Volusia Parent Magazine - Sept 16

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The 2016 Ultimate Baby Shower & Toddler Expo is presented by Volusia & Flagler Parent Magazines, on October 9th, 2016 at The Hilton Daytona Beach, Florida. This is the only show of its kind in Volusia/Flagler Counties that caters to pregnancy, birth, babies, and toddlers, showcasing products, services and ideas for young families. Admission for adults is only $10, plus the first 500 Mommies will receive an eco-friendly swag bag. VIP bags are also available for $25. Ten lucky attendees will be chosen for a chance to roll the dice and win a brand new car!

• Shopping! Shop away in our little market of treasures… children’s apparel, books, furniture, and more.. • Healthcare & Fitness! We will be showcasing birthing facilities, providing information on parenting classes, educating on fitness during pregnancy, weight-loss after baby and much, much more! • Education! Visit daycares, preschools and private school booths to find the perfect education for your little one. • Fashion Show! Find the hottest trends in maternity fashions for work and fun, plus the cutest little fashions for toddlers and babies. • Pre-natal Pampering Lounge! Unwind in our mommy lounge... Prenatal table and chair massages, reflexology,

• Cutest Baby & Toddler Contest! This year’s cover contest for Parent Magazines! Ages 6 mos to 4 years. $25 donation will enter your child in the contest, plus you will receive a photo mock magazine cover with your child! • Character’s Meet & Greet! Bring your camera for lots of photos as your children meet their favorite characters! Guest appearances by Elmo and friends! • Games & Activities! Diaper Changing 101, Feeding Baby, a Diaper Dash for the little ones, and much more! • Much more upstairs! Visit Crayola Experience Arts & Crafts stations, Toddler Play Place, Toddler Tri-Cycle Track, Facepainting, Balloon Art and baby bounce houses… plus our movie room will be back with those adorable baby recliners. • Tons of Prizes & Giveaways! $500 Gift Card to Babies R Us, Baby Moon Weekend Getaway, Stroller Travel System, and much more!

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September 2016

features 27 28 29 30



10 12 14 16 20

22 24 48 54

Yes You Can! Become a Cheerful WorkAt-Home Parent The Power of Creative Play Arts & Culture in Flagler/Volusia Counties

31 32 34 36 38 39 51

2016 Ultimate Baby Guide A Summer Birthcation Flagler Hospital Maternity Care Program Healthy Start Ultimate Baby Guide to Birthcare Classes Brand New! For the Little Ones! Preventing Childhood Obesity Level II NICU Opens at Florida Hospital Memorial Baby Shower Bingo Fashion - Babies and Their Working Moms Flagler Auditorium Celebrates 25 Years

kids in the kitchen

Working Moms Favorites


Great Gifts for Grandparents Day


Bridging the Distance Gap


Taco Truck Fun Kit

Working Parents are Wonderful Parents

every issue Hispanic Heritage Month What is Natural Parenting? Flagler Tourism - Sleep Under the Stars

44 46 50

Reel Life with Jane Movie Reviews Summer Calendar of Events Volusia County Library Events

Coming Up... On The Cover

Leon & Diane Michaux with Grandson, Brady

4 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com

October 2016 Fall Festivals/Top Pediatricians Bullying Prevention Primary Care Physician Month

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What’s New in Print & Online

Volusia Parent

The 7th Annual


New In Schools, On Newsstands & Online

Prizes & Giveaways • Family Fun Zone • Cutest Kids Cover Contest Live Demonstrations • Bounce Houses • Facepainting, and much more!

Interested in Exhibiting? Call (386) 437-0300 email: events@bradymediainc.com www.ultimatebabyshowerandtoddlerexpo.com

Special Child A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to special needs families and care-givers. Parents and caregivers of children with special needs often face a whole different situation and set of challenges and joys. They require more resources, education and support. Special Child Magazine is a resource dedicated to providing just that. Filled with educational articles, local resources, easy-to-use directories, product reviews, shopping guides and much more. Special Child Magazine does the research and provides the resources available in our area for special families. Special Child Magazine will give you all the tools you need to be informed and proactively parent and care for your special child, Our expert advices helps you make the best decisions that are right for your family. Inside you’ll find: product reviews; local resources; ask an expert; recopies’ DIY decor ideas and much, much more!

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Parent to Parent Publisher / Editor Charlene Michaux charlie@bradymediainc.com 386-547-0161

Mom and Brady Charlene Michaux Publisher/Editor charlie@bradymediainc.com I confess I am a workaholic who fiercely loves my family, friends and two dogs. I struggle to find the balance between all of this and though it's really hard it's also very rewarding! I am brutally honest about this adventure we call being a working mom. Through my honesty I hope to empower and inspire women to believe that they can do whatever they dream. Remember being twenty and ambitious and fearless? When you ain’t got nothin you got nothin to lose. And I had nothing. No mortgage, no husband, no kids, no dogs, no ties that bind, no stuff to be encumbered by, nothing. The sky was the limit. Why not me? I felt like I could be whatever I wanted to be: an actress, a rock star, a politician. I could do something cool, make a lot of money, rule the world. Funny how the day dreams of youth are always sprinkled with fairy dust. Our twenty-year-old selves never seem to envision what most of our lives become. The life of a working mother is ruled by shuttling kids, juggling schedules— yours, the kids, your partner’s, late nights working, early morning meetings, overdue date night (way, way, way overdue date night), stolen time with girlfriends, and the exhaustion. Thank God we don’t think of these things in our twenties or there is no way we’d ever allow ourselves to have children. Tough to live the life of a rock star with those kind of responsibilities. A life of a working mom isn’t always fab and glam. Especially when contrasted against our earlier, loftier, shinier visions of our future lives. But the weird thing is that it isn’t terrible being a working mom. In fact, all of the things that might have been cringe-worthy are now what anchors us. It is the realness of life that makes it amazing. It’s the boring nights watching T.V, with your kids and your 7-year-old falls asleep on you, it’s playing card games during family night, it’s taping your son during his school play, it’s cheering for your son when he scores during his weekend game. It’s boring and it is awesome. Fairy dust doesn’t make your heart burst with pride, or bring your soul contentment, or make you feel love you never thought was possible. But we know something that does. September 5th is National Working Moms Day! It isn’t magical everyday, but I wouldn’t trade my place for all the tea in China!


Associate Editor Deb Wind 386-299-6684 debwind@bradymediainc.com Account Executive Julia Fuentes 386-302-8905 julia@bradymediainc.com Photography Marina Pierre 386-283-8005 marina@marinas-photography.com Contributing Writers Jami Oles, HHP Christina Katz Deb Wind Xza Higgins Amy Lukasik Cheryl Johnson Jan Pierce Flagler Parent, Volusia Parent, and St. Johns Parent Magazines are published by Brady Media, Inc. and are copyrighted 2008. Brady Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission from Brady Media, Inc. is prohibited. Flagler Parent and Volusia Parent reserve the right to reject advertisements or listings that are not in keeping with the publication’s satndard. Submissions are welcome, but the publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited materials. Flagler Parent and Volusia Parent do not endorse or assume responsibility for information, products, services or statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. The Flagler County or Volusia County School Boards are not affiliated with these publications in any manner, nor do they endorse ro assume any responsibility for any of the information or advertisements contained in therein.

Brady Media, Inc. 800 Belle Terre Parkway, Ste. 200-207 Palm Coast, FL 32164 (386) 437-0300 Office (386) 246-2950 Fax www.BradyMediaInc.com Proud Member of

Brady with his Grandparents 8 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com

Meet Our New Contributors Marina Pierre Staff Photographer Marina Pierre was born and raised in Kiev Ukraine. Her father was a hobbyist photographer and he was her biggest inspiration. Marina loved spending hours watching him develop photos in his darkroom. Marina moved to the United States in 1995 and while living in Brooklyn, New York she enjoyed photography as a hobby for years. She still has her first film camera! In the early 2000's Marina decided to take her photography to the next level and successfully completed a course of professional photography at the New York Institute of Photography. In 2005 she moved to Palm Coast and started offering small sessions and step-by-step grew her business. Marina is very proud of her family - her hardworking husband who's always supporting and encouraging her in her career, six beautiful children and 1 grandson. As a family person Marina enjoys working with families, children, engaged couples, and moms-to-be. She loves making people feel comfortable and has fun capturing genuine smiles and emotions, those precious moments and memories that will last for generations. Marina believes the world is a beautiful place and everyone looks amazing! She is super excited to be a part of Flagler Parent Magazine.

Jami Oles, CNT Jami Oles is first and foremost, a mother. She has three beautiful children. Her oldest is eighteen and currently in Air Force boot camp, her other two are still at home with mom and dad, going to middle school in Volusia County. Jamie is a Certified Nutritional Therapist with focused certifications in Child Nutrition. She is also a Holistic Nurse and a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association. With a little over 10 years of experience in Nursing and Emergency Medicine, Jamie has a very solid foundation in assessment skills and real world situations. Jamie’s love for children is not just for her own, she has a passion for helping others in general. However, since she has been studying Natural Medicine, she has gravitated towards pediatrics. Jamie saw first hand how natural remedies and nutrition helped heal her own children on numerous occasions and she wanted to share that with every parent she could. Jamie combines the knowledge and experience from her background in Nursing and Emergency Medicine with her knowledge and experience in Holistic and Natural Medicine. The results have been truly amazing with her children and with her clients. “Each and every day, in every moment, children are growing and developing on many different levels. This is the reason why we need to be so particular about what we are putting into and on their growing bodies. From food to over the counter medications, what goes in and on their bodies can have a direct effect on all of the growth and developmental processes happening every single day,” states Jamie. Some of the services Jamie provides and areas she can help with are: * Nutritional Guidance * Guiding parents through vitamin and supplement needs * Food & Seasonal allergies *ADD/ADHD symptoms * Sleep pattern abnormalities * Skin problems * Acute illnesses like fevers, stomach viruses, flu/cold symptoms * Immune System Support * Help with Picky Eaters * Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies * Parenting Support And MORE! “As parents, we all want happy and healthy children. My services combine my passion for natural health and healing with my love for children to help empower you, as a parent, to help attain that goal,” says Jamie.

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Yes, You Can!

7 Ways To Become A Cheerful Work-At-Home Parent by Christina Katz

Working at home alongside kids or with kids in school comes with its own unique challenges. Often people don't take the fact that you are working seriously. They may even wonder if what you do is legitimate. So don't be surprised if friends ask you to watch their kids since you already enjoy the luxury of spending so much time at home. But what really matters are not the things you cannot control, like what others think and do. What really matters is what you can control, like what you think and do. Better yet, if you can manage what you think and do all day, you can discipline yourself to work happily and productively so you can maximize the benefits of being a work-at-home parent. So forget what everyone else thinks, says or does. You are a busy, focused work-at-home parent, and you have two important jobs: earning money to support your family and taking excellent care of them, too. And you can do both cheerfully-here's how.


Schedule Sunday Prep-time. Set aside Sunday morning to spend quality time with your family, but reserve an hour or two during the afternoon or evening to get a jump on your workweek. If you can empty your inbox, do a bit of planning, and make a to-do list, you will get off to a great start. If this works well for you, consider adding in a family meeting afterwards, to go over schedules, consolidate errands, delegate tasks, and send any necessary family-related emails for the upcoming week.

10 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com


Activate Your Cool, Calm & Collected Powers. When you are a work-at-home parent, you don't usually get to sleep in. So go ahead and set your alarm an hour earlier than you would normally get up so you can have a few moments all to yourself each weekday morning. What do you consider a joyful morning meditation? For some it will be drinking coffee and journaling. For others, it may be fixing a smoothie and reading inspirational passages. Some parents love a morning jog and hot shower. Whatever gets your day off to the best start is time wisely invested.


Exercise At Home. Studies have shown that sitting at your desk all day without breaks leads to disastrous results for your health. So make daily exercise a part of your daily routine. If you have kids at home even part of the day, establish family exercise time. Try putting on your workout clothes when you get up in the morning to remind yourself you are serious. If accountability is an issue, join an online exercise support group where you can check in after a workout. If you set yourself up for exercise success, you will be more likely to complete your workouts.


Take Chore Breaks. Just because your business is booming, doesn't mean the dishes will do themselves. Why not do little chores between business tasks to take mental and physical breaks from your computer throughout the day? I've had some my best business inspirations while doing the dishes, sorting the laundry or driving around town doing errands. There is no better feeling than sitting back down to work feeling inspired. A tidy, live-in home, uplifts the whole family.


Eat Lunch In The Kitchen. You may be tempted to scarf a sandwich while catching up on Facebook but try to resist. You will feel happier and digest your food better, if you sit down at the kitchen table and eat lunch like a civilized person. Why not turn on some upbeat music or listen to an inspirational talk? You might want to tackle another quick chore or take a walk around the yard to get some fresh air and Vitamin D before you sit back down. However you spend your lunch break, try to make it more refreshing.

