Worship Directory 2021

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WORSHIP DIRECTORY F O R T H E G R E AT E R G A L L AT I N VA L L E Y | 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2

INDEX Methodists of Gallatin Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Chabad Lubavich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Congregation Beth Shalom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Springhill Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Unitarian Universalists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ. . . 11 St James Episcopal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Holy Rosary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Methodists of Gallatin Valley


veryone has traditions during this holiday person gift exchanges. All of these traditions are important season, some are with their family of origin and because they remind us who we are as a Christian people some are with their family of choice. Some people and they remind us we are not alone. don’t listen to Christmas music until after pie on The isolation of a global pandemic doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving night, and others cut down the Christmas the only story we tell. tree in the forest and drag it home, only to be forced to vacuum pine needles every day until On Christmas Eve we read from the the tree is drug out of the house. book of Isaiah, “The people walking There is a custom in some families “The people walking in darkness in darkness have seen a great light” have seen a great light” (9:2). of opening presents one at a time (9:2). Historically, this comes from from youngest to oldest, instead of Historically, this comes from the the people witnessing the destruction everyone just opening everything in a people witnessing the destruc- of Jerusalem by the Assyrian army. In f lurry of activity. the Christian tradition, we read this

tion of Jerusalem by the Assyrian What is your favorite holiday army. In the Christian tradition, tradition? we read this line to remind us the light of God has come into We have many Christmas traditions in our Christian faith as well. We the world, and we are not alone.”

line to remind us the light of God has come into the world, and we are not alone.”

We want to invite you to join us for the many traditions of Advent on Sunday mornings at Living Waters United Methodist Church in Belgrade, at 10am. Or, join us downtown at Bozeman United Methodist Church at 9:30am. Our 9:30am service is livestreamed at bozemanumc.org/ live.

prepare for the Christ child’s arrival in a season called Advent, which means waiting for Christmas Eve. We set out nativities, decorate sanctuaries, and light advent candles. But, most important, we celebrate His birth on Christmas Eve by lighting candles in the darkness of our sanctuaries.

Our Christmas Eve services are 5pm and 7pm at Living Waters, and 5pm, 7pm, and 9pm at Bozeman United Methodist. These services will feature traditional carols, cookies and hot chocolate, a progressive Christmas message of hope, and Christmas candle-lighting.

The reality is that COVID-19 has disrupted the traditional rhythms of living life; whether that is drinking coffee with friends, exercising at the gym, or working in a physical office. The pandemic has also interrupted our patterns for traditional church worship, making it difficult to get back into a consistent rhythm. At the same time, we know many people are enjoying pajama church and participating online with others in a new community. The traditions of pre-pandemic look very different 19 months later. The pandemic has also changed many of our Christmas traditions, whether it was travelling to be with family, Christmas Eve worship celebration, large family gatherings and in

Living Waters United Methodist Church 51 W. Cameron Bridge Rd., Belgrade www.livingwatersbelgrade.com Bozeman United Methodist Church 121 S. Willson, Bozeman www.bozemanumc.org


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Chabad LubavitCh Center for Jewish Life and Learning

A PlACe of Joy, A PlACe of Jewish life


rabbi@jewishmontana.com • www.JewishMontana.com 4

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Chabad Lubavitch of Montana


n 1956 Lubavitch World Headquarters, under the leadership of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of blessed memory, sent its first pair of rabbinical students to visit Jewish families and individuals spread across Big Sky Country. This annual custom continued for fifty years, as Chabad - Luabavitch students visited Jews throughout Montana and acted as a Jewish address for those seeking tradition. In February of

courses, A Touch of Heaven - From Big Sky Country, Torah & Tea, Women’s Tanya class and countless one-on-one classes in Talmud, Jewish law, and Kabbalah.

