The men, on the other hand did not win any medals and came in 6th, with the Republic of Ireland in 7th place. There were plenty of social activities in between the bowls and these included bingo, an entertainment evening, visits to the Titanic Museum, and the Giant’s Causeway. It was an experience we shall never forget! The next Championships will take place in Christchurch NZ in 2019. – Anne Jeavons


• Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News

New facilities at

Goomalling Mortlock Sport and Community Centre

OPENING • Life members with Hon Mia Davies are Terry Johnson, Murray Chester, Ian and Lois Leeson. Margaret Bird and Dulcie Coulthard with Murray Siegert, Goomalling Bowling Club President.

The bowling committee have worked with the Mortlock Sports Council since 2007 to re locate and develop a synthetic bowling green accompanied by a new sporting complex to amalgamate all sporting facilities to the Recreation ground in Goomalling. On Friday 18th December the Goomalling Sports Community Centre with a new bowling green true draw surface was officially opened by Hon Mia Davies MLA , Minister for Sport and Recreation. Six Life members from the bowling club rolled the first bowl including 98 year old Dulcie Coulthard who is a avid and loyal supporter. Who never misses a local pennant match played on Goomalling greens The Community have worked tirelessly for the 8 years to raise the finance to fund this project with support coming from Federal, State and local government funding. The local community have also committed to many hours of volunteered labour. The short time this project has been completed we have seen a increase in participation and spectators who enjoy the great view and new facilities.


• Life member Dulcie Coultard (98) with the Hon Mia Davies, Minister for Sport and Recreation

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

• Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News

Kukerin A&M Williams Classic The annual A&M Williams Classic was once again a huge success for the Kukerin Bowling Club. This very popular event continues to attract a quality field of bowlers from a wide area of the South West of W.A. Players this year attended from Albany, Dunsborough, Safety Bay, Manning, Mundaring, Narrogin, Narembeen, Kulin, Newdegate, Katanning/Broomehill, Wagin, Kojonup/Mt Barker, Dumbleyung, Lake Grace, and Kukerin. The event this year was played in almost perfect conditions over the two days. At the end of day one after some very close games two teams led on 4 wins with a number of others on 3 1/2 and 3 wins. Day two played again in almost perfect conditions saw the event come to a conclusion with some leaders faltering and the result in doubt until the last bowls was played. The Albany team of Don King, John Poett, Rob Stephens and Des Bairstow (pictured) eventually prevailed narrowly from Warren Holt and team from Wagin with the Kukerin team skippered by Clive Bahr in third place. First day winners were Bob Petchell’s Safety Bay side and second day winners Joe Ward and team from Katanning/ Broomehill.

• Don King, John Poett, Rob Stephens and Des Bairstow, 2015 winners of the Kukerin Classic.

The club would like to acknowledge our many sponsors and also thank all visiting players for their continued support. Once again our small band of loyal ladies with some volunteers catered in their usual way which drew praise from visiting players. Thank you ladies. – Phil Adams - Kukerin Bowling Club

Tony Hockey – Coach of the Year 2015 Manning’s Tony Hockey has won the Club Coach of the Year award announced at the Bowls Australia awards night in October. Hockey has worked as a coach in the Bowls WA high performance program for several years highlighting his coaching abilities. Manning won both Premier League flags last season showing the work that has been put into developing the strength of their club. Hockey has been involved in the high performance program since 2010 as assistant coach of the women’s state team. Hockey found immediate success with the team victorious at the National Side Series that season and finishing as the runner up the following year. In 2014 Hockey crossed over to the men’s side, also in the assistant coaching role. Whilst his time in that position wasn’t as successful as his previous posting, he showed himself to be a quality coach taking over from Pieter Harris for this season. With his first team selection complete Hockey will now work with his side until the National Side Series in the ACT in April.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

• Coach of the Year – Tony Hockey.

Hockey has also been instrumental in the foundation of the Bowls WA Academy. Founded in 2012 the academy is aimed at developing future state representatives. Hockey was the inaugural coach of the academy, a role he continues to serve.


