How to Seduce a Woman and Get Laid!

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How to Seduce Women and Get Laid! Presented by Brady Hill

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Table of Contents

How to Seduce Women - Useful Tips to Get a Woman Into YOUR Bed How to Seduce Women Like a Champ! How to Seduce Women by Using Compliments Tips on How to Seduce Women - These 2 Tips You Must Know to Seduce Women The Natural Way to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Seduce Women - Useful Tips to Get a Woman Into YOUR Bed by Chris Tyler No one wants to learn how to seduce women just so they can have better conversations with women, right? You want more than that, you want things to get physical and you want to be able to lead a woman into YOUR bedroom. Plain and simple, you are out for sex. Now, of course that does not mean that this is ALL you want, but it definitely is a part of the equation. For most guys, the best they get is a lot of hit or miss success when it comes to sex and seducing women. They don't really have a clue on why they did good with this woman and why they got shot down with this other one. If you want to get better at attracting and seducing women, then you need to know why things go good and why they go bad. Seduction is not all about getting a woman into bed, but it certainly is a big thing. What happens to most guys when they want to get a woman into bed is, they end up thinking mostly about getting laid and that is what stops them from actually getting the action that they want. Here are a few useful tips on how to seduce women and get women into your bed: 1) Seduction starts with the way that you make a woman feel when she is around YOU. The biggest difference in whether or not you get a woman into bed is how she feels when she is around you. If she feels like you are being friendly as in just a friend, then she is not going to think of you in a sexual way. And if she feels as though the only thing you are trying to do is to get laid, then she is going to feel uncomfortable and want to get away or end the night without you being a part of it. You need to make a woman feel like you are there for more than just friendship AND more than just getting laid. 2) A woman will respond to the way you present yourself most of the time. This is something that really needs to sink in. It does not matter how much money you have in the bank, how many women you have laid in the past, or any of that other stuff. How YOU present yourself to a woman will dictate how she responds to You. You could seriously approach a woman with your last $20 bill in your pocket and still pick her up if you present yourself like you are a highly desirable guy. And you can also be a guy who gets laid all of the time and strike out if on that night you approach a woman thinking she is out of your league. 3) To get a woman into bed, you better be able to read her signs. The way that women are, the way that society dictates they should be... most of them are never going to come right out and tell you that they want to have sex with you. Some will, and it can be cool when they do, but most of the time it's up to you to learn how to read her signs so you know when she is ready to go.

About the Author Discover how to seduce women [] using techniques that will make HER see YOU as the kind of guy she wants to go to bed with... How to Create Sexual Tension [] to Start Attracting Women Like a PRO...

Copyright (c) 2011 Chris Tyler. All Rights Reserved.

How to Seduce Women Like a Champ! by Joe Taylor

Things stale with your relationships and love life? Need to find ways to seduce more women or get your woman into the bedroom? I'm going to provide you with 3 tips that will help you spice things up in your love life and seduce women like the Champ you can be. Each of these 3 tips revolve around seduction. I'm going to hopefully convince you that seduction is easier than you think. It doesn't have to be hard or complicated. Just think about a few things here. Seduction is not just for those who have met someone for the first time and want to get them into their bed right now! It's not just for the club and bars used as a tool to bring a drunken women through your bedroom door. Seduction is for all of us and needs to be used all the time! It is something that one needs to incorporate into their relationships now and into the future; whether you are just dating or are married. Just like a salesman needs to continue to sell to make a living, you need to continue to seduce the one you love in order to have a successful, long life with the other individual. And to have more fun! It's important to understand seduction is more than just some basic grunts and glances. Tip #1 - Seduction is not just about words. It's the emotion behind the words and the ability to aim them right at the heart of the women. They need to grab her, tug her heart strings and arouse her womanhood. It's got to go beyond just saying things like, "Hey baby, wanna come back to the bedroom?" followed up by a wink. Certainly that's better than sitting there staring into space, drooling all over yourself without saying a word to her. It's better than just staring at the television and hoping she'll seduce you. But, you can do better! The reality is you need to spice it up and work on this! Go above and beyond just some basic words and motions... make it interesting. Tip #2 - Get to know your woman and what turns her on. Take the time to set the stage for a seductive play. You don't need to be Don Juan... just be yourself. But you treat her like she is the only woman left on earth. Flatter her. Love her completely. Plan what you're going to say ahead of time... find romantic things to say; not too corny and

