2020 Brainerd Lakes Voter's Guide

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Wednesday, September 30, 2020 S1



r’s Guide

Decision time:

Voting in the 2020 election is here The time for voters to decide who they want to represent them has begun and will continue until the polls close on the general election at 8 p.m. Nov. 3. Through Nov. 2, Minnesotans may vote early using an absentee ballot. People can request an application be sent to them by mail by contacting the county at 218-824-1051 or www. crowwing.us. The ballots allow residents to vote before the election by mail or in person regardless of circumstance. For those who have already requested a ballot, do not submit another application. Instead, check the ballot status at https://bit.ly/35YD5P7 to see where the ballot is in the process. For those who wish to vote in person but have already requested an absentee ballot by mail or live in a mail precinct, wait for the mail ballot to arrive prior to coming in to vote in person. Voters should bring the mailed ballot with them when possible.

Mail-in precincts

Steve Kohls / Brainerd Dispatch file photo

Crow Wing County District 1 commissioner Arlene Jones Age: 56. Employment: Executive director Sprout MN, Little Falls and owner, The Farm on St. Mathias, Brainerd. Public office Jones experience: I have never sought a publicly elected office. However, I have been on the board of directors for numerous nonprofits, local and regional organizations, and cofounded the nonprofit food hub, Sprout MN in 2012 and continue to serve as its executive director. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Key issues and platforms are to lead effectively, listen compassionately, and always remember those who are most deeply impacted

by decisions must have a voice at the table. My priorities are to work collaboratively, engage a complex network of partnerships and trusted relationships, leverage resources, be fiscally responsible. ​ Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I have learned through experience that no one person can achieve alone what can be achieved when we work collaboratively, listen with intent, cast a wide net on constituent input, and lead with integrity. I believe that the greatest strength of any leader rests in their skills of listening, and leaning into the community served. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve raised six children between two districts while working full-time, developed The Farm on St. Mathias, co-founded

tion? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Having served as District 5 commissioner for the past 13 years, I have gained the knowledge and experience needed to move us through the current challenges while also remaining focused on the daily responsibilities of a commissioner. Owning a business has also given me the experience and ability to listen and work with the constituents of District 5. I will always treat people with the respect they deserve regardless of how issues end up being resolved. I look forward to representing the great people of District 5 for another 4 years. Michael J Starry. Age: 49. Employment: Field service engineer. Public office experience: None. Starry What do you want to accomplish if elected? Limit spending, decrease or stagnate property taxes, actively represent and engage the residents of District 5 in county government, root out any and all corruption a nd waste within the county agencies. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? By discussing all spending proposals and bud-

► Lake Edward Township ► Little Pine Township ► Long Lake Township ► Manhattan Beach City ► Oak Lawn Township ► Pelican Township ► Perry Lake Township ► Platte Lake Township ► Rabbit Lake Township ► Riverton City ► Ross Lake Township ► Timothy Township ► Trommald City ► Wolford Township ► Unorganized Territories: Red, White & Blue Precincts; Dean Lake Precinct

Election Day

Some polling locations have changed since the last election. People can find their polling location along with a list of candidates and a sample ballot for their precinct on the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website at https://pollfinder. sos.state.mn.us/. Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 3. The Dispatch’s 2020 Voter’s Guide is designed to give readers a look at candidates in addition to the newspaper’s coverage and candidate profiles available in print and online. Uncontested races where candidates were not opposed were not included in the voter’s guide. Go to www.brainerddispatch.com for more information. Candidate forums, research and personal encounters will also help voters make informed decisions in what is expected to be another memorable election year.

9th Judicial District Court 19

and continue to lead Sprout MN. I am accountable, respected and committed. I am deeply dedicated to innovative and creative economic development strategies, and live as locally as possible. Supporting local small businesses continues to be my priority. My innate ability to connect and leverage resources, forge and maintain trusted relationships, and a deep well of reliability will continue to build success for all citizens of District 1, Crow Wing County, and all residents of Crow Wing County. Paul Koering (incumbent). Declined to participate.

Jana Austad (incumbent). Age: 55. City: Baxter. Occupation: Judge. Public office experience: Seven years as 9th Judicial District Court Austad judge Why are you the best candidate for the job? Northern Minnesota is woven into my whole life. I grew up, practiced law, raised children and became a judge here. It’s here I learned the importance of fairness, integrity and hard work — values I take with me to work every day.

get increases with the constituents, seeking their opinion, then representing that opinion in all budget votes. Opening myself up to a monthly or twice monthly open door meeting with the residents where we can discuss the issues they face and I can seek their input in person. With their input I would seek areas to trim or cut the budget by eliminating redundancies, rooting out corruption and holding to account all county staff who waste taxpayer dollars and/or otherwise violate the terms of their employment or contract. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My career in field service, along with years I spent homeless, traveling the country, provide me the ability to truly adapt, overcome, think outside the box, and find creative solutions to difficult questions in ways others can not. Along with a true political outsider’s view, it’s my willingness to stand and fight for people, my diehard belief in government only at the consent of the governed, and the right of the people to be free from infringements of liberties, property, and their lives. I’ll fight tooth and nail to keep government out of our lives, and out of our wallets.

Before becoming a judge, I spent nine years as a criminal defense attorney, seven years in private civil practice and seven years as a stay-at-home mom. In 2019, I was elected by my peers to be assistant chief judge. I’ve spent the past seven years as a district court judge upholding the rule of law with fairness and impartiality.


James Hughes. Age: 41. City: Bemidji. Occupation: Attorney and law firm executive director. Public office experience: None.

Why are you the best candidate for the job? Northern Minnesotans deserve for their judges to have the legal values and personal temperament that I would bring to the position. I have the integrity to honor Constitutional limits on judicial power, and to apply the law written in our constitutions and legislatures without improperly engaging in judicial activism. I am a legal conservative and believe in honoring those professional values. Northern Minnesotans also value fairness and respect in their judges, and I am committed to treating each person in the courtroom with the courtesy and professionalism that they deserve, regardless of race, gender or belief systems.

9th Judicial District Court 4


Crow Wing County District 5 commissioner Doug Houge (incumbent). Age: 57. Employment: Former business owner. Public office experience: Current county commissioner. Houge What do you want to accomplish if elected? The effects of t he COVID pandemic has placed serious strain on many of our local businesses. I will continue to listen to their needs and work with them in any way the county can to prevent them from losing their business. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Earlier this year the county board voted to delay property tax payments without penalty until they were able to get their business back open. I would support this again next year if we still have businesses that are suffering from the pandemic. The county also put in place a program that allows these same businesses to apply for a grant up to $10,000 to be used however they feel best for them. We need to support small businesses in our county as they are the backbone of the communities. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competi-

For cities or townships that vote by mail, ballots will be automatically mailed to all registered voters in these precincts by Sept. 30. Eligible voters in these precincts who are not currently registered will need to apply to register and request a ballot. Apply online at mnvotes.org or by contacting the county elections office at 218-824-1051. Local polling places in these precincts will not be open on Election Day. Mailed ballots can be returned by mail or in person at the Crow Wing County Historic Courthouse, 326 Laurel St., Brainerd, MN 56401, during regular business hours and some extended hours. In-person voting hours at the courthouse are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Extended hours will be from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 22 and Oct. 29 and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 24 and Oct. 31. The Historic Courthouse will also be open as the polling place for mail ballot precincts 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 3.. The following cities and townships vote by mail: ► Bay Lake Township ► Center Township ► Cuyuna City ► Deerwood City ► Fairfield Township ► Fort Ripley City ► Gail Lake Township ► Garrison City ► Irondale Township ► Jenkins City ► Jenkins Township


Charles Halverson (incumbent). Age: 59. City: Baxter. Occupation: District court judge. Public office experience: Judge of the Minnesota 9th Judicial District Court since

2018. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As the incumbent judge in this election, I remain committed to responsible decision-making and following our state’s constitution and laws. Residents of our district must have confidence in their court system. It must remain a place of justice, as defined by fairness of process, integrity in purpose, and ethical means to

follow the rule of law. My 30+ years as a lawyer and judge have taught me that integrity, humility, compassion, and a strong work ethic must be a district court judge’s compass. I will continue to work hard to honor the trust you have placed in me. Benjamin Lindstrom. Age: 38. City: Chickamaw Beach. Occupation: Elected Cass County attorney. Public office experience: I Lindstrom started with the Cass County Attorney’s Office in 2010 as an assistant county attorney and was ulti-

mately elected Cass County attorney in 2018. Prior to that I worked for the public defender’s in Brainerd and the courts in the 4th Judicial Court District in Hennepin County. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As Cass County attorney, I have stood up to ensure people’s rights are respected by the legal system and I have pursued accountability and justice in thousands of cases during my career. I have worked with crime victims and law enforcement to ensure concerns are heard and considered. I have worked with attorneys to find practical solutions to conflicts while recognizing and managing the risks associated with litigation. I have prosecuted before the district court and successfully argued before the Supreme Court. Objectively applying the law as written to the facts of a case is what I do every day.

Photo illustrations courtesy Metro Newspaper Service

‌Candidates‌f‌ or‌Minnesota Congressional District 8, Minnesota Senate District 9, Minnesota Senate District 10, Minnesota House District 9A, Minnesota House District 9B, Minnesota House District 10A, Minnesota House District 10B and Baxter City Council ‌races‌ ‌can‌ ‌be‌ ‌found‌ ‌inside‌ ‌today’s‌ ‌A‌ ‌section‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Brainerd‌ Dispatch.‌ ‌Uncontested races are not included in the Voter’s Guide.


2 Wednesday, September 30, 2020 www.brainerddispatch.com

Brainerd School Board (Elect 3) Kevin Boyles Age: 52. Employment: Millennium Trust Company. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomBoyles plish if elected? I will ensure that students, teachers and district staff members share the best possible learning, teaching and working environment possible through the prudent use of taxpayer funds. I will bring a fresh perspective and strive to be the voice of consensus across the entire community. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? My most important job is to listen, objectively, to teachers, administrators, taxpayers, parents and students. After gathering information, I will make common-sense decisions based on the community’s priorities, not a preconceived, narrow agenda. As a member of the school board, I will represent the entire community, not just the portion of it that agrees with me or shares my worldview. I intend to be proactive, seeking out opportunities to listen, to build trust, to think critically, to foster community engagement, positive attitudes and actions, without ever stifling or ridiculing voices of dissent and seeking innovative strategies. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My three boys have been enrolled in several different school districts across the nation, as well as Brainerd. Through that experience, and by getting involved in various roles in those districts, I have seen how to successfully prioritize and accomplish educational goals and have learned what doesn’t work. As a Brainerd lakes area native, I am familiar with the challenges we face making our education community successful. I’ll use my extensive background in finance, strategic planning and business, plus my time serving in a variety of capacities in other districts to bring a unique blended vision that few can match. Jacquelyn Calos Age: 36. Employment: JC’s Innovative Creations. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Continue improving the equity of services for all youth and families in the Brainerd lakes area. Especially now amid COVID-19 it’s important we meet the needs of all youth for them to be successful lifetime learners. Quality instruction and access to needed resources are both extremely important for promoting equity. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? In order to promote equity in the classrooms and schools, I believe providing teachers and staff with training on techniques to use in the classroom that promote equity and inclusion is an important first step. I would also like to collect information through a survey and/ or meetings to hear from families and community members on their thoughts about equity in school and how we could improve. It is also important that students are educated in a way that allows them to be open-minded and inclusive both here in Brainerd and in their life after high school. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Did not respond. Amanda (Ciesinski) Chan Age: 37. Employment: Educator, Concordia University. Public office experience: Did not respond. What do you Chan want to accomplish if elected? I plan to use my seat to determine the impact COVID-19 has had on student achievement and meet this need, maintain fiscal responsibility, retain quality educators, provide a competitive curriculum, support staff development, improve communication, ensure the safety of private information, and create an inclusive atmosphere for all students. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? As a public health professional, I can navigate COVID-19 safety concerns. The full impact COVID-19 has had on student achievement cannot yet be known, but as an educator, I am uniquely qualified to seek solutions to this predicted learning loss. As a member of curriculum and program evaluation committees, I plan to use my experience to ensure that we are creating a robust curriculum that prepares students for an increasingly global and technology dependent economy. With the state projecting a massive deficit, I plan to use my background in program evaluation to ensure we are making informed fiscal decisions. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Like many of you, I spent each day last spring working full-time and sitting at my kitchen table helping my young children navigate distance learning. We need qualified board members who share these experiences. I have been teaching in higher

education for over a decade. For the past 8 years, I have been instructing research and epidemiology courses at Concordia University. I am the recipient of a Golden Apple Teaching Award. I have published research in journals, led community teams, performed needs assessments, created and evaluated programs, and served on several committees. I am professional, diplomatic, and passionate about education. Sue Kern (incumbent) Age: 64. Employment: Self-employed in three businesses. Public office experience: I am completing my 8th year on the Kern school board (2 terms) as well as Treasurer for Crow Wing Township for over six years. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I’d like to see the building referendum project to completion ensuring safety and security for our students and bringing educational spaces up to Minnesota Department of Education standards. I’d continue to endeavor bringing the district into a balanced budget while maintaining an excellent education and maintain the building referendum budget. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I am currently on the project oversight committee where many of the decisions are made for each of the buildings. Safety and security of students is always at the forefront of the decisions while maintaining the budget for each building. I am so excited teachers will have the space they need in every classroom across the district. I am the chair of the legislative committee and in contact with our senator and representatives. I attend all my meetings and proactively engage in the discussions. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a qualified candidate with 8 years of experience, I am straight forward, honest, conservative and strive for fiscal responsibility while maintaining family values. I stand for conservative values even if I stand alone. I was born and raised in Brainerd and understand our community. Myself and my three children are BHS graduates. Having attended CLC, I am a registered nurse. Being treasurer in my township, doing bookkeeping for my businesses, I understand budgets. I read the materials being presented for board meetings and research by asking questions prior to school board meetings, so I come to each meeting prepared.


