Out Of The Box - Issue 5 - Spring 2019

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Newsletter For Old Boxhillians

ISSUE 05 | SPRING 2019

Aderemi Ogunpitan (1971 -1975)

1974 photograph by the fireplace in Dalewood with Sharon Furlong, Jonathan Dracott & other students

Whole school photograph dated 1970’s

Another summer holiday with school friends Chris Rowesome, Terrence Barnett, John Griffin & Warren Dachtler


igerian born Aderemi (Remi to his friends) is based in Lagos the hustling heart of Nigeria and its largest city, which sprawls inland from the Gulf of Guinea across Lagos Lagoon, close to the financial centre of the metropolis. A chance meeting took place in November 2018 when our Commercial Director, Damian Hegarty, travelled to Nigeria to attend agent meetings. Remi met up with Damian and a story started to unravel about Remi’s early years growing up in London, his life here at Box Hill School in the 1970’s and how his love of life, ‘can do’ attitude and the Box Hill School IDEALS are deep at the heart of his success. A caring, warm and sparky individual, Remi has lived his life looking to the future. I took some time to find out more about the man behind the smile.

How did you come to be at Box Hill School? In 1971 at the age of 12 I lived in Finchley, Barnet born to a loving couple, Rueben and Adenike. My mother and father worked as an accountant and a dietician. Both of my parents encouraged me with my school work and were incredibly proud when I achieved some of the highest results at the 11+ exams. At that time the Education Authority in Finchley, were running a programme enabling top performing children from less privileged areas to accept a scholarship place at a private school. Unbeknown to me I qualified for a place, with my parents topping up the school fees. My parents encouraged me, sending me to board at Box Hill School. Continued over page...

WHAT’S INSIDE PROFILE Remi Ogunpitan P1 - P4

EVENTS Up and coming OB events and reunions. P14

OBITS Sir Jim Weatherall P13


Out of The Box | Issue 05

PROFILE Remi Ogunpitan continued from the front page...

Growing up in Finchley I faced challenges and prejudices but at Box Hill aged 12 I felt completely at home and fitted right in. People at Box Hill accepted me for who and what I was, schooling was more about character and shared values. I found it very easy to fit in. My peers originated from Asia, Europe and all over the world, although I was the only child from Nigeria at Box Hill – I did not stand out, I was just like everyone else. Studying at Box Hill gave me an open mind and the ability to look at life and people in a non-judgmental way allowing positive interactions with everyone I came into contact with. School gave me a feeling that nothing was impossible and an understanding that even though all of the children came from different backgrounds, their destiny was in their own hands. Friendship and camaraderie were incredibly important at Box Hill, children were taught the value that you should just be yourself and believe in yourself. My studies suffered slightly in Biology and Chemistry as I had a tendency to mess about in class but excelled in my favourite lessons; Art, Music, History and English, which I loved and always got excellent results in. The holistic nature of the school enabled me to follow my

sporting talents encouraging me to play rugby for the local Esher Rugby Club and Box Hill, and on a Sunday in the field opposite the school I would play football for Mickleham United. Those that knew me thought I would become a professional footballer when asked to play football at County level. I must have shone as I was invited to trials for the England Under 16 Team and Southampton Football Club. I can recall my first trial with Southampton FC aged 14/15, fit and in tip-top condition after a year of sporting activities, the trials went well and I was thrilled to be invited back. I travelled off on a summer break relaxing and being rather lazy in relation to my busy regime during the school term time, needless to say the second trial did not go so well. I did not dwell on this but thought, ‘What next?’ I was lucky enough to be a full boarder only returning home during school holidays. Based in Old Cottage Boarding House, I remember Mr Berkenshaw, my house parent, guiding and nurturing me. The house occupants were a mixed bunch of guys from all over the world. Every day was different and held something new.

Friends forever… School friends meeting regularly in the UK Terence Barnett, Ian Macfarlane, John Griffin & Clark Dachtler.

Another UK based catch up for lifelong school friends - John Griffin, Richard Kaye, Paul Delarey, Remi & Warren Dachtler


“ Friendships that I built

over 47 years ago are still strong today, my classmates and I meet up as often as possible in London. We all keep in contact regularly.

Hard at work



Whilst at school I would holiday together with my friends during the summer travelling around the UK to places like Bournemouth, Whitby Bay and Bracklesham Bay usually for a week or two, we would attend concerts, where we could enjoy soul music by top musicians of the time and attending football matches. On our return we would then travel separately to our own homes to continue the summer vacation with our families. The bond built over these years was incredibly strong, giving us a sense of community and living in a family unit.

What was life like after Box Hill School?

