E r’s
Monday, October 22, 2012
Even though many experts say the problems facing government are tougher than ever, they haven’t discouraged candidates in the Brainerd lakes area from offering their services to the voters. In Brainerd alone, 18 candidates filed for three positions on
the city council. Ten candidates through their respective hats in the ring for three Brainerd School Board seats.
The Brainerd Dispatch voter’s guide is designed to at least
introduce readers to the candidates. Attendance at candidate forums, research and personal encounters will also help many voters make their decisions on Nov. 6. The Dispatch only included contested races in the voter’s guide. In some races the Dispatch did not receive a response to the questionnaire it sent out to candidates.
House District 10A
John Ward
Age: 62 Current employment: I retired as an educator and coach in 2006 after 33 plus years of teaching and coaching. I am currently a licensed property/casualty insurance agent for the EPIC Insurance Agency. I have been operating this small business for the last 17 years. I am also a current member of the MN House of Representatives and have represented and served the citizens of Crow Wing County for the last six years. John Public office experience: Proctor city councilor for two years, Proctor mayor for three years Ward and six years as a Minnesota state legislator Party affiliation: DFL What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: As a legislator, I practice daily and am proficient in the critical skills of communication, conflict resolution, time management and problem solving. I am an experienced, aggressive, results-driven legislator with a proven track record who works tirelessly for my constituents. My seniority has resulted in key committee assignments that I use to benefit my constituents and all Minnesotans. I have earned the respect of fellow legislators from both parties as a passionate, principled and hard working legislator who promotes collaboration across party lines and builds the bipartisan coalitions necessary to get the job done.
Chris Kellett
Age: 45 Current employment: Small business owner Public office experience: None Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I’m a Brainerd lakes resident, former counselor, own a Chris Kellett small marketing business and have held key leadership positions on numerous community boards/clubs over the years. I understand many issues facing our citizens and small business owners. I’m running because our neighbors have been suffering the loss of their jobs, businesses, savings and/or homes at epidemic levels in recent years. I want to reverse this trend. History has proven reducing taxes for everyone, leaving more money in your pocket to spend and invest will stimulate the economy resulting in more jobs. Economy and preserving freedom are my top priorities.
Senate District 9 Name: Paul Gazelka
Age: 53 Current employment: State senator and State Farm Insurance agent in the Brainerd lakes area Public office experience: State senator, Former state representative. I presently serve as an assistant majority leader and vice chair of the Commerce Committee. I also serve on the Veterans and State Government Committee Paul as well as Transportation and Environment. Gazelka Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: My experience as a business owner is very important when determining what government can do to help the private sector grow jobs in our area. I am also very concerned about our government spending more than they have. The reaction has always been to raise more taxes. That has to stop. It’s time to reduce the spending increases. I am also a social conservative, standing for pro-life, marriage, Second Amendment rights and Photo ID for voting. I am endorsed by MCCL, NRA, NFIB, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce and Minnesota Farm Bureau. My opponent is not endorsed by these organizations.
Al Doty
Age: 66 Current employment: Retired teacher/wrestling Coach, retired senior advocate Public office experience: Royalton City Council (current), Minnesota House of Representatives, 2007-2010 Party affiliation: DFL Al What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Doty I’ve lived and worked in this district over 40 years. My opponent moved here in June just to run for office. I’ve farmed, I’ve lived on a lake, I’ve helped high school seniors prepare for their futures and I’ve helped senior citizens deal with the problems of aging. I know this district from the inside, not outside. I’m pro-life, a life member of NRA, who believes in balanced budgets, not borrowing. I’ll fight for small towns, small businesses, family farms and restoring Homestead Credit. I have a political science degree, legislative experience and I understand compromise. I’ll represent everyone fairly.
Senate District 10 Carrie Ruud
Age: 60 Current employment: Broker/owner Lakes and Leisure Realty, Inc. Public office experience: Senator District 4. Mayor of Breezy Point Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualfied candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Carrie My experience, work ethic, common sense and leadership abilities make Ruud me the most qualified candidate. I am a small business owner, residential property taxpayer, commercial property taxpayer, work full-time and my name has been on both sides of the paycheck. I was the president of the Greater Lakes Association of Realtors and Women’s Realtor of the Year for the state of Minnesota. I am the former mayor of Breezy Point and former senator District 4. My family heritage is veterans and educators with experience from seniors to great grandchildren. I work hard and get the job done.
Senate District 5 John Carlson
Age: 59 Current employment: Insurance agent/owner John Carlson Agency, Inc. Public office experience: First term Minnesota State Senate Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you¹re seeking?: I’m a businessman, former youth sports coach and community activJohn ist. I’m a servant leader who works hard to make my community a better Carlson place to live. I’m not a career politician. I have never been a school board member, city councilor or county commissioner. I care more about solving problems than pointing blame. We can accomplish so much more when we aren’t concerned who gets the credit. In my first two-year term in the Minnesota Senate, I chief-authored 59 bills and got 28 eight of them passed into law, either as stand-alone bills or part of larger omnibus bills.
Tom Saxhaug did not respond
Taylor Stevenson
Age: 24 Current employment: Substitute Teacher (K-12) in the Brainerd Public School district, 9th grade football and track and field coach Public office experience: None Party affiliation: DFL What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I was born and raised here and live the challenges that we’re faced with every day. Taylor We need excellent and equitable education and I have a real plan to fund it. We Stevenson can improve our education system by adjusting our funding formula to account for urban-rural disparities and most importantly by restoring the $2.4 billion taken from our schools by a do-nothing legislature. Additionally, the Homestead Property Tax Credit should be restored to alleviate the burden on our homeowners and seniors. Finally, I believe in a common sense, accountable form of government where we listen and work together.
