Jackhi winter edition 2016

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Edition 106 • Winter 2016

Hall of Fame Inductees: Poletti and Wishart

Glen Forrest success with ANZ program

Also inside this issue: • Life and times of Jim Sullivan • Perth Suns Awards Night Roundup – pages 12 and 13

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Join host Jack Heverin each week for The Bowls Show, Bowls Australia’s new television product that will feature 20 weekly episodes from May 15 to September 25 2016, on SBS. Watch highlights of the best tournaments in Australia, including the Australian Premier League and Australian Open, as well as segments on coaching, development, officiating, high performance and social bowls featuring the sport’s biggest names, including Steve Glasson, Karen Murphy, Kelvin Kerkow, Catch the action each Sunday from 1.00-2.00pm on SBS, or if you miss an episode or two, simply tune into

SBS On Demand anytime following each episode to watch a replay – completely free of charge. SBS On Demand can be viewed on internet enabled TVs, set-top boxes, phones and tablets, gaming consoles and Apple TV. If you’re one of the 623,666 regular bowls participants and want to see bowls remain on free-to-air television, make sure you tune into The Bowls Show each week!


jack hi

Our Cover


Edition 106 • Winter 2016

Hall of Fame Inductees: Poletti and Wishart

Jack Hi Editorial


Awards Night winner a feature Welcome to another edition of Jack Hi. This edition is packed with features on the various award winners from the Bowls WA Presentation Dinner hosted at the Crown Perth. Two additions into the Hall of Fame in Lee Poletti (page 14) and Graeme Wishart (page 15) were certainly highlights on a great night to celebrate the many achievements by clubs, officials and players through out the 2015/16 season. Also in this edition is the announcement of a new Perth Suns team for the Bowls Premier League (pages 36 and 37) along with exciting news from Glen Forrest of $931 in cash received through the ANZ Bank loan referral program (page 31). Finally for the history buffs it is worth reading about The Life and Times of Jim Sullivan who was a great servant to bowls in Western Australia, this story is on pages 26 and 27.

Features in this issue Awards Night Winners


Hall of Fame Winners


Jim Sullivan


Perth Suns


Glen Forrest success with ANZ program

Also inside this issue: • Life and times of Jim Sullivan • Perth Suns Awards Night Roundup – pages 12 and 13

• Hall of Fame inductees – Lee Poletti and Graeme Wishart.


President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Inclusive Practices..................................6 From the Umpires..................................8 Country Director.....................................9 Bowls Coaching ..................................10 2017 State Squads..............................11 WA Bowls Rankings.............................11 Annual Awards Night 2016 .............12-13 Hall of Fame 2016 – Lee Poletti.............14 Hall of Fame 2016 – Graeme Wishart....15 Lindsay Rosenthal Medal......................16 Female Bowler of the Year.....................17 Club of the Year – Metro.......................18 Club of the Year – Small Metro...............19 O60s Bowlers of the Year......................20 Club of the Year – Country.....................21 Club of the Year – Small Country............22 O60s Men's Country Bowler..................23 O60s Women's Country Bowler..............25 Junior Bowler of the Year......................25 Club Coach of the Year.........................26 Volunteer of the Year.............................26 The Life and Times of Jim Sullivan....27-28 Second RBM now in WA.......................29 Hopetoun Men's Classic........................31 Glen Forrest success with ANZ program..32 Women's O60s team announcement......34 Spearwood celebrates new green...........35 Perth Suns and BPL........................37-38 Australian Open rap.............................39 Lifestyle Articles Legal Corner........................................36

Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is 21st October 2016. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au

C ampbell design

Jack Hi is produced for BowlsWA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au Phone: 08 9440 5863 • 0411 220 239.

©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.

1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Graham Leeks. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au

From the President


New funding model passed at Bowls WA AGM Our Annual General Meeting was held at the Manning club at the end of July and my thanks to the club for hosting this meeting and to the ladies who provided such an excellent morning tea. The attendance by the metro clubs was indeed disappointing with only 33 clubs from a possible 66 making the effort. Fortunately this was just a few more than the 30 needed for a quorum. This meeting was of particular importance as the Notice of Motion to move to a fixed club levy and away from the capitation levy paid by members, was on the Agenda as it required a change in our Constitution. Country clubs submitted their votes by postal ballot and again the result was poor with only 76 valid votes from 141 clubs. Given that this change was probably the most important decision that clubs have faced since the unification of the men and ladies associations some 10 plus years ago, it is remarkable that so many clubs could not be bothered – symptomatic perhaps why some clubs are going backward. The good news for bowls in WA from all this, is that the motion was approved by a vote of 76.1%, just exceeding the 75% required. This change will have many benefits for clubs in the reduction of paperwork, the elimination of capitation returns and added financial benefits to clubs who increase their membership. For Bowls WA it will provide some financial certainty. At the AGM the office bearers were elected for a further two year term and it was my privilege to again be elected as President. All Board members due for re-election with the exception of Therese Hastings stood again and were accordingly elected without the need for a ballot. The Board is now Kerry Anderson, Deputy President, Hendy Cowan, Tim Murray, Marc Abonnel and Ross Warburton. Two other Board members who are only part way through their term, Linda Deegan-Humphries and Lisa Featherby make up the balance of the Board with Vince Del Prete an appointed Board member. Therese Hasting after four years on the Board chose not to continue. Therese with her extensive club and bowls experience made a valuable contribution to the Board and she will be missed. However she is not lost to bowls in WA, as she continues with her NTC coaching role and will remain on the Fixtures and Events committee. Her replacement on the Board is Ross Warburton a country bowler of some renown, who plays at the Brunswick club. Ross has had a long involvement with country bowls administration and is currently the South West Zone President


and a member of the Country committee. We welcome him to the Board and look forward to working with him. The AGM also approved the appointment of the Governor who agreed to continue in her role as Patron and Mrs Beryl Brennan who agreed to continue as our Vice Patron. We thank her for the significant service provided to the Association over many years. Coming up in September is the second APL cup to be held at the Mandurah club. 32 teams have been invited to participate in this fast moving and exciting tournament based on the APL format. Bowls Australia are hoping to make the APL cup a national event with state winners competing for national honours. The Australian Premier League (APL) has been renamed as the Bowls Premier League (BPL) primarily as some of the competition will be played in New Zealand. BPL # 4 will be played again at Pine Rivers in Brisbane and BPL #5 will move to New Zealand and will be played in February 2017 in Auckland. The Perth Suns will again be representing WA in the BPL. Another change introduced into the BPL is that in the team of three, one player has to be of the opposite gender. Accordingly our team for Pine Rivers has been selected and is Thomas Mitchell, state player and the current Rosenthal medallist, Pieter Harris also a state player and the current Champion of Club Champion singles and Kristina Kristic who recently earned selection in the Australian Jackaroos team. Something to look forward to in early October is the hosting of the Australian Side Series for the Over 60 men and ladies. This will be held at the Osborne Park Bowling club. Our Over 60’s teams have always performed very well in this series and on our home greens and with the local crowd support I am confident that we will again give a very good account of ourselves. During my first two year term I had the opportunity to visit many clubs both metro and country, attending club and league openings , special club functions and attending and presenting prizes for state events , country week and pennant finals. I also visited just over 70 country clubs which gave me a better understanding of the special challenges the country clubs face and allowed me to meet many club officials and members and enjoy the special hospitality for which country folk are famous. I am looking forward to doing much the same in this term, working with the Board and all our committees in trying to make our Association and all the clubs better, stronger and more future proof.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

From the Chief Executive Officer


Perth Suns ready to go in APL4! As we struggle through what seems like a cold and particularly wet winter, at least on the weekends, there is plenty happening behind the scenes in the bowls world.

Changes to the Act A significant amount of information has been distributed regarding changes to the Associations Incorporations Act which came into effect on 1st July. A common misconception is that the changes only affect Association’s and hence Bowls WA, but this is not the case. ALL bodies that are incorporated including clubs, leagues and zones are affected and generally will require some level of change to their Constitution. There are a couple of options. Firstly if the changes your club wishes to make to your Constitution are limited to only those that are now required by law, then a simple committee meeting can approve those changes and then lodged at the Department of Commerce within 28 days. Those changes can then be passed onto the members at the following AGM as a matter of information. However if more broad changes are sought by the club, over and above the requirements set down in the Act, then an AGM or SGM will be required to pass them. Similarly they must still be lodged at the Department of Commerce within 28 days following approval. If you want to start your club’s Constitution from scratch, there is also a model constitution which has been provided by DSR, incorporating all required amendments. In general however the changes are relatively minor and clubs etc. have three years to bring them into effect, so if you need assistance please contact the office or speak to your Regional Bowls Manager.

The Bowls Show on SBS Most would be aware of the return to commercial television of a bowls show on Sunday afternoon. The show seeks to cater for a wide audience with aspects clearly directed to the new bowler or person considering the sport whilst other segments are for the more experienced player with plenty of actual footage of major events to enjoy. As you can imagine ratings are critical to future decision making by the networks, including timeslots and length of coverage. So we encourage you to catch the show whenever able to ensure that when those negotiations take place Bowls Australia has plenty of ammunition in its quest for a continuation of the show.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Perth Suns ready to fire Our own Perth Suns are ready to fire for APL #4 to take place once again at Club Pine Rivers in Brisbane in mid November. This year quite rightly sees the requirement of a 'mixed gender' side and we are fortunate we have one of the games great up and coming talents in Kristina Krstic to fly the orange flag. Tom Mitchell fresh from his fourth Rosenthal Medal and debutante the experienced Pieter Harris make up the team, who will be guided once again by Commonwealth Games medallist in Wayne Turley. An exciting progression of the event will see the expansion to a second event in February in Auckland – effectively doubling the prizemoney available across the two competitions to $200,000! Negotiations continue with the venue for the Auckland leg, but it is almost certain that the televised games will be within a stadium and a portable rink used for matches. The competition continues to grow and Bowls WA through the Perth Suns are proud to be a part of the action. With the APL Cup to once again be hosted at the Mandurah club late in September, invited clubs will also have the opportunity to play the same format as the big guns on the circuit, with plans ahead to make the club competition national and to seek a national club champion of the APL format. Exciting stuff in this fast paced version of the game.

