BPI News Oct 2014

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SEE INSIDE FOR: Extra reports on DNP, Kenro, Nedis, Retra, Lucidiom & Swains



BPI News


October 2014


The greatest photo trade show on earth?


hew! Well that was quite something. As we collapsed into our seat on a well-known budget airline after three days solid at Photokina, racing from one press event to stand visit to meeting to drinks reception, the prospect of taking it all in and picking out the highlights seemed almost overwhelming. But that’s exactly what we’ve attempted to do for this ‘review’ edition of BPI News you hold in your hands. For those who did traipse up and down those seemingly never-ending halls this is an opportunity to re-cap on some exciting product unveilings, while for those of you who didn’t make it over to Cologne it’s a chance to swot up on what you missed, and, armed with that knowledge, plan for a successful retail run up to Christmas 2014. Despite a lot of those we saw starting their presentations with the ominous words ‘in a declining market…’ many of the messages in fact ended up being upbeat and positive, and that was the feeling we came away from Photokina with. Maybe it was partly to do with that late September sunshine flooding into various cavernous atriums of the Cologne Messe, or the endless supply of German sausage, or the beer, but at least among the Brit contingent there was almost (and I do stress almost) a holiday atmosphere, or at least a sense of relief that weeks and months of hard work had finally come to fruition. Yes, we even saw members of the trade smiling! The hard work is really just beginning of course, as we start in on the days, weeks and months leading into the most crucial retail season of the year. A lot of reports from Cologne confirmed that it is higher ticket items that are selling well and that compact system cameras seem to be currently on something of a renewed upswing in popularity. Apart from the hardware there are all the other accessories and add-ons that go with them, of course, from bags and tripods, to filters and lenses and lens converters… all looking to contribute to that pile of cash in your till. Now, while we wouldn’t suggest that digesting BPI News in its entirety as nights draw in will make your richer, it might just keep the wolf from your door. Enjoy the issue. Gavin Stoker, Editor



There was so much news emanating from the trade both before and during Photokina that we have spread it throughout this issue, with extensive page and even double page reports from manufacturers and distributors big and small. But we’ve still found room to keep you updated with the latest and greatest… SONY SETS OUT FULL FRAME LENS ROADMAP 7 As part of our Photokina review issue we sit in on Sony’s press conference and learn about its plans to really expand its line up of full frame lenses in support of its higher ticket cameras such as the A7 trio and the flagship A99 model, all pointing towards Sony taking the pro/enthusiast market much more seriously YOUR NEXT SALE TO A PRO? THE SAMSUNG NX1 16 Our cool cover star gets the double page spread treatment, as one of the biggest and best-received early announcements at Photokina this year. We hear from Samsung UK’s Head of Marketing Paul Scott to discover why this is such a standout model for the brand, and, hopefully in due course, the photo specialist

PLENTIFUL KODAK MOMENTS AT PHOTOKINA 2014 18 The year-old Kodak Alaris showed it was up for having some fun in Cologne, wheeling out Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie lookalikes to draw interest to its stand, at which point visitors could learn about plans for its consumer-facing ‘Kodak Moments’ campaign, APEX lab, Kodak Photo Service, Picture Kiosk and more. OLYMPUS PEN RANGE RE-POSITIONED 26 The photo stalwart has a new marketing policy for its ‘Pen’ camera range: bring on the girls. With its CSC range doing well with women abroad, it is targeting the female market like never before over here too, using fashion bloggers to head up its promotions. At the same time its flagship E-M1 has been given a make-over…. COVER: FROZEN ASSET: There is a new 4K-shooting CSC in town, in the shape of the DSLR-like NX1 from Samsung, which has shoehorned a host of innovative features into a classic looking camera body – head to page 16 for the lowdown. COPY DUE DATE FOR NOVEMBER BPI NEWS IS MONDAY 20TH OCTOBER…. ISSUE POSTED OUT END OF OCT. KEEP PUTTING YOUR PRODUCTS IN FRONT OF THE TRADE FOR THE BIG PRE-CHRISTMAS PUSH…

KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE LATEST UK PHOTO & IMAGING NEWS send your email address to info@bpinews.co.uk Overseas annual subscription £50. For details email info@bpinews.co.uk View back issues online at http://www.bpinews.co.uk/

BPI News is published monthly by BPI Partners Ltd EDITOR - Gavin Stoker Email: info@bpinews.co.uk Tel: 07990 974 367 Please direct all editorial requests, news and press releases to info@bpinews.co.uk

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33rd Photokina clocks up 185K visitors T

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Complimentary 12 month national trust membership with the lumiX FZ200 or FZ72

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Now you and your family can discover hundreds of new special places trade from detail with the with the National Trust and capture every stunning award-winning new LUMIX FZ200 or FZ72.


Photos byCampaign GavinPOS Stoker on Sony A7

21/08/2013 13:54

©National Trust Images/Matthew Antrobus

The award winning SRB ND 1000 Filter is a hugely popular 10 stop Neutral Density filter that can be used to cause a blurred or ghost like effect in pictures. to take a speCial piCture you need to go to speCial plaCes

Lumix National Trust POS ©National Trust Images/Matthew Antrobus

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Impressions of Photokina 2014 – sunshine, celebration and great business

©National Trust Images/Matthew Antrobus

he figures are in for Photokina 2014, with organisers calling it ‘a great success’ thanks to an estimated attendance of 185,000 visitors from 160 countries. Exhibitors were apparently particularly happy that trade visitors accounted for 47.7 per cent of that grand total, with, of the trade visitors themselves, 44.3 per cent visiting Photokina from abroad. There was a growth in numbers from particular territories too, including the USA, Asia, South East Asia and the Oceania regions. In terms of trends at the show, the focus was on action camera and lifestyle cameras, wearables, multi-copters and professional film equipment – with Ilford being one notable returnee to the fray and the show floor. Though some 180 companies were exhibiting at the show for the first time ever, these included some familiar names, such as Google, GoPro, Red Digital, Blackmagic, as well as more recent start ups including Lytro and Helipro. The worldwide attention Photokina attracts also prompted Canon to unveil its new marketing campaign to the public. “There was a reason why we chose photokina to launch our new, global marketing campaign. You won’t attract more international attention anywhere in the world”, said Rainer Führes, Managing Director of Canon Deutschland GmbH. In total some 1,074 companies from 51 countries participated in 2014’s exhibition, 68 % of them from abroad. Those firms included 236 exhibitors and 109 additionally represented firms from Germany, plus 516 exhibitors and 213 additionally represented firms from abroad. Read our news throughout this issue on what was shown and launched at the show that could benefit your own business. www.photokina.com Complimentary 12 month national trust

The SRB Close Up Lens Set comes in a variety of sizes and includes four different sizes of close Wobbler Received Photoplus up lenses. Magazine’s ‘Best on Test’ Award


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Nedis offers retail stability & bags of ideas


edis UK was another familiar name in the trade enjoying a busy time on the show floor at Photokina. We caught up with MD Arvind Patel once safely back at base to get the lowdown on how the distributor’s new kit had been received by the industry. “The show was very successful and we had visitors from all over the world. The most popular new product was the Camlink carbon tripod CL-TPCARB2500, retailing at £99.99,” Arvind enthuses. “It’s one of the lowest cost lightweight carbon fibre tripods in the market place. Of course being carbon it’s very strong and well as weighing only 1.25 kilos. It’s compact and portable too, with a reversible centre column. It has a quick twist lock facility and has also got the feature that you can flip the legs backwards, so that it becomes very compact for travelling purposes.” Arvind pitches this product as an ideal tripod for outdoor photographers who are going to be walking with their kit in tow. “You don’t want something heavy under those circumstances – you want something lightweight and compact and here is the answer!” Also included is a free stylish, padded, carry case – whilst maximum operating height is 134cm and folded length is 44cm. Robust, it can handle a load of 6kg. Nedis can also offer the same tripod concept but at a reduced cost in the aluminium CL-TP2500B tripod. “It weighs a little bit more but has the same features for those photographers on a bit more of a budget,” he explains. The price of this tripod is a more affordable £64.99.

An open and shut case The other item/s that went down a storm at Photokina were Camlink bags, for which a backpack and ‘sling bag’ are the current hero products. The CL-CB40 is a 33x20x12.5cm sling bag, constructed from material that’s completely waterproof, with moisture resistant zippers, and lots of pockets for storage. With padded innards, the bag also includes a rain cover, a side pocket, seven dividable foam padded interior pockets, one easily accessible front pocket and foam padded dividers. The price point for this is around £55 SRP.

A BPI News regular plying its trade in Cologne was Nedis UK, distributor of the Camlink brand, which had a couple of exciting bags and tripods to share with the trade. UK MD Arvind Patel unzips the details… The CL-CB40 is a sling back bag with unique design SRP £55

Above: Clive Insley of BPI News checks out Camlink bags with Nedis MD Arvind Patel

Tripod choices include carbon fibre at under £100 and aluminium (bottom pic) at just £64.99

“The bags mirror the Camlink colours, by being black with the orange interior, which is a useful aid locating lenses on location,” Arvind explains, adding that there is also a bigger backpack, the CL-CB41. The 29x15x41cm CL-CB41 (pictured open) also has padded pockets, multiple little compartments and a customisable interior with Velcro fastenings so it can be configured in any way the customer wants. It again features a waterproof zipper, four easily accessible side pockets, ten dividable foam padded inner pockets, two readily accessible front pockets, and one shock absorbing laptop or iPad pocket. Suggested retail price for the backpack is £99.99. Cologne also saw the launch of a line up of Camlink studio lighting equipment, which includes backdrops, as well as a Camlinkbranded microphone boom stand plus a range of LED constant lights, popular with videographers, which vary in price from £39.99 upwards. The lighting equipment goes simply by the name of Camlink Professional Studio Lighting Kit. This is a two-head system complete with stands for the heads, with an affordable suggested retail price for the hobbyist audience of £399. Above and beyond this Arvind makes the point that there are good margins – from around 35% to 50% – to be had by the photo retailers on all Camlink products – “which is one of the reasons why we’re being as successful as we are.” www.nedis.co.uk

Stop Press: Full page advertising featuring both the Camlink CL-CB40 Sling Bag and Camlink CL-TPCARB2500 Carbon Fibre breaks in photo mags in November.