Remi in Amsterdam filming

, the IBST Crew on film set

Aged 16 I left the familiar surroundings of Box Hill and went to Redhill College to study Art and Design. The journey time to Redhill from Finchley took its toll, so I got a flat in Redhill, but after three weeks decided that this course was not for me so I returned home to North London. On my daily travels I used to pass an Army Recruitment Centre in Finchley where we lived. I used to find myself standing outside watching the promotional films designed to appeal to possible recruits. I watched captivated as soldiers jumped out of aeroplanes and dived into deep clear waters whilst travelling the world, filling me with enthusiasm. I went inside and asked many questions. Being under 18 I was given a form to take home for one of my parents to sign. Unfortunately my father was not keen on this new career path and refused to sign the form. Thinking it a good idea, I proceeded to sign the form returning the following day to the Army Recruitment Centre ready to sign up. Having experienced this on a number of previous occasions, the staff advised me to go home to return with a parent. I convinced my mother that joining the army was a good idea and that she must impress this point on my father. Six months of basic training commenced in Aldershot. After aptitude tests and IQ tests I was offered a number of suitable professions, one of which was to train in the audio and visual unit. Two and a half years later I finished a tour in Northern Ireland and a period based with the British Army of the Rhine in Germany. It was here that I realised how

much I loved film, so I took an early exit from the army, signing up to study Film and Television production at Leeds University. Remembering my time at university I recall the unrest caused by Margaret Thatcher’s first major step to galvanise the universities by introducing fees for international students: before 1981, international students were educated effectively at a low cost. When the fees were increased substantially, they were denounced by the leadership of the British universities, which with one voice, predicted no international student would apply to a British university again. This caused turmoil on campus as international students were pulling out of their courses for fear of not being able to pay the new fees. I took part in the activist demonstrations, I felt the need to show my objections to this change in the UK educational process. I left university, after securing a post at Columbia Broadcasting (CBS Records) as a New Release Coordinator. As a keen employee, I trekked across West London ensuring all of the new releases received airplay and were heavily marketed. During this time my parents moved back to Nigeria where my father was to set up a Raleigh Bicycle Factory in the Northern City of Kano. So, in 1981 after a 17-year hiatus, I returned to my home where I fell totally in love with the life and land. Staying longer than I should, I decided to return permanently to Nigeria allowing me to be close to my family and live where my heart was. Resigning from CBS Records, I had no thought as to what I would do for work. I worked in jobs that gave me exposure to administration and management and also gave me time to pursue my interest in sport, playing rugby, cricket and travelling. I was desperate to follow my passion and enrolled to study a Post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication at the largest university in Lagos where I had the good fortune to connect with creative types involved in the film and television industry, giving me the opportunity to embark on a role within production management, my first foot in the door. My entrepreneurial journey began; setting up my first business with partners in 1989 was a huge learning curve. I eventually sold one of my production companies Continued over page...


Out of The Box | Issue 05


This is Remi today with his wife Danielle and children

continued from page 3 to its shareholders. This gave me the financial security to start my very own company, Integrated Broadcasting Services and Technologies (IBST), which has gone from strength to strength. IBST Media originated from an unshakeable foundation of marketing acumen, vision, cinematic creativity, storytelling and technology.

Collaborating with Endemol is a real success story buying licenses to produce international television programmes locally including Doctor’s Quarters, Dragons Den Nigeria, The Apprentice and Big Brother Nigeria. We produce international TV formats at our state of the art facilities, which handle all production and editing.

How do you feel about your education? “Opportunities for education are limited in Nigeria. I am incredibly glad to have had my foundation education at Box Hill School. I often imagine if I had not received a scholarship or attended Box Hill - where I would be today! My education taught me that no

matter what your circumstance or background your destiny is in your hands. We need to make the right choices. I also believe that as parents we must take the time to provide our children with the right guidance, knowing them well to find out what their passions and abilities are. Nothing comes easy and you must work at everything, not relenting”.

I asked Remi about the future ‘Stay hungry’! is a traditional saying in Nigeria. My father told me that the minute I started to feel satisfied and no longer felt the hunger, that is when I would become lazy and tired. My philosophy is that there is always more to accomplish, more to achieve. I believe that life is about the legacy that one leaves behind, the value that an individual brings to society. I am very excited about a new venture that I am embarking on. I plan to take advantage of the knowledge I have gained

to create an exciting, ground breaking project. Currently in its early stages but taking shape, IBST Media will enable creative professionals in Africa to communicate and share. A platform that will change the paradigm for the development of African youths and their continent ‘watch this space!’

We certainly shall ‘watch this space’ with keen interest. There is always something on Remi’s horizon, he is a true believer in making things happen, seeing what is around him and acting on it. We shall look forward to keeping up with all of Remi’s future business plans and philanthropic escapades. Thank you to Remi for allowing us an insight into his life and for giving his time so generously. An enigmatic, inclusive, forward thinking man, a true advocate of the IDEALS that our pupils still live by today.