ANZ breakthrough for Glen Forrest Congratulations to Glen Forrest who are the first WA club to benefit from the ANZ Bank loan referral program. Bowls WA and representatives of the ANZ Bank were very pleased to present a cheque for $931.12 to Glen Forrest after one of their members successfully applied for a loan through the ANZ Bank – and we hear there may be more to come from other clubs. The process is simple and is not confined to club members, but is open to anyone who follows the process of introducing themselves to the ANZ as a “supporter” of a WA bowling club. A minimum of 0.3% of the approved loan will then flow to your nominated club – it can’t be any easier and it's good money for clubs – just ask Glen Forrest!


Inclusive Practices Officer


Striving for Personal Achievement from Grass Root Inclusion Programs to National Events…

2016 National Multi-Bowl Championships

The 2016 Multi-Disability Lawn Bowls National Championships were held at Clearview Bowling Club in Adelaide from the 22nd-27th of May. These Championships are the National stepping stone to the Commonwealth Games and International Bowls with a Disability (IBD) Games. WA state representatives have been attending since 2013 – in 2013 as a single player, and then in 2014 and 2015 as unique teams of three. 2016 saw an influx with a team of eight including two women for the first time! Last year our Fremantle representative, Joe Davey, was awarded the prestigious Clover/ Lester Perpetual Trophy – the Nationals had been running for 30 years and it was a first for WA!

Open Triples 2016 saw us as a state to be reckoned with as one of our three Open Triples team (Eddie Gollan, Steve Murray, Wayne Allsopp) made it to the Semi-Finals in play off for Bronze, unfortunately this game was not our time to shine but instead be proud of landing in the Semi-Finals and coming 4th of 16 teams.

Open Men's Pairs Up next came the Open Men’s Pairs (players with B5/6 and B7/8 disabilities playing against each other instead of in their respective categories) – one of our Pairs teams made it to the Finals for Gold and won!!! Congratulations to Eddie Gollan and Steve Murray on their fantastic showing.

Ladies Singles Our team ladies (Maud Taylor, Lara Symons) gave a fantastic show in the Ladies Singles – while not coming out ahead they pushed their opponents to the time limit on every game! I see a lot of potential in future Championships for these ladies. Coming out of the Singles and into the Open Women’s Pairs saw the WA women put up a fight…in the first 3 games they lost by very small margins; however, once again they pushed their opponents to the game time limits – they then came in for a draw and finalized the Pairs with a win – improvement over the week and in trying conditions that saw one day closed due to rain and the next day four games of two hours played consecutively – not an easy feat!


• The 2016 WA Team (L-R): Greg Power (Guilderton – B7), Steve Murray (Scarborough – B8), Joe Davey (Fremantle – B6), Maud Taylor (Collie – B8), Wayne Allsopp (Dowerin – B7), Denise McMillan (Team Manager), Leigh Passmore (Kwinana – B6), Eddie Gollan (Kardinya – B6), and Lara-Jane Symons (South Perth – B6).

Men's Singles Winding up the week along with the Ladies games were the Men’s Singles played in separate categories of B5/6 and B7/8. Steve Murray came within a hairs-breath of competing in the B7/8 Quarter Finals, falling short of a position by 3 shots. Wayne Allsopp and Greg Power also pushed their opponents but the opposition pushed back harder! The B5/6 Singles saw Leigh Passmore and Joe Davey push their opponents but not quite slide through and Eddie Gollan win a spot in play off for Gold; however, lady luck was not on the players side on the day with the game cancelled due to rain. The countback saw Eddie come Silver rather than Gold – still a fantastic result and one to be proud of! We look forward to becoming a bigger and better team in future games – bring on 2017!!! For more information on Inclusive Lawn Bowls please contact Denise McMillan on 0449 619 841 or denise@bowlswa.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


From the Umpires


Duties of Measurer Up until recently, the answer was that, within Australia, an Accredited Measurer having been called to conduct any measure of any kind (bowl or jack in or out of bounds; short delivery of jack or bowl; who is holding shot when called), having made the decision, had the same effect as an Umpire having decided, and that decision could not be disputed. BA’s National Officiating Advisory Group (NOAG) realised that the term ‘Measurer’ does not appear in the Laws Of The Sport Of Bowls CM edition 3, therefore had no real validity in our previous thinking over many, many years. BA then modified the requirements and included the status of a Measurer in the description on page 33 of the manual, which states:

Duties of a Measurer A Measurer must be accredited and undertakes identical training as all accredited national umpires and as such is able to demonstrate their competency by carrying out the following required duties: • Measure any disputed shot or shots using suitable measuring equipment, such as that described in law 54. • Must decide whether the distance of the mat from the rear end and front ditches and the distance of the jack or bowl from the mat line are in line with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls or not. • Must decide whether a jack or bowl is in play or not. A player can call for an umpire if they not satisfied with the Measurer’s decision. However, if there is no umpire present at a game but an accredited national measurer is, then the Measurer becomes the appointed competent player to be the umpire for that day. Then, as such, 'The Umpire’s decision is final'. A Measurer must not offer advice or any interpretation of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls unless they have been appointed as the Umpire. How Measurers conduct themselves during games can have significant influence on the way in which games are conducted and the atmosphere that prevails. The clarification of the role of an accredited Measurer was integrated as necessary into the latest Officating Manual, a copy of which every new and re-accrediting Umpire; Measurer and Marker receives as part of their participation since April 2016. For those who have received the previous Officiating Manual (Jan 2015 – on), you can obtain sevenpage OfficiatingManualAmendments2016.pdf file of the relevant alterations, related to the page numbers concerned, from the Bowls WA website; http://www.bowlswa.com.au/ Club-Assistance/Umpires.


These pages are formatted in such away as to allow you to cut out and paste the amended text and pictures in the 2015 Manual to bring it fully up to date. The alternative would be to purchase a new Manual from BWA for $25 plus postage.

Umpires Courses The September round of Umpires courses is to be held in the Metro area at venues North and South of the River. The 3-session (Marker, Measurer and National Umpires) course at YOKINE Bowling Club is to be held over 3 consecutive Monday evenings – 29th August, and 5th and 12th September; with applications closing Thursday 18th August (to allow for postal delivery of manual and pre-course materials prior to attending the first session). A weekend course of the 3 sessions, is to conducted at WILLETTON Bowling Club over Saturday 10th September – morning and afternoon; and Sunday 11th September – Morning only. The details of these are also posted on the BWA website at the same link as the Manual amendments can be found. Country courses are be conducted throughout the various Leagues at times that may be arranged. These are conducted by qualified Presenters and Assessors (P&A), for which there are gradual plans to increase their numbers as time & resources permit. Contact BWA for details if you wish to consider an Officiating (as Umpiring; Measuring and Marking is collectively known)accreditation, for your nearest P&A. Clubs and individual player/members are encouraged to consider completing an Officiating Course as it can have a great flow-on effect in terms of the smooth running of games; better individual understanding of the game and generally contribute to the harmony of a club in the continued learning process. I can't promise you that you will bowl any better, but you will generally enjoy the sport more. All the best for the forthcoming season 2016 – 2017.

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

From the Country Director

Linda Deegan-Humphries

Congratulations to Awards recipients Congratulations to the Country players and Clubs receiving awards at the Annual Awards at Crown in May. I am sure that they are printed elsewhere in this publication. Congratulations also to those players who performed well at Club, League and Zone events. Congratulations also to those who participated in these events. The strength of bowls at your Club is because of your participation. I must make mention of the initiative taken by the Leeuwin League in restructuring their Ladies Pennant competition to suit the participating Club numbers. Team of 4 players, 14 games, 9.15am roll-up for 9.30am start. Game 1-7 -fours 14 ends, then split into pairs (2x2x2x2) 12 ends. Game 8-14- pairs (3x3) 16 ends then fours 14 ends. Scoring - Fours – 3 points win, 1 point draw, Pairs – 1 point for each rink win plus 1 point for the aggregate. Maximum number of points 6. All games to be played at the same venue with the fixtures to be in strict rotation of teams entered. Congratulations, I wish you every success.

The annual CCES program during August is once again being prepared. Those participating have the opportunity to extend their bowling performance with the guidance of top coaches. I must thank all those involved in pulling this program together. Welcome to the new delegates to the Country Committee and my sincere thanks to those who are standing down. Clubs and Leagues are urged to relay concerns and relevant information to their respective delegates. The next meeting of the Country Committee is in October so make contact with them before the end of September to get your ideas promoted. The annual migration to warmer weather has been a rather wet experience for most travellers. Take care on the roads and enjoy your break. See you on the green!

SUITE 8, 12 GEORGE STREET • WARILLA NSW 2528 P [02] 4255 2855 F [02] 4255 2866

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


Bowls Coaching:

Are Clubs making effective use of their coaches? Majority of sports, whether team focused, or individual in nature, with maybe a few exceptions, utilize the services of a coach or coaching groups to support, and enhance the performance and improvement of their sports participants, their sports profiles, and across all levels of participation.

Some background information, and statistics Many years ago Bowls Australia introduced a National Coaching Accreditation System, (NCAS) with the view that those people that wished to become coaches within the sport, could apply to attend accreditation courses. This then would assess their abilities to perform the coaching role within defined criteria, set out in a national coaching manual, thus standardizing the methodology, nation wide, that all Bowls coaches would adopt. This accreditation system was set up to accommodate the various levels that coaches would operate at.

Introductory Coach Working with schools, social bowlers, introduction of new participants to the sport.

Club Coach Coaching teams and Individual players at club level.

Advanced Coach Zone, District, State team coaches, Junior State sides, Development squads, etc.

High Performance Coach National and International level. In the sport of bowls in Western Australia, we have around 230 plus accredited club and introductory coaches, within that group are four advanced level coaches. Metropolitan coaches make up around 57% of that number covering 41 clubs that have accredited coaches.

Country Coaches make up around 43% of that number covering 38 clubs that have accredited coaches. These figures are close approximations based on data available and may not be exactly accurate.

