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Tips From The Pros Area Golf Schedule Lakes Area Golf Course Map
A Br a in erd D i s p at c h & E c h o P u bl i s hi ng Specia l A d ve r t i s i n g S e c t i on
The Hidden Gem of Grand View’s Championship Courses
The secluded Preserve Golf Course offers elevated tee boxes and one of the best views from the clubhouse in the state. 218.963.8750 • www.GrandViewGolf.com The Preserve #10 • Cover Photo By Peter Wong
STAFF: Publisher .............................Pete Mohs, Tim Bogenschutz Copy editor ............................ Jeremy Millsop, Pete Mohs Marketing ..........................................leo Miller, lisa Henry Magazine layout ...........................................Andy Goble Ad design................................Andy Goble, Angie Hoefs, Cindy Spilman and Sue Stark
www.brainerddispatch.com • www.pineandlakes.com 506 James Street • P.O. Box 974 • Brainerd, MN 56401 (218) 829-4705
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2014 lakes Area Golf Tournament Schedule ...4 rain Gear is important ......................................6 Take More Club .................................................6 focus on fitness ................................................6 Tips for Club Selection ......................................8 did You Know? ..................................................8 Speed of The Swing is Key .............................10 2014 Area Golf leagues .................................11 Getting it Close on A Par 3 ............................12 What is Your Target? .......................................13 Winter Musings .................................................14 fairway Bunker Shots ......................................15 Pre-round routine: When To Show up, Stretching ........................16 Adjusting Golf Swing Gets easier ...................17 The Scoop on Shafts........................................18 driving The Golf Ball .........................................18 2014 ultimate Golf Guide Golf Course Map...19
2014 Golf Guide 3
April 25: 85th Anniversary Hickory golf event Ñ M addenÕ s Pine Beach East April 25: DutchÕ s Duffers Open Ñ C ragunÕ s Legacy Courses April 26: Bob Mohr/Commander scramble Ñ Breezy Point ResortÕ s Traditional Course
May 2: 1500 ESPN Radio - Golf Opener Ñ CragunÕ s Legacy Courses May 3: The Tradition tournament Ñ B reezy Point ResortÕ s Traditional Course May 3: KFAN Unlimited Golf Opener Ñ Grand View Lodge May 9: Fuzz Busters Ñ C uyuna Rolling Hills May 16: Golf Fest Night Golf Ñ MaddenÕ s Pine Beach East May 17: Spring Fling Ò Go LowÓ Scramble Ñ Emily Greens May 18: Couples Mixer Ñ E mily Greens May 18: Bloody Open — Whitefish Golf club May 21: MenÕ s Morning opening scramble Ñ Whitetail Run May 21: MenÕ s Night opening scramble Ñ Whitetail Run May 25: 8th annual Memorial Parent/Child tournament Ñ M addenÕ s Pine Beach East May 25: 13th annual Legacy Spring Challenge Ñ C ragunÕ s Legacy Courses May 26: VeteranÕ s Appreciation golf event Ñ CragunÕ s Legacy Courses May 26: Fred-Mark 27-hole scramble Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge May 27: Fred-Mark Best Ball Ñ T he Pines and Preserve at Grand View Lodge May 27: WomenÕ s opening scramble Ñ Whitetail Run May 27-28: MGA Senior Tour Ñ D eaconÕ s Lodge and Golden Eagle Golf Club May 31: Staples-Motley Women of Today tournament Ñ P ine Ridge Golf Club
June 1: Couples Mixer Ñ E mily Greens June 1: 2-person 27-hole event Ñ W hitetail Run June 3: Charlie’s Scramble (3-person, flighted) Ñ B reezy Point ResortÕ s Whitebirch June 7: Extravaganza tournament Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club June 9: Habitat fo Humanity Ñ Pine Ridge Golf Club June 11: BSU Golf Marathon Ñ Pine Beach West June 12: Full Moon Night Golf Scramble Ñ T he Garden Course at Grand View Lodge June 13: Crosby-Ironton Sports Boosters Ñ Cuyuna Rolling Hills June 13: Camp Confidence Classic — Madden’s The Classic and Pine Beach West June 13: Wadena-Deer Creek Sports Scramble Ñ W hitetail Run June 14: Steve Emblom Memorial tournament Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club June 14: Al Erickson Fundraiser Ñ Whitetail Run 4 2014 Golf Guide
