Holiday Greetings
2016 Echo Publishing
Schaefer’s Foods coloring contest overall winner: Aurora Addison, age 9, of Merrifield.
Coloring contest ages 5-7 winner: Samantha Buxton, age 7, of East Gull Lake.
Coloring contest ages 8-10 winner: Calia Chaney, age 10, of Nisswa.
Coloring contest adult winner: Lacy Herron, of Merrifield.
Coloring contest preschool winner: Ellie Berg, age 4, of Brainerd.
Letters to Santa from area second-graders
Holiday greetings
from area businesses
S2 | Echo Journal
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Holiday Greetings The Echo Journal continues its longtime tradition this time of year of publishing letters to Santa written by second-graders at Eagle View Elementary School, Pine River-Backus Elementary School, Nisswa Elementary School and Crosslake Community School. The letters are published as the students wrote them. Enjoy their letters and happy holidays!
Dear Santa, This year I have been a little naughty because I got into a fight with My brother and sister. What I want for Christmas is a Iphone 5s and a orbees Eliminate Sooing spa and a tablet because I want a Iphone 5s so I could play on it and a tablet because I get bord on the The bus and a orbees Eliminate sooing Spa. That’s why. This is a Question is My Elf watching Me and My sister? Love, Donaja Brown Dear Santa, I have been a little naughty this year. I would like a Super Mario Color Splash videogame for the WiiU. Because I would be very happy and it would distract me and I would share it with my family. Do you have a dog? How many elves do you have? Do you drink hot cocca? Sincerely, Grant Schlagel Dear Santa, This year, I have been very good because I tell the truth. I would like a xBox1 ss for christmas because some times me and my sister get into fights. How does Santa get all around the world? Love, Joshua Robeck Dear Santa, This year I have been pretty good because me and my little sister fight some times. For christmas I want a big lego set and a eliminate soothing spa and a robot kitten because me and my mom like doing legos and I think orbees eliminate soothing spa and the kitten robot would be fun. How do your randeer fly? And what do you do in summer? Love, Ella Knettel
Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good be cause I help my mom do londrie and me and my brother get into fihts. What I would like most for Christmas is: xBox oneS because so I can fit it in smolr plasis. Santa, does Rudolph have a red nose? Your friend, Nolan Hall Dear Santa, This year I have been pretty good because I can start a fight and I sometimes can be good. I want converse shoes, please, white if you can’ cus I think my mom mite get me a black pare. Because my other pare is to small. I would like to know What do you use to fly the sleigh? Can you fly? What do you do in the summer? Love, Sidney Larsen Dear Santa, This year, I have been a little naughty because Jack and I fight alot. What I would like most for Christmas is, a Nintendo, a ripstick, and a Mega nerf gun because I can play the Nintendo on the way to the citys and I want a ripstick so i can do it down stairs and I want a mega nerf gun so I can shoot Jack so he will back off. Santa can you fly? Santa how do you get around the world in just one night? Santa how does your sleigh fly? Love, Michael Haar Dear santa, I have been pretty good because I helpt my family. What I would like most for christmas is rocket boots because so I could clean my gutters for my Mom. What do you when summer is here? Love, Gunner Peters Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good because sometimes I fight with my brother’s and sometimes I don’t. What I would like most for Christmas is gymnastics bars and obee’s eliminate soothing spa because I like to do tricks and I think the soothing spa would be fun for me to do. How does the sleigh fly? How does your reindeer fly? How do you get around the world in one night? How do you fit all the toy’s in one bag? Your friend, Mya Carr
Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good. Why? I play with my friends and share my toys sometimes. I am a little naughty. Why? Well, I am mene to my Brother. I want a pet dog with a leash and a collar and choo toys and a bed because dogs are cute Dear Santa, and I Love them and my brother This year, I have been pretty likes them to! Questions I want to ask Santa: How does your reindeer fly? good because I anoy my broth-
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Dear Santa, This year I have been pretty good because I help clean. When my sister got hurt I didn’t help her. I would like a Xbox1s because it is fun to play and I’ve never had one before. How do you make it around the world before dawn? Love, Your Friend, Nicholas Beier Dear Santa, I have been pretty good. I help my sister sometimes but I get into fights. I would like for christmas a 3.d.s. My
Mom said if I get a 3.d.s. I can play all the way to school and back. What are your elvs names? How do you get to at the houses in one night? How does your sleigh fly? How does your reindeer fly? How do you fite all the Presents in one bage? How do you go down the chimney without getting stuck? Love, Ian Wiste
Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good. I have been helpful for my family. I would really really want from you is a trampoline so me and my sister could play on it and I could play on it evrey day. What is your efl’s name’s? And what is your raindeer’s name’s? Is your name Nick? Love, Lileah Harrington
In our small corner of the world, we’re blessed with the opportunity to know and serve so many wonderful people.
Peace on the earth– goodwill to men May the joyous spirit of Christmas reside in your heart throughout the holiday season and beyond
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Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good because I annoy my mom. and when I go to sleep I’m good. I want a tv so I could watch tv when my mom and dad go to sleep. So, I can watch my favorite tv shows. Santa, how do you get around the world in one night? Love, Your Friend, Lucas Haff
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, This year I have been pretty This year, I have been pretty good. I do not listin to my Mom and good. I triy to do my beste at school. Dad! I would like a laptop and a bed I want an ipod so I don,t get bord on set because my Mom and do not let the bus. Haw do you make toys? Love, Sam Afagwu me know the password. My old bed set is qoite old. How do you carry all the toys in just one bag? How do you ashlee get down the Chimny. Is there a Speed limit? Merry Christmas, Sadie Ostrowski
Season’s Greetings and glad tidings to you all! Cynthia Rieck, P.T. • Carrie Taylor, P.T. Kelly Wulf • Brenda Pitan
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We’d like to wish you a happy and healthy Holiday Season.
417 Barclay Ave. Downtown Pine River
er sometimes. What I would like for Christmas is Orbee’s Eliminate Soothing spa because after gymnastics my feet hert because I do it for a hour and a haff. How do you get around in only one night? How do you get up and down the chimny? Love, Olivia Fjeseth
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Drawing by Dane Mudgett, a student in Deanne Trottier’s fourth-grade class at Eagle View Elementary School.
