OCA Nominees 2010

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OCA 2010 Team Category (1) Name of nominated Team

: BPPS Science Buskers

Name of Nominees

: Selena, Kah Yin, May Ling

Nominated by

: Selena Tan

OCA 2010 Team Category (2) Name of nominated Team

: FUNtastic Team

Name of Nominees

: Bryan Ong, Chang May Ling, Catherine Kong, Tan Kah Keong, Cheng Hui Meng, Goh Chin Inn, Soo Bee Li

Nominated by

: Soo Bee Li

OCA 2010 Team Category(3) Name of nominated Team

: P6 ICT Learning Journey

Name of Nominees

: Nicholas Ee, Nazreen, Shyam, Sharita, YeoLiaw, Wai Kee, Chin Fuong, Sze Wei, Sharini, Cheng Yong, Kok Wei, Daniel Ng(IT)

Nominated by

: Lisa Yap

OCA 2010 Team Category (4) Name of nominated Team

: International Friendship Day Org Team

Name of Nominees

: Angela Fock, Ho Mun Yee, Junaidah Senor, Cheng Ying Ying, Chon Yik Mau, Edward Lok, Rahim

Nominated by

: Angela Fock

OCA 2010 Team Category (5) Name of nominated Team Name of Nominees

Nominated by

: NE Committee

: Salha, Junaidah, Peng Kuan, Suharti, Mdm Norhayati, Rashidah, Chong Cheut, Melvin, Rahim, Nazreen, Yee Ming, Lay Yen, Yik Mau, Ravindran, Angela Fock, Mun Yee, Ying Ying, Edward, Suhaily : Tan Yee Ming

OCA 2010 Team Category (6) Name of nominated Team

: Mid-autumn Festival Celebration 2010 Team

Name of Nominees

: All MT Teachers

Nominated by

: Irene Lee Siew Siew

OCA 2010 Team Category (7) Name of nominated Team

: Oral Competence Programme

Name of Nominees

: Daniel, Rebecca, Raihanah, Yulanda

Nominated by

: Daniel Ng

OCA 2010 Team Category (8) Name of nominated Team

: P2 B’Day Bonding

Name of Nominees

: All P2 teachers

Nominated by

: Mrs Rahman, Ms Naadiah, Ms Chen, Ms Toh, Ms Cheng, Mdm Idayu & Ms Pang

OCA 2010 Team Category (9) Name of nominated Team

: Super ‘On’ P3 and P4 team

Name of Nominees

: All P3 & P4 teachers

Nominated by

: Angela Tan, Tien Wee, Edward and Peng Kuan

OCA 2010 Team Category (10) Name of nominated Team

: P3 Fractionable

Name of Nominees

: Chou Ching Shan, Jessie Tan, Andy Chee, Ng Peng Kuan, Foong Kah Yin

Nominated by

: Chou Ching Shan

OCA 2010 Team Category (11) Name of nominated Team

: P5 Learning Journey

Name of Nominees

: P5 Form Teachers, Rahim, Edmund, Fang Ying , Cat Ravi

Nominated by

: Bernice & Kah Keong

OCA 2010 Team Category (12) Name of nominated Team

: Singapore Kindness Movement

Name of Nominees

: Ravi, Chong Chuet, Rashida, Ying Ying, Othman

Nominated by

: Chong Cheut & Ravi

OCA 2010 Team Category (13) Name of nominated Team

: Sony Creative Innovists

Name of Nominees

: Selena, Noni, Jody, Kah Keong,Annie, Aisha Rahman,Nicholas,Alina h,May ling,Kah Yin, Daniel Ng,,Tien Wee, Sharin


: Selena Tan

OCA 2010 Team Category (14) Name of nominated Team


Name of Nominees

: Norlina, Nor Farhani, Nur Raihanah, Shaifudin, Yulanda

Nominated by

: Norlina, Nor Farhani, Nur Raihanah

OCA 2010 Team Category (15) Name of nominated Team

: Mathematics Learning Centres (MLC)

Name of Nominees

: Norhashimah, Nadiya Endang, Soo Bee Li

Nominated by

: Soo Bee Li

OCA 2010 Team Category (16) Name of nominated Team

: A picture speaks a thousand words

Name of Nominees

: Saravanan , Weini, Angela Fock, Hazlina, Mun Yee, Othman, Lydiana, Norlina, Nadiah

Nominated by

: P1 Teachers

OCA 2010 Team Category (17) Name of nominated Team

: As Easy As 123

Name of Nominees

: Naadiah, Mrs Rahman, Ying Ying, Ms Pang, Felicia, Idayu, Hui Meng

Nominated by

: P2 Teachers

OCA 2010 Team Category (18) Name of nominated Team

: Student Leadership Committee

Name of Nominees

: Othman, Ying Ying, Mr Chou, Yati Majid, Viola, Chong Cheut, Shariffa,

Nominated by

: Shariffa & Ravi

OCA 2010 Team Category (19) Name of nominated Team

: STELLAR Weller

Name of Nominees

: Suharti, Rebecca, Edward, Junaidah, Lin Fang, Bryan & Kah Keong

Nominated by

: Suharti & Rebecca

OCA 2010 Team Category (20) Name of nominated Team

: Team BYOC

Name of Nominees

: Edmund, Edward, Suhaily, Rahim & Riad

Nominated by

: Riad & Roslie

OCA 2010 Team Category (21) Name of nominated Team

: In-house Music Programmes for P1-6

Name of Nominees

: Felicia, Winnie, Fang Ying

Nominated by

: Fang Ying

OCA 2010 Team Category (22) Name of nominated Team

: Audit Bravo

Name of Nominees

:Neo Hwee Koon, Irene Yeong, Lee Kwee Eng, Sharon Loh, Teresa Quah, Vivian Tan

Nominated by

: Hwee Koon

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