Year 9
Year 9
This booklet belongs to:
A warm welcome to all our new families starting Box Hill School in September!
This Induction Pack will give you a flavour of your journey through Box Hill School.
As you may know, there is an Induction Day for new pupils on Wednesday 4th September and we will write with more details in due course. The first day of term for the whole school will then be on Thursday 5th September - this will be the first opportunity for the school to be together as a whole after the summer break.
We hope you have an enjoyable (and hopefully sunny!) summer. We will be sending you content throughout the holidays. Box Hill School really looks forward to meeting you in September.
Years 7 & 8
Parents’ welcome evening
Year 9
Parents’ welcome evening
Induction Day for New Pupils
First day of term
Individual school photographs
Year 7 New Forest Expedition
End of term - finish at noon
Wednesday 4th September
Thursday 5th September
Thursday 8th September
24th - 26th September
Thursday 17th October to Monday 4th November
Friday 13th December
Boarders return by 8pm
Day pupils arrive 8.15am
End of term
Sunday 7th January
Wednesday 8th January
Friday 14th February to Monday 24th February
Thursday 3rd April
Boarders return by 8pm
Day pupils arrive 8.15am
End of term
Tuesday 22nd April
Wednesday 23rd April
Friday 23rd May to Monday 2nd June
Thursday 3rd July
*Please check the school calendar on our website for dates which get added
07:20 - 07:50 08:15 16:30 16:35 17:15 18:30 19:00 19:30 21:00
21:30 onwards
Breakfast for boarders
School day starts for pupils
School ends for pupils
Tea for boarders and prep
Boarders’ free time and activities
Supper (Junior Houses)
Supper (Senior Houses)
Registration in Houses (Sixth Form House at 21:30)
Bedtime for different age groups
Activities happen throughout the school day. We do not have school on weekends.
To purchase new uniform items, please visit our uniform suppliers’ website; Unismart, where all our School uniform is available to buy online – www. unismart.co.uk/product-category/our-Schools/boxhill-School.
They can arrange delivery of uniform to a destination that suits you; either your home address or the School shop.
Appointments are available at the on-site uniform shop. To arrange please contact Unismart on unismartltd@gmail.com. Please note appointments for the on site shop must be booked in advance, unfortunately we can not accommodate direct walk ins.
Telephone Consultations are available if you need any help or advice with sizing and quantities, please contact Unismart directly.
Hair should be kept tidy. In years 7-9 long hair should be neatly tied back and in Years 10 - 13 hair may be worn long and is not required to be tied back. Unnaturally coloured or excessively styled hair that draws attention to the wearer is not allowed. The Headmistress is the sole judge of this standard.
Jewellery may not be worn apart from a watch and small, stud earrings – no hoops.
Make-up is not allowed in Years 7 – 9 and in Years 10 - 13 it must be worn discreetly. Only clear nail polish is allowed. No artificial eyelashes or nails.
For the full Uniform List please visit: https://www.boxhillschool. com/school-life/uniform/
We have a limited supply of good quality secondhand uniform and to see what is available, please email helen.sage@boxhillschool. com. These items will be recharged. To collect, students must visit Student Reception (located in Languages Block).
Lightweight day bag for books and equipment
Water bottle leak proof and indelibly named with students name
Pencil case large enough for full set of stationery*
Headphones for use in music lessons they don’t need to be fancy
Reading book to be changed regularly
Hair ties selection to keep hair up as per school regulations
Geometry divider (compass)
A4 Notebook
*The pencil case should include:
30cm ruler
Colouring pencils small selection
Black fine-line pen
Handwriting pen
2 Biro pen blue or black
2 HB Pencils must include a propelling pencil with 0.5mm pencil leads
Pencil sharpener
Glue stick
Set square
Scientific calculator
Starting soon, you’ll all be getting your very own digital devices to use at school and at home. These devices are going to make learning more fun, engaging and effective. Here’s why we’re so excited about it and why you should be too!
1. More Engaging Lessons:
Lessons will be much more interactive. You’ll be able to watch videos, create projects and use cool apps that make learning fun and interesting.
2. Better Organisation:
No more losing your homework or important notes! Everything you need will be saved and organised on your device.
3. Creative Learning:
The devices come with digital pens, so you can draw, take notes and annotate directly on the screen.
4. Preparing for the Future:
Using these digital tools will help you develop important skills for the future. You’ll become more confident with technology, which is super important for both school and future jobs.
We’ll have special sessions to show you how to use them and get the most out of all the cool features they offer.
If you have any questions or need help with your device, our friendly IT Support Team is here for you. Plus, your teachers and tutors are always ready to help with any learning questions.