Make sure you are included on sell-in promotion and stockist list. Call Sales Director Alastair Wilson and/or the Camlink team 0116 253 0325 6 October 2014 | BPI News


Sony sets out full frame lens roadmap P hoto specialists stocking Sony full frame camera bodies – such as, notably, the A99, A7, A7R and A7S – will soon be able to provide their customers with a fresh load of compatible optics and accessories. Claiming that it is just responding to consumer demand, the company reminded us that it had promised to introduce five full frame lenses in 2014, and unveiling at Photokina the newest example in the FE PZ 28-135mm f/4 G OSS, previously announced at IBC. This is being pitched as the world’s first full frame power zoom lens, ideally suited to shooting movies on a CSC thanks in part to a smooth and silent drive. Said to be compact and portable, it features a dust and moisture resistant design. SRP is £2,200 with end of December availability. Also new, and making it a trio of f/4 aperture lenses in the Sony line up, is the Vario Tessar T* FE 16-35mm f/4 ZA OSS lens, a full frame Zeiss wide angle zoom that Sony described as the best match for the likes of a A7R camera thanks to its ability to deliver an extremely high resolution from edge to edge. Its widest setting also makes it suited to landscape photographers. SRP is £1,200, with mid November availability. In short, in its Photokina address Sony promised retailers and their customers 13 full frame lenses and 64 Alpha compatible lenses in total by spring of 2015. Among the additional lenses on the roadmap and under development are a Distagon T* FE 35mm f/1.4 ZA promising the high optical performance of Zeiss; an FE 90mm f/2.8 Macro G OSS lens promising ‘beautiful bokeh’ says Sony; a wider 10x zoom lens in the FE 24-240mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS and what is described as ‘the first affordable prime lens’ in the FE 28mm f/2. “Beyond 2015 we will be expanding full frame lenses – our aim is to have 20 full frame lenses in 2016,” added Sony in its Photokina address. With an obvious push towards the high end and pro market, the company also revealed that it will be rolling out a Sony Imaging Pro Support program

The electronics giant’s Photokina address covered the new QX1 smartphone lens camera and FX7 professional camcorder launched the prior week at iFA, plus the unveiling of a host of brand new FE optics, arriving now and in the near future…

Innovation in all formats from Sony at Photokina – the QX1 with APS-C sensor and E-mount lenses for smartphone docking (right), new 16-35mm f/4 full frame constant aperture zoom (far right) and below, the little Action Cam Mini. Group: From left to right: Sony Europe’s Technical Marketing Manager Ben Pilling; BPI News Editor Gavin Stoker; Technical marketing Manager Shiori Katsumata; Laura Sibley, Sony PR at Hope & Glory.

in Europe, starting in Germany next April. The idea is that a dedicated help desk will give pro photographers expert advice on their equipment, with a free collectand-return service for repairing units and free loan of a back up unit. To be eligible for the service photographers must own a high-end model such as the A99, A7 series or Sony G or Carl Zeiss branded lenses.

All this and more… Prior to these lens announcements, Sony had already unveiled a couple of interesting new photography products at the annual iFA show, also in Germany. These included the ILCE-QX1 lens-style camera concept with Alpha mount, improving on previous QX generations by allowing lenses to be swapped on the central

unit whilst again ‘connecting’ to any smartphone wirelessly, utilising the phone’s screen as a viewfinder. SRP is £250. It’s joined in the lens camera line up by the DSC-QX30, which, as the model name suggests, offers a 30x optical zoom, equipped with Sony G lens. SRP is £250 also. In addition two new colour options have been unveiled for the existing DSC-QX10 model: pink and copper, at £170 SRP. There was also a new professional video camera announced at IFA in the PXW-FS7, with its 4K Super 35mm Exmor CMOS sensor and ability to use E-mount lenses, plus a new Sony Action Cam in the Action Cam Mini, or HDR-AZ1VR to give its full model name, which is described as its maker’s ‘smallest ever’. This features a Zeiss Tessar lens, Exmor R CMOS sensor and SteadyShot image

stabilisation. SRP is £280. Plentiful Sony digital imaging accessories for Alpha mount products were also announced for the coming months. Available this month (October) is the XLR-K2M XLR adaptor kit for use with the ECM-XM1 shotgun microphone at £514 SRP, plus the LCS-PSC7 soft carrying case at £137, which can reportedly hold a camera and three lenses. Following this November is the HVL-F32M flash (with GN32 guide number) at £250 SRP, while December sees the release of the RMT-VP1K remote commander and IR receiver kit at £57, which offers 360° all-round sensitivity, allowing your photographer customers ‘hands off’ control of their Sony camera from any angle. www.sony.co.uk

Sony at Photokina, IFA and IBC highlights: 28-135mm full frame power zoom lens, QX1 lens-style camera concept, Action Cam Mini BPI News | October 2014 7

NEWS Intro2020 to distribute Lytro in UK

PMA to establish National Photo Store Day


DISTRIBUTOR Intro2020 – and in particular Marketing Manager Jane Nicholson, above right – was proudly showing off its most recent acquisition at Photokina: the newly announced latest generaPictures you can focus later – Lytro Illum tion of the Lytro light field camera – the ‘Illum’ (see www.lytro.com). As most will be aware, this camera breaks the usual boundaries of photography by offering its users the ability to alter the focal point and change depth of field after the picture has been taken. Up until now something of a curio perhaps, this latest iteration seems to be taking things lot more seriously, with sizeable lens and tilting touch screen. Pricing is expected to be just over the £1,000 mark. www.intro2020.co.uk

Direktek poised for action THE DISTRIBUTOR has announced that it is stocking the Ricoh branded WG-M1 ‘action camera’ available in orange or black variants. Another bonus of stocking this model for retailers is the fact that there are a plethora of accessories to go with it – in fact there are 18 possible add-ons to sell. The camera itself is waterproof and shock proof, drop-proof from a height of 2m, crush-proof down to 100kg, coldproof down to -10°C, which is handy seeing as we’re heading into the nippiest months. Additional features include 1.5-inch LCD, burst shooting up to 10fps, built-in Wi-Fi, Full HD video clips, extra wide angle lens equivalent to 16.8mm in 35mm terms, and f/2.8 aperture. Trade price for the WG-M1 is £130. Get in touch with Direkek on 01494 471100 or via sales@direktek.co.uk

Canon takes photographers for a Ryder AT the 2014 Ryder Cup in Gleneagles – sadly all over by the time you read this – Canon was involved in a crowd view photo initiative, taking what it describes as ‘deep zoom’ panorama shots at the first tee with two Canon EOS 5D Mark II digital SLRs. Its Canon Professional Services (CPS) team also supplied pro photographers with printing solutions as part of its Official Supplier of Imaging Solutions role – 70 printers and multifunction devices were on site for the six-day event. “We are delighted to support The 2014 Ryder Cup and the professional sports photographers there to capture it,” says Cyprian da Costa, European Brand Communications Director, Canon Europe, Middle East and Africa. www.canon.co.uk

ast issue we reported that the PMA’s Executive Board had refined its previous mission statement to ‘promote the growth of the imaging industry’ to now detail specific areas it will be focusing on. It says that it will now ‘evolve the imaging business worldwide by promoting innovation, marketing, technology and passion for photography.” Along with the new mission statement PMA says that it has a number of plans for new, additional ways to help PMA members grow their businesses and to advance the industry as a whole. These include the continuation of the Big Photo Show event over in the US, support and development of certifications; social media programmes for members; additional promotion of National Photo Month and the establishment of a National Photo Store Day; continued legal support; and ongoing work with other industry groups to help market and promote revenue generating aspects of photography. “Our mission and focus must be clear and targeted to the industry needs of today. We recognize that the basic motivation in our industry is the passion for photography. Photography is not going away because technology has caused a paradigm shift; in fact, the passion is stronger than ever, because it’s more convenient to capture and share images than ever before in human history,” says PMA President Bill Eklund. “PMA, as the industry’s worldwide photo association, needs to help its members evolve by promoting innovation and technology; providing networking events like the PMA Conferences and PMA@CES to help our members with idea sharing and marketing their products and services; and fueling consumer passion for photography with information and education events like the Big Photo Show. We are excited to unveil our refined mission statement, and to offer these new and expanded resources and tools to our members.” In the meantime don’t forget that the UK has a new PMA Director in ex-Snappy Snaps founder and owner Don Kennedy – seen at Photokina, above – who would like to get more involved with the concerns of the trade. Like, for just one example, could the UK host its own National Photo Store Day like the US has planned? With this in mind Don can be contacted on 0785 004 6464 or via DonKennedy@pmai.org.

Wurst for wear...but worth it! ...catching the 7am from Gatwick you’re in Photokina for 9 am, adjusting your watch to 10am just as the doors open. Non-stop meetings, endless offers of bockwursts, beer and coffees and getting to see the latest gear...it’s a tough life. Only the long wait for the 22.25pm flight back is a bind as I clocked up a 19 hour day. Luckily you and your staff can spend a more relaxing hour or two reading BPI News for all the latest trade updates. For your news and views, contact publisher Clive Insley via info@bpinews.co.uk or call 07713 622304.

Stocking all new models! WG-M1 Action Cam

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To see your products on these pages & in front of the trade email all news releases to info@bpinews.co.uk 8 October 2014 | BPI News


Canon comes out firing at Photokina D eclaring itself “hugely excited for Photokina this year – we want to create the next generation of enthusiasts,” photo giant Canon unveiled a host of new products at the show. Chief among them were the EOS 7D Mark II and new battery grip, plus the 20.2 megapixel PowerShot G7 X, described as a ‘pocket powerhouse’ thanks in part to incorporating a one inch sensor. The pitch here is outstanding image quality and a complete package for all users, from enthusiastic beginners to photo enthusiasts. “It’s filling a gap in the market,” believes Canon UK’s Product Specialist David Parry of the G7 X. “Everyone is always asking us for a larger sensor in the smallest possible body. In terms of customers we’re probably looking at an existing DSLR user, as the G7 X offers a similar experience and the image quality is outstanding. We believe it is a different type of customer and product to that of the G1 X. It’s very pocketable.” In terms of pricing we’re looking at £579.99, with sales starting from this month (October), with other key features of the camera including a bright f/1.8-2.8 aperture, 4.2x zoom lens. There were also three new Canon lenses unveiled in the EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM, which is £6,999.99 SRP; the EF 24-105mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, built for use with Canon’s full frame DSLRs, which is £479.99; along with the EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM pancake lens at £179.99 SRP. Bridge cameras haven’t been overlooked either, and new here is the SX60HS, a whopping 65x optical zoom model. This offers the 35mm equivalent range of 211365mm and has been redesigned when compared to the previous SX50, which it now replaces. “Again we’re looking at the market for this being the traditional SLR or CSC user,” says David. “But someone who wants something easier to use. It’s a fantastic family camera, and would also be good for the hobbyist, or someone for who photography is a secondary hobby.” In offering 60P movie clips, manual control over video, and a microphone input port, David also sees the camera appealing to video bloggers.

The photo stalwart was among those announcing a shed-load of new kit in Cologne. BPI News was there to get advice on how dealers should be pitching its latest goods from UK Product Specialist David Parry… Canon has launched a robust European marketing campaign on the run up to Christmas 2014, which will take in TV spots, press ads and point of sale. Featuring hairy, burly men playing a game that appears to be a cross between fisticuffs and rugby, the tagline is Come and See.

Take your marks for the 7D Mark II

Canon UK & Ireland’s trade product managers Neale Conroy (DSLR and lenses) and Didi Goddard (DSC & Selphy), modelling the 7D Mark II and G7 X respectively.

On the Canon stand at Photokina – 7D MkII with 24mm f/2.8 EF-S pancake lens above; one-inch sensor G7X below left, 65X zoom SX60HS below right (next to pancake lens).

