Holiday Religious Services Guide

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 A Special Holiday Supplement to the Brainerd Dispatch 


The Greatest Gift of All

Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

The Greatest Gift of All


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Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012



Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

A Christmas Carol

That little children might be bold In perfect trust to come to Him.

“What means this glory round our feet?” The Magi mused, “more bright than morn?” And voices chanted clear and sweet, “Today the Prince of Peace is born!”

All round about our feet shall shine A light like that the wise men saw, If we our loving wills incline To that sweet Life which is the Law.

“What means that star?” the shepherd said, “That brightens through the rocky glen?” And angels answering overhead, Sang, “Peace on earth, good will to men!”

So shall we learn to understand The simple faith of shepherds then, And clasping kindly hand in hand, Sing, “Peace on earth, good will to men!”

‘Tis twenty hundred years and more Since those sweet oracles were dumb; We wait for Him, like them of yore; Alas, He seems so slow to come!

And they who do their souls no wrong, But keep at eve the faith of morn, Shall daily hear the angel-song, “Today the Prince of Peace is born!”

But it was said, in words of gold. No time or sorrow e’er shall dim,

- by J.R. Lowell

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Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

Come Let Us Adore Him...



Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

A Blessed Season

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Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012



Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

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A Blessed Season

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Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

Tidings of Comfort & Joy...



Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Brainerd/Baxter Catholic Churches (St. Andrews, St. Francis, St. Mathias, All Saints) Casino Assembly of God Christ Community Church Christ Evangelical Lutheran Crosslake Presbyterian First Lutheran First Presbyterian Church Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Good Shepherd Free Lutheran Grace United Methodist Church

Church Listings Immaculate Heart Church Immanuel Lutheran Church Lake Country Parishes (St. Alice, St. Christopher, Our Lady of Lourdes) Lakewood Evangelical Free Light of the Cross Living Savior Lutheran Church Living Word North Lord of Life Lutheran Lutheran Church of the Cross Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Park United Methodist Church

Pequot Lakes Baptist Church Rejoice Lutheran Church Salem Lutheran Church St. Joseph’s Catholic Churches St. Paul’s Episcopal The Church On The Wise Road The Journey North Timberwood Church Trinity Lutheran Church ELCA Truth Lutheran Zion Lutheran

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Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

The Savior Is Born!


Brainerd Dispatch & Neighbors  Friday, November 23, 2012

The Greatest Gift of All


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