Emily Sue LeClaire Age: 30. Employment: Co-owner of EverGreen Clean Team, a small cleaning business. Public office experience: I have not held public office

in the past. What do you want to accomplish if elected? If elected, my main goals would be to help to improve supports for special needs students, give voice to the concerns of our impoverished families, and cultivate inclusion in our schools. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? A member of the school board is part of an important team that works with the administration, faculty, and families. Each member should act as a voice of the voters. In many arenas the voices of impoverished families, students with special needs, marginalized students and families are all under-amplified. Being an amplifier for these individuals is how I would accomplish these goals. Making sure that these specific issues have a voice at the table is not only beneficial, it’s absolutely necessary. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I wouldn’t say I’m the best candidate. It’s arrogant to assume I’m better than other amazing people out there. I’ve had two years experience as a policy council member with TCCAP, where every policy council member is a parent in a low income family. The culture we live in dictates “poor” people are stupid and lazy. It’s simply not true. Impoverished people often live in shame, passing that shame onto their children. I’ve seen what can happen on a small scale when those in poverty are given a voice, given respect. I’ll bring that voice and respect to the board. Bob Nystrom (incumbent) Age: 63. Employment: Retired. Public office experience: 16 years Brainerd School board director, 3 time Nystrom chairman, 5 time vice-chairman, chair of various committees including personnel, finance, buildings and grounds. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want to provide the leadership and experience I’ve given through my years of service to ISD 181. This is especially important as we

manage our pandemic response. Also, it’s important how we respond to our changing world regarding safety of our schools and equality for all of our students. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I would provide the leadership and experience that I’ve given through serving 16 years on the school board. This experience gives me a thorough knowledge of school finance, community relations, sowing respectful relationships with teachers, staff and administration. I try to work in the middle. There’s always two sides to a story and I try to listen to both to make a decision. There’s no place for division! We need to work towards a place of love and understanding for our teachers, staff, administration and community. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was born and raised in Brainerd and lived in Baxter after college. I owned and operated Nystrom Drug in Brainerd for 15 years and learned business principles and finance through experience. I learned how to deal with a wide range of people with divergent opinions and how to communicate with them. I have the most experience of any school board candidate running. That will bode well for ISD 181 in coming years as we deal with a wide range of difficult issues. My passion is children and getting the best education for them while supporting our teachers. Freedom Porter Age: 42. Employment: Counselor at Four Winds Lodge (Treatment Facility). Public office experience: This will be my first attempt. Porter What do you want to accomplish if elected? To be a voice for our children, their families, and educators. To foster an environment that encourages kids to “wonder”; to want to see more than what is in front of them. Inspire to see the adventure in history, beauty in mathematics, awe of science, and splendor of the arts. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Support our educators and mentors. Recognize the heroism of our educational aides, value our drivers, and give our volunteers the loudest of applause. I would support any initiative that involves the community more, all input in our children’s education is valuable. The board should be open and transparent with everyone, from all walks of life. In addition to the community, we need to listen and involve our teachers, they are the experts. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been in human services most of my career and have worked with various communities. I have helped young adults go back to school, continue their education, get to work, and start a life. I’ve worked with homeless and runaway kids, families experiencing domestic violence, I have worked with those in addiction, I have worked with grandparents raising their grandchildren, and have been a mentor to several kids. I have managed large community programs and special events. I am a father to two daughters who attend Baxter Elementary School. Jana Shogren Age: 43. Employment: Executive director at Bridges of Hope. Public office experience: No formal elected positions though I’ve served on the Shogren board of directors at both the Crow Wing County United Way and the Essentia Health-St. Joe’s Foundation. I was asked to participate in the comprehensive facilities planning process for District 181 and I also chaired the Outreach Committee for the referendum in 2018. What do you want to accomplish if elected? My priority is equitable, high quality education and opportunities for our students. I will be an active, visible school board member. My priorities are to increase communication, create partnerships, encourage collaboration, leverage resources, and focus on fiscal responsibility. When a community embraces its school district, we all thrive. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will listen to and learn from students, teachers, staff, administrators, and community members. I will direct focus to serving the varied needs of students pre-K through high school, and beyond for those with special needs. Up to date curriculum, training, technology, equipment, and spaces are essential. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I will encourage increased communication and engagement between the board of education and our community. District citizens deserve timely updates regarding successes and challenges experienced in our district. Partnership, collaboration, and sound fiscal decisions coupled with compassion for the needs within the classroom walls are more essential than ever to stretch limited resources.

Brainerd City Council at large (Elect 2) Jan Lambert (incumbent) Age: 66 years young. Employment: Current city council at-large alderman, retired LPN. Public office experience: 2020 Lambert successfully completed my first term for at-large alderman for the city of Brainerd. What do you want to accomplish if elected? To complete some projects started within my first term. Having a decision on the landmark water tower, for one. Understanding the direction we’re moving as a community is important. Finalizing the zoning rewrite the city currently is in process of doing is important to the people of the city, too. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Setting specific goals and having priorities to accomplish the items above. Having a completion date set is important in order for there to be trust and integrity. Seeking input and research has always been my approach. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am the ideal candidate because I have a keen understanding of how the government functions. I am a strong advocate for people, businesses and the community. I dedicate the time, resources and research to obtain the best outcomes. Mike O’Day Age: 33. Employment: Chiropractor — Lakes Chiropractic. Public office experience: Recent member of Brainerd Economic O’Day Development Authority and Brainerd Charter Commission, 2-time Brainerd Jaycees board member. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Over the course of four years my goal would be to increase interest for big business, and ultimately establish companies with higher quality jobs to start, land or expand within our city limits. Another goal is to improve the overall image of the city, especially in highly visible blighted areas.

Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Working with the council I would prioritized areas that need improvement based on visibility, proximity to schools, parks, main thoroughfares, and commercial zones. We could fund these projects through grants and fundraising rather than tax dollars. Improving the overall image and keeping taxes from automatically rising every year would promote a business-friendly environment as well as a resident-friendly environment. I would also advocate for tax breaks and other incentives for companies looking to expand based on high quality jobs and property improvements to capitalize on opportunities that we have missed out on in the past. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have a deep-rooted sense of pride for Brainerd. I’ve been paying attention and seeing these issues firsthand. I have a firm grasp on what this city needs, and a strategy with the energy to get things done. The rail and timber industry jobs that once fueled our growth need to be replaced. The decisions made during council meetings need to be directed by the best interests of our residents. As someone who sees both sides of the argument and someone willing to stand for Brainerd’s residents and businesses, I’ll be your candidate for prosperity. Cheryl Petersen Age: 62. Employment: Owns National Boxer Rescue, nonprofit animal organization. Public office experience: None. What do you Petersen want to accomplish if elected? Simply to be a fair voice of our wonderful community. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I’ve lived here my entire life minus a few married years away. I have a pretty good grasp of our city, its highlights, its needs, the people. I listen well and can relay the wants/needs of the community when necessary. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I wouldn’t say I’m the “best” candidate for the job, but together

with other candidates of varied qualifications we can combine ideas, experience, community wants and individual education to make for a better council I hope. Stagnant gets old. New blood is usually refreshing. Kevin Stunek (incumbent) Age: 68. Employment: Retired Brainerd Fire Chief. Public office experience: I have been on the Brainerd City Stunek Council four one term, 4 years. However, being fire chief has allowed me to be involved in government for much longer. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want to continue to work toward enhancing Brainerd’s neighborhoods in ways that encourage safety and a sense of community. I want to expand employment opportunities in our city. Promote the development of housing for all people. Continue to support our schools, public safety, hospitals and our citizens. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I have lived in Brainerd for 63 years. Being involved as a council member I can promote our goals and visions to make our community grow and develop. Working with business leaders and listening to their needs/visions. I love to have faceto-face discussions with them. These folks drive our community. Build on our strong rich history. Our community has hard working friendly people. Work together. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m a good listener and problem-solver. My history as fire chief helped me understand budgeting. I know the needs of the city and employees. I think we all want to accomplish similar things. I’m committed to doing what’s right for the city. I tend to hit the ground running. I believe all candidates are qualified. I bring trust and honesty and listen to the community. I believe in Brainerd and have their interest at hand. My past leadership and track record is good. I’ll work for you! Brainerd has a strong history. I have time to commit to the job.

Brainerd City Council Ward 3 Wayne B. Erickson (incumbent) Age: 65. Employment: Assistant pastor. Public office experience: Currently serving as Ward 3 city council alderman, Erickson served on the parking commission, the city charter commission and the Economic Development Authority for Brainerd. What do you want to accomplish if elected? As councilperson, I will: Listen to everyone: I am your voice with no personal agenda; Invest in our future: Open a children’s museum at Lum Park, a splash pool in northeast, and continue to improve our streets and sidewalks; Grow sustainably: Fiscal responsibility and seek businesses with good paying jobs. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will accomplish this by listening to you and taking time to understand your perspective. After 35 years as a businessman and community leader in Brainerd, I am now semi-retired, so I can invest more time and energy to serve as Ward 3 alderman. I realize that people want their viewpoint to be understood, and I know there are many viewpoints to every issue. I

understand that people have growing families, children and grandchildren. We all care more about their future and the Brainerd they will call home. I vow to put people first, not personal or political agendas! What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe I’m the best candidate because I have experienced many walks of life (from growing up on a dairy farm to leading a business with 60+ Brainerd employees) and because I know Brainerd. In 35 years of living here, I served as a foster parent, drove bus for Brainerd schools, and I’ve been a successful business owner. After 44 years of marriage, raising six kids and living on a budget, I’ve learned what is truly important to our community: fiscal responsibility and helping one another and putting each other first. I will serve with that same purpose and perspective.


Tiffany Stenglein Age: 36. Employment: Member support specialist, Girl Scouts Lakes and Pines. Public office experience: None.

What do you want to accomplish if elected? My father taught me that it’s not enough to think you can do better, you have to prove it. As a community, I know that we can do better. Now is the time to prove it. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Working together, we need to strengthen and support our greatest assets: our historic downtown business community, our scenic riverfront, our excellent school system, and — most importantly — our resilient and hard-working residents. We must also address the challenges that face our community. We need to take steps to improve the quality of life for our residents and to draw more residents into our community. We need to support our local business community through these unprecedented times. We must make sure that there is housing that meets the needs of potential newcomers. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have deep roots and great faith in our community. I know that complaining about a situation doesn’t make it better. It takes actual work and perseverance. We are facing challenging times, but I believe that we can come out of this stronger. Together, let’s prove that we can do better for our community.


Jan Lambert Your Voice, Your Vote. Tuesday, November 3 Brainerd City Council at large ***Prepared and paid for by Jan Lambert on her own behalf***

AREA SCHOOL‌‌BOARD‌S Wednesday, September 30, 2020 3 Aitkin School Board (Elect 3) Crosby-Ironton School Board (Elect 3)



John Chute (incumbent) Age: 62, married, three children, all Aitkin High School and college graduates. Employment: Owner/operator diversified agribusiness including beef, gardens and

excavating. Public office experience: Current – Aitkin School Board; agriculture organizations – State and National Cattlemen’s Associations; County, State and National Farm Bureau; Legislative, Tax and Strategic Planning Committees. What do you want to accomplish if elected? To provide a broad, balanced educational opportunity at a price the taxpayers and voters (that I as a board member work for) can afford. Academics are a priority over extra-curricular. As my record shows, I favor maintenance and realistic updates over new construction. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Our district can become better in educational and management structure as seen in various places, broadening our variety of offerings and enhancing others, some through collaborating with neighboring schools and others through various learning options allowing students to explore career options before specializing after high school. Done right there could be a savings, all in an efficient and economically sound way. I am independent and think outside the box for better ways to do things. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I do more homework on issues than most, always seeking taxpayers’ input. Decisions aren’t automatic to the spin of the moment. Because of business, work and organizations I belong to, I travel more than most; state, national and international. Having a keen interest in schools, I find time to visit them and check out things that they do – goods and bads — from boards, administration, buildings, parking and ball fields. I’m a broad-based, “good for the whole,” “where there is a will, there is a way,” not pushing a personal agenda candidate. Share your thoughts, evenings and weekends, 927-3987. Dennis Hasskamp (incumbent) Age: Did not respond. Employment: Owner/operator Hasskamp Bros Welling and Drilling of Aitkin. Haskamp Public office experience: 24 years as school board member. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I don’t seek re-election because of any specific agenda. I feel that I’m well aware of the issues that our school district is facing and will face in the future. It is my goal and hope that I help to bring about common sense decisions when dealing with all issues. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? To accomplish this goal, it takes a lot of listening to all sides of the issue. My decisions have

always been well thought out and not reactionary. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate for the position of school board member because I have had more experience than any other candidate. Knowing the history of why and how decisions were previously made helps to keep the board centered on what is best for our district. I have also had many years of experience in running my own business. I thank you for your consideration and hope that you will vote for me in the Aitkin School Board election. Dawn Houser Age: 54. Employment: United Methodist clergy. Public office experience: I have never run for public office; however, I have served on Houser a Governor-appointed task force for higher education. What do you want to accomplish if elected? With the COVID-19 pandemic, all public institutions must reinvent themselves. We must deliver a quality 21st century education to the children and people who reside in our beautiful community. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? It is imperative that our school board members work together as a cohesive functioning body to lead our school district into the future. I would work with other school board members, administration and staff to implement creative ways to deliver education to the students in our school district in an effective and efficient manner. Prior to becoming a pastor, I had a lengthy career working within high education. I would utilize the experience, knowledge and skills I obtained in this work to assist in leading our school district forward. And, at the same time support our administration, faculty and staff. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am a uniquely qualified candidate for this position. I worked for several years as an executive director for a statewide higher education nonprofit organization with over 300,000 members. Although I worked primarily with higher education issues, I was still well-versed in pre-K through 12 issues. Currently I am the lead pastor at Aitkin United Methodist Church. I am involved in the community on many different levels. Aitkin is my home and ISD 1 is where my grandchildren are being educated. We know that a strong education system makes for a strong community. Renee Kostick Age: 50. Employment: University of Minnesota Extension educator. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomKostick plish if elected? I would like to ensure that Aitkin schools continue to be strong by providing positive education, a broad range of subjects, opportunities for kids, hiring quality

teachers, as well as making decisions that are cost effective for the district. I have kids in school and want a quality learning environment. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I feel that it is important to be involved in the school. The only real way to know what is happening is to be involved in a variety of activities that happen in that school. I also believe that it is important to listen to your community as well as the students and understand youth development, be able to combine all of the information to help form decisions that are best for all parties involved. Key is to be involved! What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have worked in the youth development field for 28 years and have experience in making decisions that positively affect youth. I am skilled at listening, communicating and collaborating. I have experience in developing youth programming that creates a positive environment for learning and education. I am interested and involved in our community. I understand positive youth development and education. I have many years of experience creating opportunities for young people. Joe Ryan Age: 59. Employment: Business/Independent Sales Contractor. Public office experience: Did not respond. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I have no personal agenda. I will provide thoughtful and effective decisions and stewardship for the district. I want our children to receive the best education and experience possible, so they’re prepared to be life-long learners. Education should be focused on teaching children how to think, not what to think. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will continue to listen to the stakeholders in our district and our administrators and teaching professionals. It’s understood that parents want the best possible educational outcomes for their children. The role parents play in a positive outcome is critical. Business owners and our community members also have a vested interest in seeing Aitkin’s educational programs succeed. I will continue to welcome input and understand the importance of building consensus to solve problems. In my board role for Aitkin Schools, I will formulate my decisions with the interests of improving education for our students and being fiscally responsible to stakeholders. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I graduated from Aitkin high School in 1979 and received a degree from St. John’s University in 1983. For 23 years I operated a growing sales business in central and northern Minnesota, Ryan Recognition, Inc./Jostens. I also spent six years as a Regional Sales Manager for Jostens, Inc., overseeing 28 independent reps in six states. Serving the education market was my focus. I have experience in the IT services industry providing solutions to business to protect critical data. My current business focus is providing software solutions to businesses and institutions to improve safety and security of employees and visitors.

