Hotel SA September 2022

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The Streaky Bay Hotel has beaten more than 170 competitors for the quality of its steak and red wine offering.


Website Tips





Shortcut to Stories

This article will outline when conduct is deemed sexual harassment and how a complaint in the workplace should be handled.




Sammy D Foundation


The IncREDible Steak Off


Regional Meetings

Berri Hotel

The addition of 30 villas at the Berri Hotel is the latest chapter in a long and successful story for the community-owned Riverland hotel.

Managing Sexual Harassment




The AHA|SA held two fantastic regional meetings throughout August at the Clare Country Club and the McCracken Country Club.

Hotel owners often ask: “How do I make my website design look great on mobile phone screens?” Here are a few starter tips.

The Sammy D Foundation educates young people on the impacts of bullying, violence, and drug and alcohol misuse.




SKIP TO  From the President From the General Manager Managing a Sexual Harassment Complaint in the Workplace “Thumb Zone” and Six Other Phone Website Tips Pubs with Heart Marks Five Years of Funding for Sammy D New AHA|SA Bronze Corporate Partners Behind the Bar Podcast AHA|SA Podcasts Gaming Care AHA|SA Corporate Partner Directory AHA|SA Corporate Partners 2022-2023

Still SA Family owned and operated. Nippy’s has a range of products suitable for the Food Service and Hospitality Trade. Including Unsweetened Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Cloudy Apple Juice, Pulp Free juice, Fruit Juice Drinks, Pure frozen juices (no preservatives), Pure Lemon, Pure Lime, Pure Blood Orange, Cranberry Drink (long life) and Tomato Juice (long Life). We also have a range of 350ml shelf stable juices suitable for the bar.

TOTAL 102,873

Apart from our Canberra representation, in the past three weeks discussions have taken place locally with the Premier, Deputy Premier, the Minister for Education, Skills and Training and the Minister for Small Business.

Now we are scrambling to get them back. But there is scepticism about whether Australia is really open and

The AHA was mortified in March 2020 when all temporary workers were strongly urged to leave our country. Overseas students, backpackers and other skilled migrants have long filled gaps in our employment market.


assistance industry. Currently, there are 102,873 job vacancies nationally being advertised in our industry. We know there are many more not on employment websites.

Bartender 13,892 Host/Hostess 3,260


Chef 11,737

Recent ABS analysis reveals that hospitality and food services have recovered the least from the wrecking ball of COVID-19, with conditions still not returning to pre- pandemic levels. Importantly, our level of job vacancies is second only to the health care and social

Barista 23,057

Our goals are to raise political awareness of our industry’s unique issues and more importantly, to drive meaningful outcomes. To get results!

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The AHA continues to lobby strongly for members on this critical matter at both Federal and State level.

Waitstaff 11,878

It’s true that the most important changes need to occur at Federal level, particularly around migration. However, there is still much that can be done in the State sphere.

The AHA, represented by our National CEO Stephen Ferguson, was one of only 25 business groups with a seat at the table in Canberra for the two days.

Pastry Chef 1,853 Restaurant Manager 4,601 Restaurant Ast. Manager 602 Café Manager 5,966

Sous Chef 3,130 Chef de Partie 3,892 Kitchen Hand 11,723

Housekeeper 7,282

The ongoing labour shortage was catapulted into the public domain with last week’s Skills and Job ManySummit.of the issues we have been highlighting in columns like this for some time – as well as in discussions with key decision makers - have finally gained people’s full attention. Those operating our pubs daily know labour shortages were an issue pre-Covid, but now is a full-blown crisis.

Job Crisis: 102,873 Job Vacancies… and Counting From the President

9. Boost adult apprenticeships.

7. An awareness campaign amongst mature aged people highlighting the transportability of their soft skills to our sector.

6. Increase the opportunities for mature aged Australians to work without affecting their pension. In Australia, only 3% of pensioners continue to draw

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5. Award flexibility is required given the demographic of our industry participants.

10. We all know there is a massive drop-out rate with the fouryear apprenticeships. Remedy measures can include: (a) reducing the length and delivery options of the apprenticeship and (b) financially incentivise apprentices and employers to ensure apprenticeships are completed.

8. Our workforce is largely under 40. More affordable childcare will get them back into our pubs quicker.

3. Australia’s visa system must be competitive against global competition. Right now, it is not. Many of the people who could quickly fill our vacancies are being attracted to more migrant-friendly northern hemisphere regions. (As a result of the Summit, it’s very pleasing the Federal Government will now invest $36 million in visa processing to help clear a huge backlog of applications. However, given its been a problem for some time now, I’m not sure why it needed a skills and jobs summit to stimulate action.)

Click here to watch video

4. The housing shortage, especially in the regions, needs to be addressed for the extra migrant intake to be viable.


11. Reversing the historic mindset that VET and semi-skilled courses are the poor cousin to university qualifications. A State Government awareness campaign is central to this.

“Our goals are to raise issuesindustry’sawarenesspoliticalofourunique and outcomes.”driveimportantly,moretomeaningful

1. Increase the cap on skilled and unskilled migration.

2. Ensure South Australia receives its fair share of those migrants and - critically – that measures are put in place by the State Government to keep them here.

a wage. In New Zealand it is 24%. What can we learn from them?

a miserable failure in processing visa applications has sabotaged our ambitions.

Aside from clearing the backlog of visa applications, we need to:

12. 60,000 people left our industry nationally during COVID-19 as we were seen as an unreliable employment source. A Government campaign attracting workers back to hospitality and the opportunities we present would be very useful.

Oh, and you certainly couldn’t stand up and have a beer, whilst the suggestion of dancing was a major Remembercrime!when


had a taste of Covid-mandated overgovernment to unreasonably control our businesses.

