2014 DE Media Product Book

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Building strong

business relationships by providing effective marketing solutions for the lakes area.

(218) 829-4705

506 James St. • Brainerd, MN 56401

2014 Product Book


Building strong

business relationships by providing effective marketing solutions for the lakes area. At DE Media, our mission is to provide area businesses with effective marketing solutions by combining multiple media formats and careful long-range planning facilitated by our well-trained staff. In order to best serve our business community, DE Media is committed to examining each campaign individually to design the ideal marketing plan to help the business grow while providing constructive feedback and measurable results. DE Media, working as a partner with area businesses, can offer both traditional advertising as well as an ever-expanding line of digital solutions that can be combined in different ways to ensure that you are reaching your customers where they are. The combination of our printed products, paid and free, along with our websites, gives us unprecedented reach in the Brainerd lakes area with the ability to reach almost everyone on a weekly, daily and hourly basis. As an active member in the community, DE Media is dedicated to helping our local businesses grow and thrive in the heart of lakes country. As a primary source of news in our area, DE Media acts as a mirror to the community providing updates on critical local news and information. Our coverage extends from Walker to Little Falls, for our printed products, and we reach over 221,000 unique visitors by way of our websites each month. Additionally our special sections and featured videos offer more ways to reach out to our community. DE Media is also committed to keeping our business partners up to speed with new marketing trends. Whether you are exploring SEO, Mobile Diversity or simply want to create a website or manage your social media, DE Media is equipped to help you. We look forward to doing business with you in 2014.

Page 2

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

E-TEARSHEETS DE Media has been going GREEN since 2012! We no longer send out paper tearsheets. All tearsheets are available online.

Benefits of the new E-Tearsheet process: • • • •

You will have immediate access online for tearsheets through our free Olive e-edition. You will be given full access to our products not just one page at a time. No inky fingers while matching up the proof copies with your invoice. The publications will be up on the Olive site for 60 days – that will be the month in which the ads ran and the month after.

Brainerd Dispatch Proofs

Echo Publication Proofs

Access your tearsheets at: eedition.brainerddispatch.com EMAIL: dailyads@brainerddispatch.com PASSWORD: dispatch

Access your tearsheets at: pineandlakes.com/e-edition There is no username or password at this time.

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 3



NHRA Championships Continue

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Serving the Brainerd LakeS area and CentraL MinneSota SinCe 1881

www.brainerddispatch.com $1.50

Fired up! Racing fuel pours out of Luigi Novelli Top Fuel Dragster Friday night just before the car caught fire while making a run at the Lucas Oil Nationals at Brainerd International Raceway. Novelli was unhurt in the incident. For more photos go to spotted. brainerddispatch.com.

All newsprint display ads are configured by “column inches” M

ost Minnesoprogram. By JESSI PIERCE “It has been so much tan’s summers jessi.pierce @brainerddispatch.com are filled with fun,” said Hansen, who taking a dip into any of set out to raise $12,400 the state’s 10,000 lakes. and achieved more than With all the options available, odds are $11,000 of it through her summer swim. people happen across a different lake or two “I’m actually really sad it’s coming to an throughout the warm months, but it’s rare end. We had so many people and so much support through this all. that number would reach 50. Not for YMCA aquatics coordinator, Jane “It’s truly been a really fun adventure.” Hansen. She can cross off 50 of them in 50 A mission she set out on June 29 to comdays. memorate the Brainerd Lakes YMCA’s 50th Hansen completed her goal of swimming anniversary, Hansen was joined by her friend 50 lakes in 50 days on Friday, hitting the wa- and YMCA member, Margaret Schaefer, who ter at Whipple Beach at 5:30 p.m., in an ef- kayaked alongside her rain or shine. fort to raise money for the YMCA’s aquatics See SWIMMER, Page 14A

50in Lakes 50 Days BD Video


Airport commission

rejects manager

finalists By MIKE O’ROURKE mike.orourke@brainerddispatch.com


iting the absence of a “wow” reaction, the CommisBrainerd Lakes Regional Airport Commis mansion Friday rejected the two airport man ager finalists it interviewed this month. The two candidates were Neil A. Ralston of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Willard Turner of El Centro, Calif. “Neither of them wowed me enough to make an offer at this point,” Brainerd Fire Chief Kevin Stunek, a member of the commission’s airport manager search committee, said. Howard Pihlaja, a retired pilot and a memmem ber of the search committee, concurred, stating both candidates had shortcomings. “I would not feel comfortable recommendrecommend ing either of those candidates,” he said. The commission voted unanimously to inin form the two finalists they would not be offered a job. Brainerd City Council member Kevin Goedker, an airport commission member, was not at Friday’s meeting. Commission members thanked the search committee for its recommendation and for its work. Commissioner Don Jacobson said he was looking for a strong leader and he “didn’t see that in either one.” See AIRPORT, Page 14A

InsIde Today

■ Federal judge ■

dismisses challenge

to same-day registration By RENEE RICHARDSON renee.richardson@brainerddispatch.com


federal lawsuit regarding voting rights, which named the state and Crow Wing County as defendants, was dismissed Friday. Federal Judge Donovan Frank dismissed the challenge to sameday registration from two conservative groups and seven individuals who contended ineligible voters cast ballots in 2008 and 2010, the Associated Press reported, drawing from a Minnesota Public Radio report. The AP reported Frank’s ruling found no federal laws were broken and the groups failed to unearth misconduct or fully pursue their case in state courts. The plaintiffs filed an appeal Friday to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Crow Wing County Attorney Don Ryan and Auditor-Treasurer Laureen Borden, representatives of Ramsey County, Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie and Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson, were all named in the lawsuit. Crow Wing and Ramsey

Vol 132-299

Deaths 5a

counties were named as having people cast ballots in the 2010 general election who were not eligible to vote. Four people, who had their voting rights eliminated with their guardianships, voted in the 2010 election in Crow Wing County. The lawsuit was filed by Minnesota Voters Alliance, Minnesota Freedom Council, Sondra Erickson, Montgomery Jensen, Ron Kaus, Jodi Lyn Nelson, Sharon Stene as guardian and friend for her son James Stene, Richard M. Smisson and Kathleen M. Olson. “We disagree with the opinion,” said Andy Cilek, Minnesota Voters Alliance president, said Friday afternoon, adding the federal venue was the proper place for the issue not the state courts. “It’s our view the judge failed to address our constitutional arguments. We filed for an appeal, a notice of appeal, this afternoon. ... This is a federal court decision so we disagree with the court.” See CHALLENGE, Page 14A

OpiniOn 6a

ClassifieD 5e

By RENEE RICHARDSON renee.richardson@brainerddispatch.com


100 P

(Select Shoppers)

COmiCs 1F

volume 38 • issue 32

Echoland - Piper

shopper www.echolandshopper.com

monday, deCemBeR 31 to sunday, JanuaRy 6, 2012


Broadsheet Size

Pearl Probasco

earl Probasco rarely slept. Neighbors could see her lights well into the night. No wonder. Her work continued long after her duties in the dairy barn were done. Probasco was born Aug. 18, 1912, seven miles south of Hillman, about 40 miles from Brainerd. Her family reports she was the first white child born in Mt. Morris Township. Her parents, Peter and Emily Markusen, were second generation Norwegians from Wisconsin. As a girl, Probasco worked on the farm, did household chores, cooked, chopped wood, hunted, trapped and, when she could fit it in, went to school. Born with a well-developed work ethic, as a young woman she was already working a cross-cut saw better than any man, according to her father. She married Joy Probasco on June 15, 1932, and they raised four children — Peter, Cleo, Jay and Wayne. Her husband was a school teacher while she had the major role at the farm. It was work she relished. At 99, with just hours to go to reach the 100th birthday, Probasco rested in a chair in her Bethany Good Samaritan apartment. As a reporter thanked her for donating time for an interview, she smiled and shrugged away the See 100 YEARS, Page 11A

From Baxter to Walker, the area’s largest shopper

Find the Pine River Family Market Insert Inside!

The Brainerd Dispatch and Echo Publishing offer many different products to help you reach your marketing goal. Print products are the staple of our business and we have a variety to choose from.

Pr srt std U.s. Postage paid Permit No. 323 Brainerd, MN 56401 ecr wss Postal customer

P.O. Box 974 Brainerd, MN 56401 800.432.3703

spOrts 1B

Dear abby 7e

Columns = Width (in inches) 1 1.6875” 2 3.5” 3 5.3125” 4 7.125” 5 8.9375” 6 10.75”

CopyRight 2012

Circulation: Brainerd Dispatch Daily Circulation averages 10,000 Brainerd Dispatch Sunday Circulation averages 15,000 Echo Journal Weekly Circulation averages 5,000 Echoland-Piper Shopper Weekly Circulation averages 25,000 * Each publication reaches a different area with little overlap. Inserts: We can print and distribute single sheet and tab insertions. Single sheets range in size from 4.25” x 11” to 11” x 17”.

Page 4

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

BANNER ADS Banner ads are available on several front pages - the main news page and several other sections. All but the banner on the Obituary page are process color.

Brainerd Dispatch Sunday 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


Sunday Outdoors 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


Weekdays 6x2 (10.75” x 2”) 3 Pack- $150/day


Obituary* 5x2 (8.938” x 2”)


Sunday Business 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


Sunday Business 6x5 (10.75” x 5”)


Sports Page 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


Wednesday Neighbors 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


Thursday Entertainment 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


Thursday Auto 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


Echo Publishing Echo Journal 6x2 (10.75” x 2”)


6x3 and 6x4 Banners are also available on Sunday Outdoors, Business, Sports, Neighbors, Entertainment and Auto.

Deadline: Same as display ads

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 5

FRONT PAGE BANNER ADS *Buy 5 Front Page Banner ads, and run them over a 90 day period for only $150 each! * Weekday Front Page Banners Only. 6 Column by 2” size (10.75”x2”) (Regular Price $200.00) • Free Color • Offer good only on available dates (first come, first served)

First Right of Refusal

Front page banner ads are sold by the day and are subject to first right of refusal. Every December, advertisers are contacted with the schedule of banner ads they ran during the year and given the opportunity to purchase the same dates for the next year. Once that is completed, the available days will be sold on a first come, first served basis.


$250 on Front Page Banners!* Space/Copy Deadline Regular deadlines apply

Page 6

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Let’s partner together to reach over 80% of the Lakes Area. Our print product has a daily circulation of 10,000+, while our website reaches over 195,000+ unique visitors each month.

For new and small business owners: Display ads in Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday’s paper Reach over 25,000 readers daily

Full Page Half Page Quarter Page

Early Bird Rate

With Color

Savings of

$450 $250 $150

$705 $385 $225

$1235* $635* $292*

Save over 65%!

*Savings off of black and white price.

In addition: receive special discounts on many other Dispatch products throughout the coming year, including internet advertising. Contact your marketing consultant to see if you qualify! (with annual contract)

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 7


Get your business noticed! Average circulation of 25,000! • Six Premium placement positions are available on the front page of the shopper. • Reserve one of the top two spots above the fold for maximum exposure.

$75/week Rates: 3 col. x 6” $250 Oct. - Feb. $360 Top two spots $350 $460

Mar. - Sept. Top two spots

Insertion Date: Fridays Space Reservation Deadlines: Tuesdays

Page 8

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

POST-ITS The ultimate placement! A print post-it sticks on the front page of the Brainerd Dispatch just like a regular sticky note. The digital version appears on the home page of brainerddispatch.com.

online sample Rates: Dispatch Print Post-it *Insertion Only

*No creative or printing included.

Echo Print Post-It



$499 $299

$599 $399

$75 per 1,000

10,000 minimum print run required on all orders

Dispatch Online Post-It Echo Online Post-It

Mon-Wed Thurs-Sun

$125/day $100/day

Get your message on the



Post-It Special 3 Pack for $225 Brainerddispatch.com

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 9

COMMUNITY EVENT WRAP (PRINT) The Community Event Wrap is an affordable way for organizations to get the word out about their events! 4 full pages of color with Sunday circulation is hard to beat! Ask your media consultant for available publishing dates. Extra 75 wraps for you to distribute how you would like.

Over 15,000 distributed!

Rate: $2,000.00 Space/Copy Deadline 13 business days prior to the publish date

Page 10

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

COMMUNITY EVENT WRAP (NON-PROFIT) The Community Event Wrap is an affordable way for non-profits to get the word out about their events and fundraisers! 4 full pages of color with Sunday circulation is hard to beat! Ask your media consultant for available publishing dates. Extra 75 wraps for you to distribute how you would like.

Over 15,000 distributed!

Rate: $500.00 Space/Copy Deadline 13 business days prior to the publish date

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 11













xxxxxx, xxxxxxx, 2008


xxxxxx, xxxxxxx, 2008


what Buyers want and Sellers need


List . com

CLASSIFIEDS Marva Pearson • 218-855-5824 • Fax • 218-829-7735





ATEK PRODUCTS in Brainerd is excited to add a new member to their Customer Care Team!

Advise members on financial plans utilizing knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, pension plans, and real estate.

Pro Staff is currently recruiting for the following positions:

MAXBOTIX INC. A growing High Tech company in the Brainerd Lakes Area.

BAYWOOD HOME CARE Experienced home health aides needed to provide 24-hour care for our clients in the Twin Cities. Immediate full-time work available. Call 763-546-8899 Or send email to: dorothym@ baywoodhomecare.com www.baywoodhomecare.com ACCOUNTANT

MAGNUM MACHINING Seeking a detailed oriented individual to join our team in the Accounting department. Qualified applicants will have a Bachelor's degree in accounting with 0 - 2 years of experience or a two year accounting degree with 3+ years of related experience, excellent verbal and writing skills, knowledge of Microsoft Office, and ability to learn internal software programs.

If you enjoy a fast paced work environment where you get to interact with internal and external customers - this may be just the opportunity for you. ATEK is looking for an individual to help support their mission and provide a superior customer experience both before and after the sale by receiving and processing orders, confirming pricing, responding to delivery status requests, sending literature and samples as well as processing customer information necessary to maintain databases. If you are organized, can juggle priorities and have at least 1 year of experience, please send your resume to: bimdieke@atekproducts.com Or

210 NE 10th Ave Brainerd, MN 56401


Excellent working conditions, medical benefits, 401k available. If interested, please apply in person or online at:

magnummachining.com Mail resume to address below. Magnum Machining, Inc. 20959 State Hwy 6 Deerwood, MN 56444 Ph: 218-534-3552 Fax: 218-534-3428 KRUSHE RESIDENTIAL IS LOOKING TO FILL SEVERAL CARE GIVER POSITIONS IN PILLAGER

All positions available. Full- and part- time. Flexible schedule. Openings at our juvenile boys home, also. Must be at least 18, pass background check and have valid, clean driving record. Call: (218)746-3115 Leave message.

NOW SEEKING: •Evening Dishwashers •Day Host


Duties include: Assessing individual assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, and tax status in order to offer tailored strategies designed to address the needs of our members’ life goals and financial growth.

•Experienced Project Manager IT Knowledge a must

Series 7 or 6 Licensed and 5 years’ experience required.

•Customer Service Rep. Licensed in Insurance

MMFCU offers and excellent benefit package, including health, dental, life insurance, PTO, holidays, and more. Please apply online:


Under Career Opportunities

•Qualified Planning Specialist 4 year degree a must



•Print Press Feeder Experience Required

•Software Writer •Technical Writer •Technical Sales All levels of experience will be considered. Reviewing has started.

•Data Analyst Access Experience along with 4 year degree a must.