Cass Lake-Bena School Board (Elect 4) Paul Andersen Age: 68. Employment: I’ve spent my career teaching middle and high school students locally and abroad in Big Lake, Cass Lake and the Andersen Bug-O-NayGe-Shig school prior to serving as an international educator in five countries over a 25-year period. Public office experience: Did not respond. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I was warmly welcomed into the Cass Lake community in the mid1970s. It has been my home throughout that time and I hope to contribute and give back during these unprecedented times. I volunteer at the local food shelf and the Red Cross to serve the community. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? The longrange view of student needs will remain at the center of my decision-making. Balancing those needs with limited resources and facing the many challenges in today’s world will require staying abreast of the issues and working cooperatively with all stakeholders. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I value education and am committed to contribute to the formation of sound educational policy. I believe I have a good understanding of the need to work for educational equity for Native American students during a time when the opportunity gaps are increasing. Millie Baird Age: 48. Employment: Tribal relations specialist, U.S Forest Service, Chippewa National Forest. Public office experience: Cass Baird Lake-Bena School Board, 2015-2018. What do you want to accomplish if elected? If elected, I’ll strive to make positive choices for the district. Priority will be promoting increased graduation rates, providing equal access to a high-quality education for all students, competitive pay for employees, and providing a warm, welcoming environment for all members of the community, students and staff within the district. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Increased

attendance can increase graduation rates. When students feel accepted and valued in class, they want to stay in school. Focusing on younger students to create good attendance habits can help to keep them on track for success. Staff feel valued when they are paid a livable wage and tend to stay longer within the district. Staff longevity can create consistent, positive role models for the students which can also help students to want to stay in school. Finally, providing extracurricular activities in arts, robotics, STEM and athletics provides options for community support and enjoyment. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a lifelong resident of Cass Lake, I believe in the education system available here. My granddaughter, who is entering kindergarten, is the fourth generation in my family to attend Cass Lake-Bena schools. I have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, where I spent 30+ years in federal government as a transportation planner. I recently earned a master’s degree in tribal administration and governance, where I now am able to be a voice for tribal members interacting with the local U.S. Forest Service. I am a good listener, a team player, and truly care about improving local issues. Go Panthers! Luey Kane Age: 60. Employment: Retired educator. Public office experience: None yet. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Kane To be a responsible, positive advocate for the students, staff and community of Cass Lake-Bena Schools, considering communitywide concerns in order to best support student achievement and the academic rigor of our schools. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? First of all, I am a huge supporter of public education and I love this community! I will actively listen and ask necessary questions in order to provide informed decisions about curriculum, programming and financial decisions that support student growth and equity. Expressing my opinion, while respecting the opinion of others, I will actively advocate what is best for our district. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My years of experience as an educator with the district, along with the leadership roles I have had, both

professionally and personally (Lions Club - past president, Community Library Board, teacher rights advocate, lead negotiator, hiring committees, PBIS committee, Local Indian Education Committee teacher representative, teacher mentor), have allowed me to develop a myriad of skills which have been utilized working with others to accomplish goals that have helped our school and community to grow and thrive. Jennie (Wind) Reyes (incumbent) Age: 61. Employment: Senior accountant at Minnesota Chippewa Tribe for 41 years. Public office Reyes experience: Cass Lake-Bena School Board for past 16 years. What do you want to accomplish if elected? To support staff as we work together to increase our student attendance and test scores. To provide resources for students to explore their interests beyond their high school years! And most importantly to provide a healthy, safe environment for all. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? By providing extra tutoring support for students to increase test scores. Support staff ideas as they explore other programs for students to expand their interests beyond high school. And again most importantly to adopt strong no tolerance policies for staff and students to follow. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve lived in the Cass Lake area my whole life, our family roots all here. I’m a Cass Lake-Bena graduate along with five of my children, 7 grandchildren. I know the need of our community. We’re poor money wise but rich in love and respect. Some of our children may have taken the wrong path, but we have to work together to get them back on the right path for our whole community. I love our families in our community. I’m so proud when our students excel and the love our staff have shown through the good and bad times. Bonita Brown-Desjarlais Did not respond Matt Erickson (incumbent) Did not respond Rebecca Becky Graves Could not be reached Jamie Mitchell Did not respond David Yates Did not respond

Kim Coughlin Age: 56. Employment: Retired Crosby chief of police, part-time adjunct professor at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Public office Coughlin experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Students and staff deserve to feel valued. Every student deserves high-quality education in a safe environment, and every staff member deserves the tools necessary to provide that education. I vow to honor the past strong achievements in this school district and help make our schools thrive in the future. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? As a member of the school board, I would continuously educate myself to be better equipped to serve the Crosby-Ironton School District. I would learn the policies, laws and regulations that impact the work of the district, as I strongly feel the school board has a large responsibility for the care, management and control of the district. I would also use ongoing communication to build trust and support among school staff, students, board members, the superintendent and members of the community to achieve the goal of high-quality education for all kids. I would not take that responsibility lightly. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Frankly, I don’t have the experience the other candidates have, all of whom have been school board members. They all have done an excellent job for our students and schools, and I won’t minimize that. As a former Crosby-Ironton graduate and proud parent of three C-I kids, I strongly believe in high-quality education for all and feel I have knowledge and a skill set to offer our schools. I also have extensive experience in policy development, budgeting and goal setting. With a strong future vision for this school district, I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve. Joe Dwyer (incumbent) Age: 47. Employment: State of Minnesota employee. Public office experience: Crosby-Ironton School Board member Dwyer (2017-2020), Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Hospital Board (20192020). What do you want to accomplish if elected? If elected as a school board member, I would like to continue to provide the best educational experience for our students and ensure that they are college or career ready upon

graduation. We promote the Ranger culture at C-I and I want to see that it remains alive and well. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Collectively, as a school board, we need to work together to evaluate our best practices and capitalize on our successes. We also need to take action in those areas where we are not performing well and embrace them as areas of opportunity as we move into the future. In our communities, we are very fortunate to have leveraged partnerships on many fronts that have benefited our students. We need to continue to maintain these relationships and foster new ones that embrace the 21st century learning model. Our vision statement provides our direction in decision making: “Learning through Relationships.” What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I practice the concept of servant leadership and this definitely plays out in my role as a school board member. As a Crosby-Ironton graduate, I believe that successes that I have had in my life had their roots established in a strong educational foundation provided by educators, administrators and support staff that cared deeply about my future. As I seek a second term, I now have board experience that will prove beneficial as we tackle issues that the district is facing. This opportunity is a way for me to give back to an institution that has provided me so much. Abby Geotz (incumbent) Age: 42. Employment: Business owner and homemaker Public office experience: Eight years on the Crosby-Ironton School Geotz Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? If I am re-elected, I would like to continue the work on upgrading our career and Technical education programs and facilities. It will also be important to focus on our operating budget and continue to find ways to increase revenues and trim spending where we are able. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? School board work is a collaborative effort. To accomplish these goals, I will continue to work with the board and administration on the building design processes as well as keeping projects on budget and within timelines that minimize disruption to student learning. I will also remain focused on how to expand our career and technical programs to best serve our students in preparing them to be ready for post-high school life. Closely monitoring our operating budget between projections and year end numbers is also imperative to avoid overspending and find solutions to keep our fund balance within policy

guidelines. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? There is a learning curve to serving on a school board. I will use the experience I have gained in the last eight years to make the best decisions for our district as a whole. It is important to be transparent in conducting business and to make sure there is accountability in every aspect of school governance. I put in the work outside of the board room to make sure I have as much information as possible when casting my vote at the board table. My decisions are based on the whole of the information and not just one narrative. T h o m a s Sablan (incumbent) Age: 54. Employment: Hotel general manager/banquet manager. Public office experience: Our Sablan children are our future, and we owe it to our future to provide an education of excellence affording them every available opportunity to develop into highly productive and responsible adults. With this type of education, the children of our community can achieve more to become whomever they desire. What do you want to accomplish if elected? My aim is to search out new and innovative ways to stimulate the minds of students and also support reasonable efforts in attracting quality educators dedicated to providing a top tier education. I will listen to our community and bring to the board table all concerns and accolades regarding the district and its policies. I will always encourage meaningful and in-depth discussion among fellow board members when contemplating potential policy changes. I shall also continue to promote mutual respect among board members as well as the paramount importance of an acceptance of a collaborative decision. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Did not respond. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Being from a small town, I’m familiar with my competitors and I’m confident their intentions are genuine. However, the job of school board member is not easy or without personal challenge. As a freshman school board member, the past year has been challenging. It takes a certain mindset to be a productive board member. Personal feelings must be held at bay when making decisions in a forum of members. Although I have questioned my desire, the answer is clear. I get satisfaction in knowing that I can, will and have made a difference in the education of our children.

Pequot Lakes School Board (Elect 3) Brad Becklin Age: 70. Employment: Retired. Public office experience: Currently on Pequot Lakes Economic Development Committee. What do you want to accomplish if elected? To get the school board to negotiate with the city of Pequot Lakes for baseball fields and tennis courts, in the heart of the good life development. Provide more parking spaces around the high school. Get teachers supplies they need for their classrooms. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Convince other board members that it is something that needs to get done. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Life experience. Mentor for the Boy Scouts. Always let my work speak for itself. Kimberly Bolz-Andolshek (incumbent) Age: 43. Employment: Regional vice president, Gaggle. Public office experience: Four terms on the Bolz-Andolshek Pequot Lakes School Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? The work of the district is a constant balancing act of adjusting for budgets, needs of our students/staff/ community and driving innovation. I believe my experience, passion for public education and desire for excellent policy make me an ideal candidate to continue to serve the district. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? One component of being an elected official that is often overlooked is being able to work together as a board and create a healthy dynamic of cohesiveness. With 17 years experience, I believe bringing together different personalities and stakeholders is a strength of mine. In order to accomplish great things we have to continue to work together with all stakeholders and board members, create healthy dialogue and find solutions to continually improve. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? With four terms almost completed, it has been a joy to learn and serve our school district. I bring experience to the table, as a board member, chair and parent. My professional life is embedded in public education across the U.S. in educational software, which I now have done for 10 years. I am proud to have three children that have been in the school district for their entire education, from birth to now, a senior graduating. I am proud to be a Patriot and would appreciate your vote to continue to be of service.


Mariah Hines Age: 27. Employment: Stay-at-home moth-

Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I feel that we have a great

school system in place. I am not looking to make changes to what is already working but rather maintain the integrity of our schools and continue to put parents and chilHines dren first. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? In order to accomplish my goals of putting parents and children first in our school district I would seek out any opportunity to hold public forums whether that be virtually or in person. I want to hear concerns of parents and children that our decisions would affect. I will make it a point to be active in our community so that I become familiar to residents of Pequot, therefore making everyone comfortable voicing their ideas to me. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? Having two children who attend school here, my interests are to make our schools the best they can be. Any decisions made by the board would directly affect my family, making my interests align with other parents and students. As a stay-athome mother my sole priority is my children and I’d like to be involved in how our children are taught. I’ve studied communication in college and am capable of addressing issues and concerns of the public. Above all else I am a team player who wants to work with others to maintain the excellence of our schools. Cassandra James Age: 38. Employment: Co-owner of Moe’s Contracting & Landscaping. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomJames plish if elected? I want to help make decisions for the community and school that help all students and staff equally. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I would listen to all of the needs and try to find solutions that can bring resolution to the issues. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve worked in many different fields over the years. I’ve worked behind the scenes with my voice never being heard and I’ve also been the voice of companies. I know what both feel like and I have an understanding of what it means to work hard for the better good of all. I’ve coached youth sports for 10+ years and see where the community/school thrives and also where it’s lacking. I’d work hard to bring equal opportunities for staff and students and try to achieve a common goal of where we want to see our school in the future. Pamela J. Johnson Age: 42. Employment: Director of coaching,

Integrity Doctors. Public office experience: Board of Directors Greater Omaha Youth for Christ. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Johnson I want to bring a new voice for all families to the school district — a voice that brings ideas and direction for equality in learning no matter socio-economic status, learning abilities, cultural background, etc. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Working together with the community and the board to address future needs for our Pequot Lakes students. Recognizing that our students bring an immense range of skills, experiences and perspectives to the classrooms. Ensuring that we are working among all vested partners to maximize students’ experiences while maintaining high expectations for their learning and developmental needs. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe having previous experience serving on a nonprofit board will be an asset in working with the ISD186 board. I’ve been a TeamMates Mentor (Nebraska) working with kids from middle and high school levels and have a strong heart to make sure none of our kids are left behind. As a business consultant I have strength in strategic planning and implementation. This is important for board members as we work on future strategies to maintain that our students receive the best quality education — in the classroom and in our community, as learning happens outside the classroom as well. Curt Johnson (incumbent) Age: 60. Employment: Self-employed. Public office experience: 14 years Pequot Lakes School Board, currently Johnson vice chair. What do you want to accomplish if elected? We want to create the very best in education given the current circumstances with COVID-19. Make sure that every student realizes their dreams and gets the education that they need for that accomplishment. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? We are working closely with the Crow Wing County Health Department, Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Education for their recommendations. We are also very engaged with our entire staff to get their recommendations, as they are the true professionals in every group that makes up our district staff. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competi-

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PEQUOT From Page 3 tion? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As stated above, I’m an incumbent and have served District 186 for 14 years, have been through numerous administrations and a very large bond for the facilities. We have the best district in the state, and I believe the taxpayers are satisfied with my efforts, and I wish to continue that service. I believe every student should be motivated to have a dream for their future, and I am committed to that effort, and I believe that we have the very best staff and administration to accomplish that goal, and as an incumbent, my efforts are specific to that objective. Susan Mathison-Young (incumbent) Age: Did not respond. Employment: Retired from Veteran’s Administration, BrainMathison-Young erd Community Based Outpatient Clinic in 2016. Current nurse practitioner through St. Croix Hospice, and Wellness Team with Dr. Derrek Johnson. Associate degree in nursing from Central Lakes College, baccalaureate from Bethel University, master’s from St. Catherine’s University, doctorate from University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Public office experience: School board since 2012, member of the negotiations committee, served multiple years as clerk/treasurer, and as the community education liaison. Public nonprofit involvement includes serving on executive boards of Nisswa Youth Scholarship Organization and Nisswa Area Historical Society. Fifteen years as organizational leader for Pequot Lakes Eagles 4-H Club, and 20 years as member of Crow Wing County 4-H Federation. What do you want to accomplish if elected? This year will socially, emotionally and financially challenge students, parents and staff — every-

one is affected. Stable school districts play a crucial role in keeping communities whole and grounded. I want the district to be a relevant place where students/community can turn for support now and in the future. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? The support our students, parents and staff need this year is greatly different than previous years. Communication must be optimal to know the support needed — everyone listened to and everyone heard. Organizing community/student forums and informational sessions on topics necessary to student success is a great way to start. I believe many students in the district are not represented equally and that should change. Changes can only happen by recognizing the need and committing to the work of bringing to the table those who feel they have not been represented. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? With eight years on the board, 20 years of nonprofit organizational leadership experience and 30 years working in health care, I understand the importance of viewing concerns from different angles and gathering information before making decisions that affect people’s lives. I am committed to my involvement in the community/school focusing on the students and remaining impartial as I have no children in the district. By advising three activities from Sept.-Feb., I am fortunate to help in the school and interact with students. It would be an honor to continue to serve on the Pequot Lakes School Board. Amy Sjoblad Age: 51. Employment: As a career advisor supervisor with Rural Minnesota CEP (Concentrated Employment Program), my primaSjoblad ry responsibilities include managing and training youth career advisors, workforce development, and implementing career and col-

lege readiness programs for high school students. Public office experience: While I do not have public office experience, I have the following volunteer experience: Treasurer of Community Action of Pequot Lakes, previous member of the Pequot Lakes Economic Development Commission, previous Brainerd Lakes Area Chamber Board member, and previous Kinship Mentor. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Post-secondary success looks different for each student. I will work hard to ensure our district is preparing all students for life after high school. I will advocate for our students’ successes, while understanding that the needs and priorities of students, teachers, administration and taxpayers must be balanced. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I will listen and respond to the needs of our students, families, businesses and community. I will strive to see the big picture so we, as a board, are proactive rather than reactive to accomplish high student achievement within our district. Our students cannot succeed without our teachers, and I will continually look for creative ways to retain talented staff. As a result of COVID-19, financial decisions will need to be made, and I will look for innovative ways to handle budget constraints. I will work hard to ensure our students have opportunities to reach their highest potential. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My background in human resources and finance, in addition to my current experience in education and workforce development, has prepared me for this important role. I strongly believe in education and the integral part our teachers and community play in preparing youth to succeed after high school. I have a great understanding of how post-secondary success looks different for each student. Additionally, as the mom of two children who’ve been blessed to be Pequot Lakes Patriots since kindergarten, I want to give back and take an active role in ensuring that future students will be afforded even greater opportunities.