How are these coaching resources utilised by our clubs? There is a perception amongst some players and clubs, that a coach that plays at a level lower than the one the player is participating in, would be unable to provide the required assistance necessary and drawing the comparison that only a high performing player can be a high performing coach. Sporting history show that this perception is not always the case and of course the opposite view applies as well. So our understanding of what makes a good coach may well be unfounded. There has been a great deal of conversation and soul searching over the last few years, relating to the decline in membership of our sport. For those existing and new members that we have in our clubs, would it not be beneficial to know that we as coaches and clubs are proactive in providing some sort of development programs for those members that have a desire to improve in their chosen sport. People join sports like ours for all sorts of reasons, some for the social interaction, some for the enjoyment of belonging to a recognized group, etc, and that’s a very valid view. However there are those members that take up the sport to be able to perform well and improve as they progress through their time in the sport. Most people that play a sport will say there is no better feeling, as the one we get by playing well, win, lose, or draw. So the challenge for both coaches and clubs, is to seek to better manage, and utilize our coaching resources, for the benefit of our members. This approach may well have some impact in arresting the continuing decline in Lawn Bowls Membership. – Written by Tony Hockey, Bowls Australia Men's Coach of the Year.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

2017 State Squads The Bowls WA High Performance Committee of Coaches and Selectors have announced the State Squads for selection trials to represent Western Australia at the 2017 Australia Sides Championships in South Australia at Lockleys Bowling Club April 6th – 9th. The squads are smaller than is traditionally the case however any outstanding performances in bowls events could prompt selectors to make changes as they have the right to add or remove players leading up to announcing the team. The Men’s squad includes the twelve players who represented WA last year along with Blake Nairn, David Rankin and Shane Knott who have retained a spot in the squad, John Slavich has returned after a year off. The Women’s Squad also includes eleven of the twelve who performed well for WA winning silver last series. Linda Warburton has announced her retirement from the Open side as she will concentrate on playing with the Over 60’s State team. The Coaches and Selectors congratulate her on an excellent representative career and thank her for her efforts. Angela Gunson and Rhonda Prosser are newcomers to the squad whilst Kelli Wray a previous WA state player has returned from South Australia and has also been included.

WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years

MEN Rank 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20

Name Mitchell, Thomas Slavich, John Mitchell, Matthew Adams, Clive Trewhella, Daniel Bessant, Corey Ayres, Matthew Patterson, Daniel Brown, Daniel Butler, Rhett Grigg, Lewis Nairn, Blake Harris, Pieter Ellul, Matt Brandsma, Bill Caffell, Gary Kemp, Miles Pryce, Alan Rankin, David Edmonds, Scott

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name Abe, Noelene Hastings, Therese Krstic, Kristina Poletti, Lee Andersen, Kerry Featherby, Lisa Madigan, Toni Spragg, Vicki Warburton, Linda Matthews, Liz Morss, Helen Heal, Helen Dunn, Roma Kelly, Denise Hogg, Sue Solly, Shari Scott, Bev Baker, Bev Chalmers, Pam Coote, Renate

Men's State Squad Clive Adams Cambridge Corey Bessant Doubleview Bill Brandsma Doubleview Scott Edmonds Yokine Matthew Ellul Manning Lewis Grigg Osborne Park Pieter Harris Cambridge Shane Knott Manning Kyle McIlroy Stirling Matthew Mitchell Manning Thomas Mitchell Manning Blake Nairn Bassendean Cody Packer Bedford Daniel Patterson Cambridge David Rankin Doubleview John Slavich Doubleview

Women's State Squad Noelene Abe Corrigin Hailey Adams Osborne Park Lisa Featherby Mosman Park Angela Gunson Morley Helen Heal Manning Shenayde Heldt Manning Denise Kelly Mosman Park Kristina Krstic Manning Toni Madigan Manning Laura Merz Manning Helen Morss Manning Robyn O’Brien Manning Rhonda Prosser North Beach Debra Rhine North Beach Kim Simms Dudley Park Shari Solly Manning Kelli Wray Manning

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Club Manning Doubleview Manning Cambridge Stirling Doubleview Manning Cambridge Kardinya Morley Osborne Park Bassendean Cambridge Manning Doubleview Osborne Park Manning Manning Doubleview Yokine

Total 376 142 141 140 140 119 105 103 101 99 98 97 96 87 86 79 64 64 63 61

WOMEN Club Corrigin Manning Manning Geraldton Mosman Park Mosman Park Manning Dudley Park Mosman Park Manning Manning Manning Dudley Park Mosman Park Manning Manning Capel Mosman Park Osborne Park Mosman Park

Total 360 210 193 181 178 164 154 149 129 121 117 109 102 99 95 93 88 77 65 62

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au


Annual Awards Night 2016

Bowls WA Awards Night – a celebration to be remembered

Once again a capacity crowd of 300 attended a fantastic evening at Crown Perth as the season’s high achievers on and off the green were recognized and celebrated. Hosted by the ABCs Clint Wheeldon, the evening was officially opened by Bowls WA President Graham Leeks and the Minister for Sport and Recreation Mia Davies MLA. The highlight of the night was the induction of two WA champion bowlers Lee Poletti and Graeme Wishart into the Bowls WA Hall of Fame. During the evening major award winners were also announced including Robert Gibbons of the Gosnells Bowling Club (Volunteer of the Year), Ken Perks from the Morley Bowling Club (Coach of the Year), Tammin and Albany (Small Country Club and Country Club of the Year) and their Metropolitan counterparts in Mundaring and Sorrento. The finale to the evening was the awarding of the prestigious Bowler of the Year Awards with the Minister Mia Davies back on stage to announce the winners of the Connie Hicks Brooch and Rosenthal Medal with Noelene Abe (Corrigin) and Tom Mitchell (Manning) recognised for their outstanding seasons. Both are regulars winning these major awards with Noelene taking home her fifth Connie Hicks Brooch and Tom his fourth Rosenthal Medal.

The full list of Annual Recipients 2016

Rosenthal Medallists Medal Under 18 Boy Bowler of the Year Nathaniel Fuge (Gnowangerup)

McKenzie/Barns Award Over 60’s Male Bowler of the Interstate Series Glyn Vaughan (Thornlie)

Trevor Barron Medal Over 60’s Male Bowler of the Year Steve O’Neill (Osborne Park)

Beryl Brennan Award Over 60’s Female Bowler of the Interstate Series Linda Warburton (Mosman Park)

Norma Samuel Medal Over 60’s Female Bowler of the Year Rinske Butcher (North Beach) Bowls WA Volunteer of the Year Robert Gibbons (Gosnells) Bowls WA Club Coach of the Year Ken Perks (Morley) Bowls WA Small Country Club of the Year Tammin Bowling Club Bowls WA Country Club of the Year “The Jim Murray Award” Albany Bowling Club Bowls WA Small Metropolitan Club of the Year Mundaring Bowling Club Bowls WA Metropolitan Club of the Year Sorrento Bowling Club

Allan Eddy/Rod Wishart Award Best Male Player Australian Side Series Lewis Grigg (Osborne Park)

Jim Sullivan Medal 200 State Games Pieter Harris (Cambridge) Beryl Godfrey Award Best Female Player Australian Side Series Kristina Krstic (Manning) and Shenayde Heldt (Manning)) President’s Brooch Women’s State Singles Winner Kristina Krstic (Manning) President’s Medal Men’s State Singles Winner John Slavich (Doubleview) Vice Patron’s Medal Men’s Country Bowler of the Year Michael Ford (Geraldton) Penny Needham Brooch Women’s Country Bowler of the Year Karen Dye (Gnowangerup) and Norma Follington (Geraldton) Connie Hicks Brooch Women’s Bowler of the Year Noelene Abe (Corrigin) Rosenthal Medal Men’s Bowler of the Year Tom Mitchell (Manning) Photos and videos from the Bowls WA Awards Night are on the Bowls WA Facebook page.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Annual Awards Night 2016

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016



Lee Poletti a worthy inductee to Bowls WA Hall of Fame The inclusion of Lee Poletti into the Bowls WA Hall of Fame would be one of the easiest decisions to have even been made by the Hall of Fame Committee. Poletti’s achievements in bowls rank among the equal of any bowler to have played the game in WA and if not for her continued involvement with the WA State team until 2013, which under Hall of Fame guidelines meant she could not be considered until now, she would have been inducted a lot earlier. Poletti’s list of achievements are too numerous to mention individually as she has continued to win events on a regular basis since she began bowling at the Geraldton Bowling Club in the 1980’s and is still regularly claiming titles beating the top WA players at both open and Over 60’s level as evidenced by her State Fours win this year, amazingly her sixth fours title overall. At International level her career includes ten competition appearances for Australia which without doubt the best of those being a silver medal at the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Malaysia. Despite the disappointment of missing the gold especially after her fours team held shot until the last bowl when the South African opponent won the match 17-16 Poletti nominated this as the crowning achievement in her remarkable career. Representing Australia she did however manage to claim Gold in the Asia Pacific Games. Poletti has represented WA with distinction at National level having played 191 games at open level which is the most of any female and was part of the Marj Morris Trophy winning teams in 2002 and 2010. She has also played for WA at Over 60’s level and part of the successful team in 2015 at Tweed Heads. The 1997 National pairs win also a major highlight.

At state level Poletti has amassed numerous titles – her ten state titles (6 Fours, 1 Triples 2 Pairs and 1 Singles) are complemented with two Champion of Champion Singles wins (1994 and 2002) and seven Country week titles (3 Singles, 2 Pairs and 2 Fours). Other awards include five times Connie Hicks Brooch WA Bowler of the year (1997, 1999, 2002, 2003 and 2006), three times Penny Needham Brooch Country Bowler of the Year (1994, 1997 and 2006).Lee started her career in Geraldton and despite a brief stint in the city in the mid 2000’s continues to play and be involved in bowls with Geraldton. She has been crowned the Mid-West Senior Sportsperson of the Year four times and in 2014 was inducted into the Mid-West Sports Hall of Fame. Amongst the many thankyou’s Poletti was quick to mention fellow Hall of Fame member Roma Dunn as a mentor and supporter during her career. Dunn who was also one of her biggest adversaries on the green as they dominated bowls in Western Australia for many years, the pair are without doubt two of the best female bowlers to have played in WA.

• Lee Poletti in action.

