2015 Graduation

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Graduation B r a i n e r d d i s patc h

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


“ W h at


behind us and W h at l i e s b e f o r e u s a r e t i n y m at t e r s co m pa r e d to W h at l i e s W i t h i n u s .” Ralph Waldo EmERson

BHS ClaSS of ConnoRR GunsbuRy

Class Rank: 1. Parents: Brent and Jenny Gunsbury of Nisswa. Activities: Nordic Skiing, Knowledge Bowl, cross country country, Key Club, Interact Club, Rube Goldberg Engineer Engineering Club and Student Council. Hobbies: Reading, running barefoot, climbing. Part time work: ChocoP late Ox in Nisswa. Future Plans: Major in mechanical engineering and business administration, possibly go to graduate school and start his own business. Most Memorable High School moment: Making dry ice bombs in Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus with leftover materials from AP Chemistry.

GabRiEllE haiRE


Class Rank: 3. Parents: Kelly Hazelwood of Baxter and John and Anna Haire of Sartell. Activities: Nordic Skiing, Key Club, cross country, track and field, Class Cabinet, Student Council, Chamber Orchestra, Rube Goldberg Engineering Club and ENABL. Hobbies: Baking, adventuring and spending time with friends and family. Part time work: None. Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota Twin Cities to major in biomedical engineering with a plan to pursue a career in medical research. Most Memorable High School moment: “Qualifying for the state ski meet.”


JoRdan klEist

Class Rank: 4. Parents: Gary and Sandi Kleist of Brainerd. Activities: Debate, tennis, band, choir, Knowledge Bowl and Key Club. Hobbies: Tennis, reading and video games. Part time work: Server at The Legacy Grille. Future Plans: Studying physics at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities with the eventual goal of being a college professor. Most Memorable High School moment: “Helping plan this year’s senior prank.”

david supinski

Class Rank: 2. Parents: Jeff and Anita Supinski of Baxter. Activities: Cross country, swimming, track and field. Hobbies: Spending time outside, games and activities and reading. Part time work: None. P Future Plans: Attend Concordia College Moorhead, major in chemistry then attend medical school. Most Memorable High School moment: “All of the memories created by my teams throughout the past 6 years.”

lukE lundstRom

Class Rank: 5. Parents: Paul and Sandy Lundstrom of Nisswa. Activities: Class delegate for Student Council, treasurer for Earth Club, Co-Founder of Rube Goldberg Engineering Club, secretary for Class Cabinet, ENABL teacher, Key Club member and soccer. Hobbies: Playing soccer with friends, Netflix, reading, adventuring, wake surfing and hanging out at the lake. Part time work: Server at Bar Harbor and billing speP cialist at Dermatology Professionals. Future Plans: Attend the University of Chicago and major in political science and/or biology. Most Memorable High School moment: “Exploring the country of Peru with my Spanish class.”

• Number graduating: 435 • Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. June 5 at Don Adamson Field • Class Flower: Calla Lily • Class Colors: Brilliant blue & sleek silver • Class Motto: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pillager High School






h av e c o m e a lo n g Way , b u t n ot h a l f a s fa r a s W e W i l l g o .’

Top 10 students Number Graduating: 54. Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 22.

Dawn Swartz

Daughter of Richard and Cara Swartz, will attend North Dakota State University (NDSU) to study microbiology/medical parasitologist.

ryDer Hun unSSta taD D

Class colors: Maroon and gold.

Luke unger

Class Flower: Tiger lily. Class Motto: “We have come a long way, but not half as far as we will go.”

tracy arne rneSSon

tIana-r rae eng

Son of William Unger and Lorinda Unger, NDSU to study microbiology.

zac acH Hary For orSSberg

Son of Shannon and Amy Hunstad, University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) to study mechanical engineering.

Daughter of Ronnie and Kristy Arneson, UND to study physical therapy.

Daughter of Ray and Tanya Eng, UMD to study industrial engineering.

Son of Eric and Lori Forsberg, a four-year college.

Ina ronnebaum

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kate Foe oeH Hrenbac renbacH Her

kat atH Her erIIne JoHnSon

Daughter of Chad and Tena Ronnebaum, M-State Wadena.