House District 5A Larry Howes
Age: 65 Employment: Retired bricklayer Public office experience: State representative, 14 years Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualifed candidate for the post you’re seeking?: My solid reputation of working with members and leadership on both Larry Howes sides of the aisle in St. Paul gets results for the people of this area and statewide. Recognizing my desire and ability to work with all for the common good, I have been awarded many times by trade, professional, outdoor and environmental and business groups. It’s been an honor to serve in the Minnesota House. Former member Rep. Frank Moe said of me, “He’s shrewd, he gets along with others and he’s comfortable working both sides of the aisle to do right for his district.” (St. Paul Legal Ledger, June 6, 2008)
John Persell did not respond
House District 10A Carolyn McElfatrick
Age: 67 Current employment: Registered nurse, retired Public office experience: Minnesota House of Representatives 2010 Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I believe it is not the government’s responsibility to create jobs but to encourCarolyn age private industry to thrive, not stifled by excessive taxes and regulations. I McElfatrick supported job creation through angel investment credits, phasing out statewide commercial/industrial property tax and allowing capital equipment sales tax exemption for small businesses. I voted for the largest K-12 budget in the state’s history and supported education reforms. I have the medical background to help create health care improvements. I strongly support welfare reform to reduce abuses. I believe growing government and overspending hurts our future. Pro-life and pro-second amendment gun rights.
Tom Anzelc
Age: 66 Occupation: Full-time state representative Elected experience: County commissioner, State Representative elected 2006, 2008 and 2010 in the former District 3A representing Itasca, Lake of the Woods and Koochiching counties Party: Democratic Farmer Labor Party Why?:I am from northern Minnesota and I am for northern Minnesota. Tom The people and interests of northern Minnesota guide my decision mak- Anzelc ing more than any political party or interest group. I was born here and I understand the importance of schools, forestry, tourism, hospitality and expanding our economy, along with our incredible opportunities for outdoor recreation. It is a lifestyle worth honoring and protecting. I am qualified to be state representative because I get things done in St. Paul and am accessible to the people at home. Lastly, I work each day to find solutions that benefit the people.
Monday, October 22, 2012
voter’s guide (See section A for more voter’s guide)
House District 10B Dale K. Lueck
Age: 62 Current employment: Self-employed cattle rancher Public office experience: Current president Aitkin-Carlton County Farm Bureau and chair of the Aitkin County Planning Commission. Previous elected offices held include; Aitkin County commissioner (two terms), council member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, chair, Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association Dale Cow-Calf Council, and director, Central Minnesota Cattlemen’s Association. Lueck What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking? District 10B needs a strong experienced leader. I have that experience having served two terms as an Aitkin County commissioner and successfully operating my own business for the past 15 years. I believe in community service. I currently serve as president of the Aitkin-Carlton Farm Bureau and chair the Aitkin County Planning Commission. During my 28 years in the U.S.Navy, I always took on the tough jobs that required leadership. I enlisted as a fireman recruit and advanced to officer status completing my career at the rank of commander. I will put that same effort into representing the citizens of District 10B.
Joe Radinovich
Age: 26 Current employment: American Federation of Government Employees Public office experience: None Party affiliation: DFL What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: At 26, it’s been said that my generation will be one of the first to not do as well as our parents. While our state is facing another budget deficit, our schools in Joe rural Minnesota are being denied consistent funding, our property taxes are Radinovich rising unabated and many of our neighbors are out of work, partisan gridlock has crippled our government. The decisions made in St. Paul affect my family, my community and my future. We need more legislators willing to work across the aisle to work together to rebuild our future.
House District 9A
Mark Anderson
Age: 54 Current employment: Self-employed as contract pilot, businessman Public office experience: None Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Our Legislature needs more professional business people in office, not Mark full-time professional policy makers. People that are willing to take time Anderson off from their usual business, represent their districts at the Legislature, then return home. I support less bureaucracy, less taxes and relief from over regulation on Minnesota businesses and farmers. Government should not be spending money they do not have. I seek to restore the principles, limitations and common sense of the Minnesota Constitution to the Minnesota Legislature. I believe in putting students first, individual responsibility, personal property rights and the second amendment.
Don Niles
Age: 56 Current employment: Self-employed attorney - Niles Law Office, PA. Public office experience: Wadena City Council 2009-present Party affiliation: Democratic-Farmer-Labor What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: It’s time to elect representatives who have demonstrated public leadership and proven their ability to work with people having legitimately differing viewpoints. I will bring a strong voice to the legislature for focusing on solving real Don problems and getting things done. As an attorney familiar with the legislative Niles process, my training and experience will be an asset in crafting legislation and bridging different perspectives. My work as chair of the Wadena 2.0 Committee following the June 2010 EF4 tornado has inspired me with the knowledge that collaboration and working together for a common good is still possible in Minnesota.
Brainerd Council Ward 1
Amanda Monnier
Age: 28 Current employment: Coco Moon Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I understand what Brainerd needs to flourish. I love listening to people and hearing their stories and ideas. I am only in it to give Brainerd citizens a voice. Amanda Our city needs a change and being as young as I am, I can help bring that Monnier change and gap the bridges between age groups. I’m not just in this for the youth, I’m here for everyone. I’ve gone through many courses at CLC that have given me knowledge and understanding of our government and leadership, and if given the opportunity, I can help lead this city to a great future.
Dave Pritschet
Age: 47 Current employment: Eighth grade geography teacher at Forestview Middle School Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: My life experiences uniquely qualify me to represent Ward 1. I am reasonable, reliable and responsible. I relate well to people from all walks of life Dave and understand their concerns. If elected, I will be accessible and fight for the Pritschet best interest of the city. I will work tirelessly to make Brainerd a better place to live by promoting the Willow Street traffic light, extending the Mississippi River trail, working for the development of Miracle Field, bolstering our excellent police and fire service and protecting Brainerd’s excellent AA credit rating while being careful with the taxpayers’ money. Thank you.
Rob Garberich
Age: 49 Current employment: Director of sales at LINDAR Corporation Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I have been fortunate to work with people and organizations that share a vision and culture to get the job done for the customer. Working in sales has taught me that communication is the key to a successful business relationship. First we need to understand all the needs of the customer. We need to comRob municate these needs to our organization so we can find the solution. Then Garberich we need to deliver on this promise and continually enhance this relationship by showing our customer improvements and recommendations. I will work to communicate both ways so issues and ideas are communicated.