Poletti’s longevity and consistency of performance at an elite level proves she is a worthy inclusion into the Hall of Fame. Once again congratulations to Lee on her terrific achievements. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


Graeme Wishart joins WA greats in Hall of Fame There are not many players, if any, who have had a career as long and fruitful as the flamboyant Graeme Wishart better known to many in the bowling world as Rooster. Renowned as an excellent team player who has never been afraid to get vocal on the green supporting his team mates, his ferocious drive and very accurate up shot is a trademark which has won him and his team many games of bowls. After a serious sporting injury a then young Graeme began playing bowls as a 17yo in 1976, introduced to the game through his father Rod Wishart, who already had a big involvement in the sport and would later go on to be a State President. Steady progress at club level and a willingness to practice and play with the top players at Victoria Park saw him quickly elevated up the grades in pennants. Wishart then really burst onto the state scene winning the prestigious Doubleview Masters Pairs with team mate Vic Andrijasevich in 1984. State selection quickly followed in 1986 and he was never out of the state team over the next 21 years through to 2007, a brief return to the team in 2011 was to be his last of a record 334 games for Western Australia. It is possible this number of games will never be broken, it will certainly be a long time before anyone will even get close. During those years WA was a powerhouse at State level winning Alley Shields in 1987, 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1999. Rooster also won two Super League Gold Medals with Fours in 2005 and Triples in 2006. The Triples was singled out as a special moment for Graeme as he skippered with Kyle McIlroy and John Slavich to defeat the Australian International team in a huge upset and by a significant margin in the final. Wishart was named as best player in the Championships for WA three times winning the Allan Eddy/Rod Wishart Award in 1988, 2000 and 2001.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Other achievements include three State Titles with a Fours in 1995 which he skipped, a Pairs in 1998 and a Triples in 2010. The Triples was particularly satisfying for Rooster as it was with a couple of youngsters in Shane Knott and Daniel Patterson who were playing in their first state championship final. Malaysia games fours gold in 1995 and another Doubleview Masters Pairs win in 2003 are also on the bowls resume. In recent years Wishart has followed in his fathers footsteps by becoming a State Selector. There is no doubt he has the credentials to know what it takes to play at that level given his past record and is hoping to impart some of his bowls knowledge onto the next generation of WA stars. A well deserved round of congratulations to Graeme Wishart on his achievements and selection into the Bowls WA Hall of Fame.

• Graeme Wishart.


Lindsay Rosenthal Medal

Tom takes third Rosenthal medal in four years Thomas Mitchell has claimed his third Rosenthal Medal for the state’s most outstanding male bowler for the season. It is Mitchell’s fourth consecutive medal after having tied with Clive Adams last year. Mitchell had an even more successful campaign this year to win the medal outright for the first time since 2014. Mitchell expressed his pride at winning yet another Rosenthal Medal. “It’s humbling again, it’s always humbling winning any award,” he said. Mitchell kicked off the year in style defeating Corey Bessant in the final of the Mount Lawley Consistency Singles to win the year’s first major. It was Mitchell’s third time winning the event and the first time he had done so since 2009. In the year’s second singles major, the Sorrento Masters Singles, Mitchell made the final looking to win the event for the second time. However he was upset by Lewis Grigg 25-23 who broke through for his first Masters victory. In January Mitchell was focussed on defending his impressive victory in the 2015 State Singles, but was unable to go back to back losing to eventual winner John Slavich in the semi final. His fortunes turned back around in March as he won his second Doubleview Masters Pairs playing with Rhett Butler. The duo defeated Grigg and David Rankin 21-9 in the final in what Mitchell described as his favourite • Thomas Mitchell. moment of the year.


“Playing with a mate we’d been runner up a couple of years in a row and we managed to get over the line this year so that was good,” he said. “The one I won before he missed out because he was crook or something, he had to get a sub.” In April Mitchell was pitted against his brother Matthew in the State Triples for family bragging rights and the title. It was Matthew with his side of Matthew Ayres and Miles Kemp that reigned supreme in that match defeating Tom, Shane Knott and Dave Farley. Mitchell held his place in the state team going away to the ACT. He played as a third in a disappointing campaign that saw WA finish sixth. Having won the Manning Club Singles earlier in the year Mitchell competed in the Champion of Champions Singles to round out the season. After making yet another final Mitchell eventually finished runner up to his skipper at the side series Pieter Harris. After making the final in five events and finishing no worse than equal third in the four major singles events on the calendar Mitchell’s strong season made him a worthy winner.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Female Bowler of the Year

Noelene Abe retains bowler of year title Corrigin’s Noelene Abe has won her fifth Connie Hicks Brooch for the best female bowler in Western Australia. The award continues a remarkable period of dominance for Abe who has won five of the last six Connie Hicks Brooches. Abe now ties Hall of Famer Lee Poletti’s count of five brooches and is one short of the record held by legend Roma Dunn. Abe said she is proud to have reached such a standard. “I’ve always looked up to Lee as someone to aspire to be like and to know that I’ve won five the same as Lee is just amazing,” she said Abe started her season by going one better in the Mount Lawley Consistency Singles than last campaign, defeating Jeanette Davies in the final to win the event for the third time. It was a start she had not enjoyed since 2010 and the first time she has won the event and the Connie Hicks in the same year. She would have to wait for her next title when she teamed up with Kerry Anderson to win the State Pairs for the fourth time together in December. The most successful pairing in history defeated Angela Gunson and Cathy Taylor in the final at Hilton Park conceding only one multiple in an incredible show of consistency. Finals were becoming familiar and a month later she was in another one. The state singles final in January was a rematch of the 2015 final in which Abe defeated Kristina Krstic. In a match that had everything Abe showed her resilience to come back from seven shots behind but eventually the roles from the previous year were reversed and Krstic defeated Abe 25-23. Abe finished the year as part of the odds defying state team that finished second at the Australian Side Series in Canberra this year. Abe was a skipper in the side finishing with five wins and a draw in WA’s best series for a long time. Abe attributed the success to the unity that the side displayed. “I think we worked well as a unit,” she said. “It’s the first time I’ve been away that I really think we played as a twelve.” With her fifth Connie Hicks Brooch in six years, Noelene Abe has cemented her place as one of the players of her generation. Who knows, maybe she has it in her to claim a sixth and equal the great Roma Dunn? • Kerry Andersen combines with Noelene Abe in another Pairs victory.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


Club of the Year – Metro

Sorrento award win largely attributed to volunteers Sorrento Bowling Club have been This is due to the club’s extensive awarded the Large Metropolitan Club of promotional work including the Junior the Year Award for the 2015/16 season. Jack Attack program, community bowls Club President Brian Lucas was on and a revamp of its online presence. hand to accept the award at the Bowls The club had five promotions with two WA Awards Night in May on behalf of pennants in pennant competition this the club. season. It is the third time Sorrento have won Lights were also installed for two of the award with the most recent coming the greens taking the tally of lit greens in 2012. A big part of Sorrento’s up to four. Improvements have also success has come from its two major been made to the clubhouse including planning documents that have been the installation of solar panels. developed over the last few years. More work is planned with plans to When asked about why the club was in extend the clubhouse being recently such a strong position President Brian agreed to by the local council. Lucas attributed much of the success to Sorrento Bowling Club has also paid the clubs large force of volunteers. significant attention to the health and “We have about 130 volunteers who safety of its members and guests. Four regularly contribute,” he said. occupational health and safety audits Sorrento maintained its position as during 2015 resulting in the club • Sorrento Club President Brian Lucas. one of the largest clubs in the state making changes to reduce safety risks retaining a capitated membership of over 300. and improve injury response. The biggest undertaking was the The club could be in a position to expand that number defibrillator training taken by seventy of the club’s members in having experienced a growth of over 20 per cent to its social order to be better prepared in the case of an emergency. membership numbers.

Other Award Night Winners

GLYN VAUGHAN Men's Bowler of the Over 60s Australian Championships


LINDA WARBURTON Women's Bowler of the Over 60s Australian Championships

LEWIS GRIGG Men's Bowler of the Australian Side Series Championships

KRISTINA KRSTIC President's Brooch Women's State Singles Winner

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Club of the Year – Small Metro

Hard work pays off for Mundaring The 2015/16 Small Metropolitan Club “We did very, very well on the greens of the Year is the Mundaring Bowling but I think lots of teams have done very Club. Mundaring had a strong year both well on the greens,” Mrs Young said. on and off the green. Mundaring also had a big season out Club President Lyn Young accepted the of play with the replacement of both the award at the Bowls WA Awards Night on club’s carpet greens occurring this season. behalf of the club and spoke highly of The club self-funded the replacement of the clubs volunteers. “I think that really both greens at the same time requiring a we should dedicate this award to our great deal of work within the club. “We volunteers in our club,” she said. “We have to constantly raise money every don’t have any paid staff in our club, year to have a sinking fund to replace everything we do is by volunteers.” those greens,” Mrs Young explained. The Redtails had an extremely good “In order to do that we have to constantly year with six pennant sides finishing run events and functions to raise money in the top two of their division on the and have the money available when ladder across men’s and women’s those greens need replacing.” competitions. Of those four went on to The installation of new lights was also be promoted to the division above with carried out during the year to allow play two sides taking pennant flags with • Mundaring Club President Lyn Young. in the evenings. them. Thanks to its club members The club has continued efforts to bring new players to the Mundaring were able to carry out the work at a fraction of the club running community bowls and multiple club open days expected cost thanks to the work of volunteers. to try and attract the local community.

Other Award Night Winners

PIETER HARRIS Jim Sullivan Award 200 State games for Western Australia

SHENAYDE HELDT AND KRISTINA KRSTIC Women's Bowler of the Australian Sides Series Championships

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

JOHN SLAVICH President's Medal Men's State Singles Winner


O60s Womens Bowler of the Year

Rinske heaps praise on team mates The 2015/16 Norma Samuel Award for Over 60’s Women’s Player of the Year has been awarded to Rinske Butcher of North Beach. An emotional Butcher accepted the award at the Bowls WA night and was obviously very proud of the award. “I’m just overcome, I’m just thrilled to bits to have won it,” she said. Butcher won more over O60 events this season than the rest of her career combined to win the award. Her team mates were also at the forefront of her mind. “I wouldn’t be here without them,” she said. Butcher won her first event since her Over 60’s Singles win in 2014 in October when she won the Over 60’s State Pairs. Butcher had an impressive tournament with team mate Noelene Keeffe winning many of their matches by • Rinske Butcher. comfortable margins. The final was much tighter with the pair recording an extremely close victory. Against Renate Coote and Maureen Cooney the pair were held to their closest margin since section play. Overall they held their nerve to run out 17-14 winners. It wasn’t until February that Butcher got back on the podium. Playing with Kaye Blackwell and Ann Drayson Butcher found herself in her second final for the year. The Over 60’s State Triples final was much less stressful than the pairs. Against two time winners Maureen Beard and Jennifer Kite along with Irene Arndt the North Beach side pulled off a 22-6 victory to give Butcher her second title for the year.