Men’s Inter League Round Robin Wrap

The various country leagues through out Western Australia played within the four Country Zones for their respective annual Men’s Inter League Round Robin events over the weekend of January 8th, 9th and 10th. The selected players from these events will represent their Zone to play in the Men’s Inter Zone Round Robin at Kalgoorlie Bowling Club on February 6th and 7th.

Eastern Zone Results The Eastern Zone Men’s Inter League Round Robin was hosted at Merredin Bowling Club. After four rounds of competition Avon and East Avon were clear leaders both undefeated and played each other in the last round setting up a virtual grand final. The match was closely contested right until the final ends with the East Avon coming away with a very hard fought 7977 aggregate win to claim the title. Congratulations to the following players who were selected to represent the zone.

Eastern Zone Table Pos Team 1st East Avon 2nd Avon 3rd Goldfields 4th South Eastern 5th Central Wheatbelt

Pts Rinks Shots 8 7.5 +27 6 11 +136 4 8 -21 2 8 -53 0 5.5 -89

Eastern Zone Side





G Walker H Smith P Fleay M Lancaster M Szczecinski

P Beresford G Main K Wolfenden A Smith J Curry

R Cowcher D Thomson D Kelly R Griffiths W Button

G Vaughan C Schell T Meston W Maher R Bycroft

Reserves: G Cox, G Watson Manager: D Hudson


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

Men’s Inter League Round Robin Wrap

Northern Zone Results The Northern Zone ILRR was hosted by Jurien Bowling Club who presented excellent greens and facilities for all players. After an opening round loss to Batavia Red the Central West Coastal League won their next four matches very convincingly and with the loss of only three more rinks to take out the event. With 15 rinks wins from a possible 20 and a massive 139 shots up there was no doubting they were the best performed league at the event and worthy winners. Batavia Red who were perhaps the favourites for the event and even more so with the opening win had an upset loss in the third round to Central Midlands which proved costly however they would be pleased with a good second place only missing out by a few rink wins. Steve Palmer (Batavia Red) and Peter Holmes (Central West Coastal) were the only two skippers to win all five matches with both deservedly earning skippers spots for the Zone.

Northern Zone Table Pos Team 1st Central West Coastal 2nd Batavia Bowling League-Red 3rd Moore Districts 4th Central Midlands 5th North Midlands 6th Batavia White

Pts Rinks Shots 8 15 +139 8 13 +78 4 10 -59 4 8.5 -65 4 5.5 -27 2 8 -66

On better shots up the rink of Palmer, Fox, Beck and Carlton from Central West Coastal was presented with the trophy as the best performed rink. Congratulations to the following players who were selected to represent the zone:

Northern Zone Side Skip




Steve Palmer Glen Jones Peter Holmes Ron Treasure Geoff Ellis

Michael Ford Aaron Goulden Mick Fox Ian James Laurie Armstrong

Joe Cukela Trevor Smythe Michael Walton John Pausey Geoff Halliday

John Lucas Phil Manning Alan Carlton Rick Allen Peter Leeson

Reserves: Brad Hirsch, Dan Jolly Zone Selectors: Norm Skoglund Manager: John Lewis

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South Western Zone Results The 2016 South West Bowling Zone Inter League Round Robin was held at the Augusta Bowling Club. The host club presented two excellent synthetic greens and very good club facilities, fitting for the regional play off and officials and all associated with the Leeuwin club deserve the highest accolades for setting the standard for this important annual regional event. Unfortunately due to the horrific bush fires in the area at the time with a couple of major roads closed it created a seven hour bus trip for the Murray League players. This may have had an effect as the players from the Murray were forced to take to the green immediately and promptly lost on all rinks to their arch rivals South West. Bouyed by this unexpectedly large victory the South West went on to easily account for Blackwood Sunday morning losing only one rink It was a different story in the afternoon for the South West, needing to win only one game to give them a serious chance at the shield South West struggled against Leeuwin down on 4 rinks at the half way mark.