June 15: Couples Mixer Ñ E mily Greens June 16: Sumer Kickoff Junior Clinic Ñ Crosswoods Golf Course June 16: Junior PGA TournamentÑ C rosswoods Golf Course June 17: Pink Links for Cancer Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge June 20: Relay for Life Ñ EagleÕ s Landing Golf Club June 21: Scandia Valley Lions Club Ñ P ine Ridge Golf Club June 22: Minnesota Teen Challenge tournament Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge June 22: Coco Loco Couples Event — Whitefish Golf Club June 22-23: USGA Amateur Publinks qualifier Ñ M addenÕ s The Classic June 25: Whitefish Women’s Invitational — Whitefish Golf Club June 27: Brainerd Sports Boosters Ñ T he Preserve at Grand View Lodge June 27: U of M Scholarship golf tournament Ñ CragunÕ s Legacy Courses June 28: Boys and Girls Club Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club
July 1: Charlie’s Scramble (3-person, flighted) Ñ B reezy Point ResortÕ s Whitebirch July 9: Cuyuna Chamber Tournament Ñ Cuyuna Rolling Hills July 11: Second annual Humane Society Scramble Ñ W hitetail Run July 12: Minnesota State Putting Championship Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge July 12: Little Falls Flyer Wrestling fundraiser Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club July 12: Sundby Open Ñ W hitetail Run July 13: Hospice Tournament Ñ Cuyuna Rolling Hills July 13: Couples Mixer Ñ E mily Greens July 14: Little Falls Chamber of Commerce Ñ Pine Ridge Golf Club July 17: Miekle Oil tournament Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club July 20: Emily Days 9-hole Ò Go LowÓ scramble Ñ Emily Greens July 21: The Quinn Open Ñ CragunÕ s Legacy Courses July 23: MMBA Scholarship Fundraiser Ñ CragunÕ s Legacy Courses July 27: Best Ball Beach Party (member/guest)
Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge July 27: Pine River-Backus Sports Boosters Ñ Black Bear Golf July 27: Couples Mixer Ñ E mily Greens July 30: Make-A-Wish Minnesota fundraiser Ñ Whitefish Golf Club
Aug. 1-3: Little Falls Classic Ñ Little Falls Country Club Aug. 1: Inaugural Wadena-Deer Creek Hockey scramble Ñ W hitetail Run Aug. 3: The 8th Battle of the Bars Ñ Emily Greens Aug. 4: Jerry Wegscheid Memorial junior tourney Ñ W hitetail Run Aug. 5: Charlie’s Scramble (3-person, flighted) Ñ B reezy Point ResortÕ s Whitebirch Aug. 8: Fab tourney Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club Aug. 8: Deerwood Open Ñ Cuyuna Rolling Hills Aug. 9: SwansonÕ s Melanoma Cancer scramble Ñ B reezy Point ResortÕ s Traditional Aug. 9: Gillingham-Liebel tournament Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club Aug. 10: Couples Mixer Ñ E mily Greens Aug. 10: Dru Sjodin Classic — Whitefish Golf Club Aug. 11: Tri-County Hospital Foundation fundraiser Ñ W hitetail Run Aug. 12-13: WomenÕ s Club championship Ñ Whitefish Golf Club Aug. 13: WomenÕ s Holder Tournament Ñ Cuyuna Rolling Hills Aug. 14: MenÕ s Holder Tournament Ñ C uyuna Rolling Hills
Aug. 15: Ducks Unlimited tournament Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club Aug. 16-17: Club championship Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club Aug. 17: St. James Catholic Church Scramble Ñ Cuyuna Rolling Hills Aug. 17: 4th Emily-Outing Food Shelf Scramble Ñ E mily Greens Aug. 18-19: MGA Senior Tour Ñ T he Pines and Preserve at Grand View Lodge Aug. 20: Brainerd Chamber tournament Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge Aug. 21: Women of Whitefish (WOW) — Whitefish Golf Club Aug. 22: Lakewood Health Systems Ñ P ine Ridge Golf Club Aug. 23: The Wolfhound Cup Ñ E mily Greens Aug. 23: Member Club tournament Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge Aug. 24: Club Championship Ñ E mily Greens Aug. 24: MenÕ s and WomenÕ s Club Championship Ñ W hitetail Run Aug. 31: Lakes Area Par 3 Championship Ñ The Pines at Grand View Lodge
Sept. 2: Charlie’s Scrmable (3-person, flighted) Ñ B reezy Point ResortÕ s Whitebirch Sept. 7: Pine River-Backus Scholarship fundraiser Ñ B lack Bear Golf Sept. 9: Hands of Hope Tournament Ñ L ittle Falls Country Club
Sept. 11: Pink Ribbon Ñ MaddenÕ s Pine Beach East Sept. 12: Camp Shamineau tournament Ñ P ine Ridge Golf Club Sept. 14: Couples Steak Fry Ñ E mily Greens Sept. 16: MGA Senior Tour Finals Ñ MaddenÕ s The Classic Sept. 20: Hackensack Legion tournament Ñ Black Bear Golf Sept. 20: 12th Gary Stiner Ironman Classic Ñ Emily Greens Sept. 20: Sue Fischer Scholarship scramble Ñ Pierz Municipal Sept. 20-21: The Fish & Golf tournament Ñ T he Pines at Grand View Lodge Sept. 21: Classic 6-6-6 Shootout Ñ MaddenÕ s The Classic Sept. 27-28: Great Whitefish Scramble — Whitefish Golf Club Sept, 28-29: Great Northern Couples Shootout Ñ T he Pines and Preserve at Grand View Lodge
