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We celebr ated our End-Of-Year pr ize pr esentation cer emony – BPPS Achiever s’ D ay, on F r iday, 19th N ovember 2010. D r Vivian Balak r ishnan, M inister for Community D evelopment, Youth and Spor ts & M P for H olland-Buk it T imah GRC gr aced this special occasion as our Guest of H onour . We also had the pleasur e of having our School Advisor y Committee member s, M r Chai Chon F ah , M r N eo T iau Gee, M r Rajar am, M r Alex Yeo & M r Wong K K join us, together w ith the pr oud par ents and family member s of our young achiever s. T he cer emony began w ith a speech by our Student Council Pr esident, Vik r am Kasi Kannappan fr om Pr imar y 6L . T her eafter pr ize voucher s w er e pr esented to 249 Achiever s. 3 Students w er e also pr esented cer tificates for Outstanding All Rounder Student Aw ar d (OAR S)-Vik r am Kasi Kannappan (6L ) , Ar vindh C U lagapan (6K), Ranajay Singh Rathor e (6J).

Besides r ecognition for our young achiever s, w e pr esented Par tner s Aw ar ds to 2 of our par tner s; namely, M r s Sher r y Kw ok , CI P coor dinator for our Par ent Suppor t Gr oup and M r Zhao Bo Jun, D ance coach for the M ir age D ance T r oupe. M r s Sher r y Kw ok link ed up w ith or ganisations such as M er cy Relief and SPCA to car r y out fund r aising pr ojects in the school. She initiated this in 2009 and collabor ated w ith M er cy r elief to r aise funds for countr ies hit by natur al disaster s. T his year , she link ed up w ith SPCA, and w ith the assistance of a few other PSG member s, Sher r y, talk ed to pupils dur ing assembly per iods on the impor tance of pr eventing animal abuse. T he pupils w er e ver y excited that they too could help in their little w ays and funds r aised w ent beyond the expected tar get. I n nur tur ing our futur e leader s to be concer ned citizens, w ho better as r ole models than our par tner s – our par ents! M r Zhao Bo Jun has been w ith the school a long time. A ver y dedicated and committed coach, M r Zhao has instilled values such as per sever ance and teamw or k in our pupils in the M ir age D ance T r oupe. H is tr aining sessions ar e r igor ous but the pupils tak e immense pr ide in giving their best in all their per for mances. Wor k ing closely w ith our team of equally dedicated teacher s, M r Zhao, led the M ir age dancer s to w in the ‘Gold w ith H onour s’ aw ar d in the 2010 SYF competition. We thank him for his valued contr ibution to our school.

18 of our teacher s also r eceived L ong Ser vice Aw ar ds (5 & 10 year s) and w e pr esented the Outstanding Contr ibution Awar ds to staff member s fr om both the T eam and I ndividual Categor y.

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All who attended the cer emony wer e delighted by the per for mances by our inhouse talents (Aesthetics gr oups): F estive D r ummer s Choir M ir age D ancer s I ndian Or chestr a Silat Chinese Or chestr a Band Aspir asi D ancer s Vasantham D ancer s M oder n D ancer s Joseph H o of Pr imar y 5K, finalists in the YM CA Plain English Speak ing Aw ar ds. We w er e ver y honour ed to have our guest-of-honour officiated the opening of our ART H U B as well that day. I t w as tr uly hear t w ar ming to see the delightful faces of our achiever s and the pr oud smiles of their par ents. We w ill continue to endeavour in nur tur ing F utur e L eader s and Concer ned Citizens.

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