Daniel Egan
Age: 50 Current employment: Self-Employed and ISD 181 Coach Public office experience: Ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2010 What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: As a Brainerd resident for most of life, I’ve seen this community rise and fall through the economic tides. I’ve seen potential growth fall by the wayside. I believe I have the ability to make common sense decisions, be practical and Daniel creative when it comes to spending or investing in our community, and look to Egan the future to help create a vision for Brainerd. I believe I have time to dedicate to the citizenry. I will involve myself to create a “new vibe” for our town, to restore the image of Brainerd to the vital mid-Minnesota hub it once was.
Sue Hilgart
Age: 53 Current employment: Team leader Rural MN Concentrated Employment Program, site manager Brainerd WorkForce Center Public office experience: Volunteer positions on the city of Brainerd Police and Fire Civil Service Commission, current chair; city of Brainerd Transit Advisory Committee, current vice chair. Sue What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: My professional experience in human resources management provides Hilgart knowledge in key areas: problem solving, labor relations, budget planning and public sector finance. My education from Concordia University in organizational management and communication enhance my management and interpersonal abilities. My volunteer experiences serving on the Civil Service Commission and Transit Advisory Committee demonstrate my belief in public service. I have volunteered in numerous other capacities including the Rosenmeier Board and the Accounting Advisory Board at CLC and on the Governors Advisory Committee for Faith and Community Based Initiatives. These experiences have contributed to building leadership skills and knowledge of civic affairs.
Joseph Morgan
Age: 30 Current employment: RG Insurance & Nisswa Insurance Agency Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I have a vision and a desire to assist in the continued growth of a healthy community which supports all people, businesses of all levels, schools, parks, roads and infrastructure. I will advocate for citizens, who will play an active role in community leader- Joseph ship to establish partnerships within the community to expand resources for Morgan our citizens. I am willing to commit whatever time is necessary to perform my responsibilities including the willingness to increase my knowledge and skills so that I can become a more effective community representative.
voter’s guide (See section A for more voter’s guide)
House District 9B Ronald Kresha
Age: 42 Current employment: Golden Shovel Agency, Rice Creek Hunting Preserve Public office experience: School Board Party affiliation: GOP What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post Ronald you’re seeking?: Kresha As a former teacher, small business owner, CFO and current rural economic development advocate, I have the knowledge, skills and expertise to represent House District 9B. I believe our primary goal is to grow ourselves out of this rural recession. We need to support the agriculture industry and businesses in our area with initiatives to grow, not regulations to constrict growth. By putting our best foot forward and walking into the economic headwinds with optimism, we can revitalize Morrison and Todd Counties. As your state representative, I will lead the charge for growth.
Adrian Welle did not respond
Monday, October 22, 2012
Crow Wing Soil & Water Supervisor District 4 Craig Nathan
Age: 54 Current employment: Rural Minnesota CEP, Inc. Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I am running for the CWC SWC District Supervisor because of my ability to bring energy and passion to the issues facing the region in soil, water planning and use. The position needs fresh ideas to help propel the organization. I am a lifelong resident of Crow Wing County and have roots in the community through many volunteer activities including leadership positions in Community Action, Economic Development and Lake Association programming. Residents of our region need strong leadership to maintain programs that create a balance between the need for continued environmental preservation and the need to provide economic development.
Bob Becker
Age: 81 Current employment: Retired Public office experience: For nine years chairman of the Jasper County, Ind., Board of Health. One term supervisor Orton Township, Wadena County. Twelve years supervisor on the Crow Wing County Soil and Water Conservation District. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I’ve got 27 years experience in environmental conservation, I have a background in limnology, the study of water, lakes and streams. Fifteen years experience in water quality monitoring and interpretation. For six years, chairman of the Pine River Watershed Foundation.
Brainerd Council Ward 3 Jeff Czeczok
Age: 49 Current employment: Two appointed offices, airport commission and city Transportation Advisory Committee Public office experience: Over a decade of active citizen participation in local government affairs at the city and county levels. Appointee to Transportation Committee from 1996 through 2004 and reappointed in February of 2011. Jeff Appointee to Airport Commission, January, 2012. Czeczok What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I’ve followed local government issues for over a decade and thoroughly review city council agenda data. I’ve always voiced concerns and questions important to Brainerd citizens and I consistently bring important issues forward. I work cooperatively with others with differing opinions. I answer questions directly. I’ve proposed policy and procedure adopted by the city and I’ve researched issues bringing forth accurate data where previously it wasn’t provided. I got involved years ago and I’ve stayed active establishing and securing a proven track record. Last year Alderman Kevin Goedker said: Jeff Czeczok is the most “consistent and knowledgeable” constituent he’s had.
Howard Brewer
Age: 68 Current employment: Retired Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you are seeking?: Not having a Fourth of July Parade. When the Brainerd Jaycees came up with an alternative sponsorship and route and were shot down, that was the last straw. That was a slap in the face to the Brainerd Jaycees, local businesses and the citizens. It is time to put unity back in community and figure out ways to Howard bring people to Brainerd, not drive them away. The Mississippi River project Brewer and a railroad museum are two things to build on. There is a lot of hard work that needs to be done to keep the Brainerd ship from sinking.
John Magnuson
Age: 65 Current employment: Retired since July 2011 Public office experience: First time running for office What qualifies you as the best candidate for the position you’re seeking?: I have 26 years of service with the state of Minnesota and retired from BRHSC, (state hospital) July 2011. I have been active for 20 plus years working for John good jobs here as well as across the state as a union and employment advo- Magnuson cate. While helping negotiate six state labor agreements; I learned how to find win-win solutions by cooperation and compromise. I will work to grow living wage jobs, reduce property taxes, protect and or increase Local Government Aid and promote and invest in Brainerd’s assets in a fiscally responsible manner.