Dos & Don'ts

If You Have Young Children At Home If you are working part-time with children at home and at school, your schedule is going to be fairly hectic no matter what. Here are a few tips to help working navigate these tricky years. Be Realistic, Don't Overcommit. If your income is needed, then work has to be a priority. Don't commit to anything unless you know you have time in your schedule. Get used to saying, "I'm sorry I can't commit to that." Then offer what you can do. Baby-step, Don't Multi-task. Trying to do many things at once often lowers the quality of all results. So rather than multi-task, squeeze in baby-steps here and there until single tasks get done. Then repeat. You'll get more done, faster and better this way. Plan For Success, Don't Hope For It. Trying to do more than you can reasonably accomplish each week will only lead to frustration and disappointment. Set realistic goals and reach them. You'll get faster and more efficient the more you focus and keep tasks simple. Then you will naturally become faster and more productive over time. Consider Childcare, Don't Undervalue Alone Time. If you can't get your work done each week, don't be afraid to research your childcare options. Even part-time childcare or a childcare co-op with another working parent might be just what you need to reach your weekly goals.


Pack A Mobile Office Bag. With all of the shuttling around kids often need, it makes sense to put your car in park and call it your mobile office. But working on the go can be difficult unless you are prepared. You may not be able to perform all of your duties on the fly, but consider what you could do. Even simple goal setting or catching up on reading in your field can be a productive use of time in the carpool line, the waiting room, or on the side of the playing field. So keep a mobile office bag packed and ready to grab by the door for some constructive away-from-your-desk time.


Keep Life Balanced. When you work and your spouse works, or if you are a working single parent, you won't be able to keep up with all those other parents who make volunteering their full time job. The more you can accept the limitations of balancing parenting and work, the happier your whole family will feel. Enjoy your work. Take pride in it. Share your professional strides with your family just as you listen to their accomplishments. Contribute how and where you can outside of work and family, but never give so much that you start to lose your balance. Remember that your family's happiness is built on your good health and positive attitude.

When To Expand Your Work Hours Parents who work at home often need to think about the calendar creatively in order to squeeze in enough hours to make a workweek. The best opportunities to expand your work hours are whenever you have more focused, alone time available to you. This often happens seasonally, so keep an eye out for those transitional times of year when outside commitments typically gobble up precious work time. Worst Times For Growth Typical busier-than-usual times for parents include back-to-school time, holiday time, any school vacations, and the end of the school year. Expect work interruptions during these times. Best Times For Growth When your kids are in school part or full time is your best opportunity for expanding work hours and getting more done. Get into a weekly rhythm and then make the most of the time you have.

www.volusiaparent.com / September 2016 • 11

feature (“Today we bought apples, yesterday, carrots”) lays the foundation for children to contemplate more than one solution to a problem. And engaging in dialogue created for play characters is a certain vocabulary builder. • Social Development When children enter into pretend play with another child there are opportunities for growth in social skills such as taking turns or agreeing on rules. But even when a child pretends alone there are social benefits as a child directs the play of several characters, manages problems as they arise and functions as “king or queen” of the created realm. • Emotional Development In pretend play children have the opportunity to address situations which are causing stress or fear. Perhaps your child is afraid of an upcoming visit to the doctor. Pretend playing Doctor’s Office is a wonderful way to de-stress and face those fears in a safe environment—his or her own play area.

The Power of

Creative Play

by Cheryl Johnson and Jan Pierce

It’s no secret that today’s fast-paced lifestyle leaves many of us feeling as if we’re running on a never-ending treadmill. We’re pressured to over-schedule, overdo and overspend. It takes a conscious effort to simplify and allow time for quiet and reflection in our adult lives. No wonder our children mirror our overly-busy lives, often to their emotional detriment. Their days may be too full of scheduled activities to allow time for healthy, unstructured play, and play is the childhood equivalent of work. It needs to happen. Plugged or Unplugged There’s good news. When given a quiet “unplugged” environment, children will enter into creative play. They’ll use the props around them---household items, open-ended toys, art supplies and they’ll pretend something. Children, like adults, need space in which to create. They need permission to move from an “entertain me” attitude to a “let’s see what I can do on my own” attitude. While screen activities can be healthy and educational, it’s a wise mom who’s proactive in providing her children regular quiet times for creative play. 12 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com

The Benefits Child development experts such as Piaget and Vygotsky believe that creative play is key to a child’s social, emotional and cognitive development. Children learn by experience and pretend play provides a safe environment to test various scenarios found in real life. • Cognitive Development Pretend play scenarios promote foundational understandings for future language and mathematical success. For example, the simple process of acting out “going to the store” with several different outcomes,

As your family life unfolds week by week, be pro-active in scheduling both structured and unstructured play times. While structured activities such as music lessons or team sports have their place in a well-balanced life, our challenge today is to identify quiet spaces and protect them. There’s power in your child’s unstructured, unplugged, creative play. For Further Study: Elkind, D., The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon, 3rd ed. Cambridge, MA, 2001. Piaget, J., Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood, Norton, New York, l962. Articles: Erickson, RJ. Play Contributes to the full emotional development of the child, Education, l985. V. 105, pp 261-263. Ginsburg, Kenneth R. MD, MSED, The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong ParentChild Bonds, AMA, 2006. Johnson/Pierce, Problem-Solving with Young Children Using Persona Dolls, Young Children, Nov. 2010. Vygotsky, L. Play and Its Role in the Mental Development of the Child, Social Psychology, V. 12 pp 62-76, 1967. Author Bios: Cheryl Johnson, MEd, is the Director of the Child Development Program of Washington State University, Vancouver, WA. Jan Pierce, MEd, is a retired teacher and freelance writer specializing in education and family life articles. She is the author of Homegrown Readers, available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Find Jan at www.janpierce.net

September 2016 • 13

Art and Culture Volusia/Flagler Counties

3N Motion Dance Studio We offer a wide range of training in dance for all ages and levels. Starting as early as 18 months with our "Tiny Tutus"* and "Creative movement" classes to our "senior" classes for ages 18. Palm Coast & St. Augustine Campuses 386-597-6300 or 904-334-3095

The Casements The former home of John D. Rockefeller, the Casements now is a cultural center. Guided tours are available from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 10-11:30 a.m., Saturday. The Casements is open from 9 a.m-5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday. Admission: free. 386-676-3216 25 Riverside Dr., Ormond Beach

African American Museum of the Arts The museum features artifacts and folk art of Africa and works of African American artists. It is open from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday. Admission: free. 325 Clara Ave. DeLand 386-736-4004

Children's Academy of Fine Arts Committed to giving every child, with no child left behind the opportunity to explore and foster their musical talents for the glory of God and the refreshment of their souls. 3701 S Clyde Morris Blvd, Port Orange 386-451-8087 Children’s Musical Theatre Workshop, Inc. For over twenty-five (25) years, the CMT’s unique performance-based programs have served students at all skill levels. All classes are held at the Ormond Beach Performing Arts Center 399 N. US1 Ormond Beach 386-295-4101

Amanda’s Dance Center Being involved in the music and dance arts helps to round out the total educational experience offered by the school, parents, and community. Each student is offered the opportunity to gain appreciation, fulfillment, and self-reward through the classes offered. Studios in Ormond Beach and Port Orange. Call 386-788-9466 or visit www.amandasdancecenter.com

Civic Ballet of Volusia County This volunteer organization offers professionally-produced performances with guest artists. The Company performs “The Nutcracker” each December. 386-761-3192

Angelic Muziki Private Voice or Beginning Piano (recommended for children 10 & under). *All services are by appointment. I can travel to you or you can travel to me. 209-536-8945

Cuchetti School of Music & Art The Cuchetti/Conti Family School of Music is an acclaimed and reputable Music School operating since 1984. 386-426-8484 or visit www.cuchettimusic.com

ArtHaus A non profit organization that enhances the art education of our youth and provides cultural enrichment for the community by showcasing student art in our gallery and outreach exhibit venues. 3840 Ridgewood Ave., Port Orange 386-767-0076

Daytona Beach Choral Society This community group offers annual winter and spring concerts. 386-405-2782

Art League of Daytona Beach, Inc. Designed by famous architect Francis Walton, the Art League offers classes in all disciplines and changing exhibits. Hours are from 1 p.m.- 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Admission: Free. 433 South Palmetto Ave., Daytona Beach 386-258-3856 Arts on Douglas Hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Admission: free. 123 Douglas Street, New Smyrna Beach 386-428-1133

Daytona Beach Community College Cultural Arts Series The Series presents performances in dance, theater and music using student and professional guest artists. 1200 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-254-3042 Daytona Beach Playhouse The Daytona Beach Playhouse has been presenting community theater for more than 50 years. Casting calls and productions are open to all. 100 Jessamine Blvd., Daytona Beach, 386-255-2431 Daytona Beach Symphony The Symphony presents six concerts during the winter season by orchestras from throughout the world. 100 South Beach St., Daytona Beach 386-253-2901

The ArtQuest School "Teaching students to 'see' is why my school exists. It's about learning the nature of things: light, proportion, composition and color, and their contextual integration with random spontaneity,” Greg Grant. Ormond Beach, Florida (Studio hours are by appointment only, for more information) 386-871-9906, artquest@live.com, www.artquestschool.com.

Daytona Voice Lessons Voice and Talent Coaching in Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, and Palm Coast with Ann Paris 250 Palm Coast Parkway NE, Palm Coast, 386-589-3019

Artists’ Workshop, Inc. Classes, shows and interaction in the arts. Open from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday through Friday. 10 am to noon Saturday. Admission: Free. 115 Canal St. New Smyrna Beach 386-424-9254

DeLand Little Symphony The DeLand Little Symphony gives two annual performances at the DeLand Cultural Arts Center. 600 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand 386-736-7232

Atlantic Center for the Arts A nonprofit, interdisciplinary artists’ community and arts education facility with a mission dedicated to promoting artistic excellence. Open to the public from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday. Free. 1414 Art Center Ave. New Smyrna Beach 386-427-6975

DeLand Museum of Art, Inc., Cultural Arts Center Exhibits, films, lectures and workshops are offered for all ages. There is a summer camp art program for youngsters. Museum hours are from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday; 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission to Audobon exhibit: $6, $5 seniors, $4 students, children younger than six free.

14 • September 2016

Down to Earth Pottery Experience the magic of creating a work of art with your own hands. Children (10 - 15) classes are offered on Saturday. 973-768-6158 805 N. Oceanshore Blvd., Flagler Beach

Landflash Music We travel to your home. This saves you time and money! Students are also more productive learning in their own environment. Children who take piano lessons increase their IQ and test scores! Call us directly at 386-244-9150.

The Duncan Gallery of Art Lectures, recitals and gallery with exhibits are featured by national artists and Stetson students. Hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday and 1-4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. Admission: free. Sampson Hall, Stetson University DeLand 386-822-7266

The Little Studio The Little Studio was founded as a place where children of the community can learn the fundamentals of dance in a structured atmosphere of loving encouragement. 414-B N. Spring Garden Ave., Deland, thelittlestudio@mac.com

Elite Academy of Music and Motion Yoga, art, music lessons, professional instructors. 386-256-5847 142 E Granada Blvd, Ormond Beach Fit Club Dance & Gymnastics Fit Club Gymnastics provides West Volusia families with quality instruction in Gymnastics, Dance & Tumbling. From beginners to our Competitive Teams, our "Children come in first" philosophy is what guides our programs and activities. 196 N. Industrial Drive, Orange City 386-774-4348 Flagler Auditorium The public school system gives all students a chance to sample the visual arts, music, dance, theater, and technical theater. From these classes we get our future artists. 5500 East Hwy 100, Palm Coast 386-437-7547 Flagler School of Dance Dance classes are offered for beginner through advanced students, ages 3 and up. Students are placed in class based on age and ability. Please be assured that your child will be placed in the most suitable level based upon the teacher's’ judgment. Marvin’s Garden Business Complex, 4601 E. Moody Blvd., Bunnell 386-437-2067 Flagler Playhouse Flagler Playhouse has been enriching, educating, and entertaining the community through live theatre since 1978. 301 E. Moody Blvd., Bunnell 386-586-0773 Fred Dana Marsh Museum The museum in Tomoka Basin Geo Park features natural, cultural and historical exhibits. It is open from 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., daily. Park admission: $3.25 per car (up to eight people). Tomoka Basin Geo Park, 2099 N. Beach St., Ormond Beach 386-676-4050 Gillespie Museum of Minerals More than 25,000 minerals from around the world are showcased. Hours: 9 a.m.- noon and 1-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Saturday tours may be arranged. Admission: $2 adults, $1 students, 50 cents per student on class field trips. Stetson University, 234 E. Michigan Ave., DeLand 386-822-7330 Harris House 10 am to 4 pm Monday through Saturday. Admission: free. 214 S. Riverside Dr., New Smyrna Beach 386-423-1753 Harvey W. Lee Jr. Memorial Gallery Exhibits of arts throughout the Southeast and Central Florida are featured. It includes African Art Gallery. Tours are offered from 9:30 a.m.-noon, and 1-4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Admission: free. Fine Arts Center, Bethune-Cookman College, 151 Lincoln St., Daytona Beach 386-255-1401 Kindermusik - Leader in Music Education A playful and nurturing environment where your child will have fun singing, moving, playing instruments, and hearing stories—while developing social skills, problem-solving skills, pre-math skills, and a foundation for reading. Kindermusik classes build the skills your little needs to be successful in both school and life. Visit ww.kindermusik.com to find a location near you. Kinetic Expressions Dance Academy The students at KEDA don't just learn how to dance, they learn how to be Dancers: from lessons in auditioning to producing their own stage productions, KEDA students are being prepared to further their dance education at the college level and pursue careers in dance whether it be a performer, choreographer or teacher. 3100 South Ridgewood Ave., South Daytona 386-882-KEDA Kristi’s Rhythm & Dance The goal is to develop self-confidence, teamwork, dedication and provide a love for the performing arts in a fun, recreational environment. Ms. Kristi accepts dancers as young as 3 years old all the way through 12th grade...and even beyond! The dance studio is visible from the lobby so you can feel comfortable when your little dancer is in class. Kristi's Rhythm & Dance is affiliated with South Daytona Parks & Recreation so the environment is safe and secure. 1700 James Street, South Daytona 386-763-1148.