In terms of camera bodies, obviously the biggie at the show was the launch of the EOS 7D Mark II, which arrives a full five years after its predecessor – such a large gap almost unheard of since photography went largely digital. In terms of your best chance of making a sale, the target audience for this model is “squarely the enthusiast photographer, who buys the largest tripods and goes on the training courses,” according to David Parry. The new DSLR comes as body only – there are no kit options. Pricing wise we are looking at £1599.99 SRP, with availability from this November, and those who buy the camera will receive money-off vouchers for a variety of lenses, which may tempt them into making that additional purchase. For those not already in the know, the new ‘built for speed’ Mark II version features 65 point AF, plus, for videographers, Full HD 60P video shooting with a mic input and headphone jack provided. Dual pixel AF also allows a moving subject to be tracked and speed to be varied. The camera has built in GPS and can be used with a Wi-Fi unit. The new LP6N battery provided allows for 610 shots from a full charge. The camera is compatible with both SD and CompactFlash and enables video to be written to one card and stills to the other, if the photographer so wishes. At its core is a newly designed 20.2 megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor. For more on all the above simply head to the web address below. www.canon.co.uk

Your Canon EOS 7D Mark II sales pitch: Built for speed with 65 point AF and dual Digic 6 processors + 20.2MP APS-C CMOS sensor BPI News | October 2014 9


Nikon’s five stars to provide warm glow this Christmas

The photo stalwart took the wraps off five new products just prior to Photokina last month, including two ‘ultimate’ cameras in their class. BPI News was there to get the lowdown first hand …


ith sales having started by the time you read this, chief among the photo giant’s pre-Christmas 2014 releases is the D750, described as “the ultimate enthusiast camera” by Nikon UK’s Jeremy Gilbert, and featuring the same weather resistance as the D810, announced summer 2014. “It’s an amazing FX DSLR,” says Product Manager Simon Iddon of the new D750, explaining that it sits below the D810 yet above the D610 in the current line up. “It’s rugged yet highly agile, enabling creative freedom. We’re looking at aspirational and hobby photographers with this one.” For anyone not already up-tospeed, the D750 features what Nikon claims is a newly developed 24.3 megapixel FX format CMOS sensor, Expeed 4 processor, core ISO100-12800 ISO range expandable to ISO50-51200, up to 6.5fps stills, Full HD video up to 60p “providing the freedom to shoot cinematically” and Picture Control system with Clarity setting. “We’ve been really amazed with the image quality we’ve seen so far,” raves Simon. Weighing 750g, the camera features what Nikon describes as a “monocoque (single shell) structure” (right). Auto ISO in manual mode, built-in stereo microphones with wind noise reduction setting, highlight display in Live View mode plus the ability to record video both to card and external device are further additions, as is a 51 point AF module. Low light performance has been enhanced down to -3V, and its Advanced Scene Recognition function includes face detection prior to exposure. As well as the ability to shoot full frame, users are able to select 1.2x and DX format crop modes, while dual SD card slots allow for JPEG and Raw files to be recorded to different cards. With Wi-Fi built into the body, the camera offers a “whopping” 1230 shots per charge (CIPA standard) or, says the manufacturer, 4420 images without flash. It’s also the first FX model with a tilting LCD monitor, which can be

“An amazing FX DSLR” – Simon Iddon, Nikon Product Manager

swung upwards through 90° and down through 75° for greater creative expression. In terms of SRP, there are several options for your customers: £1,799.99 body only, £2249.99 with 24-85mm lens, or £2349.99 with 24-120mm lens. www.nikon.co.uk

The ultimate selfie camera

Accessories for dealers to get to grips with NIKON dealers are being given the opportunity for making an extra sale with the DSLR courtesy of newly announced MB-D16 battery grip, plus AFS Nikkor 20mm f/1.8 G ED lens, specifically optimised for its full frame models at a suggested retail price of £679.99. Also new is the Nikon SB-500 Speedlight with a Guide Number of 24 and a SRP of £199.99. The flash head of this unit tilts up to 90° and rotates through 180°.

NIKON is also looking to further feed the self-portrait craze this month with the introduction of the Coolpix S6900 compact. This stylish device unusually features a flip down stabilizing arm, thus allowing the camera to be positioned facing the subject on a tabletop, or other suitably flat surface. To further aid shot composition we get a flip up LCD screen. Retailing for an affordable £199.99 SRP, the S6900 camera further incorporates a 16MP CMOS chip, 12x zoom, integral Wi-Fi.

Your Nikon D750 sales pitch: Full frame 24.3 megapixel enthusiast DSLR with weather resistant magnesium alloy body and an SRP starting from £1799.99 10 October 2014 | BPI News


CEWE will rock you! After a successful Photokina, German photofinishing specialist CEWE – pronounced in the UK ‘See Wee’ – is looking to, as its MD Duncan Midwood says “really arrive in the kiosk market in the UK.” BPI News hears more…


ith a bright, vibrant and sizable stand at Photokina this year, CEWE is on a self-stated mission to bring joy back to photography. From a trade perspective you might know CEWE in the UK as undertaking online print fulfilment for Jessops, supplying kiosks to Wilkinson Cameras, or providing analogue and Photo Legacy print and video digitisation services for Boots. What it will be doing by the time you read this, however, is replacing the whole Jessops estate with its own kiosks, specially developed in conjunction with Peter Jones’ revitalized business. “Going forward Jessops is introducing instant prints across its estate for the first time, a service consumers are telling us that they do want. We will be providing not only the kiosk but also the ‘master brain’, which will allow people to choose whether they want instant print, product made in an hour in-store, or to wait a couple of days for the products we manufacture here,” says CEWE MD Duncan Midwood. He adds that in time CEWE will be looking to expand its kiosk operation across the UK photo retail market. Jessops is taking an average of six CEWE kiosks per store, which adds up to around 200 across the chain. “Our kiosks can also be used as a consumer portal, not just a photo kiosk,” Duncan continues. “This will be pretty groundbreaking. The goal is that people will be able to come in and book places on photo courses, and other services like lens cleaning and so forth, as well as potentially check stock levels and pricing – all through the same kiosk. That’s why we’ve ended up doing a bespoke development for Jessops. I’m not aware of anything that is close to that in the photo market! “The Jessops development has given us both the scale and the opportunity to develop a futureproof kit and solution that we will be looking to extend into other areas as well.”

Colourful branding for stand and staff gave CEWE a strong presence at Photokina, above and left. Below, posters and a banner with raptor photo subject shoot attracted visitors and their cameras.

“CEWE will be looking to expand its kiosk operation across the UK photo retail market” – Duncan Midwood, CEWE MD

Via CEWE My Photos service, launched at Photokina, customers will be able to access all of their image libraries directly from the kiosk, instead of having to use a smartphone or memory card. A product area that it’s developing more is photobooks, and it currently has a very wide range of options here, from a very affordable £6 at the entry level, up to £80+. After a slow start, Duncan believes photobook production is beginning to gain real traction in the UK market. “We are

significantly behind Germany or the Netherlands but the good news is that there is room for potential growth – photo culture has very largely been in store based in the UK, and we want everything quickly and easily. We don’t like to wait for things. So this Photokina we’ve been concentrating on making it easier to create these products. With CEWE My Photos people can organize their images by rating them, so can very quickly bring up the pictures they’re interested in, at the click of a button.”

Another interesting CEWE development is embedding QR codes in photo books, so that customers can also enjoy videos straight from the page with the aid of a suitably enabled smartphone. Duncan remarks that The Gadget Show did a review of photobooks and CEWE came out a clear winner because of such innovation. “Now about 20% of all books we make have a QR code, so it’s clearly made a big impact and is particularly suitable for the holiday and wedding market where lots of people shoot videos.” With further forthcoming enticements including lenticular ‘3D’ printing, the other innovation that has been incredibly well received is its True Matt photobook cover, introduced in Germany late last year. “We add a coating on that makes it a matt finish and we’re able to do that because we have technology that is not industry standard which enables us to produce other effects, like the True Matt. We have the strength of being part of a large German group but are a very entrepreneurial and innovative bunch in the UK. We’re trying to add extra value all the time.” Find out more about CEWE at www.cewe.co.uk www.photoworld.com or email enquiries@cewe.co.uk

Find out more about CEWE at www.cewe.co.uk & www.photoworld.com or for business enquiries email enquiries@cewe.co.uk BPI News | October 2014 11


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Take a retra-spective view this October

Profit from protection The launch of Retracare’s FCA compliant, simplified single product Retracare Protect and Retracare Protect+ has been met with really favourable comments. For Protect, we ‘sell’ you a parts and labour policy at a trade price, and you, the retailer, decide the mark up you want to apply. Many members will use a 50% mark up, and still be considerably cheaper than the nationals and other warranty providers. Just how many

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products do you stock via which you can undercut the opposition and still make a 50% mark up? Protect+ is an added benefit for the customer who wishes to take out cover for Accidental Damage. The cover is with Aviva, one of the market leaders in the insurance market, if not the leading provider. This is completely optional, in fixed price bandings irrespective of the product, and still pays a 50% ‘agents fee’ to the retailer. BPI News readers will be aware of just how many manufacturers now place leaflets inside their boxes offering to extend the 12-month guarantee to 36 or 48 months. You also must be aware that when a customer has to phone in to register their guarantee, it is the same warranty company that answers the call. The so-called ‘discounted’ rates they offer are invariably dearer than the rates you could be charging with Retracare, and with a 50% mark up. So why not show your customer the leaflet and compare it with your price – it’s not a hard sell and you have nothing to lose. Again, as you will know, they will also write to the customer when the manufacturer’s guarantee is coming to an end. As the old adage says, “if you can’t beat them, join them” so this is another area where Retracare has changed its policy for the better. Providing the product has a full calendar month still to run on their manufacturer’s guarantee, customers can still take out a Retracare Protect Policy for the device. To be safe, I would

2014 t 1 23/04/


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ell, here we are again. It’s that time of year when a member’s thoughts turn to the festive season and all the build up. Unfortunately an area that is often neglected by the independent retailer, but heavily promoted by the nationals, is that of finance and warranties. At our first two autumn fairs at the University of Stirling and the Bridge Hotel Wetherby last month, many of the more enlightened members – whether from traditional electrical retailer backgrounds or the photo trade – were keen to find out about the changes taking place with Barclays Partner Finance. Changes that include the ability to input finance proposals on a tablet, have the customer sign on the tablet, and have the information e-mailed to them. Yes, paperless transactions, that eliminate those annoying ‘send backs’, but best of all speed up the time it takes to put the funds directly into your bank account. The other area that created considerable interest was that of e-finance. If you have an e-commerce website, are you also offering finance on line? The rates are exactly the same as for in store transactions e.g. only 1.9% for 12 months 0% finance. The customer logs onto your website, selects to pay by finance, inputs their details, signs electronically and you deliver the goods – how simple could that be?

retra meetings put you in touch and keep you on top

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Fresh from dishing out advice to the Retra members at two networking events held at the University of Stirling and the Bridge Hotel Wetherby last month, Business Consultant Ian MacDonald is poised to deliver more of the same on October 21st and 30th, at the Massereene Golf Club, Antrim and Park Hall Hotel, Charnock Richard, Lancashire.