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Dear Santa, This year, I have been very good because I follow the family rools! I want a Rouge one Lego star wars set and a dog please. Because I love star wars and dogs. What does pipsqek do over summer santa? What kind of elv is pipsquek? Love, Blake Larson
Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good. Sometimes I fight with my sister. Sometimes I help my mom. I want a xbox one. My dad will play it with me. I want to now how your riendeer fly. I want to now what your elfs names are. Love, Rock Holubar
Dear Santa, I have been pretty good. If my sisters get in a fight I can tell are mom. What I would like most for christmas is a done so I can spie on my sisters. I really want it because if I get bord. What would you get for Cammy? Love, Levi Welch
and how do you get down the chimnys? And how do you get all the kids there presents? and how do you fly? Love, Madilynn Dupre
Suzy Hurin’s class
Eagle View Elementary School
Pequot Lakes Physical Therapy Services 568-5666 •
Thursday, December 22, 2016 | Echo Journal
Eagle View Elementary School Dear Santa, I hope you are reading this becods if you ornt you mite aswel scip my hows. Eny way this is wut I want for Cerimis. Can I plys have a wipst K, gatr, nunchuks and ras cars that cams with remots and a tarak. P.S. don’t be sory if I was noty. Love, Liam Dear Santa, How are your elfs doing? If one is sick give me your address to the north pole. Are your raindeer helthy if one is not Call me for help. Bring me a pupy that’s alive. Bring pece and joy faith and cheer to Minasota have happy thuoghts one and for all. Love Brynn see you on cristmas. Deer Santa, I want a Blow up Hocey Ringk and a Buser and tow Hocey net. And a Phone and Drite Bike geer. I have a Hemit. Haw are the Rane Deer doing and Elfs. Love Colton
Dear Santa, I hope evrything is ok. I hope you put me on the good list and can I have a more kenchrole Jrone and I wan’t a motercicle bike with a guy. Love Scott Dear Santa, I don’t want 15 things cause I known their are other kids that want toys. So now that is done lets get on what I want a Bulldog. Santa please say hi to mrs. Clause, and the Elves and the Reeindeer. Sincerly, Chloe Dear Santa, I hope evrybody has been good this year. I want a briaedremhoues. How are your elvs and raindeer doing! You awas know what I want. I hope I have been vary good this year. My elf has been crazy this year. Love, Madison. Dear Santa I hope I git a Chraplein for Crismis. I hope you are Comein to minasohta. I hope I am on the gud list. I hope oll of your ranber are fein this yeer. I wandr wat I will git for Cerismes this yeer. I hope I get Somthing god this yeer. Frome Levi
Dear Santa I hope you have a grate crismis and a grate trip urand Dear Santa Clause the would. Oh and sa hi to misis clos Can I ples have a pupy. for me and the rander and the elvs. Can I ples have a exbox 60. Oh and you must sa hi to roodof for Can I ples have a phone me. I hope you all have a grate crisCan I plese have a remot cintrol mis. And I don’t car if I am on the bad Semi. list or the good list I just car if you From Emmitt like me for hoo I am. To Santa Clause Love Mairin Happy cismis Santa
Rachel Sullivan’s class Dear Santa, My name is Bailey, I am 8 years old. I think I have been good this year. I helped my mom a little bit with painting my room. Say hi to mrs Claws and the reindeer for me please. Thank you for the girts from last year. I still play with some. This year I would really like a American girl doll tipe writer. Because I want it for my America girl doll kit. I would really like a computer. Because I would really love to play on it. And could I please have a 3DS game, Shopkins, and legos. I would want 3DS game because I’m getting a little bored of my other ones. I want shopkins because they are fun to play with. And legos because I don’t have many more sets to build. And when is your birthday. With love, Bailey Westerman
year. I wold like a American gile doll for crismes and dall and me out fit and I will pote out melk and cookes out for you. With love, Neveah Tagen Dear Santa, My name is Andrew, and I am 7 years old. I love the presents you left my family last year. please say I love everyone at the north pole. I have been very good this year. I made all the bedes in my room. And I wish for a ipod or labtop. With love, From: Andrew Dear Santa, My name is Kellen. I am 7 years old. I have been a good boy this year. I help put ornemits on the tree. I wish I could have a phone because I’v been wanting one for twe moths. With love, Kellen Gaylord
Dear Santa From you i would like a teepee hoare you and your Elfs doing and raindeer. I want to know what is you fave cookies. I will give your raindeer some carrits. Merry Cristmas Santa Love, Addy Dear Santa i hope you have a good Crismis evv. Ive been rely good this year if i am on the good list coud you get me lego sets pleas or lego games. Hay santa what is you farit type of cokie. Love Cash
Drawing by Paige Strong, a student in Deanne Trottier’s fourth-grade class at Eagle View Elementary School.
Dear Santa All I wont for Crismis is my Famle to be helthea From Cecelia Cullen Dear Santa I hope that you have a safv driv here and bake. So you wont havt to mis nese yerre. Love Kambria Dear Santa How is rudalf and dasher. how aboat you Im good I want a miny robot dog and Pokemon sun. Form Elliott Stone Dear Santa Clause, May I have three Stuf animle Cat
Dear Santa, My name is Keira. I am 7 years old I have ben nice this year thank you for the present that I got last year this year I would like a game because it is for my sisters. With love, Keira Strong Dear Santa, My name is Zoe. I am 7 years old. I have been good this year. I helped my dad Shufle the road. Thank you for the presents that you gave me last year. I want a Journal and a American girl doll and a stuff animal pug and hatchables too. With love, Zoe Grecula
Dear Santa, My name is Josiah. I am 7 and hafe years old. I have been a good Boy this year because I let my brother play kneehockey ainst me and I won. the score was 20 to 18. Thank you for giving me toe kneeDear Santa, hock stickxs and you got me me a Dear Santa, My name is Jaxon. I am 7 years righty stick and a lefty stick. this My name is Micah am 8 years old I am tring to be good this year me old. I will turn 8 on Dec. 31. I have year, I would like a phone and I would and my Bruthers are fiting a lot this been very good this year. I have like mini gumball mashine and a tv. With love, Josiah Reier year thank you for the toy I Gow helped my big brother hall wood, from last year it was so fun. this and I have done the dishes every Dear Santa, year I want a trakxsis Love Micah day. Thank you for the presents My name is Huck. Im 7 years old you are the bist and on the tabol and last year. Thanks for the toy plane make shr you say that you say hi t and the batteries we needed them. I have been good this year I help this year I would like some more lego my sister clean the guinea pig cag. the elfs from Micah. Star Wars sets. I would also like some Thank you for the mighty ducks. This more batteries. Pleas get some nine year I want a mini four wheeler and Dear Santa, a snomobile and a old (Can’t read) My name is tade I am 8 years old. voults and double As. Jaxon Woodman Love I think you are nice. Thank you for Huck Balmer the preserts. I would like a dirt bike Dear Santa, and a Dog and a PS4 and Game with My name is Rachel. I am 8 years Dear Santa, it and a new Xbox. I like you a lot. old. I’ve been a good girl this year. My name is Kyle. I’m 8 years old. With love, I helped clean out my familys car. I have been a good boy. I do chores. Tade leemashy Thanks for all the presents! This Thank you for the xbox one. I still year I would like a pair of roller play with it. This year I would like Dear Santa, a new Basketball so I could shoot My name is Tyler. I am 7 years old. blades. With love, hoops. I have been a nice boy this year. I Rachel Rankin With Love have lisint to my Teacher. Thank you Kyle Kotaska for the preserts I got last year. Thisy Dear Santa, I would like a Xbox becous I whnt that My Name is LENELL Jackson! I am Dear Santa, the most. 7 year’s old! I have been a good boy Go Wild! With love, This year! My name is Vinny I am 8 years Tyler Tollefson I halp Taketh dishis out. I remind old I have been a good boy this year pepol. Thak you for the toys last I helpt my bthr this year by playing Dear Santa, with him thand for givin me pesis this My nam is Nevaeh Love Tagen. year. With love, year now I wonta dron and a rmotI have 2 Siblings I have 1 sister 1 Lenell Jackson cantro xwing brother. thank you for the gifs last
and and baby alive doll. I have been good this yare. I will be good on Crismis day and on Crismis eve. Sincerly, Hope Carbert thak you Santa. Dear Santa I am sedei one cricmis presi it is a macutol cre lic my ucis. Frum Brak Dear Santa, how are all ov your nine raindeer doing. I hop non of your raindeer get sick of chrismas. have a nice trip. From: Emmy to: santa
With Love Vinny Przybyis Dear Santa, My name is Grant. I am 8 years old. I am a good boy this year. I live in peqot laks minasota. Thank you for the prenents last yar. And the cadey cans and candey. I would like a tablit mega nefgun sooting glasis mega bulits a dog and a cat. I will mack cookeys and milk and carits for the deer. With Love, Grant Vershey
Dear Santa I hope you have a grate cristmas. Can a have Shopkins and doll cloths. And littel live pets. How is red doing? And the others. Love Kyrah Dear Santa I hope I am on the good list. and what is your favrit Koocey. and can I hav a forweln and Santa how many elvs do you hav. a good crismis. From grady. Dear Santa am I on the good list Santa. if I am no on the good list Dear Santa, Dear Santa, my name is Odin. I am 7 years old I have been good this year. Thank you for giveing other kids toys and me. This year I would like a Lego Airplane and a Jet! With love, Odin Lottman
bek I wuz a good Kid! From Dawson Dear Santa I wot a dak of cords. I will be fary good for this prasint I wot a nif. Santa I wot NFL Maton 17. from Easton. Dear Santa Claus I wud like a mursh melo gun I it is gun be fun I wunt a big Ligo sit and peace for my mom. From Ben
This year I would like a game thats cold sorry. With Love, Ejatu Vargo
Dear Santa, My name is Chloe. I am 7 years old I have been a nice little girl. I help my mom when she neds help. I do Dear Santa, wut she tels me to bo. Thancs for the My name is Noah. i am 7 years presents last year this year I woud old. I have been a good boy this year want a now for weir. I will all ways listen to my mom and dad toys last lev melc and coceys. year this year i want a wild hockey With Love, stick and a lova lantern I leav cookChloe Swenson ies for you Dear Santa, With Love, Dear Santa, My name is Addison Rau. I am 7 in Noah Stewart My name is Grace Iam 7 yere old. a haf. I have been rily good I help my I tuck my dogs Bone Becoos it ckote mom do chors. Thank you for taking Dear Santa, her. And I sillqlay wisf my doel dukcare of are elf Holy well she wasn’t My name is Ejatu! I am 7 years deb. This year I woot a sqrklr giSrd feling good. I would like for this year old. I have been a nice gril this and I wout 2 hopKin Kace. love Gracie more amarakin girl doll clos. year I have help my mom a lot she With love, is haveing a nouthr Baby so I have Addison Ray been dowing chors. Thank you for the presnts that I. got last year.