don't overdue it. Make it all about her. And make sure what you are saying fits her personality and desires. Tip #3 - Venue... find places and things to do that takes you out of your every day context. You can't expect to always seduce your women while she’s doing the dishes; although it is possible. And you should try. But take time to get out of there! Taking her on a romantic date and to exotic destinations can go a long way to help you set the stage to seduce her. I have my secret getaways that are almost a slam dunk that we are going to bed together that evening; my odds of getting lucky increase dramatically just because we are where we are. The location itself seduces and places her in the state to be ravaged. Think about these simple tips. Incorporate them into your relationships and you will have a lot more fun and keep the spark and romance flowing. -Joe Taylor Get More Free Tips and Advice on " Making Relationships Work [] " (Joe Taylor's Blog). Article Source:

You could be this lucky guy! Can you say... doggy?

How to Seduce Women by Using Compliments by Bobby Roberts Many people have tried to study and uncover the secrets of how to seduce women. Some have taken a scientific approach stating a couple of theories revolving around pheromones and the law of natural selection, while others have devised ways and written detailed guides on the subject. But unknowing to most men, seducing women starts with a combination of the right words said at the right time. By using compliments, you can easily spark a woman's interest in you. Here are just some of the tried and tested compliments that a true man can make work to his advantage. "I find it really interesting to talk to you" Men who have become experts in the game of seduction know that the best way to get your foot in the door is by complimenting her on an attribute that isn't of the physical persuasion. Women in general put a high value on their communication skills. You know how they always seem to like talk a lot? It's because they work very well on the communication level. And if you find a way to drop a compliment or two on how she's exciting to talk to, then you have just earned yourself a few points for being a good listener. She would most likely return your compliment with that. "I am fascinated with how your mind works" Following up the first compliment with this line will definitely earn you major points on the how to seduce women game. This also proves to her that you were really listening to whatever she was saying, even if you actually were just staring at her face and imagining how amazing it would be if you could take her out to a long getaway weekend. That is if you get lucky past the initial meeting. By giving her such a compliment, it lowers down her guard because she was most likely not expecting that specific remark from you, and will earn you even more bonus points because she will then feel that you were paying attention to her. And we all know women live for the attention. "You look great" And once you know you have complimented her inner qualities enough, then it's the right time you start complimenting her appearances. It's a crucial step that you start off with inner beauty first then outer beauty and not the other way around if you don't want to lose in the game on the first approach. But don't get confused just yet. Women love it when men compliment how they look, it makes all the torturous vanity rituals they subject themselves to worth it. But giving her one right after you first meet her just makes you seem like you're just after her body and not her mind. Learning how to seduce women can be considered a game for most men. It requires determination, practice and a clear guide to live by. By knowing how to give sincere and meaningful compliments at the right time, you can make sure that she will want to play the game with you.