•Accountant 2-3 years experience in Accounting

We are currently hiring/ accepting resumes for the following positions: •IT/Electronic Technician

Details can be obtained from any RMCEP Office Or (320)232-2006 Or

Email resume to:

Application deadline: January 31, 2013


hr@maxbotix.com Please, no phone calls

•Machine Operator 2nd and 3rd Shift •Telecom CO Technician MetaSwitch Experience Required


• Minimum size: 2x2 • B&W Ads • Blocked off section to showcase area auctions. • 24/7 advertiser access to online auction posting.

Contact Marva 218-855-5824 or marva.pearson@brainerddispatch.com


No phone calls, please. DISPATCHER FLETCHER TRUCKING Motivated. Computer skills a must. Pay based on experience. (218)825-8824 Visit our website www.fletchertruckinginc.com EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS

CORRECTIONAL MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST Seeking to hire experienced Carpenters for commercial and residential projects. Seeking an enthusiastic Mental Health Specialist in Minnesota to be a key team member in our organization for various locations across Minnesota. Candidates must enjoy working with an underserved population and must be willing to work in a jail setting. The mental health specialist will provide care under the direction and supervision of the nursing director and medical provider.

Must pass pre-employment drug screening and be willing to work out of town. Compensation based on experience.


Benefits include: Health insurance, holidays, vacation, and 401K. Apply in person at: Kuepers Inc., Architects & Builders 14643 Edgewood Drive North Suite 115 Baxter MN. Equal Opportunity Employer. FAMILY HEALTH STAFF NURSE RN

•Master’s in Clinical or Psychiatric Social Work plus 2 years of postmaster’s supervised clinical experience. •Valid Minnesota Social Work license (MSW or LICSW)


•Prefer 2-5 years of mental health experience in same or similar setting (i.e. county jail, prison, juvenile correctional facility, ER, etc.)

Immediate opening for a Family Health Staff Nurse RN for our Brainerd Family Health Clinic Site. Position at 40 hours/week.

Competitive salary, full benefit package. An excellent opportunity for professional growth.

QUALIFICATIONS: Associates Degree in Registered Nursing. Current Minnesota Registered Nurse license. One year of related nursing experience preferred. Current CPR certification required.

Full discription of position see our “Employment” page at:

www.mendcare.com Please send your resume and references to: MEnD Correctional Care Attn: Jenny Mace 67 – 10th Avenue South Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone: 320-774-1080 Fax: 320-774-1083 Email:

jmace@mendcare.com Application Deadline:

January 27th, 2013


The Staff Nurse-RN position is responsible for providing health care education, nursing services, screenings, laboratory tests, and promoting the well being of all patients seen at Family Health Clinics. The Staff Nurse-RN must dispense medication. Patient and Agency confidentiality must be adhered to at all times in full compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. Must comply with Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) and Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) regulations. Must be able to handle fast paced clinic schedules to include possible evenings/weekends. To Make Application Contact:

Brainerd Dispatch has a newspaper route available for the Brainerd area. Delivery would be early mornings 7 days a week and takes approximately 3 1/2 hours daily to deliver. Gross income potential is approximately $475.00 weekly. Must have own vehicle(s), valid auto insurance and drivers license. For more details, contact Greg at the Brainerd Dispatch: 218-839-1754

Mahube-Otwa Community Action Partnership, Inc. 1125 West River Road P.O. Box 747 Detroit Lakes, MN 56502-0747 218-847-1385 Website:

Yeah, it was easy. I sold it using the Classifieds.

It’s that easy! You just called 855-5898. Yep... It’s that easy.

Brainerd Dispatch ......................... $14 pci (Sunday) • $12 pci (Daily) Echoland Piper-Shopper ............... $8 pci Echo Journal ................................. $5 pci pick up rate

www.mahube.org Or e-mail:

ahaugrud@mahube.org Closing Date For Accepting Applications: Wednesday, January 24, 2013 - 4:30 p.m.

Combine and Save Rates:

10% Discount

Reach over 32,000 households per issue!

Brainerd Dispatch Average Weekly Circulation 10,000 Brainerd Dispatch Average Sunday Circulation 15,000 Echoland - Piper Shopper Circulation 25,000

Combine and


Brainerd Dispatch ......................... $12.60 pci (Sunday) • $10.80 pci (Daily) Echoland Piper-Shopper ............... $7.20 pci

Space Copy Deadlines: Brainerd Dispatch Echoland Piper-Shopper

Page 12

Noon Thursday Noon Tuesday

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

ENTERTAINMENT OPTIONS The Dining and Entertainment Guide is the place to be to promote your event, expo, specials, you name it!

Brainerd Dispatch


• 3x3.5 (5.3125” x 3.5”) Full Color ad • Reach over 10,000 homes • *3x2 Banner position available $37.50 *Limited space available

Echoland-Piper Shopper

Open Rate

June 25, 2012

• Reach 25,000 homes • Choose your size *see rate card for pricing details

Combine & Save







June 25, 2012


• Reach over 35,000 homes • 3 x 3.5 (5.3125”x3.5”) full color ad

Copy/Space Deadline: Tuesdays at Noon

Lakes Area D&E App Add-Ons • Business Directory Listing $10/month (with 1 year contract) $15/month (with a 6 month contract) • Includes mapping and link back to website • Coupon/Specials $25/month


506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 13

DINING & ENTERTAINMENT SPECIALTY Available six times per year- Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. Thursday, Sunday, Thursday Full color 3x3.5” print ad


Thursday email blast to 19,000 addresses Optional Upgrade $100 20,000 online impressions on brainerddispatch.com

Valentine’s Day

April 20

Publish Dates


Publish Dates


February 6 February 9 February 13

February 4

April 10 April 13 April 17

April 8

Mother’s Day

Father’s Day

May 11

June 15

Publish Dates


Publish Dates


May 1 May 4 May 8

April 29

June 5 June 8 June 12

June 3


November 27

Publish Dates


November 13 November 16 November 20

November 11

New Year’s Eve

Page 14


February 14

December 31

Publish Dates


December 18 December 21 December 25

December 16

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

If you’re planning special pricing or hours CHECK THIS OUT!

FOOD & FUN APP DIRECTORY Potential customers are just a tap away! Business Directory Listing $10/month (with 1 year contract). •

• • • •

Select your category: Food or Fun. If you are considered both, you can opt into both category lists at no extra cost. All listings will be included in the combined Directory list. All listings are combined into the map, including a clickable link to your website. Update your specials as much as you like (via Twitter feed). Events will be updated with a direct feed from our events calendar.

Directory Page Sample

Coupon Option (Add-On)

$25/month • Add a mobile coupon in our coupons section with clickable link underneath.

Innovative New Mobile Directory

Map Page Sample

For more entertainment options contact your marketing consultant.

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 15

IN OUR PRIME A PublicAtion For centrAl MinnesotA seniors

Boomers Brainerd dispatch

• Monthly edition with focus on area senior residents.

Friday, November 23, 2012


a cluB—not A suPPort grouP

By JENNIFER STOCKINGER jennifer.stockinger@brainerddispatch.com

Widowed Friends Club

• Direct market for seniors and the young of heart. • Distributed to approximately 15,000 homes in the Brainerd Dispatch and Echo Journal.


Widowed Friends Club members Pam Stenberg (left), Mary Graves, Dorothy Balken and Lois Lysdahl enjoy a visit at Bonanza in Baxter.

Jennifer Stockinger •jennifer.stockinger@brainerddispatch.com •

• Spotlights individuals and activities of area seniors.

It’s not a support group — it’s a group of people who offer a listening ear and are in the same boat together. They are the Widowed Friends Club, an organization made up of widows and widowers dedicated to helping others cope with the trauma of losing a spouse.

on iPad

The group meets at 11 a.m. for lunch on the first Monday of the month at Bonanza and the third Monday of the month at the Nisswa Legion Club. They also get together for other events, such as going to a performance, picnic, card parties or whatever event meets their fancy. They’re open to anything the group wants to do. They’re each other’s support system, but in a more friendly, social way. The Widowed Friends Club has been around since 1991, when it was sponsored by AARP. Then The Center in Brainerd began sponsoring the group, but today it’s on its own and is not sponsored by any other group. Members pay a $4 membership fee. Dorothy Balken, Motley, president of the Widowed Friends Club, said there are approximately 46 members, who are age 50 or older, with the average age in the 70s. Balken said the group’s mission is to share stories with each other and to “get people out of the house.” Balken said she lost her husband of almost 53 years in 2009 and after three years, she needed something. “I needed a reason to get out and meet people,” said Balken. “My family was close, but I was looking for more, sharing stories with others like me.” Mary Graves of Nisswa, the group’s secretary, joined three years ago because she was lonesome after her husband of nearly 39 years passed away. Graves has a large family, who is supportive, but she felt like something was still missing. She saw an ad about a meeting for the Widowed Friends Club and thought she’d try it out. “The people are so nice and I met a wonderful friend, companion, my best friend,” said Graves. “I’m not lonely anymore.” Graves said before she joined the club, she tried a support group at her church, but said, “It was just too depressing.”

Pam Stenberg of Baxter, a member at-large, joined afaf ter her husband died in 2001, after 57 years of marriage. “You have to go out and face the world, otherwise you just sit there,” said Stenberg. Stenberg said she has family, but they can’t always be there when she needs them because they have their own lives. Lois Lysdahl of Pillager, treasurer of the club, lost her husband of 49 years in 2000. “I sat at home and felt sorry for myself,” said Lysdahl. “I decided to start life again and saw an advertisement about the club and came to a meeting. I felt uncomfortable, but it turned out to be the best blessing of all. When you lose a loved one and grieve, it’s nice to have others to talk to. I had to get out.” Lysdahl said since 1995, 14 people have gotten married through the club. “If you need a friend you’ll find one here,” said Balken. “There are many shared friendships here.” Stenberg said people can come join and if they don’t want to play cards, they don’t have too. Stenberg said if they just want to sit and visit that is more than OK. “We have a good group here,” said Graves. Anyone interested in joining the club can stop by and visit at one of the monthly meetings or contact Antonia Blanksma, the club’s correspondent at 825-0960. JENNIFER STOCKINGER may be reached at jennifer.stockinger@brainerddispatch.com or 855-5851. Follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/jennewsgirl.

Local News at your fingertips.

“ ” “If you

need a friend

you’ll find

one here.” Dorothy Balken

Widowed Friends Club president

*free for a limited time

Unlike the online edition, the pages of the Brainerd Dispatch appear just like the printed version. Get it now at iTunes App Store.

Rates Black and White Process Color

Inserts Dispatch January 21 February 18 March 18 April 15 May 20 June 17 July 15 *August 19 September 16 October 21 November 18 December 16

$15.00/column inch $18.00/column inch

Inserts Echo Journal January 23 February 20 March 20 April 17 May 22 June 19 July 17 August 21 September 18 October 23 November 20 December 18

Space/Copy Deadline January 7 February 4 March 4 April 1 May 6 June 3 July 1 August 5 September 2 October 7 November 4 December 2

*Event to cover Ageless Expo.

“The mature market has over $1.6 trillion in spending power and a net worth that’s nearly twice the U.S. average. The facts speak for themselves -- the mature market represents a tremendous opportunity across all categories.”

Page 16

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Fire chieF’s corner Ask A Trooper Waiting for a Mentor Page 3n

Neighbors Brainerd dispatch

• •

Publishes Wednesdays in the Brainerd Dispatch. Spotlights outlying neighborhoods and reader submitted photos.



Wednesday, december 11, 2013

Catching sundogs

Lynnel Anderson of Emily writes, “Sundog on County Road 36 Thursday morning. Saw someone pulled over then looked and pulled over too — nice sight on cold morning.” Do you have a recent scenic picture that shows the beauty of the lakes area? Send it to neighbors@brainerddispatch.com for possible publication in the Neighbors section. Be sure to include your name, where you are from, a brief description of the photo and when and where it was taken.

CA M P RI P L E Y n E W S Minnesota National Guard

leader recognized by collegiate community


T. CLOUD — St. Cloud State University hosted a Military Appreciation Night at Halenbeck Hall Dec. 5, as wrestlers from SCSU and St. John’s

University participated in a NCAA Division II match. “This was very exciting to be able to host a military appreciation night along with an event between the two schools,” said Maj. Jeff Nelson, Enrollment Officer with the Army ROTC Battalion. The event was sponsored by the ROTC ‘Fighting Saints’ Battalion of St. John’s, St. Cloud and St. Benedict’s Universities. The two teams were outfitted in Army and Marine digital camo uniforms to recognize the military service and sacrifice within their communities. “It’s challenging being a student, athlete and ROTC cadet at the same time,” said Teddy Erickson, Freshman Cadet with St. John’s By sTAFF sGT. AnThonY hoUseY University. “Being this Camp Ripley Public Affairs busy teaches proper time management and how to except the hard choices, it’s worth it.” The uniforms worn by the wrestlers were auctioned off following the match with all proceeds going to Toys for Tots. A silent auction organized by the ROTC Cadets raised $1,885.00 by the end of the night. A presentation was made by SCSU Assistant Coach Shamus O’Grady to Col. Dirk R. Kloss the Commander of the 84th Troop Command, for his mentorship of future leaders and support of collegiate athletics. Col Kloss, a St. Cloud State alum, also met with cadets of the Fighting Saints Battalion to share his experiences and answer questions about his military career. “It was such an honor to be recognized in front of a great bunch of young, enthusiastic people,” said Col. Kloss. St. Cloud State took control of the scoreboard right away in the match against St. Johns, as freshman Tanner Johnshoy of Prior Lake, Minn. charted a pin at 3:43 against John Wells of St. John’s. The points continued to roll in with a major decision victory by SCSU’s number two wrestler Andy Pokorny at 133-pounds. Pokorny posted a 15-1 win over SJU’s Mike Pleski to give SCSU a 10-0 lead. Taylor Lewandowski increased the Huskies’ lead to 26-0 with a 15-4 major decision against freshman Teddy Erickson of Annandale, Minn. The win clinched SCSU’s new Division II record of 48 consecutive dual wins. SCSU beat SJU 38-0 setting a new NCAA Division II record for most consecutive dual match victories.

Neighbors in Business Every week the Brainerd Dispatch publishes a special feature in our Neighbors section to spotlight our outlying communities. Ads are Black and White. (13 Week Commitment) 2 col. x 4” ad $50 per week 2 col. x 8” ad $100 per week

Left: Col. Dirk Kloss, 84th Troop Command Commander answers questions about his experiences as an Army Officer and what he has learned throughout his career.

Wrestlers from St. Cloud State and St. John’s Universities square off against each other during a Military Appreciation Event sponsored by St. Cloud State University and the ROTC Battalion of St. John’s, St. Ben’s and St. Cloud State Dec. 5.

Copy/Space Deadline:

Mondays at 10:00am

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 17

SERVICE DIRECTORY - ECHO PUBLISHING Service Directory *13 week commitment required Echo Journal 2” ad 4” ad

$10.90/issue $21.30/issue

Echoland-Piper Shopper 2” ad 4” ad

$13.65/issue $26.65/issue

TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 218-855-5898 OR 800-432-3703


August 13, 2012


Advertise now by calling 218-568-8521 pineandlakes.com

An expanding online presence and 117 years of journalism. I like that about my hometown newspapers. To subscribe or place a classified ad, call 855-5898 or 218-855-5897.