Chabad offers a wide range of holiday and year-round programs including High Holiday services, Sushi in the Sukkah, Menorah Lighting in Downtown Bozeman, Purim extravaganza, Passover Seders, Lag B’Omer BBQ and Bon-Fire, Shavuot 2021 Chabad Ice Cream Party, Women’s League of In the summer of 2006, on the Lubavitch purchased a new state Chabad, Kids Hebrew School, Jewish heels of visits during the summer of the art facility on Ellis Street Student Union @ MSU, Montana’s of 2004/05, Rabbi Chaim Bruk and that will serve the growing Jewish Voice, Montana’s Jewish Art his newlywed wife Chavie, spent the Calendar, Montana’s Jewish Retreat, community and expand its summer in Montana and were encourgatherings to support Israel, and have horizon, inspiring all aged by the prospects of opening its also built Montana’s only Mikvah, of Montana. first Chabad Center. In March of a state of the art Jewish ritual bath. 2007, Chabad Lubavitch of Montana They have also opened fully staffed opened its doors in Bozeman, welcoming all Jews, regardchapters in Missoula and Kalispell, servicing those growing less of background, affiliation, or level of observance. It’s communities. Their website www.JewishMontana.com has their core belief that every Jew should have the opportunity over thirty-nine thousand unique visitors per year; giving to experience their Jewish heritage, grow in its understandpeople living in all four corners of Montana and way beyond ing and practice its tenets at their own pace. an opportunity to learn about their tradition. In February “Knowledge is power” which is why Chabad has focused of 2021 Chabad Lubavitch purchased a new state of the art much of its efforts on Jewish education and lectures. Their facility on Ellis Street that will serve the growing commuclasses include the prestigious Jewish Learning Institute nity and expand its horizon, inspiring all of Montana.


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

2021-2022 / 5782

November/December: Beit Midrash, Candle Lighting, Gamenight, Chanukah across Bozeman January: Beit Midrash, TU biSh’vat Seder February: Mental Health Awareness Concert March: Beit Midrash, Purim Party and Concert April: Beit Midrash, Pessach Seders; Yizkor Service; Yom haSho’ah Service May: Beit Midrash, LaG ba’Omer Party and Concert June: Shavu’ot Hike and Campfire Study August: Tisha b’Av Service September: Rosh haShanah Services October: Yom Kippur at the Synagoge; Sukkot Torah Bootcamp, Friday Night Sukkah Kumzitz; Simchat Torah Party and Concert Shabbat every week: Kabbalat Shabbat and Torah Study Every month: Women’s Group and Young Adults Contact us at: info@bethshalombozeman.org OR rabbisonja@bethshalombozeman.org, also if you need a ride!!! 6

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

“Building authentic community in Christ.” We are a church to call home where relationships flourish, generations connect, neighbors are loved…for the glory of God.

Legacy Site

9855 Walker Road, Belgrade, MT 59714 Worship Service – Sunday at 8:30 am Experience family style church in a country setting, with classic hymns and relevant sermons for all ages.

Bozeman Site 4769 West Babcock, Bozeman, MT 59718 Worship Service – Sunday at 10:00 am Join us for blended services of hymns and contemporary worship, with a particular focus on equipping families in Christ.

• Nursery Care and Sunday School for pre-K and elementary students is available at both sites on Sunday mornings during worship. • Youth foundation Bible Study is at 4:30PM. • Youth Group (grades 6-12) meets on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:00 pm at the Bozeman site. • Springhill Girls Club (girls in grades K-5) and Cadets (boys in grades K-9) meet at the Legacy site on Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:30-8:00 pm.

406.582.8000 • info@springhillpres.com www.springhillpres.com 7


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, it’s not your path.


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.” —Joseph Campbell


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Unitarian Universalists


Diverse Beliefs, Shared Values

iverse Beliefs: Unitarian Universalist congregations inclusive, especially concerning gender, race, sexual orientation, are bound by common principles rather than a fixed economic status, ability, and opinions, as well as religious backcreed or dogma. We encourage the pursuit of indi- ground. UUFB serves our larger community through ongoing vidual spiritual growth as well as a commitment to social justice work, supporting Family Promise, Fork and Spoon, social and environmental justice and to building a “beloved the Gallatin Valley Food Bank, as well as other organizations community.” As a non-creedal religion, working for racial justice and environUU theology draws from many sources, “We search for truth, equality, and mental action. including Buddhism, religious humanWe are currently following social blessed peace of mind. ism, Christianity, Judaism, and Earthdistancing guidelines by live-streambased spirituality. Many UUs draw And then we come together here, ing our Sunday morning services at from more than one source, enriching 10:00 a.m. on YouTube, followed by to make sense of what we find.” the diverse nature of our congregations. an after-service social hour on Zoom Shared Values: The recognition that for those who are interested. We offer all faith traditions are worthy is one programs to foster spiritual growth (Shelley Jackson Denham) of our shared values—we believe there for all ages. Consider joining us for are many ways to be religious. Our shared values include our Religious Exploration classes, service projects, reflection opporcommitments to worship together, to learn together, to work for tunities, or holiday events. For information about children and justice together and to care for one another, creating bonds that youth programs please contact our Coordinator of Religious remain strong even when beliefs diverge. Exploration at cre@uufbozeman.org. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bozeman, the largest UU congregation in Montana, strives to be welcoming and

For more information, visit our website at www.uufbozeman. org.

