SUNRISE/SUNSET Brian Petuch 2012
Notes on Performance Sunrise/Sunset is written for an unspecified instrumentation. The overall goal in mind is to create a linear and controlled crescendo and decrescendo. Each beat should be approached as a fermata. Within each beat I suggest that at least one of the instruments is able to sustain all of the pitches specified in the chord either with tremolos or a sustained tone. Instruments may enter and leave as they choose, but there should be at least one chordal instrument that sustains the chords throughout the duration of the piece. Instruments used that are not able to sustain a given pitch throughout the entirety of the work, (e.g. winds, brass, etc.) should enter quietly and create swells that fit within the dynamic context of the current beat. Nonchordal and non-sustaining instruments should feel free to pick any pitch within the chord out of which to make a swell. Performers may also choose to play a given pitch in a different octave, but they should try to keep in mind the overall shape of the work when doing so. The frequency that these instruments should enter during the piece is up to the discretion of the performers. Improvised figures derived from the pitch sets are also encouraged, but should be subtle. The score also notates the tempo as the quarter note lasting approximately one hour, but the length of the performance is completely up to the performers and can be much shorter. I suggest that the performance last anywhere from 4 minutes to 16 hours.
SUNRISE q = 1 hour
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