How to win a man's heart and everything that goes with it!

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How to Win a Man's Heart and everything that goes with it! Presented by Brenda Hill

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Table of Contents

This Secret Will Show You How to Capture a Man's Heart How to Win the Man of Your Life and Make Him Yours How To Keep Your Man – Communication How to Keep a Man Interested in You! 3 Must Read Tips How to Keep a Man Interested - 5 Secret That Works! 4 Ways How To Keep A Man Glued To You

This Secret Will Show You How to Capture a Man's Heart by Rojan Millian This article is targeted to those women who want to get an edge on influencing men to fall in love with them.. Too many women have the false conception that love is based on good looks. With all the beautiful women out there you must assume that there is not a shot out there for you, however how many beautiful women are dateless all the time? How a man feels about you goes much further than what you look like. It truly is about what you bring out from the inside. Using your feminine energy you can have a serious attractive power over any man you choose to attract. One very important part is having a full understanding of what men are looking for then giving them that so they can feel deep desire then love for you. While it is way more complicated to understand women, men on the other hand are a lot easier to understand. Men for the most part want very similar things which gives a woman an advantage in learning and understanding what they want. The first thing that you need to know about men is that they like feeling in control in a relationship and like being with women they feel need them. The average man would be very turned off by a woman who is too independent because he would feel not needed. It's important that you show the man how much you need him and how much you admire his strong, independent nature. A woman should always be mindful to allow the man to be a man in the relationship. It helps them feel more satisfied and by doing so you can win the heart of the person you love. The next thing you want to focus on is your outward appearance. When a woman emphasize her feminine appeal, no matter how beautiful, she is able to capture any man. Do all that you can to keep yourself at your best where appearance is concerned when you are with that person you want to attract. This will definitely attract him and make him want you. The third thing to practice is to give subtle hints of how much you need him. By using certain seduction techniques you can make the man you are attracted to fall deeply in love with you. Men in general love being around woman who express this feminine aspect of themselves. And, finally to all of these steps you want to never forget to compliment the man you want. Compliments work just as well on men as they do on women. By making sure you compliment him, he will know that you're really into him. By practicing these tips you will certainly get an edge on men and increase their feelings for you.

About the Author Attract men by increasing your own magnetic field. You have the power to influence anyone to fall in love with you by influencing how they feel. Your ability to attract men can increase greatly with a few techniques, all of which you can learn.att

How to Win the Man of Your Life and Make Him Yours by Teecee Go If you are looking for a marriage relationship and have even found a suitable guy, there is one question that may keep bothering you. What should I do to make him wholly mine? You may wonder. This question may bother you even more in case your boyfriend seems to have no interest in pushing things any further than they are at present. Are you going to wait forever for him to make the proposal? Isn't there anything you can do in order to speed up the process? Yes, there is. So long as you know how to go about it, you will be able to make your boyfriend think of establishing a more lasting relationship with you. Here are some of the things that will help you in this effort. You are not alone If you are facing the issue of a non committal boyfriend, you should take heart, as this situation is more common than you realize. This therefore means that there is really nothing particularly wrong with either you or your boyfriend. Rather, it is something that tends to take place naturally. Consider your focus Nearly every woman who would like a man to commit to a life-long relationship will push every other thing at the back of her mind. This issue tends to become her focal point. Unfortunately, this is something that can scare off your boyfriend. No man would enjoy a feeling of being trapped, yet this is what he may feel in case you dream of is to make him yours. All you seem to think about is getting married to him. If the man gets the idea that you are pushing him towards a commitment, you will be more likely to push him away instead. Lead - from the background Men get the thrill out of being hunters. On the other hand, they easily become frightened when they realize that they are the ones being pursued. So although you should take a leading role in shaping your relationship, you will succeed when you do it from the background. Let him have something to chase in you instead. For instance, just make yourself scarce to give him the chance to come after you. Only a man who does not mind losing you will take things easy when there is the risk of your slipping away. On the other hand, if he knows that you are always available; your boyfriend will relax his efforts of making any commitment. Get him out of this comfort by being less available without giving any excuses. Let him realize that you have an independent life that is not tied up with his. Watch your words Talking about your expectations in a marriage will not make your boyfriend decide to go ahead and propose. If you want him to think of marriage, you should not talk about the topic at all. In addition, avoid doing anything that brings the idea of marriage, including the books and magazines that you leave lying around. When you take such specific measures, you will be able to win the man of your life and make him yours. He will then go down on his knees to ask for your hand. About the Author