Page 18

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 7B


Life’s special moments Need Celebrating! Special times in people’s lives call for special recognition. Showcase your special moment with an announcement on our Sunday Celebrations page in the Brainerd Dispatch. • Each print ad includes one full color photo. (vertical photos work best - Either digital or scanned)

ABBY: Wife in middle of family feu DEAR ABBY: I’m an only child. My parMy husband now refuses to set foot in ents moved three miles from my husband my parents’ home, and I dread the next and me after our first daughter was born. event that will put them together in the They were determined notLana to Beem miss ofaBrainerd same place. Alan and and JimI have asked them to agree to minute of her life. disagree and Kelly Pine of Baxter are happyfor to my sake and my girls, but both Mom’s life has always been the centered feelof“justified” in their feelings. I feel as announce engagement their around Dad, my daughters and me. She though I must children, Jeremy Beem and Shae Pine. make a choice between the has never approved of A my husband two. Please help. — TORN IN TWO September 13, 2013, because he didn’t finish college andisenlistDEAR TORN: Since you must make a wedding being planned. ed in the military, unlike Dad, who has two choice, choose your husband. If you don’t, master’s degrees and retired from the you stand a good chance of being a divorced Navy as a lieutenant commander. She mother of two with overbearing parents regards my husband as the “sperm donor,” judging every move you and your daughand that’s about all the credit he gets. ters make for the foreseeable future. Your Mom isn’t happy about anything unless parents owe you and your husband an she’s complaining. She resents that we apology for the way they have treated him, spend part of Dad’s birthday with my hus- and frankly, you need to distance yourself band’s family — never mind that it’s the from them until you are strong enough to anniversary of his father’s death. She has establish some adult boundaries. tried to discipline my daughters based on DEAR ABBY: I was recently diagnosed their grades, even though we have told her with cancer. The support I have received that her job is to “spoil them,” and it’s our from friends and family has been wonderjob to discipline them. ful. However, I have a challenge. John and Jill (Smith) Anderson were married on February 14, 2013, at Holy Church in Brainerd. Officiating was the Rev. Ernie Henry. A reception was held at the Ballroom Convention Center. Parents are Bob and Pam Anderson, Baxter, and Joe and Anne Smith, Brainerd. Bride’s attendants were matron of honor Sarah Smith, Kristen Tompson, Carolyn Smith, Amanda Anderson and Jennifer Johnson. Flower girl was Lilly Smith and personal attendant was Emma Anderson. Groom’s attendants were best man Bo Anderson, Jim Smith, Austin Johnson, Alan Johnson and Luke Henry. The ring bearer was Oliver Henry and ushers were Matthew Johnson, Nick Smith and Andrew Doe.

Engagement Announced

Rates (Includes Color) Standard Celebrations Announcement


Wedding Announced

Birth / Adoption • Birthdays • Open Houses Baptisms • Graduations~ High School, College Engagements • Weddings • Anniversaries Achievements~ Honor roll, Sports, Pageants Retirements and MORE!

A friend from w vivor has solicited workers on my b had done it, but if not have condone are well-off, and insurance is ade expenses. My friend keep spend the colle Unfortunately, sh want nor need. I’m this entire situatio to do. How woul EMBARRASSED DEAR EMBAR friend for a list of who contributed s their thoughtfuln when I got it, I wou while I appreciate I do not need it a the donors. Then I

Welcome Baby! Proud parents, John and Lisa Anderson welcome to the family, their new daughter, Nora Dawn Anderson, born February 1, 2013, at Lakewood Hospital, Staples. Weight: 6 lbs. 5 oz and 21 inches long. Grandparent are John and Jill (Smith) Anderson of St. CLoud and Julie and Greg Kemp of Brainerd.

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 19

OUR STORY WEDDING PACKAGE Special times in people’s lives call for special recognition. Showcase your Engagement and Wedding in our Sunday Celebrations page in the Brainerd Dispatch, online at brainerddispatch.com as well as on YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED mobile app! • Each print ad includes one full color photo. (vertical photos work best - Either digital or scanned)

Rates (Includes Color) Engagement Announced Alan and Lana Beem of Brainerd and Jim and Kelly Pine of Baxter are happy to announce the engagement of their children, Jeremy Beem and Shae Pine. A September 13, 2013, wedding is being planned.

Engagement Announcement


Wedding Announcement


Mobile App


Total Package


Wedding Announced John and Jill (Smith) Anderson were married on February 14, 2013, at Holy Church in Brainerd. Officiating was the Rev. Ernie Henry. A reception was held at the Ballroom Convention Center. Parents are Bob and Pam Anderson, Baxter, and Joe and Anne Smith, Brainerd. Bride’s attendants were matron of honor Sarah Smith, Kristen Tompson, Carolyn Smith, Amanda Anderson and Jennifer Johnson. Flower girl was Lilly Smith and personal attendant was Emma Anderson. Groom’s attendants were best man Bo Anderson, Jim Smith, Austin Johnson, Alan Johnson and Luke Henry. The ring bearer was Oliver Henry and ushers were Matthew Johnson, Nick Smith and Andrew Doe.

Contract: _____________________________________________ Printed Name

_____________________________________________ Signature


_____________________________________________ Email

_____________________________________________ Dispatch Representative Date Paid

Page 20



506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


3x6 full color print ad Online promotions 24/7 on www.upnorthautos.com Full Dealer Inventory New and Used Vehicles

* See your marketing consultant for pricing and details

Auto Week Section Front Page 1/2 page


Full page


Full color - includes promotional advertorial on top half of page

Service Advertising 3x3 Full Color


Space/Copy Deadline

Final Ad Approval

Tuesdays - 2pm

Wednesdays - 2pm

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 21

AUTOS TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 218-855-5898 OR 800-432-3703

August 20, 2012


Page 1B

Echoland - Piper




Week-Day/Sunday Options (includes color) 1/4 Page 1/2 Page

Dispatch Daily $250 $500

3/4 Page


Full Page


Dispatch Sunday $300 $600

* Includes 2,000 ROS online WOW ad impressions

Echoland-Piper Shopper $250 $500





* Includes 3,000 ROS online WOW ad impressions * Includes 4,000 ROS online WOW ad impressions

Brainerd Dispatch and Echoland-Piper Shopper COMBINE AND SAVE Choose any Weekday or Sunday Brainerd Dispatch option and pick up your ad in the Echoland-Piper Shopper for $5/pci

See our online autos page, click or go to: http://autos.upnorthautos.com

* Rates apply for participation in Up North Autos Program.

Reminant 6x2

Page 22


Space/Copy Deadline

Final Ad Approval

Tuesdays - 2pm

Wednesdays - 2pm

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


AUTO SHOW Special Publication

Don’t miss out on this special section! It’s spring and that means there is a flood of customers looking to purchase new vehicles. Be top of mind by reaching audiences in two different publications. All for one low price!

Auto Show

MAR 1 2 M A R

3-17 thru 3-24


Rates: All ads are full color Full Page Half Page Half Page Front

$999 $599 $699

Publication Dates: Brainerd Dispatch Echoland-Piper Shopper

March March

It’s vehicle buying season!

Space Reservation Deadline:

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 23

REAL ESTATE New look and sizes for Open Houses and Featured Listings. Combine and save for MAXIMUM REACH!

Brainerd Dispatch or Echoland-Piper Shopper Open House or Featured Listing- 2x4 $50

*Open Rates: 1/8 page 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page *Dispatch Sunday pick-up rate

$125 $250 $500 $1,000 $8 pci

*Echo Journal pick-up rate

$5 pci

Full color, prints in the main section, no guaranteed placement.

Black & White. You may add color at the open rate if available.

See our online Real Estate page, click or go to: http://homes.brainerddispatch.com

Brainerd Dispatch and Echoland-Piper Shopper COMBINE AND SAVE 25% Discount Open House or Featured Listings 2x4 Brainerd Dispatch and 2x4 Echoland-Piper Shopper

Page 24

Space/Copy Deadline

Final Ad Approval

Wednesdays - Noon

Thursdays - Noon

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

WOW! Only



REAL ESTATE EXTRAS Brainerd Dispatch New on the Market


6x2 full color ad with week-long rotating online WOW ad on www.upnorthhomefinder.com * 3 ad styles to choose from

Commercial Listing


Apartment Living


3x4 full color prime placement on the bottom of the Sunday Business page with week-long rotating online WOW ad on www.upnorthhomefinder.com 3x4.5 full color ad printing on the 3rd Friday of each month with month-long rotating online banner ad on www.upnorthhomefinder.com

Echo Journal Commercial Listing


3x3.75 prime placement B&W ad on the bottom of the Business page in the Echo Journal with week-long rotating online WOW ad on www.upnorthhomefinder.com

Echoland-Piper Shopper New on the Market


6x2 full color ad with week-long rotating online WOW ad on www.upnorthhomefinder.com * 3 ad styles to choose from

Online Only Leaderboard with Search Engine


Tile Ad


Month-long top page leaderboard on www.upnorthhomefinder.com * Requires a 6+ month contract. Month-long right rail tile ad on www.upnorthhomefinder.com

Space/Copy Deadline

Final Ad Approval

Wednesdays - Noon

Thursdays - Noon

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 25


Apartment Living upnorth

For advertising opportunities call: Ashly • 218-855-5828 OR Linda • 218-855-5846



Enjoy a relaxed living environment where special attention to every little detail makes your housing experience unforgettable. Amenities include, but are not limited to: One, Two, and Three bedrooms with spacious floor plans, Heat, Water, Sewer & Garbage Included, Heated Underground Parking, In Unit Washer/ Dryer, Fitness Center, walking trails, and more! Located just minutes from downtown Baxter and Brainerd, Cypress Court offers an apartment community that goes a step above all of the other housing options available in the area.

Baxter’s newest apartment homes featuring 1 or 2 bedroom floor plans. Spacious floor plans, large kitchens with eat-at snack bar and so much more. Conveniently located in heart of Baxter just off of College Drive allows easy access to shopping, work and schools. Berrywood offers FREE heat, water, sewer, & garbage to make your Baxter apartment home even more affordable.

Contact Us Cypress Court | 13060 Cypress Drive | Baxter, MN Phone: 218-824-5082 | Email: info@cypress-court.com Web: www.cypress-court.com

Contact Us Berrywood Apartments | 13281 Berrywood Drive | Baxter, MN Phone: 218-454-1020 | Email: info@berrywoodapartments.com Web: www.berrywoodapartments.com


1 & 2 bedroom apartment living in the Brainerd area. We offer FREE heat, water, sewer, & garbage to make your home even more affordable. Our apartments feature brand-name Whirlpool appliances, glass top stove, built-in dishwasher and frost free refrigerator. The Oak Heights Apartment community features several site amenities paired with a convenient location to several Brainerd area retail and business attractions.

Contact Us Oak Heights Apartments | 3402 Oak Street | Brainerd, MN Phone: 218-454-0313 | Email: info@oakheightsapartments.com Web: www.oakheightsapartments.com


Grand Rapids Apartment Living. Kuepers Inc. estimates that the first of the two 29-unit apartment buildings will be ready for occupancy June 1, 2012. Located on a wooded 10-acre site at the intersection of Golf Course Road and 14th Ave. SW, near the medical campus in an expanding area of Grand Rapids.

Contact Us Lakewood Heights Apartments | Grand Rapids, MN

Cost is $150/month


Sauna, On Site Laundry, Indoor Pool, Garage Available, Controlled Access, 1 - 2 - 3 Bedroom Apartments & Efficiencies.

Contact Us Janice’s Estates & Pines | 30637 Olson Street | Pequot Lakes, MN Phone: 218.568.5992


A quiet Northwoods setting with beautiful, green walking trails nearby. 1, 2, or 3 bedroom apartments with spacious floor plans, featuring custom oak cabinetry and fireplaces; perfect for families. Clearwater apartments are convenient to the booming Brainerd Lakes Area Community, so work and recreation are never far away. Each home is fully equipped with keyless entry and a heated garage. Heat, water and refuse are also included with each lease. Our great community also has an onsite fitness center and onsite management for resident convenience.

Contact Us Clearwater Estates | 7025 Clearwater Rd. | Baxter, MN Phone: 218-828-9300 | Email: info@clearwaterestateapts.com Web: www.clearwaterestateapts.com



Senior Living at its Finest! A 112 unit, 3 floor building offering 1 and 2 bedroom senior apartments for rent in Baxter, MN. The 55 and better community is in the Brainerd Lakes area and is on the Paul Bunyan walking trail. Features include gourmet kitchens, dishwasher, disposal, covered balconies and an in-home washer & dryer, paid heat, clubhouse, fitness center, and much more!

Autumn Glen offers in 1 and 2 bedroom senior apartments for rent in Baxter, MN. The 55 and better community is in the Brainerd Lakes area and is on the Paul Bunyan walking trail. The community of Autumn Glen has an exercise room, party room w/ full kitchen & entertainment area, wood working shop and storage lockers. Garage parking and shuttle service available. Autumn Glen apartments feature gourmet kitchens, dishwasher, disposal, covered balconies and an in-home washer & dryer. Heat paid.

Contact Us Arbor Glen Senior Living | 14177 Broadmoor Dr. | Baxter, MN Phone: 218-297-0708

Contact Us Autumn Glen Senior Living | 14177 Broadmoor Dr. | Baxter, MN Phone: 866-608-0543

Apartment Living Prints the 3rd Friday of each month. All ads are 3x4.5”full color consisting of one Large main photo with 3 small supporting photos, a general description, and contact information.


Apartment Living with myAccess • QR Code link, logo and basic information in print service directory listing in the Brainerd Dispatch, Echo Journal and Echoland-Piper Shopper. • Building of mobile web app and month to month maintenance • Weblink to the network of other community apps on the myAccess program • Apartment living ad (1x per month), • A classified line ad in BOTH the Brainerd and Echo Journal. Cost is $299/month

Page 26

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


The housing market is on the rise! Make sure potential home buyers see your ad.

Unbelievable Special Rates! Rates/Sizes Available

$800 .........Full Page $30 ...........1x3 Open House Ads $40 ...........2x4 Open House Ads $200..........4x5 Page Sponsorship Ad $100..........Banner Ads

Insertion Dates Brainerd Dispatch

Space/Copy Deadline





506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 27

HOME IMPROVEMENT Reach over 15,000 households per issue!

Brainerd Dispatch Circulation - 10,000 Echo Journal Circulation - 5,000


Home Improvement Season!

$15.80/pci Includes full color and creative.

Publish Dates: Brainerd Dispatch Echo Journal

May 6 May 8

August 5 August 7

November 4 November 6

Space Copy Deadlines: All Publications

April 11

* TV Week tab size 23� standard news

Page 28

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

May 20

September 11


Distribution: • In the Dispatch Sunday, April 6 and in the Echoland-Piper Shopper April 4. This special publication is also used as the program book for the MMBA Home Show and Lakes Area Home Tour.

Great opportunity to reach 30,000 homes with your advertising even if you’re not in the show.

Featuers: • Much larger ads • Increased household reach • Online inclusion • Longer selling time All at substantially reduced rates! Rates Full Page, 9.25”x10.25” Half Page, 9.25”x5” Half Page, 4.5”x10.25” Third Page, 9.25”x3.5” Quarter Page, 4.5”x5” Eighth Page, 4.5”x2.375”

Online Impressions $900 $500 $500 $350 $275 $175

10,000 Pg Views 5,600 Pg Views 5,600 Pg Views 4,000 Pg Views 3,200 Pg Views 2,000 Pg Views

Space/Copy Deadline (for both insertions) March 4

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 29

RECRUITMENT Recruitment:

We are the lakes area’s #1 source for local employment ads. Our Premium Placement recruitment advertising includes a full color Display ad, a boxed line ad, an online leaderboard, and a monthlong posting on Monster.com TO



upn orth



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John Benn ett


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NURSES Planned Parenthood healthca re services MN, ND, SD, the region’s has several leading provider positions Position available and for Advance of reproductive candidate’s hours flexible d Practice any preferen Nurses! and full benefits ce. Possibil of these opening at 20+ hours ities for full-time s can be combine d dependi or part-tim per week! ng e Mileage and travel positions. Compet on itive pay time reimbur sement availabl e. These APN positions under the will provide Fax 651-69 scope of reproductive clinical services Parenthood PPMNS, 6-5553 healthca patients. HR re to Planned in Women Current 1965 Ford Dept RN license ’s Health NP, Family & NP certifi Pkwy Masters St. Paul, and reprodu NP, or CNM cation MN 55116 ctive health is care experien required. www.ppmns.o ce preferre rg jobs@ d.