Oct. 4-6: NSIC DII WomenÕ s Fall Championship Ñ M addenÕ s The Classic Oct. 4: Pine Ridge Year End tournament Ñ P ine Ridge Golf Club Oct. 5: Legacy Fall Challenge Ñ C ragunÕ s Legacy Courses Oct. 11: Chilly Open Ñ MaddenÕ s Pine Beach West Oct. 11: Diehard Shootout — Whitefish Golf Club Oct. 12: Ironman Ñ The Pines at Grand View Lodge Oct. 18: The Houff Ñ The Pines at Grand View Lodge Oct. 19: The Houff one-person scramble Ñ CragunÕ s Legacy Courses
2014 Golf Guide 5
Rain Gear Is Important
hen discussions turn to golf equipment, adjustable drivers, exotic putters, and ultra forgiving irons generally rule the conversation. But question any golfer whose enjoyed a trip to the cool wet links of Ireland or Scotland, and theyÕ ll claim rain gear to be their most treasure travel item. Playing golf in the elements is not for the faint of heart and until recently, rain gear/outerwear was bulky, restrictive, and marginal in its protection. No longer the case. Golf apparel has taken a page from the ski industry and built complete golf-specific outerwear systems, engineered to combat most any weather situation. These new high tech fabrics are lightweight, breathable,
stretchable, and designed to Ò seal-outÓ Mother Nature, and Ò lock-in Ò player comfort. Manufactures have also designed breathable lightweight golf shoes that absolutely will not leak, jackets with detachable sleeves, and rain pants that keep you bone dry. There are even jackets with built in, lithium battery powered heaters. Coupled with your favorite brand of rain-grip gloves, and you’ll not only extend your golfing season, but going back out for an Ò emergency 9.Ó A word to the wise: All outerwear is not created equal and you get what you pay for. A little extra investment on the front end will be rewarded by years of regret free performance and comfort!
Take More Club
or the majority of golfers one of the quickest, and easiest, ways of improving your golf score is to do one thing: select more club. Statistically, some 70% of amateur golf shots finish short of the target. The reasons for this can vary from golfer to golfer, but generally this happens due to a combination of less than pure ball contact and having unrealistic expectations of how far you can comfortably hit your clubs. During your next round try the following experiment. On all par three holes and with your approach shots on par four and par five holes, determine the club you need and then take one more. If the 7-iron seems like the perfect club, go with the 6-iron. When your mind says to swing hard with the wedge, take out a 9-iron and make a controlled, balanced swing. Most players will score better. HereÕ s whyÉ YouÕ ve gotten your ego out of the way by eliminating unrealistic expectations about how far you hit the ball. You donÕ t have to make a perfect swing and hit a dead solid perfect shot that the shorter club would need. Often there is trouble in the front of greens, i.e. bunkers and ponds. The longer club will put you past all the trouble. If you find that this strategy helps you score better, stick with it. Making realistic club selections is the easiest Steve Bengtson way of improving PGA Professional your score. Whitefish Golf Course
Mark Neva PGA Professional Deacon’s Lodge
Focus On Fitness
here are three items I focus on when fitness and golf are in the same conversation. Balance, flexibility, and strength. Each one is critical in itÕ s own way to each player. LetÕ s touch on balance today. So many times I see someone come out of their swing because they are out of balance. They have to catch themselves as they finish the golf swing. A good test to see how balanced you, and your golf swing are, is to take a full swing and be able to hold the finish for five seconds without having to catch yourself falling back or forward. Many times this happens because we are over swinging. When hitting the range this spring, slowdown, and try to focus on center face contact. A great drill to work on balance is something you can do at home or anywhere. While doing a routine activity, like washing your hands, or brushing your teeth, try standing on one foot. Balance is a typically subconscious activity, not something you have to focus on (unless walking down a sidewalk in the middle of a Minnesota winter). So it is with the golf swing. You are focused on the shot at hand, and not thinking about holding a pose for five seconds. When doing this regularly, you will start to become more centered over the ball through the swing. In summary, work on balance in your everyday life, and your golf game will improve.