Televi ical &

For more info & prospectus contact Ian MacDonald Mobile 07860 431792 or email ian.macdonald@retra.co.uk

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Ref: V0114


advise writing to the customer at least 6 weeks before their guarantee expires. This applies equally to products that come with a 12, 24 or even 36 month guarantee, and the price is exactly the same as it would have been had they taken it out at point of sale. If you have a modern EPOS System, talk to your EPOS provider about automating this system. As the Protect+ added benefit only came into existence on the 1st September 2014, this is the earliest product purchase date customers can go back to if they wish to add Accidental Damage cover. For those of you in Northern Ireland or the Midlands / North West England, I would remind you that we still have two Autumn Fairs on the 21st October in Ireland and the 30th October in Charnock Richards. Why not come along and find out about all the new benefits and you even get a free supper! In the meantime, if there is anything I can do to assist, please call me on 07860 431792, and I will arrange to call you back. Find out the facts for yourself... see you there ! Or alternatively contact retra direct on 01234 269110 and request a visit from one of its business consultants in your area. Don’t feel left out south of the Midlands where roadshows will be planned for 2015. Call Mark Veysey on 07973 445973 or email: mark.veysey@retra.co.uk for an introductory chat about all the key benefits of joining retra. www.retra.co.uk

Get in touch with Retra Business Consultant Ian MacDonald on 07860 431792 or email ian.macdonald@retra.co.uk BPI News | October 2014 13


Fujifilm ups its game from ‘Evolution to Revolution’


way from its big, bright and busy stand on the show floor, Fujifilm not only showed us its latest exciting product at Photokina, but gave us an audience with its R&D team too, enabling us to drill a little deeper into the development process and discover what its audience of photographers is demanding. After a brief market overview, where we were told that higher-end mirror-less cameras are leading the market with sales having increased 20% globally, whilst at the same time DSLR has decreased by 33%. This showed, Fuji reckoned, ‘size does matter’ for photography enthusiasts. Hiroyuki Matsukawa, Senior R&D Manager then reminded us that the Fuji ‘X’ CSC range currently had 13 lenses, with the 14th and 15th freshly announced. He also explained that it was committed to bringing out four more lenses by next year, with sales having doubled in the past 12 months. As regards the newest Fujifilm ‘X’ series cameras, the development process here was to “introduce new film simulation technology, as films are our heritage, and improve the viewfinder whilst maintaining premium design and operability.” The firm’s message at Photokina suggested that photographers are going from ‘Evolution to Revolution’ – DSLR to CSC. The new camera models unveiled at the show were the X100T, X30 and a ‘graphite silver’ version of the flagship X-T1. The new cameras feature a freshly added film simulation mode called ‘Classic Chrome,’ which the manufacturer suggested provided soft shadows and ‘deep and calm’ colour reproduction. This addition has apparently been requested by documentary and street photographers looking to create “a deep matt finished printlike impression,” according to Mr Matsukawa.

The joy of ‘X’ For those not already up to speed, the new X30 which we covered in brief last issue features a tilting LCD, the new film simulation mode as mentioned, a new 470 shot battery life (the X20 offered 270 pictures), plus a new ‘orthodox’ design with

Fujifilm brought its top brass from Japan over to give us a great insight into the development of its new ‘X’ series products at Photokina. Once again, BPI News was there to get first hand impressions and explanations to share with the trade…

Fujifilm at Photokina: left to right, Masazumi Imai (Product Design Manager); Takashi Soga (Lens Product Planning Manager); Hiroyuki Matsukawa (Chief Operation Manager); Lucy Edwards (UK Marketing Manager); Tetsuro Ashida (Image Quality Design Manager); Katie Teesdale-Ward (UK PR Manager).

Inside story from Fujfilm: innards of the 50-140mm ƒ2.8, Apodisation filter of the new 56mm ƒ1.2 APD, tough ‘graphite silver’ XT-1 coatings

what’s described as a ‘3D’ grip, compared with the 2D shape of the X20. The X30 further features a Real Time Viewfinder, the quality of which its maker believes exceeds the quality of a regular optical viewfinder saying “everything is for real” about the finder, in that it has a 400% wider dynamic range, whopping 2360K dot resolution, and EVF brightness can be controlled dependent on the scene being shot. For those who like to get hands on, the camera also features a manual zoom ring and a control ring,

while exposure can be set manually for movie recordings. With a 2/3-inch 12 megapixel X-Trans CMOS II sensor at the heat of the camera, the X30’s OIS has been improved by up to 3 stops, while the lens aperture range

is a bright f/2.0-2.8. AF response is 0.06 seconds and there is a new multi target area AF setting. Writing speed on the new model is 1.7x faster than its predecessor and wireless features can be implemented via a one-push Wi-Fi button, meaning that it is compatible with Fujifilm’s Instant Share SP-1 printer. Introduced alongside the camera for dealers is a new LC-X30 leather case. ‘Revolution’ has also taken place, to an extent, in the case of the X100T (centre), which features a new hybrid viewfinder: namely an optical viewfinder with electronic live view option, something that Fujifilm described as a “very unique improvement”. The camera also features a silent electronic shutter option up to 1/32000 sec. The X100T is also compatible with existing accessories, plus a new metal handgrip, and is the latest flagship of Fuji’s fixed lens ‘X’ series models. SRP is £999.99, with availability in black and silver from November. Talking of range toppers, we come next to the XT-1, which has had a graphite silver makeover, thanks to the application of multiple thin coatings. “It’s not standard silver,” the company told us at Photokina, “but more specialized, with a six step special finish.” The camera also comes with the new Classic Chrome film simulation mode, with a firmware update for existing X-T1 users promised in mid December. The camera itself arrives in November for £1199.99 SRP. In terms of compatible lenses, Fujifilm gave us a run through a quartet of new optics, starting off with the XF35mm f/1.4R, and followed by the XF56mm f/1.2 R APD, which was described as a ‘perfect portrait lens’ thanks to its ‘APD’ Apodization filter, a first for the brand. With many of the assembled scratching heads at this point, Fuji explained that this works like an ND filter and gives a soft bokeh-like effect for ‘3D portrait expressions’. The other two new lenses are the XF18-135mm f/3.5-5.6R LM OIS WR and the XF50-140mm f/2.8R LM OIS WR telephoto zoom – the suffix of each indicating Weather Resistance, and therefore their suitability for use with the X-T1 to minus 10°C. www.fujifilm.co.uk

Your X-T1 Graphite Silver pitch: camera coated in six special layers with black ink hand applied to the engraved camera logo 14 October 2014 | BPI News



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to report back Fotospeed are continuing to make inroads in their export markets. ”It was a tough ten day stint ...driving out to Germany, setting up the stand...manning it for seven show days...packing up ...then back on the ferry” said Sales Director Toby Herlinger (right, with Ben Herlinger, :15 left). Back on the home market, Fotospeed’s Extra 30% 22 14 packs seem to be selling through well. Featuring their 5 star /20 /08 14 award winning Baryta and Pearl A4 and A3 papers stockists are also being listed in Fotospeed’s advertising campaign (left) across the key titles. Hurry if you want to be included in mags out in November. Call 01249 714555 or email: sales@fotospeed.com www.fotospeed.com



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rus T WITH THEIR largest ever 10 x 4 metre Photokina stand it’s good

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Fotospeed... be seen in the right places! Is Ansmann on your Xmas list?


ou’re making your stock lists, you’re checking them twice… with the trade gearing up for the crucial Christmas sales season, battery, power supply, charger and accessory manufacturer Ansmann has some suggestions for what to add to it. With Bond movies a staple of the season as the nights get darker and colder, why not deploy your own special ‘Agent 2’? Shining a light on potential sales that traditional photo items cannot, this is a high performance torch for professional use, offering what’s described as a strong, consistent beam of light, close up and at a distance. The latest high performance CREE LED is also said to be brighter and more efficient than ever, while a removable clip allows for attachment to a belt – or not. Slip proof so that it is easily gripped even in wet conditions, and manufactured from aircraft aluminium, this tough yet stylish torch is waterproof, dust proof and shockproof if dropped from a height of up to three metres, with a rubberized on/off button. Available via Ansmann’s distributor Intro2020, call 01628 674411 or email sales@intro2020.co.uk For more info meanwhile see www.ansmann.co.uk

BPI News | October 2014 15


Why your next sale to a pro should be The Korean electronics behemoth upped its game at Photokina 2014, unveiling a new, top-of-the-range, DSLR-styled ‘NX’ with a truckload of innovative features. BPI News discovers from the brand’s Paul Scott how this premium model should be pitched at customers…

Angela Warnes, PR Consultant for Samsung Digital Imaging; Gavin Stoker, editor of BPI News; Chantell Weatherill, Product Manager, Samsung Digital Imaging; and Paul Scott, Head of Marketing, Samsung Digital Imaging UK and Ireland


n challenging times with a global camera market showing slow growth, compact system cameras are currently leading the charge, with sales up 51% according to Samsung. In fact it’s the only camera segment currently enjoying rapid product growth. Seizing on this fact is the manufacturer’s new NX1, which is described as a truly innovative camera with a premium, durable design and convenient usability. For those of you not already up-to-speed with the key spec, the magnesium alloy bodied, dust and splash resistant NX1 (weather proofing is a first for the range), the camera features a whopping 28 megapixel BSI APS-C sensor – that’s the highest resolution ever for a Samsung camera – and joins the small but growing number of models on the market that can shoot 4K video, fast becoming the latest must have. Further best in class features include 15fps continuous shooting, enabling the capture of up to 70 shots at 28MP resolution. “This camera will help Samsung be remembered as an innovative leading brand,” the manufacturer stated in its opening address at Photokina, going on to call the NX1 “a game changer for the photographic industry.” In terms of build and ergonomics it added that it had been able “to pinpoint the perfect grip.” Continuing the theme, European Marketing Manager Malcolm Andre stated “now it’s time for Samsung’s

Samsung at Photokina: high-end weather-proofing features promoted visually

next step; we see this as a quantum jump forward.” He added that the camera has been built from the ground floor up, and features a new ‘DRIMe V ’ (pronounced ‘dream’) image processor that Malcolm says boasts “amazing speed and outstanding image quality” and is 2.8x faster than the previous DRIMe IV, offering wireless 4K transfer and Bluetooth technology plus a new AF system with 205 phase detection points. “Even if the subject is moving the AF can lock on in an instant – it offers a 55 millisecond AF and more focus points than any other camera.” Samsung also highlighted the fact that the NX1 can achieve low light shots at high ISO settings at full 28MP resolution “without any grain”. A core range of ISO100-25600 is expandable up to 52100 by the user. Its maker explained that this could be achieved because the camera uses adaptive noise reduction to ensure crisp images even at ISO51200 – which in essence reprocesses all the images and reduces the noise. Also worth noting is the fact that this is the only CSC currently with a top mounted status display window – as found on full frame DSLRs from rivals – plus a 3-inch AMOLED display that tilts up through 90° or downwards through 45°. This larger viewfinder is complemented by a smaller 2.36MP OLED EVF for eyelevel shooting.