You have the power within you to win the man of your life and make him yours. Don't just leave it to fate or wait for him to approach you. Get the best surefire strategies that no one is telling you about. You will feel more confident when you visit make a man fall in love

How To Keep Your Man – Communication by Darren G. Burton Without effective communication between you and your partner your relationship will eventually be doomed. Everything else that's good in the relationship will ultimately suffer if the channels of communication are not open. Talk To Us Unfortunately, we men aren't the mind readers many women seem to think and hope that we are. We are just not that gifted. More often than not we need to be told things, straight up and in plain English, for us to get the message and for it to sink in. If something is on your mind, tell us. Don't just walk around presuming our powerful intuition will naturally kick in and we'll tune into the signals. We may pick up on the vibe, but we won't know exactly what it is. The chances of a light clicking on in our minds and the inner voice saying, "Ah ha, I know what it is," are very slim. Once you have decided to talk to your man about something that is on your mind, you then have to decide on the best possible approach bring it up. This will depend on several factors. * The nature of the subject * Your mood and his * The temperament of your partner If the subject of your discussion or concern is of a sensitive nature, particularly for him, then you will have to choose your timing and words very carefully. Maybe even run it by a close friend first preferably one who knows both you and your partner - what it is you want to say to your man, just in case it sounds like it might be coming out all wrong, or could be misinterpreted. If you are upset about something, or angry, try to refrain from announcing the issue while in this frame of mind. Approaching your man when you are angry will more than likely just lead to an argument. If a man feels like he is being verbally attacked (or is about to be) he will naturally go into defensive mode to repel that attack, and anything on your mind that you want to convey will either come out all wrong, or the problem will just be exacerbated. Likewise, if he is in a negative or moody mindset, wait until his mood is lighter before approaching him. Every man varies, as we all know, and that also applies to one's temperament. Some men are very calm

and relaxed, even in the face of adversity. Others are angered easily. Only you know the temperament of your man. Always keep that in mind when bringing up any sort of touchy subject and act accordingly. Be A Good Listener Generally speaking women like to talk more than men. It's just a part of a woman's make up. However, men need to talk and express themselves as well. Sometimes your man will need to vent about the happenings of the day. Or he may have something on his mind that he just needs to get off his chest or bounce off of you. Be a good listener. Be attentive. Even if you don't particularly want to hear about his day at work or whatever, take the time out to listen to him anyway. You don't necessarily need to comment or offer an opinion. Just listen, be genuinely sympathetic or empathetic and let him know that you are always there for him if he needs to speak his mind. Male or female, we all need to know that our partner is there for us in every way, and that they will always have an attentive ear if we need to talk. Feedback and Input If you are with a man who never seeks your input nor respects your feedback, or a man who constantly ridicules you for your feedback and input, then he is not the kind of man you want to keep. Hopefully most readers are not with an egotistical, insensitive brute like that. A regular guy genuinely enjoys and respects feedback from the woman in his life. If he's smart he'll realise that he actually needs it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, male or female, and there are always certain insights a woman can offer a situation that a man just won't see. Real men want you to express your views on things, to tell them honestly what you think. Whether your man agrees with what you have to say or not is irrelevant. The important thing is that you are showing an interest in something he is doing, is planning on doing, or is interested in. If you really don't like something he's made, for example, try to be tactful in saying so. Maybe offer some tips for improvement? If the feedback has some positive element or angle attached to it, it will almost always be well received. Any man worth being with will relish feedback and input from his partner.