REUNIONS Guardians Dinner

OB Drinks Thank you to all of those Old Boxhillians that attended the drinks at the Strand, London. This event was well attended and so nice to see so many of you.

Class of 2016

Tracey Fox-Young, Edzard Grefe, Vincent Hsu, Lucy Hutton, Jane Mosley, A. Murugappan, Connie Powell, Jason Ralph, Ben Rudd, Stacey Saunier, Gail Shenton, Michael Sullivan, James Swallow, Paul Teague, Melanie Thorn, Euan Tilling, Hayley Warboys, Louis Allsop, Joshua Skelding joined the Headmaster, Cory Lowde, and Governors and Trustees; Jamie Sharpley, Diana Malcolm-Green, Marianne Sunter, Jeremy Taylor, Kirsten Von Wedel

At the Oriental Club on the 23rd March 26 Old Boxhillian Guardians and Deputy Guardians gathered for an evening

So lovely to see the Class of 2016 keeping in touch and wishing each other a Merry Christmas. We love to hear all about what our OBs are getting up to now, so do keep in touch. You can register on the Old Boxhillian website at http://alumni.boxhillschool.com/Register

of celebration. The plan was to mass as many of our Box Hill School Guardians and Deputy Guardians as possible together for a night of memories, celebrating the past, the present and the future of Box Hill School. Each of our Guardians and Deputy Guardians occupies a unique place in the story of Box Hill School, individually and as a group, they have all directly shaped and influenced our school and community and with our Diamond anniversary imminent we wanted to acknowledge and celebrate their contributions.

December 2018 A lovely catch up with a few Old Boxhillians at the Running Horses Pub in Mickleham. It was great to hear many stories from old school days and to hear about our links with the Sailing and Canoeing Club. Many of those involved in sailing have kept up their love of the water throughout their lifes. It would be lovely to hear your maritime tales – please email me at samantha.panteli@boxhillschool.com

HAVING A REUNION? Please do let us know if you are having a reunion. Can we help in any way, for example if you would like to be given a tour around the school as part of your day we are always very happy to welcome Old Boxhillians at any time, or we can provide you with class lists and help you ‘find’ lost classmates. Please go to www.OldBoxhillians.com and our Facebook pages to see more photos and news of reunions.


Out of The Box | Issue 05

ROUND SQUARE Update on the annual trip to Philippolis By Jerry Holliman


ox Hill School took 17 pupils to Philippolis for two weeks to participate in some project work in the Good Work Foundation Digital Learning Centre they have in Bergmanshoogte, a community within Philippolis. The three main areas we were asked to help with were:Rain Water Harvesting, to install guttering around the centre buildings, and reposition and connect 1 x 5000 ltr tank to the mains water supply, and 1 x 2500 ltr and 1 x 5000 ltr water tanks to the newly installed guttering. It is very dry, particularly in the winter months, with most of the rains, which can be very heavy, in the summer. Build and setup a Hydroponics system from scratch in the greenhouse, which would help, provide an all year round growing season. The summer daytime temperatures can reach 40ËšC plus and the winter night time can drop to minus 5ËšC and below which means growing any vegetables in the ground can be difficult! Paint and refresh all the buildings in the GWF colour (Grey). At times there was more paint on the pupils than the walls, but they had fun and did a great job at the same time.

All of the pupils took part in all or some of the projects and in the afternoons took time out to play with and interact with the children from the local infant school. It was great to watch them all play together, I am not sure who enjoyed it most our pupils or the local children, especially when it came to football!

Making new friends with the Good Works Foundation staff

We also bought spare clothes with us to donate to the local community, the pupils helped sort and bag them up and then distribute to some of those families in need within Philippolis. For a bit of downtime on the first weekend we all went off to Tiger Canyon, run by John Varty a documentarian and conservationist who is looking to help save the Tiger, and provide a safe and natural environment for it. We all went out in specialised vehicles to view the Tigers in a wild environment within the protected area, at times we were literally staring into a Tigers eyes from a matter of metres away. We also had the chance to meet and encounter Cheetahs whilst there. Quite an incredible experience. On the final weekend we went for a game drive through Otterskloof private Game Park watching Rhino, Giraffe, Blisbok, Zebra, Springbok and many other animals in their natural habitat. We then stayed for two nights in a tented camp in Bankfontein were we had the opportunity to kayak or swim in the Vanderkloof Dam, explore the surrounding Veld and learn about the earlier settlers and bushmen. Overall, a very successful and enjoyable time continuing our long connection with Philippolis.

The Bergmanshoogte community saying thank you and goodbye to the Box Hill students

The Vanderkloof Dam, Orange River, where the Box Hill students kayaked and Mrs Wilson swam!