Nathan Erickson PGA Professional The Preserve at Grand View Lodge 6 2014 Golf Guide
Tips For Club Selection
or most players, the driver, putter, and wedges make up the majority of shots in a round of golf. The driver is typically hit 12-14 times, the putter used for 28+ strokes and the wedges (pitching wedge, gap wedge, sand wedge, and lob wedge) are used 12+ times. With the wedges playing such an important role in scoring, it only makes sense that a player should be fit for those clubs. To optimally fit your wedges, the process includes determining the number of wedges, the loft of those wedges, and the best bounce angles. The first step is to determine the optimal bounce. The optimal bounce is most important on half and three quarter shots where a player may change the face angle at address to change trajectory. A player with a steeper swing will benefit from a higher bounce wedge while a player with a shallower angel of attach will
Did You Know?
he Masters Tournament, commonly referred to as The Masters, is one of the most prestigious events in professional golf. The first of the sportÕ s four major tournaments to be played each year, the Masters is held every April at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. Started by AugustaÕ s founders, investment banker Clifford Jones and legendary golfer Bobby Jones, the Masters is rife with tradition. Among the more notable traditions is the awarding of the green jacket to the tournament champion. The green jacket has been awarded to the tournament champion since 1949, and it remains one of the more recognizable awards or trophies in all of professional sports. Another tradition of the Masters is the Champions Dinner, which takes place the Tuesday before each tournament. Only past Masters champions and a select group of Augusta National board members are eligible to attend the dinner. Though the Masters is one of the most popular sporting events in the world, controversy surrounding Augusta National Golf Club arose in 2002 when Martha Burk, then the chair of the National Council of WomenÕ s Organizations, accused the club of sexism due to the clubÕ s refusal to offer membership to females. Though the Masters Tournament itself had little to do with the controversy, corporate sponsors shied away from the 2003 and 2004 tournaments, which were ultimately broadcast commercial-free. A decade after BurkÕ s protests began, the board at Augusta National finally offered membership to two women. 8 2014 Golf Guide
perform best with less bounce. The second step is to determine what the highest lofted club that will be the playerÕ s preferred club for recovery shots around the green from both the sand and the turf. When the wedge performs optimally out of the sand is determined, it should be hit from the fairway and rough to insure that it interacts well in the fairway and ruff. The next step is to find out how far a full swing will go with the highest lofted club and the maximum distance with the pitching wedge. This will determine how many wedges the player should carry. The gap between clubs should be between 10 and 15 yards. If the player has a gap of 25 yards or less between clubs, the player needs one additional wedge. If there is a gap of 30 yards or more, two additional wedges should be used.
Putting wedges in your bag that will optimize scoring opportunities is one of the easiest ways to lower your scores! Having the right number of wedges with correct bounce angles and lofts goes a long way in optimizing your equipment.
Chris Foley
PGA Master Professional of Instruction Cragun’s Legacy Courses
Speed Of The Swing Is Key
very Golfer has heard Ò Swing Slower!Ó or Ò You are swinging too fast!Ó The only time you are swinging too fast is when you hit it too far past the hole. However you can swing too quick. Swinging too quick will cause a poor Kinematic Sequence (efficient sequence of body motion in golf swing) which will result in loss of club head speed at impact. An efficient Kinematic Sequence consists of the proper rotation speed and timing of your Trunk (pelvis and ribcage) leading the way followed by your arms and hands reaching their peak speeds in the swing before the club head (the fastest part) reaches its peak speed. Swinging too quick from the start will most likely cause one or more of these body parts to rotate too soon or too late in the swing. Your goal in the golf swing is to execute this sequence in such a fashion that the club head is reaching its peak speed at impact.
10 2014 Golf Guide
The rule of thumb is, if one part of the sequence slows down, then one part has to speed up to counter act and vice versa. Below are the most common scenarios: Casting: Is caused when the wrists release the club head to early causing the club to reach its peak speed before impact. When the club head speeds up the other parts of the sequence must slow down. This is the main cause of hitting the ball “high” and “floaty” with not as much power behind the ball as you would like. Getting Stuck: Is caused when you are quick from the top of the swing and your trunk slides laterally towards the target instead of rotating to face the target; this causes the rest of the sequence to Ò stall outÓ or Ò get stuckÓ . This is the main cause of blocking the ball right for right hand players and left for left hand players. However, a hook may come from getting stuck as well, caused by the over compensation of the
hands trying to square the club face at impact since the trunk has not properly rotated. So when your swing feels quick in your next practice or warm-up session, relax your muscles, and focus on smoothing out the sequence. Slow down your back swing followed by a smooth acceleration from the top swing to the down swing focusing on the proper sequence. You will find yourself with more centered strikes of the golf ball and a more efficient kinematic sequence. The result then being increased club head and ball speed. Think smooth and stay balanced!
