2022 Manager North Retreat Test

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Mortgage Planner Score Test (M.P.S.T.)

Name: Date:

There are four parts to this test. Please complete all four.

Sales Test - Management & Organization Test


Money Test


Life Test

This test is truly an outline of what you feel you need to accomplish on this journey. By signing this test, you agree to continue implementing one thing at a time until your journey is complete.

Signature X

This journey will be completed by hard work, mutual respect, and all parties giving 100% while using clear communication on coaching calls, private calls, office visits and bonding with others.


1. I average $2-25 million monthly as a Lender or 4-25 sides at $7,500 as a Real Estate Agent.

2. I see 12 people face to face every week

3. I send 20 thank you cards every week

4. I have 4 Break Breads with influential people every week

5. I talk to 70 people every week

6. I have a 10-person whale list that I work weekly

7. I have a Top 50 Favorite VIP list, A, B C and I call 15 per week.

8. I mail to my database of at least 400 contacts once every month

9. I call all past clients to do annual reviews four years back.

10. I have a Top 50 Favorite Past Clients list, and I call 12 per week

11. I generate 50 leads per month.

12. I perform Tuesday Update Calls for all my clients and referral sources every week

13. I send 1,000 video emails per month as a Lender or 500 as a Real Estate Agent.

14. I have two channel accounts that send me 10 deals each per year

15. I call all 5 daily themes weekly.

16. I do a Happy Hour every month

17. I spend four hours per day selling and prospecting for new business.

18. I survey every client and receive a minimum score of 8 out of 10 on 90% of my surveys

19. I hold or attend one group training or seminar every month

20. I send birthday cards to my Top 50 Past Clients and Top 50 Favorite VIP list

Please Circle

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

possible “Yes” scores for this section: 20 Your score
17 – 20: You are doing the work and your income should be $250,000 – $1 million.
12 – 16: You are on your way and your income should be $125,000 – $300,000.
under 12: You probably should find a new job.

II. Management & Organization

1. My yearly and 5-year goals are laminated and in my office.

2. I have a team outing or luncheon every month

3. Everyone has their 3 main jobs.

4. I have a daily team meeting with checklists.

5. I have detailed job descriptions and contracts for each team member’s position

6. My team vision and mission are enlarged, framed, and hanging on the wall.

7. I have attended Rapport Leadership 1

8. My assistant, LP, or automated service handle all my scheduling.

9. I have a welcome board for all guests

10. I have a structure pipeline meeting every week.

11. I have visited 2 offices of top producers at Element

12. I do the Wheel of Life with my team every year and help them set their goals

13. I do a performance review with all my employees annually.

14. My team is active and in our CRM daily

15. My voicemail lists my call back times.

16. I list only one phone number on all my materials (no cell)

17. My Day-at-a-Glance is printed and on my desk before I arrive every morning and at the end of the day.

18. My desk has a phone, computer, and only one file on it at a time

19. My work appearance is extremely professional. That includes my clothing, shoes, hair, and overall grooming

20. My LP handles all my emails or have a team email that is used effectively.

Total possible “Yes” scores for this section: 20 Your score:

Score 17-20: Awesome – You are building a great, long-term profitable business. You are working under 40 hours per week

Please circle: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Score 12-15: Medium Stress – You are working 45-70 hours per week and don’t have much fun Be a better student.

Score under 12: Havoc and a lot of stress. Check out a new career – you will BURN OUT

III. Money Test

1. I fill out a budget for my household every month with my spouse.

2. I fill out a P&L for my business every month.

3. I save 20% of Column 5 on my Personal Budget every month.

4. I maintain three months of my survival number at all times.

5. My cash net worth is at $1 million.

6. I have one business and one personal credit card.

7. I donate or tithe at least 5% of my taxable income every month.

8. I own at least two properties: my primary and a secondary or rental.

9. I have $500,000 of equity in my properties.

10.I have a fixed mortgage of 80% or less for all my Real Estate.

11.I carry zero debt except for my mortgage

12.I carry 5-10 times my yearly income in fixed term life insurance.

13.I have a Trust and update it yearly.

14.I have maxed out my 401k.

15.I have a non-retirement investment account which I add to monthly.

Please circle:

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Score 12-15: You have arrived! Stay the course – how sweet it is! ☺

Score 9-12: You are on your way. Have fun and lighten up – teach others and you will grow from it.

Score 6-9: Knuckle down, step it up and stay the course. Be a better student!

Score under 6: Danger – Danger – Danger

Total possible “Yes” Scores for this Section: 15 Your Score: ______________

IV. Life Test

1. My partner and I keep all our family and business activities on one calendar.

S- I keep my personal and business activities on one calendar.

2. I take two weekends per month off for myself and family enjoyment.

3. I have breakfast at least three times a week with my family.

S- I have coffee/breakfast/lunch at least twice a week with family or a friend.

4. I eat dinner at least five nights a week with my family.

S- I call 1 family member at least 1 time a week.

5. I spend one-on-one, quality time with each of my children daily

S- I read/listen to one audio weekly on personal or business-related growth.

6. We do an activity as a family weekly.

S- I do an activity weekly that I enjoy.

7. My partner and I go on a date every week.

S- I do one thing weekly to get involved in my community.

8. My partner and I get away alone together two weekends per year.

S- I get away one weekend per year with family

9. I take one recreation trip (guys’ or gals’ weekend) yearly.

10.I spend at least three hours a week pursuing my hobbies.

11.I/We have two full weeks of vacation every year.

12.I have friends outside of work that I call or see monthly.

13.I exercise for at least 30 minutes twice per week.

14.I take time daily to meditate or pray.

15.I have a daily life-improvement practice (read books, affirmations, mentor)

16.I have a weekly spiritual practice like church, small group, or meditating.

17.I perform 10 hours of community service per year.

18.People around me can tell that I love what I do for a living.

19.My life and business are based on Pay It Forward (helping a few people a lot).

20.My work hours are 40 hours or less per week.

If you are single, answer the questions labeled “S” when applicable Please circle: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Total possible “Yes” scores for all 4 sections: 75 Your total score: _______ ÷ .75 = Total: ________ %
Total possible “Yes” Scores for
Section: 20
Score 16-20: You have a well-rounded life and should celebrate it! Score 12-15: You have a decent life, but you’ll have more fun and be happier if you fix a few things. Score 9-11: Your personal life is out of whack and needs your attention. Score under 9: DANGER! Your life is out of balance and many areas are suffering. Make changes immediately!

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