Enhancement Appeal 2019

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2019 Enhancement Appeal

Welcome to the 2019 Enhancement Appeal Since its launch in 2012 donations from the Boxhillian community to the annual appeal have helped to enrich the educational experience for all of our pupils whatever their interests or financial situation and I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have given in the past. Fees provide the necessities of our first class learning and a warm, supportive, holistic and nurturing environment. Your support for the Box Hill School Enhancement programme allows us to provide enriched facilities and equipment for academic provision, sports and extra-curricular activities as well as supporting our bursary scheme. The gifts given to us over the last few years represent a whole community effort to support everything we love and cherish about Box Hill School and allow the school to stay true to the Round Square IDEALS. As you know, we are not a wealthy school or as fortunate as some other longer established schools who benefit from large endowments. However, we do have a strong and loyal community with a ‘can do’ spirit and an ethos at Box Hill School of helping ourselves and each other. This includes the establishment of the Box Hill School Trust in 1962 by a group of parents who literally ‘saved the school’. The strength and impact of our Enhancement programme relies on your generosity. I hope you can make a donation which, of any size, will make a real difference to life at Box Hill School. Thank you so much for your help.

Cory Lowde H eadmaster

How would you like your gift to help? Design & Technology All students study Design & Technology in Years 7-9 and usually a third of the cohort choose it as a GCSE option. The course offers transferable skills, such as problem solving, creative skills and utilises Maths and Science knowledge. Many students then go on to study for degrees in Product Design, Architecture and Engineering. The study of Design & Technology generates creative solutions to benefit people and the planet. We are appealing for a laser cutter and engraver which will

Geography The Geography department would like to purchase fieldwork equipment to include; ranging poles, flow meters, clinometers, tape measures, 8 iPADS

History Critical thinking helps students to learn by focusing not just on the task itself, but how they approach it! iPADS allow critical thinking whilst on task. The History

and calipers for students to work with

Department would like to share

to independently complete both river

the 8 iPADS with the Geography

and coastal fieldwork. They would

Department, as the use of digital

also like to buy sound meters and air

devices will increase the level of

quality meters in order to complete

understanding and embedding of

urban fieldwork. The iPADS would be

a task.

a shared resource with the History

The school has recently


invested in upgrading the IT systems which have enhanced

enable the students to work with leading

Rather than using an external

edge technology and manufacturing

company, the instrumentation would

techniques. Although we currently do a lot

environment. iPADS in lessons

be used to offer students the choice

of design and make, we want to enhance

would be used to research topics

of completing human or physical

ranging from German Unification

fieldwork for their coursework at all

1871 to the Cold War. Having said

key stages.

this, the potential is far greater,

the use of technology learning in line with what is happening in the ‘real world’ to enhance how we teach computer aided

the teaching and learning

with relatively simple to use

design and make at Box Hill.

This request for iPADs would allow

apps like iMovie, students can be

A laser cutter and engraver can be used

students to collect data whilst out in

encouraged to become creative

widely across the school by students, not

the field, and then map the data live.

learners, making and editing their

only in D&T but in fashion, making buttons

This would allow students to produce

own videos for Dragons’ Den

and pattern cutting; in art, etching lino and

geographic information systems

style pitches.

paper art and within science studies.

maps, upskilling them in software that

History students will be able to

is used widely in the business world.

actively research and take an

The field equipment could also be shared with students going on

element of control over their learning for both projects and class discussion. In addition,

expeditions so they also benefit from

the equipment can be used for

this learning experience.

developing hands on elements, from looking at different online artefacts to maps of trench lines and also photographing and filming our many re-enactments that take place within class.

How to give : Make a donation through our website http://www.boxhillschool.com/community/supporting-us/ho



Without the instinct for adventure, any civilisation, however enlightened, any state, however well-ordered will wilt and wither.” Kurt Hahn

Adventure has always been at the core of Box Hill School life and adventures such as Round Square service projects abroad and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards expeditions focus on encouraging teamwork, expanding skills and interests, helping to engender an empathy with others and with the outdoors, and giving service to others.

