2014 Brainerd Dispatch Voter's Guide

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Serving the Brainerd LakeS area and CentraL MinneSota SinCe 1881

r’s S Guide

PLenty of deCiSionS await thoSe who go to the PoLLS nov. 4 oon — skeptics might say “not soon

the political coverage the newspaper has provided

enough,” — the political advertising will

all year and the opinions offered in our commen-

cease, the candidate forums will be over

tary page, should help central Minnesota voters

and voters go to the polls and exercise the final

make decisions on a variety of races.

say in the 2014 election. Many voters have already

The Dispatch only included specifics on contest-

had their say as Minnesota offered vote by mail

ed area races. In some races the Dispatch did not

or no excuses absentee balloting for the first time.

receive a response to a questionnaire it sent out to

This Brainerd Dispatch voter’s guide, along with


Brainerd Mayor

Mayor James Wallin Qualifications: I have served as both a councilman and mayor. I am married and the father of four children. I continue to run a successful private business and served 35 years in the Minnesota National Guard. I feel JAMES that I am the best candiWALLIN date for this position. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: If re-elected, I would continue to make Brainerd business friendly. In my 40 years of business, I have brought over $30 million of printing and mailing business from outstate into Brainerd. The city has good businesses. We acknowledge their efforts and retain them, while hile attracting new business by embracing

technology and working with our great resource at CLC. Working together with the college and entities such as BLAEDC and the chamber, I will continue to promote and make Brainerd a regional center that is recognized throughout the state. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: My goals as mayor are to honor honorably represent the city of Brainerd by working in collaboration with our resources and city hall. I operate my business, the city and per personal life at the highest standards of truthfulness, being open and address concerns asked of me. Brainerd has made significant changes to adapt for the future. I have championed improvements over the years to address efficiencies in administration, and throughout our city right down to collecting trash in the city parks. We as a city, need to make the changes necessary to provide the highest level of service to our citizens.

Guy Green Qualifications: I meet all of the qualifications demanded in the charter. In addition, I will act in accordance with the charter. I also bring energy and dedication to renewing trust in government. I have rallied the public to preserve their rights and power before and will do so as Brainerd’s mayor. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I want to instill in government an understanding of its proper role, which is to protect and serve, to maximize freedom and opportunity. Government should be an ally of business, not a bedfellow. Government shouldn’t be in the real estate development business. It shouldn’t be spending millions on aged hydro dams without consulting the people who pay for it. It should be creating a trust with its citizenry. Our appointed city officials should be accountable to not only our council, but our citizens. Our very first

goal should be to hand down to our grandchildren a debt free future. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I would begin with meetings with all department heads. I will assess the financial GUY condition of the city and GREEN devise a plan to get us out from under our debt as soon as possible. I will carefully consider all actions put forth from the council, and only sign those that are in keeping with sound fiscal policy. I will explain my actions fully. I will use the somewhat limited powers of the office to their maximum to assure that the citizens are fully informed of the details of government action. I will limit myself to two terms.

Brainerd City Council (Ward 2) Kelly Bevans Qualifications: I’ve served the citizens of Brainerd’s Ward 2 for three terms, serving as KELLY council president BEVANS twice and chairman of the Personnel and Finance Committee twice. I’ve served as president of the Brainerd Jaycees, the Minnesota Jaycees, and most importantly have been married for nearly 30 years to my lovely wife, Sue. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: If elected I intend to work

toward lower taxes, strengthening infrastructure and continuing to make Brainerd a beautiful city of opportunity and growth. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: As a city we must continue to strive to do more with less. We could accomplish this through more effective partnerships with other government entities. Some possible areas of shared services are water, sewer, computer and technology support. We already are sharing employees between departments with some success, possibly we could do more of this? We must continue to market our city as a great place to live, work and play to foster an environment for economic growth.

Dirk C. VanDerwerker Qualifications: Brainerd’s Zoning Review Task Force 2005-2006. Brainerd resident 10 years. B.A. Carleton College, M.A. Univ. of Iowa. Serving First Lutheran Church: Church Council (five years) and Stewardship Committee (six years). Self-employed fee-only financial planner. Mar Married 25 years, three children. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: Encourage and promote an open and accountable city government. Protect and improve on the quality of Brainerd’s residential neighborhoods. Work toward reinventing Brainerd’s downtown. Provide residents with efficient, cost-effective services while limiting property tax increases. Respond to citizen questions and concerns Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: Educate the public that the council needs

the public’s active participation and its expertise to make sound decisions. Ask that each council member provide a rationale for their votes. Ensure that governmental checks-and-balances are in place. Currently, two city council members are voting memDIRK C. bers of the planning commis- VANDERWERKER sion, which then forwards its recommendations to the city council for approval or denial. I would eliminate this ability to vote twice on the same issue. I would oppose the expansion of more-intensive, non-residential uses within residential zones. Improve the city’s residential housing stock through code enforcement and additional grants.

Brainerd City Council (Ward 4) Dale A. Parks Qualifications: Current city council liaison to Transportation Committee, Brainerd Housing and Redevelopment, The Center, and Brainerd Parks and Recreation. Currently Brainerd City Council president. I’m finishing DALE A. my fourth year of service on the PARKS city council. Previously a supervisor in Crow Wing County Community Services giving me valuable management and budgeting experience. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I would like to continue the work and vision started by the late Bonnie Cumberland. Specifically I would like to work with the council and staff to fulfill the goals of the city’s 2013 Strategic Plan. This includes investing in neighborhoods, propro

vide stable financial planning and to provide improved communication and public relations with citizens. In addition I want to work on filling the Brainerd Industrial Park, Brainerd Industrial Center and fill the storefronts in downtown Brainerd. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I will work with the Brainerd Police Department to help establish neighborhood or organizations. The goal is to assist neighborhoods in organizing self-sufficient groups to provide pride of ownership and livability within neighborhoods. I will also continue to work hard to stabilize our current financial planning. We need to establish long-range planning. This includes being proactive and not always reactive. I will work with the Brainerd Lakes Chamber and Brainerd Lakes Area Economic Development Corporation (BLAEDC) to have industrial and business owners relocate to Brainerd.

Gabriel Ralph Johnson Qualifications: I have a lot of experience working with local nonprofit organizations. I was born in Brainerd, have lived here my entire life, I own a business here, and I am raising my children here. I intend to keep improving our great and historic city. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I want to ensure the continuing success of our community by helping support all successful policies in place, listening to new ideas and showing our citizens that an elected official can have their best interest in mind. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: My relationships inside the business community, with members of the senior populapopula

tion, charity organiorgani zations, and memmem bers of the church ensure my ability to find out how to accomplish what the people of Brainerd feel is needed for GABRIEL their well being. JOHNSON My communication skills, my ability to hear what is being said, and the feedback from all the people of Brainerd guides my vision. You cannot accomplish anything without knowing what the people who elect you want, and I will accomplish what I set out to do with their wants as my driving force.

Brainerd City Council (At-large) Dolly Matten Qualifications: Having had the opportunity to serve the remainder of Bonnie Cumberland’s term, I have gained much knowledge to the inner workings of the city and DOLLY its connection to the citMATTEN izens and the business community. community Although some weaknesses may exist, there are far more strengths to stay focused on. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I strongly relate to the city’s strategic plan because it clearly identifies the foundation of everything I believe Brainerd to be while focusing on the things I feel are extremely important to our community. We must be financially responsible for the expenditures of our city yet establish a plan for future growth and improvements. Outlining

areas of need, changing the way “we always do things,” and simply realizing the benefits of living in Brainerd - that is what needs to be identified! Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: Restructuring how different departments can work together and utilize existing staff and equipment to fulfill needs. Work to bring business and industry to our community. Change past negative image and foster a positive and responsive attitude towards job producing/tax paying business and industry owners. Strengthen communication within our community with the implementation of an interactive city website. Allowing transpar transparency to citizens of Brainerd, notification of city-wide news and/or alerts, upcoming road projects, descriptions of our parks/trails, and the reverse incoming technology from citizen communication back to appropriate city staff as to areas of concern. Effective and Efficient.