About the Author Born in Sydney, Australia, and now living on the Gold Coast, Darren G. Burton has been writing for more than 20 years. He has written numerous full length works of fiction and non-fiction. In addition to his books, he has had many articles and short stories published in major Australian and international publications.

How to Keep a Man Interested in You! 3 Must Read Tips

by Gillian Reynolds

The question of how to keep a man interested in you is one most of us have asked ourselves at some point. Let's face it ladies, finding a man is only one part of the equation. Once you've passed the point of getting him to fall in love with you, it's time to start focusing on how to keep him wanting you long term. Relationships change over time and even though he may be chasing after you today like a lovesick puppy that can certainly change tomorrow, next week or next month. One area that most of us worry over incessantly is other women. The world is full of attractive, vibrant and very desirable women. Your guy probably comes into contact with at least a few of these women on a daily basis. We all know that romance can strike almost anywhere including the workplace. So how do you ensure that your guy stays interested in you and doesn't allow the allure of some other beautiful woman pull his attention away? The key is to show him that there isn't another woman on the face of the earth that can understand him to the extent that you do. That sounds like something of a monumental task, doesn't it? It's actually not at all. There are certain things that any woman can do, in her current relationship that will create an invisible bond between her and the man she loves. Here are just a few examples of things you can do to pull him closer to you and keep him interested forever: Become his number one supporter. Most of us have learned by the time we're entering our twenties that there isn't a perfect man in existence. All men come with a list of positives and negatives. It's very easy to get caught up in pointing out a man's negative attributes. Once you start heading down that slippery slope you know that a break up is probably somewhere on the not-too-distant horizon. Learning how to keep a man interested has a lot to do with overlooking all those negatives and focusing squarely on the positives. Tell him constantly how much you love the special things about him. Point out his best qualities and tell him there isn't another man on the face of the earth who compares to him. Men need to hear this. It

helps them feel better about who they are and if it's coming from the woman they love, that's even better. Be spontaneous and keep him guessing. The man in your life wants you to be exciting, spontaneous and mysterious. He doesn't want to view you as someone who is predictable or boring. Even though it's very easy to fall into a routine of staying home and cuddling on the couch, avoid that at all costs. Plan evenings that he won't be anticipating. Arrange to do things he's never done before whether that's rock climbing or going to the ballet. You just want to ensure that he never knows which direction you'll head next. This is truly one of the very best ways to keep a man interested in you long term. Stay honest and true to him. T here is no faster way to lose a man's interest than to be dishonest with him. Men don't want to invest themselves emotionally in a woman who isn't be completely genuine with him. Don't lie to your guy. It's just as important to stay true and devoted to him. A man's ego takes a major hit if he suspects that his woman is interested in someone else. Even if it's just harmless flirting with one of his friends it will hurt him. Don't cross that line ever. If you truly are focused on keeping him interested in you honesty and devotion have to be your number one priorities. Every woman has the power to make her man fall in love with her. You can have a deep, undying emotional connection with him. Learn the specific techniques that will make you completely and utterly irresistible to him by clicking here. Read more: How to Keep a Man Interested in You! 3 Must Read Tips Follow us: @SooperArticles on Twitter | SooperArticles on Facebook

