2013 Nisswa Winter Jubilee

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Button Sales! $5.00

Thanks to our Sponsors!

Get Your Commemorative Nisswa Jubilee Buttons at

Brainerd Lakes Area Lions Schaefer’s Foods Midwest Family Eye Center Mike’s Tree Service MNhockeycamps.com Mother’s Original Quilts Mount Ski Gull Nisswa American Legion Nisswa Chamber of Commerce Nisswa Fire Department Nisswa Lions Club Nisswa Women of Today Nisswa Women’s Club Revive Mobile Massage Triangle Gas Station of Nisswa Turtle Town Books & Gifts Ye Ole Pickle Factory

Pickle Factory Nisswa American Legion Nisswa Chamber

Please... NO CLIMBING on snow piles or Sculptures!

Schedule of Events **Schedule Subject To Change**

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm – 12:30 am

Medallion Hunt: $200 Cash Prize -

Clue # 1 of 3 Posted at Martin’s Sport’s Shop (Downtown Nisswa)

Meat Raffle at the Nisswa American Legion MISS NISSWA SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT at the Lutheran Church of Cross

DANCE! Live Band – DB3 at Ye’ Ole Pickle Factory

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH 8:30 am - 11:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am – 3:00 pm 10:00 am - 11:30 am 10:00 am - 11:30 am

NOON 1:00 pm 1:00 pm

41st Annual 2013 Nisswa Winter Jubilee February 15th 16th & 17th A publication of the

1:00 pm 1:30 pm 1:30 pm

Pancake Breakfast at the Nisswa Community Center Medallion Hunt: $200 Cash Prize

Clue # 2 of 3 Posted at Nature’s Touch Gifts (Downtown Nisswa)

Snow Sculpture Judging

Sign-up at the Triangle Gas Station in Nisswa

Eats & Treats Around Town Mini Jubilee at the Nisswa Elementary School Hosted by the Black Bear 4-H

Candyland Quilt on Display

At the Nisswa Elementary School – come get your Picture taken with a King Sized Quilt of the Candyland board game – Provided by Mother’s Originals Quilt Shop

PARADE DOWN MAIN STREET! Paul Bunyan Storytelling at the Gazebo Medallion Hunt: $200 Cash Prize –

Clue # 3 of 3 Posted at The Urban Accent (Nisswa Square)

Wood Splitting Contest at the Turtle Track - Sign-up at the Triangle Gas Station

in Nisswa

Parent Iditarod – next to the Pickle -

Sign-up at the Lakes Area Lions Food Booth at the Pickle

Volleyball Tournament – gather outside the Pickle

More activities continued on page 2...


Brainerd Lakes Area Lions


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Kids Craft Time – at the Nisswa Chamber Office

3:00 pm 4:00 pm 7:30 pm • 12:00 am

Paul Bunyan Storytelling at the Gazebo Meat Raffle at the Nisswa American Legion DANCE! Live Band – Decade 7

(Nisswa Square)

at the Nisswa American Legion Entry Fee: Official 2013 Nisswa Jubilee Button

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

4:00 pm

Nisswa Fire Department’s Ice Fishing Derby on Nisswa Lake $5.00 per hole

Minnows are available • Raffle Tickets available on the lake all day

LIVE! Music – Jam Session with Decade 7 at Nisswa American Legion Entry Fee: Official 2013 Nisswa Jubilee Button

41st Annual 2013 Nisswa Winter Jubilee February 15th February 16th & February 17th Get all of the details on facebook at: www.facebook.com/nisswawinterjubilee or on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/#!/WinterJubilee

Anna Bieganek

Kaitlyn Christianson

Residence: Lake Shore School: Brainerd High School Parents: John and Nancy Bieganek Hobbies and interests: Gymnastics, diving, swimming, fishing, ice skating, hanging out with family and friends. Future plans: Attend Central Lakes College for a year or two and then a university.

Residence: Nisswa School: Pequot Lakes High School Parents: Mike and Nancy Christianson Hobbies and interests: Painting, youth group, dancing, mission trips, yoga and Zumba. Future plans: I plan on finishing my Associates of Arts degree at a community college. After that I plan on transferring to a university where I want to achieve a master’s degree in the profession of teaching. One day I hope to be teaching overseas.

Megan Hintz

Molly Palm

Residence: Rural Brainerd School: Brainerd High School Parents: Mike and Mandy Hintz Hobbies and interests: I am a captain of the Warrior varsity tennis team, have played on the varsity tennis team for three years, and am a member of the Warrior Leadership Council. I am also a member of the Lutheran Church of the Cross Youth Group and am a three-year mission trip participant. I am a Sunday school teacher and am the co-founder of a clothing drive called Clothing Cuz We Care, as well as a tennis instructor for Brainerd Park and Recreation. I enjoy being on the lake, fishing, swimming, rollerblading, volunteering with my church youth group, attending sporting events and spending time with my friends and family. Future plans: I plan to attend the College of St. Benedict’s or Gustavus Adolphus College next fall to study exercise science and play for their tennis team.