Nick Christenson Golf Instructor Maddens Resort
GOLF Monday
• Junior Golf League (Begins June 9) — Whitetail Run • Men’s league (begins May 5) — Black Bear Golf • Mixed League (Begins May 5) — Emily Greens • ErnieÕ s League Ñ C ragunÕ s Legacy Courses • Junior golf and Pizza League (June 23-July 21) — Crosswoods Golf Course • WomenÕ s 18-hole league Ñ C rosswoods Golf Course • Afternoon scramble Ñ EagleÕ s Landing Golf Club
• Women’s League (Begins May 27) — Whitetail Run • MenÕ s Day Ñ M addenÕ s Resort • Senior men’s league (begins May 6) — Black Bear Golf • Men’s morning group (Begins May 6) — Cuyuna Rolling Hills • Men’s Match Play (Begins May 6) — Cuyuna Rolling Hills • Men’s League (Begins May 6) — Emily Greens • Men’s League (Begins May 6) — Whitefish Golf Club • WomenÕ s night Ñ C ragunÕ s Legacy Courses • MenÕ s morning league Ñ C rosswoods Golf Course
• Women’s league (Begins May 8) — Black Bear Golf • Men’s morning group (Begins May 8) — Cuyuna Rolling Hills • Women’s morning league (Begins May 8) — Emily Greens • Men’s afternoon league (Begins May 8) — Emily Greens • MenÕ s team league Ñ C ragunÕ s Legacy Courses • MenÕ s social league Ñ CragunÕ s Legacy Courses • MenÕ s Twlight Golf League Ñ Breezy Point Resort • WomenÕ s league Ñ B reezy Point Resort • MenÕ s league Ñ C rosswoods Golf Course • MenÕ s afternoon league Ñ E agleÕ s Landing Golf Club
• Night Golf (Begins June 13) — Madden’s Resort
• Couples Leauge Ñ C
rosswoods Golf Course
• Men’s 9-hole league (Begins May 28) — Whitetail Run • Men’s 18-hole league (Begins May 28) — Whitetail Run • WomenÕ s 18-hole morning league (Begins May 7) — Whitefish Golf Club • Women’s 9-hole league — Whitefish Golf Club • Copules League Ñ M addenÕ s Resort • Women’s 18-hole league (Begins May 7) — Cuyuna Rolling Hills • Women’s 9-hole league (Begins May 7) — Cuyuna Rolling Hills • Women’s afternoon league (Begins May 7) — Emily Greens • Men’s morning league (Begins May 7) — Emily Greens • ErnieÕ s League Ñ C ragunÕ s Legacy Courses • WomenÕ s 9-hole league Ñ C rosswoods Golf Course • Mixed afternoon scramble Ñ C rosswoods Golf Course • WomenÕ s afternoon league Ñ E agleÕ s Landing Golf Club
• Women’s Golf Night (Child care available) — MaddenÕ s Resort 2014 Golf Guide 11
Getting It Close On A Par 3
o you know how far you hit your irons? Knowing how far you carry each iron in the air will help you hit it closer to the hole. Here are a couple tips that I use: First, I start by hitting 25 balls with my wedge. I then walk off the distance using yardage wheel to determine the average amount of carry that I have. For me, my wedge carries 135 yards. I do this with all my irons and record the results in a notebook. Not that I have my yardages, itÕ s time to play a par 3. Most amateurs get to the tee box and get a yardage to the pin. I get a yardage to a spot that
12 2014 Golf Guide
I want to land my ball. If the pine is in the front of the green over the bunker, I wlll pick a spot that is beyond the pin. This will take the bunker out of play. If trouble is long, I will pick a spot short of the pin. Once I have the yardage to the spot I want to land the ball, I look at my notes, chose the right club and hit my shot. Nine times out of 10 it lands right where I envisioned it going. If you spend time this spring getting to know your distances, you too can hit it close every time.
Tim Trott
Golf Professional Golden Eagle Golf Club
Golf Pro TIPS
What Is Your Target?
o you even have a target with each shot that you make? Do we make the mechanics of the swing so difficult that we concentrate too much on how to swing the club instead of letting the swing happen toward a specific target?
