2 minute read
September Meeting Programme / Judy Matheson Tribute
from Reflections 2021
September Meeting Programme - Zoom Overview
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic our meeting was held through our computers. The program was to educate us on the use of Zoom. It was presented by Diana Carwithen and Debbie Craig to the 31 participating members.
Debbie shared her screen so we could see the icons as she discussed their purposes. To the far left is the 'Mute' button. By clicking on it you can turn your microphone on or off. The 'mute' can also be controlled from the computer of the Zoom host. Everyone was muted during the meeting to prevent background noises from interfering. By clicking on the 'Participant' button you can indicate a 'yes' or 'no' vote and to raise your hand if you have a question.
The 'Reaction” button allows you to give a 'thumbs up' reaction to something positive during the meeting.
Using the 'Chat' icon allows a member to write a comment to an individual or everyone to see on their screen. This is particularly useful during the critique for Galleria pieces.
Debbie did an excellent job of explaining how to communicate using the Zoom program. It proved to be easier than some of us expected it to be. We also enjoyed how the Galleria critique was handled. We could see the pieces very clearly and could make comments without interrupting Betty.
Our first program and meeting proved to be a positive experience thanks to the hard work and organizing done by Diana Carwithen, Debbie Craig and Barbara Qualley. It's members like these that make our Guild strong. Thank you for making our first Zoom meeting such a success. - Linda Yaychuk

Life Member Judy Matheson
July 4, 1934 - May 4, 2021
Judy left an indelible mark on our Guild during her short 10 year membership. She was the Journal Editor and Treasurer for many years. She loved her craft and was an excellent instructor. Judy was particularly gifted at creating original Celtic knotwork pieces. But Oh! the precise lettering and wonderful quotes were pure Judy. Please visit Issuu to see more of Judy’s work - https://issuu.com/bqualley/docs/judy_matheson