Wishing Everyone A Very Merry Christmas Walker | Akeley | Longville Remer | Hackensack | Backus Pequot Lakes | Crosslake | Baxter
Ann Schommer’s class
Merry Christmas .
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S4 | Echo Journal
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Eagle View Elementary School Dear Santa, I’ve been pretty good at least I think so. I want an iphone for christmas this year with an I-pad for my sister. I want to have Minecraft on it and with a plug for both of the electronicts. Oh and how do you fit through the chimney? And are you magic? Sincerely, Deney H. Dear Santa, this year I have been pretty good I think. For christmas I want a new bakpak because my old one is tering apart. I can’t wait for sera to come. Some times she hides in funny plases. Love Andra To Santa, I have been very good this year. I want Legos for chrismis. Because I Like to make stuff with legos. And I also want a hover board this year. And I want pocemon. from Isaac K. Merry Christmas, This year I have been pretty good! So would you please bring me ever thing that I ask. Please bring me a horse, a barn some coalts and
Beth Nelson’s class
Dear Santa, I have been very good I use my manrs I do my chores. For christmas I want Grossry gang 20 pack and hotwheels sky shock. Because they are asame. I want to ask you where do you get your christmas magic? From, Eli Buff P.S. don’t mind my sisters stink and my dogs snoring Dear Santa, This year, I have been prett good. What I would like for Christmas is COZMO because it will teach me to take care of it. I’m wondering if the reindeer like cranbares? What is your favorite reindeer? Merry Christmas! From, Maija Gronholz Dear Santa, This year I have been pretty good. wat I would like most for christmas is a rmot cuntrole plane. houw do your rander fliye. houw do you deliver 1000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000, prezents in one night every chrismis eev merry christmas From, Oliver Olson Dear Santa This year I have been pretty good. What i would like most for christmas is i wont a slcon baby. how can you ety so meney cookes. wut
foals also ever thing that you need to keep a horse, coalt or foal. Love, Kailee S. Dear Santa, I’ve been pretty good this year. Because I’ve been listening to my dad. I would like a pop out pokymon poky balls for chrichmas. Because my elf on the shelf, Rows, has been woching me. Merry day, Jakob S.
Hi Sata, this year I have been pritty good. Sometimes I am mean to my sistter. For crismis I want a elf on the shelf and a drone and sum Legos lots of Legos? What tup of cakes do you like? how do you get in my hosuse without a chimea? Smiles, Avery M.
dear Santa, I have been very good I want a Vallckano IxPlorr set. Then I want a Lego Melefelcin. Then Star Whars Legos then I want a air hog thondr chrack a Lego Daeth Star a Lego tifitr a Lego ckiolrs SPashiP ad him a chindol a Lego tran. From Wyatt V.
Dear Santa, Im prett good this year. I Want a 1,000 stam sage pokémon packs in one of them. I Want a kaakdo. And Mega Malamar Ex/ For thanckgiving brack it was fun Hunting and fishing. Have a good day, Henry L.
What I would like the most is a better year of hockey and a more flexable stick. Sincerely, Waylon K. To Santa, I was pretty good. I want a snombell. Can i please have a 120 power. I want it to be like my frieds one. Smiles, Bodien
Dear Santa, I was pretty good. this year but Santa, I need to ask a question. How Dear santa, Dear Santa, do you get around the wrold in one I have been good This year. I LisI want a ton of Pokémon for Crisnight? I want 7 Pack Emoj because it tened in class and be nice to every tmas. How are you doing? Merry is cool. I allso want the ice Beney Bee. one Please. Can I have a kittin and Cristmas Santa! How long is your Love, Kaydence B. any thing you wood like? Thank you I beard? How big is your belly? Is your am sorry IF I am Bothring you. belly actually full of jelly? How do to Santa, to santa, Love Calie S. you read all of your good kids in your This year I have been very good. I have Ben going to Bed when I am good book in one day? I sit on the boll at school and this is told to. I want a dron because I’ve Dear Santa, Love, Levi what I want for christmas a citin and sen them on tv. I have been rilly good this year a puppies. Merry Christmas Santa. love, Caden when ever my mom tells me to do Dear Santa, oh I almost forgot santa I wanted a thomthing I do it. besides I rilly want I been pretty good this year. baby bune rabit. to santa, a Puppy with a bow on it. and a fite Because I did not touch the elf on the Wyatt B. How is Roodlof dooing this year? I bite also. how old are you I have a shellf never ever in my life. I want a hope Roodlof is not sik. Haw do your Elf in the Shelf hes rilly nice tell him puppy for christmas. Because they Dear Santa, randbear fly! I am very intrestead in that. Will give you mile and cookies can play when I go to scool. And its I want a snowmobele, teeny tys, a sckatboard. at christmas? because my cat and dog fit. How do a drown, a thunder track, and every from Triston W. Smiles, Khloe J. you get in when theres no chimny? tipe of pokemon, a cromebook, a Can you wack me up so i can riad in for weler, a poke ball that malamar Dear Santa, Dear Santa, your sleigh to night please? mega Ex would come out of, and a X I would like a x box and a x box I’ve been pretty good at least I Smiles, Shaylee S. box moshen sincer, my own manchen, game. Because I dont have one think so. What I realy realy want for and a Jet Skey. yet. And a lot of pokemon. And a christmas is a new iPhone because from Nikolas W. extreme-break and a lot of megas. my mom and dad won’t get me one. roder is wor faf ret rader Frome, Maddie Lee Dear Santa, I was very good this year. I played with friends nicce. What I would like most for Christmas is a Santa doll because I like Santa so I would like one that sais ho ho ho merry christmas wen you pres his stumic. which raindeer leed’s the ferunt. Which day is your Birthday Santa. Merry Christmas love, Rachel Lemaster Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good. I helpt My Dad Pik uP. What I would like most for Christmas is a PuPPy Becas it wood tych Me how to tak kar of suthing. Merry Christmas From, Hunter White Dear Santa, I was very good this year. I helped my mom with the Dishes. What I want most for christmas is a Book Because I Love to Read. I reeeely Like Amelia Bedelia Book’s. What day is your Birthday on? WHat is your faiverit coler? What is your faiverit raindeer? What rainddeer is in frunt? Merry christmas Santa! Love, Natalie Johnson Dear Santa, This year I have been pretty good
what I would like most for Christmas is Zomer kitten Big eyes suft Animal and a Big Art set. because I Like to do Art I Like stufd Animals and the kitten will tech me how to take care of Animals. which rein deer is your faavorite? Merry Christmas! Love, Tatum Erickson Der Santa, I hav ben prete good. I mad a snoman. I wod like coins for cresmas ples. Wo Do rander fli? Mare cresmas! Love, Kaden Dear Santa, This year, I Have been very good. I helped my DaD to BiLd our house. I wont a Star Wars Lagos. Becuase I Luke Lagos. What is your favrit ranedeer? Main is roodof. Marry Christmas From, Cuyler Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good becus I halped my mom. what I would like msot for christmas is laggo and a Fier brething dragan because thay er a Fun and thay make you thik. Merry christmar! From, Hailey