Sue Hilgart Qualifications: Twenty-one year resident of Brainerd. Volunteer on Police and Fire Civil Service and Transit Advisory Committee and numerous other community service groups, 20 years human resource experience, nine years Workforce Development experience, BA in Management and Communications, MA in management leadership in process at Concor Concordia University, St. Paul. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I will listen to citizens of Brainerd and represent them. The city of Brainerd has incurred an incredible debt load; the debt payments each year nearly equal the recent budget shortfall in excess of one million dollars. Until the debt load has been reduced, further borrowing/bonding needs to be drastically curtailed. I would add new high wage jobs in advanced manufacturing and technology sectors by attracting new businesses to the industrial park and empty office buildings. By increasing reve-

nues from business, the bur burden on individual property owners to support the full financial needs of the city will be eased. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: If elected, I will take an active role in creating oppor opporSUE HILGART tunity for Brainerd residents to live, work, and raise their families here. I will work with economic development partners in the city and state to foster economic growth, bringing new business and industry to Brainerd to increase employment opportunities with high wages. I will listen to residents, business owners and city staff gather gathering their input on services and responsibilities of city government; identifying the highest priorities and will look at ways the current model can be modified to collaborate with other local government and industry to reduce our costs.


Thursday, October 16, 2014



Baxter City Council (Elect two) Tom Hice

of communication with business community. We need to strengthen our communication and increase our execution of the city’ city’s new Comprehensive Plan. Improve management of our growth and development, increase head of household employment opportunities. Specifically how would you accomplish your goals: I will stay involved, regularly attend business advisory council meetings. Hold open morning or lunch meetings for business leaders to have a place to talk about and discuss openly questions and concerns. I will always have an open door policy and make sure I am available to our citizens. My customer service skills are second to none. I have an open mind, listen to all the options and make a good, sound decision. As a current member of the Governmental Affairs committee for the GLAR and previous member of the Baxter Business Advisory Committee, I am well prepared.

Qualifications: Successful business entrepreneur and business leader in the community. Previous Baxter business advisory council committee member. Current and active member of the GLAR governTOM mental affairs committee. HICE What do you want to accomplish if elected: My priorities are first to increase the communication level between city and business. Make it easier for business to be heard and streamline the processes for growth and development. Maintain and improve the city’s infrastructure. Define Baxter’s character and identity keeping the parks, trails and open space in mind. The city of Baxter has grown in the past 15 years despite the barriers and lack

Quinn Nystrom Qualifications: For the past 12 years I’ve engaged local, state, and federal officials, working across party lines as a diabetes advocate. I’m experienced in bringing people together to create a dialogue QUINN to address complex issues and NYSTROM find solutions. I’m finishing up a master’s degree in communication management from Syracuse University. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: Representative government should reflect its constituency. Despite the fact that 51 percent of the Baxter population is female, there are no women serving on the Baxter City Council. The average age of a Baxter citizen is 38 years old. As a 28-yearold woman, I would bring a fresh perspective and

Steve Barrows

tion with stakeholders as our community grows. gro Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: First, to make sure the budget addresses needs versus wants. Secondly, the budget addresses infraSTEVE structure maintenance, BARROWS asset replacement needs, and financial needs for growth in our neighborhoods and commercial districts. Third, bring stakeholders, residents, and customers together to develop dialogue so outcomes best benefit the Baxter community. Fourth, work with administration to streamline processes where possible and to investigate and develop better communication methods with the community as a whole.

Qualifications: I am and have been a resident and homeowner in Baxter for 18 years. I am retired and have the time and commitment to give to this position. I ha have worked with large government budgets. I have worked with many different partners and customers to get things done in my 28 years of service with the Minnesota Department of Human Services. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: First, through a responsible budget, responsible growth management, and developing strong relationships and partnerships to make our community stronger and healthier. Secondly, to make sure Baxter is a destination for continued growth in our commer commercial and residential neighborhoods. Third, to look for opportunities for better communica-

Rock Yliniemi

much needed diversity to the Baxter City Council. Our city is in the midst of putting together a comprehensive plan for the future and we need a broad perspective representing all the citizens. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: How can we expect our residents to be involved if they’re not informed? Surveys indicate more people are turning to non-traditional sources for their news. Baxter needs to stay up-to-date with the current online trends including a comprehensive website presence and an extensive social media platform, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Our communication strategy should not be one sided, we must develop forums where our constituents can express their views and communicate with their city officials. I’m a social media specialist for an area health care facility and could lend my experience and expertise to update Baxter’ Baxter’s communication plan.

Qualifications: Baxter resident since 1988. Local business owner. Chairman of Baxter Utilities Commission. Serve on the Long Range Planning Committee. Serve on the Crow Wing County Planning and Zoning/Board of Adjustment. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I would like to promote Baxter as a destination for shopping, food and recreation. With the mix of different businesses and a variety of places to eat and also with what the surrounding lakes has to offer, we are no longer a place to just pass through on the way to the cabin. I would like to attract manufacturing jobs to Baxter to provide good paying jobs. I would promote Inter-government Inter -government cooperation between Brainerd, Crow Wing County, as well as

Crow Wing Township and Cass County. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I believe that with well maintained parks and roads, great schools ROCK and an attractive busiYLINIEMI ness corridor this will bring other businesses to locate to the city of Baxter. We may have to seek out the manufacturing jobs, and with the expansion of our Industrial Park in Baxter, we now need to encourage business growth to the area. The government cooperation comes with just going out and meeting our neighbors, and seesee ing what their needs and challenges are.

Brainerd School Board (Elect three) Qualifications: I value public education; I have three children ages 7, 5 and 3 years old. Professionally I have 15 years experience directing academic support programs, serving and advocating for college and high school students. CHARLES BLACK LANCE I have served on many local, regional and statewide boards and organizations, including the Initiative Foundation. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I want to join the team that assists a good school district reach exceptional status. I intend to help Brainerd position itself as a school district that excels at preparing students academically and for business and career fields. I plan to support continued academic rigor for our youth through strong reading, math and science curriculum and standards. I want to

Chris Robinson Qualifications: Incumbent member of the Brainerd School Board, also past service as mayor of East Gull Lake, zoning commission member and utility commission member. Currently employed as an economic development CHRIS professional following a ROBINSON 20-year career as an attor attorney. Husband and father of two students in the Brainerd schools. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: Continuation of the outstanding academic and extracurricular programming currently in

Qualifications: Successful business owner with proven track record in building relationships with employTOM ees, clients HAGLIN and vendors. Sound financial management knowledge with ability to access return on investments and sound judgment for capital expenditures. Past and present member of several governing boards for nonprofit organizations. Five year school board member. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: Enhance our Long Range Planning process to sustain future goals, including comprehensive facility requirements and continued open communication with our community. Would like to see a more robust use of technologies in all areas including classrooms, operations and services that are provided for continuous improvement. Change the process of employee wage/benefits negotiations from the current stressful process to one that is fully trans-

place, while maintaining fiscal responsibility. Refinement of the “priority based” budgeting process and the creation and implementation of a long range facility plan that will allow for thoughtful, community driven, infrastructure planning for the future of the Brainerd Public Schools. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I will continue, as I have during my entire tenure on the school board, to advocate in all cases for making the right decisions, rather than the easy decisions. I will maintain strong relationships and have open dialogue with school district administration, staff and members of the public to ensure that I can help make well-informed and principled decisions for the future of ISD 181 and our students.

