Box Hill School - Personalised Bricks

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Personalised Bricks Building Blocks for Future Generations

Box Hill School Bricks Many former pupils remark that they wouldn’t be the person they are today without the education and experience they received at Box Hill School … If you are a recent leaver, a parent of a former pupil, or an established Old Boxhillian, you may like to commemorate your time at Box Hill School, or leave a lasting reminder of you or your family’s connection with the school by making a donation for an engraved Box Hill School Brick. All the engraved bricks are displayed on a designated wall of the Music School, and your brick will join those of many former pupils, parents, Governors, Trustees, members of staff and our Patrons, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and King Constantine of Greece. The wall has proved to be very popular, but there are still spaces available. By choosing to purchase a brick for Box Hill School, you will be helping us to support both current and future generations of pupils, as all money raised will go towards our Bursary Fund.

Box Hill School currently offers a small, but important number of bursaries, based on the financial need or changes in circumstances of pupils’ families. We want to broaden access to the school by increasing the number of bursaries available. Bursaries can transform the lives of pupils who are going through significant health, emotional, social or family difficulties as it enables them to have a supportive and stable secondary education, thus giving them the best possible opportunity to thrive and flourish. A simple act such as buying a brick could make a huge difference to someone’s life. Bricks can be purchased for a minimum donation of £100 each. If you would like to order a brick, please complete the form opposite and send it to Box Hill School, together with your payment.

I would like to purchase an inscribed brick … Title ......................... Full Name ..................................................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... Post Code ........................................................ Tel: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mobile: ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Email: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Your connection to BHS (eg. current parent, former pupil etc) ................................................................................. Please let us know how you would like your name to appear on the brick (a maximum of 32 characters, including spaces) over two lines: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Brick Donation (minimum donation £100 per brick) I enclose a cheque for £ ...................................... Please make cheques payable to: Box Hill School Trust Ltd I would like to make a Bank Transfer of £ ...................................... To Box Hill School Trust Ltd, NatWest Bank, 1 Bridge Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8BT Account No: 33043299 Sort Code: 60-12-36 Please use the reference BRICK followed by your SURNAME, and email us to notify of your transfer.

Gift Aid Declaration Box Hill School is able to reclaim the basic rate of tax on your donation. For a donation to be made by Gift Aid you need to pay UK Income or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount that Box Hill School will reclaim on your donations in the tax year. If you are a higher rate tax payer you can reclaim the difference between the higher rate and the basic rate of tax on your annual tax return. Please refer to the HMRC website guidance or consult your tax advisor. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation please sign and date the declaration below: Please treat this donation, all donations I have made for the last four years prior to this year, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations. I declare that I am a UK tax payer and have paid enough income tax or capital gains tax to cover the amount claimed by Box Hill School Trust Ltd in any tax year.

Signature: ................................................................................................ Date of Declaration ...............................................

Please return your completed form to: Development Office, Box Hill School, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6EA Every gift will enrich the lives of pupils in the school this year, as well as those to follow. Thank you for your support. Registered Charity No 312082

Box Hill School, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6EA Tel: +44 (0)1372 373382 Fax: +44 (0)1372 363942 Email: @OldBoxhillians

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