I would like most for Cristmas is a Amaracen Gril doll because they are fun to Play with what are your elves names? Merry Christmas! from, Sadie
Never playd Hokey and the moste thingi want is Peace and Joy. Merry christmas! from, Emmett Welle
Dear Stanta, This year I have been very good. Dear Santa I have been very good this Year. I want 2 strwos Lagoset because I would Like Lot’s of kenex’s and I dont hav ane. yiy do you yar red Some Leggo’s too. and i whant Some and wit. From, Tommy McMahon bulldozzer. Because i am ubsesed with Legos And kenet’s. Do you like Dear Santa, hot choctet? Do your raindeer have this year I have been very good. hoovs. What I would Like this year is Amerifron, Reece can girl dolls and a hatchamell and an MP3 player and an iPod I was just Dear Santa, This year I have been very good. wondering how you get down the I helped my mom what I would like chimmny? Merry Christmas! From, Kyleigh for. Christmas is a chinchila because It would help me schoole because I Der Santa would be existed to see it. Do you I Would like a toy riin vilopoto Dert relly give kids cole for christmas? Bik With number twe on it. this year from, Lila Palmer I have been pretty good. I am gona Decarat the tree. Do yor ran Der Dear St. Nicholas I have been Preety good cause like apols? From, Easton I Jumped in to the lake for fishys. I want a lego ninJa go cause they are so cool! merry Cristmas! Presented by, Zane
Deer Santa, this year iv ben pretty good. What Dear Santa, I would like this year is a sky viper This year I have Been very good and a miney Hokey set because I helPed my mom do the dishis what i Never flew a dron befor and i
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Dear Santa, This year, I have Been: very good. I toke owt my nabrs garbig. What I would like most for Christmas is: magic trak and nightmar before Christmas because nightmar before Christmas is funy and magic trak is rily rily rily rily rily rily fun! Hapy Haladay’s frum, Levi Boldur
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Our Lady of the Lakes Parish
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Dear Sant nick, This year I have been Pretty good because I Played with my baby brother. What I would like most for Christmas is a toy rowbot Dino because It will keep Me companey. Who is your Favvrit ranedere? frome, Riley James
We sincerely appreciate your continued support and wish you and your family a very special holiday filled with joy and peace
St. Christopher ~ Nisswa St. Alice ~ Pequot Lakes Our Lady of Lourdes ~ Pine River
Dear Santa, This year, I have been pretty good. because I help’t my dad lood wood. What I would like for Christmas is a truck that poals a kombine because it sawn’s cool. I’m wondering if I cood have a picksher roodolf. Merry Christmas From, Colten Schultz
Happy Holidays!
9898 County Road 77 SW, Nisswa, MN 56468 218-963-4353
Dear Santa, I have been pretty good Because when ever my mom or DAD Asked me to do something I do it. What I want most is a cat because I have a nather cat and they cood be frineds. and I have a few questions for you. how old are you? how do you get magik? and how do you fit down the chimny with your big belly? Smiles, Peyton
218-961-0095 I 24719 Hazelwood Drive | Nisswa
The beauty of the winter season reminds us of how blessed we are in so many ways, including the friendship of neighbors like you.
Dear St. Nick, I Think I was verey good. What I want for christmas. Is the lego millenem falcan. And I would like the peanuts from the 1950s. And 10 Hexbug. Sincerely Franklin P.
PEACE ON EARTH Skiing - Tubing - Lessons Snowboard - Full Rental Shop
I wanted to ask you how old are you? Oh yah and I want a case for an iphone. Love, Maddy N.
8:30 a.m. - St. Christopher • 10:30 a.m. - Our Lady of Lourdes
Happy Holidays ...from the staff at
New Year’s Eve Mass Saturday, December 31st 4:00 PM - St. Alice
New Year’s Day Mass ~ Sunday, January 1st
8:30 AM - St. Christopher • 10:30 AM - Our Lady of Lourdes Welcome To Our Catholic Churches
Parish Office Phone:
Belinda Reier’s class 30503 State Hwy 371 | Pequot Lakes, MN 218-568-5001 Open Everyday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Find us on Facebook: 36448 County Road 66 Crosslake MN, 56442
Thursday, December 22, 2016 | Echo Journal
Pine River-Backus Elementary School three brothers and one sister. I would like six books for Christmas because I love reading. You are good at dilivring presents. sincerely, Bella Stephens
because I want a friend that can be with me for evevr. I love you!!!! Sincery, Charlee Child p.s. I love chrismes!!!!! I love dog’s!!!!!!!
Dear Santa, How did you find your elfs? I love Christmas because I get presents. Dear Grandma and Grandpa, Are you doing well? Good I am to. For Christmas I WANT POKE’MON This is my favorit season. I would like PLEASE! Because I collect poke’mon cards! YOU ARE THE BEST MAN EVER! a big Lego set for christmas. FROM SHAUNN LEE REYES From, Jackson Stephens NICKNAME BUBU
Dear Santa Who is your favorite raindeer? I’m in 2nd grade. Santa I want a dron with camra because I have been wanting one for ever. I love christmas. Sincenly, Eli Shamp
Dear Sanat, Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? Im Are the elfs working hard? I love in secent grad. Can you get me a elf for x-mas? I want a elf for x-mas so the penguins. For Christmas I want it can wach me. I thick you have the super Mario maker so I can make best halady in world! Gust so you no Mario. I hope it is cold enough. Sincirly, Jethro Charpentier i like elfes! Sincerly, Cohen Hesse Dear, Santa What’s your mother’s name? SurDear Santa, prise me what I get for Xmass Are you watching us? I am in second grade. I want a build a bar because I don’t realy know what I machine for chrimas. So I can make want for Xmass. You are awesome stuffed animals. You are very nice. Santa! From: Savanna Stack Sincerely, Kate Hoefs DEAR SANTA, Dear Santa, How are you doing? I got a aunt. I How are you doing in the North want a wii u. I want a wii u because Pole? I love the Raindeer that pole your slay. I want a mp3 player I got a wii. I like you. Sincerly, Will Adams because I can listen to music. Sincerely, Autumn Mongan Dear Santa, How many Elfs do you have? I Dear Santa, Do you like the North Pole? I have bleve in you. I would like a Robot dog
Susan TeHennepe’s class
Dear Santa, I would like a little cat. I would also like a dog. I will make you cookies. I would I like shoes. Is it cold in the North pole? Are the elves doing good? Love, Arianna Nieken
play with. How is the weather there? I’m thankful for the presents I get because I love them. Love, Madeline Planting
Dear Santa, Do you know that it is Jesus’s birthday? What is the weather like at the North Pole? What I would like for Christmas is Pokémon cards and Dear Santa, I want a Truck and a car for Lego sets I would be happy with christmas. I like Them because They anything! Love, Dominic Rach are cool. I will be happy with whatP.S. Do the reindeer like carrots? ever I get! I’ve been good! Yes or no? Love, Logan Tymenski Dear Santa, I love you so much! I would like a Zoomerdog. You are the best thing ever. I was a life time supply of ice cream. Thank you. Love, Hazel Kordiak Dear Santa, I want a blue phone. I also want an American doll because it is fun to