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self-mot t commun t, Clinic Visit our ivated, Compute ication skills, nursing exp. website Perioperativ r exp. required details and for position multi-tas osition nd to apply p king ability, . e RN on-line applicati .5 or 40hrs using sing our pplicatio us a ppp. n sys Current system www.Riverwoo on stem at MN License; Days details and nursing dHealthc to apply OR ACLS on-line application experien EMAIL: using a .com are our hr@rhhc.s ce desired.required. One rhhc.sisun isunet.org et.org

or Two of www.Riverwood system at Angie Kjelstrom perioper OR EMAIL: ative Healthcare Riverwo , SR .com hr@rhhc.sisu Direct: od Healthca Human Resourc net.org (218)927 re Center es Generali EOE/AA -5568 st iverwo



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Please call


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We are an accepting established Home Health Care applications Agency for a part current The positio time Registe n red Nurse. ly and surroun is for PCA Superv ision ding commu client’s home. nities. All working in the Braine Flexible rd week, and schedule visits are done on paid mileag that you site set, 10 hours at the e. per

Fax resum e


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It’s not yo ur typical health car e job. this isn’t your typical health



Sunday, March 20,

Then again,

36 hrs/wk 13 hrs/wk in St. Cloud in Brainer d

We can help your business reach a local audience of 40,000+ homes between Little Falls and Walker when you choose our Brainerd Dispatch and EcholandPiper Shopper Combine and Save option.



Social Ser

Nursing Oppo

rtunities for RNs, LPNs, and Pine River MAs Clinic Speci Phlebotom alist ist • Sono Director graph of Health Information er Services

We offer a compet and benefi itive compen t package for part-tim sation e

position St. Joseph s too! ’s Medica 523 N. 3rd l Center, Street, Brainer d, MN 56401

Learn more or apply at www.E online ssentia Health.org

vice Dire

Salary Range: Grade 42, Status: Full starting salary time with is DOQ benefits Description The Social of Responsibilities: Services Director is the overall responsible planning and evaluatio , delivery, for administration, n of Agency and the assigned program s, services, staff. Qualifications: Minimum requirem ents include degree, experien bachelor ce working management s’ in upperin the human and at least five years overallservices field experien ce. supervisory

Application 4:30PM • Deadline March 25th



Resumes submitte d without an applicat ion will not be consider ed. For Applicat ion Material Morrison County Adminiss Contact: Attn: Barb trator’s Office 213 SE 1st Avenue Little Falls, MN (320) 632-029 56345 (320) 632-029 9 (Voice) 4 (Fax) for an Electroni c Applicat Description ion & Job go Opportunities to Employment at:




Online leaderboard

Tile ad

See our online Employment page, click or go to:

Employment Extra:

The Employment Extra has an extended print circulation of 50,000+. Extended coverage in the Aitkin Independent Age, Crosby Courier, Echoland-Piper Shopper, and Staples World. *This section comes out once a month.






up u p no rth


JO Bfi nd

855-5 898

er. com

EMPLO YMENT EXTR Jo hn Be nn ett


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again, this isn’t


orma mati ation tion on o jobs jo on bs ava n avail a vail vail ilab able, able ab le, le

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415 South

6th Street,

& Operate


d Staffing

MN 56401




Tile Ad 3 Month Commitment



Social Servi

ce Director

* Positions rotate. Specs: 125x125 pixels

WOW Ad 3 Month Commitment

$200/Month $150/Month

* Static Ad. Specs: 300x250 pixels

Applicatio n Deadline 4:30PM • March 25th

Resumes submi an application tted without will not be considered.


Application Morrison CountyMaterials Contact: Administrato Attn: Barb r’s Office 213 SE 1st Avenue Little Falls, MN 56345 (320) 632-0 299 (Voice) (320) 632-0 294 (Fax) for an Electro nic Application Description & Job go Opportunities to Employment at:

www.co.m orriso








g, Inc.

Pequot Lake

s Schools


Pequot Lake for a long s Schools is acce TEACHER -term substitute pting applications KINDERG begi ARTEN of the 2010 nning mid-Apri l, licensure -2011 school year for the balance required required. A back . Appropriate ground chec prior to hire. letter of k is Apply by inter transcrip est, resume, refer submitting a ts, and a ences, colle copy of your ge teaching valid MN license to: Don Lenzen, Application Eagle View Principal, Deadline: Elementar y 3080 March 21, 2011 Pequ 5 Olson Street ot Lakes MN 56472.


FT; 80 hours/



period Weeknight/ weekend Current MN rotation req RN + exp Deadline: req March 17, 2011


PT; variab DRIVER le shifts On-call shifts Current CPR, required First Aid & Deadline: March 18, STS Cert req 2011



PT; 40-48 hours/ pay ASSISTANT (CRA ) period PM shifts/ weekend rotation req Current MN CNA cert Experience req preferred Must be 18 years of age

As a growin g healthcare system, we our emplo yees a positiv offer e work enviro competitive nment, pay and benefits includ ing: • Flexible Time Off Plan • Health, Life & Denta l Insurance • Employer 401K Contri butions • Benefit Options for PT Emplo • Employee yees Health and Wellness • Please benefits review our

Benefi the Lakew ood Health ts Summary on for more system websi details. te

For detai led inform ation and appli on-line www.lakewcation please visit: oodhealth system.com AA/EOE

Page 30


Mr. Hut at 800-45 0-1212 or macher 218-346-7 873

Salary Range Status: Full : Grade 42, starting salary is DOQ time with benefi ts Description of Responsibilit The Social Services Directo ies: the overal r is respon l planning, delivery, admin sible for and evalua tion and the assign of Agency programs, istration, services, ed staff. Qualification s: Minimum requirements degree, include bache experi lors’ management ence working in and at least in the human service uppers field experience. five years overall supervisory

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Machining Quality Depar is taking applic ations for CMM opera tment for a Techn ician an openin g in calipers, boretion and use of a variety (Level 2). Positio n requirement our gauges and of s to includ thread plugs/ inspection tools to e include microm Those candid in inspection techni rings. 1-2 years or eters, equivalent ates interes ques and experience procedures. ted meet the qualification in applying for this position s should submi Pay t an applicationand feel that they Scale Excellent for review working condit $12.24 to $16.15 . D.O.Q. ions, Medic al Benefits, 401k availa If interested, ble. please or on line www.magn apply in person ummachinin g.com Mail resum e to addre ss below . 20959 State Hwy 6 Deerw Ph: 218-5 ood, MN 34-3552 56444 Fax: 218-5 34-3428

call –MONDA Y ONLY– March th 10a.m. un 14 til 4p.m . Ask for

$75/Month $50/Month


d.org careers@cu yunamed.org


ern about the we are acce water we are water in the pting applications Full training Brainerd and surro for people to test unding provided. $1,0 00 HIRING areas. Desire BONUS. important to succeed more than age or Future Man experience. agement Posit ions Available For . interview

your typic al health care


• Registered AT CRMC Nursing Assis • Director tant • Senior Hous of Radiology • RN – Home Healt ing Assis • Certified h Medical Assistant (must be NA/R to apply) tant (Long ville Lake s Clinic) To learn more about these Visit: careers www.cuyu eMail name

Water Te sters Ne Because of eded drinking, the growing conc

Online Only Options


It’s not your health caretypical job. Then

Apply Apply Appl y at: at:

Only Locally Owned


82 6


OWING POSITION •S Sea eaffoo S: ood d Proces sing • Assista nt Printing Press Op • Welde erator r Mig/Tig • 5 Axis CNC Pro grammer • Housek eep p • Front Des ers k Auditor • Invoici ng Clerk Forr mo Fo more re iinf inform nfor


Sunday, March 13,

Join our excit ing team of We seek applic sales ants for theand conference plann ing! following posit ions cialist

• Sales Spe

• Con

Both positions ference Pla directly assist Stron nner communicag computer skills, attenour conference and day-g tion skills are tion to detail roup guest clients. Previorequired to work with , planning, and positi s. ve the us hospitality experience public and our business Pick up is preferred. an applicat on-line ion at our at ruttgers front desk .com , apply Ruttger’s Bay , or send a resu Lake Lodge me to P.O. Box 400, Deerw ood, MN 56444 d 5 miles southAttn: HR of Deerwood on Hwy 6 and Bay

We are locate




RECRUITMENT Brainerd Dispatch Premium Placement 3x4 $295 3x8 $450

Employment Extra 3x4 $395 3x8 $550

Includes full color Sunday print ad, Monday through Friday boxed line ad, week-long online leaderboard and a month-long posting on Monster.com * Agency/National Fee is an additional $50 * See Employment Extra extended circulation details on previous page.

2014 Employment Extra Dates: Jan. 12 Feb. 16 March 16


April 13 May 11 June 15

July 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 14

Oct. 12 Nov. 16 Dec. 14

Premium Placement Half Page Feature Ad • RATE: $1,000 • • •

$1,100 For Placement in the Employment Extra Edition 3x21 or 6x10.5 Front page placement. One spot available. First come, first serve basis.

Open Rate (Black & White) Brainerd Dispatch Sunday 2x4 $236

Cost per inch over 8” is $17.00/pci

Space/Copy Deadline

Cost per inch over 8” is $13.90/pci

Thursdays - 1pm

Daily 2x4


* You may opt out of the Monster.com online posting for a flat $10 price reduction.

Echo Journal Open Rate (Black & White) Echo Journal


Echoland-Piper Shopper


Cost per inch over 8” is $10.00/pci Cost per inch over 8” is $8.25/pci

Echoland-Piper Shopper Premium Placement 3x4 $245 3x8 $395

Includes full color Monday print ad, Thursday boxed line ad, week-long online leaderboard and a month-long posting on Monster.com * Agency/National Fee is an additional $50

Brainerd Dispatch and EcholandPiper Shopper COMBINE AND SAVE Premium Placement 3x4 $450 3x8 $700

Includes full color print ads, boxed line ad, week-long online leaderboard and a month-long posting on Monster.com * Agency/National Fee is an additional $100

Space/Copy Deadline Tuesdays - Noon

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 31

CAREER DRIVE Back by popular demand, the third annual Career Drive. Don’t miss this great opportunity to join us!



*Premium Sponsorship Includes:


• Double Booth Space (8’x20’) • Quarter Page ad in our Employment Section • 3 Col. X 8” Full Color Premium Placement Recruitment ad in our Employment Extra Edition • Premium placement positioning for Email Blast • Recognition on all promotional materials including: Print, Online & Radio • Table & 2 chairs

Vendor Includes:


• Single Booth Space (8’x10’) • Event promotion & Logo Placement in Employment Section • 3 Col. X 4” Full Color Premium Placement Recruitment ad in Emplyment Extra Edition • Table & 2 chairs

Back by

Popular Demand!

Optional Upgrades $50 Logo with link to your site included on Email Blast $150 Double Premium Placement Ad Space (3 Col. x 8”) $200 Double Booth Space (8’x20’) Deadline:

Page 32

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Online traffic nearly doubles year over year. What does that mean? If you aren’t using online advertising, you are missing out on a huge audience!

To see our website click or go to the link below: www.BrainerdDispatch.com

Numbers and Demographics of BrainerdDispatch.com: • • •

More than 6,900 unique visitors visit our site every day, viewing over 65,000 pages/day. We average more than 195,000 unique visitors and 1.8 million page views per month.

Numbers and Demographics of PineAndLakes.com: • • • •

Averaging 130,000 page views per month 26,000 unique visitors a month on average “Spotted” gallery is our number 1 viewed page Every month for the past 14 months, we have had page views from all 50 states

To see our website click or go to the link below: www.PineAndLakes.com

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 33

ONLINE- LEADERBOARD & WOW Leaderboard Ad A leaderboard ad appears on the top or bottom of the page. They are in a rotation with other leaderboard ads. We can customize the number of impressions over any time frame. • Specifications: 728x90 pixels *Closer View

WOW Ad Options A Single WOW ad appears in the content of all local story pages or in the content of the site in rotation with other WOW/video ads. • Specifications: 300x250 pixels A Double WOW ad appears in the content of the site in rotation with other double WOWs and Impacts. • Specifications: 300x600 pixels *Closer View

To see our samples of online ads click or go to the links below: www.BrainerdDispatch.com www.PineAndLakes.com

*See rate card for pricing.

Camera Ready Artwork Specs: • 72 DPI • 30K Max • HTML & Flash Compatible • GIF or JPG preferred

Page 34

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Attract visitors to your site! These ads are non-intrusive and extremely eye-catching. Positioned in the right corner of the screen. Corner peels expand when a user hovers their cursor over it. Only one advertiser per day can have this spot. • Specifications: 500x500 pixels


Online popup post-it ad appears over the home page to every visitor on their first impression of the day. Ad then glides into a position near the top of the home page the remainder of the day. Only one advertiser per day can have this spot. • Specifications: 306x257 pixels

Sliding Billboard

The Billboard temporarily “pushes” content down to reveal a large ad format. These ads are memorable. Once your message appears, it then converts into a pencil sized ad for constant exposure. Only one advertiser per day can have this spot. • Specifications: Full Size - 950x300 pixels Pencil Ad Size - 950x30 pixels

*See rate card for pricing.

Camera Ready Artwork Specs: • 72 DPI

• 30K Max • HTML & Flash Compatible • GIF or JPG preferred

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 35

ONLINE- ENGINE 212 Ready to meet your new customers? REACH YOUR REAL AUDIENCE. RIGHT NOW. TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS. • Internet search has changed shouldn’t your audience targeting as well? Targeted Display Ads

No Action Taken, 37%

2/3 of online users have taken action based on an online ad Took Action, 63%

Sample of demo data • Gender •Age •Household income • Children • Household size • Race • Language

Page 36

• Traditional Zip Targeting 137 Zip Codes • Geo Block Targeting Over 9,000 Geo Blocks

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com



Only 5 advertising spots Get 20% share of voice with your ad in our official iPad app.

These ads are displayed in between pages in the app.

Clickable - link to your website or ad! Full Color Incredible Impact Vertical & horizontal versions for easy viewing • Specifications: 1024x768 & 768x1024 pixels


Only 5 advertising spots Get 20% share of voice with your ad in our official iPad app.

These ads are displayed within articles in the app. Each time someone opens the article, these ads are shown.

Clickable - link to your website or ad! Full Color Great Visibility • Specifications: 728x90 pixels

*See rate card for pricing.

Camera Ready Artwork Specs: • 72 DPI

• 30K Max • HTML & Flash Compatible • GIF or JPG preferred

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 37

MOBILE APPS Print Service Directory:


App Package Includes:


• Listing with logo and basic information in the Brainerd Dispatch, Echo Journal and Echoland-Piper Shopper • Daily classified line listing in either the Brainerd Dispatch or Echo Journal • Online classified listing

• All of the above + • QR Code link in print service directory listing • Building of mobile web app and month to month maintenance* • Weblink to the network of other community apps on the myAccess program

Mobile App development requires a 2-week turnaround

To preview an app try our myAccess Garage Sales app, click or go to: http://brainerddispatch.com/ garagesales

*1 content update per week, 6 month overhaul review ** 6 month contract required

Custom features and functions allow for a product that is tailored to your business or organization. Your app can be custom tailored to incorporate your calendar, YouTube channel, Facebook & Twitter, coupon specials & more

3 Month Contract Rates Print Service Directory App Package

$150/month $229/month

Other special positions/products within the Echoland-Piper Shopper and Echo Journal. (shown actual size)

Page 38

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Avg Daily Print Readers: 27,600


Avg Daily Website Visitors: 4,000 Avg Daily Page Views: 50,000 Avg Daily pages viewed by user: 6.25 Current Deal E-mail subscribers: 22,000

A new place for locals to learn about Brainerd area services and money-saving offers.