Little Theater of New Smyrna Beach Little Theater of New Smyrna Beach offers six productions through the winter season and a half century of experience. 726 Third Ave., New Smyrna Beach 386-423-1246 Museum of Art – DeLand The Museum of Art – DeLand’s Camp Create weekly sessions provide a great platform for kids to explore ideas, study art history, learn art vocabulary and make connections between art and literacy through a variety of art media taught by professional Volusia County teachers. 386-734-4371 600 N. Woodland Blvd. Deland Music and Dance Academy of Florida To provide students of all levels and ages with an enjoyable musical and dance experience while also cultivating long lasting skills that may be applied to music, dance, the arts and other endeavors for a lifetime. 386-233-9342 208 Booth Road, Suite D, Ormond Beach Orbit Performing Arts Academy Offers classes for serious, aspiring performers, as well as for kids who just want to have fun in a safe, creative atmosphere. 386-405-1465 or visit www.orbitperformingarts.com. Ormond Memorial Art Museum and Gardens The facility features a collection of Malcolm Fraser paintings and rotating art displays, located on four acres of tropical gardens with native Florida plants. Hours are from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from noon-4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. Admission: $2 adult non members; seniors, students, children, members free 78 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach 386-676-3347 Peabody Auditorium The 2,560-seat auditorium hosts world-renowned artists, symphonies, ballets, Broadway series and touring performances. It is home to the Daytona Beach Symphony Society, the Civic Ballet of Volusia. 600 Auditorium Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-255-1314 South Beach Dance Academy South Beach Dance Academy is an open-enrollment dance school for children and adults from ages 3 and up that promotes discipline and creativity. 129 N. Palmetto Ave.,Daytona Beach 386-254-2999 Sba-Ujat, Inc. Sba-Ujat sponsors cultural programs highlighting the heritage and history of African-Americans and their contributions to American culture. 540 Colfax Dr., Daytona Beach 386-255-1068 Shoestring Theater The community theater produces five plays in season. 500 S. Goodwin St., Lake Helen 386-228-3777 St. Barnabas Episcopal School Fine Arts Program The Fine Arts programs at St. Barnabas Episcopal School offers a variety of opportunities for students to discover and develop their many gifts and talents in the areas of Music, Drama and Dance. Call and schedule a tour. 322 West Michigan Avenue, DeLand, 386-734-3005 Theater Center The Rivertown Players community theater, State Two theater ensemble, Storybook children’s theater, classes, workshops and the touring company outreach performances offer a variety of theater during the year. Cultural Arts Center, 600 N. Woodland Ave., DeLand 386-736-7232 Whim Wham Pottery and Art Studio Come in to Whim Wham Art Studio and let your right brain thrive! We have an array of projects for you to choose from including pottery painting, glass fusion, and even wet clay. Ready to learn a few new skills? Check out our pottery wheel or acrylic painting classes. 378B W Granada Blvd Ormond Beach 386-676-2240 or email info@whimwhamartstudio.com Yancey Music For the beginner, or as a supplement to K-12 orchestra and band classes, the hobby musician, and as a refresher to the advanced player, we offer lessons in individual or small group settings for many instruments. 601 South Yonge Street, Ormond Beach 386-677-8384

September 2016 • 15

Working Moms Favorites Picks from our staff that we know you’ll enjoy!

Working Moms Book Spotlight

A Mom's Guide to Direct Sales: Top Tips for Working in Direct Sales from Home Kindle Edition One of the most popular and attractive ways to work from home is direct sales. Women all over the world are joining some of the top companies and supplementing their incomes - even making full time incomes while only working part time hours! The opportunities for advancement are great, the bonuses can be fun and even helpful to growing your business, and the sisterhood within each company provides endless support.

Planet Middle School: Helping Your Child through the Peer Pressure, Awkward Moments & Emotional Drama It happens to every parent. One day, you have a sweet son or daughter who loves to snuggle on the couch and who puts a smile on your face just by walking into the room. The next day, it's as if someone left the door open and let in an alien with a smart mouth and an attitude that, frankly, you could do without. Entering middle school is like stepping onto a different planet-for parent and child alike. It's a planet where peer pressure, social media, and hormones can wreak havoc in your child's life and in your relationship with him or her.

A Working Mom's Guide to Couponing Would you like to learn how to coupon, but feel that you can't because you work full-time? Do you feel like effective couponing is just too difficult to learn? Couponing doesn't have to be a part-time job, but it can pay off like one! A Working Mom's Guide to Couponing will teach you how to save money, coupon by cutting corners and provide you the right tools to become an avid coupon shopper. This money saving guide is perfect for anyone! This guide features tips and techniques on how to find and use coupons to maximize your savings. Save time and money with quick coupon strategies.

Working Mom Survival Guide: How to Run Around Less & Enjoy Life More Every day, working mothers encounter and overcome new challenges large and small at home, at the office, and on the road. From the editors of Working Mother, veteran working moms themselves, this book offers clear, straightforward solutions and practical shortcuts. 16 • September 2016

5 of the Best Apps for Working Moms Hub Family Organizer: Shared Calendar, Grocery & Shopping To-Do List Description: ***Chosen by Apple as the #1 best new productivity app*** Hub keeps your home & family organized. Share calendars, lists, tasks, photos & more to keep everyone in sync and organized. The best app for sharing calendars. The best app for sharing lists & tasks. Free Category: Productivity

Baby by Smallnest Track Breastfeeding, Sleep and Diapers Description: Raising a baby is hard - Smallnest makes parents better at it. Moms love Smallnest because it syncs to all your Apple devices, including Dad's and nanny's, and it is "baby brain" proof. Easily track feedings, sleep and diapers and share progress. TripIt's Webby-winning designer built Smallnest to make parenting easier by adding simplicity and great design. Free Category: Medical

Kids Note for Day Care Centers Description: Essential application for your day care center! Kids Note! (Smart daily reports for your kids) Dear institute directors! Enhance your institute's competency with Kids Note! Free Category: Education

I’m Expecting Pregnancy App and Baby Guide Description: Get the #1 pregnancy app for free! Guides you through every single day until your due date. Get daily updates with pregnancy videos, articles, tips, and more. Track and learn about your pregnancy symptoms. Get answers about your pregnancy through the most active online health communities. To get started, simply enter your due date or let us calculate it for you. Free Category: Health & Fitness

Flagler Fit Living Description: Welcome to Flagler County's only interactive mobile fitness app! Dedicated to the pursuit of fitness and healthy living, Flagler Fit Living was created especially for those who crave the outdoors, movement and the rush of endorphins that come along with participating in your favorite sport, being active and living fit. Free Category: Health & Fitness

September 16 • 17


Working Parents are Wonderful Parents!

Whether your child is an infant or toddler, preschool or school age, starting or continuing your career while being a full time parent isn’t easy! Finding child care, managing your household and taking care of yourself while holding down a job can leave you feeling like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. It may help to know that you’re not alone; the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in April, 2016 that in fifty five percent of two parent families with children 6 years old or younger, both parents work. That jumps to sixty five percent for single mom households and eighty three percent for single dad households. So what’s a working parent to do? Start your Child Care Search Early Quality child care is essential for working parents. To find the best fit for you and your child you should plan to shop around. Create a list of programs to visit and questions to ask. You can request a listing of programs in your area and access a Quality Child Care Checklist from the Early Learning Coalition of Flagler & Volusia (ELCFV). Visit www.elcfv.org and click on Families, then Family Resources to access these tools. Many programs have waiting lists so it’s important to plan ahead and start shopping four to six months before you actually need care. Don’t forget to make a plan for days when your child care program is closed or your child is sick and can’t attend. Plan Ahead In order to make the most of the time 18 • September 16

your family spends together at home, plan ahead to reduce stress as everyone gets ready in the morning and when you return home at the end of the day. Budget thirty minutes each evening to choose what to wear the next day and pack diaper bags and/or backpacks. Take time each weekend to plan and shop for easy to prepare or make ahead dinners. Pre-pack individual portions of favorite foods so that they can be dropped into lunchboxes throughout the week or easily served to hungry children as dinner is prepared. Seek and Accept Help While working parents may feel obligated to do it all themselves, a little help can make a big difference. Say “yes” when someone offers to help you get the groceries to your car, invites you and your family for dinner or is willing to babysit for an

hour or two. Network with other parents of young children to share strategies and resources. Check out Vroom, www.joinvroom.org, a downloadable app that can help you turn everyday moments into brain building opportunities with your children. Give Yourself a Break Sometimes the baby is just fussy, the alarm doesn’t go off or the new recipe you tried doesn’t turn out as planned. There will be days like this from time to time and you’ll get through it! It’s OK to leave the dishes in the sink and have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner if it allows you to have the time and energy to talk and read with your children before kissing them goodnight. Keep smiling and remember that you have what it takes to be a wonderful working parent!

The Early Learning Coalition of Flagler & Volusia (ELCFV) administers subsidized School Readiness early learning child care programs for children birth to age five and the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program for four-year olds. For information about ELCFV programs and services, call 386 323-2400 or toll free 877 352-0065 or visit www.elcfv.org. Follow the ELCFV on Facebook: search ELCFV.

September 2016 • 19


Great Gifts for


NATIONAL GRANDPARENT’S DAY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH Calm Breeze Jar of Notes $34.95 http://www.kindnotes.com/completed-calm-breeze-jar-of-notes

KindNotes makes it easy to send a smile to a friend or loved one daily! Whether near or far, they will be impressed with this keepsake jar of 31 messages enclosed in mini decorative envelopes to be opened each day or anytime they need a lift. Everyone needs a little pick-me-up! This complete gift includes the glass jar, filling, ribbon, KindNotes charm, and 31 of our most popular messages by category, from inspirational and friendship to love and get well. Each note is individually enclosed in specialty linen cardstock envelopes. Includes a beautiful gift box with silver foil accents and die-cut window. Delivered fully assembled so you don't have to worry about doing a thing!

A Grandparent Is Born Personalized Frame $26.95 www.personalizationmall.com

A new arrival brings new joy for grandparents whether it is their first grand baby or one of many! Let them showcase their precious little one in joyous style with our exclusive A Grandparent Is Born Personalized Picture Frame. Set against your choice of 4 color options with a textured striped background, this charming frame features the above quote, personalized with any 1 line message, which could include baby's name and date of birth or the grandparents name and child's name. For an extra special touch, fill it with a loving photo before presenting. Makes a lasting keepsake for the happy grandparents to enjoy through the years.

The Grandparent Handbook $12.11 www.amazon.com

The Grandparents Handbook features dozens of activities that will guarantee hours of fun, educational quality time-from building dollhouses and catching fish to flying kites, baking bread, making your own mini golf course, creating a family newspaper, and much more. These illustrated instructions will lead grandparents down surprising paths of discovery as they teach the youngest generation about family, friendship, and the world around them. It’s the perfect gift for any grandparent and grandparent-to-be! 20 • September 2016

A Grandparent's Legacy: Your Life Story in Your Own Words $11.69 www.amazon.com

This grandparent's memory journal takes you on a journey that will become a cherished family memoir. Designed in a 12month format, each month features 12 intriguing questions with space to write a personal answer. Questions explore family history, childhood memories, lighthearted incidents, cherished traditions, and the dreams and spiritual adventures encountered in a lifetime of living. The written words become windows to a grandparent's heart.

