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Brainy heard his father lament about the purchase he made of the token in the baker’s business as the baker was in bed with a mysterious illness,

‘Why did I not choose to partner with the carpenter?’ he sighed.

‘But dad,’ Brainy protested, ‘the carpenter is not an honest man. He cut corners, you said’

Brainy helped his father to remember.

‘Ah! A crooked fellow is better than a dead fellow’ replied he without even looking at his son.

But Brainy was not convinced.

It was only a year back that he heard the following conversation at the same kitchen table between his parents.

‘They have found a way to boost the economy of the village'

‘How are they proposing to do that?’ Mother asked with intent

‘Business owners are going to issue tokens, which anyone can buy, thereby making them part owners in that particular business’ Mother and son looked perplexed, so Father explained,

‘Bakery-token can be bought by paying money to the baker, in return, the baker will share with you and other token holders the profit he is going to earn in the future’ They digested this information, as Mother continued,

‘So, the tailor, carpenter and others can sell us tokens, and use the money to buy tools and equipment for their business and then share their profits with us.’

‘Wow,’ said Brainy, ‘for a reasonable price that we pay now we can get profits for a long time to come from a wonderful business run by an honest and competent person’

Mother and Father glanced at each other amused that their little one understood all this.

From that day on Brainy was hooked. And as he was replaying this conversation vividly in his mind, his thoughts were interrupted as he heard his father speak,

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