For close to three years now, both Federal and State Governments have been in our lives in ways we could never have imagined. They have told us how we are allowed to behave at work, how we can see friends and family, even the terminally ill. They have micromanaged weddings and funerals, cancelled birthday parties, cordoned off playgrounds, even told how to

Many of the measures around migration may not be appropriate for times of higher unemployment –but we are in a low unemployment environment. Equally, some of our initiatives come with a government price tag. However, in both cases it may just require initiatives that suit the current times and need not be considered as “forever” requirements.


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undertake basic private joys like exercising and traveling. In some jurisdictions, curfews were a thing.

“...our industry is tightly regulated... That should not be an open invitation for anyone who has had a taste over-governmentCovid-mandatedof to businessescontrolunreasonablyour

We need to remove ourselves from the notion that the average person is incapable of looking after themselves and making mildly sensible decisions without government control. I absolutely agree we need to continue to look after the vulnerable. That is a core Government role. So is education and information.

For reasons we understand and accept, our industry is tightly regulated. Always has been. I suspect it always will. That should not be an open invitation for anyone who has

the Lucky Country was characterised by a ‘she’ll be right mate’ attitude? Through and post COVID-19, that seems a distant memory. We are still being overIgoverned.waslucky enough to be in London as their 40-degree heatwave hit. Seemingly every politician or white-jacket wearing expert was offering advice to constituents who presumably otherwise had no capacity to think for themselves about wearing loose clothing, drinking water, not going out in the peak of the day. One expert even suggested that to beat the heat at night, pillowcases and pyjamas should be frozen.


As we emerge out of the COVID-19 world, it is time for government to trust that the sensible law-abiding citizens of Australia can think for ourselves. It’s called democracy.

David Basheer, AHA|SA President

But once informed, most of us can decide what we will drink, when we will drink it, and how much we can safely drink without Big Brother’s help. Just because we see a poker machine from 50 metres away or a gaming sign does not mean we will instinctively abandon our schnitzel and have a punt.

Back to Contents WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU | Hotel SA | 7 SPEEDUNRIVALLEDCONTENT,&OFFERSMAKESUREYOURCUSTOMERSKNOWABOUTTHENEWTABAPP Help is close at hand. Call Gambler’s Help, GambleAware or the ACT Gambling Counselling & Support Service on 1800 858 858 or You know the score. Stay in control. Gamble Responsibly. ALL NEW VENUE MODE EXPERIENCE 11195_NewApp_Industry_Print_SA ONLY_POS.indd 1 8/8/22 2:04 pm

• Insurers are dictating who they will insure and under what conditions they will insure them

Recent media reports suggest operators have been ‘blindsided by exorbitant insurance’ increases. Publicans across South Australia and in fact the nation reported similar issues, with operators concerned for the future of regional pubs like theirs, and the flow-on effects in communities, with the pubs a vital part of the local economy.

There’s no competition, insurance companies are mostly using the same underwriter. So while we may see many different insurance brands, they’ll be going to their underwriter who might say that they won’t insure a certain type of property.

• Some insurers won’t quote on some risks without a formal risk survey being done, at the cost to the client!


• Risk recommendations are no longer a “nice to have”, they are a ticket for admission!

• Uncontrollable increases in premium rates, excesses and in some cases reductions in cover

In some instances, new quotes have more than doubled what operators were paying just two or three years ago, leaving them facing closure. Such is the scale of the problem, that some operators have called for the government to exercise tighter control over the insurance industry, or even to step in to offer its own coverage of regional venues.

• Reduced number of insurance companies willing / able to insure Hotels (particularly country)


The AHA|SA is acutely aware of this issue and it’s not a new problem. Insurance costs have been rising year on year, and unfortunately, it’s not just the regional pubs, but every hospitality venue. Every type of insurance has gone through the roof.

believes there is a double standard in play, with insurance companies placing unfair costs and constraints on hospitality venues – particularly those in rural areas that are more at risk of natural Anddisaster.theissue runs deeper.

Pubs Dealt Insurance Cost Blow From the General Manager

However, education within the insurance industry is crucial to reducing costs, because many of the assumptions about hotels and hospitality industry are inaccurate and are unfair. Not every hotel is the Thesame!AHA|SA

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• Lack of competition has created a “take it or leave it” attitude by insurers, rarely are they open to negotiation

• For larger risks, insurers looking to reduce their capacity, require the involvement of a co-insurer to take some of the risk.

Hospitality venues are no different to other businesses that must have public liability insurance and adhere to health and safety rules.

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The AHA|SA is actively working on remedies to these issues with our endorsed broker AON.

Ian AHA|SAHorne,General Manager video Photos

• The age of the hotels, including heritage listing impact

• Inadequate sums insured and rebuilding periods for Business Interruption

• Look to secure a long term agreement, a longer term than the standard 12 months to try and lock in the pricing and insurer for longer.

JUMP TO  Click here to watch

• Give your broker plenty of time, for renewals start early and get information back to your broker promptly, the more time, the better the outcome – you need at least a month.


• Overall condition and lack of maintenance (e.g. electrical rewiring etc.)

• Complete any risk recommendations identified promptly.

• Beware of moving insurance program too often. You might have a good deal the first year but after that the insurer may withdraw from cover, and the previous insurer may not take you back.

 Social

• Construction concerns (particularly wooden floors)

• Consider retaining more of the risk yourself in the way of a larger excesses.

These could include the potential of “group” buys but most likely educating members on how to reduce their risk, adopt strategies to educate their insurer and give them comfort and undertaking regular risk surveys, and adjusting expectations on what excess could assist.