Gary Scheeler
Current employment: I currently own and operate Brainerd Country Power Equipment in Southeast Brainerd at the intersection of Highway 18 and 25 since 2001. A licensed real estate Agent since 2007. Course’s in Rental Housing Public office experience: I have served six years as a Brainerd City Council person for Ward 3 in N.E. from 1999-2004. I was on the Safety and Public works committee from 1999-2004. I also was the chair-person on the Safety and Public works committee from 2002-2004 and Brainerd City Council liai- Gary son for the airport commission from 2002-2004. Worked with many different Scheeler city committees from 1999-2004. What makes you the most qualified candidate?: I have the most experience as a candidate running for Brainerd City Council in Ward 3. I have been self-employed for over 35 years. With that said I have the most business experience of any candidate in Ward 3. I know how to bring business to Brainerd and create good jobs while protecting our environment and make new business coming into town feel like they are welcomed. I’ll make being a council person a full-time job. I will work very hard each day to make Brainerd a better place to live with good housing.
Dondi Allen did not respond
Brainerd Council At Large (2 seats) Chip Borkenhagen
Age: 65 Current employment: Publisher/marketing and public relations consultant What makes you the most qualified candidate for the position you’re seeking?: I am a business visionary with 40 years of practical and successful experience. My career has been all about using a positive attitude to build good relationChip ships between small business owners, their employees and their customers. Borkenhagen This is essentially not much different than directing a successful community government. I will use my recent background in building Lake Country Journal Magazine to seek the best solutions, minimize drama and rebuild Brainerd’s reputation and prestige. The community building I have been a part of over the years allows me to “hit the ground running” in turning our challenges into economic opportunities.
Robert “Bob” Olson
Age: 86 Current employment: Brainerd City Council, 1975-77; mayor, 1989-90; alderma-at-large, 2001-2012. What makes you the most qualified candidate for post you’re seeking?: Will continue to serve and represent Brainerd citizens to the best of Robert my God-given ability. Tax dollars should be Olson used for citizen needs, not the wants of elected officials. Will continue to review city finances and inform citizens when there are discrepancies. Will continue to make financial recommendations to reduce levies paid by citizens when additional funds are available. Because of my recommendations: 2011 levy reduced $900,000 for street construction costs; 2012 adopted budget levy reduced $235,000. Haven’t voted for all city budgets; unnecessary expenditures weren’t eliminated. Will continue to speak out on citizen issues.
David Colvin
Age: 56 Current employment: Caregiver Public office experience: None Party affiliation: Not applicable What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I’ve lived in Brainerd all my life. I know the problems of this town David and I know what things have been done to try Colvin to remedy them. I realize that none of the solutions are easy or quick. Having lived here all my life, I know the people of the town and I am willing to listen to their problems and their ideas to fix them. I have an open mind and I am willing to try new and different ideas. In fact, if elected, I hope people will be willing to share their thoughts and concerns.
Mary Koep
Age: 79 Current employment: Radio talk show on 3WI in Brainerd, Brainerd City Council Public office experience: County board, city council What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you are seeking?: I am passionate about Brainerd — its history is of a vibrant resourceful people, a foundation for a bright, flourishing city. My record proves fiscal responsibil- Mary ity and accountability. I get things done. I listen and work for a quick and help- Koep ful response. I practice, “the buck stops here.” I reach out to business. I value their investment in Brainerd. Job growth is building. I understand council policy role. I am calm under pressure. I respect my colleagues and the people with whom I work. I have the courage of conviction. I am passionate about Brainerd.
Denny ‘Smitty’ Schmidt
Age: 65 Current employment: Retired What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I served 18 years on the Oak Lawn town board. Just like Brainerd we had a very tight operating budget. We managed to work within our budget without diminDenny Schmidt ishing services or raising taxes. Therefore my campaign slogan is “Pinch a Penny, Vote for Denny”. I am frugal by nature and even more so with other people’s money. I have worked in the manufacturing industry in various positions since the late 80s. I still have contacts that I could use to bring industry into the city. I believe that I am the only candidate that has that experience and knowledge.
Michael Bollinger
Age: 44 Current Employment: Crow Wing County Highway Department Public Office Experience: First time seeking public office What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Here are the reasons I believe that I would Michael Bollinger be the most qualified for alderman-atlarge. I would bring a balanced and common sense approach to making decisions that affect the people of Brainerd. I want a sensible plan to be put in place to repair city streets, using age, condition and traffic count. To set money aside from the budget, for snowplowing on weekends. Also a checks and balances system for any rezoning to be done in Brainerd, to be approved by the mayor and city council first.
Brainerd ballot question City Charter Amendment To Provide For A Primary Election
“Shall Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Brainerd be amended to add language providing for a primary election to be held for the selection of two nominees for each elective office at the regular City election, unless only two nominees file for each elective office, and to further amend Section 4 of the Charter to state that City elections will be canvassed in accordance with State Law?”
Laura Bisted
Age: 49 Current employment: Self-employed Sports Card Central Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Fresh ideas. I am willing to take in account the changing times and changing ways and I am Laura Bisted willing to adjust to both. I understand small business and how to cut costs but still bring the best product for a fair price. I believe in Brainerd's future and I am will to look at new ideas on how to get the city to grow with the times.
voter’s guide (See section A for more voter’s guide)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Crow Wing County Board District 1 Philip J. “PJ” Trusty
Age: 44 Current employment: Minnesota National Guard, Crow Wing County commissioner, owner/operator of Crow Wing Lake Campground Public office experience: Four years Crow Wing County commissioner, 14 years Fort Ripley Township supervisor What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Philip Trusty I am the most qualified candidate for this job because: I desire to do this job, to help where and when I can. My experience as supervisor for Fort Ripley Township for 14 years and specific experience as county commissioner for the last four years gives me a good understanding of the fiscal responsibilities that are placed with this position. I was born and raised in the county and believe in fairly representing the needs of everyone within the diverse areas of District 1 and Crow Wing County.
Marv Begin
Marv Begin
Age: 82 Current employment: Retired. Twenty-three years owner of M.B. Construction Public office experience: Five years Housing and Redevelopment Authority What makes you the most qualifed candidate for the post you’re seeking: “I believe I am the most qualified because with age comes knowledge. My life has been full of desires for other people’s happiness no matter what class, rich or poor alike, and have had great satisfaction on many and I feel I still have four good years left! Remember Jinx Ferrari!