Round Square

Round Square Annual Conference Ottawa, Canada By Emanuele Di Montorio Veronese


ictoria and I attended the Round Square International Conference in Ottawa, Canada held at Ashbury College, lasting 7 days.

I was very proud, not only to be able to represent and carry the Box Hill Flag at the opening ceremony, but to see at the presentation how our school was one of the founding members of the Round Square. This being my first Round Square conference it was definitely not something I was expecting, as I learned so much and experienced more than I ever thought I would, appreciating not just Canadian History and culture but those of other countries from all different parts of the globe. I felt this memorable experience changed my mindset and perspective of the world in many ways. I will definitely be urging younger years to be part of Round Square and to attend when the opportunity arises. I feel that I have learned, experienced and made life long lasting friendships whilst being filled with a sense of pride of how unique our school is and how grateful I am to attend Box Hill, a founding member of the Round Square, for it shares a similar diverse environment and it always stays true to the IDEALS. .



Throughout this time, I was truly taken back by the extremely enthusiastic atmosphere and diversity of the conference as I met and engaged with students from all over the world from all different backgrounds, which fascinated me as I received an insight into so many extraordinarily different cultures and their perspective on the Round Square IDEALS. This did remind me of how International Box Hill School is and how our school stays true to the IDEALS."

WANT TO KNOW MORE How can you get involved with RS now you have left school – register on the Round Square website and please get in contact with Sandy sandy@roundsquare.org

Flag bearers at the Canadian Round Square Conference 2018

Happy memories after a wonderful trip

Personalised Bricks Thank you to all who have decided on a personalised brick over the last few months. This is a wonderful way to gift a permanent reminder of your association with Box Hill School. Name a brick on our dedication wall. By choosing a brick to support us, you will be helping both current and future generations of pupils, as all money raised will go towards our Bursary Fund. www.boxhillschool.com/community/supporting-us/how-to-support-us


Out of The Box | Issue 05

COMMUNITY The Story of Community and Charity at Box Hill School ?

Internationalism allows students to learn to see themselves as global citizens and to look beyond nationality, race, gender, class and culture to explore human nature. The aim is to discover and embrace the similarities and differences between cultures and nationalities and in doing so, promoting lasting understanding, tolerance and respect. Something that Remi mentioned in detail as something that he cherished about studying in our community back in the 1970s. Democracy is encouraging freedom of thought and speech, providing appropriate avenues for critical thinking and debate. Democracy encompasses a sense of equality, fairness, self-discipline, and personal responsibility. Environmentalism, the delicate interdependence between humans and the planet, centres on the importance of our understanding of mankind’s place in the universe, the forces that shape our surroundings and the impact that we have. Environmentalism emphasises our responsibility to respect

and protect the welfare of the environment around us. Adventure is characterised by those who push themselves beyond their personal perceived limits, cross boundaries and discover that they are capable of much more than they thought possible. A guiding principle is that there is ‘more in us than we know’ and we seek to create sensible risk takers who are prepared to step out of their comfort zones to make a difference in the world around them. Leadership is about serving others and requires kindness, wisdom and justice. It recognises that successful leaders are driven by an ambition to be of service to others and to nurture, guide

and help them to improve and to succeed. Depending on our personal skillset, we can all be leaders in one area or another. Service helps to develop a sense of social responsibility and sensitivity to people from different backgrounds and circumstances and instils a commitment to putting others before self. By practically helping others, students learn how they can make a positive difference to those less fortunate than themselves.

We highlight the work of a number of staff across the school whose roles champion the IDEALS on many levels.

Leaving a Legacy Your gift to future generations The generosity of parents, alumni, governors and friends, providing the opportunity to unlock potential.

Your Support

You can make a gift to Box Hill School in your will. www.boxhillschool.com/community/ supporting-us/how-to-support-us

Painting of Roy McComish by David Poole, former Box Hill parent and President of the Royal Society of Painters.


he Round Square IDEALS are as relevant today as they have ever been at Box Hill School. From the very start, Kurt Hahn’s educational ethos has been at the heart of life at school. Embedded in the fabric of the school the IDEALS are…….

Community & Charity


& CHARITY Ms Claire McCarthy One of my responsibilities is Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Manager. A Brief Description of Duke of Edinburgh: The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a youth awards programme that was founded in 1956 by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. The award recognises students and young adults who have completed a series of selfimprovement exercises modelled on our founder Kurt Hahn’s solution to the “Six Declines of

Modern Youth” so as you can see the link between Box Hill School and DofE is very strong, keeping our connections with the DofE is as important to us now as it was back in 1959 when Box Hill School was founded. The scheme ‘borrowed’ from the ‘Moray Badge’ instituted at Gordonstoun by its Headmaster Kurt Hahn in 1936. Our founding headmaster, Roy McComish was involved from the outset of the DofE award under the guidance of Kurt Hahn and we have been a licensed centre for the DofE award scheme since 1963, we are proud that to date 151 Gold awards have been made to Box Hill School students. There are three levels of the Award; Bronze, Silver and Gold started in Year 9, 10 and 12 respectively. Students are required to spend time volunteering, taking part in physical and skilled activities as well as completing an assessed expedition at each level.