Pillager School Board (Elect 3) Elizabeth Ausland Age: 45. Employment: School and district office manager of Pillager Area Charter School. Public office Ausland experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I believe the Pillager School Board has a strong history of having down-to-earth people on the board. If I’m elected I will be another person in that line of history continuing that tradition. I believe the board needs to make logical decisions that are student first, teacher empowered. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Did not respond. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am a good candidate for the school board because I love the community of Pillager and the values of the people who live here. I have lived and raised my children in this community for 25 years. I worked at the Pillager Area Charter School for the last 20 years as the school/district office manager. I know what needs to happen behind the scenes so that a school runs smoothly for the students who go there and the staff who work there. The needs of the students must come first and the staff has to be empowered. Bridgette Brown Age: 34. Employment: Self-employed, ranger and owner of Double B Wild Rags. Public office experience: Brown Treasurer for May Township. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I hope to bring a conservative Christian voice to our school board. I was a Husky all the way through my schooling, kindergarten through 12th. I love my school and community. I’m hoping we can remain a school with a small town perspective no matter how big our district becomes. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? If elected, my decisions will be based on what is best for our students. I firmly believe in the importance of the basic curriculums of math, science and reading with an emphasis on the trade industries. I believe it is the school’s responsibility to ready our students in these three basic subjects to give our students the best opportunity to succeed after graduation. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am a Husky at heart. Attending Pillager kindergarten through 12th grade was a blessing. I am proud to say that my children will be fourth generation Huskies. I am a Christian woman, mother of four, loving wife and a self employed business woman. I try my best to listen to reason when discussing issues with people. I feel like I would be an asset to the school district because of my conservative values and deeply rooted love for our community. Brian Grimsley (incumbent) Age: 48. Employment: Sales manager — Pepsi Cola Public office experience: Four years. What do Grimsley you want to accomplish if elected? If I am elected, I want to make the Pillager School District

the best, diverse and fiscally sound educational institution. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? By making Pillager school the best, it’s going to take the best teachers along with support staff and administration. That means that we have to be very selective on our hiring practices. A diverse institution is going to incorporate that we allow every opportunity for all the students to be able to be successful. That means involving more career and technical classes, job shadowing or to make sure that our college bound students are ready to succeed. To be fiscally sound, I will make sure that we have a balanced budget and that we don’t waste the taxpayers money. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve lived in the Pillager School District for 20 years. My four children are enrolled in the district and are active in different aspects of the school. I have intimate knowledge of the community with both business leaders and individual families. Working with the school district for the last four years gave me insight and knowledge on how a school district is effectively managed. It takes great employees, great curriculum and to be very fiscally sound. I have a business acumen I incorporate because of my years working at Pepsi that allows me to interject a different point of view. Kassandra Jo Nelson (Sullivan) Age: 33. Employment: Essentia Health Pillager Clinic as family practice nurse practitioner. Public office Nelson experience: None, but I’m currently involved in multiple committees through Essentia Health including Pediatric Committee, Primary Care Committee, Chronic Opioid Analgesic Committee, Advanced Practice Council, Essentia Clinical Practice Committee. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I would like to bridge the community members/businesses/ volunteer groups and the school to benefit the students’ overall health including physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual and environmental needs. I truly want to focus on physical and mental health. I feel that every student could benefit as a whole. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? There are currently resources in the community and within the school that assist students and their families with health needs. Mental health resources in Minnesota are minimal and overwhelmed, but I feel that the Pillager district and community has amazing resources in place. These resources need to be enhanced and highlighted so all students can have access to whenever it is needed. I will push for programs that create community awareness and encouragement by having key individuals at the table. These goals will be accomplished by having realistic timelines so students can actually utilize it when they attend Pillager school. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I grew up in Pillager, MN (born and raised). I went to Pillager School and now I work in the community. I feel that my wants and visions for the Pillager School District are on point. I have three children who live in the school district. I want Pillager Schools to excel because the students are our future. Being a nurse practitioner has given me the knowledge to help individuals in all stages of life. I want to share my skills so all students can excel in every aspect of their life.

Paul Noskowiak Did not respond. Randy Posner Age: 54. Employment: Conservation officer. Public office experience: Did not respond. What do you want to accomplish if elected? If elected I will continue to build on the great success of our past. I will promote reasonable growth and fiscal responsibility without sacrificing the things that make us great. Support the recruitment and retention of great staff that will provide the best education for our kids. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? The Pillager area is a fantastic community. The current administration and recent board members have developed a great plan for our school to be successful. That plan has allowed our Students to thrive and be successful as they leave school and enter the job market. I am in support of the direction our school is going and I will continue to support that. Fiscal responsibility in a changing world has to be considered with all of the decisions I would make. We need to recruit teachers and help our own kids come back who want to go into education. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have a bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and was in Law Enforcement for 30 years as a Conservation Officer and Deputy Sheriff. Working in a changing environment, problem solving and community based policing has given me valuable tools. It’ll guide me in decision making as a School Board Member. I have 3 wonderful children, 2 Pillager graduates and the 3rd is a junior. As a parent I understand the struggles we all face. I can promise everyone I love our School/Community. I grew up in the area and I know what happens to a community when they lose their school. Sue Van Hal Age: 60. Employment: Events coordinator at MN Adult and Teen Challenge in Brainerd. Public office experience: One term as mayor of Van Hal Pillager (2015-16) What do you want to accomplish if elected? If I am elected to the school board I would like to continue to enhance the communication and connection between community and school leaders. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? For 14 years I served the school bringing communication to the community. In this role reversal, I believe I can effectively bring communication to the school representing the community’s voice. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? My children both graduated from Pillager Schools, and I have served at the Pillager school for 14 years and worked in the community connection office. I am very connected in the community, and understand the working of our specific school. I believe I can be an asset to both the community and school, and I serve now as a community member.

Pine River-Backus School Board (Elect 3) Christopher Cunningham (incumbent) Age: 47. Employment: Fifth Generation. Public office experience: Eight years on Pine River-Backus School Cunningham Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Continue to help our district grow. We need to make sure that we are offering programs and services to all of our students and families at PRB. Continue to update, develop and promote our strategic plan which is the heart of the district. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Continue to listen to the community. Be mindful of where we have come from, but also on where we need to end up. By doing this we can make sure all students have their needs fulfilled. Take the information that is given out, analyze it and communicate better to those in the community for better understanding by all. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been to several of the MSBA trainings offered over the years. I take time to go in and listen to staff, students and families not just when activities are going on campus, but also when school is in session. I have strong ties to both Pine River and Backus and have many interests in our townships. I have the passion to make sure we are doing what is right for the students and families, sometimes looking outside the box for help and funding. lin

Roger D. Hop-

Age: 62. Employment: Bites Grill & Bar, 7+ years, retired from Ecolab Corporation in 2013. Public office experience: Hoplin Eight-year member of Pine River Chamber, two years as president; four-year board of director Cass County Economic Development; vice president of Pine River

Economic Development. What do you want to accomplish if elected? My agenda is to provide the best education possible for our students in a fiscally responsible manner. Promote the hiring and retention of the highest quality staff possible in a safe environment. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? It would be very important as a new board member to align with those members that have the same goals and objectives. I don’t feel I should try to put any of my opponents down to make me look better than they are. I feel we have some great people running and it would be my pleasure to fill one of the three positions and work with whoever the other two that are elected. As an employer I strive to be part of a team that is results oriented ultimately providing the best customer service possible. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a graduate of this school, father and now grandfather and employer to students in this school I will be taking great pride in its success. I will work tirelessly to do my part to see that this happens! Dawn Rubner (incumbent) Age: 60. Employment: Business owner. Public office experience: Pine River-Backus School Board, Timothy Township Board. Rubner What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want to help the PR-B School District raise their test scores. The 2020 “pandemic” has forced PR-B to teach our students in a number of different formats. I’ve been a PR-B School Board member for a number of years. I believe it takes a village to help students grow. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? The PR-B School Board needs to support the staff, administration and the students. PR-B needs to follow state and federal mandates and regulations. The school board needs to give administration and staff the resources needed to teach our students.

What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have had about 10 years of experience on the PR-B School Board. I also have over six years of experience on the Timothy Township Board. I ask questions and I use data to make my decisions. Students and test scores are my top priority.


David Sheley (incumbent) Age: 57. Employment: Owner of Corner Store and Restaurant in Backus Public office experience: Running for a third term for the PR-B

School Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I want to support our school and community through the pandemic. There have and will be many challenges related to COVID from a budget standpoint, and I want to keep students and families as our first priority. I’d like to be part of improving the tech ed offerings and facilities. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? I’m involved in all the meetings and work sessions where we use our strategic plan to help guide our next steps. I’m also actively involved in the community and seek out my constituents’ opinions and thoughts on various school topics and concerns. It’s very important to support leadership and staff of the district. I’m so proud of everything they’ve accomplished. We have such a dedicated and caring group of people at our school and I’m just so proud of all of them and all the hard work they do. I look forward to all the challenges that are before us. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe we have the right people in our leadership positions and therefore I support them. I would like to think that I have a lot of common sense and am able to see all sides of a situation. At the end of the day, I just love our school and community and am very proud to be a part of it. Go Tigers!

Staples-Motley School Board (Elect 3) Lisa Anderson Age: 39. Employment: Camp Shamineau. Public office experience: None. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Anderson My primary goal is to keep education a priority while navigating through challenges. I would like to encourage the development of a unified, positive community and board to see our students thrive. Ultimately my main goal is to support the students, community and school leadership in any way I can. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? To be effective, the district and board must understand the needs of the school and community. To that end, I would work hard to keep an open line of communication. We should value and be receptive to the ideas and opinions of the community, educators, parents and students. In addition, the district and board should be transparent and honest, placing a priority on providing correct, clear, and concise information. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have five children ranging from preschool to high school. I have also been an involved parent with children in the district for 11 years and will be for the next 13 years. I have actively served the district in many capacities, including as a football coach, a member of the revisioning team and with various school events. In addition to this, I work at Camp Shamineau, where I have the privilege of serving many of the kids of Minnesota and the local region. I think I bring value to the school board because of these reasons. Greg Frisk (incumbent) Age: 68. Employment: Retired after 20 years in the Navy and Navy Reserve with the rank of Commander. Retired as a 777 Frisk International Captain after 28 years with American Airlines. Public office experience: Completing a four-year term on the Staples-Motley School Board. I am on the negotiations committee for the teachers, the policy committee and the facilities committee. Previous chairman of Motley School Board in the mid-1980s. Current secretary of the Motley Public Cemetery. I have served as president of the Motley Methodist Church board. I am the past president of the Mill Pond Town Homes Association. What do you want to accomplish if elected? I don’t care what your last name is, what political party you support, what church you go to, or where you work. I have voted for our kids and my grandkids in this school and will continue to do that. I have a great relationship with our awesome staff.

Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Did not respond. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am often the only school board member at a school activity or event. Being retired, I have the time to be more involved. I have always been available for our parents and taxpayers and answer phone calls or messages quickly. I have the time to make in person or telephone inquiries into situations that will require board involvement and vote knowing as much as I can about every issue. You don’t get to be in command positions in the military or in the cockpit of a jumbo jet without being identified as a leader. Erich Heppner Age: 34. Employment: Director of Student Life at Central Lakes College Public office experience: None. What do you Heppner want to accomplish if elected? Now more than ever, it is time for great creativity and innovation in education. As a school board member, I believe it would be my role to make our teachers, staff and students feel empowered and that they have the support and resources they need to be successful. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? For me, serving on a board means more than just attending meetings. It’s about having important conversations and considering the needs of my neighbors to come up with solutions to the problems at hand. I plan to bring a strong sense of fiscal responsibility, combined with a community-centered mindset, to the school board table. Issues that I am particularly passionate about include advancing career and technical education; developing a realistic infrastructure improvement plan; and improving the ease of access and use of technology. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe that my time working with students has prepared me to enter into public service because I have been on the front lines seeing how local graduates are prepared for college and for entering the workforce. I also serve on a number of local boards and committees, including LEAP, the Staples Tourism Board, the Staples Census Complete Count Committee and the Region 5 Development Board of Commissioners. My favorite project that I have been involved in is bringing the Ruby’s Pantry Food Distribution to the Staples-Motley area; I currently volunteer as the Co-Lead Coordinator of the distribution. Jeremy Reeck Age: 44. Employment: Owner of Central Building Supply Inc., Staples. Public office experience: Assistant Staples fire chief. What do you want to accomplish

if elected? To move forward as a district and to hopefully bridge the gap between all families in this district which includes city and rural. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? First of all keep them realistic and attainable. I would like for us to work together with parents, administration and teachers to get results which are best for our children. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am a business owner and husband and father of two elementary boys. I work well with others and am able to remain focused on what needs to be accomplished. I am willing to listen and meet with anyone who has concerns or ideas to help make our district the best possible. I have enjoyed dealing with the public for over 25 years and being a part of our communities. I look forward to serving the Staples-Motley district in whatever capacity they need on the board. Bryan Winkels (incumbent) Age: 48. Employment: Occupational therapist and assistive technology consultant for Freshwater Education District. Public office Winkels experience: Eight years on the Staples-Motley School Board. What do you want to accomplish if elected? Last year we hired an excellent superintendent and I would like to continue to work with him and the board in continuing to move our district in a positive direction. I would also like to see us continue to move forward with our long term facilities planning. Specifically, how would you accomplish your goals? Our district recently completed a continuous improvement plan. This plan states the mission and vision of the district, along with our “Cardinal Commitments” of student experience, climate and culture, value, and operations. As a board member, I will continue to support our administration, fantastic teachers, staff and students in working towards and meeting the goals of this plan. What abilities or qualifications separate you from your competition? Why are you the best candidate for the job? I work in the field of education on a daily basis. My job with the Freshwater Education District offers me the unique opportunity to work with administration, staff and students in 12 school districts. This allows me to see the opportunities and challenges in these districts which can help us make decisions when we govern and guide the Staples-Motley district as board members. Having served on the board for the past eight years, I have gained a lot of knowledge, insight and experience. I want to continue to use this to support the Staples & Motley school communities.

Area Cities


Aitkin Mayor

Gary Tibbitts (incumbent) Age: 68. City: Aitkin. Occupation: Retired. Incumbent Aitkin mayor Public office experience: Two terms as Aitkin City Council member, two terms as Aitkin mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I served on several city committees, and sat in on very important meetings which have changed what is happening in Aitkin. I helped with guiding new business and new housing projects into our city. I have worked with department heads to bring work on city infrastructure, as well as helping business through this tough COVID period. I think my experience will help me lead Aitkin after the Covid pandemic is resolved with a vaccine. My experience with local groups helps me reach out to them so the proper decisions can be made. Thank you Aitkin for your past trust in myself. Megan Workman Age: 42. City: Aitkin. Occupation: Advanced practice nurse and Certified Nurse Midwife. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a mother of six boys and Certified Nurse Midwife, I wonder what Aitkin will look like as our children grow. Aitkin needs to be a great place to live for the young and serve the needs of our revered older generations. As Mayor, I would like to focus on good housing options, jobs, improving infrastructure and increasing access to recreational activities. I want to make sure Aitkin thrives, respects its history and prepares for the future. I believe we can do this while being financially responsible, keeping our taxes to a minimum. I appreciate your consideration and your vote!

Breezy Point Mayor

Tom Lillehei (incumbent) Age: 73. City: Breezy Point. Occupation: Retired electrical engineer from Xcel Energy, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant. Public office experience: Four years on Planning and Zoning Commission (two years as chairman); four years on city council; six years as mayor. Four years on Region Five Economic Development Commission representing Crow Wing County municipalities. Why are you the best candidate for the job? With 14 years serving the city of Breezy Point makes me the most qualified and experienced candidate running for office. When I assumed office in 2015 my primary goal was, and remains the same, to grow the city incrementally each year without taking on any debt. To this end, I have been completely successful and in less than two years we will be debt free. By working with Land Services we have reduced the number of tax forfeit properties from over 400 to 118 today. Finally we successfully implemented tax increment financing to attract and build the Breezy Point Clinic. Todd Roggenkamp Age: 50. City: Breezy Point. Occupation: education/conservation assistant director of education, Safari Club International Foundation. Public office experience: I have no public office experience. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was born and raised in the Breezy Point area and have resided in the area most of my life. I have a good sense of the area and the people who live here. Working with the city council we will provide opportunities for the citizens of Breezy Point to take an active role in determining what is best for the future of their city. I will represent the people of the city and work with the city council to ensure transparency about the direction of the city regarding issues, programs, ideas and vision with the citizens.