LetÕ s think quickly about how you might perform in other sportsÉD o you think about how to throw a baseball or football, or do you just release it toward a target? Do you think about how to shoot a hockey puck or strike a tennis ball, or do swing through it to an open
target? Do you think about how to cast a fishing lure or shoot at a duck, or do you just react to a target near the weeds and the flight of the duck? I think you see my pointÉI f we can focus more intently on WHERE we want to hit the ball instead of how to go about hitting the ball, you may be surprised with the results and have more success and enjoyment playing the game. Now donÕ t get me wrong, there are some basics to the golf swing setup to get you in the proper position to swing the club toward your target. The three simple setup basics are easy to rememberÉ (P-G-A) Posture—Grip—Alignment. As the acronym suggests, your PGA Professional will help you get in the proper position to allow you to swing the club toward your target on every shot!
Dave Sadlowsky
PGA Head Golf Professional Ruttger’s Resort
2014 Golf Guide 13
Winter Musings
hroughout the lakes area, we nonmigrating Minnesotans have been counting the days until this very long and cold winter would end. I was envying the lucky snowbirds golfing in Florida. Curled up near the fire, I watched golf on TV and imagined myself golfing the lakes area courses this spring. In my daydream, I scored well, hit each shot perfectly, and enjoyed beautiful weather.
Onward to Reality
Typically, my early season golf rounds produce my best results. I am relaxed and just happy to be out on the golf course. Unfortunately, within several weeks, I tend to develop unpleasant issues with my swing: mishits, grounders, even whiffs! Maybe you have noticed this pattern in your game. Why?
Managing Expectations
I have realized that my early season success was causing me to have unrealistic expectations. I would try to force myself to keep performing well, seeking ever-increasing results. I would clench my club and swing too hard, with poor results. Now that I have recognized this pattern, I now intentionally focus on relaxation, enjoyment, and a smooth, easy swing. That is how I gain success, no matter what I score.
Kathy Brown
Golf Instructor BIrch Bay Golf
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14 2014 Golf Guide
Fairway Bunker Shots
Golf Pro TIPS
t can be an intimidating sight for any golfer when standing on the tee box to see sand traps lining the fairway. So if you are one of the few that miss a tee shot and find yourself “trapped” in sand, I am here to offer some guidance. As fairway bunker shots can be simple and successful for any golfer with proper instructions. First, I would analyze your situation in the bunker. Ask yourself some questions to help get out in 1 shot. How is my lie? How far do I have to hit it? Is the face of the bunker to high for my clubÕ s trajectory? Next, choose a club based off of your answers to help you hit a great shot. Now you are ready to address the ball and hit the shot. You should have a balanced weight with a slightly open stance. This will help you clear your hips and finish your full swing shot. As a reference, you should feel you are aiming just left of your target line with this setup for a right handed golfer. Next, set your feet in the sand securely by moving your feet back and forth, thus digging a small hole. Then your ball position should be middle-back in your stance to help make contact of your club with the ball before the sand.
Note: Moving your ball back in your stance will cause your trajectory to be lower than normal. When gripping your club, you should choke up a little to adjust for your feet digging in. It will shorten your club and increase better contact. Lastly, you are ready to hit the ball. Remember it is a penalty to ground your club on the sand before you swing. You will use your normal swinging motion and it is very important to follow through to your finish. Your main focus during the swing should be on picking the ball off the sand by hitting the golf ball first. By following these set up and swing tips you will increase your hitting success and lower your fear of fairway bunkers. It is a difficult shot but with proper practice every golfer will gain confidence. We hope you enjoy your 2014 golf season and rarely find a fairway bunker.