We’d love to encourage you to consider the option of your child taking up extra-curricular music lessons at Box Hill School.
There are many studies that reveal the benefits, which include: increased memory, greater organisational skills, perseverance, improved co-ordination, a sense of responsibility, cultural awareness, superior concentration, a sense of achievement, better social skills and general wellbeing.
In addition to offering all the traditional orchestral instruments as well as singing, guitar and drums it is really important that we keep up with the times and reflect the varied ways that music is used and appreciated in our society. This is why we also offer music technology lessons (sound recording and mixing) and DJ skills.
Music lessons are scheduled to minimise disruption to academic lessons. In years 7 to 9 they are rotated throughout the term we try and avoid impacting on academic lessons as best as we can within the limitations of numbers of students per instrumental teacher.
If you would like to be sent the bios of our fantastic team of visit music teachers, or would like to book a trial lesson for your child, do not hesitate to email music@boxhillschool.com.
Ms Taylor, Head of Musicwith Caroline Lowe, BA (Hons), LLAM (Dist)
Teach of Speech and Drama & LAMDA Examiner
Full Member British Actors’ Equity Association
Caroline Lowe has taught at Box Hill School for 22 years. She is a professionally trained actress, theatre director and is also a LAMDA Examiner. Lessons at the School are conducted on a one to one basis for a 1/2 hour lesson.
LAMDA stands for the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and is recognised throughout the world as the principal examining board for Communication and Performance examinations. LAMDA examinations fall within the National Qualifications Framework. Advanced level LAMDA exams earn UCAS points which can greatly assist with university entry. These lessons also count as credits towards the Duke of Edinburgh awards.
Tuition takes pupils through various examinations depending on pupils’ preferences and individual requirements. These include examinations in:-
• Acting
• Speaking in Public
• Speaking of Verse & Prose
• Reading for Performance
• Musical Theatre
All examinations give pupils a goal to work towards, together with recognition of their achievement and the opportunity to concentrate on areas in which pupils wish to develop their skills. Examinations take place at the School’s own exam centre in January and June every year.
EXAM SUCCESS We once again achieved a 100% pass rate in our January 2024 examinations, with 17 Distinctions and 1 Merit. Our next session is in June 2024.
LAMDA Speech & Drama examinations are invaluable not only for the “budding actor or actress” but also for pupils who wish to build their self-confidence, improve their public speaking, communication and performance skills.They are also extremely helpful for dyslexic pupils who need to gain confidence with reading and their own self-confidence in general. Caroline also teaches overseas students in order to develop better diction, articulation, projection and public speaking skills.
LAMDA lessons take place during normal school hours, on a rotational basis, for Years 7-10. This means that each week the time of the lesson is moved on so that the same curricular lessons are not missed every week. Years 11 and above attend their weekly lessons during lunchtimes, activities or private study periods.
LAMDA Speech & Drama examinations are invaluable not only for the “budding actor or actress” but also for pupils who wish to build their self-confidence, improve their public speaking, communication and performance skills. They are also extremely helpful for dyslexic pupils who need to gain confidence with reading and their own self-confidence in general. Caroline also teaches overseas students in order to develop better diction, articulation, projection and public speaking in particular.
The lessons are provided by Caroline Lowe at a termly cost of £230 and invoices are payable termly in advance.
LAMDA lessons (half an hour duration) take place during normal school hours, on a rotational basis, for Years 7-10. This means that each week the time of the lesson is moved on so that the same curricular lessons are not missed every week. Years 11 and above attend their weekly lessons during lunchtimes, activities or private study periods.
If you would like to register your child for next term please complete the application form below and return to Caroline Lowe as soon as possible, as places are limited!
The lessons are provided by Caroline Lowe at a termly cost of £230 and invoices are payable termly in advance.
If you would like to register your child for next term please fill in the attached slip and return to Caroline Lowe as soon as possible, as places are limited!
Parent’s Name:
Address: Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Please return to: Mrs Caroline Lowe 56 Hayling Rise Worthing West Sussex BN13 3AG or E-mail to: Lowec@boxhillschool.com
I would like my child/children to attend weekly speech and drama lessons at Box Hill School.
Name of Student(s): Date of Birth:
Year/Tutor Group:
Any additional information about your child, including special educational needs:
A term’s notice must be given for termination of a course of lessons. Please sign below to confirm your awareness of the requirement for a term’s notice and that you are happy for me to hold the above data provided by you in order for me to contact you and enter your son/daughter for LAMDA examinations. This information will be stored securely and not shared with any other parties.
If you have any queries about any of the enclosed or any any other matters relating to starting at Box Hill School, please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Team on 01372 385 052 or email admissions@boxhillschool.com