Breezy Point City Council (Elect 2)

Rebecca Ball (incumbent) Age: 38. City: Breezy Point. Occupation: Attorney. Public office experience: 3.5 years on the Breezy Point City Council (2017-present). Why are you the best candidate for the job? My experience, education, and commitment to the city of Breezy Point and its residents is what makes me the best candidate for reelection. Serving on the council for 3.5 years I am passionate about and understand the issues and opportunities of the city, including road maintenance and improvements; business expansion and retention; and yearround employment opportunities. As a mother, I am also focused on maintaining safe neighborhoods, improving existing parks, and supporting the development of a centralized gathering space. It has been my privilege to serve as your councilwoman and I would be honored to have your continued support.

ty and compassion for the people I serve. I have found it is very difficult to please all of the people all of the time, but I have done my best to serve the majority when needed. I am for strong law enforcement, and equal rights for all. If re-elected I will continue to work hard for the city.

bring any political experience or bias to this position; but I promise that I will strive to make good decisions for Crosby. I am responsible and reliable and will make attending meetings a priority. I will bring to the table a listening ear and a care for both residents and business.

Mark Miller Age: 43. City: Breezy Point. Occupation: General contractor. Public office experience: I am currently a member of the Breezy Point Planning and Zoning Commission. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I want to be a voice for the residents of Breezy Point; and their concerns deserve to be heard. They expect their elected officials to represent them ethically and with a level of transparency. My focus as a city council member will be to preserve our beautiful community, to prevent change that takes away the people’s rights, and to make myself available to those needing to be heard. My Breezy Point neighbors will find that I am a strong voice of leadership, and my previous track record proves that I will stand and fight for the concerns of my constituents.

Don “Big Daddy” Keith Age: 67. City: Crosby. Occupation: Driver. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m for a mayor and council that will do what’s best for our community. Work towards lowering taxes. Make our community officials accountable for the jobs they are doing (city hall, police, fire, etc.). Budget for all improvements (5-10 yr. plan). Don’t vote people in office that are looking for self satisfaction. I want to listen and work for all the people in our town. So on Nov. 3 give me your vote.

Crosby Mayor

Rick Ferrari Age: 63. City: Crosby. Occupation: Retired business owner. Public office experience: Past mayor of Crosby in 2011, 2012. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My wife of 34 years and myself have lived in Crosby all our lives. We have 5 children and 8 grandchildren. I am a 3rd generation business owner here. I retired after 35 years in 2015. I was mayor of Crosby in 2011 and 2012. My renewed interests in being mayor again is in helping this town progress in challenging times. Never in history has the government shut down the economy and this will put Crosby’s budget under strain. Crosby has some of the best people and I have a desire to help the community during these times. James J. Hunter Age: 71. City: Crosby. Occupation: Retired/Hunter rentals, JH Trucking and CI Auto. Public office experience: Deerwood City Council, Crosby mayor, peace officer and deputy coroner. Why are you the best candidate for the job? We are in difficult times and I feel I am a strong leader. I will strive to implement other ways to keep our taxes down as well as putting an end to the city of Crosby having the highest taxes in Crow Wing County. I don’t want to see people losing their homes due to increasing taxes and road assessments. Elected officials are being paid to work for you. Let’s work together. My door will be open to anyone. I would appreciate your vote. Joanna Lattery Age: 72 years young/old enough. City: Crosby. Occupation: Accounting administrator and Realtor for Lakeplace.com. Public office experience: Appointed to the Crosby City Council June 2009 to January 2011 to fill a vacancy, mayor of Crosby 2013 through 2016, currently on the Crosby Planning & Zoning Commissioner, currently serving on the Crosby Economic Committee. Why are you the best candidate for the job? During my time as mayor, I asked all departments to reduce budgets by 2% thus affording no increase in levy in 2015 (set in 2014) and a 4.02% reduction in 2017 (set in 2016). Time to remember who the city of Crosby is — residents/ businesses. Accountability, openness, reasonable spending to keep Crosby sustainable and planning for the future. I have shown that I am capable of these things and will always continue to work for the betterment of Crosby. I will fight for what is right but at the same time willing to listen to other points of view. I care! Sierra McLean Age: 43. City: Crosby. Occupation: Entrepreneur. Public office experience: Did not respond. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve been a Crosby resident for the last 15 years. I have been married for the last 17 years to a wonderful man and volunteer firefighter and together are raising two beautiful children. Faith, family, community are the pillars that I support and stand with in all my decisions. Recently, I was nominated and given the 2018 - 2019 Junior Achievement volunteer of the year award for the Upper Midwest region, for the work and commitment I provide to the Cuyuna Range Elementary School staff and students. This commitment will be used to provide the same dedication to Crosby.

Crosby City Council (Elect 2)

Philip “Doc” Mihoover Did not respond. Jim Traylor (incumbent) Age: 70. City: Crosby. Occupation: Self-employed property manager, retired from Crow Wing County Land Services – Planning and Zoning. Public office experience: Currently serve as a Crosby City Council member and as a Cuyuna Range Economic Development Inc. board member. Past member of Crosby City Council, Serpent Lake Sanitary Sewer District Board and Crosby Chamber of Commerce Board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a Crosby homeowner and taxpayer for over 30 years, I have a vested interest in our community. My former city council experience and my knowledge of our city’s infrastructure will be an advantage to all Crosby citizens. As your council member, I will keep an open mind, I will listen to all options and I will make sound decisions to benefit the majority of taxpayers.

Crosslake Mayor

David Nevin (incumbent) Age: 63. City: Crosslake. Occupation: Self-employed - Construction. Public office experience: 4 years planning and zoning, 2 years city council, 2 years city mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have lived in Crosslake for 30 years. I have raised my family and have a construction business in Crosslake. Taxes and spending at the city level are a concern for both businesses and residents. I will be responsible with spending your tax dollars. Growth is another concern: I will listen to citizen’s concerns and suggestions on direction of growth and do my best to follow through. I have no agenda other than to keep spending and growth in perspective and to represent the businesses and citizens of Crosslake the best I can. Keep local government “local”! Patty Norgaard Age: Did not respond. City: Crosslake. Occupation: Retired financial services professional. Public office experience: Crosslake mayor 2017-2018. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I bring a strong background of demonstrated leadership skills and experience in initiating and leading projects as well as competency in bringing people together and getting things done! Leadership involves providing focus, drive and dedication to a task and requires a level of commitment equal to what you expect from others. It also requires listening to and representing all points of view in order to arrive at the best decisions. Experience results from carrying out multiple successful projects while continuously learning and adjusting as you bring them to completion. Competency comes as the result of the sum total of experience.

Crosslake City Council (Elect 2)

Catharine Funk Age: 51 years old. City: Crosslake. Occupation: Owner, Encompassing Beauty. Public office experience: I have no prior experience in city office, however I do have experience in business. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am fair, honest and decisive. I believe in good communication, listening to all sides of a conversation before making decisions. I love living, raising my children and running my business in Crosslake. Crosslake relies on tourism and small business with the landscape changing we need to be able to change with it, including more utilities, including sewer, high speed internet for people working from home and protecting the fourteen lakes for water quality.

Lee Brisbin Age: 55. City: Breezy Point. Occupation: Self-employed handyman. Public office experience: I currently have no public office experience. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel as a new candidate, my experience with the community and the relationships I have built over the years in Breezy Point has created a new awareness for change. Issues have grown and no changes have been made. People are tired of this. I want to be that person to make that change and listen to the people’s concerns. The citizens are looking for new leadership and I feel I am that leader.

Paul Heglund Age: 69. City: Crosby. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Served on Crosby City Council. 2015-2018. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel I am the best candidate for Crosby City Council because I worked for public works for the city of Crosby for 41 years and was union steward for most of those years. I believe we need to look at saving money and reducing taxes. I would like to see the return of a working public works foreman. The city crew is small and needs someone who will work alongside the employees, plowing snow etc. I would appreciate the opportunity to again serve on the Crosby City Council and I am asking for your vote.

Aaron Herzog (incumbent) Age: 74 years young. City: Crosslake. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: One year and nine months of experience on the Crosslake City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have a total of 33 years of city government experience. I spent thirteen years as a police officer in Bismarck, North Dakota; I moved to Blaine, MN and spent the next 20 years with the Blaine Police Department. Here I managed three different units that included supervision, hiring, training, budgeting, purchasing and interacting with the public. I moved to Crosslake and spent the next seven years on the P & Z Commission and I am now on the city council for the past two years. In total I have 42 years of local government experience and knowledge.

Gary Mitchell (incumbent) Age: 79. City: Breezy Point. Occupation: Retired pilot. Public office experience: 4 years on the Breezy Point City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? In the past 4 years on the Breezy City Council I have worked hard to serve the best interests of the people and businesses of Breezy Point. I believe in honesty, integri-

Shawn Jarvela Age: 31. City: Crosby. Occupation: School bus driver, fire fighter, lawn care technician. Public office experience: This will be my first. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a lifelong Crosby resident, home owner, tax payer and single father, I am invested in and committed to my community. I don’t

Marcia Seibert-Volz (incumbent) Age: 67. City: Crosslake. Occupation: Retired city administrator. Public Office Experience: I am currently serving on the Crosslake City Council. A council seat was vacated due to a councilman moving out of the community. I submitted my resume along with several other interested candidates. I went through the

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interview process and was selected as the best candidate and was appointed to the city council to serve the remaining term ending 12/31/20. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have over forty years of experience and extensive knowledge in city administration. I have been developing city budgets, financial statements, project management and involved in policy development. I want to provide positive fiscal management with the taxpayers dollars. I will welcome all community members as playing an important role in the development of Crosslake’s future. I would like to serve and contribute to the success of the city of Crosslake through hard work and attention to details and facts. I feel I have a clear understanding of the council position and administration of a city organization.

Deerwood City Council (Elect 2)

Eric Ostrowski (incumbent) Age: 42. City: Deerwood. Occupation: Financial Services Public office experience: Served two terms on Deerwood City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have six years of experience on the Deerwood city council and almost twenty years of managerial experience in the financial services industry. During my tenure on the city council I have worked with the mayor, city staff and council members on projects such as the Deerwood splash pad, water drainage projects and most recently the water & sewer infrastructure project. I serve as a member of the personnel committee and budget committees. I am humbled that the citizens of Deerwood have allowed me to serve them. It is an honor to serve my community. Josiah Granholm Did not respond Mari Kivisto Age: 34. City: Deerwood. Occupation: Information Technology. Public office experience: One year acting as vice chair of the Deerwood Planning and Zoning Committee. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am motivated to bring a broad vision to the council that represents the entire community while taking into consideration future local initiatives that will affect the city long term. While I do not have a long resume in city government, my professional work and involvement with youth organizations provide me experience in navigating complex situations with an open mind and a fair, balanced view.

Emily Mayor

Tracy Jones Age: 48. City: Emily. Occupation: Business owner in downtown Emily corridor. Public office experience: First time seeking public office Mayor; Fire dept. member 20 years; First Responder 10 years; Firearms Safety Instructor; Emily Steering Committee member. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My family and I have been residents of Emily for over thirty years and understand what it takes to keep our small town a beautiful place to live, put in a hard day’s work, raise a family and retire in. As a resident, property/business owner, and taxpayer in Emily I believe our individual freedoms have been diminished. It’s time to come together and change that. I have a vested interest in seeing our community prosper, not just rhetoric and self aggrandizement, as others who have led us down a less than sound path. Thank you for your support. Roger Lund Could not be reached. Calen Spindler Did not respond.

Emily City Council (Elect 2) Mary Eppen Did not respond.

Gerhart “Gary” Hanson (incumbent) Age: 73. City: Did not respond. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: 24 years on the Emily City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? If re-elected I will continue to serve the citizens in an unbiased, honest, and responsible manner without influence from special interest groups. I do not pretend to have all the answers but I will always work hard on the issues that face our community and your right to have a voice in your city government. Whether I am fortunate or not to have your vote, please exercise your right to vote. May God bless and be with us all in these hard times. Thank you all. Donna R. Jones Age: 74. City: Emily. Occupation: Retired; owned and operated resort on Ruth Lake, Hidden Haven. Public office experience: Was city council member late 80s, early 90s; formed ACE - Action Committee of Emily. I’m currently on the P&Z committee in Emily. Former state certified mediator for victims/offenders and landlords/tenants. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Worked with city attorney to get a better understanding of what we could do better and needed in Emily. Worked with local businesses to see if there was anything the city could help with. Wrote and received grants for: Jewelry store to move to Emily; help start up business for lawn care equipment; $100,000 grant for Hari Design clothing manufacturing; grant to add new city hall, kitchen and bathrooms; grant to help build fire hall; grant to help build snowmobile groomer shed; grant to help buy groomer (former president of the Snowmobile Club.); $25,000 grant for Action Committee. William “Bill” Spiess (incumbent) Age: 77. City: Emily. Occupation: Retired Glazier. Public office experience: Emily City Council; eight years on Emily Planning and Zoning and four years on the Emily City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Emily is my hometown. I grew up here. I would like it to grow, but still keep it as a getaway for people to come and enjoy the lakes. I will work hard for the people of Emily.

Fifty Lakes Mayor Steve Dahlke Did not respond.

Linda Steffens (incumbent) Age: 66. City: Fifty Lakes. Occupation: Retired CPA and retail & financial management professional. Public office experience: 2 years city council, 2 years mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate because I have worked hard to earn the trust and confidence of the citizens during my first term as mayor. Keeping our city a beautiful and safe place to live is my first priority and I have been able to successfully implement new forestry standards and water quality funding. In addition, the city municipal bar has returned back to profitability and has even been able to make improvements. I am a “roll up my sleeves” kind of person who is visible and actively interested in hearing the thoughts and opinions of the people we serve.

Public office experience: Nominated to the Fifty Lakes City Council in January 2019. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Fifty Lakes has been “home” since 1974 (the year my family bought Edgewild Resort on West Fox Lake, where we welcomed guests for 32 years). I love the lakes and our quiet, peaceful slice of paradise here in the Northwoods. We’re all lucky to live in this beautiful, small-town community. My philosophy is “Stand up for what you believe is right, even if you have to stand alone.” It’s my goal to continue to work to preserve and improve our quality of life and Fifty Lakes services and property values for current residents, visitors, and future generations as well. Eric Miller Could not be reached. Gary Staples Could not be reached.

Hackensack Mayor

Gus V. Kaubisch Jr. Age: 68 City: Hackensack. Occupation: Chiropractor. Public office experience: Served on the Hackensack City Council for six years as a councilman and assistant mayor and served on the Walker School Board also. Negotiated two contracts with the teachers union as chief negotiator. Retired U.S. Navy Master Chief (Active and Reserve — 27 years). Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel I have the necessary experience as a leader, negotiator, and business owner (42 years). My position has always been to serve without an agenda so I could serve everyone fairly. In these turbulent times, leadership is a necessity. I know that I can effectively serve in that capacity. William “Bill” Kennedy Age: 46. City: Hackensack. Occupation: Computer programmer. Public office experience: Two years on the city council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m a 30-year resident of Hackensack and I love this town. I’ve been on the city council for 2 years. I have worked to update the budget, increase salaries, purchase necessary equipment, and complete much needed projects. I want Hackensack to grow as a small town. We are revitalizing Highway 371 and 1st Street with new road construction, lighting, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. I’m looking to the future with solar power, electric car charging, and a 10-year comprehensive plan. I want to make Hackensack more inviting, see our businesses thriving again, and create pride to live and vacation in Hackensack.

Hackensack City Council (Elect 2)

Fifty Lakes City Council (Elect 2)

Andrew Johnson Age: 37. City: Hackensack. Occupation: Pastor. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I may not have the experience of Lee-Ann or the wisdom of Char, and I believe there is great value in having women on the council, but I am one of the few people who regularly show up to the city council meetings. I have been president of the Hub, on the Chamber of Commerce board, a volunteer firefighter, and involved in our community events over the past four years, and I continue to look for ways to support our community. Lee-Ann Marchwich (incumbent) Did not respond

Julie Engle (incumbent) Age: 61. City: Fifty Lakes. Occupation: Molecular Biologist/International Biotech Sales & Marketing, (Retired).

Charlene Wilkes Age: 64. City: Hackensack. Occupation: Business owner. Public office experience: Four years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have the best interest of the city of Hackensack in mind. The 371 project is moving forward which I was a part of in the beginning and would like to see it though the end. Hackensack is seeing a drop in business and I believe once the 371 project is started we will see more business interest in town. My husband Doug and I own the Owl’s Nest Motel in Hackensack and realize having more business in town is important and encourage it. Thank you.