• Inadequate fire protection on site (sufficient extinguishers, hose reels and in particular fire detection)

• Provide as much detail to your broker as possible regarding risk mitigation procedures - a positive story showing an insured that takes their risk seriously is a lot better chance of obtaining / maintaining cover.

• Following COVID-19 in particular operators have left so the hotel is unoccupied for a long period of time

• Lack of permanently manned fire brigade, many towns only relying on CFS / Volunteers

• Insurers concerns mainly centred around property insurance; liability still quite easy to source

Here are some strategies to consider.

Sexual Harassment Advice 

Negroni Promotes Charity and Cashbacks

Customers were asked to “rate their steak” using a QR code at the venue during May and June.

The Streaky Bay Hotel  has beaten more than 170 competitors for the quality of its steak and red wine offering.

It was paired with a glass of Grant Burge Filsell Old Vine Shiraz. The hotel was approached by their

Accolade rep, Grant Egarr, to participate in the Australia-wide competition with a $10,000 prize and a VIP trip for two to the Barossa Valley.

The Streaky Bay Hotel was named the national winner after it received the most 5-star ratings. The pub then delighted staff by announcing it would share the prize money with them, as well as giving a donation to the Royal Flying Doctors.

And in a stunning display of generosity, licensees Tony and Penny Hogan have passed on the $10,000 prize money to staff and a local charity.

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During September 2022, Campari is going all out with it’s icon drink - The Negroni. AHA|SA members can register online for Negroni Week and raise funds for their selected charity by donating at least $1 of every Negroni sold between 12th-18th September.

Another major on-premise program from Aperol will run in September and November. Titled “Your First Aperol Spritz On Us”, patrons can get a digital cashback via QR code for Aperol Spritz purchases in venue. For more information email 

The dish, devised by head chef Luke Matthews, was an eye fillet (from Top Notch Foods) with potato rosti, broccolini and a garlic herb compound butter.

The Inc RED ible Steak Off


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Berri Hotel

The addition of 30 villas at the Berri Hotel  is the latest chapter in a long and successful story for the community-owned Riverland hotel.

The $7.4 million short-stay apartments offer stunning Murray River views and a large resort-style swimming pool, setting a new standard in the Riverland.

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Leaders in Commercial Pools & Recreational

Berri as the hub of the Riverland from which you can visit Renmark, Loxton, Waikerie, Barmera etc.

The energy-efficient rooms are rated 4 stars to 4.5 stars. They feature contemporary designs with luxury bedrooms, beautifully appointed living areas, kitchen facilities and versatile entertaining spaces.

“We have a very supportive board of directors that is engaged in driving more interstate and intrastate visitors into the Berri region,” said 1834 CEO, Andrew “We’reBullock.promoting

Built in 1918, Berri Hotel has been community-owned since May 1937. Locals have served on the board, acting as custodians and continuing to invest in their pub as they steered it through challenges such as the Great Depression, World War II and a global pandemic.

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“With this development, we now have more rooms in Berri than any other town in the Riverland.”

Pool Heating SA is a proud family owned and run South Australian business with over 30 years’ experience providing residential and commercial pool heating solutions. SOLAR HEATING | HEAT PUMPS | POOL COVERS AND ROLLERS | 8326 9260 |

Seven years ago, 1834 Hotels was brought in to manage the Berri Hotel Group, which comprises the Berri Hotel and Big River Golf & Country Club.


A large parcel of land adjacent to the hotel had lain dormant for many years. A prime riverfront property, “We are honoured to be involved in the redevelopment of the Berri Hotel and specified to supply and install PoolCommercialHeliocolSolarHeating.”

"It is a development built by locals, operated by locals, to benefit locals, that we feel will really boost Berri's appeal as a destination for tourism, business travel and special events,” said Paul Stewart, Chair of Berri Hotel Group.

As the architect and interior designer, Studio Nine Architects undertook market research and developed a masterplan for the development that included landscaped areas and a new lifestyle swimming pool to provide a resort feel.

"By adding this extra accommodation capacity we will be able to attract even more people and larger events, further supporting the prosperity of our community."

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The Berri Hotel purchased part of the land, as did the town’s community-owned caravan park.

it was the former site of the town’s croquet and bowling club, and owned by the Berri Barmera Council.

“The Berri Hotel Group saw the opportunity to build villas that offered the next level up in quality accommodation,” said Andrew.

The development was supported through the Commonwealth Government's Murray Darling Basin Grant Scheme ($500,000) and the SA Government's Regional Growth Fund ($1.5 million). Riverland company, HandBuilt, was appointed as the builder. Visit our new web site or call us to experience the di erence and expertise we pride ourselves on. 133 Richmond Road, Richmond SA 5033 (08) 8354 3266 Proud furniture supplier to The Berri Hotel Riverview Apartments Consultation | Source and Pre-assemble | Manufacture | Delivery and Installation Distinguished service setting us apart Experienced solutions for your commercial space.

experience. Direct importers in commercial textiles for accommodation, hospitality and healthcare. Call us on 8340 8600, email, see our website or visit our Showroom/Warehouse at 521 South Road, Regency Park where you can be assured of friendly and experienced attention! 521 South Road, Regency Park SA 5010 Tel. 08 8340 8600 Freecall. 1800 800 491 Email.

Proud to have been selected to supply all the Beds and Bedding; Quilts, Pillows, BERRI HOTEL. South Australian family years of

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Towels, etc. to the

owned, staffed and located in Adelaide with 50+

Like most projects during this period, COVID-19 restrictions led to an extended finishing date as the builder grappled with restrictions and supply chain

“You see that flow into the local economies. Those tradies tend to be patrons as well. They’re back in the bar, utilising the facility which is great. It's a good mix of money going around.”