O60s Mens Bowler of the Year

Consistent Steve O’Neill wins O60s award The Trevor Barron award winner for the men’s over 60’s Bowler of the Year for the 2015/16 season is Osborne Park’s Steve O’Neill. O’Neill had a very consistent season making it to at least the quarter final stage in all of the season’s over 60’s events. O’Neill broke through for his first over 60’s state title in the State Triples in November. O’Neill gives the credit for winning the award to his team mates. “For me it’s the team work and there’s no way in the world I could have won this without my team mates,” he said. In the final at Osborne Park they defeated Thornlie’s James Stean, Terry McCormack • Steve O'Neill. and Dave Bradbury 20-7 in front of their local crowd. In February’s State Pairs O’Neil was playing in another final on his local deck. Again playing with pennant team mate Grant Nicol the final match was played against Steven Hughes and Otto Dawson. This time however the Osborne Park side were unable to take the title as Hughes and Dawson edged them out 15-13. The State Singles were a little more disappointing but he still managed a very creditable quarter final finish losing to perennial contender Glyn Vaughan. O’Neill teamed up with North Beach’s Kaye Blackwell looking to become the second pairing ever to win the Over 60’s Mixed Pairs. They put together another solid performance to reach the semi finals. However they were unable to advance any further, losing 26-8 to Kathy Gobbart and Bill Savell.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Club of the Year – Country

• Albany President Arthur Becroft with the Minister for Sport and Recreation MLA Mia Davies.

Albany wins Club of Year Award The 2015/16 Jim Murray Award for Country Club of the Year has been awarded to the Albany Bowling Club. The award has been given in light of the club’s extensive infrastructure work and exceptional playing season. Club representative Arthur Becroft accepted the award on behalf of the club. The 2015/16 season saw the continuation of extensive works to refurbish the Albany Bowling Club. The most significant undertaking was doubling the clubs current solar power system making the club more efficient and environmentally sustainable. The club had its roof replaced on all its buildings this year thanks to a number of volunteers who provided the labour for the installation. The security of the club has also been ensured with electric roller shutters and security cameras installed in the club house. Albany enjoyed an exceptional season on the green winning the flag in every pennant division. The club's players were rewarded with higher honours with eight men selected for the inter-league round robin side which won the southern zone’s round robin competition. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Ten women competed in the inter league pairs and fours teams as well making up a significant part of the zone's league’s representatives. Two men were selected to represent the southern zone at the inter-zone round robin but they didn’t find the same success they had in the inter-league competition. The club’s representative’s also performed well in league championships with Albany members winning both the men’s and women’s pairs. Albany representatives finished a creditable third in all other league events. Albany Bowling Club continued its strong relationship with the local community hosting darts and pool competitions, community meetings and a large weekly rock and roll dance group. The club also gives free use of the club rooms to the local Aboriginal health group. The community’s returned support for the club is evident with 152 people competing in its promotional bowls program.


Club of the Year – Small Country

Tammin rewarded for on and off the green efforts The Tammin Bowling Club has been awarded the 2015/16 Bowls WA Small Club of the Year Award for the best country club under 70 members. The award was presented to club representative Don Thomson at the Bowls WA Awards Night in May. Tammin has been rewarded for its strong year both on and off the green in a very eventful year for the club. The Tammin Bowling Club has undergone an extensive period of work on its infrastructure this season. The biggest of these is its new synthetic green that was laid last year. The new eight rink green replaces the clubs two • Don Thomson. grass greens. Don Thomson says the move from grass to synthetic is a positive one. “It’s getting harder and harder to find greenkeepers and at least if you go to synthetic you have the option of starting your season earlier,” Mr Thomson said.


Work was also carried out to improve the surrounds of the green and the clubhouse including a new ceiling which was installed entirely on a volunteer basis. The club also had an extremely successful season on the green headlined with a men’s Division A premiership. Division B finished second in their campaign while the ladies side finished in fourth position. The club managed to attract nine new members and had 100 percent of male players playing its pennant teams. The women were similarly represented with 90 percent playing. The club had strong representation at country week with 24 players, almost half the club's membership, competing. The men were represented by five players in the victorious inter-league side with two going on to become inter-zone champions for the eastern zone. They also sent a victorious league fours team with runner up finishes in the pairs and singles.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

O60s Mens Country Bowler of the Year

Michael Ford loves the country life The 2015/16 Men’s Country Bowler of the year is Michael Ford. The Vice Patron’s Medal was accepted by Ford’s Geraldton club mate John Lewis on his behalf at the Bowls WA awards night. Lewis puts his non-appearance down to Ford’s love of the country life. “I tried my level best to get him to come tonight,” he said. “But no, he’s a country boy. He has as much enjoyment going and spending the weekend in front of a creek with lots of birds around and having life easy.” Ford edged out big country names Warren Holt and Geoff Whyatt to claim medal. John Lewis spoke of how happy his club mate was to win the award. “He’s very happy and very pleased and privileged to receive this trophy." Ford’s greatest achievement was winning the 2016 Country Week Singles. Ford had to win ten consecutive matches to take the trophy and win WA’s largest singles competition.

It was a tough road before beating experienced players such as former Country All Stars Nick Hosking, Jason Fiegert and Bruce Manning. Ford met fellow nominee Geoff Whyatt in his semi final match. Whyatt was one of the most in form players for the week doing well in all three disciplines. After a hard fought contest Ford moved on a 21-16 winner into his first Country Week Singles final. Ford met Cunderdin’s Don Buegge in the final game of the tournament. It was another close battle but again Ford prevailed to claim his first championship. It is a testament to Ford’s determination and dedication which John Lewis described at the awards night. “He’s a very dedicated bowler, who practices every day of the week,” he said.

• John Lewis accepts the award for winner Michael Ford.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016



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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

O60s Women’s Country Bowler of the Year

Deadheat in Women’s Country Bowler Award The Penny Needham Brooch for the most consistent women’s country bowler of the year has been awarded to joint winners for the first time in the award’s history. Both Gnowangerup’s Karen Dye and Geraldton’s Norma Follington were judged equally deserving and were both presented with an award. The award is recognition of the very successful season both players enjoyed. The pair are first time winners of the award and end Noelene Abe’s run of five brooches in a row. Dye put together a remarkably consistent season at club level. She was able to put in high quality performances all throughout the year to win all four of Gnowangerup’s club championship events. She was able to extend her great form into the league championships where she claimed another two titles in the triples and the fours. Her accomplishments did not go unnoticed and she was selected for the inter-league round robin. Her performance was good enough to earn selection for the southern zone in the inter-zone round robin impressing enough to earn a call up for the country vs metro side. Winning the award came as a bit of a shock to Dye.

• Karen Dye

• Norma Follington.

“I still can’t believe I’m up here I was so happy just to be nominated,” she said. Follington also put together an incredible season full of wins and accomplishments. She won all of Geraldton’s ladies club championships as well as taking out the veteran’s singles and the mixed fours as well. Like Dye she was able to continue winning higher up the chain recording victories in both the league fours and pairs which helped her earn selection in to the team for the interleague round robin. Continuing strong performances meant that she continued to put her hand up for higher honours as she was selected to compete for the northern zone at the inter-zone round robin. A stunned Follington was extremely happy with her year. “It’s lovely to win a championship, its nice to get to a final,” she said.

Junior Bowler of the Year

Nathaniel’s bowling interest runs in the family Gnowangerup’s Nathaniel Fuge is the 2016 Rosenthal Medallist’s Medal winner for Under 18 Boys of the Year. The award caps off a breakout season for Fuge in which he made his state under 18 debut in the ACT this year. He also won his first two state events at the state under 18 championships at Cambridge in April. It was a family connection that started Nathaniel’s journey into bowls. “I came into bowls through my stepdad Arthur Crabbe,” he said. “He took me down for a practice and I loved it.” Arthur’s guidance has surely been invaluable as a former country all star and a player of great experience. The decision to take up the sport paid off this year as • Nathaniel Fuge. Fuge picked up his first two state titles. His first win came in the Under 18 State Triples playing with state team mates Patrick Quinlan and Daniel Ainsworth. Fuge also played with Ainsworth in the pairs making another final but was unable to repeat the result of the triples finishing runner up. He also made it through to the singles final were he met triples team mate and Osborne Park premier league player Quinlan. The match was as tight as it could be with both players playing to a high standard but it was Fuge who held his nerve to win the championship with a 25-24 victory. Fuge reflected on how tough the game was. “It was a hard game,” he said. “I was in front for most of it and got there in the end.” Fuge’s next goal is October’s National Under 18’s in Adelaide which he hopes to be a part of.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


Club Coach of the Year – Ken Perks

Ken shows his passion and dedication Morley’s Ken Perks has been awarded the 2015/16 Coach of the Year Award. A very emotional Perks accepted his award at the awards night in May and his passion for his work shone through clearly. Perks is a passionate coach with a clear vision which he strives to make a reality in his work whilst also making himself available to others that need his help. “My dream at the moment is to get juniors playing in all our clubs,” Perks said. He has been working with schools in the Morley area over the last few years attempting to make that vision a reality by running bowls programs with the aim • Ken Perks. of introducing under 18’s to the sport and giving them a taste of what bowls is like. Perks initially was met with resistance but through his persistence eventually worked with a number of schools in the area. Perks has embraced Bowls Australia’s new Junior Jack Attack program of which he is very complimentary. “I’d like to thank Bowls Australia, whoever it was that come out with the Junior Jack Attack kit, it’s probably the best thing for a coach in any sport that I’ve been involved in,” he said. “It’s the best gear that we can use to present to kids to play the game.” Perks has also been involved with the EdConnect and Sporting Schools programs which have helped him to implement his program into schools across the area. Another program he runs is a program at Morley High School where he teaches students how to coach bowls as part of their school program. His story is one of persistence and dedication that has earned him the successes he has achieved.