Ruth Nelson Qualifications: I am the current school board chairperson and chairperson of the Curriculum Committee with nine years’ experience on the board. During my tenure the board has hired two superintendents. I have a degree in business management from the University of Minnesota and experience in public relations, marketing and management. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I would continue to focus on strong cur curriculum, well-managed finances, appropriate class sizes, and communication with our stakeholders. In the past few years the board has lowered class sizes and has achieved an average of 25 students or less per grade in our elementary schools; we also added several teaching positions at Forestview. Last spring the board selected a new superintendent and we also began the year with a new director of teaching and learning and Community Educa-

Bill Cruz Qualifications: Father of five children, have worked in the public school system for many years as a Para Educator/Educational Assistant. Student of education at Bemidji State Univer University where I’m completing requirements to become a licensed teacher after receiving my AAS, with honors, in Early Childhood Development and Guidance from CLC. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I would like to take the politics out of our educational system. For too long this bureaucracy has operated unchecked and unaccountable while continuing to ask and get more taxpa taxpayer funds. Unlike the popular but wrong perception of Conservatives, I do care about education and the children we are obligated to educate, and have spent most of my adult life doing so. We are passing on a great debt onto our kids and they need to be able

Bob Loreno

parent with a team approach that allows for greater cooperation for Qualifications: My family and I have lived in Baxter all involved. since 1989. My three children have attended Brainerd/ Develop system that allows Baxter schools and all have graduated from Brainerd for “real-time” data back to stuHigh School. I’ve worked in the Brainerd area since dents and teachers to provide “re1989 at the local car dealerships as a business/finance al-time” corrections and help to manager. advance all students each day. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I do Specifically, how would you not have a specific agenda or single issue in mind. My accomplish your goals?: Work goal is to simply help the school board make tough with superintendent and addecisions concerning the students, the community ministration to recognize and and the school staff for the next four years. Where embrace the value of strategic we spend our available funds is, I feel, the biggest challenge for the school board. Meeting that chalplanning with a sound system for lenge is something I would like to be involved with. establishing measurements. Specifically, how would you accomplish Form a Technology/LEAN14-5404-Newspaper Ad.qxp_Layout 1 10/7/14 2:22 PM Page 1 your team within the district that char charters and trains for continuous improvement, and develops Real Experience others for identifying oppor opportunities utilizing technology to enhance change and improveTrue Leadership ments in operation. Work with department Fighting (union) representatives during For Taxpayers budget process so they’re informed of district financial parameters; continue to work with representatives directly to MARK establish future contracts. Through use of technology, FOR find ways to allow teachers more one-on-one time with COUNTY students, utilizing the “real-time” data to shift and en- THE TAXPAYERS’ CHOICE Paid for by Mark Liedl for Recorder Committee, David Liedl, Treasurer hance learning outcomes.

tion director. With all these hanges it is time for the changes board to take a fresh look at our long range plan. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: A board member must work with the rest of the board and administraRUTH NELSON tion to set and accomplish goals. We will be reviewing and revising the district’s long range plan together and creating priorities that address the goals we identify. I hope to remain the chair of the Curriculum Committee and will work with the director of teaching and learning to maintain our consistent review and adoption of curriculum. I have always felt it is important to visit our schools and classrooms and will continue to listen to staff, students, parents, and the community at large. to compete globally. We have to stop talking about doing better and actually do better. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I would re-engage the parents and teachBILL ers into the conversation, CRUZ the school board is in fact working for those entities. I would also look at where the monies are being spent, why is it that teachers and support staff are the ones struggling to provide good education? How many administrators do we actually need? After school programs too, if we are truly concerned about inactivity and obesity, why can’t we have after school programs that don’t strain a families check book. There are a number of options out there, let’s look at them all.

goals: By working with the other five members of the school board and the superintendent to make sure the best interests of the students, community and the school staff are carefully considered and put into action. I feel I’m pera good listener, a good numbers per son and like to use “common sense” when it comes to problem solving.






Tom Haglin

build upon the school district’s efforts to encourage industry-recognized certifications, two-year, four-year and advanced degrees as valid career pathways. I desire to effectively serve all students by strengthening our commitment to recruit, retain and develop talented and effective employees. How would you accomplish your goals?: I will encourage the school board to actively hear and effectively understand our community while building a strong relationship with community members. Employee and fiscal capacity (the ability to do) building will strengthen our ability to serve students in an exceptional manner. I will advocate increased teacher and student performance through outstanding professional development opportunities for principals and teachers to consistently increase understanding of student learning, instruction and subject matter. I will champion the leveraging of existing partnerships with Central Lakes College and local business and industry to provide alternative forms of instruction, resource sharing and joint strategic planning.


Charles Black Lance

Prepared and paid for by Sue Hilgart.



Thursday, October 16, 2014


U.S. Congress—8th District Stewart Mills Party affiliation: Republican. Qualifications: I’ve spent most of my life working in our family business, most recently as vice president. I’ve worked to revolutionize our self-insured health care plan for over 6,000 employees. Obamacare and Democratic economic policies have had disastrous STEWART effects, but I’ll fight for policies that MILLS will bring jobs and growth. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: In Congress, I’ll focus on repealing and replacing Obamacare with patient-centered alternatives, strengthening Main Street businesses and protecting their employees with a flatter and fairer tax code, respecting our Constitutional freedoms, and working toward solving our financial problems. Additionally, I’ll support the timber and paper industries and mining families on the Iron Range by moving forward with projects like Polymet and Twin Metals. Another priority will be to work toward scaling back the overregulation of federal agencies like the EPA, as their harmful rules and undemocratic decisions are having real effects on our farming families. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: It’s unrealistic to think that one person out of 535 Members of Congress will be able to get anything done on their own. When I go to Washington, I’ll be dedicated to building relationships, working across the aisle, and forming small and medium sized groups that will work together to find solutions and fight for policies that will help Minnesotans.

Rick Nolan

by hiring more VA claims processors and expanding Party affiliation: access to healthcare; DFL. get the money out of Qualifications: I have our politics; and protect represented Minnesota’s our lakes, rivers, and th 8 District since 2013, streams – and tourism sitting on the House industry – from invasive Committees on Agriculspecies. ture and Transportation Specifically, how and Infrastructure. I’m RICK would you accomplish a father and grandfather NOLAN your goals?: I will confrom Crosby, married tinue to work across the to Mary Nolan for 30 years, and aisle to rebuild America’s infraa successful small-business own- structure by ending nation-builder with decades of international ing abroad. My measure to cut business experience and a life- $89 billion in unnecessary miltime of public service. itary construction projects in What do you want to accom- Afghanistan was recently passed plish if elected?: I’ll continue in a bipartisan fashion by the working to expand the middle House of Representatives; with class by raising the national min- those resources we could graduimum wage to $10.10 an hour; ate Minnesota’s college students support Minnesota mining by debt free, or reduce the deficit. enabling critical projects on the We need to cut unnecessary Iron Range to move forward – government programs, like the while making sure they adhere to redundant $170 million USDA the strictest environmental stan- catfish inspection program I am dards; promote our timber indus- working to eliminate. My “Retry and the jobs it supports; re- store Democracy Act” would build our nation’s transportation help remove the corruptive influsystem; protect Social Security ence of money from our politiand Medicare from privatization; cal system by first and foremost better serve our nation’s veterans overturning Citizens United.

Ray ‘Skip’ Sandman Party affiliation: Green Party. Qualifications: I represent people and not corporations and that’s my best qualification. What I’m doing now is what makes me qualified as well as being a veteran and someone who was a union man for 25 years. As a common man, my ability to listen to the people will RAY SANDMAN aid me. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: If elected I would like to accomplish: improved veterans benefits and VA improvements, improving our infrastructure, increasing minimum wage to $15 hr, create long term jobs in sustainable energy, stopping sulfide mining, create sustainable energy union jobs, decrease student debt, stop the ongoing practice of U.S. military police actions in for foreign lands and place the needs of our nation before those of foreign lands , improve our educational systems, protect our Second Amendment rights, close tax loopholes and hold corporations accountable for paying their fair share, end corporate subsidies that aid in making a future we don’t want. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I would hope to accomplish these goals by acting as a bridge between parties, by fighting to ensure We the People are heard instead of big business being heard, by bringing fresh ideas and thinking outside of the box, and by continuing to be a man of the people, for the people, w who understands the real needs of our citizens.

