Motor Trade November 2020 SA

Page 14


G R A D UAT I O N 2020

CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATING MTA APPRENTICES We would like to congratulate all of our graduating MTA Apprentices for the 2019-2020 year. Your four years of hard work and dedication to your work and training is a great achievement and one of which you should be proud. Thank you to all of our sponsors for your support in bringing about a COVID-19 cautious Graduation

celebration. To all hosts and employers, not only are you providing opportunities to apprentices, you are imparting valuable knowledge to the next generation of our automotive industry, and also doing your part to reduce the skills shortage. Thank you to all Trainers, Mentors and Field Officers for your guidance and dedication to the training, safety and wellbeing of our MTA Apprentices. Adam Zito at Sovereign Auto Repairs.

Jed Benbow at Solitaire VW.

James Rodda at Stone’s Bus Services Keith.

Joshua Balkwill at City Mazda.

Joseph D’Angelo at Stepney Auto Repairs.

Billy Chamberlain at Solitaire Automotive.

Steven Lam at Solitaire VW. Zephyrous Stigwood at Con Kiosses Motors.

Zachary Verbinyecz at Agostino Nailsworth.

Zane Beringen at Unley Nissan.

Henry Chao at City Mazda.



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