Paul Koering
Age: 47 Current employment: Business owner/farmer. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking: To be very straight forward, I’m running for office because my neighbors and friends convinced me it was the right thing to do. I get so frustrated with the way things are going now in government. Many people serving in Paul office seem to be self servants and not public servants. We need more true Koering public servants looking out for the people they represent. That is what I will do if elected commissioner in November. I will look out for your interests, not my own.
Monty Jensen
Age: 30 Employment: Department of Agriculture and small businesses owner Public office experience: First bid What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking? I served in the U.S. Army. I developed a private business and have worked in the government sector as well as the private sector. I have a proven track record with experience as auditor, fiscal law analyst, budgeting, human resources, employee training/development, strategic planning and Monty management positions where I have been rewarded regularly for my per- Jensen formance. I am active in our community as a member of the VFW and as a member on the Rosenmeier Board for State and Local Government. With my observation I believe more can be done and constituent relations can be improved. I will bring community leadership, fiscal responsibility, economic growth, transparent accountability and real solutions for real problems to the Crow Wing County Board.
Crow Wing County Board District 5 Doug Houge
Age: 49 Current Employment: Manager/Stenerson Lumber – Owner/ Crosby Bar and Off-Sale Public office experience: CWC Planning Commission, eight years and CWC commissioner, 6 years. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Doug Having served as District 5 commissioner for the past six years I’ve been Houge a part of a team that has transitioned the “typical” county style of government into a “customer service based business”. Owning a small business and operating another allows me to say on top of the challenges we all face with today’s economy. These same challenges and change need to continue at the county level. Historic levy reductions, 2011 being the largest decrease in CWC history are examples these efforts. With additional years of challenges ahead of us, it is important we continue with proven leadership and experience.
Kris Hasskamp
Age: 61 Public office experience: Served 12 years as District 12A State Representative (1989-2001) What makes you the most qualified for the post you’re seeking?: 1. Will continue to make the people, communities, organizations, businesses and causes of the Cuyuna Range/ District 5, a high priority and Kris provide the time to make a real difference and produce real results. Hasskamp 2. Proven record as open minded to all views, will not make important decisions without extensive fact finding, public input ... insisting on a very transparent process. 3. Known as a very effective, articulate leader who is knowledgeable, seasoned in the political process, doing her homework and a successful negotiator. 4. Reputation as a “problem solving passionate and tenacious advocate” for her constituents ... fighting insurmountable challenges; but produces results.
Baxter City Council (2 seats) Mark Cross
Age: 52 Current employment: Architect, Master Scuba Diver Trainer and First Aid Instructor Public office experience: Baxter City Council, 1998-2006, 2008-present, Architectural Review Commission, 2006-2008 What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you¹re seeking?: Mark I am seeking re-election to the Baxter council. My work experience in Cross the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Surveying, & Property Management makes me an ideal candidate for this office. Working as an architect has taught me to think outside the box and hone my skills as a problem solver. My job requires that I work with many different local units of government. This allows me to observe different approaches to many of the same issues we see here in Baxter. If re-elected to the council, I will continue to offer my insight and honestly speak my mind.
Tom Hice
Tom Hice
Age: 40 Current employment: Sales Manager Nationstar Mortgage Public office experience: None. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking? I am a leader, a decision-maker and a successful businessman in Baxter. I am running for small business, community growth, and increase property values and to decrease taxes and permit fees. In Baxter we should have incentive to make our home or business a nicer place. Let’s make some changes and plan for the future and make Baxter the best place to live in the state of Minnesota.
Todd Holman
Age: 51 Employment: Program director for The Nature Conservancy Public Office: Incumbent, five years on the Baxter City Council. Why are you the most qualified candidate for the position you’re seeking?: Proven leadership, long-range planning experience, and collaborative problem solving all describe some of the attributes I have brought and Todd hope to continue to bring to the Baxter City Council. Having worked and Holman managed in county, municipal and the private sector I have a broad perspective and appreciation for connected processes that get projects and plans accomplished. These broad inter-community opportunities require long-range thinking and perserverance. I enjoy public service and listening to our residents, commercial and industrial economic interests to form balanced consensus on our delivery of services in a sustainable and affordable way.
Mari Holderness
Age: 63 Current employment: Retired. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you're seeking?: Even though I have no political experience I have always been interested in the political process. I have the qualities for a city council position. Those qualities are honesty, a sense of fairness, an open mind, a desire to make the city better and the willingness to work, I have been on the finance council of my church for many years. I am very Mari Holderness familiar with budgets and working within those budgets. My 30 years as an insurance agent for AAA gave an appreciation of local businesses. It also gave me the ability to relate to people on every level.
Brainerd School Board (3 seats) Reed A. Campbell
Age: 56 Current employment: Executive vice president American National Bank Minnesota—Baxter Office Public office experience: Elected to two four-year terms on the Brainerd School Board What makes you the most qualifed candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Reed I believe the experience gained and the commitment I’ve shown during these Campbell last nine years, qualifies me for another term on the Brainerd School Board. I am a graduate of BHS as are my four children and I have the passion to ensure that the quality education produced by District 181 continues. I am connected to the Brainerd lakes community with over 37 years of local banking experience. I received the 2003 Citizen of the Year award. I volunteer for Camp Confidence, Sertoma and St. Andrews Church. I would be honored to serve and share theses qualities for another term.
Bill Cruz
Age: 47 years old Current Employer: Adirondack Coffee of Nisswa Public Office Experience: None, but plenty of experience serving my community. What makes me the most qualified candidate?: I’m a life-long educator of children, being a father of five children ranging in age of 30 years old to 12 years old. I’m also a father of a special needs Bill child and understand fully how special education serves its students and their Cruz families. I’m also an advocate for those children served in special ed, as an educational assistant/para educator working in the public school environment for the past seven years, five of those years working for ISD 181. And finally, I’m a student of education, finishing my second year at Central Lakes College where I am a full-time student.