Deals are promoted in print, online, e-mail and through social media (Facebook and Twitter)... a tremendous reach. There is NO up-front investment. No risk to the advertiser, newspaper or consumer.

HOW IT WORKS Step 1: Decide on your DAILY DEAL Work with our consultants to structure your deal for optimum sales and profit. Step 2: We promote it. Step 3: Built-in social media and e-mail buttons help promote the DAILY DEAL. A $10 referral bonus (Deal Bucks) helps the offer spread exponentially. Step 4: The no-risk reward. The DAILY DEAL is a no-risk promotional program that can potentially drive crowds of people to your door. Step 5: Show me the money. After the deal closes, you receive a complete order sales report, which details the names, e-mail addresses of buyers, as well as unique voucher codes. Your business will receive a check for the net sales proceeds.

To view the Daily Deals page click or go to:


506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 39


An Interstitial ad is displayed between 2 pages of the website. If a user clicks on obits for example, the interstitial ad is shown and then the user is taken to the obits section. Interstitials will run daily and there are limited spots available. • Specifications: 500x500 pixels

Email Blasts

Reach over 19,000 registered users with an average 99% delivery rate. • Specifications: 700x900 pixels

Video Page Sponsorship

All same-sized ads rotate evenly Ads are Clickable to direct viewer to a web link or ad 20% Share of voice with all other ads shown on the video page 3 month minimum on all contracts • Specifications: 728x90 pixels or 300x250 pixels

See a Sideline View show, click or go to: http://brainerddispatch.com/sports

Sideline View

Sideline View or In The Bleachers Sport Show Sponsorship Athlete of the week sponsor

“Athlete of the week brought to you by: ______________”

Add a prop

Provide apparel promoting your business for our hosts to wear during the show. Acceptable pieces: outerwear, shirts, hats (no obscene wording, images or material) Includes on air “thank you” for apparel *See rate card for pricing.

Camera Ready Artwork Specs: • 72 DPI

• 30K Max • HTML & Flash Compatible • GIF or JPG preferred

Page 40

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

HEALTH WATCH • A quarterly publication that focuses on health care in the Lakes Area. • Inserted into the Brainerd Dispatch and Echo Journal. • Each display ad will receive a coordinating online WOW ad with a set amount of impressions. • Advertorial: Purchase a full page ad and receive a facing full page advertorial for $250 See a sample now, click or go to: http://brainerddispatch.com/health_watch

All ads are process color Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Full Page 9.25” x 10.25” Half Page Horizontal 9.25” x 5” Half Page Verticle 4.5” x 10.25” Quarter Page 4.5” x 5”

Single $1170 $1080 $990 $900 $450 $450 $225

3+ Issues $1053 $972 $891 $810 $405 $405 $203

*Covers need to add .5” bleed around the outside of the 7.875” x 10” image area

Inserts Dispatch February 4 May 6 August 5 November 4

Inserts Echo Journal February 6 May 8 Augut 7 November 6

Space/Copy Deadline December 31, 2013 April 7 July 7 October 3

“Households over 50 spend more than $1.7 trillion on goods and services annually, they own 65% of the total net worth among all U.S. households, and they are responsible for 60% of all health care spending.”

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 41


“Every woman has a story” ...A story she wants to share... Her voice delivers. By Women

Beautiful Photography Attractive Design Broad range of content

For Women

About Women

By women... for women...about women...

An award-winning publication. Delightful mix of professional & first-time writers. Renowned status with a large reader following. The Lost Art of Canning

Alexandra Clough

Creating Pieces that Move People


It’s All About the Magic PAGE 24

Silver Sneakers


Click or go to: http://brainerddispatch.com/hervoice


Pilgrimage to the Holy Land PAGE 42


Her Voice online See our stunning publication in digital format through the Brainerd Dispatch iPad app or view it online on our website. Now with a social media following.

Page 42

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

HER VOICE Her Voice is a quarterly magazine celebrating the diversity and uniqueness of women of the Brainerd lakes region. • Long shelf life, glossy pages throughout. • Distributed to over 20,000 homes in the lakes area. • Inserted into the Brainerd Dispatch and Echo Journal. • Each display ad will receive a coordinating online WOW ad with a set amount of impressions and a free Directory Line Listing.

All ads are process color Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Full Page 7.625” x 10” Half Page 7.625” x 5” Third Page 2.4583” x 10” 5.0417” x 5” 7.625” x 3” Sixth Page 2.4583” x 5” or 5.0417” x 2.43”

Single $1820 $1680 $1540 $1400 $700 $480 $480 $480 $250 $250

3+ Issues $1638 $1512 $1386 $1260 $630 $420 $420 $420 $220 $220

*Covers need to add .5” bleed around the outside of the 7.625” x 10” image area

Inserts Dispatch

Inserts Echo Journal

Space/Copy Deadline

February 11 May 13 August 12 November 18

February 13 May 15 August 14 November 20

January 13 April 7 July 14 October 13

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 43

OUTDOOR TRADITIONS Taste of the Wild Recipes

Your Best Shot The Perfect Picture

Memory Lane Local Traditions

• A magazine celebrating the great outdoors of northern Minnesota

Outdoor Gear New Products

Camping in the Brainerd Lakes Area

5 12 15

• Featuring local lake statistics, DNR page(s), user submitted photos and a detailed calendar of upcoming local events.

Mille Lacs Lake Management The Jerk Fishing Techniques 4 Tips for Better Food Plots

Fall 2013

• Distributed to over 15,000 homes in the lakes area. brainerddispatch.com/outdoor_traditions

Summer 2013

• Inserted into the Brainerd Dispatch and Echo Journal.

Rigors of the Rut Early Season Bowhunting Go Shallow for Giant Muskies this Fall Prep for Trapping Success

Fall Walleye Strategies

Fall Bird Identification

Northern Fishing Tactics

Taste of the Wild Recipes

• Each display ad will receive a coordinating online WOW ad with a set amount of impressions. Click or go to: http://brainerddispatch.com/outdoor_traditions

All ads are process color Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Full Page 7.625” x 10” Half Page 7.625” x 5” Third Page 7.625” x 3”, 5.0417” x 5”, 7.625” x 3” Sixth Page 2.4583” x 5”, 5.0417” x 2.43” Banner 7.625” x 2”

Single $950 $900 $900 $600 $400 $300 $140 $180

2+ Issues $855 $810 $810 $540 $360 $270 $126 $162

*Covers need to add .5” bleed around the outside of the 7.625” x 10” image area

Page 44

Inserts Dispatch

Inserts Echo Journal

Space/Copy Deadline

April 4 August 15 October 17

April 10 August 21 October 23

March 11 July 22 September 23

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOLS • District ISD 181’s newest way of informing the community of what is going on in the school district.

Brainerd Public Schools Our Schools. Our Stories. Our Community.

Spring 2013

• A great way to show your support and reach people in the community.

A Day in the


See what school is like for two Forestview students

Grandma Rose

• Publishes in the Fall and Spring each school year.

Volunteering for over 15 years at Riverside


STARS beyond the classroom


• Total print distribution of 18,000+ homes.

Pay It Forward Making Brainerd schools A publication of the Brainerd Dispatch and the community a better place.


Opening Doors For Tech Careers

• Building projects that MuSIc will save us money Programs • Second graders Heart and Soul of with iPads The Community

• Space and sizes are limited.

All ads are process color Back Cover (Glossy) Inside Front Cover (Glossy) Inside Back Cover (Glossy) Half Page 7.625” x 5” Quarter Page 3.75” x 5” or Banner 7.625” x 1.5”

DeSIGnInG Video Games

GARFIelD Performers

Elementary Students on Stage

Single $1,000 $750 $750 $350 $200 $100

Plus: • Rebecca Yeh

Performs at The Big Event

• Nurses

Fall 2013

A publication of the Brainerd Dispatch

Do More Than Cuts and Bruises

Click or go to:


*Covers need to add .5” bleed around the outside of the 7.625” x 10” image area

Inserts Dispatch

Inserts EcholandPiper Shopper

Space/Copy Deadline

April 11 October 24

April 11 October 24

March 10 September 22

“We Are 181 has been a concept in the making for nearly two years before finally becoming a reality. We Are 181 was well received and feedback from readers across the District has been very positive.” ~ Steve Lund

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 45

GOLF GUIDE The official Golf Guide of the lakes area!

Every advertiser in the Ultimate Golf Guide will be included in the Golf Guide app. The app features your location, phone number, offers and more. A QR code will be listed in all of our newspaper publications. The Pines – Lakes #7

Tips From The Pros Area Golf Schedule Lakes Area Golf Course Map

A Brainerd Dispatch & Echo Publishing Special Adver tising Section


Glossy Cover Options * Front Page Cover * Back Page Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back cover

• Print distribution to over 15,000 PLUS online presence. • Distribution in hotels, motels, Chamber, and Discover Racks.

Per Issue $2,000 $1,800 $1,450 $1,450

All ads are process color

Per Issue

Full Page (7.625 x 10) 1/2 Page Horizontal (7.625 x 5) 1/3 Page (2.4583 x 10) (5.0417 x 5) (7.625 x 3)

$1,050 $600 $300

* Front and back page cover combine rate of $3,500. **Front cover is a photo of a featured course hole and company logo w/corresponding contact info on table of contents page.

Space Reservation Deadline: Ad Copy

March 24

Insertion Dates:

Page 46

Echo Journal

April 17

Brainerd Dispatch

April 18

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

LOVE OF THE LAKES • Information, features focusing on area lakes. • All glossy magazine with relevant content. • Get print and online exposure for one price while reaching two different audiences. • 20,000 copies will be printed in April and distributed in the lakes area through Echo Publishing publications and Discover Racks. • Featuring Gull Lake, Leech Lake and the Whitefish Chain along with three other smaller area lakes.

All ads are process color Full Page 7.12” x 9.5” 2/3 Page Vertical 4.69” x 9.5” 1/2 Page Vertical 4.62” x 7.06” 1/2 Page Horizontal 7.12” x 4.62” 1/3 Page Vertical 2.25” x 9.5” 1/3 Page Square 4.69” x 4.62” 1/6 Page Vertical 2.25” x 4.62” 1/6 Page Horizontal 4.69” x 2.25” 1/12 Page Square 2.25” x 2.25”

Rate $1,295 $840 $690 $690 $460 $460 $270 $270 $170

Inserts Selected Echoland-Piper Shopper

Inserts Echo Journal

Space/Copy Deadline

May 16

May 15

March 17

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 47

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Guaranteed placement - no guessing on where your ad will be within the magazine. Certain sizes are limited. •

Get online and print exposure for one price and reach two different audiences!

Online includes “As Seen In” ad

All ads are process color


Back Cover, Inside Front Cover


Full Page 10.5” x 10.5”


* Full pages include 20,000 impressions

1/2 Page Vertical 5.156 x 10.5”


1/4 Page 5.153” x 5.25”


1/8 Page 5.156” x 2.625”


* Half and Quarter pages include 10,000 impressions

Inserts Dispatch Echo Journal

October 1 October 3

Space Reservation Deadline September 15

Page 48

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

VETERAN’S DAY SALUTE Show your appreciation! This publication includes photos of veterans that have been submitted from the community. It is a great piece that shows our veterans that we stand behind them and appreciate the sacrifices that they have made for our country.

WWII Veterans celebrate 67 years of Marriage authentic Photos from area residents meaning of the Poppy

Distributed to 15,500 homes!

How to honor a veteran


All ads are process color Front Cover Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Full Page 7.625” x 10” Half Page 7.625” x 5” Third Page 2.4583” x 10”, 5.0417” x 5”, 7.625” x 3” Sixth Page 2.4583” x 5”, 5.0417” x 2.43” One Column x 1.5”

Rate: $1,000 $1,000 $900 $900 $800 $400 $175 $100 $40

*Covers need to add .5” bleed around the outside of the 7.625” x 10” image area

Publication Dates: Echo Journal November 6

Space/Copy Deadline October 16

Brainerd Dispatch November 11

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 49

NISSWA CHAMBER GUIDE • Information annual guide for Nisswa area • Glossy magazine published in partnership with the Nisswa Chamber • Receive print and online exposure for one price while reaching two different audiences. • 30,000 copies will be printed annually and distributed throughout 2015 through numerous local and regional formats - including area business racks, Discover Racks and state-wide travel locations.




W W W. N I S S WA . C O M

All ads are process color *Inside Front Cover *Inside Back Cover *Back Cover *Page 3 Full Page 7.12” x 9.5” 2/3 Page Vertical 4.69” x 9.5” 1/2 Page Vertical 4.62” x 7.06” 1/2 Page Horizontal 7.12” x 4.62” 1/3 Page Vertical 2.25” x 9.5” 1/3 Page Square 4.69” x 4.62” 1/6 Page Vertical 2.25” x 4.62” 1/6 Page Horizontal 4.69” x 2.25” 1/12 Page Square 2.25” x 2.25”

Rate $2,270 $2,270 $2,270 $2,270 $1,890 $1,290 $990 $990 $680 $680 $380 $380 $250

Guaranteed Placement Upgrade* (add 10%) *Upgrade does not apply to Premium Placement ads.

Page 50


Space/Copy Deadline

December 14, 2014

October 13, 2014

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


• Information annual guide for Pine River area • Glossy magazine published in partnership with the Pine River Chamber • Receive print and online exposure for one price while reaching two different audiences. • 10,000 copies will be printed annually and distributed throughout 2015 through numerous local and regional formats - including inserting in the Pine River Journal newspaper, mail delivery, area Chamber locations and Discover Racks.

All ads are process color Premium Back Cover Full Page 7.12” x 9.5” 2/3 Page Vertical 4.69” x 9.5” 1/2 Page Vertical 4.62” x 7.06” 1/2 Page Horizontal 7.12” x 4.62” 1/3 Page Vertical 2.25” x 9.5” 1/3 Page Square 4.69” x 4.62” 1/6 Page Vertical 2.25” x 4.62” 1/6 Page Horizontal 4.69” x 2.25” * also coupon discounts for advertisers

Rate $1,225 $1,095 $760 $620 $620 $395 $395 $225 $225

Inserts Echo Journal

Space/Copy Deadline

January 2015

November 24, 2014

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 51

WEDDINGS NORTH • Assist couples in planning their wedding • All glossy magazine with relevant content! • Guaranteed placement - no guessing on where your ad will be within the magazine. Certain sizes are limited. • Get online and print exposure for one price and reach two different audiences! Each ad will receive a business listing on upnorthweddings.com. • Over 10,000 printed copies. See a sample now, click or go to: http://upnorthweddings.com

All ads are process color Back Cover, Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover Full Page 7.625” x 10” 1/2 Page 7.625” x 5” 1/3 Page 2.4583” x 10”, 5.0417” x 5”, 7.625” x 3” 1/6 Page 2.4583” x 5”, 5.0417” x 2.43”

Inserts Dispatch

Space/Copy Deadline

January 6, 2015

December 1, 2014

Rate $900 $800 $450 $325 $100

“$22,000 is the average amount spent on a traditional American wedding. Make sure your business is known and get a slice of that wedding pie.” (or cake...traditionally)

Page 52

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Directory Listing including: • Business Name • Address • Phone Number(s) • Website • Choose as many publications/ issues as you want! • The more issues you choose, the more you save!

by women… for women… about women…

Not Just By The Numb3rs PAGE 6

Taste of the Wild Recipes

Your Best Shot The Perfect Picture

Memory Lane Local Traditions

Outdoor Gear New Products

Light and

Lampshades PAGE 26

Inside: • Posthumous Prose and Poetry • A Queen of H.A.R.T. • Knitting for Baby

Camping in the Brainerd Lakes Area

Number of Issues

Rate Per Issue

1-4 5-8 9-12

$40 each $30 each $25 each

5 12 15


by women… for women… about women…

Trades PAGE 40

Signe’s Garden PAGE 43


Mille Lacs Lake Management The Jerk Fishing Techniques 4 Tips for Better Food Plots


Summer 2013

Boxed Ad Size 1 col. x 1.5”

The Pines – Lakes #7

Tips From The Pros Area Golf Schedule Lakes Area Golf Course Map

Publications • • • • •

Her Voice Outdoor Traditions Golf Guide Weddings North Veteran’s Day Salute

A Br a i n erd D i sp a t c h & E c h o P u b l i sh i n g S p ec i a l A d ve r t i s i n g S e c t i o n

WWII Veterans celebrate 67 years of Marriage authentic Photos from area residents meaning of the Poppy How to honor a veteran

See magazine flyers for publication dates and deadlines DE MEDIA PUBLICATION

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 53


Page 54

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


This section is dedicated to lakes area businesses. It honors each business for their years of service.