Daughter of Wade and Tammy Alexander, Business Management School.

Daughter of Joseph and Marian Foehrenbacher, a college.

Daughter of Paul and Kimberly Johnson, get an associates of arts degree and a job.

o t s n o i t a l u t a s r e g t n Co Gradua the 2015! of


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2015 Graduates!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015


seek ye first the

kingdom of




righteousness; and all these things shall Be a d d e d u n t o y o u .’ Number Graduating: 5 Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 29. Class Motto: From Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Valedictorian: erika HouSe

Salutatorian: Marlee Moore

Parents: Ben and Nicole House. Activities: She has been involved in handbells, choir and yearbook for four years and volleyball for three years. Future plans: Attending the Bob Jones University in South Carolina and major in Biblical counseling with a Bible minor.

Parents: Dan and Wendy Moore. Activities: Handbells, choir, volleyball, school plays, speech competition and basketball. Future plans: Attending Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida to major in elementary education and play basketball.

Lake Region Christian School Wadena-Deer Creek High School w e wa i t u n t i l w e ’ r e

‘ v e n i , v i d i , v i c i .’

r e a dy , w e ’ l l B e wa i t i n g

Number Graduating: 71. Commencement Ceremony:

f o r t h e r e s t o f o u r l i v e s .’

7:30 p.m. May 22. Class Colors: Black, white and red.

Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 22 in the middle school/high school gymnasium. Class Flower: Rose (multi-colored.) Class Motto: “If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives,”

Class Flower: White rose. Class Motto: “Veni, Vidi, Vici,” which means, “We came, we saw, we conquered.”

by Lemony Snicket.


s n o i t a l u t a r g n o C to the Class of 2015!




Congratulations 2015 Graduates!

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We wish each and every one of you an A M A ZIN G future!


Congratulations Class of 2015 Go out there and do amazing things!


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To The Class of 2015 —God Bless You—

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Congratulations Class of 2015!

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Number Graduating: 60.



Staples-Motley High School

Tuesday, May 12, 2015



quesTion isn’T who will leT us, b u T w h o i s g o n n a s T o p u s .’

Valedictorian: Megan Felthous

Parents: Dave and Cindy Felthous. Activities: Varsity basketball captain, varsity volleyball captain, varsity softball, National Honor Society president, Student Council vice president, band, Teens Leading the Way and teacher assistant. Future Plans: Attending Minnesota State University-Moorhead this fall to major in English education and hoping to minor in coaching.

Number Graduating: 68. Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 29 in the Pine River-Backus Perfor Perfor-

salutatorian: Jessica hanneken

Parents: Chris and Tina Hanneken. Activities: National Honor Society, MNHSRA Queen 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, Teens Leading the Way, basketball manager, Sunday School teacher, personal assistant at Bloom Designs and server at Sherwood Forest. Future Plans: Attending the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth this fall to major in Exercise Physiology, Physical Therapy program. She hopes to have her Doctor of Physical Therapy in seven years. She was accepted into the school’s Honors program. Her plan is to eventually have her own practice. Because of this, she will minor in business.

mance Gymnasium. Class Colors: Teal and White. Class Flower: Tea Rose. Class Song: “Letter to Me” by Brad Paisley. Class Motto: “The question isn’t who will let us, but who is gonna stop us.”

s n o i lat

5 1 0 s! u

at r g n




Pine River-Backus High School


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Alex Eigen Brainerd High School

Congratulations to the Class of 2015 A special thanks to Alex Eigen,

Cullen Helgeson Brainerd High School

Cullen Helgeson, Shayla Metz, Lindsey Wagner, and Ashley Walzke for their generous volunteer work. At Essentia Health, we’re dedicated to our students

Shayla Metz Brainerd High School

through good health and scholarship. Since 1980, St. Joseph’s Auxiliary has awarded $500 scholarships to deserving students.

Ashley Walzke Brainerd High School


Not pictured: Lindsey Wagner Brainerd High School




Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Pierz High School ‘Our

l i v e s a r e b e f O r e u s , O u r pa st

is behind us, but Our memOries a r e f O r e v e r w i t h u s .’