Sue Kern
Age: 56 Occupation: Bookkeeper for Kern’s Appliance, Century 21, Kern Apartments and other rental properties What makes me the most qualified candidate?: I have a heart for children and a desire to see them well educated and taught good values. I am a conservative and capable of making sound right decisions and work well with others. I am a mother of three, two BHS graduates Sue and one who is currently a freshman at South Campus. Born and raised in Kern Brainerd (maiden name of Osell) and a BHS graduate, 1974. My education is that of a registered nurse but currently working as bookkeeper/accountant for three of our businesses and other people’s rental properties. I have worked as treasurer for Lakes’ Area Women’s Connection.
Brainerd School Board continued page 5V
Randy J. Heidmann
Age: 61 Current employment: Retirement Plan Consultant, Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Public Office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Becoming an effective school board member takes time and this will happen through training and experience, believing otherwise is not realistic. I like be Randy challenged. Secondly, I am not a “yes” man, rather I view myself as a “why” Heidmann person. I ask questions, trying to understand other points of view and once I have the necessary facts I make decisions. I will support final outcomes regardless of my position. Finally, I bring 32 years of experience working in the adult education industry within the private sector.
voter’s guide (See section A for more voter’s guide)
Brainerd School Board continued from page 5V
Bob Passi
Kari Green
Kare Green
Monday, October 22, 2012
Age: 41 Current employment: Small business owner/ personal care assistant What makes you the best qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I have raised five children three of which have graduated the 181 school district, worked with adolescent children in several different facilities. Cared for children of families with special needs. Love to work with people and work well under stressful situation. Solving issues at hand will be a team effort, and requires the help of those who can give sound guidance. I have worked with many incredible people and love to work as a team. These are all qualifications that will benefit me to work for this community on the school board.
Sally Jacobsen
Age: 53 Current employment: Substitute teacher District #181, legal office assistant What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I value education. I have a B.A. from St. Olaf College and additional education coursework at Augsburg College. As a substitute teacher for the past 12 years, I am uniquely qualified because I know the challenges that face the children and teachers everyday. I have extensive volunteer experience with Sally Habitat for Humanity, League of Women Voters, Lord of Life Lutheran, and Jacobsen other nonprofits. My husband, Paul, and I, made sure that our children (Lissie, Peter, and Luke) took advantage of Brainerd’s excellence in academics, sports, and music. I want the same opportunities for all future students. For more information: www. sallyforschoolboard.org.
Bob Nystrom
Age: 55 Current employment: Pharmacist at Nystrom Thrifty-White Drug in Brainerd Public office experience: Eight years previous experience on the Brainerd School Board What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: The children of the Brainerd community deserve every advantage our schools can provide. Generations of my family graduated from Brainerd High School Bob as have my three children and I want to continue the tradition of excellence. Nystrom My eight years on the school board provided quite an education as we met the challenges of shrinking budgets and growing needs. I owned and operated Nystrom Drug for l5 years and was able to bring business experience to the school board’s finance committee as well as the other five committees I served on. We must continue to lead with passion and purpose.
Age: 71 Current employment: Retired educator and empowerment consultant Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: First is my unqualified belief in public education as the very basis of a strong community and a healthy democracy. My assets are my educational background and my broad experience being connected directly and indirectly with education on many levels and in many Bob Passi locations for most of my life. My communications skills and problem solving experience working within groups should be helpful in resolving the issues that arise. I think I could be helpful representing the funding needs with the Legislature. Finally, I am now retired and would like to give back to the public schools of this country.
Bruce McComas
Age: 65 Current Employment: Retired Public Office Experience: Numerous civic organizations, no political positions Why are you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I believe the assets that I can bring to the School Board include 41 years of experience in the education field. I have been a teacher and varsity coach for 19 years, Business Director in two school districts for 18 years, and ran School Management Solutions [consulting firm] for 4 years. I have a passion Bruce for education along with the experience, knowledge and time needed to be McComas a contributing member of the board. Having been involved in the decisionmaking process of school districts from all sides, I have a vast network of resources that I can call upon if needed.
Maurice Olson
Age: 68 Current employment: Retired, full-time artist. Public office experience: None What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you are seeking? (100 words or less): Dedicating my life to public service has always been an honor and privilege. If possible, I would like to serve this community again as a school bard member. Working together as a team, we can bring School District 181 into a new age of diversified learning experiences, creating achieve- Maurice ment portfolios that wil help guide students into the future. If elected I wil be Olson a public voice and student curriculum advocate. Hopefully you will hear my call and elect me to the board of education.
Judges Chief Justice Minnesota Supreme Court
Associate Justice Supreme Court 4
Dan Griffith
Tim Tingelstad
Age: 50 Current employment: Attorney Public office experience: I have not held public office What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you¹re seeking?: Judges should apply the law, not rewrite it. Government is either our master or our servant. Our right to vote reminds our leaders, including our judges, that they work for us. My wife Debbie and I have been married for 21 years and we are raising four sons. I have practiced law full-time for nearly 19 years, served our country in the military, litigated hundreds of cases in court and served our community in several activities from 4-H to the Children’s Justice Initiative. I offer a servant’s perspective as a Supreme Court justice.For more information please go to www.griffithforjudge.com
Lorie Skjerven Gildea
Age: 51 Current employment: Chief justice, Minnesota Supreme Court Public office experience: I have served as Chief Justice since July 1, 2010. Prior to becoming Chief Justice, I was an associate justice on the Supreme Court beginning in January 2006, and the people of Minnesota elected me to that position in November 2008. Before joining the Supreme Court, I served on the Hennepin County District Court. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you¹re seeking?: I am the best qualified candidate for chief justice because I am the only candidate with experience doing the job and because my record proves that I am good at it. My record of service as chief justice demonstrates that I am a person of principle, an innovative leader, a good manager and a clear and effective communicator. Based on my record, I have received public support from leaders in the legal and academic communities, including the people who best understand the challenges and work of the chief justice, Minnesota’s last four chief justices. For more, visit my website: www.chiefjusticeloriegildea.com.
Associate Justice Supreme Court 1 Barry Anderson
Age: 57 Current employment: Associate Justice, Minnesota Supreme Court Public office experience: 14 years as a judge What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: My 14 years experience as a judge, 8 on the Minnesota Supreme Court, qualifies me for another 6 year term on the Court. In addition, I am one of two Justices who serve on the judicial council, the governing body of the entire judicial branch, which sets policy for all the district and appellate courts in Minnesota. That experience, along with leadership of, or participation in, several important judicial branch programs, also qualifies me for another six year term. Finally, I have deep legal experience in both greater and urban Minnesota and have traveled throughout Minnesota during this campaign.