April Rice’s class
Dear Santa, I would like a xbox please! Its because I ben waiting for years kined of. But I ben seeing on TV and I just want one. I ben waiting. I need one to play on weekends. It would be very nice of you. I know you bisy because you work hard. I like you and I traid you cookies and milk. I make the cookies my self. They are yummy! Thank you, Jonas York Dear santa, I wude like Viking tickets. I like AP. Thake you for have rudof the red nos rader. Ps Love, Brody Day
Dear Santa, I want to have a Back to the Future hat! I want it because it looks nice. You are the best because you try to get here every Christmas nite. Oh ya and how is it there? I know the weather is bad here. I love you! Stay cool! Love, Brock Norman
Dear Santa, Are you real? I like to sing. I want a tinny tinny kitten. Because it would be like my grandma Marry. I LOVE SANTA! Sinncirly, Madilyn Turner Dear Santa, Drawing by How many Elves do you have? I’m good at math. I would like a robot dog second-grade and cat with babys. It sounds fun. I love xmas. we live in the woods. I would like this Sincerely, Kenzlee Sawyer because animals keep on bothering us. You are the best. Dear Santa, sinncerly, Blake Hoplin Do you order your elf’s to build toys? I like to shoot guns. I would like Dear Santa, big walls so we can be safe because What is your faveret cookie? I Dear Santa, I am making a list for you so you can see what I want for Christmas. I would like Bobble Wobble Ball. And a Coloring Set, some pillows and sheets, a unicorn and a Pom Pom Wow. Love, Anna Crosby Dear Santa, I want an i-phone and a punching gloves, sky landers for xBox 360, legos, thats it. from: Noah Abraham to: Santa Dear Santa, I want a hatchimal and a scooter. I also want a new pair of shoes. Love, Myah Reuper Dear Santa, what doe roldulf look like? Please send me a picture. I would like a super wubble ball and a miners lego set. I will have cookies for you From: Tanner Keep
Der santa, Dear santa, Plese, it is a fun tooy. I want zooFor Christmas I want a toy horse. tepeu. It is my favorite thig to woch. I Because it is pretty. I Like your rainlike Santa. I’m thankful for my mom. deer Because they can fly. Merry Luv, Sam Stewart Christmas. Love, Irie Bonham Santa, I want a snoobele for chrismis Dear santa, because I will ride it to the snowbord for Christmas I want night visin hill! Thanks for ptting treets in my gogls. Thnk you for evrethingn. stocing. Love, Austin Olson From, Connor Mink Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For crismis I want a game that I please want a wiey. Tac you is called Lego Dimensions. I Really for the toys. How are the ran- Like the game. And I can play with dear? Tanck you fore maching kids my Dad and some of my games happey. are brokein. Santa. I really like your From, Leland Tima laghf. Love, Liam Rosdobutko ho ho ho
Happy Holidays
Wishing You A Happy Healthy Holiday!
Dear Santa, Do you like chocolate cookies? I’m in 2 grade. I would like a new project mc square Camren doll because my other one broke. I love Christmas. Sincerely, Margaret Crimmins
John & Julie
The Bakery will be Open December 24th - 6AM - 11AM and then closing until Jan. 5, 2017
Dear Santa, I want a zoomer dog and an american girl doll. I’m thankful for my Presents because we get a lot of them from Santa and from my mom and dad. we get them Presents too. They love me and I love them I love my whole family. Love Bethany Holmin Dear Santa, I want hot wheels and a garage. I want a flying base ball bat. Are you magical? Love, Obadiah Matson
Peyton Mongan, a student in Cheri Lemberg’s class at Pine River-Backus Elementary School. love suger cookies. I would like a hug Dear Santa, time woch set. I want it because I What is your cookie? My favorjust really want it! You are the best! ite cookies are sugar cookies. For Love, Ambrosia Schultz Christmas I want block makers. So I Nickname Ambie can make an igloo. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Sincerely, Gavin Tulenchik Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I would like a little guitar for Chrismas. Could you bring my sister a drum? Love, Athena Rono Dear Santa, I want some action figures for Christmas. They are cute! Love, Cody Mickelson
Dear Santa, I want an Ipad and a big giant bear for Christmas. You are nice. Your elves are awesome. The deer Dear Santa, are pretty and Mrs. Clause is beauAre you magic? I hope so because tiful! I don’t have a chimney. I would like a Love, Jazmine Thundershield Baby Go Bye-Bye or a Hatchable for Christmas. They are cool! I’m thankDear Santa, ful for you. How is Rudolph? Is he good? Can Love, Anna VanHeerden I make food for the reindeer? I P.S. Does Rudolph’s nose really want a lot of books! I want a lot of glow? books because I love reading. Is the weather really cold there. How is
Mrs. Claus? I am very thankful that you bring me stuff. You are very kind and nice. I was wondering if Mrs. Claus is keeping track of people who are being good or bad? Love, Bailey Haag Dear Santa, I really want a Dragon Plush for Christmas. You can actually ride it! Minecraft Mooshroom Plush is really cute. Maybe you can Mom and Daddy something. My dog Curly Sue really like the dog cookies you left last Christmas. Love, Layla Heyer
Deer sata, I wunt a dron that has a krama. Bekues it will men the wrd to me. I luve evee theings that cesms. Luve, Adam Habedank
Dere Santa I would like a toy spinesores for Krismas bekus I like dinosors. I like you bekus you giv cids presints. Love, Briar Crawford
Dere santa Thank you for give us presisns. Thank you. I want too have two bidu bars. I want them so bad because I want too play with Paige. Love: Tavia Holm
Dear Santo, Dere Santu, I like you becses you give me the I wunt stuff anmls with big eyes stuf that I want for chismise eve. becus I like them. My favret thing on One scy lander for chismise beces I crimis is the elf on the shef. like to play games. From, Dayzee Eckman Love, Hart Ceballos Dear Santa, Dere Santa I would like a kindall this year. If I I want a disclball so I can dans. had a kindall I could read and do fun Thak you for the kidbl the you gave things. I like your randear. me las yrd. Bff form, Taylor Larson and From, Alyssa Godfrey Famly to. Thank you Santa
Dere Sant, I wont a stor wor achen figr for crimis because they or col. You or the best. Frum, Blayden Romanoff
IT’S CHRISTMAS, EVERYWHERE! Wherever you go, we’re wishing you a world-class holiday! Thank you for choosing us for your communications needs.
Dear Santa, I want a ipod. Becos I like muic. I like chricmis becas sanda dowlivers present. Love, Kayla Rilea
Merry Christmas and Many Thanks For Your Patronage.
35910 County Road 66, Crosslake, MN 56442
218-692-2777 800-992-8220
Dear Santa, Do you now me? I am in second Grad? I like coloring so I would Like a dragin coloring book. I love x-mas because of you. From, Gage Walters
Robbi Gregory’s class
Pine River • 218-587-2290
Pine River
BAKERY 587-2545
P.O. Box 650 • 203 Park Ave Pine River, MN 56474
Dr. Jaime Preble, DDS Dr. Feliciano Salgado, DDS
Season’s Greetings
Thank you for your kindness and good will. To all we wish a very merry Christmas Season.