Grandparent Talk $7.98 www.amazon.com

Willow Tree Grandmother Keepsake Box $13.90 www.amazon.com

Willow Tree Grandfather $31.90 www.amazon.com

Only the Best Dads/Moms Get Promoted to Grandparents Ceramic Coffee Mugs Bundle Great for Expecting Grandpas & Grandmas $24.95 www.amazon.com

Grandma & Grandpa Grandparent Pillow for NEXT year 2017, Pregnancy Announcement $39.00 www.amazon.com

Great pillow for the grandparents or soon to be grandparents. Wonderful pregnancy announcement. Pillow will read Grandma & Grandpa Est. 2017. Perfect for revealing your pregnancy!

Grandparents' House Rules $24.92 www.amazon.com

September 2016 • 21

feature post a photo each day. And fortunately privacy settings and follower screening is built right into the platform. Have both grandkids and grandparents post a photo a day that tells the story of their lives. Maybe it's a shot of the cinnamon-sugar toast they always eat for breakfast. Maybe it's an ongoing saga of the family cat or dog. No matter what they choose to post, sharing images is bound to bring the two photojournalists closer. Create A Family YouTube Page. Or let your tween or teen create his or her own. The nice thing about YouTube is that it allows you to post family videos to the Internet, so they can easily be shared with far-away family. And if you don't want your videos viewed by the world at large, simply set them as "unlisted" when you post them. This way only family members with direct links you send via email or messaging can access your videos. Don't let another graduation or recital pass grandparents by. YouTube it!

Bridging The Distance Gap 5 Ways To Make Every Day Grandparent's Day by Christina Katz

One of the challenges of keeping kids and grandparents connected is bridging both the distance gap and the generation gap. Sometimes grandparents are silver-haired and spry and full of life and other times they are winding down into the quiet of their golden years. Older relatives often live in retirement communities, sometimes in Florida or Arizona, and have health challenges that necessitate living in a specific climate. Aging grandparents are not usually ready or able to hop on an airplane at a moment's notice. And this means they can miss out on a lot of their grandkid's, and even their great-grandkid's, growing-up journeys. Luckily, opportunities to stay in touch abound today. Technology can assist grandkids and grandparents in establishing and maintaining more up-close and personal relationships in ways that were not an option when parents were children. New software with the potential to better connect families is launched all the time. Instead of allowing grandkids and grandparents become distanced by age and proximity, take advantage of as many online options as you can. Don't encourage elders 22 • September 016

to frown at technology and shake their heads at kids who use it. Persuade them to jump in and participate, too. Here are five tried and true ways to keep the generations in closer touch with suggestions for how to use them to create loving connections. Share Pinterest Board Stories. Grandparents can be terrific storytellers and compelling stories are often strengthened by the use of specific objects. Fortunately for both grandkids and grandparents, Pinterest is full of images that can communicate era, location, and mood. So when Grandpa creates a board called, "My Childhood On The Red River," you can bet he is going to have his grandkids' rapt attention. Ideas for boards might include: products that were regularly purchased, toys that were played with, locations that were traveled to, and homes that were lived in. Kids can join the fun by sharing the story of their lives in images, too. It's a great way for both generations to learn some helpful lessons about detailed storytelling. Post A Photo A Day To Instagram. Instagram is another program that is so easy to use that even a centenarian can safely

Run An Etsy Shop Together. Does Grandma knit more baby blankets than she can give away? Or maybe she has some antiques she is ready to part with? Maybe she's taking an art class or writing her memoir. If your tween or teen has a knack for design or sales, why not let them collaborate to create an Etsy shop? Etsy makes it easy to sell products online. Does it really matter if the entrepreneurial duo racks up a huge number of sales? Of course not. What matters is that they have fun creating something together and maintaining it despite busy schedules. This might make a perfect summer or winter break project for your tween or teen. Or get the whole family involved and develop everyone's entrepreneurial gifts. Schedule A Monthly Facetime Session. One of the best ways for grandkids and grandparents to stay connected is via the video-chatting program Facetime. Kids will love Facetime because it's convenient, instantaneous, and visual. And grandparents like it because they can see their grandchildren growing up before their eyes even if they cannot visit them in person as often as they would like. As an added bonus, Facetime does not cost anything beyond a Wi-Fi connection. So let the conversations go on as long as they like. And so what if Great Aunt Tilly always puts her thumb in front of the camera viewer? Learning how to communicate that information diplomatically and lovingly is a great skill for kids to learn. After all, some day, the future will be in their technologically capable hands.

September 2016 • 23

A Message from Governor Rick Scott


Governor Rick Scott

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the cultures and traditions of those who can trace their roots to Spain, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking countries of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. The annual celebration is observed from September 15 to October 15. September 15 is the anniversary of the independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico celebrates its independence on September 16 and Chile follows suit on September 18.

Everyone Can Celebrate

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated with community festivals, government gatherings, and educational activities. Many schools celebrate the month by learning about contributions of Hispanic Americans both past and present.

Famous Hispanic Americans From sports to government to entertainment and science, Hispanic Americans have played important roles in America's history, its values, and culture. They include Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, baseball star Alex Rodriguez, actors George Lopez, journalist Geraldo Rivera, actresses America Ferrera and Selena Gomez (pictured left), astronauts Michael Lopez-Alegria and Ellen Ochoa and authors Isabel Allende and Julia Alvarez.

24 • September 2016

Florida's history has been written, in part, by the contributions of strong Hispanic leaders who have helped shape our great state. During Hispanic Heritage Month, we take time to recognize the contributions of Hispanic Floridians who have enriched our communities with their traditions and cultural practices while pursuing the American dream. It is my privilege to join all of Florida in recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month with this year's theme, "Recognizing the Past, Honoring the Present and Celebrating the Future." The 2016 Hispanic Heritage Month Contests will help students learn about the contributions and important role of Hispanic culture in Florida. Florida is proud of our strong history, and we will keep working to make Florida the best state for families to live their dreams. Governor Rick Scott's Hispanic Heritage Month Student Contests Art Contest (Grades K-3) Governor Rick Scott's Hispanic Heritage Month Art Contest is open to all K-3 students in the state of Florida. Two winners will be selected and will be notified after September 9, 2016. Essay Contest (Grades 4-5, 6-8, 9-12) Governor Rick Scott's Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest is open to all 4th through 12th grade students in the state of Florida. Three winners will be selected: one elementary (4-5) student, one middle (6-8) student, and one high school (9-12) student. Winners will be notified after September 9, 2016. For 2016 Essay Contest Rules, Guidelines & Waiver Form visit: http://www.floridahispanicheritage.com/essay.cfm?lang=en Contact Volunteer Florida at (850) 4147400 for any further questions or visit http://www.floridahispanicheritage.co m/essay.cfm?lang=en.

September 2016 • 25

kids in the kitchen

Kids Salsa Hands-on time: 10 minutes Tools: • knife & cutting board • garlic press • measuring spoons • kitchen scissors

The Taco Truck Fun Kit

Do you have a budding chef at home? Your little one can now make chef-inspired recipes at home with ease - all while learning Español, practicing math skills, and more! Available without a subscription from this innovative subscription service for children, the Taco Truck Fun Kit from KidStir will turn your kitchen into a lunch truck — and your child can invite friends and family to step right up and place their orders! In this kit, children will find out how to make three Mexican recipes, including Guac & Roll, Food Truck Tacos, and Arroz con Leche - which will be served in a Food-Truck-in-a-Box tray! They will also discover fun facts about avocados and peppers, learn some Español, and practice menu math.

Tools: • pizza cutter or kitchen scissors • baking sheet • pastry brush

Kids kitchen skills: • using a pizza cutter • brushing oil with pastry brush • baking Craving a crunchy snack? Learn how to make your very own tortilla chips with this easy recipe.

Step-by-step 1. Preheat the oven to 350*. Use a pizza cutter or kitchen scissors to cut each tortilla into triangles. 2. Spread the triangles on a baking sheet in a single layer. Put the olive oil into a little bowl. Dip the brush in the oil, then paint on both sides of the tortillas.

ingredients • 6 corn tortillas

3. A grown-up can help bake the chips for 4 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and turn the chips with the tongs. Bake for 5 more minutes, or until light brown.

• 1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil

4. Sprinkle the tortilla chips with salt and serve.

• salt

Makes 3 to 4 Servings

26 • September 2016

• stirring • chopping • snipping herbs with scissors Have your ever tried making salsa from scratch? Here’s a simple chunky salsa recipe that’s yummy with tortilla chips and quesadillas. It’s a great way for kids to practice their chopping skills. For a smooth salsa, you can mix it all up in a blender. Ingredients • 1 large tomato (or 2 small) • 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper • 1 teaspoon minced chili pepper (optional) • 1 garlic clove • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro • ¼ of a lime • salt to taste

1. A grown-up can help dice the tomato. Put it into a medium-size bowl. Cut the garlic clove in half, and crush it with a garlic press into the bowl of tomato. Chop the green pepper and add it to the bowl, too.

Hands-on time: 5 minutes

Start-to-eat time: 15 minutes

• measuring


Baked Tortilla Chips

• tongs

Start-to-eat time: 10 minutes Kids kitchen skills:

2. Mince the chili pepper and add 1 teaspoon to the salsa (if you would like a little spice). 3. Snip the cilantro with kitchen scissors. Measure out 1 tablespoon and stir it into the salsa. 4. Squeeze the juice from the lime quarter over the salsa. Add a pinch of salt and stir again. 5. Taste the salsa and add more salt, lime juice, garlic, or pepper, if you’d like. Eat it right away or refrigerate for up to 1 day. Enjoy with tortilla chips! Makes 2 to 4 Servings

September 2016 • 27

Flagler Hospital Named one of Healthgrades 2016 Labor and Delivery Excellence Award Recipients

Flagler College Graduates Enjoy a Summer Birthcation in St. Augustine Katie Webber and Valor

Katie Webber and her husband met at Flagler College where they were both education majors. They started their family in St. Augustine and had two wonderful birthing experiences at Flagler Hospital’s Maternity Care Center, joyfully welcoming their two sons Oakley & Cruz into the world. Last July, the family moved to Pittsburgh, where they opened a specialty coffee shop called Konvive. Amidst the success of their new entrepreneurial venture, Katie was excited to learn that she was once again pregnant, now with their third child. She interviewed a number of prospective obstetricians in Pennsylvania and checked out the area hospitals, but nothing compared to the warm, home-like and world-class experience 28 • September 2016

she remembered from Flagler Hospital. photographer by trade, Katie was still traveling back to St. Augustine about once a month to shoot weddings and would see her doctor for pre-natal care while she was in town. Knowing how important a birthing experience is, Katie decided nothing would compare to Flagler and took what she jokingly called a summer “birthcation” to St. Augustine. She continued her care with her obstetrician, spent a month at a condo readying for her new arrival and delivered a beautiful baby boy, Valor, at Flagler Hospital in June – almost one year after leaving the area. Katie says Flagler Hospital will always have a special place in her family’s heart.

Flagler Hospital recently announced it has achieved Healthgrades 2016 Labor and Delivery Excellence Award™, according to Healthgrades, the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals. The distinction places Flagler Hospital within the top 10% of all hospitals evaluated for the exceptional care provided to mothers during labor and delivery. To help consumers evaluate and compare hospital performance in labor and delivery, Healthgrades analyzed patient outcome data for virtually every hospital in the 17 states that provide all-payer state data for years 2012 through 2014. Healthgrades found that the variation in hospital performance makes a significant difference in terms of clinical outcomes: • From 2012-2014, if all hospitals in the 17 states included in this analysis, as a group, performed similarly to hospitals receiving the Labor and Delivery Excellence Award, on average, 116,703 in-hospital complications could potentially have been avoided.* • Further, from 2012-2014, patients treated in hospitals receiving the Labor and Delivery Excellence Award, had, on average, a 36.3% lower risk of experiencing a complication while in the hospital than if they were treated in hospitals that did not receive the Labor and Delivery Excellence Award.* “Selecting a hospital for the birth of one’s child is the first healthcare decision made as parents,” said Evan Marks, Chief Strategy Officer, Healthgrades. “By choosing a hospital recognized as a Healthgrades 2016 Labor and Delivery Excellence Award recipient, parents can take comfort knowing that they have access to the highest quality care for their loved ones.”

Resource Information This guide provided courtesy of

About Flagler Hospital’s Maternity Care Program: Flagler Hospital’s Maternity Care program features the latest in advanced technology while at the same time providing nurturing, homelike surroundings for parents, babies and family members during their stay. The team at Flagler recognizes that birth is a most personal experience and many mothers, families and cultures have their own desires when it comes to bringing new life into the world. Flagler Hospital's Birth Unit has been designed to accommodate all types of delivery preferences. We offer specialty rooms for lowintervention birth experiences where qualified patients and their families deliver in a more natural environment. The birth of a child is one of the most important events in your life. Our entire team is committed to providing excellent care to our patients and their babies. We strive to make each and every family's birth experience both enjoyable and memorable for all involved. Our level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit allows some of the nation’s leading experts on neonatal intensive care to bring the best practices, best technology and best staff right here to our community. The focus of our NICU is to meet the needs of the entire family in a supportive environment. Since its opening in 2012, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Flagler Hospital has served over 600 babies, allowing them to be cared for right here in St. Augustine.