“The board has been really supportive and understands that the challenges in a pandemic were beyond the control of the builder. For example, you just couldn’t get tilers for a period of time.

“But we’ve used local builders, mostly local trades, which is terrific.

The quality and size of the new apartments opens up new markets for the hotel.

“Theissues.quality of the builder is excellent but it's taken longer than we initially anticipated,” said Andrew.

“We also have many reps, doctor and professionals coming into the Riverland for three to five nights, and they might be coming once a month.

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“They gravitate to quality accommodation that is selfservice if they want that - but they also have the hotel right next door.”


(L-R) Gary Schultz – Building Manager/Director, Handbuilt Builders, Jeremy Sweet - Manager, Berri Hotel, Peter Hunt – Mayor, Berri Barmera Council and Paul Stewart - Chair, Berri Hotel Group.

“Berri is a couple of degrees warmer than Adelaide, so we think there's a huge market for families to visit Berri, enjoy the resort-style swimming pool and use it as a base to explore the Riverland,” said Andrew.

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• pub rooms with common bathrooms

• standard motel rooms

“Tim O’Brien was the chairman of the Hotel Group for

“There's consistency in the board’s management and the way that they operate, which is a real advantage.”

43 years. Paul Stewart was deputy chair for 18 years and has now been the chairman for the last four years.



All of the original hotel accommodation has been retained and improved. The rooms include:

Proudly associated with the Berri Hotel

“Withrenovated.thenew villas, we are offering everything from two stars through to four, four-and-a-half across 100 rooms,” said “ThisAndrew.ongoing evolution is the result of a really good, solid, consistent board.


Staffing is always challenging, especially during a

• standard hotel rooms with ensuites situated above the pub

Other facilities include the town’s only drive-through bottle shop and 40 gaming machines.

In recent years, the original hotel has been “flipped” on the ground floor. The sports bar has been moved to the back of the venue and the large dining area moved to the front. It now flows into an outdoor area so that patrons can enjoy the river views.

• deluxe motel rooms that have been substantially


“If you were to ask any of one of our staff, they are very aware that it's community owned and that their work benefits the community.

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Sturt Highway, Monash SA 5342 (08) 8582 1422


“So you can make Berri your hub and enjoy all the fruits of the area.”

Salute supplies the best packaging, washroom, handhygiene and cleaning solutions from leading Australian brands including True Blue Chemicals and Nood Australia.

national skills shortage for hospitality – but Andrew says the Berri Hotel is “very fortunate”.

“There's an additional level of job satisfaction. You know that the outcome of your work might be that your local hockey club gets more money to be able to put down a new pitch, or your footy club is able to put up a new set of goals.

“Even through COVID-19, where staff hours were cut, we had an enormously loyal group of staff members.


“Some of the staff have been here for 30 and 40 years. It gives us a core stability, which is probably over and above a number of other private operators.

Congratulations on the redevelopment of the Berri Hotel.

“A huge benefit of being community owned is we also have a very solid, loyal following,” he said.

“You're not only working for yourself, you're working for the betterment of your local community.”

“Just as one example, the Loxton Hotel renovation and its food and beverage facility is just off the charts.

While understandably a champion of the Berri Hotel, Andrew was also full of praise for hotels throughout the “ThereRiverland.aresome amazing products,” he said.

20 | Hotel SA | WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU Back to Contents For all your Commercial – Residential joinery Phone: (08) 8584 5892 Proudly associated withthe Berri Resort Project Offering Complete Commercial Joinery Solutions Bars – Gaming – Kitchens – Motel Suites

Pictured: Berri Hotel

“Irevenues.mightbe able to save $1 on buying a chicken schnitzel that comes from Sydney but if we spend the extra dollar locally, the extra dollar we pay goes straight back into the local community.

“Your objectives for community stakeholders are different, so sometimes you change the way that you do certain things,” said Andrew.

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“That goes around and the total local economy lifts, which in turn actually drives the local hotel.

“The same goes for privately owned pubs in country towns, particularly where they are the main focus of that township. They can make or break a local economy.”

“Is it less profitable? In the long term, I don’t think it is.


“If you're creating employment, creating more work, that in turn then creates more income, because there's more money in that local economy, and more people go out to drink.

Does 1834 Hotels run a community hotel any differently to a fully commercial enterprise?

“For example, the objective may be to increase community employment and community engagement

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The AHA|SA held two fantastic regional meetings throughout August. It was a wonderful afternoon at the Clare Country Club  on 16 August for the Lower Mid Upper North Region Meeting of hotel members and lunch with corporate partners.


It was also a fabulous afternoon for the South Coast Hills Region on 23 August at the McCracken Country Club . We thank the teams at Clare Country Club and McCracken Country Club for hosting us.

All members are encouraged to attend the next AHA|SA meeting in their region. These meetings are an excellent way to receive up-to-date information from the AHA|SA and are an opportunity to discuss industry issues and to network with industry colleagues and suppliers.

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Sexual harassment in the workplace is unlawful under both state and federal work, health and safety and anti-discrimination legislation. Sexual harassment in the workplace can be defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated and or intimidated and it is reasonable for the person to feel that way in the circumstances.


• At a worker’s usual worksite


Sexual harassment can occur:

• Where a worker is working remotely

It is not necessary for the perpetrator to intend the behaviour to be of a harassing nature for the behaviour to be classed as sexual harassment. If it is reasonable in the circumstances that the person is offended by the behaviour, then

it would be considered sexual,health and safety legislation a ‘workplace’ means a place where work is carried out for a business or undertaking and includes any place where a worker goes, or is likely to be, while at work.