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218-692-2177 or 800-692-2177
S6 | Echo Journal
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Pine River-Backus Elementary School Cheri Lemberg’s class
Dear Santa, Hi santa I always wanted to talk to you. It is nice to see you! How are your elves doing Santa? I like the color red and white like your clothes that you wear. Santa say hi to the reindeer for me! Thank you. I like Roodolf the red noise reindeer what does it look like in the noth pole? I got cookies for you I can’t wat for Christmas. I got my Chrismas tree and I decorate it with ornaments I would like art set because I like art. Love, Sophia Schneider Dear Santa How do you get around the world. I will put up my Christmas tree. I would like some Pokemon cards because I lik to collect them. From Logan Havercamp
Thank you, Your friend Matthew Brown Dear Santa How many reindeer do you have? I have done some Christmus shoping I got a now Nerfgun I would like a Nintendo 3Ds with the yo-Ki watch game because I’m addicted to it. It is really fun to play. Thank you From, Bradley DeLong Dear Santa, How are your elves at the north Pole? We have are Christmas tree up at home with ornaments on the tree. Can I have Connect Sand because I play with Connect Sand a lot at home. Thank you. From, Bella Hathaway
Dear Santa, Hi, how are you doing? How cold is the North Pole My favorit thing adout getting ready for Christmas Dear Santa Bonjour Santa. How does your sled is decorating the tree with blue and fly. We put lights around our house. white ornaments and colorful lightes. Santa can I get a bunch of Pokemon What I would like for Christmas is and the reson I want Pokemon is a snowmobile because I like to ride ride in the snow and ride with my because then I can be a trainer.
sisters Ambrosia, Rynne, and, Ericka. Thank you. Your friend Bethany Schultz
truck because they are very fast water prover also cool. From, Roman Leger
the elves? My favorite thing about Christmas is decorating the Christmas tree. My tree is pink and black. Can I please have pink and black Dear Santa, rollerskates because I reallyw ant to Hola, how are you Santa? Who is Dear Santa, learn how to rollerskate. Thank you. your oldest reindeer? Hello Santa. How are you Doing? Merry Christmas. I have my stockings hanging up What does it look like in the North From, in the family room. I really want Pole? I am getting my tree ready Peyton Mongan an Ipod because you get to take for Christmas. It has red ribbons and Dear Santa, pictures on it. You also get to play blue ornaments. I would like a snowHi, how are you? Santa how do games. Please and thank you. mobile because you can go fast on Love, Lily Moore them and you glide throw the snow. you get to the north pole? When we get the tree out I am going to put Thank you santa the angel on the tree. I am going to Dear Santa, Love, Grady Ratz put on the ornaments everywhere. How are you and your elves today. Can I have a kitten for ChristIs the North Pole Big? I like putting Dear Santa, the ornaments on the tree! I would How are you doing? What is it like mas Santa Because my mom wants like a Lego set because it is really up at the North Pole? My favorite another kitten and I want another fun. Thank you things when I get ready for Christ- kitten too. Thank you Santa Love, Evelynn Peterson From, Dominic Eckman mas is putting up the Christmas tree and lights on my house, bed, in my Dear Santa, Dear Santa, bed room and inside my house. Can Hi Santa. I hope you have a good Hi. How are you doing? Why do you I please have a toy horse for Christlive in the North Pole? My favorite mas because I like to play horses. Christmas. How are your elves doing Santa? This is how I get ready for thing about Chirsmas is that we get Thank you. Christmas. I decorate the house. presents and candy. I am getting From Aubree Wirtz I want a Lego kit because Legos ready for Christmas buy putting are fun! up the stockings. I want a RC truck Dear Santa, Love, Adelheid Gregory for Christmas this year. I want a RC How are you? Why can’t we touch
Dear Santa, Hi. How do polebears survive in the cold? I’m going to put Cristmas lights around the house soon. I want a dog because my favrite dog died. Your the best. Sincerely, William Melberg Dear Santa, Hi. What dose the NorthPole look like? My favorite thing about christmas is decrating the tree. I would like a new game please. I want the game because it is my favorite game to play. Love, Bryce Mick Dear Santa, How are you? What is the color of your eyes? I hung the stockings up. I would like Pokemon cards for Christmas because they have my favorite characters on Pokemon and Pikachu is my favorite. Love, Khellar Kline-Bauman
Nisswa Elementary School Dear Santa, I like your red suit. I am 8 yrs old and I like Jrasic werld legos. How’s your reindeer? I really want a Robote and Nerguns. I thingk you are coll. Love, Wyatt Williams Dear Santa I like how you go fast for christmas I am 7 yrs old. I like my friend a lot. Do you like cookies I want a fone plese and a toy toy toy toy toy plese and xbox one I Love Santa Love, Hayden Mcdonald Dear Santa Thank you for all the prezents. I am 8 yrs old and I like pug’s. Can you wake me up at night so I can se the elves? Can I have a pug for crismas. I love pug’s and pleaz can I have a giant donut too? Thank you Santa you rock Love, Jade Mills
Dear, santa, Thank you for all these presints from every year! I believe in you!! I am 8 years old! I love crismas!! How are the raindeer doing? Oh and how is Rudolph doing? I really want a puppy for chrismas pleas! And I really want my whole famaly to gether!! Love, Tayla Beach Dear Santa, I LOVE you! I am 8 years old. I have 6 people in my family. How are your reindeer? I saw Rudolph on TV. How are you? Are your reindeer being bad? I want an American Girl Doll and a dog. I hope I get presents from you Santa! Sincerly, Maddie Lingenfelter
Dear Santa, Thank you for all the presents from last year! My favorite animal is a puppy! How do you wiggle your ears and wiggle your nose and poof you are on top of the chimney? May I please have a Calico Critter Leaf Dear Santa Thank you for the xbox 360 2 Manor because they are adorable! years ago. Have I been naughty or Say hi to Mrs. Clause for me! Thank nice? How are the raindeer doing this you Santa for all the hard work year? Can I please have a snowmo- you’ve done for my family! I will bile and a 4 weller? If you do that will give you a cococola and gingerbread cookies! be nice. THANK YOU!!! Love, Ellen Dorothy Germundson Love, Danny Gerlich Hello Santa, Santa I believe in you. I am 8 years old. I have two brothers Ryan and Danny. I have goldfish Spongbob. My parents name’s are Jim and Jodi. How is Mrs. Claus? I want two dogs a Pug and a weiner dog please. And a mini 4-wheeler. I want two dogs because I think dogs are cute. I want a 4-wheeler because I like riding things. You Are Asesome Santa! Your friend, Nora Gerlich
Dear Santa, you rock. Thank you for all the presits laest yrs. They are osum. I’m 8 yrs old. I would like some porslin dalls and pictares of you and reindeer and elfs? Can you wake us up so we can rid eon your reindeer. You Love us. You are the best ever!!!!!! Love, Hannah Baker-Bliss OMG Hello Santa, You are the best! I am 7 years old. I have 2 more people in my family
and a dog named Gigi. How is Mrs. Claus? Is Rudolph still guiding the slaigh? I really want a American girl doll named Melody and her accessorys because I have like 9 more. I also want a cat with a christmas costumo. You rock Love, Piper Grillo Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents. I likeed them. I am 7 yrs old. And I like kickn It. And How is your christmas? Can I please have a kickn It Poster? You rock! Love, Claire Oseland Dear Sant nik, I am really hape for the Ellf on the shalf you sended me. I am 7 yers old. I LOVE!! Crismis. I bat it is REALLY colood where you llive? I bet! How is your Rander. What I want for Crismis Dear Santo, is another Ellif on the shalf but a gorl. Thank you for the P.S.4. last year. and a hape Chismis I am 7 year old. I like pizza. I have Hape Chismis Saynta!! 7 pepel in my famole. How ar eyour Love, Ava Zahn! Randere and how is Msr. Clos? Pleas cood I have some football cardes for Dear Santa, Christmas and an extra P.S.4. conSanta you are the best. I am trolera. Have a jolly Christmas. 7 years old. Santa how are youre Your friend, Jude Kronstedt reindeer and elves and Mrs. Clause? I hope you all are doing well. Santa Dear Santa, can you get me a pug please get The you for the great presents me a pug Santa because I Love last year. I’m all most 8 years old pug’s please get me a pug Santa for and I love legos. How is your ChristChristmas please. and a tablet for mas going. How are your reindeer? Christmas you are the best Santa. I rilly whont 10 cats for Christmas. I Love, Kayla Windorski Love cats. can I please have a Bow and arrow. Dear Santa Love, A.J. Davis You are the best prson in the wrold because you gaive every body Dear Santa presents. I want a iphone 6 and I like Thank you for all the great gifts football. I hope you will get me one. last year! I am 7 years old. I reley How are your raindeer! I will put want 3 Lego sets and 1 tablet for carits and cookys on the Plat! Christmas!! You rock!!! Your osam!!! love, Dane Love, Conner Books
Bar Open at Noon Mon-Sun 218-587-9151 • Hwy. 371, Pine River
Residential Garbage Collection & Commercial Waste Collection 866-602-8727 Toll Free • 218-824-8727 Brainerd Area 218-587-8727 Pine River Area • 218-692-8727 Crosslake Area See us at:
Dear Santa, Thank you for the prisens from last year. And how is Mrs. Clause? And how is the elfvs. Santa Klos is nice and I want Pokemon for Krsms. Kresms is fun to play in the sno. Thank y ou for all the presens. From, Teven Keena Hello Santa, How do you dliver all of your prezens in 1 nite? I like too play with towers. Thank you for the presins las yer. I want for Crismas an American Girl Doll, Lea Clare. And American Girl Lea’s bag for me. Thank you. I will give you cookis. From, Kira Forbes
Dear Santa I like yowr gold piches on yowr bots. I wont nurf guns to showt at my bruther. Shhhhh dont tell my bruther. And Football cards cuss I got to go to Florda Fowr a present. good Day, Austin Lehmann Hi Santa I beleve in Elves. How are your Elves and reiindeer and mis claus? I am 7 years old. I want play Dough becose I ned it for paintball. I want forest green papr. thanks for the presnts. PS. Sorry for runing awawy from you when I was 3! Your friend, Landin Bourassa Dear Santa How is your christmas going? I am 7 years old. How are you reindeer? I want an I phone 4G so I can Play Pokemon Go where evr I am, And an POGOSTIK. have a nice christmas. Love, Tripp
Competitive Rates Superior Service
Dear Santa, How are you doing I will set cookies out for you. I have 1 brother. I want a lot of x box 1 games. You are the best. Love, Connor Fulton
Season’s Greetings
Christma y r r e s! M PINE RIVER
Drawing by Danika Ramler, a student in Michelle Pfeiffer’s third-grade class at Nisswa Elementary School.