Healthy Start Coalition of Flagler & Volusia Counties Local: 386.252.4277 www.healthystartfv.org Community resource list, news, events, Facebook link and more.

MomCare Services 386.252.4267 Assistance with Medicaid for pregnant women and babies.

Healthy Start Services 386.254.1226 Support and care coordination for pregnant moms and babies.

211/First Call for Help Call 211 or www.211live.org United Way Volusia-Flagler Counties: Call 211 Help Me Grow: www.helpmegrowvfc.org Free confidential information about available area services & resources to help with education, income, health & basic needs. Free developmental screening for children ages 0-8. Open 24/7

Career Source Flagler/Volusia Employment Center Daytona: 386.323.7001 Orange City: 386.561.9550 Flagler: 386.586.5169 www.careersourcefv.com Assitance in finding a job and workface training programs.

Healthy Families

Children’s Medical Services


Care for children with special health care needs.

Home visiting, support and positive parenting.

Parent/Community Cafe Dialogue 386.252.4277 Parents & Caregivers come together to have conversations about what keeps them strong! To join in, call for locations & times.

Healthy Start Family Place Daytona: 386.322.6102 ext. 7 Deltona: 386.561.9628 A centralized access place for families to come, in-person, to link to community resources. Community Partner Assisted Services Site for online DCF ACCESS for Medicaid, food stamps, & cash assistance. Computers available for use. Call for days & hours.

Choice Counseling

1.866.827.5197 1.877.711.3662

Assistance in choosing a Medicaid Managed Care Plan.

Domestic Violence Hotlines


Volusia: 386.255.2102 Flagler: 386.437.3505 24 hour information on shelter, support groups, and housing.

Early Learning Coalition


Local: 386.736.5010 www.elcfv.org Information on choosing quality childcare, subsidized childcare, VPK, child screenings, parent training and more.

Easter Seals - Ealry Steps


Program for children ages 0-3 with special needs.

Florida Department of Health in Volusia County

Family Health Line

Daytona: 386.274.0059 WIC: 386.274.0676

Confidential Information, referrals and supportive counseling regading everything from pregnancy, infancy, and toddlers.


DeLand: 386.736.5321 WIC: 386.822.6223 Deltona: 386.789.7507 WIC: 386.789.7511 NSB:

386.424.2065 WIC: 386.424.2074

Pregnancy testing, birth control, immunizations, birth certificates, HIV/STD testing/counseling, and Women, Children and Infants (WIC) food & nutrition service.

Florida Department of Health in Flagler County Bunnell: 386.437.7350

WIC: 386.437.7294

Pregnancy testing, birth control, immunizations, birth certificates, HIV/STD testing/counseling, and Women, Children and Infants (WIC) food & nutrition service.

Family Health Source Medical Centers DeLand: 386.738.2422 Deltona: 386.532.0515 Pierson: 386.749.9449 www.familyhealthsource.org Medical care for West Volusia resident of all ages, that includes sick care physicals, prenatal, and pediatric care.

Florida KidCare


Affordable children’s health insurance information & application assistance.

Medicaid Eligibility (DCF)


Provides answers to questions regarding DCF ACCESS Florida application to Medicaid, food stamps, and cash assistance.

SafeKids Coalition


Information regarding child passenger safety, assistance with car seat installation, proper helmet fitting, water safety, pedestrian safety and home safety.

SMA Behavioral Healthcare


Stewart-Marchman Act (SMA) Behavioral Healthcare provides mental health and substance abuse services.


Text 511411

Free text messages 3 times a week with info to help you during your pregnancy and baby’s first year. Text “Baby” to sign up.

September 2016 • 29


30 • September 2016

Ultimate Baby Guide to Birthcare Classes Center for Women & Infant Health Halifax Health

The Center for Women & Children at Florida Hospital – Memorial Medical Center

Whether this is your first child or fifth, there are always questions looming about the best way to care for your newborn. At Halifax Health our team of Educators are here to answer your questions, teach you best practices and give you the tools you need to help you once you leave the hospital and are home with your newborn. We cover topics from what to expect with your newborns appearance to breastfeeding support and soothing your child. Review the course descriptions below and register for one of our classes today.

The Center for Women & Children at Florida Hospital are pleased to offer helpful pregnancy, childbirth and parenting classes to the community. Please see below for the list of classes offered at Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center and Florida Hospital Deland; note that while some classes are the same, there are some instances where classes vary between the two locations. Registration is required for all classes. Scholarships are available at both hospitals.

Understanding Birth Join us for a day full of real discussions, tips and preparation for what to expect before, during and after delivery. You will leave this class feeling ready and prepared for that amazing day when you welcome your baby into this world. Your class is led by Certified Childbirth Educator Valarie Urquhart, RNC-OB. Class Fee: $50 per couple, Location: France Tower Meeting Room E, Time: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Newborn Care Class At Halifax Health you are surrounded by experts helping you every moment of the day, but what do you do once you are home? Our Newborn Care Class will teach you everything you need to know from bathing, diapering, what to expect with newborn appearances and also how to soothe your colicky baby using Dr. Harvey Karp’s Happiest Baby on the Block method. This class is led by Valarie Urquhart, RNC-OB, Certified Childbirth Educator and Certified Happiest Baby on the Block Instructor. You will leave this class with a Happiest Baby on the Block Parent Kit that includes a DVD available in English/Spanish and a Super-Soothing Sleep Sounds CD along with an education manual on infant CPR form the American Heart Association. Class Fee: $35 per couple. Class size limited to 10 couples. Location: France Tower Meeting Room E , Time: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Instructor: Valarie Urquhart RNC-OB, CCE, Labor and Delivery/Parent Educator 386-254-4008, valarie.urquhart@halifax.org Welcome Baby Series Welcome Baby Series is a combination class that encompasses two of our most popular classes, Understanding Birth & Newborn Care, in to a four week series. You will learn everything you need to be prepared for childbirth and how to care for your newborn baby once you go home. Class Fee: $75 for four week series Location: France Meeting Rooms F , Time: 6:00 – 9:00pm Instructors: Rebecca Sarwi, Labor and Delivery RN, rebecca.sarwi@halifax.org Patti Hoffman RN, IBCLC, patricia.hoffman@halifax.org Since 1928 generations of expecting mothers have chosen to bring their babies into this world at Halifax Health. We offer the most comprehensive care available from pregnancy to delivery for even the most complicated pregnancies in a private, safe and comfortable environment. More than 2,000 deliveries take place every year at the Center for Women & Infant Health. Our top priority is to provide the highest quality care for you, your family and your precious baby. Our center offers advanced prenatal diagnostic equipment with 4-D imaging, a state-ofthe-art infant security system, private rooms, on-site massage therapy and personal lactation consultants. We are home to the areas only 24-hour OB Emergency Department where expectant mothers are seen by a board certified OB/GYN Physician to evaluate the health of you and your unborn baby. Our expert team is ready at all times if an emergency should occur. Neonatologists and experienced neonatal nurses staff our 24-hour Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) which gives you the comfort of know that you and your baby will be under one roof should they require intensive care. Becoming a parent is one of life's greatest joys and our team of experts are dedicated to making sure that your experience of becoming a mother is one of the safest, happiest and healthiest experiences possible. For more information on Halifax Health’s Women and Infant please visit www.halifaxhealth.org

Prepared Childbirth Classes Prepared Childbirth Classes are offered as a four-week series, with each series beginning on the assigned dates. Classes are taught by our Certified Childbirth Educators and include topics on labor and delivery, medications, breathing and relaxation techniques, induction and Cesarean section. Newborn Care: Bringing Home Baby Our Newborn Care class is taught by our Certified Happiest Baby Instructor and aligns with the Happiest Baby Association. The class covers tools to calm a crying, fussy baby by turning on their calming reflex, tips for practicing safe sleep and reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and much more on newborn care! Breast is Best: Breastfeeding Class Breastfeeding is one of the most precious gifts a mother and baby can give to each other. The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes breastfeeding as the best method of feeding and nurturing infants. At our Breastfeeding Class, our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant will assist soon-to-be moms and provide helpful information to make your breastfeeding experience as smooth as possible. Registration is required. Sunday Birth Shop When the four-week series doesn't work for your schedule, this is a one day quick course that teaches expectant moms about labor and delivery, medications, epidural, breathing and relaxation techniques, Cesarean section and induction. The course is taught by our Certified Childbirth Educators. Power Parenting This is a one-day class that focuses on breastfeeding, newborn care and infant CPR, to help parents and loved ones prepare for their baby-to-be! Big Brother/Big Sister Class This class provides a simple introduction of the BirthCare Center to the Big Brother or Big Sister. What do babies do best, and how can you help mom with the new baby? These questions are answered with the help of the book Bernstein Bears-New Baby, as well as a short tour of our 5star labor and delivery suites. Infant CPR Class This demonstration class teaches family and friends what they need to know in the event of a life-threatening emergency — for example, if your baby is choking or isn't moving or breathing because of a fall or a near drowning. All instructors are certified by the American Heart Association in Basic Cardiac Life Support. Mommy / Baby University This class offers mom an opportunity to learn more about her newborn, make new friends and gain support from both moms and Florida Hospital’s certified parent educators. At each meeting, lactation specialists from our BirthCare Center will provide a warm and comforting environment where mothers can come together to discuss issues they may be having about breastfeeding, ask questions, share stories, and most importantly, to encourage each other along the breastfeeding journey. Mom will also be able to have weight checks of their new baby at each meeting. Tours Tours of the BirthCare Center at Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center are available on the first Tuesday and Thursday of each month at 4 and 6 pm. Tours can be scheduled online or by calling (386) 231-1400.

Tours meet at the BirthCare Center entrance on the 4th floor. No registration required.

continued on page 33

September 2016 • 31

! w e N d n Bra ittle Ones!

For the L

From a newborn's first night in your arms to a drooling, teething baby to a toilet-training toddler... these are all milestones that can be taken in stride with these fantastic new finds for babies & toddlers. RaZ-Buddy JollyPop Pacifier - www.razbaby.com The RaZ-Buddy JollyPop Pacifier is a great way to soothe a newborn. Made of medical grade silicone, the RaZ-Buddy JollyPop Pacifier will not crack, break or peel. It has a soft plush bunny or penguin attached to one end so it keeps baby's pacifier close by and prevents it from getting lost or dropped. JollyPop is phthalate-free, latex-free, BPA-free and DEHP-free. Adheres to American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines and CPSC standards for pacifiers. You may recognize the Jolly Pop Pacifier without the plush - it's given to parents of newborns in the hospital and now they can buy them in stores nationwide. Made in the USA. Prices range from $5.99 - $12.99.

The Teething Egg - www.theteethingegg.com The Teething Egg is a simple, safe and effective teether that babies love. The egg design and shape is the perfect size for little hands to hold on to. The texture is similar to a baby’s gums so they love chewing and rubbing their gums on it. The soft surface allows them to bite down and relieve teething pain. The Teething Egg attaches to baby’s clothes so it’s always in reach and stays clean. Toss it in the fridge for a cool, soothing sensation. Made of foodgrade material and free of latex, BPA, PVC, phthalates, metal and lead. Certified and approved by the CPSC. Available in four colors for $19.99.

Kizingo Toddler Spoons - www.kizingokids.com Brand new to market, the patent-pending KIZINGO toddler spoons are uniquely curved to easily fit into toddler's hands and work with the way they eat to make self-feeding less frustrating and more successful. Designed by moms who are also nutrition experts, KIZINGO spoons incorporate a curve that creates a more kid-friendly feeding utensil. The innovative design promotes successful self-feeding by working with the way young children hold and use utensils. We all know little ones like to do it themselves! Made in the USA, KIZINGO toddler spoons meet the highest quality safety standards, and are BPA, PVC, Lead and Phthalatefree. Available in a variety of bold colors.

ObyRollz - http://www.obyrollz.com Keeping up with a growing child can seem impossible! For parents who struggle to find pants that fit their children in length, ObyRollz is a fashionable solution. The easy-to-use cuffs fit around the bottom of kids pants adding pops of color and stylish designs while shortening the pants one to four inches. No sewing or cutting required. ObyRollz cuffs fit over each pant leg and with a few simple folds will be firmly secured in place keeping pant legs from dragging on the floor. ObyRollz are reversible and come in classic designs and vibrant colors. Two sizes available: small fits pant sizes 6 to 24 months and ‘skinny jeans’ while the large typically fits pant sizes 18 months to 5T. $16.99.