Throughout the history of school we have always strived to be able to offer our holistic education for pupils whose families have restricted financial means. Bursaries can transform the lives of children who may be going through significant health, emotional, social or family difficulties as it enables them to have a supportive and stable education, thus giving them the best possible opportunity to thrive and flourish. Your gifts to our bursary fund, not only support an individual child’s education and future but they are also adding to the social diversity of Box Hill School, to

The McComish Foundation Award is made

the whole of our community and will influence

yearly by the McComish Foundation, a special

those children’s social mobility and those of

charitable fund that was created by our first

generations to come.

Headmaster Roy McComish to encourage students to take up adventure opportunities based on the teaching and IDEALS of educationalist Kurt Hahn (Founder of Round Square). Current students make an application to the Foundation Award panel for consideration for an award. This award will only pay for part of the cost of the trip and the students must raise a proportion of the cost of the trip themselves.

Your support can make a huge difference to someone’s life. I was lucky enough to receive a Drama Scholarship and Bursary upon entry to Box Hill School. Without these privileges I would never be the person I am today. I am now a confident and energetic young lady. Box Hill School is about encouraging individuals to reach their full potential, thank you” Lucy Hutton, Head Girl

Since its founding in 1987, awards have been given to numerous Box Hill Students allowing them to take part in different adventures. On their return they share their learning with our community, and extend the value of the McComish Foundation Awards’ teaching far beyond that of the individual student.

ow-to-support-us then click on Enhancement Appeal 2019 or fill out the donation form included.

u Thank yo

What has been funded in the past? • • • •

New Tents for expeditions Musical Instruments Bursaries Dimmer pack and stage lighting for Drama • Sewing machines

• Tuck shop refurbishment • Printing Press for the Art Department • Experiment equipment for Science including Rubens Tube and Ripple Tanks • Zip wire

How can you help? By making a donation to the appeal – either as a one off gift or through a monthly standing order or a direct debit; either through a regular payment. All amounts however large or small are very welcome. Gift aid increases the value of your donation so please do complete the declaration.

Other Funds The 2019 Enhancement Appeal is one of several ways in which the generous Box Hill School Community supports the school. Others include the McComish Foundation, Legacies and the Box Hill School

u Thank yo

Bricks scheme. For more information, please do contact: Samantha Panteli – Development Manager

01372 384258, Samantha.panteli@boxhillschool.com

2019 Enhancement Appeal - Donation Form Title

Full name

Address (house name or number, road, village/suburb) Town



Country (if not UK)

Email Home phone


Your connection to Box Hill School (e.g. current parent, former pupil, etc) We publish a list of all supporters annually, please tick if you would prefer to remain anonymous. All gift amounts will remain confidential.



I would like my donation to go towards: Design & Technology





In the event of surplus funds for a particular project, Box Hill School will transfer the excess to one or more of the above projects. I/We enclose a cheque for £

made payable to Box Hill School Trust

Credit Card I authorise my account to be debited £

Cardholder’s name

Card No. Issue No. (Switch only)

Valid from

Card type






CVC number (last three digits on the reverse)

Cardholder’s Signature


Bank Transfers Please pay to: Nat West Bank, 1 Bridge Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8BT. Sort Code: 60-12-36 for the credit of Box Hill School Trust. Account No. 33043299 Please use the reference EA19 followed by your SURNAME, and email us to notify us of your transfer and your nominated project. GIFT AID IT Please treat this donation as a Gift Aid donation. I declare that I am a UK tax payer and have paid enough income tax or capital gains tax to cover the amount claimed by Box Hill School Trust Ltd in any tax year. If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can reclaim the difference between the higher rate and the base rate of tax on your annual tax return. Please refer to the HMRC website. Alternatively, please consult your tax advisor.


Thank you

Registered Charity No. 312082


Please return the completed form to: Ms S Panteli, Development Office, Box Hill School, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6EA or email to: Samantha.panteli@boxhillschool.com or give online: http://www.boxhillschool.com/ community/supporting-us/how-to-support-us then click on Enhancement Appeal 2019.

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