All this & new lenses too If you’re wondering what to piggyback with a possible sale of an NX1 then you’ll be pleased to learn that Samsung currently has 16 compatible lenses for its APS-C sensor models. Added to the 1650mm S lens offering from Samsung and making for “a perfect couple’ is the new 50-150mm premium lens which offers an f/2.8 fixed aperture, four ED elements and hyper shield coating along with a 6-axis gyro

Your NX1 sales pitch: weather proofed 28 megapixel BSI APS-C sensor incorporating flagship CSC with 16 October 2014 | BPI News

a Samsung NX1 sensor that detects camera shake and minimizes its effects by the equivalent of 4.5 stops. There is also a customizable focus range limiter. Samsung also unveiled another lens in development in the 300mm f/2.8, and introduced its first vertical grip for the NX range, indicating that it sees the NX1 as a viable alternative to the big players at the premium end of the market. At Photokina we were also lucky enough to grab Samsung UK and Ireland’s Head of Marketing Paul Scott for a quick word as regards how dealers should pitch the NX1 and accessories to their customers in order to guarantee a sale. With our observation that the NX cameras that preceded this, such as the NX30, looked like they were building towards something like this product, “this absolutely sits as our premium flagship device,” confirms Paul. “We now have a complete range of compact system cameras to cater for every photographic capability – from the NX1 at the expert level, through the NX30, the new NX3000 and on to the NX Mini. And what Samsung is very proud of is that it’s an award winning range. And this is now the next chapter in our story. We’re really proud of being able to launch this at Photokina and for it to be seen as one of the strongest offerings at the event. “It’s been designed purely as a compact system camera and with the photographer in mind, which has given rise to the weather sealed design and the fact that we’re making available an accessory grip for it. That’s something unique that we’ve never had before for the NX series.” Paul outlines that there are three key features that dealers should focus on regarding the NX1: The speed and the auto focus system, which Paul claims is “unmatched in the industry, and really a bold move for Samsung. We’ve got the swift auto focus and 15fps capture but are backing that up with the image quality as well. We’ve improved the image sensor with BSI technology and are focusing on APS-C, ensuring that all our lenses work across the NX1. The 28 megapixel full resolution, “Which from an image

Below: the Samsung NX system has gained a big white lens – the 300mm ƒ2.8, first of its kind for an APS-C CSC mount

In addition to new weather proof lenses like the 50-150mm shown here, the NX1 accepts a vertical grip, below

quality point of view is fantastic, plus there’s sufficient space for those 28 megapixels to form a very strong offering.” The 4K video capture facility, providing the ability to grab 8MP photos from a video stream, with the alternative of Full HD also provided. “We’re now opening the doors to more videographers than ever before to really buy into the system.” By pitching the NX1 as a pro offering, Samsung is obviously targeting a similar audience to those who would normally plump for a Nikon or a Canon. Can it really hold its own a viable alternative? The firm’s Paul Scott seems to think so. “We see a lot of innovation within CSC and can give those photographers and videographers the speed and capability that they need to get the best photo or best video possible. And Samsung has really taken that step to support them. From a practical point of view, being able to record 4K direct to the memory card and having the latest Codecs to support them is a big step forward for Samsung. We’ve heard what the consumers want and they’re telling us loudly that they want the fastest possible speed, the best possible accuracy, and Samsung with its R&D teams and investment has really delivered on that I believe. We realize that it’s a bold move for

CSC with a lot of features that we’ve never seen before, not only for compact system cameras but also for many other DSLRs. We’re really going to be leading the way within photography but also videography as well.” On that note, from BPI News’ perspective we wondered whether there had been consideration given to producing a full frame camera. “From listening to consumers at the moment they want the speed and accuracy,” says Paul. “And we can deliver that in the APS-C sensor as we stand, and can back that up with the BSI technology as well. We’re very confident in the capabilities of the camera.” In terms of what sort of customers the retailer should be looking for to pitch the NX1 to, Paul makes the point that its wealth of features really broadens your potential target customer. “For wildlife and landscape photographers there’s the speed and the accuracy, which also extends to what can be achieved for video. It’s giving any customer coming in the fastest most accurate camera that Samsung can offer. It has all the capabilities that customers have previously had from a DSLR, plus all the benefits of a CSC within this one camera.” Availability is from mid November, at a suggested body only price of £1299, with a pre-order offer throwing in a 16-50mm power zoom lens as well as an NX bag. “We’ll be

fully supporting and working closely with our dealers on this. Thanks to the killer features on the product we’ve got to educate the consumer in the best way and it’s in working with our partners that we will be able to do that, by providing them with the best assets to use online and in store as well. We pride ourselves at Samsung with being quick to market and we feel we have something that store staff can get really passionate about given the specs of the NX1.” Retailers who don’t currently stock Samsung products, but want to, should contact Digital Distribution, who the brand is working closely with. “We’re working with Ron Duprez within Digital Distribution for over a year now, specifically focusing on NX to open up our photo specialist channel and what we’ve got to do with the NX1 is really make a success with them. And I believe they can use their expertise within the channel to showcase the NX1 in the best way possible. We’re giving the photo specialists a device that can add real value to their business for photography and videography. I hope by the end of the week at Photokina the NX1 will be the real hero of the show.” STOP PRESS: the NX1 has just been voted Best Camera 2014 from Expert Reviews in its Photokina feature. To achieve this accolade the product had to show innovation and be one the Expert Reviews team felt people will want to buy over the next year. To find out more about ranging the Samsung NX1 please contact: Digital Distribution on 01442 230022 or sales@ddltd.co.uk www.samsung.co.uk

4K video shooting capability, built in wireless connectivity, tilting AMOLED rear display, plus 2.36MP OLED EVF BPI News | October 2014 17


Plentiful ‘Kodak Moments’ at Photokina 2014


s Photokina debutants, you couldn’t blame the employees at Kodak Alaris for feeling a little bit in awe at the amount of work required to get a 430sqm stand ready for their first appearance. But, after the last members of trade and public had left Hall 4.2 on the final Sunday of the show, there was a huge amount of pride in just how much this one-year-old business achieved. “Photokina 2014 was a huge success for Kodak Alaris, which is testament to the huge amount of effort that has been invested since the foundation of our business one year ago,” says Lee Palmer (above centre and right, with 1st birthday cake), General Manager Personalised Imaging and Vice President, EAMER. “Our customers loved the booth and were excited to see some of the new projects that will shape our business over the coming years.”

The one-year-old Kodak Alaris’ big guns, including CEO Ralf Gerbershagen (above left, with BPI News) and Vice President Lee Palmer, were out in force in Cologne – along with its innovative print solutions, ‘Angelina Jolie’ and a birthday cake to celebrate the first year. Marketing Manager Paul Davey reports back to us…

A Moment-ous show… Members of the trade who popped along to the Kodak Alaris stand couldn’t fail to notice the high profile Kodak Moments branding and superb array of photos in support of the new marketing campaign, Kodak Moments. Your Stories. Your Life. Proving to be a huge success at Photokina, the campaign is looking to inspire consumers to share their special Kodak Moments and at the same time help to rejuvenate the brand. Stand activities also got imaginations working overtime. Activities included having a ‘Kodak Moment’ with Angelina Jolie and

Brad Pitt lookalikes. The pair also travelled around Cologne in a limo to take such photo opportunities to the public, whilst a secret, guerrilla-style concert was staged in the centre of Cologne with a high profile German group and there were projections on to several iconic Cologne buildings. Also showcased at Photokina was Professional Endura Premier Canvas Paper, ideal for high-end display prints, photo books and other unique products, due to the luxurious canvas surface. The paper eliminates the need to strip processed colour paper emulsions

to achieve a canvas effect in the finished print. New retail opportunities were launched at the event too, such as Kodak Alaris making it easier for consumers to connect with printing technology through mobile devices – as well as providing an innovative range of printed products. These included square prints from the Kodak Picture Kiosk via a variety of sources, including Instagram and Facebook, allow the consumers to express their creativity in new ways. Further announcements included new Kodak Adaptive

Picture Exchange Dry Lab (APEX) enhancements to provide increased user convenience and capability with a new, larger 16:9 monitor plus Windows 7 OS. A D4600 Duplex Photo Printer was unveiled too, allowing retailers and minilabs to offer a wider variety of products, including beautiful premium twosided borderless photo books, at multiple price points, all available in just minutes. Software wise, Kodak Alaris showcased a new Tell My Story feature on the Kodak Moments App, which lets users combine three images and a voice message to share with their friends. Kodak Moments HD App for tablets was also launched on both iPad and Android to enable the production of photo books; now your customers can create one on their tablet and collect the finished result in store from you. Third party app developers also presented on the stand at Photokina: the Kodak Photo Service is a new consumer-to-retailer service providing a revenue opportunity for retailers and third party developers while offering consumers an easy, efficient, and cost effective way to get their pictures to print. A Kodak Alaris centralized network is used to connect Mobile/App Content to retail fulfilment. App developers including Comic Touch and Pixicle presented from the Kodak Alaris stand to highlight how the new service is integrated with their apps. In all it was an exhausting but rewarding show – see you again in two years time!

Get in touch with Kodak Alaris’ UK Marketing Manager for Personalised Imaging Paul Davey on 01442 846714 or visit www.kodakalaris.com for more! 18 October 2014 | BPI News


How Sigma hit the big time in Cologne S

igma whisked us away to a backroom at Photokina to show us their whopper… no, please, stop; we’re talking about the new 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports series telephoto zoom, which is being released to market at an initial price of £1599.99 SRP, with a lighter, ‘Contemporary’ class version promised in spring next year for those who want it, for less money. With the initial ‘Sports’ iteration available in Canon, Nikon and Sigma mounts (the cheaper Contemporary option will add a Sony mount), the made-in-Japan lens is weather sealed and oil and water repellent, with a push and pull action. Quiet, fast and optimized to deliver a high performance and superb quality, the telephoto zoom comes bundled with a case, lens hood and shoulder strap. In terms of whom you should be pitching this at, think high-end amateurs and pros. Like the rest of Sigma’s Global Vision optics, this one is also compatible with its innovative USB dock, which enables users to customize handling and receive firmware upgrades in time. The lens also features what Sigma told us was a ‘TSC’ design – in that the construction isn’t affected by temperature changes; so there is no contraction or expansion of parts. No, stop it please!

Optical specialist Sigma was unveiling its big lenses at Photokina 2014, introducing a new 150-600mm ‘Sports’ series lens in two versions – affordable and reassuringly premium – in replacing the 150-500mm. There were also two new conversion lenses in a 1.4x and a 2x, plus more besides as BPI News discovered…

Spot the difference – professional ‘Sports’ version of the new Sigma 150-600mm, and lighter ‘Contemporary’ variant, right

Ray Fitchett and Paul Reynolds of Sigma introducing the new lenses and dp1 camera

Anyone for a dp?