Enhancement Appeal 2019

Since its launch in 2012 donations from the Boxhillian community to the annual appeal have helped to enrich the educational experience for all of our pupils whatever their interests or financial situation.

How can you help?

www.boxhillschool.com/community/ supporting-us/how-to-support-us

What is your background and love of DofE: Having completed all three levels of Duke of Edinburgh while I was at school I was always keen to be involved with the scheme when I became a teacher. I have always had a love of the outdoors having spent my childhood growing up in the Surrey Hills I spent many weekends walking with my family. I have undertaken international expeditions both in Peru and in New Zealand, my home whilst on my Gap Year. What has been the highlight of your career so far: The highlight of my career so far within the DofE role was meeting Prince Edward during the opening of the Sports Hall in June 2018 and introducing him to all of our students who were engaged with the DofE Award. It was lovely to have a cross section of students who are actively involved and participated in the visit, whether it be playing sports or involved in the DofE activities on display.


Out of The Box | Issue 05

REUNIO COMMUNITY IBDP students are doing as part of their CAS experiences. There is so much on offer in and out of school – it is fundamental to my role to ensure that everyone involved in the IB can find something that they love to do and encourage them to make a difference in their community. Your background and love of CAS:

Mrs Hayley Osborne One of my responsibilities is as CAS Co-ordinator Brief Description of CAS: The term CAS stands for Creativity, Action and Service and is part of the core of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Every student who follows the IBDP has to complete a number of activities that fit into all three categories. These experiences can be as straightforward as playing for one of the school’s teams (Action) or being part of an Art installation such as the albatross made of bottle tops located in our quad (Creativity). We also have a number of organisations including the Entertainment Committee and the Charities Committee, that the students can join to be part of various Service activities and projects in and out of school. There are lots of other opportunities for Service, including things like volunteering for events at the Nursery, Infant school and church in the local village, as well as things like Peer Mentoring. My job is to keep track of this CAS Activity and what all of the

Becoming the CAS co-ordinator seemed like a natural step for me. I had been involved in Box Hill School since 2000 so knew what kind of things were being offered or could excel as CAS experiences. I have a varied and unique background. You could say I have embraced everything that Box Hill has offered. I have worked in the theatre, I trained as a stage manager. I used to dance and even taught that for a while. I have organised trips abroad to Italy – my emotional home and spent a summer in South Africa on a Round Square Project. I have been involved in organising events successfully project managing on numerous occasion. I like cooking and am a regular baker at Miss Appleton’s McMillan cake sale as well as school auctions. I am told my double chocolate brownies are legendary. I had already been part of whole school CAS projects such as ‘the shoebox’ campaign and others in previous years. I also had taken on the role of Social Event Co-ordinator and had been trying to organise a student led committee. This is now a vibrant and enthusiastic well-established group who enjoy planning the events… they have many fun ideas to bring to the table. I also think one of my super powers is being able to listen and connect with a huge number of people. I am told I am a good listener, which means I can get

to know the students well and help them find activities where they can really shine. I enjoy very much, connecting the right person to the right activity. I seem to have a talent for it. What has been the highlight of your career so far: Well – that all depends on which career you chose. I always think of myself primarily as an English teacher. I love my subject and enjoy teaching Year 7s as much as I enjoy teaching IBDP and A Level English Literature, although it is no secret that teaching A Level Literature is my favourite. A particular highlight was in 2001 - I was awarded my MA in children’s Literature and eventually I would like to pursue a PhD. I really do love intellectual pursuits and reading. A recent highlight was helping one of our first cohort of the new GCSE’s get a Level 9 – another would be when previous students drop an email to say that something I taught them has stayed with them – and now they are doing a degree in English… how cool is that! Another highlight of my career is being so proud of the young women I have helped on their path in my role as housemistress. There are always years when the combination of personalities and circumstances just work and they become a special group in your heart. There have been some of those.