32 • September 2016

Lucky & Me Lucky & Me makes super soft girls and boys underwear. Lucky & Me underwear stays in place and won’t ride up. No tightness or binding at the waistband or leg openings. Girls can choose from beautifully made bikinis or hipsters while boys options include boxer briefs and boxer shorts. Lucky & Me also makes an organic cotton line – the Grayson and Lily collections. For young girls who like wearing dresses and also climbing monkey bars or doing cartwheels, the Jada Bike Shorts provide her with coverage. The tri-blend fabric is breathable with a beautiful lace trim around the thigh and a tagless back ensures she won’t itch. See all the Lucky & Me products at www.luckyandme.com

Ultimate Baby Guide to Birthcare Classes The Center for Women & Children at Florida Hospital – DeLand

Flagler Hospital Maternity Care St Augustine, Florida

Understanding Birth: Newborn Care, Postpartum Care, and Breastfeeding This class is offered as one- two hour class and topics such as how to care for your new baby, how to take the best care of yourself postpartum, and why and how to breastfeeding. Cost is $25 per couple.

At Flagler Hospital we understand that the birth of every baby is a lifechanging experience, and we are honored to share this special time with you and your family. Our comprehensive education classes include preparation for childbirth, infant CPR, grandparent and sibling courses as well as breastfeeding education and support groups. We have also formed a partnership with a local prenatal yoga instructor to support your health during pregnancy and with the St. Augustine YMCA to help you achieve the best possible fitness level for you after childbirth. We are proud of our highly experienced care team and the community physicians, midwives, and anesthesiologists who serve the families in our area.

Understanding Birth: Pregnancy, Labor and Birth This class is offered as one- 2.5 hour class covering Topics on labor delivery, medications, breathing and relaxation, induction, and Cesarean section. Cost is $25 per couple. Express Childbirth Class Prepared childbirth classes are offered as one- four hour class for people with limited time on their hands or just needing a refresher class. This class includes topics on labor delivery, medications, breathing and relaxation, induction, and Cesarean section. Additional topics covered are postpartum care and newborn care. Cost is $50 per couple. Better Breastfeeding This program teaches new parents the keys to breastfeeding success. Better Breastfeeding gives parents the solutions and motivation they need to provide their new baby with the best start possible. Cost is $25 per couple. The Dad Difference A comprehensive parenting video for dads. This information empowers dads by teaching them real life solutions to common father-related challenges. Please call to request this free video. To find out more or register for this class, please call (386) 943-4489. Big Brother/Big Sister This delightful program using the Silly Siblings video to teach siblings what to expect with a new baby in the house. Please call to request this free video. To find out more or register for this class, please call (386) 943-4489. Lactation (Breastfeeding) Follow-up Visits for Mommy and Newborn This class supports mommies and newborns with initial breastfeeding situations and weight checks for newborns. This class takes place the first and third Friday of each month from 10am - 12pm and is free; however, registration is required. Mommy to Mommy Support Group This class curriculum is designed to support and enlighten new moms. Group interaction gives moms the opportunity to share similar experiences and promotes friendships that have the potential to last a lifetime. This class takes place the first Friday of each month from 12 - 1 pm and is free; however, registration is required. Tours of BirthCare Tours of BirthCare are offered to help new parents become more familiar with the place they want to give birth and provide a time to answer questions. Please call (386) 943-4498 to schedule a free tour, or request a tour online. The Center for Women & Children at Florida Hospital knows that choosing a hospital to help bring a baby into the world is one of the most important decisions a mom and her physician can make. So why would you go anywhere but the hospital that makes you feel at home? Newborns needing extra attention – and parents needing reassurance – are right at home with Florida Hospital’s family of services, including neonatologists available 24/7 to care for critically ill babies in our new, private room, 16 private bed level II NICU built to accommodate baby and family all in the same room. Additionally, our medical teams, consisting of OB/GYNs, experienced nurses and lactation consultants – who together bring in 2,000 babies each year into our community – are ready to stand by you and help you navigate through your entire experience. For more information visit www.floridahospitalbabies.com

Boot Camp for New Dads In this nationally acclaimed program for expectant and new dads. Veterans (new fathers who bring their young babies) show rookies (fathers-to-be) the ropes of fatherhood. The three hour workshop uses a man-to-man approach and is an opportunity for new dads to get insight from other men on the changes, challenges and joys that come with fatherhood. Topics include responsible fatherhood, mom's changes, making time, newborn care, safety, your concerns, finances, parents and in-laws and community resources. Classes are held on select Saturdays. For more information: 819-4356 (you do not have to deliver at Flagler Hospital to attend). Breastfeeding Support Group 2nd Thursday each month at 11 am For more information: 819-4061 Caregiver Classes 1st Wednesday each month at 6 pm Class size limited Call to register: 819-4356 Childbirth Education Class Series: (6) 2 hour classes Call to register: 819-4355 Childbirth Refresher Class Scheduled as needed Class size limited Call to register: 819-4061 Infant CPR Classes 3rd Wednesday each month at 7 pm Class size limited Call to register: 819-4356 Prenatal Yoga Mondays at 6:30 pm Classes are held at the Flagler Hospital Wellness Center located at 120 Health Park Blvd, St. Augustine, FL 32086 Sibling Class Call to register: 819-4355

As an expectant mother, one of your most important decisions is choosing where to have your baby. To speak with our Patient Care Coordinator to arrange a tour of Flagler Hospital, call 819-4356. Tours of the units are also available the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6pm and the second Saturday of the month at 11am. The tours meet in the second floor lobby. Are you looking to connect with other moms in our area? Check out upcoming events at http://www.stjohnsmom.com

September 2016 • 33

Preventing Childhood Obesity by Jami Oles, HHP, CNT, Holistic Nurse & Health Educator

The number of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate. According to the CDC, 1 out of 3 kids is now considered overweight or obese. The truth is, there are a few things going on. Our food is different. It is highly processed and most children are consuming a majority of their calories from highly processed carbohydrates and too many sugary drinks. Children are also spending less time doing physical activities and more time sitting in front of a screen of some kind. Another issue is that families have less time to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals. Therefore, fast food is a staple of many children’s regular diet because of convenience. Preventing kids from becoming overweight means that parents have to be responsible for making the necessary changes to their diet and lifestyle. I know that can be challenging. One of my services as a Nutritional Therapist, is to help guide families through making those changes. For some families, this is a lot of change. When we recognize how important the change is, and how much good can happen because of the change, things become more manageable. It is always helpful to remember why we are doing what we are doing. The foundation of helping kids lead healthy lifestyles begins with parents who lead by example. Here are some tips for creating healthy habits in childhood. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY According to the American Heart Association, all children age 2 and older should have at least 60 minutes of “enjoyable, moderate-intensity physical activities every day that are developmentally appropriate and varied.” Parents can break this activity up into two 30-minute periods or four 15-minute periods. I encourage parents to create a family schedule of activities. Bike riding, playing sports, going for walks, etc...Be creative and offer a variety of activities so no one gets bored with the routine. It is important to make exercise FUN. All of these activities, when done together can also promote emotional well being for all involved.

30 34 • September 2015 2016

REAL FOOD Nutrition is key to health. Children are growing and developing every single day. Their bodies need the proper nutrients in order to grow and develop properly. Fast food and other highly processed foods do not provide these nutrients. In fact, I like to call them Frankenfoods. Eating real, whole foods will give your child the nutrients he or she needs to thrive. My suggestion to parents is to base at least 80% of their diet on whole foods. The 20% leaves wiggle room for those times when your choices are limited, or social festivities. I have raised three children and understand that life does not always go as planned. I have found that the 80/20 rule is a realistic goal in regards to many things. Nutrition being one of them. HEALTHY HABITS Teach healthy habits early. What we teach our children now will stay with them as they grow up and venture off into the real world. Instilling healthy habits now will help give them that internal compass that they will rely on later on in life. If you, as the parent, make health a priority, they will learn to do the same. We also need to help our children build healthy relationships with food and their bodies. All of this ties into maintaining a healthy weight. If your child is currently overweight, this is the time to make changes. It is a process and will not happen overnight, but the changes are worth it. With time and dedication, health can be regained, and with that comes self esteem and confidence. Two things every kid needs. Even among the youngest of children, it’s clear that obesity rates are rising across the globe. Studies have also shown that it is very hard for anyone who becomes overweight to lose weight, at any age. Preventing obesity in a child’s earliest years (and even before birth, by healthy habits during pregnancy) confers a lifetime of health benefits. SOURCES: 1.World Health Organization. Global strategy on diet, physical activity, and health: childhood overweight and obesity. Accessed March 9, 2012. 2. Ebbeling CB, Pawlak DB, Ludwig DS. Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure.Lancet. 2002;360:473-82. 3. Singh AS, Mulder C, Twisk JW, van Mechelen W, Chinapaw MJ. Tracking of childhood overweight into adulthood: a systematic review of the literature. Obes Rev. 2008;9:474-88.

September 2016 • 35

Level II NICU Opens at Florida Hospital Memorial

Pictured (Top):From left to right: Michele Goeb-Burkett, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center chief nursing officer; Ed Noseworthy, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center CEO; Darlinda Copeland, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center senior vice president and chief operating officer; Dr. Cecilia Tapia, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center medical director of the Birth Care Center; Dr. Rene Santin, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center neonatologist; Becky Vernon, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center director of women and children’s services; Debbie Thomas, chief financial officer for the Florida Hospital East Florida Region; John Oliveri, Florida Hospital Memorial Foundation chairman; and Dr. Hezi Cohen, Florida Hospital Memorial Foundation board member. (Middle): Becky Vernon, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center director of women and children’s services, spoke to a crowd during the hospital’s grand opening celebration. (Bottom: Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center’s new Level II neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is the only one in Volusia County with private family-centered rooms. Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center invested $10 million to expand the hospital’s fourth floor by 16,300 square feet to connect the new NICU to the existing birthing center. The NICU’s research-based design equips the 16 private rooms with incubators, ventilators and other specialized technology to care for newborns 32 weeks and older.

36 • September 2016

Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center officially opened a 16-bed Level II neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to care for sick and premature babies, expanding the hospital’s bed count from 277 to 293. The hospital celebrated this milestone with the community, offering tours of the new NICU to the public, as well as games and refreshments. Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center’s new Level II NICU is the only one in Volusia County with private family-centered rooms. “Our NICU is so very different. With our private rooms, babies don’t have to be separated from their parents,” said Darlinda Copeland, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center senior vice president and chief operating officer. “In other NICUs, parents can only spend a limited amount of time with their child. But in our NICU, parents can spend 24 hours a day with their child in a private room, complete with a refrigerator, as well as sleeping and showering accommodations, so that they never need to leave their child.” “Providing a private room for each baby and their family is better for the babies and it is better for the families,” Becky Vernon, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center director of women and children’s services. “A private room has been shown to reduces the risk of infections, as well as provide a better bonding experience for babies and families, simply by having their own room, where they can spend more one-on-one time in a quieter, private space. All of this combined helps create a more healing environment, allowing families to go home sooner than they would in other, older NICUs.” In addition, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center’s NICU is affiliated with the Level III NICU at Florida Hospital for Children in Orlando. A Level III NICU offers the highest level of neonatal care available for premature and sick babies. Through this unique relationship, Florida Hospital for Children’s team of specialized neonatologists, neonatal nurse practitioners, and neonatal nurses have trained with the clinical team at Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center, preparing the Daytona Beach hospital’s clinical team to provide the highest quality care possible to infants in need. Nearly two years ago, Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center received the designation from the state to build a Level II NICU and invested $10 million to expand the hospital’s fourth floor by 16,300 square feet to connect the new NICU to the existing birthing center. The NICU’s research-based design equips the 16 private rooms with incubators, ventilators and other specialized technology to care for newborns 32 weeks and older.

September 2016 • 37


38 • September 2016

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40 • September 2016

September 2016 • 41

42 • September 2016

September 2016 • 43

JANE’S REEL RATING SYSTEM One Reel – Even the Force can’t save it. Two Reels – Coulda been a contender Three Reels – Something to talk about. Four Reels – You want the truth? Great flick! Five Reels – Wow! The stuff dreams are made of.

Here’s a sneak peek at what's new in theaters and home entertainment this month. Note that release dates are subject to change. STORKS Rated PG Reel Preview: Storks deliver babies - or at least they used to. Now they deliver packages for global internet giant Cornerstore. Junior, the company’s top delivery stork, is about to be promoted when he accidentally activates the Baby Making Machine, producing an adorable and wholly unauthorized baby girl. Desperate to deliver this bundle of trouble before the boss gets wise, Junior and his friend Tulip, the only human on Stork Mountain, race to make their first-ever baby drop – in a wild and revealing journey that could make more than one family whole and restore the storks’ true mission in the world. This cute family movie features an all-star voice cast, including Andy Samberg, Kelsey Grammer, Ty Burrell and Jennifer Aniston.