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Tips on How to Seduce Women - These 2 Tips You Must Know to Seduce Women by Andy Allensin Female seduction is a topic that may make you feel as though you are confused, out of touch, or just not ready to tackle this subject. For any man that does not really have a lot of past success with women, then you know all too well that it can be simple and easy to talk yourself out of even trying to seduce a woman. One thing that you need to be able to remind yourself of, is that most men do not have the skills to seduce women when they first tackle this area of their life. And that is something that you need to know to remind yourself that you do not have to be an expert at all. Where most men are going to struggle with female seduction is, they are confused as to what it is that really works. This is something that comes about because of the simple fact that most men are not taught anything that has to do with seduction, they just listen to their friends who probably have no clue either. And they also never really go about testing out any techniques to seduce a woman, so that makes it all the more difficult as well. With that being told, what do you think it is that actually will work to help you to seduce a woman? Are there any tips that can help elevate your seduction skills right away? Tip on How to Seduce Women # 1 Pick up lines that make you feel uncomfortable or routines that make you feel fake do not have to be used at all. Now, you must be able to get rid of your comfort zones to get better with women. That much is inherently true. However, you also need to look at the fact that many pick up lines and routines are going to be a little bit out of sync with who you are and what makes you comfortable. You do not have to use all of them, and if there are any that really make you feel uncomfortable you can take a pass on them. The problem with using techniques and routines that make you feel really uncomfortable is... that women can tell this and that drops the probability that they will feel the kind of attraction that you are trying to make them feel for you. That's not to say that you can't or should not use lines or routines at all. Even though I am much more inclined to recommend that you use natural techniques to attract and seduce women, learning a few lines or routines can have it's place and it can help you to see some success with women. Just don't assume that there are certain ones that you absolutely have to use, because that's just not the case at all. Tips on How to Seduce Women #2 Remember that you do not have to be 100 percent effective to have fun. I don't really know of any guy who can close literally any woman that he wants to. Even when it seems that way, there are always going to be women who for whatever reason are not going to be enticed by you. I mean, if you really think that some guys can close every woman, just take them out to Hollywood and point out the hottest actress and see if they can do it. Chances are... they can't. And that is okay, because you really do not have to be able to win

with every woman to have a good time. All you can do is learn what did not work, think about why it did not work, and then adapt so that the next time you might get better results. Without some rejection, some failure, you will never be able to bounce back and get better. And that is part of the process of learning how to seduce women.

About the Author Do you want to learn more about how to seduce women and end up with the girl you want to be with? Go to: How to Get a Date if you are lonely and want a date now.

Game On!

The Natural Way to Attract and Seduce Women by Janelle Elizabeth To be effective in relating to women, you should learn to act natural around them. This is really hard especially with shy guys. You have seen many times how bad boys can get and attract women easily and yet no matter what you do you always end up receiving negative response from girls. This is indeed unfair that most women are attracted to cheaters and player types of guys. The top secret of men who are girl magnets is being selfish. Men that are selfish reflect a very masculine image that usually seduces women. Since they feel superior to others, they have no worries in interacting with other people especially girls. Confidence becomes natural with them and they become unafraid of rejections. Shy men should really master this trait in order to impress women.

There are plenty of ways to be one of the tough guys. First, you need to be an authoritative man. Girls really love meeting this type of men. Be like this and girls will start treating you with respect. If women know that they cannot step all over you then they can willingly surrender their powers to you. Another tip to achieve this manly personality is trying to be arrogant. At least act like one if this is really not one of your major traits. Usually women love it when guys treat them as their only ones. Please do not satisfy them with that and change your style this time. Try not to call the girl you like every day and show her that you are not too interested in her. It is like playing mysterious and letting her chase you instead. This may be very useful and it can definitely be worth the try. Another thing to consider doing is acquiring some bad traits somehow. Be careful not to over portray this, though. Do this in moderation and women will find you fun and sexy. Another huge reason to do this is women really love reforming bad boys. They become attracted to guys with these unpleasant traits because they find it very challenging. You become more intriguing in their eyes. This can be your most awaited portal to reach the woman's world. All of these suggestions are pointing to one important realization. You do not need to be shy in showing the real you. Act as if you don't care what other people might say or think of you. Try not to be too conscious and too afraid of rejection. This is only way to achieve success with women. Be brave and stop being the shy type person and you will eventually see how women will look at you differently.

About the Author This is an unusual method to attract women. Do not be shy to reveal how you truly feels toward the woman you love. Act natural and you might have a greater chance of winning your girl's heart. Show more challenging traits because most women like it more when they are around tough men. To get more outstanding ways to get the woman you desire, visit us at []

************************************ Well guys, I hope you've picked up a few helpful tips on how to seduce a woman and get laid. For those of you who want to learn a LOT more on the subject, I strongly encourage you to check out the valuable resource below. It is an EXCELLENT, in-depth program that will teach you EXACTLY how to get that hot chick you've been after right between the sheets with you! Check it out now!

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