Burmester garden with the Burmester girls


Community & Charity

& CHARITY “ Henry couldn’t get

Mr Ed Batty One of my responsibilities is as Co-curricular Coordinator Brief Description of Cocurricular Activities: The Co-Curricular Coordinator role is about developing the extra-curricular programme and ensuring that a wide range of activities are available for students to take part in. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves through learning new skills, competing in sport and being creative. Your background and love of Activities: Extra-Curricular activities I believe are the grounding point in a holistic education that enhances any academic studies and provides the opportunity for students to become well-rounded adults. Developing resilience to

enough of riding through deep puddles and getting covered in mud out mountain biking. The students tend to cover 20km of trails on a Wednesday afternoon in all weathers." situations that are uncomfortable or difficult is where a student can evolve from a passive learner into somebody that relishes challenges and enjoys the feeling of accomplishment. As a keen cyclist and runner, I know that taking up challenges and giving oneself a chance to test one’s capabilities outside of work is important. I was lucky enough to be inspired by teachers who encouraged their pupils to make the most of their time at school. What has been the highlight of your career so far? Undoubtedly, a highlight of my career so far is leading students on ski touring expeditions in the Alps. The highs and lows of a 3 day trip where there is no mobile signal and the students must

use their own power to travel through the mountains between huts is superb. The sense of accomplishment that they feel after testing themselves in a natural environment is fantastic.

Mrs Christine Wilson One of my responsibilities is as Expedition Director Brief Description of Expeditions: I organise expeditions for KS3 at Box Hill. In year 7, we go away to the New Forest and Brecon Beacons, going away for 3 nights and either camping or staying in a hut with basic facilities. The year 8’s spend 4 days learning new skills of wind surfing, sailing or kayaking in a nearby reservoir. Year 9 devote their expedition time to the Duke of Edinburgh award and do their 2-day selfsufficient backpacking expedition. I also organise a team to take part in the Round Square adventure race each year. This takes place in either Scotland, England or Wales over a weekend in May. Your background and love of Expeditions: My interest in outdoor pursuits really started in my first teaching job. The school I worked at held annual camps to Sussex and


Out of The Box | Issue 05

REUNIO COMMUNITY organised rock climbing, canoeing and orienteering activities as well as caving weekends. There was a shortage of instructors so Surrey County Council Outdoor Ed Department ran a couple of taster weekends rock climbing for teachers and youth workers. The first weekend in Derbyshire was a disaster for me as my borrowed tent became more of a paddling pool than sleeping quarters and I had to spend the night squashed into another tent with only a hairy car blanket to keep me warm. My inadequate kit was little protection from the persistent driving rain during the day too. However, this weekend was followed by a warm sunny weekend climbing on Idwal Slabs in North Wales and from then on, I was smitten! I went on to complete various climbing awards and qualifications as well as a Summer Mountain Leader Award, Winter Mountaineering training, a Canoe Supervisor award, a Cave Leader award and a Mountain Biking award. I started up the Duke of Edinburgh’s award in two of the schools I worked in and have run numerous expeditions both in this country and abroad. Before I had my own children every other weekend was spent either doing trips for students or trips to wild country with friends to improve my own skills.

I never would have survived the RSAR (Scotland) if it wasn’t for the support I had from the team. ANOSHE, STUDENT

What has been the highlight of your career so far? There have been numerous highlights: Helping a 13-year-old student who had cerebral palsy and limited walking ability climb up Sashcord Crack at Harrisons Rocks in East Sussex. I then went on to meet her several years later as an adult and she said that it was one of her proudest moments! Abseiling down the NW route of Alum pot when I first started caving and then still having the energy to do it again 30 years later! Climbing Ben Nevis up a direct ice-climbing route in full winter conditions. Meeting and marrying my partner, a Scout leader and being able to share our love of the outdoors and introducing it to young people both in and out of work. Introducing the Gold D of E award in my last school and seeing the groups tackle a difficult route in severe weather conditions and to be still smiling at the end. Taking my first Box Hill Adventure race team to Aviemore, Scotland to compete against other RS schools. Just getting there was an expedition in itself! Coming to Box Hill School and being able to do my two great loves, maths and outdoor activities. Enjoying being part of a great staff team, all willing to give up their time so that students gain an appreciation of the benefits that being involved in adventurous activities brings.

Miss Ruth Burton-Russell One of my responsibilities is as Round Square Representative Brief Description of Round Square: Round Square is a network of schools globally who believe in the importance of the six IDEALS of Kurt Hahn, the Round Square founder. The six IDEALS stand for Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service. We are a founding member of Round Square and along with all the other membership schools endeavour to use the IDEALS as a good foundation for students to progress in life, along with their academic studies. Where there is great value in being able to write cohesively or calculate budgets, there is also huge value in being able to help others, often many of whom are less fortunate than ourselves, or the value in being able to challenge oneself and explore one’s own limits through Adventure. Your background and love of Round Square: Round Square is something I became familiar with when I applied for my role at Box Hill