There are also two new conversion lenses being added to the mix, in a 1.4x at £259.99 SRP (model no: TC-1401) and a 2x for £329.99 SRP (TC-2001) enabling effective AF up to f/8, for those customers wanting added reach. Also freshly unveiled in time for Photokina was an all-in-one 18300mm ‘C’ series lens – or 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 DC Macro OS HSM to give the full name – again like the Sports version of the 150-600mm featuring FLD (F low dispersion) lens elements, 4 to be precise, and aimed at APS-C sensor cameras. It will be available this month in Sigma, Canon and Nikon fits, with Sony and Pentax mounts to follow. Once more, this new 16.6x zoom lens boasts a temperature resisting

SIGMA hasn’t forgotten about its camera range either, and also ushered into the spotlight in Cologne was the dp Quattro – pitched as a ‘reinvention’ of the compact camera in delivering medium format results, according to the brand. This unusually shaped magnesium bodied camera will be available with the following lens configurations: dp1 19mm launched at the show (the equivalent of 28mm in 35mm film terms), dp2 30mm (45mm equivalent, launched earlier this year), and dp3 60mm (90mm equivalent, to arrive soon). Promising to deliver images with a 3D feel and with results equivalent to 39 megapixels, the cameras incorporate a newly developed ‘Quattro’ generation Foveon X3 sensor. For those not in the know, the Foveon direct image sensor captures colour vertically, recording hue, value, and chroma accurately and completely for each pixel, enabling the expression of rich gradation and tone, according to Sigma. Moreover, there is no low-pass filter needed to correct the interference caused by a colour filter array, unlike the data from other sensors, which requires artificial interpolation to “fill in” missing colours. The data from the Foveon direct image sensor is complete with light and colour information for every single pixel. The ‘dp’ camera is also claimed to be able to process high volumes of image data at a similar level to a DSLR. Accessories for the camera include an LCD viewfinder LVF-01 (shown above, sliding aside from the rear LCD), external flashgun EF-140 S, cable release CR-31 and dedicated bayonet lens hood LH4-01, also optional, providing retailers with an opportunity to piggyback a sale.

The new 18-300mm ƒ3.5-6.3

TSC construction and comes with an SRP of £499.99, with sales starting this month (October). Reckoning that there is little in the market to compete with its optic, an optional close up accessory lens provides close ups down to 39cm for £49.99.

Also new is a quartet of Sigma filters – a WR (water repellant) Protector at £26.99 SRP, standard Protector at £18.99, WR UV Filter at £29.99, plus a Circular PL (polarizing) filter for £44.99. Availability is from this month. Sigma’s lenses are always carefully evaluated in the production process using the manufacturer’s own MTF measuring system known as ‘A1’, which utilizes a 46 megapixel Foveon chip to ensure quality control. The fact that the lenses are also still made in Japan rather than farmed out ensures a high level of craftsmanship.

Equipment imported by Sigma Imaging UK Ltd comes with the added benefit of a 3-year warranty. See www.sigma-imaging-uk.com BPI News | October 2014 19


DNP: ‘our intention is to create a new market standard’


och Hollande, President of DNP Photo Imaging Europe, led the dye sub printing specialist’s address at the biennial event, setting the scene by filling us in on some market and company facts. The past financial year had seen net sales worth $14 billion, DNP has 59 plants in Japan and overseas, with 39,445 employees worldwide. For those not up to date on the history of the company, recent milestones have included the acquisition of Konica Minolta Photofinishing in 2007 followed by Sony Photofinishing in 2011. “Memories deserve prints, and when you talk to DNP you talk to the experts of on site printing,” the company’s President told us. DNP’s distribution partners are spread across Europe, but also include Russia and Turkey, as well as Northern Africa. “We’re tailoring whatever our retail partners need in order to grow their business,” Roch reassured. A case in point is the brand new DS80DX, a compact duplex printer that comes with photobook software included and offers duplex – both sides – or simplex – single-sided – printing. The device, says DNP, has been built for the production of high value products, including photobooks, calendars and greetings cards, and will offer the ability to produce three popular photobook formats including 15x20cm size. Sales of the new printer (right) are due to start this November, with the advantage to retailers and their customers being the lack of a long wait to get their hands on the product; indeed they can take their product home within the hour suggests DNP. Images are produced in either a matt or glossy finish and the printer itself is claimed to have the smallest footprint on the market, conserving workspace. The second new printer is the flagship DS620 (shown below photo books) which Roch described as “the most compact in its class. Our intention is to create a new standard in the market. It’s ecological, produces less waste and uses less energy, with a rewind function for efficient media consumption.” The DS620 also offers what DNP’s President describes as “innovative photo formats”, namely 6x6 square, 6x9 inches and 2x6-inch photo strips

Dai Nippon Printing rolled out its big guns for Photokina 2014. Not only were there two new printers in the DS80DX and DS620, but we heard about the nexlab 6 production centre, Tomo Global user friendly kiosk software, Hot Folder software and more – all designed to simplify customers’ ability to make or order prints…

in resolution of up to 300x600 dpi. Offering a print speed of 400 pph (prints per hour), Roch claimed that this made it slightly faster than the DS40 model. Sales are due to start for this one commencing January 2015.

New software too Of course, in a modern environment it’s not just about the hardware but the software that powers it. On this note DNP has already been hard at work, including the development of what it’s terming Hot Folder Print (HFP) software – available now and which allows any device to quickly connect to the printer. “This allows for the fastest workflow from shoot to print,” enthuses Roch Hollande. Next up is Tomo Global kiosk software, which is pitched as being user friendly, and can be deployed as a user interface and driver for the printer. In fact, DNP claims that there are already 20,000 retail points globally using the software.

Roch Hollande, President of DNP Photo Imaging Europe, with his team: Aurelie Kandin, Tim Andrews and Mark Buelow

Mr Hollande with DNP Corporation Executive Vice President Koichi Takanami and Senior Corporate Officer Masato Koike

Both the above ideas dovetail nicely into the concept of the nexlab 6 production centre (bottom left), as outlined by Roch, and which has a November 2014 launch date. “This is about saving time, lowering cost of ownership and generating business and margin. Tomo and Nexlab together give you the freedom to offer any photo product you want.” The modular nexlab 6 is scalable too, starting at a very low investment cost and allowing retailers to build the print solution that they want. Simple yet powerful controls and software allow operators to manage their photo service, with a device dashboard showing the status of linked output devices. “Despite photo printing globally shrinking, some segments including onsite printing and photobook printing are in fact growing, “ says DNP’s President. “Every Photokina our DNP booth is growing and growing.” www.dnpphoto.eu

DNP products come with a two year warranty. To implement them in your business contact sales@dnpphoto.eu or visit www.dnpphoto.eu 20 October 2014 | BPI News

DNP Printers

A Match Made in Heaven DNP’s event printers & software solutions to accelerate your profits.


High quality

Faster workflows


Download Hot Folder Print free of charge at: www.dnpphoto.eu/en/download

Professional photographers want to worry about the perfect picture, not about how to print them. DNP developed Hot Folder Print application software to simplify the print workflow. Send images wirelessly from the camera or drag & drop after editing them on your computer. Add customised borders. Archive your images automatically. The new print workflow software is compatible with DNP’s superb photo printers and is ready for download.

www.dnpphoto.eu sales@dnpphoto.eu

BPI News | October 2014 21


Kenro puts retailers in the frame Distributor Kenro’s MD Paul Kench reflects on a successful couple of trade shows in quick succession – the Autumn Fair at the NEC that saw it roll out its new bumper catalogue showcasing its range for Christmas 2014 to the trade, followed by Photokina the week after….


ike a lot of the trade, Kenro has had an extremely busy yet positive sounding few weeks, jetting between the UK and Germany and back, plying its trade to the photo trade and more, plus picking up new customers along the way. “We’re especially happy with the Autumn Fair,” enthuses its MD Paul Kench. “We had a chance to see a number of existing customers but also attracted new ones from areas and markets that we don’t currently operate in. We’ve had a lot of people interested in our new products from the 68-page catalogue that we just launched. We’re re-booked again, so that’s testament to it being a success for us – it’s a good launch pad to the Autumn and Winter retail season. “We saw a number of existing customers from the photo trade and also a number of customers that we wouldn’t otherwise have seen, who came up to the stand and placed orders. We don’t always go to shows expecting to get an order there on the day, but we had a number of people who loved the new range of products and wanted to do business. The whole show was upbeat and we came away feeling positive, and with a good clutch of new business leads.”

While at Autumn Fair Kenro was exhibiting its albums and frames, at Photokina it added its popular Kenair (above) camera and lens cleaning products to the set up. “Plus at Photokina all our distributed brands Nissin, Marumi, Benro, Braun and

Kenro Limited

Kenro (Ireland)

Greenbridge Road Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3LH, United Kingdom

26/27 Upper Pembroke Street Dublin 2 Ireland

Telephone: +44 (0) 1793 615836

Telephone: +353 (0) 1637 3963

Fax: +44 (0) 1793 530108

Fax: +353 (0) 1662 0365

Email: sales@kenro.co.uk

Email: sales@kenro.ie


Reflecta all had their own booths. Once we’d showed them our album and frame ranges, that gave us the opportunity to take people who had visited from the UK over to the other stands. Benro and Marumi had very impressive displays. Some of our customers who hadn’t been to the show for a while were very impressed by it and thought it represented our industry well. It’s a big melting pot.” In terms of Paul’s personal highlights from the show he singles out Benro’s System Go (far right) describing it as a creative modular tripod support system, which he promises you’ll see more of later this year and into 2015. In the meantime there’s the Benro Travel Tripods range announced just prior to Photokina, comprising the IT15 and IT25 models, for which the legs can be folded back through 180°, making them extremely compact. These are lower cost additions to the range at SRP £119.94 and £143.94 respectively. A monopod feature allows one of the legs to be quickly removed. The Benro Combination Series Travel tripod range also gets updated designs. The series is so

named because of the choice of two platforms – either a simple flat platform or a geared centre column. The two new models BRC3770TN and BRC4770TN feature legs with three sections; the former weighs 1.75kg and can support a load of up to 18kg, while the latter weighs 2.36kg and supports weights of up to 25kg. SRPs are: BRC3770TN £431.40, BRC4770TN - £515.40. The centre columns start at £266.40, all including VAT.

“The Autumn Fair and Photokina are a good launch pad for the Autumn and Winter retail season. We saw a number of existing customers from the photo trade and also a number of customers that we wouldn’t otherwise have seen” – Paul Kench

2014/5 Albums & Frames 2014/5

Finally, there’s also the Reflecta ProScan 10T film scanner (above left). “This latest addition boasts impressive advanced features,” Paul tells the trade. “It is aimed at those who want very high quality scans, while sticking within a reasonable budget.” Optical resolution is 10000x5000 dpi and the unit costs £486.60 SRP. For more on all the above and to get in touch with Kenro direct to place an order, please see the details below.

For all of the above products call Kenro on 01793 615836, email sales@kenro.co.uk or visit www.kenro.co.uk 22 October 2014 | BPI News


A grand ‘PhotoFinale’ from Lucidiom

As we noted last issue, Lucidiom photo kiosk and web platform has unveiled new ‘PhotoFinale’ branding plus innovative software designed to breathe new life into your kiosk. MD Michael Clayton-Gale, left, re-caps on the essentials…


K based photo software specialist Lucidiom is back making headlines, with a new product brand name PhotoFinale. In addition it is currently rolling out one of its biggest kiosk releases to date in the form of new downloadable kiosk/ PC based software: APM v9.0, all designed to improve your workflow and get your customers images printed without fuss. The many improvements this time around include large screen PC support, so the software not only fills more of the screen but displays more image thumbnails too. This includes a PC screen estate marketing window. Android phone and tablet users can now print via a revamped ‘iOS & Android Connect’ component; the new Wifi connect option allows images to be transferred wirelessly from phone/tablet to the kiosk. Improved support for Raw images is included and there are new layout options. In a nutshell the whole process is smoother and faster – in terms of quicker loading (2.5x faster), rendering and processing. Use the PhotoFinale@kiosk option while instore to ensure your customers upload and save projects on your website platform. And simply head now to www.lucidiom.com to download APM 9.0 for yourself.