Minnesota House District 10A John Ward Party affiliation: DFL. Qualifications: Experience matters in elected office and I have eight years as the current state representative. I know and understand the legislative process and have had many legislative sucJOHN cesses. I am in a leader leaderWARD ship role at the House. I have earned the trust and respect of fellow legislators from both parties. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: My top priority will be to continue to be responsive to you, my constituents, with your problems, questions, concerns or needs. Over the last eight years as your state representative, I have had the privilege and joy of quickly kly responding when you asked me for

help. I also want to continue to fight for the issues you have told me are important to you; creating living wage jobs, equitable funding for your children’s education, providing property tax relief and working to protect our environment and natural resources are a few examples of what I hope to accomplish. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: As I have done the past eight years, I will continue to care, listen and work for all. I am very accessible in the community by being at every community function I am able to attend. I visit with and listen to as many folks as possible at these events. I regularly communicate through the media about topics/issues I feel are important to my constituents. I have positioned myself as a leader in the Minnesota House who is looked to for advice and input. My experience, seniority and reputation will continue to help me in accomplishing my my goals.

Josh Heintzeman Party affiliation: Republican. Qualifications: As a Thirty Lakes Watershed district manager, and former chair of the Crow Wing County Human Rights Commission, I’ve worked very closely with our district to accomplish goals that have benefited all of us - but the most important qualifier is that my traditional, hard-working values reflect those of our district. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: Years ago, we had a state business climate that provided Minnesotans with long-term well-paying jobs, but Minnesota has become a state that is turning away those opportunities for future generations. Over the past eight years we have seen numerous large businesses leave the state, taking thousands of Minnesotan jobs along with them. We need to return to the principles that brought industry and prosperity

to Minnesota byy encour encouraging business growth, instead of discouraging it through high taxes and burdensome regulations. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: Minnesota JOSH has been barring business instead of promoting it. HEINTZEMAN St. Paul has been receiving the wrong message from our district that we agree with business killing policies and non-traditional values. I will bring our voice back to St. Paul and represent our communities in the fight against the takeover of our state’s future. We must end the attack on our businesses and values, fix the inequality between big-city and local school spending - and bring back the policies that made Minnesota great.

Minnesota House District 10B Joe Radinovich Party affiliation: Democratic-Farmer-Labor. Qualifications: After being elected in 2012, I spent my first term in St. Paul working hard on initiatives to strengthen rural Minnesota. With eight budget deficits and two JOE RADINOVICH government shutdowns in the last decade, we needed to make tough decisions to put Minnesota back on the right track, and we did. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: During those 10 years of gimmicks and gridlock, many of Minnesota’s priorities were neglected. Property taxes doubled. College tuition doubled. Rural schools saw large cuts, too, and billions were eliminated from programs that support seniors and the disabled. Because of our willingness to fix the budget, Minnesota now has surpluses

forecasted into the future, and we’ve been recognized by national organizations like Forbes as one of the best places to do business. We must ensure that the vision of a diverse and strong economy supported by high quality infrastructure and an educated workforce extends statewide, especially here in north central Minnesota. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: It may not seem this way based on election ads, but over 93 percent of legislation that became law during the last two years had bipartisan support. That’s a start, and Washington would do well to follow Minnesota’s example. No two people will agree on every issue, but we need to continue to work together to find common solutions to our problems. No individual or political party has a monopoly on good ideas. If I win, I’ll continue to work hard, be accessible to my constituents, and make decisions in the interest of moving this state forward, not just getting re-elected.

Dale Lueck Party affiliation: Republican. Qualifications: My experience includes the following service; Aitkin County commissioner, Aitkin County Planning Commission, Mille Lacs Watershed Committee, past president Aitkin County Farm Bureau, secretary-treasurer Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association, Aitkin Housing Rehabilitation Authority, Church Council member and treasurer, 28 years U.S. Navy. Education: BS Occupation Health and Safety. Occupation: Cattle rancher. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I will represent the citizens of Aitkin and Crow Wing Counties, not the liberal social agenda of the metro crowd. I will stand up for and protect public safety here in rural Minnesota. I will provide common sense fixes and real oversight to MNsure, Minnesota’s version of Obama Care. We must improve the business climate in the district and rebuild our crumbling trans transportation system. We can protect our envi-

ronment and have businesses with good paying jobs locate here in rural Minnesota. I understand and believe in the conservative Christian based social values of our district, I will represent those values. DALE LUECK Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I will always put the welfare of the citizens of our district ahead of pleasing special interest groups. The pipeline issue is just one example. I believe we must build modern safe oil pipelines now. Our current representative is playing Russian Roulette with public safety. He is on record effectively delaying pipeline construction, forcing more and more crude oil onto the rails. I will work to put crude oil into pipelines where it belongs, not on unit trains rumbling through Brainerd, Deerwood, Aitkin, McGregor and Tamarack. You can count on me to focus our needs here in rural Minnesota.

Statewide offices on the ballot Steve Carlson — Independence. Mike McFadden — Republican. Al Franken — DemocraticFarmer-Labor. Heather Johnson — Libertarian.

Patrick Dean — Independence. Randy Gilbert — Republican. Rebecca Otto — DemocraticFarmer-Labor. Keegan Iversen — Libertarian. Judith Schwartzbacker — Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis.

■ GO GOVERNOR AND LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (Vote for one team) Hannah Nicollet and Tim Gieseke — Independence. Jeff Johnson and Bill Kuisle — Republican. Mark Dayton and Tina Smith — Democratic-Farmer-Labor. Chris Holbrook and Chris Dock — Libertarian Party. Chris Wright and David Daniels — Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis.

■ SECRETARY OF STATE Bob Helland — Independence. Dan Severson — Republican. Steve Simon — DemocraticFarmer-Labor. Bob Odden — Libertarian Party.

■ ATTORNEY GENERAL Brandan Borgos — Independence. Scott Newman — Republican. Lori Swanson — DemocraticFarmer-Labor. Andy Dawkins — Green Party. Mary O’Connor — Libertarian Party. Dan R. Vacek — Legal Marijuana Now.

■ NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT (No contested races)

John Solien — District Court 3. David F. Harrington — District Court 4. D. Korey Wahwassuck — District Court 5. Charles “Chad” Leduc — District Court 6.

Anne M. Rasmusson — District Court 11. Lois J. Lang — District Court 12. Robert D. Tiffany — District Court 14. Tamara L. Yon — District Court 15. Jeffrey S. Remick

Paid for by

— District Court 18. Jana Austad — District Court 19. David J. Ten Eyck — District Court 21. Kurt J. Marben — District Court 22.

Friends of Paul Thiede



Sometimes campaigns can make things appear upside down. Cut through the rhetoric. Visit www.crowwing.us and view our County Board actions. Five consecutive years of levy reductions is worthy work. On Nov. 4 re-elect Crow Wing County Commissioner Paul Thiede.