Community & Charity and Obituary

School. I have always been passionate about pursuing opportunities and experiences outside of the classroom and as a result of this was thrilled to take on the role of Round Square co-ordinator here at BHS and encourage students to pursue extra opportunities and adventures too. What has been the highlight of your career so far? Up until this year, the highlight of my career/education was being awarded the William Northam Prize in my graduating class at university, a single award given to a graduating student each year for outstanding contributions to the university and wider community. Since then, one of the biggest highlights of my career has been the Round Square International Conference 2018, hosted in Canada. It was a wonderful opportunity that afforded me the chance to meet a diverse range of other educators from across the globe and listen to an array of keynote speakers, all of whom were truly inspiring. I also thoroughly enjoyed seeing how the Box Hill students were so enthused by the various elements of the conference and how motivated they were upon returning to school.

Reading this section of the Out of the Box Magazine fills our community with pride; and shows the depth of dedication provided by our experienced, enthused staff. It is obvious to see that the IDEALS are as strong today as they were when Remi was at School in the 1970’s and this is what sets Box Hill apart from the rest; lifelong friends, a strong sense of community, knowing how to help others and giving back to the world around you.



Vice Admiral Sir James Weatherall KCVO, KBE


t is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of the Warden of Box Hill School, Vice Admiral Sir James Lamb Weatherall KCVO, KBE, who passed away on the 18th March 2018. Aged 82 Sir James was educated at Gordonstoun during which time he developed a deep respect for Round Square and Roy McComish. Sir James had a highly distinguished career in the Royal Navy, achieving the rank of Vice Admiral. He was a veteran of the Falklands campaign and commanding officer of HMS Ark Royal in the 1980s. After retirement from the Royal Navy, Sir James was appointed Marshall of the Diplomatic Corps by HM The Queen, a position he held until his retirement in 2001. At that time Sir James was also the Chair of the Board of Governors of BHS from 1994-2003, always an enthusiastic champion and significant figurehead in wider circles, Sir James maintained a close interest in all aspects of Box Hill School after his retirement from the Board, taking the title of Warden. Many Old Boxhillians, parents and staff will remember his presence as a regular feature of Speech Day ceremonies.

Crypt Chapel – House of Commons 1962 –James Weatherall with his wife Jean on their wedding day.

Chair of Governors, John Banfield, invited guests and friends helping to celebrate Sir James’ 80th birthday.


Out of The Box | Issue 05


019 marks 60 years since the founding of Box Hill School. In this, our 60th year, we have a number of events organised to which you are very warmly invited.

SCHOOL OPEN DAYS Please do pop in on our Open Days and say hello! OPEN EVENING Tuesday 11th June, 2019 6:15pm - 8:00pm

OPEN MORNING Saturday 5th October, 2019 10:15pm - 12:00pm

SCHOOL AT WORK DAY Tuesday 14th May, 2019 11:00am - 12:15pm Thursday 14th November, 2019 11:00am - 12:15pm Tuesday 11th February, 2020 11:00am - 12:15pm You are always welcome to visit us at Box Hill School please get in touch and let us know if you are coming, then we can let staff know and ensure that a member of our community can show you around.

SPEECH DAY Saturday 18th May 10am This Speech Day will be extra special as it is our Diamond 60th Anniversary. Our Speech Day event will be offering 50 seats for our Alumni from all over the world. There will be an exhibition of archived materials dating back from 1959 and alumni speakers from previous decades. If you would like to come along please get in touch as these seats, although not charged, is a ticketed only event and tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis. Go to the Old Boxhillian Website click on events and reserve your seat.

DIAMOND 60TH ANNIVERSARY SUMMER BALL Saturday 18th May 2019 6.45pm - Midnight Another spectacular event this year, which is already promising OUT to be our largest ever summer SOLD ball. Many alumni will be returning from across the miles to join us in our celebrations.

Variety Show 2019

ALUMNI PICNIC Sunday 19th May, 2019 1pm - 3pm The ‘Morning after Alumni Picnic’. Bring a blanket, hamper of food and some cold drinks. Catch up with old friends and have a tour of the School. Celebrate our 60th year with us please join us for this Alumni Only picnic held here within the grounds of Box Hill School. To let us know that you are coming please go to the Old Boxhillian website and request your complimentary entry ticket.

OLD BOXHILLIAN DRINKS October 2019 London - venue tbc There is a reunion for the leaving year group 2015 being organised. Please do get in touch with Lisa Marie Gast if you would like to join this event by emailing lisamariiiiie@gmail.com she would be delighted to hear from you. For details of these events and to join us please book your place on the Old Boxhillian website – www.boxhillschool.com/ community/alumni

Visual Art The 60th Anniversary Visual Art Exhibition took place from 28th – 30th March, exhibiting work from our creative students, alumni and artistic friends of the school who have all demonstrated an enthusiasm for arts and design and a passion to be creative thinkers.

