This Is Queensborough - April 2021

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As the wife of a small business How can we help these people so businesses in the community. owner in Queens, I’ve seen firsthand they don’t lose their homes, their New York cannot wait five years how this pandemic has affected busi- children or what little savings they to spark this growth. We need it nesses like my husband’s throughout may have? now. the borough. One of Governor Andrew CuoTake education for example. But hardworking mo’s budget propos- As a participant in the National local business owners als - awarding new full Early Learning Fellowship with the like him and his brother casino licenses - would National Conference of State Legkeep doing it because help New Yorkers, islatures, and as the parent of stuthey love their craft especially communi- dents in Queens, I know firsthand (pizza!), and their loyal ties of color, recover the importance of improving the customers at Elegante economically. Resorts outcomes for all children across the Restaurant and PizzeWorld exemplifies the state and how this makes the future ria. type of casino operator better for all New Yorkers. Other locally owned that should receive the Over the last ten years, Resorts and operated small Stacey Pheffer Amato full license. World has generated $3 billion for the Assembusinesses like Lisena represents Resorts World is New York’s public schools, and with bly’s 23rd District Landscaping, Rockauniquely positioned to a full gaming license that contribuway Beach Broadcastgrow jobs in the imme- tion would increase significantly. ing Company or the Sincede Hair diate short-term, generate muchAgain, during a time when Salon understand that without the needed revenue for New York State, resources for schools are scarce, support of the community, they and further support the local small Resorts World is uniquely posiwouldn’t be where they are. They understand what it takes to be a community partner and how important it is to connect with your neighborhood. With the City Council’s recent sey awarded a design contract in And we are fortunate to have a approval of the Special Flushing February to renovate the Flushing true community partner and eco- Waterfront District, along with Bay Promenade. As part of the nomic anchor in another one of our other positive news for the neigh- LaGuardia AirTrain project, the neighbors: Resorts World New York borhood, Flushing is poised to Port Authority will make “signifiCity. reach new development heights cant upgrades” along the 1.4-mile In the close to ten years that post-COVID. promenade, including improved it’s been open, Resorts World has The area’s recent real green space and amebecome part of the fabric of the com- estate boom may have nities. munity, supporting those in need and been tempered someActivity has continempowering others to make a differ- what by the pandemic, ued on a number of ence through a new initiative known but a number of excitother developments as the “Good Neighbor Network.” ing projects are moving throughout Flushing The Good Neighbor Network forward as life begins despite the pandemic. serves to inspire, empower, and to return to normal. Permits were filed in advocate for social and economThe most transformaNovember for a sevenic good in Queens and throughout tive of these is the Spestory residential buildNew York State. cial Flushing Watering at 38-20 Parsons Richard Xia is In Albany, I’m known as an out- front District, which Boulevard, with plans president of Fleet spoken advocate for our hardwork- will include 1,700 for 175 residences and Financial Group. ing families, many of whom have apartments and 879 close to 39,000 square been hit hard over the last year. hotel rooms, along with feet of community Many are out of work or struggling retail and public space designed to space. to get by. serve the local community. Furthermore, a proposed 14-story I’m also a member of the WomTotaling 13 buildings on 29 acres commercial building at 37-16 en’s Issues Task Force, because I of land, the $2 billion mixed-use Union Street would total 207,239 understand the need to empower development will also benefit square feet on what is currently a women in our communities. The the neighborhood by connecting vacant lot. majority of single parents are moth- Downtown Flushing to the FlushRecent acquisitions in the neighers who have lost more jobs than ing Creek waterfront. borhood have included the purchase men or were forced to quit during In another boon to the area’s ris- of 133-25 37th Avenue for $60 milthe pandemic because they didn’t ing quality of life, the Port Author- lion in February 2020. The one-acre know how else to handle child care. ity of New York and New Jer- lot allows 205,000 buildable square

tioned to elevate its support. Let’s empower them to do exactly that. As an assemblywoman, it is my job to advocate for a better future for the people of Queens. They’re a resilient and diverse group of hardworking people. They rebuilt after Hurricane Sandy and now, almost nine years later, they’re building back again after a different sort of disaster. But we all know, you can’t just rebuild, we need to make sure we are building back better and in a way that is inclusive. By allowing Resorts World to convert to a full casino, it’s a critical step toward a brighter future for everyone in Queens: from the first grader to the high school graduate to the parents to the small business owner and beyond.



feet and could be developed into a mixed-use project with residential, retail, and hotel space. Another project that remained active during the pandemic was Eastern Mirage at 42-31 Union Street. Scheduled to debut in mid2021, the design-driven luxury hotel offers a range of amenities including an indoor pool, fitness center, meeting rooms and business center, as well as a full-service restaurant and bar. Additional developments planned for the neighborhood are Kissena Center, a 244-unit mixed-use residential project at 46-15 Kissena Boulevard being developed by Kimco Realty, and a 146-unit apartment building currently in pre-construction at 133-25 37th Avenue. While COVID-19 may have temporarily slowed the Flushing renaissance, continued activity during the pandemic points to an upsurge going forward, especially as vaccinations accelerate throughout the city and life begins to return to normal. For developers and investors who want to capitalize on this growth, now is the time to look for available opportunities in the market.

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This Is Queensborough - April 2021 by BQE Media - Queens Ledger Brooklyn Star Newspaper Group - Issuu