Volunteer of the Year – Robert Gibbons

30 years of service – in many capacities The Bowls WA Volunteer of the Year for 2016 is Robert Gibbons of Gosnells. The current Vice President has been an instrumental figure in the club for a number of years and has conducted both bowls related work and off green duties. He has been a key figure in the corporate bowls program for a number of years as well as a vital figure in securing sponsorship for the club. Robert has served the Gosnells Bowling Club as Partner's Director for the past three years and has had great success securing extra funds for the club through sponsorship. Robert has worked with approximately fifty local businesses to ensure Gosnells continues to have strong financial and community support. Robert has proven expert at building relationships paving the way for Gosnells and its sponsors to become a community of its own. He has also had great success dealing with the local council and has created a strong relationship which he regards as critical. “They’ve been a great support to us, over the years they’ve really helped us,” he said. “If you go and talk to them and get them involved they want to be involved. Those people need to be approached and then they’ll get involved with you.”


• Robert Gibbons.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

The Life and Times of Jim Sullivan At the headquarters of Bowls WA in the back corridor and boardroom are two giant display cabinets which house bowls badges from Australia and all over the world. The collection in its thousands was the work of one man, his name Jim Sullivan. Jim’s contribution to bowls was also just a bit more than collecting bowls badges – he travelled with the state team on many occasions. The support, encouragement and mentoring he provided to the players and officials was considered invaluable. In 1991 the 'Sullivan Medal' was struck to be presented to any players who represented WA in 200 games. In this article we look back at the life and times of Jim Sullivan and his contribution to bowls in Western Australia.

Early life and police career James Jonathon Sullivan, otherwise known as Jim was born on the 5th December 1914 in Wagin to Cornelius and Caroline Sullivan affectionately known as Con and Carrie. After leaving school at the age of 14, Jim worked through the depression from 1928 to 1936 as a farm labourer and also as a painter. He recalled that he worked on some occasions for as little as 5 shillings or as we know it now 50 cents per week plus keep. He was married to his lovely wife Molly in 1937 and together they had two daughters Dayle and Diane. 1937 was to be a memorable year for Jim because on the 15th March he joined the WA Police Force and allotted his number – 1848. The Police force was to be Jim’s life for the next 38 years. From 1938 to 1940 he served as a Constable in Kalgoorlie and he told many a funny story about the escapades of the gold miners and life on the goldfields. Later in 1940, Jim was transferred to Carnarvon as a mounted Constable and gained some recognition when he assisted in guarding the 105 German survivors in the Carnarvon lock up, from the MV Kormoran, the ship which sank HMAS Sydney. In 1944 Jim was transferred to the Fremantle Branch serving firstly in the Uniform Branch and then to the Plain Clothes section of the CIB attached to the Pillaging staff at Fremantle.

Jim then became attached to the Perth CIB and for some 20 years carried on duties in the suburbs as Officer in Charge of stolen motor vehicles. Jim did another period of duty in Kalgoorlie in charge of the CIB before returning to Fremantle in 1964. Another move in 1965 proved most rewarding for Jim when he was moved to Broome. He became the Officer in Charge of the traffic patrol whose role was to take charge of visiting VIP’s traffic escorts which included Dukes, Princesses, Prime Ministers but most rewarding according to Jim was the visit by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Alderin, the three men associated with first lunar landing. Jim presented them with books about Western Australia and in return received a personally signed letter of thanks from the three men when they returned to the USA. In the later stages of his Police career he was District Superintendent at both Northam and Bunbury before a fitting retirement on 5th December 1974 on his 60th Birthday. The outstanding service to the community was recognised in 1975 when he was awarded the Queens Police Medal.

Footy and bowls In his early years Jim played “A” grade football. He recalled playing for the combined Goldfields team in 1939 against Claremont and Port Adelaide and defeating both teams. Those teams went on to win their respective State Premierships that year. 1939 also saw Jim win the 'fairest and best' trophy for the Kalgoorlie City Football Club. In 1945 Jim played football for South Fremantle which was the team he followed and was seen by many later in life with his transistor radio glued to his ear even during bowls games – he had a great love of the football. Bowls dominated the later part of Jim’s life. Jim played top division bowls for Bayswater and was made a life member of the club in 1980 for his efforts and support. His love for bowls was no doubt due to his parents especially his father Con who had represented WA in 1947 playing South Australia and Tasmania. – continued on page 31 • The Jim Sullivan Medal: Awarded to those players who have achieved the distinction of representing Western Australia in 200 matches. Left to right: John Rainoldi, Dennis Katunarich, Stev Srhoy, Geoff Oakling with the medal donor Jim Sullivan Q.P.M., RWABA Life Member W.A. 'Team Mascot' 1981-1995.



The Life and Times of Jim Sullivan

Con passed away in 1970, he left to Jim his collection of around 400 bowling club badges – this was to become the beginning of a new pursuit, perhaps obsession, for Jim as he began to add to the collection. Jim firstly wrote to every bowling club in Australia, some 2067 clubs at that time before exchanging or swapping badges with others to expand the collection. It took him ten years to write to every bowling Association in the world to compile a register of every bowling club, he would repeat that effort in 1991 updating his world register and badge collection. Jim donated many of his badge boards to bowling clubs and the state associations. Cowaramup, Busselton, Bunbury, Bayswater (2), WALBA (Ladies Association) and RWABA (2) (Men’s Association) were the recipients of over 30,000 individual badges. The RWABA donated boards were valued for insurance purposes at $60,000 however deemed priceless with over 10,000 individual badges – it is still one of the largest individual collections of bowling club badges in the world. Many WA state players have since added to the collection by donating individually awarded badges, notables being a Dennis Katunarich Rosenthal Medal, Pieter Harris State Junior Pairs medal and several National Bowls Championships badges awarded to winning players. Apart from collecting badges Jim also took a strong interest in supporting the Western Australian State side and from 1979 to 1994, paying his own way he travelled with the team on many interstate trips offering encouragement and support. Jim contributed generously to the team and was believed to have paid $100 to the players fund for any series drinks on every trip. In 1990 when the Sides series was played in Canberra he also took the players to visit Parliament House where the team enjoyed a lovely meal and no doubt more than a few beverages – Jim was happy to pick up the tab believed to be $554. He saw 'his team' win 6 Alley Shields and after the fifth win in 1988 he was conferred the title of Honorary Life Member and 'State Mascot'. 28

The honorary title was later official recognised in 1992 when he awarded Life Membership of the RWABA. This coming after the 'Sullivan Medal' had been inaugurated the previous year recognising players who represent WA in 200 games. Jim was particularly thrilled to present Geoff Oakley with the first medal with Steve Srhoy, Dennis Katunarich, John Rainoldi, Geoff Ellis, Robbie Ball, Graeme Wishart and more recently Pieter Harris also receiving the honour. Jim would no doubt have been looking down with a smile on his face when Harris was awarded the medal at the Bowls WA Awards Night most recently. Jim had closely followed the career of the then young country bowler and visited him after winning his first Country Week Singles championship. Harris was clearly touched when receiving his medal reminiscing of fond memories of Jim who originally turned up on his doorstep unannounced but subsequently would bring him the latest bowls gear for each new season. He revealed his son Cameron who is now making his own name in bowls circles having played very well for Cambridge last year in Premier League has the middle name of James named in the honour of Sullivan.

Amongst other things, Jim enjoyed fishing Although bowls was Jim’s main passion he had a few other interests. Jim not only enjoyed eating fish, he also enjoyed catching them. Jim always went fishing before the fish got out of bed and wanted to pull craypots by torch light early in the morning – to get them before anyone else did. He would then sit back in his chair and rest for the remainder of the day to commence this early morning ritual again the next morning. Jim also enjoy the odd flutter on the trots or horses and was known to have a beer or two when the occasion arose – something he had very much in common with a lot of the champion bowlers he supported. Jim was a member of the Inglewood Masonic Lodge and rose up through the ranks to become Master of the lodge in 1970. He was a generous supporter of the Masonic charities and contributed every year to the Freemasons Homes. Jim’s health started to fail him in December 1995 when a fall in a shopping centre necessitated a hip replacement. Jim never recovered from the trauma of this operation and as his mobility decreased, so too did his interests wane. Sadly Jim passed on the 4th of July 1997 due to natural causes, he had left an indelible mark on the bowling fraternity and as such the turn out for his funeral service was a testament to that. It came as no surprise to anyone that Jim had already done the planning for his wake, the provision for drinks at the Bowling Association amongst a number of arrangements duly taken care of.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

• Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News • Country News

Second RBM now in WA Bowls Australia have now added a second Regional Bowls Manager position to Western Australia. Well known bowler and State Representative Shenayde Heldt commenced working alongside the current Regional Bowls Manager (RBM), Clive Adams, in June. With two RBMs now located in Western Australia, the increased staffing will allow • Clive Adams. more consultation with clubs than previously possible, allowing greater focus on assisting the clubs already serviced, and the addition of many clubs, both country and metropolitan, that simply could not be reached in the past.

Shenayde will take responsibility for the clubs South of the River whilst Clive will retain responsibility for North of the River Clubs, and the predominantly Eastern clubs. Both RBM’s can assist in a multitude of areas. This is including but not limited to your club constitution changes, membership recruitment and retention, business planning, • Shenayde Heldt. sponsorship ideas and grant applications, as well as any local issues your club may have. Please embrace the opportunity to have either Clive or Shenayde visit your club and discuss the current situation and your club’s future.