Pine River • Brainerd Little Falls • Pierz •
Merry Christmas!
JOY•LOVE•PEACE HARMONY•CONTENTMENT We thank you for your patronage this year and look forward to your continued visits.
Laurie Hall Dairy Queen
PINE RIVER 218-587-4762 PEQUOT LAKES 218-568-5440 NISSWA 218-963-2163
326 W. Laurel St. Brainerd, MN (3 blocks South of Walgreens)
Kelly Gubrud’s class
Thursday, December 22, 2016 | Echo Journal
Nisswa Elementary School Sue Headlee’s class
Dear Santa, How was your day? How is Mrs. Claus? Please bring me a submarine boat and a big dog and a video drone. I will leave out some cookies for you. Your friend, Ayven Turcotte Dear Santa, I like your job of giving everybody presents. I want a cosmo and skylanders amaginaters. Thank you that would be great. Your friend, Jackson Volkl
Dear Santa, Hi! Santa. How was your year last year? You made my day happy. Santa can I please have a hoverboard or an apple phone? I would like a warm soft blanket. I will set out carrots and cookes for you and your deers! Love, Savanna Paulson
Mcfarlen Show Stage! Love, Clayton Hines
Dear Santa, Hows you day? Thank you for Cristmas. How is the elfs? I hope you are doing great. How is Cupid and Donner? Please get me a stuffed penguin. Please get a chapter book. Please get me a hedband. Love, Bre Koman
Dear Santa, Hi Santa. How are you doing today? I hope you are doing good. How is misses Clos? If you can get me a nerf gun for christmas. I hope you have a good christmas. Tell misses clos have a good christmas for me. Love, Logan Ciardelli
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are you? The toys you gave “Hi Santa!” I love that you care me were asome! How was your about children. Thank you for the year? Could you please give me a phone and a robe. I love your red suit. letter that you wrote me last Christmas! Thank you for my new sled too. Your friend, Olivia Robertson I love when daddy pulls me around in it. For Christmas please may I have Dear Santa, I hope you have a mery Chrismas. a set of legos, a real puppy, a giant I want a drone and a snowmovieal teddy bear, and a real ipad. Your friend, Arianna Sandbakken and a mega nerf blaster and so my sister Evi can be with me, and a chicken and a gift card to target. Your friend, Max Annand
Dear Santa, Hi! I hope the elves are doing good. But if you need one more I can do it. I love makeing kids happy. Please Dear Santa, I hope you have a great year! I if you can I want a Pilow doksont think you are the best! Please give maker and a Robot Dog. Hope you me starlilly, Zomer Kity, and a stuff have a good Christmas. Love, Cora Carlson parit. We might have food on our deck for Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Hi Santa I am Sam K.! How is Miss Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Closs. I now you love milk and Cookand Rudolph. ies. Please can you give me all of the Love, Sadie Jensen teenage mutant ninja turtals half shell heros toys. Dear Santa, Love, Sam Kotula Theank you for the presents that
Dear Santa, Thank you for Christmas all those years! Please could you get me a lava lamp? Thanks for the teloscope last year! Your friend, Ayden VonRuden
Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Thakyou for the show color last year. Can I have a drone and a laptop please. Love, your friend Wyatt Ward Dear Santa, Hi santa. Hows the year going old pal old frend.? Thanks for Christmas. May I have a mackunchrol dinosor and a baby reindeer and a set of Nert guns please. Love, Jackson Williams Dear Santa, I love you so much! You are the best! Santa can I please get Madden NFL 17 and Packer football gloves! Santa how is mrs. Clas doing to day? I will try to make cookes for you! Love, Tyson Turner
Drawing by Kaitlyn Kvistad, a student in Michelle Pfeiffer’s third-grade class at Nisswa Elementary School.
vary cute. Santa can I please have a little live pet to for christmas. Last but not lest, can me and my brother Dear Santa, Hi! Santa how was your year have some Xbox games? Ho Ho Ho going. hope your elfs are doing good. have a great christmas. Your friend, Abby Hansen I like all your work you are doing. Please get me a tablit and a smayou gave me last year and for the Dear Santa, Dear Santa, retwach. presents that you gave to my famHi how was your year Santa? How are you doing? How are the Your friend, Keaton Windorski ily. Please can you give me a mote Please get me a big Barbie house control car and a drone for my dad elfs doing? How are the raindeer? and a American doll. I want it to be Please get me the ninjago ultra Dear Santa, that can take phiters and a big juicy Hi! I love your work. How is you a Ana doll and a phone. I will get you bone for my dog. I will leave out ran- stealth faider. Please get me the lego toy Chica from mcfarlen toys. year going? I wonder how is your some cookies!!! dir food for your deer. Your friend, Carly Barr Please try to get me the game day going? Thank you for the bike Love, Hakah Hall FNAF world. Please try to get me the last year. How is Blitezn doing?? He is
Dear Santa, Hi! How is your day? How is Mrs. Claus? I love it when it’s Christmas! How is Rudoph? Please bring me a Ds, a phone and a ipad please! Your the best! Love, Addisyn Welle
Baliey. He wants a new video game please. You are the best and tell Lagly he is the best elf! Your friend, Jonas Raske
Chanel Gangestad’s class
PLEASE!!!!!! Merry Chistmas Santa and Mrs. Claus!! Love, Brooklyn Sweet
present! I am allmost 8 yers Old! I hope you’re having a great Year!! I have wanted this awesome gaming chair and this Game called Octodad! I hope you have a great year! Sincerely, Chase Galles!