THE EDGE OF SEVENTEEN Rated PG-13 Reel Preview: This coming-of-age movie in the vein of "Sixteen Candles" and "The Breakfast Club" offers an honest, candid, often hilarious look at what it's like to grow up as a young woman in today's modern world. Everyone knows that growing up is hard, and life is no easier for high school junior Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld), who is already at peak awkwardness when her all-star older brother Darian (Blake Jenner) starts dating her best friend Krista (Haley Lu Richardson). All at once, Nadine feels more alone than ever, until the unexpected friendship of a thoughtful boy (Hayden Szeto) gives her a glimmer of hope that things just might not be so terrible after all. Directed by Kelly Fremon, this movie also stars Kyra Sedgwick as Nadine's wellmeaning but completely ineffective mother, and Woody Harrelson as Nadine's History teacher, mentor and reluctant sounding board.

44 • September 2016

MISS PEREGRINE'S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN Most likely Rated PG Reel Review: Directed by Tim Burton, this fantastical film is based on the bestselling novel by Ransom Riggs. When Jake discovers clues to a mystery that spans alternate realities and times, he uncovers a secret refuge known as Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As he learns about the residents and their unusual abilities, Jake realizes that safety is an illusion and danger lurks in the form of powerful, hidden enemies. Jake must figure out who is real, who can be trusted, and who he really is. Asa Butterfield, Eva Green, Allison Janney, Rupert Everett, Judi Dench and Samuel L. Jackson star. .

THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS Rated PG Reel Review: A terrier named Max's quiet life is upended when his owner takes in Duke, a stray who Max instantly dislikes. A series of events finds the two lost on the streets of New York City. "The Secret Life of Pets" is super cute! The voices are spoton, the animation is terrific, and the story takes us on an exciting journey through New York City. Big thumbs up for both kids and grownups.

NINE LIVES Rated PG Reel Review: Tom Brand’s (Kevin Spacey) workaholic lifestyle has disconnected him from his family, particularly his beautiful wife Lara (Jennifer Garner) and their daughter Rebecca (Malina Weissman). For her 11th birthday, Rebecca wants what she's always wanted - a cat. So Tom buys a cat named Mr. Fuzzypants at a mystical pet store run by eccentric owner Felix Perkins (Christopher Walken). One thing leads to another and after a car accident, Tom finds himself trapped inside the body of Mr. Fuzzypants! Will he be able to return to his family as a newly energized husband and dad?

www.flaglerparent.com / September 2016 • 45 www.volusiaparent.com

10AM – 2PM Marineland Marina hosts the Salt Air Farmers Market every Sunday. Find an array of fresh, organicallygrown produce and other yummy things. 101 Tolstoy Lane, St. Augustine. Call 904-814-9886 or www.saltairfarmersmarket.com

Salt Air Farmers Market


charlie@bradymediainc.com or mail to: 515 Palm Coast Pwy., SW, Ste. 5 Palm Coast, FL 32137

To submit an event, send your information by the 10th of the preceding month to:

Submit Your Event!

5 12:30PM - 2PM The MOMS Club of Bunnell-Palm Coast is sponsoring Messy Tuesdays every 2nd tuesday of the month. This is a time where kids, and grown ups alike, can come and get messy! Wadsworth Park For more information, contact Sarah Crosby 437-0290 or scrosby00@gmail.com


Mom's Club Messy Tuesdays




The Little Theater of New Smyrna Beach Sept. 1 - 6 Check Showtimes Charlotte's Web The Little Theater of New Smyrna Beach 726 Third Ave, New Smyrna Beach www.nsbplayers.org/

8:30PM - 10:00PM Movies in the Park event in Central Park. Bring blankets, bug spray, lawn chairs and everyone you know and love to enjoy 'Jurassic World', free of charge. Central Park in Town Center 975 Central Avenue, Palm Coast

Movies in the Park


The first Friday of September, it's our time to relax! Use hashtag #National Lazy Mom's Day to post on social media.

7PM Now featuring our NEW and state-of-the-art laser projector, the SkyLase. The new SkyLase boasts newly engineered red, green, and blue laser diodes that are exceptionally brighter and many times more brilliant than the previous projector. Now enjoy the Planetarium's laser shows with much more vibrant colors and spectacular clarity! Museum of Arts & Sciences Planetarium 352 South Nova Road Daytona Beach, (386) 255-0285

Laser Rock Concert

8AM – 12PM Downtown Flagler Beach, by the Ocean- Every Friday & Saturday, Year Round Rain or Shine.

Flagler Beach Farmers Market


8AM – 12PM Downtown Flagler Beach, by the Ocean- Every Friday & Saturday, Year Round Rain or Shine.

National Lazy Mom’s Day

Flagler Beach Farmers Market

3 6PM – 9PM Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and come for the live entertainment, local food vendors and flair. Family fun with Kids Zone sponsored by Flagler Parent. Veterans Park, Flagler Beach.


First Friday Flagler Beach



16th Annual New Smyrna Beach Jazz Festival September 23-25

10AM – 2PM Marineland Marina hosts the Salt Air Farmers Market every Sunday. Find an array of fresh, organicallygrown produce and other yummy things. 101 Tolstoy Lane St. Augustine. Call 904-814-9886 www.saltairfarmersmarket.com

Salt Air Farmers Market




7PM - 8:30PM Join us each month as we toast the setting sun and rising of the full moon with a sparkling beverage and light hors d'oeuvres, at the top of Florida's tallest lighthouse. Reservations a must. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are sold on a first-come first-serve basis. Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse 4931 South Peninsula Drive Ponce Inlet (386) 761-1821

Climb to the Moon!





5:30 - 10PM Daytona Beach Spa and Wellness Center, 211 E. International Speedway Daytona Beach (386) 243-9644


Join Jeff Rodgers, Director of Education for the South Florida Museum and Director of the Bishop Planetarium, a Smithsonian Affiliate Museum, in the Root Family Auditorium for a sweeping talk designed to give you a broader appreciation and awareness of Florida's natural history as a unique, dynamic and ever changing place. Root Family Auditorium 352 South Nova Road Daytona Beach (386) 255-0285

5:30PM - 7:30PM Be a Downtown Diva the second Wednesday of every month and discover what downtown DeLand has to offer! Enjoy special sales, discounts, giveaways and other promotions. Winewomenandchocolatedeland.com

12:30PM - 2PM This is a time where kids, and grown ups alike, can come and get messy! Wadsworth Park, Flagler Beach, Sarah Crosby 437-0290 or email scrosby00@gmail.com.

Spa Social

The Natural History of Florida


Wine, Women and Chocolate


Messy Tuesdays at the Park


One of Central Florida’s premier music events! The Jazz Festival is a threeday affair with great jazz, good food and lots of fun. Flagler Avenue, New Smyrna Beach More info visit http://nsbjazzfest.com/.




10AM – 2PM Marineland Marina hosts the Salt Air Farmers Market every Sunday. Find an array of fresh, organicallygrown produce and other yummy things. 101 Tolstoy Lane St. Augustine. Call 904-814-9886 www.saltairfarmersmarket.com

Salt Air Farmers Market


Happy Grandparents Day to all our Grandmother and Grandfather readers!

National Grandparents Day

10AM – 2PM Marineland Marina hosts the Salt Air Farmers Market every Sunday. Find an array of fresh, organically-grown produce and other yummy things. 101 Tolstoy Lane, St. Augustine Call 904-814-9886 www.saltairfarmersmarket.com

Salt Air Farmers Market


10AM -4PM Whether you are a scratch golfer or just learning the game, we have the ability to help those less fortunate by giving back through the game of golf. Only $30.00 for 18 holes, $5.00 of that will be donated to that month's local charity recipient. September recipient: 1st Responders. Call to schedule your tee time (386)-986-4653. Palm Harbor Golf Club, 20 Palm Harbor Drive, Palm Coast. More info call (386) 986-4653.

Palm Coast Charity Golf

The 20th annual Family Health & Fitness Day USA is a national health and fitness event for families. The event's purpose is to promote family involvement in physical activity, one of the goals of the U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health.

National Family Health & Fitness Day

8AM – 12PM Downtown Flagler Beach, by the Ocean- Every Friday & Saturday, Year Round Rain or Shine.

Flagler Beach Farmers Market


8AM - 2PM Four-mile timed run and two-mile non-timed dog walk to benefit the lost and homeless animals of the Flagler Area. Leashed dogs welcome on the walk. Free t-shirt and post-race drink ticket. Prizes: Overall male & female runners; Top three runners in each age group; All walkers receive a medallion. Event held at Princess Place Preserve, 2500 Princess Place Road, Palm Coast, FL. www.flaglerhumanesociety.org/fast

Fast & Furriest 2016 Run and Walk

8AM – 12PM Downtown Flagler Beach, by the Ocean- Every Friday & Saturday, Year Round Rain or Shine.

Flagler Beach Farmers Market



7 Top Eco-Friendly Products For New Moms & Babies Xza Higgins is the founder of MommyCon, the largest natural parenting convention in the country. MommyCon will be in Orlando, Florida on September 3rd at the Caribe Royale Convention Center. Xza is very pleased to share her top 7 ecofriendly products for new moms and babies:

What is Natural Parenting?

by MommyCon founder, Xza Higgins

MommyCon is a nationwide convention series dedicated to creating and nurturing a community of parents and parents-to-be in celebration of natural parenting. But what is natural parenting? Why is this philosophy growing in popularity in Florida so much? Ahead of it’s convention in Orlando on September 3rd, Xza Higgins, MommyCon founder outlines 5 core components of natural parenting: Natural Birthing The natural parenting philosophy supports the belief that birth is a natural, normal and healthy process. However, with the over medicalization of birthing, many women are encouraged to opt for scheduled c-sections and/or medication to assist with their birthing experience. We strongly believe in choice! Should a woman decide to give birth naturally, we want to ensure there is a community of support and resources available to her to help with her natural birthing experience. At MommyCon, midwives and doulas mingle with expectant attendees in a supportive and inclusive environment. No one should be shamed for their birth experience, and we believe in support no matter how a woman births her children. Breastfeeding Natural parenting promotes the normalisation of breastfeeding. Nursing your child from newborn to whatever age you feel appropriate is an individual and personal process. We believe in empowering women with the choice to breastfeed wherever, and whenever they want. We also strongly advocate feeding your babies on demand. At the MommyCon event, mother's can be found nursing their children throughout the space. We also provide a feeding lounge for all mother's to sit back and feed their children. Privacy is available, but is not something that we require our attendees to use. At the event, attendees can connect with lactation professionals to assist them along the way in their feeding journey. Babywearing Babywearing is an age-old tradition that has been around for centuries. The natural parenting philosophy celebrates the numerous benefits of wearing your baby. The benefits include bonding, practicality, feeding, and sleep! Newborn babies naturally want to stay close to their parents, so babywearing can be a natural extension after pregnancy, when babies are in their crucial “fourth” trimester. At the event there are dozens of choices of carriers to choose from. Parents can test out options that fit newborns all the way through to toddlerhood, and beyond. Holistic Health and Wellness Natural parenting embraces eco-friendly living and holistic health. At MommyCon we love to encourage awareness of what you put in your body and your baby's body. This can range from eating and making organic food, utilizing organic and natural beauty products, starting your own vegetable garden, or utilizing alternative energy sources such as solar panels in your house. We offer numerous sessions on bringing these topics to your household. Eco-friendly diapering As an extension of holistic health and wellness, natural parenting also embraces eco-friendly diapering. Fortunately cloth diapering is now much easier and more accessible for parents than it used to be. There is a great number of cloth diapering options on the market now! When cloth diapering isn't right for your family, we also provide information and products for eco-friendly disposable diapering alternatives. Essentially the natural parenting philosophy nurtures a community of support, acceptance and nonjudgement for women journeying through parenthood. To find out more about natural parenting visit MommyCon in Orlando on September 3rd at the Caribe Royale Convention Center. 48 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com

1. Bum Genius Organic Cloth Diaper For the ultimate cloth diapering experience treat your newborn to cloth diapers from Bum Genius. www.bumgenius.com/style/bumgenius-elemental/ 2. Kickee Pants Pyjamas For the softest pyjamas ever, try out Kickee Pants. My kids love them and they are extra comfy: http://www.kickeepants.com/shop/pc/viewcategories.asp?idCategory=50 3. Whole Life Beauty Products Pamper mom and baby with all natural beauty products from Whole Life. Whole Life is an independent, family owned company which makes organic products which are artificial-preservative & additive-free. http://wholelifeandservices.com/productcategory/personal-2/beauty/ 4. Mother Love Nipple Cream Treat your source of your newborn’s food with great care! I recommend Mother Love’s nipple cream which is a natural herbal salve that quickly relieves the discomfort of sore, cracked nursing nipples. All ingredients are safe for ingestion, so it does not need to be washed off prior to breastfeeding baby. Motherlove’s nipple cream is made with 100% certified organic ingredients. https://www.motherlove.com/product/nipple-cream 5. Even Flo Milk Storage Bags Make pumping more fun with these milk storage bags from Even Flo. Each bag has an encouraging message for mom on it. https://www.evenflofeeding.com/products/breastfeeding/breast-milk-storage/milk-storage-bags/ 6. JuJuBe BFF Diaper Bag - Queen of the Jungle This is the ultimate diaper bag that goes beyond baby-hood. Look fashionable while remaining practical with this must-have diaper bag: http://www.shop.ju-ju-be.com/b-f-f-diaper-bag-thequeen-of-the-jungle/ 7. ErgoBaby Natural Linen Carrier Every new mom needs a carrier for their newborn. This carrier from ErgoBaby is comfortable for both mom and baby, making babywearing super easy! Keep baby close while on-the-go: https://store.ergobaby.com/baby-carrier/original-collection/natural-linen

www.volusiaparent.com / September 2016 • 49


Volusia County Library Branches Become a Friend, Make a Difference! Contact your local library for information about joining the Friends of the Library in your community. For additional activities, please check your local library on the branch web site, www.volusialibrary.org, or call your branch at their number listed below.