Thursday, October 16, 2014



Minnesota House District 9A Dan Bye Party affiliation: DFL. Qualifications: I attended Pequot Lakes High School, earned my associate’s degree from Central Lakes College, Brainerd, served one year Americorps in Duluth Schools, and studied biology at the University of DAN Wisconsin. BYE I live with my wife and two children in Cass County. My work history has mostly been in food service. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: It is vital for those of us in greater Minnesota to have a strong voice in St. Paul advocating for our interests. Advancing the social and economic conditions of rural Minnesota is vital to the success of our children and the survival of our communities. We can do this through responsible investment in rural infrastructure, equitable funding for

our school districts, accessible higher education beyond the metro area, and a health care system that provides for the needs of all Minnesotans. Encouraging small business, family based agriculture, Minnesota based energy production, and investment in rural schools will be my priorities. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: Examples include: PACE (property assessed clean ener energy) funding mechanisms can be opened up to private investors statewide for Minnesota Generated power projects as well as residential projects. If encouraged effectively this would be a boon to rural business while offering long-term savings on the costs of doing business. The state can partner with providers to deliver broadband internet capabilities to rural residents. Whenever possible healthcare “pools” should be opened up to include greater numbers of workers to reduce costs. I would support SF 118/HF 135 in seeking a waiver from the Affordable Care Act to administer healthcare for all Minnesotans.

Mark Anderson Party Affiliation: Republican. Qualifications: I am a Christian conservative, a pro-life family man, a business owner/ employer, a professional pilot and a Minnesota taxpayer with 56 years of life experiences. What do you want to do if elected: The people of central Minnesota need immediate tax relief, less bureaucracy and relief from over regulation of businesses and farming. I will focus on repealing bad policies which are causing all of the above problems. And I vow to protect our veterans and senior citizens because they are worth it.

Specifically, how would I accomplish my goals: I seek to restore the principles, limitations MARK and common ANDERSON sense of the Minnesota Constitution to the Legislature. I support putting students first, individual responsibility, per personal property rights and the Second Amendment. I believe in small limited government; this includes term limits as well as spending limits.

Minnesota House District 9B Ron Kresha Party affiliation: Republican. Qualifications: I have been married 21 years with five children and have always prioritized RON family and commuKRESHA nity values. Outside of my family, I am an educator, business owner, and community servant. I understand the risks of running businesses and the failures of not taking care of community needs. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: In the last session as a state representative, I focused on education reform and reducing the skills gap to help students be successful employees. I will continue to advocate for improved long-term care funding and will push for

improved broadband access. I will continue to support our veterans and the rights of our family farms. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: My business experience has built a foundation of getting people together who are interested in solving problems. I’m not afraid to find coalitions of people who are bold and able to reform our school funding and academics or improve the long-term care funding formula for our rural care facilities. My strength is that I find ways around obstacles to get to solutions. For example in the last session, I found common ground with my colleagues on the Women’s Economic Security Act and was able to fund the State Veteran’s Trail in our area. I will keep building on these successes.

Al Doty Party affiliation: DFL. Qualifications: Family farm background; political science degree, University of Minnesota; teacher/wrestling coach/technology coordinator Pierz High School; Horizon Health senior advocate; two-term state representative; Royalton City Council; field representative for Congressman Rick Nolan; Morrison County Adult Protection Team; Morrison County Public Transportation Advisory Board; Camp Ripley Citizen’s Advisory Committee. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: Strengthening the middle class, especially in greater Minnesota, was my priority when I served in the Legislature before, and that would continue if I’m elected again. Specifically, that means working with both parties and the metro majority to ensure that state funding formulas for rural hospitals, nursing homes, schools and infrastructure give our part of the state a level playing communi field. I authored bills for several several area communi-

ties that brought construction jobs and lasting business gains to our area. I’d continue those efforts so that we can move forward here without adding the entire cost to our local property taxes. Specifically, how would AL you accomplish your goals?: DOTY Good legislators understand their district, and vote for that district rather than their party. Good legislators also must understand the political process and be able to work with it. I’m experienced at local, state and national levels of government, and I have a political science degree. I know how government is supposed to work, and I know that it doesn’t always work well for the citizens it’s supposed to serve. I’ve always measured legislation by seeing if it really helps the people. I’ll continue to do that if elected. I urge voters to check voting records at www.house.mn.

Minnesota House District 5A John Persell Party affiliation: DFL. Qualifications: I am a husband, father and grandfather with a firm belief that opportunity in Minnesota should be available to all who are willing to put forth effort and that Minne-

sota will look out for children and elders and those who may need assistance to achieve their goals. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: To continue the good work started over the last several years toward making Minnesota a good place to live, work, raise a family and get a good education. Specifically, how would you accomplish these goals?: I will

work to keep or improve the policies started at the state over the last several years including balancing the state budget without gimmicks, providing funding to meet the needs of students and parents in both our K-12 and higher education institutions, sound environmental quality management that fits our diverse natural resource base, incentives for economic development and job creation, and looking after our children and elders.

Phillip Nelson — no reply received



Minnesota House District 5B Tom Anzelc Party affiliation: DFL. Qualifications: Elected four times to Legislature. Service as teacher, coach, labor of official, county commissioner, father of three, grandfather of four. What do you want to accomplish if electTOM

ed?: The past two year’s work at the state Capitol has resulted in a growing state economy, a balanced state budget, historic increases in public education funding and tax cuts for the middle class. Progress has been made, but more must be done. Transportation infrastructure for northern Minnesota, higher education access and affordability and the state-county child protection system are some of my top goals. Narrowing the funding gap between metro and northern Minnesota is an ongoing effort as well.

Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: Lawmaking at the state Capitol requires research, the willingness to listen to the people here at home, the art of advocacy vocacy and per persuasion and a passion for representative democracy. Rural and northern Minnesota deserve a representative with these skills. I will work to the best of my ability to negotiate fairly with members of both parties to find solutions for northern Minnesota.

Justin Eichorn — no reply received


Candidate Listings Aitkin County

Mayor: Guy Green, James Wallin. Ward 2: Dirk C. Vanderwerker, Kelly J. Bevans. Ward 4: Gabe Johnson, Dale Parks. At-large: Dolly Matten, Sue Hilgart.

Commissioner District 1: Robert “Bob” A. Hartwarth, J. Mark Wedel. Commissioner District 3: Paul Bailey, Roberta Elvecrog, Donald Niemi. Commissioner District 5: Anne Marcotte, Galen N. Tveit (Tweet).

Baxter City Council (Elect two): Steve Barrows, Tom Hice, Rock Yliniemi, Quinn Nystrom.

Brainerd School Board (Elect three) : Ruth Nelson,; Bill Cruz, Chris Robinson, Charles Black Lance, Tom Haglin, incumbent; Bob Loreno.

U.S. House of Representatives Rick Nolan, Stewart Mills III, Ray Skip Sandman. Minnesota House District 10A: John Ward, Josh Heintzeman.

Legislature House District 10B: Joe Radinovich, Dale Lueck. House 9A: Rep. Mark Anderson, Dan Bye. House 9B: Rep. Ron Kresha, Al Doty. House 5A: John Persell, Phillip Nelson. House 5B: Tom Anzelc, Justin Eichorn.

Crow Wing County Commissioner District 2: Kurt Martin, Paul Thiede. Commissioner District 3: Jeff Czeczok, Rachel Reabe Nystrom. Commissioner District 4: Rosemary Franzen, Beth Pfingsten. Auditor-treasurer: Deborah A. (Goble) Erickson, Paul Koering. Recorder: Doug Hansen, Mark Liedl.

Cass County Commissioner District 4: Scott D. Bruns, Garr Pemberton. Sheriff: Tom Burch, Wayne Tennis.

Morrison County Commissioner District 4: Jim Andres, Ronald N. Rinkel, Mike Wilson. Auditor-treasurer: Tammy Giuliani, Debora L. Lowe. Ashley Storck. Sheriff: Shawn Larsen, Dan Rocheleau.

Todd County Commissioner District 2: Kevin A. Boyer and Gary Kneisel. County sheriff: Don Asmus and Lonnie K. Marcyes.

Wadena County Commissioner District 1: Sheldon Monson and Ron Noon. Commissioner District 3: Andrew Schock and Bill Stearns. Commissioner District 5: David Hillukka and David Schermerhorn.