Toni Buchite (incumbent) Age: 63. City: Fifty Lakes. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: I have served 20 plus years as Fifty Lakes 1st responder, 30 plus as 4-H volunteer, CRMC hospital board, MMBA board for 2 terms. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am concerned about the future of our city and want to protect our natural environment while promoting the economics of our city.


Prepared and paid for by Alex Hering for MN House 9A committee.

Area Cities

6 Wednesday, September 30, 2020 www.brainerddispatch.com

Ironton City Council (Elect 2)

Shawn Hamdorf Age: 58. City: Ironton. Occupation: Project specialist at Rice Lake Construction Group. Public office experience: Ironton’s Planning & Zoning Committee for six years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Listening to ideas and desires of our residents is foremost for me. I will always make myself available to listen to what they want. We have a great community that is safe, clean and with a little ingenuity & determination could grow even further. Community based projects would help us more in this direction. I would be honored to represent Ironton as a Councilmember and would be more than happy to discuss further viewpoints to help you decide if I’m deserving of this position. Please, feel free to contact me if you wish. Thank you in advance. Eric Heglund (incumbent) Age: 58. City: Ironton. Occupation: Publisher. Public office experience: Incumbent. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am fiscally responsible and will continue to use your tax dollars wisely. I voted for the garbage and curbside recycling contracts that improved the services and saved money. I did and will continue to vote for grant resources to help refurbish residential homes, rentals and store fronts in Ironton. After examination, I voted to add hours of police patrolling while reducing the cost by over $30,000 per year. Ironton is a community on the grow, I want to continue to be involved to plan for roads, sidewalks, water and sewer services and fire protection. Lee Henrichs Age: 45. City: Ironton. Occupation: Accounting. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Living in Ironton since 2003 with my family, I feel I would be balanced in my approach to work with all neighbors to keep Ironton affairs fair and logical. All areas have their issues, and I want to direct my efforts toward growth and harmony. Responsibility is something I take seriously and enjoy having people’s best interest in mind and making an impact in others’ lives; big or small. Regina Radinovich Did not respond

Jenkins Mayor

Robert Heidelberger Age: 61. City: Jenkins. Occupation: Retired cement mason finisher. Public office experience: Five years in Planning and Zoning Committee for Jenkins. Why are you the best candidate for the job? That’s a tough question. I don’t like to think of myself as being better than others. I do know it’s very important to work as a team with city employees, city council and committee members to reach common goals that would benefit residents of our city. Be open to new ideas, help our business thrive, grow slowly and keep our taxes under control. That is all important to me. Married for 41 years to Cindy. I have a daughter, son-in-law and 2 grandchildren in college. I moved to Jenkins 7 years ago and am very proud to be a resident. Jon W. Lubke (incumbent) Age: 65. City: Jenkins. Occupation: Retired small business owner. Public office experience: Mayor of Jenkins. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve lived in Jenkins for 40 years, our six children were raised in Jenkins and I’ve been honored to be its Mayor for the last thirteen years. I believe in being involved in the larger community and have served on or a member of: Pequot Lakes EDC, Pequot Lakes Community Ed, Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity, Heartland Cable Commission, One Watershed One Plan Board, Minnesota Mayors Association and the League of Minnesota Cities Board. The knowledge and experience I’ve gained in my years of serving the community makes me the best candidate for continuing to serve the citizens and businesses.

Jenkins City Council (Elect 2) Kim Bachmann Did not respond

Charles Hoffman (incumbent) Did not respond Debbie Stiller-Siltman Age: 63. City: Jenkins. Occupation: Retired. Was on the council before from 1984 to early 2000s. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel that I would like to see us look at the budget and work more on the needs than the wants. I would also like to get the people more involved in the city. I will be open to listen to ideas or complaints and bring them back to the meetings. We need more of a community spirit, working together as a group to help each other and the city. I hope I get your support. thank you!

Little Falls Council Ward 1

Raquel Lundberg (incumbent) Age: 58. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Fourteen years as an innkeeper, starting a new business with a food truck this month. Public office experience: I have served on the Little Falls City Council for four years, six years on the board of directors for the Little Falls Convention and Visitors Bureau and several years on the Great River Arts board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I represent every person in my ward, regardless of their race, color or creed, and am always available to listen and help in any way possible. My focus right now is to

reduce spending so we can help our residents by not raising taxes. I have always been and will continue to be committed to my community, to be an advocate for helping small businesses thrive and prosper, to encourage industry and create jobs, to keep Little Falls a safe, happy and healthy community, and to do what is necessary to help those in need. Sarah Okroi Age: 37. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Mother, advocate, supervisor. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am running for office to give the voters a new option. If you want to see change happen, we must vote in change to our leadership. My focus is on building a community that is inclusive to all, a place where people want to start families and stay into retirement. Our community has been shouting for positive change and growth for years. I would like to have the opportunity to be part of that change.

Little Falls Council Ward 3

Richard Berg Age: 69. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Retired mental health professional. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? It is my understanding that a rift has occurred within the council and rather than have the community suffer because of a lack of leadership I’ve decided to “run” as an alternative candidate. This is a difficult time for communities all across America and this is one way I have chosen to help. Thank you for your consideration. Frank Gosiak (incumbent) Age: 66. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Art educator or artist. Public office experience: Twelve years as the Ward 3 city councilmember. Board member for Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, chairman of the Camp Ripley State Veterans Trail, Little Falls Library board member, Housing and Redevelopment Authority Pine Grove Manor board member, Little Falls Planning Commission board member, Little Falls Parks and Recreation board member and Firemen’s Relief board member. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Experience matters. As an educator, I understand the problems facing our schools and youth. As a councilman, I know what we need to do to ensure that our infrastructure survives and that our businesses and jobs stay local. As a neighbor, husband, father and grandfather, I feel deeply about community safety and I am on the frontline fighting COVID-19 in our area. My concerns are the things that affect our families. I know what it’s going to take to keep the city running because I have faced this in the past and I have the resolve to do it again. Jeremy Hanfler Age: 42. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Sales. Public office experience: Eight years on city council, four years as council president. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My experience and commitment make me the best candidate, having served eight years on the council with four being council president. I have volunteered for 15-plus years on the planning commission, also served on the Economic Development Authority, park and recreational, energy and environmental, community services and board of equalization. My record will show I have the best interest of all, being able to work together with fellow council members and staff to help continue the city’s growth. I’m always available to listen to concerns. Raising my family, working in the city and operating my small business keeps me committed.

Dawn M. Meyer Age: 67. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Retired special education teacher, autism specialist, transition coordinator for students with disabilities. Public office experience: None Why are you the best candidate for the job? Current city council members don’t represent the needs or interests of residents in Ward 3. Under my two opponents’ leaderships, the historic Dewey-Radke landmark was demolished, and we lost our hardware and grocery stores. The cafe is up for sale, and a vacant lot replaces the bar that burnt. Westside Ward 3 residents gained a thrift store and a Dollar General. I wonder, is the Westside used as a tax write-off for the Eastside? Only a river should divide our city. Enough is enough. Ward 3 needs a change of venue. The venue changes with me. Your best bet.

Manhattan Beach City Council Special Election

Robert “Rob” Amundson Age: 58. City: Manhattan Beach. Occupation: Client relations supervisor. Public office experience: Never held public office. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a full-time resident of Manhattan Beach, I have a vested interest in preserving our quality of life and our sense of community. We must have sound local ordinances that address homeowner needs and future demands, while maintaining our natural environment and shorelines. I will support sound practices to further that mission, all while keeping in mind that many of us make Manhattan Beach our home because of what we have today and any changes need to be well thought out and involve community input so we all have a say in the future of our community. Michael Dozark Age: 68. City: Manhattan Beach. Occupation: Self employed. Public office experience: Was appointed to the Manhattan Beach City Council in 2019. First experience

in government. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Upon becoming a full time resident of Manhattan Beach, I wanted to get more involved in my new town. Being on the city council would be a great opportunity to serve my new community.

McGregor Mayor

Bruce V. Miller Age: 63. City: McGregor. Occupation: Retired business owner, medical laser technician. Public office experience: McGregor Mayor 2017-2018, and McGregor City Council since January 2020. Why are you the best candidate for the job? In my previous term I was successful in addressing the concerns of citizens and getting things done. Being older, I will quote Ronald Reagan “and not hold my opponent’s youth and inexperience against them!” A new Fire Dept. building is being looked into and I think having a Mayor that is not a member of MFD would eliminate any conflicts of interest that could arise. I also have some new ideas that would help our residents save money. Although, only the citizens within the village may vote, I think the position really represents our entire community. Dake Olson (incumbent) Age: 40. City: McGregor. Occupation: Small-business owner. Public office experience: Two years as Mayor of McGregor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel personally responsible for ensuring McGregor’s future success because I want my two children to experience the joy of raising families in McGregor. Two decades as a Firefighter and EMT has given me the leadership, experience, and knowledge to get ahead of the pandemic, ensuring McGregor’s emergency services had the PPE and resources they required to keep our personnel and the community safe. The world has changed, and I understand the technologies and trends that will make McGregor’s businesses competitive in the future. As mayor, I will continue to be fiscally responsible, bipartisan, fair, and serve you with integrity. Jerry Farley Did not respond

Menahga Mayor

Karol Andreasen Age: Did not respond. City: Menahga. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: No experience but held various positions within organizations, i.e. President of VFW Auxiliary, Ramsey Advisory Council, etc. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Gained knowledge this past two years as a member of the city council for Menahga. Participated or successfully led committees within the council to come to sound decisions. I care about Menahga and the residents. Also, for those that come to our growing and great city, to provide to them a chance to experience a friendly and cordial welcome. Tim Ellingson Age: 59. City: Menahga. Occupation: WalMart Associate, musician. Public office experience: Did not respond. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Having lived in Menahga the vast majority of my life, I have a sincere interest in seeing it thrive. Many worthwhile things can be done with an effective city council, and I believe I’m capable of guiding the council to achieve those goals. Elizabeth “Liz” Olson Age: 67 City: Menahga. Occupation: Retired Menahga Public School District Business Manager after 28 years/small family business owner bookkeeper. Public office experience: Menahga City Planning and Zoning Commission Chair serving 11 years; Menahga City Economic Development Member; Assisted in the Administration of a $1 million HUD CDBG Grant; and Hubbard County Legal Secretary. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m committed to serve the community as mayor of Menahga with integrity, openness and a willingness to listen to all. My experience in governmental funding and City local matters will assist in my leadership. They are as follows: Menahga Planning and Zoning Commission Chair; Past President Menahga Civic and Commerce Assn.; Family small business owner; and, my knowledge with funding and reporting for Governmental entities, i.e., audits, levies, bonding and ground leases. I pledge to continue to promote family and business in our community. Together, we can make Menahga a great and welcoming place to live, work and play.

Menahga City Council (Elect 2) Myrtle Koehnen Did not respond.

James Kraskey Could not be reached. Quade Mayer Age: 38. City: Menahga. Occupation: Auto body technician. Public office experience: 1 1/2 years on the planning commission. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve been in Menahga since ‘92. Graduated from Menahga High School in 2000. I’ve been on the Menahga Fire Department for 17 years and now on the planning commission for a year and a half. I have great leadership skills and values. I want to help out our community in any way that I can. Durwin Tomperi Age: 60. City: Menahga. Occupation: Business owner. Public office experience: Served on Blueberry Twsp board of supervisors and currently serve on the Menahga School board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Recently moved to Men-

ahga and have an interest in local politics and government providing for the needs of its citizens while being fiscally responsible. I have been self-employed and a business owner for the past 35 years which have given me lots of experience dealing with employees and customers which have honed my communication skills. I have numerous years serving at the local level which includes Blueberry Twsp and Menahga school boards giving me the knowledge and skill set to be an effective representative for the people of Menahga. Daniel T. Warmbold Did not respond.

Motley Mayor

Robert L. Follis Could not be reached.

Al Yoder (incumbent) Age: 48. City: Motley. Occupation: Deputy sheriff. Public office experience: I have been on the council for the city since 2015. Of those years I have held two terms as current mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Having years of my experience makes me a better candidate for the position. I believe in being a role model and a leader for our citizens. I think continuing to go through our city’s budget and working on keeping our taxes down is very important for our city. I will continue to work hard for the citizens and businesses of the City of Motley like I have in the past 6 years. I enjoy working with the rest of the council and appreciate the work we have done together. Thank you for your vote as Mayor on Nov. 3.

Nisswa Mayor

Fred H. Heidmann (incumbent) Age: 61. City: Nisswa. Occupation: Business owner. Public office experience: Six years on planning and zoning, two years on city council, four years as mayor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have the experience and knowledge of knowing the staff of the city. Nisswa is going thru some pains right now with pre-city administrator staff that is bound and determined to resist change at all cost and is the number one issue facing the growth of the city. Until this is changed there is no healthy way for the city to move forward. The city needs a strong minded, focused person to lead thru this rough patch and come out successful and better on the other side. John Ryan Age: 57. City: Nisswa. Occupation: Retired law enforcement officer/grounds supervisor Grand View Lodge. Public office experience: 30 years of law enforcement, four years on Nisswa City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Elected officials need to serve all in a community. As Mayor I’ll do this to the best of my ability. Nisswa has an interactive Website where people can sign up for notifications. This was a priority for myself as a councilmember and as mayor we’ll continue to improve community outreach. We’ll continue to engage employees and provide the direction they need, then leave the job up to them. A priority for the city will be to address needs in economic growth and housing. All of these things are within our ability to do if we work together as a community.

Nisswa City Council (Elect 2)

Robert Fier Age: 66. City: Nisswa. Occupation: Retired engineering manager at Boeing & Amgen, Currently an owner of a Power Sport Business, known as Rocky Mountain Kawasaki. Public office experience: Member of Nisswa’s Planning & Zoning Committee. Past member of Nisswa’s Gull Lake Park Committee, past member of Nisswa’s Gull Lake Trail Committee, past board member of The Paul Bunyan Cyclists Club. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Excellent Work Experience: (28) years with Boeing & Amgen as a manager, making financial, business & technical decisions in meeting customers needs, while maintaining schedules and budgets. (15) years as an owner of a Power Sports Business, employing (18) people. Surviving by monitoring customers needs, staying open till the job is done and continually telling our clients “We appreciate their business” and asking “How can we do better”. Appropriate Character for a Counsel Position: Approachable, honest, creative, disciplined. Ross Krautkremer Age: 56. City: Nisswa. Occupation: Service manager Nisswa Marine. Public office experience: Four years Nisswa City Council, 10 year president of Nisswa Fire Dept Relief Assoc. 10 years assistant fire chief, and 24 years Nisswa Fire Dept. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have lived/worked in Nisswa for 48 years, served 24 years on the Nisswa Fire Dept and a prior Nisswa city councilman. I’ve spent the majority of my career working in Nisswa. I am a common sense person who is upfront and transparent on each issue. From prior years as a councilman I know what it takes to be an effective councilman and I’m committed to giving 100% to the citizens who chose to elect me. I will do the hard work to make Nisswa a better place while protecting our future. I humbly ask for your vote! Mark Utzinger Age: 62. City: Nisswa. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Currently serving on the Public Works Commission of Nisswa. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Born and raised in Minnesota, I graduated from Macalester College. After graduation, I lived and worked in Japan for five years. I joined Miura Co., LTD (a commercial and industrial steam and hot water boiler manufacturer) in Japan and

established the company in Canada and the U.S. I rose through the ranks through hard work to become the President of manufacturing in Rockmart, GA and later the CFO and COO of the North American Operations overseeing finances, legal, QC and HR activities. I bring a consensus style, professional, nonpartisan, no drama approach to problem solving the challenges of Nisswa.