Don’t miss this opportunity to promote your business. Business Traditions will feature stories about some of the older companies in each community. Advertisements will be grouped by community.

Section Publish Dates: Echo Journal:

January 16

This section will also be available on pineandlakes.com Advertising Rates $25 per ad Size: 1 Col. x 2� Includes: business name, contact information and the number of years since the business has been established.

Space/Copy Deadline Monday, January 6

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 55


Back to Hack including Frostbite Your Fanny 5 K race, Paul /Bunyan Family Fishing Contest, Penguin Plunge, Community Bonfire and Fireworks and Game Show Night

Rates: $11.75 PCI Black & White $14.75 PCI Full Color

Insertion Dates Echo Journal Echoland-Piper Shopper

January 16 January 17

Reservation Deadline: January 6

Page 56

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

CROSSLAKE WINTERFEST Reach over 15,000 homes in the Sunday Brainerd Dispatch, 5,000 homes in the Echo Journal and 10,000 homes in the Echoland-Piper Shopper. Sunday, Janua

ry 29, 2012

• Includes and Email Blast reaching 10,000 people • Includes an online WOW ad linking to the tab reaching 40,000 unique viewers.

y, February 3

2 - February 4,

2 Half Page positions available as well!



Saturday, Febru

ary 4

Thursday, Febru

ary 2

ARY 2-4 , 2012

$180 $150 $75 $450


Pick up one clue participating busine each day beginning Thursd ay at any of these sses. Find the full of gifts from these merchants! shiny gold token and win a basket 61 Marine BlackRidge Bank Moonlite Bay Restau rant Boyd Lodge Moonlite Square Brothers Motors Pine Peaks Lodge ports & Suites Cedar Chest Pine Peaks Restau rant, Gifts & Appare Crosslake Drug Pine Peaks Retreat l & Event Center Judy’s House of Reeds Market & Gifts Gas Express Riversi Lake Country Crafts The Wharf de & Cones Lakes Area Gallery Thirty One Gifts & Frame Shoppe -w- Jodi Aydt Lundrigan’s Whitefish Lodge & Suites

7:30 am- Noon: Crosslake • Crosslake Luther Firefighter’s Pancake Breakfast an Churc 9 am - 3 pm: Snowman Buildi h ng Conte • Army Corp of Engineers Recre st 10 am - 3 pm: ation Area Vendor Extrav angza • Pine Peaks Retreat & Event 10 am - 4 pm: Center Antique & • Maucieri’s Italian Vintage Snowmobile Rally Bistro 11 am – Dusk: Helicopter Rides • Moonlite Bay - weather permit 11 am - 1 pm: ting Kids Games • Moonlite Bay Noon: 9th Annua l SoupF • At participating est tasting begins businesses all Noon: Sign up over Crosslake for Bocce Ball Tournament • Riverside Inn Noon - 2 pm: Ice Car Races • The Cedar Chest 1 pm: Sign up for Italian • Maucieri’s Italian Olympics Bistro More activities continued on page 2...

3.5” x 7” (Front Page) 5.25” x 4” (Inside) 5.25” x 2” (Inside) 10.75” x 10.5” - Half Page

A publication of

10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Vendor Extrav angaza - Pine Peaks Retrea • More than 25 t & Event Cente vendors repres r ented • Maucieri’s WIne sampling & Italian 6 - 8 p.m. sample menu Celebrate Winte rFest at the Cross lake • “Kelli’s Kandid ’s” by Kelli Engstr Community Center • Horse Drawn om photography Wagon Rides • Dog Sled Rides • Bonfire with S’mor • Warming house es open with coffee • DJ “JP” feature & cocoa d • Outdoor Movie by PremierPartyEntertainme nt.com s • Snow Mount ain • Pond Skatin g • Crosslake Fire Department Fire 8 p.m. Truck display Live Comedy featur Pine Peaks Event ing Wild Bill Bauer at & Retreat Cente r. Call 888-379-4078 for tickets. Doors open at 6:30 for Mauci 9 p.m. - close eri’s Italian Buffet & Bar service DJ “II” • The Wharf 10 p.m. - close DJ “JP” featur ed by PremierPart • Moonlite Bay yEntertainm ent.com


February 2, 201

Rates (Includes Color)


Bundle up the family and bring for the 9th Annu them to Cros slake al WinterFes t Celebration! to get your 2012 Be sure WinterFest gear! Sweatshirts and Tassel Caps Limited Edition are available Moonlite Bay, at Maucieri’s, Lund Riverside. $3 rigan’s and SoupMugs for Saturday’s Soup will be available Fest for purchase can take adva on Friday so you ntage of $2 tap beers at parti establishments* cipating , and a $5 wrist band will get deals and disco your unts from parti merchants all cipating over Crosslake ! It’s going to awesome Wint be an erFest Weekend in Crosslake ! Frida

*Ad spaces can be combined

Inserts Echo Journal Inserts Brainerd Dispatch Inserts Echoland-Piper Shopper

January 23 January 26 January 24

Space/Copy Deadline January 7

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 57

NISSWA JUBILEE Sunday, February 12, 2012

Button Sales! $5.00 Get Your Commemorative Nisswa Jubilee Buttons at

Brainerd Lakes Area Lions

Nisswa American Legion Nisswa Area Women of Today Nisswa Fire Department Mike’s Tree Service Kinship Partners Nisswa Chamber Schaefer’s Foods Nisswa Lions Ski Gull

Pickle Factory Nisswa American Legion Nisswa Chamber Triangle Gas Station

saturday, February 18 ALL DAY:

Jail and Bail Kids climbing snow sculpture at the Pickle Factory

7:00 am • 2:00 pm:

Broom Ball Tournament 3rd Place Game at 4:00 pm Championship Game at 5:00 pm

8:30 am • 11:30 pm

Pancake Breakfast at the Nisswa Community Center

at the Nisswa Hockey Rink

Sponsored by the Nisswa Area Women of Today, Brainerd Lakes Area Lions, and Schaefer’s Foods

10:00 am

Medallion Hunt: $200 Cash Prize Clues are posted at the Chamber (Thursday - Saturday)

Snow Sculpture Judging - Sign up at the Triangle Gas Station in Nisswa

10:00 am

10:00 am • 11:00 am

10:30 am • 11:30am

11:00 am • 12:00 pm 11:00 am • 2:30 pm

February 17, 2012 - February 19, 2012 A publication of the

Friday, February 17 10:00 am

Medallion Hunt: $200 Cash Prize - Clues are

11:00 am • 2:30 pm

Chef Tom’s Lunch Menu -

4:00 pm 6:00 pm

Meat Raffle - at the Nisswa American Legion Chef Tom’s Southern Fried Chicken -

7:00 pm


NOON 1:00 pm 1:00 pm

Sponsored by Brainerd Lakes Area Lions Sponsored by the Nisswa Lions

Mini Jubilee at the Nisswa Elementary School Hosted by the Black Bear 4-H

Sponsored by the Nisswa Area Women of Today

Storytelling at Turtle Town Books and Gifts

on Main Street

Rachel’s Fish Pond - $1.00 per participant Rachel’s Bakery on Main Street Chef Tom’s Lunch Menu at the Nisswa American Legion

PARADE DOWN MAIN STREET! Storytelling at the Pioneer Village Wood Splitting Contest at the Turtle Track - Sign-up at the Triangle Gas Station in Nisswa Sponsored by Midwest Family Eye Center and Mike’s Tree Service

1:30 pm

Parent Iditarod – next to the Pickle -

1:30 pm

Volleyball Tournament – gather outside the Pickle Kids Craft Time – at the Nisswa Chamber

2:00 am • 4:00 pm

Sign-up at the Jubilee Tent located in the Pickle Parking Lot Sponsored by Viking Label and Ski Gull

Office in the Nisswa Square • Sponsored by the Nisswa Chamber of Commerce

posted at the Chamber (Thursday - Saturday) Sponsored by Brainerd Lakes Area Lions

2:00 am • 4:00 pm

Vintage Single Cylinder Snowmobile Race – Location TBA • To participate contact

at the Nisswa American Legion

4:00 pm 4:00 pm • 8:00 pm

Meat Raffle at the Nisswa American Legion Chef Tom’s Pulled Pork Sandwiches with chips - $6.00

7:30 pm

DANCE! Live Band – Whiskey Richards at the Nisswa American Legion

at the Nisswa American Legion

at the Lutheran Church of Cross Sponsored by the Nisswa Area Women of Today

Trevor Larson at 218-963-3853

at the Nisswa American Legion

Entry Fee: Official 2012 Nisswa Jubilee Button

Reach over 15,000 homes in the Sunday Brainerd Dispatch, 5,000 homes in the


Presented By:

Thanks to our Sponsors!

Echo Journal and 10,000 homes in the Echoland-Piper Shopper.

• Includes and Email Blast reaching 10,000 people • Includes an online WOW ad linking to the tab reaching 40,000 unique viewers.

Inside Pages and Back Page 5.25” x 4” (20 available)

2 Half Page positions available as well! (shown ad spaces are scaled down)

Rates (Includes Color) 3.5” x 7” (Front Page) 5.25” x 4” (Inside) 5.25” x 2” (Inside) 10.75” x 10.5” - Half Page

$180 $150 $75 $450

*Ad spaces can be combined

Inserts Brainerd Dispatch Echo Journal Echoland-Piper Shopper

February 3 February 6 January 31

Space/Copy Deadline January 21

Page 58

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Front Page Featured Placement 3.5” x 7” (only 3 available)

ECHO KIDS AD DESIGN Full color, full fun!

This section allows students (and future customers), to create advertisements for your business.

Don’t miss the chance to promote your business with color advertisements created by students grades 3-5 at Eagle VIew, Nisswa, Pine River-Backus and Crosslake Charter elementary schools. Winners for each class will be chosen by the business to publish in the section. Businesses are welcome to attend the classroom visits.

Section Publish Dates: Echo Journal:

February 20

This section will also be available on pineandlakes.com Rates: 5”x 7” (1/4 page)


10.25”x 7” (1/2 page)


Space Reservation/Copy Deadline Monday, January 13

* Teachers encourage participating businesses to visit the classroom to explain what their business does and what they would like to see in their ad.

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 59

DISPATCH KIDS AD DESIGN Full color, full fun!

This year students will be allowed to use marker, colored pencils or crayons in the ads they design. The section will also be changing to a “TV Week” size insert.

This exciting special section allows your future customers to create advertisements for your business. • Publishes Wednesday, February 26 in the Brainerd Dispatch. • Winners for each class will be chosen by the business. • 4th and 5th grade students in the area look forward to participating in this each year.

Rates: 3 Col. x 5” (1/4 page - 5.2” x 5”)


6 Col. x 5” (1/2 page - 10.515” x 5”)


2nd Ad is 1/2 Price!

A great opportunity to Choose Two Winners!

Inserts Dispatch

Space Reservation/Copy Deadline

February 26

Monday, January 13

* Teachers encourage participating businesses to visit the classroom to explain what their business does and what they would like to see in their ad.

Page 60

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Colorful 8-page tabloid promotes the annual St. Patrick’s Day events in the Crosslake area. This section features stories and photos about past St. Patrick’s Day events. It also includes the new schedule of events for 2014 which features the parade.

Section Publish Dates: Echo Journal: March 6 Echoland-Piper Shopper: March 7 This section will also be available on pineandlakes.com Advertising Rates $13.75 pci: black & white $16.75 pci: full color

Space/Copy Deadline Monday, February 24

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 61


e l p m a S

Rates 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4

10 weeks of advertising in BOTH the Brainerd Dispatch and Echo Journal. Don’t miss the opportunity to promote your business. •

BW ads on the directory will publish near the celebrations page in the Sunday edition of the Brainerd Dispatch and inserted where available in the Echo Journal.

$250 $300 $350 $400

Section Publish Dates: Sunday Dispatch: Echo Journal:

38,000 Homes Reached Each Week!

March 9 -May 11 (10 Sunday issues) March 13 - May 15 (10 Thursday issues)

Space/Copy Deadline Friday, February 28

Page 62

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

MARCH MAYHEM A four week promotional slam dunk!

Sponsor the Brainerd Dispatch NCAA College Basketball Tournament Bracket Contest.

Two contests:

All players select all their picks up-front and/or weekly. Games can be played on computer or smartphone. Players can create private/public groups, play against “celebrity” pickers. Printable bracket will be in the Dispatch with sponsor ads. Four email blasts will be sent, 1 per week, starting in March. Sponsors will be displayed online. Sponsor will feature 1 round by round top pick each week in a print ad (Top Picker Joan Doe sponsored by This Business). Online ads promoting the tournament will run over the four week period.

Print Ads Included in Pkg.

Sponsorship Opportunities c



• 6 Col x 3” Color

Major Sponsor - $500

300 x250 Premium placement ad at top by tournament name on printed brackets. 50K ROS online impressions (728 x 90).

Mid Sponsor - $350

300 x 100 Print ad on printed brackets. 35K ROS online impressions (300 x 250)

Entry Sponsor - $250

2 Col x 2” BW Only Two sponsorships available in each level

300 x 100 Print ad on printed brackets 25K ROS online impressions (300 x 250).

• 2 Col x 4” Color 2 Col x 2” BW • 2 Col x 2” Color 2 Col x 2” BW

Add Ons:

Email • WOW ad $150 for one week or $125 per week for multiple weeks. • Leaderboard ad $175 for one week or $150 per week for multiple weeks. • Additional online impressions $8 CPM (Leaderboard or double WOW).

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 63

PROJECT DISH ood ea F s Ar




Exploring local cuisinE



Prairie Bay melding people and food together

he Prairie Bay staff wants you to feed them. The Baxter restaurant is taking its enthusiasm for locally grown foods and community involvement to a new level, but it needs help.