NUTURE YOUR SPIRIT HELP HEAL OUR WORLD Community. Peace. Justice. Compassion. Welcome to Unitarian Universalism, where you can own truth and meaning. We are a caring, open-minded religious community that encourages you to seek your own path, wherever it may lead. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bozeman 325 North 25th Street 406-586-1368 Currently streaming live Sunday Services at 10:00am on Youtube Religious exploration for children Visit our website uufbozeman.org Follow us on Facebook! facebook.com/UUBozeman 10

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ 2118 S. 3rd Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 │ 406-370-1069 | uccbozeman.org Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ is a place of warm welcome and vibrant, progressive faith community. At Pilgrim, you will find a church home that upholds the relationships between religion and real life, science and faith, and hope and doubt. Our community offers a supportive atmosphere for spiritual growth and questioning without judgment. Members and friends connect through Sunday worship, book groups, musical groups, service to the community and the globe, and classes offered throughout the year.

Pilgrim is part of the national United Church of Christ, sustaining a centuries-old denominational tradition of broad-mindedness and social justice rooted in faith. Pilgrim is an open and affirming church with active commitments to embracing differences of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, mental and physical ability, and racial, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. We believe that Christ is present as the light of truth within each person; therefore, we proclaim the dignity and wisdom of the individual as we support each other’s unique spiritual pilgrimage. We strive to be people that are more forgiving, more loving, more faithful, and more just. Together, we seek to be a church that is intellectually honest, personally enriching, mutually supportive, and socially responsible.

Live Services: Sundays at 10 a.m. and on Facebook, @PilgrimChurchBozeman; or uccbozeman.org

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. 11

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021


TO St. James Episcopal Church The church with the red door and warm heart


ooted in scripture, tradition and reason St James Episcopal Church has been ministering in the Gallatin Valley since 1868. As one of the premier Episcopal Churches in Montana, we have numerous and varied ministries conducted by an active and growing congregation. St James Episcopal church offers programs for all ages, worship and community outreach opportunities that are led by talented staff of highly trained and caring individuals. Join us as we share the love of Jesus with all God’s children.

The Rev. Canon Clark Sherman, Rector The Rev. D. Gregory Smith, Assisting Priest The Rev. Connie Campbell-Pearson, Organist Rhonda Nelson, Parish Administrator 5 West Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59715 (406)-586-9093 www.stjamesbozeman.org


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Worship Schedule 9 AM Eucharist

with Music – Live Streamed via YouTube

5 PM Eucharist


Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

HOLY ROSARY PARISH 2020 1885 - 2018

Christ made the following statement The community Holy Rosary Parishin is the body moreofthan any other of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, called to His public ministry: gather for worship, cherish the Roman Catholic traditions of ourNOT faith, toBE live AFRAID” the gospel, minister to “DO and be Christ to the Holy Rosaryothers, is Covid 19 compliant by practicing all world. mandated protocols, including social distancing and mask wearing.

Confessions Confessions Mass Times Mass times Live Stream Mass Saturday at 5:15 pm 3:00-4:00pm3:30pm Sunday at 8:00 am Saturdays 5:15pm Sunday at 10:30 am Saturday Saturdays and 10:30 am Sundays 8:00am and 10:30am 220 W. Main Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 (406) 587-4581 | holyrosarybozeman.org 14

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

Holy Rosary Parish


oly Rosary Parish was formed in 1879 even though Catholic services were held in private homes and public halls before the first church could be built

parish received their sacraments in their original church and then proceeded to the new church for the dedication by Bishop Carroll.

With the growth of the Catholic presence in the Gallatin Valley throughout the last 140 years, there has been a constant need to provide more “As the Gallatin Valley continues services and more space in the church to grow, it is our hope that Holy for the growing number of congregants. While there have been many Rosary Parish continues to be restorations, additions and improvethe welcoming presence for those ments over the years, the most recent choosing to settle in this most renovation and expansion (2010-2012) has been the most extensive. majestic of places.”

and dedicated on August 29, 1885. By 1904 there


been such significant growth in Bozeman that the original church on the corner of North Seventh Avenue and Mendenhall was too small.

The land for the current church on Main Street and Third Avenue was obtained in 1905. The ground breaking ceremony, with the laying of the cornerstone, was held on June 9, 1907. The last mass at the original church and the first mass in the current church were held on May 3, 1908. The children of the


As the Gallatin Valley continues to grow, it is our hope that Holy Rosary Parish continues to be the welcoming presence for those choosing to settle in this most majestic of places.

Bozeman Daily Chronicle | Worship Directory 2021

“What is life?

It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the winter time. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the Sunset.” —Crowfoot 16

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