South Western Zone Table Pos Team 1st Southwest 2nd Leeuwin 3rd Blackwood 4th Murray Districts

Pts Rinks Shots 4 10.5 +55 4 9.5 +17 2 6 -49 2 4 -23

Gary Keep however went on to a well-deserved 11 shot victory winning all his games for the weekend to be the best performed rink at the event. Newcomer to the South West former Premier League player Graeme Evans showed his class playing some magnificent skippers bowls to salvage a draw on his rink giving South West the shield for the first time since the 2006/07 season. Best performed rink: South West team of Garry Keep (skip), Ron Bickers, Ron White, Darren Wilkinson 3 wins + 15. Congratulations to the following players who were selected to represent the zone:

South Western Zone Side





N Woods R Tiller J Mitchell G Keep A Drayton

Ross White G Evans P Sheedy R Bickers K Simmons

R Warburton A Cowie P Fancote S Pennington J Hamilton


R Bowron D Nagle G Twist D Wilkinson B Plater

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

Southern Zone Side





R Tate W Holt D Cliff A Crabbe J Robertson

J Fiegert J Davidson B Coote M Wunnenberg G Hosking

D Stewart K McGregor D Lloyd N Hosking C Bahr

W Rodgers M Cowie D Maynard G Jansen R Rodgers

Southern Zone Results The Southern Zone Men’s Inter League Round Robin was hosted by the Kulin Bowling Club. The event turned out to be a battle between the Great Southern Leagues with the Lower Great Southern eventually claiming the title narrowly on rink wins as both finished with 8 pts each. Congratulations to the above players who were selected to represent the zone.

Southern Zone Table Pos 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Team Lower Great Southern Upper Great Southern South East Coastal Great Southern South Central Arunga Central Stirling

Pts Rinks Shots 8 15 +54 8 11 +80 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years

MEN Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 11 13 13 15 16 17 17 17 17

Name Mitchell, Thomas Adams, Clive Trewhella, Daniel Slavich, John Patterson, Daniel Bessant, Corey Brown, Daniel Mitchell, Matthew Ellul, Matt Caffell, Gary Brandsma, Bill Nairn, Blake Edmonds, Scott Ker, Peter Grigg, Lewis Simpson, Mark Evans, Graham Lilburne, Ian O’Neill, Steve Pryce, Alan

Rank 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 14 16 17 18 18 20

Name Abe, Noelene Hastings, Therese Andersen, Kerry Krstic, Kristina Poletti, Lee Spragg, Vicki Warburton, Linda Madigan, Toni Scott, Bev Featherby, Lisa Morss, Helen Kelly, Denise Solly, Shari Chalmers, Pam Coote, Renate Gobbart, Kathy Matthews, Liz Leahy, Irene Rhine, Debra Baker, Bev

Club Manning Cambridge Stirling Doubleview Cambridge Doubleview Kardinya Manning Manning Osborne Park Doubleview Bassendean Yokine Manning Osborne Park Dudley Park Busselton Osborne Park Osborne Park Manning

Total 311 173 143 142 125 119 115 115 99 96 86 86 70 70 66 65 64 64 64 64


Announcement of Grants Several grants have been announced recently that will provide funding to Shires and Grants to create and enhance bowls facilities throughout the State. A summary of the successful grants is listed here: CSRFF Small Grants Spearwood (Club) $57K; Gosnells (Club) $35K; Yarloop (Shire) $41K; Lake Yealering (Shire) $59K; Wyalkatchem (Club) $43K. National Stronger Regions Fund Tambellup (Shire) $950K; Cockburn (Shire) $4.5M. Community Sporting Club Equipment Subsidy Scheme ($500) – Round 1, 2016 Leeming; Kojonup; Paraburdoo; Nollamara; Bridgetown; Nannup; Willetton; Yunderup; Margaret River.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2016

Club Corrigin Manning Mosman Park Manning Geraldton Dudley Park Mosman Park Manning Capel Mosman Park Manning Mosman Park Manning Osborne Park Mosman Park Sorrento Manning Boulder North Beach Mosman Park

Total 432 238 193 193 180 146 139 122 122 108 104 99 93 79 79 58 57 47 47 45


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