• Where work is being undertaken at a different location

Managing a Sexual Harassment Complaint in the Workplace

• Where a worker is engaged in a work-related activity such as a training session, conference or

Employees in the work environment should be able to feel as if they are respected by their fellow employees as well as by customers. No one should be subjected to unwarranted and unwelcome behaviour or conduct whilst at work. There are laws in place to affirm that employees have the right to be free from such unwarranted conduct in the Thisworkplace.articlewill outline when conduct is deemed sexual harassment and how a complaint of sexual harassment in the workplace should be handled. It will also discuss the liability of those involved and ways in which employers can prevent such conduct from arising at their workplace.


Unreasonable in circumstances

An employer will not be deemed liable if they can show that they had taken all reasonable steps to prevent the employee from engaging in the conduct which is the subject of the complaint. Merely having a workplace policy will not been seen as reasonable. A workplace must engage with that policy which may involve regular reminders to employees of its existence. Failure to act in accordance with the policy, which includes handling complaints as outlined in the policy, is likely to see the employer found liable.

Under both state and federal law the harasser themselves can be found liable. The employer can also be found liable for the conduct of the harasser when the harassing conduct occurs in connection with work. The workplace is not limited to the physical boundaries of the workplace and the conduct need not occur whilst an employee is on duty.

happen, was there any witnesses to the incident. Inform the complainant of what process you will be undertaking to investigate the complaint and gain an understanding of the outcome they are seeking. Remind the complainant that the process is confidential and that other witnesses may need to be interviewed as part of the investigation if there were witnesses to the incident(s). Obtain permission from the complainant to provide their name and details of the complaint to the alleged perpetrator. It is important at this stage that you gauge whether there is substance to the complaint. This may require a preliminary investigation to be conducted (eg review CCTV footage).

Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature

It is important to remember that the test for determining whether conduct amounts to sexual harassment is far broader than simply the subjective feelings of the Theemployee.unwelcome conduct must be deemed unreasonable in the circumstances. This is assessed against whether a reasonable person would have anticipated in all the circumstances that the person being harassed would have been offended, humiliated, or intimidated. Factors that may be relevant in determining whether the conduct was unreasonable in the circumstances could include - the age and background of the victim, the working relationship between the victim and alleged perpetrator (e.g. manager and subordinate),

Sexual harassment in the workplace can also occur from third-parties who interact in the workplace, such as customers, clients and contractors.


• Speak with the complainant to obtain as much detail as possible about the complaint – what happened, when did it

social event such as a Christmas party

• Every complaint should be treated seriously and promptly, even if the person investigating the complaint thinks the initial complaint may lack merit.

• Ask the complainant to put their complaint in writing outlining the actual incident(s).

• Decide on the appropriate outcome. The outcome will

• Hold a meeting with the alleged perpetrator to outline the complaint, the incident(s), the concerns of the complainant and to obtain their response(s) to the allegations. The alleged perpetrator may want additional time/days to appropriately respond to the allegation(s).

For conduct to amount to sexual harassment it must constitute unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. This may include for example sexually explicit jokes, inappropriate emails, suggestive comments, unwelcome touching, hugging or kissing, sexual assault and requests for sexual favours.

Conduct would be considered unwelcome if the person to whom the conduct was directed feels that the conduct was not invited or reciprocated (subjective test). Further, the conduct must be directed at the complainant directly, however if the behaviour creates a hostile or demeaning atmosphere within the workplace then the indirect conduct will be deemed unwelcome.

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• Ensure that the alleged perpetrator is afforded the appropriate procedural fairness throughout the investigation process, such as being offered the opportunity to have a support person of their choosing present and provided with sufficient notice of any meeting(s).

• After discussing the complaint with both the complainant and the alleged perpetrator it may be necessary to undertake further investigations. This may involve speaking with other employees who may have witnessed the event, employees who work in the same department or area as the complainant and alleged perpetrator. It may be necessary to review CCTV footage or the employees personnel file for past incidents or complaints.

• Ask the complainant if they want the complaint to be dealt with formally or informally.

• By phone, email or online through social media platforms

as well as the nature and context of the conduct.


Some employees who are subjected to sexually harassing behaviour decide not to make a complaint. They may be afraid to speak up for fear of retribution or may feel as if they will not be listened too.

If a complaint is received by the employer, the following steps should be taken by the individual(s) investigating the complaint:


Members should contact the AHA|SA Workplace Relations Team for further assistance and advice.

A template sexual harassment policy can be downloaded from the members section of the AHA|SA website. In addition, members can access Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment training conducted by the AHA|SA. Tiling

• Minimising the need for employees to be working on their own, particularly at night

Preventing sexual harassment from occurring in the first place is key. This can be achieved by undertaking a range of different measures

how to deal with unacceptable behaviour from patrons

• Confirm the outcome with the alleged complainant. In the event the complainant wants to take the matter further, they may wish to take the complaint to an external body (for example the Fair Work Commission or the Australian Human Rights Commission).

• Industrial, Insurance and Commercial Tiling Works • Unique Upmarket Homes, Hotels, Toilet Blocks and Shop Fits • Licenced Applicators for Dry Treat Sealing Products • All Stone and Tile Works SA Wide • 39 Years’ Experience 0422 851 830 7226

•including:Having a clear workplace policy which outlines the type of behaviour that will and will not be accepted in the workplace, and what an employee can do if they experience an incident of sexual harassment.

further action be taken in this instance, it does not mean that nothing can be done. It may be a good time to remind all employees of the venues stance on sexual harassment by reaffirming the venue’s policy and or by conducting harassment training for all employees.