From phone to print made easy With more and more of your customers shooting images on their mobile phones, Lucidiom has been working hard to provide multi access points for getting images off mobiles and converting them into prints. The current available options include a Pocket Pics iPhone/iPad

app, which is customised to match your own store’s branding. Available for download via the Apple iTunes App Store, customers can then use it to upload images for print on the retailer’s own PhotoFinale website. In addition to serving as an ordering, delivery choice and payment function, this app gives retailers a presence on the Apple Store – essential on the branding/marketing front. APM 9.0 has improved support

for Android as well as iOS devices via the new iOS and Android Connect. This feature is an add-on purchase to the kiosk software and allows users to plug in their device direct; indeed for in-store transfer of a large number of images this is the best option. Upload choices are offered for ‘top 100 images’ for instance. Additionally for smaller batches of pictures, there is the Mobile WiFi Connect option; a new device that is connected to the in-store network

Photo Finale


One solution. Any device. Apple apps HTML5 site

Lucidiom’s state-of-the-art, custom sites and apps guide customers to the best experience for their device and platform, and allow access to photos and projects from anywhere. We arm retailers with unlimited image storage, a robust promo engine and flexible membership features. Production software and tools are designed to be straightforward for efficient fulfillment operations.

// Online • HTML5 mobile site, auto detected (NEW!) • Ready for SEO, social, affiliate integration • Robust promo engine • PicMonkey & Aviary editing • Easy marketing: link directly to products

Silverlight site Local kiosk Cloud kiosk

// Production Lab 50 / Print 50 (NEW!) • New production application, Print 50, is streamlined and efficient. Operators will love the simple, clickable, intuitive UI for order routing, line-item tracking, customer relations management and shipping integration

• Add unique partner products

• Direct printer support for Fuji, Noritsu, Agfa, DNP, Windows printers and more

// Kiosk

myLab • New reports, including kiosk reports, custom sales reports and a coupon report for tracking of Groupon-style campaigns

• Wide screen UI • PF@Kiosk portal to your online site: NO REV SHARE! • New “choose-photos” CD, DVD and USB products • RAW & CMYK support • The best device for in-store print & enlargement ordering • Cloud content management

// Mobile iPhone/iPad Print Ordering App • Take print orders, offer shipping and in-app payment • Next version (NEW!): faster uploader, ability to accept coupons, updated iOS 7/iOS 8 interface

iPad Photo Book App (NEW!) • A new, custom-branded app • Native iPad app allows users to create a fully custom book with photos, text, layouts and backgrounds

which initially allows for three kiosks (more can be added) to be set to receive images transmitted wirelessly from an Apple or Android device. The fourth option is PhotoFinale10 on mobile. This release now provides users accessing your website via mobile or tablet with the ability to upload and order prints directly in the new mobile browser. Once photos are online they can also be accessed via the kiosk software. “With this option you will have in place the best ordering option for each device – whether Apple or Android phone, tablet, PC or Mac – and any browser, with or without Silverlight installed,” promises MD Michael Clayton-Gale. “Next up is new store workflow software called Lab50 and Print50. Register with our MyLab service to receive news and regular updates.” Lab50/Print50 is the new updated production application with a simple and intuitive user interface for controlling and tracking orders, as well as managing customer relations and product shipping. It has direct printer support for Fuji, Noritsu, Agfa, DNP, Windows printers and more. In short, this is one solution for any device. MyLab is the online access dashboard for Lab50 and is offering new style data reports, including kiosk reports, custom sales reports and a coupon report for tracking campaigns. To find out more about PhotoFinale new services, ask any questions or to place an order, please call Kevin Andrews on 07791 951 005.

For sales enquiries about the PhotoFinale products please call Kevin Andrews NOW on 07791 951 005 BPI News | October 2014 23


Panasonic pitches premium compacts & lenses With sales of CSC bucking the trend of decline elsewhere, Panasonic chose Photokina to launch GM5 and LX100 compacts, both sporting Four Thirds sensors and 4K video shooting, along with the CM1 camera phone – all aiming to put cash in your tills on the run up to Christmas 2014…


laiming a sizeable 27% share of the CSC market, Panasonic’s Head of Imaging Barnaby Sykes tells BPI News that: “DSLR is unfortunately suffering quite a lot, whereas CSC by both volume and value is now showing really strong growth.” Aiming to continue that growth is the new GM5, which joins rather than replaces the GM1 in its range. Panasonic claims it is targeting more skillful users with the new camera, which is available as two kits. . The GM5L comes with a Leica 15mm lens and is available in black only. However the GM5K zoom lens kit with a 12-32mm will be available in a choice of black and red (right), or ‘Ferrari red’ as it is being unofficially labelled. A bundled FL70 flash is included with both variants. A major difference with the GM5 is an EVF boasting 1166k-dot resolution, while the touch screen LCD offers 50% more brightness and lower power consumption into the bargain. NFC, Wi-Fi and QR technologies are also supported for the sharing of images. “At the same time we are introducing two new Micro Four Thirds system lenses, including a 35-100mm,” Marketing Manager Dai Mukai told us. “We do already have a 35-100mm in our line up (old and new lenses shown right), but its f-number is 2.8 throughout the focal length. The intention of developing this lens was to have the size match with the GM line up – it’s a much, much smaller lens. We now have 24 lenses, the biggest line up in the CSC market. Obviously the compact size is an advantage and the focal length is 70-200mm in 35mm equivalent terms. Plus, it has a retractable construction and comprises two ED lenses. It’s also compatible with high-speed auto focus and HD video recording.

“And then, by way of a minor change, while we have a 14mm lens in our line up we have re-vamped it in order to give the lens more premium features, such as it

now has a metal finish.” SRP for the GM5 with Leica lens is £1,049, with the same camera in black or red with 12-32mm zoom lens set at £769. Availability is November, as it is for the 35-100mm zoom, which has a £319 SRP. The ‘revamped’ 14mm (above) arrives a little earlier in October for £349 SRP. Also announced at Photokina as ‘in development’ and with pricing and availability TBA as we went to press was a new 30mm f/2.8 macro lens (upper right), providing the equivalent of 60mm on a 35mm film camera.

Love child of LC and LX The second new Panasonic compact is the LX100 (right), which again doesn’t replace any current model. Like the GM5 this new camera’s

Mark Baber of Panasonic, above, at Bracknell HQ. Below, Lumix GM5 Red with FS12032 lens and FL70 flash.

Everything is connected A further surprise at Photokina was the appearance of a third new product, which was teased to those in attendance as a connected device. This turned out to be the new Lumix DMC-CM1, a slim, smartphone-like camera (or should that be camera-like smartphone?) incorporating a one inch 20 megapixel sensor – making it the “world’s first communication camera with one inch sensor” according to Panasonic – plus one that also has the ability to also shoot 4K video, boasting a handset-like 4.7-inch rear panel display, f/2.8 maximum lens aperture, and Android operating system. Pricing and availability for the UK market for this particular model was still TBA as we went to press.

design is based on its maker’s decade old L1 camera. Memorably described at the launch in Cologne as “the love child of the LC and LX”, this premium unit has done away with a PASM dial but incorporates a Four Thirds sensor – in a first for a non-interchangeable lens compact – while 4K video shooting, Venus Engine 9 processor and a bright f/1.7 maximum aperture should further entice enthusiasts. Available in black and silver, SRP is £799, with availability from this month (October). www.panasonic.co.uk

Your Panasonic Lumix DMC-GM5 sales pitch: premium CSC with eye-level EVF boasting 1166k-dot resolution, NFC, Wi-Fi & QR connectivity 24 October 2014 | BPI News


THOUGHT YOU KNEW THE KODAK APEX? IT'S TIME TO THINK AGAIN. The KODAK APEX has for a long time been the leading photographic dry lab solution for retail stores. Now the best has just got better. The new APEX is not only amazingly cost effective but it is more powerful, offers more functionality and offers even more print sizes. A COMPLETE RETAIL PACKAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1 x New 30” Apex system 1 x 21.5” Widescreen 1 x I5 processor with 16gb ram 1 x Mouse & Keypad 1 x 7000 6 Printer 1 x 7015 5” printer 1 x 8810 8” printer 1 x Label printer (summarizes customer orders) 1 x Flatbed scanner (Print to print) 1 x Operating system latest version, with increased print formats 1 x G4Xl 21.5” Widescreen Order station kiosk (new Kiosk with faster processor and widescreen) 1 x D4600 - new Photo Book printer for 8x4, 8x6, 8x8, 8x12 D/sided printing) 1 x Delivery 1 x Installation by Engineer 1 x Onsite training 1 x Marketing support POS

ONLY £15,599 ex VAT Please note additional charges may apply dependent on geographical location. In addition, some print options may require a software update to the latest version.

A FULL RETAIL SOLUTION TO PRODUCE ALL THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS. Double Sided Photo Books - 8 x4, 8x6, 8x8 and 8x12 Print formats - 5x3, 5x4, 5x5, 5x5wb, 5x7, 5x7.5, 6x4d, 6x4, 6x6, 6x6wb, 8x6, 8x8, 8x8wb, 8x10 and 8x12.

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BPI News | October 2014 25 www.tetenaluk.com


PEN range re-positioned, E-M1 upgraded in silver Olympus’ new PEN strategy targets the female user and blogger, while customers of both sexes are targeted with its Image Space events (see blue box)

Bring on the girls… David Ivins (centre, pink shirt) and trade-facing team from Olympus showcase the new ‘female friendly’ PEN E-PL7 at its Image Space launch event


lympus is claiming a new strategy to engage with “different customer needs in a declining market of low margins” according to its opening address at this year’s Photokina exhibition. Adding that CSC is the only sector witnessing growth and that we need to stop heavy discounting of our products, it is now looking to address target groups who could be the photographers of the future and concentrate on a smaller, more focused line up. Looking to position the ‘PEN’ series as a status symbol lifestyle product to an even greater extent, the 16 megapixel E-PL7 (selfie shot, below) was announced two weeks prior to the big show, hot on the heels of the previous month’s E-PL6, but promising a slightly bigger upgrade this time.

Claiming at the London launch that “CSC is stable, what is going down is the price points,” Olympus UK’s Director of Consumer Business Dave Ivins admitted that the company had probably lost a bit of focus on the PEN because of the success of the OM-D.

Suggesting that: “90% of interchangeable lens sales are to men,” the manufacturer’s targeted consumer group for the E-PL7 is women, and newly presented ambassadors include fashion blogger Laetitia Wajnapel who posts online as Mademoiselle Robot. The E-PL7 is pitched as possessing “uncompromising build quality and style,” as well as its features such as an LCD touch screen that, unusually, flips downward to face the subject rather than upwards. “The selfie phenomenon has swept the globe,” Olympus noted, ‘so the E-PL7 has a dedicated selfie mode”. Additionally we get a new ‘partial colour’ Art Filter as well as a ‘Vintage’ filter to achieve that Instagram look, part of a selection of 14 in total. A full metal body, Live Guide mode, 3-axis image stabilisation and Wi-Fi round out the list of features. Availability is from now in white, silver or black for £499 SRP including a pancake-style 14-42mm zoom lens. In Cologne Olympus followed up with an unveiling of a new silver version of its OM-D E-M1 to join the existing black, which it claimed was introduced at the request of customers. There is also new Firmware 2.0 for the camera that allows for tethered shooting in the studio, the addition of two new ‘Art’ filters in Partial Colour and Vintage, as on the E-PL7, a Live Composite mode enabling the capture of star trails, and digital shift shooting for architectural photography. In tandem there is also a new M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm f/2.8 Pro lens (top right) plus new 1.4x teleconverter zoom lens the MC-14, which like the camera itself is splash and dust proofed. For more on all the above visit the URL below.