SHENAYDE HELDT (Regional Bowls Manager, WA – Perth and Country Southern) sheldt@bowlsaustralia.com.au 0429 781 176

(Regional Bowls Manager, WA – Perth and Country East/North) cadams@bowlsaustralia.com.au 0408 136 831 Badgingarra




Albany Comet Bay






Ballidu Dowerin

Meckering Quinns Rocks







Shark Bay

Beverley Cowaramup




Binningup Cranbrook


Port Bouvard




Bayswater Forrestfield



Bedford Belmont City


Midland Morrison Mingenew

Glen Forrest


South Hedland


Augusta Condingup


Katanning Pickering Brook




Bencubbin Goomalling



Borden Denmark Riverside Kwinana

Bindoon Guilderton



Boyanup Donnybrook

Bolgart Hollywood-Subi Mosman Park Tammin

Boyup Brook

Dudley Park

Bremer Bay




Inglewood Innaloo

Mt Lawley

Three Springs

Lake Grace


Rockingham Roleystone

Lake Yealering



Safety Bay



Bridgetown Dunsborough




South Perth



Calingiri Joondalup






Carnamah Kalamunda




Emu Point

Margaret River






Bruce Rock


Meadow Springs



North Beach






Cervantes Civic Merredin



North Perth

Coorow Karratha Cunderdin Kellerberrin


Wongan Hills Wonthella

Northampton Wyalkatchem

East Fremantle




Bunbury Gnowangerup Busselton







Lake Monger

Osborne Park


Cannington-Mills Park Halls Head

Dampier Lancelin Dandaragan

Denison Ledge Point Doodlakine


Latham Leeman

Perenjori Perth Tatts Port Hedland



Green Range



Mount Barker


Mount Barker Golf


Mt Pleasant



Capel Harvey




Claremont Hilton Park



Cockburn Hopetoun





Collie Jerramungup

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


Middleton Beach Vic. Park Carlisle



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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

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• The Albany team, winners of the Hopetoun Classic.

Hopetoun Men’s Classic well supported The Hopetoun Bowling Club held their Men's Classic on 4th and 5th June with 24 teams, with players coming from Kalgoorlie, Southern Cross, Merredin, Esperance, Condingup, Scaddan, Ravensthorpe, Quairading, Albany, Green Range, Middleton Beach, Ongerup, Gnowangerup, Newdegate, Mt Barker, Nyabing, Busselton, Safety Bay, Osborne Park and North Beach. With 24 teams and limited rinks it meant that the carnival was run in three sections with each team having one bye.

Unit 1, 65 North Lake Road, Myaree


It was a busy time for all members and a big thank you to non members who lent a hand over the four days. A very big thank you to Lance Goddard and his team who obtained all the Sponsors, which without these tournaments couldn't go ahead. Due to the sponsors generosity fantastic rink winner prizes were able to be given, Hardest Triers awards and up to 5th place in prizes. Our MC for the weekend was John Goddard from the Osborne Park Club with help from the computer wizard The General Grant Nicol. John did his usual fines session and money was raised for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. The weekend started with a roll up and Sausage Sizzle on Friday night, all meals Saturday, breakfast and all meals on Sunday were catered for. A fantastic job was done by Audrey and her ladies and gents in the food department keeping everybody well fed. To every one who helped at any time over the weekend getting the greens ready, the bar people, washer uppers, raffle sellers, bus driver, soup maker, food preparers and servers, and President Leonie . At the end of the two days with some brilliant bowls being played the hardest triers were the North Beach team of Terry Gmeiner, Dennis and Cyril Borshoff and Geoff Devenish (the last three players are all married to Buegge’s a famous country family). 5th place with 20pts plus 33 were Albany Alan Ashworth, Alan Ballantyne, Geoff Bain, Des Bairstow. 4th place 20 pts plus 38 Merredin - Matthew France, Steve Cepi, Kevin Adriac, Aaron Smith, 3rd place 20pts plus 40 Quairading - Jim Gimbel, Mat Hudson, Greg Sinclair, Les Anderson. 2nd place - Kalgoorlie Con Funazzi, Shane Pullan, Pat Kennedy, Brian Osmetti. And finally the winners with 24pts plus 10 Albany - Murray Hammond, Ken Thompson, Steve Harris , David Bojong. Congratulations to everybody that made it such a brilliant weekend as so many people said, "great things can be achieved by such a little club as Hopetoun." Pam Cousins Hopetoun Ladies Captain

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


Glen Forrest success with ANZ program The Glen Forrest Bowling Club is the first club to enjoy a cash injection through the ANZ Bank loan referral program. Presented by ANZ Bank representative Monique McWhirter at the Bowls WA Annual General Meeting, the cheque for $912.00 was the result of a member simply having a loan approved by the Bank, with the club benefitting from the deal. To re-cap the Bank will pass on 0.3% of a residential home loan to a Club if the customer notes the club’s interest at the commencement of the process.

• ANZ's Maria Anderson presents Glen Forrest president Richard Day with a cheque for $931.03.

ed to us n-down qualifying home loan referr We'll reward your club for every draw using a signed referral form. Bowls WA referral form, speak to Ken Pride of To find out how and to obtain your on (08) 340 0808. tment Lending Manager to book an Contact Maria Anderson, Home & Inves referral form. your bring appointment. Don't forget to


In fact it does not even have to be a member of the club – simply a loan customer who notes the bowling club as the beneficiary should the loan receive approval. There are even greater benefits available for rural loans or refinancing! Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride has been surprised that it has taken 12 months for a club to benefit from the program. “Within the wider bowling community and their extended family and friends I find it hard to believe the ANZ has not approved a loan to one of them over the past 12 months – and if it has the local club has certainly missed out.” He added, “these are not insignificant amounts and really do represent an opportunity for clubs to boost their income. It is simply a matter of awareness and continually spreading the word from the club members to as many people as they can.” The program which has seen significant dollars passed onto clubs in South Australia over the past 18 months is now beginning to gain traction, with a number of loan applications in the pipeline – and from that easy money for clubs. Further information is available from Bowls WA, or by referring to the program when first discussing your loan requirements with your ANZ Bank representative.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Spot the Jack Congratulations to Jason Lim who correctly selected “B” in the last edition of Spot the Jack.

collaboration with Henselite A BOWLS WA PUBLICATION in


Entries must be received by 21 October 2016 and the winner will be announced on the Bowls WA website and in the next issue of Jack Hi. Please click http://bit.ly/spotthejack to enter with your answer to the Spot the Jack competition. The first correct entry drawn at random will receive a Henselite Bowls Bag. The winner may choose from a selection of available colours. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016


Women’s Over 60’s team announced

• The Women's Over 60s team will be looking to emulate the side from 2014 who collected gold.

The Western Australian Women’s Over 60’s Team has been selected. Congratulations to the following players who will represent WA at the National Senior Sides Championships to be hosted at Osborne Park Bowling Club from October 10th – 13th.

The Women's Over 60s team Skip

Kathy Gobbart

Lee Poletti

Kaye Blackwell


Renate Coote

Kerry Andersen

Bev Baker


Elaine McDonald

Noeleen Keeffe

Vicki Spragg


Rhonda Prosser

Rinske Butcher

Linda Warburton


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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Spearwood celebrates new synthetic green Spearwood Dalmatinac Club, otherwise known as Spearwood Bowling Club, is celebrating having officially opened its new sand-filled synthetic green. The feedback in the initial stages has been tremendous. The Club applied for a Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) grant, and was overjoyed to get successful confirmation just before Christmas last year. Regional Bowls Manager Clive Adams was the first to speak to Club President Ivan Perica, when the grants were announced. “That’s fantastic”, said Ivan, “we will be dancing around when I get off the phone”. The new green will allow the Club to thrive, encouraging its members to play more bowls, and for new people to take up the great sport. “People are really enjoying playing on the new surface” said Ivan, “it’s very true and rewards good bowls. It is just so great to see everyone having a good time at the Club. I must pay tribute to everyone that has been involved in getting this project across the line – it has been a true club effort and will take us into the future”. Whilst the green was shown off at the recent Pioneers Lunch celebration, it was officially opened with a tournament played on Thursday 14th July with a full green of players having a great time. The $57,000 grant awarded to Spearwood was part of the CSRFF grants awarded to clubs twice per year.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

• A full green of bowlers enjoy the synthetic at Spearwood.

The grant amount represents one third of the total project, with the Club required to fund one third and council the final third. All clubs can apply for the grants when the opportunity arises, with the important aspect being engagement with local council and with Bowls WA. There are two levels of CSRFF grants – being those under $66,000 which are awarded twice per year, and those over which are awarded just once per year. In applying for such grants clubs must show a detailed level of planning for the project, as well as the Club, with a strategic/business plan held in very high regard. President Ivan is also an avid teacher of bowls, getting involved as a Sporting Schools coach and taking sessions at various schools in the area. Signing up as a Sporting Schools coach allows you to be paid to visit schools as part of the Federal program and teach the students in the school environment. The funded program puts funding into schools, for them to purchase the Jr Jack Attack kit, and then conduct the sessions right there at the school. They then retain the kit in their sports equipment at the end of the sessions to be used whenever they wish. Smart Clubs can then develop the relationship with these schools and encourage junior bowlers and their families to take part in the sport of bowls. For Clubs that need assistance with any of these elements, be it club planning grant applications or Sporting Schools, please just contact your RBM, either Clive Adams or Shenayde Heldt, and they will be most happy to pay your Club a visit.



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Friedman Lurie Singh & D'Angelo YOUR SMART LAWYERS

This article is for general information purposes only and should in no way be construed as a substitute for independent legal advice. Should you have any queries about this article or require any legal advice please do not hesitate to contact us at FLSD.

Motor Vehicle Accidents: What if I am partially at fault? If you are in a motor vehicle accident and your actions alone caused the accident, it goes without saying that you are not entitled to compensation. But what if your actions only partially caused the accident? If that is the case, then yes, you are still entitled to compensation and it is definitely worth making a claim. The driver of the other vehicle involved in the accident, or the driver of the vehicle you were a passenger in, must also be at fault in order to make a claim.

How will it affect my claim? The Insurance Commission of Western Australia (‘ICWA’) manages all personal injury claims resulting from motor vehicle accidents. If your conduct partially caused the accident, ICWA will rely on the doctrine of contributory negligence. In basic terms, this means that you have contributed to your injury or loss through your own negligence. If the Insurance Commission find that you have been contributorily negligent, they will rely on the fact that you have contributed to your injuries and will wish to make a deduction from your settlement. The amount of the deduction is usually calculated via a percentage i.e. ‘the Plaintiff was 25% contributorily negligent’. This would mean that 25% of the total settlement would be deducted. The percentage of contributory negligence is often negotiated at a settlement conference. The personal injury lawyers at Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo aim to negotiate the contributorily negligent percentage as low as possible, leaving more settlement money in your pocket.