Elise Runberg

Residence: Pequot Lakes School: Post-secondary at Central Lakes College from Pequot Lakes High School Parents: Jodi Runberg and Joe Runberg Hobbies and interests: Throughout high school I have enjoyed taking part in cross country, track and field, Knowledge Bowl, choir and Girls Ensemble. I love spending time with my family and friends. I work at the Nisswa and Pequot Lakes Dairy Queen and I enjoy singing, playing piano, fishing and going on camping trips in the Boundary Waters with my family. I like going wind surfing, swimming and fishing in the summer. I enjoy caroling in Nisswa around Christmas time, singing at retirement homes with my brother, and helping out at Kid Konnection at Eagle View Elementary School. Future plans: I plan to attend Minnesota State University- Moorhead to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in mass communications. In the future I hope to work for a company as a public relations specialist.

Residence: Rural Brainerd School: Brainerd High School Parents: Ron and Donna Palm Hobbies and interests: I have enjoyed playing soccer for the past 10 years and being a part of the Brainerd High School team since eighth grade. Outside of my own sport, I love watching and cheering on the students at my school in their other sports. I am currently an active member of the Spanish Club at the high school where we learn and experience the Spanish culture. I volunteer weekly with the Kinship Partners program as a mentor with my 7-year-old partner. She is no longer just my matched partner but has grown to be more like my little sister. Future plans: After graduating from high school, I plan on attending either the University of North Dakota or St. Cloud State University. I also plan on earning a degree in mathematics but I am unsure of my future career choice.

Nicole Traut

Residence: Breezy Point School: Pequot Lakes High School Parents: Ruthanne and Gerold Traut Hobbies and interests: Track, volleyball, Junior Olympic volleyball, kick boxing, yoga, running, camping, four wheeling, hanging out with family and friends, reading, Interact Club and Link Leader. Future plans: Attending the University of North Dakota to become an ocupational therapist and specializing in children with disabilities.

Kara Hansen

Residence: Lake Shore School: Brainerd High School Parents: Terry and Shawn Hansen Hobbies and interests: Brainerd High School A Capella Choir, Symphonic Band (flute) and member of Gay Straight Alliance. I enjoy drawing, painting and photography. Future plans: Attend cosmetology school.

Samantha Rathman

Residence: Breezy Point School: Pequot Lakes High School Parents: Renee DeVries and Jesse Rathman Hobbies and interests: I love to draw, sing, watch movies, play card games, go ice fishing, play tennis and read books. I love the outdoors, so naturally I enjoy being out on the lake and going camping. I also go to Central Lakes College as a postsecondary enrollment full-time student while balancing my job. Future plans: I plan on attending the University of Minnesota Duluth and studying pre-dentistry. After that, I’ll continue schooling to move toward my goal of becoming an orthodontist.

Carissa Voels

Residence: Rural Brainerd School: Brainerd High School Parents: Conrad and Jennifer Voels Hobbies and interests: Growing up in Minnesota has taught me to love the great outdoors. I enjoy spending much of my time outside, running, rollerblading, swimming and boating. I also like to spend time baking, scrapbooking and reading. Future plans: After graduation I plan to attend Central Lakes College to get my Associates of Science in Nursing degree and then transfer to St. Scholastica to get my Bachelor of Science degree. Someday I would like to be a nurse practitioner.

Nisswa Winter Jubilee To Take Place Feb. 15-17 The Lakes Area Lions, Nisswa Women of Today and the Nisswa Chamber of Commerce announce the theme of the 2013 Nisswa Winter Jubilee is Candyland Edition. The Jubilee will celebrate 41 years of winter fun Friday-Sunday, Feb. 15-17. The Jubilee was started by the Nisswa Jaycees to give the new

club an annual fundraiser and has grown into a three-day celebration. On Friday, Feb. 15, the Nisswa Women of Today will host the Miss Nisswa Scholarship Pageant at 7 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Cross. Saturday, Feb. 16, will be filled with activities in downtown Nisswa, including Frozen 5K walk/

run, snow sculptures, storytelling, Mini Jubilee for kids, parade at noon and more. Sunday, Feb. 17, will feature the Nisswa Fire Department’s annual Ice Fishing Derby from noon-2 p.m. on Nisswa Lake. There is still time sign up to participate in the Nisswa Winter Jubilee’s Parade. For an application, contact the Nisswa Chamber of

Commerce office at 218-963-2620 or visit www.nisswa.com to print an application. For the expanded schedule of events or to follow the Nisswa Winter Jubilee, visit Facebook.


Crowning Of Miss Nisswa Will Kick Off Jubilee


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