Tim Johnson
PGA The Pines, Grand View Lodge 2014 Golf Guide 15
Pre-Round Routine: When To Show Up, Stretching
et us start by preparing for your round of golf in an orderly fashion. Arrive at the golf course a hour before your tee time to give you the best possible chance at having a great round of golf. You need time to check in at the pro shop, pick up any items you may need for the round, golf balls, tees, get your bag on a cart if you use one, pick up some water at the refreshment counter, meet your friends or guests who you will be playing with, and do some warm up stretching, heading to the driving range to hit about 20 balls, do some chipping, and some putting. During this pre round session make quality shots, have a focused target for each shot and make it important as if you were on the course playing the shot for a score. If you have a hurried drive to the course, running late will result in a frustrated round when you are trying to rush and do not have the time to warm up. Whipping out the driver on #1 after a jog from the car to the pro shop with your friends waiting on the tee is not the ideal way to start a round of golf. By the time you gather yourself and relax enough to enjoy the round my guess is it will be the 18th. This would be the ideal way to start your round of golf. First focus your mind on the game today, set aside all the other mental clutter and prepare as you would for an important meeting. Make the time you have to warm up a quality session. A full stretching regime is not realistic before a round, but if you have the luxury to do a more complete warm up at home before you head to the course that is the ideal. But at least do some bare essential stretches, which will only take a few minutes. Stretching your hamstrings, lower back, sides, trunk and shoulders will result in better range of motion that will generate more club head speed. Stretching will also lessen your chance of injury. Always stretch slowly without bouncing, hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Never stretch through pain, if you have pain consult you doctor and consult with a personal trainer for some exercises to increase your
16 2014 Golf Guide
flexibility. Breathe deeply through stretching, and do not hold your breath. Inhale during the easier portion of the exercise and exhale evenly during the difficult part. Now that we have done our stretching, start hitting some balls with your pitching wedge and work you way up to the long irons, and woods, ending with your driver or driving club which may be a 3 wood. Remember have a target on every shot. Never start with the longest club in your bag. This takes the most flexibility and if you have not done your stretching it can be the quickest way to get an injury and end your golf for the day.Progress now to the chipping and putting green. Practice a half-dozen chips with a 9-iron and also with the pitching wedge, vary the
target, lie and distance. Next set up to make a dozen putts, again vary the target and distance. Always finish with a solid putt in the cup. This puts you in a very positive frame of mind. Now you are ready to head to the first tee with a few minutes to spare, put on your game day face and lets play some golf.
Joni Meyer
LPGA Teaching Professional Grand View, The Pines
Adjusting Golf Swing Gets Easier
olfers rejoice! Those dreaded slices or hooks could become a thing of the distant past thanks to adjustable clubs and drivers. In addition to helping improve accuracy, adjustable clubs also lighten the load in your golf bag. With a few twists of a wrench or even turning the shaft of the driver itself, golfers can adjust the face angle, loft and lie angle of the driver to hit the ball farther and straighter. Golfers can make small adjustments to create the right loft and improve distance without having to purchase a new club or visit a club fitter. Many club manufacturers now offer adjustable drivers and other clubs. According to an informal poll on Golf.com, 34 percent of the 2,337 respondents owned an adjustable driver by the end of 2011. The ability to upgrade shafts has also become popular as golfers respond to what the pros are doing. Adjustable golf clubs enable golfers to walk out onto the course with one driver and a few different shafts. With a couple of clicks from a wrench, a person can have an entirely new driver. That cuts down on the equipment that needs to be carried and can fine tune a golfer’s accuracy. These high-tech clubs are corresponding to changes being made to
golf balls. Engineers have reduced the spin on golf balls to help the balls travel farther. To do so, golf experts advise that the ball needs to be hit higher into the air. Adjustable drivers can give players the edge they need to produce the right height and trajectory. According to data from golf club manufacturer TaylorMade, 70 percent of consumers who use the companyÕ s adjustable drivers adjust their club at least once to get the desired shot. Afterward, 10 to 15 percent of adjustable driver users report further adjustments as they become comfortable with the features. Although golfers can now put adjustments into their own hands, it is still adviseable to get a professional fitting regardless of which clubs are chosen. A certified club fitter can help a person sort through the myriad options available and make recommendations based on various factors, including the golf ball used. Those who are not fans of adjustable drivers say that the adjustment mechanisms add weight to the drivers, which can compromise efficiency. However, that isnÕ t stopping larger numbers of golf fans from taking adjustable drivers for a trial run in an effort to improve their game.
2014 Golf Guide 17
The Scoop On Shafts
olf shafts and shaft flex are one of the most important, but often misunderstood, components of the golf club. In selecting new golf clubs, a common question is: “What flex shaft should I use?” Shaft flexes are typically labeled ‘L - Ladies,’ ‘A - Senior,’ ‘R - Regular,’ ‘F - Firm,’ and ‘S Stiff.Õ These are just labels and do not necessarily mean that ladies can’t use a “regular flex” and a senior can’t use a “ladies flex.” The flex of the shaft should match your swing so that during the swing, the club face squares to the ball at impact. What determines the appropriate flex for you? Swing acceleration is the most important factor in determining the best shaft flex for your swing. Acceleration is the measure of change in speed or in golf lingo, the ‘swing tempo.” Acceleration is what actually puts a load on the shaft and causes it to bend. The greatest acceleration occurs at the top of the swing where backswing stops and the downswing begins. The club headÕ s momentum wants to continue on its path of the backswing even though the hands and the shaft have begun the downswing, thereby bending the shaft. During the downswing, the
bent shaft actually snaps the clubhead forward like a hunting bow. If you were to see a stop action photo of the shaft at impact, you would see the club head slightly ahead of the shaft with an opposite bend from the top of the swing. Enough physics; how does this relate to shaft flex? Too stiff of a shaft for your swing tempo will not allow you to bend the shaft enough at the top of the swing to create a snap during the downswing, and a higher likelihood of an open face at impact, which would result in a fade or slice. Too flexible of a shaft would result in significant bending at the top, considerable snap during the downswing, and a likely closed face at impact, resulting in a draw or hook. These reactions are the opposite of what most people think will happen. A good club fitter will measure swing speed and swing tempo to determine the appropriate flex for your swing. The golf club industry has no standards defining shaft flex, so Company “A” might call their shaft “Regular” flex and Company “B” would call that same flex “stiff.” The only true way to find out the actual flex is to conduct a frequency test of the shaft and compare it to an industry flex average.