Aitkin (city) Aitkin City Council (Elect two): Julie Miller, Amanda MacDonald, Keith Nentl, Tom Fiedler.

Backus Mayor: Kurt Sawyer. Special election council: Karl Flier.

Backus council (Elect two): Ann M. Birge, Rae Borst.

Breezy Point Mayor: Tom Lillehei. Council (elect two): Michael Maroni, Gary Bakken.

Cass Lake Mayor: Wayne Laduke. Special election council: Lenny Fineday. Council (elect two): Kevin Gallagher.

Crosby Mayor: James J. Hunter, Joanna Lattery, Arnold Lahd. Council (elect two): Liz Hofmann, Christopher Ryan, Paul Heglund, Tom Jacobson, Sandy Blood, Jim Goshey, Vern Pankratz, Patrick Radtke, Craig Paul, Dale Sova.

Crosslake Mayor: Darrel Schneider, Steve Roe, Darrin Mitchell. Council (elect two): David H. Schrupp, Jeff Bisson, Bradley B. Nelson, Peter Abler, Douglas C. Steele, Patty Norgaard, Darrell Shannon.

Deerwood No contested races.

East Gull Lake No contested races.

Emily Mayor: Roger “Buddy” Lund. Council (elect two): Jan Heinig Mosman, Bill Spiess, Laura A.C. Leckband.


CASS COUNTY SHERIFF FROM 2011 - PRESENT As your Sheriff I am proud of the many accomplishments our office has made and the level of service that we continue to provide to the Citizens and Visitors of Cass County. 3 2 Investigators Assigned to Drug Investigations 3 Cops in Schools Initiative 3 Cross-Trained Staff for Increased Efficiency 3 Supervisors - Additional officers on Patrol Throughout the County 3 Completion of the ARMER Radio System 3 Built a Community Based Community Policing Agency 3 Increased Community Interaction and Involvement through monthly 3 Outreach Days, Sheriff Corner Articles Website and Social Media Initiatives 3 Partnerships with Community Organizations County Wide 3 Decreased Average Call Response Time County Wide Under 10 Minutes Utilizing GPS/AVL Dispatching 3 Migration to a County-Wide Records Management System 3 Predatory Offender Tracking and Monitoring 3 Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention and Enforcement Initiatives 3 Developed a Teen CERT (Teen Community Emergency Response Team)


www.burchforsheriff.com Paid for by the committee to elect Tom Burch for Cass County Sheriff, Kay Lego Treasurer - PO Box 185, Remer, MN 56672


Brainerd City Council



Thursday, October 16, 2014


Crow Wing County Commissioner (District 2) Paul Thiede Qualifications: Several years of unique legislative leadership experience, having owned a business, and having represented several association memberships, all contribute to PAUL what I have brought to the THIEDE county board table. I believe effective leadership comes from encouraging and drawing the best out of others as we have done in the county. Accomplish: Balancing our economic needs with retaining our unique and desirable world-class environment is essential. The national awards we have received show leadership in helping our taxpayers do the right things in the right ways for the right reasons. Lowering our tax levy helps businesses be able to employ more people and retain those jobs we already have.

Increasing our road improvement index is important, as is maintaining the attitude that our employees are here to serve you. The current county board has charted the course of better results with innovation, adaptability and efficiency. That trend must continue into the future. Specificity: My desire is to continue the trend in county government that encourages a pay-as-you-go attitude, performance based pay to reward effective leadership from top to bottom, and an honest budgetary review to minimize unnecessary fund balances which leaves more dollars in the taxpayers’ pockets. Paying down our debt to be debt-free in 2020 leaves ample opportunity to evaluate prior priorities for the necessities and consider which aluate the quality of ser serniceties to fund. Evaluate vice and attitude of our employees now as compared to eight years ago … our progress is phenomenal as we help each other do the best with all our efforts.

Kurt Martin Qualifications: I’ve operated a high technology business for nearly 30 years in the county. Both my upbringing within the county and my business operations have provided expertise in business management and finances that are not only unique, but also provide the experience to effectively apply them to county government. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: My primary goal would be economic development and more specifically, jobs. While other regions of the state have or are recovering from the recession, we still continue to hemorrhage jobs and rank at or near the highest in unemployment. I would seek to remove those barriers and limitations that differentiate Crow Wing County from those regions whose economies have not only recovered, but are thriving. Specifically, how would you accomplish

your goals?: My primary goal would be to reverse the plus-80 percent increase in property tax levy imposed by past and present county commissioners. I would also seek to repeal the imper imperKURT vious surface limitations MARTIN enacted by a majority of the present county commissioners. These limitations dramatically impacted the viability of lakeshore redevelopment and, in turn, construction and real estate marketing jobs. The so called “science” utilized to support these limitations was not only poorly conducted, it was not relevant to county population and water body densities. Moreover, sound scientific studies have established this ordinance revision was a leap backwards in water protection.

Crow Wing County Commissioner (District 3) Jeff Czeczok Qualifications: Active within local government for many years. Since 1996, Brainerd’s Transportation Committee. Since 2012, Airport Commission. Since 2013, Bikeable Walkable JEFF Committee. Research issues CZECZOK thoroughly and seek citizen input. Excellent understanding of Open Meeting Law and Data Practices regulations. Regularly reviewing applicable state statutes in order to ensure the public’ public’s trust. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: My involvement in local government has always been to hold government accountable by instilling and maintaining the public’s trust in our elected officials. Citizens often times find themselves too busy or nervous about challenging units of government or their elected officials when they feel they’re not being heard or rules aren’t being adhered to. Have corrected Crow Wing County when

they’ve overcharged citizens for documents by 400 percent. Have notified Crow Wing County of laws mandating provision of documents for the public’s review during meetings. Corrected Crow Wing County when they’ve incorrectly interpreted data practice laws and when they’ve not followed statute to record specific meetings. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I will strive to hold government accountable by thoroughly reviewing all provided information and conducting further research when necessary. If mistakes are made, I will admit them when they occur and I’ll not be condescending toward individuals that identify said mistakes. It will be my obligation to make certain the public’s perception of CWC is maintained at a very high level. Whenever appropriate, I’ll try to bring forth potential policy when it applies to encouraging greater accountability and better public perception. Accountability is paramount to an effective government, when pertaining to what people can rely on and believe in.

Rachel Reabe Nystrom Qualifications: My eight years on the Crow Wing County Board have been eye-opening. County government can be a wonderful system to provide services at a reasonable cost for its citizens. I chair a statewide think tank for innovative government. Constituents, colleagues and staff tell me I am an effective problem solver. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: Our county board and staff are accomplishing great things. We’ve cut the county levy each of the last five years by combining our departments and reducing our work force. Despite these economies, customers tell us that service has never been better. Online permitting allows residents to accomplish county business from home. Last year Crow Wing County was recognized nationally for our clean water regulations, ensuring our lakes and rivers will remain clean and healthy for generations to come. Who wouldn’t want to live in Crow Crow Wing County? Our county goals

are simple. Serve well. Deliver value. Drive rere sults. how Specifically, would you accomplish your goals? As a county commissioner, I am a policy maker and RACHEL will continue to direct our administrative team REABE NYSTROM and department heads to streamline government. We have had great success in reorganizing departments and will continue that work. I will explore additional shared services with surrounding counties with the goal of better and cheaper government. We’re moving to performance based pay for our employees. The days of workers collecting a paycheck just for showing up to work are over. High performers are rewarded and lackluster employees can expect lower wages and possible termination. Our customers expect us to spend their taxes carefully. carefully

Crow Wing County Commissioner (District 4) Qualifications: Current county commissioner, representing Brainerd, Baxter, Unorganized and Lake Edward. Reduced levy five straight ROSEMARY FRANZEN years. National awards for improved services, water planning and restructuring. Helped bring in $2 million in federal funds for our roads. Restored more property rights to citizens with our zoning ordinance revisions and improved environmental protection. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: We have reduced taxes five straight years by restructuring and eliminating duplication of ser services. Eighty-nine percent of customers surveyed tell us they are happy with our services. This is

a huge improvement over where Crow Wing County was a few years ago. You deserve to be served in a friendly and timely manner. While we have accomplished much, more must be done. It has been a new day for Crow Wing County more efficiency, improved customer service and lower costs. I’m not done yet and I would be honored to have your vote to finish the job. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: We’re never done improving customer service and eliminating duplication. My goal is to hold the line and, better yet, reduce property taxes, as I have done for five straight years. If re-elected, I’ll continue to listen to my constituents and be a voice for the people of District No. 4. I’ll never forget that we’re spending your hard-earned money and that it needs to be stretched absolutely as far as it can go. I will not rest because that job is never done. I would be honored to continue to serve as your county commissioner. I ask for your vote.