“We want family recipes,”... but we also want the family history.” said Nick Miller, general manager of Prairie Bay

Prairie Bay’s Side Dish food truck was awarded a $30,000 grant from the University of Minnesota Extension Central Regional Sustainable Development Part-

nership. That’s a mouthful, but the restaurant needs a mouthful of individual history to help with this program. Prairie Bay is asking area communities for family stories involving food. Things like a traditional Sunday meal, grandma’s famous goulash, your dad’s pierogi or polish dumplings or your aunt’s Yuca Fitters. Maybe a cousin makes a favorite Thanksgiving side dish that everyone craves —— Prairie Bay wants the story and recipe behind it. “The idea, and I’m a history major, but food and history are my two favorite things so we want family recipes,” said Nick Miller, general manager of Prairie Bay. “We want that dish you make at home that’s just killer. The one that your family goes, ‘Mom, you should have a restaurant.’ I grew up in a home where we told my mom that all the time. Those kind of stories, but we also want the family history. If it’s your family recipe and the thing you’re proud of, it probably means it’s been a

part of your family for awhile. As we get into the Amish community, the Scandinavian part, the Polish communities, there is going to be those traditions and recipes that

we’re going to want access to.” This summer the Side Dish will visit communities in Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd and Wadena counties to both support the development of sustainable agriculture and food systems across central Minnesota and to show people what to do with local produce. According to the U of M press release more than 55,000, or a third of the residents in those counties are impacted by having low access to food as determined by the USDA. The mission of the Side Dish is to address food access by visiting areas called “food deserts,” said Miller. Not only will the Side Dish be serving up its menu infused with local produce, but it will also serve as a classroom. Chefs will provide demonstrations and instructions on how to prepare the local foods grown in central Minnesota. “Think of it this way, you come up to the food truck and you have

Next Stops... Friday! pine river Farmer’S markeT Friday, July 12

Corner of Barkley and 3rd, Pine River, Minnesota 56474

this great salad and you want to know how we made it and where we got the ingredients. Well, we can just hand you the card and say, ‘From this farmer, who lives 20 miles over there,’” said Miller. “We’re connecting people with locally produced food. On the back end, the farmer comes up and says, ‘You do local foods. That’s cool.’ Then we give him a card for Sprout and he can call them and get connected with other chefs. We’re taking that farmer and giving him access to that network and vice versa. We’re the middle man — the marketing vehicle for locally grown foods.” It’s at these events that Prairie Bay wants your stories. Be prepared to be on video and, if you can, bring a copy of the recipe. More important, be prepared to share a little family history as well as try locally grown food prepared on the food truck. The Side Dish would like to take those recipes and have some travel with the truck to introduce the Latino population in Long Prairie to a polish dish from Pierz and vice versa. “Part of why we’re doing what we’re doing is because of the friends we have,” said Miller. “Our relationship with the Farm at St. Mathais and friendships with other people has really started to grow this network of people who really care strongly about local foods. We like it when other people come up with different ideas and take what we already do and move it to a different spot. We had the food truck and people knew we were doing that. Then they started brainstorming and coming up with cool ideas for it. One of those things we always wanted to do was cooking classes, but it’s always been too hard to do because where do you set up? The idea was born of that collaboration with different people.”

Sponsor ad space 2x2

1x2 SPoNsor ad

1x2 SPoNsor ad

Sponsor ad space 2x2

Sponsor ad space 2x2

Stop by and share some recipes and some stories! CounTry Sampler piCniC Wednesday, July 17

CroSby TriaThlon

Northland Arboretum 14250 Conservation Drive Baxter, Minnesota 56425


Support Project Dish! A wonderful opportunity to be involved in a local food study project presented by Prairie Bay and funded by the University of Minnesota.

Saturday, July 20

Crosby Memorial Park, 2 Second Street SW, Crosby, Minnesota 56441

More about the project: Prairie Bay’s Side Dish food truck will be visiting around the lakes area as well as neighboring counties and communities to share and truly appreciate local ingredients, gardens and farms. Working with DE Media, Prairie Bay will be collecting, sharing and featuring local recipes each month in the Brainerd Dispatch food page. Videos and photo galleries of the community visits and interviews will also be hosted on the Brainerd Dispatch website.

Sponsorship Opportunities/Rates 1 col x 2” = $25 2 col x 2” = $50 Space Reservation Deadline (2nd Tuesday of each month at Noon) Publish Dates (2nd Thursday of each month)

Page 64

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

PAUL BUNYAN TRAIL MAP Get your business noticed on the back of the Paul Bunyan Trail Map!

Rates: 2” x 2.5” Slot


2 Slots 3 Slots

$361 $532

10% Discount for Each Additional Ad Slot!

Publication Dates: Echo Journal • April 24

Space Reservation Dates: April 14

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 65

ECHO SPORTS PREVIEW SHOW YOUR SCHOOL SPIRIT IN THESE SECTIONS! 11th annual Sports Preview sections insert into the Echo Journal editions as well as publication on the pineandlakes.com website. These sections feature preview stories and team photos for the Pequot Lakes Patriots and Pine River-Backus Tigers. Rates: $12.25 PCI


Publication Dates: Spring April 10

Fall August 28

Winter December 4

Space Reservation Dates: Spring March 31

Page 66

Fall August 18

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Winter November 17


Reach the local Crosslake area Online, print or both Concentrated advertising to match your core consumers

Open Rates: • •

2 Col. x 2” ad ................................. $45 per run - Full color ad in our Echoland-Piper Shopper Email Blast .................................... $25 per run - Be included in the email blast to the “Crosslake Connection.”

5 Month Commitment:

• 2 Col. x 2” ad • $40 per run ($200 total) • Email Blast • $20 per run ($100 total) • Print Online Combo • $60 per run ($300 total) Each runs once a month from May through September

Insertion Dates May 2 June 6 July 11 August 1 September 5

Deadline: Noon April 28 June 2 July 7 July 28 September 1

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 67

SAVOR OUR FLAVORS- DINING GUIDE DE Media annual Food and Dining Guide is the lakes area’s most popular guide!

This guide to are restaurants will be inserted into the Echo Journal, Brainerd Dispatch and Echoland-Piper Shopper.

Section Publish Dates May 8 (Brainerd Dispatch, Echo Journal) May 9 (Echoland-Piper Shopper)

Rates $1,500....Front Page includes photo and logo.

*Photo can not include signage. One spot available. First come, first serve.

$16........ Per column inch (includes color) $25........ To be included in “Around the water” portion (includes Ent. app listing) $10........ To be included in the Entertainment app Space/Copy Deadline Monday, April 28 Additional copies will be available at area chambers, resorts, participating businesses and Discover Racks. The Dining Guide will also be available online: PineAndLakes.com BrainerdDispatch.com

Page 68

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com





Don’t miss your chance to congratulate the seniors of ISD 181 in the 2014

Brainerd Graduation Tab. The annual 8 page publication will be inserted in the Brainerd Dispatch on May 20, 2014.

Rates $7.75 per column inch


Ad Deadline May 6

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 69

GOLF DIRECTORY Print, online and mobile! • List your Golf Course in this summer’s Golf Course Directory • Runs in Brainerd Dispatch Wednesday Sports Section and Echo Journal from May 28th, throughout the summer with the last run on September 25th. • Included: Online presence to over 4,000 unique visitors per day! • Includes: myAccess Phone App

Rates $40/Week

Single Course


Multiple Courses

Ad Deadline Tuesday, May 20

Page 70

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

RECREATION GUIDE Print and online! Be part of Echo Publishing’s 2014 Recreation Guide. Over 28,000 copies distributed!

From Brainerd to Walker, to residents & visitors! Through Echo Journal (May 29), Echoland Piper-Shopper (May 30), Chambers, Resorts & over 100 store racks. PLUS - Online at pineandlakes.com - over 100,000 views per month and over 18,000 unique viewers per month. *Includes free link to your website!

Rate: $13.75 pci: black & white $16.75 pci: full color $10.00 pci: black & white (if it is a direct pickup ad from Golf Guide, Dining Guide or Love of the Lakes)



$70 each or half price with 10-inch+ ad

Space reservation deadline: Tuesday May 15

Inserts Echo Journal May 29

Inserts Echoland-Piper Shopper May 30

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 71


Pine River-Backus


Don’t miss your chance to congratulate the seniors of Pine River-Backus in the

2014 Pine River-Backus Grad Tab. The annual 8 page publication will be inserted in the Echo Journal.

2013 Rates: $7.75 per column inch


Page 72

Ad Deadline

Inserts Echo Journal

Friday, May 19

June 5

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Be included in Summer Fest! June 27-29, 2014

8,000 copies printed and distributed in the Echo Journal as well as selected Echoland-Piper Shopper routes.

Insertion Dates: Echo Journal: Echoland-Piper Shopper:

June 19 June 20

Rates: $11.75 pci: black & white $14.75 pci: full color Space Reservation Deadline: Monday, June 9

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 73

BRAINERD SHOPPER SHOWCASE Our area is estimated to host over 1 million tourists every year! ~Brainerd Lakes Chamber estimated

• Drive summer traffic to your store by showcasing your business in this year’s Shopper Showcase. Choose your publication: Brainerd Dispatch or Echo Journal • 2x2 full color print ad (last Thursday of the month) • Localized email blast (the following Friday)

Rates: 2 Column x 2”

Page 74

$60 per ad

$150 all 3 months

Insertion Dates

Reservation Deadlines

June 26 July 31 August 28

June 23 July 28 August 25

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

CROSSLAKE SHOPPER SHOWCASE Interesting shops, great golfing and inviting restaurants are a characteristic of this community. Check out the general store, tourist camp, logger’s camp, and more. ~Explorebrainerdlakes.com

• • •

2x2 full color print ad Localized email blast Drive summer traffic to your store by showcasing your business in this year’s Shopper Showcase in the Echoland-Piper Shopper.

Rates: 2 Column x 2”: $60 per ad

Insertion Dates June 27 July 25 August 29

Rates: $150 for all 3 months

Reservation Deadlines June 23 July 21 August 25

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 75


Celebrations! Celebrate the 4th!

Echo Journal, Brainerd Dispatch and Echoland-Piper Shopper will be including a special section highlighting the Fourth of July events going on in and around the area. Insertion Dates: Echo Journal: Brainerd Dispatch: Echoland-Piper Shopper:

June 26 June 27 June 27

Rates: $15.75/per column inch Color Included! Space Reservation Deadline: Monday, June 16

Page 76

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Up North Mardi Gras

22,000 copies distributed! Hackensack’s Sweetheart Days include activities such as kids games, horseshoe tourney, parade, street dance, and golf tournament.

Insertion Dates: Echo Journal Echoland-Piper Shopper

July 3 July 4

Rates: $11.75 pci: black & white $14.75 pci: full color Space Reservation Deadline: Monday, June 23

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 77

BEAN HOLE DAYS Come join the thousands who already know where to find the best homemade beans in the Midwest! The annual Bean Hole Days celebration in Pequot Lakes is a tradition like no other. Beans, buried in the ground, cook overnight in huge pots. On the last day of the celebration, Wednesday, people enjoy the free lunch as well as the children’s games, arts and crafts fair, and so much more!

2x2 Sample shown Actual inches: 3.3" wide x 2" high

Insertion Dates: Echo Journal: Echoland-Piper Shopper:

July 3 July 4

Rates: $55/per 2 column x 2 inch ad FREE color! Space Reservation Deadline: Monday, June 23

Page 78

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Nisswa merchants offer crazy discounts during the Nisswa Crazy Days! Merchandise lines the sidewalks as shoppers browse for good buys!

Rates: Contract rates apply

Publication Dates: Echo Journal • August 7 Echoland-Piper Shopper • August 1

Space Reservation Dates: July 21

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 79


Full page of advertising and schedule of events for this year’s Backus Corn Fest!

Insertion Dates: Echo Journal Echoland-Piper Shopper: Rates: $11.75 pci: black & white $14.75 pci: full color Space Reservation Deadline: August 3

Page 80

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

August 7 August 8


Enjoy shopping and Crazy Dealz in Pequot Lakes during the Annual Crazy Dayz!

Rates: Contract rates apply

Publication Dates: Echo Journal • August 14 Echoland-Piper Shopper • August 8

Space Reservation Dates: July 28

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 81

BACK TO SCHOOL Your all-inclusive back to school guide for local area school districts.

• • • • •

A to Z safety tips Who’s doing what and when in area schools News and updates for the coming school year Enrollment and new program information School districts covered (but not limited to): - Brainerd - Crosby-Ironton - Little Falls - Pillager - Pequot Lakes - Pine River/Backus - Walker/Hackensack/Akeley

- Aitkin - Crosslake - Lake Region Christian - Staples-Motley - St. Francis of the Lakes - Montessori School of Brainerd - Discovery Woods Montessori School

Rates: $13.91 per column inch FREE color! Reservation Deadline July 31 Insertion Date (Brainerd Dispatch) August 12

Page 82

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


The upper Midwest’s premier All-Bluegrass Event! Celebrate by advertising in this special section.

Insertion Dates: Echoland-Piper Shopper: August 15 Echo Journal August 14 Rates: $14.50/per column inch Free Color Space Reservation Deadline: July 3


506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 83


Target the hunting enthusiasts! The annual Hunting preview includes feature stories, photos, hunting information and advertising for the 2014 Minnesota season. The section will be inserted in the Echo Journal.

Great Distribution to a specific audience

Publication Dates: Echo Journal

September 11

Rates: $6.25 pci: black & white $9.25 pci: full color

Space Reservation Dates: September 1

Page 84

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


A Thank You to Your Employees/Patrons! • •

• • •

This Labor Day thank your employees and customers in the special Labor Day section. This special section features articles and photos of local businesses. Section themes include: what’s new, resorts/recreation, medical and small business. Localized email blast Total print distribution of 12,000 homes! Print copy distributed in the Brainerd Dispatch. Find the ads and articles on www.brainerddispatch.com!

Rates $12.75/ Column Inch *Color Included A La Carte Options Print Bundle WOW online ad 20,000 impressions - begining Labor Day


One of our best read and largest sections of the year!

50% DISCOUNT Inserts in Dispatch September 1

Space/copy Deadline August 8

on an Echo Journal pick-up!

Inserts Echo Journal August 28

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 85


Pequot ot Lakes

2013 S Sppoorrts ts S Scchheedduule le

Jane Smith company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith


company name 000-000-0000



Homecoming sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf

kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihr gpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo ; sdlfkgj;eiorwh goq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haew gor;ihqeo; sdlfk gj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;hae

w gor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgi ov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq ;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgi o;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou

Jane Smith company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith

Be part of supporting Pequot Lakes School Show the team your support by Including a photo of you or one of your staff wearing a Patriot’s helmet in the ad. Rates: 2x2 $50

company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith company name 000-000-0000

iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eio rwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor ;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov; haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eu ihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdl fkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;h aewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiah dfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae giov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo;

Jane Smith company name 000-000-0000

Inserts Echo Journal September 18 Space reservation deadline September 8

Jane Smith company name 000-000-0000

Page 86

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Be part of supporting Pine River-Backus School

Pequot Lakes

e 2013 Sports Schedul

Show the team your support by including a photo of you or one of your staff wearing a Tiger’s helmet in the ad.

Jane Smith

company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith

company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith


company name 000-000-0000


Rates: 2x2 $50



Homecomin ouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgp q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo uihrgpouiahdfgio io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e whgoq;euihrgpou ; sdlfkgj;eior v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd hqeo; sdlfkgj;eior io;haewgor;i uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg aewgor;ihqeo; sd whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;h ewrgio;haewgor; iahdfgiov;ha lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou dfgiov;haewrgio; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiah rgpouiahdfgiov;h rwhgoq;euih haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eio ia lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd eui ;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq; rgio;haewgor hdfgiov;haew ;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio wgor;ihqeo; sdlf hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;hae

wrgio;haewgor;ih kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae giov;haewrgio;ha qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf ouiahdfgiov;hae hgoq;euihrgp ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorw q;euihrgpouiahd wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo;eiorwhgoq;euihr fgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj ; sdlfkgj;eiorwh aewgor;ihqeo gpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;h gor;ihqeo; sdlfk goq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haew

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o; sdlfkgj;eio iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqe wrgio;haewgor rwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae pouiahdfgiov; ;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrg ;eiorwhgoq;eu haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj gor;ihqeo; sdl ihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haew ov;haewrgio;h pouiahdfgi fkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrg ;euihrgpouiah aewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq sdlfkgj;eiorw dfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; io;haewgor;ih hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg uiahdfgiov;hae q;euihrgpo j;eiorwhgo qeo; sdlfkg wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo;

Jane Smith

company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith

company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith

company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith

company name 000-000-0000

Jane Smith

company name 000-000-0000

Insertion Dates Echo Journal • September 25

Space Reservation Deadline: September 15

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 87


Celebrate Crosslake Days in September 2014! Events include a car show, art fair, chili cook-off, children’s games and much more. Enjoy this fall festival while taking in the natural beauty of Crosslake, splashed in the glorious autumn colors!