Examples of Contributory Negligence There are several ways in which you can be found to be contributorily negligent. Some common ways are discussed below.

Not wearing a seatbelt Not wearing a seatbelt is considered contributorily negligent behaviour, because if you had worn a seatbelt, it is highly likely your injuries would be of less significance. In Morrell v Sestich [2003] WADC 225 it was held that by not wearing a seatbelt, the Plaintiff’s damages were reduced by 25%.

Intoxication It probably comes at no surprise that driving while intoxicated is considered contributory negligence if you are injured. However, it can also be considered contributory negligence if you are a passenger of a vehicle and the driver of the vehicle is intoxicated.


The test the courts look at is set out in Luca v Zupanov [2013] WADC 40, and is whether a reasonable person in the position of the passenger would have foreseen that accepting a ride with the intoxicated driver exposed them to a risk of injury by reason of the intoxication of the Defendant. If the answer is yes, then the Plaintiff will be found to be contributorily negligent.

Speeding In Gorman v Scofield [2008] WASCA 78, the Defendant, who was driving a motor vehicle, pulled out of a drive way and collided with the Plaintiff, who was riding a motorcycle along Canning Highway. The speed limit on Canning Highway is 60km/hr. The judge found that the Plaintiff was travelling “well in excess of the speed limit of 60 kilometres per hour and probably in the vicinity of 90 to 100 kilometres per hour”. It was concluded that the Plaintiff’s excessive speed “materially contributed to the occurrence of the accident and it also exacerbated the injuries he sufferred”. The judge concluded that the Plaintiff was 65% contributorily negligent, therefore reducing his award of damages by 65%.

Driving without a Licence In Wok v O’Keefe [2006] WADC 159, the Plaintiff was a 15 year old passenger in a motor vehicle and the Defendant was a 16 year old driver of the same motor vehicle. The Plaintiff knew the Defendant did not have a driver’s licence at the time of the accident. The Judge held that the Plaintiff should have reasonably “foreseen the likelihood of an accident occurring as a consequence of the Defendant’s inexperience and lack of skill”. The Plaintiff was found to be 10% contributorily negligent.

Conclusion It is important to look out for your own safety when driving, because if you are in an accident, you may be found partially at fault. Nonetheless, we still highly recommend making a claim! If you have had a motor vehicle accident and have been injured, do not hesitate to call one of our friendly personal injury lawyers for advice. Bronwyn Nevin Personal Injury Lawyer

Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo

Your Smart Lawyers Level 2, 139 Newcastle Street, Perth Tel: 9254000 24 Kent Street, Rockingham Tel: 9520 2729 Suite 1, 11 Boas Avenue, Joondalup Tel: 9310 4999 Email: flsd@flsd.com.au Internet: www.flsd.com.au

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Perth Suns

unveil new line-up for BPL04 Franchise owner Bowls WA has announced a new look Perth Suns line-up with a focus on • Kristina Krstic. current form for the Bowls Premier League (formerly known as the APL) which heads into a fourth season. The event televised live via Fox Sports from November 8-11 will once again be held at Pine Rivers in Queensland. The Perth Suns have already built a strong following in the BPL after two semi-finals berths but came away disappointed to miss out on finals playoffs for the first time in BPL03. WA Bowler of the Year Tom Mitchell is the only player to hold his spot in the team as inaugural Suns member Clive Adams and Matt Ellul have been replaced by Pieter Harris and Kristina Krstic. Along with the team announcement Bowls WA has also signed a new three year franchise agreement to play in the BPL which will also include a second series annually played in New Zealand which is the reason for the change of name to Bowls Premier League. Despite being without a major sponsor Bowls WA has shown great commitment to the BPL having agreed to the new three year deal. Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride was particularly pleased to see the Perth Suns were continuing in the competition. “A three year agreement is great for us and the competition. The addition of the second series in NZ will see more bowls broadcast live and prizemoney in excess of $200,000 on offer. The BPL has certainly lived up to its reputation as a fast paced game with plenty

of excitement and we look forward to seeing what our team can do. It was a difficult decision to replace two fine players in Clive Adams and Matt Ellul. I would especially like to acknowledge the efforts of Clive who has been with us since the start and not only played superbly but also been a great ambassador for the Suns and the BPL. However I am sure Pieter and Kristina are capable replacements that will do the team proud. I encourage all our supporters to tune in to Fox Sports in November and get right behind the team in BPL04.” Pride added, “We are disappointed not to have already signed a major sponsor for 2016, the BPL offers a great promotional opportunity at a national level particularly now the event will host two competitions per year with the doubling of TV airtime.” The selection of Krstic was a no-brainer with changes to BPL rules requiring sides to fill their team with a minimum of one player of each gender. With Bowls WA keen to continue with local WA talent Krstic became the obvious choice given her recent Australian selection and exceptional form over the last twelve months which included an impressive Australian Sides Championships performance helping WA to a silver medal along with a brilliant win in the WA State Singles and some notable performances at the Australian Open.

• Pieter Harris.


Perth Suns unveil new line-up for BPL04… The just turned 22yo Krstic has the bowling world at her feet and is already a dual World Champion having won the World Junior Singles and Pairs for Australia in 2015. After a silver medal in the Hong Kong Classic with Karen Murphy she has her sights on further Australian selection for the 2018 Commonwealth Games and the BPL Competition will surely prove a further opportunity to show her ability on the national stage. “I was surprised but really excited to be selected as the first female to represent the Suns alongside Tom and Pieter. I'm really looking forward to the challenging style of competition and playing with and against the highest level of players. I know it will be a great experience and opportunity for me to learn from the best,“ said Krstic who was obviously over joyed with the announcement. In somewhat of a contrast to Krstic the 45yo Pieter Harris is probably at the later stages of his elite bowling career but still has the passion to play at the top level. Having progressed from junior ranks in country Western Australia to be consistently amongst the top WA players for a long time Harris has a string of titles along with over 200 games of national experience for Western Australia. He is sure to bring some solid leadership and experience to the group along with his undoubted talent on the green. Harris has been in terrific form in 2016 which no doubt prompted his selection in the side. Most recently he was extremely impressive adding a second WA Champion of Champions title to his trophy cabinet after beating fellow Sun Tom Mitchell in the final. “It’s an honour to be selected as part of the Suns team and to follow on from the great work previous members have done. I am really looking forward to teaming up with Tom and WA’s brightest star Kristina to hopefully give the Suns franchise their first BPL title,” said Harris when asked about his selection in the side. Wayne Turley remains as the Suns coach as is looking forward to the challenge once again. “As disappointing as it is to not have Clive and Matt back I am thrilled to be working with two outstanding players in Pieter and Kristina. Along with Tom all three players bring something complementary to our side and our supporters can be rest assured we will be doing everything to win it this year. I am so keen to see us give it a big crack this year so get ready for some brilliant bowls.”

“It’s an honour to be selected as part of the Suns team and to follow on from the great work previous members have done. I am really looking forward to teaming up with Tom and WA’s brightest star Kristina to hopefully give the Suns franchise their first BPL title,” said Harris when asked about his selection in the side.

Further details on BPL04 including television schedules will be made available on the Australian Premier League website in due course. Read more about the Perth Suns on the Bowls WA-Perth Suns webpage. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016 37 Follow Perth Suns on social media. Facebook: Perth Suns Facebook. Twitter: Perth Suns BowlsTwitter


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

Australian Open Rap

Australian Open Gold for Hastings Nearly 100 WA bowlers made the long trip to the Gold Coast in June to play in Australia’s largest prize money event the $250,000 Australian Open and take on the best bowlers not just in Australia but the world. The WA players more than held there own in competition across the 14 events of various ages and gender on the Gold Coast. The standout performers were Therese Hastings and Kristina Krstic of Manning who both made it to the finals. Therese Hastings who is the National Training Centre Coach for WA teamed with fellow NTC Coach South Australia’s Faye Luke to win the Women’s Over 60’s Pairs and collect $2,500 each. The pairing who have developed a strong friendship through their coaching roles looked in trouble at 5-12 however some big ends which included a 5 to move them 17-13 in front got them home 18-15. Australian representative Kristina Krstic had a very good tournament and made the last 16 in all three events. Krstic has previously made finals at the Australian Open and is now a regular performer at national level. She defeated some quality opposition in the Women’s Singles before losing at the hands of Malaysian International Siti Zalina Ahmad whilst in the Pairs with Victorian partner Kylie Whitehead they made it a step further before losing in the quarter finals to the NSW Pair of Ellen Ryan and Julie Keegan. In the Women’s Fours her side made the final and performed very well despite losing. Krstic played third with Whitehead (Vict), Tayla Spence (Vict) and Samantha Shanahan (NSW) defeated in a close contest 16-13. Krstic picked up $2,200 in prizemoney for her efforts. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Winter 2016

A special mention must also go to Jospeh Lehane from Gosnells Bowling Club who finish 3rd in the Men’s Intellectual Disability Singles. Congratulations to all the participants who represented WA, and their respective clubs, with distinction in this event and well done to those who received prize money.

WA players who finished with prizemoney Men’s Singles Last 128: Scott Walker (South Perth), Robert Bowron (Eaton) Last 64: Lewis Grigg (Osborne Park) Women’s Singles Last 64: Kathy Gobbart (Sorrento), Hailey Adams (Osborne Park), Shenayde Heldt (Manning) Last 16: Kristina Krstic (Manning) Men’s Pairs Last 16: Cody Packer (Bedford) and Charlie Slavich (Doubleview) Women’s Pairs Quarter Final: K. Whitehead (Vict) and Kristina Krstic (Manning) Women’s Fours Runner-Up: K. Whitehead (VIC), T. Spence (VIC), Kristina Krstic (Manning), S. Shannahan (NSW) Men’s Over 60’s Pairs Last 32: Gordon King (Osborne Park) and Graham Evans (Busselton), Grant Nicol (Osborne Park) and Steve O'Neill (Osborne Park) Last 16: Ian Hastings (Kardinya) and Anthony Cocodis (Kardinya) Women’s Over 60’s Pairs Last 16: Elizabeth Marshall (Sorrento) and Jan Cook (Sorrento), Pauline Bourne (Sorrento) and Nerrida Porteous (Sorrento) Winner: F. Luke (SA) and Therese Hastings (Manning)


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