How to Keep a Man Interested - 5 Secret That Works! by Chris J Roberts It's often hard to tell when a man is not happy; keeping in mind that to keep a man interested and content is two entirely different things. A man can be contented and not necessary interested! Here are five secret tips you as a woman can do to keep your man interested. First pay attention to him by that I mean listen to him when he talks even if you really don't care who wins the World Series and have no idea what a nine iron is used for let alone care. If you love him you have to be willing to listen and show interest in what he says. You too expect that he listens to you when you ramble on about Aunt Betty's poor eyesight and how she hit yet another parked car! The woman is 89 she shouldn't even have a license. The point is listening to your man shows interest and love. Second if he invites you to accompany him to a golf course - GO! He's trying to share a part of his life with you that you are not involved in. That shows commitment and you will finally figure out what a

nine iron is used for! Third appreciate his opinions even if you don't agree with them at least hear him out and maybe you'll see his point and find you have more in common than you thought. He may not agree with some of your opinions but more importantly does he listen? You know he does at least most of the time and this shows his respect for you. Fourth when you are in the bedroom, keep your sex life interesting and passionate. Be willing to watch a porn movie with him if he asks or maybe you could shock the crap out of him and turn one on! There is something about a woman who enjoys watching porn with her lover; this really turns a man on. What turns him on even more is when she's willing to try some different funky positions to please him. Fifth never make him feel like sex is something you are doing just to make him happy. If he knows you're not enjoying it anymore then he will feel like a failure, just like you would if the tables were turned. If there's a problem in the bedroom... do fix it! Men really are not that different than women and these five secret tips are pretty much guaranteed to make your man interested and happy.

About the Author Discover how to talk dirty to a guy and keep him interested at your finger tips using these dirty talk examples. Get everything you need to know and will never run out of ideas on things to say to your boyfriend to turn him on all hot and thinking about you anytime you want when you visit

4 Ways How To Keep A Man Glued To You by Teecee Go

It is generally believed that love is transitory and if you have found it then you should hold onto it. As women tend to fall head over heels in love with a man whom they are interested in. What happens when he doesn't reciprocate his feelings or isn't interested the way you are? Every woman wants their man to fall madly in love with them at all times and this is possible if only you can follow a few rules which are golden on how to keep a man glued to your side. (1) Confidence Self-confidence is the foremost attraction men find in women. They love and adore women who are confident and have a strong heart. Any woman who can stand on her feet and never fakes just to attract her men and who is natural is always liked by men. Expose your true nature with all flaws and weakness and just be your own true self. Men like women who are like this as they don't like females who just move around to impress them by doing things their way. Whatever baggage you carry be comfortable with it and balance your life as a confident woman will truly help you keep a man interested. (2) Don't be Cheap Self-sufficient women are also great icons in the eyes of men. A man feels comfortable seeing a woman

self sufficient and she may not be a big CEO or run a company for that. Even if she earns a meager amount and she can take care of herself very well, without depending on others then it sure will attract men to your side. Don't expect him to pay for all dates and outings but offer him a dinner or host a date he will be thrown off his feet and will love you just for that. He will adore your self esteem and will value your friendship more. Though many men might not like it they will still love to be taken care of the bills once in a while and so impress him by your timely actions. (3) No Issues Please Don't talk about past relationship issues that failed into this new relationship. Men hate women who carry and bury themselves in the past. Empty your cup before refilling it with a new relationship and don't forget to wipe your slate clean before the new man can write his love on it. Don't compare or link the actions of your present boyfriend with that of your ex. Do not complain about his actions when he is late and don't even mention that your ex too did the same. Men hate to even picture your ex and you together. So leave your ex behind before setting foot on this new man's zone. (4) Be Yourself Stay cool and be yourself when you meet someone for the first time. Try to show him your true nature and always don't fake your character. Let him know from day one what kind of person you are and how you act and react to situations and events. Your individuality and carefree nature will make you more attractive in his eyes. By following the above tips on how to keep a man, you should know that men are simple to handle if you know how.

About the Author Should I text him? Find out the most complete guide to make men fall in love Before you even call or text a guy, here's a lot more information at

Well there you have it. I truly hope you've been able to pick up a few pointers from this eBook on how to Get and Keep the man you're attracted to. It offers some very good suggestions. But if you would prefer a more in-depth approach to the subject, I highly recommend the following resource. I think you'll love it! Brenda Hill

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