Ormond Beach Public Library

Oak Hill Public Library Julie Walters, Branch Head

Suzan Howes, Regional Librarian

125 E. Halifax Ave. Oak Hill FL 32759 (386) 345-5510

30 S. Beach St. Ormond Beach FL 32174 (386) 676-4191

Hours of Operation: Mon. - Tue. 10-1, 2-5 Wed. 1-5 Thu. 12-3, 4-7 Fri. 10-1, 2-5

Hours of Operation: Sun. 1-5 Mon. - Thu. 9-7 Fri. & Sat. 9-5 Daytona Beach Regional Library Suzan Howes, Regional Librarian 105 E. Magnolia Ave. Daytona Beach FL 32114 (386) 257-6038 Hours of Operation: Sun. 1-5 Mon. - Thu. 9-7 50 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com

Edgewater Public Library Kristin Bennett, Branch Head 103 W. Indian River Blvd. Edgewater FL 32132 (386) 424-2916 Hours of Operation: Mon. & Wed. 9:30-6 Tues. & Thu. 9:30-7:30 Fri. & Sat. 9:30-5

Port Orange Public Library Jane Weimer, Regional Librarian 1005 City Center Circle Port Orange FL 32129 (386) 322-5152 Hours of Operation: Sun. 1-5 Mon. - Thu. 9-7 Fri. & Sat. 9-5


2016 Masquerade 5K & Fun Walk at Flagler Auditorium Celebrating National Arts In Education Week!

It’s time to celebrate National Arts In Education week and Flagler Auditorium Performing Arts Center invites the entire community to walk or run in the Masquerade 5K & Fun Walk! The event will take place Saturday, September 17th at 8am on the campus of the Flagler Palm Coast High School. The course will Start and Finish at the Auditorium, while winding through the campus including the sports complex track with the FPCHS marching band on the field. Participants are encouraged to wear costumes and awards will be giving for the best costumes! Attendees can also enjoy an art exhibit in the grand entrance of the Flagler Auditorium. This event is part of Flagler County's celebration of National Arts in Education Week. This year National Arts in Education week takes place September 11th-17th. It is a national celebration recognizing the importance of “Arts” to a well-rounded education. Designated by Congress in 2010, through House Resolution 275, the celebration is designated to bring attention to this cause to elected officials and educational decision makers across the country and to support equitable access to the arts for all students. Studies reveal that students who study art are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. To register visit www.FlaglerAuditorium.org or stop by the auditorium during business hours Monday – Friday 9am to 4pm. Participant Packet Pickup will take place at the Flagler Auditorium on Friday, September 16th from 2:30 -6:30pm. You can register at packet pickup as well. Event tee shirts and finishers medals to the first 250 registrants! Sign up now! Day of registration and packet pick up opens at 6:30am on Saturday, Sept 17th. Age group awards will be given starting at 7 years and ranging to 75 years and older for males and females. 1st, 2nd,and 3rd awards in each age group as well as Best Overall Male, Best Overall Female, Best Masters Male, Best Masters Female, as well as Best Grand Masters Male and Best Grand Masters Female. Other event options include a 1 mile or 2 mile walk. Dress in costume, form a team and come out for a fun morning supporting Arts in Education. Awards for costumes include Best Depicting Theme, Best Group, Best Individual, and Judge’s Choice. This event is presented in support of the Flagler Auditorium’s mission to enrich lives by providing inspirational and educational cultural experiences. Call to learn how to become a sponsor. In conjunction with its 25th Anniversary, Flagler Auditorium has special events planned for this important week and invite you to take part and show your support of the arts with your friends or business. Arts in Education helps support children in our community with scholarships, band camps, instruments needed, as well as other vital business skills. All funds and donations benefit the Flagler Auditorium’s Arts in Education initiatives. The Flagler Auditorium Dennis Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center is enjoying its 25th anniversary of providing quality, affordable entertainment to the Northeast Florida Coast, as well as supporting arts in education.

Flagler Auditorium Hosts a Silver Tea

Benefiting Arts In Education and Celebrates 25 Years! Celebrating its 25th Anniversary, the Flagler Auditorium Performing Arts Center will host an afternoon “Silver” tea during Arts In Education Week on Monday, September 12th, 2016 at 3:00pm. This event will take place on the Flagler Auditorium stage for all to experience what it’s like to look out at the auditorium from a performer’s vantage point. The food will be exquisitely prepared by Palm Coast High School’s culinary students; as you enjoy entertainment by our talented local scholars. An afternoon of great entertainment, food, and fun are expected for all. High tea attire is recommended and guests are encouraged to wear silver. Arts in Education helps support children in our community with scholarships, band camps, instruments needed, as well as other vital business skills. Studies reveal that students who study art are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement. Arts and music education programs are mandatory in countries that consistently rank among the highest for math and science test scores. All are welcome to attend with friends and colleagues to show support for the arts. All funds and donations benefit the Flagler Auditorium’s Arts in Education initiatives. This event is presented in support of the Flagler Auditorium’s mission to enrich lives by providing inspirational and educational cultural experiences. Each ticket is a $50 donation or included in sponsor packages. Call to learn how to become a sponsor. To purchase tickets, visit www.FlaglerAuditorium.org come to the box office, or call 866-FLAGLER during business hours Monday – Friday 9am to 4pm. www.volusiaparent.com / September 2016 • 51


TOP TEN HIGHLIGHTS AT THE SOUTHERN WOMEN’S SHOW The Southern Women’s Show kicks off at the Orange County Convention Center September 15th-18th. The show is recognized as the premier event for women in Central Florida and will feature amazing shopping, creative cooking ideas, healthy lifestyle tips, trendy fashion shows, home décor and home improvement ideas and celebrity guests. For over two decades the Southern Women’s Show has featured everything important to women from fashion and accessories to health and fitness. Here are ten things you need to know about the 2016 Southern Women’s Show. 1. Meet Celebrity Guests: Join us at the Fashion & Entertainment Stage to meet special guests and hear what they have to say. Keegan Allen, known for his role as Toby Cavanaugh in Freeform’s Pretty Little Liars will appear at the show on Saturday and Whitney Way Thore, star of TLC’s My Big Fat Fabulous Life, will be at the show on Sunday. 2. Be Gracious to Your Sweet Tooth: Juliana Evans of Graciously Sweet has been baking since the age of 2 - and it shows! Along with the title of reigning Ghirardelli Ultimate S'mores Champion, Juliana was most recently seen competing in The Food Network’s Cake Wars. See Juliana on the Cooking Stage all weekend sharing her latest and greatest dessert recipes! 3. Freshen up for Fall: Stop by the Macy’s Pavilion for a fresh fall makeover from the finest cosmetic and fragrance lines. Try a new look with a shiny gloss, warm colors, and blush, and pamper yourself with the latest fragrances. You can also browse your favorite handbags and purchase a new purse for the new season. 4. Taste of Home Cooking School. Back by popular demand, guests can sharpen their culinary skills with the Taste of Home Cooking School on Thursday and Friday, September 15th and 16th. Tickets for the cooking class are just $15 (in advance), and include show admission and swag bag valued at more than $50. 5. Rock New Fall Hair – On Us. On Friday, September 16th from 4pm-7pm Blo Blow Dry Bar is offering complimentary dry styles from professionals. Styling is first come first served so snag your squad and have your tresses transformed with fresh looks that will blow you away. 6. Girls’ Night Out: The Orange County Firefighter fashion show is a longstanding Southern Women’s Show tradition, and the hunky heroes are back to heat up the catwalk for a great cause. All donations go to support the St. Baldrick’s Foundation to help children with cancer. This year, Little Black Dress Wines is sponsoring the evening. Enjoy $4 admission after 4pm and a complimentary glass of wine (while supplies last, with printed coupon from the show’s website). 7. Hoop It Up!: Chris Lowe has spent the last 17 years in the health and fitness industry and she is the mastermind behind the newest fitness program in the U.S. called 8. Take a Spin: Make a pit stop at the Chevrolet exhibit to check out the 2016 Camaro Convertible, Traverse, and Malibu! Professionals will be on hand to answer your questions, and to help you find the vehicle that best fits your busy lifestyle. Then take a test drive at the show to receive a $10 gift card from either Amazon, Starbucks or Target and help FIND NEW ROADS™ with Chevrolet. 9. Mother Daughter Day: Mothers and daughters enjoy a day of pampering, shopping, and entertaining together on Sunday, September 18th. Bring your little ones to meet The Snow Sisters, provided by Once Upon a Party. They will be hosting an enchanted sing-a-long at 2:30pm on stage, followed by a magical meet-and-greet opportunity. 10. Calling all Teachers: As a special thank you to teachers for all they do for kids and our community, on Saturday, September 17, educators and staff who present a valid school ID will receive special discounts and treats throughout the show ALL day!

52 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com

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www.volusiaparent.com / September 2016 • 53


Princess Place Preserve

Sleep Under the Stars A Guide to Area Camping

by Amy Lukasik

Just because summer is over and school is back in session, that doesn’t mean that the fun has to end! Flagler County’s natural surroundings will take your breath away, and our RV parks and campgrounds allow you to immerse yourself in the area's beauty. When it comes to camping, it doesn’t get any better than grabbing the tent or camper and setting up right next to the ocean. Sometimes beachside camping in Florida can be hard to find, but Flagler County offers an impressive number of beachside camping sites. Always plan ahead and research campgrounds before making reservations (and reservations are almost always needed). Not every park is pet-friendly, and some have amenities like kayak rentals or beach bonfires. Some parks only accommodate RV campers, while some don’t allow large vehicles. Flagler County is also home to additional campsites near the Intracoastal such as Princess Place Preserve. So pack your s’mores kit and grab your bathing suit. Here’s your guide to outdoor camping in Palm Coast and the Flagler Beaches.

Princess Place Preserve with its rich history and 1500 pristine acres attracts nature enthusiasts from near and far. Visitors can take in the environment on one of the many hiking trails, spend time fishing in the salt marshes along the Matanzas River and Pellicer Creek, or camp out under the stars. The preserve is a popular spot for equestrian enthusiasts. With an equestrian campsite and plenty of riding trails it is easy to embrace nature while enjoying a ride. Come and visit us for a glimpse of old Florida. Whether you hike, horseback ride, canoe/kayak, camp, fish or picnic, you will have memorable experience at Princess Place Preserve.

Flagler-by-the-Sea Campground Flagler-by-the-Sea Campground is pet friendly and one of the most conveniently located beachside campgrounds. The park accommodates large vehicles like RVs, while campers can set up tents on the sandy white beach. Picnic tables, chairs and public barbecue grills are also scattered throughout the campground.

Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area Named after the iconic Floridian folk singer Gamble Rogers, this park is one of the best places to camp if you want a magnificent view of the Atlantic Ocean. Gamble Rogers has everything you’re looking for in a park, and this 145-acre has plenty of fun perks like volleyball courts, nature trails and kayak/canoe rentals by the campground. At certain times of year, campers can witness live sea turtles hatching and watch the babies make their way to the ocean. In the off-season, there’s still plenty of gorgeous wildlife to see such as ospreys, herons and storks. Campers can stay overnight in their tents with access to water, electricity, picnic tables and a fire ring.

Beverly Beach Camptown RV Resort If you’re traveling in an RV, the Beverly Beach Camptown is one of the few beachside campgrounds in Florida where you can park your large vehicle. Overlooking the ocean, this park allows campers to have many fun-in-the-sun activities like fishing, hiking and swimming. Even if you don’t own an RV, Beverly Beach visitors can still request permission to camp on the beach in tents or rent one of its few cabins. When camping here, visitors can take advantage of its laundry facilities and two full-service bathhouses. 54 • September 2016 / www.volusiaparent.com

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