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If after the investigation and discussions it is decided that no

Unique Commercial

• Regular training and development on sexual harassment


• Regular training for staff on

• Ensuring appropriate CCTV footage is in place

be determined according to a range of factors, including the responses from the alleged perpetrator, the severity of the alleged perpetrator’s actions, the available evidence such as witness statements and any CCTV footage. The outcome could include – no further action, a written warning or termination of employment. There are other actions that may also be appropriate such as relocating the victim and alleged perpetrator to a different area or department of the venue.

• Regular reminders and memos to employees of the importance of a harassment free workplace.

• Encouraging the reporting of any incidents of sexual harassment

1. Design for the thumb zone. People browsing your site on their phone are probably on the move. They are typically hold the phone in one hand and scroll and complete other actions with their thumb. Or they may use two thumbs. This limits the reach on today’s larger phones, so make sure you design with this in mind. So place buttons at the bottom of each screen.

6. Be aware that if you have an older target audience, they may tend to hold with one hand and use a finger on their other hand to navigate. Design for your demographics.

By using this process, you start small and minimalist, and are focussed on the key messages and priorities for your website.

Here are a few starter tips for designing for smart phones, tablets and iPads:

4. Do you like scrolling endlessly on a phone? Neither does the visitor who is navigating your website. Set up a series of tasks you want the typical user to complete and then test this. (Examples: dining booking, function pack request or download, employment enquiry etc.). It may mean you have to adapt your mobile designs but it’s better to do it pre-launch than after going live.

7. Think about your key call to action. Is it prominent? What about loading speed; does the design accelerate or hinder? How is your SEO? Google has a mobile-first policy, so you really need to nail this

Hotel owners often ask: “How do I make my website design look great on mobile phone screens?”

5. Designing for mobile dimensions is critical. These determine the “breakpoints” – which is the point at which elements resize to suit the next screen size (e.g. moving from tablet to smart phone).

+ + +

28 | Hotel SA | WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU Back to Contents

Giveone.the team at Boylen  (AHA|SA Silver Partner) a shout if you need any help.

“Thumb Zone” and Six Other Phone Website Tips

3. Many desktop websites have text overlaid on large images. However, this is a poor user experience when shrunk. The contrast is terrible. Large images that are stunning on desktop may need to be removed. If not, they may need to be cropped so that text doesn’t run across the key part of an image, such as food on a plate.

One method is to start by designing for the small screen first. Then progress to larger screens.

2. Steer away from fonts that mimic handwriting. They don’t display well on mobile phone screens.

A participating school - John Hartley School - provided this feedback from their Senior Leader in Wellbeing

on how the session was for their students: “It is one of the most valuable proactive behavioural education programs we have ever had and has had a huge impact on our children…It shows how silly decisions can have devastating effects for lots of people.”


Clovelly ParkMitchamSchool.Primary Girls High School.

This exciting project aims to reach 3,000 young people across 30 primary and secondary schools through a range of Sammy D’s education portfolio. The schoolbased programs, such as “Impact” and “Party Wise” aim to educate young people around the consequences of bullying, violence and drug and alcohol misuse.

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Consisting of an educational presentation followed by small group workshops, they are designed to explore real-life scenarios and to provide young people with the tools to either avoid or remain safe if these situations

Christies Beach High School.

Blakeview Primary School.

Pubs with Heart Marks Five Years of Funding for Sammy D

The Sammy D Foundation educates young people on the impacts of bullying, violence, and drug and alcohol misuse. Founded 14 years ago after Sam Davis tragically lost his life to a one punch attack, the goal of the Foundation is to end violence by empowering young people to make positive life decisions for a better Pubscommunity.withHeart has supported this admirable goal, having awarded in excess of $120,000 in funding over the last five years towards the South Australian based Foundation. This funding initially supported the purchase of portable computer equipment used to deliver the program presentations and of vehicles to travel to schools. But 2022 saw the first ‘Pubs with Heart’ funded programs, directly increasing the number of young people educated!

Redwood Park Primary School.

“Issuesarise. such as violence, bullying and alcohol and other drug misuse have extensive and severe consequences, not only for the individuals involved but for their loved ones and broader community. The best way to prevent these behaviours is through focused primary prevention educational programs,” said Sammy D Foundation CEO Brigid Koenig.

The funding through Pubs with Heart also meant the Sammy D team could respond to a parent’s request to a school who had unfortunately experienced a violent incident and offer them a program free of charge, directly impacting that school community and giving students the knowledge and strategies to keep themselves and their schoolmates safe.

As we commence the 2022/2023 Corporate Partnership year we welcome new Bronze Partners. A full Corporate Partner Directory is on the AHA|SA website 

Leveraging our management team’s combined 150+ years of industry experience and industry connections, we provide our partners expert advice and


premises, including transfers of licence. We undertake new licence applications, variations to licences and redefinition of licensed premises and provide representation at both the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and WeCourts.also advise businesses and property owners on broader issues affecting the hotel industry including leasing, property development and council planning applications.


employees, suppliers, partners, customers and shareholders. Everything we do, we do to help the Australian craft industry prosper on the world stage.

Please make contact with us for a no obligation discussion about how we can assist with your liquor, gaming and property needs.

Mighty Craft  is one of Australia’s leading and fastest growing premium craft drinks companies, listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). We enable craft companies to scale production, distribution and sales.

MIGHTY CRAFT We design, build and host beautiful hotel websites that link with your third-party software. 08 8233 9433

Eckermann Lawyers  provides a full range of Hospitality and Licensing services and has earned an industry-wide reputation for practical commercial advice.

