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Lion’sMagazine Roar

A Monthly Publication of The City of Praise Family Ministries

JULY 2013

The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1

Learning To Be Patient

What Are You Saying?

Bible Trivia

Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it. Jeremiah 33:9

contents Lion’s Roar Magazine

Dear City of Praise Family,

JANUARY 2011 of This summer, we have a lot of celebrating to do. We kicked our summer celebrating off in June when thousands of family and friends joined us for Praise in the Park. God blessed us with food, fellowship and fun. Longtime friends of the ministry, Coco Brother and Joann Rosario ministered and blessed us with songs of praise and a Word from God.

We launched over two-dozen summer courses that offer everything from lessons on Unleashing the Greatness in You, to Godly Dance Techniques. There are classes being offered throughout the summer. So, we hope that you will take a minute to visit and sign up for a course today. The summer offers even more celebrations. To make sure that you are getting all of the news, text “praisehim” to 71441. We love you very much.


Pastor Joel and Co-Pastor Ylawnda Peebles


Stay Connected to the latest news at The City of Praise Family Ministries. Text “praisehim” to 71441.



What Are You Saying?


P.03 Learning To Be Patient

P.06 Quiz: The Patience of Job

Follow Us On Twitter. @cityofpraisemd Like us on Facebook. City of Praise Church ON THE COVER: Two young members of The City of Praise Family Ministries present Pastor Joel Peebles and Co-Pastor Ylawnda Peebles with a special love note.



P.07 02



What are you saying?

May 2013 Article title

The Power of Your Words

By Co-Pastor Ylawnda Peebles

My God is Mighty and Worthy to be PRAISED!

• Do all things without grumbling or questioning. -Philippians 2:14 • Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. -Ephesians 4:28 • Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let

When we walk through life understanding this very basic principle, we will understand why every word from our mouths should be bent towards praising God. When we truly understand that driving a hoopty is more than we deserve, we will stop complaining about not being able to afford a Benz. It is not mystical or “name it and claim it” magical. It is practical. When we are able to give thanks in all circumstances, the joy of praise frames our world view and our lives.

My Church Family Rocks!

It is not just mumbling Israelites who are admonished against grumbling in the Word of God. God’s Word is packed full of encouragement against grumbling.

Grumbling and complaining gives us an entitled frame of mind. We grumble about misfortunes because this world has us fooled into believing that we are actually owed something more. In reality, any small blessing that God gives us is more than we deserve.

My Kids are Wonderful!

The supervisor was able to predict the young man’s future because of the words of his past.

Have you ever stopped to consider that what you are saying about your life reflects what you are saying about your God? God knows the power of Words. I believe that His scriptures actually have power. Also, the very words that come from our mouths have power. I’m not talking about a “name it and claim it” kind of gospel. However, I do mean that framing your life in negative terms does have the power to shape your life in negative ways. If we are grumbling because we only see misfortunes in life, we are blind to the blessings of our life.

My Husband is Awesome!

After his first two years of silence, our young monk was given a chance to speak two words to his supervisor at the monastery. He chose to say, “food terrible.” Two years later when he was given two more words to speak, he chose to say, “bed lumpy.” Two more years passed and his words of choice were, “I quit.” His superior expected as much. He knew the young monk would quit because all he had done since arriving at the monastery was complain.

steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. -James 1:2-4 • Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. -1 Thessalonians 5:18

More Than Words...

Some of you may have heard the story of a young man who entered the monastery at Santa Maria Montserrat. This religious order was one of the most disciplined in the world. The young men were required to take a vow of silence. Every two years, they were given the opportunity to speak two words. During the span of the two years, the men clearly had a lot of time to reflect and consider what their two words would be.


Article title Lion’s Roar


2nd Annual Pra


July Article 2013 title

aise In The Park

Photo Credit: Raymond Morse



Article title

Be Positive While Being Patient. An Attitude of Gratitude Goes A Long Way.

Learning 2B Patient By Danielle Owens

I used to be the person who wanted what I wanted when I wanted it. However, as I began to grow spiritually, I learned the importance of waiting on the Lord and being patient. But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. -Isaiah 40:31 Through waiting we gain a multitude of things. One of the most important things that we gain is strength from the Lord, as shown in the scripture above. This strength is necessary because it is what we need to make it through the next season of our lives. I like to view our “wait time,” not only as a time of strengthening, but also as a time of renewal. I believe that before we enter into a new season, it is essential that we also renew our minds. When we proceed into things quickly, we proceed with an old mindset, which ultimately generates the same results, often leaving us in the same place we were before. I once heard someone say that “waiting purifies your motives” and I found this to be true. A lot of times, we as people act on impulse. We see what we want and immediately dive in, not realizing that the reason for our want is not always the purpose for the circumstance, which ultimately causes us to miss out on the true benefit of the situation. This is where being patient comes into play. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. -James 1:4 A lot of times, we rush into things without taking the time to fully weigh the pros and cons. In doing this, we soon learn that the very thing we moved so swiftly to obtain did not turn out as we expected. The reason for that is because we acted without thinking. Had we been patient, we would have noticed things that we did not notice upon initial contact. It has been said, “patience allows deception to reveal itself.” Upon our preliminary interaction with something, we do not always interpret or perceive things for what they actually are. And often times, our emotions cause us to only see what we want to see, whether it is good or evil. However, when we are patient, we give our emotions a chance to calm and we are able to see things for what they truly are. Something that helps me with learning patience is realizing that I am on God’s timing and not my own. God’s timing is perfect. So if it has not happened yet, it is because it is not time for it to happen. “Just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy. It just means that it isn’t due season.” –Pastor Joel Peebles

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no RADIPISCING ELIT law. Galatians 5:22-23


Article title

The Patience of Job Bible Trivia 1 3 5

In what land did Job live? A) OZ B) ID C) UZ D) UR

What kind of disease struck Job? A)LEPROSY B)BLINDNESS C)MADNESS D)BOILS

Who attempted to comfort job in his distress? A)HIS WIFE B)HIS FRIENDS C)GOD D)NO-ONE

2 4 6

How many children did Job lose in a storm? A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 D) 12

Who told Job to, “curse God and die”? A)HIS WIFE B)ELIPHAZ C)SATAN D)HIS SERVANT

Job’s friends kept vigil with him in silence for how long? A)24 HOURS B)3 DAYS C)7 DAYS D)40 DAYS

Congratulations to Gwendolyn Palmer, winner of the May Bible Trivia.

Article title Lion’s Roar


On The Horizon City of Praise Events and Updates

July 2013

Stay connected to happenings at The City. Text “praisehim” to 71441. Scan the QR Code to view the full July 2013 calendar. Call the church office for sign-up details. 301.267.7760

On The Horizon • Summer Courses are being offered at The City of Praise on a wide variety of topics. Visit the website to view the full list of classes. ( • Babies are being Christened every 3rd Sunday after service. Call the church office for scheduling. (301.267.7760)

Check the July Calendar for Course Shedule.

Church Office Number 301.267.7760 08

• Youth Fest is July 17th - 19th. • To ensure that you get all of the details about Praise Fest coming in August, text “praisehim” to 71441.

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