Sen. Dean Barkley
Age: 62 Current Employment: Attorney Public Office Experience: Former Director of the office of Strategic and Long Range Planning for the Ventura administration. Former U.S. senator. Qualifications: I have practiced law for 35 years. Judges should be nonpartisan and not let the political party of the governor that appointed them influence their decision making. The only justice on the Supreme Court that was not appointed by a Democrat or Republican governor is Alan Page who was elected in 1992. I am not a Democrat or a Republican and would be free to make my decisions based upon applying the law to the facts. I am an independent and by being elected by the people I would help keep the court from becoming partisan.
Age: 52 Current Employment: Magistrate for Ninth Judicial District What makes you the most qualifed person for the post you’re seeking?: Over the next few years our Minnesota Supreme Court will face issues that will define our families, determine the education of our children, and establish our civil and religious liberty for generations to come. With more than 27 years of legal experience in Minnesota, including 12 years of serving on the District Court bench as a Magistrate for the Ninth Judicial District, 3 years as an Administrative Law Judge, 9 years in private practice, and 6 years as an Assistant County Attorney, I am prepared to serve on our State’s Highest Court.
David R. Stras
Age: 38 Current employment: Associate justice, Minnesota Supreme Court Public office experience: Associate justice, Minnesota Supreme Court, 2010-present What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I have earned the trust of Minnesota’s citizens by demonstrating independence and impartiality as a justice. For that reason, a broad, bipartisan group of nearly 500 Minnesota leaders believes that I have done the job well and publicly support my candidacy, including eight former Justices of the Minnesota Supreme Court and all four deans of Minnesota’s law schools. In addition to my service as a judge, I have served as a law clerk to a justice of the United States Supreme Court and as a professor of law at the University of Minnesota.
Judge Ninth Judicial District John Melbye
Age: 46 Current employment: District court judge, Minnesota Ninth Judicial District Public office experience: District court judge since 2007 What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you¹re seeking?: I already have over 10 years working in the judiciary and almost six years on the bench as a successful judge — consistently demonstrating the professional skills and personal qualities, including the demeanor, communication skills, and work ethic that the job demands. I have broad support, both from those working in the court system and those who have appeared in court. This support has come from not only from my home county, but from other counties I have worked in. This positive response to my work reinforces my commitment to continue to serve and give my very best as judge.
Diana Sweeney
Age: 53 Current Employment: Assistant public defender, Ninth Judicial District Public office experience: I have been a public servant but not an elected office holder Why are you the most qualifed candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I am experienced, skilled and dedicated. I have represented clients and handled civil and criminal cases for the past 22 years in the Ninth Judicial District. I know the law, the courtroom and understand the people and problems that find their way to the courthouse. I have a reputation for grace under pressure and a dedicated work ethic. I volunteer in my community and for professional committee work because I enjoy working with others for a better outcome. Presiding in court, I would listen to people, learn the facts, apply the law fairly, and communicate plainly with the persons involved.
Monday, October 22, 2012
voter’s guide
U. S . S e n at e
Morrison County District 1 Sharon Ballou
Kurt Bills
Age: 42 Current employment: Public high school economics teacher Public office experience: Rosemount City Council, Minnesota House of Representatives Party affiliation: Republican What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: Kurt The choice this election is not between Re- Bills publicans and Democrats; it is between Washington D.C. and the rest of the country. Americans are suffering from a jobs deficit and a budget deficit both caused by something even worse: a leadership deficit. As a father and a public high school teacher I refuse to accept that my children and my students will be forced by politicians to live in an America less prosperous than the one I grew up in. I intend to shrink government, eliminate the deficit, and start paying down the national debt. My kids deserve a better future.
Amy Klobuchar
Age: 52 Current employment: United States senator Public office experience: Currently Minnesota’s senior United States senator. Served as Hennepin County’s chief prosecutor from 1998 to 2006. Before that I was in the private sector for 14 years. Sen. Amy Party affiliation: DFL What makes you the most qualified candi- Klobuchar date for the post you’re seeking?: As Minnesota’s U.S. Senator, my work has been defined by a simple value — putting Minnesota first. I’m committed to continuing that work, focusing on revitalizing our economy by working with our businesses to increase private-sector jobs, standing up for middle-class families, ensuring students have the education and skills they need to succeed in the 21st century economy, working to get members of the Minnesota National Guard the benefits they were promised, and reducing our debt in a balanced way. I’ve focused on finding common ground to cut through the gridlock and I’ll continue pushing for bipartisan solutions to get things done.
Stephen Williams
Age: 57 Current employment: Farmer, sweet corn producer Party affiliation: Independence What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you arere seeking?: Our economic mess is a direct result of the failure of our ruling parties. To continue the Stephen failed policies of the Democrats and the Repub- Williams licans leads only to more failure. We now need policies that are revolutionary, that acknowledge that real wealth is created by productive labor and that the hedge funds and the financial industry do not create real wealth but only seek to transfer it. We need policies that build for the future rather than steal from it. And we need policies that vest the power of the government with the people and not with industries and interests.
Age: 60 Current employment: Little Falls School Board vice chair. Region Five Development Board member Public office experience: Vice chair of the Little Falls School Board, member, Region Five Development Board, Camp Ripley Citizen Advisory Board, Mid State Education Board, the Community Services Advisory
Kevin Maurer Age: 57 Current Employment: I am employed in private practice, as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor. Public office experience: This is my sixth time running for the Morrison
in Little Falls, and the State Active Healthy Living Advisory Committee. past board member of Morrison County Agri/County Fair Board. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: I bring proven leadership to this position and will be on the team that will focus on future growth of Morrison County. I have experience in union negotiations, agri/business,
County commissioner, District 1 Seat. I have worked effectively with the public for over 35 years. What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you are seeking?: I am a lifelong resident of Morrison County and have
public speaking, budgeting, community networking, recruitment of paid staff and volunteer personnel, grant writing and customer service. I will continue to remain alert to the needs of our county knowing that not everyone will be satisfied with all decisions. When elected I will visit and observe the different departments so I can understand what goes on in the departments, not just read the reports given.
lived in District 1 for 24 years. I have worked with the residents of Morrison and surrounding counties as a counselor and nurse for over 34 years. I have worked at Morrison County Social Services for 13 1/2 years, Northern Pines Mental Health Center for 5 1/2
years, Crow Wing County Detox for 5 1/2 years, and have worked at Brainerd Regional Human Services Center as a counselor and nurse. I also have worked for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as a firefighter.