ACW (A Cleaner World)  is a national facility services provider with local teams across Australia. Guided by our core values of excellence, integrity and dedication, we aim to be the most respected property services company in WeAustralia.provide sustainable cleaning, maintenance, chemicals, consumables and energy management services. ACW is different because we provide you with realistic expectations regarding agreed specifications, time frames and budget. We only promise what we can deliver – a noticeable difference in service!

30 | Hotel SA | WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU Back to Contents

We are building a distinguished portfolio of quality craft assets to create value at scale for our

solutions to take their brands to new heights. Since we were founded in 2017, we have consolidated, accelerated and scaled a diversified portfolio of spirit, beer and ReadyTo-Drink (RTD) craft brands. Our brands include 78 Degrees, Better Beer, Hills Cider, Kangaroo Island, Mismatch Brewing Co, Seven Seasons & Slipstream.

Caderyn McEwen and his team assist our clients in the hotel, hospitality and tourism sectors, having extensive experience providing liquor and gaming advice and services. The wider Property and Commercial team at Eckermann Lawyers specialises in property law, commercial transactions, and contracts. We regularly assist our clients with the buying and selling of licensed


Tune in via your favourite podcast app below.


In this series of podcasts, SA publicans recall “the way things used to be” - the days of SP bookies, paying off police and hotels doubling as prisons and morgues. Listen to tales of the day beer ran out on Christmas Day, memories of the “six o’clock swill” and previously untold stories of political intrigue, All this and more in the AHA|SA’s new podcast, Behind the BarStories of SA Publicans.


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COMMUNITY FOOTB ALL 163 We’re still here

The last two years have been incredibly challenging for the hospitality industry, so the AHA|SA and corporate partner EML, have created the Check Inn - Mental Health and Wellbeing in Hospitality podcast to help those in the Hostedindustry.byTim Boylen and Organisational Psychologist Hayley Lokan, this series of six podcasts covers various topics in short, managingstress,Topicsepisodeseasy-to-understandforyouandyourstaff.includeresilience,managingemotionalintelligence,change,wellbeingand dealing with difficult customers.

Listen to tales of the day beer ran out, memories of the “six o’clock swill” and previously untold stories of political intrigue, as well as Peter Hurley’s thoughts on Nick “No Pokies” Xenophon.


new podcast series, Behind the Bar - Stories of SA Publicans, SA publicans recall “the way things used to be” - the days of SP bookies, paying off police and hotels doubling as prisons and morgues.



The AHA|SA now has a range of podcasts available for members, to suit all your needs and interests. Podcasts are a great way for you and your staff to receive up-to-date information for the hospitality industry, access important resources, and learn more about SA pubs and publicans, both old and new. Whatever your mood, there’s a podcast for you. Tune in via your favourite podcast app!


Update: Greg Fahey is the latest addition and you’re sure to get a laugh as he tells a wide range of Instories.thebrand

Hosted by Mandy Collins, publican of the Lady Daly Hotel, Our Shout is a great 30-minute listen to keep you and your team up-to-date with the latest hotel industry news and information, interesting pub stories and business tips from our corporate partners. This is a podcast not to be missed!

Our Shout is the official podcast of the SA Hotel industry, brought to you by the AHA|SA.

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34 | Hotel SA | WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU Back to Contents For any assistance or support please contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our office for information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue. GAMING CARE works with all South Australian Hotels with gaming machines to reduce the harm caused by problem gambling.  Providing the hotel industry with the capacity to respond to community concerns related to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support for problem gamblers and their families.  Minimising the harm caused by problem gambling behaviour by fostering a compliant and proactive industry that works with regulators, gambling help services and gaming patrons to minimise harm caused by gambling.  Assisting licensees and hotel staff with their compliance obligations, and supporting venue staff through education and training regarding the recognition of problem gambling indicators and assisting in accurately documenting patron behaviour.  Providing licensees and hotel staff with the confidence and skills required to engage directly with patrons who are showing indicators of potential problem gambling, enabling them to intervene early and refer the patron to a gambling help service, or other support options if required. Contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our Office, for information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue. T 08 8100 2499 F 08 8232 4979 E 604THINFO@GAMINGCARE.ORG.AUFLOORAHA|SAHOUSEHINDMARSHSQUARE,ADELAIDE SA 5000

Max Systems 8275 9700

Tanda 1300 859 117 Winnall & Co. 8379 3159

Bluize 1300 557 587 H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340


Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899 MAX 8275 9700

Concept Collections 1300 269 800

CLEANING & HYGIENE SUPPLIES Bunnings Group 0435 630 660


Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory 8233 5222

Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers

RETAIL LIQUOR MARKETING Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575


Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966 Winnall & Co 8379 3159

Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616 Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900 Coms Systems 0409 283 066 GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888 IGT 8231


Back to Contents WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU | Hotel SA | 35

Banktech 0408 462 321

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners 8416 9547 Coopers Brewery 8440 1800 CUB Premium Beverages 8416 7819 Diageo Australia 0401 120 872 Empire Liquor 8371 0088 Lion 8354 8888


Foxtel 1300 138 898

Maxima 8340 7766


Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers

The Banner Crew 8240 0242

08 8273 9300

Banktech 0408 462 321 Cashzone 1300 305 600 Next Payments 1300 659 918

Migration Solutions 8210 9800

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159

Thomas Foods 8162 8400

Adelaide Institute of Hospitality 8338 1492



St John 1300 360 455


Solstice Media 8224 1600



Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111

Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300

Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575

Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300




GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888


Bluize 1300 557 587

PFD Foodservice 8114 2300


The Lott 132 315 UBET 8354 7300

Accolade Wines 8392 2238 Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744 Carlton & United Breweries 13 BEER (13 2337) Campari Group 02 9478 2727

Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999

Boylen 8233 9433


HOTEL MARKETING Digital Marketing AOK 1300 658 543


Bentleys SA 8372 7900

COMPUTER & IT SERVICES CompNow 8133 8000


Boylen 8233 9433 FIVEaa 8419 1395


KITCHEN & BAR EQUIPMENT Bunnings Group 0435 630 660 Stoddart Food Service Equipment 0468 923 320

Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222



Bunnings Group 0435 630 660


Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539 Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111 Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400 Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200 Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400


Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300 Winnall & Co. 8379 3159



A Cleaner World 0426 887 364 SCS Group 1300 664 647

HostPlus 0418 327 607


Galipo Foods 8168 2000


Foxtel Music 1300 148 729 Moov Music 1300 139 913

Analysis 8376 6966




Mighty Craft 0434 269 997

Scientific Games 0400 002 229 Statewide Gaming 0448 076 144


BK Electronics 0431 509 409 Cardtronics 03 9574 4878 Coms Systems 0408 462 321 GBay/Aruze Gaming 0424 700 888 Next Payments 1300 659 918

Big Screen Video 1300 244 727 Novatech Creative Event Technology 8352 0300

Bank SA 0403 603 018 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300

Bidfood 0427 099 558


Langfords Hotel Brokers 0410 605 224 McGees Property Hotel Brokers 8414 7800

BOC Limited 0424 647 568 Supagas 8252 7472



Eckermann Lawyers 8235 3990 Ryan & Durey Solicitors 6166 9000 Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3000

1800 ON HOLD 8125 9370

Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853 Make it Cheaper 0414 017 592 Power Maintenance 1300 700 500 Trans Tasman Energy 1300 118 834

Grinders Coffee 1300 476 377

I.T. PRODUCTS & SERVICES Boylen 8233 9433


08 8273 9300




St John 1300 360 455

H&L Australia Pty Ltd 1800 778 340

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159


Statewide Gaming St StudioJohnNine Architects



36 | Hotel SA | WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU Back to Contents

Gaming Analysis

Konami Australia Pty Ltd Liquor Marketing Group

TheSupagasBanner Crew

BigBankSAScreen Video

Stoddart Food Equipment Tanda ON Institute A

Ainsworth Game Technology Australian Liquor Marketers


Winnall & Co For full product range and details of your nearest branch PFD063 Hotel SA Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1 18/05/09 11:47 AM PLATINUMSILVERGOLDDIAMOND Corporate Partners 2022/23 BRONZE


McGees Property Hotel Brokers PerksNextMigrationCraftSolutionsPaymentsAccountants&

Energy Solutions KnightGBay/AruzeEmpireEckermannConceptCompNowCollectionsLawyersLiquorGamingFrankValuations & Advisory LangfordsSAHotel Brokers

Trans Tasman Energy Group

Novatech Creative Event OatleyTechnologyFine Wine Merchants Options Craft Liquor Merchants

HOLD A Cleaner World (ACW) Adelaide

Samuel Smith & Son Scientific Games

Maxima Training Group

Wealth SolsticeSCSAdvisersGroupMedia

Wallmans Lawyers

of Hospitality CashzoneBOCBKBepozBentleysBanktechAccountantsElectronicsLimited Class

Bunnings Group Campari Group Digital Marketing AOK

Ryan & Co. Solicitors

SAM M c INNES Secretary Treasurer


MATT ROGERS Executive Council

Back to Contents WWW.AHASA.ASN.AU | Hotel SA | 37 Reach inadvertisingSAmakersdecisiontheinhotelsbyHotelSA.

The Lodge Hotel Brahma Lodge 05.09.22

Le Mas

SCOTT VAUGHAN Membership & Business Services

Harvest Pub Operations 3 Ltd

KATHERINE TAYLOR Communications and TAA (SA)





Andrew Kemp Plush Hurley

Blacksmiths Inn One Tree Hill 29.08.22



Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000


Aussie Inn Hackam 05.09.22


MATTHEW BRIEN Executive Council

08 8233 9433

Sir John Franklin Hotel Kapunda 29.08.22

TOLL FREE 1800 814 525

POSTAL PO Box 3092, Rundle Mall SA 5000

ALH Group Pty Ltd

LUCY RANDALL Events & Partnerships

FAX (08) 8232 4979

Harvest Pub Operations 3 Ltd

Corey GuyEliseDarrenFarmerSteeleFassinaMatthews

MATTHEW BINNS Vice President

Duxton Port Broughton Custodian Pty Ltd Hotel Sussex Walkerville 30.08.22 Sussex Hotel Trading Pty Ltd


BJW Nominees Pty Ltd

ANNA MOELLER Deputy General Manager

GARY COPPOLA Legal and Advocacy

PHONE (08) 8232 4525

Emu Hotel Morphett Vale 08.08.22

ANDREW BULLOCK Deputy Vice President

BRONTE M c CARTHY Finance & Administration


Camra Australia Pty Ltd

LIZ TURLEY Training Coordinator

IAN HORNE General Manager

Earl of Leicester Hotel Parkside 22.08.22



Views expressed in Hotel SA are not necessarily those of the AHA|SA or the publisher and neither can accept, and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within advertisements or products, special offers or goods promoted therein.

Brad Barreau

Franzon Jason Fahey Jason Kelly John Giannitto Karen Milesi Peter TomSimoneJohnsonDouglasHannah Tony Franzon Trent TrevorFaheyEvans COUNCIL OFFICE HOLDERS TIM 3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063 P (08) 8233 9433 W PUBLISHER  + JAMIE RASCHELLAMADELAINE ELLIOTT Studio Manager/Graphic Designer


OWEN WEBB Workplace Relations

LUKE DONALDSON Executive Council

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