Dear Santa, I enjoyed what you gave me. Santa why do you work at the north pole? I really please want ipad or phone! Santa please give me the stuff I wanted? From, Oskar Lee Dear Santa, thank you for all the children you make Happy. I tried to be the Best I could. One question How many elfs do you have? This year I wish for two thing first a for real friend dragon and a pottery maker please. And merey chistmas!!!!! Sincerly Elliana Kiffmeyer.
Dear Santa I love when you come every Christmas. I love Christmas I’m in 2 grade. For Christmas do not need that many preset’s please cold you put a lot of money for my mom for christmas I would like a new lego set. Love Chloe to Santa. Love Chloe Dalzell Dear Santa I love you so much, and the elfs dasher, and all the reindeer. Im in 2nd grade hlow are you doing? I would like a x-box 1 and the ultimate car grag, a fat tires Bike. I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. Love Brady Muler Larson
Dear Santa I miss you. Hope you had a good year. Thank you for the fairy stuff last year. This is what I want for christmas Hover track and make-up Plaese: Merry christmas Santa. Sincerely Serenity Kottke
Dear Santa you give peole all the presenst in the warld. I trde to be my Best. Hope Dear Santa I get what I want. I want 2 amobe I hope you had a great year. I just charecters, an anniversary one and Dear, Santa turned 8 Dear Santa, a golden mario. I hope your year has been good. Are your Elves tired/ I would like a I loved the nerf gun that you gave Sincerely I am Eight years old. Are Rudulf and metal detector. me. I love playing outside. Please give Logan Plessel the raindeer doing good? I would Thanks again, santa! me a nerf gun. Merry Christmas like a big sled and ice skates. Merry Love Victor Palcher raindeer and santa, and Mrs. Claus Dear Santa, Christmas. Love Michael Hagelie I really really want a dirt bike and Love, Dear Santa a dog friend for Zyi, my dog. Olivia Johnson I hope you had a good year. Elfy Dear Santa, Love, has been a good Elf. I Wish I could I hope you had a good Christmas Kideyn Paulson 2nd grade Dear Santa, help you in The North pole. Can I get last year. I am 8 years old at Nisswa I hope that Mrs. claus is making a New York Giants helmet Have good elemenary School in Mrs. Glangesta Dear Santa, good food for you. I am 7 years old. Christmas class. How are you doing? Can you I hope you have fun coming on the Are the elvs being good? For Chrimis I Sincerely Jack please get me a xdox and Cam New- 25th. I really like you and I was wonwant a stuffed monkey. ton jersey. Merry Christmas. dering all this time who leads your Love, Dear Santa, From, sled. Can I please have a x-box one Abby Isaacson Thank you for the great doll Zach Drown and a vinkings suit. You are the best house!! How are the elfs and raneI usd to not belive in you but now I do. Dar Santa, deer doing? I really want a kareoky Dear Santa Love you, I love what you get me every machine and a horse can you I really thankful for last yers Kashius Caughey
Independent Insurance Association
Terry Aleckson Denny Aleckson 1389 State 84 SW Pine River, MN 56474 218-587-2558
Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday season!
year. You have me every every thing I want. Thats why I like you. I am in 2nd grade. Do you like your job? Because I think I like it as much as you do. I want a Rechard Shearman with all the teems signature. And football cards And even if I didn’t ask for it, I still liked it. Love, Brady J. Vanek
Iron Hills North
Independent Insurance Association
DOWNTOWN PINE RIVER (218) 587-3373
We wish you a Merry Christmas! Hackensack 218-675-6610
Lic #1009084
Pine River
Kris Barchus
Lic. #40410775
“Serving All Your Insurance Needs” Ad:SUPN15253170; Format(134.92mm x 76.19mm) Date: 06/22/2015 13:25 EST
Dan Meier, CIC
Hackensack 218-675-6610
Lic #1009084
Pine River
Kris Barchus
Lic. #40410775 Ad:SUPN15253170; Format(134.92mm x 76.19mm) Date: 06/22/2015 13:25 EST
Merry Christmas
Gun & Pawn
“Serving All Your Insurance Needs”
a grat trip Love Ryleigh Adramson
Dear Santa, How was your summer brayck? This morning, orange spereycles did not move :( if you see her can you please tell her to move? Can you please git me theys things an put them in my stocking: a 3ds a cat and dog and a Betty Spaghetty hair fashion pach. I love you santa so much (heart) xoxoxo Love, Lidia Pfeiffer
Dear Santa I hope you had a good year. I like Nerf guns. How are the Reindeer doing? I really want a Nerf gun. That Dear Santa How are you dowing. I am in 2 has this > (drawing of dart) and Mery christmas grade I am a good friend. Love Mason Cummings How are you? Can I please have a vr head set and a navy toy. Bye. Dear Santa Love, I love every thing you gave me Randyn Miller last year. This year I wasn’t a BurBy haver Bord and a pupy super is. Tell Dear Santa, I hope you like my cookies and the elves and you I hope you have a milk. I.m 7 years old. Are you hav- good Chrismis. Love ing a great time? You now? I.v been Avery Mueller wishing for a minecraft figure. Have
Dear Santa, How is your year is going? Thanks for the presints last year! I can’t Dear Santa, Wate for Chritmas! You give me the Hi Santa How is your year going? best presints evry year! Thank you How is Mrs. Claus Santa? The pres- Santa can I please Have a smart ents you give me are the best! Can watch and a Bret Farve Vikings you plase give me a steeler’s hat Jerrsy. Santa, you’er the best Santa. and can you please give my brother Can you please give me a Kevin Hava nerf gun. Can you please give me vik Jimmy Johns hat for my dad! steeler’s gluvs and las but not least Your friend, Wyatt Huser
from Beau & Bud!
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S8 | Echo Journal
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Crosslake Community School Annette Klang’s class
Dear Santa, How are you doing. Im great and how are the raindeers. I have been thinking about Christmas. My house is decorating it’s self in Christmas land. It is crasy. I love Christmas! From, Cara Scharenbroich Dear Santa, How are you. I like your red ck wte and pans. Love, Henry Aldridge
Patty Durham’s class
Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Thanks for the slingshot. I really liked it. I still use it. Could you get me a rapidfire nurf gun? Merry Christmas From, Daisy Davis Dear Santa Claus, How is mis. Claus, Rudof, you? How are the elves? Thanks for the doll house, baby careg. This year may I
Dear Santa, how are the Ranbeere? I wod Liek a play stathon foer ples? Love, Kaleb Billman Dear Santa, how are you? I’m good. Can I have two baby pupys? I want more shopkins, more beny babys, and little live pets. I want lits for our house and thows hager things that hage the lits. Love, Michael Loeffler
have A Lip bom lab or A prfume lab or A white bord to tech my brother? Have A vaery maery christmas! Hope the ride gos smothly! Love, Antoinette Kanawyer
Dear Santa, how are you. all I would like is a graet year at school and a happy crissmiis that is all. How your reindeer how is radolph. I hope you have a graet year. Love, Emma Berglund Dear Santa I would like to have a fnaf toy. And a new tablet for Chretsmes and candy. Is rudolf rell cos if he,s rell I love hem. How or you douing? Love, Stevie Thull Dear Santa, How are you? How is the deer? thanks for the thing you gave me last year. I hope for a fourwheeler and a Ipad. Hope you have a good christmas. Love, Owen Mejdrich
Dear Santa, How are you and the raindeer? thank you for the disney infinity 2.0 Dear Santa, game. this year I want a golf cart how is Rudalph? I would like a pogo please. Merry christmas. stick and a scooter. I hope you have Love, Christopher Swanson a Merry Chrimas! Love, Liyah Miller
Drawing by Tegan Johnson, a student in Bev Loeffler’s grades 3/4 class at Crosslake Community School.
Snow Angel Makers
Drawing by Lilija Corbett, a student in Bev Loeffler’s grades 3/4 class at Crosslake Community School.
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