Salutatorian: Ethan lochnEr

Parents: Steve and Kris Lochner. Activities: National Honor Society, Business Professional of America, Future Farmers of America, Student Council, Student Athlete Leadership Team, Where Everyone Belongs, football, basketball, baseball and trap league. Future Plans: Attend North Dakota State University to major in mechanical engineering and hope to get a job near Pierz/central Minnesota.

Number Graduating: 95

ValEdictorian: auStin lEikVoll

Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 29 in the Memorial Athletic Center.

Parents: Dale and Sandy Leikvoll. Activities: Business Professional America, Knowledge Bowl. Works at Hartmann’s. Future Plans: Attend University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to major in biology or something related and hopefully one day attend grad school.

Class Colors: Midnight black, candy apple red and metallic silver. Class Flower: Red tipped white rose. Class Motto: “Our lives are before us, our past is behind us, but our memories are forever with us.”

Congratulations Graduates!



All Seasons Cleaning and Services, LLC 001249768r1

All graduate photos and content provided by respective Congrats!! Best of Luck! schools.

Congratulations 2015 Graduates!

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Congratulations Class

Congratulations to All Area 2015 Graduates!!!


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Congratulations to the Class of 2015 & Best of Luck 001245981r1

of 2015

Way to Go!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Aitkin High School




Pequot Lakes High School ‘ H o w F a r w e ’ v e C o m e .’

Valedictorian: elise courtemanche

Parents: Rich and Gina Courtemanche. Future Plans:: “This fall I am planning to go to Bethel University to study mathematics. I am excited to branch out and explore new areas of study such as the sciences and computer technology.�

co-Valedictorian: Jacqueline t. t brine-doyle

Parents: Kathryn Brine and Eric Doyle. Activities: Cross-country, track, mock trial, Knowledge Bowl, National Honor Society and band. Future Plans: Study biology at St. Catherine University.

co-Valedictorian: colleen k. tschida

Parents: Tracy and Joseph Tschida. Activities: Cross country, mock trial, tutoring, link crew, National Honor Society, band. Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University this fall for occupational therapy and minor in Spanish. Someday she would like to study abroad or go on a mission trip.

Number Graduating: 123. Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 29 in the high school athletic center. Class Colors: Red, silver and blue. Class Flower: Red rose. Class song: “Felling’ It,� by Scott McCreery. Class Motto: “How Far We’ve Come.� Matchbox Twenty.

salutatorian: Jeremy Paulbeck

Parents: Chris and Lisa Paulbeck. Future Plans: “My plan for next year is to attend Hamline Univer University in St. Paul to major in physics. I have always had an affinity for math and science.� Number Graduating: 83

Congrats 2015 Graduates!!

Commencement Ceremony: 8 p.m. May 29. Class Colors: Red, black and silver. Class Flower: Lily. Class Motto: None.


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Kentucky Fried Chicken

Congratulations 2015 Graduates!

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Hwy. 371 North Baxter, MN


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Congratulations to the

Class of 2015!

Congratulations to all 2015 Graduates!



Congratulations Graduates!

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Congratulations to our scholarship winners and all area graduates! BEST WISHES CLASS OF 2015! “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream� - Eleanor Roosevelt

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Best wishes to all of this year’s graduates, from your friends at Bremer Bank. Your hard work and dedication have been an inspiration to everyone in the community.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015


many, trust few,

a Lway s pa d d L e yo u r own canoe’

Top 10 students Number Graduating: 199. Commencement Ceremony: 2 p.m. May 24 in the high school gymnasium. Class Colors: Purple and white. Class song: “On my Way,” by Phil Collins. Class Motto: “Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe,”

The daughter of Daniel and Michelle Claseman.

author unknown.

Jos osH Hua Kapsner

The son of Kevin and Nancy Kapsner.

Cassandra King

raCHel laForCe

ian norwood

raCHel reis

lindsey sCHneider

abigail segler

elizabetH tHeis

raCHel Veillette

The daughter of Jeffrey and Joanne King.