Pequot Lakes

Fifty Lakes

Mayor: Dave Sjoblad, David Kennedy. Council (elect two): Jerry Akerson, Gregg Karr, Randy Loukota.

Mayor: Tim Anick, Richard Schiller. Council: (elect two): Gordy Reller, Steve Biwer, Ken Hersey, Steve O’Bryan, Jodie Schrupp, Fred Stroheimer.

Garrison Mayor: Bruce A. Pierson, Pat Carlson. Council (elect two): Kristi A. Risness, William “Bill” E. Stimac, Bruce Breun, Greg G. Auchter. City clerk/treasurer: Cathy Thompson.

Hackensack No contested races.

Ironton Mayor: Dean French. Council (elect two): Debra L. Bergsnev, Eric J. Heglund, Gloria Perpich, Steven Cady. Special election council: Clark Hamdorf.

Vanrisseghem, Robin Hensel. Council at-large: Kim Schmidt, Don Klinker, Urban Otremba. Council Ward 1: Lee Ann Doucette, Leif Hanson. Council Ward 2: Wayne Liljegren, Theresa Skorseth. Council Ward 3: Jeremy Hanfler.

Manhattan Beach No contested races. Mayor: Harold Kraus, John Ryan. Council (elect two): Don Jacobson, Joseph Meyer, Ross Krautkremer. Council special election: Fred Heidmann, Foster “Woody” Haecker, Gregg Sellner.

4 Year Terms: Lee Aimers • R ichie Bean Liz Dahl (write-in candidate) 001149423r1

(Elect three) Barbara Neprud, Tom Nixon, Joe Dwyer, Michael Domin.

Paid for by Michael Griep 2304 16th Ave SW Pine River, MN 56474

the board’s mission. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I would bring fresh eyes and vision to the Crow Wing County Board with my extenBETH sive knowledge of our PFINGSTEN county government, having worked for and with many of the departments. I view this opportunity as one of service, not a job. The citizens of District 4 deserve a strong voice on the board. My skill set of listening, problem solving, communicating and strong leadership will be evident in my role as a policy maker as I advocate for them. Our citizens work hard for their money and I would be fiscally prudent while ensuring excellent service.

Riverton No contested races

Pequot Lakes School Board No contested races.

Pillager School Board No contested races.

Pine River Backus School Board (Elect four) Lee Aimers, Richie Bean, Katy Lee Botz, Leslie Bouchonville, Garny Gaffey, Jason Marcum, Jerry Peterson, Sandy Poferl, Dawn Rubner. Special election Pine RiverBackus School Board: Michael A. Griep, David Sheley.


Vote November 4th

Beth Pfingsten Crow Wing County Commissioner

Mayor: Lynn M. Hollaran, Tamara Hansen.

2 Year Term: Michael Griep

No contested races.

Crosby-Ironton School Board

Pine River

We Appreciate Your Support!

Lake Shore

Council (elect two): Tony DeSanto, Patty Melby, Mark Edwards, Debra Ostlund. Council special election: Gary Siltman, Tammy Hamilton.

Mayor: Paul Odenthal, Sue Vanhal. Council: No contested races.


Mayor: Jon Lubke. Council (elect two): Donna Stricker, William Ellis, Tim Hidde, Charles Hoffman. Special election council: Christopher Teich.

Mayor: Greg Zilka, Cathy

Mayor: Toby Egan, Dennis Kahlhammer. Council (elect two): Mark Dzieweczynski, Stephanie L. Fyten, Mike Menden, Rick Sczublewski.

Qualifications: I have a bachelor’s of science degree from St. Cloud State University and spent 34 years doing crisis social work for Crow Wing County. I’m a graduate of the Blandin Leadership Program, am a proven leader and have volunteered my service to various boards and commissions the past 35 years. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: I would continue to work on ways to decrease costs while providing excellent service. We need to ensure that our citizens have good roads, a strong public safety system and have appropriate safety nets in place, along with preserving our beautiful natural resources. Setting policies and giving direction to departments to carry out these actions, along with providing them necessary assets to be successful, should be




Little Falls


Beth Pfingsten

 Excellent Listener Experienced Problem

“As your commissioner, I will listen to your concerns and provide outstanding service to Crow Wing County”

Solver and Communicator

Proven Leader Fresh Vision

bethapfingsten@gmail.com “Paid for by Beth Pfingsten on her own behalf ”

Beth and Tom with their children and grandchildren


Rosemary Franzen


Thursday, October 16, 2014



Crow Wing County Auditor-treasurer Deborah (Goble) Erickson



Qualifications: I have a BA degree in management and over 20 years experience with Crow Wing County including five years as the elected auditor. I hold certifications in Property Tax Calculation and Elections Administration and possess the knowledge of the organization and the department and the skills to offer experienced leadership. What do you want to accomplish if

elected?: While we have made several advances in modernizing our procedures and services, there are still significant areas where we could increase inter-departmental cooperation and improve processes. I would like to continue to find ways to provide additional services on the customer’s time frame and improve communication with the public to allow for interactive contact and ease of access to public information. Technology continues to play a big role in how we conduct our business, but we need to make sure the systems we employ are cost-effective and provide maximum benefit to the organization and the public. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: I

believe there are opportunities to look at structure changes within the organization to reduce the amount of touch-points certain processes have to go through to be completed. I’ve spearheadedefforts to offer online opportunities for business licensing, and I think there are additional areas where we can enhance this option. Continued cooperation between departments and technology solutions that consider the over overall needs of the organization will also help contain costs and offer better customer services. My knowledge of the services offered and the different systems we employ will make me the best person to lead this effort.

Paul Koering — no reply received

Crow Wing County Recorder Doug Hansen Qualifications: As deputy recorder/registrar of titles for the Crow Wing County Recorder’s office, I am accountable for supervision of assigned program(s) including service delivery, per perDOUG formance management HANSEN and staff supervision. I have worked for the county for over 13 years. I also work with county departments to streamline work processes. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: As county recorder I will continue our mission to preserve and provide accurate records of real property documents in which any member of the public can readily access. The county recorder’s office is one of the few departments within the county that generate more revenue

than it expends. I will continue to look at ways to provide the most efficient, cost effective service to our customers, while maintaining our outstanding customer service. As county recorder, my goal is to provide a single location for customers to transfer and record all real estate documents. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: As county recorder, I will ensure the successful project completion to scan all of the recorded historical documents. Upon completion, all real estate documents will be accessible to the public from our website. I will continue to utilize my continuous improvement process and technology background to gain work process efficiencies. I will continue to collaborate with the county auditor-treasurer’s office to establish a single location where customers can have their real estate documents transferred and recorded. I support your constitutional right to vote, as county recorder I believe this should not be an appointed position.