Our annual Variety Show took place on our Make a Difference Day with performances from our BHS Dance Company, the BHS Jazz Band, BHS Staff Band, the BHS student and staff choir and individual solo acts. An incredible night was had by all. Thank you to all of those involved in making this a wonderful evening and to the generous audience.

Thank you to all of those who exhibited and to all of our visitors.

Events & News


Overseas Travels 2018/2019 The Headmaster spent a short time travelling to Thailand, Germany, Ghana and Russia this year, meeting current parents, alumni and agents. This is a wonderful opportunity for our overseas parents to assemble and become acquainted with our staff and receive updates on their child’s progress face to face. They give our alumni the opportunity to network with members of our community that live and work in their local area building connections and sharing ideas. Damian Hegarty our Commercial Director travelled to Nigeria and Vietnam meeting agents and Alumni. These trips are incredibly important to retain old friendships, create new collaborations and to make connections that will last long into the future. Our commitment to regular overseas visits supports the international aspect we value here and, with over 41 different nationalities represented, is testimony that behind the scenes we are busy connecting with alumni, parents and agents. Our school network, past or present, is an important extension of the Box Hill School community and we hope that


our proactive approach sends the global message that we value everyone and we aim to celebrate memories and experiences together; it is our special overseas relationship that makes this bond unique. The Headmaster, Cory Lowde, took part in the conference at the British Council in Bangkok on the 13th – 19th February at British Council in Hong Kong. The Headmaster enjoyed meeting with alumni during his trip Our new Chief Operating Officer, Stuart Ansell, travelled to Istanbul, Turkey on the 4th March – 8th March to take part in the EuroAsia Workshop.

School Results and Statistics IB Diploma Results 2018 •

31 IB Diploma students.

186 exams taken.

In 14 languages.

100% pass rate.

Total value added per student across the IB Diploma is +2 per student.

The highest score achieved was 44 points.

UCAS points equivalent of 3 A* and 2 A grades at A Level for our highest performing student.

University places accepted (as at 12/7/18) include: Oxford Brookes, Surrey, Nottingham, The Hague, Brighton, Coventry, Edinburgh, Westminster, Leeds, Exeter and Bath.

International Languages Day

Damian Hegarty (Commercial Director) and Remi Ogunpitan –Nigeria

WANT TO KNOW MORE For more news do go onto the alumni website www.oldboxhillians.com where you can register, update your profile, book onto events, find lost friends, update your details and take a trip down memory lane with the school archive OR join our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/ boxhillschoolalumni/ OR keep up to date with our visual art on our Instagram at boxhillschool_visualarts

Out of all students we have 41 different nationalities.

Over 24 different mother tongue languages are spoken.

We offer our students a diverse language curriculum, with 13 different languages taught.



Out of The Box | Issue 05

Grand Opening of the Sports Hall by HRH Prince Edward June 2018


ne of the highlights of last year was the opening of the Sports hall on Monday 25th June 2018, in front of the assembled school and guests; HRH The Earl of Wessex unveiled a commemorative plaque to mark the opening of the school’s multi-million pound sports centre. The school boasts a long-standing royal patronage having had a number of visits in the past including the Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of York and the Princess Royal. We were delighted to be joined on the day by Gold Awardee Old Boxhillian; Charles Prendergast, who was one of two students to be the first awarded the Gold DofE Award, Daniel Turner, Nicholas Booth, Jennifer Sequerah, Henry Elburn, Ben Gale, Caroline Knight, Timothy Horn, Michael Sullivan and William Cole. Sport is integral to the development and wellbeing of all our students’ physical, social, emotional and creative potential, underpinning our ethos of providing them with a holistic education. The new sports centre gives us the opportunity to offer an extensive curriculum and activities programme designed to increase participation, fitness and enjoyment to all our students. The new Sports Centre is an impressive facility and provides a cutting edge resource on two levels, featuring all the latest equipment and facilities for all types of sporting activities including; Netball court, Basketball court + 6 hoops, 4 x Badminton courts, 4 x Cricket nets, indoor Hockey court, Tennis court, 5-a-side Football, Volleyball court, PE teaching classroom, fitness suite/gym, 2 x changing rooms, balcony area for yoga/pilates/step aerobics/fitness video workouts, AstroTurf pitch (for Tennis/Hockey/Football/ Netball), Netball/Tennis court - on top of the building.




Please let us have your latest contact details via


Alison Vernon

Old Boxhillians

Development Director




Sam Panteli Development & Alumni Relations Manager

oldboxhillians Address: Box Hill School, Old London Road, Mickleham, Dorking, RH5 6EA

01372 384258 www.boxhillschool.com

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