Rates: • $11.75 pci: black & white • $14.75 pci: full color

Insertion Dates Echo Journal Echoland-Piper Shopper

September 18 September 19

Space Reservation Deadline September 8

Page 88

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Nisswa’s Annual CITY OF LIGHTS welcomes thousands of visitors for horse drawn wagon rides, bonfires, holiday carolers, Love Lights A Tree dedication, Santa Claus appearance, the lighting of Nisswa, and glorious fireworks on a cold winter’s night! An annual tradition for everyone! This section is printed in the Holiday Gift Guide, Thanksgiving Day edition.

Rates: $12.25 per column inch (black and white) $15.25 per column inch (color)

Inserts Echo Journal Echoland-Piper Shopper

November 27 November 21

Space Reservation Deadline November 10

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 89

HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE Come Home For the Holidays and Shop Locally. A fun guide designed to provide shoppers with ideas for gift giving, along with featured events, festivities and lifestyle ideas.

Kids Coloring Contest

Inside The Holiday Gift Guide we will have a coloring contest for three age categories. The coloring contest will be hosted by DE Media and available in the first two issues of the Holiday Gift guide. Winners will be announced in the the 2014 Holiday Greetings and Stories of Christmas Publications.

First Issue Circulation

over 50,000!

First issue publishes on Thanksgiving Day Rates/Ad Sizes: Ad Size 1/8 Page (3 x 2.5”) 1/4 page (3 x 5”) 1/2 page (6 x 5.25”) Full Page (6 x 10.5”) Back Cover (6 x 10.5”) All ads include online!

Thanksgiving Day Rate $90 $180 $360 $720 $900

4 week package (1/8) $29250 (1/4) $58500 (1/2) $1,22850 (Full) $2,45700 (Back $2,92500 Page)

Insertion Dates Publication: Brainerd Dispatch Echo Journal Inserts:

November 27 December 3 December 10 December 17

November 27 December 4 December 11 December 18


November 10 November 24 December 1 December 8

Page 90

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Echoland-Piper Shopper November 21


• Be a part of the most in-depth election coverage • Election Day is November 4th • Don’t miss out on a single vote!

Regular contract rates apply. Or receive 20% off your ad if you are part of our 2014 Election Central

Inserts Dispatch

Space Reservation Deadline

October 16

October 6

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 91

VOTER’S GUIDE-ECHO PUBLISHING • Be a part of the most in-depth election coverage • Election Day is November 4th • Don’t miss out on a single vote!

Regular contract rates apply. Or receive 20% off your ad if you are part of our 2014 Election Central

Inserts Echo Journal October 16

Page 92

Space Reservation Deadline October 6

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Shop local on Small Business Saturday! • • •

Drawing attention to those shop owners and community jobs outside the big box retailers and online giants. Showcase your business in the Brainerd Dispatch. 2x2 full color print ad along with a localized email blast!

Rates: 2 Col. x 2”


Insertion Date

Reservation Deadline

November 27 Email blast November 28

Your ad will be featured in the Thanksgiving Day newspaper! 506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 93


Full of holiday fun with letters to Santa written by area children. Great opportunity to publish your Holiday Greetings to your customers.

Rates: $12.25 per column inch Includes color!

Inserts Echo Journal

December 18

Space Reservation Deadline December 8

Page 94

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


The Stories of Christmas section features stories written and submitted by Brainerd area residents. Your ad will be on the pages with the stories in the youth and adult categories.

This section is ideal and very popular for Holiday Greetings from area businesses.

Stories of Christmas

Rates: $13.50 Per Column Inch Includes Color! Insertion Dates Brainerd Dispatch

December 24

Reservation Deadline: December 9

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 95

EASTER & CHRISTMAS CHURCH TABS These are special sections that are published the Friday before Palm Sunday and the day after Thanksgiving. These special sections are a religious section that has Churches as the advertisers to list their Holy Week services for Easter and their Advent worship schedule leading up to Christmas and New Years.

Rates: Special rates are determined around February for the 2014 Easter and Christmas Church Tabs.

Page 96



Dispatch • April 11 Echoland-Piper Shopper • April 11

Dispatch • November 28 Echoland-Piper Shopper • November 28

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


This special section for businesses to list how many years they have been in business and will include: • Logo • Address • Phone • Website (if the business so chooses)

Rates: 1 column by 2” spot


Insert Dispatch: December 31

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 97


Pequot ot Lakes

2013 S Sppoorrts ts S Scchheedduule le Volleyball

sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;e iorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;

Girls Basketball

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Girls Basketball


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Varsity Football

sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;e iorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;


sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;e iorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;


Be part of supporting Pequot Lakes School Half of the proceeds go to the Pequot Lakes Sports Program! Rates: 2x2 $150

Cross Country

sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;e iorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;


sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;e iorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;

Varsity Football

sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;e iorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;

Cross Country

sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahd fgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihq eo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;e iorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;

Give to the Pequot Lakes School Sports Program when you advertise in this special project!

Page 98

Insert Dates


Spring- April 8 Fall- September 19 Winter- November 17

March 25 September 5 November 3

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com


Be part of suppporting the Pine River-Backus School At least $3,500 goes to Pine River-Backus School Sports Program! 125 Wall Posters and 250 Locker Posters 1/4 block 1/2 Block Full Block

$95 $145 $225

Pine River-Backus

2013 Sports Schedule Volleyball

sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;

Girls Basketball

sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;


sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;


sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewg or;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrg io;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgio v;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpou iahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;e uihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eior whgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sd lfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor; ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio; haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;h aewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouia hdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;eui hrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorw hgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlf kgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ih qeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;ha ewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;hae wrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrgpouiahdf giov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgoq;euihrg pouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;eiorwhgo q;euihrgpouiahdfgiov;haewrgio;haewgor;ihqeo; sdlfkgj;




Varsity Football

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Cross Country

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150 Pocket Schedules 1/4 block 1/2 Block Full Block

$90 ($67.50**) $140 ($105**) $220 ($165**)

** 25% OFF if you pick up your ad from the poster and place it on the pocket card.

Give to the PR-B School Sports Program when you advertise in this special project!

Space Reservation Deadline: July 22

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 99

DISCOVER RACKS A new way to distribute your promotional materials 1. Pick your locations that best target your market 2. Determine the size of your material and a monthly rate 3. Compute your subscription fee

2013/2014 Monthly Subscription Rate Table (Per Delivery Rack Locations, Per Month)

Standard (tri-fold) up to 4” wide

Half Sheet (bi-fold) up to 6” wide

Full Size (portrait) up to 9” wide

Oversize (landscape) up to 14” wide



Half Sheet

Full Size


3 Months





6 Months





12 Months





Contact Kathy Bittner Lee Phone: 218-831-0884 Kathy.Bittnerlee@morris.com

* Subscription fees must be paid prior to the beginning of the month(s) service. Faliure to do so will result in advertising materials being removed from distribution. Advertiser’s materials will be restored to distribution upon receipt of payment. Materials will be available for pickup upon contract end or termination. Either party my terminate this agreement at the end of the service description. We reserve the right to refuse service.

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net

Page 100 www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

SPEC REQUIREMENTS- THE FINE PRINT The Brainerd Dispatch and Echo Publishing (DE Media) are committed to providing an excellent product to all its customers. To ensure excellence to our advertisers, DE Media has set the following advertising policies. All advertisements are accepted subject to the approval of the publisher.

DE Media reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertisement at any time. Rates charged for advertising are for space only and do not include any compensation for the right, title and any interest to layouts, composition, material, or labor of advertisements created by and placed with DE Media. All advertisements remain the sole property of the DE Media. DE Media reserves the right to copyright any ad produced by its staff. All advertising is cash with order except when credit has been approved by the company. When credit is allowed to an advertiser, accounts are due on receipt of statement. A service charge of 1.5% per month (annual rate 18%) will be charged on accounts more than 30 days past due. In double truck ads the gutter is billed as one column. Advertising rates may be revised from time to time. Advertisers under contract will be given 30 days notice.

Advertising deadlines are set well in advance of publication to ensure an excellent product for the advertiser. Proofs for the purpose of correcting errors in production will be e-mailed or faxed to the advertiser. Proof of ads 40 column inches in size or more will be faxed or taken to advertisers on request. Once a proof is submitted to the advertiser, the advertiser takes responsibility for errors not marked on the proof. Correctness of ads submitted after deadline is the responsibility of the advertiser. However, if there is an error that is the fault of the DE Media, the ad will be rerun (or credit given for) that part of the ad containing the error. Cancellation deadlines are the same as ad order deadlines. Because of the expense involved in the production of ads, cancellations after deadline may be billed for time and materials. The labor

charge is $25 per hour. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold the newspaper harmless for any claims arising out of the publication of copy submitted by the advertiser. This includes, but is not limited to, claims for libel, copyright infringement and trademark infringement. Position requests will be granted, but not guaranteed, when possible and will not be considered a condition of acceptance for publications. Failure to meet these requests will not constitute cause for adjustment, refund or rerun of the advertisement, unless a positioning surcharge has been paid.

• All fonts must be embedded. • OPI cannot be used. • Any images used in your original document should be at a minimum resolution of 200 dpi. • All PDF’s created from software that supports layers and live transparencies (i.e. Adobe CS Suite, Quark, etc.) must have all layers and live transparencies flattened within the final PDF delivered to us. If this is not done we can not guarantee your transparency settings will match ours during the digital work flow. This could potentially create undesired effects in the final output of your ad. • PDFwriter is not acceptable for creating a PDF for print production. At our discretion we may occasionally choose to work with PDF’s created from Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, or other office applications as best we can, but can not guarantee final output. They are designed for Desktop Publishing not Print Production and typically are missing im-

portant capabilities for producing CMYK color, correct font embedding, etc. • We also will accept native files which must include all supporting fonts and graphics. Please call ahead to be sure we have compatible versions of software to open and work with the files. • Any copy not sent as a digital file will be converted digitally (scanned) and will probably suffer a loss of quality in the conversion. • If you have concerns or questions regarding any of the above please feel free to call.

Specs For Sending Ads Our preferred ad delivery format is PDF Version 1.3 (Acrobat 4 Standard). • All spot colors, RGB, etc. should be converted to CMYK prior to final PDF creation. • Due to the nature of the newsprint printing process rich black or black made up of CMYK should not be used. • Type that is overprinted should be no smaller than 5pt, type that is knocking out of more than one color should be no smaller than 8pt. • When using type at the minimum sizes take into account the fonts you are using as some script and thin bodied type may still be too thin at these sizes. • Do not use ICC or embedded color profiling as there could be a potential color shift from what you see on your screen versus what you will see on the final piece. This is due to the fact that your profiles may not match our profiles during final output causing the colors to shift to try to match our profiles.

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 101

GLOSSARY Ad Strategy

A subset of your Marketing Plan, Ad Strategy is identifying the different ad options you have and how you can use them effectively.


An Audience is a way to separate your consumer base into different categories that you can identify, target and track. Audience is important to identify when planning your marketing and evaluating your marketing’s effectiveness.

Behavioral Targeting


A Campaign is a planned marketing effort that includes a predetermined goal, measurable progress, and clear messages. The campaign itself should have fairly clear start and end parameters to ensure that the measurable tracking is accurate.


In print circulation, or reach of the subscribed users, is usually separated into weekday and weekend categories. For weekly newspapers there is just the one category.

By tracking an individual’s activity online, search engines and other programs are able to assign particular behaviors, that when displayed, trigger ad delivery that is relevant to that individual based on those actions.

Column Inch


CPC (Cost per Click)

A Blitz is a short marketing campaign that is focused on accomplishing, or promoting, a particular product or event. For example: if you have a sale coming, you may consider a blitz to create top of mind awareness for potential customers.

Brand, Branding

Your Brand is what consumers identify you as. Your Brand is a vital part of any marketing that you do and care should be taken to maintain your Brand integrity.


Refers to not only your dollar investment, but also your time. While some time can be offset by increasing dollars (outsourcing ad design for example) time should certainly be considered.


In print advertising the size of an ad is determined by its column inches. A column inch is the width of one column and one inch in height. This is a comparison you can use to determine the value (subjective) of each click your ad receives- for example: if you have 10 clicks and it cost you $100 then your CPC is $10. See also PPC

CPM (Cost per Mille)

Cost per Mille, or Cost per Thousand, is used to calculate the cost of impressions. Basically, for every 1,000 times your ad is shown (impressions) it will cost you a set amount. For example: if a certain online ad size has a CPM of $10, it will cost you $10 for every 1,000 times your ad is shown.


Similar to Audience, Demographics refer to the specific identifiers that make up an audience. Examples of some demographics: gender, age range, income level, family, etc.

Bundling is simply packaging multiple types of marketing into one campaign or strategy using the same message. Bundling your print and online is a standard option that ensures you are maximizing your reach.

506 James Street, Brainerd, 506MN James 56401 Street, 800-432-3703 Brainerd, MN All of 56401 our rates 800-432-3703 are net All of our rates are net

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Page 101

GLOSSARY Fragmentation

This occurs when traits of your audience change and cause new groups, or subgroups, to be formed. It is important to keep track of fragmentation in order to maintain your marketing’s effectiveness.


Your marketing plan needs to have well defined, realistic goals. If you don’t have these it will be difficult to measure the actual effectiveness of any marketing you do. For example: I want to drive traffic vs. I want to increase unique users by 5%.


An Impression refers to each time an ad is displayed. For example: if you had 100 impressions, that means your ad was shown 100 times.

PPC (Pay per Click)

An ad model where instead of paying for a guaranteed number of impressions, you instead bid on each available impression and then are billed based on that.

ROP (Run of Press)

Run of Press simply means that a print ad can be placed anyplace that is convenient for the printer.

SOV (Share of Voice)

Share of Voice guarantees the frequency of your ad compared to other ads in that same category, either by size of ad, or section. An SOV campaign emphasizes the overall percentage of views rather than a set number of impressions. For example: an SOV campaign would be a purchase of 50% of total estimated impressions; whereas a CPM campaign would be based more on budget and available impressions.

Target Marketing

Identifying unique audiences and marketing to them directly is called Target Marketing. This is an ideal way of marketing, as it will help reach existing, new and potential customers. Target marketing can be accomplished in a number of ways, from audience knowledge to specialized programs that can assist you in identifying your audiences.

TOM (Top of Mind Awareness)

Top of Mind refers to the idea that your brand/ product/company is the first thing a potential customer thinks of when they have a relevant need. For example: TOM is accomplished when someone remembers your ad for financial planning as they are thinking, or speaking with others about retirement plans.


Run of Site is similar to ROP except it refers to online advertising. Run of Site simply means the ad runs in rotation in a certain size across the entire website.

Throughout your marketing campaign you need to establish progress by tracking your results. To do this effectively, your tracking methods need to have easily defined, objective goals that you can quantify.

Social Media

Unique User

ROS (Run of Site)

Social Media is made up of any series of networks that consumers use to interact with each other. Social Media is a way that business can interact with their customers to create more personal interaction.

Unique User refers to the number of different devices that have accessed a website. Typically identified by IP address, unique user information is useful for identifying audiences and device access.

506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 800-432-3703 All of our rates are net www.brainerddispatch.com www.pineandlakes.com

Page 103

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