New 40-150mm ƒ2.8 Pro and converter, with silver OM-D E-M1

Above: Circus portrait of Nancy Landry. Top right: Damian & Olympus’ Clare Voyle

Olympus runs away to the circus THE DAY after BPI News got back from Photokina we were at Giffords Circus in the picturesque Cotswolds for an Olympus-organised session for photographer customers of all skill sets, affording the opportunity to get hands on with OM-D bodies and lenses – with the chance to win an E-M10 at the end of it! Advice and a portrait shoot demo from the self styled ‘Big Dog’ himself, photographer and brand ambassador Damian McGillicuddy, was an obvious additional draw. There was also the fact that the 100 attendees had the chance to photograph circus performers under a real-life big top, performing eye-catching extracts from their latest epic production. The day’s finale was an extended portrait session with Mr McGillicuddy and performer Nancy Trotter Landry in Grecian goddess attire, with Damian building an impromptu portable studio set in the midst of the circus ring using a simple combination of Speedlights to both flattering and dramatic effect. Such promotional activities are an extension of what Olympus is already doing at its Image Space venue in London – namely allowing photographers to get hands on with its products with the ultimate aim of driving footfall to photo specialists and selling kit. www.olympus.co.uk

For more on Olympus products head to www.olympus.co.uk and for similar events head to www.olympus-imagespace.co.uk 26 October 2014 | BPI News

M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12mm 1:2.0. Image courtesy of Eugene Palomado.

GET A GRIP + £150 LENS CASHBACK! Claim a bonus grip* worth £189.99 with the award-winning Olympus OM-D E-M1 & get a further £150 cashback when you purchase selected additional M.Zuiko lenses. *On redemption when you purchase any E-M1 body or kit. Additional lens purchase must be from same reseller as the E-M1 purchase within 30-days. Offer valid until 09/01/15. While stocks last. Terms and conditions apply. Pickup a leaflet in-store or visit olympus.co.uk/promotions for further details.

BPI News | October 2014 27


Fujifilm & Swains take show on the road


here are new ‘stop press’ dates for your October Diary as Swains will be joined by Fujifilm for two roadshows on Tuesday 7th Oct at the Holiday Inn, Paisley and Thursday 9th Oct at the Holiday Inn, Runcorn very soon after BPI News goes to press! Fujifilm will be helping demonstrate its Quick Print Station, the counter top instant photo and passport printer. It will also be showing the new Frontier S Dry Lab, a scalable photo lab solution as well as the Frontier DL650 Drylab, a full photo retail solution and an ideal upgrade package for existing silver halide lab owners. Additionally Fujifilm will be demonstrating Fujifilm Imagine kiosks installed with new Imagine software. With camera phones now capturing more images than ever before Fujifilm believes it has the answer to turning many of these into prints or gifts by simply downloading their latest mobile app. See for yourself how the new Imagine software provides a seamless photo solution for in-store, on-line and mobile applications. Also find out what’s new in wide format printing with a demo of the Epson 7890 24inch wide format printer. Fujfilm’s marketing and business support team will be on hand to answer any questions about its FDIS marketing support program for the high street photo retailer. Swains will be also showing its full range of cameras and promises ‘something for everyone’ to ensure your customers are enticed by that ideal Christmas gift – including the

Roll up, roll up, as Fujifilm joins Swains roadshows on October 7th and 9th in Paisley and Runcorn, while yet another FDIS member finds support leads to retail success…

The newly-acquired Ossett Print Solutions premises during shopfitting with signage and Fujifilm branding to bring in the customers. New interior, left.

latest action cameras for the sports enthusiast. It will be showcasing its complete range of frames too, along with albums and many new photo gift ideas. If any retailer is looking to buy a new mobile or replace their existing camera phone, Swains also will have the latest range of PAYG from Vodafone and will be showcasing some exciting Christmas promotions. In related news Swains has also been appointed the distributor of Brio e-cigarettes and will be showing the full range from disposable to vapour tanks and oils. Both trade shows open at 2pm and will run through to 8pm. So, if you fancy taking home a free Fujifilm Quick Print kiosk worth over £1,400 just register on line at: www.swains.co.uk and pop along on the day and you could be the lucky winner!

FDIS proves an asset for Ossett IN RELATED news, Ossett Print Solutions (formerly Osset Photographic Centre) in Wakefield, a Fujifilm Digital Imaging Service member since 2009, recently located to new, much larger premises (above) in a prime location in the middle of the market area of the town, and has been fully supported by Fujifilm in the process. As owner Alkesh Vardia says: “We really struggled to merchandise and promote our products and services well previously and a name change on the fascia was needed, with the emphasis on prints. With Fujifilm’s help the shop is doing brilliantly - sales have increased by approximately 40%. We now have the inclusion of a studio on the ground floor, and this has made a huge difference as it was upstairs before. Our customer base has increased by around 50% as the position has a much greater footfall and street presence. Frames sales have increased considerably and our half price canvas print promotion is proving to be a real winner.” Peter Wigington, Marketing Manager at Fujifilm UK Ltd, says: “Moving premises isn’t possible for everyone. But, like Alkesh, taking a step back and thinking of new ways to improve your in-store merchandising, refreshing display areas, and making more of a showcase for your products and services can really help increase sales.” Get in touch with Peter to boost your own business on 01234 572138 or email pwigington@fuji.co.uk

For further info on FDIS and Fujifilm’s range of photofinishing products and services, contact photoimaging@fuji.co.uk 28 October 2014 | BPI News

Photo Gifts


Albums & Frames


65% MARGIN *


from cameras & mobile phones

Canvas & Posters

Passports & Visas










For more information please call

01234 572138

and speak to Peter Wigington or email pwigington@fuji.co.uk BPI News | October 2014

*Gross margins shown are an average across all FDIS stores and will vary depending on selling price. These figures are shown as a guide only and do not represent a guarantee of gross margin, profit or loss by Fujifilm UK Ltd.



Photographic British



Sony RX100 Mk III


Ilford back in business at Photokina


ometimes you don’t need a big camera to get a big result. Or at least that’s the pitch behind the Sony RX100 Mark III with its one-inch sensor, which joined the prior RX100 and RX100 II models in its line up over the summer rather than replacing them. Once again this is a premium pocket-sized camera with a superb low light performance, thanks to an aperture range that goes from a bright/fast f/1.8 at the wide-angle end to a still respectable f/2.8 at the telephoto end. The actual lens reach of the RX100 III may be modest, stretching from a 35mm equivalent 24-70mm and offering the equivalent of a 2.9x optical zoom – but then again this one is all about delivering the best compromise between compactness and picture quality. Resolution here is 20.1 effective megapixels – pretty much the standard for Sony’s range. Image processing is taken care of by a latest generation Bionz X processor, the same as found in Sony’s Alpha DSLRs and SLT. Anyone choosing this one as an occasional alternative to a larger camera will be fairly served. Image wise, at its best we get results that at one time would have required an SLR, thanks to some decent glass at the front. As with handful of premiumend competitors with lens rings surrounding the zoom, as is the case here also, such a feature affords a degree of hands-on control usually missing from consumer compacts – including the ability to toggle back and forth to focus manually if desired. The sticking point perhaps for anyone who isn’t a semi pro or dedicated enthusiast is the cost. £700 would otherwise buy us a very competent mid range DSLR or a high-end compact system camera – both of which would allow us to swap the lens on the front, which we can’t do with the RX100 MK3, and arguably offer your customers more versatility and flexibility in the long run. But, even on the dullest of days, the RX100 MK3 holds its own, squeezing bags of detail to every 3:2 default aspect ratio frame, along with some attractively well-saturated tones. That bright maximum aperture does the job of selectively blurring the background and bringing detail to the fore for a 3D-like effect, while regular gripes such as pixel fringing affecting images where bright skies contrast with dark foreground aren’t an annoyance here. In short though, funky features like flip up LCD screen, pop up viewfinder and pop up flash enhance the usability of this third generation model, which seeks to offer the best of all worlds. As a recommendation to your customers looking for pocket-sized proportions yet power with it, you can’t go far wrong. www.sony.co.uk


ollowing months of rivals releasing replacements for popular Ilford inkjet media, Tetenal’s Marketing Manager Craig Bird confirmed to BPI News last month that the rumours were true: ILFORD branded inkjet paper is returning to the market, and that the distributor will be exclusive distributor for the UK. “It was great to see that Ilford were back in force at the recent Photokina show; the scale of their stand showed their intent to recapture this market and deliver their world class products once again,” enthuses Phil Barker, Tetenal Sales Manager. “The stand was buzzing with positive comments from end users and resellers from all over the world. After the show I spoke with Arnoud Mekenkamp the managing director for Ilford and he was blown away by the positive comments he had received and was very enthusiastic about Ilford’s future.” Ilford trademarks and associated assets were recently purchased by a partnership consisting of Tokyo-based Chugai Photo Chemical Co Ltd and CR Kennedy and Company of Melbourne, Australia. A new company, Ilford Imaging Europe GMBH has been established as a joint venture between the two. A we reported in our September issue of BPI News, Tetenal will be stocking a large proportion of the previously available Ilford range including its Gold Fibre Silk, Smooth Pearl, Smooth Gloss and Gold Mono Silk papers as well as Prestige Metallic Gloss and two canvas products. The main points to note, Craig tells us, are that these will be competitively priced, will feature the same codes and packaging as before plus will have additional complementary products added to the line up in 2015. New swatch books and marketing materials will also be made available. www.tetenaluk.com

See your company and your products featured in BPI News – email info@bpinews.co.uk 30 October 2014 | BPI News

Introducing the new Samsung NX1 SMART CAMERA with UHD 4K video.

· Redefine image quality with the 28MP BSI APS-C CMOS sensor · Hybrid AF with 205 phase detection, 209 contrast detection and 153 cross-type sensor points · Fast and precise continuous shooting up to 15fps at full resolution · Capture fast-moving action with exquisite clarity at 1/8000 sec. shutter speed · Breathtaking 4K UHD video recording in HEVC (H.265) format · Lifelike and realistic EVF that comes on in 0.005 seconds · Highly durable dust and splash proof magnesium alloy body

See page 6 for more details BPI News | October 2014


Your stories. Your life.

What’s your KODAK MOMENT? We take millions of pictures each day, but only very few capture those exceptional moments that stay with us our entire lives. Moments of happiness, moments of love, moments of surprise – moments, no matter how big or small, which are unique for everyone, moments for eternity – real KODAK MOMENTS. We strive to inspire people to record their experiences, to share them, and to relive them again and again. Visit us at Photokina and immortalise your personal KODAK MOMENT!

32 October 2014 | BPI News

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®2014 Kodak Alaris Inc. The KODAK and Kodak MOMENT trademarks and Kodak trade dress are used under license from Eastman Kodak Company.

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