The daughter of John and Renae Schneider.

CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2015! 14466 Dellwood Dr., Baxter, MN

(Next to Kentucky Fried Chicken)



Congratulations Class of 2015! 2013!

The daughter of Joseph and Denise LaForce.

The daughter of Brian and Lisa Segler.

The son of James and Shelene Nor Norwood.

The daughter of John and Kelly Theis.

The daughter of Kirby and Amy Veillette.

Congrats to the Class of 2015!

Great Northern O P T I C I A N S

2020 S. 6th St., Brainerd 829-1335

The daughter of Joseph and Jessica Reis.

14521 Edgewood Drive, Baxter, MN 218.822.4480 35197 County Road 3, Crosslake, MN 218.692.4472 30886 2nd Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 218.568.4473




Hailey Claseman

Congrats Graduates!

Little Falls Community High School


Congratulations to our future leaders!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015




g u e s s w e a r e w h o w e a r e f o r a lot o f r e a s o n s , a n d m ay b e w e ’ l l n e v e r k n o w m o s t o f t h e m , b u t e v e n I f w e d o n ’ t h av e t h e p ow e r to c h o o s e w h e r e w e co m e f r o m , w e c a n st I l l c h o o s e w h e r e w e g o f r o m t h e r e .’

Co-ValediCtorian: abby Verna Gindorff

Co-ValediCtorian: bonnie GraCe HolmViG

Parents: Mike and Wendy Gindorff. Activities: Choir, Chamber Singers, Student Council, tennis, basketball, Knowledge Bowl, S.A.L.T. and Miss Crosby Ironton 2014-15. Future Plans:: Attend North Dakota State University majoring in English and public relations.

Parents: Brad and Jane Holmvig. Activities: Tennis, choir, Knowledge Bowl, Student Council, Service and Leadership Team (S.A.L.T.) and Positive Behavior Behavioral Interventions and Support. Future Plans: Attend college and major in Spanish and Pre-med, attend med school and become a pediatrician or neonatologist.

Co-ValediCtorian: mitCHell douGlas stanGel

salutatorian: molly rose mCCusker

Parents: Brad and Chris McCusker. Activities: Cross Country, soccer, track, softball, choir, band, theater, S.A.L.T., Knowledge theater Bowl, Yearbook and a volunteer in church and community activities. Future plans: Attend the College of St. Scholastica and major in their pre-medical program

Parents: Kevin and Jeanne Stangel. Activities: Hockey, football, baseball, Student Council, band and Math Contest. Future plans: Attend the United States Naval Academy majoring in Aerospace Engineering while learning to be a fighter pilot.

Number Graduating: 74. Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 22 in the high school gymnasium. Class Colors: Maroon, white and black. Class Flower: Black bearded iris. Class song: “Don’t You (Forget about Me),” Simple Minds. Class Motto: “I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons, and maybe we’ll never know most of them, but even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there.” — “Perks of Being a Wallflower.”

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a r e l I k e t h e sta r s ;

we wIll shIne even a f t e r w e a r e g o n e .’ Number Graduating: 41. Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. May 22 in the high school. Class Color: Silver. Class Flower: Blue iris. Class song: “Heroes” by Alesso.

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Crosby-Ironton High School


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TULATIO A R G N NS Class of 2015 O C

Class Motto: “We are like the stars; we will shine even after we are gone.”


■ Brainerd Campus Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. Thursday, May 14, in the Brainerd High School gymnasium. Featured speakers: Michael Talbert, 2015 dual graduate from Pierz High School and CLC with his Associates of Arts (AA) degree; Mandy Fontenot, 2015 dual graduate from Pine River High School and CLC with her AA Degree. ■ Staples Campus Commencement Ceremony: 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, in the Staples Motley High School gymnasium. Featured speakers: Justin Jackson, 2014 CLC Graduate of the Heavy Equipment Operations and Maintenance Program; and Melissa Street, 2011 CLC Graduate of the Robotics Program. New this year: Patriot cords. CLC will be honoring current and former military graduates with red, white and blue cords to wear during the graduation ceremony.


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