ADHD Brochure

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Improving attention span and concentration o


Handle the hyperactivity o



Appoint buddy /buddies who are willing to help, guide and assist them in their school work and social activities. Don’t forget to praise those buddies to reinforce their contributions in helping ADHD pupils. Use real-life examples to make lessons fun. ADHD pupils learn better with real-life examples compared to abstract things. For example, teach Mathematics using money. Child will appreciate and understand why then they have to learn addition and subtraction.

Allow the ADHD child to have some physical activity before or during class e.g. a few minutes of exercises before the start of lessons, allow him to help carry the books, erase the board, or go to the water cooler. Teach the ADHD child to realize that there are places where he can be more active and places where he is expected to be less active. Moderation is the key to handling hyperactivity, which is, intersperse high and low physical activities on a daily basis.

Useful websites on ADHD Society for the Promotion of ADHD Research and Knowledge: Online ADHD newsletter: Grace Orchard School: www. MCYS: Mailing groups: Understanding ADHD:

Useful address •

Handle the impulsive behaviour o

While waiting for their turn, involve them in, or allow them to do some other activities (ask them questions about the surroundings, give them a picture book, etc). o Set rules on answering questions (e.g. raise hands before raising question, no more than three questions per classroom period). •

Make examination easier. o o o

Clinic Guidance Clinic (CGC) – for Primary & Sec School Health Promotion Board Building 3 Second Hospital Avenue #03-01. S (168937) Tel : 64353878/9 website : Student Care Service (SCS) SCS Clementi Centre: Blk 437 Clementi Ave 3 #01-98. S (120437) Tel : 67786867; Fax: 6775432

Asperger PDD

Syndrome Rett Syndrome

Learning to learn centres – Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation Kovan MRT Centre: Blk 221 Hougang St 21 #01-90. S (530221) Tel : 64873430; Fax: 64873432 Email : Website:

Compiled by: MDM NORHAYATI MAJID Email :

Put comprehension passage / graphic stimulus on the page facing the questions. Give ADHD child extra time for the examination. Allow submission of type-written essay since some ADHD children have very poor handwriting. BUKIT PANJANG PRIMARY SCHOOL 109 Cashew Road, Singapore 679676 Tel : 67691912 Fax: 67637462

References: Lee Swee Huat (2006), I’m not naughty: A handbook on Attention / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for parents, care-givers and teachers. (2nd edition) (Spark, 2006) BUKIT PANJANG PRIMARY SCHOOL 109 Cashew Road, Singapore 679676 Tel : 67691912 Fax: 67637462

Dr Teoh Hsien-Jin & Woo Pei-Jun (2003), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Understanding, helping and coping.

What is ADHD?

A child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has difficulty paying attention and staying focused on most tasks. They also tend to be constantly moving about and are very fidgety. As such, ADHD children have problems with PPp learning at school, listening and following parent’s instructions and socializing with their classmates.

In Singapore, a child is usually diagnosed to have ADHD between the ages of seven and ten. Currently treatment is subsidized in government hospitals if the original referral is obtained from the polyclinics. SYMPTOMS: The ADHD child has some of the following symptoms.

after 4 yrs, regression and mental retardation commonly prevalent in females

Fails to pay attention to details or makes careless mistakes in many activities. Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities. Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly. Does not complete tasks. Difficulty organising tasks and activities. Avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort such as homework. Loses things necessary for tasks or activities such as stationary and school assignments. Easily distracted by external stimuli. Forgetful in daily activities.

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Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat. Cannot sit still and often leaves seat. Runs about or climbs excessively in most situations.

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Difficulty with playing or engaging in activities quietly. • Full of energy and constantly moving around. RETT SYNDROME : • Talk excessively. •

normal development from 5 mths-4yrs

o o o •

Blurts out answers before questions have been completed. Difficulty with waiting turn. Interrupts other people’s conversations.

• •

Giving instructions o


Write down instructions in full so that the child has a visual cue to catch his attention. For example write notes or homework on the corner of the board.




Cut down the number of verbal instructions and break down into shorter and smaller instructions. Keep to important points.


o o

Reward more than you punish. Try finding good behaviour to reinforce them. Be specific about your praises. Encourage positive talk. o

Provide structure and routine o

Require students to use a three-ring binder to organise their materials and schoolwork. Be specific about your praises

Remain calm, state what has gone wrong and avoid arguing with the student. Describe what should have been done. Have established consequences for misbehavior.

Improving attention concentration

Provide encouragement o

Another binder for pending homework, completed homework and notes to parents. Provide a place in the classroom for students to turn in their work. Teach students to keep a neat desk. Encourage the use of a checklist.

Provide supervision and discipline o


Hyperactivity: •

Provide structure and routine


General tips for managing students with ADHD



General tips for managing students with ADHD



Train longer attention span by slowly increasing the period of lesson / homework from 10 min to 5, 20, 25 and 30 min with 5 to 10 min breaks in between. Create homework and lessons that are stimulating and interesting. Build simulation into your teaching / revision methods such as intersperse high and low interest activities, listening with hands-on activities use lots of visuals, mnemonic learning strategies, games, competitions, summaries and etc. Teach ADHD child how to use highlighters to circle key words, underline text, draw connecting lines, draw vertical guiding lines, cancellations and summaries effectively. Sit ADHD child in the first few rows near the teacher’s desk, surrounded by model students who can help him.

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