Pequot Lakes Mayor

James Tayloe (incumbent) Age: 42. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Plant manager. Public office experience: Mayor, two years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Personable, gets along with people, do not expect to have it my way all the time, good listener, willing to collaborate and negotiate on sticky issues, 2 years experience, quick learner, lived and worked in city for 15 years, raised my family here, have demonstrated support for schools, (my wife works at elementary school) local businesses, residents. Tyler Gardner Age: 35. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Garbologist. Public office experience: Two years on the Pequot Lakes City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As someone who was born and raised in Pequot Lakes, I have nothing but love for our city. I will do my best to ensure that it continues to grow in order to leave a beautiful, financially sound city for future generations. As a local business owner, resident, and Pequot Lakes High School graduate, I will do what it takes to get more people involved in our city’s decisions. I want our residents to not just survive, but thrive in Pequot!

Pequot Lakes City Council (Elect 2)

Jason Baca Age: 39. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Self Employed farmer and landscaper. Public office experience: Has not served any public office but ran for Pequot Council once. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My experience running a small business since I was 18 and doing so without debt is a huge benefit as the ever increasing city taxes which are above inflation is a sign of bad spending habits. My primary goal is to keep the levy at no increase and continue to protect private property rights and strong but fiscally responsible police and road departments. Through lower taxes and regulation help the commercial and retail areas great again! Pete Clement Age: 61. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Project support manager, Lands End Development (residential construction). Public office experience: Selected by the sitting Pequot Lakes City Council last winter to fill an interim term while a member was away. The term lasted three months. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m the best person for the job because my family and I have been residents of Pequot Lakes for 22 years. We have a home and a business in the city limits and I was an employee of the city. As an employee I gained an understanding of the hierarchy, structure, policies and procedures of the city as well as the physical layout, infrastructure and maintenance requirements. My conservative values and working knowledge of our town make me the best candidate. Kent Johnson Age: 44. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Did not respond Public office experience: 2 1/2 years Pequot Lakes Parks Board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m a fresh new voice. I’m politically neutral in my decisions, meaning I am here for the betterment of the city and not a group. I want to help the city of Pequot Lakes continue to grow into a thriving community with lots of opportunities for our youth to want to stay here, young couples to want to start families here, older couples to stay youthful here, and vacationers to want to visit here. Having only lived here 3 years, I feel I can bring new ideas to the council and help bring an energy to Pequot Lakes. Thank you. Scott Pederson (incumbent) Age: 67. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Pastor/photographer. Public office experience: Current city council member. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Experience, balanced, honest, and common sense decision making, make me the best candidate. I’m an outside-the-box problem solver. I’ve consistently opposed increasing the city tax rate and will continue to do so if re-elected. I’ve opposed unnecessary spending even when other councilors have not. I’m a committed leader who wrote the city policy to get our businesses back open. I’m a strong supporter of our police. And support the enhancement of our businesses and parks. I’m a 25 year resident with kids and grandkids living here. Your vote would help me make Pequot Lakes the best it can be. Mimi Swanson (incumbent) Age: 70. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Four year Pequot Lakes Council Member. Liaison to numerous city commissions: i.e. Park Board, Planning and Zoning, and Personnel. Participated on a task force to redesign Rasmussen Road, a main artery through Pequot Lakes, which roadway was completed summer 2020. Also participating on a task force to redesign another main artery through town, which is still in the planning stage. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am motivated, honest, and balanced, which traits allow me to make good decisions for Pequot Lakes’ businesses and citizens in present times and into our future. I do not have a sense of “knowing it all” and therefore I am willing to ask ques-

tions, be open to new ideas and listen to input from others. I have a great willingness to learn and my recent four years of experience in city government has given me the knowledge needed to succeed in the job of helping our businesses thrive and keep our citizens first.

Pillager City Council (Elect 2)

LeRoy Smith (incumbent) Age: 69. City: Pillager. Occupation: Small business owner. For 46 years I have owned an amusement & vending company (jukeboxes-pool tables-darts-video games-ATMs). Public office experience: Retired fireman. Have served many years as city councilman, Lions club and many others over the years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Vast experience in city government. Wish to see our town grow to be a destination where people young and old enjoy living with always keeping taxes and fees in mind. After years of decline we are now experiencing a growth in population, city and business services along with having a great school system (currently expanding). Adam Sparrow Age: 29. City: Pillager. Occupation: Lead Behavior Therapist at an Autism Clinic for children and Executive Director/Co-Founder of a nonprofit organization. Public office experience: None yet. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel that I am the best candidate for the job because I am ambitious and eager to make a difference. I want to not only take on topics and issues that are important to me, but also listen to my neighbors’ concerns and do my best to address them as well. My goal is to do my best to work with the people of Pillager to keep our community great! Shawn Thayer (incumbent) Declined to participate.

Pine River Mayor

Jeanean “Gigi” Bye Age: 60. City: Pine River. Occupation: Small Business Owner/Accountant. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’d like to use my experience in finance, budgeting and marketing to find additional dollars to promote growth and new business in Pine River. Pine River has the only stop light on 371 from Nisswa, just that attribute alone, I want to find a niche/attraction that will promote current and upcoming businesses for tourist traffic to stop in our town. Tamara Hansen (incumbent) Age: 47. City: Pine River. Occupation: Childcare provider of 26 years. Public office experience: I have been in office for 16 years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I would make the best candidate for mayor due to my experience and the fact that I am not running for office with a personal agenda. I truly want what is best for the citizens of Pine River and the city itself. I have created a rapport with residents and business owners that are crucial in maintaining a strong foundation. The city has faced some challenges over the years but we have now reached a peak. There are some great things happening in Pine River.

Pine River City Council (Elect 2)

Mark A. Bye Age: 62. City: Pine River resident. Occupation: Retired plumbing designer for a major mechanical contractor in Minneapolis, MN. Public office experience: I have no public office experience. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I graduated from Pine River High School in 1976, and a few years later I moved to the Twin Cities to pursue a career and raise a family. As my working years were coming to an end I realized I missed the quality of life a small town had to offer. I decided that Pine River is where I wanted to retire. I have fond memories of growing up in Pine River as a child and young adult. I want Pine River to return to being a thriving, self sustaining small town rather than a bedroom community for Brainerd/Baxter. Troy Gregory (incumbent) Age: 46. City: Pine River. Occupation: PRB Community Education Director. Public office experience: 6 Years Pine River City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m a community-driven person that is connected and committed to Pine River. I serve on multiple committees and boards whose purpose is to create opportunities and better our community. This allows me to hear many voices, needs, and desires form multiple segments of our community. I am reflective and thoughtful in my decision making and do so with integrity. I truly care about the future of our city and appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Tammy Hansen (incumbent) Age: 52. City: Pine River. Occupation: Clinic Administrative Assistant at Big Stone Therapies in Baxter/NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Public office experience: City council member since May 2013. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been fortunate enough throughout the past 7 years to be in the planning phases of some very exciting changes to our city such as the upcoming Dam/park project, the new bridge and the Essentia Clinic. Having a working knowledge of those projects which have spanned several years, as well as other issues, will benefit the city. I am aware of some of the challenges still ahead and would like to continue to collaborate with various departments/businesses in order to make Pine River as successful and welcoming to both citizens and visitors.


Area Counties/Soil & Water

Aitkin County Commissioner District 2 Gene Miller Age: Not given. City: Not given. Occupation: Retired postmaster. Public office experience: Worked for the U.S. Postal Service for 36 years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am an Aitkin County business owner and own TJ’s Liquor and Sud’s Laundry in Malmo, MinMiller nesota. I have owned my businesses for 17 years and not once has a county commissioner visited my store. They are invisible in our community. I am very visible in my community and feel the pulse of the community. It is time for change.

Laurie Westerlund (incumbent) Age: 58. City: Malmo Township. Occupation: Business owner and farmer. Public office experience: Aitkin County commissioner. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Having great optimism regarding the many fields of operation Westerlund in our county, I’m excited about our future. Being involved on numerous committees, I would like to express my gratitude to the countless volunteers of Aitkin County. The programs would not accomplish what they do without community involvement and volunteers. Being fiscally responsible, listening, providing a voice, common sense, compassion and having respect are my priorities. While moving forward to build a better future, I will always remain diligent to the ideas put forth by constituents and citizens of Aitkin County.

Aitkin County Commissioner District 4


Bill Pratt (incumbent) Age: 69. City: Palisade. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Twenty-seven years as a township supervisor and more than three years as a county commissioner. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a lifelong resident of Aitkin County, I believe I know and

understand what the citizens are looking for in the services they receive from county government. I am willing to listen to the people, gather information and make the best decisions I can to improve and protect the lives of the citizens. I always consider the long-term benefits or detriments of my decisions, yet can put aside my personal feelings and make difficult decisions on things that impact the lives of the citizens of Aitkin County. Brian Napstad Did not respond.

Cass County Commissioner District 2 Bob Kangas (incumbent) Age: 79. City: Pine River. Occupation: Farmer. Public office experience: Cass County commissioner for 20 years and Walden Township supervisor for 30 years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? The issues that are most important are livable wage jobs, housing, roads, sheriff’s protection, keeping our young people here after they graduate from high school.

Edward “Ed” Nelson Age: 65. City: Pine River. Occupation: None listed. Public office experience: None listed. Why are you the best candidate for the job? The reason I am running is I feel that we are in need of some drastic change within the county. I am a Second Amendment believer and I fully support the Second Amendment. I know there are ways that the county can save money as well as the citizens of the county. It’s just a matter of looking at each and every option available to us and therefore, as a commissioner, I will be looking for that.

Cass County Commissioner District 5 Dick Downham (incumbent) Age: 78. City: Boy River. Occupation: Cass County Commissioner District 5. Public office experience: Fourteen years country commissioner. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe the people of Cass County expect their county govDownham ernment to deliver services in the most efficient way possible. That’s how I approach the job. We must continue to meet the needs of our community while keeping property taxes low. I am an avid hunter and fisherman and want to ensure my children and grandchildren have the same opportunities to enjoy our way of life. I hope you agree and will support me.

Rick Haaland Age: 55. City: Cass Lake. Occupation: Business owner and Community Outreach Manager for the Leech Lake Tribal Police. Public office experience: Cass Lake-Bena Schools school board member, two-term Cass Lake City Councilmember and Minnesota Haaland Indian Education Association Board member for 10 years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe I have helped to accomplish many good things in our community and schools by working collectively by contributing and learning from the boards I’ve sat on. County road maintenance and chemicals used on them are an interest of mine. Law enforcement and how it works over the vast area they cover is an interest. Working to help keep budgets for departments at levels where the taxes don’t take big jumps and help people to live on and enjoy their place in our beautiful county.

Mille Lacs County Commissioner District 1 Jack Edmonds Age: 70. City: Princeton. Occupation: Public transit bus driver. Public office experience: Previously on the Mille Lacs County Board and Princeton City Council. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Princeton needs more than symbolic representation on the Mille Lacs County Board. The city administration and the city residents deserve better. I am confident that I can change that and will strive to create a strong, productive working relationship between the city and the county.

Genny Reynolds (incumbent) Age: 58. City: Princeton. Occupation: Business Owner. Public office experience: Former chamber of commerce president, eight years Mille Lacs County Commissioner. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been honored to Reynolds serve Mille Lacs County District 1 for the past eight years and look forward to serving another term. My involvement includes working with youth through the 4-H extension program and chair of the East Central Regional Library by finding new ways to deliver library services to communities. Supporting veterans with two veterans service officers. Working with broadband initiatives for service to thousands of households. Supporting off-road vehicle trails for recreation. Working with area partners for comprehensive water management plans for cleaner water. Supporting economic development, transportation and available housing for our region.

Mille Lacs County Commissioner District 5


Mark Riverblood Age: 59. City: Princeton Township. Occupation: Hay producer, tree farm owner and Parks and Assistant Public Works Superintendent. Public office experience: Princeton Township Supervisor, Township Planning Commissioner. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My entire life has been dedicated to public service and natural resource conservation, and I would be honored to serve you as District Supervisor. I and my family before me have been engaged in agriculture along the Rum River since the 1860s, and my primary mission with the Soil and Water Conservation District will be in the support of farming as the foundation of a sustainable and economically viable way of life in our county.

Mille Lacs County Soil and Water Supervisor District 2 Kurt Beckstrom (incumbent) Could not be reached. Timothy Braun Age: 35. City: Princeton. Occupation: Agronomist and farmer. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My lifetime of farming in Mille Lacs County, my degree in

agriculture education and agronomy from the University of Minnesota and career in agronomy sales will be valuable assets to our Soil and Water Conservation District. The experience I have helping farmers better manage soil and water resources will help guide the efforts at the county level, ultimately conserving what we know and enjoy here. We owe our existence to a 6-inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains, through education rather than regulation, we can work to manage these resources better for future generations to enjoy.

Todd County Soil and Water Supervisor District 2 Dean Meiners Did not respond. Wayne Wendel Age: 73. City: Eagle Bend. Occupation: Farmer. Public office experience: Previously served on the Todd County Soil and Water Board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Our

multigenerational farm in central Todd County has incorporated and expanded major soil and water conservation practices over the decades. These practices have proven beneficial in maintaining the top soil and avoiding loss due to erosion. The prevention of run-off causes less pollution providing a better environment for all. Also, maintaining property rights, and valuing, protecting and respecting the creation around us. I will work hard to implement policies that make conservation practices great in Todd County and to accomplish this in a fiscally responsible manner.

Bradley E. Harrington Age: 38. City: Onamia. Occupation: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources tribal liaison. Public office experience: Served as Commissioner of Natural Resources for the Mille Lacs Band. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am the best candidate

for the job because I have the experience necessary to bring our community together. I have been involved with community building exercises and I am a graduate from the Blandin Reservation Community Leadership Program. I believe we are in a critical moment of American society where we can start laying the foundation of a community united in order for our similarities and differences to work together toward our brighter future. David Oslin Did not respond.

Morrison County Commissioner District 2 Jeffrey J. Jelinski (incumbent) Age: 62. City: Little Falls. Occupation: Morrison County Commissioner, District 2. Public office experience: Two-term county commissioner. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Being a two-term commissioner with a public safety background, Jelinski plus my involvement in county and city government most of my adult life, qualifies me for the job. As an extremely involved commissioner, I sit on many committees, taking a leadership role whenever possible. I do this because I’m representing you, people of District 2. This is my job, and it’s the only job I have. My experience, along with my strong communication and leadership skills, qualifies me to help keep Morrison County on the right track as we move through the challenges of the present and into the future.

Robert (Bobby) Kasper Age: 61. City: Pierz. Occupation: Electrical lineman. Public office experience: Labor union business manager, negotiating and maintaining 21 contracts. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m energetic and love to work with people, using a comKasper mon-sense approach to tackle difficult issues. I’m a pro-life member of the NRA, born and raised on a farm in central Minnesota. Whatever concerns the people of Morrison County concerns me.

Morrison County Commissioner District Al Doty Did not respond.

Randy H. Winscher Did not respond.

Todd County Commissioner District 5 Randy Neumann (incumbent) Age: 60. City: Osakis. Occupation: Owner of Roger’s Tracks and Parts, a snowmobile/ all-terrain vehicle and small engine parts and repair shop, and farmer. Public office experience: County commissioner for the past 16 years. Why are you the best candidate Neumann for the job? I have the experience. I work with my fellow commissioners as well as commissioners from other counties. I do my best

in representing the townships and towns in my district. I have a good relationship with our state representatives, whether in Long Prairie or St. Paul, in person, on the phone, or e-mails. We share the same concerns and work together for the people of Todd County. I am the best candidate because I believe in integrity, transparency, honesty and accountability at our local level of government. I have fought diligently for all constituents for the betterment of Todd County. Delvin Durheim Did not respond.

Wadena County Commissioner District 2 Brian Hagen Age: 57. City: Verndale. Occupation: Self-employed business owner. Public office experience: Two terms as a mayor, Economic Development Association board member and member of the McLeod County AntiDrug and Gang Task Force. Hagen Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have been closely watching what has been happening to Wadena County the last 10-plus years. We need to stop driving our 25- to 45-yearold residents to other counties because it is too expensive to start a family, build a house and live in Wadena county. I will use my business experience to keep our citizens safe, schools strong, economy surging, and our roads and bridges sound, all within the conservative spending of our county’s ability. I will strongly represent my constituents of District 2 and bring our voices and concerns to the Wadena County Board.