Driving The Golf Ball
’m writing about driving the ball for the first time since I have been sharing some tips with you over the last five years. The number one fault in driving the golf ball is: Do not roll your wrists. Wrists are a vital part of the drive but they should be used as an up and down hinge. Players who struggle with the driver usually start going off the rails early in the swing. The problems typically begin with the hands and wrists in the takeaway. Watch one of the Pros swing with sequence and rhythm Ð I recommend Ernie Els or Tiger Woods. The common theme is that all the important parts are working together. The hands and wrists; arms, shoulders and hips are doing their jobs in what is called a One-Piece Takeaway. Players get into trouble when one part takes over, or when the club starts in the wrong direction. As noted earlier, rolling the wrists at the start results in the left hand on top of the 18 2014 Golf Guide
right hand causing the clubhead to pull to the inside. That makes the swing way too flat and forces the player to reroute the club path to even make contact with the ball. Wrists should not roll, they should hinge up and down. This hinge, combined with a full body turn sends you on your way to better driving. Playing golf in the wooded courses here in our region rewards good driving that finds the short grass. The concepts above can be worked on year round and will help get us to where we all want to be Ð in the middle and having fun!
Dan Loken
PGA professional Emily Greens
Graphite or steel? Many people believe that graphite shafts are more flexible than steel shafts. This is simply not true. a Ò stiffÓ steel shaft should have the identical flex of a Ò stiffÓ graphite shaft. Again, you need to do a frequency analysis to find out what’s really under the hood. The two major benefits of graphite are: 1) it is lighter than steel, allowing for slightly faster swing speeds and a little more distance; 2) graphite has some vibration dampening properties, creating a softer feel at impact. The major benefits of steel: 1) it is durable; 2) from the shaft to the next it has a tighter frequency range (more consistent). The shaft is the engine of the golf club. Make sure it is tuned to your swing!
Mike Stone
Director of Golf Crosswoods Golf Course, Crosslake
lAKeS AreA Golf MAP
Crosslake Pequot Lakes
Grand View Lodge Golf 23521 Nokomis Ave Nisswa, MN 56468 (866) 801-2951 Tianna Country Club 7470 State 34 NW Walker, MN 56484 (218) 547-1712 Whitefish Golf Club 7883 County Rd. 16 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 (218) 543-4900 Emily Greens 39966 Refuge Rd. Emily, MN 56447 (218) 763-2169 Breezy Point Resort and Golf 9252 Breezy Point Dr Breezy Point, MN 56472 (800) 432-3777
Cuyuna Country Club 24410 State Highway 210 Deerwood, MN 56444 (218) 534-3489 Cragun’s Golf Courses 11000 Craguns Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 (800) 272-4867 Madden’s Golf Courses 11266 Pine Beach Peninsula Rd. Brainerd, MN 56401 (218) 829-2811 Golden Eagle Golf Club 16146 W Eagle Lake Rd Fifty Lakes, MN 56448 (866) 316-4653 Ruttger’s Bay Lake Resort and Golf 25039 Tame Fish Lake Road Deerwood, MN 56444 (218) 678-2885
Birch Bay Resort and Golf 1646 S. Agate Shore Dr. SW Nisswa, MN 56468 (218) 963-4488 Eagle’s Landing Golf Club 14825 263 Street Fort Ripley, MN 56449 (320) 632-5721 Black Bear Golf Complex 2677 16th Street SW Backus, MN 56435 (218) 587-8800 Long Bow Golf Club 6516 Long Bow Trail NW Walker, MN 56484 (218) 547-4121 Wildwedge Golf PO Box 899 Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 (218) 568-6995 Crosswoods Golf Course 35878 County Road 3 Crosslake, MN 56442 (218) 692-4653
2014 Golf Guide 19