Mark Liedl Qualifications: Twenty-five years manman agement experience in private and public sectors. Small business owner, Culver’s Restaurant in Baxter. Former assistant county attorney, representing the Recorder’s Office. Since 2007, Crow Wing County Land Services director. Community Service Experience: Pequot Lakes School Board, St. Joseph’s/Essentia Foundation Board, Interfaith Caregivers Board, youth sports coach. What do you want to accomplish if elected?: My focus is to improve service to our customers while eliminating unnecessary spending of tax dollars. Currently, the county recorder and the land services director both are department head positions, each with a department-head salaries. I would integrate the duties of these two positions – as 14 other counties have already done – and save $500,000 in salary and benefits costs over the next four years. I think in doing so, we will also improve our services significantly, eliminating separate departmental “silos,”

which will foster better communication and coor coordination among staff, and more consistent, excellent service to taxpayers. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals?: My record as Land Services director MARK demonstrates how we can LIEDL improve services, reduce costs. We successfully integrated five departments into one, reduced spending by $4 million, and earned more than a dozen awards for innovation and service excellence from numerous organizations. We can achieve excellent service at lower cost, if we have the experience and leadership to achieve it. My department budget for 2015 reduces tax levy spending by another 6 percent. The Recorder’s Office budget increases levy spending by 5.6 percent. This illustrates two completely different philosophies, accomplishments and visions for the future in this county recorder election.

Brainerd, Baxter voters to be asked special ballot questions


More than 85 percent of the estimated sales tax generated in Baxter is paid by non-Baxter households. For Baxter Mayor Darrel Olson, the need to pass the local options sales tax is evident in the stormwater, water and sewer and road projects facing the city as it looks at needs for infrastructure that will add up to a lot of money.. The extension of the half-percent sales tax is through 2037 or when $40 million is generated for the approved projects and costs. With the extension, $32 million is earmarked to cover Baxter’s costs with the sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water projects and transportation safety improvements. For the sales tax extension, the Minnesota Legislature required a regional project. The Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport was approved as that regional component. The local option sales tax, $8 million of it, would be used to provide municipal sewer and water service for the airport’s operations and fire protection. Baxter is proposing to fund $32 million of water including payments on the

water treatment plant existing debt service - sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and sewer traffic safety improvements with proceeds from the extension of the local option sales tax. The city of Baxter estimates, the existing one-half percent LOST cost the average Baxter family an additional $84 per year or 23 cents per day. On the other hand, the city estimates if the water and sewer treatment plants and water tower were funded with a property tax levy instead, the proper property tax increase would have been $161 per year for the last seven years on a home valued at $175,000. In addition, without the sales tax, the city reports the water and sewer bills for residential users of 6,000 gallons of water per month would have increased $292 per year during the past seven years. Because the city is issuing bonds that will be backed by the city’s taxing authority, the ballot question language about the property tax increase is required by state law. The city noted the required language does note the property tax increase is

VOTE for

only if sales tax revenues are not sufficient to pay the bonds. To date, the city noted, a property tax levy has not been necessary to pay the bonds and isn’t expected if the sales tax extension is approved. The ballot question is: Shall the city of Baxter be authorized to extend an existing sales and use tax of one-half of one percent (0.5 percent) and a motor excise tax of up to $20 per motor vehicle and issue its general obligation bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40 million plus the cost of issuing the bonds, to finance the acquisition and betterment of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water projects, and transportation safety improvements and improvements to the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport? Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 4 at Lord of Life Church, Baxter City Hall, Assembly of God Youth Building and Forestview Middle School. JESSIE PERRINE may be reached at jessie.perrine@brainerddispatch. com or 855-5859. Follow me on Twitter at www. twitter.com/brainerdnews.


November 4th

Experience Matters

WARD Listened & Worked Hard to: • Solve Jaycee Fishing Extravaganza Transportation Issue • Increase Funding for Teen Challenge Program • Resolve Jenkins Snowplowing Issue • Guarantee Lyme Disease Treatment Options • Provide a Way to Fund Local Airport Improvements • Increase Resources for AIS Prevention • Advocate for ALL of YOU!

Help Move Minnesota forWARD! www.voteforward.net - 218-828-3626 Prepared and Paid for by the Committee to Elect John Ward. P.O. Box 582, Brainerd, MN 56401



In addition to electing representatives to city ond ballot question to a car with a transmission going council or mayoral seats, voters in Brainerd and out. “You have to fix it,” he Baxter have questions to decide. said. “It will cost more Two questions will go money in the long run if before Brainerd voters on you don’t.” the ballot. By JESSIE PERRINE In the end, if voters turn “I think people will be & RENEE RICHARDSON down issuing the bonds for hesitant if they think their Staff Writers the improvements, Parks taxes will go up, but if they guesses the city will still get realize the implications if the projects done. they don’t pass it, they’ll bonds. Needed were 294 The only question is vote for it,” said Mayor signatures. when and at what cost, he James Wallin. That’s why the council is said. The first ballot question going to the voters. “Right now budget is will ask voters if they supWhy are the projects tight so can’t put something port extending the existing needed? in for this year,” he said. “I local option sales tax (LOST) ● HVAC at city build- think eventually they will by 0.5 percent to fund an ings: The failing system is get done, but I don’t know upgraded waste treatment unpredictable, staff say. what things we’d have to facility between the city When it does fail, repair repair- sacrifice in order to do and Baxter, as well as water men are called in, which them.” infrastructure and trail im- increases the cost in short That might mean reprovements with any funds term repairs, Parks said. duced services to residents, not used for the facility facility. Previous councils never set he said. Voting yes would mean aside funds for the project, Both cities currently extending the tax for anoth- he added. have a one-half percent er 18 years or until an addi● Repair of City Hall local options sales tax. tional $15 million is raised steps: There’s a safety con- Brainerd’s began April 1, (above the amount origi- cern over the crumbling 2007, while Baxter’s went nally authorized amount to steps outside of the build- into effect on Oct. 1, 2006. pay for $22.03 million in ing, Parks said. The LOST is set to expire wastewater treatment facil● Salt and sand stor stor- March 31, 2019, (Sept. 30, ity bonds). age building: Exposing 2018 for Baxter) or as early Baxter voters will also the salt supply to the rain as 2016 in Baxter’s case as be asked this question. may cause the salt to seep it is expected to collect its Should voters turn it into the soil, Parks said, as limit long before the time down, residents will see well as diminish the costly runs out. When the local much higher water and supply. Some staff are con- option sales tax was first sewer bills, said Brainerd cerned the Minnesota Pol- implemented, the goal was City Council President lution Control Agency may to fund and upgrade the Dale Parks. step in if salt is getting into shared wastewater treat“We still have sever sever- the soil. ment plant, expected to al million in bonds left to ● Emergency prepared- cost $30 million and other pay,” he said. “The only ness upgrades: If there was water infrastructure. way to do that is through a long-term power outage For Baxter, the local opraising water and sewer in the city, the Police and tion sales tax funded a por porbills (if the ballot question Fire departments may not tion of the water treatment is turned down).” have access to communi- plant, wastewater treatThe second ballot ques- cations or computers, as ment plant and new water tion will ask Brainerd vot- there is not backup for their tower. Without it, the city ers if they support issuing systems, Parks said. reported, those costs would up to $1.13 million in Wallin compared the have led to increased city general obligation bonds 14-5038-Ad.qxp_Layout improvements in 1the sec- 1:42 9/30/14 PMorPage 1 fees property taxes. to finance the following capital improvements: heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) VOTE upgrade at city hall and the police and fire stations, a salt and sand storage building for the CROW WING COUNTY Public Works Facility, AUDITOR-TREASURER emergency preparedness upgrades at the Public Safety Facility, Choose Experienced Leadership and the repair and renofor Crow Wing County vation of the entry stairs at City Hall. The projects were THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT originally halted in De- AND REMEMBER TO VOTE cember 2013 after a ERICKSON NOVEMBER 4TH! petition with 311 valid www.ericksonaudtres.weebly.com signatures stopped the Prepared and paid for by Deborah (Goble) Erickson on her own behalf council from issuing the

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