Morrison County District 2 Jeffrey J. Jelinski Age: 54 Current Employment: Morrison County Public office experience: None What makes yuou the most qualified candidate for the post you’re seeking?: For the past 33 years I’ve served
in public service in a variety of positions starting in 1979 to the present. I’ve held continuous employment with Morrison County, city of Little Falls and currently as the Morrison County communications supervisor. I have personal contacts with local, regional, state and national partners and have been directly involved in obtaining nearly $1.5 million dollars
in grant funding for the ARMER/800 MHz project. It is through learned communication, functional leadership skills and the ability to change that make me the best qualified candidate to serve as the next District 2 Morrison County commissioner.
Jeff Schilling did not respond
Morrison County District 3 Randy H.Winscher Age: 54 Current employment: Manager: CT Auto Network Public office experience: Currently in my sixth year as a Bellevue Township supervisor
What makes you the most qualified candidate for the position you’re seeking?: The majority of years in my adult career has been in management and finance. As general manager of a company with a multi-million dollar bud-
get, the position required managing employees, skills in solving problems and extensive work in public relations. Working with the public sector has given me an understanding of a communities needs which I will apply to this position. As an elected Bellevue Town-
ship supervisor for almost six years I can relate to the people of my district knowing their needs.. I will listen and respect their opinions and desires when making decisions.
Rich Collins did not respond
Cass County District 2 Robert Kangas Age: 71 Current employment: Self-employed farmer, 50 years Public office experience: Thirty years township supervisor, 10 years
Cass County commissioner What makes you the most qualified candidate for the post you are seeking?: I have been on “ag” co-op boards for 40 years Co-op utility board for 15 years.Been on Cass economic
board 10 years. Region 5 board for six years, Cass budget committee, Cass Agricultural Association Fair Board, Cass County Extension.
Edward Nelson did not respond
area races ■ Aitkin city races Mayor
Gary Tiddbitts — incumbent
Council members (elect 2) Trevor Betley Randall Thompson Cori Welshons
■ Aitkin County Commissioner District 4 Brian Napstad William “Bill” Pratt
■ Breezy Point city races Mayor
Joann Weaver — incumbent Scott Willer
Council members (elect 2) Joe Kocak Michael Moroni Otto Schmid — incumbent Diane Williams
■ Crosby city races Mayor
James Hunter Dale Sova
Council members (elect 2) Liz Hofmann — incumbent Buzz Neprud Dusty Paul — incumbent Ron Prushek
■ Deerwood city races Mayor
Michael Aulie — incumbent
Council members (elect 2)
Debby Leonard — incumbent
Jessica Richau — incumbent Mark Severson
■ East Gull Lake city races Mayor
Dave Kavanaugh — incumbent
Council members (elect 2)
Carol Demgen — incumbent Dennis Lang — incumbent
■ Ironton city races
Mayor Dean French Belinda Stealy Council members (elect 2) Clark Hamdorf Tambi Herzenach William Thoms Laura Ukura-Leir Clem Gagnon Angela Kugel
■ Jenkins city races
Mayor Jon Lubke Council members (elect 2) Gary Hart — incumbent Gary Brown
■ Little Falls School Board (elect 3) Cathy Adamek Gerald Knafla Todd Kosovich Mike LeMieur Lisa Lintner Danny L. Noss
Jay Spillum Sandi Stalmer
■ Motley city races
Mayor Nancy Nieken — incumbent Council members (elect 2) Keith Jares Bob Jenkins Steve Johnson — incumbent Pat O’Regan Duane Solga — incumbent
■ Nisswa city races Mayor
Brian Lehman — incumbent
Council members (elect 2) Don Jacobson Gary Johnson — incumbent Jan Pierce — incumbent
■ Pequot Lakes city races Mayor
Nancy Adams — incumbent Ryan Buell Jack Schmidt
Council members (elect 2)
John Derksen Tyler Gardner Scott Pederson — incumbent Tom Ryan — incumbent
■ Pierz city races
Mayor Toby Egan — incumbent Council members (elect 2) Don Bujalski City clerk
Matt Bell Brittany Wurzer
■ Pillager city races
Mayor Gary Greenheck — incumbent Council members (elect 2) Katie Eastman — incumbent Roy Smith — incumbent
■ Todd County Commissioner District 1 Barbara Becker Mark Blessing
■ Verndale city races
Mayor Raye Ludovissie Council members Tara Erckenbrack — incumbent
■ Pine River-Backus School Board (elect 3) ■ Wadena County Barb Beck Commissioner District 4 James Coffland Chris Cunningham Jerry Peterson
■ Pequot Lakes School Board (elect 4) Kimberly Bolz-Andolshek Mike Erholtz Curt Johnson Susan Mathison-Young Jonathan Yahn
■ Staples Motley School Board (elect 3) Paul Anderson Roy Digiovanni Joe Fellman Chris Johnson Chad Longbella Jeff Spandl Peter Swendsrud Eric Wallace Bryan Winkels
Rodney Bounds Dave Schermerhorn
■ Wadena County Commissioner District 2 Jim Hofer Ralph Miller Richard R. Sorgert
■ Wadena County Commissioner District 1 Sheldon Monson Ron Noon Les Thorstenson
■ Walker city races Mayor
Scott Bruns — incumbent
Council members (elect 2)
Ron Berry Pat Finney Kelly Nelson — incumbent Gary Wilkening — incumbent
Monday, October 22, 2012