Michael Weyer Age: 56. City: Staples. Occupation: Home renovator. Public office experience: Twenty-nine years as Thomastown Township supervisor, two years as a member of the Wadena County Planning Commission and three years as a board member of Wadena County Wyer Township Association Why are you the best candidate for the job? My decades of experience as an elected government official at both the township and county levels have given me extensive knowledge of Wadena County’s processes and challenges. As a resident in District 2 for 45 years, I have a clear understanding of the needs within our district and am not scared to face them head-on, working quickly to find a solution. My experience in small government, problem-solving skills, financial responsibility and strong sense of conviction make me qualified, but I need your vote so that I can serve you and the rest of Wadena County as commissioner.

Wadena County Commissioner District 4 Murlyn Kreklau Age: 67. City: Sebeka. Occupation: Retired from Mason Brothers Wholesale Grocery. Public office experience: Township chairman and Region V development board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Years of business experiKreklau ence managing people and expenses. And helping stores to keep profitable in changing conditions. Wadena County needs to control expenses and taxes that have become a burden on its residents.

Mille Lacs County Soil and Water Supervisor District 1 Daniel K. Campbell Age: 70. City: Princeton. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My past employment working for the city of Plymouth allowed me to form working relationships with regulatory agencies such as metro area watershed districts, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, state of Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Hennepin County, Three Rivers Park District and other metro area city governments. As a project manager, I also worked with private developers, civil engineering firms and city residents concerning environmental issues relating to retaining soil and water preservation and quality. I am deeply committed to sustaining and improving these very important qualities of life areas for our future generations.

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Curtis Kreklau Jr. Age: 51. City: Sebeka. Occupation: City administrator for Menahga and local farmer. Public office experience: Five years as Wadena County coordinator/ human resources director and over one year as city administrator within the county. U.S. Air Force veteran. Kreklau Jr. Why are you the best candidate for the job? My experience at Wadena County will serve the citizens well. I served Wadena County as the coordinator and human resources director for five years. I was the head of the budget committee and personnel committee. I have good relationships with the county staff and the current elected officials. I know how the local taxes can be cut. I know the organizational dynamics of Wadena County government and the duties of a county commissioner. As a veteran and local farmer, I know how to lead. I am ready to start on day one to improve Wadena County government.

Cass County Soil and Water Supervisor District 4 Mardi Harder Did not respond. David L. Peterson (incumbent) Age: 73. City: Remer. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Cass County Soil and Water Conservation Kreklau

District Board of Supervisors. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I find the Soil and Water Conservation District work to be very important to the environment and helping citizens in sustaining healthy forests and soils which protect and keep our waters clean. We work to promote this: shoreline erosion and healthy buffer zones, aquatic invasive species awareness and prevention, agricultural best farming practices, sustainable forests and many more.


8 Wednesday, September 30, 2020 www.brainerddispatch.com

Ross Lake Township (Superviser 2) Mark Caspers Age: 65. City: Ross Lake Township Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’m running because I want to take an active role in my community and this opportunity presented itself. Dan A. Newman Age: 67. City: Aitkin. Occupation: Retired.

Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve been a homeowner in Ross Lake for 21 years and a year-round resident since I retired. My work experience includes being a business owner, a non-profit executive and a public employee, primarily in the areas of human services and supports for people with disabilities. I have experience in working with the Legislature, and serving on nonprofit Boards of Directors for over 40 years. As supervisor I will work to secure access to broadband and cellular service throughout the township. People need modern communications to prosper here, just like they needed electricity and telephones 100 years ago.

Pine River Township (Seat 3) Devon Dabill Did not respond. Kerry Krumwiede (incumbent) Age: 46. City: Pine River. Occupation: Self-employed mechanic. Public office experience: Pine River Township Board.

Ponto Lake Township (Seat 2)

Glen Hockett Age: 50. City: Backus. Occupation: Disabled. Public office experience: Corn Fest Committee. am the best candidate for the job of Deerwood Township Why are you the best candidate for the job? I am going Supervisor because of my previous work experience. to bring common sense to the table and work with the other I was in the banking industry for 23 years, serving the township members. last eight years as bank President. During that time I was able to work with many members of the community, helpJon Lacho (incumbent) ing to resolve their financial needs. Age: 65. I have most recently served for 30 years as a pastor. City: Backus. This has provided opportunities to connect with folks of all walks of life as I listened to their concerns and helped to resolve their needs.

Deerwood Township (Superviser 1) Christopher Rhinehart Did not respond. James Walth (incumbent) Age: Did not respond. City: Deerwood. Occupation: Semi-retired pastor. Public office experience: Currently serving my fourth year as a Deerwood Township Supervisor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe I

Kory Crawford Could not be reached.

response and recruitment of personnel. We have a new Tim Drinka fully equipped snow plow truck which will increase our Age: 57. level of service eliminating break downs. A pavement City: Backus. management plan has been created to plan for future road Occupation: Semi-retired. Retired city streets and mainmaintenance. Policy and procedures have been put in tenance worker for 16.5 years, public school maintenance place as well financially responsible budgets and levies to engineer for 5.5 years and currently self employed contractor keep taxes low. I’d very much like to continue this work. with USPS in mail delivery for 28 years. Public office experience: None, however, working over Bob Steele 22 years in the public sector, molds a person because of the Could not be reached. amount of exposure and face to face to assist the towns’ people and public. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I believe my experience in streets and maintenance would give me an advantage in getting our roads in the township back

Beulah Township (Seat 2) Mike Fitcher Age: 57. City: Motley. Occupation: Retired toolmaker. Public office experience: Two four-year terms as a Becker Township supervisor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Being

retired I have the time to do the job, the last 8 years of being a township supervisor I believe has given me the skills to continue helping out my township residents.

Michael Anderson Age: 66. City: Walker. Occupation: Educator. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I will measure every decision based on the possible impact on taxpayers. Does the policy equitably distribute tax dollars. years experience in management. 12 years professional Does the policy impact the environment, small businesses training through the Minnesota Association of Town- or the elderly. Township leadership is dependent upon ships on maintenance of town roads. A commitment citizens who are service oriented. I have lived a life of serto the citizens of the township to provide honest and vice to students and communities. Excited to do the same for Shingobee. dedicated leadership. Kent Smith Did not respond.

Larry Zdenek Did not respond.

Bungo Township (Seat 1) Larry Peterson (incumbent) Could not be reached. Bill Thomas Age: 57. City: Pine River. Occupation: Driver for Brainerd recreational supply. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? This will

be a new experience for me. I have been to several meetings and feel it is time for a change in our supervisors. I am a strong willed, hard working, get the job done kind of person. It’s simple, if you want to see some common sense for the people in action, then vote me in and watch it happen! Please make yourself heard and vote this year and we’ll make a difference together. Have a wonderful day and thank you for your time.

Crooked LakeTownship (Seat 4) Jim Thielen Age: 60. City: Outing. Occupation: Business owner, Thielen Marketing Inc., Established. 1995. Public office experience: Boy Scout leader and committee chair for Boy Scouts Pack 358, Buffalo, Minn. Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a township board member, I will be an advocate for our residents, local businesses and organizations that work to preserve the up-north charm, natural beauty and well-being of our community. I was born and raised in Paynesville, MN. Married my wife of 26 years, and raised our two children in Buffalo, MN. We purchased property on Lake Roosevelt in 2020, and have enjoyed the Outing community with family and friends for over 21 years. We are currently full-time residents of Outing where we continue to run our marketing business. Lloyd N. Thyen (incumbent) Age: 77. City: Outing.

Occupation: Retired from 37 years U.S. Army active duty and 5 years U.S. State Dept., as a counterintelligence and security officer. Public office experience: 21 years elected Homeowner Association positions, 12 years Town Board (8 years elected Chairman), Elected Board of Directors for Pine River Watershed Alliance and Association of Cass County Lakes. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Experience. My service to the nation, at the White House, tours in Vietnam and Germany, service to homeowners and Township where my family has owned property since 1948, has gained me the experience to serve the Township. Through the Board I was instrumental in building the Outing Volunteer Library, establishing and working with the Town AIS Committee, acquisition of new road maintenance equipment, long term funding for firefighters equipment, bringing Quick Responders under the town umbrella, helping to resolve and manage situations including the storms of 2016 and the 2017 Clerk and Treasurer turbulence. I’m proud to serve on the Board.

Maple Township (Seat 1) Mariann Guentzel Age: 76. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Retired and own Rambling Rose. Public office experience: Appointed by the medical examiner to be the deputy coroner for the counties of Crow Wing, Cass and Aitkin and on the Emily First Responders team. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I worked

with the public for 34 years in the ambulance service and 14 years with the medical examiner’s office. I worked with the people and I know what they need and want and I will strive to fulfill their needs. Being in business I feel like I can provide substantial revenue with my business to the township. My potential will meet their opportunity.

Larry Birge (incumbent) Age: 77. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I’ve served my country. I am a Vietnam veteran. I consider it an honor to serve the community I live in. I welcome any ideas that the people want to have done. Feel free to call or stop in.

May Township (Town Clerk) Thomas Bisek Age: 67. City: Motley. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Grew up in home where my Father was Township Clerk. I have not been in elected public office myself. Why are you the best candidate for the job? In my career I had over 30 years in management. I have a good understanding of the importance of record keeping, detailing project needs and being accountable. I know how to follow up which ensures progress and eliminates errors. I am able to keep good records. I feel these skills are important when representing the people of the township who are depending on elected officers.

Bianca Wyffels (incumbent) Age: 59. City: Pillager. Occupation: .Retired bookkeeper. Public office experience: May Township clerk since 2014. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Experience is the one word which describes why I am the best candidate for this job. I have held the Office of May Township Clerk since 2014. During this time I have worked diligently to keep the township records accurate and up to date. My past employment includes working for school districts in accounting for 30 years. My great grandparents homesteaded in May Township in 1891. My family continues to live here and cares about the grassroots government of Minnesota townships. Please vote on November 3rd!

Pine River Township (Seat 2) Bill Fitch Could not be reached. David Smith (incumbent) Age: 58. City: Backus. Occupation: Own and operate Green Roof Lodge on Woman Lake and drive school bus for Pine River-Backus

School District. Public office experience: I have served on the Pine River Township Board for about eight years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? The Township has been doing an excellent job of keeping up the roads, etc. in the township while I’ve been serving on the Township Board.

Leslie “Les” Kunde Age: 60. City: Backus. Occupation: Semi-retired. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? 40 years of Military/Government employment experience with a diverse background of Public Works, peacetime and contingency construction, equipment and transportation management, supply and logistics. Looking forward to serving my community and its constituents in the township supervisor role.

Peter O. Opheim (incumbent) Age: 68. City: Walker. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: 4 years Shingobee Township Board of Supervisors. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I bring a broad range of experience after serving in the military for 30 years. Born and raised in Walker and have a thorough understanding of what needs to be accomplished to make the Township successful. I will continue to work for efficient Township services that meet the needs of the community.

Sylvan Township (Seat 2) Bob Johnson Age: 66. City: Pillager. Occupation: Retired; BNSF Railway Public office experience: Coon Rapids MN, (Population 65,000+) Safety Commissioner/Commission Chair 20042015. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I will bring a passion for service and a willingness to engage and assist wherever and whenever I can in this position. I believe common sense, an open mind and a willingness to support and work cooperatively with everyone involved in the local community and in community service are keys to success and that’s what will bring to the table. Thanks for your vote!

John Wulff (incumbent) Age: 58. City: Pillager. Occupation: Purchaser with an electrical supply company. Public office experience: Sylvan Township. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I enjoy serving the people of Sylvan Township. I served two three-year terms from 1994 through 1999 and then got back on the board where I have served for the past eight years. I would be honored to continue serving as a Sylvan Township Supervisor.

Wilson Township (Seat 4) Charles Swenson (incumbent) Did not respond.

Gregory Witt Could not be reached.

Loon Lake Township (Seat 2) Paul A. Gravdahl Age: 72. City: Pequot Lakes. Occupation: Retired from USPS mail carrier and school bus driver. Public office experience: Loon Lake Township board. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have lived in Loon Lake township for the past 40 years and served on the town board in some capacity for the last 20 years. I am well acquainted with the many township governing rules and the county regulations that we, as a board, must adhere to. I know most of the township residents well, along with their various concerns. I have always worked well with the other board members and residents in the processes of addressing resident and township concerns. I would be honored to continue to do so.

Kurtis G. Moody Age: 27. City: Loon Lake. Occupation: Banker. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Having grown up in Loon Lake Township, it is always the place that I have called home. It is time for younger individuals to become actively involved in local government. Loon Lake would benefit from someone with the energy and desire required to make a positive impact. It is also time to get a differing perspective within the township board ranks. With years of financial industry experience, a Master’s Degree in Organizational Change in progress, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, both from the University of Wisconsin System, I have the professional and educational background necessary for township board.

May Township (Seat 3, special election)

Mark Breneman Age: 74. City: May Township for 26 years. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Spent four years on the Robert McNerney (incumbent) Spring Park City Council and then moved to May Did not respond. Township. Have been on the May Township board of supervisors for nine years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? With my schooling, I have a degree in business administration, and with my management experience — I can do Curtis Hoefs a better job while staying within the budget. The biggest Age: 38. part of the job is creating quality roads for all the resiCity: Pequot Lakes. dents, and this would be my main focus. If you have a Occupation: Road Maintenance Worker and farmer. question, ask it and we will find you an answer. I also Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was born am a Vietnam veteran. and raised on a dairy farm in the township. I’ve lived all 38 years of my life in the township and am well known. I have over 15 years of road construction experience and have worked the last 5 years on the road maintenance department for Ideal Township.

Maple Township (Seat 2)

the way they should be. I would be a do-er, not someone to answer the phone and just pass the buck and not do anything about it. My self employment knowledge and computer skills would help in accounting for the township also.

Shingobee Township (Seat 1)

Beulah Township (Seat 3) Richard Anderson (incumbent) Age: 73. City: Outing in Beulah Township. Occupation: Retired from the U.S. Navy after 23 years, now a small business owner in the hospitality field. Public office experience: Supervisor on the town board for 12 years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? 12 years as supervisor with many of them as chairman. 40

Occupation: Retired from Minnesota Department of Transportation in 2016. Public office experience: Ponto Lake Supervisor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? With the death of Merle Weaver in July of this year I was appointed to his position of Ponto Lake Supervisor 2 by the board of the township. Supervisor 2 is responsible for the township road maintenance and repairs. For 26-plus years in the past I have worked for MnDOT in a variety of different positions including road maintenance, right of way permits inspector and more. I am honest, reliable, personable, bipartisan and hard working which more than qualifies me for this position.

Powers Township (Seat 3)

Mission Township (Seat B, special election) Dave Hauser (incumbent) Age: 67. City: Mission Township. Occupation: Retired. Public office experience: Township supervisor for six years. Why are you the best candidate for the job? During my last six years many positive items have been accomplished including hiring Eric Makowski Budrow as our Fire Chief whose professional leadership and management team has taken our department to the next level in call

Why are you the best candidate for the job? I have lived in Pine River Township for most of my life and operated a small business in the community for many years, which has given me a knowledge of the township and the surrounding areas. As a current board member, I think we should be responsible with the funds that our township is allocated and do not believe in raising taxes. I look forward to continuing to serve the community.

Daniel Donahue Age: 61. City: May Township Occupation: Self-employed. Public office experience: May Township supervisor. Why are you the best candidate for the job? I feel I am the best candidate for the Supervisor position due to my health care executive experience. I operated nursing homes and other businesses in health care for 24 years. This was a highly regulated industry, and everything was completed according to statute and regulation to ensure quality care while remaining within financial constraints. Collaborating with team members, families and members of the community was critical for the business to be successful. I feel I can bring this experience to May Township to efficiently maximize the use of public funds for the greater good of the township.

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